kaythegayest · 9 months
I like this girl.
Dude she's so pretty. I've heard her be referred to as a "big titty goth girl without the titties" but duuude. Ok let me explain a little here.
So me and this girl have been close friends since fourth grade. She was sitting alone, and me being the extravert came over and decided to adopt her. We were best friends for year's after that. But she ended up going to a different school and we didn't talk for two years. Then just recently, we met up again and I've always had a crush on her but like-
Holy shit she got hot.
Like, really hot.
We drove around a small town for an hour, her in the passenger seat, and she was so distracting that I had to practically stare at the road the whole time. She was funny and as we drove around the small town, we talked about how this felt like a coming of age scene in a movie. Two teenagers driving through a town, the setting sunlight casting rays of orange and soft yellows into their hair, refracting gently off the waves of her hair.
I've had a crush on this girl for years. She's pretty, shes funny, she's kind, she's impulsive, she's amazing.
I want to ask her out so bad. Because if all goes to plan, and God writes the gay little narrative of my life according to the standard plot, then we would have a argument in the rain, soaking and cold, and realize how much we like each other and kiss, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Anyway, thanks for listening to my silly little gay tangent
Uh bye
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
Can you give me a list of the smuttiest InuKag fics you can think of? It’s, uh, for my friend. 😏
OOOOOH anon you have no idea how excited I was to see this ask in my inbox!! We are truly blessed in this fandom with soooo many talented smut writers, and I feel like I still haven't even read enough to be qualified to give a complete answer, but I will do my best with what I've read so far!
P.S. There are so many stories I adore that have AMAZING smut, but since you specifically asked for the smuttiest, I'm only going to include stories where sex is the main focus of the story. Also, so as to not make this too long, I tried to limit myself to only 5 stories per category, and only one per author (with one exception).
PWP One Shots/Quick Reads (<10k word stories focused almost entirely on the sex)
Lesson by @akitokihojo - (AU. Light BDSM) Akitoki's summary: "After a long night out, tensions begin to build. Kagome gets herself into a little trouble with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha is more than happy to teach her right from wrong." Listen...this fic changed my life. I actually had little to no interest in smut before joining this fandom, but then I decided to read this and it was SO HOT that it unlocked a slutty side of myself I wasn't even aware I had. I have been having SO much fun reading/writing all kinds of smut ever since, and it is in part thanks to this fic!
The One With the Fantasy Type Thing by @shinidamachu - (Canon) Inuyasha and Kagome share their sexual fantasies with each other (and then act on them, of course😏). Words can't describe how much I love this. Sid's writing is phenomenal and I can 100% see this happening in a post-canon world. 100/10 HOT AF 🔥
Heavy Petting by @intoevernightfanfic - (Canon) Kagome discovers that Inuyasha's ears are an erogenous zone. This story was nominated for FC a few quarters back, and I remember being blown away when I read it because of how well written and in-character everything is, and of course how incredible the smut is!
Make Me by @keichanz - (AU) It's extremely hard to pick just one of Heather's stories, because she has SO MANY amazingly smutty fics (she's called the Smut Queen for a reason!!). This is just the most recent one I'd bookmarked, and it is (as usual) stunningly written and sexy as all fuck. But be sure to check out her other NSFW InuKag stories because there is SO much gold there!
Underneath It All by @superpixie42 - (AU) A wonderfully fun and sexy story that also features some incredible NSFW art by @kalcia!! Pixie has a way with words that is just so freaking enjoyable and makes me smile every time I read one of her fics. You'll also definitely be fanning yourself after this one! Again, be sure to check out her other NSFW InuKag stories as well. You won't regret it 😉
There are sooo many PWP one shots out there, and I feel bad because I know I'm leaving some incredible ones out, but I have to stop somewhere. I do need to give a quick shoutout to @lavendertwilight89 though, who has so many fantastic PWP (some with plot) InuKag stories that it was impossible to choose! Also @mamabearcat who has a plethora of amazingly smutty InuKag stories that I just haven't gotten the chance to read all of yet!
Sexy Short Stories (Fun 10 - 40k word stories that have a decent amount of plot but the general vibe is consistently sexy)
Breathless by @witchygirl99 - (AU) Witchy's summary: "Horny Non-Runner Kagome seeks Scowling Adonis Inuyasha who is Equally As Horny. Things happen." My god Witchy's writing brings me so much joy it's unreal. This story is sexy and funny and amazing from start to finish with some of the hottest smut I've ever read to top it all off! You will 100% need a cold shower to cool off from this one 🔥🔥🔥
I Do(n't) by @ninmenkaspeaches - (AU) AHH I love this story!! Not only does it have an amazing plot (best friends to lovers ONE OF MY FAVS), but there is a sexy undercurrent throughout (including Inuyasha's ✨secret occupation✨) and of course some wonderful smut! This author also has a few other smutty InuKag stories which you'll definitely want to check out 😏
Thirst Impressions by @fandomobsessions016 - (College AU) I finally read this the other day and now I am wholeheartedly OBSESSED with this story. The writing is flawless and there's so much fun flirting and sexual tension buildup between Inuyasha and Kagome that progresses so enjoyably and has a very satisfying conclusion 😏. Plus the entire premise is Kagome finding Inuyasha to be ridiculously attractive, which, I mean...same.
Three's Company by @anisaanisa - (AU. Poly InuKagSan at first) If you like the idea of adding Sango into the mix with InuKag (TANDEM👏🏻BLOWJOB👏🏻) then you'll definitely enjoy this story (with endgame InuKag!). The perfect mix of porn and plot, sweet and sexy, this is such an enjoyable read from start to finish. Also be sure to read the follow-up Two for the Show for more glorious InuKag porn that is just 🔥🔥🔥
The Right Wrong Number by @neutronstarchild - (AU) Kagome accidentally texts a random number (which just so happens to be Inuyasha's) a picture of herself in a bikini that was meant for her ex. Inuyasha responds with a picture of his own, leading to a sexy back-and-forth resulting in phone sex (and actual sex, of course!). Such a fun and smutty story that also features some absolutely drool-worthy STUNNING art by @nartista!! We are blessed by these two, I tell you.
Smutty AF Long Format (If you like a healthy dose of plot with your porn. In all of these, a  good chunk of the chapters have smut)
Pennies and Dimes by @witchygirl99 - (College AU. Complete) Kagome is a phone sex operator to help her pay for college. Upon meeting Inuyasha, they begin a hate-fueled sex-only arrangement that slowly turns into friends-with-benefits and then leads to falling in love. I said I was going to limit myself to one story per author, but I had to make an exception here because a list of the smuttiest fics just wouldn't be complete without this story!! I'd had this on my Marked for Later for a while, and made a point to finally read it specifically for compiling this list and I am SO glad I did. SO. MUCH. MAGNIFICENT. SMUT. With a side of adorable feelings. 100/10 🔥
A Worthy Sacrifice by @lemonlushff - (AU. In progress) Lemon's summary: “They call me the ‘Goddess of Death’...but you may call me ‘Mistress’.” This is definitely another one that earns its spot on this list! I just LOVE this story and am so excited to see where it ends up going. Such a cool, creative plot with so much wonderful wonderful smut it's just...*chef's kiss*
Hit the Like Button by @omgitscharlie - (AU. BDSM. In progress) Kagome is an influencer coming out of a painful breakup and Inuyasha is a mechanic who rubs her the wrong way at first. The plot in this is fantastic, and once the smut begins there is plenty of it and it is all wonderfully filthy in the best way! Please heed the tags, as there are heavy BDSM elements and kinks in this story in case that's not your thing. If you're good with that, you will certainly enjoy! This author also has all kinds of insanely hot InuKag stories/one shots (some within this universe, some other AUs, and some canon-based) that will definitely satisfy your smut craving!
