#GNU Health
san-sebastienne · 2 months
With truly all the love and empathy in my heart: crying daily over the sexual assault allegations against Gaiman isn’t healthy. I’ve seen multiple people –especially fans of GO – saying this since they came out, and it’s really fucking concerning me.
I wonder if it has to do with the insidious ideas that 1) people are either Bad or Good, 2) Bad people can only do Bad things, and 3) liking Bad things or Bad people makes you Bad.
None of these things are true.
People are mixed up and incredibly complicated. Someone can be an incredible artist/friend/chef/ally against racism/drag queen and still be predatory/homophobic/antisemitic/never tips their wait staff. People do things that harm others in big and small ways all the time. You do too. I promise.
(Also the idea of anyone, even people who do genuinely insurmountable harm, becoming somehow less than human is an inherently fascist ideology)
The fact that you (yes, you!!) do harmful things doesn’t immediately make you Bad. There are certainly things that someone might do that causes more harm (say, assault) versus less, but that doesn’t somehow infect all the things they’ve done in the past with their Badness. Gaiman helped write Good Omens. There’s no way now to say “I was wrong and this book was Bad all along” or even “oh, all the parts I like were written by Pratchett, the Bad parts must have been Gaiman.” You didn’t miss an inherent evil by liking the book in the past. It doesn’t make you Bad for liking it now.
(It also doesn’t mean that people associated with Gaiman, like David Tennant, are also Tainted by inherent Badness. Tennant isn’t, you aren’t. Saying otherwise is also a slippery slope argument into dehumanization and fascist ideas)
By all means: if it feels right, stop giving Gaiman your money. Stop tagging him in your Azi/Crowley fanart. But do this as a way to disentangle yourself from parasocial relationships that are actively causing you grief and to vote with your wallet, not because unlinking yourself from Bad Art and Bad People will somehow absolve you and make you Good again. If you already have a copy of Good Omens or Sandman, whether you reread it is between you and your gods. Interacting with a text you find important doesn’t make you Bad or Good. It’s just reading. What you do with the stories is what matters (ironically, that’s the message of a lot of both Gaiman and Pratchett’s work).
Maybe take a peek at Good Omens and re familiarize yourself with its other core message: People are not Bad or Good. People do bad and good things.
Then maybe drink a cup of tea. You need to rehydrate.
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haridiva · 1 year
GNU Health
Apakah Anda sedang mencari perangkat lunak (software) yang gratis untuk rumah sakit atau layanan klinik Anda? GNU Health mungkin adalah jawaban bagi pencarian Anda. GNU Health adalah perangkat lunak sistem informasi rumah sakit (SIRS) yang terbuka (open source) dan gratis (free software). Cakupannya lumayan banyak, seperti EMR (rekam medik elektronik), HIS (sistem informasi rumah sakit), sistem…
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ineffable-sideburns · 7 months
Anyone else ever think about how Good Omens and/or Discworld literally rewired your brain and altered its chemistry or is that just me?
Because four years ago before starting Discworld I was fucking miserable and I felt hopeless. I had cut off my last high school friend because they’d wronged me deeply and we’d outgrown each other, and I’d just finished college so I stopped seeing my college/adult friends except for a couple times a year, and after being surrounded by people for so long I was alone and still am. I had given up reading long before that because no author really “spoke” to me, and then I found Terry recommended EVERYWHERE on the fantasy subreddit so I gave him a shot and his aphorisms and witty humor and outlook on the world and people helped me almost as much as my actual therapist. Instead of lingering on hatred and betrayals and my own BPD and PTSD-related thoughts, I began to see the world in shades of grey and work through my own trauma. Before this I only saw “good” and “evil” people and one wrong move pushed you from the good column into the evil column in my eyes. I still struggle with it in moments of direct pain, but before him it was my whole world-view. I was literally so full of anger almost every minute of my life that my chest hurt until discovering Discworld.
Truly crazy how a piece of fiction can help you so much. Especially from an angry man who somehow maintained a sense of optimism.
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friedsoulmagazine · 7 months
So, I work in mental health. I would not go so far as to say I'm an expert but I will say this.
Make sure to breath.
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lebagelboy · 6 months
It is extremely annoying how often "im having mental heath issues" and "i haven't reread a Discworld book in the last week" seem to line up for me like i dont think they're related because each time there is also a much larger mental drag happening but i cant actually disprove it!
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verysium · 10 months
blu lock top artists on Spotify??? i need your thoughts on it
anon you had me pulling up my spotify playlists and browsing through the entirety of genius.com for three hours straight. i'm going to tweak this prompt a little bit and include specific songs that best represent them since it's easier for me to explain that way.
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the fanon answer for this is chase atlantic. while their songs do encapsulate parts of his personality (mostly the edgy teenager and disillusioned youth persona), i feel like this choice does not do his full character justice.
the canon answer for this is king gnu, more specifically the song "prayer x." i can picture this since rin seems like the type to enjoy alternative rock/indie, but the fact that it's the ending theme to banana fish is what gets to me. like...do you see yourself in ash or something? i hope you don't cus it doesn't end well. that anime had me bawling my eyes out for months, and i still can't think about it without breaking down again.
furthermore, the lyrics and music video to this song are very cryptic and borderline nihilistic. for example, "hiding behind this nonchalant smile" and "my life's spark will wink out of existence." i feel like this speaks volumes about rin's mental health and internal thought process. he obviously does not process his emotions normally and instead represses them. he also struggles with the idea of finding a purpose in what is otherwise a cyclical routine with no end. he's worried and, quite frankly, afraid that if he ever stops pursuing his dream, everything will come crumbling down, and he will have to face all the demons he's avoided for so long. the main theme here is that he cannot face his reality (the fact that sae's dream is not his own.) so he does everything in order to escape this fact even if it ultimately destroys him.
from my own playlists, i'd assign him the following songs/artists:
"beautiful boy" by john lennon
this is a love letter to baby rin. i feel like he would've enjoyed this song as either a lullaby or something he listened to on car rides to the beach during summer vacations. he probably still listens to this when it's raining outside or he's had a bad day. reminds him of his childhood and the good parts of it.
"the love club" by lorde
this is something pre-teen rin listened to. the irony is spot-on, and i feel like the lyrics would be relevant during a time when he was going through his rebellious phase and fully fleshing out his place in society. in this instance, the club would metaphorically be wherever his brother is at, whether that's the guys sae meets in spain or the group of football players considered "top-notch" in japan. everything is about finding a place in this club/clique in an effort to become free and differentiate himself from others. the only problem is that rin ironically loses his freedom because he tries so hard to be among the best. he signs his life away in pursuit of a dream, and it's something that now defines him.
