skylessnights · 8 months
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EVILIVE (2023) | EP 3
But I assume your request to me...goes beyond...the role of a lawyer, right?
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queseraone · 22 days
Om gosh THANK YOU. Honestly, they over hyped the finale wayyyyyy too much. I mean, I did enjoy some scenes but they focused on the villains too much.
Also I really didn’t expect chenford to get back together and I’m kinda glad? Don’t get me wrong, I do want them to get back together eventually but their entire relationship was slow burn. If they’re gonna take a break, they need a long one. Plus Tim went way too far keeping Lucy in the dark so she deserves to feel how she does. I think people expecting them to get back together was a coping mechanism 😭😂
The finale was such a disappointment for me. Definitely way over-hyped for what it was. I was expecting some big shocking reveal of who the "Big Bad" was, and I'm sitting here like... I still don't know who it was?????? They introduced so many characters in the last two episodes, it just felt like a farce.
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And this??? ^^^ Hard pass. It felt like a punishment watching all these random people. I don't tune in for Monica or Oscar or the Feds crew or Villains A through G. I tune in for Lucy and Tim and Angela and Aaron and Nyla and Grey, etc. etc. Grey was barely there. Aaron had so little to do. It just felt like they were trying to do too much at once, and failed spectacularly.
To me, if you're going to tout a "Big Bad" and a season-long arc... I expect to see threads of that pulling through each episode. Not to see it in the premiere and then nothing again until the last two episodes. (Sort of like it could have maybe worked spread over a 22-episode season, but instead they checked the calendar and said "oh shit! we need to go back to this!")
(Also that "cliffhanger"???? No. That's not a cliffhanger, sorry, buh-bye!)
On the Chenford front, overall I'm so happy with what we got in this episode. I was never anticipating them getting back together (nor did I want it to happen), so these little moments were exactly what I was hoping for. I hope the break isn't too long, but I definitely don't want it to happen too fast either. I've been saying since it happened, their reunion needs to be earned (and so far, it's happening like I'd hoped).
I can certainly see how people may have clung to the idea/hope of them getting back together, but I leaned more the opposite direction. I tried to manage my expectations - when you expect nothing, it's nice when they actually give you some good stuff!
I'm hopeful that we'll continue to see those kinds of moments into season 7 as they work their way back to each other!
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soaringkomet · 2 months
X-Men '97 Episode 5 spoilers!
I'm a very new X-Men fan, but the brilliance of '97 has made me watch all of '92 plus Evolution and now I'm on Wolverine and the X-Men. I immediately fell in love with Gambit because of his design and while his personality took a bit to grow on me in '92 I eventually found him charming. But he was a main character, and that cannot be said of him in the other animated series. So of course with '97 I was looking forward to him getting to use his powers in creative ways and more screentime in general that he got in '92.
I was being fed quite well with each episode with Romy teases + Gambit's use of his powers besides just using his cards (while cool we know he can do so much more). Of course all this is likely going to be changed after episode 5, where Gambit did a super heroic thing and sacrificed himself to save many. Basically all of him this episode was perfection, and I loved it. But if he is actually gone, I am so conflicted. Yes '92 was quite long and he was a main character there, but he truly is a different and improved character in '97. I cannot stomach the possibility he is only alive for 5 episodes of a show we know is getting at least 2 more seasons.
Maybe it's good they killed him off early so I did not get even more attached haha. I also have been hearing theories going around that it is likely Cable could intervene and will reset things (as he already tried to do) and everyone that died will return. I would love this, but I know so many people liked this episode because of the deaths, so it almost feels selfish for me to want that! Still, while Gambit was awesome in the season, so many of his scenes after Episode 1 involved him being put down either by hallucinations or Magneto. He deserved more than that.
At the very least the good thing about superhero comics is that one version of the character could be gone, but there are many more versions waiting for you to meet. I called his death happening a few days ago when a French leak confirmed this was a Gambit episode, but gosh I didn't mean it! And that's my vent. Just had to get it out there because I am so torn on this show now. I love it but it's also hurting me!
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blackjack-15 · 6 months
finishing up ep 4 --
return of the love scene lighting while marcus is making the cake. they're really not subtle with how any shot is framed, which as a lighting/set direction geek i appreciate
i keep calling pete paul gosh dangit this is what i get for pirating without subs...the feds were right
pete's very slurred speech about him following carmy's career and how sugar did too? so cute. carmy has no idea how to handle praise that's directly tied to him rather than tied to his cooking directly and it's a little heartbreaking. it's not just that he doesn't have the language to express himself, he doesn't have the ability to receive it from others -- we're hitting another repression and abuse flag right there
"we spilled a whole bottle of xanax in it?" "...are they dead?" "no, just sleepin" "keep up the good work" hilarious outcome, i'm giggling like a schoolgirl carmy's relief is Palpable
"i can't be in [the Beef] five minutes before i start thinking about dark shit" "that's prolly why i like it so much" carmy i love you baby you have Got to not self-flagellate, the world does it enough to you
cicero's dream about carmy's father is another great example of the bear's ability to have a stripped down, simple scene full of dialogue with a present, dark undertone. carmy's "what happened to the kid" is so sweet and soft -- i wonder if, like a lot of youngest children, carmy has a soft spot for/always wanted a little sibling. his sadness at hearing the kid in the dream sat there waving as his father is palpable
syd learning that being rougher, not more hesitant, with tina being the way forward is wonderful, and a hugely important lesson for bother her and the viewers. people are like ingredients -- they each need to be treated in individual ways in order to bring out the best in them
"thank you jeff. chef." THERE WE GO TINA YES GIRL
"love you, bear" "love you" WE GOT AN I LOVE YOU FROM CARMY HUZZAH not quite an un-asked for i love you but close enough. he's like a skittish deer combined with a raging asshole (deer with boxing gloves for antlers?) -- you gotta let him come to you or you're gonna regret it
carmy trying to hide his laughter at pete being zonked is really cute
"sorry, pete" i'm calling it now end of S3 pete/carmy bromance bring it in
syd watching carmy in the restaurant before marcus comes in with cake....the crumbs are Delicious thank you
super solid episode all the way around -- i think ep3 had higher highs? but way lower lows, while ep4 is good all the way through
let's keep truckin halfway through s1, so the Problems are gonna start cascading p soon, methinks...
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nimata-beroya · 10 months
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA- Part 3 "Time to Fly"
My first thought: it was much better than the first 2. Altho, I wish it had been a tad longer, even if the length is somewhat consistent with the Mandoverse shows.
As a Rebels fan, I feel fed. I finally got to see 1 character out of the 4 I want to see, so there's hope that soon I'll see the rest. Right, Filoni? RIGHT?!!
Hopes aside, let's get to the details of this episode.