Mating Fever by @clearwillow - (Canon divergent. Complete) Carra's summary: "Inuyasha has a problem - it's mating season for youkai - and he's doing everything in his power to ignore the call. When the new moon comes and goes, Inuyasha is faced with two more problems, and they're both eyeing Kagome." An absolute classic in the Inuyasha fandom that I finally read in preparation for compiling this list! Such a fun scenario to imagine (that Carra absolutely knocks out of the park), and the smut is plentiful and incredible (Kagome getting to enjoy sexy times with three versions of Inuyasha...at one point even all at once?!?! HELL👏🏻YES👏🏻)
The Real Me by @fawn-eyed-girl - (AU. In progress) Sexy tatted rockstar Inuyasha finds his mate in equally sexy journalist Kagome. There is sooo much more to this story than just the smut, but since there is an abundance of it and it is all amazing, I had to include it here!! Sex against a wall in semi-public, sex bent over a table, marathon all-night sex, romantic lovemaking, you name it! This story has it all and it is GLORIOUS. Plus a fantastic plot with plenty of romance as well!
Well there you have it! I encourage anyone who has any other smuttiest InuKag stories to recommend to please add on (going to tag @inukag-archive)! I'm still relatively new to this fandom, so I've only just scratched the surface as far as reading fanfic goes. If I left anyone out, it's most likely just because I haven't gotten around to reading everything I want to read yet, sorry!!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to indulge, anon!! ❤️
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ig-hazlovesdraco · 4 years
drarry enemies to lovers muggle au
so harry and draco are still schoolboy rivals, (soccer vs basketball 'better sport' rivalry maybe?) but harry recently realized he liked draco in his senior year (he loved how riled up and emotional draco would get when he annoyed him and the way he acted with his team made harry so soft), and now it's the summer after senior year.
so harry decides to shoot his shot — what's he got to lose, right? they're off to college in a couple months anyways.
so when harry learns that draco has a summer job at the mall, he gets a job at the store across from him. during all of harry's breaks, he goes into draco's store and flirts with draco, but draco never takes him seriously, and just ignores him or brushes him off as joking and calls him immature for continuing to do it.
every time draco rejects him, harry hides it well but his heart drops further and further until the point where he just can't do it anymore, it's taking a toll on him. so he quits his job and disappears.
draco keeps working normally. he feels like something is off, but he ignores it. but he keeps checking his watch at the 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock breaks harry usually has before they both got off at 12. it takes him a while, until pansy comes in and draco, not looking up, feels a weight being taken off of his chest. he grins, sighs exasperatedly, and says, "What now, Potter?" but it's not him. it's pansy.
it's then that he knows, he misses harry. but not in a friend way — pansy hadn't seen him for a month, she was off in Barbados. he hadn't missed her like this, like there was an ache somewhere in his body that he couldn't reach and fix on his own.
so, when uni starts, he tries to get drunk and hook up to get his mind off of harry, but he can't. harry's all he can think of, and he wonders how he'd missed something like this before. he'd seen him every day, so as hus feelings slowly changed, it didn't feel different to him back then.
he remembers a picnic harry had forced him into the day before he disappeared. it was harry's birthday, July 31st. he hadn't done anything for him, but harry had appeared in his shop after they got off and guilted him into the picnic, since ron and hermione were too "gag worthy now that they were a couple", his other friends were on vacation, and he'd rather not spend his eighteenth birthday with his aunt and uncle.
so draco agreed, and it was magical. draco thought he'd just been drinking beer and not just fruit punch like harry insisted, so he attributed how great it had felt to that, but conversation flowed between them so easily, and they'd stayed out there making fun of each other and other school's teams until the sun had set, turning their hair golden.
so, draco looks up the college harry'd gotten into — and surprise surprise, it's the same one he got into — a D1 college on a full sports scholarship. he asks around, and finds the frat harry was in. he casually attends a party, hoping to see him there, and he does.
their story could have ended there, with a happy reunion, but what's a story without some angst? when draco saw harry, he was draped over another girl's lap, who was laughing and leaning down to kiss him. draco felt sick to his stomach - what did he expect? for harry to mope around waiting for him? draco's first instinct was probably right - harry was just joking around the whole time, he didn't actually like him.
so draco throws himself into his classes and sports, and meets new people and socializes. and it was fine, it was all fine. really.
until harry runs into him at the snack shack before an early morning class and is thrown off balance. he recovers, though, and greets draco with a bright smile and "hey, Draco! i didn't know you went here!"
and all those suppressed feelings draco had resurfaced just like that, and his stomach flipped and it just felt right, to sit there, talking with harry in the queue. he brings up harry's girlfriend, but harry shrugs it off — "someone set us up, but it didn't even last a week. i decided not to date after that."
so draco shoots his shot. what the fuck, why not? "would you maybe wanna go on a date with me? just one, and then you can go back to your ban if you wanna."
Harry's thrown. "Really? This isn't some kind of prank, or..."
"No, I'd really like to date you. I'm sorry it took me so long to get my head out of my ass." All his cards were on the table now.
"Oh my god, yes! Wait, I mean," he clears his throat. "Yeah. Sounds good."
and draco laughs freely for the first time since that summer, and they have an amazing first date and are amazing boyfriends and have a horrible proposal because they both wanted to propose and draco knocked Harry's ring off the Eiffel tower in panic when he realized what was happening and then he showed harry his ring and Harry sighs and says yes and they have an amazing marriage and adopt three amazing kids and have a happily ever after.
this started as a short au idea but somewhere along the way i added detailed scenes and dialogue so it's a prompt + fic mixed in??? idfk man but someone please write this (my only request is have good grammar and don't rush things hehe) and turn it into a 40k+ word count fic and then link me please aND THANK YOU HDJSJS
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jacaranda-bloom · 4 years
Tumblr media
Monthly fic rec showcasing some of the fics I’ve read this month, and let me tell, you there have been a lot -  partly because I’m reprioritising my reading again and partly because we are being inundated with an avalanche of amazing fics at the moment. So yeah, be prepared for a fairly sizeable list under the cut.
In this instalment, there are fics from @sunflowrsix @kiddleau @metal-eye @flamboyantommo @icanhazzalou @sadaveniren @crinkle-eyed-boo @lululawrence @beau-soleil-louis​ @homosociallyyours @kingsofeverything @crazyupsetter @laynefaire and @allwaswell16.
Thank you to all the writers for sharing their wonderful talent with us. Please don’t forget to leave kudos and a comment if you enjoy their work. 💜
💜 an entire desert in our hourglass by tofiveohfive
@sunflowrsix Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 19k
# Pre-apocalypse, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, post break-up, getting back together, anal sex, alcohol.
The world is ending. Harry comes over.
💜 bloodsport by tofiveohfive 
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 40k
# Friday Night Lights AU, angst, post break-up, getting back together, underage drinking, anal sex, American football.
“You know how our next game is against the Cardinals, right? You remember how vicious those guys can get. I wanted us to come up with some plays, maybe work on a block from the left—”
Louis stops when he hears a chuckle.
He doesn’t think he’s said anything particularly funny, so he turns to Harry, waiting for an explanation.
“‘S funny, ‘s all.” Harry throws his finished bottle somewhere near the other discarded ones. “This is the first time you’re talking to me in eight months, and it’s still about football.”
💜 Half A Million Strong by kiddle
@kiddleau Part 1 of the Woodstock Series
Harry/Louis | Mature | 51k
# Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Famous Harry, Non-Famous Louis, Historical, 1960′s, Woodstock, Coming of Age, Recreational Drug use.
Louis Tomlinson is a young writer for a relatively new-on-the-scene rock magazine called Rolling Stone. His assignment is to fly across the country to cover the highly anticipated Woodstock Music and Art Festival. Armed with a notebook, audio recorder, and a camera, Louis just needs one big interview.
Harry Styles. A new name in rock music and a future name in rock history. His first album sold tens of thousands and his interviews attract audiences across the country. He has the poetry of Jim Morrison and the stage presence of Mick Jagger. And after seeing him perform at the festival, Louis is willing to jump through hoops to put Harry on the cover of Rolling Stone.
💜 Gather No Moss by kiddle
@kiddleau Part 2 of the Woodstock Series
Harry/Louis | Mature | 50k 
# Friends to Lovers, Famous Harry, Non-Famous Louis, Historical, 1960′s, Pining Tour bus, Coming of Age, Recreational Drug use.