"the only problem i got with the club / is how you're severed from the people / who watched you grow up"
this lyric in particular could apply to either one of the itoshi brothers. it's one of the caveats that comes with fame. you gain everything, but you lose everything before that. both of the itoshis likely experienced some amount of separation from their loved ones, including each other. also lorde's vocals are beautiful as always, so there's no reason not to include this song.
"howlin' 404" by DEAN
the production for this song is on point. the intro has a segment from a 1930s american horror radio program which is fitting because rin canonically watches horror movies. i think this song is something rin might listen to during cold autumns or midnights when he just can't sleep.
lyrically, there is the motif of a time loop which is also present in "prayer x." rin's character itself just has this connection with the raw grittiness of existentialism and this idea of repeating days without purpose. (in fact, he would make a great psychological thriller lead.) rin is also a control freak. if he lets one loose end go, it will unravel the entire thing. that matches up with the idea of "killing me softly." rin would rather prolong his pain than have it ripped from him all at once and leave him with nothing. i find this in a lot of people in real life too. even if your trauma wasn't good for you, it sometimes becomes the only thing you truly own. it's like that one quote from bojack horseman. "if i don't, that means that all the damage i got isn't good damage, it's just damage." rin feels like he has something to prove, and if he fails, all his suffering would've been for nothing.
"moonchild" by RM
i may be a bit biased since i love the mono mixtape, and i've written a rin fic about celestial bodies, but....this song just fits him. there's also a remarkable similarity with the lyrics of the previous songs i've listed. i'm just going to list a few:
"smiling in endless pain / you know / there's no freedom when you say freedom out loud"
one thing i love about RM is that he doesn't shy away from character flaws. he writes songs specifically for those who are always picked last, who aren't remarkable in any way, who feel weighed down by their normality. he gives them their spotlight and due diligence. for example, the entirety of the chorus is a repeat of "moonchild, you shine." i find this interesting since it's usually the sun that shines. but the sun is already sae, and rin is relegated to being the moon. yet even though the moon doesn't have its own light (it merely reflects the sun), it still shines bright in the darkness. rin doesn't know it yet, but he himself is a big role model for others such as isagi, his fans, and people just like him. so yeah....i'd take this song as a message of hope for future rin.
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the fanon answer is lana del rey, and i would agree to a certain extent. under the right circumstances, he could become one of those dreamy, emotionally stunted, and tired men you guys all lust over. if y/n ever wrote a romantic song about him, it would be either "west coast" (for the spanish influences) or "art deco" (for the vibes.)
the headcanon answer is nothing. i don't think he listens to music much. even if he did, it would be probably classical/instrumental or just white noise for his long flights. i imagine him listening to erik satie's "gymnopédie no. 3" on a train ride or something.
from my own playlists, i'm going to give him these songs/artists:
"remind me" by röyksopp
i don't know how to explain this, but this song gives a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. think early 2000s when the TV footage was still grainy and had retro graphics. you're carrying around your mini mp3 player whilst wandering through the airport and wondering how the hell you even ended up there. that's the general ambience of this song.
lyrically, the song also matches well with sae. i'm going to give you a few examples:
"it's only been a week / the rush of being home in rapid fading"
again, this is a tribute to the disconnection sae feels from his home. he goes everywhere, but he belongs nowhere. when he finally returns to japan, he finds himself missing spain. when he's in madrid, he thinks about the ocean back in kamakura. there never is a place that truly fills that gaping hole in his chest. i also feel like sae experiences FOMO on a whole other level. he constantly feels like something is wrong/missing and he's not doing enough.
"brave men tell the truth / the wise man's tools are analogies and puzzles"
the idea here is that though sae is blunt with his words, he is a coward with his intentions/true feelings. he can brutally call out someone without hesitation, but to actually reveal his own truths and motives? he'd rather shrivel up in a hole and die. this is especially applicable to love. to him, a wise man is someone who doesn't open his heart up easily. instead, he hints at his feelings, and whether or not you can figure that out is on you. sae hates it when others play games with him. it's where his hypocrisy lies. he demands straightforward honesty from others, but he himself will unintentionally play games with you if it means he can hide himself behind his walls.
"a woman holds her tongue / knowing silence will speak for her"
this is the closest you guys are ever going to get to sae itoshi's ideal type. he loves people who don't need to say something for him to believe it. they just get it. your silence is automatically enough for him to know that you love him. similarly, you don't even need to speak a word to understand what he's feeling.
"night shift" by lucy dacus
this song is sae if he was that one ex-boyfriend who really fucked you up emotionally, and you never got over him even though you said you did. now that i think about it, the story could be told from either POV. this could be sae trying to erase you from his mind, or it could also be you post-breakup.
"you've got a 9 to 5 / so i'll take the night shift / and i'll never see you again / if i can help it"
i know this one lyric caused controversy all over tiktok, so i'm going to add my own interpretation. at face value, this is exactly what it says it is. sae doesn't want to see you again, nor do you. he's willing to go out of his way just to avoid you, and truthfully he would. when sae finds himself in trouble, he doesn't look for something new to fix him. instead, he cuts everything off and subtracts anything that is deadweight. if you're out of his life, then you're out of his life. he's not coming back for you (or at least that's what he says to convince himself). same thing with rin. he knows he hurt rin, but he's not going to go back and try to make it right. he's going to move on and try to justify his actions every step of the way. one day, rin will move on too, and then sae would have been right all along. (unfortunately, that is not the way things work, but that's a lesson for another time.)
the alternative interpretation is that y/n is the other woman. this could be literal as in sae already has someone else in his life, and he only sees you at night. you're only ever going to be the night shift. it could also be metaphorical as in you're merely a distraction in the grand scheme of things. you're the mistress, but football is his wife if that makes sense. his career will always take precedence.
"you get me so high" by the neighborhood
this song is all the words sae wished he said to rin but never did. it made me cry because everything would have been so different if they had just set aside their pride and truthfully sought each other out.
"hope you don't regret it / i pushed a lot back but i can't forget it"
repressing feelings seems to be a recurring issue with the itoshi brothers. like....maybe if i just push it out of sight, it will also go out of mind. and at its core, this all stems from fear. fear of facing the consequences, the hypotheticals, the terrifying realization that you did something you regret and there really is no turning back from it. but realistically, if you think about it, a lot of this is the byproduct of overthinking. sometimes the situation isn't as complicated as we might make it out to be. sometimes an apology doesn't fix everything, but it's a proposition to be something more, an attempt at a solution. but sae and rin are so blindsided by their own internal turmoil that they cannot see this.
