#GNC Harkers
vergess · 1 year
sorry if this is a weird question, but if victorians thought something so physical like sex was really good actually between married couples, why did mina talk at length about how londoners were looking at her and jonathan judgmentally for holding arms (while married)? and that she felt inappropriate due to having been teaching to girls to do the exact opposite, but that she and jonathan are ultimately choosing to go ahead and do it and ignore all the stares? was it the fact that they were being touchy in public?
Yeah, public displays of affection between a married couple are acceptable if a bit Much, but Mina has spent her entire life until like the week before that operating not just on 'unmarried woman' mode, but operating on 'absolutely flawless, unquestionably perfect orphaned woman' mode. That extreme social paranoia served her well as a ward to someone of significant and rising class status (Mr Hawkins).
Additionally, even if such a display is 'fine', it's still backwards: Mina acting as the resolute force keeping her visibly extremely sickly husband upright and moving.
Pretty much everything the Harker's do is backwards like that. I keep calling them unironically gender non-conforming, but because gender roles in 1893 were very different from contemporary ones in terms of scope and scale, it can be hard to tell.
But it's worth remembering that at a glance, the Harkers modern equivalent is not
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But rather, is more like:
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And I think a well dressed couple consisting of the sickliest twink on earth passing out against his much, much butcher yet dramatically beautiful wife has the chance of drawing stares even today!
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dathen · 1 year
wow the Harkers really are THE couple of all time arent they. every now and then it just hits me. they have the sweet and fluffy, they have the dark and tragic, they have the gnc swag, they have the world-shattering devotion, they have childhood friends to lovers they have souls knit together for all time.
how is the ENTIRE WORLD not obsessed with them?? how are they not THE go-to reference for the pinnacle of romance???
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strangestcase · 4 months
What the heck happened to the Dracula daily fandom? I’ve not encountered any of this drama? Clearly I run in different circles, but I’m nosy so I gotta ask☺️
Well for starters, Jonathan Harker being simultaneously a genderqueer GNC king and a hypermasculine gigachad always in danger of being emasculated is like their most popular fanon and treated as basically canon and if you ever remind them that Jonathan didn't have insane werewolf vampire powers in the book or that, God forbid, Mina has a life of her own outside of her marriage, they'll descend upon you like vultures.
Then there was a trilogy of very, very bad fanfics in which Jonathan Harker basically punches and beheads his way through a very OOC literary crossover, in which, among other things, he becomes Anubis' Chosen One, threatens the Elder Gods, can see the Invisible Man, kills 100000 zombies, gets Captain Nemo to shave his beard, mansplains Mr. Hyde's powers to him, and then punches him so hard he gains a Wajekyll and a Wahyde, the latter of which is then adopted. By the Harkers. It is lauded as "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but Better". I wish I was making this shit up.
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see-arcane · 1 year
sure adaptations should spicy jonathan up and gnc him instead of whatever they've been doing. but also mina, let her take charge, let her have her arm held, let her check beautiful girls out like in canon
The trouble with Mina in the adaptations is that she so often gets shouldered to one extreme or the other without appreciating her nuance or organically growing from Stoker's admittedly constrained/biased foundation, and not just in the LGBT area.
Mina is either a Complete Damsel Swooning into the Count's Toothy Embrace, or a #Girlboss Strong Independent Spunky Female Character Who Don't Need NO MAN But Gosh isn't that Dracula Soooo Mysterious and Hot??
Jonathan never gets to be Jonathan. Mina never gets to be Mina. That includes their actual good traits and bad traits, the latter of which have every opportunity to be highlighted in a good adaptation, and used as a growing experience. There's a whole moral lesson to be had in dealing with 'the Other' and other nationalities and sexuality and unconventional roles and romances and beliefs and races and imperialism/colonialism and just
that's left laying around for the whole cast to pick up and scrutinize. No, they wouldn't have to be perfectly 21st century No Issues Whatsoever transplants thrust into silly backwards Victorian times. They can still be the characters from the novel. But in addition to all the amazingly rich traits they already have, a good writer-director would know to take Stoker's slipped-in prejudices by the neck, drag them out in the open, and use the entire vampire hunt/conversion affair to force this 19th century cast to break free of their author's clumsy-to-cruel biases. Make them learn! Make them grow! Make them embrace new ideas and drop faulty ones (goodbye physiognomy reliance and Lombroso, you shitty hack)!
These characters--especially Jonathan and Mina--have so much potential to not just be the Amazing Wonderful Unconventional for Victorian Era Good Guys (c) with No Issues At All!, but good people with society-infused flaws that Dracula's mess forcibly rattles them out of. We saw Jonathan break out of his mold after the hell of October 3rd, throwing propriety and his Stalwart Manly Companions' opinions and tropes out the window to go full Gomez Addams. Mina did the same when she clawed her way firmly back into a key player position equal to, and sometimes beyond, Van Helsing's wise paternal leader role; they couldn't have succeeded without her! Without either of the Harkers being themselves: wildly in love, wildly outside the norm, wildly bi and demisexual and gnc and EQUALS!
