#and i hope we can continue to make more happy memories together :D
queen-of-fanfics · 1 year
I Told You To Stay
Pairing: Peter Pan x Reader
Prompt: Peter told you to stay.
A/N: Ayoooo lol I'm alive. Anywho Y'ALL I GRADUATED COLLEGE and the first thing I accomplished after was writing this fanfic. How have y'all been? Now I have some free time and a desk job so I have time to write more. I literally got the idea for this scenario from a dream I had. So... This one gets a little heated but nothing explicit.
I Told You To Stay Part 2
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"Where do you think you're going?" Peter teases you as he grabs your arm to spin you around.
You were the second Lost Girl to have ever made it to the island. The first will always be Wendy. Wendy continues to be the mother figure around the island while you were free to run off hunting and exploring with the Lost Boys. You could never shake the feeling that either Wendy hated you or envied you. She would be stuck cooking and caring for the boy while you were almost like a sister. You two never got along too well, the feeling of competition was always there.
The second that you came to the island and met everyone, it was no surprise that Peter was the one that caught your eye. 
However, you were always hesitant to let any hope blossom in you since you thought that Peter and Wendy were together. And if they weren’t, she would have first dibs on him anyway. But that fact never stopped your crush and admiration of him from growing. Day in and day out, you were running through the forests with him and protecting the Lost Boys together. 
Tonight was a quiet and warm night and everyone had had their dinners and was heading to bed. Wendy had made dinner and stayed back at the camp to clean up. You were heading towards your cabin before Peter grabbed your arm.
“You aren’t going to bed already, are you?” Peter asked with his usual smirk.
“Why, huh? You got something in mind worth my while?”
“Only one way to find out, I suppose.” He hides his smile from you as he leads you into the forest. That leads to where you are now. Running through the trees and climbing up the cliff as Peter is bounding off in front of you.
Coming to a stop behind Peter, you drop your hands to your knees and your head drops to start gasping for air. “Are we there yet? I feel like my lungs are going to explode!”
All of a sudden you’re squealing in delight because Peter ran over to you and scooped you into the air, carrying you bridal style. He takes off flying and your arms shoot out and wrapped around his neck. 
“What are you doing?!” 
“Taking you up to see the stars!” He yelled over the whistling wind as you continued laughing until tears formed in your eyes. 
Daring to peek over his shoulders, you gasp at the beautiful aerial view of the island before he dives and does a giant loop in the air. Hugging him close, you shove your face into his neck and breathe in his scent. Though the night was cool, you felt warm against him. Wanting this moment to last forever but you know it can’t, you decide that you will hold this memory so you can always relive this happiness that you feel. 
Feeling dizzy either from the adrenaline or from him, you rest your head against him and press a soft kiss on his neck. 
Suddenly, Peter tosses you lightly into the air and you are airborne before he catches you but now your position has changed. Now you are sitting, straddling his hips, as his hands come to your behind to carry your weight. Your arms wrap around his neck again but now you are face-to-face with him. 
As a blush covers your face, you whisper, “Well hi there.” 
He gives you a small smile as he looks at your thorough hooded eyes, “Much better don’t you think? Now I can see you.” 
You sit there, chest to chest with breaths mingling, completely suspended in the air over a cliff. “What are we doing, Y/N?” His whisper caresses your skin and he leans in just a little bit closer.
“What do you mean?” You can’t help but do the same, almost like a string pulling you to him.
“You know exactly what I mean. Have you casted a spell on me? Making me dream of you every night and thinking of you every minute the sun is up? Have you made yourself my personal magnet to me so I can never not be near you? Are you bewitching me?” He continues to whisper as one of his hands drags up your body and grips the back of your neck, pulling you in closer until your noses are barely touching. 
Your breaths are coming out shaking but your fingers find their way to his hand and you tighten your hold, desperately keeping him close. 
“What if it’s you that is playing with my head?”
Your lips are brushing against each other but not quite touching. Your brain fogs with desire but it’s all pulled away from you as Peter abruptly pulls away and starts flying back to land.
“Wha-” You’re dizzy from the sudden change but you aren’t able to be stable on your feet before Peter is hurriedly pulling you through the trees. Silently giggling and running through the forest, your heart is beating out of your chest. 
Coming to a clearing, you see a small and simple log cabin sitting by itself. There are a few steps leading up to a porch that surrounds the little cabin. 
“Where are we, Peter?”
“This is my place.” He finally slows down to a stop.
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck. The movement pulls a giggle out of your throat but you don’t take your eyes off the cute cottage.
“I thought you had a tent back at the campsite with everyone else, hm? Are you keeping secrets from us now?” You tease.
“I always have secrets, don’t you know. But this is my own quiet place. I come here when I need to think. Or when I’m scheming.” He tickles your sides and gives your neck a quick kiss before he straightens. “Come on, let’s go inside.” He takes your hand and walks you into the cabin. 
The inside of the cabin matches its look on the outside. Comfortable. Simple. Nothing extravagant. The main room is open. One side seems to act as a dining room with a large table with a few chairs beside it. The other side of the room has a matching large table but this table is covered in maps, scrolls, trinkets, and many other items you did not recognize. You see a door towards the back of the cabin which you could tell leads to a bedroom.  
“Here, let me get you some water before you pass out on me.” 
But before Peter could take a step or before you could even respond, a voice calls out from the back room.
“Peter darling? Did you just get home?”
The blood drains from your face and your eyes grow to saucers as you see Wendy walk out of the back room. Your ears started ringing and it feels as though everything is happening so fast yet so slowly. 
Peter marches over to Wendy and angrily argues with her though you couldn’t hear anything over the muffling in your ears. “What are you doing here? Who said you could be here?”
“What are you talking about, baby? Don’t be like that.” 
Wendy tries to run her hands up Peter’s front side but her hands do not get far before he grabs her hands and throws them off of him. 
Your eyes shoot back and forth between Peter and Wendy and you could hear yourself mumbling, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t-” You hadn’t realized that you were backing up until you felt the front door hit your back. 
Before you knew it, Peter was in front of you. All you could do was stare up at him with your heart ready to leap out of your chest. You were confused and hurt and scared and you wanted to be mad. But looking up at him. With his face soft and full of worry. All you could do was trust. Trust in what, you weren’t sure. But a wave of calmness fell over you as you looked at him and his hands came up to softly grip your shoulders. 
Peter was gently moving you through the cabin and you could hear Wendy protesting but you couldn’t clear your head enough to hear what she was saying. Peter leads you to the back room which is his bedroom. He sits you on his bed and whispers to you, “Stay here.” 
“Peter, I can go. I should’ve known you two were together. I shouldn’t be here, I can go.” But before you could make a move for the door, Peter grips your face gently but firmly, “I said ‘stay here’. I will figure this out. I’m not with her. She isn’t welcome here. You. Stay. Here.” 
Peter slammed the door behind him as he left and all you could do was sit on the bed as you were told. Looking around the room, there wasn’t much there to keep you entertained. There was a nightstand by the bed with a few nicknacks on it. A desk with papers covered in writing you couldn’t read. No pictures. No posters. Nothing. Twiddling your thumbs, you tried to not overthink. You sat as patiently as you could but as the minutes ticked by and their angry whispering didn't stop, your anxiety started to kick up.
What if he is lying? Why would she just randomly be here? She’s comfortable enough coming in and out of his place like that. He could just be telling me what I want to hear. Of course, they’re together. Even a blind person could see that they were together. When did I become so dumb?! I need to get out of here. 
Your breathing starts to become more rapid as your mind starts spiraling. Looking around the room, there was only one door, and that led back to the main room where Peter and Wendy are. The only other thing in the room was a window that sat above the desk. That was your ticket out. You thank the stars that you weren’t on an upstairs floor or anything or else this escape plan was going to be harder than you thought.
Swinging the window wide enough for your body to fit through, you quietly climbed up onto the table, careful not to disturb anything, and started to push out. You managed to make your way out but you accidentally made a loud thump as your body hit the back deck. Before you could stop and think about what to do, you jumped to your feet and took off running into the forest. 
You ran until your lungs burned and ran some more. All around you were trees, trees, and more trees. Everything looked the same yet you didn’t recognize where you were. “Shit I should have been paying attention on the way here. Where the fuck am I?”
Coming to a stop, you drop your hands to your knees to try and catch your breath. After a few deep breaths, you stand up tall and prepare to take off again, at a more reasonable pace this time that you’re far enough away.
But before you could head off, something flies into you and you go slamming back into a tree. A warm, hard body pushes up against you and holds you flush against the tree with no room to escape. It’s still too dark in the night and the trees are blocking the moonlight so you can’t see what has you pinned. You start wiggling around and try to use your hands to push yourself free but a hand wraps around your wrists and pins them above your head. Something comes close to your ear and you could feel the anger radiating from this figure.
“I thought I told you to stay.”
I Told You To Stay Pt. 2
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everythingmp3 · 7 months
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⎯ ୨ 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩୧ ⎯
𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
after your fathers death, you need to push through the grief very quickly to continue his work as one of the most prominent smugglers around. still, the pain of your situation makes you fall further into unhealthy habits and despair, which nobody notices, nobody except for one of your fathers old friends: Tess. she senses that something is off with you and suddenly becomes a surprisingly strong presence in your life. eventually, your feelings for her push you towards letting your guard down.
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warnings: minors dni. mentions of drug use and addiction, grief/death of a loved one, smut (reader receiving)
disclaimer: this one is long. Anna Torv got me good, I couldn’t stop thinking about her in the show. I never played the game, so accuracy was not the goal here, I just wanted to write something for the Tess we see in the show! I put a lot of thought and heart into this, so I really hope I can make some Tess girlies out there happy <3 or anyone else who is in the mood for a longer fic!
wordcount: 13k
It would have been absurd to call anyone during or after the outbreak “lucky”, considering the state of the world, but you knew in your heart that your fate had definitely been of the luckier kind. 
up until the outbreak, you and your father had been living as a duo for as long as you could remember. he had raised you as a single father in a small town where he´d worked as a professor, and your life had mostly been a content and peaceful one. 
you´d been old enough during the day of the outbreak to understand what was happening, but not old enough to remember much of it as an adult, the memories were all hazy, one big blur of panic. all you knew was that you two had left in your car in the middle of the night, never looking back once you were on the road, until you somehow got to be two of the first people inhabiting the Boston QZ. 
the first few years were anything but easy. the “schools” you went to were a joke, the structures in place were authoritative and soul crushing, everyone was traumatized and trying to cope one way or another. it was bleak, a sinister chaos, but at night when you sat around the table together, you couldn´t help but feel a sliver of gratitude, you´d both stayed alive, which was nothing short of a miracle.
for about a year post-outbreak, your father just worked whatever jobs were assigned to him, like everyone else. it was routine work, boring, dull, but it kept you two afloat. still, he got restless, a man who´d been used to hours and hours of mental stimulation and human connection, he couldn´t stay in the shadows by himself like that forever, he was itching for more. 
he had an air that granted him respect, so one day he received a proposal: his first contact to the smuggling business. at first, he was hesitant, but it was too tempting in the end, so he accepted, and it worked, better than he expected. it wasn´t exactly a natural progression, his former job in academia to that one, he saw the irony, but both jobs required people skills and he always told you: 90 percent of that kind of work is mental.
everyone was so lost during those early days, that a competent man like him, a mentor, attracted others, especially younger smugglers, like moths to a flame. his responsibilities quickly became more and more serious, people kept pushing him and a few others around his age to do the important organizing, the work that required more brain, not just intimidation and brute force, so about a year into that lifestyle, he slowly but surely became one of the top dogs in the smuggling business.
he kept his private life and business separate, always. he made sure you were safe at home while he was out, but the one thing he did right from the start, was that he told you everything about what he was doing. he knew it would not help you to stay naive and innocent, not in a world like that. he also knew you were smart and bored out of your mind, so what he did, each night, was that he told you every little detail about everyone he came into contact with, every trick he'd learned, every piece of valuable information. 
he trusted you, and he knew he wouldn´t be around to protect you forever, he wanted you to have valuable insight in your hands once you´d have to fend for yourself. so by the time you were 15, you knew pretty much everyone he worked with by name, their secrets, their ways of working, all of it. what he did not know, was that you also had a good amount of secrets of your own: what you did in your spare time, how you managed all those hours on your own.
as a teenager you´d started seeing various bottles of pills he was holding onto for deals laying around the apartment, and you were slick enough to take a few each time without him noticing. you were dealing with something, call it depression, PTSD, anxiety, or a mix of all three, but regardless of terminology: you were going through it and refused to burden him with it. it was far from ideal but taking sedatives helped, mostly Ambien but you weren´t too picky, they just had to be strong. you kept it in check, nobody noticed, not once. 
then, when you were in your early twenties, he fell ill. it was gradual but the hard life had worn him down, his heart was giving out, and all you could do, was to try to spend the rest of his days by his side, which you did. people were devastated, everyone knew him or of him, so some of them even came by your apartment to say their goodbyes, including one of his closest allies: Tess. 
you knew about all of his business partners, and Tess had been one that he really valued, spoke of very highly, always. you´d seen her around a few times and he´d told you a few stories about her, but she was a woman who kept to herself, so he was discreet, never spilling anything about her personal life.
still, she always stuck out to you among the others. even though you´d never even spoken to her, something about her seemed different to you, you could see why he´d worked with her for over a decade by that point, there was a magnetism to her that got to you. sometimes, you caught glimpses of her from afar, and wondered what it was about her, that always made you think of her for the rest of the day.
the day she came to say her goodbyes to him, you couldn´t help it: you stayed just outside of the room to listen. others had cried, been very sentimental, but she just sat there in silence for a good while with him. you swore you could hear her sniffle, but once she stepped out of the room, after you'd quickly hurried down the hall to not be caught, she looked as strong and composed as ever, giving you a small nod as she walked by, nothing more, but in her expression, you could tell she was signaling something to you, that she felt for you. something in her gaze went straight to your heart. 
as his death approached, you knew you had a choice to make. either, you could take over his business, or you could watch some random person attempt to fill the spot he´d leave vacant. early on, you knew, you´d have to take over. there was no way you´d let some psychotic power hungry tyrant swoop in and pick up all the work he´d leave up for grabs.
it was not a dream of yours to become his successor in that world, but dreams were a luxury few could afford those days, and you knew your fate could have been much worse. the decision meant that you´d have to deal with the impending grief in a way that wouldn´t leave you weak and bedbound, so you made a deal with yourself: one day. once he´d die, you´d give yourself one day to fall apart, to fall as deeply into despair as possible. and then, you´d have to get to work and forget all about it. 
even though a few of them had told him that they´d look out for you, you knew smugglers well enough to not trust their patience, their promises. if you´d stay inside grief stricken for weeks, they´d lose respect, they´d forget about you, someone else would catch their attention. besides, you had no interest in pity, in being handled like some precious little thing at risk of falling apart on her own. so, things played out exactly how you planned.
the day he died, you were inconsolable. it was darkness beyond imagination, loneliness unlike you´d ever felt it, your one guardian, one confidant: gone. the tears left your face swollen red, your body exhausted, so at night, you knocked yourself out really well with an extra high dose, knowing you´d have to step out the next day looking normal, respectable, hard to intimidate. 
at first, there were some nerves, but the second you started talking to people, discussing plans, handling deals, you realized you could almost do all of it on auto-pilot because you´d spent years and years absorbing all of his ideas, his language and mannerisms. you were basically inhabiting his ghost as you started making it known that you were taking over, for good, and nobody seemed to question it, even though you were barely above twenty. something about you gave them the vibe of do not mess with her. 
you were convincing in your new position and it helped that they were glad to cling to you, as a biological extension of his legacy. it worked, people respected you, you made sure his previous connections were properly taken over.
still, you felt absolutely horrible. deep down you were eaten up by grief, you were lonely, exhausted, but you simply couldn´t let it show, ever. your habit with the pills became much worse immediately. you used a pretty high dosage to sleep through entire evenings and nights, then you somehow got up and went out to do what you had to do, and repeated that cycle every day, not leaving yourself even one moment of just sitting around and thinking, because you knew once you´d let yourself do that: you´d break. 
what you didn´t know, was that Tess had told people to report to her how you were doing. 
she knew about you, she knew his death would leave you to your own devices, and at first she was convinced you´d be uninterested in taking over, but once she heard that you were doing it, she was alerted. she thought you´d fall flat on your face. a grieving daughter taking all that on? no way. but soon after, she heard back from people that you were working as if nothing had happened, and it puzzled her, that you were shouldering all of it seemingly without trouble. something in her told her: go have a look at that girl, something seems off there. 
Tess remembered your kind face the day she´d seen your father for the last time, the look of something so fragile, so soft in there, it just did not mix with the things she was hearing about you the weeks after his passing. 
so, about three weeks after he died, she made her way to your apartment, knocking around 8 pm. the second you opened the door, you knew of course who the intimidating looking woman in front of you was, but you just looked at her until she said “hey, could I come in for a second?”, her voice low and admittedly kind of alluring, you nodded, waving her in. 
she was the first person who´d had the guts to just come over unannounced, nobody had bothered to come and check on you, which you were mostly glad about, but you couldn´t deny the fact that it felt nice to have someone there for once. 
she walked into the nearest room, the kitchen, with a confidence as if the apartment was hers. you followed, watching her sit down a chair that she pulled away from the dining table, while you stood across the room, leaning against the wall. she cleared her throat, looking at you, her piercing eyes almost making you nervous then. 
“okay listen. your father might have told you this, but just in case he didn´t: i don´t do bullshit. i don´t like to waste time, not mine, not other people´s, so i´m gonna get straight to the point here, okay?” you stared at her, the way she was resting her hands on her knees, leaning forward to emphasize what she was saying, her eyes unyielding. 
you couldn´t help but feel a sense of admiration, her strength practically radiating off of her, you nodded, “sure go ahead”. 
Tess looked at you with something disbelief, “what the fuck is going on?” she asked, quiet, stern. you were not unaffected by the tone, but you were unsure what precisely she was referring to, “what do you mean?”. she shook her head, “save the coy act with me. you know what I mean. the person you have lived with your whole life dies and then two fucking days later you´re out there taking over his business like nothing ever happened? come on. tell me what´s going on here”. you felt caught for a second but then you realized she was only suspecting, she had nothing in her hands to prove that anything was wrong with you, so you did what you did best: deny it.
“I mean… I see how that could seem a bit strange but what good would it do to just weep and mope around all day? I can´t change what happened. I don´t need to cry all day, I can work, I can function, it´s fine.” you almost believed yourself, you were a good liar, but not good enough to fool Tess, hardly anyone could lie to her without being caught. she could tell that beneath the convincing way of putting it that way, you weren´t telling the truth. it was hard to pinpoint how exactly she could tell, because your voice was no giveaway, neither was your demeanor, but something told her immediately that you were a person who knew how to hide things well, partially because she had the same talent herself. 
“that sounds great on paper, really, but the way your father described you, it just doesn´t make sense, sorry, I don´t buy it.”
you were a little defensive then. “oh yeah, what did he say?” she grinned for a moment, relieved you were at least in a state that allowed you to push back.
 “well, he liked to brag. he often told me how sweet you were, how you remained kind and thoughtful even during the end of the fucking world, with him doing shady business and no mother around to look after you. i recall the word “angel” being used a few times. I don´t see a girl like that being all unaffected and tough mere days after her dad´s death, not without finding some strange ways to cope. so I am concerned.”
you took in the words, almost emotional then, but keeping it together, struck by the word concern. nobody had clocked it, that you weren´t truly doing that great, but here Tess came, unwilling to just take the lie and leave you be. part of you felt relief at being seen for once, by her of all people, the one regularly described as “cold. hardass. not to go to with puppy eyes asking for forgiveness after fucking a job up”. there she was, inquiring about a stranger´s well being. still, you couldn´t get yourself to give her the answer she wanted.
“concerned? you hardly know me” you deflected, and she scoffed then, throwing her hands up, “yeah sure. you´re only the freshly orphaned daughter of a man I knew for about 15 years, why should i give a fuck, right?”. you couldn´t argue with that, realizing that she was also just trying her best to do the right thing. 
“sorry, I didn´t mean it like that. it´s just, i am doing everything right. why do i have to justify that?”. you were defensive because you knew, if you allowed yourself to open up to her, it would end with you in tears, and you weren´t up for it. still, it hurt, to be offered some solace and refuse it. 
she insisted, “yes but that´s exactly what strikes me as odd. now would be the moment to do it all wrong, to be weak, to mess up, yet here you are, walking those damn streets like you´re the new sheriff in town. and hey, i´ll give it to you, you´re doing a good job, but something is off, and i want to understand.”
“I am just doing what has to be done” you said, a defeated tone to it, which she didn´t love hearing. she was losing her patience, “listen to me. you should be taking a break right now. this is about the hardest thing to go through, you should not be pushing yourself the way you are, not right now, not like this”.
you were quiet, looking at her, your eyes not obviously soft but something was in there, she saw a glimpse of vulnerability, but then it escaped her again. you were stubborn, a few more moments of your wordlessness made her realize that you wouldn´t talk. Tess knew she was onto something but you wouldn´t let her in, so she leaned back and exhaled, looking up at the ceiling, her shirt lifting up a little, a glimpse of her skin, it burned in your vision for a split second.