I loved Sabine's training session, both with Huyang and Ahsoka. It reminded me a lot of The Trials of the Darksaber. The constant callbacks are impossible not to have them. And Huyang, please!! 🤣
Also, I loved the music during that scene (and throughout the whole episode). Well, is Kevin Kiner, what else could I have expected but greatness?
Honestly, I knew that the meeting with the senators and Mon Mothma was going to go as exactly as it went. I knew Hamato Xiono was going to be that jerk, and the rest of the senators wouldn't be any better. What I did love was Mon asking for Jacen (!!! which gave me hope to see him soon) and joking about the chaos the kid and Chopper surely were causing. My headcanon is that Mon is just remembering their shenanigans in Yavin 4 or Hoth or whatever else Hera has been stationed since then.
And I'm glad that they pointed out that even Hera believed Ezra is dead, she still looked for him. As I said in my review last week, I think Hera made herself believe that, otherwise she couldn't have lived her life, and raise Jacen and fight in the rebellion and now help with the new republic. The uncertainty of someone's disappearance is much harder to bear than their death.
Oh my gosh! The scream I let out when Jacen appeared!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭 He's so precious!!! With his green hair and saying Aunt Sabine (that means he calls Uncles Zeb and Alex/Sasha/Kallus, right?) and wanting to be a jedi just like his dad was (Would have been too much to name Kanan, just once??!!) Anyway... we got live-action Jacen!!!!!!
I love the conversation about the force between Ahsoka and Sabine. It put to rest some of my doubts about the whole Sabine being Ahsoka's padawan thing. How they explained it is pretty much how I think the Force works, so it felt good to have it explicitly confirmed in canon. And like it has been said, just talent isn't enough, just like in real life. Some people have a natural talent for an art or anything really, and if they cultivate it, then they'll excel at it. But that doesn't mean that other people less talented cannot reach the same level of excellence; they just need to work harder to get there.
And the opposite is also true. If a talented person doesn't work on their talent, it can become stagnant or even lose the ability altogether. With the Jedi, we've seen it with many Order 66 survivors. Obi-Wan, Kanan, Cere, Cal, Grogu, etc., they cut themselves from the Force either on purpose or as a trauma response, and all had to work to gain the control of his powers back.
Also, I think seeing the Force this way, it recognizes the different religions and presentation of the Force throughout the galaxy. People like Sabine or Chirrut Imwe or even Han Solo, or entire species like the Lasat or Chiss that for whatever reason the Force works different for them.
About the comment about the standards that Jedi had to accept younglings in the Order, I mean, I get it. The jedi couldn't accept everyone. They had to focus on those who had better chances to keep up with the training. Not just that, those were also at a greater risk to misuse the Force if they managed to gain some control over it on their own or under bad influences.
Huyang mentioning the disaster lineage was the best!!
The dog fight was great. Marrok finally spoke, and as expected, the baddies in fighting couldn't be left out. And I love that when Ahsoka and Sabine started to work together is when they shot down the fighters. And Ahsoka going outside in a space suit felt taken out of an episode of TCW. Really cool!
PURRGIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have Purrgil!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those space whales/squids things so much. My only complaint is that they should've destroyed at least one of the fighters. I mean, aren't the Purrgils famous for destroying ships that come in contact with? I'm just saying!
Like I said in the beginning, I love this episode, and it has my hyped for what will come next! 👉👈 Is it Tuesday yet? 🥺
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seokjinnieswife007 · 11 months
I got some actual free time 😮‍💨 from my fcked up schedule so that i can finally express my emotions on how crazy 🤯 I've been bcz of the kdramas these days like they're all so .........
🤌🏼 G O O D🤌🏼
Like each and every show I'm watching is just straight up impressing me on a SERIOUS LEVEL.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Like an absolute W O W ✨
So I'm watching 3 shows consecutively
King the land 🏩
See you in my 19th life ⏳
Bloodhounds 🥊
GOSH my mental peace has gone to hell because of these three. Like they're just chef's kiss🤌🏼
Firstly coming to the rom-com of the year ......
This show single-handedly ended me.
Like after watching the 5th and 6th epi i realised that I crave romance so so much. Like literally I'm such a sucker for ROMANCE 💒🫶🏼
💖💗💓 💞💗💞💖💖💞💖
Guwon is 🥹 so in 💓 L O V E 💓 with sarang and he's not even hiding it. He's Just straight out going for it. That's my man! 🥹👏🏼😍
His microexpressions make me feel something something. I mean... Just look at him 😫😫
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I am completing a 1hr epi in 2 hrs because of the serious dose of SEROTONIN they give me .like gosh calm tf down. I actually need 5 minutes to process your lovey-dovey-ness after every scene. i mean We *single since birth* kinda ppl may actually get diabetes cuz of your sweetness 😤😫💓💞💖💗💓💕💞
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Guwon is such a pure Loverboy and that too a BIG BIG LOSER IN LOVE. And I love losers. I've said it a million times .
🫶🏼❤️Losers are my favourite lovers❤️🫶🏼
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But you need to seriously calm down. Like stop being so adorable. It's very very very problematic. I can't stop blushing all the time. I have to pause at every scene to dig my face into my pillow cuz I can't handle the sweetness. STOP with all this honey dripping eyes. Or DO THAT TO ME AS WELL 😤😤
My utterly precious and beloved 🫶🏼🥹.....
This show is purely....
I'm a simp for seoha but I just want ban jieum to look at me the way she looks at seoha 🥹 like....
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Sis is so so so PRETTY and charming I'm literally questioning my sexuality because of her 😖😖😖😖
Also my precious Seoha 🥹🫶🏼😖🫶🏼🥹🫶🏼🥹🫶🏼
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My babieeeeee my cutie I wanna wrap you in my arms and shower you with endless kisses my love🥹💗💕
I knew This show was beautiful but after seeing the dance sequence. I'm just so touched 🥹🥹
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Like look at their smiles 😖❤️
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God please make my these two beloved the happiest 🥹🫶🏼🤌🏼💞💗💕
And lastly.....
coming to the show I WAS DYING TO WATCHHHH SINCE IT CAME OUT. BUT I wasn't finding time 😖😖
This show is fkin HAWTTTTTTT 🫦🤌🏼
Oh My GAWDD 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
Like it's total worth it. I'm still half-way but THIS IS IT.
It is so damn thrilling and gripping Istg if I had time I had finished this show in one sitting or two. Every episode finishes so fast even tho it is 1 hr each. Still you can't figure out how the time is ticking so fast!!!!!!.. every episode ends in cliffhanger makes you wanna SCREAMMMMMMMMMM. also the plot is
The plot in question 😗-
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This is like cherry on cake with icing and sprinkles 🤤
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My cuties🥹💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕.