"for a long time i took it all for granted / i really thought we had it / but at the time it was more than i could manage"
ah....the "taking for granted" part. i could ramble on about that for hours. i think it really is some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy that we never miss something until it's gone. and in a way, it's not something that we can always control. the value you assign to a person/object when you have it is going to be fundamentally different from the value you assign to it when it's no longer in your grasp. that's how scarcity works. something with a limited supply is always going to be worth more. the vice versa works as well. you might yearn after something but then throw it away the moment you finally have it and grow tired of it. this sort of dilemma that comes with appreciation is so common i really wouldn't blame the itoshi brothers for what they did. it is immensely difficult to know when you're going to lose something or when you need to let it go. and sometimes it's hard to be constantly grateful for what you have because many of us are wired to want something more. tbh that's what makes the itoshis relatable.
"if we can leave it all behind us / and meet in between"
now sae would never say this unless he himself had actually reflected on what happened and fully processed it. but maybe in the future, they could set aside their differences and reach out to each other. (this is how i cope)
"but i just had to let you know / i never meant to hurt you, though / i had all my motives / i didn't know they wouldn't mix with your emotions / i just had to reach my goals / never knew i'd meet you though"
that's the thing with personal ambition. sometimes you get so caught up in yourself, you forget all about others. and this isn't really selfishness, or at least intentional selfishness. it just sort of happened that way. you never meant to hurt them, but you still somehow did.
"we should stick together / you're my best friend / i'll love you forever"
yeah....this line was the one that did it for me. something about the dysfunctional sibling dynamic just eats away at my insides. like....i could've loved you, we could've been so much together, but why aren't we? what we have isn't hate, but it isn't the love i know and crave either.
"we could be the greatest / it doesn't matter if we're never rich or famous"
ok but if rin ever heard this leave sae's lips, i think all of his trauma would just be magically healed. he just wants his brother to see him. like fully see him and love him. but alas, what is blue lock without angst, am i right?
"love in the dark" by adele
now i don't think sae would ever listen to adele, but the lyrics are just too fitting. i was going to write a fic on this, but it's going to have to ferment a bit in the drafts for now. basically this is the entire rin/sae traumatic scene but as a melodramatic torch song with adele's heavenly vocals.
"take your eyes off of me so i can leave / i'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me"
um...this is literally sae's internal monologue??? i feel like letting go of things is something both the itoshi brothers struggle with. their lives are constantly pulling them in different directions, and eventually they become numb to it all. they don't form any strong attachment to anything besides football because that's the one thing that won't change for them. in a way, this is necessary for their character development (in the sense that they need to discern for themselves what to keep and what to let go), but it also destroys any sense of belonging they might have (hence why they feel lonely.)
"don't try to change my mind / i'm being cruel to be kind"
sae would definitely say this. like word for word. if only he wasn't a vague dumbass with no communication skills.
"i can't love you in the dark / it feels like we're oceans apart"
this is literally their dynamic in one lyric. there is the physical distance, and then there's the emotional distance.
"we're not the only ones, / i don't regret a thing / every word i've said, / you know i'll always mean"
this sort of reminds me when sae said that the world is huge, and there's so many players way better than him out there. i think spain really gave him a reality check, and he grew angry at rin when rin couldn't understand his disillusionment.
"everything changed me / and i don't think you can save me"
adele sort of echoes this softly at the end of the song. i feel like sae would do that too. he wouldn't admit his own insecurities until the very end, and only then does the truth come out.
"i'll sleep when i'm older" by bruno major
this is sae when he's older and fully mature, preferably after he meets you. he finally decides to damn it all and do what he wants.
"conversations with elders and the wisdom they bring ... / the view from an aeroplane at twelve thousand feet"
sae views things that previously annoyed him in a new light. he used to hate his elders, but he visited you and your mother once, and something changed within him. now he calls his parents more often, and his eyes linger on the old couples near the park benches. sometimes, his gaze softens just a bit when he imagines the two of you growing old just like them.
flights used to be a mundane part of his routine, but now he finds himself leaning over your window seat to see the mountains down below. the clouds and sunny weather set him aglow. and you just look so pretty when you fall asleep on his shoulder. he doesn't ever want this change.
"meet god on a mountain top along with the stars / find love somewhere, anywhere / fall deep from the start"
sae used to avoid love, but now he's running at it full-force. people tend to shy away from making sae a romantic because it seems too ooc. however, in the right situation, i think sae could entirely abandon his previous ideals and become someone else entirely. (that's why it's called a character evolution guys.)
"misplace my mind and follow my heart"
again, if you're able to make sae lose all rationality and let his heart guide him instead, then you've really done something. kudos to you for penetrating the walls of the coldest asshole known to mankind.
"i'll be a firework, not a flickering flame / treat life all around me like a one-player game"
this one lyric applies both to younger and older sae. younger sae is someone unafraid of risking it all if it means he can achieve something worthwhile. it doesn't matter how many players he has to defeat, how many people he has to leave behind. in this world, it is just him and the goal he has to accomplish.
however, after he's mellowed out after a few years (i'd say around middle age), he probably reinterprets this as something else. he's not going to constrain himself to his tunnel vision anymore. there's so much more to life than that.
"i'll go to the party and forget all the names / should it climb back to haunt me, / it ends all the same"
sae finally lets himself live the life he never thought he'd have. he does stupid things like get drunk and make a fool of himself. but you're there for him, so he doesn't really care. in fact, he can finally say that for the first time in a long time....he's having fun.
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the fanon answer is the weeknd. i'm not going to lie, i completely agree with this one. i saw this one edit of him to "party monster," and i can say i have been fully enlightened and converted. however, this is not just about a toxic male manipulator anthem. it's much more than that.
this is about running away from the ugliest parts of yourself, becoming a slave to your vices, knowing you're broken somewhere and you can never fix it. i would say his character is most similar to "starboy" in the fact that he literally flaunts everything he has to hide the fact that deep down inside, he really has nothing else to hold onto. "starboy" is all about the status symbol (money, red lamborghinis, glass table girls turning into ebony table girls lol). but at the end of the day, he doesn't really have anything except an empty heart and a satirical quip for all those who made him famous. the same theme applies to "the morning" and "house of balloons."
in the romantic sense, i think "don't break my heart" would represent kaiser. and no, this is not a justification for him being an f-boy. it's more so an exploration of why people might think he is an f-boy. i do not condone his actions, but i do try to understand them. in particular, i feel like the lyrics of "sacrifice" also fit him well.
