kkujo · 2 years
when he vagues me 300 times after i go to sleep >>>>
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dobbyjen · 3 years
Tiny Dancer
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader 
Rating: M
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: some swearing, kisses, a tad of drinking, cute dad Frankie 
Summary: Frankie comes home just in time for his daughter’s dance recital
A/N: So I’ve never written a fic before so this is my first one. Grammar and all that crap is probably wrong but whatever. I am no writer at all. If anyone does read it please be nice. It was just a cute little idea that popped into my head because the world needs more dad Frankie fics. Might write something else in the future in this universe if anyone reads this. 
“Mommy when daddy come?” your 3 year old pouts as you help her into her ballet outfit. You sigh and grab the 2 fuzzy yellow scrunchies off the bathroom counter and start parting her hair into two.
“I’m not sure Franny.” she frowns even more and wiggles are head out of your hands.
“I wike daddy do hair!” she screams and stomps her foot onto the bathroom tiles. You groan as you look into her teary big brown eyes. Frankie’s eyes. Frankie has been gone for 6 days and it was getting alot harder to deal with the mini Frankie. Francesca Morales was the splitting image of her father. Looks and personality wise. And she was the BIGGEST daddy’s girl. She’d been wrapped around his finger the second she came out. 
“Daddy should be home soon and then you can show him pictures of how beautiful you look today.” her frown gets a tad smaller and she scoots back in between your legs for you to do her hair. “Maybe if you do your pretty toes so well we can get a treat after the recital?” you barely have time to tighten the last scrunchie as she whips around and crushes your neck into a hug.
“Yay mommy! Get pupcakes?! I so good at pwetty toes!” she skips around the bathroom practicing her pretty toes as you finish packing her little purple dinosaur backpack.
“Of course princess. Let’s get going before we’re late.”
“Frankie you said you were done with this shit! I’m going to personality kick Pope’s ass.” you huff as you plop down on the bed. Frankie sighs and comes over, bending between you legs.
“It will be 3 days...max babe. We need the money. I’m doing this for you and Francesca.”
“Frankie...i swear to god if you don’t come home...i...i don’t know...”
“Hey hey hey everything is gonna be okay. Pope said there’s no way this can go wrong. It’s go in, get the money and we’re out home free. I promise.”
“Do you want me to wait here in case she throws you out?” Pope snickers as he pulls up outside the Morales house. Frankie glares at Pope and smacks his hat off his head.
“Fuck off. If anything she’s gonna kick your ass.” Frankie mumbles as he gets out of the truck and runs up the front porch. He twists the doorknob and whacks his head on the door as he realizes its locked. “What the....” Frankie panics for a minute wondering why its locked. They only just moved into the house 2 months ago and hadn’t gotten around to getting a spare key hidden. Frankie wracks his brain for why you wouldn’t be home. There’s no way you left with Francesca was there? “Hey what day is it?” Frankie yells back to Pope who is still sitting in his truck.
“Uhhhh...Sunday June 12th?” Pope yells back and Frankie feels like he just got slapped in the face.
“FUCK!” Frankie yells and runs back into Pope’s truck. “Drop me off at the civic centre NOW.”
“What why? They’re not home?” Pope sputters as he rips the truck into drive.
“Today is Franny’s first dance recital and i think it already started. Fuck she’s defiantly gonna kill me now.”
Pope doesn’t even have time to put the truck into park before Frankie is jumping out and running through the doors of the civic centre. He stops as he reads the sign looking for the room with the dance recital. Auditorium 5. He runs down the hallway and stops when he sees a table selling flowers.
“How much for all of them.” Frankie huffs as he grabs outs his wallet. The young boy stares at Frankie with a gaping mouth.
“Uhhhh.....they're’ a-a dollar a-a fl-flower sir.” Frankie nods and throws him a 10. The boy swallows his nerves and hands Frankie a bouquet of rainbow roses. Frankie murmurs a thanks and sneaks into auditorium 5. There’s no seats available so he just stands against the back wall. There’s a group of 2 year olds on stage at the moment attempting a hip hop routine and Frankie chuckles to himself thinking of how Franny would look hopping around to the upbeat music. He looks down at the program and sees that her group is next.
The hip hop group run off the stage and the crowd cheers for them. Two young girls come out and take away the previous props and set out 8 pairs of yellow pom poms. Walking on Sunshine starts to play as the 8 little girls coming skipping out to find their spots. Frankie’s face begins to hurt from smiling so much as he spots Francesca. Wearing her yellow dance onesie and yellow tutu with her hair up in two messy pigtails. She does the little 2 minute routine so well Frankie can feel his eyes welling up with tears. Fuck he’s proud of her. This is why he needed to get home. He couldn’t fathom missing another experience like this. You and Francesca were the reason he kept pushing though the hard days. You both were his entire world.
The recital comes to an end and all the parents wait around in the main foyer waiting for their little dancer to come out. 
Frankie fidgets with the bouquet of flowers in his hands as he looks around the crowd for a glimpse of you. He looks down at his watch and panics that he missed you guys and you went home, until......
“DADDY?!!!” You look up startled by your daughter’s random outburst and Frankie spins around as he hears his little girl screaming. He drops to his knees as Francesca comes flying into his arms. Frankie wraps his one arm around her small body and cradles her head with his hand and holds her close to him. The flowers drop to the ground long forgotten.
“Hi princess. I missed you so much. You did so good with all your twirls.” he whispered to her, smothering her head with kisses. She giggles uncontrollably and moves her head to kiss Frankie’s face all over as well. Making sure she kissed away the couple of tears away that snuck out. “These flowers are for you Fran.” Frankie smiles and puts the giant bouquet in her tiny arms.
“Woooow!! Mommy look!” Franny squeals and Frankie finally looks up and is met with your tear filled eyes. He stands with Franny in his arms and walks over to you.
“Hi.” he whispers. You gasp as you wrap your arms around the both of them. Frankie sighs as he buries his face into you hair, breathing in your scent. Fuck he missed this.
“W-when did you get back?” you sniffle and pull back to look into his brown eyes. Francesca looked between her parents confused and pawed at both their faces to dry their tears. Frankie chuckled at her gesture and tickled her side a bit making his favourite sound ring through his ears. A very high pitched giggle.
“Uhh...like 2 hours ago? I stopped at home first and then realized what day it was. I won’t miss this day for the world.”
“You shaved.” You said as you rubbed your hands over his bare jaw. You don’t think you’ve ever seen his face this bare before. You loved his patchy beard so dearly but you could probably get used to this face as well.
“Daddy no more pokey.” Franny scrunched up her face and placed a sloppy kiss to his cheek. You both laugh.
“Do you like it love?” Frankie questions.
“As long as your home and safe that’s all that matters to me.” you whisper as you lean in to kiss his lips.
“Ew yucky kisses!!” Franny squeals as she pushes your faces apart. Frankie chuckles as he moves his kisses to all over his daughter face. “Mommy we get pupcakes now?”
“Mommy promised you cupcakes?” Franny nods her head and Frankie looks towards his wife.
“Well i guess you did do an amazing job princess and i did promise this morning. She barely let me do her hair. Wanted you to do it.” you said rolling your eyes at Frankie. Frankie chuckled as you all walked out to the parking lot. 
“I mean i would have done a way better job.” you rolled your eyes yet again and smacked his shoulder lightly as you unlocked Frankie’s truck. Frankie buckled Franny into her car seat and then shut the door. He turned and grabbed you in a bone crushing hug. “I’m so sorry it took so long love. Nothing went as planned and we didn’t even get the money. And I-I dont...”
“Frankie stop. You don’t have to talk about it right now. Let’s go get our little ballerina a cupcake k?” Frankie smiles and captures your lips in one last kiss. “I love you to the moon and back.”
“I love you to the moon and back even more.”
“I think she finally crashed” Frankie says as he grabs a beer from the fridge and plops down next to you on the couch taking a big swig.
“I swear to god if she doesn’t sleep through the night again I’m gonna...ugghh” You mumble into your wine glass. 
Frankie turns towards you and raises an eyebrow. “She hasn’t been sleeping?”
“Umm not since you’ve left. She wakes up around 2:30 every night crying for you. So i bring her into bed and she sleeps on your pillow with one of your shirts. It soothes her back to sleep. She also naps with one of shirts.” You sigh and look away from him, blinking back the tears. Frankie frowns, puts his beer on the coffee table and grabs your wine glass too. 
“Cmere.....i’m so sorry i left babe. I didn’t mean for it to be so hard for you. I’m never leaving again.” You cry into his side as he rubs his hand through your hair.
“What-what happened Frankie....I know you’re not okay. You don’t just disappear off the face of the earth for a week. Pope said it was going to be okay....I wouldn’t have let you go if...”
Frankie shudders and looks up at the ceiling trying to blink the tears away. You sit up and grab his face gently in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
“I’ve got you honey. Whenever you want to talk i’m here.” you give a small reassuring smile and wipe the silent tears falling down his face. That breaks Frankie. He begins to sob and explain the terrible events of the last week. You hold him and listen. 
When he’s finished you both just lay on the couch holding each other.
“When- when we lost Tom....all i thought about was you and Francesca and how I needed to get home. I swear to god I am never doing anything like that again. Pope said the money should free up by Wednesday so we’ll be good for a while. Will and I were thinking of opening up a shop, keep is busy for a while. I’m never leaving you guys ever again. We can take Franny to the shelter next week and she can pick out her dog finally.”
You giggle at the dog comment. That little girl has been asking for a dog the second she could talk and Uncle Benny put that idea into her head. “She’d really like that. And i’m also still kicking Pope’s ass next time I see him.”
Frankie laughs and kisses you head “Oh babe I’ve already warned him.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
What if Kai meet his angel in school hitting one of the people who beat him up and then follows him home asking him questions and then saying by friend and months go by and they get closer and he ask pops about dating and they go on a cute date
Awwawaaww I absolutely LOVE writing for Kid Chisaki X3
Btw I'm sorry about the pops giving him advice on dating angel... maybe on a next scenario
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The pain still remained on his cheek and he noticed the dirty eyes he was receiving, but he could care less. Those sick deserved all of the beating for speaking low about the yakusa.
"Yo, Kai." He heard Hari's voice from behind him and he merely grunted in response, still walking and reading his book "Is.. Is that (L/n)?" He followed Kurono's finger and saw the girl with a dark aura around her while walking.
To say he was a bit taken off from guard was a understatement. That one was know of being one of the most quiet and reserved persons on his class... but yet, she talked a bit with him, aand he could catch at least that she was pure, a quirkless little thing, and so gentle he was actually annoyed by how much she was nice even with people who didn't deserved it.
"Someone's angry apparently." Hari mumbled before Chisaki scoffed, returning his gaze to the book in his hands.
That was... until he heard screaming.
He shoted his head back up immediately and found that you had just punched one of the boys who spoked bad about the yakusa and fought with him.
"The hell is your problem weirdo?!" The boy shouted while covering his bloody nose.
"Next time-" you kicked him just in the stomach, making him fall flat with his back on the floor "Don't just say bad things about someone's family like that!"
Some other people went to hold you back while the boy got up and prepared to retreat back what he received.