We kdrama fans are well fed with such great content. And I can't be more happy because shows like these are like rainbow in my bland life 🥹💗✨
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popculturefein · 2 years
Episode 12 came and fed me well 🙌🏽🙌🏽
So here are my lil character thoughts: not everyone is here because I’m only human.
Rip to my lil Hedgehog, you were only here for a short while but you were the real MVP
“Chessboard daddy” (as some people have taken to calling him, fitting) YOU SUCK.
Uncle Porsche, absolutely not. I would’ve punched you into oblivion but clearly Porsche has more self control than I do.
Kim. Get your act together. Also, why is this the first we’re seeing him actually attend this school lmao. Like idk I just kind of forgot he was even a student at all. Love that for you babes. Juggling between stalking the love of your life, mafioso living, being a pretty well known superstar and attending THE music institue must be hard. Doesn’t give you a reason to treat Chay like trash. You suck today. 4/10
Kinnporsche. Boyfriends that plot murders together, stay together. The lovey dovey stuff is still cute, but it probably won’t last much longer…uncle Porsche and Chessboard Daddy are here to crash the honeymoon party right on time… ANYWAYS they love each other so much it kinda hurts 😩.
Porsche with them trust issues again. Like I get it. But Kinn wouldn’t do anything to hurt you baby. And I find it really funny that Kinn’s been the one vocalizing that he finds it hard to trust people, yet he’s more trusting than Porsche seems to be.
PETE PETE PETE PETE PETE PETE. I can’t even express how much I love this guy anymore, like the words aren’t wording. He is that guy. He really looked a crazy man in the eyes, called him a psycho then proceeded to allow him to get even crazier. Love that for you babes. Like really.
Vegas is such a sad character, like I don’t personally sympathize with him cuz he’s kind of awful and hasn’t done anything fully redeeming yet but gosh he’s one troubled soul. Poor kiddo. No one should have to lose people the way he has his entire life because of things so completely out of his control.
VEGAS X PETE. I honestly wasn’t here for it at first because of Vegas being shit and Pete being an Angel but girlllllllll the way these past few weeks have had me in a chokehold. Vegas thinks he’s the ring leader, but Pete is the puppet master bro. Pete being the reason we got ALL of the beautiful moments this episode…he carried hard and he deserves a good back massage when he gets back to the main house.
I miss Khun. I miss him so so so much. I miss his little movie nights and his absurd outfits that somehow worked. I miss his hysterics and his dynamic with Porsche and Pete. I can only hope for some Tankhun x Chay moments because I miss my subtly wise older brother 😭😭😭
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I'M SORRY???!?!!?
Honestly I was wondering (half jokingly) if it would be a distraction but WHAT???!
And of course:
Happy sobbing lol
Anyway just AAHHHH all the little wopez moments were gets this episode :'D also of course they were solving a crime while Angela was in labor xD. And of course we love seeing Wesley being the best most supportive husband ever 🥰🥰. I just aAGH!! MY BABEYS :'DDDD ❤️❤️!! AND THEY HAD A BABY :'DDD!!!
I love them so much <333 :)) And I'm sure I'm gonna love their new baby girl :'))
Also even though I love the angst I'm so glad they weren't at home 😭❤️. It would've have been beautifully angsty but I didn't need that stress lol xD I'm just glad they're okay <33
Also I just have to mention: "you'd better not be having a stroke on me right now" SLKGJDHKGJDS XDDD I died laughing at that part LOL
Also the scenes of Celina sitting with him were just HEARTBREAKING 💔💔😭 :'((
They're besties your honor <33
Also slfkghdhkgs?? Can we talk about hat Chenford battle couple scene?? It was like they were in a zombie apocalypse or something xD. But they slayed SO HARD and I'm glad they're okay :'D
Speaking of AAAHHHH NYLAAA 😭😭. I am so glad Leah's okay <333. And James too of course :)). They're my babeys <33
Also as soon as I thought I saw that closet door move the tiniest I KNEW they were in the house being Bailey and I was RIGHT!! Still AH 😭😭 though. Anyway lol, glad she and Nolan are okay too :'))
And I'm glad Grey's okay too <33 I got a bit nervous at the end their till the others showed up
But oh gosh o.o this entire thing was wild and it looks like it's about to get even wilder xd
Super cool but crazy xD.
Also I assume some of might be dealt with on feds? But I'm not sure ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. I figured there would be a bit of a segue cameo at the end if so, but maybe not ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌? It would make sense if they had their own plot and this was mentioned at the end though, so it can be a thing for the start of BOTH of their next seasons. Eh, I don't know! Anyway :)).
AAHHHHHHH I'm stressed xdd
But it was an AMAZING episode :DD
Such a good finale 😍😳🤩😩
I do live a bit in fear though xd :)
Scratch that, I just totally do xdd :')
Still, it was a great season :))
And it was a wonderful episode <333
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nerdyenby · 2 years
The absolute moments of season five so far (Destruction-Passion) *HEAVY SPOILERS*
• When Gabriel straight up vaporized the miraculous?!??!?? The shock factor was incomparable.
• Marinette is a genuine mastermind, it’s her world and we’re just living in it.
• Gabriel getting himself cataclysmed on purpose?!! The absolute madman!! I saw someone else say he probably did it to get Natalie to stay and I 100% agree. But the raw anguish Adrien went through? My heart broke, he really is just a kid who wants to make the world a safer and happier place.
• Socqueline was also a genius. Figuring out where the Aluma was, recording herself saying as much, and slipping off the ring all unnoticed with a supervillain right in front of her? Unmatched.
• Jubilation’s dream sequence was so much, I cannot describe the emotions it envoked. The alarm clock motif was so good at building a sense of dread and then they have four doll-lookin babies?? And Chat has a mustache for one (1) scene? And the kick to the gut when they’re coming out of it, gosh.
• I’m sure Chat only got that closer to cataclysming Damocles because he already knew it wouldn’t kill him, but dang, it got close there for a minute. I imagine it wouldn’t have hit him as hard if he hadn’t just started to get over Ladybug. Moving on only to get to (think you) live a life with the girl you love, just for it to get ripped away and have never been real in the first place. Hits hard, man.
• I love Marinette and Alya brainstorming Monarch’s technique together, it’s very special to me and I’m glad Nino and Adrien also got to be part of it.
• GABRIEL!!!!!
• I hate him. That is all.
• The museum curator is one of the best akumatized villains we’ve had in a long time, and it’s not even her powers that make her interesting! She felt so genuine and real, and the way Gabe manipulated her made sense. She really did just want to help people and — from her perspective — she was.
• Also Luka and Kagami friendship is all I need, they’re both fed up with their exes’s nonsense and I love it.
• NATALIE OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!! The pure elation I felt when she slammed Gabe’s face into that table. You tell him, queen.