Music journalist Louis Tomlinson will do just about anything to get a story he’s passionate about. Including spending a week on tour with the hard-to-manage rockstar-in-the-making Harry Styles. In the late 60s, every long-haired kid thinks they can make it in music, and Louis’ job is to figure out what exactly makes Harry so special. That is if he can get him to put down the bottles and guitars to answer a question truthfully.
💜 Caught By The Sun by metal_eye
@metal-eye Tumblr Fic Post Part 1 of the Caught By The Sun series
Harry/Louis | Mature | 19k
# Cabin AU, Summer Romance, Young Love, Skinny Dipping, First Time, Idiots In Love, Symbolic Thunderstorms, Bonfires.
He came every summer. It wasn’t even a question. Harry and his parents—one step, one real—picked up their lives, packed it into a car, and drove long enough to land at the ends of the earth.
The cabin had been in his family for a hundred years. There was no TV, no phone, no computer, no radio. There were decks of cards and plastic deer and marbles. There were skis and leaves and a treehouse.
And then there was Louis.
Or, Harry and Louis meet every summer at the lake.
💜 Somewhere Where You’re There by metal_eye
@metal-eye Part 2 of the Caught By The Sun series
Harry/Louis | Mature | 4k
# Cabin AU, Timestamp, Nostalgia, Blow Jobs, Boat Sex, Lake Sex.
The greatest luxury, in this new part of their lives, should have been time. It stretched at varied intervals with no attention to what the real world might find convenient. Hours yawned like horses’ mouths, stretching backwards in the effort of seconds. Except that Harry couldn’t help feeling like he’d missed out, somehow. That he needed to hurry. They’d been denied their formative horny years. Something had to give.
A Caught by the Sun timestamp in which they are both lazy and horny, and some things get resolved.
💜 Members Only by kikikryslee
@flamboyantommo Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Mature | 14k
# Gyms, Boxing, Awkward Flirting, Mutual Pining. Locker Room, Semi-Public Sex, Smut.
“Well, I’m gonna go work out now, so…” Harry said, his voice trailing off. Louis nodded. “Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Go get, uh, you know, strong and buff.” What? Louis wanted to die. “Um, thanks?” Harry said. “Um…” Without another word, Harry walked away from the desk. Louis pinched his thigh – hard – hoping that was some terrible, awkward nightmare that he might soon wake up from. Or, the one where Louis works at Harry's new gym and neither one of them knows how to hold a coherent conversation with the other.
💜 I’d Still Dance With You by kikikryslee
@flamboyantommo Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Mature | 57k
# Age Difference, Louis is 28, Harry is 21, Mutual Pining, Angst, Student Harry, Ad Exec Louis, Slow Burn, Smut, Bottom Harry, Top Louis.
“Well, I’m gonna go work out now, so…” Harry said, his voice trailing off. Louis nodded. “Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Go get, uh, you know, strong and buff.” What? Louis wanted to die. “Um, thanks?” Harry said. “Um…” Without another word, Harry walked away from the desk. Louis pinched his thigh – hard – hoping that was some terrible, awkward nightmare that he might soon wake up from. Or, the one where Louis works at Harry's new gym and neither one of them knows how to hold a coherent conversation with the other.
💜 Naked and Proud by kiwikero
@icanhazzalou Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 19k
# Farmer Harry, Songwriter Louis, Small Town, Organic Food, Summer Romance, Lust At First Sight, Pining, Smut.
The town itself is tiny, as evidenced by the ten minutes it’s taken Louis to drive the entire thing. There’s not a single recognisable brand in sight—no Tesco or McDonald’s or even a bloody Starbucks. Lining the streets instead are mom and pop stores with names like ‘Jerry’s Burgers’ and ‘The Market Basket’ and…
“'Naked & Proud?'” Louis almost slams on the brakes at the outlandish sign, the name written in a seemingly innocent font, words curved around a large cartoon peach. He can’t help turning into the carpark, easing the car into a spot next to a beat up truck.
He isn’t sure what to make of it. Surely it isn’t a strip joint or sex shop, not with the families and little old ladies going in and out of the establishment. Some kind of nudist hangout, perhaps?
And, oh, God. Did Louis’ mother accidentally send him to live in a nudist colony?
In which Harry runs an organic store, not a nudist colony, and Louis doesn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
💜 Paint The Sky With Stars by kiwikero
@icanhazzalou Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Mature | 63k
# Titanic AU, Strangers to Lovers, Happy Ending.
On 10 April 1912, Harry Styles boards the finest ship the world has ever seen. Still grieving the death of their mother, he and his sister are being sent to America to live with a callous uncle who cares more about his business connections than family. Harry prepares himself for a long, disappointing voyage alone in his stateroom.
Louis Tomlinson has borrowed and saved, and finally has enough to purchase a Third Class ticket to America. With all of his belongings in a single ruck sack, he boards the Titanic filled with hope for a brighter future. Never one to sit still, he can’t resist exploring the massive ship, and soon goes sneaking into First Class in a stolen steward’s uniform.
By a twist of fate, Louis finds himself in Harry’s stateroom, entranced by the most attractive man he’s ever laid eyes on. He keeps returning day after day, even if he doesn’t understand what it is about Harry that continues pulling him in. That’s all right; Louis has a week to figure it out, and Harry is plenty willing to help.
Except they don’t have a week. They have four days. Because on 15 April, their entire world will be turned upside down.
Or, the historically accurate Titanic AU with a happy ending.
💜 Just For Tonight (I can be yours) by SadaVeniren
@sadaveniren Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 43k
# ABO, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Prince Harry Styles, Secret Relationship, Arranged Marriage, Mpreg Harry, Smut.
Harry, prince of Cestrescir, has been betrothed to Ludvic, prince of Yorvik, since birth. He'd accepted a loveless marriage as his duty to his country, until an accident threw him in the path of a gentle alpha.
💜 Live A Thousand Lifetimes by Layne Faire (HisDarlin)
@laynefaire Tumblr Fic Post
Liam/Zayn | Explicit | 58k
# Exes to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Farm Setting, Vineyard, B&B, Horses, Smut, (check full tags).
It’s 2025.
After secretly writing and producing their first album in ten years, One Direction is weeks away from releasing their first new single and announcing a world tour.
With the whirlwind about to begin again, Liam re-evaluates the last ten years - the fame, the money, the people who changed his life forever - and the person who walked away.
💜 Mine Would Be You by crinkle-eyed-boo
@crinkle-eyed-boo Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 115k
#  Exes to Lovers, Artist Harry, Writer Louis, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Jumps, Smut.
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
💜 Own The Scars by crinkle-eyed-boo
@crinkle-eyed-boo Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 115k
#  Friends to Lovers, Drug Addiction, Coma, Rehab, Intervention, Recovery, Therapy, Tomlinshaw (Larry Endgame), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, (check full tags).
“But I don’t belong here,” Louis insists. “Why do you say that?” James asks. “These people are all drug addicts and alcoholics,” Louis shrugs. Something sparks in James’ eyes. “And you’re not?”
Louis has never felt like he was good enough: for his stepdad, for his life-long best friend, for the life he's supposed to want. After an accident that nearly costs him his life, Louis' parents send him to rehab where he’s forced to face his demons. On the long and difficult road to recovery, Louis must confront the truths he’s been avoiding about his future, his relationships, and his sense of self-worth. Because before he can love anyone else, he’s got to learn how to love himself first.
💜 Fiction Romance by orphan account
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 18k
#  Strangers to Lovers, Blind Date, Punk Louis, Student Harry, Smut.
Harry has a type.
He likes older, sophisticated, mature men. Well-educated men. Men with life experience and passion for arts and social causes. Men who are established in their careers, who've sorted their lives out.
Niall knows this.
And so Harry can't understand why he's sat here opposite Louis Tomlinson.
💜 If Only We Wish Hard Enough by lululawrence
@lululawrence Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Not Rated | 5k
# Peter Pan Fusion, Louis is Peter, Harry is Tinkerbelle (except he’s the same size as Louis), Friends to Lovers (no smut), Flirting, Pining, Fluff.