"i was born in a city / where the winter nights don't ever sleep / so this life's always with me / the ice inside my veins will never bleed"
i headcanon kaiser as being born in either berlin or munich. and if you don't know anything about those two places, just know that you freeze your ass off during wintertime. i think it's interesting how his past could be intrinsically tied with a place, and he takes a piece of his past self with him wherever he goes. the ice in veins part also made me think about how kaiser would rather freeze up every weakness within himself than let them run free and make him human.
"every time you try to fix me / i know you'll never find that missing piece"
guys...did you hear that? to all you delusional people out there, this is your service announcement. you cannot fix someone who does not want to be fixed. write that down and memorize it. all meaningful change starts with a shift in mindset, and if they themselves are not in the right headspace to recognize that something is wrong and actively want to change, you're not going to get anywhere. so yeah....kaiser is not going to change unless HE starts doing the changing.
"i hold you through the toughest parts / when you feel like it's the end / 'cause life is still worth living"
i think this lyric sort of explores kaiser's dynamic with ness. on one front, he is the one picking ness up from his miserable past and instilling a sense of hope into him (intentionally or not.) but on another front, this could also be a problem. kaiser is almost forcefully optimistic in the way that he believes anything is possible. it has to be possible because there can be no other way. but the thing is.....you have to know your limits sometimes. blind optimism is, ironically, similar to cornering yourself.
"i can break you down and pick you up / and fuck like we are friends / but don't be catching feelings"
this is definitely the type of bullshit kaiser would spew. i could picture a fwb or situationship with him where y/n just constantly receives the short end of the stick. now this may be reaching, but i also feel like this is how kaiser projects his own trauma onto others. he himself clawed his way up to the top and put himself back together every time he fell down. the problem is that he also expects you to be that resilient. he's going to treat you badly because you're supposed to be like him: someone who can overcome everything and strive towards the impossible.
the headcanon answer to his top artist would be keshi. in particular, i think kaiser would fit the vibe of "2 soon" and "drunk." long story short, you finally broke up with him, and he's still reeling from the impact.
within my fics, i envision a dialogue between kaiser and y/n from each one of their perspectives. so based on that, i'm going to assign him the following songs/artists:
"gibson girl" by ethel cain
i know i said earlier that kaiser's character is not solely about toxic manipulation, but you have to understand that all bad habits originate from somewhere. kaiser is innately self-destructive, and he brings you down along with him. this song is about that but from y/n's perspective. there's this idea of trying to find agency in a situation where you have none. i don't have the word count to explain ethel cain lore in all of its naked glory, but all i can say is that this song is a banger and deals with themes like femininity as a performance, finding power in pain, religious motifs, etc.
"glory box" by portishead
this song is y/n's last plea to kaiser before they fully give up on him and leave. i'm also a sucker for anything that involves an exploration of gender dynamics and what it means to be a woman, and this song is riddled with it.
"suffocation" by crystal castles
this is kaiser post-isagi defeat (cue that one scene where he was trying to choke himself.) similar to sae, it's all or nothing with him. he suffers from this feeling of inferiority. everyone made him out to be this great figure of impossible dreams and legends, but look at him now. he's nothing. aren't you disappointed? he had you fooled, but he also fooled himself. so yeah....kaiser is definitely the most self-deprecating out of all of the boys at blue lock.
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the fanon answer is laufey, and i also agree. he's so sweet, and laufey's music just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. he would also be that one love that came creeping up on you when you least expected it. "valentine" would be the song for that. i picture a reader who's had a series of unfortunate breakups and is right on the edge of giving up entirely. but then isagi comes along, and it's just so easy to love him. as easy as breathing. and then you think maybe it wasn't so bad after all. you just never found the right one until he came into your life. furthermore, isagi is a jazz pop princess, and you can't convince me otherwise.
the headcanon answer is IU. more specifically, i would say "troll" from her lilac album. i feel like even if you and isagi broke up, it would still be like you two never broke up at all. you're both on good terms, and even though you know it's counterproductive to keep cycling back to each other, you do it anyways. and it's okay because you're both still in love.
from my own playlists, i would assign the following songs/artists:
"winter bear" by v
this is my comfort song. it feels like those big sherpa blankets you tuck yourself under when you're lying next to the heater in winter. isagi would kiss your forehead and nuzzle your nose before you two drifted off to sleep.
"a boy named pluto" by hailey knox
this one is so romantic lol. i also like the dynamic where one party is afraid to love, but the other person loves them unconditionally. that would be isagi. he'd respect your decision and wait for you as long as you need it. but if you're ever ready to give him a chance, just know that he's going to treasure all of you.
"put your records on" by ritt momney
the inspiring thing about isagi is that he never lets anyone put him down. he takes rejection as redirection, failure as room for improvement. and in that way, i think this song encapsulates his resilience. he'd be such a good boyfriend not just romantically but in the way that he would literally pick you back up to your feet, dust you off, and make sure everything was alright.
"fairy of shampoo" by dosii
i picture isagi as someone who falls first and falls harder. he just loves you so much, and he doesn't even need a reason why. i saw somewhere that sometimes you don't love someone because they're your soulmate/twin flame/supernaturally fated other. you love them because you consciously made the decision to. isagi is like that. he loves you on purpose.
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helppp why does this sound like an academic paper...i'm sorry anon. i got carried away with this, but i hope u like it.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
July 17, 2024
The Vermont senator said Musk has done "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society."
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday took the unusual step of applauding Elon Musk—but not for reasons that the Tesla CEO and world's richest man would likely find flattering.
In the wake of reports indicating that Musk plans to inject $45 million per month into a new super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump's bid for another four years in the White House, Sanders (I-Vt.) thanked Musk for doing "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society in which billionaires dominate not only our economic life and the information we consume, but our politics as well."
"And let me be clear. While the size of Musk's financial contribution is particularly egregious, he is not alone in attempting to buy this election to further his own needs," Sanders continued. "Other billionaires are also playing a significant role—in both political parties. Oh, I know... here goes Bernie Sanders again about Citizens United and the role of money in politics. I have no shortage of critics who accuse me of being boring and of hammering away at the same themes year after year after year."
"They're probably right. I am repetitious, but that’s because the problems we care about are only getting worse," he added. "Let's be clear. It has never made sense to me, then or now, that a tiny clique of people should have incredible wealth and power while most people have none."
"While people like Elon Musk try to buy elections for Donald Trump, people who work for low wages, have no health insurance, can't afford prescription drugs, and can't find affordable housing are giving up on politics."
Citing unnamed sources, The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg reported earlier this week that Musk has pledged to donate $45 million per month to America PAC, whose founding donors include ultra-rich tech investors who are part of Musk's social circle. The New York Timesseparately reported that "one leader of America PAC told a friend that the group expected to have a major donor who would make donations in four batches, adding up to as much as $160 million over the course of the campaign."