“okay, you don´t wanna talk, that´s fine. but trust me, I know grief and I know denial. I´ve been around long enough to have seen it many times, what repression of all that shit can do to someone. so, I guess, this is my way of saying: be careful. and I might not be the one for big speeches or touchy feely shit, but I do care. so, keep that in mind if you ever need… well, help.” she got up then, straightening out her clothes, running her hands through her long slightly gray hair, looking a little worn out from the day, but still, extremely striking. she was a sight that stirred something deep inside of you, you couldn´t deny it, even while being confronted by her, you couldn´t stop feel a pull in her direction. 
she walked towards the door but stopped for a moment when she was close to where you were standing, looking at you for second, a hint of a smile:
“well, i´ll give it to him, he raised no fool, that´s for sure”, you cracked a small smile too then, not rewarding her with a lot of words though, “thanks, Tess. I´ll keep all that in mind”, that was the first time you ever used her name to address her and it hit a nerve in her, like a wave of electricity running through her at the sound, but she didn´t let it show, instead she briefly patted your shoulder, saying “take care”, and left.
the second she was out on the street again, Tess realized that it was a good idea for her to leave your apartment, because the idea of you being all on your own there, spending entire nights in that dark, empty place, did not leave her cold, at all, and she had no interest in growing too emotionally involved. there was something about you that she had not expected and it was messing with her, it was making her mind spin.
whenever your dad had talked about you, she had pictured someone more like a teenager, but you were anything but that. you were a grown woman, young but clearly marked by the tough life you´d lived, someone she couldn´t just crack with one stern look. you had an air of nonchalance that was hard won; she knew you´d paid a prize to keep up a facade like that. 
a pretty facade, she had to admit, you were undeniably beautiful. Tess was not one for crushes, but she knew an attractive woman when she saw one. you did not dress much differently than the other women she knew, but still, you were so different, your face had a distinct look that got to her: your eyes, your expression, the way you´d looked at her, it all stuck with her, that image of you, sitting there at the kitchen table, backlit by the setting sun: burned into her mind. 
she knew there was no way around it, she´d keep thinking of you, wondering what you were actually thinking, feeling, what you did during those hours at night all on your own, how you managed to work the way you did, what you were hiding, how you managed your grief, whether you cried or not, what you were afraid of, what you did to seem as unafraid as you did. 
most of her days were spent talking to people she didn´t care about one bit, often even actively resented, so sensing the potential of actually caring about a person, and even better, being challenged by their cleverness, it made it impossible for her not to wonder how she might find an excuse to talk to you again. Tess was not heartless, she might have been perceived that way, but she knew, deep down, that it was only a matter of time until she´d give up the i don´t give a fuck attitude for someone who needed her to. and something was telling her, you might be that person.
as she left your apartment, a voice inside her was telling her: 
keep an eye on that girl. she might need someone one of these days, and the others don´t see it.
it was also telling her:
don´t you dare fall for your dead friend´s daughter.
the weeks leading up to that night, you´d done your best to remain numb, nothing had really gotten to you, you´d kept yourself busy or knocked out, but then, one brief visit from Tess and you were shaken up, moved, affected. within ten minutes she´d managed to reach some part of you that you´d kept shut off. something about her presence was both comforting and thrilling. you´d had crushes before, but it was different with her, the word almost too mild and cute to describe the visceral nature of it. once she left your apartment you just sat in your kitchen for about half an hour, quiet, thinking, unable to process what you were feeling. 
that night you dreamed for the first time in ages. you couldn´t recall the details the next morning, but you knew it was about her, and your body was warm in your bed even though the apartment was freezing cold. 
you knew you couldn´t just go to her without a reason, you had too much pride to just admit to her that you wanted more of her company, so you tried to ignore it, but the following week you thought of Tess a lot, so much so that you found yourself perking up whenever anyone around you mentioned her. then, one day, someone came up to you as you were busy dealing with something and told you she´d asked for you, for you to come to her the next morning, something about a job she was involved in. 
you wondered why she would ask for you specifically, but regardless of her reasoning, you were just excited to be able to see her again without even having to initiate it. so, the next morning you made your way to the address you´d been given. you knew your way around, you knew that it was the bottom floor of this abandoned warehouse that people in your line of work often used to meet discretely. 
the second you stepped inside, you saw two women you recognized, two guys, and Tess, sitting around a make shift table out of boxes, various maps and papers spread out over it. Tess locked eyes with you immediately and got up, waving you over to step aside with her for a moment, knowing you´d probably have questions. 
she looked at you, a smile, “thanks for coming” you nodded, “sure no problem. so, what is this?” you asked, crossing your arms, she realized she owed you an explanation, “well. there´s something rather big we have to plan. and what I´ve been hearing from people tells me that you´re one of the brighter ones around”, a grin as she said this, “so, I thought why not ask you to join? couldn´t hurt to have your input”. you were listening, eyes on her face, and something told you that she wasn´t telling the whole truth. 
part of you felt like she might be testing you, wanting to see if everyone was just cutting you some slack and exaggerating your skillset, but you were up for it, “sure, I´ll do what I can”. “alright then” she pulled you by the arm, the brief touch making you feel more than you hoped it would, but even a small squeeze from her hand did something to you. you tried to forget about it as you sat down next to her.
they quickly filled you in. getting people across city limits was nothing new, but it was gonna be about 5 people, which was a lot. the plan needed to be perfect, you needed to make sure that it was all ideal; the time of day, the routes they would take, possible quick escape routes too if trouble came their way, calculating possible run ins with law enforcement, mapping out where they usually stood guard, every detail had to be considered. 
you let the others do most of the talking, only chiming in when you had a correction to make, a better suggestion, or needed to explain why certain things wouldn´t work. you observed most of the time, but the few remarks you made were precise and helpful, you could tell they were glad to have you around, even Tess, who was not easily impressed, nodded in approval multiple times when you said something. at times you could feel her looking at you from the side, even when you weren´t talking and you wondered why; was she concerned? curious? or, maybe, just maybe, did she also find you intriguing?
similarly you also found yourself staring at her kind of in awe whenever she talked, resting your face on your hand, just looking, her voice almost soothing you to a point of spacing out. you tried your best to listen to the words being said, but it wasn´t easy, with her sitting so close to you, her body somehow waking yours up after weeks up feeling dead. 
before you knew it, you´d spent almost the entire day just sitting there, talking, planning, at times stepping away to drink something or stretch your limbs. by the time it got dark, you were done. as the others stood around talking for a while, you already stepped out, catching some air, leaning against the wall of the house, clearing your head for a moment before going home. after a few minutes, you saw the others leaving, waving goodbye, Tess following shortly after, making her way over to you, taking up the empty space next to you. 
at first neither of you talked, both just staring ahead, tired from the day, but then she spoke up, “you were good today”, her voice lower and raspier than at the beginning of the day, getting under skin. you knew that counted as high praise from her, so you smiled, looking at her, “thanks. I guess I passed your test then, huh?” she stared at you, her eyes giving away that you´d caught her off guard with that, it amused you, so you went on “it´s fine, I get it, I wasn´t counting on any nepotism treatment”, she raised her eyebrows then, “smart AND funny, huh?” laced with obvious irony. you shook your head, looking back at the street, she smiled to herself, realizing more and more that she shouldn´t underestimate you, since you kept surprising her, but it was a challenge she was eager to accept: figuring you out. 
“well, I know for a fact he couldn´t have taught you all that. I know enough smart guys whose kids can barely count to five so… it´s definitely not just a family thing”, you appreciated that, she continued, staring up at the sky, leaning her head back against the wall, “to be honest it´s kind of eerie at times, you at your age, talking like that” she admitted, you turned to her then, facing her more directly, “yeah? how so?”, she shrugged, breathing out, “I don´t know. I guess you´re so young, but already so..” you completed the sentence “jaded?”, she laughed then, the sound of it getting to you, “no, no, that´s not what I mean. it´s just, you should be.. more carefree I guess. as much as I hate dealing with stupid mistakes by youngsters, it does feel odd that you´re so fucking composed already”. 
you considered it, you could tell there was genuine sympathy in there and she wasn´t wrong either, it was pretty clear you weren´t exactly out there being young and wild, “well, I guess spending most of my time only talking to and living with a middle aged man did that”.
she nodded, an understanding smile, “right. well, maybe it's time to change that sweetheart, huh?” you couldn´t tell if she was being genuine or fucking with you, you looked her, squinting your eyes, “you know I can´t exactly get in trouble, Tess. not even a little”.
she knew what you meant, “fun” for younger people those days mostly meant breaking into empty buildings, drinking or getting high there, attempting parties, but with your lifestyle, you knew run-ins with FEDRA were to be avoided at all costs, so nothing like that was on the table for you. besides, it wasn´t exactly your idea of fun, you´d rather find someone to spend time with one on one, but you weren´t gonna tell her all that, not in that moment. 
she nodded, “yeah i know. still, there´s gotta be some way for you to have fun, hm?” it sounded slightly suggestive the way she said it, “sure, i´ll find a way, one day”, you kept it vague too, and she left it at that, since she saw that you were shivering from the cold, “come on, let´s go, you´re also headed down there, right?” pointing down the street you both had to take home, “yeah i am”. you followed her, walking close but not too close, wishing you could link arms, warm yourself up against her. for a second Tess almost offered you her jacket, but she realized how romantic that would´ve seemed, and let it go.
you were rarely scared, not even at night, but it did feel nice for a change, to have someone as intimidating and capable as her next to you, it felt good. she looked ahead, seemingly lost in thought, but she could tell you were looking at her from the side, and she almost felt frustrated by how nervous it made her. nothing made her blood rush anymore those days, not fear, not excitement, nothing; she was hardened, so feeling like she might actually flush from feeling you look at her almost irritated her for a moment, something so simple breaking her open, but she liked it, deep down she did.
you walked in silence for about a minute, and it was ironic that you had thought about feeling safe next to her, because out of nowhere a loud bang startled both of you. you stopped in your tracks, your minds racing: was it a gunshot? an explosion? a car crashing into something? it was too far to tell, but close enough to be alarmed. five seconds passed of you two standing there frozen, listening, before gunfire opened nearby. you could hear what sounded like a pretty large group of FEDRA assholes quickly stomping down the street, and within one second Tess had her own gun in her hand, yanking your arm with the other one, instructing with urgency “run!”, not letting go, pulling you down the street. from the look of it she had her eyes on some escape route and she did. 
in that moment it became crystal clear that she had years and years of experience on you, while you were still thinking she had only needed a split second to do the right thing, to think of a way out. by the sound of it they were coming dangerously close, you could hear screaming, shots being fired, the darkness ruptured by car lights, you had very little distance between you and them, and Tess made you run faster than you´d run in ages, never letting go of your hand. she pulled you into a small alley, letting go once you reached a few metal trash cans that she immediately kicked to the side, revealing a small door that lead into the backside of the tall building it belonged to, ripping it open and pushing you inside, before following and banging the door shut behind you.
you were out of breath, trying to think. the room smelled ancient, damp and was completely dark, there was no way of seeing, but you could hear her breathing and cursing under her breath next to you. “jesus fucking christ” you said, “crack-downs usually only happen during the day what is their fucking problem??”. you were pissed, your lungs were stinging. “yeah, get used to it, lately it´s been all the fucking time” by the sound of it she was still hunched over and very out of breath, you couldn´t help but laugh then, “I take it running isn´t one of your hobbies, huh?”. 
she couldn´t see, so she just guessed where you were standing and slapped in that direction, making contact with your stomach for a second, “just you wait til you´re old, see how funny this is then”. you were grinning, “old? Tess, you´re barely over 40”, she shook her head, calming down, resting against the wall then, “how about you quit the comedy and say: thank you Tess for saving me. I´m so grateful you weren´t a deer in headlights like me and dragged my ass to safety”. you mirrored her actions then, you arm hitting hers in the dark, “fuck off, you were just quick as hell”, she took it as a compliment, secretly enjoying the more familiar vibe that was suddenly in the air, “yeah I was, lucky for you”. 
“so, what is this place?” you asked, “little thing I discovered back in the day. as you know this area isn´t exactly the greatest, they love targeting us here so yeah, saved my ass a few times, but it´s been a while”, “cozy.” you said, flatly, “hey, if you wanna go back out there and get your head blown off instead, be my guest” she snapped back, it was funny to you, how easy it was to rile her up.
“I think about an hour and we´ll be fine to leave. things usually die down within that time frame”, “an hour??” you exclaimed, clearly not happy. “yes, an hour. don´t act like you have anywhere else to be, I know you don´t”, “wow okay, rub it in, go ahead”, she smiled then, perhaps she´d exaggerated a little, maybe half an hour would have been fine, maybe she´d subconsciously bought herself more time with you.
“we don´t have to stand here by the way, there´s a ladder somewhere that leads to a hallway and room, go on feel around, it can´t be far”, you started searching for it in the dark, hands reaching into empty space until something would show up, “so I´ll just climb up in total darkness and crack my head open if I miss a step and fall?”, she shook her head “alright, drama queen. if anything I´ll crack my head, you´re going ahead of me, so worst case you´ll fall back onto me”, you smiled then, safe to do so because she couldn´t see, “still, not great”. you found it, “here, come”. you could feel her close behind you while stepping onto the ladder, a few steps up, you could feel her following, her hands on your back then, sending a shiver down your spine that you hoped she didn´t feel.
“go on, i got it” she reassured. it wasn´t far up, a few moments later you could feel a floor, your palms flat against it, pulling yourself up, letting out an audible groan as you tried to get up on your feet from that position, she laughed, “and you of all people had the audacity to make fun of my fitness”, “shut up” you whispered, as you could feel her standing up behind you, reaching for you to make sure you were both far away enough from the ledge, her fingers making your skin feel warmer.
“there´s a lightswitch somewhere here, wait” she slapped the stone wall in random places until a tiny lightbulb above you flickered on, your eyes adjusting for a second. once you could see again, you both realized you´d been holding onto each other´s arms pretty tightly and let go at the same time, seeing each other´s faces, a little flushed, and for a moment you just stared at each other, collecting yourselves, before she looked around, pointing down the small corridor, “come”. you followed, watching her adjust her shirt, her usual half up half down hairstyle somehow even better after it had come undone a little, you tried to snap out of it, but her physicality was drawing all of your attention in.
she pushed the door open, there was some resistance from the old wood but it was no struggle for her; Tess was strong, you knew that of course but actually seeing it like that was something you could get used to. the room was barely bigger than a broom closet but you could both sit on the floor. she slid down the wall, motioning for you to follow. you sat across from each other, knees almost touching.
“oh fuck” she grabbed your hand, you had no idea what was going on until you looked down: your knuckles were bleeding. you´d scraped them but couldn´t even remember how or where, which she took note of, the fact that your body seemed to be so numb that you didn´t even register an injury. “oh..” you said, unfazed, “hold on” Tess said, and before you could stop her she took the hem of her shirt in her hands and pretty violently ripped a part of it off, telling you to hold out your hand before quickly tying the soft fabric around, over your knuckles, the blood getting soaked up by it, “there you go”. you shook your head, “that really wasn´t necessary Tess, you fucked up your shirt for me”, she waved it off, “oh who cares, we can´t have open wounds here”. you looked down at where she´d bandaged you, a sting in your heart: how long had it been since someone had shown you care like that? 
you put your head in your hands then, a sudden throbbing headache. you were usually already asleep in a drug induced haze at that hour and you knew your body was eager to shut down, but you forced yourself awake, rubbing your temples, sitting upright again.
she was observing you, quietly, just looking, “you okay there?”, “yeah yeah, just… long day, that´s all”, she nodded, slowly “right. you wanna stop lying to me any time soon, or no?”.
you met her gaze then, she held it, refusing to let it go, you shrugged “I don´t know what you want me to say, Tess”, whatever she was doing was working, you were not in a position to lie with her that close to you, that attentive, picking up on every little mannerism. 
“how about you start by telling me how you´re actually doing. what you´re doing to cope. because i know it´s not fucking meditation or journaling”, a tired smile from you then, you briefly broke eye contact, thinking about how to put it, before looking back at her.
“I think the answer is so obvious that it flew over your head”, she was confused then, “how so?”, you cocked your head, “come on, Tess. in our business? what does literally everyone do to cope?”. her eyes went wide then, she shook her head, “no. I can tell you´re not on drugs, I know the look”.
“well, i don´t do it during the day…” she looked alarmed, “what the fuck are you telling me?” you felt vulnerable then, having actually put it out there. you were looking at her with pleading eyes, not wanting to say it word for word, hoping she´d catch on. she was louder then, “jesus fucking christ, what kind of drugs?” your voice was quiet, a little defensive, “well, I don´t drink and I don´t smoke. so you do the math.” 
she pressed her hands together, looking at the floor for a moment, she seemed angry, “you´re hooked on pills, that's what you´re saying?”, you shrugged, “I don´t know if hooked is the word I´d use-” she interrupted, her tone hard, unforgiving “that´s exactly what someone who is hooked would say”, you threw your hands up, defeated, “right okay”. 
she tried to calm down a little, “how much?”, you debated lying, but it was clear you were past that, there was no point, so you told her the average amount you took, and the shock on her face didn´t feel great. “are you fucking with me? that could knock out a horse!”, her voice echoed through the empty hall, a moment of silence after, you didn´t feel shame but something related to it, seeing her react that strongly mirrored back to you how serious your situation was. she shook her head for a while, processing, her hand on your knee then, firm as she spoke, “you´re gonna have to stop that. and I mean it. that shit could easily kill you if you don´t”. you didn´t have it in you to fight then, you just looked at her, no words were coming, “oh, so that´s fine with you, yeah?”, you got angry too then.
“hey I didn´t choose this fucking life okay? I did what I could to not go insane, and considering all the nut-jobs i´ve had to deal with, I´d say i´m not doing that bad of a job”, Tess realized then that it wouldn´t help to be accusatory, she let up a little, feeling sympathy for you as she watched you nervously fidget with your clothes.
“he had no clue, did he?” she asked, quietly, you shook your head “no, thank god. he had enough to worry about” she eyed you, something like respect mixed into the obvious concern, “you really know how to keep a secret, don´t you?” she knew it must´ve been years of that habit for it to sound as casual as it did, coming out of your mouth, and it mostly pained her to think of you as a teenager doing all that, but somehow it also impressed her: the fact that nobody ever caught on. 
you didn´t smile then, but your expression became lighter, “yeah, you´re actually the only one who knows now”, that surprised her, touched her a little even, realizing that it must´ve been pretty vulnerable of you to tell her. “really?”, you nodded, “hm yeah. guess you should feel good about yourself, your intuition is still in-tact”, she almost laughed then, “right, that´s a huge consolation, that I was right about you having some fucked up secret”.
you looked at her with clear affection then, your walls had come down and she saw it, returning the look, glad she´d actually gotten somewhere with you. “well, I might have to drag you out at night, to stop all that”, you shook your head “that would not be pretty, I´d be a mess, you´d hate it”, “oh, I´d manage” she said, sounding convinced of it.
you smiled, “thank you, but no”. she got it, you were grown and had to deal with it on your own, still, she hated the idea of leaving you to your own devices. her soft spot for you had only grown softer all day; sitting next to you for hours, listening to your thoughts, your voice, the feeling of your hand as you both ran off, the feeling of you so close in that room, being trusted with something you hadn´t told anyone before. Tess was in deep, and she knew it, she tried hard to let it go, but it was a losing battle. seeing you there, your face half-lit by the weak lightbulb, your knees pulled to your chest, your eyes, tired but beautiful, it gave her the urge to reach out and touch you, make you feel better, but she kept it in, sat there stone-faced, mostly, but you saw something, it was there, her demeanor had shifted. 
for few minutes you just sat there in silence, both lost in thought, resting against the walls, eyes closed. she realized that it might be a good idea to repay you for your honesty, to not let you sit alone in the uncomfortable feeling of having shared something personal, so she spoke up, “listen. I don´t usually talk about this stuff because it´s been ages and I don´t want pity or consolation, but I lost everyone I cared about during the outbreak, truly all of them, and for a good while I thought I´d never survive it. but, here I am. and I am not saying that it´s been easy, not at all, but I did survive it, so. keep that in mind when you feel like it´s all too much.” 
you took in the words. it was rare, for her to speak of her past, you sensed that she might actually be trying to get closer to you, to bond, “I´m really sorry, that must´ve been awful. it probably still is. but you´re stronger than me, Tess, I can´t compare myself to you”. 
she shook her head “no, I´ve just had time to polish the facade, trust me. you should´ve seen me about a decade ago, I was going through it, it was ugly”, you looked at her then, realizing that beneath her tough aura that seemed so effortless, so natural, there was also a lot of pain, a lot of hurt she´d pushed through, sensitivity she kept to herself. 
it felt good, to share the feeling of being softer on the inside than either of you let on. you absentmindedly rested your head on her leg, your body clearly tired from the day, more prone to random acts of affection like that without thinking twice, you didn´t care in that moment, she didn´t either, patting your hand with hers a little, resting it there for a second. 
“you´ll be fine” she declared, you locked eyes with her, “I´ll try”, her hand squeezing yours reassuringly. “trust me, I´ve seen lost causes, that´s not you”, you looked at her then, “yeah, what am I then?”, she smiled, “a salvageable cause” you laughed then, “I´ll take that”.
she was glad to see you loosening up again. it was soothing, the dark confined space, the quiet, the vibe that had settled between you and her, it felt like you were hidden from the world, like you´d been offered a brief moment of peace, without thinking you rested your head on your knees, closing your eyes for a second, Tess watched you, feeling protective over you, her hand resting on your leg that was propped up in her direction. after a while you felt her nudging you.