Before Harry let Louis know he was there, he gave himself a moment to just admire him. Truly take him in.
Today, Louis was wearing one of his soft, simple green dresses that in many ways resembled the ones fairies often wore. Harry loved when Louis wore dresses. They showed off Louis’ waist and thighs more than any of his other outfits, and Harry loved that about them.
“You know I can hear your wings fluttering so you aren’t fooling anyone,” Louis said before turning and looking over his shoulder.
Or the five times fic where Louis is Peter Pan, Harry is his best friend Tinkerbelle, and it takes them awhile but they figure things out.
💜 I Can’t Do This Alone (Sometimes I just need a light) by Only_angel_28
@beau-soleil-louis Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Not Rated | 8k
# Strangers to Lovers (no smut), Meet Cute, Doctor Harry, Tattoo Artist Louis, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Loneliness, Touch-Starved Harry, Flirting, Fluff, Hopeful Ending, (check full tags).
“Harry,” he says after another contemplative moment, “can I hug you?”
It’s been...well, Harry doesn’t actually know how long it’s been. Less than an hour, probably, but already Louis says his name like it’s safe in his mouth, and now he’s opening his arms like Harry could be safe there too.
“Please,” Harry nearly sobs, and sinks into him the way butter melts on toast. It’s an apt metaphor, really, because what Louis is giving him is as essential and sustaining as a loaf of bread to a starving man. His basic need for physical affection is as vital as his need for sustenance, for sleep, and he can’t believe he’s allowed himself to ignore it for so long.
Or: Harry is having a rough time. Louis is the kind stranger who makes him smile again.
💜 You Make Lovin’ Fun by homosociallyyours
@homosociallyyours  Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 110k
# Girl Direction, Strangers to Lovers, Polyamory, Cruise Ships, Silver Fox Louis, Daddy Kink, Age Difference, Smut.
Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. She figures it's a nice chance to have some fun in the sun, but she's not expecting much else-- even if her partner and best friend are both encouraging her to hook up with someone while she's there.
When she locks eyes with a gorgeous silver fox from across the room, she starts to think she could've been wrong. There are lots of things standing in the way of anything real happening with her and Louis, but that doesn't stop them from falling for one another. True love isn't always easy, but they do make lovin' fun.
💜 As Deep As The Sky by swallowsmateforlife
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 12k
# ABO, Strangers to Lovers, Alpha Harry, Omega Louis, Smut.
A passed-out omega on the bathroom floor isn't exactly what Harry had in mind when he thought about taking a cute boy home. The idea of leaving Louis there, vulnerable and unresponsive, weighs guiltily at Harry's conscience. Turns out it's the best decision he'll ever make.
💜 Someone To Fly Home To by kingsofeverything
@kingsofeverything Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 35k
# Exes to Lovers, Divorce, Older Harry/Louis (in their 50s), Pilot Louis, Teacher Harry, Smut.
Louis. 55 year old pilot who wants someone to fly home to. Harry swipes right.
💜 Ghost Note Symphony by whoknows
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 96k
# Proximity Curse, Blood and Gore, Supernatural Elements, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, (check full tags).
Louis is on tour when he first hears about it. It’s all over the news – Harry Styles Attacked By Fan runs in headlines for days. It’s not even just the gossip rags, either. Actual journalists are covering the story. It would have been impossible to avoid hearing about it. Technically, Oli is the one who tells Louis about it, but it’s not exactly being covered up. Harry doesn’t answer Louis’ text asking if he’s alright, but that’s not really surprising. They haven’t spoken for months, and it’s been a lot longer than that since they’ve had a real conversation. The sting of the text going unanswered is still there, less painful than it might have been a few years ago.
It’s not that it’s easy to forget about, exactly. Louis has a whole life outside of One Direction now, though. So Louis goes on with his life, figuring that if Harry was seriously hurt he would have heard about it by now. He might currently be in the same country as Harry, but being on opposite sides of it puts enough distance between them that putting it in the back of his mind is easy. There’s nothing Louis could do, even if he thought Harry might want him to.
That’s why everything that happens next comes as a complete shock to him.
💜 Soaked In The Blood Of Angels by whoknows
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 41k
# Creatures AU, Vampires, Incubus, Dubious Consent, Blood and Violence, Smut, (check full tags).
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
💜 Say Something by kingsofeverything
@kingsofeverything Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 105k
# ABO, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Age Difference, 50 Year Old Harry, 28 Year Old Louis, Insecure Harry, Unplanned Pregnancy, Lawyer Harry, Theatre Manager/Actor Louis, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, (check full tags).
At fifty years old and recently divorced, Omega Harry Styles isn't interested in dating. When his doctor suggests a heat and rut matching service, he signs up out of necessity. It’s the only use he has for an Alpha in his life.
Twenty-eight-year-old Alpha Louis Tomlinson aims to change that.
💜 Until by allwaswell16
@allwaswell16 Tumblr Fic Post
Harry/Louis | Explicit | 38k
# Strangers to Enemies to Lovers, Famous Harry, Non-Famous Louis, Actor Harry, Songwriter Louis, Cowboy Harry, Farm Setting, Smut.
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
Some Favorite Fics from 2019
Before I dive into my list, let me send out some love to ALL of the authors who have contributed fic to this fandom this year. There are well over 300 people who wrote Schitt’s Creek fic this year, and you’ve brought joy to so many people and should be super proud of what you’ve written, whether it was only 100 words or 100k. I’ve personally read more than 6.5 million words of fic in this fandom this year, and I want to thank you all for every single one of them. <3
Now, in continuing this year-end love fest we’ve had going on the last few days, I also want to highlight some of my favorite fics from this year. I decided to cut myself off at twenty fics or we’d end up with a list too big to be allowed, lol. I also decided to limit myself to one fic per author in order to spread the love around as much as possible; there would definitely be some repeat authors on this list otherwise. 
And now with all that in mind, I’ll shut up and get on with it. 
Here are twenty of my favorite fics from this year and what I love about them...
this roof is a blanket by withkissesfour • rated M • 3k+ I love Patrick-centric fics. He’s such a beautiful character, but because he isn’t one of the four Roses, we miss out on a lot of his pov in the show, so I’m always here for fics that try to capture that. And this one does it beautifully, focusing on four different but thematically-connected moments in Patrick’s life.
We’re Getting Something for Free by MoreHuman • rated G • 1k+ This is one of those fics where you can see how much Patrick KNOWS David and loves him for exactly who he is. His refusal to let David villainize himself for just being who he is makes my heart so very happy.
Heart of Gold by barelypink • rated M • 40k+ I love love LOVE a good AU, but AUs based on other media can be really tricky to get right. The best ones take elements from both sources and elevate them into something fresh and new, and this fic does exactly that.
now you see me by grapehyasynth • rated T • 4k+ Did I mention that I love AUs? I never get tired of seeing them meet in new ways, and their New York-set blind date in this one just makes me smile a whole hell of a lot.
I’m All Lost (in the supermarket) by sullymygoodname • rated G • 9k+ This fic combines David “Good Person” Rose, headless mannequins, tiny cardboard houses, karaoke, ugly sweaters, and all the friendship and shenanigans you can possibly stand. What’s not to love?
I know, I’m strange, too much light makes me nervous by another_Hero • rated T • 4k+ I’m so in love with the entire premise for this soulmate AU and everything that it says about love and the choices that we make because of it.
Pizza Night by smoulderandbraids • rated M • 4k+ Sometimes you just need to read about them making pizza and making out. Thank goodness this fic exists for those times. It’s a straightforward concept executed perfectly.
cinnamon sugar... by startswithhope • rated T • 1k+ All of startswithhope’s fics have a lovely softness to them that almost seems nostalgic, like you can feel yourself missing them before you’re even done reading them. This one I think captures that feeling best and most explicitly--David’s mood here is exactly that kind of nostalgia. And his thoughts about Stevie near the beginning are something that I’ve found myself thinking about over and over again since I first read this.