The Journal and Bloomberg stories—which Musk denied with a meme that included the words "fake gnus"—followed reports that Musk had already given the super PAC a substantial sum of money despite his March declaration that he is "not donating money to either candidate for U.S. president."
Musk formally endorsed Trump on X—the social media platform Musk owns—following an assassination attempt against the former president this past weekend in Pennsylvania. Conspiracy theories about the attempt on Trump's life proliferated rapidly on X, with the help of Musk himself.
The Tesla CEO's name did not appear on America PAC's disclosure filings for June, which could mean that he donated to the PAC earlier this month.
Musk, who is worth over $250 billion, is one of more than a dozen billionaires supporting Trump and his newly chosen running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio). Axios and the Times reported Tuesday that Musk personally lobbied Trump to make Vance his vice presidential pick.
Musk and other U.S. billionaires got $1 trillion richer during Trump's first four years in office, gains fueled by massive tax cuts he signed into law in 2017.
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Sanders wrote in his email Tuesday that Musk's influence on the 2024 election could be particularly pronounced given his ownership of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.
Musk, Sanders wrote, has used the platform "to amplify the voices of conspiracy theorists who deny the results of the last election and spread the dangerous idea that Democrats want to allow mass, undocumented migration to the country to replace, electorally, the votes of white people."
"The reality is that while people like Elon Musk try to buy elections for Donald Trump, people who work for low wages, have no health insurance, can't afford prescription drugs, and can't find affordable housing are giving up on politics," the senator continued. "They see the rich getting richer as they use their wealth to buy influence, and wonder whether anyone in Washington even knows what is going on in their lives."
Sanders argued that to end the pernicious political influence of Musk and other billionaires, it is essential to elect candidates who support overturning Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that spawned the super PACs now playing a massive role in the nation's elections.
"It is an issue that should concern all Americans—regardless of their political point of view—who wish to live under a government that represents all of the people and not just a handful of powerful special interests," Sanders wrote. "Taking action is not just good politics, it is also good policy. Because the truth is, campaign finance reform is the most important issue facing us today, because it impacts all the others."
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danbisroom · 4 months
Ep. 17 - If I can meet you beyond the seasons, could I call your name?
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I must start with apologies since I disappeared for the past three weeks. I am very sorry, it was a rather difficult time for me, I made some life-changing decisions and I struggled a lot with my mental health. Now I feel better, I’m recovering and facing new things, and, honestly, this feels like a good, big breakthrough. I’ve never felt this fragile and vulnerable in my entire life, my heart is completely bare and as and as frightening as it can be it also feels like a fresh start. I can finally blossom and shine and actually be myself, stripping myself off of the countless burdens that have been stored inside my souls since before I was born. It’s difficult and tiring but I can do it, now, I’m ready. I got some very nice people, some right beside me, some afar, but nonetheless, I know we fill each other with love. Even when it’s hard, even when it’s scary, even when we only want to give everything up. Sometimes you just want to run away, run away from the world, run away from yourself. But run…where to? Where can you go? Is there a safe place anymore? Where do we go now? It seems like the only shelter can be nothingness. Blacking out every three days and sleeping for a year until, hopefully, we can wake up brand new. Then again what’s there to miss when the sun isn’t bright anymore, when it doesn’t caress your cheeks, when you can’t feel the seasons shifting, inside and outside of you. Why bother?
I don’t know.
I don’t have an answer.
I wanna bother because I still want to eat snacks watching Ghibli movies on Sundays, I still want to read stories together and talk about them for hours, I still wanna swim into the sea. These are the small things that make my life worth living. Hopefully, one day, I will get to laugh with my husband about how awkward we were on our first date and I will be able to witness the crazy colour era on my teen-age kids. Maybe I will pick my own tomatoes sipping lemon water among morning dew. I love these little things with all my heart, little things that are like fireflies at dusk in your flower garden. They serve no goals, they’re not slaves to human greed, they’re just beautiful and lovely. Often we hear we shouldn’t rely on little things, we’re told other people can’t be the reason we live and smile. So why should we live then? What other grandiose meaning is there? As much as my ambition demands bits of my souls every day, as much as it eats me alive, I’m still aware that even the Pyramids will turn into colossal wrecks buried by the sand of the desert. How many empires have we forgotten already?
So why should we live? Just to live. Just to experience and cherish these small things occasionally surrounded by revolutions. We already have enough pain, too much to be so eager to inflict more on ourselves. We’re constantly mourning the options we haven’t chosen and there’s no escape from that. But at the end of the day we must get to tomorrow, even if crawling while being hit by a thunderstorm. I’ll do it, so I can feel the wind of October kissing my skin once more.
You can always call my name and I’ll call yours until we find each other, finally being side by side, forever, even when we are specks of dust floating in the universe, I hope we can float together. And then we can form a new star together and shine for a long time until time doesn’t exist anymore. That would be nice.
A nice little thing.
Today’s song recommendation is 白日 (Hakujitsu) by King Gnu. Pure poetry delving into these questions and matters.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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dyouevendraw · 7 months
About me
So, I thought I’d probably be best to just make a pinned post with some info so I’m not just a void who throws art a a wall. (I’m probably gonna edit as things change) But here we go:
My tiktok is dyoueven
My instagram is dyouevendraw
My name is D, sometimes people still call me Fay, I don’t mind that either
I’m 22 years old
I use they/them pronouns, I’m fine with he/him too. I’d call myself nonbinary or even agender, leaning towards the masc side. It’s a struggle
Additionally to that, I am ace and my romantic attraction is 🤷🏼. I like androgyny and femininity if that says anything lmao
I have a hypermobilty condition, thus, my physical health is very inconsistent. Sometimes I feel fine for weeks, sometimes I can barely move my arms. Luckily, I don’t dislocate easily, I mostly get joint pain, pinched nerves, random bruises and badly healing wounds. Additionally, I seem to have a mild variant of long covid, which is making my lungs weak, so sometimes physical activities winds me badly even though it’s not hard work.
I am autistic and only found out around 2 years ago, thus, school burned me out! I was bullied by my teachers and they ignored all the signs of a struggling student, so I developed bad social anxiety (added by other events with former friends and general genetics probably). I took a year off of art to focus on getting a better mindset, and I guess I’ve been back since this year.
I am a clumsy and unlucky person, that’s why I say I am like Xie Lian a lot (send me a Hua Cheng)
I like k-pop. Currently, I like BTS, TXT, SKZ, LE SSERAFIM, New Jeans, Red Velvet and SHINee.