“I think we should be fine to go now” she said, and you tried to mask the disappointment, wishing you could stay there with her longer, which was a feeling you weren´t alone in. 
she stood first and pulled you up, again, no struggle for her, her hand´s grip on yours too brief, you wished she´d have kept holding it like that. as you both stood there, face to face, a little raw from the personal discussion, something passed between you; the air was charged, both of you felt it, searching the other person´s eyes, your bodies barely an inch apart, but before it could lead anywhere, you both got scared of doing something you´d regret and looked away, acting casual,  or at least trying to. you made your way down to the door, she tentatively opened it, not all the way, gauging the situation outside first, but it was all quiet, so she waved you out.
it was pitch black by then, freezing, a clear night, the full moon illuminating the streets. somehow there was a shared agreement between you and Tess, that what you´d said in that little room would stay in there, almost like a confession booth; the moment you were walking down the street, you were both your usual tough selves again. 
the walk home was wordless, your house was the first you reached, and at first you just stood there, almost shy, both unsure how to say goodnight after spending the entire day together, both thinking things you wouldn´t say.
Tess broke the silence first, “so. I know you´re about as bad as me at accepting help, but I´ll say it one more time: I am here if there´s ever anything I can do for you. and maybe pick up smoking instead of.. you know” a genuine laugh from you then, “okay, good idea. and thank you. for-” you gestured around between you and her, trying to convey gratitude without specifying what exactly for, she got it, “don´t mention it, you´re by far not the worst person to be trapped in a room with” she said with a smug grin, before giving your shoulder a brief squeeze and saying goodnight. as she walked off your gaze fell down to your bandaged knuckles, and something in you told you she wouldn´t have done that for just anyone. at least you hoped so.
that night you didn´t consciously skip the drugs, her asking you to quit was not enough to kill that instinct; you simply forgot. the next morning you couldn´t even remember how you´d undressed, showered, and gotten into bed, you´d been so lost in your thoughts about Tess, that you´d somehow fallen asleep before you could reach for any self-medication. 
you couldn´t help but see the irony, that she´d berated you for the habit and without knowing it actually succeeded in getting you to stop that day, not with her words, but with the deep attraction you felt to her, the way it took over your whole mind and body, no space left for worrying about anything other than when you´d see her again. 
the next few days, nothing much changed. a whole week went by, then another, and nothing in particular was worse than the weeks before, but that was the issue; it was an endless cycle of living the same day. you felt like you were trapped doing the exact same things over and over, nothing to look forward to, nobody to talk to other than people you were involved with for work, it was just sleep and business and suppression of anything unpleasant you were feeling, every day, no moments of peace or laughter or joy, no light at the end of the tunnel. 
one night about a month after you´d last seen Tess, except for a brief nod from across the street a few times, you couldn´t take it anymore. it was late, you were alone in your apartment and the silence was killing you, the loneliness, the same routine, all of it. you had to move and get up, so you stepped outside at 11 pm, knowing there was only one person you could go to. 
you were counting on Tess still being awake at that hour. once you reached her apartment door you were nervous, the second you knocked you felt adrenaline rushing, because you realized you hadn´t even bothered to make up a lie as to why you were there. she opened the door and looked at you with a smile that said and who do we have here?.
the moment Tess laid eyes on you, she could tell you weren´t doing any better than the last time she´d seen you. the light in your eyes had dimmed even more, so she saved the jokes and the teasing, she didn´t demand an explanation, “come in”, relief washed over you as you stepped inside. you followed her down the dark hallway to the living room that was connected to an open kitchen, you took in the room and unsurprisingly it did not give much away about her; decorations were sparse, no posters on the wall, no sentimental photos, but a few candles were burning and the room seemed like a peaceful space.
“sorry, I know it´s late”, you said, slightly self-conscious, aware it might seem odd to just turn up like that, but she turned to look at you as she walked over the the kitchen, clearly unbothered, “oh no, don´t worry, I never sleep before midnight anyway”. it almost felt more humiliating, to be treated with kindness, somehow you didn´t feel deserving of it. 
she saw you standing in the middle of the room, a little timid, so she gestured over to the couch emphatically, “sit.” it sounded more like an order than an invitation, which you liked, her brand of care that always had a subtle touch of dominance to it. 
as you sat down, trying to position your body in a way that would look natural, she came over, bending down to hand you a glass of water, “here, drink”, her voice warm and strong.
she didn´t sit down next to you on the couch, but on the armchair next to it, you almost told her to come and join you but you knew how that would have sounded, so you drank up, set the glass down and faced her. 
she had crossed her legs and was leaning her head on her hand by then, watching you, her hardened face somehow much softer in the candlelight, her eyes shimmering, her hair falling down her face in loose waves, the sight making all your unexpressed feelings for her bubble up. you tried not to just stare at her as she spoke up, “so. couldn´t sleep?”.
you shook your head, leaning back a little, exhaling shakily, looking over at her, “no. not at all”. “hmm” she waited a moment before asking “wanna tell me why?”. you knew you hadn´t come over to lie, so you nodded, “yeah. well, I stopped taking anything like three weeks ago”, she leaned forward then, “that´s good, I´m glad. did anything prompt that, or did you just stop because you wanted to?”. 
she was onto something, and you felt the need to share it, “no, there was a moment. it was pretty dumb actually, one day I just fell, or collapsed I should say, out of nowhere. I know all the side effects but that one had never happened before, and I landed pretty fucking hard”. you were a little shy as you pulled up your shirt to reveal the left side of your ribs, the bruises were faded because it had been a few weeks but the outline was still very much there, faint yellow and green, the way bruises look towards the end of the healing process, the impact had spanned over multiple of your ribs. 
Tess flinched for a second when she saw your skin, a mix of attraction and pain, “jesus…” she whispered, trying to suppress the urge walk over and see it up close, “I´m so sorry, that must´ve hurt like hell”, you nodded, letting your shirt down again, a little embarrassed by the story. she was clearly affected by it, her eyes giving it away, “and let me guess, you didn´t ask for help or stay in bed, did you?”, you just looked at her, wordlessly signaling that she was right of course. 
she changed the way she was sitting then, relaxing her posture again, shaking her head a little, “what are we gonna do with you, hm?” a faint smile, eyeing you the way you eye someone who just fucked something up, but in a way that somehow makes you feel even more softly towards them. 
you continued, nervously running your hand up and down your thigh, “Tess, it´s been awful. really, I can´t sleep anymore. I am awake all the fucking time, it´s horrible.”,
your voice tinged with a sense of hopelessness that alarmed her, she tried to frame it positively for you, “well, then it´s impressive I´d say, that you pushed through for a few weeks already. despite all that”. you considered it “right, yeah I guess. but I feel no better than before. I don´t know Tess, I´m -” your gaze was cast to the floor, you were clearly struggling to find the right words, she encouraged you, “what is it? tell me”, you looked back at her again, “it´s just… is this all there is?” you vaguely gestured around, she cocked her head, “you´ll have to be a little more specific than that, sweetheart”. 
“I mean this life we´re living. of course I wasn´t naive when I was younger, it was obvious I wouldn´t get to live a dream, still, I did have hope for something. but now that I´m in it, it´s so bleak. it´s the same meaningless shit every single day, and I just can´t stomach the fact that this is gonna be my life forever. how in the world have you been doing this for so long? I don´t get it, Tess, it´s fucking killing me” your voice was different than usual, she knew your usual tone: composed, slow, unwavering, but in that moment it was flipped, you sounded panicked, and it hurt, it hurt her to see someone like you in that state, knowing how much it must´ve taken to break you down like that. 
she waited for a moment, but she just couldn´t stay in her seat any longer, so she got up and sat down next to you, speaking quietly, softly, “listen. I get what you´re saying, and I won´t deny it, it gets dark times, it definitely does, but you´re in a particularly rough spot right now, and it will not be this level of awful forever. trust me, I´d know.” 
you looked up at her then, adjusting your posture to face her properly. Tess was many things, but she was not a liar, so you tried your best to really absorb what she´d said, to internalize it. “okay. I do believe you” she nodded, glad you were receptive to her comfort, her gaze fell to your left hand then, a few leftover bruises from the fall were also visible there. instinctively, without thinking twice,  she reached out, her fingers ever so lightly running over the discolored skin, the sudden tenderness almost made you cry, she kept looking at your hand, kept holding it, “why didn´t you come to me earlier?” a genuine question. 
you were so focused on how good it felt to be touched by her that it took you a second to answer, “I don´t know. what could you have done?”, she almost laughed then, “use your imagination, the things anyone with half a heart would do for an injured person: be nice, make some tea, maybe if I was feeling really crazy even offer a hug” you smiled then, “right. that does sound good”, “yeah, too bad you´re so strict with that suffering in silence vow you took”, you regained some humor then, “well if I wasn´t, I might have shown up here like this many times already so. careful what you wish for” she grinned then, “and you think I would´ve found that horrible, yeah?” you shrugged, “I don´t know, you tell me”.
she shook her head, amused by your refusal to see that she would pretty much drop anything to help you at any given time, “I don´t do charity, sweetie. when I say I´m here for someone, I mean it” you squeezed her hand then, realizing she´d been holding onto yours for the past minute or so. you were both looking at each other, feeling each other´s leg because you were sitting so close, faces not far apart, not at all, and something shifted in a split second. it had been a while since either of you had been with someone, but in that moment it was like your bodies were simultaneously remembering what desire feels like, more intensely than ever before, and you both saw it in the other person, mirrored back. 
Tess was the first to move, she put her hand to your cheek, her thumb almost brushing over your lips, her gaze wandering over every part of your face, your breathing heavier instantly, you looked at her with pleading eyes, but she had given you that physical cue to make the decision yours. you saw her waiting, hoping, and gave in, hand on the side of her face, fingers in her hair, pulling her in for a kiss, harder than you intended, impatient, your lips warm against hers, your body immediately leaning in as close as possible, it took Tess one second to react, but the moment she felt you kissing her with that deep eagerness, it hit her: oh. this girl really wants me.
so she grabbed you with both hands and deepened the kiss, letting you climb onto her, holding you in place as you both abandoned restraint and hungrily kissed each other over and over until you felt your tongue against hers and slowed it down a little to savor it, softly moaning into her mouth, hearing her sounds mix with yours, turning each other on even more, her hands going lower and lower on your body, stopping at your waist, your back, her grip on you almost as arousing as the kiss, your whole body melting into her touch, the tension thick and heavy, your bodies almost overheating. your movements were desperate, your sounds too, everything about it was, it truly seemed like no amount of closeness was close enough, like you were so starved you might actually devour each other. 
she could feel you pushing up against her while you kissed, and as you both caught your breaths for a moment, she could tell you needed more from her, it was not the time for anything that would take too long, not in that moment, but she knew she could help you relax, release some tension, and as if you could read her mind she could hear you begging “please Tess”, your face close to hers, a shiver as she heard the neediness in your voice, luckily clothes were pretty loose, no need to fumble with a zipper or undress, she had no trouble just slipping her hand under the fabric, down to your underwear, she could hear you take a sharp breath in.
 “I got you” she reassured, “let me make you feel good, okay?”, you leaned back into the couch as she pushed you back with one arm and moved herself to an angle that would work, your legs apart then, her hand grazing your cunt through the soaked fabric.
she breathed even heavier then, feeling the effect she had on you, her fingers cold against the heat of your core, the contrast making you dizzy for a moment, shaking slightly, already sighing just from that, she cooed at you “it´s okay” as her fingers made direct contact with your cunt, her fingers sliding between your aroused lips, a moan almost leaving her as she felt your juices covering her skin, slick with it within one second, hearing you whine a little as she moved her fingers up and down, not even thinking about your pleasure for a second but her own, the thrill of having a pretty girl claim her in that sense, covering her in wetness, already fantasizing about getting her whole face up in it, tasting you. 
the thought pushed her to add more pressure to her movements, the passion taking her over, fully, moving her fingers to your clit then, sensing it was the right thing because you were louder then, shaking almost, clinging to her, “fuck…don´t stop, please” tumbled out of your mouth as she drew circles over the sensitive spot, she felt your hips pushing upwards, her eyes back on your face then, watching you come undone, her chest swelling with the pleasure of knowing it was her doing: your eyes shut, your lips parted. “you´re so fucking pretty” she whispered while feeling your cunt practically dripping onto her hand, the words pushing you towards your orgasm even faster, she could tell you were close, so she leaned down a little, facing you, pinning you to the couch as she kept teasing your clit.
the thing that got you more turned on than you ever remembered being, was the her movements were not erratic or too fast, but secure and skilled, hard but not aggressive, a slow sensuality to it that was so powerful that you whole body burned with the sensation, “fuck, I´m-” you couldn´t even from the whole sentence but she knew what you were trying to say, “just let go sweetie, cum for me”, encouraging you to cum against her hand, which you did, a violent shudder going through you as you arched up against her hand one last time, and what killed you then was the even as you came down from the climax, she was still watching you, still touching you, so drunk on the feeling of your cum all over her fingers that she just couldn´t let go before you were truly finished.
you slumped back against the couch as she got up from on top of you and sat down next to you, also a little spent, leaning back. once you were coherent again, you looked over at her, exhausted but face glowing, she turned to face you, pleased to see you smile, “god that felt good..” you said, still high on endorphins, resting your hand on her leg, she laced her fingers between yours, “yeah. it did”, making sure you knew that got just as much out of it.
“did you call me pretty or did I imagine that?” you asked, smiling at her, she grinned, realizing that you were the type to really crave praise but not ask for it explicitly, “I´ll say it again, you´re very pretty”, her voice low and sultry, a satisfied look to you. she just said what she was thinking before she could change her mind, “do you wanna stay here tonight? you can sleep over if you want, it´s late” you sat upright then, moving over to her side of the couch, getting up in her space again, hand on her chest, “yeah I´d like that”, an enthusiasm to your expression that made her happy, “okay good. we´ll have to share a blanket though” she said, you laughed then, “I can handle that I think”.
you´d already showered and changed into comfortable clothes before you came over, so she told you to just get comfortable on whatever side of the bed you wanted, while she´d go freshen up. her bedroom was similar to her living room, minimal decor, but comfortable, warm, a few of her clothes over a chair in the corner, a wooden bedside table with a few books, a small lamp, a lighter, a candle, the bedspread a soft creme color, the window half concealed by dark curtains. it somehow smelled like her, slightly fresh, slightly woody, a hint of musk in there too. at first you didn´t even want to touch anything, feeling like a kind of intruder, but the second you sat down on the right side of the bed it was too soft and relaxing not to give in and get comfortable. 
you were leaned against the headboard, still high on the feeling of her all over you, taking the room in, stretching your legs out, your hands running over the fabric of the sheets.
a few minutes later Tess she came into the room, her hair slightly damp, face fresh and glowing, dressed in a t-shirt and underwear. you were glad to see that she was already fine with you seeing her like that, even though you hadn´t seen her naked yet. 
your gaze wandered to her strong thighs as she walked over to her wardrobe and got out a pair of sweatpants, she smiled to herself, feeling your attention even though she had her back turned to you, “you´re staring” she said, her voice giving away that she enjoyed it, “I know” you responded, which made her laugh and turn around to look at you.
you didn´t even bother to pretend, you were still clearly checking her out as she got dressed, “I think I deserve something in return for that” she said as she walked over to her side of the bed and got onto the covers with you, eyeing you from the side, “yeah like what?”, she smiled, pulling you closer in one swift motion, her hand finding the bare skin of your thighs under the fabric, squeezing a little, just taking in the feeling of your soft skin, you were face to face, and your grin gave away that she could do pretty much whatever she wanted to you, “if you want me to undress I can do that you know”, you teased, she shook her head, “no, this is good, I like having something to look forward to”, that was the charming way of putting it, Tess also could´ve said we can´t fuck right now because we´re both tired and I´ll need the first time of getting a taste of you to last as long as possible. 
you blushed a little then, your hand in her hair, taking in the sight of her outside of her usual guarded physicality, all sweet and affectionate, relaxed, hand under her shirt, on her back, it was surprising to you, that nothing you did, no amount of touching her, seemed to be too much at all, even though she was not a hugger, not a person for handshakes even, so it made you feel free in your greediness for her.
 you spent a short while just laying there, half entwined, the sleepiness adding to the slow tenderness of the moment, she seemed mesmerized as her hand wandered further up your body, pushing your shirt up a little to trace your side with her fingers, you leaned in to kiss her, pulling her closer by the neck, Tess pulling your lower side close hers with the grip she had on your waist. you were dizzy from the warm sensation of her lips, her skin, your leg over hers, the way she immediately kissed you back with a need she couldn´t hide, eliciting a few low sounds of pleasure from you, you only parted once you both needed air, “come on” she said, she motioned for you to get under the covers with her, the room a little too cold to stay like that for long.
the moment you were under the blanket a shyness returned, the intimacy of truly being in bed with her like that suddenly making you hesitant to move, which she saw, and it amused her, that this girl who had no issue firing a gun, beating people up if needed, dealing godless amounts of drugs, suddenly seemed unable to just take up the personal space of a woman who was very clearly into her. the contrast charmed her, made her realize that she had a good amount of power over you but the good kind, the kind that allowed her to make you feel safe, free to show your more vulnerable self for once.
she smiled at you, “so, you wanna stay on your side or?...” 
you realized she was teasing a little, sensing your apprehension, it made you remember there was no need to be hesitant at all, so you shook your head, smiling back at her, “well come here then”. she opened her arms, gesturing for you to lay down on her however you wanted, which you did. you moved over and it felt so natural, to just lay your head on her chest and rest your arm on her stomach, everything about it felt like you´d done it before, the way Tess´s hand immediately found its way to your hair, running her fingers through it, softly, the repeated rhythm of it immediately putting you at ease, the feeling of your face against her chest reminding her how much she´d craved it all along, to feel useful, needed, to feel like her presence was actually making a difference to someone who deserved it. 
“that feels nice” you whispered, your voice sleepy at that point, your body slack against hers, she ruffled your hair a little, feeling you lean into her hand, moving it down to caress your cheek, both of you slowly dozing off, so she reached over and switched off the small light that was still on, letting you stay on top of her, soothed by your weight on top of her. usually she had a hard time falling asleep, but it was impossible to stay awake any longer, you were both too comfortable.
when you woke up a few hours later in the dead of night, you realized that you´d moved over to your own side in your sleep, and when you realized that you were too awake to drift off again, you rolled over to watch Tess, who was sort of facing you in her sleep. she looked graceful, her mouth was closed, her cheeks were a little flushed, her hair spread out over the pillow, you just laid there admiring her.
she stirred a few moments later but you couldn´t be bothered to turn away and pretend you weren´t looking, so when she opened her eyes a little, you heard her say in a raspy quiet voice “are you watching me sleep?”, you smiled, “maybe”, she shook her head a little, clearly still half asleep, you added “you´re a pretty sleeper”, a sly grin on your face, “you don´t have to suck up to me, I already like you”, Tess uttered, witty even while she wasn´t fully conscious, you protested, “I mean it”, she had her eyes closed but spoke again, “that´s very charming but you should sleep instead”, “I tried” you said. 
the liminal quality of that moment, the almost dreamlike air, made it easy for Tess to have no issue doing what she did next: she tapped you on the side of your body that was facing her “turn around”, telling you to get on your side and face away from her, “let´s try this”, she said, pulling you closer by wrapping her arm around you and getting into a big spoon type position, her chest pressed against your back then, her arm around your waist, and she was right to guess that it would help, her warmth immediately made your eyes feel heavy again, the sensation too good not to just melt into and lose yourself in. you put your hand over hers, and within about ten minutes you were both sound asleep again.
the next morning, it took you a moment to come to your senses and realize where you were, but the second you did, an unfamiliar thing happened: you were flooded with joy instead of dread. usually mornings were your least favorite part of the day, the things you had to do looming ahead of you, but as you saw the sun coming into Tess´s room, you felt at peace, content. the space next to you was empty and you could hear Tess moving around in the kitchen, so you got up, went to the bathroom to splash some water on your face, and walked to the kitchen. since you weren´t wearing shoes she didn´t hear you come in, so you just stood there watching her from across the room, smiling, until she turned around, “well, hello there” she said, unable to hide the obvious pure joy she felt at seeing you. 
it had been a long time since Tess had dated or even hooked up with anyone, let alone let someone stay over, so every little detail of being with you gave her a rush, the sight of you leaning against the wall with your face still a little scrunched up from sleep was enough to make her feel warm all over, so she was almost scared of what it would feel like once you´d actually do something explicitly romantic for her. somehow you both knew it without saying, that you were about to spend a lot of time together, that you were both in need of much more than just one night. Tess wasn´t thinking as far as being your girlfriend yet, but part of her hoped, part of her did love the idea of finally being devoted to someone the way she always wanted to be.
she waved you over to where she was standing, setting a cup of coffee down on the counter, “perfect timing, I just got done with this” she put down some sugar too in case you wanted it. you approached her, almost a little shy, knowing she was seeing you in a rather personal light then, having barely been awake for more than five minutes, but she was clearly enamored by it. you gratefully took the cup and warmed your hands against it, taking a sip, leaning against over counter, looking at her, feeling her gaze on you the entire time. it was almost too good to be true, normally your entire day was spent in a haze where nobody could reach you, and there she was, disrupting it, again and again, making you come back to life just by being there.