"Useless bag of nothing!" He shouted with tears in his eyes but a angry look as well "You're going to pay for that!"
You cringed your teeth together before jumping and hitting both of your feet on him, struggling in the other's boys arms in a desperate way to get free.
You did not think this through...
One of them grabbed your hair harshly and made you look up at the bully, whose was glaring you down.
"Any meaning on why you hit me? If is about that yakusa thug then come on-" he rolled his eyes with a sigh "Just give me a break."
"You dont have any rights to speak about them so lowly like that Kei!" You almost cried at the way they put more pressure on your body on the ground as they lifted your head by the hair, but you still remained with the scowl "What? Sad about that your parents just divorced and went to speak shit about others?"
You got the opportunity at the shock of the people and got out of their grasp, getting up to leave another lunch as you twirled around in the air to hit a heavy kick on Kei's head with a shout.
"(L/N) (Y/n)! WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!" A teacher yelled while passing abrupt through Chisaki and Kurono.
"That... was quite a show. Right Chisaki?" Kurono asked nonchantly, turning to his friend quickly at noticing he didn't responded "Chisaki?"
The book in his hands was totally forgotten as his amber eyes looked at you. Covered in dirt and with a frow and pout on your face as the kid yelled and scolded with you.
You sighed as you crossed your arms over your little chest as you swan your legs on the big chair.... waiting for the principal to finish his talking with your grandma.
Luckily your grandma knew why you had dine that... at least you weren't so screwed.
"Oi." A monotonous voice manifested as you looked up with a confused sound before looking at your left... seing that dark brow hair and golden eyes boy aproaching you slowly... stoic yet firm gaze as his hands were on his pockets while walking.
You tilted your head in confusion before he stopped right in front of you. Sighing, he took his hands out of his pockets to cross them over his chest as he arched one yebrow and glared dow at you.
"Spit it out. What do you want?"
"Don't play dumb with me." He hissed angrily before his glare intensified "You beat that guy because of what he sayed about the yakusa, am I wrong?" You shooked head confusely before flinching at his intense gaze and how he threateningly got closer.
"Then you must want something to just had done that. Spill it out." He growled while you blinked your wide eyes, before doing something that angered yet confused Chisaki to no ends.
You laughed. First some supressed giggles but soon errupted on a slaughter that left his face and chest surrounded by a unknown heat.
"What the hell is so funny in the first place?" He hissed while you muffled your laughter with a hand in your mouth.
"G-Geez!" You breathed in "Why should I want something?"
"Is how it works stupid." He growled "Exchange of favors."
"... exchange of what?" You almost squealed while he deadpanned.
"You can't be that dumb."
"Am not! Just because I dont know the meaning of a word yet it doesn't mean I am dumb." You smiled with a eyebrow lifted up, not understanding why this boy's cheeks were so pink.
"Answer my damn question."
"But you didn't asked me any-"
"What the hell do you want?" He almost shouted this time in irritation "Nothing is for free in this world, so stop this already and tell already what you want for defending the yakusa."
You widen your eyes a bit in surprise before extending your arms in a uncaring shrug with a smile.
"Nothing. I want nothing from you, Chisaki-kun."
"What?" He asked in almost disbelief while you giggled and arched a bit your back to look up at him, still on his feet while you were in the chair.
"The yakusa is like a family to you right? You like them as one." You looked a bit down with s frow "Others shouldn't comment on other kids life only because they are from a mafia or different than the 'normal'".
You giggled a bit before looking up at him again.
"I just feel like it. Besides, the yakusa isn't that bad after all right? The owner does raise you and one more kid along after all."
He was... shocked, to say at least. You went there, got dirty and hurt while fighting someone who had no bussines with you, probably going to have some problems with the school and your own family from now on...
And yet... you defended him. And didn't want it.. nothing in return.
Your grandmother's voice broke you two conversations, right when she called you say it you were coming jumping out of your chair and quickly getting to her side.
But before that you turned a but to catch him still looking at you with dumbfounded golden orbs instead of stoic and cold ones.
"Besides!" You chirped with the most sweet and warm smile he swore he never saw on his whole life while you grabbed your granny hand "I like you Chisaki! A lot!" And with those left words you left...
"...huh?" He almost squeaked that out, heart racing in one mile away as his whole body turned into pure heat.
He didn't even complained less noticed Kurono's touch on his shoulder or even attempts to call him out of his frozen state.
The hell you had done with him?
Time skip!
"Let me at him Chisaki Kai. Let me fucking at him." You growled your words, already preparing to throw fists with Rappa without a single hesitation.
"Absolutely not." He growled back, grabbing on your shoulder and yanking you back to him. "Control youserlf idiot."
"Yeah, syas the man who overhauled so many people which I lost count only because they looked wrong or even insulted me for being quirkless." You pouted at him before yelping at receiving a flip on you forehead.
"Is different."
"No is not!" You protested while he only arched a eyebrow.
"Am I quirkless?" You went to answer but he interrupted you again "Do I act before thinking? Do I went to the principal when we were kids because-"
"Oh god okay I get it." You whined before crossing your arms.
He huffed before lowering his mask down a bit, revealing his devilish smirk before he tilted your head up to him with the hand he carried proudly the weeding ring on his finger.
"My fiance should be less careless you know?" He commented while you arched a eyebrow with a smirk.
"With my careless self that I made you fall for me devil. Sure you want to change that?"
"You? Making me fall? Don't make me laugh brat." He kissed your lips before trailing his lips to your earlobe and nibble on them a bit.
"I am the one making this angel fall. Each... night." He chuckled devilish at the shivering you presented and the furious blush that appeared in your face.
"Unfair attack Kai. Unfair."
"Since when the world is fair? I guess it was only..." he brought your hand and touched his lips slightly at the weeding ring in your hand, not even getting worried because after so many years you knew exactly how to clean something properly "When heavens sent me the purest and brightest angel from above."
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eternalstann · 5 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: swearing?? Flufff
Summary: You and Tom just so happen to each other’s celebrity crushes 🥰
"Y/N, Y/N!" The photographers called out as you walked along the red carpet. You loved your job but the photographers and paparazzi were endlessly annoying. It was your third VMA's. You'd been a very successful singer for a while now, but this year you'd done your first big movie. You'd gotten nominated for 4 awards. You gave one last smile before walking into the building. Your manager walking to your side immediately.
"You're performing at 10:15 so enjoy the show while you can- I'll come get you around 9:30. You're sitting in the front row. We wanted to push the fact that you're focusing on acting right now so we sat you next to other actors." He glanced at his phone, "Brie Larson on your left and - Tom Holland on your right." You tried to hold in your excitement at the names he said. You were a huge fan of Marvel movies, so to sit next to Captain Marvel and Spiderman?! You were ecstatic. "Thank you Donovan" you spoke, kissing him on the cheek before walking off to mingle.
You snuck behind your friend Shawn Mendes when you saw him slapping up Drake. "Omg my two favorite Canadians!" You joked, hugging Shawn and then Drake. "Y/N, you look incredible" Shawn spoke, gripping your waist and taking in your appearance. "Like a snack" Drake added, snatching you from Shawn and twirling you around. "Thank you guys! And a snack?! Y'all look like full course meals and dessert" They both laughed at your comment. "So what's the moves for tonight mamacita?" Drake asked and you smirked, "You already know, everyone back at my place for the after party" you exclaimed, already excited. "Aye!" They both cheered in unison. It was very well known you threw the best parties in Hollywood as of late. "Text me and let me know if you need anything love" Shawn hugged you again, and told him you would before walking to your seat.
You felt eyes on your back, but when you turned around there was no one there.
Little did you know your seat neighbor Tom Holland had watched your whole interaction. He was chatting with Jake Gyllenhaal, Jacob and his brother Harry when he saw you. "Holy shit, that's Y/N" Jacob whispered, pointing over at you. "Every song she makes is an absolute banger! Tom go introduce us" Harry joined in. "No fucking way she's literally talking to Drake, I can't go over there" Toms heart ached watching you giggle with the two men. He'd literally never spoken to you, but he'd developed quite the crush on you. He watched all your interviews, and loved your music. You made him feel like he was in elementary school again. "Just go!" Jake exclaimed, shoving him in your direction.
Tom stumbled before catching his stride and following behind you. He didn't know if he should jog to catch up with you, or do an awkward speed walk, so he just kept his normal pace. He mentally kicked himself when he didn't make it to you before you got to your seat. He tried to causally walk past you as you sat down, but did a double take and tripped over his own feet when he saw his face on the chair beside you. Tom literally wished the floor would swallow him up so he could disappear forever when he hit the ground in front of you.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" You ask the man laying at your feet, and you could hardly contain your excitement when you realized it was none other than Tom fucking Holland. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" he insisted, pushing himself up with the help of your extended arm. Once he's off the ground and in his chair you introduce yourself. "Hey, I'm Y/N" you beam at him, turning your body to face him. "I know who you are, I think everyone does" he laughs, reaching out his hand for you to shake. You ignore his cue, pulling him in for a hug. "You smell really nice" he murmurs and it was your turn to laugh. "Thank you; it's so nice to meet you!" You tell him and he shakes his head. "Me?! It's nice to meet you! I'm a huge fan" he expresses and your heart races, he's a fan?
The next twenty minutes turn into a compliment competition; the two of you just spewing nice things to each other and laughing. You even joke through the start of the show, Brie shushing the two of you which only makes you laugh harder. "What are you doing tonight?" You ask him while a presenter was rambling on about something. "Nothing, why?" He quips back and he can feel himself start to sweat, were you going to ask him out?
"and the winner of the best collaboration award.....Y/N and Drake for Rewind!"
You were caught completely off guard, you and Tom both look at each other in shock. "That's you, get up there!" He exclaims, a wide smile on his face. He stands with you and walks you to the stage, he hands you off to Drake at the steps and you thank him. You reach the microphone and stand in front of the huge crowd, Drake next to you and begin to talk. "Wow, um, I really wasn't expecting this-" you cringe in your head, everyone says that- "but thank you all so much! We truly have the best fans in the world. Your support is unmatched and I love you all so much!" You cheer raising up your moon man and stepping aside to let Drake talk. You weren't even really listening to what he was saying, all you could focus on was Tom standing there staring at you with a face full of admiration. You didn't want to be corny but you were positive you were in love with him. And he looked really good. Like you wanted to tie him up keep him all to yourself good.
Next thing you know your being escorted off the stage and you hug your manager backstage. "Congratulations" he tells you and thank him, before turning to make your way back to your seat. "Girl where are you going? It's 9:26, you need to start getting ready" you sigh, you loved performing but you wanted to go back with Tom. You scroll through your Instagram while getting your hair done and see Brie Larsons story, you click on it. You smile at the selfie the two of you took. What you weren't expecting though was to see a video of you and Tom laughing together with the caption "get a room🤣🥴". You immediately go to your own profile and begin to go through your tagged pictures. A lot of you in your dress on the red carpet, screen caps of you and drake accepting the award and then boom; you and Tom. You click on reposts and screenshots of the video and read some of the captions.
'Yessss Y/N get that superhero dick!'