On My Way by Distractivate • rated M • 11k+ As much as I love the happy place that is this show, I also really love fic that acknowledges that sometimes relationships are hard, that things aren’t always perfect, that love is a CHOICE which has to be actively made again and again and again. This fic showcases exactly that. Love isn’t always easy, but choosing to love each other anyway is always worth it.
around us by lamphouse • rated G • 1k+ This one is a simple idea, written with a soft touch, and every time I re-read it, I’m crying by the time David says “I want to stand still.”
of all the riches. by falconeggs • rated T • 9k+ Who doesn’t love a good celebrity AU? This one is as cute as you could possibly want it to be, from their first meeting to taking their relationship public. It’s just a little slice of joy.
Overreacting by codswallop • rated M • 17k+ Fics dealing with hospital visits and illnesses and things of that sort can easily tip over into whumpy territory (which is totally fine if that’s what you’re looking for), but this fic goes a different direction and manages to be funny and sweet and charming while balancing the anxiety of waiting for news. David and Patrick’s dynamic here is so good; they’re both sharp and funny and vulnerable and messy in turn, joking like normal when they can, lifting each other up when they can’t.
101 by Hth • rated E • 8k+ Like I said, I love fics that acknowledge that things aren’t always perfect, and there’s nothing more rife for imperfection than a first night spent together. Their night at Stevie’s is the perfect setting for starting to navigate some difficult conversations, especially in the wake of Jake’s unexpected appearance, and this fic does a great job of getting them through the nerves and the talking and the the stops and starts of that night. And their last two lines of dialogue are perfection.
The Sidelines by wildhoneypie • rated T • 5k+ Comedy is so much harder to write than you might expect, and I am constantly awed by how well this fic does it. It feels effortless and in-character and in line with the kind of humor that beats at the heart of the show, all while still capturing that instant, playful attraction between David and Patrick. It’s just such a fun read.
holy sick divine by earlylight • rated T • 36k+ If the tags “Strangers who Met in a Field to Coworkers to Friends to Lovers” and “Paperwork - But Make It Sexy” don’t endear you to this fic before you even start it, I don’t know what to tell you. My favorite part of this story is actually the role reversal of Patrick being Stevie’s best friend, Patrick having dated Jake, etc. That’s just one way that this fic takes everything we know and turns it on its head, and it does it with good humor and such a strange sweetness. It’s utterly unique, and the final scene just burrows down into your heart and sets up house there.
A Fair Return by thingswithwings • rated E • 237k+ This is probably the most insanely well-crafted canon retelling I’ve seen in my life. It adds so much backstory to the show and makes you rethink scenes you know intimately, which is what any good canon retelling should do. The OCs and the ways they’re carved into the structure of the story we know are where this fic particularly shines; it’s so, so well done.
my heart was broke, my head was sore by blueink3• rated M • 31k+ I think the only thing better than fake dating might be the exact reverse: having to pretend you’re not dating when you are. Even though they’re technically together, there’s just so much opportunity for pining and angst (both of which blueink3 always does SO fucking well), and this fic takes that to another level by adding in the fragile newness of their relationship and the anxiety of a family medical scare. David is so, so careful with Patrick here, and I love every single word of it.
let’s go dancing in the light by goingmywaydoll • rated G • 2k+ It was so difficult to narrow this down to one fic by goingmywaydoll because I absolutely love everything she does, but ultimately I went with her first one for this fandom. I’m SUCH a sucker for David and Patrick seeing each other before the wedding, and David having anxiety about not having anxiety is pretty much the most David thing possible. The characterization, the dialogue, the whole entire mood of the fic--it’s all absolutely spot-on. This one is everything I could ever want from wedding fic.
for feelings unbound by wardo_wedidit • rated E • 20k+ Picking one single fic by wardo_wedidit was also a near-impossible task, but ultimately I had to go with this one because it’s honestly perfect. David’s empath abilities add SO much to his characterization and the trajectory of his relationship with Patrick, and it fills this fic with so many gorgeous moments that leave you feeling like maybe there really is magic in the world--and this fic has plenty of it.
Watching Through Windows by helvetica_upstart • rated E • 38k+ Every single moment of this fic is heartbreaking in the best possible way. Reading it is like cracking yourself open and then putting yourself back together a little stronger. Watching David learn about the man he’d grown into and have to decide if he wants to (or even can) become that man all over again is simultaneously gut-wrenching and soul-healing. And Patrick in this fic--god, what can I even say about him? He’s so understanding and GOOD, even when he’s terrified and heartbroken. He is absolutely everything. Everything. This story is 100% perfection from start to finish, and the bench scene in particular is hands down the best scene in any fic I’ve read this year.
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teaandgames · 4 years
The Tea Times - July 2020
Well, that’s July over and done- wait, what? July is over? It’s almost August?! Whoa, whoa, whoa. If we keep going on like this I’ll be writing the Christmas article before I know what’s what. I wonder if it’s the heat, as God certainly turned up the Thermostat. Still, the troubles of the year are still carrying on so I hope everyone’s keeping safe. Things are starting to open up again but remember that no amount of alcohol or haircuts are worth more than your health.
On the game side of things, there have been quite a few announcements and interesting releases this month, spurred on by a few Expos. Let’s delve in, shall we?
At a Glance
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise, Ghost of Tsushima, SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE, Paper Mario: The Origami King and Carrion released.
Far Cry 6, Manor Lords, Shadow Warrior 3, The Outer Worlds - Perils in Gorgon, Fable, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, Avowed and Warhammer 40,000: Darktide announced.
Rocket League is taking off the price tag!
No Man’s Sky gets another update!
The Releases
Anyone who knows me will know that I was super pumped for Deadly Premonition 2. The initial buzz has been good so far, save for the colossal frame rate issues that have kept me from actually booting it up. Either way, patches are coming through to fix that, so I’ll hopefully be able to hit on the wonderfully surreal, tightened up bandwagon soon. For those interested, Deadly Premonition 2 came out on the Switch on July 10th.
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For the more Samurai inclined, Ghost of Tsushima has been making waves. While I’ve heard opinions all over the place about it, it seems on the whole to be positive. The combat seems to get the most praise, while the open world is probably the most divisive. Either way, I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look pretty. Sadly a PlayStation 4 exclusive but if you own one, then you should know that Ghosts of Tsushima came out on July 17th.
If you prefer your combat to vary wildly in speed then you’ll probably be interested in SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE. The combat has been nicely refined too, with upgrades such as throwing weapons. In a rare instance, I’ve actually been on the ball with this one and reviewed it already. My feelings are mixed but it’s worth playing if you’re a fan of the original. MIND CONTROL DELETE, the third in the series incidentally, came out on July 16th.
On the lighter side of things, there’s Paper Mario: The Origami King. This one I’m actually in the middle of playing through and I’m enjoying it so far. The origami aesthetic is lovely and the world looks gorgeous. The combat is… divisive but it feels closer to the original than Sticker Star, so there’s that. I’ll give out my full thoughts when I’ve beaten it but so far, pretty positive! If you’re interested, it was released on July 17th.
If you’re in the market for something a bit more… icky, then you’ll be interested in Carrion. Billed as a ‘reverse’ horror game, Carrion puts you in control of a strange monster, as opposed to the angry scientist we usually play as. Your job is to go around and disembowel all the people that poked and prodded you. And their friends and relatives, probably. Apparently it can also disguise itself as human, in case you needed more nightmares. If a lack of gore is a bore, then Carrion came out on July 23rd.
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The Announcements
Let’s start with one that we pretty much knew was around the corner: Far Cry 6. Quite a few videos have been released about it now in something of snowball effect. The original trailer won me over solely because it featured Giancarlo Esposito. A fantastic actor with a great voice. Far Cry 6 is set in the Cuba inspired island of Yara and, for a while, it looked like we might play as the son of this season’s dictator. Instead it seems we play as a revolutionary. Ah well. Far Cry 6 is slated to be released on February 18th 2021.
For a completely different pace, if you’re a city builder lover then you might want to look into Manor Lords. Of course, the pace does pick up a bit when you get into battles, which are large scale and depend on formations and strategy and all of those other difficult things. Above all, Manor Lords strives for medieval realism, which usually means a lot of hard work and horrible diseases. If that’s your thing, then Manor Lords should be coming to Steam Early Access in the Autumn.