• Seriously this season has done so much for her charactizaton already it’s amazing. Her saying she’s gonna get all the miraculous before Gabe can?! As she should!!
• Natalie calling Monarch’s attention, not the other way around?! Queen moves only!!!
• Also Adrien appreciation, this poor kid is going through it. Realizing he could lose Natalie just like how he lost his mom and he wouldn’t have any (proper *side-eyes Gabriel*) family left is devastating.
• I love how he got an episode to shine, it feels like Adrien’s gotten a good amount of attention this season but Chat Noir hasn’t as much, and Passion helped balance that out. I really enjoyed this episode :))
• Also we REALLY need to talk about how Adrien held both miraculous is one of his hands and genuinely considered using them both. That was a Moment right there!!!
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tehkatie · 10 months
Only Friends Ep4 Live Blog:
2 years ago we’re starting off strong!!
A bestie being your emergency contact is not a bad thing.
Ray is breaking my heart. I’m already teary eyed wow.
You know what now I can understand Mew more when it comes to their friendship. I will elaborate later.
I feel so bad for Ray, I feel so bad for Mew
I can not take this omfg. I’m literally sobbing.
That’s why he’s so attached, why he hates being alone. Oooooh I cant.
Omg and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ray misconstrued that.
Awww Cheum.
Me and Cheum are the same person I will say.
He’s not a heavyweight like he’s just not.
Mew is a good friend. We just caught him at a fed up stage.
Why they got me over here shipping Ray and Mew a lil????????
Oh so Mew REALLY knows.
I can see why Boston would film it but why would he keep it for so long?
He said what about your boyfriend??
The poor boy shirt being the designated drunk shirt.
Gosh now I really see why Mew is so into the idea of Ray and Sand.
I think he’s lovely too Mew
Lying liar that lies.
Why would you say that Ray?!
Mew has a entered my top 5 officially.
He said think about what you’ve done.
I will say that first 13 minutes has poked holes in so many of my theories.
Nah you watched Top and Boston fuck.
Nick would know.
I love this friendship.
Now you know.
Top is at the top of my shit list. Like get off my screen HARLOT!! Like not you calling him your boyfriend knowing what you’ve done!! Come outside we not gone jump you!!!
Not Ray walking up like heeeeeey.
I am glad that Ray listened to Mew I will say.
Ray got his tea.
I get it Sand I truly do.
You can play the guitar but please don’t start sing.
Ooooh I love that he asked and didn’t just buy it.
Sand I am not on your side with this one. Like not at all.
It’s the communication for me. Wow.
Sand is gone.
Periodt Sand me too.
I need Boston to stop like wtf are you doing????
I really hate him.
Top is gathering him.
I would not piss off Boston to that degree though because I don’t think he has any reservations about being the one that tells Mew himself. They are barely actual friends in my opinion. Like at least at this point.
Poor Nick.
I just said poor Nick and this man gone start going through Boston’s phone. Like baby stop.
Oh he didn’t catch him. Trailers can be deceiving.
OH INTERESTING!!! Boston’s dad must be one of those ‘I don’t care if you’re gay just don’t broadcast it’ types. Interesting very interesting.
Stop playing with his emotions omfg.
Why is he torturing himself?
Wtf Nick?!
Legit asked him to do the one thing he’s been trying to do.
Shocked pikachu
This is what the fight is about? It’s not funny but I’m cackling. We really played ourselves. P’jojo and them laughing at us hard.
I can not believe how much I played myself. Wow omfg.
C’mon roommate besties!!! I love them.
God Ray is such a good apologist. That’s my favorite thing about him.
You would give him more.
Mew being honest makes my anger with Top so much worse. LIKE YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO HIM AND HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
This episode is a lot.
I’m just here mad as hell.
Move on Ray. Honey it’s time.
Listening to music with someone can be so personal.
Sand is gone I say again.
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi Reaction
Y'all, it was SO
<3 <3 <3
Spoilers under the cut
Episode 1
Pav-ti (Ahsoka's mom) is beautiful 
And she has a gun :D
Also her dad is a lovable dork <3
I appreciate how they have 1-year-old Ahsoka acting appropriately for her age
This is quite the ritual for one so young. But I appreciate it, in a way. 
Ohhhh no big bad monster
Hghhhhhhhhhhh very big bad monster!!
Is this gonna be a Grogu-with-the-mud-horn moment?
I mean we know how this ends but STILL
THAT SCREENSHOT THO with baby soka patting the tiger's nose <3 <3 <3
(How on earth did she get on top of that thing?? XD)
Gosh dangit y'all I need to sleep but I now don't WANT TO
Episode 2
Young Dooku!! Is that young Qui-Gon? Can't really tell. I don't see a padawan braid
That's the most actual dog-looking dog I've ever seen in star wars
Dooku's so dramatic with that cape XD
Y'all are leaving your backs wide open
Ohhhhkaaay this is sinister
Mmmmmm this does not look like it's going to end well
His lightsaber was blue <3
Why? Just... why, senator dude?
Heeheeheehee it is Qui-Gon <3
Good golly gracious I'm gonna cry Qui-Gon was so sweet
(Noooooo why is this show SO GOOD I WAS GONNA SLEEP BUT I GUESS NOT)
Episode 3
I can see why Dooku is getting very fed up with the system. I would be, too.
What are those GLOVES? Like, are they just for show or are these people only near-human? (I lowkey want a pair)
Hmmm the senator's nervous. He'll do ANYTHING for his people, huh?
Disaster lineage rebellion didn't start with Qui-Gon XD
Thhaaaat's a lightsaber mark in that tree
Ope, LOTS of lightsaber marks
Well this went downhill very quickly
This guy's got mismatched eyes. Neat
Semage. Is that a name I should know?
(As interesting and genuinely fascinating as Dooku's backstory is, I hope we don't spend a whole of time on his fall. It's depressing.)
Episode 4
At least one more Dooku episode. Alrighty, that's fine. I just kinda hope this is the last one.
Ooooooooh I like this inner view of the archives :D
There goes Kamino :'D
Ohhhhhhhhh this is DURING Episode I
"an active imagination", honey--Master Nu--that is NOT the right response to a report of Sith appearing--
Was NOT expecting that
So Yoda's just weird I guess
Dropping hints, are we, Dooku?
"I will not be there to protect you, my old Padawan" "You need not worry, Master. Obi-Wan fills that role now."
"He acquits himself quite well."
*shrieking continues"
Dooku still hasn't met Obi-Wan?? Even though he and Qui-Gon apparently still get along? 
Is that the last time they saw each other? D':
Here we go. I sense a climax coming. Yaddle's not having it.
Ohhhhh they just got the news about Qui-Gon's death. Oww.
Yeah, I bet this is Dooku's last episode
Yaddle doing some sneaky sneak sneaking
(Ahsoka canonically never knew Yaddle. This is going to be bad)
Ah, so Dooku's already been in contact with Sidious.