'Omg they look so good together- we have no choice but to stan'
'Ew bye he better stay away from the queen'
'and I oop-'
'Tom shooting his shot 👀'
'Thank you Brie Larson this is the content we deserve'
“She always fuck with white boys smh”
And so it begins you you think to yourself. You realize you never even followed Tom, on your real account at least. Only your account you use to lurk, so you press the button the blue button. Tom doesn't leave your mind the rest of the time you spend getting ready. You don't think about anything besides Tom until the time you start performing. And even then, you can't help but look for him in the crowd.
Your performance goes almost perfectly, you have the best adrenaline rush afterwards. But once again you're sat back in the hair and makeup chair. You're not gonna lie you probably needed it after how much you were sweating on stage. They bring out your dress, but it's a different one. A short backless white dress, much different from your earlier gown. "Donovan what is this?" You ask your manager. "Your dress for the party. We have to go make sure everything is all set- and yes I know you wanna go see your little boo thing Tom but we don't have time!" He replies, motioning for you to put on the dress. You groan and slip it on before following him out to the car waiting outside.
You get back to your house, doing a quick walk through to make sure everything is in place. Taste testing the food and liquor. You knew tonight was going to be crazy. Everyone would be amped up from the awards and live performances, you were starting to get excited. You were proud of your party throwing skills- until you realized you never got the chance to invite Tom. "Shit!" You shout, actually face palming. You pull out your phone and try to figure out the best way to get a hold of him. You text Zendaya- she would definitely have his number. Seven minutes go by with no response, the party starts in less than an hour. "Fuck it.." you mutter, opening Instagram and typing out a DM to Tom,
'Hey Tom, I'm throwing a party tonight and I would love for you to come. You can bring whoever you want. Hope to see you there!'
So basic, but it'd have to do. You didn't wanna look too thirsty or something. You sent the address in a separate message. You didn't even notice your leg bouncing up on down in anticipation, waiting for him to respond. You were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of your door opening and closing, then voices. It was Shawn, Drake and some of their friends. "Hey guys" you chirp and they come over to greet you.  "Do either of you guys know Tom Holland?" You ask and they raise they're eyebrows. "No 'how are you?' Or anything first?" Drake would laugh you would just rolled your eyes, "I'm serious!"
"Spider-Man? No I don't know him, but we follow each other on Instagram" Shawn spoke. “Ughh you guys are no help-“ you were cut off by the sound of your phone dinging. It was Tom! You take a deep breath before opening the message.
“Oh I’ll absolutely be there, see you soon love. Thanks for the invite xx”
You could feel yourself swooning and let out a little squeal. “He’s coming!” You inform your guests before the doorbell rang again. You go to open it and this time there’s a multitude of people waiting to come in - not to mention the linebof black cars and limos in the round-about dropping off even more guests. Bella & Gigi Hadid, Niall Horan, Halsey, ASAP Rocky & Big Sean, Normani and more. You hug everyone who comes in, joking with Sean about his song playing through the speakers. You drink and talk with everyone, but you can’t help but keep glancing at the door. You were really waiting for one person. After half an hour you finally settle in, maybe he wasn’t coming.
You’re sitting on the couch, on Bella’s lap pretending to listen to Lewis Capaldi talk about how nervous he is for his U.S tour. Your attention is drawn to the door though when you hear a familiar laugh. “Tom!” You exclaim, unable to hide your excitement immediately going over to him. He hugs you and you wish he’d never let go. He does though before introducing you to his guests. “This is my brother Harry, and this is my friend Jacob” he informs you and you smile at both of them before embracing them as well. “It’s so great to meet you! Make yourselves at home, can I get you some drinks?” You inquire, gesturing towards the kitchen. “They got it” he spoke whisking you away.
“Listen, Y/N, I know you hear this all the time but I think you’re an amazing woman and I’d love to take you out sometime”
“I’d love that Tom!”
lmaooo what a shitty ending, but I feel like this has potential to be a series but idk. I like Y/N and I like kind of shy Tom 🤧
Love you all, feel free to hmu ❤️
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aghasexxy · 5 years
ONE WOMAN SHOW PT. 2 | Im Jaebum
Pairing: Reader x Im Jaebum
Words: 1688
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Stripping/ Teasing
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Summary: you work at the most famous strip club in Los Angeles and you have customers that come in asking for you all the time. Including one mysterious man whose father is the head of the K-Town mob. And who closes down the club once a week to discuss “business”.
The sound of the city spills into the club on a very packed Friday night. The last Friday of 2019. The last Friday of the decade. Our doors have been open for less than an hour and the club is already filled to the brim with men and women unable to walk steadily. I look across the club from backstage, laughing at the chaos out there. But those people don’t matter to me. Only one person does. And he’s nowhere in sight.
“Y/N,” I turn around to see my best friend Wendy. She’s grinning ear to ear as usual. She grabs my face with her delicate hands. “Could you pretend to be excited please? This is the final Friday of the decade!” She squeals like a kid in Disneyland. “I promise I’m excited. I’m just expecting someone,” I look back towards the bar. “Would that someone be JB?” I look back at her with a smirk and roll my eyes. “Y/N! You need to stop fucking
around and just go for it! He obviously wants you!” A whistle breaks through the sound of the dancers laughing and chatting. Our boss calls us for a final pep talk before the night truly begins.
“Ladies!,” he exclaims, demanding the attention of every dancer. “First and foremost, welcome to the end of the decade,” we all erupt in hoots, hollers, and applause. “We’ve really kicked ass this year and I’m so proud of all we accomplished. Both on stage and behind the scenes. To say we ended the year off with a bang is an understatement,” he whips out a stack of cash from his back pocket, snickering at everyone’s slack jaws. I stand arms crossed, completely unimpressed. “We helped sell a lot of product this year, all without any raids. Good work!” We all clap and talk amongst ourselves. He gets our attention again. “Okay for tonight, the lineup for the main show is Claire, Denise, Angie, Loren, Tabitha, Wendy, and of course,” I roll my eyes and smile as all the girls look to me and cheer my name. “Our star Y/N!” The room erupts in applause and I try to shush them. “Okay ladies! Go get dressed! We start in 45 minutes!” Applause erupts as we all rush to the dressing room.
I apply setting spray to my face to finish off my makeup look for the night. Looking in the mirror, I am in awe of the work of art I created. Wendy whistles at me from across the room and I giggle. She walks over to my vanity. “Yo mami you got a man?” I turn around. “Wendy why are you like this?!” She shrugs. “I’m pretty sure that whoever wrote the best friend manual included one of the rules to be “hype up your best friend in the most obnoxious way you know how”,” she kisses my cheek. “So that’s what I’m doing!” I stand up and take off my trench coat to show her my outfit of choice. The lights in the room flash which means that the show is about to begin. The girls scatter like roaches and I call Wendy over. “I’m wearing his favorite lingerie tonight for my set,” I say slyly as she grins from ear to ear. “Ahhhh I love that one! You’re gonna be breaking necks tonight for sure! If not his then everyone else’s!”
An hour goes by and Wendy is just now wrapping up her set. A member of the stage crew comes back to the dressing room. “You’re up in 10 Y/N,” I nod and make some final touch ups. Wendy peels around the corner, her hair in her face as she tries to catch her breath. “You killed it out there!,” I yell, running over to hug her. “How was the crowd? Did you see JB?” I pull back and before she can answer, I get called to the stage. On my way out, Wendy gives my ass a nice love tap. “You’ll find out,” she says as I walk to the side stage.
The announcer goes on stage before me and starts my introduction. The audience cease their hoots and hollers so that he can speak. “Ladies and gentleman, we all can admit that nothing is sexier than when we come home after a long day of work and the first thing we see is our significant other walking around in your favorite lingerie set,” men start whistling and I can’t help but blush. “And tonight, for those single, lonely souls, you’ll get to experience that fantasy for the very first time.” The audience erupts in applause along with the other performers watching behind me. I can’t help but just smile. “Y’all have been waiting for her all night! Here she is, our stunning duchess Y/N!” As the audience loses their minds once again, I let out a breath and stand tall. Here we go.
Wasabi by Little Mix starts to play as I strut on stage. Bills start to fly the moment I come into view and men are on their feet cheering for me. They don’t mean shit to me of course. My eyes scan the room, hoping to lock onto piercing brown ones. I keep smiling as I strut down the catwalk to the pole in the middle. I take off my robe, earning an eruption of applause and whistles. I look out on the floor again when I lock eyes with him. JB. There he was, sitting right in my line of vision. His smirk accompanied with him man spreading in his chair was enough for me to get on my knees right then and there. I twirl around nice and slow, giving him something to look at. He’s probably having a hard time keeping it together right now: his favorite dancer in his favorite lingerie set performing for strangers instead of just him. I press my back against my pole, dropping low in slow motion. My eyes never leave his. Maybe I should punish him for being late, show him who’s boss.The music stops and I receive a standing ovation from the crowd. Everyone was on their feet including him. The MC comes out on stage.
“Wow Y/N! Another show-stopping entrance! You know what time it is! Time to pick a lucky guy in the crowd to give him a lap dance!” The sounds of whoops and hollers at this point are deafening. “Now Y/N, what song would you like to dance to?” I turn to the DJ. “Play Rules by Doja Cat for me, please.” The MC fans his face dramatically as the crowd goes crazy once again. I look back out and see JB. His eyes burn into me like daggers. I know what that look means.
“DJ, if you would,” the MC asks as he scurried offstage. The music starts and my eyes start to wander. I walk onto the floor, locking eyes with every horny middle-aged man I see. I blow kisses, wink, and smile and it’s enough to get tens of hundreds of dollars thrown my way. The floor vibrates from the intense bass in the music and I am locked onto my target. JB looks me up and down as I circle around him. My fingers drag across his broad shoulders and I take a seat on his lap, licking my lips as I lock eyes with him. “You wanna play with me, baby,” he whispers softly to me, my pussy clenching and instantly getting wet. The men around us were cheering JB on and whistling loudly. I stand up and reach out my hand, answering his question with a simple head nod. He snickers and grabs hold, triggering another roar of applause from those watching. We walked back to the stage where a lonely chair sat. The spotlight shines over it as the metal gives off a supernatural glow in the white light. He sits down, not leaving my eyes for one second. “You know the rules sir,” I lean in, his cologne overwhelming my senses. “No touching,” I whisper sensually. I stand up and turn around. I look at him as I bend over, my ass being the only thing he has his eyes on. I come back up slowly and smack my ass. I can’t help myself from smiling at the evil mug on his face. This is torture for him. He wants to wreck me to no end, I know he does. But house rules say otherwise. I strut back over to him, kicking his left foot out. “Spread your legs,” I demand. I climb onto his lap and I feel a pulsating sensation from under me. “You like that?” I ask sweetly, like I’m not torturing him. I slowly start to grind on his clothed dick and he lets out the deepest moan I’ve ever heard in my life. I feel myself getting wet at the sound of it. “Yeah daddy?,” I whisper, grinding him a little faster. I stop and lean all the way back. My hands graze the ground along with my head as our crotches stay glued together. I come back up slowly, my breast threatening to pop out into his face. I come all the way up and the song is over. The crowd cheers and I get a standing ovation. He leans in closer to me and our noses barely graze each other’s. “I’m going to make a mess of you Y/N. You’re mine,” I bite my lip and giggle. “I hope that’s a promise, babe.” I wink at JB and stroke his face before turning around to address the audience. “Thank you for coming out tonight everyone! Happy new year!” The crowd yells it back and erupts in applause. I turn back to JB. “Let’s give a big round of applause for my performance partner tonight!” Whistles and claps follow as he walks off stage. I just know by the look in his eye that the next time I see him, he will have his way with me. And I can’t wait.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Goode Case, 4/14 (Multi) - Juno
Chapter Summary: Jaida meets both Heidi’s date and Dahlia’s girlfriend, along with a woman who she might want to get to know a little better. Brita and Jackie do not have as good a Sunday on call. What will happen at the guest house?