Other artists I like are: Tatsuya Kitani, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, Vaundy, King Gnu, Queen Bee and MCR (what a mix)
Fandoms I’m in include(I’m sure I’ll add more danmei when I’m done reading them):
TGCF (I have beef with it but I’m deeply in love)
SVSSS (still reading, on volume 2)
Sometimes I like Marvel. I only care about Spider-Man and Loki
(Always open to suggestions for more things, especially when they’re queer🤠👍🏻)
I write my own stories and am working on an AU that includes many fantastical being, though I am not entirely sure if that’s ever gonna see the light of day bc I don’t see anyone caring about my writing lol (it already has 137.000 words I’m not even joking it’s not funny, why am I writing this)
I’m sure I’ll post more of my OC’s when I find the time. My favorite is Harumi, he’s the main character in the fantastic beings AU, as a werewolf
I am so sorry my humor is super trauma based, bare with me it’s okay to laugh at my pain, it’s how I process, I swear
My favorite food is anything indian (especially aloo mutter, I bathe in that), pizza (only the one I make), and (red) thai curry.
That’s the only thing that sets me apart from Xie Lian, I eventually did learn how to cook and apparently people like my food!! (I add cinnamon and chili to everything, maybe that’s the key?)
I love building lego and organizing things by category (why I didn’t get diagnosed with asd is beyond me, I’ve always been like that)
I mostly draw on an Ipad with procreate, but I wanna get into watercolor and copics too, I just feel like I’m wasting the suff when things don’t turn out how I wanted them to be
I am horrible at texting and get anxious over it
I had another account here I was running for years, but I was in a pretty icky fandom and didn’t want to associate with the reputation that came with it, thus, I left. I am not the stupid, hurt and depressed teenager I was anymore, and that’s great!
I am german, though, I speak English so much I might as well be a native speaker
That’s it for now, you can always feel free to ask my questions, my (anonymous) asks, submissions and reblogs are always open, I just won’t answer if you’re rude🤠✌🏻
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evilphrog · 2 years
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I posted 870 times in 2022
44 posts created (5%)
826 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 240 of my posts in 2022
#wheel of time - 50 posts
#discworld - 13 posts
#life advice - 10 posts
#loki - 8 posts
#parenting - 7 posts
#gnu terry pratchett - 6 posts
#goncharov - 5 posts
#unreality - 4 posts
#sam vimes - 4 posts
#mental health - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#as when my kid’s principal explained how they will maintain social distancing during active shooter drills
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The real mystery was how Goncharov thought he could act this way and NOT get betrayed
183 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Vimes: As a Watch captain, I have very high standards.
Sybil: Swamp dragons are deeply misunderstood creatures. They only seem useless if you judge them by their ability to do things they were never designed for. If you understand them properly, they have a lot to contribute!
Vimes: oh no, she’s meeting all of my standards!
Later on
Vetinari: Rats are deeply misunderstood creatures. They only seem useless if you judge them by their ability to do things they were never designed for. If you understand them properly, they have a lot to contribute.
Vimes: Oh gods please, no!
209 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
I was all set to believe Vetinari/Vimes was a crackship. Then I read Feet Of Clay and saw this.
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And… yeah okay I guess the text DOES support it…
283 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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421 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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how we feeling today, local WWDITS fans?
423 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Thief of Words and the Song of Silence
Thief of Words and the Song of Silence
by timeandrelativedimensioninhell
A modern AU in which struggling rock musician Crowley meets Anarchist bookshop owner Aziraphale. The two fall in love quickly, but struggle with their respective families, and the expectations of society at large. As these expectations take their toll on their mental health, the two must stay true to themselves, fight the system, and create their own heaven on earth and give them hell!
Words: 3074, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Human Aziraphale (Good Omens), Human Crowley (Good Omens), Alternate Universe, Musician Crowley (Good Omens), Punk Crowley (Good Omens), Canon Non-Binary Character, Author Aziraphale, Writer Aziraphale (Good Omens), Folk punk Aziraphale, They/Them Pronouns for Crowley (Good Omens), He/Him Pronouns For Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), Top Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bottom Crowley (Good Omens), Anarchy, Meet-Cute, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Smut, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Poet Aziraphale (Good Omens), Dysfunctional Family, Sad Crowley (Good Omens), Angry Aziraphale (Good Omens), Depression, Punk, Happy pride month, Guitarist Crowley (Good Omens), I'm Sorry Neil Gaiman, GNU Terry Pratchett, Shoplifting
From https://ift.tt/XIFnw8r https://archiveofourown.org/works/47819833
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spifflocated · 2 years
Lads, I finished Raising Steam today.
I first read Discworld when I was 11 or 12, borrowed from the school library, fighting over the next books in the series with someone who would go on to be one of my best and longest-standing friends. I got up to Interesting Times (with several gaps) before I either got distracted or the library ran out of books, I don’t remember which now. A year or two later, I discovered and fell in love with the Tiffany Aching books and The Amazing Maurice. They stayed with me as some of my very favourites, but for some reason I didn’t go back to the main Discworld series.
Then covid struck, and I found out my library did ebooks, and I rediscovered the witches books. And then I read (and reread) the city watch books. And then I started a full chronological order reread. I read the whole series up to Thud, at which point the ebooks ran out. Lockdown 2 ended and I went back to work. Then things began to close again. I ordered the final books on eBay, and decided the best thing to do would be reread the Watch and Industrial Revolution series in order again first, just because I could. There were stops and starts, but today I finished my final (main series) book, and I’m a bit emotional about it.
I don’t think it’s too much of an exaggeration to say these books got me through the pandemic, and the problems I’ve had with my mental health since. They’ve reminded me of who I am and who I want to be, and that the world is full of magic, even if you know how it’s done. And the Discworld fandom, especially on here, gave me a feeling of community when I needed it most. Thank you.
GNU Terry Pratchett. A man is not dead until the ripples he leaves in the world die away, and for me they never will.
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obiternihili · 2 years
i am in Immense Pain due to Health is Shit so I'm going to recount my understanding of something pointless and boring to organize my thoughts and Distract Myself from Feeling Pain and then i'm gonna post it because deleting a lot of writing even if pointless feels bad
Original computers of course were basically one program one machine. Reprogrammability came quick, but still, basically ran one program at a time, kinda like a nes.