"You lost an apprentice and so did I. All in service of our greater goals."
That was a gut punch if I ever felt one
This REALLY hurts, watching Dooku voice all his regrets for his lost honor, as if he's having second thoughts, but we as the audience already know he's only going to fall further
Yaddle... you... okay, mad respect for giving your full and honest best effort to help this man. But this is an absolute tragedy.
Yaddle, I wish you'd've run. I get that you're still trying to save him, but---
Ohhhh that was unpleasant death
But this still can't end well
....I don't know which moment was worse.
Episode 5
Okay, there's only 6 of these, so better enjoy these last two
(Will there be any more? I don't think so...)
Anakin! During clone wars--baby face! LOOK AT THAT BABY FACE ANAKIN
Seriously, like, not very many people were in there. That super implies they're close friends
Of course Anakin thinks the training remotes are sub-par XD
Troopers! My boys! 
REXXXX <3 <3
"Don't worry Rex, she'll wake up"
*he waves* "Sorry Commander!"
also, super helpful to know stun blasts work for a whole hour. And that you can "get used to it". And that she's dizzy afterwards
Jeeze Anakin how long were you doing this?
So yeah, she does start waking up faster
awww she's still training later in the war
Episode 6
gaaaaaasp is this how Ahsoka gets her white lightsabers?? So excited
Gah the funeral tho (cries)
Bail absolutely saw her
Ah, there he is
Ahsoka's face--she's just... so broken right now
These poor troopers are like "we picked up a weeeirdo"
Ahsoka got the message, tho :D
Yeeee! Cut Lawquane and the Fam!
Orrrr just farmers, okay thay's fine
Aaaaand there goes Ahsoka's cover
Yeeeeaaah, kid, you better skip town. Like. Pronto.
Ah, but that's what attracted the Inquisitor. Got it.
Oh dear.
That is NOT how I expected this to go
Ohhh mmmaaan this is tense
Awww I'm almost sad that we didn't get to see this super cool/dangerous Inquisitor in Rebels. But nah, it just makes this little mini-episode epic
Eeeeheeehehe, there's where Organa's comm came in handy :D
It's implied that a significant chunk of time passed. And Rex wasn't with her.
But that was the last episode
Maybe we'll learn more in the Bad Batch
I'm going to bed soooooo late y'all
But was it worth it?
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Thank you to @chenfordspiral for tagging anyone!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, and the Rookie. I also wrote some Sherlock fic that I never published.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
This is the Future
Up is down, down is up
Precious and Few
All at Once Everything Looks Different
You Don't See It?
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I haven’t been doing my best lately because my glass balls are with my kids and responding is one of my plastic balls.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well- the angstiest ending would be for I’ll Tell you my Sins. But considering it’s only in my head… With the Arm of her Brother is probably the most angst of what’s published. Unless you are a Ted Mosby fan then probably Ted the Slave 🤣😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh gosh idk! There are so many possibilities! Aunt Genny probably.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on most, but I got a LOT of hate on Ted the Slave, which fair. Actually I should probably go back and mark that as non-conish
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummmm, I’ve done it all? I don’t shy away from it and I’ve done smut requests before.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. Not my thing, don’t even really love to read them, unless they are in the same universe. (Ncis or rookie and feds for example.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No. Would be cool though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, and I don’t think it’s even on ao3. A group of fandom friends and I decided we were going to rewrite season 8 and 9 of HIMYM to make sense with the characters. I think we got maybe five episodes in? I don’t know if I could tell you where to find it without research.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is like asking who my favorite child is.
Okay. Mondler.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably I’ll tell you my Sins. But any of them really.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am terrible at this. But editing? I don’t know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My muse running away too frequently.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hate it. Nope. I don’t like having things wrong; and I seriously admire all the writers out there who write in a second language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
HIMYM. It was when I discovered fanfic and fandom because I was a sheltered child and didn’t join chatrooms and didn’t know fandom spaces existed. Although I was writing fanfic in my head for YEARS without knowing it was normal
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Again with the favorite child thing. They all my babies. I’m probably still most proud of This js the Future. It held up over time. But Weddjng Day Jitters and Falling Slowly round up the top three.
Almost everyone I would ask has already played, so anyone that wants to play!
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
ICYMI: I posted a summary of why BT didn’t worry me (and shouldn’t have worried you) during season four // Bonus: scenes from Breaking Point that showed why Buddie’s relationships couldn’t compete with what they have And now I bring you...season 5(A). BUT ONLY HALF. BECAUSE THIS JUST GOT TOO DAMN LONG.  Panic: Gonna preface this section by reminding everyone that prior to season five, Oliver filmed a promo where he said BT were going to be “somewhat official”. What did that tell us? 1) They weren’t actually any more committed to each other since what we saw in the season four finale, once again enforcing their inability to be honest about what they want from each other and from the relationship. 2) Buck was accepting whatever type of “relationship” TayKay would allow because he finally had someone to come home to. 🎵 this is the sound of settling 🎵 BT had one scene in the season five opener. In bed, TV turned on to the latest news about the “navigation app malfunctions” happening around L.A. (the hacker storyline). The reporter is multitasking, listening to the voice on the screen while also researching on her laptop. Right there we see that her career still very much takes priority over her love life. Buck, fed up with how they’re spending their time together, takes TayKay’s laptop. Regardless of how one feels about the redhead, you can imagine how this did not go over well - “Hey, I’m still working.” Buck then says “Working? Or grasping at straws?” and maneuvers her as if he intends to have sex . TayKay asks him “Oh, is this something I should be wasting my night on instead?” and as they kiss, she flips over JUST SO she can grab Buck’s phone, aim it as his face, and unlock it to check an app.  Everyone has their own opinion re: who was “right” and who was “wrong”, but if you ask me? This was a sign that they BOTH fail to respect each other’s boundaries. They push each other’s buttons when they don’t “get their way” because talking things out is not an option, apparently. (Lack of communication is still front and center.) Interestingly, even though we ended season four with TayKay at Eddie’s welcome home party (which gave some folks the impression that she was going to be integrated into the firefam to prove BT was ~serious~), Buck did not once discuss his relationship with any member of the 118. In fact, his focus when not with his gf for that one minute and fifteen seconds was on - guess whooooo - Eddie! If Buck wasn’t fishing for info re: just how serious EddieAna were getting (because Eddie was supposed to attend a christening where he would meet all of her family), he was grilling Eddie on why, exactly, he had to see a cardiologist.  