(A/N: Hi all, here is part four, I hope you enjoy. Thank you very much for your supportive words!)
Sunday 29th October
There were no calls early that morning, thank God, and Jaida managed to sleep in until almost eleven. She knew Heidi would be waiting for her at one, so there was plenty of time to shower, tie back her box braids, and put on some makeup.
Her phone buzzed, friend tone, and she looked down at it.
Dahlia: shop closes at 4, so can u come over for 5? then we head over and can set up and be ready for 6.30 x
Jaida: Thank youuu! That’s perfect. X
Jaida: Brittany
Jaida: Dahlia can set up for 6.30 tonight x
Brita: awesome! Thanks for sorting it Jai xx
She’d thrown on a pair of stonewashed jeans and a royal blue hoodie and was setting off to meet Heidi and her new girlfriend, when she saw Widow in the front room, holding a mug of coffee in both hands and staring at nothing. A canvas lay on the ground, having been ripped and torn from its frame; paint was slowly dripping from it onto the newspapers.
“Widow,” Jaida began, but Widow’s face crumpled, shuddering with sobs.
“It was all wrong,” Widow whispered, motioning weakly to the canvas. “It was all going wrong.”
“Come here,” Jaida sat next to Widow and rubbed her shoulder, while Widow shook with silent tears. The grief going through her was making her take one step forward and two back.
Jaida watched the woman in the corner as she reappeared, just as ashen and hollow as she had been yesterday; the same spirit, something Jaida could feel and see from Widow.
She stayed with Widow until the shorter girl stood, wiping her eyes and moving to grab her cigarettes, kicking at the frame of the canvas as she passed it.
The spirit in the corner vanished again.
Getting off the bus after her ride in, Jaida saw Jackie stood at one of the bookshop windows, gazing inside, her dark hair being blown into a mess by the wind. She tugged her coat around her and pushed her fringe back and out of her eyes.
Jaida crept quietly, intending to surprise her, but when she was about six feet away, Jackie’s head snapped up towards her. Jaida stopped dead in her tracks, while Jackie chuckled.
“I know what you were trying to do!” She wagged her finger. “No more of that now!”
“Damnit!” Jaida laughed.
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Jaida nodded, looking towards the shop.
“It’s fine, Jaida. Really.”
“Brita asked me to organise a séance at the house tonight, see if there are any paranormal clues to go off,” Jaida changed the subject rapidly. “Can you be at the house at six thirty? My friend Dahlia runs an esoteric shop and phone line, she knows what she’s doing.”
Jackie nodded solemnly. “And did you talk to Brita?”
“Oh, shit. I meant to, honest. I will tell her. I will.”
“Because if we’re doing a séance, it will be useful to see any spirits that are there. And you’re the only one of the three of us who can see them.”
“Alright, alright!” Jaida rushed past. “I’ve gotta go, I’m late!”
Heidi greeted Jaida with a squeal, a hug, and two air kisses on her cheeks in that order, when she eventually got to Vanjies. Heidi looked absolutely radiant in a purple mini dress, showing off her long legs, toned from years of running track; with a pleather jacket on top, and spiky boots.
“Bitch, I’m freezing,” Heidi announced, wrapping her arms around herself. “Why did I wear this in October?”
Jaida just laughed. “Making a good impression, even when it’s monsoon season out there?”
“I guess so!”
“She must be amazing,” Jaida winked, while Heidi playfully slapped her arm.
Heidi’s date arrived shortly after, pushing the door of the bar, her attention focused on finding Heidi. Her platinum blonde bob scraped her chiselled jawline, and she had piercing grey eyes. She waved when she saw Heidi, coming to give her a peck on the lips, before turning to Jaida.
“Enchantée,”, she said, giving Jaida two air kisses as well. “I am Nicky. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too!” Jaida took in Nicky’s slender frame and immaculately clean cream-coloured raincoat, hanging to just below her knees, neat wine-coloured buttons down the front; along with bare legs and Chelsea boots. She was casual and cool, but also breathtakingly beautiful. Not someone Jaida expected Heidi would go for, but she seemed very put together, an intelligence behind her eyes.
“What do you want to drink? My treat for standing you up yesterday, Heidi Almighty.” Jaida grabbed her purse.
“You know I want a Pinot, Jai,” Heidi replied.
“Thank you, that would be lovely for me too,” Nicky purred, nodding at Jaida.
As Jaida approached the bar, a short, blonde-haired woman in pale blue jacket, ordering two pina coladas, twirled round a bit too exuberantly and knocked one of them into Jaida.
“Oh my God! Oh, Jesus!” She exclaimed, her hand rushing to her mouth.
“It’s fine,” Jaida muttered, fishing the melting ice cubes out of her sweater and brushing herself down, but the blonde woman had grabbed some napkins from the bar and was wiping at Jaida’s front with them, their hands getting tangled.
“I am so so sorry! Oh God! I’m not normally this clumsy!”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just an accident,” Jaida tried to wave her off, but the woman grabbed her hand.
“Let’s go to the bathroom, and get you dried off.”
She dragged Jaida to the bathroom, turned on the hand dryer and turned the barrel upwards, so it blew straight up into the air. For a split second her sheet of blonde hair was caught in the gust, flaring upwards, spilling a scent of peach shampoo into the atmosphere. She grabbed at Jaida again and pulled her into the stream of hot air.
“That’ll dry you off in no time! Oh, God! Really, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine, really, you don’t need to apologise again,” Jaida said, letting the blonde woman maintain a grip on her hand nonetheless. She let the hot air dry her sweater as much as she could, still smelling peach shampoo, before turning off the dryer and removing herself from this girl’s grip.
“It’s, uh, it’s a really nice sweater,” the blonde said, her voice hitching up an octave.
“Thanks,” Jaida said with a small smile. “I like your outfit too.” The blonde wore a lilac shirt under her jacket, and a pair of skinny jeans. She looked vaguely familiar …
“That’s really nice of you! Especially when I just, you know, soaked you!” The blonde twitched her shoulders happily. She had light-brown eyes that crinkled up as she smiled, and a kind of perpetual motion to her face, darting eyes and an expressive mouth, ever-changing.
“I’m Jan,” she held out her hand. Jaida took it to shake.
“Jan,” she muttered, the name and face finally connecting in her mind. “Do you work at that Italian place? Mantione’s?”
“Yeah!” Her eyes widened with shock. “How did you know?”
“We were there yesterday afternoon – me and my friend Brita – she knows the Mantiones, she grew up with them.”
“You know Brita? Yeah, she was like a big sister to me. I only have brothers,” Jan nodded, looking relieved. “I’m a Mantione. The baby,” she added with a giggle. “Brita was in school with my older brother Paul. I only graduated in June, she graduated a few years ago. How do you know Brita?”
“I work with her, we started together,” Jaida said.
“No kidding! This city is far too small!” Jan laughed. “Are you from New York?”
“No, Milwaukee. I moved for work. Sorry, I’m Jaida by the way.”
“Okay, hi Jaida!” Jan shook her hand, Jaida realising she still had it in hers. She wasn’t relinquishing it. Still not letting go.
Jan turned her eyes nervously to the ground and cleared her throat.
“Well, Jaida, I think I owe you a slice of pizza or two at some point, for spilling my drink all over you. Just drop in when I’m on shift. Which is, like, all the time unless I’m auditioning. I mean, all the time. Well, I mean,” Jan paused for breath, “I mean, come and see me whenever.”
“Is that – an invitation?” Jaida felt the realisation hit her. She perked one eyebrow up, realising her hand was still in Jan’s, unable to stop the coy smile creeping across her face.
Jan tilted her head to the side, smiling nervously.
“Maybe,” she said softly.
“Bitch, that better have vodka in it,” Heidi nodded to Jaida’s coke when she came over to them.
“I’m on call today,” Jaida replied, “so no can do until my shift is over.”
Heidi and Nicky hadn’t even been looking at the bar when Jan had spilled her drink, a bit too immersed in each other to notice that Jaida had just been drenched and then flirted with in the space of the last two minutes.
“What is it like, being a secret agent?” Nicky asked Jaida, a polite smile gracing her face.
“A what?”
Heidi spluttered with laughter.
“Heidi!” Jaida cried. “Bitch, what have you told her?”
“She told me you are a secret agent!” Nicky gave Heidi a playful shove. “I didn’t trust her, and I was right!”
“Sorry, Jai, I couldn’t help it!” Heidi giggled. “She’s a detective, Nicky, so she has to go out and work on cases sometimes unexpectedly.”
“And you are working today?”
“Yeah, we got a lead on a case yesterday. A serious case. Nothing I can talk much about, but I need to be on call today, and I have some work tonight.”
It was that moment that Jaida felt a sharp pain in her stomach, a stabbing sensation. She ignored it and smiled at Nicky to mask it.
“Do you worry about your cases?” Nicky was asking.
“Of course, but you do have to learn to leave work at work, in my line.” Jaida carried on smiling. “What do you do for work?”
“I work in an office for a finance company, but I also do translation, and some French tutoring for high school students,” Nicky replied. “French is becoming more popular for students to learn.”
“I don’t speak a damn word,” Jaida waved her hand, “I took Spanish instead. Four years of Spanish, and I can barely remember adios.”
“I can say, voulez-vous coucher avec moi?” Heidi cackled, while Nicky groaned and rolled her eyes at her, giving her a playful slap on the arm.
“So of course you know that Heidi teaches Kindergarten?” Jaida asked.
Suddenly, Jaida felt another stabbing pain, this time on the left side of her temple, like a migraine was coming, but it hit her fast, making her wince. She gripped the side of the table with one hand, and concentrated on moving to take her coke with the other, trying to make sure neither Nicky nor Heidi noticed.
The pain vanished almost as fast as it came on, only lasting seconds.
“… kids, my brother has two younger than five, and they drive him and his wife crazy! They’re back in France though, so I don’t see them very often.” Nicky peered at her quizzically. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah fine.”
By the time Heidi and Nicky said goodbye to Jaida, they were both a little tipsy. Nicky had seemed very nice; beautiful and very down to earth; and Jaida was happy for her friend in finding someone. The two of them had planned to grab some food and maybe a movie, and Jaida thought it best to leave them be.
Dahlia’s outlet, Syn City (as Sin City was copywritten) was a tiny, narrow shop about ten blocks away, with three rooms, two of which were rented by fellow esoteric folk for psychic readings and trades; but Dahlia’s mom owned the lease. The shop was closed, with the “Gone to raise hell lunch” sign on the door serving as a Closed sign too; but the apartment above it was what Jaida was interested in. She buzzed the buzzer, with the door opening shortly after.