The same can go for the rest of the ensemble as the story moves forward!
Let Lucy and the suitors acknowledge their broader scope of polyamorous and biromantic love.
Let Jack have a true sense of shame at himself and mourning for Renfield and all the missteps he took in treating the man like an experiment rather than a person; a hero who died trying to save the first person to treat him like an equal, who tried to warn them all, and was slain before anything could be made right.
Let Van Helsing acknowledge that his eccentricities and benevolent reasoning aren't an excuse for leading everyone around by the nose and locking the dainty females out of the loop.
Let everyone get a cold slap of reality in the face when they have to acknowledge the folly of (their author's) myriad haughty-to-bigoted beliefs regarding other cultures and not-Anglo-enough people.
Let! Them! Grow!
Anyway yeah, do agree with you. Let Mina ogle pretty girls in Piccadilly, let Jonathan share a glass of wine with a gallant petty officer who rode away with him on horseback away from peril, good good good
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spider-xan · 1 year
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Mina Harker rocking the GNC goth vampire queen look tbh
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gerrysherry · 1 year
saw your post on tgs tag. post your essay. i like tgs but i hate the fandom most of the time since they treat it the way christians treat the bible so
Thank you dear anon. You give me hope.
"OMG it's like J/H but finally woke", like no it's a white feminism level reading of Jekyll and Hyde and Jekyde bait. I just pray the ending is good. Literally all the characters deserve better.
Ask and you shall recieve: The essay with fanfic promo
TGS deserved better
Rachel deserves better than to serve every man she comes across (or falls for)
Virginia deserves better than to be a trans lesbian who pines for a gf and never does any alchemy besides help Jasper
Jasper deserves better than being a transmasc punching bag and deserves an anger arc and more creature scenes
Jekyll deserves a heart to heart and a man who actually loves him. Also he can't hide (hardy har har) behind internalized homophobia for all his problems
Lanyon deserves a writer than can decide to make either a villain or a love interest but not sexy bad boy who keeps breaking our MC's heart till the end. Cotungo also helped popularize the "Lanyon/Utterson is just jealous of Hyde" trope and I hate them for it.
Hyde could stand to be scarier and a whole lot smarter (you know like Stevenson intended, Hyde is smart. The simian brute is scary because he's smart and that doesn't just scare victorians, it scares us today) and also why do the fuck doesn't he share memories with Jekyll if Cotungo claims he DOESN'T have DID?*
The age lift doesn't work at all
De-aging the characters never really worked for me. Why transform from 35 to 25? Also Hyde looks way too old to pass as Jekyll's son son but everyone believes that?! Also the fears of aging and dying alone and losing childhood friends is completely erased. To me Utterson staring at the grave of one friend and the corpse and will of another reminds me of my grandfather saying "after you lose your childhood friends, it's never the same no matter what new ones you make"** Here Jekyll's friendship with Jasper and Lanyon seem almost interchangeable down the romantic subtext.
Queerer than Fiction / Utterson and Harker-verse/Lambs to the Slaughter/Zone trilogy/Jekyll Saga
Queerer than Fiction: I legit re-wrote some of my interactions between Jekyll and his apprentice after reading "sad people dance too"
In Queerer than Fiction my OC Svetlana finds out the truth about Jekyll and Hyde and recreates the potion. Originally this was a gender-bent Henrietta Jekyll who left for America. This didn't work and I created Svetlana Raskaynaya and her alter ego Ellis Gage***.
This freed up the original Jekyll to interact with Svetlana. His care is that to a patient and then an acquaintance and he is neutral to positive about her gnc ness. Sveta never gets to come out to him because he dies and there is a fear of hers that he wouldn't accept them as Ellis Gage. If you read my other works you'd know he wouldn't but the tragedy of not knowing is what this story is about.
Utterson and Harker: We pause our monster of the week detective stories for a brief story of grief and acceptance
Utterson and Harker is the crossover nobody will write The Harker family and Gabriel Utterson (assisted by his clerk Mr Aloysius Guest). In a dark story where Utterson dies, Guest has to assume his mentor's role and finish finding out what happened to Svetlana.He arrives to end Gage and prevent another Edward Hyde, he ends up legitimizing Ellis Gage instead.
When Mr. Guest comes to investigate whether Svetlana has Jekyll's formula which legally belongs to Gabriel Utterson, they bond over their respective second names (Ms. Ilysa Outguess, Mx. Ellis Gage) are of a different gender than theirs and being nerds.
