sparklewrites1 · 1 year
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Galas Are Gay
Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
About: Kate Bishop spills wine on you at a gala, and you meet again a month later
A/n: THERE WILL BE A PART 2 AND POSSIBLY PART 3! just give me time to make it lol
A/n 2: the French man is insignificant.
Warnings: idk how to write subtle flirting, idk how tk write people crushing on each other. Idk how to write romance.
Word count: 1.7k
Proofread? Not really
January 19th
A few heads turn at the sound of glass shattering and a gasp.
“Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry!” The woman panicked as she swiftly picked her glass off of the ground. 
“It’s quite alright.” You chuckled as you wiped your chest and sleeves down with your gloved hands.
“No really, I- I’m so sorry. I- There’s a private washroom somewhere around here, I can take you there to uh- clean up.”
While waiting for your response, The woman looked as if she was analyzing you, you were wearing a satin maroon red mermaid dress with sheer flutter sleeves. Your lips were decorated with a dark red lip gloss, your eyes had liner on them, the liner was decorated with small gems. The woman opened her mouth to say something but she quickly closed it as a rose tint grew on her cheeks. Was she going to compliment you? You’d subconsciously hoped she would say something about your outfit or your makeup, as you were extremely proud of what you had put together. Even though it wasn’t much, considering you had very little time to get dressed. But your attention was rather focused on the wine stain more than it was on the compliments you hoped to receive.
“Well then, lead the way.” You said, holding your hand out to the black haired woman.
She hesitantly grabbed hold of your hand and strode toward the exit of the ballroom. She opened the door and you both continued walking through what seemed to be endless hallways, until you reached a white door framed in gold.
“This is it.” She stated, referring to the door. “There are some towels and other stuff in there that you can use to clean yourself.”
“Thank you.” You grabbed the doorknob and turned it before entering the washroom. 
The floors were marble and so was the counter, a few feet away from the counter was a toilet. On the counter there were various soaps and luxurious goods. You felt as if this was somewhere you weren’t supposed to be, even the air smelt expensive. You sauntered around the room, looking for where the towels were kept. You were searching for a minute or so until you finally found some large towels in the cabinet below the counter.
You brought the towel to the neckline of your dress and gently wiped as much of the wine as you could off of you. You tried not to scrub too hard because the material you were wearing was fragile- and expensive.
After you were finished you threw the towel into a nearby bin that had other used towels inside of it. You turnt away from the counter and headed towards the door. When you opened it, you were surprised to find the black haired woman standing outside of it, presumably making sure no one else tried to enter while you were occupying it.
“You done?” She turned towards you.
“Yes. Thank you for the help and,” You smiled and reached inside of your cleavage and pulled out a $100 bill. “Thank you, for giving me an excuse to leave that horrid place.” She stared at you dumbfounded. 
“I- Uh- I can’t accept this.” she stuttered while a pink tint grew on her cheeks.
“It’s alright. Take it.” You grinned at her stretching your arm toward her.
“I can’t I-”   She was cut off by an older woman who was walking in your direction.
“Kate! Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Mom!” The woman, you now know is Kate exclaimed, slightly startled. “I was just helping her,” She gestured toward you, “find the bathroom, because I… Spilled wine on her.” Kate finished, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Oh!” The older woman turned to you. “I apologize for my daughter's clumsiness. If you want, I can pay for the damages on your dress.”
“No, no. It's fine, I can pay for it myself.” You told the woman. You turned toward Kate. “Thank you, again, but I really must be going.” You informed her. You took your hand in yours and placed your other hand on top. Kate was confused as to what you were doing until she felt a paper like material in her hands.
“Buy yourself something nice.”
February 14th
Kate took a deep inhale as she sat down on the edge of a grand fountain. She needed a moment away from all the people, the questions, the music, and the dancing, she needed a break from it all. She took a few more deep breaths, even though it felt like there was never enough air entering her lungs. She raised both of her arms to place her hands on the back of her neck. She let out an exasperated sigh as she stood up from her previous seat on the fountain. She took out her phone to check the time.
9: 42 PM
18 more minutes. 18 more minutes and Kate could finally be done with this place. Her mother had practically forced her to come to some extravagant Valentine's Day fashion show. The actual fashion show was nice but the rest of the event was the most grueling experience ever. Half of the conversations Kate overheard were people who were just yapping about their business deals and their riches. The other half was just endless gossip about some popular rich people caught up in gang and mafia business.
After a few hours of standing around and chatting, Kate finally had enough and went outside for a breather. And that's how she ended up by the fountain.
Kate stuck her hands in the pockets of her dress pants, and headed towards the entrance of the palace that was rented for the event. She sauntered through the halls of the palace until she reached the door to the dining area, the location the guests currently occupy. Kate lingered outside of the door for a few seconds until an oily voice spoke behind her.
“Would you like some champagne, Madame?” Kate turned around to find a man who seemed to be in his early thirties, with a heavy French accent standing behind her holding a tray that had one singular glass of champagne sitting atop it.
“Sure, why not.” She smiled as she grabbed the stem of the glass. “Are you from around here?” She asks. The man gave her a curious look, “Oh- Uh, You know because of the uh, the French accent.” She clarified.
“I am a man of many places.” He responded before lowering the empty wine tray and tucking it under his arm. “This place, included.” He said before turning away and ambling down the hallway before reaching a door and going through it.
Kate stood in her spot, with a bewildered look on her face. Kate stayed in that position for about a minute until she finally snapped out of her daze, and back towards the entrance of the dining room.
When she entered the dining room she was met with the sounds of lively conversation, glasses lightly colliding with each other, and forks scraping plates.
Kate moved herself to a far corner of the room and leaned against the wall. She raised her head to look at the white walls that were gilded with gold, and the colossal chandelier that hung over the enormous dining table. Kate continued to study the gilding on the walls until she heard a somewhat familiar voice.
“I recognize you.” Kate lowered her gaze from the ceiling, only to find you, the woman who she had embarrassed at the gala she was forced to attend about a month ago. “You spilled wine on me.” You beamed.
“Oh, It’s… You!” She exclaimed, realizing she had never gotten your name from the exchange last month.
“I’m [Name].” You put your arm out, signaling for a handshake. She takes your hand in hers and gently shakes it, you give her hand a light squeeze before letting go. “I didn’t expect to see you here, Kate.” The way you said her name made her heart flutter.
“I actually came here with my mom, the woman you met last time we saw each other.” Kate informed you.
“If I didn’t know that I would’ve thought you were a runway model.” You smiled at her. Goodness Gracious, your smile was gorgeous, Kate once again, took in your appearance, this time you were wearing a strapless pink mermaid dress and a white corset with gold accents. Your lips had a clear gloss painted upon them, and your eyes had tiny pink hearts painted on the inner and outer corners.
“Same goes for you.” She said. She was almost surprised she didn’t stumble over her words like she usually would in the presence of a beautiful woman.
“I actually am.”
“I’m a runway model, among many other things.”
“Oh.” Kate muttered. She now remembers getting a small glimpse of you during the fashion show, but she could barely even see your face through the large crowd. “Yeah I saw you during the show, but I could barely get a good look at your face.”
“Is that so?” You queried. For a split second Kate could’ve sworn she saw your eyes glance toward her lips.
“Y-yes.” She managed to get at least one word out of her mouth during her gay panic.
“Well, Kate, I would like to talk to you for a little while longer, but I have places to be.” You announced, “But before I go, I would like you to have this.” You reached into your white clutch and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. You took the pen and wrote down something on the paper, after finishing your writing, you handed the paper over to Kate.
“Is this-”
“My number.” You grinned. “My personal number.”
Kate sat upon the sheets of her bed, she was now in the comfort of her home, in her pajamas, staring down at the piece of paper you had given her. She held the paper in her left hand while her phone was in her right. She opened her contacts app and typed in your number. She didn’t want to bother you by calling you, so she settled on texting you. She didn’t exactly know what to type so she decided on something simple.
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
i'm half drunk lol, but could you write drunk reader flerting with azriel? Him getting embarrassed and nervous and please if you can do the present inner circle listening to everything and seeing him shy, I would love to. Bonus of having gwyriel friendship. It can be in headcanon, I love this format is just that, good night, I think I need to sleep you are amazing 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
this is so cute, I love the idea of az being shy, but he would also be loving it at the same time. I didn't manage to get gwyn into this one though, but I promise there is gwynriel friendship content to come!!
"Gosh, you are just.." Your fingers reached out, pinching one of Azriel's cheeks lightly while you took a sip of your drink, staring at him. One of his brows raised, silently, waiting for you to continue. "pretty. You are so gods damned pretty."
Those were absolutely not the words Azriel was expecting to hear you say, and his cheeks darkened somewhat, going a rosy shade of red, heat flushing his face. You only giggled at him, patting the warmed cheek lightly as Rhysand snickered into his drink, clearly amused by the turn in the conversation.
"Wait, what was the question again?" It seemed Rhys' amusement had reminded you of his presence, your focus turning to him, tipsy gaze slightly unfocused as you gave the high lord your full attention.
"I asked you what your favourite thing about your trip to Summer Court had been." He wore that signature smirk, not that it seemed to bother you much, as you once again set off on a spiel about your favourite parts of the trip. Az was more than happy to just listen to you talk about it, about anything, you'd always had such a way with words, it made everything seem so much more beautiful than it was, made everything seem brand new, vibrant, exciting, no matter what.
You were mid-chatter when Cassian, with his usual Cassian-style drunk antics, stumbled right over into a chair, sending it clattering to the ground loudly. You jumped, rather violently, swaying a little and stepping back in shock as your natural reflex to defend yourself kicked in. Azriel was proud of your training, to say the least, but your balance wasn't what it usually was in your intoxicated state. You staggered back into him, back to his chest, and he steadied you gently with an arm around your waist.
After a second of assessing the scene, your gaze, which had sharpened, went soft once again, and you swirled your near-empty glass, humming contentedly. Reaching down to run your fingers lightly along his forearm, Azriel had to suppress a shudder at the featherlight teasing and the sparks you left along his skin.
"My hero, Azriel. Always there to catch me." You twisted, batting your lashes up at him a little, and he rolled his eyes fondly, arm loosening around you, but you didn't step away. Instead, you threaded your arms around his waist, staring up at him adoringly, and he felt something shift a little in his chest. He dared a glance at his brother, who was politely looking away, toward his mate across the room, giving the two of you some privacy.