“you could have woken me up, you know” you said, but she just shook her head, “no fucking way, I was glad you were sleeping so well” a grin that gave away she knew it was partly thanks to her, you nodded, your face muscles almost hurting from having been frozen in a permanent smile for the past few minutes, “yeah I do feel much better than yesterday. I wonder why that is” you said while taking her hand.
she tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, eyeing you, “is there anything you need to do today?” she asked, praying the answer was no, you shook your head, “no, nothing until Monday. you?” hoping for the same answer, she thought for a moment “well, nothing I couldn´t put off for a day or two” a faint smile, you got up then, walking over to her, putting your arms around her neck,“put it off then” you said, before leaning in to tenderly kiss her cheek, her neck, whispering against her skin “please stay here Tess. please”, your voice dripping with sweetness, her breathing changed as she felt you all over her skin, she thought of course this girl is clever enough to know what begging does to me, her hands on your back then, under your shirt, “okay, I´m not going anywhere” she said, and of course she wouldn´t, she already knew that before your act of persuasion, but she liked seeing you try to convince her.
“I think we should go back to bed” you declared, staring at her, a boldness that came out of nowhere but felt exactly right, she grinned, her hands on your waist, pulling you close, “you think so, yeah?”, you just looked at her, words were unnecessary, your hunger for her apparent in your gaze, Tess felt her face growing hot. it was one thing that you´d wanted her when you were weak and exhausted and needed comfort, it was another that you also wanted her when you were well rested and fine and could´ve thought of other things to start your day with, but apparently still only had her on your mind. “let´s get you out of these then, hm” she said, tugging at your clothes, your eyes sparkling up at her before she took your hand and lead you back to her room.
as she pulled off your shirt and started kissing your chest, you had that same feeling again that you´d had years ago: despite all the pain, the darkness that had seeped into your life at times, you knew in that moment how lucky you were that someone like Tess had paid attention to you in exact right moment, that she did not just help you, but made you come alive again. 
finally, you found yourself not wanting to escape your body anymore, finally you were happy to be fully present, trying your best to soak up every little detail, the feeling of the sun spilling in, of being undressed by Tess, being admired, held by her.
it seemed like divine intervention to you, that Tess had come into your life right when you needed her the most. 
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butcherlarry · 9 months
Weekly Fic Rec 47
I'M BACK! I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday and a lovely New Year :) I think this might be my longest fic rec list yet! Enjoy everyone!
5 Times Tim Spends the Night at Wayne Manon + 1 Time He Comes Home by motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the Settle Our Bones series. Tim joins the batfam early. I'm pretty sure I've read this fic before, but I really enjoyed it. It was nice to read while I was on break.
Rail-Splitter, Brain-Splitter by motleyfam - Batfam, complete. Part of the same series as above. Dick, Jason, and Tim go on an outing together and Dick gets a killer migraine. Hurt/Comfort ensues.
locked in, locked out by scarletazure - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets stuck in a dating simulator. Shenanigans ensue.
Reborn as a scum villain in a novel by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat, wip. Bruce dies and is transmigrated into the scum villain character in a novel. Shenanigans ensue.
Steady hands (ragged breathing) by loosingletters - Batfam, wip. Instead of growing up as rich heir to the Wayne family, he grows up as Bruce Kane, bastard child of Thomas Wayne, in the Narrows. Don't worry, he still becomes Batman :)
My Thanks to Ms. Monroe by loosingletters - Batfam, complete. Domestic abuse. Janet and Tim leave Jack. They go to Bruce for help.
everybody talks, everybody talks by fantalaimon - Superbat & Batfam, complete. Clark and Dick start a Bruce support group with other batfam and loved ones. Bruce finds out, feels ensue.
I saw dad kiss Santa Claus by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat & Batfam, complete. Clark dresses up as Santa and kisses Bruce. The kids catch them in the act.
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. Bruce gets kidnapped by an evil Superman, but is rescued by his Superman. I might have done a happy dance when I saw this fic update again :D :D :D
anything in your life more wonderful by januariat - Timkon, complete. A lovely, smutty Timkon fic :)))))
slow dancing in the dark by scarletazure - Superbat, complete. Omg, I loved this fic SO MUCH. I remember one of the updates happened when I was driving 10+ hours to my parents for the holidays. It was a nice little treat to read at the end of the day to decompress :) Anyway, Bruce and Clark get temporary amnesia, sleep together, get there memories back, but continue to sleep together as a "Friends with Benefits" thing. These fails when they both catch feelings for each other. Shenanigans ensue.
Sure on this shining night by mediant - Superfam, complete. Kara tries to recreate a Kryptonian dish for one of their holidays. It fails, but she gets some help from Martha, as well as some bonding time with Clark and Kon.
flash in the pan by shipyrds - Superbat, complete. Another fic where the whole "Friends with Benefits" thing fails miserably. Clark and Bruce get caught in there civilian personas making out at a gala. They try to do some damage control by fake dating and then an eventual break-up. Feelings ensue.
everybody says shipyrds - Superbat, complete. Bruce gets kidnapped by some aliens that say he's Superman's soulmate, and they want to use him as leverage to get Superman's help. The whole soulmate thing is news to Bruce. Shenanigans ensue.
Place we were made by loosingletters - Batfam, complete. An interesting take on Omegaverse! Omegas can claim territory, so Bruce (an omega) as Batman claims all of Gotham as his territory. Shenanigans ensue.
a diamond sky by TheResurrectionist - Pennywaynes, complete. Pennywaynes my B E L O V E D. From a room full of coral series. A look at Alfred, Thomas, and Martha's relationship in an omegaverse setting.
'Cause Heaven Only Knows by loosingletters, papered_king - Batfam, complete. NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JASON NECROMANCER JA-
glitter & silk by sparkycap - Batfam, complete. A newly adopted Jason meets some of Bruce's friends after a night out as "Brucie". A neat fic about Bruce being bisexual, hanging out with some lady friends (painting his nails! love!!), and comforting Jason.
So Sweet Saluteth Me by Lishalalalalala - Batfam, complete. A sleep deprived Jason hangs out with Dick and they go to a farmers market. The sleep deprivation is why Jason agrees with Dick to take lunch to Bruce. Yeah, sure :)
bitty batty baby vigilante crew by deargalileo - Batfam, complete. BABY TIM AND STEPH AS VIGILANTES!!!! This causes some minor (major) stress for Batman.
Half in Love by timeturners - Superbat, wip. Another identity porn fic! I'll always read them, you can't stop me!!!
incendiary by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. Fem Bruce tries to hide her feelings about Clark. This fails. Sexy shenanigans ensue.
Darkest Little Paradise by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, complete. It's New Years Eve! Bruce is lonely at a gala and Clark is alone in Metropolis, so they both need someone to kiss to bring in the New Years. Kissing happens, as well as other, lovely smutty things :)))))))))))))
i told you something safe by quidhitch - Superbat, complete. Batman and Superman get injured and pinned down in an explosion with Kryptonite. Clark almost dies. He deals with the realization that he almost dies and the emotions that come with it. Bruce helps.
hold on loosely by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. A 5+1 fic! Five times the batkids get sick and benched and the one time it happens to Bruce.
10 times they slept together, and one time SLEPT TOGETHER by JarJarBlink182 - Superbat, complete. A 10+1 fic! I think the title speaks for itself :)
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat - Superbat, complete. THIS FIC!!!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't read it yet, PLEASE give it a read!! An identity porn fic where Clark becomes a fic writer to pay some bills. He writes for the ship Bruceman (Batman/Bruce). Bruce becomes a fan artist for the ship too. SO MUCH SHENANIGANS ENSUE.
The Brothers Wayne by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. Bruce Wayne and Wade Wilson (Deadpool) are brothers. NEED I SAY MORE????
Toes in the Sand by minnow_doodle_doo - Batfam, complete. Ngl, I was sobbing at the end of this fic, it was sooo gooood! A peak into the future, where Jason has kids and Bruce is a grandpa :)
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. What if Clark was a little more alien and Bruce (as well as Gotham) was a little more eldritch? The latest chapters have been A TREAT to read!!!
Patchwork Pod by KtKat9 - Superbat, wip. Mer Bruce fic! Connor is getting to know Clark and Mer Tim a bit more. Adorable sheep are involved :)
(Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. The latest chapter of this identity porn fic almost had me on the floor laughing, omg. Robin stole the whole chapter for me, he was so ADORABLE and SASSY!
Emergency Contract by Elegitre - Batfam, complete. Tim lists Bruce, his next door neighbor, as his emergency contact, not expecting him to ever be contacted. GUESS WHAT HAPPENS???? :)))))))
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse Superbat fic that I have been OBSESSED about. Jason finally meets Superman. Unfortunately, he was not aware yet that Clark is Superman.
Happy reading!
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veronicaphoenix · 5 months
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Chapter tags & trigger warnings: nightmares, implied ptsd, angst, fluff, comfort, Noah being the perfect boyfriend best friend | Word count: 2.1k | Cross posted on AO3 | Series masterpost. ✧.*
General trigger warnings: This work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction and violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
         "Sometimes, it amazed me how easy it was to make her happy, how simple life had to be to get her to genuinely smile."
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Lia’s hands were dirty with wet soil.
         The day  before, at the grocery store, she had picked up gloves and a few gardening tools. Today, she was planting the seeds she had picked up and that she had added to the pile of items I had to carry in my arms. When I had complained again, Lia had just shrugged her shoulders and pointed out that I had long arms, so I’d have to deal with it. I just rolled my eyes.
         That early morning, she did wear the gloves when she started working in the back garden of the house, but soon abandoned them because she said they dulled her sense of touch, preventing her from feeling the soil, the plants, or the petals of the flowers.
         I stayed close by, engaged in a conversation with her for a while. I was curious about her gardening choices, observing her focused efforts as she worked in different areas of the garden. It was refreshing to see her absorbed in the task, providing a temporary respite from the worries that plagued her day and night, especially at night. 
         After pouring us each a glass of orange juice and having a little argument with Lia because she asked me to bring her a beer can instead, I settled into one of the hammocks on the porch, sunglasses and headphones on.
         As usual, time seemed to slip away whenever I lay there, under the sun. I was granted a rare moment of peace for the first time in weeks.
         Lia continued her gardening nearby, moving from one end of the garden to the other with dedication. Despite my music, I caught snippers of her conversation with the flowers, which brought a smile to my face. It was such a tranquil morning, marred only by the lingering shadow of Lia’s past with Mitch.
         When a sudden black cloud obscured the sun, I removed my sunglasses and headphones, standing up to assess the changing weather.
         Lia sat cross-legged in the center of the garden, crafting a flower crown, triggering memories of that day in her mother’s house, when I was fifteen and she was fourteen. I recalled that day, when we were just teenagers and I had had to explain to her why I had decided to drop out of school. With her sad eyes looking straight into mine, I suggested she could move in with me and Mike when she turned eighteen. I had stayed the night with her, and we had woken up together. A slight blush kept up my cheeks as I remembered what had transpired that morning between us.
         Trying to shake off the memory, I called out to her.
         “Hey, princess.”
         Lia’s head snapped up, a smile playing on her lips as she seemed to be recalling the same memory, the moment I placed the daisy crown on her head more than a decade ago.
         “How does it look?” she inquired, motioning towards the flowers she had planted in clusters around the garden.
         “I might just hire you as my private gardener,” I quipped, though the garden truly seemed rejuvenated, as if life had just brought by a sudden miracle.
         I found it ironic how Lia, navigating through her own struggles, had this knack for bringing life and light to her surroundings, including me.
         “I must tell you, my services are quite expensive,” she teased, rising and brushing soil from her knees.
         “I’d pay with my soul,” I replied, eliciting a tender smile from her. The sunlight illuminated her face, lending her a healthier glow as the bruises on her skin seemed to be fading. I hoped her heart would heal as her body did.
         When it came to my split lip, it still hurt, but it was also getting better.
         “I’m serious. It looks amazing,” I told her, surveying her handiwork. “How’s the crown coming along?” I asked, nodding towards the floral creation in her hands.
         “Hmm,” Lia’s smile flattered momentarily as she focused on the string of flowers. “I’ve lost practice,” she admitted. I could feel the sadness in her voice.
         “Need a hand?” I offered.
         Lia raised an eyebrow skeptically. “You’re not exactly skilled at making flower crowns, Noah.”
         Raising my hands, feigning offense, I replied, “All right, Flower Queen. I was just trying to be helpful.”
         “I wasn’t teasing you,” she clarified. “It’s just a fact.”
         “I know…” It was true. I had no freaking clue as to how to make a flower crown, not even after so many years of having a flower enthusiast as my best friend. “So, what’s on the agenda today? What do you feel like doing? Do you want to go to the Botanical Gardens?” I suggested. “We could spend some time walking around, grab a hot chocolate from the café, and maybe pick up a few more plants.”
         “Aren’t you tired of flowers?” Lia questioned, probably concerned about me.
         “Who could ever tire of flowers?” I exclaimed, swinging my leg over the hammock to stand. I collected our drinks, ready to return them to the kitchen. “Flowers are fucking pretty. I could never get enough, even if I’m hopeless at making crowns.”
         “You’re just saying that to keep me happy,” Lia countered. She couldn’t hide the tiny smile peeking from her lips, though.
         “I’d say anything to keep you happy, but no, I actually mean those words. Flowers rock. Now go take a quick shower, and let’s go to the Botanical Gardens. I’ll see if Jesse wants to join us.”
The botanical garden adventure turned out to be a more delightful experience than I expected. A new section had recently opened, and Lia’s excitement bubbled over as we explored it thoroughly. She was so fascinated by the new multitude of plants that she left Jesse and me trailing behind her, lost in our chatter about work and music.
         When she ventured further ahead, Jesse lowered his voice and asked me about her well-being. I hesitated before responding because the truth was that I wasn’t sure. At times she looked… okay. Other times, I would hear her or catch her crying. I had no clue if a pain like the one she carried could ever disappear; if a wound like that could ever be mended.
         During our time there, I noticed Lia occasionally drifting into moments of distraction, her smile fading as troubling thoughts crept in. Sensing her vulnerability, I made a point to stay close, wrapping an arm around her shoulder whenever I sensed her faltering. Redirecting her attention, I guided her to the next exhibit, peppering her with random questions about the flora, to which she surprisingly had all the answers. Lia's depth of knowledge was captivating, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Jesse, too, was struck by Lia's genuine passion for nature and flowers. It was heartwarming to witness how she retained that childhood love amidst her life's challenges.
         Standing outside the cafeteria, positioned on the elevated area overseeing the gardens, I waited for Jesse to return from the restrooms and for Lia to pick up her hot chocolate from the counter inside the café. As I glanced at the sky, latte in hand, I felt grateful for the brightness of the day. Suddenly, Lia’s arms wrapped around me from behind, squeezing me tightly as her head nestled against my back. Some coffee spilled from my cup, and a bit of chocolate dripped from the one she held in her left hand.
         “Lia, Christ,” I exclaimed, turning around to face her, taken aback by the sudden unexpected affection. With a sheepish grin, she released her hold, cheeks flushed.
         “Sorry, that was… awkward,” Lia mumbled, her apology hanging in the air.
         “No, not at all,” I reassured her, reaching out to gently tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “It was rather lovely,” I added, a warm smile gracing my lips. “You feeling alright?”
         Her response came accompanied by a slight shake of the hot chocolate cup in her hand. “Now I am, yes,” Lia replied, her smile returning.
         Sometimes, it amazed me how easy it was to make her happy, how simple life had to be to get her to genuinely smile.
         Before long, Jesse joined us, his hand ruffling through his hair as he adjusted his glasses. “You’re all set?” he asked, casting a glance at the drinks we held.  
         “Yep,” we replied in unison.
         “Great. My mom’s birthday is coming up. I thought I’d browse the shop for some plants before we leave,” Jesse announced. “Maybe Lia can give me some advice?”
         “Sure,” she agreed readily.
         “She’ll do that gladly,” I mumbled. “She’s going to give herself some advice, too.”
         “And pick out a few more plants for the garden,” she added, a playful grin dancing on her face as she strolled alongside us.  
         Sure enough, Lia ended up selecting a couple of pots of pelargonium, gardenias, and some bamboo sticks, envisioning how they would complement the minimalist aesthetic of my room. As Lia and Jesse explored the shop, leaving me behind to wonder why the fuck some plants were so weird, they discussed which flowers would be best suited for Jesse's mom. Lia shared her expertise on which blooms would last longest indoors and explained the symbolic meanings behind each flower and color. Jesse listened attentively, deciding. He finally selected a thoughtful assortment of white and orange plants that he hoped his mom would like.
         Later that day, back in the comfort of the house, the three of us settled in to tackle some work. Jesse attended to his band obligations, handling a few phone calls and online meetings while Lia and I retreated to the studio.
         The gentle sound of pencils scratching on paper and crayons on textured surfaces served as a comforting backdrop to the tunes I was playing on one of my guitars. Having Lia nearby, even in her quiet presence, felt good; I definitely preferred her close where I could sense her mood rather than distant and out of reach. I didn’t want to find her locked in the bathroom crying her eyes out and feeling guilty for what had happened to her.
         It hadn’t been her fault, and while I didn’t mind reminding her of that as many times as necessary, I didn’t want her to dwell on those thoughts alone. I believed it was healthier for her to externalize her feelings and emotions through lyrics or drawings.  
         Midafternoon, I took a brief break to make coffee and grab a snack, taking the time to check the messages on my phone —a few from Jolly, another bunch from other friends and work— and give Matt a call.
         Lia joined me in the kitchen just as I was in the midst of the conversation, gesturing for me to pass her the phone when I was finished. In the meantime, she retrieved a beer from the fridge.
         When she spoke with Matt —and I entertained myself chewing on chocolate-chip cookies—, her tone seemed overly cheerful, which was odd. Somehow, she decided it would be a good idea for all of us to meet on Saturday night, grab some pizzas, and spend some time together as we used to do. With Jolly’s return scheduled for Friday, Lia asked for my approval. I could only shrug and reply with a casual “yeah”. If it meant she could relax and enjoy the company of our friends, then I was fully supportive.
          As the day melted into evening, the house overflowed with tranquility. The strumming of the guitar filled the air, punctuated by the occasional recording breaks to capture snippets of sound for an on-going musical project. Meanwhile, Lia was deeply engrossed in her creative zone, sitting on the sofa facing the desk where I was sat at. She was working with a pen and a worn-out notebook in hand, sketching designs and penning songs’ lyrics with a focus that made her bit her lip. Every once in a while she would lift her head and make a comment about the sounds coming out from the speakers, complimenting the music I was creating. There was something so undeniably comforting about being in this creative bubble together, just doing our thing and enjoying each other’s company.
         We vibed off each other’s energy effortlessly. It was like we were in sync, riding the same wavelength of inspiration. It felt like home.
         At quarter to seven, Lia rose from the sofa, stretching her arms and humming, and placed a few sheets of paper on the desk beside the keyboard.
         “There. Take a look. They’re not my best work, but I think they might work for a t-shirt design," she casually said, enthusiasm lacking her tone.
         The sheets were filled with new drawings —roses, daggers, demons—, potential additions to our merchandise lineup.
         Before I could respond, she left the studio, mentioning something about grabbing another beer and preparing dinner.
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How do you feel about the 15th anniversary?
ONEW: It's amazing to think that 15 years went by really quickly, and I'm proud that I've experienced and challenged so many things while working as SHINee.
KEY: The 15th anniversary of our debut, this day has really come. It feels really new.
MINHO: It might sound a little obvious, but it really doesn't feel real. I am just thankful and happy that my dream that started when I was a high school student continues.
TAEMIN: I'm really looking forward to our comeback after a long time. When did time go by like this...I'm surprised whenever I hear that it's our 15th anniversary!(laughs)
What was the most memorable activity or the most memorable moment with the fans?
ONEW: The time when I lived in the dorm with the members. And the performances that received your support are always in my heart.
KEY: Since our debut, all the anniversaries, fan meetings, concerts, etc. are precious and vivid.
MINHO: It's hard to pick one because I have so many memories, but if I have to pick one, it's a concert.
I remember all the concerts. Each and every performance that I made as one with SHINee World is precious and I feel overwhelmed and excited just by thinking about it.
TAEMIN: Every performance is precious, but what comes to mind immediately reminds me of the first Tokyo Dome stage in 2015, the largest of our solo concerts.
Why is SHINee loved since long time?
ONEW: I think it's sincerity. All the members always work hard!
KEY: There's an expectation given by the name "SHINee," and I think they're looking forward to seeing us all working hard to meet that expectation.
MINHO: You always think of me as doing my best, so I'm always thankful. Of course, it's the same for all artists, but SHINee is a team that puts everything into the stage. I think our fans are very loyal. There are a lot of people who have seen our growth period, so I think they will keep SHINee in their hearts like memories from their school days.
What do you think is "SHINee-like"?
ONEW: I think it's different. I'm always thankful that many people say, "It's different if SHINee does it."
KEY: I think it's 'Always looking for something new = SHINee'
MINHO: The word 'contemporary band' has a lot of power.
I think it's the most SHINee-like part that always presents new things and challenges.
TAEMIN: Members with strong personality like rainbows are united but harmonious. That's SHINee.
You're holding a fan meeting to celebrate your 15th debut anniversary. What are you looking forward to the most?
ONEW: Since it's been a while since we've met our fans as SHINee, I'm most curious and looking forward to what we're going to talk about.
KEY: It's been a while since SHINee and SHINee World got together!Just imagining it makes my heart flutter.I can't wait for that day.