Utterson who is canonically accepting of eccentricity finds Gage disturbing for the wall climbing, calledisclopic shifting pigmentation, and penchant for petty crime and yes recreating his best friends worst project. But the androgyny that's fine go knock yourself out.
Lambs to the Slaughter: What if Silence of the lambs but with Gothic Lit characters and not transphobic?
While some people are convinced that canon Jekyll is trans and call all those who disagree transphobic and lacking imagination I don't personally write him as such. I have no problem with such views. My friend's oc Possum is a rp blog here and it feels one of the most accurate takes on Hyde I've seen in awhile. This friend is why I am on tumblr in the first place and I post asks there every other day. All versions of his Jekyll are trans men.
I have only one story with such a premise the steampunk silence of the lambs story. The premise is that are Lucy is murdered by the Phantom of the Opera, Mina embarks on a quest of revenge which brings her behind the only man who can catch this monster, Dr. Henry Jekyll. The only problem is the man is currently serving a life sentence under the name of Edward Hyde.
It will include the following reveal:
Hyde (our Hannibal Lecter) : Based on the first two murders younger me would have been his type
Mina Harker (our Clarice Starling): But Eric only kills women...
Hyde: What do you think young Henri Jekyll was back in the day?
Mina: well then...
the little girl from chapter 1 comes out as well and when he asks Hyde for a good boy's name he suggests "Henry" since Hyde isn't using anymore.
Zone trilogy: Dark satire that might be too harsh
The Zone trilogy is a series of hand-drawn comics that follow the misadventures of two children of Jekyll/Hyde and many other pop-culture characters.
Basic plot of the abyss
Edie Hyde is the daughter Edward Hyde only. Or so her father Dr. Jekyll insists. He also insists that the two alchemists living in one of his estates aren't his beneficiaries but still sends them money. He denies ever meeting Gabriel Utterson, despite Gabrielle Anna being Edie's mother. Hastings Jekyll lost his father young and was raised by his mother. When Edie dragged him into her world he is delighted to meet a version of his father but is disappointed to see he is a cold-hearted hypocritical bigot. He is drawn in the same color scheme as TGS Jekyll and his treatment of not-Jasper, Helio Lockhart, cements that saying "No one will ever believe you, they just play along" does not acceptance make. I'm sure I'll get death threats for posting that comic
Jekyll Saga: What if Jekyll had children and they all had the two body thing.
This was actually written as monster high fanfiction but I soon realized that I could actually like sell this. Currently Henry Jekyll's story is partially out and I'm editing my story about Ash and Jenny which is basically a dark highschool rom com. Hastings' story will be a spy thriller and Gabrielle Mina's story might not be out for years due to lack of material. Dorian's stories will be out as soon as I edit them.
In my penultimate and final Jekyll saga stories I explore the lives of Ash Burns and Harland Jekyll/ Harley Hyde. Both are trans and explore this in different ways when Ash (and later their child Dorian) asks the ghost of Edward Hyde what he thinks of their transition he is mostly positive.
Follow me for more trash fires like this.
*I have OSSDD-1 (formerly 1b) and my handwriting is the same for all parts, DID people often have different handwriting for each alter. Jekyll is likely higher up the scale than I am so he outnought exhibit hollywood did symptoms. Laugh all you want in 50 years handwriting tests will be called the Sheridan Tests and it will help determine severity of a Dissociative Disorder.
** This line will surely out my alter ego when she mentions this as herself years later if I become famous.
***Gage is named after Phineas Gage who through losing a quarter of his brain changed for the worse (in victorian terms, swearing and lying as well as loss of math skills) but recovered and lived 12 years many of which were relatively fulfilling. He apparently became a completely different person after the accident. Gage was no longer Gage, said friends.
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bluecatwriter · 1 year
no wonder jack wanted her to stay and watch. but no seriously it was so cute and fluffy and also captures unrequited infatuation.
and seward imagining jonathan have his ideal male physique is so funny, he thinks mina is married to this he-man. (so to him it makes sense someone like himself would never score someone like mina. wait till he meets jonsthan in his gnc introverted emaciated glory and his worldview will shake lol)
Awww thank you! I really enjoyed writing it— Jack's and Mina's relationship is one of my favorites in the book and I'm happy I finally got around to writing a little scene of them.
Jack figures that the "good specimen of manhood" is probably an amalgam of all his hot friends, so he definitely has a surprise coming! LOL. Seeing the Harkers' relationship is good for him in more ways than one.
(Referencing this fic)
(and also this one)
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panthermouthh · 3 years
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Female Dracula au. I fully intend to make this everyone's problem.
Bonus sketch: Mina still isn't taking anyone's shit
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vergess · 2 years
Live Vees Reaction:
It was late in the afternoon when the Professor and I took our way towards the east whence I knew Jonathan was coming
But I could not eat; to even try to do so was repulsive to me, and, much as I would have liked to please him, I could not bring myself to the attempt. He looked very sad, but did not reproach me.