"Well, can't risk having you fall for anyone else now, can I, my love?" He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, and your face lit up a little as he flirted back. Weaving his fingers softly through your hair, your lips puckered, and he indulged you, a soft kiss pressed to your lips.
"How long do you two intend to keep the honeymoon phase going outside of the honeymoon?"
"Hey! You're the one who asked about our trip to Summer! It's not nice to be rude." You scolded the high lord with the same tone a mother might take with a petulant child, and Azriel couldn't have been prouder of his wife as his friend gaped for a moment.
"Well, you're the one who can't stop flirting with her husband."
"Pot, meet kettle," Azriel muttered, squeezing the arm around you a little more, and taking your cup from your hands to finish it off, his own drink long gone.
"Maybe I enjoy flirting with my husband. Have you seen how hot he is? It's practically my moral duty." He huffed, once again feeling warmth creep up the back of his neck, even if there was a stupid grin on his face. He wondered if he'd ever get used to it, if he'd always have the same stomach-knotting, heart-stopping, drunk-in-love reaction to hearing you talk about him every time. He hoped it never went away.
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sungboopdee · 1 year
Shirtless (Smut)
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Today was just a normal day for you and your boyfriend Sunghoon.
You were in your shared room on the bed reading a book when a shirtless Sunghoon walks into the room.
You peak from over your book but soon look away to not be so obvious that your staring.
Though sunghoon wouldn't care as long as your only looking at him he was happy.
Sunghoon walks up to the bed and lays down next to you giving you a peck on the cheek.
"Mhm, I missed you." Sunghoon says as he kisses your neck.
You feel shivers through your whole body. " You saw me like 20 minutes ago." you say kinda getting lost in the way he kisses you.
Hands traveling to your chest, gripping your right boob with his hand from under your shirt.
You moan softly.
"That's way too long to not see my baby," he confesses playing with your nipple and making you moan loudly.
The feeling he was giving you was unreal.
Your whole body felt so good from just that little squeeze of your nipple.
"Jeez Sunghoon, that feels so good." you moan out wanting more.
"Oh really? How good?" He says this as he starts kissing down your neck to your nipples taking one into his mouth.
You don't answer him cause you are too into the pleasure. He doesn't like that at all.
"I know you heard me talking to you, answer me." he says as he grabs your face.
" Mhm, so fucking good, I want you to fuck me sung hoon, Hard." you don't even realize what your saying till it's already out.
You look into his eyes and he smirks making you so wet for him it makes no sense.
"good girl"
He finally loses it and takes your shirt off revealing your breasts.
He looks at them with a hungry look in his eyes.
A look that you give the food on thanksgiving (lol idek what I'm talking about 😭)
He's quick to pull down your cute little shorts you were wearing just to tease him.
Your pussy is revealed.
"No panties, huh? Your so wet baby, I just know you were uncomfortable with those shorts on." he says running his fingers through your folds making you moan.
You nod at what he says giving him the bed room eyes cause your so horny at this point it's just crazy.
He sticks a finger in your pussy making you arch and moan loud. He smirks.
"Hmmm, yes oh my gosh that feels so good don't stop." You can't keep your moans to your self cause your so drunk from his fingers.
"you like that? Do you like my fingers all in your little pussy?" his words were sending you over the edge. You were so close.
You could see the bulge in his pants. It looked uncomfortable for him.
As you are about to cum he takes his fingers out of you, leaving you a whining mess.
He takes all his clothes off making both of you now naked.
His dick was extremely hard and large. Your mouth waters at the sight.
He looks at you before grabbing a condom out of the nightstand.
He slips it on then moves on top of you rubbing his cock all over your pussy.
You moaned so loud you were sure the people next door could hear.
"You want this dick in you, don't you? Don't worry baby you know you always get what you want." With those words, he puts his dick into you without any warning.
You yell and put your hands in his hair, gripping it lightly.
He groans making you wetter then you already were. His thrusts got sloppy and you were just losing it under him.
His hands travel to your bare ass. Grabing it.
You cant hold it in for much longer and he can feel you tightening around him. Your so close.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Im gonna cum. Im fucking gonna cum." you say as you cum, shaking.
Sunghoon soon comes right after you.
The two of you try to catch your breath. Sunghoon still hasn't pulled out of you yet. But he soon does making you moan cause of the overstimulation.
He lays next to you. Out of breath.
"wow" that's all he says
Wow indeed.
This was my first time writing smut so sorry if it's bad lol. Requests are open 👐
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konohamaru-sensei · 25 days
hello again!! thank you so much for gathering the iketeru illustrations for me (and translating them too, which i greatly appreciated), cause your post really made my day :')
it's funny that the author's got a whole book of fanservice for us lmao, but i love it! do you have a #1 favorite illustration (of anyone) from the whole book? (sorry if this sent twice btw, crap was glitching lol)
lovely anon, I must tell you that I once again went absolutely over the line with pictures I took. There are so many good ones!! I knew a few illustrations from sensei's twitter and knew how well it worked for me so I ordered this book from japan and yes, that is why I can never pick favourites I just like all of them (exception is the series in which the characters are teachers and you are supposed to be their student, not a big fan of those lol). Once again I put them under cut together with my chitter chatter about them asdhjflas
anyway im glad i made your day!
yes its amazing that this fanservice exist. In the interview at the end of the book sensei says they often drew their characters as practise (without lines) and then uploaded them to twitter to find out the people responded so well!! so they continued with it! More snippets from the interview:
they consider this a kind of alternative world that has no space in the manga (since its a gag manga).
they claim they didnt try to make the characters hot on purpose, it just turned out this way. in their head usao and kumao always had old people voices. but now they are glad the characters are hot because of the voice actors choosen.
they come up with a line and then assign it to a character, rarely the other way around.
Every one of their characters has one thing they think is special, something they like to show off when they draw them. for Uramichi its the chest, for Iketeru the slender neck, for Usahara the shoulders and Kumatani the arms!
and shockingly to me: since this manga is running 10 years now they said when they started they felt like Uramichi is so old, but now they are the same age! I cant believe how someone in their twenties wrote such an accurate manga about being in ones thirties.
gosh anon i wish this was more popular, i only have one friend to talk to about this story and i have so much in my soul dhkasdflsd so please come back if you feel like it!
ok so some of my faves under cut from here
first of: my favourite has always been ushara. he is cringe fail and i love cringe fail so much. but that also means he has almost no COOL lines because he is kind of an idiot (lovingly said) tho all his illustrations are so cute. so he wont show up here much tho i love everything about his arts of course!!
now you asked me for my favourite and ive known this one for a while, but I think my unbeaten favourites of everyone are the love confessions:
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I love the different way they all do it. Uramichi pretty much goes "I love....you" (cries), Iketeru of course quotes it, Usahara just YELLS at you "HEY I LOVE YOU" and kumatani is like ".............. iloveyou" haskdlfh
generally kumatani has so many cool lines because he is so stone cold. this is also specifically heart wrecking for me because his voice actor Nakamura Yuuchi is my favourite thing since strawberries so if I imagine him doing the voice I want to die.
Three times Kumatani is an absolute tsundere about white day:
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"you are chattering so much... well, tell me what you want now. I'll get you anything."
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"What do you want? Tell me clearly"
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"I told you to get over here"
another white day illustration i love is this one from usahara
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he says "the present is me, hippety hop", which i find ultra cute with the little bunny and the hairclip!! but my friend said it sounds like he forgot white day and just brought the first thing he could find, which would be in character (adding this picture was a nightmare tumblr did NOT want me to upload it?? you hate cute boys? tumblr you hate cute boys??)
uramichi's face when he realises you april fooled him is so funny to me somehow
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" You say "Im sorry".. that is also a lie, is it not?"
ok from now on the pictures will be low quality because tumblr wont let me upload the photos direclty anymore i need to screenshot them first. rip im sorry
ok there are a few here of uramichi saying somehow sexy things (to me at least) and it makes me go hrgnlkhdflk
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""Good big brother (onisan)" you said. Who do you mean?" idk why that gets me so hard but why you asking .. wha...what you mean
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"... Isn't it ok? You don't have to go home yet." (this is from the stayin the night portion)
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"A promise from big brother. I will protect you well" T_T
this thing which can only be described as ship art:
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is this bickering idiots to lovers sensei? is that what you mean to tell me sensei?
this usahara from the staying the night section
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"Come play with me today!" (............ h.......how...)
this image if kumatani because of THE LOOK? um HELLO
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unfortuantely the translation is kinda tricky because i cant read most the kanji and google lense is like?? but its something like "Do you think you have the guts to betray me?" or something like "Do you think I have the guts to betray you?" idk he looks good so its fine
almost done i swear!! there are a few kuma usa double pages i love
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Kuma: "Don't look. Its hot." (sidenote, he is shirtless a lot. not that I complain or whatever)
Usa: "Where would you like to go? The ocean? My house?"
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sorry i tried to keep my fingers out of all pictures but clearly failed xD
Kuma: "Shut up. Shut up and look at me."
Usa: "I understaaaand. Get over here." (crying, i want to)
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this is a part of the book extras. I showed it to you with Iketeru already. I think the meaning is sort of the moment they realised their carreers are over, sadface
Kuma: "I never really liked it. I thought I would just throw it away. Damn it, I lost."
Usa: "The wind suddenly stopped. Ah, thats how it is. Its over"
of course there are a lot more other characters shown in the book, but much rarer and since they dont interest me too much they dont have my favourite lines asdhfklasdhf anyway anon I hope you liked this
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soudakuwunmoment · 1 year
DirkJake Dreamworld [NSFW]
I wrote this instead of sleeping lol Uh, so yeah! DirkJake NSFW! Hope you enjoy:)
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"Golly gosh, another long day!" he huffed with a satisfied tune. "That robot sure takes a lot out of a fella, I'll say!"
Jake pulls on his pajama pants, becoming damp from the shower water still dripping from his hair. A quick shake and water sprays everywhere, he laughs lightly to himself.
"I've been in an awfully good mood today, I wonder why that is? No matter, tomorrow is another day of adventures, better rest up!"
Jake didn't realize quite how fatigued he was until his sore bones hit the soft sheets and his eyelids suddenly dropped. He was so tired, yet his good mood only hummed stronger. A feeling most euphoria-like, he couldn't help his grin as he drifted to sleep.
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A gentle breeze. From where? Jakes room doesn't have any windows. The presence of another person makes itself apparent, and his eyes shoot open in alarm, ready to fight, but he only manages a squeak at what he sees not 5 inches from his face.
"D..Dirk..?" Could it be? ..What was he wearing? Where was this? Jake was dreaming, right? Why was Dirk in his dreams, and why did he seem so.. real?