MINHO: I'm really looking forward to making another memory with SHINee World.It's been a while since we've been together, so I'm looking forward to your support.I heard there's a Q&A session with the fans, so I'm curious about what you're curious about. (laughs)
TAEMIN: I'm really looking forward to meeting the fans, and I want to show you all the performances that I haven't shown you in person for the past few years.
If you could give a spoiler about your new album this year in one word or sentence?
ONEW: A new chapter.
KEY: Be nervous!
MINHO: Strong and firm SHINee.
SHINee's dream, SHINee's goal ?
Onew: To be together.With the members and SHINee World.
Key: SHINee won't be complacent and will continue to move forward.
MINHO: I want to achieve more things with the members and SHINee World in the future.I think SHINee just started.I want to talk more with each other and make a better stage.
Taemin: Always healthy and repaying the fans with gratitude. That's my goal
Please say something to SHINee World who has been with us for 15 years.
ONEW: Thank you for always being with us.I hope we can continue to make happy and beautiful memories for each other. I love you.
Key: I don't know how to thank you.Thank you for believing in me, I believe in you, and I'll work harder.Thank you very much.Time is always fast and sometimes slow, but I want to always be with you, whether it's a good day or a bad day.
Minho: Thank you so much, it's not enough to express it in any words. We'll repay you for that gratitude.Once again, thank you so much and I love you.
TAEMIN: Thank you so much SHINee World for making us special.
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nkotbblockparty · 1 month
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I don't post my own photo on here often, but this is one of those times I can make an exception.
August 16th, 2024, was the day I FINALLY realized a lifelong dream --- I FINALLY met New Kids On The Block. Where do I even find the words? I never thought I'd be face-to-face with them, much less hug and talk to each guy. I guess I can start by going through the meet and greet, step by step….
Danny: He greeted me and asked how I was doing, and I think I said I was fine lol. I gave him his "Block Party" bracelet (which 4/5 of the guys received, in their mic colors, and I have a multicolored matching bracelet. All five bracelets were made by my amazing niece). He said something along the lines of "Block Party!" and was happy about it lol. I told him it was my favorite song. (Is it any secret, considering I named my fan page after it AND had one a shirt & hat with "Block Party" on them).
Donnie: We greeted one another (hugs included, which goes without saying for all five guys), and I told him the bracelet was for him and the letter was for the group, and I wished him a happy early birthday, in which he thanked me. :)
Jordan: He said hi and hugged me, so I was relieved he broke the ice considering we're both shy and riddled with anxiety lol. I gave him his bracelet and he thanked me and put it on. :) We took the picture and I can't remember if anything else was said lol.
Joey: He greeted me, and then got distracted lol. But it's okay because he turned his attention back to me and I gave him his bracelet. He said "Aww for me!" D'awwww. :')
Jonathan: I didn't have a bracelet for Jon because he requested to not receive them, so I respected his wishes. I told him he was my Mom's favorite and she passed away in 2021, and he was so sweet about it and told me he was sorry. I wasn't sure what I was gonna say, but considering the three-year anniversary of her passing was the day before, and she was supposed to be the first one I talked to after meeting the guys (that was decided many years ago), I wanted to mention her; make her a part of this experience.
So, the interactions were kind of laid back, and with how nervous I was, I think that was for the best. :)
After meet and greet, I needed to kind of get myself together, so I went to get merchandise and food. Eventually, I found my seat and the show began. DJ Jazzy Jeff and Paula Abdul were so much fun. :)
When the lights went out for the boys, shy, nervous, anxious little me didn't exist for a little over two hours. I sang, danced, cheered, played in the confetti, captured memories, and waved to Donnie (and he waved back)…. I had the time of my life. I didn't care who saw me dancing like a dork or what anyone thought, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'm planning to do it again next tour. There's something about their shows; my favorite Boston boys, my favorite songs, the confetti, the energy… you can just forget about everything for a few hours and dance the night away.
If there's anything I've learned in the last 11 years, it's that life is short and can change in the blink of an eye. Go to the concert. Sing your heart out. Dance like no one is watching (because I promise you, they're watching the guys anyway lol). If you cannot attend, blare that song in your room, grab a hairbrush, and have the time of your life. You only get one life, so live it, live it, live it up! ;)
Providing the boys continue touring for several more years, my long-term goal is Individual VIP for 2028. As for 2026, I'm hoping to get regular seats for my sisters and I, and just relax and enjoy the show! :D
Danny, Donnie, Joey, Jonathan, and Jordan, thank you for making my first meet and greet an easy one, and thank you for the AMAZING show you put on that night. You keep showing up, and I'll keep showing up. I love you guys to pieces. :)
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callsign-phoenix · 1 year
This is part four to this Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x female!reader fic, I hope you like it!
Thank you @footprintsinthesxnd for proofreading!
Warnings: self doubt, brief mentions of trauma
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My darling wife,
it’s been just a day of not seeing you, but I’m already missing you.
To say that our time together was divine would be an understatement.
I could not say that I have ever met a person as perfect as you are, it seems like we are made for each other.
I can already say with certainty that you will be the first, foremost and last thought on my mind every single day, and I am as always so proud to call you mine.
I love you more than I ever thought possible, and missing you already more than I thought I could as well.
I can’t stress enough how beautiful our and Jess and Eugene’s simultaneous elopement was and will continue to relive it every day in my mind, instead of my daily prayers.
My fellow pilots here are nice and they’ve already heard a lot about you, you’re the only thing I want to think of while going to war.
Don’t worry, I’ll be alright, the mere memory of your lips on mine is enough to keep me going.
With my dearest love and admiration,
Your Bob
My darling husband,
thank you for your letter, it reaches me well.
I miss you daily, my love, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have met you.
You’re so wonderful, kind and compassionate as well as just a joy to be around.
Anyone working by your side is lucky to have you, just like I am as well.
Jess and I are doing well, and while we miss you incredibly much we see each other daily, just to keep each other company.
Don’t mistake the fact that I keep busy with the idea of not missing you - I do nothing but, no matter how much I try to distract myself.
You’re my greatest joy and I hadn’t known happiness until I met you, I will keep missing it until you’re back safely in my arms.
I love you.
My darling love,
these past few weeks have been challenging, but thinking of you keeps my spirits up and my heart beating.
I have met some of the men fighting on the shores and on land and I cannot and do not want to tell you how miserable they look, like broken men with crying hearts.
I am trained for fighting and flying but I was not prepared to see such misery, all that keeps me calm is you.
I just feel like I might not be doing enough, I am not seeing the horrors of war as much as the next man, from the safety of my cockpit I have a way to shut those out as much as I can, not being quite as vulnerable as them.
I don’t mean to bother you with this or to evoke any sense of discomfort or sadness; I am well, just as any good man would questioning my efficiency in this endless bloodshed.
I am endlessly devoted to you and missing you with all I have,
Your husband Bob
My loving husband,
I love you more than I can express, and hearing you exclaim your doubts makes my heart ache.
As an aviator you are keeping as many men from harm as you can, in which you might be more efficient than would you fight on land.
I beg you to reconsider your value in this, everything you do is thought-through and I am sure that everything you do is helping and has helped others.
Because of this I need to ask you to take care of yourself first; you cannot help them or anyone if you yourself are sick, injured or dead.
I love you, Bob, and I need you to promise me to put yourself first.
There have been developments in my life, in our life, that implore me to ask this of you, because it’s not just my life at stake.
We are going to have a child, you and me, and while our time together has already been perfect I cannot think about how wonderful it will become with our little one on the way.
You haven’t just given me one person to love and adore but a second one as well, and I can just hope that this news will give you as much joy as they give me.
Jess is an angel these days, making sure I have everything I need and watching out for me.
I love you so so much, and I can assure you so does the little one.
My darling,
I am at a loss for words at how ecstatic the news of our child has made me.
While I feel the loss of some of my comrades and the weight of war my love for you and our child has given me strength I didn’t know I had.
The picture you sent me of yourself is close to my heart in my breast pocket, just like on the night of our first meeting with your address and phone number.
I haven’t taken them out except to wash my uniform, they’re always with me as I know you are as well.
I cannot promise you I’ll be back before their birth but I will do my very best, as does everyone else around me.
Should it not be the case, might I ask for a picture of our little one, to hold dear like I do the one of you?
I love you most ardently, my dear,
Your Bobby
last part
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five times they didn’t take a polaroid (and one time someone else took one)
my contributions to @lovesquarefanbook :D Rating: G Ao3 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Realtionships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir / Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Tags: five time, polaroids, getting together, aged up, prom, wedding, future kids, fluff, FLUFF ALL AROUND, inspired by music, marriage proposal, slow dancing, pre-reveal, post-reveal, prpr Number of Words: 4635 Summary: Snapshots of Adrien and Marinette's love story as they grow up - and always, always more in love Read on ao3
Author Notes: This was written for the Happily Ever After Zine, and I have some amazing memories tied to it. More than half of it was written on a bench in the park in front of my dorm building and like. The vibe alone still gives me life.
For maximum enjoyment, check out these songs: The Good Old Days - Macklemore (ft. Kesha) Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay Queen of Hearts - We The Kings Best Day of My Life - The American Authors Let's Get Married - Bleachers Praf de stele - Vița de vie Fireflies - Owl City Which you can also find in this Spotify Playlist
1. The Good Old Days
When Adrien gives her his present, he’s positively beaming, and his excitement is contagious. His joy translates into curiosity for Marinette, and as she asks if it’s okay to open his present on the spot, he gets even more excited.
It’s not a big box, and the packaging is clumsily done. She loves it all the more. But however much she tries, she still has to tear it to get to what’s inside.
“A couple months back I heard you say that you hate taking pictures because you always drop your phone,” he says at the same time as she finally looks inside.
A camera. And boxes upon boxes of film.
“Now you have something you can’t drop as easily,” he continues.
Marinette can only raise her eyes and gape at him.
He’s positively glowing.
Somehow, she musters some words, looking at the camera one second and him the next. “But this is a Polaroid,” she says in lieu of a proper response. It’s expensive, it’s too much, it’s perfect. “With tons of film!”
He chuckles. And winks. “Go wild!”
“But this must’ve cost you a fortune!”
“Not really,” he says, but he must see the doubt in her eyes.
He leans forward and puts his hands on her shoulders, hitting her with a proud grin. He’s not even trying to hide how pleased with himself he is.
“You deserve so much more! This is just a small present and I hope you like it.”
The last thing she’d want is to make him feel like she doesn’t like his present, but it’s a weird feeling. He might be saying it’s not much, but it doesn’t feel like it.
“I love it!” she sputters her response, mind almost as blank as all the film in the box. “But wow, it feels like a lot.”
Adrien takes his hands off her shoulders, clasping them behind his back and rocking back on his heels.
She misses the warmth of his closeness but at least she can breathe a bit more normally.
“How about this,” he starts again, changing tactics. His expression is thoughtful but there’s still that note of excitement that hasn’t left his eyes. “Since I got yours, I’ve been thinking about getting one for myself too. How about I do that and we become Polaroid buddies?”
On the one hand, she doesn’t want him to spend even more money on her. Can it even be considered spending money on her?
But on the other, she likes the idea of sharing this little thing with him. She imagines them going on photo-taking dates. Being silly, and serious, and artistically invested in the littlest of things—together. And it’s her birthday. She’s allowed to be selfish. Especially when he seems so happy at the idea.
So she gives a tentative nod—and his face lights up again.
“I hope you’ll have so much fun with it!” he says, beaming at her.
It’s her turn to wink at him. “We’ll have fun together.”
“You don’t have to wait until I get mine to start taking photos with yours, though!”
She hums, bringing the camera out of the box to inspect it. She has no idea what to do with it, but she still points it at him.
“I can do this, then?” she asks, smirking as she mimics snapping a photo.
His face takes on the most precious expression—so betrayed, that she can’t help a laugh.
Still chuckling, she puts the camera back in the box not noticing Adrien taking out his phone. The snap of a photo brings her back to reality, and he grins at her, quickly switching off his phone again.
“You won’t even show me?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at him, while trying to sneak a glance at the dark screen.
“Nope, mine now.”
“Then I’ll just have to surprise you with a picture too.”
He lifts a shoulder in a careless half-shrug, but his eyes twinkle and his smile is wide. “I guess it’s on, then.”
Two days later, his chat bubble pops up with three new messages, fired all at once.
He bought his own Polaroid—the exact same model as hers. And Marinette has a photo-date to overthink, scheduled for the next day.
2. Hymn for the Weekend
The déjà vu hits her like thunder and lightning: just a quick flash, but strong—and echoing.
It’s nothing unusual. Just her and Chat Noir at the end of their patrol. The sun is casting him in bronze and gold while the slight summer breeze is turning the moment into something ethereal.
After months of photo-dates, it’s muscle memory, really.
She takes her yoyo, turns it to him, and snaps a picture of his profile in all its glory.
He looks like a snippet of a dream that leaves Ladybug still watching the picture of him even after he turns curious eyes to her.
An eyebrow raised, a corner of his lips quirked up in the beginning of a smile.
She snaps another quick photo.
“You reminded me of a friend right there,” she says, fighting the pull of the picture and reluctantly taking her eyes off of it. Did he remind her of Adrien only after she took the picture? Did she take the picture because he reminded her of Adrien in the first place?
“How so?” he asks, raising his second eyebrow as he turns to her properly.
He makes an exaggerated sound, groaning like an old man as he pulls his legs under him and settles into a more comfortable position.
“I have this friend…” she starts, not quite knowing how to continue.
They take photos together, but it’s more than that. They go on dates, but they’re not quite dates. They spend too much time in front of Adrien’s car talking about the school day and their future plans, and it’s nothing and everything all at once.
She settles on, “We’ve been going around the city to snap pictures for a couple of months now.”
Chat Noir’s face brightens with every word, somehow.
“I didn’t know you were into photography, M’lady!”
“Yeah, I never expected to like it so much,” she admits, opening the gallery on her yoyo. The two pictures of Chat Noir greet her right at the top of her list, innocent and condemning all at once.
She’d been resisting the shy urge to take pictures with her yoyo. It’s no fun if she can’t show them to anyone. But every now and then, every time she sees a building covered in green, or an old couple holding hands, or kids being kids—every time she sees a special moment, she feels the urge to immortalize it in shiny paper and pin it in the album she’d been building.
But the most special of moments are the ones she and Adrien had been competing over—the ones only they are privy to. Sweet little smiles, sunbeams, leaves dusting their shoulders with light; a secret they’re not even aware of and which the other somehow manages to capture.
She still has pictures she hasn’t shown him, all arranged carefully in an album of their own, decorated with washi tape, and fancy markers, and little illustrations she hopes will make Adrien’s day when she finally gives the completed album to him.
And in those two pictures—in those two pictures Chat Noir is Adrien. Lost in thought and ethereally beautiful.
“I’ve been taking a lot of photos recently too,” he says, leaning forward to take a peek at her gallery.
She resists the urge to shy away and reluctantly hands him the yoyo.
“Promising profile pictures, right here,” she says, trying to change the subject. She wants to share every detail with him, yet she wants to hide away those two pictures and put them in a special frame fitting for how precious they feel.
She doesn’t really understand why they feel precious.
“And replace the masterpiece I already have?”
She shakes her head, hoping he thinks it’s a response to the meme he’s had as a profile picture ever since he’d made a Twitter account, but she’s just trying to shake off the feeling that there’s something she’s missing.
The habit seeps into their hero lives, tens of new pictures appearing on her yoyo and his baton.
Two months later she finally finds out what she was missing.
She prints out those two first photos.
One, she adds to Adrien’s album with a smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. The other, she keeps to herself, to pin in a corner of her corkboard.
3. Best Day of My Life
Chloé could not conceive the idea that they wouldn't have a movie-worthy prom at the end of high school.
Sometimes her stubbornness truly did wonders.
She wanted a prom, so she had a prom—held in her father’s hotel, barely any different than her last birthday party.
But the photo booth is new—set up nicely in a corner, a sparkly curtain as background and a table full of props right beside.
It’s the first thing Marinette notices when she enters the room with Alya, Nino and Adrien, eyes going back to it even as Alya leads them to their table.
Chloé is impatiently tapping her foot when they get there. Her shoes make the sound carry even over the music. It’s just background noise for the moment, only loud enough to cover up the emptiness.
“Took you long enough,” she says, slightly annoyed.
Marinette turns right in time to catch her rolling her eyes, so she quirks an eyebrow as she sets down her purse on the table. She meant to say something, but her mind chose to focus entirely on the way Adrien pulled a chair for her, instead.
She sits down and hopes her makeup hides the blush she feels rising to her face as Adrien pushes her chair and takes the seat next to her.
“We aren’t even late, no one else is here yet,” Nino says, taking off his blazer and rolling his sleeves.
“Well, you’re the organizers, you’re supposed to be here early.”
Marinette is quick to respond. “You hired an entire team to make sure this runs smoothly. You didn’t let us lift a finger for this.”
Not that it affects Chloé in the slightest. “You’re the organizer’s friends, you’re supposed to be here early.”
“You got bored and told me to hurry up,” Adrien finally speaks up, snorting, but Marinette has seen his excitement.
He could barely contain it.
If Chloé hadn’t called him, he would’ve showed up early anyway. Chloé only called an hour early. He’d shown up on Marinette’s balcony even earlier, catsuit dissolving into slacks and a navy button-up, sleeves rolled up his forearms and a tie hanging undone around his neck.
He made Marinette do the knot. Then started pestering her to dress up too.
Then Chloé called and she actually did start to dress up
“My point exactly.”
“Well, we hurried up,” Alya said, pouring herself a glass of water and watching Chloé over the brim. “What now?”
“Now you wonder at my competence and then we go take pictures.”
They laugh. Because it’s their prom, and it’s like in the movies, and it’s surreal. And it’s funny, it’s so funny, how they’re here and living a moment that’s supposed to be big, and important, and big.
It’s their moment.
And, well, isn’t it? They’re alone in an enormous ballroom, and their excitement charges the air like electricity before a storm.
Marinette takes a hold of the camera hanging from her neck and takes it off with a sigh, glancing at the photo booth. “This is useless isn’t it?”
It wasn’t a burden per se. But it was still bulky enough to be slightly inconvenient. And it was one more thing to keep an eye on all night.
“Of course not,”Adrien jumps in, taking it from her hands fast enough that she doesn’t have time to react.
They’ve been doing it long enough to know what’s going to happen next.
Marinette closes her eyes, but she’s smiling.
The camera shutters and a photo comes out with a whoosh that she’s all too familiar with.
Before the first people start showing up, they’ve already hit the photo booth three times. They have complete reign over the machine, and they can pick whatever props they want.
Marinette especially loves the set of photos where all of them are wearing wigs and laughing at each other instead of paying attention to the screen.
The night is less magical than she imagined, yet somehow more. Just in a different way. There’s laughter—a lot more than she’d expected. And dancing—a lot of jumping around rather than the slow dances she’d been hoping for. And there’s their group stuffing their faces with the Dupain-Chengs’ fantastic pastries that Chloé made sure wouldn’t be missing.
Then, there’s the waltz. It’s the epitome of what she’d dreamed of—and it’s not. It’s her, and Adrien, with absolutely no space between them, laughing the whole time, as Adrien looks at her like she’s the stars and the moon, and—is it really something new? Is it not how she looks at him as well?
She dares a spark of hope, but she’s too busy enjoying the moment—being content—to really think about it or be disappointed that nothing really happens. There’s no dip and kiss at the end, there’s no dramatic confession following their clumsy attempt at being dramatic dancers.
The night is young until it isn’t, and when they go for a final round of photos after most students have already left it’s just their group again. Marinette’s feet hurt, and her cheeks hurt, but she’s happy.
She picks up a headband with antennae on top and hands Adrien one with cat ears—a subtle nod at everything they’re hiding, just for them to see and remember.
He’s holding a thin stick with a message to his chest, so close to him, she can’t see what it’s written on it, but she smiles. He returns the smile as he takes the prop from her and puts it on his head with a mischievous excitedness she simply loves.
She sets up the machine, and takes a quick look at Adrien on the screen. The countdown has already started, but he’s not looking at her, he’s looking at the message with a thoughtful expression.
She doesn't think much of it, until she’s next to him, eyes still glued to the screen, and the message is turned around for her to finally see.
It’s reversed, on the screen. Seen in the mirror. But she could read those words upside down and in a hundred languages and still know what they mean.
The count is down to one. She hears the snap of the photo, but everything is already lost to her. It’s only Adrien and the Comic Sans “I love you” he holds with a nervous expression, and his eyes—on her, only ever on her.
That first photo catches her with an open mouth and wide eyes. The second, has Adrien handing her the message—clumsily, somehow still unsure, as if she hasn’t been dreaming of that for the past too many years. The third—the third shows her with her hands on his cheeks and their eyes locked together carrying a conversation only they can understand.
And the last, gloriously big, bigger than all other three, with a fancy generic message at the bottom to remind them it’s from their prom and nowhere else—the last shows them finally, finally kissing.
4. Let’s Get Married
There are icy webs covering the locks on Pont des Arts, and stray snowflakes lingering on them when the wind doesn’t blow.
Adrien catches a picture of her looking at one before she even has the time to register what he’s doing.
His laughter fills the air with warmth when she raises her polaroid to take one of him as well.
He puts the photos safely in a bag he always carries for these dates and goes to give her a quick peck on the cheek.
The kiss was only half an excuse to get close enough to ask quietly, “Is he still there?”