Even while having someone to come home to, Buck’s number one priority remained all things Eddie. No one was surprised.  Desperate Times: This episode is a must-mention for the simple fact that BT was a NON-FACTOR while Buddie was...being Buddie. In the season four post, I talked about how there was a clear divide between BT and Buddie during 4x12 because those two relationships cannot coexist, and this episode is another example of that.  Desperate Measures: Kristen Reidel (co-showrunner/writer) decided to squeeze in an appearance by TayKay during the final minutes after we’d heard nothing of her the week prior and throughout this episode up to that point. Buck arrives home after being stuck at work for days during the blackout. It’s quiet. He walks upstairs, flops onto his empty bed, and turns on tthe end of the tv. Where was TayKay, you ask? She was at work at that very moment, reporting on the blackout. Buck watches her for a minute and says “Hi, honey. I’m home.” This scene did two things: 1) continued the theme of BT failing to balance their professional and personal lives  2) showed how Buck is still very much alone and feeling lonely despite being in a relationship, meaning their current situation isn’t giving him what he really wants (gosh, the idea that Buck is settling is just popping up all over the place, huh?) Home and Away: We’re back to no sighting nor mention of the gf, and the HUGE takeaway here is that there WAS an opportunity to show TayKay caring for Buck in a time of need, but that job was given to  - do I even even have to say it? - Eddie instead  (Similar to 4x14 when she could have comforted him as he broke down, but Buck waited until he was with Chris.) It could have been TayKay bringing Buck ice for his black eye. She could have sat there quietly as he explained his thought process behind keeping Maddie’s secret. Hell, Bob Goodman could have come up with a piece of “good advice” to illustrate that she is beginning to understand her boyfriend better. But none of this happened because it was Eddie who Buck wanted to talk to. It was Eddie who knew what Buck was thinking, and knew what to say to get him to consider a different perspective.  Peer Pressure: Buck is struggling in the aftermath of Chimney’s departure because Chimney still won’t speak to him, and he also feels like the rest of the firefam blames him for making their friend leave. This is the first episode where we see TayKay TRY to be an attentive gf, but she misses the mark by...a lot. TayKay’s only experience she can compare to what Buck’s going through is the time when an old boss would look at her with an angry expression all the time, which led to an uncomfortable feeling whenever they were in the same room. Buck asks how she was able to “make it right” because he assumes there’s a lesson to be learned about smoothing things over. (Why else would she be telling him?)  TayKay then says she did “Nothing. Someone else did. A surgeon. She had gallstones.” Though I can acknowledge her attempt at “relating” to Buck’s inner turmoil, butting heads with an employer is incomparable to fighting with someone who isn’t just a good friend, but a member of your family. TayKay actually says her old boss “was in pain” (physically, ofc), and the fact that she is suggesting sometimes doing “nothing” is the right decision shows that she still (still!) doesn’t understand that Buck is “the guy who likes to fix things”. (Guess who said *that* line? 😏) The scene ends with her reminding Buck that “not everything is about you” which is just...”You’re So Needy”: The Girlfriend Version.  We get another look at TayKay trying to up her game, this time by having breakfast on the table when Buck gets back from work. It’s the life he wants, isn’t it? Someone to come home to, someone setting aside time to be with him. No interruptions. So then...why was he looking like this?
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And FOR THE RECORD...we were supposed to see Buck looking anything but happy:
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[@theMeganWest the people have questions but the most important one is this: ... ... ... . Did you have to stand on the box in heels again for the Buck/Taylor hug? #911onFOX] [Surprisingly I had to awkwardly squat lower so I didn’t cover his face in the shot. The things we do for this show is sometimes really silly but you’d never know. 😂] ...This should keep everyone occupied while I work on 5x06 through 5x10. Be back soon <3...
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge✨
I love how the twins were basically the reason Hiccup figured out that Johan was the spy
Omg that fight between Hiccup and Stoick in ep2 was crazy whenever Stoick said "I'm talking to the expert in getting duped by Trader Johan" and THEN HICCUP WAS LIKE "but I was only duped for half as long as you were. So what does that make you?"
Awww the way both Toothless and Skull-crusher were trying to get them to talk
And also Astrid being the only one that wasn't caught by the Hunters right away, she's just superior bro
I love how both of them were right - Stoick was right to not trust the merchants and Hiccup was right about Johan's plan
Toothless is actually so strong like he's not only agile and clever, I mean he just flew up to the ballista and crashed against it and destroyed it without using his Plasma Blast 😎🤩
Mala and Dagur fighting over where the Dragon Eye lenses are gonna be hidden is hilarious. Mala is so calm I love it
I got chills when Atali was like "no, Hiccup, this is my island I will defend it"
I really want to know the origin of the Wingmaidens, like where did all these women come from? How come they're still there?
I love Minden and Snotlout's relationship, the way he tried to convince her to not give up AND SHE KISSED HIM!!!
Krogan's Singetail actually cares about him
Never gonna get over Adelaide Kane voicing Mala
Generations ago Fishlegs's ancestors were dragon hunters
The Loyal Order of Ingerman - decimated the Dramillion dragons, pushing them to the brink of extinction
Grump is amazing I love him
Dramillions - have both a lava blast and a magnesium blast. Omnivores. Still being hunted.
The Hunters were founded by Ingar Ingerman
The Dramillion trying to take the manacle off his tail🥺
And when Fishlegs threw his helmet and THEN THE HAND THING 😭🥺
I love the Dramillions they're so smart they learned how to get rid of the manacles by just looking at what Meatlug and Stormfly were doing 🥺
I just realized that the twins are 19 AND I FIND THAT ABSOLUTELY CRAZY HOW CAN THEY BE THAT OLD
I really wish we knew each of their birthdays like I wanna know which one's older and which one's younger
I feel like for some reason the twins would be the oldest ones then Fishlegs then Astrid then Snotlout and lastly Hiccup. Idk I'm still iffy on this
Most Thorstons don't make it to 19
I love the twins' relationship, they love each other so much that they would rather be alone and not form part of a clan than leave each other alone and the fact that other people know this too? Plsss like the only reason Gruffnut got them back into the fake induction trials was by telling them how bad it'd be for each other to not be part of a clan.
"Ughh, what's the point of winning alone? Being a Thorston means nothing without him. We are one Thorston."
I love them and also technically Ruffnut won the induction trials.
Love how Fishlegs cares about global warming
I'm all Snotlout, Toothless and the Triple Stryke reacting to Mala and Dagur- I'm also Mala whenever someone tickles me I'LL KILL U
Astrid overthinking 🥺😭
"How would you like your yak cooked?" JSHDHHA
bro I love how both Tuff and Toothless noticed the betrothal necklace
"So want to deliver some scrap metal?" Hiccup baby? Why are you so oblivious?