A warm breath tickled his face. This is the real deal, alright.
"I-I have.. so many questions!"
No response. Dirk seemed to be lost in thought, his emotions naturally unreadable, even now in person. Jake gave him a nervous tilt of the head, then glanced around to better take in his surroundings.
A simple bed in a room with a globe for walls and a roof. Almost no furniture, yet it still felt eerily similar to his own room. The edges were dark and foreboding, except for one area of the room, brightly lit by a singular window, letting in a dazzling yellow light from outside that made his eyes squint and cast a glittering sparkle on the floor.
No time for that! Although, time seemed to have stopped. Dirk continued to just stare, mouth hanging open just slightly as though in awe or shock. Jakes hand touched Dirks cheek gently before he had even realized he moved it, bringing a sudden flush to his cheeks.
'Naughty hand! It's no good to go caressing the cheek of my good pal the first time we meet!'
He quickly tries to pull his hand away but just as swiftly he is held in place by a surprisingly warm and soft hand. Is he getting closer? Oh boy.
Dirk drags in a sharp breath,
"Jake," fuck his voice is so smooth, what is even happening? "Jake, I.."
Jake shifted to sit up but was pushed back down with Dirks free hand, a bit more roughly than he would have expected. Jake could have sworn he saw Dirks face heat up slightly.
"Hey, I'm so happy to see you, pal! But, uh, what's going on..? Where are we? I'm all kinds of befuddled!" Jake smiled nervously and attempted to sit up again. Dirks grip didn't give in the slightest. Jake felt a jump in his gut at that, ‘but why?’ Jake frowned. "Di-"
He was cut off by lips on his. His breath hitched and every thought in his brain screeched to a grinding halt. He waited for the kiss to break so he could ask Dirk what the hell he was thinking, but his chance didn't come. To his dismay, he finds himself returning the kiss, which he also did not remember giving his body the permission to do.
A tongue presses against his lips, not a moment later it's inside them. Jake panics again, realizing he doesn't have control over his body, and he feels the vibration of a moan. He doesn't know whose it was, but likely it was Dirk who was turned on to all hell by how eagerly Jake had accepted him.
Finally, the kiss breaks for a breath of air.
"Jake! Shh!!" Dirk sounded annoyed, Jake felt a sting in his chest.
Dirk leaned in closer, mouth right next to Jakes ear, causing him to shudder. Then, in a low, urgent voice;
"Jake, we don't have forever, alright?"
It was a lie. Not fully, as they would indeed wake up at any time. But now that Jakes dreamself was awake, they could meet every night if they wanted to. Jake didn't know that yet. He simply nodded, getting the point, and the kiss resumed with more urgency, Dirks hands pushing up the inside of Jakes pajama shirt.
This wasn't how he thought his first time meeting his best chum would be. But.. if this was the only time they would get to see each other, he would admit that he would probably rather be doing this than learning about all the details; those could wait for the waking world. It's not like he had much of a choice anyways, as his body continued to move without his permission, doing things far more daring than he would ever do consciously.
Dirk grunted at the feeling of his pants being tugged down an inch. In an instant, he reached down and pulled them off entirely on his own, uncannily floating above the bed to do so before dropping back down. A small startled gasp came from Jake before he was cut off by yet another kiss.
Jakes pants were next, then his shirt. He whined and Dirk removed his own as well.
Then for a moment, all they did was stare at each other, pupils dilated with lust and love, feelings neither knew the other had. Everything was moving so fast, but for some reason it felt okay if it was him.
Another kiss, a palm pressing down on sensitive skin, muffled and desperate moans before they had even really done anything of significance.
"Fuck, Jake. You have no idea how long I've waited" he panted out between kisses and whimpers.
"F-For wha- mff!" His mouth was suddenly filled with 2 long fingers. His ears burned hot.
"You don't need to understand. Just know this has been a long time coming. Suck." The latter half of the sentence seemed to come out more as a growl. Jake obeyed and eagerly licked the fingers and covered them in saliva, his brain not quite processing why Dirk would need slicked up fingers.
As Dirk waited, he impatiently rutted his hips against Jakes, causing a pleased drawn out groan from both of them. The dry humping continued, cocks only separated by two layers of thin cloth.
Jake once again tugged down at the last obstacle between them, bringing a smug grin to Dirks face which did not help the fire in his cheeks. In a blink, they were completely stripped. Neither bothered to look down, they were content staring into each others eyes. Say, when did dirk remove his glasses? His eyes are such a vibrant orange, it made Jakes heart swell.
However, his heart wasn't his only swelled organ, and Dirk intended to see to that. He removed his fingers from Jakes mouth, scissoring them in the air to test just how wet they were. Drops of saliva trailed in drops down Dirks arm, sending shivers up his spine. Yup, that'll do, Jake. That'll do.
Just now it seems to have dawned on Jake the purpose that his spit would serve. Humiliation spread through his body like a wildfire, but Dirk just initiated another kiss and pressed a finger against Jakes entrance. Jake shuddered and moaned into the kiss at the sudden coldness against such a sensitive spot. His stomach muscles twitched as he felt Dirks dick press against it, twitching a bit itself. He broke away from the kiss and shoved his face against Dirks shoulder, letting out a pitiful moan and showering his neck with kisses and soft nips. Dirk sighed and rutted up against Jakes stomach a bit, pressing his first finger into Jake with surprising ease.
"Ah, J-Jake, have you, nh.. do you..?"
No asshole could be this loose untouched. Dirk experimentally pushed the second in already. The muscle clenched around him, and he heard a whimper from Jake signaling that this was enough to hurt. He stopped, slowing his soft thrusting to a stop also so as to not accidentally hurt him. 
A moment passed, then a shaky breath, then Jake attempted to push himself down on Dirks hand. A really fucking sexy way to signal he wants more, and who is Dirk to refuse?
A third finger. Jake hissed through clenched teeth and Dirk pulled back to kiss him again, doing everything in his power to distract him from the pain.
Eventually, Dirk could move his fingers. He heard a soft moan and began searching for a specific spot, continuing to pepper Jakes entire face with kisses.
"Fu-uck, Dirk--! Ah! Ah, Dirk, right there!"
Found it.
Dirk memorized the spot, and pushed against it a couple more times before stopping, pulling his fingers out and looking down. Neither of them would last much longer. Dreamselves were strangely sensitive, it seems.
Dirk came back from his thoughts and looked back up at a whimpering and pouting Jake. He couldn't help but smile.
"Don't you want something better?" His voice was so low it almost hurt his throat. But it was worth it to see that Jakes face could in fact become a deeper shade of red, contrary to popular belief. He didn't need an answer though, as if the actual forest fire on Jakes face wasn't enough of one already. He was already pressing the tip gently against the already slicked hole.
Jakes mouth was once again busied with passionate and loving kisses while his mind strained from burning pain. Compared to before though, it did not last long. Three fingers seemed to be the perfect amount of preparation. Just as he managed to catch his breath again, a completely different feeling flooded his nerves. Pure pleasure. Dirk was already nailing Jakes prostate repeatedly with pinpoint accuracy. Any pain from the speed was swallowed whole by such a shocking amount of pleasure that all of Jakes muscles locked up and his eyes rolled back instantly, mouth open in a silent scream. His whole body trembled, schlong especially. This was so unfair. He wanted to enjoy it, but now he was just moments away from his limit. A brief stop,
"Sorry, Jake. At that rate I was going to finish first."
Then the movements continued, only faster, and Jake gasped breathlessly at what Dirk said, and at the desperate breathing he now noticed against his ear. It was just too much, so much, it was perfect, oh god,
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Jake shot up from his sleeping position, panting, out of breath, the brunt of his orgasm spilling to wet his pants. He grunted and gripped the sheets, unable to help but flop back down, arch his back and grip his still clothed dick as he rode out the climax.
"Fuck! Agh, Dirk! What the hell!" The sounds of panting and gasping filled the room, then,
Silence. It was morning. Jake came to terms with the fact his heart rate wasn't going to slow down anytime soon. He laid for a few minutes until he could at least breathe properly, then sat up again. He glanced over at his phone. The screen was lit up with a message.
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT]
TT: Have fun? That's a rhetorical question. I know you did. Congrats on waking up, let's do that again tonight.
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karebear923 · 5 months
Vice Versa Rewatch ep 5
Ok now that I got my apology off my chest, I’m ready to get back into this! I’m still here, fam! 💪🏽 and I’ve decided to just vibe. No thoughts, head empty, only feelings 😌
Gosh, it hasn’t even been that long but I’ve missed seeing Sea on my screen 😭 I still get to see Jimmy, but not Sea! I can’t wait for the LOL concert!
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Episode 5 is called Winter White, which is associated with purity, perfection, honesty, cleanliness, and beginnings. Here I think it represents new beginnings more than the other definitions. And no, I don’t think it has to do with Talay being cold towards Puen, that’s not what’s happening here 🙅🏽‍♀️
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Same, Talay. Same! *swoon* 😍🥰
I love Talay’s “shiiiiaa”s hehe it’s cute every time he says it! 🤭
Is it called meta if they’re basically writing their own love story in the show? Is that what we call meta? Lol
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See Talay, it’s these little moments where you just say such real emotional things like it’s no big deal that Puen feels the full weight of them and falls for you even more!! And look at Jimmy’s expression!! This is why I fell in love with this show in the first place!! The looks of love!! 🥹❤️
Oh wow I did NOT remember that Talay was older than Puen! 😮 not by much, but still.
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OMG NAMTAN!!!! Back when I watched this I had no idea who anyone was, but now I know!! Gosh everyone looks so young here, it’s crazy how time flies! And omg a Gun Atthaphan cameo too! Crazy!
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Oh here it is!! Talay’s biggest fear!! He immediately thinks that Pang could be Puen’s portkey, and he brings up he and Puen leaving each other for the first time. At this point it’s still early into their relationship, and he’s feeling unsure and insecure and he doesn’t want to become attached if he’ll just end up being left behind.
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But then Puen mouths these words at him! And it’s just what he needed to see! The reassurance that they can stay together!
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Plus it’s kinda cute and silly how he runs away like that after! 🤭
I noticed Talay’s been wearing white all episode so I think he’s the one beginning to fall for Puen. We know Puen’s already come to the conclusion that he’s in love with Talay, but that first kiss has really started turning the wheels in Talay’s heart and mind.
And because Talay’s been wearing white, the color pairing was matched with Puen in black all episode! I see the colors!