A quick glance over his shoulder gives her the answer. He is. He’s barely trying to be sneaky anymore.
The man has been following them for the better part of their date—clumsily, probably a beginner, still eager for the easy money that came with intruding in a celebrity’s personal life.
After they first noticed him, they tried ignoring him.They’re not doing anything interesting, just taking photos the same way they do every month on photo-dates which have long since become tradition. But the man is persistent.
So Marinette nods and Adrien catches her hand in his with a resigned sigh. “I’m starting to doubt he’ll get bored of us.”
“You’d think he would after watching two people walk around and take pictures of random things for an hour.”
He pouts at her. “I only took pictures of you! Please, give me some credit.”
“Always, Chaton. But you should really slow down or we’ll need to buy another album before spring is even here.”
“Can’t help it when you’re the most beautiful person to walk the earth,” he says, squeezing her hand and going for a quick peck.
Eyes half lidded, she doesn’t give up. “You see me everyday.”
“And every day I thank God for that.”
The kiss they share is a proper one this time, sweet and warm, though still much too quick. For a second, they’re silent after.
“I can't wait until you’re the first thing I see in the morning,” Adrien finally says.
She can’t either, but she can’t help teasing him either way. “Bleary eyes, and morning breath, and all?”
“And messy hair and the most gorgeous eyes, yes,” he responds, giving her a wink.
She sees the moment he gets the idea. He squints the slightest bit as his eyes gleam with more mischievousness rather than love and blissfulness.
“I think I know how to deal with our stalker.”
“He does not need to know we’re moving in together.”
He laughs, because it’s absurd but because it’s still a bit surreal too. They’re doing it. They’re moving in together.
“I mean, that would work too,” he says, still chuckling. “But that’s not what I had in mind.”
She quirks an eyebrow. There’s an extremely simple solution to this, and she still feels obligated to say it—just for the sake of it, really.
“We could just continue our walk, get into the bakery like we planned and get it over with quietly.”
“But where’s the fun in that, princess.”
After all, birds of a feather flock together.
So she moves her head with a curious little shake and waits for him to voice his idea. He doesn’t disappoint.
“We could give them the real big news.”
She squints her eyes. “Not even all of our friends know yet.”
“We better get around to telling everyone faster, then. The photos would take at least until tomorrow to come out though.”
And then, with his most Chat Noir smirk, he lands the killing blow. “I can make it look like an accident.”
It’s her turn to laugh.
“I’m not even wearing gloves, he might have already seen the ring.”
“I think he needs to be hand-held into taking his precious picture,” he says, raising her left hand ever so slightly and asking for permission with his eyes.
She can’t help the giddy smile on her face—she’s been wearing it almost constantly for the entire two days they’ve been engaged.
Marinette briefly entertains the idea of being responsible, but she’s too happy to think rationally. She wants to shout her happiness to the whole world, she wants to talk about his love for hours on end, she wants everyone to know, and even though they’d discussed keeping their engagement a secret, they knew they couldn’t escape it getting out with how much people still fawned over Adrien.
So she lets him raise her hand further, bringing it to his lips in a cheeky kiss that still fills her with all the warmth in the world.
Maybe the paparazzo misses that too, but they stop paying attention to him, and in the twenty minutes left until they’re back to her house, they change the subject altogether. Talking about their future wedding is much better after all.
And when, properly zoomed in and dramatically showcased, the picture of Adrien kissing her hand—her ring—makes the front page of a gossip rag the very next day, their wedding becomes the talk of a lot more people.
5. Stardust
As the confetti explodes in the air around them and the fireworks in the cake light up their faces, Marinette feels so overwhelmed with happiness she could cry.
After a year of talking, and planning, and preparing, she and Adrien are married.
Adrien’s eyes are already on her when she turns her head to him, his gaze already soft and even more loving than usual. The fireworks bring to life a spark that was always there but which now everyone can see, not just him, not just her.
Their glasses clink as they toast, and the people cheer.
They’re on top of the world.
She’s having the time of her life.
Though her feet ache, Marinette is still reluctant to take a break and just sit down.
She goes outside instead, and even though she’s not exactly inconspicuous, she’s still able to steal a moment for herself on the furthest edge of the pool outside of their venue.
She watches the fairy lights hanging above, glimmering in the still water below.
The summer night is still warm, but there are few people enjoying it. Most of the guests that haven’t left for the night yet are inside, taking advantage of the remaining moments of music and fun.
The night is beautiful, but the end of the party is looming in the calmer atmosphere and the music that only faintly reaches outside anymore.
Arms crossed lightly to her chest and eyes focused on the lights, she doesn’t notice Adrien until he gives himself away.
The telltale click of his old Polaroid going off startles her—and has her smiling.
“You’re a sight to behold, My Lady,” he says, catching the photo coming out of the camera with practiced ease and slipping it into his vest’s pocket before it even starts showing.
His sleeves are rolled up his forearms and his tie has long since been abandoned on the back of his chair. He’s glorious.
“That’s the pot calling the kettle back, Chaton.”
She lifts up the camera hanging from his neck and turns to put it away on a lounge chair nearby.
They gravitate towards each other like they always do, her arms around his neck and his around her waist the second she’s back, all the space between them lost as they embrace.
The music inside is a boppy tune from before they were even born, but it’s music, and that’s all Adrien needs to start swaying gently, with small movements of his feet that Marinette has no trouble following despite her tiredness.
They’re in their own little bubble, and Marinette wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Tired, Bugaboo?” he asks after a minute or two of rocking away in silence.
Her only response is a neutral ‘mm’, but she tears herself away from him to see him better.
The proximity makes her catch a stray sparkle in his hair and whatever she wants to say is forgotten as she focuses on that instead.
“There’s confetti in your hair,” she realizes with a chuckle.
“There is?”
She hums a confirmation, but doesn’t make any move to take it away, and neither does he. “Stardust,” she says, eyes drifting back to his.
So the confetti stays, and they keep swaying, gentle smile brightening his face more than the fairy lights.
“Maybe we should go back in,” he says after a while.
She only gets back closer and grumbles, “Too tired.”
But he picks her up with years of practice in sweeping her off her feet, and startles a squeak out of her—and a giggle.
“People will think we’ve left.”
“People can see to their dances and leave us alone for a second,” she mumbles, arms tightening around his neck, but as he starts walking back towards the venue, she gets a better idea.
Tearing herself away from his warmth for the slightest bit, she finds the confetti and takes it away. “Stardust privileges revoked,” she says, trying to tease him.
She could never beat the master.
“Only if you left me,” he whispers, the corner of his mouth going up. And rubbing his nose to hers, he puts her back down.
Later that week, Alya sends Marinette a picture with no context and no caption. It shows her beside the pool, but in the background, Adrien is carrying Marinette, faces close together and noses touching.
+1. Fireflies
Marinette looks at the muffins on the cupboard with a frown and a hand on her hip.
She’d overestimated how much vanilla they had in their kitchen.
She calls for Adrien, hoping he’d go on a shopping trip as impromptu as her baking, but there’s no response.
It doesn’t take her long to find him, but the sight she’s met with stuns her.
There are pictures everywhere, scattered on the floor and in open albums thrown carelessly around Hugo’s room, with Adrien, Hugo and Emma in the middle of their mess, completely absorbed by the stories in front of them.
Their old cameras are there too—on Hugo’s desk, proud, but dusty. It’s been so long since she’s seen them—since they’d touched them.
She couldn't even remember when they’d put them in the attic—she couldn’t even imagine what prompted Adrien to bring them down.
Her family beckon her to them when they notice her, and she decides her muffins can wait.
The realization that they let go of this hobby is bitter. They used to go out regularly for photo dates, they have so many photos they don’t even know what to do with all of them, the memories are sweet.
There are even still unopened boxes of film beside them—all expired.
As she goes back to the kitchen with Adrien in tow, she gives voice to her thoughts; the idea of buying more film and picking their polaroids up again is thrown around, although more as an abstract thing.
But soon enough, as she’s covering the muffins in whipped cream instead of the vanilla neither of them felt like buying, and Adrien stealing muffins like there’s no tomorrow, the telltale shutter of a polaroid makes them realize how much they’ve truly missed it.
Hugo, ever the spitting image of his mother, stands there with the camera in hand and his father’s grin on his face, his sister just a step behind him with the other Polaroid in tow.
“I wanted to see if they’re still working,” he says, and they’re curious too.
They fill the time needed until the photo finally shows with muffin tasting and banter, but Marinette can’t help stealing glances at the film far too often.
The final picture is tinted yellow and has black stains around the upper edges. But there they are, her and Adrien in all their glory, being as in love as they’d been as kids.
Over her shoulder, Adrien lets out a chuckle.
The next day he’s home with a bunch of new boxes of film and an excited grin on his lips.
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idv-askchaoticduo · 1 year
From the Butterfly Circus crew
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Phineas:- Happy birthday to my favorite fox boy~! Today is a day to celebrate the wonderful person that you are, hehehe~ Don’t you think I forget about your birthday! me and the rest kept planning for your Birthday party all weak and I even have a special show ready just for your!
OH! And I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much you mean to me :D! You bring so much joy and laughter to my life, just like a circus does to a town. We have shared countless wonderful moments together, and each one is a cherished memory that makes my heart smile more than you could have ever imagined!
you truly have a special way of turning ordinary moments into extraordinary ones, if it’s intentional or not, Oh~ just how Thankful I am just for having you as my boyfriend, my confidant, and my light!! With you by my side, every day feels like a spectacular show. I am beyond grateful to have you in my life.
On your special day, I wish for nothing but happiness, laughter, and the fulfillment of all your dreams. Let's raise our glasses high and toast to a year filled with love, happiness, and countless new memories together.
Happy birthday, my dear Law-Law~
Carina:- Awww~ such a loving speech, Phineas 🥺✨
I may not had a lot of chances to get to know you personally, Lawrence but with how Phineas keep talking about you with high regards, I can tell you are a wonderful person and deserves all the praise that’s coming from everyone!
There for~ I made this cake for you! Hope you find it to your liking, Happy Birthday Honey~💕
Flynn:- Happy Birthday. I know that I normally don’t stand your guts (and I still can not stand them) but it is still your birthday and therefore I am willing to put our differences aside and celebrate your special day. Also here…
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Poppy:- We brought you a gift!! It is from Poppy and everyone, heheh~ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Poppy hopes you gonna enjoy your special day and be happy all year long until the next Birthday :D!!!
(Ps:- the gift can be anything that you wants, is up to you of what the gifts would be!)
[Date of the ask - 9/13] The face of surprise and shock painted on the Gambler was one that was never seen before, taking a moment to process all that was happening before looking up at his beloved showman and friends (Flynn tooo I guess)
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"Darling.. I.. Oh I just, give me a moment." He said as he took a moment to wipe away some tears and hug him, giggling in joy.
"Gracias.. Thank you so much! This means more than you can imagine, I didn't expect to bring joy to your life knowing the type of person I am , it's such an honor to keep lighting your days with just my mere prescense." "I really hope I can continue doing this and more for you, my love."
The Gambler separates from the hug and look at the rest, taking a hold of Carina's hand and placing a kiss on it.
"I believe we haven't meet each other formally before, I've heard a bit from you around the manor, quite the beautiful gal you are! Thank you for the cake, I'm sure it's just as sweet as you all!" Lawrence said while looking at Flynn jokingly.
"And you two... Thank you for putting your hate for me aside only for today, I know how hard it is knowing I'm so amazing for your brother and being jealous.. pfft-- I'm kidding, sorry, But thank you Flynn and Poppy, means a lot."
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selenasln · 1 year
I have this special someone that i always deny. his name is D. from the fist time i saw him, he already gets my attention. Hes soo academically cool. hes too smart and amazing to the point that i begun liking him in our 2nd quarter period. every time that i get a gleams of him.... wtf it made my day!. I dont know what happen why i have this crazy feeling towards him. cupids are sometimes so mean... at our 3rd quarter period i hear this rumors that he likes me too and like i look still that nothing and yeahh but deep in side i want to explode! my mind scream yess i do! i mean i am too. i like you. However i have to be still. i cant show any emotions i need to compose my self. i like him too much to disappoint him so for now i should just continue denying... for him not to get hurt and to save my self from the pain. I have to hide my feelings for you for now. but if the time is right and we can be still together I'll be the one to even insist to court you. sounds funny but i really mean it. i am too inlove that i always imagine us both talking and laughing together. those simple gleams of your eyes and whole handsome face, memories that we share together that i repeatedly replay in my mind those are my happy memories of you. I always think of you really. i want to know what you are doing. i want to see you every day. hear your voice and check on you. i worry every time i see that you don't care. i over think things whenever i see weird expression on your face. i also worried about what might you think when you hear my scores in quiz or test. i fucking adore your laugh, your smiles and weird mannerisms, also your childish actions and personality. i love how you understand the hard topics that i cant digest and made it too easy.... i feel like this is crazy and bad. i know my limits okay. for now its better that we stay like this. what is the point of admitting my feelings now if i can make out of it more in the future. i know the circumstances that is ahead i am too inlove to you to ruin that so for now let me just prepare my self and everything... coz you deserve the best and i want to be the one who can give you exactly that... i hope that you are really the one that ill be spending the rest of my marred life with.
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Happy Sunday!
Stopping by to say “Hi”. How was your week? It is sunny there? I wish you many sunny days. It is still grey here, ugh - January can be so brutal. It is snowing right now. Light fluffy snowflakes.
I saw your post the other day of the Brian and Justin drawings. So soft. 16 years ago - wow! Have you always drawn? How did you get started? Did you take lessons/school? How did you get here? So so talented. Cheers to that!
It was so interesting when you were describing the best art supplies (pencils/paper) to me. I use to think I wanted to randomly meet you at an art event. Now I think an art store would also be fun.
Update on my 1D Big Bang edit. It’s coming along nicely - Harry’s ear looks good. Louie’s ear looks like I stuck a cabbage on the side of his head - oh my! Every time I look at it I laugh. Needless to say that ear is a work in progress. 
I often wondered if you knew what my first art request was. I love that for us. It still makes me smile when I think about it. A definite memory maker.
I’m going to miss your Harry Birthday post. Heading south (sun) for a couple weeks. I will be off line for a bit. Looking forward to seeing it when I return.
Your blue sweater looks very cozy. How long did that take to make? I'm also wearing sweaters these days. Well usually a sweater and a sweater for my sweater (my workplace is cold).
Were you able to do some gardening at your sisters? How did it go? No gardening here. Skiing, skating and tobogganing are more likely.
I'm planning some kind of February/March "My Policeman" bookclub thing for us. Are you in? (I'm using the word thing because I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I'm counting on our creative abilities to come up with some"thing".)
Until we message again.
Take Care.
Hello my lovely nonnie,
thank you for stopping by and saying hi. It is so lovely, your messages always make me smile. To cite one unnamed band: You and me got a whole lot of history :)
It is grey here as well. Winter came back, it is snowing and the sun is hiding so no gardening or preparing the garden for spring. We are expecting this weather to be continued at least a week or two. 
I would love to go buy art supplies with you or go to some art event together it would be great. I kind of miss someone I could talk about these things irl. It would be so nice. 
I am happy your 1D Big Band artwork is going well. I am so curious about  Louis’ ear now :D. What is yout technique? I also have a work in progress - Harry drawing. I hope I will have time this week to finish it already. I guess I will be able to finish another one in time for his birthday so you will have some surprise after your vacation :). 
I I've always loved to draw and I liked art and crafting in general. But drawing has always been just my hobby. I did not take drawing classes or something like that. (But I have many books about drawing.) I took only the art classes that were part of our general education in school. But I have been drawing since quite a young age. I remember my first fanart of Ralph Fiennes and Titanic, oh my goodness :D. And what about you? When did you start with your art journey?
I am so happy I am not the only one who wears sweater for their sweater :D. The new one is very cozy. It was meant to be for my sister but as I was knitting at home I tried it on myself and whoops it is mine because it is too big for her :). She will get the next one. It depends on many things but this one took me like a week (I did not knit on it at least 2 or 3 days of the week though), the previous one took 5 days. But both of them are knitted on quite a big needles. I would say week or two is an average time for me to knit a sweater. (But I would also say I am fairly fast knitter.)
I am in for that My Policeman bookclub. It is a great idea :). Let's do it
I really hope you will have wonderful time filled with sun, joy, and rest. You deserve it.
I will miss you and your beautiful creations (but I am looking forward to talking to you when you are back).
Take care and enjoy your vacation.
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villanevehaus · 1 year
Amused but not surprised to find that Eve’s love language is violence. So much kicking.
Enjoyed the “Russian smile” call out. I like thinking that it’s Eve’s way of seeing Oksana, even if she doesn’t realize that’s what she’s seeing.
I’m fascinated with how maladjusted Eve is and am enjoying that we continue to get little morsels about her childhood. Everyone experiences trauma differently, but contrasting her and Villanelle’s memories… it’s wild seeing where they’ve ended up.
Makes me happy to read about the pair of them flirting and playing together. Are they both chock full of cruelty and homicide? Sure. But it’s super cute.
Awkward acknowledgment and gratitude for the body contact/compression. Hopeful for an upcoming perspective swap where we can read how it made Eve feel, if Eve even knows.
Is it weird how much I like their interpersonal confrontations? I feel like fights with Niko centered on Niko’s needs and feelings, but when Eve gets testy with Villanelle, Villanelle pushes back differently. Villanelle centers the dialogue in a way that forces Eve to acknowledge her own feelings—and it makes Eve recognize how she’s treating Villanelle without making her more defensive. Cathartic as fuck.
Another one of Villanelle’s cheeky wordplays. “…fucked the life out of someone… .” Hooo boy, did she ever. Love, love, love it.
Oksana’s breakdown about family. :((( How are these moments so much harder to read than descriptions of fingers digging into intercostal muscle tissue? You know the scene in season 1 where Eve says Villanelle has earned the right to kill whoever? That’s how I feel about Oksana whenever I reread Oksana or Uncle or little moments like this family scene. You go ahead and murder whoever you want, sweet girl. *gentle pat on the head*
I’ll be honest, I have never liked Hélène’s character. Every moment she’s in the show, my brain screams SKIP. But I trust you and look forward to how you’ll leverage her character for something interesting and intrinsic to the plot.
As ever, thank you for a lovely chapter after the last few weeks you’ve had. I have this saying, “One too many rides at the fair”—whether it’s good or bad things, sometimes we experience one too many things and it ends up overwhelming. It sounds like you had a lot of rides at the fair. I’ve had a lot of rides at the fair lately, too, and it was such a kindness to still have a new chapter of TME to read. Really, thank you, haus.
tme anon
Postscript - let me know what you think of The Cell, if you get around to watching it. I triggered my own worms and have rewatched it twice myself since mentioning it.
TME: i am so glad you like their conflicts bc thats exactly what vil (and i) are trying to do! eve may not know how shes feeling but she sure is feeling it.
THE CELL: here are the notes i took while watching it in the dark on my Big Screen:
- music by howard shore hello???
- what da hell
- "directed by tarsem singh" yea that tracks
- please tell me that [carl] isnt vince vaughn w hair
- i love when movies toss u in and are like good luck!!! :) feels very "this is MY movie and I get to make the sense"
- jlo being frustrated that she cant sleep while in a room that has all the lights AND the television on. girl the call is coming from inside the house!!!
- how is he spiking himself up like that wadda hell
- oh hey its the guy from breaking bad
- oh my god its vince vaughn with hair
- "i thought you were gonna go home, get some rest, clean up" [brushing his teeth in the break room] "i did" - VERY tme eve
- im loving the camera work in this
- oh my god vincent d'onofrio is carl???
- yet again arts and crafts from found materials are demonized </3
- the cinnamontography :D
- i have decided that catherine and the other scientist lady are gal pals
- the water scene??? the baptism w the crane shots?? i go crazy i go stupid
- HORSE GLASS PANES!!!!!!!!!! giving damien hirst (neg) (fuck damien hirst)
- already fucking hard w this movie ngl
- vince vaughn is so bad at smoking cigarettes wtf why are so many of his butts half smoked
- what if we hooked carl and edward up like what would happen beyond Horrible time for edward. dyou think it'd throw adult/god carl off to have another boy in the house
- uh oh [do not remember when this was]
- i GASPED when the new collar came out
- vince vaughn has entered the chat
- as a bitch who Exclusively has lucid dreams i choose to believe i would be excellent at this
- vfx off da fucken CHAINS
- jlo dont chase the rabbit or whatever they say in pacific rim
- vulture :D
- this is one of if not the wildest movies ive ever seen
- cant believe thats vincent d'onofrio disemboweling vince vaughn in front of sexy jlo
- i want props from this
- they simply dont do costumes like this anymore
- or sets
- you guys are idiots obviously the weird shape line drawing thing goes with his back hooks come on man
- theyre girlfriends your honour
- said "whoa" out loud when adult carl's voice came outta child carl's mouth
- dude this movie fucks crazy hard tysm for showing it to me
- as someone who used to have nipple piercings i feel for carl
- me got boy, boy me got :(
- we love pieta imagery!!!