If you don’t like realism and much prefer crude jokes about dicks then Shadow Warrior 3 sounds like your cup of tea. It looks very exciting, full of fluid moments and slicing people up with katanas. The original Shadow Warrior had very sexy and exciting combat and that seems to have been nicely ramped up. The sense of humour may be a little… divisive… but if you can stomach the jokes then Shadow Warrior 3 will be out next year.
Now for one that got my heart pumping. You may remember that I enjoyed my time with The Outer Worlds. A few rough edges of course but I was left hungry for more. Seems we’re getting a second helping with the Peril on Gorgon DLC, which has us exploring an asteroid for interesting secrets. There are new characters and new weapons, like the weird spiky thing. It should be out on September 9th this year. Can’t wait!
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Fable was an unexpected one. Watching the trailer, you might be forgiven for thinking it has nothing to do with the original Lionhead series but it does. It looks to be a reboot essentially, though not too many details have come out. The trailer sets up a magical fantasy land and then ends with something of a dark tone. There’s scanty details otherwise, but it looks like guns have been given the boot and Albion has been obliterated by an asteroid. The original developers aren’t connected to this one, by the way, which is quite sad really. No release date as yet.
Another unexpected, but equally exciting announcement, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, which is of course the fourth entry in the series. A series set in post-meltdown Chernobyl, inspired by the film of the same name which is in turn inspired by the book Roadside Picnic, which is worth a read. The Zone is full of anomalies, mutants and guitar playing nomads. Good stuff and now in higher definition. If you fancy a fourth trip into the Zone then I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until next year.
For the second Obsidian entry on this list, we have Avowed. This seems to be Obsidian’s take on the first person high-fantasy genre, which is currently dominated by the Elder Scrolls. Not too much is given away in the trailer, other than a few story notes and the fact that it’s first person with a sword in one hand and magic in the other. A lot of other things have been ‘leaked’, including the fact that it’s possibly linked to Pillars of Eternity, but for now I’m keeping my eyes open. No release date as yet.
Any fans of Vermintide out there? Want that gameplay but more grimdark and set miles in the future? If so, then Warhammer 40,000: Darktide should be up your street. You and your Imperial Guard chums have been set the mission of rooting out Chaos in the hive city of Tertium. I don’t know too much about 40k but I do know that the Imperial Guard don’t have the best survival rates so it looks like I’ll be unintentionally roleplaying when I play. If you’re interested then it’ll be out next year.
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Free Footie
In an unexpected twist of events, Rocket League has gone free to play. I’m not entirely sure why, as it was always a pretty popular game but perhaps things are waning. I don’t mind that it’ll be free, to be honest, as I love Rocket League and this may attract some more casual players. I suck at football in real life and my car football isn’t much better, let’s be honest. This move to free-to-play is also coinciding with a launch on the Epic Games Store, though it’ll still be on Steam so no worries there.
Players who bought the game before it went free-to-play will get legacy status which comes with quite a few goodies, such as free access to DLCs and a lot of upgraded cosmetic items. Your inventory also won’t be affected by the move, so don’t worry about that. You may have to worry about the influx of players though, if you’re the type of person that doesn’t like new players. Ah well!
No Man’s Sky Gets Desolated
I’m not going to lie, when I saw a few images of No Man’s Sky’s Desolation update I thought I was looking at an image of Dead Space. It looks like a very exciting update because the focus has been made a little smaller. The biggest thing this update brings in is derelict freighters. These interiors are procedurally generated, each with their own little stories. It’s a smaller, tighter experience than traipsing over a planet and it looks, at times, genuinely unnerving.
Not only do you have to deal with the freighter security systems, that probably won’t take too kindly to a stranger wandering around, you also have to deal with the weird infestations that have taken over. Hope you like shooting monstrous creatures with a tool made for cutting things. Maybe my first impressions were right after all, huh?
That’s all for July, see you in August!
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
don’t trope me into this
Tagged by the lovely @punknatch
Rules: Bold whichever trope you like most (or hate the least, if you’re not a huge fan of either) of the following pairs:
Slow burn or love at first sight? Oof, tough one! Probably slow burn because I love long, meaty fics.
Fake dating or secret dating? Umm. TBH I'm kinda neutral positive on both of these. Like, I'll enjoy them and read them, but I'm not hugely invested in either.
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers or enemies to friends to lovers? ALL OF THE ABOVE. My favouritttte trope of all time might just be "enemies to FWB to lovers", or "friends to FWB to lovers". But I guess, in this case… Enemies to lovers.
Oh no, there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence? Lol, this is another one I'm neutral positive on. I'd say I have a slight preference for "only one bed" though.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia? Hurt/comfort!!!!! Gimme that sweet, sweet comfort.
Fantasy AU or Modern AU? Shocker, right here, but it depends. Like, god, I reallllly wanna get around to writing my Tangled AU and Frozen AU, but like, Modern AU is soooo good too.  
Mutual pining or domestic bliss? Oooh. Domestic bliss? I love established relationships because, in case it's not obvious yet, but I love writing porn that has a loving relationship already in place.
Smut or fluff? This may actually shock, but fluff. I love smut—but only insofar as there's fluff and loads of love behind it!
Canon-compliant or fix-it? Can I say canon-divergent? I guess compliant, or like, hidden scenes etc etc. Those are fun!
Reincarnation or character death? Neither?? I don't like my babies dying!
One-shot or multi-chapter? Oh hey, look at me be indecisive. I am gonna say "one-shot" but like, long one-shots. A perfect fic length for me is between 30 and 40k; enough to get through in a half day, have some good plot, but not enough that my brain needs a rest. I do love multi-chapters though. Like, a lot.
Kid fic or road trip? Kid fic!!! I don't overly like kids, and I don't intend to have them, but… I do thoroughly enjoying all the ways characters end up with babies, and seeing them go all soft, and struggling to raise it, and all the craziness that comes with it!
Sci-fi AU or Magic AU? Magic AU for sure. I'd read a Sci-fi AU if I trusted the author though.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage? Accidental marriage, I guess?
Time travel or isolated together? Ooooh. Um. Isolated together?
High school romance or middle-aged romance? Where do we define "middle-age"? Because that impacts my answer. But I have a slight leaning towards High School Romances. Yes, I know they're less likely to work in the long run, but we can forget about it for the sake of the fic.
Neighbours or roommates? I'd read either *nomcookie*
Body swap or genderbend? A good genderbend? *chefskiss*
Angst or crack? Lol, sorry natch, I choose crack. But like, crack taken seriously.
Apocalyptic or mundane? Hmmmm. Mundane. I love me some apocalyptic AU's but I'm kinda in a phase where angst just… I just can't stomach it because am baby, and I imagine most apocalypse stories are not happy and rainbow and sunshine.
I tag!! @emptydistractions12 & @unrememberedskies & @electra-xt & anyone else who wants to do it! [also, no pressure to do it, pals. I know I’ve tagged you three in a lot of stuff lately *grimacing emoji*
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atruththatyoudeny · 7 years
Monthly Reads | July 2017
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❤ THANK YOU TO ALL WRITERS FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND FOR SHARING YOUR STORIES! ❤ Top 5 + 9 more amazing stories under the cut:
The wonderlands
by stylinsoncity | 150k "Somewhere between chaos and control — these are the wonderlands." Harry's daughter, Andy, is signed to Louis' girl band. Her path to success is marked by competition, chaos, and for Harry, a love affair.
A Love Like War
by sincewewereeighteen | famous/non-famous | internalized homophobia | drug and alcohol abuse | suicide attempt | Coming Out | 173k “I want your help.” “Are you sure validation isn’t the right word?” Harry frowns. “Because, Louis, my professional opinion won’t change just because you’re being nice.” “I don’t want your professional opinion on my work to change. I wanna do better work, so you and everybody else can have a new opinion”, he states simply. Or: the one in which Louis Tomlinson is a cliched rock star, he's got everything except for love. But then he meets Harry Styles; the man that, against all odds, saves him in every way a person can be saved, even when Louis didn't know he needed saving in the first place.