At least he asked her if she was alright in the armorwing's island 😩
No but if I was Astrid I'd be pissed too, the dude saw a dragon eye lens from far way and didn't notice her betrothal necklace? 🙂😤
No I can't that scene was too harsh to watch, I mean I loved to see Hiccup noticing something was wrong with Astrid but then the way Astrid compared their relationship to Mala and Dagur's and then threw him the betrothal necklace... And the way he caught it too I can't- 😭😞😖😭😓🤧
Seeing the twins trying to capture Mala was hilarious JAHDHDHHSHA
I love how when they're fighting Astrid's still there for him whenever he's expected to have all the answers. She ignored her anger and went over to him and grabbed his hand and that single thing was what gave him confidence in a moment of panic 🥺
"I'm with you"
"I know"
That final Hiccstrid scene in Mi Amore Wing was just too perfect, we have Hiccup grabbing Astrid's hand to bring her outside and talk to her, the sunset in the background, every little thing Hiccup told her about being there for her and loving her with everything he had and that he should've noticed the necklace right away AND THEN THAT KISS WAS JUST AMAZING❗️❗️❗️ it was passionate and sweet and Astrid was blushing and then Fishlegs was all uncomfortable and Mala was like "okaaayyyyy😏" and Dagur like "alrighhtttt👌🏼" ig the only thing I didn't like is that Astrid didn't say I love you back 😭 but it's ok cause yk she does I just wished she had said it.
Baby razorwhips love the water
Tuffnut named the baby razorwhip that bonded with Ruffnut, Wingnutt
Top scenes of Ruff Transition ep7
Tuffnut throwing up in Ruffnut's mouth and Ruffnut throwing up in Wingnutt's mouth just do that he could be fed- seeing the windmaiden's reactions is the best lmao
Hiccup trying to teach Ruffnut how to fly (with his dragon flight suit) and then Ruffnut losing balance but Hiccup helping her regain it BUT we still get overprotective Tuffnut jumping off of Toothless to try and help but all he did was make things worse HIS SCREAM WAS HILARIOUS nonono and the way Toothless tried to help BUT AGAIN MADE THINGS WORSE 😩😮‍💨😂
Ruffnut finally figuring out how to connect with Wingnutt and fighting the dragon hunters and saving Atali was so badass and then Atali riding Barf 😭🤩
Hiccstrid kiss count (approximately) : 6😘
The way he slightly and carefully touches her face to reassure her that he'll be fine
The Singetail's only predator is the Skrill
The Berserkers used to use metal daggers to lure Skrills into traps. The dragon is drawn to it due to its electrical properties
If I could have any dragon it'd be in this order
Skrill - it's so badass and powerful
Nightfury - it's badass, powerful, pretty, strong and fast
Deadly Nadder - it's extremely fast and agile, has multiple attacks and the spikes
Dramillion - has multiple attacks and is very smart
Just realized that ep8 is called Triple Cross because 1st Johan crossed Viggo 2nd Viggo fake crossed Hiccup and 3rd Viggo and Hiccup crossed Johan and Kogan
That episode was basically jusr to show Viggo's arc and the way he changed for the better and learned to respect dragons
That's why the Singetails wouldn't leave in ep9 whenever they were trying tp free the Deathsong- their eggs! They're in that island.
I can't with Hiccup and Astrid sitting together just chilling but with Astrid feeling guilty and Hiccup assuring her that he was also at fault 😭
I love Narrator/Author Snotlout! The titles of the chapters of his book remind me of the ones from Pjo
Stoick and Skullcrusher acting as 1 and being worried about each other 🥺 I love their relationship
Also the way Stoick bats off the shots from the Singetails with his axe just like Astrid. They're both truly warriors
No but Toothless asking for a head scratch from Gobber bc he's worried abt both Hiccup and Stoick🥺
The way Toothless tried to make Hiccup feel better- I mean the man blamed himself for putting Stoick in "his deathbed" it was just so awful seeing Hiccup in that state and the way everyone was trying to make him feel better but it was ultimately Astrid who managed to get through to him😭
I love it when they put scenes of the movies
I love how Astrid always knows what to say without lying
Looks like it's you and me, then.
Always... was that corny or-
Probably. Nice, though.
The way Astrid is so natural at being a leader and putting everyone on their places 🤩
That lil moment they had in ep12 where he holds her face and thanks her for everything and I just love them too much 😭
I love how Spitelout is so happy when he's beating ass, this dude literally goes "I'm sure I've had more fun than this. But at the moment, I can't remember when"
Have I mentioned I love the Dramillions before? I love them way too much they're amazing and the sound they make is so 😩 I love it
The Dramillion is a distant cousin of the Changewing which means the Titanwing Dramillion shares the de-cloaking ability with its subspecies.
Stormfly's spine clone was literally so badass, my girl was surrounded and she finished every single dragon flyer with it. Badass move. Wish we had seen it more throughout the series
It really pissed me off that Hiccup had to choose between getting Tuff, Ruff and Snotlout out of that sinking ship when he could've been following Krogan. Like ofc it was the right decision but that wouldn't have happened if the twins and Snotlout didn't follow Gruff into the ship :/
I love how strong Barf and Belch are! They literally carried the a Titanwing Dramillion on their own.
That scene when they figured out that the Titanwing Dramillion is not the King of Dragons but instead the last piece of the puzzle to get to the King of Dragons
When the Wingmaidens got to the battle it was amazing
Also the way Dagur was so proud that the King of Dragons was a Berserker and how Ruff was so excited to see Wingnutt and Snotlout to see Minden🥺
that last Hiccstrid Scene where Hiccup is worried about Astrid's safety- I mean his face 🥺🥺🥺 and she told him that his dad would be proud and that she's proud too and when she was about to leave he held her back and kissed her 😭😭
Ik I said this before but I simp for Astrid as a leader, she's just so natural at it
Also I love how the King of Dragons has ice powers instead of fire
Valka being friends with the Wingmaidens sits absoluteky right with me
no but the way Toothless hesitated when Hiccup told him to leave him and get the egg
I love how all the dragons arrived to fight the dragon flyers, it was just so poetical to me, the dragons finally getting to fight the people that hurt them 🤩
I FINISHED IT AND NOW I'M SAD!!! I loved the end tho and I'm glad we got to see Shattermaster at Dagur's wedding, also Astrid's outfit change- we love that. And them leaving the edge is just so sad bro 😭but I love how we got to see some "insight" ig u could call it on HTTYD2 😭 also seeing Snotlout and Fishlegs's love for Ruffnut start forming was hilarious
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Voltron Part 46
It’s the last 2-parter episode post!!! Oh my gosh, we’re so close to the end! This ones really long, sorry. So like, be warned... Season8 episodes 9+10... Enjoy! :
So, Allura took on that small red energy ball. And supposedly it’s the “Path of Darkness”
Prediction Nr.1: She won’t  actually use that thing and they’ll save the day, by the power of friendship
Prediction Nr.2: It’s the Set-up for Allura to fake-die at the season-finale again (~Cuz, thats sorta her thing~)
During that *way-too-serious* discussion about the Space witch situation,  everybody talked. Except for Pidge and Hunk, because they’re forever doomed to play second fiddle
Maybe I didn’t notice it in the other seasons, but a lot of the animation-frames look sorta unclean?