I rescind my previous derogations of VH, I've certainly never had a doctor respect MY dietary restrictions.
the ardour of battle must have been upon me as well as the rest of them; I felt no fear, but only a wild, surging desire to do something
Another one for the GNC harkers scoreboard, lads.
I could see that Jonathan on one side of the ring of men, and Quincey on the other, were forcing a way to the cart
Something something even more Arthurian parallels besides just Art and Lucy being named after Arthur and Gwenhyfar. Oh that... that cannot be spelled right. Sorry, Wales.
Anyway Mina the queen in her castle watching her king and sworn knight advance on the enemy, etc.
In an instant he had jumped upon the cart, and, with a strength which seemed incredible, raised the great box, and flung it over the wheel to the ground.
I know in my head this is an act of adrenaline like when you lift a car off a kid or whatever, but in my HEART! In!!! My heart! This is more of Jonathan's Vampirism.
I could see that with his left hand he was clutching at his side, and that the blood was spurting through his fingers.
But, on the instant, came the sweep and flash of Jonathan's great knife. I shrieked as I saw it shear through the throat; whilst at the same moment Mr. Morris's bowie knife plunged into the heart.
Ohhh, that's why Jonathan has a kukri
Where was that tumblr post about this, has anyone congratulated the OP for being SO RIGHT???
Those who were unmounted jumped upon the leiter-wagon and shouted to the horsemen not to desert them
Bro same. Being paid to return one of those fucked up boxes I delivered over the summer is one thing. A party of screaming white people murdering and then dissolving an old man I didn't even know was there is a wHOLE other kettle of fish, and the van driver better wait until my ass is FIRMLY THE FUCK ON BOARD THE VEHICLE
"Now God be thanked that all has not been in vain! See! the snow is not more stainless than her forehead! The curse has passed away!"
TT_TT vs 😌: fight
And, to our bitter grief, with a smile and in silence, he died, a gallant gentleman.
im never going to recover
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vergess · 1 year
speaking of gender markers i was reading that part and thought hm. purposeful parallels, in sync despite being on opposite hills. but really contrasting. All at once two voices shouted out to, "Halt!" One was my Jonathan's, raised in a high key of passion. The other Mr. Morris' strong resolute tone of quiet command.
van helsing had said that the laconic quincey was ''all man'', he is and looks like a rugged adventurer, likely tall and burly. and here i think that despite that he's american he acts like a british masculine ideal in this scene.
jonathan in contrast is all loud, passionate emotion. high emotion vs quiet command. also unlike quincey he looks frail- mina says he only started putting some meat on his bones late september, and since oct it's implied he's been neglecting himself. seward says his hands are ice cold. he's holding a blood-seeking "barbaric" weapon. he resembles more of a madman than the ideal hero.
Oh that is SUCH a good point.
Far and away, the character that my analytical relationship is weakest with is Quincey. I may not have fun talking about Dracula or Arthur the way I do Seward and the Harkers, but I at least understand their characters and can play with concepts around them (eg, I do actually know that Lucy is not symbolically associated with Gwenhwyffar save in the sense that she is the wife of their highest ranking guy, a british noble named Arthur, and people being little shits about that in the tags of my posts are more than welcome to make their own name posts about these characters because this is a non-scarcity scenario, THANKS)
But Quincey is like... Okay literally until the day he died, I had one (1) joke about Quincey, and it was that Bram Stoker clearly had a cowboy fetish.
Which made the emotional impact of his death and his little Gilgamesh acting three-parents ghost baby, VERY CONFUSING for me. Like WHY did I care so much?? How did his whole "stoic nod.GIF" and "Thank you kindly, little lady" shit SNEAK UP ON ME????
(Hint: Regardless of Stoker's situation, I do have a cowboy fetish so not thinking about Quincey may have been a survival strategy lol)
But Quincey acting as this impossible paragon of masculinity in isolation provides a great framework for me to examine him, especially in contrast to how blatantly and constantly GNC that... well, almost everyone around him is.
I say impossible, because as you point out, in his final scene Quincey is presenting a very English type of masculinity. Not even British, IMO. That's all England.
But that very English masculinity is, necessarily, incompatible with the Rugged American Masculinity he has been written to exude.
No, that's not right... the Rugged American Masculinity everyone keeps saying he exudes, while he primarily does insane nonsense.
Quincey is indeed "all man," in that he can and well become a paragon of whatever cultural ideal of masculinity is needed in any scene. Mutable in execution, yes, but always something you could summarize as "A Good Man," and get nods from everyone listening.
Which makes it all the more interesting that he seems (based on the novel I read, not any secondary sources) to have been written in solely to be impotent, impotent, impotent, then die in glory.
Hmm, hmm, hmm. Lots to consider!!
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