As they grew bigger they started to make machines that could access libraries of programs at a time, the line between program and function not being that clear yet
These were eventually developed into the first operating systems by the late 50s. The 60s saw the beginnings of things like Xerox's OS as the technology tried to focus on making OSes shareable - able to be operated by multiple users at once at different terminals. Bell created Multics around this time which introduced the idea of privilege tiers for users or something, but the project was a mess because Bell was kind of a mess and some defectors created Unics, that is Unix, with similar concepts and such. The do one thing and do it well attitude was kind of born out of the Multics thing. IBM also got involved with the OS/360 stuff
Running internal networks in offices and such was the driver for early computers. Throughout the 70s saw Bell license out UNIX, Xerox license out it's OS, IBM did its thing, and competitors emerge at that level. The first GUIs started to become things making the systems more user-friendly.
The rise of home computing upset things a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. IBM launched the PC on its 8086 architecture. Microsoft entered the picture with its UNIX system, Apple launched its Xerox-derived things, popularizing the GUI desktop concept. Linus Torvalds got frustrated with Microsoft's UNIX derivative not being able to support his machine to its full potential and created a free UNIX-like OS with some tools in part written by a crazy man and made GNU/Linux. The x windowing system was ported to Linux. Microsoft dropped its UNIX derivative to work on IBM's DOS, Gates' mother was on the board for IBM I think. That led to Windows.
Other home computers of note were things like the C64. Which didn't have a whole lot in terms of the OS but basically would drop you into a live BASIC environment which was enough for what it was.
The 90s was tough and MS gradually outcompeted other OSes in part because they had such a close relationship to IBM and the most popular flavor of DOS, in part because of dick moves. Apple managed to survive somehow, but barely, mostly by providing cheap mainframes for schools and certain businesses. Commodore went on to Amiga with its own GUI and everything, I think, but failed to win a market and the rights to Amiga OS are split between like 4 companies. UNIX systems managed to be popular as server OSes, because of features going back to the early days. MS and IBM got mad about windows and led MS to rewrite its OS and created the NT family and IBM developing OS/2 that kind of went nowhere.
Apple lost a ton of market space and let go of powerpc architecture and its Xerox-descended OS for intel's 8086 derived architecture and ended up forking BSD for darwin and then OSX which is basically what macs run now. MS dominated everything and were terrible and here we are. Linux established itself as a good thing to build cross-industry shit on and later android was derived from it.
As gaming started to adopt OSes instead of just BIOS (like boot processes) launching programs you'd see the dreamcast i think working on 86 stuff just a few steps aside from MS, which made it easy to port to xbox when the dreamcast died and why xbox is the way it is. xbox is of course windows nt derived. sony adopted a bsd derivative and licensed direct x from ms. nintendo did their own stuff for the powerpc based consoles and suffered security holes for it. ds was similarly in house with arm hardware, as was the 3ds. The switch derives from the 3ds software, with some adapted BSD and android code (but not a lot). steam os i think is just arch linux
i need to map out linux also
because of how modular linux is and because no one can tell you don't do that everything is customizable basically. a really good thing about linux is the concept of a package manager which installs or manages software on the computer in a neat, organized way
the first of these was basically slack back in the 90s. other package managers started coming with fancy things like conflict resolution or dependency management. basically what makes a linux distribution is its package manager; everything is relatively superficial, since in principle you can run any desktop manager your computer can build or whatever.
there's still something to other spins. ubuntu basically forked debian's packages and features more cutting edge software, also canonical's decisions. linux mint forked ubuntu by just adding a layer of decision makers between canonical and the user.
main distros i think are arch, debian, ubuntu, mint. memes meme gentoo and it's probably the most widely supported source based os, but, like, it's a bad idea to do this in ways you can only really learn from experience. there's sabayon which simplifies gentoo but defeats the purpose by existing. redhat was one of the biggest popularizers of linux in the enterprise and other space deserves mention, fedora being the free version, suse is also there, these are fine and cool despite the unfortunate name for fedora
there's a bunch of little spin offs of arch and other distros aiming to make them simpler or provide a preconfigured gui. largely pointless but whatever, sometimes you just want a graphical installer, manjaro's there for you
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Software Defined Radio defined https://tech.slashdot.org/story/02/09/27/1420201/eric-blossom-on-gnu-radio
#10yrsago Former top US copyright bureaucrat thinks all communications/entertainment technology should be illegal until Congress approves it https://www.techdirt.com/2012/09/27/former-copyright-boss-new-technology-should-be-presumed-illegal-until-congress-says-otherwise/
#10yrsago Murdoch’s Times goes back to Google: please index us, just a little! https://www.techdirt.com/2012/09/26/rupert-murdoch-admits-defeat-now-wants-london-times-to-appear-search-results/
#5yrsago DHS says it will force everyone who’s ever immigrated to the USA to hand over social media https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/352421-dhs-planning-to-collect-social-media-info-on-all-immigrants/
#5yrsago Indigenous tribes fronting for patent trolls sue Apple https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/09/apple-is-being-sued-for-patent-infringement-by-a-native-american-tribe/
#5yrsago Predictably, Wells Fargo loves Equifax and suggests investing heavily in the company https://www.streetinsider.com/Analyst+Comments/Wells+Fargo+Upgrades+Equifax+(EFX)+to+Outperform%2C+Megabreach+Creates+Opportunity/13319550.html
#5yrsago The brilliant life and brutal death of Bassel Khartabil, killed by Assad for writing free software https://www.wired.com/story/how-one-syrian-fought-to-the-death-for-a-free-internet/
#1yrago Shelter is a toxic asset: NIMBYism is a fatal disease https://memex.craphound.com/2017/09/27/hurricane-maria-started-in-1898-how-america-spent-more-than-a-century-brutalizing-puerto-rico/
#1yrago Democrats, health care monopolies, and market failures: Market health care is a fatal disease https://pluralistic.net/2021/09/27/lethal-dysfunction/#luxury-bones
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sahraeyll · 1 month
Revolutionizing Medical Billing: The Top Open Source Software Solutions for Healthcare Providers
**Title: Revolutionizing Medical Billing: The Top Open Source Software ‍Solutions for Healthcare Providers**
**Introduction:** In the ever-evolving world of ‍healthcare, ⁣medical⁣ billing and coding play a crucial role in ensuring accurate reimbursement ⁣for services provided by healthcare providers. With the rise⁣ of technology, many healthcare ‌organizations are turning to ​open source software solutions​ to ⁣streamline their billing processes. In‌ this article, we will explore the ‌top open source software⁣ solutions available for healthcare providers looking to revolutionize their medical billing operations.