The Sweetest Incantation
by smittenwithlouis | fantasy | hybrid Louis | love/hate | 40k Harry has been alive for decades, and yet he's never been as confused and dumbfounded. He's a witch, for God's sake. Can't get much weirder than all the magical things he's experienced throughout his lifetime. Never in a million years, however, would he have expected to be mere inches away from a hybrid. Or: Harry is a witch who's still working on developing his powers and Louis is a werecat who falls into his life and turns it upside down.
I'm On The Hunt Now (I'm After You)
by AFangirlFantasy | a/b/o | Alpha Harry | Omega Louis | 56k Omegas haven’t been able to shift into their wolves for two hundred years. That is, until Louis Tomlinson changes everything. Or...an AU where Alpha Harry and Omega Louis have a lot more than falling in love to deal with after The Mating Ceremony.
That's How I Know
by Anonymous for HL Summer Exchange 2017| enemies to lovers | hate to love | 17k Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees. Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
Paint Me In A Million Dreams
by green_feelings | fake/pretend relationship | hate to love | 110k Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity? In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food.
Underneath The Moon
by orphan_account | mpreg | famous/non-famous | friends to lovers | 47k In five years’ time, Louis would be the one saying to his students about how he knew the great Harry Styles, in a time before he had ever put out an album or performed on a real stage. Harry fucking Styles had been his best friend and he still loved him, he always would. But they couldn’t stay that way. (Or, Louis and Harry are best friends until Louis goes to London while Harry tours Europe. It was going as planned until they unintentionally messed everything up, but it might be for the best.)
You can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
by hilourry | mpreg | 23k Louis Tomlinson is an English fashion designer. Harry Styles is an American football player. Their paths cross through twitter.
We Can Work It Out
by Anonymous for HL Summer Exchange 2017| friends to lovers | personal trainer | body image | 24k Louis Tomlinson had big plans for his last year of uni. He was going to hit the gym, he was going to get hot, and he was finally going to catch the eye of the girl of his dreams. Enter Harry Styles, friend-of-a-friend and part-time personal trainer. Falling for him was never part of Louis’ plan.
Has the Ocean Lost Its Way
by Anonymous for HL Summer Exchange 2017| Surfers AU | 28k Louis and Liam are professional surfers who have been traveling the world together for years. Now they travel with Liam's pro-surfer girlfriend Amelia and their baby Vivian. Louis wonders if his nomadic lifestyle will keep him single indefinitely or if there's someone out there who'll fit in with his little makeshift family.
Barefoot In Blue Jeans
by indiaalphawhiskey for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names Prompt Challenge| kid fic | football player Louis | Au pair Harry | 24k AU. Louis Tomlinson is trying desperately hard not to fall for his son’s au pair, but he can’t, for the life of him, remember why. 475. The hope that this fear is unfounded.
Like Candy In My Veins
by littlelouishiccups | enemies to lovers | fake/ pretend relationship | a/b/o | 31k “Harry Potter was on TV, alright? It wasn’t that much of a stretch.” Louis pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe he was explaining himself to Harry fucking Styles. He couldn’t believe he was stooping this low. “Forget it. I’m sorry I even thought about bringing you into this.” Harry snorted. “What? Did you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend or something?” (Basically the A/B/O, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, Christmas AU that nobody asked for.)
How Could I Ever Forget
by allwaswell16 for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names Prompt Challenge & Larried In Vegas | exes to lovers | hate to love | 14k After his boyfriend leaves him for a job in New York, Harry vows to move on with his life. A year later when their best friends announce their engagement, Harry knows he'll be forced to see Louis again and face the truth he's been trying his best to hide--even from himself. Or a Vegas AU where Ziam's bachelor party turns into drunken karaoke, winning thousands at slots, washing your clothes at the laundromat in your underwear, and making life altering decisions that you can't remember in the morning.
Packed Lunches, Sticky Fingers and Accidental Levitation
by LadyLondonderry for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names Prompt Challenge | magical realism | kid fic | 10k Harry Styles is a skilled work-from-home potionist five years out of university with a steady job, a house, and... eight kids. He also might be heading towards a breakdown if he doesn't get a bit of help. Enter a meddling pixie and an old university friend he might or might not have had a lot of feelings for.
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atruththatyoudeny · 7 years
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Special mention⭐ & Top 5 + 16 more stories under the cut:
⭐ 2017 HL Prompt Challenge ⭐
“A small group of us came together to do a prompt challenge with fast deadlines to have some fun and see what we can do, and this is the result. Hope you enjoy!” Authors: taggiecb, afirethatcannotdie, QuickedWeen, waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, Awriterwrites, allwaswell16, LadyLondonderry, lululawrence Prompts so far: Foundation, Bloodsucker, Hinge, Scream (revealed today)
Where Your Heart Is
by anhcor & tvshows_addict | College AU | hate to love | slow burn | 154k Louis is ready for his brand new adventure. So what if he suffers from a genetic condition that prevents him from being touched? College is going to be awesome. It has to. Karma kind of owes him right now. Forget about his overprotective mother, or Liam-- his entirely too chipper step brother-- or his mess of a roommate. Forget about the gloves he has to wear at all times. He’s here to expand his knowledge, write and drown himself in books -- No matter how distracting ‘Hallway Boy’ may be-- The obnoxious, flirty frat wannabe determined to become the bane of Louis’ existence. Or, a college AU set in San Francisco where two lost boys who seemingly have nothing in common find inspiration, each other, and themselves in the process.
Black With Autumn Rain
by whimsicule | thriller | crime | magical realism | 93k “Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?” Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.” Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?” “Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.” or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Hold My Heart
by Awriterwrites & phdmama  for H/L Exchange 2016 | famous/non famous | Mile High Club | Actor!Louis | Doctor!Harry | 14k “Excuse me, mate, I’m the window seat here.” The voice was soft, apologetic, and accented in something a bit unfamiliar — northern England, maybe, Harry thought. “Oh,” Harry jumped to his feet and moved aside, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there.” The other man laughed as he swung a bag into the overhead compartment and slid into the seat. “You were well caught up in that book, mate. What are you reading?” Harry paused, wondering how to explain the fact that he was reading an epic and x-rated romance that was the story of a relationship between a prince and the man he’d enslaved. “Oh, you know, just some fiction my sister recommended.” He turned to look at the man and froze. Sitting next to him was Louis Tomlinson. *** Or, the one where famous Louis Tomlinson offers his hand and a lot more to his seat mate on a transatlantic flight.
What do you mean he's coming?
by MediaWhore for HL Famous/Not Famous Fic Exchange | Childhood friends | famous/non famous | actor!louis | photographer!louis | 15k When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson. Harry is screwed.
Singing to tiny dancer
by BriaMaria | Famous/Non famous | Actor!Louis | 22k “Yes!” Harry punched a fist into the air. He laughed at the confusion that wrinkled the little space between Louis’ brows. “What?” “You’re flirting with me,” Harry smiled, letting his dimples pop. Louis’ face went blank for two seconds and then he rolled his eyes, one side of his mouth lifting. “Am not.” “You soooo are,” Harry sang out, poking him in the shoulder. “You like me.” “I was simply showing you how to actually bring… what did you call it? Your A-game.” Harry adopted a patronizing expression, sure it would piss him off. “And you did great. Really.“ “Oi, fuck off,” Louis said, but he was actually laughing now. Outright. It was gorgeous and Harry wanted to live in this moment forever. It was the very best one he’d experienced. He wanted to always remember the image of Louis’ crinkled eyes, the sound of his breathy giggles, the smell of citrus that radiated off him as he swayed in his amusement. And Louis didn’t even know his name. Or ... When everything gets to be a bit too much for A-list actor Louis Tomlinson, he runs back to the town he had never really called home and the boy who was the only one he did.