Jaida didn’t recognise the woman who opened the door, whose dyed pastel-blue hair clashed with the deep red shawl and the floor-length red skirt. It definitely wasn’t Dahlia, or her mom.
“Hello?” Jaida asked.
“Who are you?” The woman replied.
“Who are you?” Jaida retorted.
“Jaida, is that you?” Dahlia called from up the staircase behind this strange woman.
“I think it is!” She turned to call back up the stairs, while Jaida gawked silently at her.
Dahlia came down the stairs two at a time, leaping gracefully to the bottom from five up, with no shoes on as she normally preferred. She gently pushed the other woman away from the door.
“Come in, Jaida, we’re almost ready to go.”
She took Jaida’s hand and led her past this woman and up the stairs to the apartment on the first floor, above the shop. The scent of incense was alluring, and the beautiful, intricate hangings draped around the walls were familiar and welcoming. Dahlia’s mom’s apartment was full of character and personality, in spite of its small size.
Dahlia’s childhood room was lit by fairy lights which glowed a warm orange colour, a mess as always, the floor covered with Dahlia’s clothes and makeup, but also some unfamiliar shawls and a few scattered piles of manga. Incense burned on the altar in the corner, just underneath the window, Dahlia’s old school desk, covered now in candle wax and crystals, and an icon to a deity that Jaida had forgotten the name of in the centre.
“Got all my shit packed, and Rock’s gonna join us too.”
“Yeah, don’t call her Roxy or anything, she hates that. Says it’s a ‘doggie’ name,” Dahlia made quote marks with her fingers before Rolling her eyes. “And no Roxanne either. Says she can’t stand that song. Something about getting told all the time about putting on a red light.” Dahlia shrugged.
“So … she decided on Rock as her nickname? Okay, cool,” Jaida shrugged. “Rock it is. Is she your new girlfriend?”
Dahlia rocked from side to side, pondering the answer. “I wouldn’t say new. You haven’t been to my house in like, three months, bitch. That’s a long time in politics. And romance.” Dahlia smacked her lips.
“Alright, so why is she coming?” Jaida asked, motioning down the stairs, where it appeared Rock still was.
“Girl, I told you, I’m not taking no chances at this place. Rock is good at casting protection. She’ll be making sure we’re all safe from anything nasty in the building.”
“How are we all meant to fit on your motorcycle then?” Jaida frowned.
Fifteen minutes later, Jaida was in the back seat of Rock’s battered old third-hand Citroen, clinging to the hook on the ceiling with both hands; Rock behind the wheel and Dahlia in the passenger seat; Dahlia’s box of wonders as she called it on the seat next to Jaida. Rock drove like a crazy woman, seemingly hyper-vigilant to whenever any lights changed, taking left-turns at frightening speed, and screeching to stops every so often for a squirrel crossing the road.
It was probably the fastest that Jaida had ever made it to the old guest house, a full half hour early. Brita would be so proud.
She took out her phone to send Brita a message to that effect, to find four missed calls, one after the other, from Brita about two hours ago, followed by a series of frantic texts.
Brita: Jaida pick up xx
Brita: Come on sis xx
Brita: Jaida please, it’s not work I promise xx
Jaida’s chest felt ice-cold. She pressed the phone key and put the phone to her ear, waiting for Brita to pick up, but the phone just rang and rang.
Frowning, she disconnected, and tried again after a few moments.
Still nothing.
“Brita,” she whispered to herself, tapping at the screen. “Come on, sis, pick up your fucking phone.”
Jaida: Brita I’m sorry I missed u. Pick up sis. X
Jaida: Brita?? You’re scaring me xx
Rock, still in her red shawl, brushed past Jaida now, scattering something from a large jar she cradled in her arms, muttering some kind of incantation.
“Protection,” Dahlia shrugged. “Just let her get on with it, she’s real fucking good at this.”
Jaida’s phone finally sounded, and Jaida looked down with relief to see Brita’s selfie on the screen.
“This is Hall.”
“Jaida. Something happened. Not with me – with Jackie.”
“With Jackie? Is she okay?” Jaida’s heart dropped through her stomach.
“Yeah, she’s fine, just a bit shaken. She tried to break up a fight earlier, took a couple of hits. Assholes! She’s got a bit of a headache from a punch one of them landed, but she’s not bad. We’ll just be a bit late.”
“Well, I’m already here. And Dahlia.”
“Oh, good. Is she setting up?”
Jaida turned to watch as Dahlia lit a cigarette, and Rock continued her slow walk with the jar, sprinkling and murmuring under her breath.
“Uhm, yeah.” Jaida nodded.
“Good. We’ll be there in five.”
As Jaida disconnected the call, she looked up, seeing something out of the corner of her eye, in the room on the top right of the front of the building.
It looked like …
No way.
When she looked up, she saw shoulder-length blonde hair, an anguished face, peering out at her from the window, a young woman silently reaching down towards her.
A young woman who matched the photograph and descriptor they’d had for Gigi Goode.
Jaida ducked under the hazard tape and ran for the window on the ground floor with the loose board, while Dahlia watched her confusedly.
“Aren’t we meant to wait for your colleagues?”
Rock, finishing her circle at the front, placed her jar at the floor and ran up the path, grabbing Jaida by the ankle as she was climbing inside. Her hand was shockingly cold.
“Where are you going? You’ve seen someone? Who did you see?”
“Let me go!” Jaida shook her leg, but Rock frowned at her.
“You definitely shouldn’t go alone. Let me come in with you.”
“Alright, let go of me, and come inside.”
“Can you unlock the door?”
Jaida shook her head. “Brita has the key.”
“I can’t climb through there! I can barely climb stairs!” Rock folded her arms.
Dahlia tossed her cigarette on the ground and stubbed it out with her boot. “Move over, Rock.” And she swung herself up and inside, tumbling on top of Jaida as she did so.
“What did you see?” Dahlia demanded. “Because you’re not going anywhere on your own in here, no way. I told you, this place is fucking crazy.”
“I need to get upstairs.”
The main entrance inside entered into a large main room, with the kitchen behind it and the hallway and staircase on the left. Past that was a closed room, that was firmly locked, which according to the sign above it was a smoking room and small bar in its day. Upstairs were four guest rooms, and one larger room at the right hand side, which was a living and sleeping area for the guest house owners.
Jaida took the stairs two at a time, Dahlia bounding gracefully along with her, and turned right at the top of them. There was a short corridor with two rooms on either side, and at the end one larger room with two double doors, which was the owners’ living area.
Without pausing to think, Jaida sprinted down the right hand corridor to the double doors, but they were shut tight.
“Gigi? Gigi!”
Frantically, Jaida rattled at the doorknobs, but the doors would not budge.
“Come on, Dahl, give me a hand, maybe they’re stuck.”
Dahlia joined Jaida in shoving at the doors with her shoulder, as hard as they could, but they wouldn’t even shift a little.
“Jai,” Dahlia whispered suddenly, her voice shaking, and Jaida turned to see Dahlia’s startled green eyes, fixed in the opposite direction, pointing a finger behind them.
Two shadowy figures had emerged from one of the guest rooms behind them.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
This Is Your Song
Fandom: Marvel (Rock Star AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your best friend is the lead guitarist of the up and coming rock band, The Howling Commandos. You’ve been with him and the band since the very beginning and throughout that time, you’ve realized you’ve fallen in love with your best friend. And you’re not sure what to do anymore seeing that you’re the band’s assistant and you’re tired of seeing Bucky with other women.
A/N: Was inspired after listening to Sami by Darren Criss and I changed some of the lyrics a bit. Also, this is long af (nearly 6K words!!), so I’m sorry.
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You watch from the side of the stage as the Howling Commandos finish off their final song, the crowd going wild for them. There’s screams, hollers, cheers, all of it for your best friend and his band. You’ll never get tired of hearing the enjoyment the band gives to people, nor will you ever get tired of the proud look on Bucky’s face whenever they finish a show. 
“Thank you so much, everyone! We’ll see you next time!” Steve, the lead singer, shouts and the roar of the crowd grows as each member trickles off the stage. 
Dum Dum is off first, and he ruffles your hair as he passes by. Jim and Gabe both give you polite smiles. Jacques takes your hand and kisses it, he was the biggest flirt out of all of them. James gives you a little hip bump which makes you giggle. Steve pulls you in for a hug. And Bucky?
“WOO! THAT WAS QUITE THE SHOW TONIGHT, EH, Y/N?!” he lifts you up and twirls you around making you squeal and giggle. 
When he sets you down, you ruffle his already messy hair, “Yeah! They really dig you guys!”
“Alright, guys, let’s pack up and head to the hotel! We fly out tomorrow morning and you all need your beauty sleep...except maybe Dum Dum. He’ll always be ugly.” you all chuckle as the band’s manager, Howard Stark, pokes fun.
“Fuck you, Stark,” Dum Dum replies with a smirk, shoving his manager. 
Everyone exited the building, heading towards the waiting van. There were already fans waiting for them outside. Screams and yells for each member’s name from different people. They all took a few pictures with fans, gave some hugs, and signed some things. You sat in the back of the band watching them with a proud smile on your face. They’ve come a long way from that small garage band. 
Your eyes moved from each member and then landed on Bucky. Your smile wavered when you saw him accept a number from a very attractive woman around your age. 
“Hey,” you look to your side to see Steve sitting beside you. He never really liked the crowds or the attention. He still saw himself as the small, shy kid from Brooklyn. Not some rockstar, “You okay?”
You put on a smile, one that you’re sure he knows is fake, “Of course! You guys did amazing last night.”
Steve looks at you with pity and you hate it. He’s well aware of your feelings for Bucky, “Y/N, you-”
You shake your head, cutting him off, “Just drop it, Steve. Please.”
Bucky is the last one to enter the van and he has a big grin on his face, probably because of how many numbers he received from some attractive looking fans. He looks back at you and immediately sees the worried look on your face, “What’s wrong?”
“Just tired is all.”
He scoffs, “Come on. You can’t be tired! We have our ritual!” Ritual meaning going to Bucky’s room watching crap reality tv while binging on snacks. 
You shrug, “Sorry, Buck. But you need your rest anyway, like Howard said, we’ve got an early flight.”
He slumps in his chair groaning, “Fiiiiine. Guess I’ll be watching The Real Housewives of Orange County all by myself.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, “It’s only for one night, Buck. You can live without me for a night.”
He smirks at you, “You’re my best friend. There’s no way I can live without ya.” the way that he looks at you right there makes your heart beat faster. It’s just one of those things that makes you think, Maybe he feels the same way. But then you see how he flirts with fans and groupies and other women. Then that hope is gone. 
Twenty minutes later, the lot of you are trekking down the hall towards your individual rooms. Yours is across from Bucky’s and right next to Steve’s. You pull out your card key and open the door, but before you step inside, Bucky stops you.
“Y/N?” you turn around to see him standing there, hands in his pockets. He then leans in and kisses your cheek, “Good night.”
You muster out a “Good-night” back and watch Bucky enter his own room, the door closing behind him. You look to Steve, who witnessed the whole thing, and he looks how you feel, completely in shock. You close your door and push Steve into his own, closing the door behind you. 