**Top Open Source ⁢Software Solutions for Healthcare Providers:**
**1. ⁣OpenEMR:** – OpenEMR⁤ is a popular ‌open source electronic health records (EHR) and practice management system that includes billing capabilities. – ‌It offers features ​such ​as patient ‍scheduling, electronic billing, and reporting tools to help healthcare providers manage ‍their billing processes ⁣efficiently. – OpenEMR is ⁣highly customizable, allowing‌ users to tailor the software to meet their specific needs.
**2. LibreHealth:** – LibreHealth⁣ is a ‍community-driven fork of the popular open source ​EHR software OpenEMR. – It offers similar features to OpenEMR, including ‌patient‌ scheduling, billing, ⁢and reporting tools. – LibreHealth is committed to providing a fully open source solution for healthcare providers ‌looking ⁣to ‌improve their billing processes.
**3. Caret:** – Caret is an open source healthcare management ‍platform that includes billing capabilities. – It offers a user-friendly interface and features​ such⁣ as patient registration, appointment scheduling, and electronic billing. – Caret is designed to be easy to use, making it a great option for healthcare providers looking to simplify⁢ their billing processes.
**4. GNU ‌Health:** – GNU Health is a free open ‍source health​ and hospital information system that includes​ billing capabilities. – It offers modules for patient management, pharmacy management, and electronic billing. – ⁣GNU Health is designed to be a complete solution for healthcare providers looking to streamline their billing processes.
**Benefits of ⁤Open Source Software for Medical Billing:** – Cost-effective: Open source software is typically free to use, making it a cost-effective option for healthcare ​providers. – Customization: Open source software is ⁢highly customizable, allowing healthcare providers to tailor the software to meet ‌their specific needs. – Community support: ⁣Open source ‍software ⁤is‌ supported by ⁣a community of developers and users who can provide assistance and guidance.
**Practical⁤ Tips for Implementing ​Open Source Software:** – Conduct thorough research to find the best open source software solution for your‌ specific needs. – Consider hiring a consultant or IT⁢ professional to assist with the implementation and customization of the software. – Provide training for your staff⁢ to ensure they are ⁣comfortable using the new software.
**Conclusion:** Open source software solutions have revolutionized medical billing for healthcare providers,⁤ offering cost-effective and customizable options to streamline billing processes. By ‍choosing the right open source software⁢ solution and⁢ following ‌practical tips for ‌implementation, healthcare providers can improve their billing‍ operations and​ focus ⁢on providing quality care to their patients.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.27
Ancestor Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Honor Your Ancestors Day)
Answering Machine Day
Battle of Boquerón Day (Paraguay)
Book Matches Day
Crush A Can Day
French Community Day (Belgium)
Fun and Fancy Free Day
Google Commemoration Day
Lendemain du Magal de Touba (Sénégal)
Morning Show Hosts Day
National AJ Day
National Day of Forgiveness
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Prescription Take-Back Day
National Scarf Day
Polish Underground State’s Day (Poland)
Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day
World Tourism Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Milk Day
National Corned Beef Hash Day
Saloon Day
Tabasco Sauce Day
4th & Last Wednesday in September
Maple Leaf Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
National Rehabilitation Day [4th Wednesday]
National Women's Health and Fitness Day [Last Wednesday]
See You at the Pole [4th Wednesday]
World School Milk Day [Last Wednesday]
Independence Days
Consumación de la Independencia (End of Independence War; Mexico)
Elleore (Declared; 1944) [unrecognized]
Glebiania (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Consummated, 1821)
Turkmenistan (from USSR, 1991)
Zekia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Adheritus (Christian; Saint)
Aequinoctium Autumnale I (Pagan)
Caius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Cosmas and Damian (Christian; Martyrs)
Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina, his wife (Christian; Saints)
Feast of Mashiyyat (Baha’i)
Festival of Namakungwe (The Originator; Zambia)
Festival of Varuni (Goddess of Wine; India)
George Cruikshank (Artology)
Hieronymus Bosch Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Narcissist Day (Pastafarian)
Meskel Day (a.k.a. Finding of the True Cross; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Mookie (Muppetism)
Sesage (Positivist; Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Abominable (Animated Film; 2019)
The Affair, 16th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2011)
Bananaphone, by Raffi (Children’s Album; 1994)
A Bird in a Bonnet (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Bongo (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen (Autobiography; 2016)
The Cleveland Show (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Animated Film; 2013)
Cracker (UK TV Series; 1993)
Dolly! (TV Series; 1976)
Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert (Music TV Series; 1973)
Don’t Stand So Close to Me, by the Police (Song; 1980)
Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
The Fever Code, by James Dashner (Novel; 2016) [Maze Runner #5]
Fun and Fancy Free (Animated Disney Film; 1947)
The Garden of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1931)
Goodbye to Berlin, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1939)
The Journey of Natty Gann (Film; 1985)
The Karate Guard (WB Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 2005)
The Last King of Scotland (Film; 2006)
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Novel; 1935)
Memphis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1912)
Mickey and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Monster, by R.E.M. (Album; 1994)
New Jersey, by Bon Jovi (Album; 1988)
Nightmare, recorded by Artie Shaw (Song; 1938)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Film; 1939)
Ran (Film; 1985)
Ringo's Rotogravure, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1976)
Rush (Film; 2013)
Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1926)
Secret Diary of a Call Girl (TV Series; 2007)
Silent Spring (Nature Book; 1962)
Sweet Home Alabama (Film; 2002)
Thanks for the Memory, by Bob Hope (Song; 1938)
The Tonight Show (TV Talk Show; 1954)
2 Days in the Valley (Film; 1996)
Under the Table and Framing, by The Dave Matthews Band (Album; 1994)
We Didn’t Start the Fore, by Billy Joel (Song; 1989)
Today’s Name Days
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Austria)
Berislav, Gaj, Vincent, Vinko, Vinko (Croatia)
Jonáš (Czech Republic)
Cosmus (Denmark)
Elo, Loone, Õrne (Estonia)
Vesa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Germany)
Akylini, Epicharis, Kallistratos, Zenon, Zinon (Greece)
Adalbert (Hungary)
Cosma, Damiano, Vincenzo (Italy)
Ādolfs, Ilgonis, Ronalds (Latvia)
Adalbertas, Damijonas, Daugilė, Kęsgailė, Kovaldas (Lithuania)
Dagmar, Dagrun (Norway)
Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Damian, Kosma, Przedbor, Urban (Poland)
Antim (Romania)
Cyprián (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Dagmar, Rigmor (Sweden)
Cosima, Cosimo, Cosmo, Damian, Damiana, Damien, Damion, Damon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 270 of 2024; 95 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 13 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 12 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 30 Aki; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 14 September 2023
Moon: 95%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Lesage]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 4 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 4 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Gyfu (Gift) [Half-Month 19 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 10.9)
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