So basically, Allura is now Harry Potter in the second last book
Secretary Lady’s asking the same questions I do... I love her
This is a weird episode
Quote, Keith: “I think, we are the thots”
Moustache man, just said that Team Voltron’s in distress and Shiro had a *WAY TOO* calm reaction to that
Does he want to seee how it turns out? Did he bet 20$ or something?
This episode just reminded me, that the Paladins have a psychic link between them. They could have done so much cool stuff with that, why was it never used as a story-telling aspect?
Quote, Keith: “We’re all in this together”
Hey Y’all!!! It’s the return of “Keith as a Yoga Instructor-AU”!!!!
During that cheesy animorph-scene, our second fiddles had to share a screen
What sort of horror-movie shit was that lake/getting pulled into the nightmare-stuff scene?!?!
And why wasn’t Keith affected?
The fun-thing is: The shadows that attacked Pidge and Allura, respectively had an axe and a bow. Which were their weapons, during the DnD-episode!
Lance got attacked by sword-shadow-guy. You can read into that, whatever you want
Allura’s now got anger-issues to work through. On top, of ! still being racist against Galra !
That flashback of the first Paladins was just the first episode. Exactly. Downright to the “yellow Paladin is fat”-joke
Okay, If the shadow people are actually the original Paladins souls, it explains, why Kaith wasn’t affected
Allura’s dad really just said, “Moustache man, you’re her father now”
Message to the original Paladins: You’re dead, the series’ almost over, we don’t know you and don’t really care about you. Can you please stop talking?
And now, Keith’s having a really shitty day
Does anybody else feel, like Keith should talk with Shiro now. After all the other Paladins had their bonding-moment with the ex-pilot
Just like, even aside from a shipping-point. I feel like this should happen
Wait, so are the original Paladins back for real now?
That’s stupid. Why?
Does this mean, that now they’re the B-Team. And Shiro’s gonna be a Paladin again, but with the B-Team?
They’re entering Space witch’s mind. What will they find? Erotic photographs of Zarkon? Child-Lotor drawing a choo-choo-train? “Shiro” being a nannycam? Who knows!
They’re supposedly undetected, cause of some bullshit-science (Even though Pidge only talked about humans.......)
Quote, Pidge: “It’s just a theory” A GAME THEORY!
Now that Allura’s the leader again, she adapted Keith’s edge
So the OG!Paladins aren’t back for real. Only in this weird friendship-thought-realm, they’ve got going on?
One of the Robeasts getting recycled again..
What weird shit is this???
Do you think that this whole “adventuring in Space witch’s mind” is affecting her somehow? Does she have a headache? Is she just popping ibuprofen like they’re Tic Tac’s?
How are all these cinematic shots of the OG!Paladins in Space witch’s memories?
Why did they have to destroy those vines/memory veins(?)/brain wiring(?)  to see her memories?
Even the Kallura-shippers are getting fed! They held hands~
And now Mecha-Zarkon’s here again.....
I love the dynamic between Keith and Zarkon: Powerful, evil conqueror, whose thousands of years old VS:. Teen with a unhealthy diet of confidence and dumbassery
And they just keep on arguing, on who their pets favourite person is
(Can’t they just like, put Black in the middle of the room. Stand in different corners and look who she’s coming to?)
WhAt Is ThIS ePiSoDe?!?!?!!!
Young Zarkon is.....unsettling
When Zarkon said the names of the OG!Paladins: Those aren’t names! It sounds like he’s chocking on something. But those definetely aren’t names!
“Allura, what are you doing?” Well. It looks like, she’s taking away Zarkons bending. But I think, that that might be the wrong show
I just like to imagine, that after this whole ordeal, Allura’s forced to go to anger-management-classes, by the other Paladins
Space witch wants her happy ending. Okay, got that.
“She knows you’re here” Cue Symposium Magarum
Zarkon said some bullshit about his Galra lineage and about the Black lion to Keith. And just like, are we not going to acknowledge, that he was originally Red’s pilot?
“The power of 10 Paladins working together, is the strongest power in the universe” HoW dO YoU kNoW ThAt?!?!!
Once again, things are solved by the ~Power of Friendship~
Allura, it’s not your time to “die” yet, honey. We’ve still got 3 episodes left
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talkingtea · 3 years
Changing the subject for a mo....it's not just the writing that's terrible on TF now. It's almost everything. I went back to watch the last 2 episodes b/c watching everyone get so full and fed made me jealous lol. I miss WA so. They were the reason I fell in love with the show yes but also the cinematography, the music, the acting all around almost, yeesh even DP was tolerable back then b/c the material felt bigger than her and I could focus on my senses being stimulated all around. Gosh I remember The Man in the Yellow suit and that scene when Iris asks Barry about his feelings and he has to lie and she acted relieved but she was really disappointed and she left and he was crushed and then he finally saw the man in yellow. That scene was so intense b/c of how it was shot, the choices they made with close ups and the music and lighting and we got that kind of quality way more often in the beginning. The show felt properly cinematic but year after year the quality has gotten worse and worse. They have tricks to make you not notice but now it's all I see and it almost ruined my experience watching these last 2 episodes. It's just a bunch of standing around. Standing around on sets that just dont cut the mustard anymore. The lighting shows how perfect everyone's skin is but it's flat, there's no intensity anymore. Not even the villains feel threatening anymore. Some great actors do what they can but jeez not even Reverse Flash feels as scary as he was to me those first three seasons. I think maybe Enter Flashtime was the LAST time I felt how intense and cinematic and romantic this show can be in capable hands. But now it feels like the WB/CW has stopped giving resources and they haven't hired the quality talent they pretend they have. Sorry but Eric seems like an overzealous fan who is in over his head sometimes and is trying to do too much on a shoe string budget. They are def putting their money into S&L cause that is the couple and the show they want to succeed and WA was a mule they rode to it's breaking point IMO. It's like they used a black actress and interracial ship to inflate viewership then resented how popular it became then started to slowly but surely dismantle what they built piece by piece, year by year. It's so sad. Yes I appreciated seeing WA be some semblance of their old selves again and it was romantic and Iris looks so beautiful and Bart's song was so sweet but...for me the magic of the show I fell in love with is gone across the board. Knowing what they've done to it, noticing it, I cant even enjoy my ship anymore. I doubt I'll watch anything but WA related clips next season, or just stay watching it through gif sets on this hell site. Anyway just offering a diff POV from a huge WA fan.
You’re 100% spot on.
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