“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!” you cry out, “That just happened.”
Steve snickers as he kicks off his shoes and catapults himself onto his bed, “Yeah. That happened. I told you he likes you. The whole flirty bad boy act is just that: an act. You’ve known him for ten years, Y/N, there’s no way that any other woman can hold a candle to you.”
You want to believe Steve. You really do, but you think back to all the other women Bucky’s been around. They’re so beautiful. And you? You’re just some girl from Brooklyn who’s been following her best friend and his band around the country. And you’ll only ever be that: Bucky’s best friend. 
The excitement from the kiss has faded back into sadness, “He doesn’t mean it, Steve.” you mumble as you sit on the edge of his bed.
“Oh come on!”
“Steve, why would Bucky have me when he’s got all these beautiful women throwing themselves at him?”
“Well, for one, you know him like no one else. These women just like him for his looks and talents. They probably want bragging rights to say that they slept with a rock star.”
You look up at him, seeing him hugging a pillow, trying not to fall asleep, “How does Peggy do it?” you ask softly.
Steve’s eyes immediately widen at the sound of his girlfriend’s name. A small smile appears on his lips and his eyes soften, “I don’t know to be honest. Peg’s something else. She knows her worth and sometimes I feel like I’m not worthy of her. I’m gone a lot, on the road traveling. I’ve tried to break up with her a few times, saying that she deserves better. But she doesn’t want anyone but me. She loved me before the band even started and she loves me now. And-I don’t know, Y/N. Guess I’m just lucky to have someone as understanding and trusting as her.” 
You stare down at your lap, “I love Bucky, Steve. I really do, but I don’t know if I can handle being rejected by him.”
Steve sits up and moves over to you, his legs now hanging over the edge of the bed, and he places a hand on top of yours, “You won’t be rejected. That guy love you, Y/N. I know he does. Sure, he hasn’t told me that, but I see it. So enough of this mutual pining shit! You walk out of this room and up to Bucky’s. You barge in there and you tell ‘im that you love him!”
You nod, “Okay! I’ll do it!”
“Yeah!” Steve wraps his arms around you and gives you a big hug, “You’re not gonna need it, but good luck.”
You snort, “Thanks, and don’t forget to call Peggy before you go to sleep!”
“Right! Ha, I forgot. Thanks, Y/N!”
“It’s what I’m here for!” you give him a wave and then you walk out the door. 
“Okay,” you mumble to yourself, “You got this, Y/N. You got this.” you walk the short distance to Bucky’s door and you knock on his door. There’s no answer. Maybe he’s in the bathroom. You look at the time and see that there’s no way Bucky could be asleep right now. He usually doesn’t go to sleep until late. So you pull out the key to his room, one that you kept only for emergencies and you walk in. 
“Hey, Buck, I gotta tell you someth-” you stop when you see a woman roll off of Bucky. She’s naked, save for the panties she still has on. Bucky is down to his boxers.
“Y/N! I-I-”
You shake your head, “Sorry. Sorry, I-you didn’t answer and I didn’t think you-Sorry. I’ll go.” you’re heading for the door and Bucky’s crying out for you.
“Wait, Y/N! Don’t-fuck!” you hear a thud, but you don’t dare turn around. If you did, you’d see Bucky on the floor, scrambling to pull on his jeans. The necklace with his ring, the friendship ring you gave him, swinging around his neck, “Y/N! Wait!” the door shuts in his face and Bucky’s body fills with dread. 
“She your girlfriend or something?” the blonde woman asks, sitting at the edge of his bed, looking unnerved. 
Bucky runs his hands through his hair, “Get out.”
“What?” the blonde looks at him in disbelief.
“I said get out! Get dressed and get the fuck out!”
The blonde is pissed as she quickly throws on her clothes, “Can’t believe this!” and she pushes past Bucky and out the door she goes. 
Bucky grabs his shirt and pulls it on. Not bothering with his shoes, he steps into the hallway. He takes two steps and he’s in front of your room. He hesitantly knocks. 
“Y/N? Can-Can we talk for a minute?” he runs a hand down his face, “I just-I’m sorry you had to see that.” he lets out a shaky breath, “Can you please opent he door, Y/N? I need-please?” he presses an ear to your door and he hears nothing. No shuffling or footsteps coming towards him. You’re either ignoring him or just not in your room. He really hopes it’s the latter. 
As soon as Bucky stepped into his room, he felt a grey cloud loom over him. He didn’t like that he had to come to his room alone. After every show, you were always with him and you always did your post-show ritual. But now that was broken and he doesn’t really blame you. You’re tired and he doesn’t wanna force you to do something when you’re not in the mood to do it. So he let you have your rest. 
He decided to go to the hotel’s bar instead. Maybe get a few drinks in to numb the loneliness that’s usually filled in by you. 
He isn’t even finished with his first whiskey and he’s already approached by a beautiful leggy blonde. 
“Hey, you’re in that band right?”
He glances her way and eyes her form. She’s gorgeous and maybe this is his chance to finally get over you, “Yes, I am. I’m Bucky,” he sticks out his hand with a smirk.
“Elaine,” she says in a low, seductive tone, “How ‘bout we get outta here, Bucky? Bet we can have a lot more fun somewhere private.”
Bucky licks his lips and nods, slapping down a few bills, not worrying about the change and pulling Elaine by the hand, towards the elevator. 
Her lips are on his as soon as the doors close. She tastes a bit like vodka but he doesn’t care. He needs to drown out your smile, your laugh, your eyes. The doors open to his floor and he practically drags Elaine to his door, glancing at yours, before heading inside his room. 
Clothes are discarded. Bucky’s on his back, down to his boxers and Elaine’s straddling him, completely topless. The kisses are wet and messy and-
“Hey, Buck, I gotta tell you someth-” at the sound of your voice, Elaine rolls off him and he sees you standing there wide eyed. He looks at Elaine and then you.
“Y/N! I-I-” he’s stumbling over his words, trying to find the right ones to say, to explain to you that-
“Sorry. Sorry, I-you didn’t answer and I didn’t think you-Sorry. I’ll go.” you’re heading for the door and Bucky’s heart is pounding. 
He calls out for you, “Wait, Y/N! Don’t-fuck!” he scrambles off the bed, falling onto the floor with a thud. “Y/N! Wait!” he tries to run after you but the door shuts in his face. 
This was a mistake. Why did he think he could do this?! He loves you!
He kicks Elaine out with no remorse. She should’ve never been there in the first place. Once she’s gone and he’s redressed, he goes to your door, pleading for you to open up. When he gets no response, he really hopes that it’s because you’re not in your room.
You’re crying in Steve’s arms. You should’ve never listened to him. Why did you listen to him? You knew the truth. Bucky Barnes will never have feelings for you like you have for him. 
And now what do you do? You’re the band’s assistant and you don’t know if you can face Bucky. What are you going to do?
The next morning you and everyone else are packed into the fan, heading to the airport. You’re sitting next to Steve again, ignoring the Bucky’s pleading gaze on you. You put on your earbuds and close your eyes, drowning out face and the pain. 
You don’t sit next to him like you’re supposed to. You and Bucky always sit next to each other on plane rides, but this time, you don’t. You seemed to have switched tickets with Dum Dum, sitting next to Steve and Dum Dum next to Bucky. Guess no rom-com movies with you. 
The days seem so dull and slow now that you seem to be avoiding Bucky. He hates it. The ignored texts and calls. Being waved off to go help the stage crew. He just wants you to look at him, to listen to him. 
He happens to catch you all alone in the green room. You’re setting up the band’s snacks while everyone else is doing sound check. Bucky said he needed to use the bathroom, but really, he was just looking for you. 
“Y/N?” he sees your body tense and he hates that he’s the reason.
“I’m busy, Bucky,” you mumble, going back to setting up the snacks.
“Y/N, please, stop ignoring me.”
“I’m not ignoring you, Bucky. I’ve just been busy doing my job.”
“You don’t answer my texts or calls, you keep pushing me away whenever I try to talk to you, and you’re suddenly spending so much time with Steve? How is that not ignoring me. I’m your best friend-”
“Yeah, Bucky. You’re my best friend, not my boyfriend! I don’t have to text or call you or hang out with you every second of the day!”
Bucky tries not to let your words hurt him. You’re upset with him, that’s it, “Listen, Y/N, I just want to explain that ni-”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, Bucky. I’m not your girlfriend. I’m not your anything. You can sleep with anyone you want. I don’t care.” You push him out of the way and head for the door. 
“No, Y/N, please! You’re not listening to me!” 
You look over your shoulder, eyes teary and lip quivering, “Just leave me alone, Bucky.” and the door slams behind you. 
You march up to the sound booth where Howard is watching the sound rehearsal. He looks at you with a worried gaze, “You okay, kid?”
“After tonight, I’m quitting.”
“You sure?” 
You nod, “Yeah. I just-I need a break from all this. I wanna go back home work on my songwriting.”
“Alright,” you know he wants to say more, but he doesn’t. His arm just wraps around you and he pulls you in for a hug, “I’m gonna miss you, kid.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
The show was a blur for Bucky. His heart wasn’t in it like it usually was and everyone could tell. The band kept asking him what was up and he just answered with the same thing, “Nothing.” He goes straight to his hotel room after that, just needing some sleep and hopefully, when he wakes up, it would be just a terrible nightmare.
It wasn’t. In fact, it was so much worse.
“Quit? She just-she just quit?”
Howard nods, “Yeah. Flew back home last night. Said she needed a break.” 
This was it. After everything that you and Bucky had gone through, you were done. And it was all his fault. 
3 months later and 2 months until end of tour.
Being in back in Brooklyn is so weird. You became so used to hotels and big arenas and now you’re back to your old apartment. Your roommates Wanda and Pietro still around, giving you comfort and support. 
While working at a cafe, you continued to work on your songwriting, something that was a hobby you obtained whilst being friends with Bucky. You actually helped him write a few songs for the band and it always brought you joy to hear them play it, hearing the crowd sing along to the lyrics. But now the thought just made you sad. 
You’re in your room, sitting in front of your small recording set up, guitar in hand as you strum the chords you’ve been practicing, as well as the lyrics: 
I've seen your face, I've heard your name I've lost my place and you’re to blame And I can't stand it when I'm staring in your eyes And you’re not looking back, it's not a big surprise
I've heard music, I've heard noise I wish that you could hear your voice The way that I do when I go to sleep at night And dream my life away but you’re gone when I awake
You stop strumming to write down more lyrics into your notebook. It’s not much, but it’s definitely a big deal since this is your first song you’ve written without Bucky or anyone’s help. 
Speaking of Bucky, according to Steve, he’s not doing well. You see from footage of fans and media outlets that he’s not as lively as he used to be. Sure, he’s smiling on stage and meeting fans, but people have come to realize that he’s not genuine. Are you worried about him? Of course, but you need your time away from Bucky. You can’t handle your feelings for him while he’s around so being away from him has definitely helped...despite you writing a song about him. 
Bucky just loves to torture himself, it seems. He’s in his hotel room and the tv is on in front of him, but he’s not paying attention. Instead, he’s watching a video of you and him on his phone. 