Beautiful Star 
by tommoandbambi for We Wish You a Larry Christmas Fic Exchange | famous/non famous | kid fic | christmas fluff | 17k “You know, when I pegged you for a druglord, I wasn't exactly challenging you to make me believe that you actually are one. What is this place?” Louis says after he swallows over the mild panic that's building up in his throat over the fact that he's literally sitting in front of the cause of his teenage sexuality crisis. or, the famous/nonfamous kid!fic AU wherein harry and louis have to host a school Christmas party and harry isn't actually a druglord.
Play The Odds 
by alivingfire | College AU | friends to lovers | 26k Harry and Louis are best friends since childhood who, after a night of drinking, find themselves locked in a bet: first one to kiss the other a thousand times wins. Wins what? They don't know. Glory, Harry supposes. Bragging rights, though those don't do much in this economy. All Harry knows is that this is one bet he can finally win. What he doesn't expect, though, is what happens when he starts kissing his best friend on a daily basis. Namely, he doesn't expect falling head over heels in love with his best friend. Now all he has to do is make sure the bet never ends, so he never has to stop kissing Louis.
Runner On Third 
by kikikryslee for H/L Exchange 2016 | slow burn | friends to lovers | 40k As Harry stood there, the other man turned around, and he knew he was correct in who he thought it was. “Louis?” he asked, still not quite believing it. Louis blinked. “Harry? Wh– what are you doing here?” “I work here,” Harry said. “What are you doing here?” “Um, I’m picking up my brother. The nurse called and said he was sick.” Harry felt like he was going to be sick. “Wait, Ernest is your brother? Since when do you have a brother?” “Since about seven years ago, I guess. Wait, how do you know Ernest?” “I’m his teacher.” “You’re his what?” Louis exclaimed. Harry gulped. This was going to be a long year. --- Or, the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
Taken Over By The Feeling
by whyidontknow1 | angst | fluff| baker!harry | 53k After almost a year of increasingly troubling behavior, Louis agrees to let his sister live with him. It's a last resort before more drastic measures are taken by their mom. Harry Styles runs Given A Chance, a program for troubled and disadvantaged teens out of the bakery he owns. He offers the kids in his program what he believes they need to start on a different and better path for their lives. Louis learns all too quickly that Harry's goodwill does not extend to him. Only because he happens to remind Harry of an ex he'd rather forget. It's not the smoothest of beginnings, but in the end Louis' own issues might be the real problem.
Haven't You Heard 
by allwaswell16 for HL Christmas and New Year Fanfiction | Christmas fluff | 8k Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn. Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
If My Yesterday is a Disgrace, Tell Me That You'll Still Recall My Name 
by Trytoescapeit for HL Christmas and New Year Fanfiction | 16k The boy, right now in front of Harry, most definitely has familiar blue eyes and the same thin lips. Those lips. Small, bitten things that are so close to splitting. All he can think of is a chorus of his name. Louis, Louis, Louis, and the name means nothing to him until the boy looks up. OR Harry and Louis are childhood friends for only a year when Louis moves out of town. Fast forward to the future and Harry is a used-to-be rich kid who cut off his family's inheritance to build a life of his own and Louis owns the small cafe that's hiring. Harry spends three days trying to get Louis to remember him (because he never forgot)
Let Me Be Good For You
by onlyhuman | canon compliant | PWP | 12k His distress over the bun is nothing compared to the thrill Louis feels shoot up his spine at the outfit Harry’s donned. He’s changed into leather jeans that cling to his legs, hugging his thighs snugly. On top of it, a floaty, black sheer shirt is contouring his frame, doing absolutely nothing to hide his puffy nipples or the endless array of tattoos scattered across his torso. It’s Louis’ favourite outfit in the entire world. Or, Niall's only birthday wish is to go clubbing with his boys in Vegas. Harry ruins it all by wearing that god forsaken black sheer shirt.
Oh How I Hate This Red String Of Fate
by CalamityK for H/L Exchange 2016 | soulmates | angst | 13k Harry thought being able to see people’s strings die would be the worst thing about his gift, until at twenty-two he finally met the other end of his own. --------- Or that soulmate AU where Harry can see the red strings of fate that tie everyone together.
Like a boomerang
by youwilll | Groundhog Day AU | College AU | 48k AU in which Harry gets trapped in a lift, Louis gets stuck in a Wednesday, and it's always February 2nd. Until it isn't.
Life as we know it
by Rearviewdreamer | friends to lovers | kid!fic | 34k When a couple dies unexpectedly Harry and Louis are brought together to care for their daughter.
Counting the stars behind the clouds
by simplestardust | blind character | friends to lovers | 28k The problem wasn’t that Harry was blind. The problem was Harry himself. or, in which Louis plays keyboard as part of touring singer Harry's back-up band, and spends his time stuck between being oblivious and in denial, while Harry just wants to know how many stars there are in the night sky.
Head head heart
by Anonymous for Sub Harry Fic Fest | canon compliant | BDSM | Dom/Sub | 11k After Dunkirk has wrapped filming, Harry struggles with his inability to reach subspace. He tries taking the matter in his own hands before Louis intervenes with a plan of his own.
Reduce Me To A Pleading Cry (Break The Skin and Tantalize)
by Anonymous for Sub Harry Fic Fest | BDSM | Dom/Sub | CEO!Harry | 37k As the CEO of Styles & Styles, Harry Styles cuts a brooding and handsome figure at the helm of a very successful business. His reputation for intensity is well known, but you would be intense, too, if you had to work numbers all day, give countless orders, and conduct endless meetings. When all you really want to do at night--ache to do--is give away the reins, let someone else make the decisions, be ordered around for once, just--let go. Harry has reached his breaking point when one touch from a man whose very stance commands attention leads him back to a place he thought he’d never return. Or Harry is a broody submissive boss, Louis is a natural dom who works in the mail room at Styles & Styles, Niall is a matchmaking oracle, and a slender, dark haired man stands mute at the coffee stand encouraging others to spill their secrets.
(I didn't mean to) fall in love tonight 
by zouisclimax | High School AU, mpreg | 35k Harry texts him back a thumbs up emoji before leaning forward and throwing up again. He groans, but stands after he’s done, wiping his mouth with toilet paper, and flushing the toilet. He washes his mouth out as best as he can before steeling himself and heading back to class, trying his best not to cry. He tells himself that there is no point in worrying when he doesn’t even know if there is anything to worry about yet. He still feels sick. [or, the American boarding school AU where Harry's infatuated with Louis and one night flips his whole world upside-down]
With your love we could breathe underwater
by luminescents for HL summer fic exchange | fantasy | Mermaid!Harry | 28k Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis. Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one. AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
Sex Shop Fic Verse: It's My Pleasure To Introduce You  & Switch Out The Batteries
by LoadedGunn | Sex Shop AU | 8k Louis cannot help himself. He stretches a bit so he can whisper in Harry's ear, "That's what I'd do to you, when you're close to coming. Just think. You'll be so overwhelmed but you won't want it to end, not really, so I'll switch it to the seventh setting, give you just a few seconds to catch your breath but then it'll rock inside you, right against your spot, so hard you won't be able to breathe, but before you can finally come it'll stop again. How long do you think you could keep it there, just staying right on the edge?" "I couldn't," Harry whispers, definitely shivering now. "I just couldn't tease myself like that, I'd have to touch my cock. If I wanted to... I'd need someone to do it for me." Louis slips his hands from Harry's fingers to his wrist, where he clutches hard. "You would." Or, the AU where Louis is the most helpful sex shop salesperson in the history of sex shops, and Harry really was just looking for a vibrator with simple instructions (yet ended up getting a hands-on demonstration).
by istajmaal, LoadedGunn | BDSM | Dom/Sub | Daddy kink | Gangbang 88k Harry raises an eyebrow. "Sex dice?" "Yup," Louis nods. "You know the ones we sell, one die for a body part and the other for an action to perform on that… part." "Isn't that what old married couples buy from you to spice things up?" Louis frowns and opens his mouth to tell Harry off, but then he catches his absolutely dreamy expression and can only laugh. "Yes dear, we're just like any middle-aged married couple. Except for the fact that we're in our twenties and have a box full of bondage gear under our bed." Two years after meeting in a sex shop, Harry's just returning to Louis from a month-long tour in the States, and they come up with a wholesome bonding exercise.
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