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Clearly it doesn’t snow in Thailand, cause that is not how you make a snowcone! 😅
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This man presents another real fear for them. They might be trying to live their swapped person’s best life, but there’s no guarantee the effort will be returned. And that man was gone for 5 years! His whole life was ruined by the other guy! Puen and Talay could be stuck there for a long time, who knows what Tess and Tun could do by then!
It’s stuff like this that reminds you the premise of this show is actually pretty scary and sad. One second you’re laughing cause of the way they hold their fingers up to count, and the next you’re having an existential crisis 😥
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They held hands throughout their first movie screening! 🥺 and Talay said no matter what happens they’ll go through it together! 😭
And then their movie tanks but they watch it together and comfort each other and Talay even plays along with Puen pretending the theater’s packed. And they thank each other for helping each other grow and be better! 🥲
Funny enough, the ending where they have their new beginning since they’re no longer screenwriters is when Talay is not wearing white anymore 🤔 maybe the disappointment has made him close himself off a little.
It felt good to be back to watching this! 😊 The school semester’s almost over so I can do these more often! And I’m gonna enjoy doing it too!
As always a thank you to @stormyoceans for the idea!!
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Good morning star baby (it’s not morning here and I don’t think it’s morning where you are either at this point but the sentiment remains💜)
Makes sense, it’s nice in theory that they want to have a family vacation with you but if it’s not something everyone wants to do it kind of defeats the point 😅 very cool that you know how to skateboard! I have tried and my cousin is really good at skateboarding and she tried to teach me but I have very little balance and get too nervous to commit to being on the board but I do think that skill would translate well to snowboarding
Oh gosh my favorites of his that I’ve read so far are probably I had a dream about you (“you said will you love me even more when I’m dead? I said no and threw the pills on the sand”) and wishbone (“but I think I’d rather keep the bullet this time. It’s mine, you can’t have it, see, I’m not giving it up. This way you still owe me, and that’s as good as anything. You can’t get out of this one, Henry, you can’t get it out of me, and with this bullet lodged in my chest, covered with your name, I will turn myself into a gun, because it’s all I have, because I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting, walking around with this bullet inside me cause I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling your teeth.”) and I relate to every bit of driving not washing and it’s so heart wrenching but it’s nice to be known like that, for there to be some proof that someone else has felt like you have
Im about an hour and a half maybe 2 off the coast, I looked on the world clock app for Texas and it said it’s an hour behind but I also just picked a random spot in Texas off the top of my head (Austin) and looked that up so there could be different timezones within Texas I just don’t know about it’s a big state 🤷🏻‍♀️ right now it’s 1:03 for me 💜💜💜💜💜
Lol good afternoon darling 😉 honestly it was close enough to morning haha, it was 12:03 where I am, and yeah I’m not in Austin but I think (I’m terrible at geography so don’t quote me on this) I’m almost directly north? Idk. But yeah we’re just an hour off :) and I do think you’re right, I think west Texas is a different time zone maybe? But again, geography, don’t make me prove it 😂
Yeah exactly! And yeah I love skateboarding :) in all honesty I’m not at all fantastic but I can go in a straight line without falling off lmao so hopefully it’ll work. But then again I can rollerblade/ice skate too so if skis are almost the same mechanics then maybe?? All I know is I’m definitely gonna try both 😂
Ooh I’ll have to check those out for sure!! Thanks for the rec!!! ❤️
Also, some exciting news (for me): I’m going to join the youth worship team at my church!! For right now I think I’m background vocals and keys, but I am going to end up leading a song, so I’m very excited :)
What’s new with you, darling? ❤️
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jurassicsickfics · 2 years
Another period fic because I'm dying and feel the need to take my pain out on the Jurassic gals lol. So enjoy this Ellan(Ellie×Alan) oneshot
Warning: period, mentions of blood, pain, and mild suggestive and sexual mentions as well (nothing graphic of course) and some PTSD
It had been a few weeks since the disaster at Jurassic Park, and Ellie and Alan had decided to get a little double wide to live together in, because they both had terrible anxiety when separated. So much so that, when they'd originally tried to sleep in separate rooms, both of them frequently woke up screaming and crying for one another. So, they decided to just bite the bullet and share a bed. This definitely helped some, but of course there were still occasional nightmares and late night panic and anxiety attacks. But they both had to admit, being able to be immediately in each other's arms was quite helpful.
One morning, Alan had woken up early and he was hungry, so he quietly slipped away from Ellie to venture to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee. He figured Ellie would be awake by the time he was done, so it'd be ready for her. The paleontologist was just setting the plates on the table when Ellie emerged from the small bedroom. Alan looked up to greet her.
"Hey sweet thin... hhholy cow...." he gasped, nearly dropping the mug of coffee he was holding and leaning back on the chair.
Ellie's nightshirt, that had been roomy the previous evening, was now bulging at her chest and seemed to be screaming as it was forced to have much more give than it probably should have.
Ellie sighed deeply. "I know...gosh it hurts." She ended her sentence with a whimper as she gingerly pulled out the strained garment a bit. Alan was blushing teb shades of red but he tried to play it cool.
"W-what happened last night?" He asked, half joking half genuinely confused. Ellie shifted from foot to foot, a bit embarrassed at first to tell him. "I-I'm on my period... they always swell like this."
Alan gave her a sympathetic look. "You feel like eating?" He asked. Ellie parked up. "Heck yeah, I'm starving!" She exclaimed. Alan gave a small chuckle and gave the paleobotanist a kiss on her cheek before pulling her chair out.
"Madam." He said in a relatively forced impression of a British accent as he motioned for her to sit.
"Thank you kind gentleman. " Ellie said in a British accent of her own, giggling as Alan winked at her.
After they finished eating, Ellie decided to break the silence as the two stood washing dishes together.
"So um...you like it?"
The question took Alan off guard. "D-do I ...like..like what?" He stammered, trying to pretend he didn't know what she was referring to. Ellie smirked.
"This, silly." The blond said, gesturing to her chest, "what else?"
"Oh...oh that! Um... yeah yeah, I do. But i always think you're gorgeous, honey, not just right now."
Ellie gave him a flirtatious smirk and said, "good answer. But you can be honest with me, babe. It's hot, isn't it?"
Alan breathed a sigh of relief that she knew how he felt and was ok with it. "Oh Ellie, SO hot!"
Ellie chuckled and dried her hands on a towel, and she gave him a sideways glance. "You wanna see it better?" She asked, that flirtatious smirk making another appearance.
Alan found his face becoming hot and red again. "Uh um..." he stammered as the blond bit her bottom lip. Man, it turned him on when she did that. "You bet I do." He finally answered.
Ellie hung the towel back on its hook and took Alan's hand, before leading him back to their small bedroom. She shut the door behind them and carefully began to remove her shirt, going slowly not only to taunt her drooling boyfriend, but also because her breasts were extremely tender.
Alan let out a shaky breath and steadied himself on the bedpost once her shirt was off. "Oh honey you're incredible. I love you. " he said breathlessly as she pulled Ellie into a deep kiss. She returned the kiss and moaned softly, driving Alan crazy.
"C-can I?" He asked, gesturing to her breasts. Ellie nodded. "Yes but...its sore so be gentle. " Alan nodded as he ever so gently stroked Ellie's swollen breasts. She sighed contentedly as that gentle touch relived the pain. Alan gave her a kiss on her forehead, but grew concerned when he saw her grimace in pain. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, immediately pulling his hands back. Ellie shook her head, tears springing to her eyes. "Oh Els, what is it?" Alan asked, as all evidence of being turned on vanished and had been replaced with worry. Ellie sniffled and replied, "it's my stomach..." Alan now realised that Ellie's hands were pressed into her lower belly. "Aww, cramps?" He asked. Ellie nodded. Alan hugged her gently and she laid her head on his chest.
"Tell you what, why don't we go watch a movie?" Alan suggested. Ellie eagerly nodded as she went to find a new shirt, preferably a bigger one. After she'd changed, her and Alan made their way to the couch, and Alan put in one of Ellie's favorite movies as she snuggled up on his lap, where she spent the rest of the day.
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creepyschoolgirl · 2 years
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I decided write more of these things of my self insert x Johan because I have fun doing it!
I sometimes think what happens if we have fights. I think Johan would give us some space between us so we both can cool down. He first to apologize and i always apologize too then after we make up he buys us food and we cuddle rest of the night.
Johan never really snaps or rises his voice but one time he did when I was getting those thoughts again about thinking he be happy without me. He only rise his voice once and snapped but more of crying awhile yelling little bit because I unintentionally hurt his feelings because of my paranoid thoughts but he noticed he scared me because he realized he basically yelled at me. He felt awful for that then he just goes hide in a other room for a couple hours.
I get inspired when I talk to friends and see things I like about some fics and stuff with him. But mostly keep him in character. I do have this idea he can be a good boyfriend but he loves eat up my attention definitely when I am FaceTiming my friends he tries to give me kisses and nuzzle his face up to mine! I am usually try tell him I will give him cuddles when I get off the phone and if I am not FaceTiming my friends when it just calling he will lay on me or drape himself around me. “ Julia come on it’s 9am I want go back bed.” “ Okay, after I am done talking to my parents I will go back bed with you you little attention hog!” He even gets jelly when I talk to my parents on the phone.
Also we share drinks sometimes because he wants mostly wants what I am drinking. “ Julia can I have some of your Snapple?” “ sure Johan you can have some.” R.I.P. my Snapple because he be drinking all of it!🥲 But I steal some of his coffee from Starbucks so it’s even haha!
I think I did mention before that we go away for weekend. I think we go out of town and shop a little we also get a nice hotel he gets us nice glass of wine. Then we take a nice bath together because I feel like he get a hotel with a nice bathroom and has nice tub for us soak in.
I love imagining waking up and him trying burry himself more into me because he doesn’t want get up quite yet. I brush my fingers through his hair so he can feel even more relaxed when he sleeping on me. Johan is very much a strange man because he will sleep on me or sleep on my stomach depending on how he feels because he wants be close to me as possible. But I mentioned our sleeping habits kinda before so yeah we love cuddling each other and laying on each other.
I been having a lot of back pain lately so I am thinking about lately Johan just rubbing where my back hurts. He definitely is good at it because he definitely relaxes me when he does it this man is really good with his hands! Oh my gosh that sounded so wrong!