You and he are sitting on the couch in the green room before a show. The band is chatting away in the background while you and Bucky are tossing grapes into each other’s mouth. It was a competition to see how many you could catch in a row. You were winning. 
Bucky watches as you throw a grap at him, the small fruit hitting his nose instead of his mouth, which resulted in you bursting into laughter. A sad smile appears on his face. He notices how he’s looking at you on screen. Eyes filled with so much amusement and love. He should’ve just told you how he felt instead of trying to push his feelings aside. Maybe if he did tell you, you wouldn’t have left. 
“Hey,” he looks up to see Steve standing at the edge of his bed.
“Stark let me in. I did knock.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Steve hears your laughter coming from Bucky’s phone and he shakes his head, “Stop it. You’re hurting yourself even more.”
"I miss her, Steve. She’s still not reading any of my texts or answering my calls. I love her and I fucked up.”
“Well, soon enough, the tour will be over and we’ll go back home. Then you can beg and plead and all that, but right now we have a job to do. So get off your ass and let’s go.”
1 month until end of tour
You finally did it. You came up with the chords and the lyrics and you’re done. The song is done and you’re so proud! 
You sit in front of your camera, guitar in hand and you smile, “Hey, Steve. I did it! It’s done! I spent all last night finishing it up and here it is! I hope you like it!” you clear your voice and then begin to strum your guitar:
I've seen your face, I've heard your name I've lost my place and you’re to blame And I can't stand it when I'm staring in your eyes And you’re not looking back, it's not a big surprise
I've heard music, I've heard noise I wish that you could hear your voice The way that I do when I go to sleep at night And dream my life away but you’re gone when I awake
Bucky, Bucky... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
The way your hair falls in your eyes Makes me wonder if you'll Ever see through my disguise And I'm under your spell
Everything is falling And I don't know where to land Everyone knows who you are But you don't know who I am
Bucky, Bucky... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
I see you singing on that stage You look just like an angel And all I do is pray
That maybe, someday you'll hear my song And understand that all along There's something more that I'm trying to say When I say
Bucky, Bucky... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
What you're doing to me!
Bucky, Bucky... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
What you're doing to me..
“So yeah. That’s-That’s the song,” you chuckle, “Clearly, if I take this to the studio, I’m gonna change Bucky to, I don’t know, Baby. That makes sense, right? Anyway, tell me your thoughts and if I should change anything. Hope to hear from you soon!” you wave at the camera and then end the recording. 
You then hook up your camera to your laptop and attach your video to an email, sending it to Steve with anxiety coursing through you. 
Steve his on his laptop in Bucky’s room. His earbuds in and Bucky assume’s he’s watching youtube videos or something. Meanwhile, Bucky is trying to read an email on his phone but the format is all weird. He turns around and waves at Steve, who pulls out an earbud, “Yeah?”
“Can I borrow your laptop? Becca sent me an email and I can’t read it ‘cause the format is weird.”
“Uuuhh, yeah.” Steve clicks something and then pulls his headphones out, “Here ya go. I’ll be back. I’m gonna grab my charger from my room.”
“Yeah. Kay. Thanks, man.”
Bucky sits up and settles the laptop on his lap and moves the mouse to add a new tab, but he stops when he sees your name. He knows he shouldn’t read Steve’s email, but it was your name! Curiosity got the best of him and he began to read Steve’s email.
It sounds amazing, Y/N! I’m really proud of you and I’m very honored to be one of the first people to hear your song. Keep up the good work and I expect you to remember me when you’re famous. 
Miss you a bunch, 
“Song?” Bucky mumbled to himself. He looked up the thread and saw that you sent him a video. He clicks on it and he’s greeted to your face, your voice, your smile. God, did he miss you. 
He watched as you began to strum your guitar. Your mouth opened and there came that beautiful voice he loved:
I've seen your face, I've heard your name I've lost my place and you’re to blame And I can't stand it when I'm staring in your eyes And you’re not looking back, it's not a big surprise
I've heard music, I've heard noise I wish that you could hear your voice The way that I do when I go to sleep at night And dream my life away but you’re gone when I awake
It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. You wrote this all by yourself? Bucky couldn’t help but swell with pride as he hears you sing-
Bucky, Bucky... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
What? “She wrote a song about me?” he mumbles out loud. He looks up and sees Steve standing there, laptop charger in hand, “Why did she write a song about me?”
“The same reason why you’re so depressed that she left. She loves you.”
“She loves me,” he whispers to himself, “Did she send you an audio clip too?” Steve nods, “Can you send it to me?”
You knew that The Howling Commandos had their last show in Los Angeles. That meant everyone was coming back home, which meant Bucky was coming back home. You don’t know what you would do if you saw Bucky again. Would you apologize for walking out on him? Would you explain your jealous rage and heartbreak? Would you tell him that you love him? You didn’t really know, but you supposed you’d cross that bridge when you get there. In the meantime, you’ll continue working at the cafe during the day and then working on your songs during the night. 
Tonight was open mic night. Anyone can sign up and perform for the cafe. It was usually busy on these nights, so you didn’t have much time to enjoy the performances since you were hustling to make drinks. 
Your coworker Denise was the emcee tonight. So before and after every performance, she was there to announce the next act. Like now.
“Alright! Thank you, Kelly for the amazing cover of All Star. Now, our next performer is going to be singing an original, but not one he wrote. A special someone of his did. Anyway, let’s give it up for James!” the people sat around the small makeshift stage clapped and then gasped. You didn’t really care nor did you have the time to pause for a moment. You needed to get these drinks out.
“Iced matcha for Matt!” 
You hear the faint strumming of a guitar over the espresso machine. When you hear some all too familiar lyrics, you freeze. 
I've seen your face, I've heard your name I've lost my place and you’re to blame And I can't stand it when I'm staring in your eyes And you’re not looking back, it's not a big surprise
You excuse yourself from behind the counter. Your other coworkers not paying you any attention as you weave through the crowd, heading for the front of the stage.
I've heard music, I've heard noise I wish that you could hear your voice The way that I do when I go to sleep at night And dream my life away but you’re gone when I awake
You make eye contact with all too familiar eyes and the low melodious singing voice. There, sitting on the stool onstage is Bucky. He looks like he hasn’t slept and his clothes are disheveled. Did he just arrive from the airport?
Baby, Baby... Why can't you see What you're doing to me?
You continue to be captivated as Bucky sings the rest of your song, replacing his name with Baby, like you had mentioned in your video to Steve. Wait, did Steve show him your video? 
After a few more minutes, Bucky finishes the song and the entire cafe erupts in applause and whistles. He nervously chuckles and thanks everyone for their time. Hopping off stage and towards you. 
Your heart is pounding out of your chest and you feel like you’re on the brink of fight or flight mode. Mostly flight. You want to run away but your feet are planted to the ground. 
“Hi,” Bucky says, standing right in front of you.
“Hi,” you mumble back. You feel everyone’s eyes on you and your anxiety is creeping.
“Um, is there somewhere private we can talk?”
You nod and have him follow you to the storage room. Again, your coworkers paying no attention because they’re too busy pushing out orders. 
The door is closed and you’re both just standing there awkwardly. Bucky clears his throat and sets his guitar to the side, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans, “I, um, I miss you, and I understand, truly now, why you ignored me and eventually left. I mean, I think I understand? That song, that beautiful song, says a lot, but I still don’t know. I can only hope what you truly mean by it? I don’t know, I’m rambling. I didn’t really think all of this through.”
You shook your head and gave a deep breath, “I thought, from the way that you behaved around me and wanting to spend time with me, that maybe you had feelings for me. But then you’re flirting and talking to other women, so I thought maybe not, and then I did. You gave me a lot of mixed signals. I was gonna tell you that night that I loved you. Then I saw you with-with her and I was just heartbroken. I couldn’t face you after that, or the fact that you didn’t have feelings for me the way I do for you.”
“But I do have feelings for you, Y/N. I have for years and-and that night should’ve never happened. You said you were tired so we didn’t do our post-show ritual and I got stuck in this loneliness. I met..her at the hotel bar and brought her back because I needed to get over you. I loved you, but I couldn’t have you ‘cause we’re best friends. One thing led to another and yeah, I almost slept with her. Then you came in and everything went downhill from there. And I was a mess. 
“I don’t know if you remember, but that same night, I told you that I can’t live without you. And it’s true. I can’t live without you, Y/N. You’re my best friend, yeah, but you’re so much more than that.” he steps closer to you and cautiously take a hold of your hand, “I’m sorry for hurting you, Y/N, and I’m sorry for being confusing about my feelings for you. The truth is that I’m in love you. Period. No one else has made me feel the things that I feel for you.”
You sniffle, trying to hold the tears in your eyes from falling, but to no avail, they’re streaking down your cheeks. Bucky uses his thumb to wipe them away, hating that he’s causing you to cry.
“i really missed you, Bucky. I’m sorry I hurt you too.” you throw yourself into his arms and he tightens his hold on you. 
“Sssshhh. I forgive you, Y/N. I’m so, so, sorry. Ssshhh. It’ll be okay. We’re gonna be okay.”
1 Year Later
Bucky is standing front and center on stage, his guitar in hand while the rest of the band walk off stage, “Alright. Hello, everyone!” he smiles when people cheer back, “So, we’re gonna take things a little slow now. Some of you may know this song, and if you do, sing along.” he begins to play a few chords, but stops, “Actually, wait. I think I need a little help with this one. So can I have Y/N to the stage please?”
The crowd cheers as you enter from stage right, hurriedly walking towards Bucky, with an extra stool in your hands. You sit down next to him and he smiles.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
You giggle, “Hey, Buck.”
“So you okay singing this song with me?”
“I mean yeah, I was the one who wrote it for you.” People scream out, knowing what song was coming up next.
“Right. Of course. Anyway, you ready?”
He looks out to the crowd, “Are you guys ready?”
Bucky starts to strum the chords, his eyes not focused on the guitar or the crowd, but you, as you’re sitting there beside him, hand holding up the mic, and engagement ring shining in the spotlight. 
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter fourteen: muse
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: slight n/sfw at the end
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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The feeling of your stomach eating at the back of your spine woke you from a warm and deep slumber. Your eyes fluttered under your lids and slowly opened to see gloomy sunlight filling the room. As hungry as you were, you were still utterly exhausted from the day and night before. You sighed and nuzzled the warm body you were wrapped around, eyes wondering to the man next to you.
A smile crossed your face as your hand on Hitoshi's back ghosted from his shoulder and to his soft, relaxed purple locks. He laid there fast asleep on his stomach, arms wrapped under his pillow. You were on your side, leg hiked up and wrapped around him. Your fingers slowly twirled and played with his hair and you hummed. Your sleepy heart was so full at the moment looking at Hitoshi. You couldn't comprehend how lucky you were to have such a beautiful soul in your life and to have them be all yours.
Your lips started to brush against the skin of his strong bicep as your fingers softly caressed Hitoshi's cheek. His face twitched in response making you giggle into his arm. He groaned a little bit as his eyes started to flutter open, slowly adjusting to the light until they looked right at you. You marveled over how stunning his purple hues were, not sure if you'd ever get used to the color and depth they held. When he looked at you, it always made your body tingle with excitement because there'd always be the slightest hint of cockiness behind his brows.