- i am forcing my gf to watch this w me tomorrow
- :(
- :(((
- SHE'S KEEPING HIS DOG i am emotional
- this movie rly said there is no escaping the inner child
i will have better, more succinct thoughts once the worms have had more time to digest and i have shared them w my gf but oh my god i loved it!!! so stylish, so unique, so?????!?!?! SO!!!!!!!! one of the movies of all time truly tysm for reccomending it to me
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
The game didn't say that someone couldn't ask you what you wanted to respond to people who send you that stuff in and that you couldn't respond to that message
So I guess save this until it's done (or do it now) and say everything you want to say to them here because I'm curious to your responses. I also agree on the show love to zee even without ask games agenda maybe we should all collectively start doing that again 👀
omg wait.... anon big brain THIS IS THE BEST.... thankfully one of us has the brain cell bc i’m definitely taking up your offer (and no need for the show love agenda HAJDKWKSL even just sending random asks about whatever is love enough for me!! being able to be weird with my anons is good enough for me 😎) anyway, everything is under the cut because this gets long LOL ILY ALL
first anon: OH MY GODDDD THE WAY MY EYES TEARED UP WHILE READING YOUR ASK HELLO????? if you’ve followed me since tlhc... i literally WAS just 18 back then and now i’m 21?? TIME ISN’T REAL?? i really can’t believe that there are people Out There who have followed me for so long,,, idk how to express myself well (which is funny bc i’m supposed to be a “writer” lol), but i just wanna say that i’ve always been scared of whether my followers actually like me or was just here to read my fics so hearing your words really helps me calm my anxiety a lil LMAO i’m just on this weird lil blog,,, writing my weird lil stories (and oversharing about my life and my poops as you said HJSADHJASHD i literally screamed when you said that bc damn you are so right) and i just hope that i come off friendly to people at the very least,,, so thank you dude (if we’ve spoken off anon before, i’m sure that i enjoyed whatever exchange we had since you sound like a genuinely awesome person,,, ily and i hope you have a great week!!
second anon: HAHAHHA YES I AM SUPER ANXIOUS!!! ALL THE TIME!!! i try to be funny but humor is subjective, yenno? i’m just glad i was able to find people who share the same kinda crackhead humor that i have :3 and you’re so right,,, what’s life without a little spicy angst? and dw about parasocial relationships HAJSDHASJ like,,, i know you’re on anon and i have no idea who you are, but if you (or any anon really) have sent me a nice ask in the past, even just to say hello or whatever, i kinda already consider you a friend?? like MAYBE you’re just a wooper in my brain (i imagine all my anons like woopers LOL) but the fact that you took the time to send me anything in the first place is just??? like WOW you thought of me??? that’s amazing and i have no words,,, thank you so much and i hope we can continue to speak with each other more!!
third anon: ah yes... my main genre of crangst... but it seems like the past two years have transformed me into a fluff smut writer as well... shows that i’m growing at least LOL gotta expand my horizons or whatever... BUT I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE FOX RAIN LIKE,,, ANYTIME FOX RAIN GETS MENTIONED, MY HEART GROWS TEN MORE SIZES LIKE ;-; i know authors whine all the time about notes, but fox rain really is my babey and i just wish more people liked her, yenno? so i’m glad you’re able to enjoy it (and living vicariously thru y/n because aren’t we all? LMAO) and i hope you’ll stick around until the next chapter of fox rain gets published (whenever.... that may be.... sweats)
fourth anon: LOL i have a guess as to who this is but imma keep my mouth shut in case i’m wrong,,, but if i’m right, then yea i’m glad to have been your mutual for so long SAJDHJASHD i think we’ve been mutuals since??? 2018?? maybe 2019??? either way, that’s a LONG TIME and i’m always happy to see you in my notifs. it’s so wonderful to see you grow over the years and i know you’re only going to be much greater with due time!! stay epic and phroggers, my dude,,, ily
fifth anon: ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS PLEASE... I AM GOING TO CRY ;-----; if you’ve been following me since outcast, that’s like??? early 2018??? late 2017??? HOLY SHIT THAT’S ALSO BEEN A WHILE,,, god i remember how fucking insane that time was and how many memes i made about that au LOL they were good days,,, i’m flattered you think i was funny enough for a follow,,, and that you’ve stuck around until now even though you’re not even into kpop anymore??? which is SO CRAZY bc that means ;-; that you’re here ;-; because you... y-you like me? 😳👉👈 LMAO ok but in all seriousness, it always boggles my mind to know that people follow me for like... me... because as someone who doesn’t really have many friends outside of social media, knowing that people out there like me enough to follow me despite not liking bts or kpop anymore is... just nothing short of amazing. so thank you for sticking around, and i hope you can continue to hang out with me on this silly little blog 🥲
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yunhoez · 3 years
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pairings: timeskip!suna rintaro x f!reader
genre: smut, FLUFF, tiny bit of angst like for 2 seconds, followed by more fluff
warnings: NSFW 18+, swearing, orgasm denial, public sex, breeding, "bunny", not proofread (its 3 am), I think that's it but pls let me know if I missed anything
a/n: this is really self indulgent, I had this thought in the shower and something about my trash ass ex seeing me happy with suna makes my brain go brrrrr. don't worry, I'm working on that in therapy :D anyways this is my first time writing smut, lol bye! hope y'all enjoy!!! <3
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There’s no reason to attend a high school reunion with people you never liked nor thought of in years. Meaningless chatter mixed with the stench of beer, while the god awful fluorescent lights sting your eyes didn’t sound appealing to you. Yet here you are, standing against the wall of the poorly decorated banquet hall with a drink you’ve hardly touched. The “Welcome Class of 2017” banner in front of you, reminded you of just how little time has passed since you’ve seen these people. If it were up to you, you would’ve ignored the e-vite and binged a show you’ve seen 100 times already. However, your sweet boyfriend, Suna Rintaro, was so eager to see where you spent your teen years and the people who knew you way before he did. Not that they would have very many stories about you, considering how much you kept to yourself, but that didn’t stop Suna from RSVPing on your behalf.
“I fucking hate you.” you spat, taking a sip of your drink, wincing at the strength.
“I know.” suna smirked, handing you his beer and taking your drink for himself.
The both of you stood close together, watching people fein happiness at the sight of each other. What was the point in attending these events if not to show off how much better you’re doing to people who no longer matter to you, if they ever did that is. Suna nudged you lightly, motioning towards a group of people coming toward the two of you.
“Hey! I didn’t think you’d be here!”
“Yeah! Me neither!” you giggle, shooting a glare towards Suna who’s already grinning at you.
Suna knows you hate small talk, but something about seeing you perk up at the memories you’ve seemingly forgotten made him feel warm inside. Although you never wanted to admit it, you missed the people who made your teen years a little less terrible. Suna wrapped his arms around your waist, settling his chin onto your head, as the two of you listened to your friends reminisce about your antics.
“I’m telling you, this girl was in detention every single day!”
“Don’t act like you weren’t there with me!” you huffed, feeling Suna’s chest rumble with laughter. No one had ever taken much interest in your life, except for Suna. It was safe to say you had no idea how to react to his attentiveness when it came to you. You looked up at him, watching how he was soaking in the memories of you, that he didn’t get to witness. He smiles widely at the thought of you picking at your chicken sandwiches, only for you to eat the bread and call it lunch.
You notice the crinkle in his eyes, as he catches you in photos on the projector screen. You cover your face, a blush creeping onto your cheeks, as everyone awes at their younger selves. Suna grabs hold of your hands and pulls them down from your face, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“You know if I went to your school, I would’ve been afraid of you.”
“Says the one who looks bored out of his mind all the time.” you tease him, your gaze still fixed on the dimly lit screen.
“Guess we’re soulmates then.” he hums into your ear, tightening his grip around your waist.
The night went by smoothly, well as smooth as it can get when you’re surrounded by people who most definitely hated each other. Suna leads you to the bar, ordering a round of shots for the two of you.
“If we’re going to be here, we might as well take advantage of the open bar.” he grins, pouring salt onto your hand and handing you the tiny glass.
“I’m sure that’s the only reason so many people showed up.” you respond, licking the salt and downing the burning liquid. Suna brings a lime wedge to your lips, you suck on it lightly as he watches you intently. He brings it to his own mouth, draining the remainder of the juice before neatly folding it in a napkin.
“So what’s the story with those two over there?” he motions to the couple arguing a few feet from you.
“Them? They always do that, one minute they’re in love and the next they’re having a Twitter war.” you say, signaling the bartender for another round.
“Does that mean we’ll get to read some drama tonight?” Suna perks up, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. You giggle, clinking your glasses together and savoring the tequila running through you quicker than you expected.
“Already feeling it, pretty?”
“Pft. No, I’m just feelin’ fuzzy.”
Suna turns you to face him, his eyes starting to glaze over from the drinks. Everything around you feels hazy, but his touch is amplified as he taps on your lips to open. He wedges the lime into your mouth, gaze fixed on the way you swallow the tart juice and pucker your lips. Placing the fruit in his glass, he attaches his lips to yours, groaning at the mix of your sweetness and the sour taste of citrus. The lingering taste of tequila was replaced with his own, your body getting drunk off of him more so than the alcohol. He places his hand onto the small of your back, pressing you into him and eliminating any space between you two. A firm poke to your thigh was enough for you to have you moan softly into his mouth. He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you two before snapping back onto his lips. He licks them, relishing in the haze of love and need he feels for you.
“Bathroom. Now.” he demands, throwing a wad of cash onto the bar and pulling you with him. A smile plastered on your lips as you follow close behind him, stumbling on your platforms.
The two of you stumble into the men’s bathroom, small giggles falling from your lips as Suna trips over his own foot before locking the door. You lift yourself up onto the counter, feeling the cold tile on your thighs and leaning against the mirror. Suna nudges your legs apart with his thigh, slipping in between them and running his hands up your short dress, peppering kisses along your neck.
“God, I love you.” he mumbles, pulling you closer to him and smashing his lips against yours. Your hands find their way to his hair, pulling at it slightly as he deepens the kiss and moans into your mouth. His grip on your ass tightens, before he makes his way between your legs. He lifts your dress and shoves your panties to the side, staring at the mess he’s caused.
“Always so wet for me, bunny.” he whispers into your core, placing a light kiss onto your clit. You whimper at the minimal contact and he grins, flattening his tongue and licking a stripe between your folds, savoring the taste he could never get enough of. “Fuck..” he moans, the cold metal of his ring clad fingers pumping into you slowly. The sinful moans of his name leave your mouth with no shame, the sound of him devouring you and your screams were sure to be heard from the hallway.
“Rin…” you moan out, your thighs tightening over his head as he continues to suck on your clit.
“You need me, baby?” he asks, looking up at you through his thick lashes. His honey eyes dripped with lust, as he moved his slick covered fingers to rub your clit. The small, tight circles cause your thighs to shake. “Answer me, pretty.”
“R-Rin… need you.” you stutter, feeling the familiar warmth in your stomach building up. You were so close, his fingers entering you once again and curling into your sweet spot. He grins at you, his face wet from your cunt, as he leans to press a kiss to your swollen lips. “Rin! I’m-”
“I know, baby. I got you.” he coos, going in and out of you faster. Just as you were about to reach your high, his fingers slip out of you. A mischievous grin plastered on his face, as he sucks on his fingers. You groan, covering your face and pressing your thighs together. “Ah… Ah…” He pushes your thighs apart with his body, unbuckling his belt and pulling himself out. “Thought you needed me?” He pouts, pumping himself slowly.
“I- Rin. Please, I was so close-” you whine, eyes pressed to his thick cock near your entrance.
“Spit on it.” you obey him, pursuing your lips to let the liquid fall onto his dick. He pumps himself, moaning and grabbing your face with his other hand. “Now tell me, pretty. What do you need?”
“Y-you.” you whisper, looking up at him with wide eyes as you unbutton his shirt. He places a sloppy kiss on your lips, breathing heavily when your cold hands replace his as you jerk him off. “Bend over for me.” His dark eyes watched you scramble off the counter, slipping your panties off and leaning over the sink. Your pretty face in the mirror looking back at him with pleading eyes as he rubs his cock against your cunt. He moans, pushing into you slowly, throwing his head back when he bottoms out. He stills, basking in the warmth of your plush walls.
“Fuck, Rin, move.” you huff, trying to relieve yourself.
“Am I not allowed to enjoy the moment?” he responds, gripping onto your hips tightly.
“Yeah, but- Fuck!” you moan at his sharp thrusts, a smile tugging at his lips as he pulls you back and forth on his dick. “Sorry, bunny. Couldn’t wait.” Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the steady pace of his thrusts driving you close to your peak once again. You reach your hand down to your clit, but Suna slaps your hand away. You look up at him in the mirror, his loving eyes boring into you, as he rubs at your clit in fast circles.
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well, baby.” he praises, his head falling back, letting his moans get louder the closer he gets. “Gonna cum in you, fill you up, and make you a pretty mama.”
“Fuck- Suna, don’t- WHAT THE FUCK?” you scream, feeling the fullness of his dick leave your dripping cunt.
“Who the fuck is Suna?” he giggles to himself, his dick grinding in between your folds at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Rin, c’mon- shit!” you bite your lip, your walls clenching around him as he kneads your ass.
“Good girl.” he coos, one hand on your hip and the other pulling your dress down to let your breast fall out. He moans, gripping at the soft flesh. “You gonna let me cum in you, baby?”
“Yes, fuck… don’t stop.” you hum, your brain starting to fog up as you near your release.
“S-shit, ‘M gonna.” he hisses, feeling your walls clench as you ride out your orgasm. Your fucked out expression and loud screams of his name was enough to have him spilling into you. He moans out your name, leaning over you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder, before pulling out and watching him spill out of you.
“You’re lucky I’m on the pill.” you pant, looking up at the mirror to him snapping a photo of the two of you. “Rin!”
“What? It’s a good memory!” he defends, taking several photos from different angles before lifting you up and setting you down on the counter. He shoves himself back into his pants, tucking his shirt and buckling belt before averting his attention to you. Your arms wrap around his neck as he kisses you softly, mumbling sweet words into your lips. He breaks away to dampen a towel, wiping you down as you scroll through the many pictures he took. A loud knock breaks the atmosphere, followed by annoyed screams.
“Have some fucking decency, some people need to use the bathroom!”
You both look at each other, laughing loudly before putting yourselves together. Suna adjusts his shirt, leaving the top buttons open and ruffling his hair. You slip into your underwear, smoothing out your dress and reapplying your lipstick. He gives your ass a light slap before opening the door and exiting, his eyes flicker between the couple outside. Suna’s lips twitch, realizing who the man leaning against the wall is. A smug expression spreads across his face, as he reaches his hand out for you.
“Sorry your sex life’s so boring.” he grins. You grasp his hand, walking out and nodding to the couple, recognizing the familiar set of eyes that you once adored.
“Sorry about that, bathroom's all yours.”
You squeeze Suna’s hand twice, a signal the two of you made up for when you’re feeling anxious. He quickly wraps his arm around your waist, pressing you into his side and placing a soft kiss onto your head. He hums quietly, leading the two of you out of the banquet hall and out to the garden. You stop at a bench, overlooking the city. The soft chirps of crickets and Suna’s intoxicating scent grounds you, a sense of relief washing over you.
“Fuck high school reunions, can’t believe you wanted to come here.” he jokes, pulling you onto his lap and holding you.
“Oh, shut up. You loved every minute of it.” you nuzzled into his chest.
“Particularly the bathroom part.” he hummed. “You okay?”
You sighed happily into his chest, nodding in response.
“So, tell me, what did the side bang do for you?”
“Shut the fuck up, Rintaro.” you hiss, getting up from his grasp, only for him to pull you back and attack your neck with kisses. Your laugh fills his ears, followed by your small fists punching his arm lightly in an attempt to get him to stop tickling you. A blush creeps onto his cheeks, the overwhelming feeling of love feels his body. He pauses his attack, your love laced insults about how irritating he could be was music to his ears. You’d never admit it to Suna, but you were glad he dragged you here. Seeing how his usual deadpan expression changed every time you were talked about made your heart swell. Maybe these things weren’t that bad, as long as he was by your side.
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reblogs/likes appreciated <3
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babyjakes · 2 years
no better way. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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summary | when steve finds out your true feelings about christmas, he does his best to make your first holiday together special.
pairing | daddy!steve rogers x little!reader
warnings | sfw regression (daddy!steve, little!reader), mentions of difficult past (not specified/no details), reader is in emotional distress, hurt/comfort, softsoftsoft steve <33
word count | 993
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an | hi sweet friends, merry christmas and happy holidays <3 here is my present to you all; i know that for many of us this time of year can bring up a lot of feelings and memories so i’m hoping this fic can be a source of comfort for anyone who needs it. i did my best to make it as versatile as possible, this way hopefully lots of you can find some comfort here. hope you’re all well, safe, and at peace this christmas.
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“Y/n, you in there?” At the sound of Steve’s voice calling through the bedroom door accompanied by a faint knock against the wood, your heart drops to the pit of your stomach as you sit amongst the mess of pillows and blankets on the bed, knees tucked against your chest as your body all but collapses in on itself. “We should probably start getting ready for the party; Stark said food’s starting around five.”
Clutching your prized stuffed bear to your chest, you swallow down a lump in your throat, eyes darting over to the door as it opens to reveal the tall blonde man, his face contorting into a frown when he spots you balled up and shaking. “Sweetheart? Hey- what’s the matter?” he coos as he makes his way over to the bed, his brow furrowed in concern as he lowers himself down carefully beside you.
Lowering your head, you struggle to find your voice. Your mind feels heavy, full of swirling thoughts and a brutal throbbing you can’t seem to shake. Steve’s worry only continues to grow as he watches your eyes fill with tears; reaching out a hand, he gently places it on your back, rubbing in slow, soothing circles. “Y/n,” he murmurs carefully, lowering his head in an attempt to catch your gaze, “can you tell me what’s up, pretty girl? Daddy just wants to help you, darlin’. Gotta tell me what’s on your mind so I can try to make it better.”
“Sorry,” you mumble, bottom lip puffing out slightly in embarrassment. Glancing at the clock, you curse at yourself silently, realizing there’s no way you won’t be late to Stark’s party at this rate. “I-I know we’re s'ppose to be leaving soon,” you sniffle, causing Steve to shake his head as he continues to rub your back, “d-didn’t mean to make us late, I-”
“Hey, hey, hey- that’s okay, babydoll. Don’t you worry about that, alright? We can show up whenever we want, or we don’t have to go at all. Whatever you want, princess. This is our Christmas Eve; Tony throws parties all the time.”
Against your best efforts to keep from crying, a single tear manages to escape, making its way down your cheek before you’re able to do anything to stop it. Huffing in frustration with yourself, you wipe it away harshly, only for your hand to be covered by Steve’s much larger one, tenderly easing your fingers away from your irritated flesh. “Easy, sweetheart. Gotta be gentle with yourself. Can you tell me what’s goin’ on? I thought you were excited to go tonight; you went out and found that pretty dress with Nat and everything.”
Sighing, your shoulders collapse a bit further; though you know your daddy is exceptionally patient and understanding, you’re still struggling to find the courage to tell him what’s been on your mind. “I just…” you try, another round of tears building as you shake your head. “I-I just don’t like Christmas,” you finally admit. “Well- no, I-I do, I just… I don’t know. It just always makes me think of…” As your voice trails off into the silence of the room, a knowing look forms on Steve’s face as he nods thoughtfully, clearly understanding what you’re trying to say. After knowing you for most of the year and slowly gaining your trust over those several months, he’s come to learn of many of the hardships you faced growing up, and it makes complete sense to him why this time of year might be difficult given your circumstances.
“Oh y/n… I’m so sorry,” he whispers, taking your hands in both of his as his eyes finally meet yours. “I didn’t even think of that- I’m sorry, princess. That’s a lot to be thinking of and feeling, isn’t it?” Sucking in a shaky breath, you nod, doing your best to not completely fall apart as Steve pulls you over onto his lap, wrapping you up in his strong, loving arms. “Come here, sweet girl,” he hums as you tuck your head into the crook of his neck, your tears slowly making their way down his shoulder, forming a wet patch on the fabric of his t-shirt.
“Shhh, it’s okay, y/n,” he soothes, gently rocking you back and forth as you sniffle, mumbling an apology against his warm skin. “No, little one. None of that, no need for sorry’s. You never have to apologize for having big feelings, okay? I know it’s hard, sweetheart. How can I help?”
“D-do you think… would it b-be okay if we stayed home?” you ask carefully, lifting your head sheepishly to meet the man’s gaze. Stroking your hair back behind your ear, Steve smiles softly at you, nodding.
“Of course that’s okay, princess. We’ll have a nice night in, yeah? Just you and me. We can turn on the fireplace, get nice and comfy, maybe snuggle up on the couch and watch some movies- how does that sound?”
“Yes please,” you nod, liking the sound of a quiet night in with Steve much more than a wild party over at the Stark Tower. “A-and maybe we can have some hot chocolate?”
“Good idea, doll. I can whip us up some easy on the stove, with plenty of marshmallows, of course, know how much you love those candy cane ones we got. We have Christmas cookies from Bucky, too; those would be good to snack on.”
“Mmm,” you hum, remembering the big box of treats your daddy’s friend had brought over earlier in the week. “Think he had peanut butter kisses in there,” you smile shyly. “You like those best, right Daddy?”
“You know me so well,” Steve beams with pride as he plants a kiss on your nose, bringing a hand in to cup your cheek. “Okay lovebug, you got yourself a deal. I can’t think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve than a cozy night in with my best girl.”
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lavynrose · 3 years
- a oneshot for artem wing when he finally mustered up courage to ask out their s/o to hang out as friends (theme parks or just garden strolls, you can pick which type of place you want i won't mind!) to confess to them and when he confesses their s/o confesses at the same time too? and the s/o is kinda shy and awkward with him so he gets surprised and all flustered with them confessing at the same time?