Also not only Johan let’s me practice my make up on him he lets me paint his nails sometimes lol. He always chooses black or a really dark color he don’t really mind it! He enjoys these cute things I do he wish would had with his sister when they were kids but sadly they were separated. Sometimes he wears mascara but sometimes he wears eyeliner buts around very close friends and his sister. Lol yes, I got the mascara idea from the fandoms joke he must wear mascara or something because that man had pretty eyelashes 🤣!
Johan I feel like gets bit overprotective with me and I am the same way with him sadly that can cause us fight a little bit. But, We always make up at the end he always gives me a big old hug and i burry my face into chest. Also when we do get overprotective of each other it’s kinda funny because I will randomly grab his arm or he will pull me close to him.
Johan and I were once eating something spicy for dinner my stomach started to hurt this man when we laid down together rubs my stomach so I can feel better. He kisses the side of my head too and i slowly start dozing off in our bed.
This is the last one for right now!, I love it when he gives me so much praise for doing something even if it’s small and I do the same for him. He always makes it so special too because he will pick me up bridal style and giving me kisses awhile saying how proud he is of me!
I hope you guys like it I am always looking forward for some feed back!
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skelebonecentral · 7 months
If you are okay with requests here...Maybe Solar having a tender but spicy meetup with his partner either after hours at his job in the theater or even simply in the spare bedroom in the house? Sorry if this is too vague, I rarely request 18+ stuff lol
here you are friend :)
words under the cut
Solar was so tired, and he just could NOT bring himself to do much more than go to the backstage of the theater. To his surprise, as he left the concessions area, he saw his partner waiting for him.
“Well, that’s surprising. I thought you would’ve gone home by now,” he smiles a bit, walking over and taking their hands as they look up at him.
“I had a notion that I’d be a good idea to stay. I kind of…want to do something. A-and we don’t have to, but…” the blush on their face clues him in and the teasing side of him flares up.
“Oh, is somebody missing me?” He hates how much he sounds like that cringefest Eclipse when he teases them, but at least his partner doesn’t know that.
“Of course I miss you, you’re a workaholic!” they lightly bat at his chest and he laughs softly, “Look, you told me to be open since you aren’t good with subtlety on romantic things, so can we…c-can we just have sex? Please?”
That froze him and his rays rotated in and out of his head like a loading screen wheel for a second before he nodded slowly, “Y-yeah…and I’m sorry if…if I haven’t been an attentive partner because of my work, I just-“
“Solar.” They hold their hand up, and he leans down, putting his cheek in their palm, “I’ve known about you being an incredibly hard worker since Lunar first told me about you before his…uh, incident. I’d be worried if you DIDN’T put your all into every project. So I understand, and I’m proud of you, but I’m only human and I do love you so… can you blame me for feeling a little needy?”
“No,” He led them behind the screen and down into the secret area, to one of the old dressing rooms, “I kind of feel the same, but I only just realized I’m irritable because I’m pent up, too. Wouldn’t have even realized if you hadn’t been so direct.”
“That sounds like you,” they laugh softly and squeeze the hand they’re holding, “so how do you wanna do this?”
He grinned, showing his teeth finally, “Oh I’m going to make you feel like you turned into a slime or something. Just tenderize you from the inside out.”
Their face turned bright red, and he laughed happily despite being incredibly serious in his intent.
“But first, we start soft…” he puts his gloved hand to their cheek, brushing stray hair back behind their ear, “cause no matter what else happens, you have to know I’m going to cherish you for the rest of my life.”
“Gosh, Solar, and you say you’re not good at feelings,” they steady his arm with their hands, nuzzling their face into his grip, “Can’t stand to think we might not have met if Lunar hadn’t needed you.”
“Don’t remind me,” he pulls them close and kisses them deep, holding them up with one arm on their back and the other under their butt to get them to his considerable height. That was not something he liked thinking about, the fact that he might never have had this, or his family, or even the chance to look forward to a new day.
His partner moaned softly into his mouth as he bounced them a bit to adjust them as he sat on the sofa in this abandoned room, subtly grinding into them and feeling his rays shift in and out of their sheathes of their own accord due to how good it felt to be making out with his partner instead of worrying about work.
They held close to him, and Solar’s fans were going to keep him cool enough as his chest filled with warm fuzzy affection like it was being poured into his heart directly. He began to slowly grind up into them, letting them feel his excitement and work them up.
Pulling back a bit, he murmured, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
“I want you in me, please.”
“Okay then, let’s get you ready,” he pulled their shirt off, then the both of them stood to remove their pants and Solar asked gently, “You want lube?”
“No, use…” they blushed and then murmured, “use yours on mine.”
“oooh,” he chuckled very softly, running his fingers in his own folds to slick them up before sliding one into theirs, “You really that desperate to have all of me?”
“Yes,” they whined, walls temporarily clenching on his finger before relaxing again.
He knew they loved his voice, so he kept talking, “Nice to know you think about me even when I’m busy, sweetheart. I think about you, too, when I’m up in the theater.” They shivered as he added another finger, stretching them out delicately as he spoke, “I can see you over there at the check in counter, or when you go sit on the balcony, that cute little smile for the kids, the way you take so much joy in watching Sun and Lunar and Earth run around.”
They gripped his shoulders as he guided them back to sitting on the couch, their opening hovering over his tiger striped shaft as it writhed to look for warmth, “You catch my eyes now and then. Does it excite you to know I can see you over there? I see you blush when it happens.”
It made him grin when they nodded, adding a third finger and getting them really ready, “I thought so. I wonder what you think about when you’re over there sneaking peeks at me.” He got a wicked grin, “Maybe that you’re wishing we were doing exactly this? Naughty to do that during work hours. Sun would flip if he knew.”
They giggle a bit and he kisses them softly, “You like that idea? Sunny freaking out cause you were being a ‘rulebreaker’? heh, I do. It’s so fun to mess with him. He’d be so mad if he knew we were doing this down here, too. Can’t you hear him?”
Laughing fully now, Solar drew his fingers out and slid the tip of his tendril into them as he did an impression of Sun, “How could you do THAT in the theater?! Did you at least sanitize it after?! Please don’t tell me you didn’t.”
His partner was cackling, even as he slid them down and they groaned a bit. He loved hearing them laughing, and it kept their mind off the anticipation. They had a very narrow tunnel, so sometimes it stung if they weren’t relaxed and distracted.
Switching back to his normal voice, Solar hummed happily as he waited for their signal to move, “I love knowing you’re just here for me. Sure, we care about the others, but you’re mine.” He kissed their neck, nibbling on the skin softly, “And I’m yours.”
They squeezed around him and he started moving them, using his robotic strength to easily lift them enough he could thrust in, one hand lower so he could rub their clit with his thumb. “That’s it, let me love on you. You deserve it after being so patient with my workaholic ass.”
A whimper is the only warning he gets before they pant and gasp, coming on his dick and shaking all over, his name pouring out of their mouth like a prayer. He rushed himself in the tight grip of their spasming muscles, and soon filled them up with his own fluids.
“B-baby, you’re so good,” he cooed, letting them rest against his chest and just holding them while still inside them, “I love you so much…heh…I talk more to you during sex than I do to anybody else at any other time.”
They hummed happily and sighed in content, his fingers tangled into their hair and face in their neck, breathing in their sweet fragrance. Quiet, warm, satisfied and loved, solar couldn’t help how sleepy he got. His charge was fine, but it just felt too perfect. Solar rarely slept, not finding any real pleasure in it, but the idea of staying like this, in their arms and close…it was too good.
“You want to sleep here?” he asks softly, and they nod, squeezing their arms around him tighter. “Okay. We’ll got to Moon’s old room, best in the area for us. I’ve already been using it some.”
Carefully, he untangled them and got some wipes, cleaning them both off and kissing their face all the while. Then he carried them up the stairs and into the hidden room, happy to wrap his larger body around them and take a much needed rest if only for the selfish urge to never let them go.
0 notes
A Skit Writing Of Supervillain X Superhero
Ig for extra effect, listen to some hot but short music.
Might do a continuation of this, aka aftermath? Idk yet, this took ages lol.
Sensitive content: once mentioned k!napping, r#p3 (no, it wont go as far as the, y'know.. thrust thrust), choking, and also overall kind of bad.
Ugh.. I am the city's most powerful and respected superhero, Quinn.. but I've been kidnapped by one of the most DESPICABLE of supervillains.. who goes by the name of Akumu.
He won't get away with this!
Then suddenly.. the door opens, it was Akumu..
"Y'know, you didn't have to tie me up.. and have your subordinates dress me up in such revealing clothes. (Basically restraints but still with a shirt under, and also his boxers too) Weren't you gonna torture me?" I say, in a cocky manner, looking up at him.
"Who said I was gonna torture you? I'm not going to torture you, I'm going to break you until you can't take anymore." he explained, moving forward to me.
I took a defensive stance, well, I had to hop to get onto my feet, annoying. "Listen you bastard, I'm too powerful for you. If you're going to try to hurt me you'd better put everything you have into it, cause I'll destroy your life.."
"You can try that when you can barely walk after this" He says, using his telekinesis to toss me around the room.
He threw me through a door and sent me through it.. and it was a bedroom. He slams me into the ground, and then proceeded to choke me.
Goddammit, I thought I had some seconds to escape!..
But.. apparently not.
"I wonder, how long would it take for you to scream me at me to stop?" He asked to himself, grasping my neck harder.
His hand left my neck just before I could pass out, but it went down my body.. from my neck to my chest..
"Now's when the real fun begins" He whispered to himself..
He sets off an electric shock, from his own specific power, and GOSH.. it felt like hell had just came upon that area. And yet somehow, I was amazingly, yet also concerningly, taking the pain with no screams, even though I desperately wanted to do so.
".. so.. that's it? That's the end of the torture, huh?.. Good work Akumu, I expected a lot less.." I murmured, not letting the sarcasm slip out of those sentences, even though I was out of breath already.
"This isn't the end, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be too hurt to even look me in the eye" he commented, in a manner that honestly had me scared of what he'll do.
"You.. you think I'll sit here and let you torture me? What kind of a man do you think I am?"
"A pitiful and cocky man" He said, slowly undressing me
"Hey! Don't undress me!" I exclaimed, what does this guy think he is doing!?
"Then try to stop me."
So I began to struggle, like I have never done before.. but it just won't get this goddamn man off!
"Fighting won't save you, Quinn, it'll just make me angry & let's not forget.. you're tied up"
I can't do anything to keep this man from taking my clothes off..
"AH!" I yelled out in pain as his fingers played and pinched my nipples.
"You didn't have to go this far.. you-.. you won't win with this little sadistic 'plan' of yours..!" I say, kind of out of breath
"Maybe I won't win, and maybe I am as sadistic as you accuse me of being." He replied, "Ever thought of that, Quinn?" He added, with a smirk on his face.
Is he serious? Is this man doin- Before I could finish my thought his hands was already on my clothed member.
"AH! LET GO OF THAT!" I scream, trying to look not as worried as I was, to not give this man the pleasure he wants, but failed.
For the first time since I've known him, Akumu wore a satisfied look due to me.
"What's wrong with you today!?" I asked, worried about how much further this could get.
"No questions... I'm calling the shots now." he whispered into my ear..
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97-liners · 2 years
I had to let this essay marinate for a few days bc it required the keyboard and I think I wrote an entire paragraph but tumblr app soft quit on me BUT HERE I AM WITH MY LONG ESSAY (maybe)
Amg Jackie if I had like 600% of my braincells working I’d be apologizing for spamming your notifs bc after I read BYWYN I ended up on your writings tag and camped there for the rest of the evening like 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 how do you have so much gems? They’re not even full blown fics but they’re so good I kept giggling and kicking my feet! I’m probably gonna go back so I can rb with commentary and queue them bc ASASDASDMMM ty for your wonderful au blurbs. I love them all.
So anyways about BYWYN— first of all, how are you so funny? Bc I kept laughing the entire time I was reading. It was like watching a romcom but everything was in my head. I love everything about it from the cast, to the premise, to the dynamics. The dynamics are so good istg you had me nodding along to Chan’s slight skeptism but also absolute support for poor y/n and every time she gets into a failed attempt to seduce Cheol like JSHDJKASHDJAS I FELT SO BAD FOR HER BUT ALSO IT’S SO FUNNY PLS SEND HELP
Tbh idk how to even type this essay it’s all my somewhat unfiltered thoughts bc some structure still needs to happen here but I just want to gush about how funny and adorable and romcom like this fic is, it tickles my heart! 😭 so if this ask if all over the place, forgive me! I love it so much. I even highlighted like super quotable lines bc the Yoon siblings interactions are also funny and I can relate to them bc I’m like that with my twin too (though I’m a lot nicer than Jeonghoney Yoon) it’s the sibling sarcasm and being the best (worst) wingman possible in their endeavors of love!
/this is the Cheol section of said essay bc he is the center piece/ …you know, when you said the pit is waiting for me, I thought I would come out of this a millimeter closer to just falling but you were right. You’re right. Into the pit I go!! He’s just so! HMM! ASDASD!! Literally perfect; a dork yeah, but he’s dorkishly perfect. I can’t help but swoon and my gosh 😭 heart pangs bc basketball!Cheol from the recent Inside SVT lived in my heart-mind rent free JACKIE BUN THE GRIP WAS SO STRONG AND READING THIS FUELED THE FIREHASJKDHASJKDHJAS. He’s so reliable and I’m applauding y/n for not melting on the floor. Like she’s close to turning goop but she managed to hold herself together for the mission. Mad respect! If that was me, Cheol would have to explain to Jeonghan why there is a Chia-colored puddle on his floor. Sobbing in my hands bc I have the fic up beside me on my phone and I’m reliving the moments of push and pull and it’s so cute and silly and I love it lol. You’re so right for writing him as this super ideal perfect love interest bc I’m also sure it’s how the bestie’s younger sibling would look up at someone as a role model. Cheol is definitely role model material and reading how that idolization turn into a sincere romantic interest (even if it’s not explicitly written) was so mwah chef’s kiss to read. Like it’s slipped between the layers of comedy and chaotic emotional stress but it’s there!!
Tbh idk how to really write this as a formal essay, I think I’ve told you countless times how wonderful of a writer you are 🥺💗 and I’d repeat that every single time bc all your works amaze me to no end. You masterlist really shows your range (even the fic blurbs) bc you had me crying, grasping at my chest, literally had House That Eats in my mind for weeks to the point I mentally moved in the same house to be their 3rd ghostly roommate. And I’d mention it so often my twin has to listen to me cry over Ghost!Seokmin for days. Then I read Hello Tutorial and BYWYN and laughed my ass off so hard I was vv scared I’d wake up everyone in the house and I had to tell them I fell in love with your Cheol. I must mention the other fics too like your blurbs! How? what did you consume to be able to write something so concise even if they’re just a paragraph of an idea? Bc I’m deep in shuarot atm, I’ve been 👀 at vampire politician!Joshua bc I love how you wrote about this supernatural mystery thriller even if it’s just blurbs! ANYWAYS IM GETTING SIDETRACKED AND THIS IS A BIG BIG LONG MESS!
I admire you so much, Jackie! And I’m so happy that I’m able to read your masterlist and every little world you’ve built around the members. This ask is getting way too long and I can’t even call is an essay but I don’t really think words can express how much I love every single story you’ve made and now I will add BYWYN to my list of classics (alongside A House That Eats)! Mwah mwah much love and I hope I get to read more from you soon <33 I know whatever you’ll put out will be an absolute banger!
— Chia 🐏
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CHIA @dalkyeom what if i almost cried while reading this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the thought that MY writing can make you feel so much ?????? auuuuuuggghhhhghhhh i don’t even know how to respond 😭 i’m gonna screenshot and save this ask so i can revisit over and over and over again when i need motivation and validation FR
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
The game didn't say that someone couldn't ask you what you wanted to respond to people who send you that stuff in and that you couldn't respond to that message
So I guess save this until it's done (or do it now) and say everything you want to say to them here because I'm curious to your responses. I also agree on the show love to zee even without ask games agenda maybe we should all collectively start doing that again 👀
omg wait.... anon big brain THIS IS THE BEST.... thankfully one of us has the brain cell bc i’m definitely taking up your offer (and no need for the show love agenda HAJDKWKSL even just sending random asks about whatever is love enough for me!! being able to be weird with my anons is good enough for me 😎) anyway, everything is under the cut because this gets long LOL ILY ALL
first anon: OH MY GODDDD THE WAY MY EYES TEARED UP WHILE READING YOUR ASK HELLO????? if you’ve followed me since tlhc... i literally WAS just 18 back then and now i’m 21?? TIME ISN’T REAL?? i really can’t believe that there are people Out There who have followed me for so long,,, idk how to express myself well (which is funny bc i’m supposed to be a “writer” lol), but i just wanna say that i’ve always been scared of whether my followers actually like me or was just here to read my fics so hearing your words really helps me calm my anxiety a lil LMAO i’m just on this weird lil blog,,, writing my weird lil stories (and oversharing about my life and my poops as you said HJSADHJASHD i literally screamed when you said that bc damn you are so right) and i just hope that i come off friendly to people at the very least,,, so thank you dude (if we’ve spoken off anon before, i’m sure that i enjoyed whatever exchange we had since you sound like a genuinely awesome person,,, ily and i hope you have a great week!!
second anon: HAHAHHA YES I AM SUPER ANXIOUS!!! ALL THE TIME!!! i try to be funny but humor is subjective, yenno? i’m just glad i was able to find people who share the same kinda crackhead humor that i have :3 and you’re so right,,, what’s life without a little spicy angst? and dw about parasocial relationships HAJSDHASJ like,,, i know you’re on anon and i have no idea who you are, but if you (or any anon really) have sent me a nice ask in the past, even just to say hello or whatever, i kinda already consider you a friend?? like MAYBE you’re just a wooper in my brain (i imagine all my anons like woopers LOL) but the fact that you took the time to send me anything in the first place is just??? like WOW you thought of me??? that’s amazing and i have no words,,, thank you so much and i hope we can continue to speak with each other more!!
third anon: ah yes... my main genre of crangst... but it seems like the past two years have transformed me into a fluff smut writer as well... shows that i’m growing at least LOL gotta expand my horizons or whatever... BUT I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE FOX RAIN LIKE,,, ANYTIME FOX RAIN GETS MENTIONED, MY HEART GROWS TEN MORE SIZES LIKE ;-; i know authors whine all the time about notes, but fox rain really is my babey and i just wish more people liked her, yenno? so i’m glad you’re able to enjoy it (and living vicariously thru y/n because aren’t we all? LMAO) and i hope you’ll stick around until the next chapter of fox rain gets published (whenever.... that may be.... sweats)
fourth anon: LOL i have a guess as to who this is but imma keep my mouth shut in case i’m wrong,,, but if i’m right, then yea i’m glad to have been your mutual for so long SAJDHJASHD i think we’ve been mutuals since??? 2018?? maybe 2019??? either way, that’s a LONG TIME and i’m always happy to see you in my notifs. it’s so wonderful to see you grow over the years and i know you’re only going to be much greater with due time!! stay epic and phroggers, my dude,,, ily
fifth anon: ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS PLEASE... I AM GOING TO CRY ;-----; if you’ve been following me since outcast, that’s like??? early 2018??? late 2017??? HOLY SHIT THAT’S ALSO BEEN A WHILE,,, god i remember how fucking insane that time was and how many memes i made about that au LOL they were good days,,, i’m flattered you think i was funny enough for a follow,,, and that you’ve stuck around until now even though you’re not even into kpop anymore??? which is SO CRAZY bc that means ;-; that you’re here ;-; because you... y-you like me? 😳👉👈 LMAO ok but in all seriousness, it always boggles my mind to know that people follow me for like... me... because as someone who doesn’t really have many friends outside of social media, knowing that people out there like me enough to follow me despite not liking bts or kpop anymore is... just nothing short of amazing. so thank you for sticking around, and i hope you can continue to hang out with me on this silly little blog 🥲
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet lies [02]
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His lies were way too sweet – and you were too addicted to make him stop.
cw. explicit smut, slight body worship, public sex, dirty talk, praising, toxic megumi, fwb dynamics, slight angst, body marking, sukuna bullying megumi, age gap, scratching, mentions of oral (m receiving) and mutual masturbation, the traditional unedited fic
note. choose your fighter, megumi or sukuna 😈 also UHM do you guys want me to make the ending angsty or fluffy? i wrote out two versions so LOL let me know what you think! we’ll get more of the megumi scenes on the next chapter though~
series masterlist | 01 | 02 | 03
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Sukuna isn’t kidding when he said he’ll have you unable to walk by the end of this.
You’ve lost count of how many times you guys have fucked.
Once more in the stalls when you thought of repaying the favor by sucking him off, followed by him growing impatient and hauling you inside his car. Both of you were too tired to go for another round, but were still very much addicted for the other’s touch that mutual masturbation seems like the best option.