(ackk this has been stuck in my head for a while, sorry if there are any grammar mistakes since english isn't my first language! i hope u have a great day!! :D <3)
- coomkie anon ♡
Artem Wing and his s/o confessing at the same time pt. 1
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Title: Dedicated
Pairing/s: Artem Wing X Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: Grammatical errors probably
Notes: blushy artem is best artem, and we have celestine being the best wingwoman again
enjoy an amusement park date with Artem <3
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Artem Wing is a dedicated man.
If it had been any other person, they would be home right now.
but not him.
Even now, as the looming hours of the night began to tick, he sits at his swivel chair, busied with the love of his life called paperwork.
"Aren't you overworking yourself?" He looked up from his papers to see Celestine waltzing inside his office with documents in hand.
The question should've made him stop and think to at least consider getting rest, but no, we're talking about Artem the workaholic here.
He has heard Celestine's question directed at him for the past few days, and from different people at that.
"Overworking means I have more time to double-check these documents," Artem said as he reached out for the folder that Celestine brought over, "Don't you think it's pretty convenient?"
"Artem," She started with concern in her blue-green eyes, "I know you're trying to distract yourself."
Artem was silent for a few moments before coughing, "Whatever do you mean? There's nothing I have to distract myself from." He said with complete calmness in his voice that he could even fool himself.
"You don't have to hide it, you know? I see the way you look at them," She smiled as she recalled the lingering stares and soft smiles setting display into Artem's face when he's around his colleague "The way you act around Y/N." she added with a hint of teasing.
The mention of your name seemed to short-circuit Artem's brain, Celestine took advantage of this with delight.
"Also... They've been getting friendly and close with that new employee.." She puts her hands on her chin, thinking.
Earlier today, she caught Artem's looks of distraught while his eyes were on you and the new guy. You were having a friendly conversation.
Too friendly.
After that, The youngest senior attorney even requested you to work with him at his desk, claiming that he, quote "needs to keep close tabs on the files that Y/N is handling." end quote.
but Celestine knew better.
Jealous is the only word that can describe how Artem was acting. She decided she will push his buttons tonight.
"Aren't you... threatened?" She beamed at him, waiting for his reaction.
"They've been on your mind lately, I reckon."
"They're getting closer with each other, don't you think?"
Hopeless. Celestine thought.
To say that she's frustrated with this whole situation surrounding the two of you is an understatement. Everyone in your circle clearly sees it - you and Artem like each other.
In the way he bought cake for the whole office that one afternoon the day after an episode of an office drama aired, or in the way that he went out of his way to take care of you in the hospital when you overworked yourself to sickness, or in the way you blushed around each other, the lingering touches, oh the lingering touches. It was all obvious.
The both of you spend your time together more than anyone else, everyone thinks your blooming affections were inevitable at this point. Solving controversial cases meant having the mental and emotional intimacy to get to know each other better compared to your average professional relationship.
You don't see each other as "working partners" anymore, it's clear that you guys want each other as a different kind of partner.
It was known to everyone except for the two of you, apparantly.
Celestine sighed before rummaging through the magazine shelf in the office, grinning when she found what she's looking for.
Artem shot her a look of suspicion. He has a bad feeling about this.
"There." She said with satisfaction before dropping the magazine into his desk.
The magazine lays there, with an eye-catching font and colorful cover page, Artem blushes as his eyes read, 100 cute date ideas...
Judging from the cover, the magazine might actually be useful when giving date suggestions. Under the big font however, there was a smaller text that read, Your significant other is waiting!
What is this...
"I'm sorry but I have work to finish." He tried his best to unsee what he just saw, and decided to turn his focus on the headache of workload in front of him instead.
Celestine raised her eyebrows at him with a frown, "Don't be stubborn now, I'm your boss, I'm giving you both a day-off tomorrow. I mean, you haven't used your day-off at all ever since you started working here. So please. " Her voice is laced with concern.
He looked away with a sentimental look in his eyes, "You don't have to do this for me. I'm fine with... Giving them affection without them realizing it."
Celestine just frowns deeper.
"Come on now Artem, doesn't it sound tempting to you?" She clasped her hands and continued a little too excitedly like a schoolgirl in love, "Having alone time with Y/N, finally asking them out on the date so the other guys threatening your future can back off."
It does sound tempting, Artem admits.
He looked away with reddened cheeks, "I'll think about it."
He doesn't need to look at Celestine to know she's sporting a big grin right now.
Later that night on his bed, his mind keeps flashing images of you. You, wearing a big, warm smile on your face. You, with your little mannerisms that he came to memorize from hours of being with you. Every little thing, every moment, as long as it's with you, he cherishes it.
Oops. The butterflies are starting.
He didn't mind.
You looked stunning today, but then again, he finds you stunning everyday.
When was I this cheesy? He thought to himself.
His thoughts kept racing with reveries about you when a new image interrupted every nice thought.
It was of you and the new employee laughing together.
He frowned and his stomach churns.
"Are they interested in each other?" He finds himself asking the wind. His mind was reeling.
He thinks about the time when he first heard you say that you were married to your work. Surely, you aren't interested in being in a relationship with some guy, right?
Groaning, he then realized that he needs to make a move now before it's too late.
To him, you're the loveliest person he's ever met, your kindness, your welcoming smile, the passion that you present when you're in the court, the way you always remain headstrong no matter how many people clash with you and try to break your principles.
The only one that occupies his heart, you.
Artem is sure he won't regret giving you his feelings, and eventually, reveal them.
He got up from his bed and sent a glare at the magazine that is now resting on the lamp table beside his bed, mocking him. He picked it up with less hesitation than before.
'What should I choose?' Artem asked himself before flipping the pages, a faint blush adorning his cheeks.
This is a big step for him, and he wants to make sure that he's going to do it right.
You rubbed your eyes and stretched your limbs as the sunlight permeated through your bedroom window, the yellow glow giving you a peaceful feeling, a new day is about to start.
A new day without work at that.
You had been ecstatic when Celestine called you to inform you last night of your long awaited day-off, you smiled at the memory as you stand up to brush your teeth.
"You deserve it for all your hardwork!" Even through the phone, you heard the smile in her voice.
Soon, your thoughts drifted to a certain raven-haired man.
'How about Artem? I'm his assistant, does he get a day-off too?' You wondered as you finished washing your mouth, finally heading off to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast.
You were about to choose what to eat from the fridge when you hear a song play from your phone in your room.
You hurriedly went back as you recognized that ringtone - that ringtone you had set for a particular contact.
There on the screen, displays the name of the object of your affections.
Mr. Wing.
'Why is he calling this early? What could he possibly need?' you thought to yourself before pressing the green button.
"Good morning Artem, what is it?" you didn't even try to hide the happiness from your voice, Artem calling you this early doesn't happen often, after all.
"Good morning. Do you have plans for today?" His morning voice echoed through your ears. It was husky and rough, filling all of your senses.
Realizing that he just woke up, you can't help but blush at the thought of being the first person to talk to him today.
He thought of you first thing in the morning!
You tried to control the lingering heat in your face as you replied, "Uhm, yes uhh- none. I have no plans for today, Artem. I'll be thinking of what to do though. Why did you ask? " You hoped he didn't mind the sttuttering mess presented to him this early in the morning.
You wondered if there's an emergency case needed to be taken care of, he rarely ever calls outside of work.
Then again, you're always at work.
"That's good," the other line was silent for a bit. As your anticipation for his reply grew, he finally said, "A new amusement park is going be opened today. I heard they'll be having a fireworks display tonight to celebrate the opening."
You've heard about the said amusement park from your coworkers yesterday, you even heard that it was a project from PAX.
Marius' wealth truly knows no bounds, you thought.
Kiki even invited you to come with her this sunday, as it's the only freetime the both of you had before Celestine's sudden news of a day-off.
Is Artem coming there today? He doesn't seem like the type to go to amusement parks, but now you know that he likes them, or at least he didn't mind going, you added this info to your list of things about Artem that make you fall in love with him more and more. Because let's be honest, what's there not to like about the man?
He's handsome, sweet, a good cook, a senior attorney you can look up to, and he always makes sure to reassure you that you're doing well, that he's proud of you.
He cleared his throat, breaking you out of your thoughts, "Do you want to go there..." He paused, his nerves getting the better of him, unbeknownst to you, "With me? I have two tickets, and I wanted to invite a close friend. Is that alright with you? "
'Is he asking me out on a date!?' you were practically screaming internally as you paced frantically in your room.
No. No way. This isn't a date. Not until he says so.
He said 'close friend' so you shouldn't overthink this. You were partners, after all!
At least you try to convince yourself.
"Of course Artem. I'm glad you invited me, I'm really happy." You weren't lying, his invite was the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week.
He hummed, "I'm happy, too. I'll be there at 2:30pm to fetch you, they'll open around 3pm. " He said in a gentle voice before hanging up.
You pumped your fist in the air. You have plenty of time to prepare.
Among all of the outfits that you could've worn today, you decided to wear a cute, beige, knitted sweater. A pair of faded ripped jeans, white sneakers, and a beanie to top it all off.
The amusement park being your destination, you decided to wear casual clothing since you'd be hopping on rides left and right.
You wouldn't want to wear a skirt just for it to blow on the wind while you're in the air, screaming for dear life.
Nope. You definitely don't want that.
You're now waiting outside your apartment after Artem sent you a text 5 minutes ago that he's on his way.
Your head is plagued with expectations on how this friendly date is going to go. You've never felt as giddy as this before.
It's understandable, right? The person you like asked you out to go with him to an amusement park - using his morning voice, nonetheless, so it wouldn't be strange for you to think that this is like an actual date.
You bonked yourself mentally.
You keep reminding yourself that it's just a friendly date. It's just a friendly date. You believe in the power of your mind, it's a friendly date. He even said so himself.
Artem's going to think you're weird. It's not like you're going to hold hands or anything...
Yet, you didn't even try to stop the daydream clouding your mind.
While you were busy indulging yourself in your fantasies, your eyes caught a familiar spot of black in the parking lot. Artem's car!
That's your cue. When his car stopped, you made your way over to him with a small smile on your face.
His black car opened, spilling out Artem clad in his casual clothing.
You scanned his appearance, taking in those breath-taking, familiar eyes. Taking in the beige, knitted sweater he's wearing, paired with slacks and black shoes.
You did a double take- beige, knitted sweater?
You looked at his clothes, then looked down at your own, then back at his again.
Red and warmth crept up to your cheeks as realization hits you.
You kind of looked like a couple.
"What's wrong?" Artem inquired with concern as he stepped closer and reached out his hands to your flustered form.
He even placed his hand on your forehead to check your temperature.
Yes, you think you have a fever.
It's only when he got to take a good look at you when realization hits him the way it hit you.
He retreated his hand and looked away, face as warm as yours.
Why are you acting like a highschooler!? You're better than this, getting flustered just because you wore identical clothes.
With the person you like, you added.
The both of you stayed silent for a few seconds before you spoke up with a grin, thankful that the pink that dusted your cheeks is now cooling down a bit, "We should get going now."
You expected the ride to be as awkward as earlier, but to your relief, that wasn't the case at all.
Artem played the radio on your drive to the amusement park, and even asked you about how you're feeling lately and whatnot.
Honestly, with how he's always so concerned about your well-being, you're doomed to fall even harder.
"What are your favorite rides, Artem?" You decided to talk about something connected to where you're going to go.
"Hmm," as he hummed, you looked in front of the car to see the gates of the amusement park came into view. You can even see the familiar structure of a rollercoaster and a really grand ferris wheel turning slowly.
Is the motif for this amusement park golden!? The railings are shimmering with gold, some parts of the rides are adorned with gold, wherever you look, gold!
PAX outdid themselves with this one, definitely took "shining, shimmering, splendid" to a whole new level. Too much for the word grandeur, you think.
You can't even imagine how wide the place must be. You haven't even stepped foot inside, yet your eyes were oogling as some more rides were seen from outside the gates.
"We're here Artem! Look!" From your side, Artem turns to take a look from the road to the park, his eyes screaming nothing but amusement.
"It's beautiful," He breathed while you nodded furiously with agreement. He shot you a look, "I'm glad I get to spend my first time here with you." The softness is his eyes is blinding as you stared at him and processed his words.
"Me too..." you managed to choke out, turning away to hide your blush.
While you were taming your flushed cheeks, Artem had parked the car already.
He opened the doors for the both of you as he offered you his arm. Confusion takes over your features.
"So you wouldn't get lost, it's a big crowd out here, " He tilted his head to have a better look at your still sitting form inside the car, "Let's go?" He said with that gentle smile, as comforting as ever.
You stood up and linked your arm with his and suggested, "How about the bumpy car first?" excitement was evident in your voice.
He shook his head and chuckled, "Whatever you wish." He said as he locked the car doors with a click. You both headed to check in and do the formalities first. After all that, with a skip to your step, you pulled Artem to the bumpy car's ticket booth, and went inside.
You're elated.
"I can't believe the Artem Wing, the youngest senior attorney, is losing to me!" You sound hysterical as you bumped Artem's car with yours over and over, your bumpy car dominating his.
This is fun! Just minutes earlier, the atmosphere between you and Artem seemed a little tight because of the matching clothing incident. Just a little. However, the laughter of everyone playing in this space is infectious, it leaves you in a really good and playful mood.
It makes you feel like you were a kid again. You hope Artem feels the same.
Before playing, you made a bet with him earlier that whoever bumps the other the most, wins.
"Y/N. I think this car is defective." He said with a frown, his eyebrows furrowing as his hands tinker whatever there was in the steering wheel.
You looked over to him and replied, "We can switch cars, let me see." The two of you switched from each other's bumpy ride and you assessed the supposedly 'broken' car.
You realized he didn't push the right buttons to ride the bumper properly.
"Artem..." You looked at him blankly and said, "Have you ever been to bumpy cars before?"
He was silent before replying with darting eyes, "No, I haven't," He cleared his throat, "I have only been to the ferris wheel and escape rooms, I haven't been to bumpy rides before. Sorry."
You beamed at him.
"Don't be sorry!" You flail your arms to disagree, "There's nothing wrong with that. I'm actually happy that you allowed me to drag you here despite you not having played it before." You flashed him a thankful smile.
He looked a little surprised at first, but then that warm smile of his came back, "Thank you." You stared at each other's eyes for a few beats in time, his ocean eyes containing a sparkle you rarely see them hold. It looks so gentle, so welcoming.
So fond.
You stared at each other for a while, his deep eyes were enough to drown out the crowd. To drown out everything that existed but him.
Blinking, you snapped out of it to teach him how to drive the car.
The cars were booster types, different from the old models wherein you just turn the wheels and you'll be good. In this specific model, commands are needed to be performed in order for the car to execute it's special feature.
"You turn it like this..." Artem is a fast-learner, so the both you were back on track as soon as you guided him the directions.
In the end, you were tied, the bumper time limit resulting the draw.
"I'm definitely beating you next time!" you declared with a smug look, hands on your waist.
After the bumper, a receptionist from what seemed like a family raft ride made his way to invite the two of you.
"You guys look like you're having fun!" He then pointed at the paper he's holding and said with persuasion, "You're going to have even more fun here! The family raft ride is the only free ride we're offering in the park for it's first day, be sure not to miss out on this special bonus!" He then turned his heel to find more costumers.
You blinked, "Too bad we don't have extra clothes..." You hung your head low and you sighed as your mind thinks of a different ride to enjoy.
"Well, he did say it's a special bonus," Artem pondered, "They sell clothes here anyway, and there are restrooms we can change on," you wondered if this is going the way you think it's going, "I can see no harm in trying this free ride." He finished with the corners of his lips turned upwards.
Your eyes sparkled with so much joy that he's glad he suggested this.
"Then what are we waiting for!?" You squeal and jump from where you stand and Artem could only shake his head at you with an adoring look in his ocean eyes.
You both headed to the line of people waiting to get their tickets for the raft.
"That's a long line..." You're already mentally tired as you stared at the single file of people in front of you.
"There's still plenty of time before the fireworks at 7pm, I can go and buy us ice cream. Do you want some? "
You're face fell, remembering you were on a diet, "I appreciate the offer, but no thanks, I'm on a diet." An ice cream sounds really tempting right now, but you must resist.
"I heard they sell low-fat ice cream in here. How about that?" He proposed as his eyes glinted with satisfaction.
He knew this would do you in, sure enough, you gave him the biggest grin you could muster.
"You're the best, Artem! Any flavor is fine, by the way. " You beamed as he turned his heel to the ice cream stall, you just stared at his back the whole time he was away.
A minute later, the man wearing a cozy beige sweater that matches yours turned around and went over to you, two chocolate chip ice cream in hand. You reached out to take your ice cream, your fingers brushing.
You ignored the tingling feeling and the chills. He looked away.
While eating, you talked about how the line for the rollercoaster was two times longer than the raft's even though it's literally free.
"I believe they added a new feature to the coaster." Artem reasoned.
"You bet. The rides' golden theme is already impressive enough," You eyed the unbelievably long line from the coaster's ticket booth, "We can go back here some time to see that feature for ourselves." your face heated as you realized the implications in your words.
His eyes widened for a single moment and then looked at you with such intensity you can't bring yourself to look away, "I'd love that." a gentle look worms it's way in his features once again.
Comfortable silence dawns on your own, little world while you both busied yourselves in your ice cream.
The two of you were thrilled as it was your turn to ride the raft, ice cream long gone, replaced by the life-vest in your hands.
"Ah," you sighed, fumbling with the vest a little longer than you should have.
Artem, of course, noticed your movements. He was kind enough to help you adjust the vest.
Of course.
"Come here." He said as his arms finds it's way to your waist, pulling you towards his stature. His hot breath hitting your face while he circled his arms around you to wrap the vest securely.
This is not good for your heart...
He's so close, you could kiss him if you wanted...
He pulled away, his warmth lingering still.
Even when the both of you sat down on the raft. The ride is going to start in a few and here you are, lost in the feeling of Artem being near you.
"Y/N," You abruptly turned your head to him when he suddenly called you, "are you nervous?"
You blushed so hard you wanted to evaporate with the water, 'Yes. You make me nervous.' you're tempted to respond.
"Yes, but don't worry about me." was your reply instead, and you smiled awkwardly and stared at his blue eyes, blue eyes laced with concern.
He leaned closer, probably so that the other people within your raft wouldn't hear, "I care about you and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible," he whispered in your ear, sending chills to your spine.
This is definitely not comfortable, Mr. Wing.
Your heart is doing flips, this isn't normal!
"Please tell me if you need something." The gentleness in his voice took your breath away the way it did as the first time.
The fact that he's unaware of his effect on you angered you so much. You scanned his face for signs of teasing. Smirk, maybe a playful glint, anything.
Yet you found none.
The raft began to move, a perfect timing to change the subject!
You leaned on him, but not too close, and whispered, "It's starting."
Water began to splash, as the raft moved with the current.
The track was smooth at first, you getting small splashes here and there.
Until a bumpy track decided to present itself.
Like before, the raft went with the flow of the water, except that it bounced and rotated harshly that one particular splash of water was enough to wet you and your clothes completely.
"OH MY G-" you exclaimed when the raft hit a rough spot again, soaking everyone wet.
You were making a surprised pikachu face as the water seeped into your clothes.
You turned to look at Artem to see his state and you suppressed a giggle with how he's making the same face as you did earlier.
Never in your life you thought you'd see Artem with the surprised pikachu face.
You took pride in knowing that you're one of the very few people who gets to see this side of him.
"Artem!" you shouted through the noisy stream of water. "We look silly!" you laughed as the water rocked everyone in the raft as harsh as it possibly can. Round and round, back and forth.
"We do!" his laughed mingled with yours even when the water relentlessly kept soaking your already wet bodies.
You smiled once again, gazing at his form with profound fondness longer than just a friend would've done.
"That was really fun!" You shouted to the air while Artem scooted beside you, offering his arm like he did earlier, which you eagerly took.
The both of you went for another round on the raft after the first round, not caring about the long waiting line. The ride was worth it!
All you ever did was scream and laugh at each other's state, but it was the most enjoyment you've ever had in years.
You were completely dry now, changed into fresh clothes that were sold as the park's merchandise.
Even with the change of clothes, the clothes you were wearing right now still matched Artem's.
You weren't complaining.
The crowd continues to enjoy themselves, all while the sunset was making everything in the theme park look like a fairytale.
"Yes, it was. I enjoyed it very much." Artem flashed a smile so genuine, you wanted to see this sight a thousand times more. The orange glow of the sunset gives his raven hair a golden shade, light reflecting on his blue eyes, making him look so bewitching. So you carved it to your memory, not knowing how to elicit that same image from him once again.
Looking up at him, and looking back at the things that happened today, you realized something.
You couldn't take this silent pining anymore, you wanted to tell him how precious his smile is to you, to tell him you're glad he's spending his time with you, to tell him to make more memories with you.
To tell him he's the reason of the warmth flooding your whole being right now.
'I'm in love with you' is what you first thought of saying. No matter how cliche that may be, you wanted to let him know, that you're in love with him.
"Uhh, Artem, I-" You were about to spill your feelings then and there when a voice boomed the speakers of the park.
"Everyone! One hour more to go for the fireworks! Please look forward to it!"
Your confession's gonna have to wait for later.
part 2 here
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/15/21.
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