Thankfully, Sukuna’s cut his nails, so having three of his fingers buried knuckle deep in you feels like absolute heaven. He’s not complaining about your smooth hands wrapped around his shaft either, especially not when you’ve had enough practice with Megumi to know just how to make a guy lose his mind. By the time you’ve made it back home, Sukuna’s grown hard again, too impatient to make it to the bed before he just fucks you raw against the wall. You’re trembling at his hold, left with no choice but to trust his strength to drop you on his cock and bounce you to his pleasure.
It’s a miracle you’ve made it on the bed.
His digital clock reads a quarter at three in the morning, and for a moment, you worry about how tired you’ll be in class tomorrow when Sukuna’s large hands grips your thighs sharply.
“Goddamn,” he hisses through clenched teeth, chuckling at the irresistible sight of your breasts bouncing before him. Limbs tangled, minds controlled with the primal need to fuck, and moans shared with his deep grunts – you somehow end up on top of him, your thighs feeling like they’re on the verge of giving up as you continue to ride his thick length.
“You are so fucking sexy,” he slaps your ass and causes your hips to rut deeper, forcing that delicious curve of his cock to meld with your walls. You throw your head back, palms planted on his chest, focused only on that burning pleasure between your thighs. “I could fuck you all night long.”
Even though you truly have no wish to, you shake your head, fingers balling into a fist. “I have class tomorrow, need to wake up early,” you protest, the words falling into deaf ears as Sukuna thrusts up into you. He must’ve noticed how you’re growing tired and took matters into his own hands, feet grounded on the mattress to pound deliriously into you. You’re debating whether to be thankful or frustrated he still has so much energy even after hours of fucking, but it honestly doesn’t matter. You’re falling into his chest, arms slipping on your equally sweat-covered bodies. Right now, you just wanted to cum – once more, again, one last time! “Ah, Sukuna, t-too much!”
“Too much?” he laughs and tangles his hand to caress your scalp, the gesture too soothing that you almost forgot he’s fucking you into oblivion. “Want me to go slow?”
“Thought so, sweetheart,” his grin is absolutely cocky as he bends his knees in a fold, pushing you until your back rests on his muscular thighs. Your mouth falls open at his hands wrapping around your threat, keeping you right there, hips flat and grinding on his cock. “Come on. Come for me,” Sukuna urges, tightening his hold around your neck a little harder.  
That’s all you need for your vision to blur and see stars, your body’s shaking uncontrollable. He’s thrusting with all his power and energy that it feels like you’re nothing but a hole on top of him, tongue falling open in a wanton manner as your drool trails down your chin.
You look filthy, you feel filthy, and yet, Sukuna sees it entirely different.
“So – fucking – gorgeous, fuck. I woulda fucked you sooner if I didn’t feel weird about it.”
“Aw, come on, sweetheart,” he smirks at your half fucked out state. Sukuna rolls his hips in such a mind numbing manner that you end up staring at the ceiling, trying your hardest to decipher the colors of his room to get a grip of yourself. But he feels so hot, cock throbbing and pulsing inside you, your puffy lips encasing him with a translucent ring of cum and it feels so fucking good you don’t really understand what he’s saying anymore. “Did you really think I never saw you in my dreams?” he slaps your ass again, the reflexive response of tightening around him pulling a deep groan from the beautiful man beneath you. “I have such a sexy roommate, I couldn’t help it.”
“Then why didn’t you – ah, right there, shit – tell me?”
“Cuz,” he snickers and finally lets you breathe, your pupils blowing wide from the sudden flow of air. Sukuna kneads your breasts greedily, never stopping his mind-numbing rhythm of ramming deep into you. Your body burns, your thighs ache, your pussy feels sensitive but you can’t find the energy to stop him. Instead, you fall prey, failing in your mission to keep him wrapped around your fingers because now you’re wrapped around his cock, and you were quite fucking addicted to it. “You’re my friend’s student. Felt so fucking wrong.”
“What’s the difference now?”
“The difference is,” Sukuna’s face contorts into something of discomfort for a moment before he leans forward, his sturdy grip homing in on your hips again. You feel his searing breath on your ear, so parching it puts the warmth of your pussy to shame. “Having you like this has never felt so right, and I’ll keep fucking you if you let me.”
“I-I’d let you,” you concede absentmindedly and capture his lips for a sloppy kiss, tongues giving up on a battle of dominance. You’re always so clingy when you’re about to come, something Megumi never fails to chastise you for, and you fear Sukuna might push you away as you wrap an arm around him, nails painfully scratching down his back. Red marks leave a trail on its wake until his blood pierces through the sheets, the pain manifested through the increasing roughness of his pace. Now it’s your turn to whimper in his ear, pulling the man close and tugging harshly at the ends of his hair. Gosh, were you actually crying? “Sukuna, I’m close! Yes, yes, right there!”
Sukuna groans at the erotic sounds you reward him with. “Come for me, that’s right, ohhhh,” he stills inside you, his seed spilling deep inside you. You wince at the burst of warmth spreading all over your belly and Sukuna chuckles at your bulging belly. He presses down on it to coax his cum to trickle all over his cock, and he’s fucking filthy – you learn easily – to watch you make a mess on his cock with a childish smile on his face.
You push yourself off him and fall to his side, him following suit not long afterwards. The room feels completely stuffed from your intense fucking, the bruises on your body and scratches on his back a huge attestment to that.
Your legs remain wide open as you clench around nothing, his cum oozing out like a waterfall. Sukuna (that damned pervert) dips two fingers into your hole for one last moment just to drench his fingers in it, his eyes lit up in wonder while he lets it web around his fingers. You snicker at his actions and roll to his side, eyes fluttering close from the wave of exhaustion that comes into full force.
The lingerie set you intended to wear for Megumi was now ripped at the other side of the room, discarded, forgotten – merely evidence of a moment that had never been given to him.
Oddly enough, you don’t feel bad, not even when Sukuna faces you, his cheeks squished by his soft pillows. “I’m spent. I don’t think I’ve ever been this tired. My gym sessions can’t compare to this.”
“You go to the gym?”
“Yeah. I wasn’t born this gorgeous, you know. I had to work hard for this,” Sukuna gestures to his body. You can’t help but follow the gestures and admire the hard planes of his muscle ripped above one another, the smatter of dark hair leading down his hips adding to his already immense sexual charisma. It makes you want to jump on him all over again, and you have to bite your lip to resist that urge, rolling your eyes at him in favor of letting him know you could totally go for another round.
“Got me laid though, was worth the effort,” he jokes, and you both laugh.
It’s actually…weird, to laugh so casually with someone like this. It might be normal for Sukuna in his past sexual endeavors, but it’s totally a different thing for you. You and Megumi had never even bothered with aftercare. As long as he’s satisfied himself, he’d clean himself off in the bathroom and wear his sweatpants, winking at you before he leaves you alone all over again. The memory – albeit not really a regrettable one – is still painful each time you’re reminded you’ll keep coming back to him.
But are things different now? Could you go back to Megumi? You only ever wanted to fuck Sukuna because you’re sad and horny, but it wouldn’t be fair to him, especially when your roommate has been nothing but nice to you. Besides, him being a little more decent doesn’t immediately equate he’s different than Megumi.
For all you know, you could just be another cheap fuck. Sukuna is older and sexier, after all, he’s clearly had a lot more experience than you do.
As if reading your mind, Sukuna rests his head on his palms, elbows flat on the bed as he turns to you. The expression on his face is unreadable, but there’s some sort of softness behind it – a softness you’re not really familiar with.
“Hey. I don’t exactly know what you’re going through, not everything, anyway, but whatever we have right now, I want you to know it’s not because I see just as a pretty pussy, okay?” he says with a straight face, but you really shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up because Sukuna smirks, mischievous eyes darting back and forth to your soaked pussy and bare breasts. “Although you do have a pretty pussy. Can I eat you out again?”
With that, you snatch the pillow underneath him and whack it straight at his face. Sukuna laughs at your protests, the sound growing louder and a lot more mocking the harder you hit him. “Gosh, Sukuna, shut up!”
You end up hitting him way too many times in the face that he can’t get his words through, and before you could react, Sukuna’s ripped the pillow away from you. He cages you in his arms and hovers over you once more, his boneless dick grazing the insides of your thigh. It’s not meant to be sexual, and nothing about his stance gives off anything that shows he wants to do it again, but you can’t help but feel aroused, shifting your legs up and down the bed as you squirm.
“Seriously though,” he repeats, “We can be casual, or this could be a one time thing. Card’s all yours to play. If you want to forget everything tomorrow, I’d gladly do it. Let’s just go back to the way we were-”
“Did you really think I was only using you to distract myself?”
Sukuna’s lips flatten into a line. “I’m not stupid,” he says somberly, “I could tell you were still thinking about him. Not that I mind, though, you can’t stop yourself from loving someone,” Faintly, you’re distracted by his thumbs rubbing at your pulse point. It’s so lulling you want to fall asleep, but Sukuna isn’t done talking. “My point is…you don’t have to worry about being weird with me. We could just be friends with benefits, if you want, and not the kind you have with your boy toy either. ”
His blatantly catches you off guard and your eyes widen before they narrow at him, trying your best to hide your embarrassment. If Megumi was painfully honest, Sukuna’s ridiculously blunt that his mere words make your heart do weird things you’d rather not feel.
Careful, you remind yourself, Megumi is the one you want. You have to keep reminding yourself that before your feelings get the best of you. It’s Megumi, it’s always been Megumi and it always will be Megumi. Sukuna is just your roommate who’s nice enough to take your mind off things. You only wish you weren’t lying too much in case he gets the wrong idea you’re leading him on, but then again, isn’t that what you’re doing?
Friends with benefits or not – you still have no plans on getting involved with this guy any longer.
It’s always Megumi. You just really needed a quick fuck, someone whose dick didn’t belong with the guy you’re so hung up on over. The change feels nice and you definitely feel a lot better than the last time you met Megumi, but this guilt…it tastes bitter on your tongue, too heavy to swallow and ignore. It’s always Megumi, you tell yourself again in an attempt to relieve your pain.
Though it doesn’t subside and you huff in exasperation, turning away from Sukuna. You can’t stand looking at him right now.
“I’m not,” you mumble weakly, but the tears – the guilt, the heartbreak of not being Megumi’s lover, the regret and the ironic need to be closer to Sukuna feels all so confusing – all threaten to burst through. You don’t want him to see you cry, that would be lame, so you scoot closer to him and kiss his shoulder as you shyly ask, “C-can we cuddle?”
“Of course,” he chuckles, pulling you closer, “You don’t have to sound too nervous to ask.”
“Sorry, it’s just-”
“He never does that?”
“Well, I’m not him,” Sukuna answers confidently, surprising you when he grabs your ass to press you flush against him. You’re both sweaty and hot to the point it’s uncomfortable, but Sukuna smells so sweet with his lingering cologne that you can’t help yourself from planting your face in his neck, breathing in the little hums he makes. Sukuna kisses the crown of your head – which is a little too sweet than you’d like – while his other hand runs down your back in a slow, sensual manner. Hell, it feels close to body worshipping, and you hate that you silently want more of this. “I’d cuddle you every day if you asked me to.”
“You’re surprisingly sweet,” you voice with a smile. Sukuna’s chest rumbles from the low laughter, and like that, you cling to him like he’s the only sturdy pillar in your life. It’s pathetic, maybe even desperate, but if he doesn’t mind, then why should you?
However, the moment is quickly ruined when the bell rings. “Shit, I forgot he was coming over!”
Sukuna glares at the door and holds you tighter, almost possessively, and refuses to let you go even as you squirm under him. “At three in the morning?”
“Yes, but I don’t want to meet him right now,” you groan helplessly.
Sukuna shoots you a blank look after that, then shoots out of the bed in an instant. You watch as he quickly dresses up in a fresh pair of sweatpants, grabbing a random hoodie from the back of his chair, presumably to hide the scratch marks. You have to hide your smile behind your hand because he looks so drool-worthy with marks littered on his already marked skin, and the fact he lets you mark him is even hotter.
He pauses at the door for a moment, pointing a finger at where you peered up at him curiously. “Stay there. I’ll talk to him and say you went out or whatever. Just make sure to silence your phone in case he calls. Better yet, turn it off.”
Sukuna closes the door behind him, already on the way to the entrance just as you press your ears against the door to eavesdrop. There’s a slight shuffling before the door unlocks, then, “Why the fuck did you lock-” Megumi pauses in his words, and you can perfectly picture his infamous scowl painting his handsome features already. Gosh, you wish you could actually see it, but if Megumi catches you sleeping with someone else, he might totally lose interest in you. That’s not something you could afford to happen.
“Oh. You’re her roommate.” You snigger at his usual what the fuck tone – how Megumi of him.
“Hey, kid, it’s a little too late for a visit, don’t you think?” Sukuna taunts, and it takes everything in you to not burst through the door at that moment. You’re stuck between wanting to laugh and crying, mostly because you would love and hate for Megumi to get riled up. “Do your parents know you’re here? Kids shouldn’t be out this late.”
“I’m not a fucking kid, I’m in uni,” he defends, “Do you know where Y/N is? I need to talk to her.”
Deciding fuck it, you open the door by an inch, just enough to peek. As expected, Megumi is glaring behind Sukuna’s shoulders in search of you. Meanwhile, Sukuna’s completely calm, checking his nails boredly as if Megumi isn’t fuming in front of him. And boy, do you know how much Megumi hates being ignored. “Oh, I think she went out, I don’t know why though. House was empty when I got here.”
“She didn’t tell you where she was going?”
At Megumi’s imposing tone, Sukuna tilts his head to scrutinize Megumi. Now that you’re seeing them together, Sukuna’s twice the size of Megs, their height and shoulder width too different to start comparing. But knowing Megumi, he’s not going to back down from a tattooed guy twice his size, not even as he sarcastically remarks, “Ain’t you her friend? She should be telling you that kind of stuff.”
Truthfully, you expected he would put up more of a fight. The two of them share a heated staring competition before Megumi scoffs, the first one to look away. “Whatever,” he dismisses, “Tell her to pick her damn phone up. I’ve been calling for the past hour.”
“I think I should tell her to get better friends.”
“What was that?”
“I said get home safely,” Sukuna chirps. Even with his back turned to you, you could tell Sukuna’s just further pressing his buttons with a grin that’s not meant to be inviting at all. Just when you think it’s done, however, Sukuna finishes off with, “Kid.”
Megumi rages. His blue eyes flame into something feral, his fists balled at his sides. He’s always had a temper issue and you nearly reveal yourself to stop whatever fight is about to ensue, but Sukuna’s already closing the door, ridding any opportunity for the younger one to retaliate. At the sound of the door closing, Sukuna leans against the door, his smile still plastered on his face as if he knows you’re watching the whole time. He meets your eyes from the slight peep of his door, waving his hands sarcastically.
“Sukuna, you didn’t have to be so mean.”
“Sorry,” he isn’t apologetic at all. “Next time I’ll be nicer to your asshole crushes,” he adds with a slight roll of his eyes and you punch his chest playfully. You don’t stop him from grabbing your wrists to embrace you in a hug that doesn’t seem so platonic – but not so suggestive either. Sukuna rests his chin on top of your hand while he sways you both side to side, his voice muffled in your hair. “I understand why you’re attracted to him though. He’s really handsome.”
“Yeah, he is,” you agree sadly, thinking of how much it’s really all a waste Megumi has to be like that. “Just sucks his personality ruins everything.”
“A pretty face is always deceiving,” Sukuna suddenly pulls away and holds you an arm’s length away.  “Hey, want to have early breakfast?”
“I think that would be late dinner,” you frown at him.
“Whatever, food is food,” he responds rather excitedly, and you watch as Sukuna rummages through the fridge. Now that you think about it, having sex so much really took a toll on you, and your stomach grumbles loudly. Sukuna hides his chuckles through the fridge but you hear him anyway, shouting at him that you’re not hungry. “Wasn’t asking, sweetheart. Now go get cleaned and changed, I’ll make something for you.”
If anyone were to tell you that a good fucking is all that’s needed for you to immediately form a new kind of friendship with your roommate, you’d call them weird. Sukuna isn’t necessarily out of reach, you and him just simply didn’t cross paths.
But now, you’re dressed comfortably in his boxers and the oversized shirt you stole from him, eating the slightly burn cheese sandwich he’s made, sharing conversation and laughing with him like you’ve been doing it for such a long time. Your sandwich is actually half forgotten on the plate as you whack your palms on the counter, “That’s how you and Prof Gojo met? I never would’ve expected you guys fought over a girl!”
“He was fucking annoying in high school,” Sukuna grumbles over an angry bite, “He was getting all the girls that when someone confessed to me, the hottest chick, no less, he straight up punched me in the face,” you laugh as you imagine the memory of a younger, already rebellious looking Sukuna getting smacked by the even more intolerable Gojo Satoru. Sukuna is lost in his own memories as well, shaking his head from around the last bites of his bread. It’s clear he hates the burnt crust judging from the way he turns a little green, but he’s bragged about his cooking skills so proudly that he has to save face in front of you. “Ah, such good times,” he muses before wincing at his own words, dropping his bread in disgust. “Damn, I sound old, don’t I?”
“You’re only like, five years older than me, it’s fine,” you giggle, “I like the maturity that comes with older people. You’re a lot easier to be with than guys my age.”
“Please,” Sukuna smirks, “Just say you like fucking older men. I won’t judge.”
If anyone were to tell you that you would be jumping over the counter to strangle your roommate who’s now running like hell, your laughter bursting through the once silent apartment, you would call them a liar. But now, you and Sukuna are panting on the floor, too tired from sprinting all around before calling it quits. Maybe it’s a lie – maybe this connection will never really be that much of a big deal – but as long as this lie and play pretend of friendship lasts, you’ll just enjoy every sweet moment of it.
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taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed) (bold can’t be tagged) @uwubby-1 @expectoscamander @your-consulting-fangirl @dora-the-grownup @cosmotoic @charlie-xo @kittaliapenn @sukunas-cult-leader @flowersgirl02 @cloudsinthecosmos @90s-belladonna @averysheart-raleighsdick @generousstudentpsychic-bat @kat-su-ki @issamomma​ 
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spidermandni · 3 years
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sweater weather.
pairing timeskip sakusa x reader
timestamp 22:43
notes okay hi yes i'm back!!! last week was finals week so i was really busy but i'm back to writing cute, mediocre christmas scenarios <3 hope you guys have been having a better time than i was lol, anyways good night!! i hope you enjoy this :D
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“what the hell do you mean you don't like red velvet?”
“the flavor, not the kpop group!”
“like that makes it any better, you— you sicko!”
“sicko?” a loud scoff of laughter leaves sakusa as he bends down, placing his hands on his knees. you roll your eyes playfully as you keep stomping towards your childhood home that was next door. you had been visiting for christmas break and tonight had been christmas eve dinner. you had felt pure love fill your chest when you saw sakusa standing in the middle of your living room when you had finally arrived and now he was walking you home, even though it was only a few steps to the left from his house.
“yes, a sicko. that's literally one of the best cake flavors. we've had auntie's red velvet cake every christmas eve for years and you still feel like this, i can't believe you.”
“only one of? then what's the best to you?”
“chocolate, obviously.” an even louder scoff left him at your words. you glide onto your porch, avoiding slipping on the snow covered steps and managing to stay upright. you turn towards the tall man with your arms crossed over your chest.
“you are so lucky i'm in love with you because if anybody else had chosen chocolate as their favorite flavor, i would've—”
“you what?” you cut him off and drop your arms to stare at him in surprise.
“i would've dropped their ass so quick—”
“n-no, before that! about me, the part about me— you feel— you're in what with me?” it takes a few moments after your question for it to hit sakusa what he had said to you and when he realizes, it's like you can see the panic that forms in him. his eyes widen and start moving everywhere to avoid your gaze and his cheeks— from the small part you can see above his mask that's slowly slipping— are turning a bright red color.
“i, oh my gosh, name. name, i didn't— i didn't mean to, i'm so sorry.” he starts apologizing and you can hear his breath beginning to quicken.
“no, no, hey! yoomi, it's okay, perfectly fine, we're okay, look at me,” you carefully step down from your porch to lessen the space between you and the raven haired man, reaching your hands up to rest them on his cheeks, “i love you, i love you, too. i love you so much, i've never loved anybody else.”
his eyes meet yours and it's as if the fear is slowly escaping his body, his shoulders relax and sakusa starts to smile so wide that his eyes are crinkling.
“you mean it? you love me and i love you?”
“i love you and you love me.” you softly confirm.
“so i can....?” he trails off while leaning down to position his face closer to yours, you nod and get on your tippy toes to shorten the distance.
“please do.”
you finally ended up with the love of your life all thanks to red velvet, the cake flavor and the kpop group.
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reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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