An extremely lazy and attractive smirk crossed his face, your finger-tip now running down to touch it. His lips were warm and soft and he kissed the pad of your digit. 
"Good morning sweetness," he finally spoke in a raspy and tired voice.
You smiled and kissed his arm again, until he raised it and turned on his side pulling you close and into his chest as he wrapped around you. His hair and nose tickled the sensitive skin of your neck as he nuzzled and kissed. Your hands rested on his chest, nails slightly gripping his skin as he continued to tickle and make you sleepily laugh.
Finally pulling back Hitoshi looked down as your head rested in his arm. Your (h/c) locks splayed out in a mess across his skin and pillows. You were both still nude and he loved how warm and soft you were against him. His hand under your head twirled your hair in his fingers as he leaned down and kissed you. Your own hand wrapped around the back of his head and played with his hair as the other touched his jaw. The first morning kiss was sweet and soft and so warm. Everything about Hitoshi was warm. 
Smiling against his lips, your teeth captured his bottom one and nibbled. He groaned, letting his free hand rest on your throat, his thumb tracing your jawline as he bit you back before kissing you again. The two of you went on like that, kissing and biting softly as you made out. Your hands strictly stayed on each other's face, gripping and caressing. Hitoshi's mind was buzzing as you'd sigh and coo, he adored the sweet little noises you made because of him. 
He finally left your lips and started to kiss your cheek and temple. You were literally melting under him, humming and grinning. He kissed your forehead and looked at you, all sleepy eyed yet your senses were wide awake.
"You'll stay right? You know, after Eri leaves."
You quirked a brow and held Hitoshi's cheek, he seemed to melt and relax into it, placing his own hand over your own. "Hitoshi, I'll stay as long as I'm needed."
"So that's forever?" He asked with wide and hopeful eyes.
You awed at him and brushed your thumb over his purple brow. Forever was a long time, but if you got to wake up to this gorgeous man, that could drive you insane and make you want to pull your hair out but at the same time make you melt, then what was so bad about it?
"You really think you'll need me for forever?"
Hitoshi scoffed and leaned closer to kiss you, his lips enveloping and dominating yours. You hummed and let your lashes flutter shut, his arm under you wrapped you closer to him tightly. Once again he felt like you'd dissipate and slip through his fingers if he let go. Of course he needed you forever, he needed your scent all around him, your sounds, your breathing on his mouth and skin, your smile and laugh, everything. When he finally broke the intense kiss you were panting beneath him, lips swollen and cheeks pink.
"I know I'll need you forever, every day and every night. I'll protect you, keep your cute little hands warm from the cold, and most of all I'll love you with every single atom, cell, fiber, and everything thing else that makes up my body! Just promise, you'll stay."
"Okay Hitoshi, I promise to stay with you, but there will be terms."
Shinsou laughed and laid on his side, sitting up on his elbow and laying his head in his hand as his free one caressed your stomach, "And what are they halfling?"
You smiled and turned over onto your stomach, making his hand glide with your skin until it rested on your back and you sat up on your elbows looking at him.
"One - you feed me all the food I could ever wish for!"
"Of course!"
"Two - even after Eri leaves, she stays with us at least 2 weekends out of the month!"
"That's fine with me."
"And lastly, we split the bills!"
"Whatever you – wait what? No, absolutely not!" Shinsou looked at you with a serious face.
"I'm not living here like some kind of bum Hitoshi! You already have spent so much money on me and it's not fair to put all the financial strain on you. I'll get another job after Eri leaves and I'll –"
"Hey -" Hitoshi raised his voice making you shut up and stare. "You promised not to bring up money again, remember that? I've already told you, I've got it! You won't pay a fucking thing to me, you don't even have to get a job."
You cut your eyes at Hitoshi, making him return the glare. You'd be damned if you stayed at home all day not doing a thing while he was out being a hero. It wasn't in your nature to really be lazy, you needed to have a job. You were a hard worker and you had aspirations to achieve.
"Hitoshi that's not how a relationship works, we're a team and we work together! You want me happy right?"
"Don't you fucking pull that on me (Y/N), it's not fair!"
"You know we seem to keep going back and forth on what's fair and what's not. Toshi, I won't feel right living here if I'm just some sort of freeloader. At least meet me halfway with something!"
You pouted your lips and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes, the same as last night when you interrupted the meal he was making of you. He groaned and rolled his eyes.
"You're such a pain in the ass sometimes!" He sighed, you stuck your tongue out at him and he returned the gesture, "You can help pay one bill - one! That's it!"
You smiled and leaned forward kissing his cheek, "I guess that'll work for now. Pinky promise or it doesn't count though, I don't want you backing out on this!"
"Fine, pinky promise to your terms and to you staying forever!"
You nodded and held up your pinky to him, he removed his hand from your back and wrapped his own pinky around yours. You both kissed your hands to seal the deal and smiled. Hitoshi chuckled and pulled you closer into him and kissed your lips. Pulling away, he ran his fingers through your hair and smiled.
"So, now that's out of the way," you blurted and moved from Hitoshi's side and got on your hands and knee's as you crawled towards the end of the bed and reached out for the notebook still in its same spot from the day before. Hitoshi's eyes widened and he hurried to halt you.
"Stop right there halfling!" He laughed out as he tackled you to the bed.
You squealed as he laid his chest on top of your back, making it impossible for you to move further, his forearm rested on your head as he reached for the notebook himself and snatched it from your reach. You whined and squirmed underneath him, your hands flailing and pushing his face while also trying to reach for the forbidden object.
"Hey, you said 'tomorrow' a day ago! Let me see it!"
Chuckling, Hitoshi flattened his palm on the back of your head and pushed it down onto the mattress as he looked over the notebook then to you, you laughed and kicked your legs but he placed his own leg over them. "Why do you want to see it so bad? It's nothing, just some shitty doodles."
"So? Show me ... I'll show you!" you singsonged and cackled.
Hitoshi quirked a brow at you, "What?"
"Nothing, nothing, you wouldn't get it. Back to the point. I'll make you a deal, let me see and I'll go down on you."
Hitoshi choked on air and dropped the notebook as he looked at you with a humored expression, "I'm sorry what?"
"You heard me handsome, let me see the goods and I'll wrap my pretty little mouth around your c –"
"Okay - shit!" Hitoshi breathed out and eased up off of you.
You giggled and sat up as Hitoshi shook his head with a smirk and scooted himself back to sit up against the headboard. He looked at the notebook in his hand and motioned you over with his free hand. You clapped and crawled over to him, between his legs with your back to his chest. You pulled the blankets up and wrapped them under your arms to cover your chest and waited patiently. Shinsou chuckled and kissed the top of your head before dropping the notebook down on your lap, his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder as you grabbed it eagerly and opened to the first page.
Sure enough there were doodles, random ones. Some of cats, food, faces. As you turned the pages they progressively got better and grew to a different difficulty. You started to get to a few sketches now, legit sketches. Your eyes widened at the amazing art work of Eri, how he captured the sparkle in her little eyes and even used some red pencil colors to fill in their hue.
"Wow, you can do everything huh? Hero, photographer, art –" Your words suddenly stopped as you flipped to another page with a different subject matter.
Your heart started to flutter and your lips parted as you look at the sketches closer. Your fingers trailed over the lines of charcoal that made up your face, eyes and hair. On one page were small sketches of just your eyes, giving different glances, there was one where your pupils were in the shape of hearts and it made you chuckle. The next page had multiple random sketches of you in your old work outfit, Hitoshi took it upon himself to add a tail to it. You continued to flip through nothing but sketches and portraits of your face, hands, lips - you; all dated over the past few months. You couldn't help but smile and feel flattered, this whole time Hitoshi drew nothing but you in his spare time.
"Sorry if you're freaked out," Hitoshi finally spoke after you were silent for an unnervingly long time to him.
"What? Not at all, Hitoshi – these are really incredible and beautiful! I'm so jealous, you're so fucking good at everything!"
Hitoshi chuckled and closed the notebook, taking it from your hands to place it on the bedside table. He turned you to face him and sit in his lap, your thighs straddling his hips. You smiled at him and kissed his lips, when you pulled away he held your hip and brushed your hair out of your eyes.
"Having an incredibly beautiful muse helps."
"Aww, stop it. You're just saying that so I'll blow you!"
Shinsou laughed and shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. "Well I won't deny that, but I'm serious. You're my favorite subject, it's like you're a work of art yourself. My future students will probably get tired of seeing so much of you!"
"Pardon?" You blurted out with a curled lip.
"My students, when I start teaching," Hitoshi smiled and wrapped his arms around your back and pulled you closer, his lips brushing the skin of your collarbone.
You started to fall under his spell as he kissed softly along the bone before his teeth nipped, making you gasp. Hitoshi hummed and kissed up your neck, making you tilt your head to the side so he could have better access. His tongue licked up the side, wet and warm against your cool skin. Your fingers dug into his chest and you rolled your hips forward. 
"What was he saying," you wondered as he continued to kiss, nip and lick at your throat. "My students," his words then echoed in your head, making your eyes widen and causing you to quickly push him back against the headboard. Your forearm holding him back as his eyes shot open and he held up his hands.
"Fuck – uh, okay. Do I need a safe-word?"
You squinted at him and rolled your eyes as he had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Once again Hitoshi, you play too fucking much! Now, stop trying to seduce me, what are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about sweetness, I told you I'm going to be teaching at UA in a few weeks."
"What exactly are you teaching that involves me?"
Hitoshi let an 'ah' escape from his mouth, as if he simply forgot to let you in on such vital information. "I didn't tell you? I guess it slipped my mind."
"Oh I guess it did, now tell me!" You growled and pressed your arm harder against him.
Hitoshi's eyes grew darker as he smirked and bucked his hips under you and gripped your hips, pulling you against him roughly. You gasped when you felt that he was growing hard underneath you.
"I don't think you're in the place to be making demands right now baby-doll, you still owe me something!"
You rolled your eyes and quickly crawled out of Hitoshi's lap and between his legs as you laid on your stomach. He quirked a purple brow, your mouth only inches from his dick, hardening more and more by the second as your warm breath fanned across his sensitive skin. You smiled and sat your chin in your palm and your fingers trekked down the thin trail of purple hair that started at his navel, making him shiver under your touch. 
You giggled and he smiled, his fingers brushed your bangs from out of your eyes.
"I pay this debt then we talk over breakfast?"
"You pay your debt, sit on my face for a while after and then we talk over breakfast!"
The hero grinned and threaded his fingers through your hair as you slowly started to lick up him like a piece of candy, pure hunger in your (e/c) eyes that looked up at him.
You smiled from ear to ear and bit your lip as your fingers wrapped around the treat before you. "You got a deal Toshi!"
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mxsmwndr · 5 years
prince!newt x peasant!reader
This is a bit longer than I expected, and I'm trying to work on catching up. Sorry it's late. Also, happy Newt day!! Please make requests! I have a prompt list posted below. Message me to be added to a tag list.
- (Y/n) is Your Name, (Y/bff/n) is Your Best Friend's Name, (Y/g/n) is Your Guardian's Name, (Mr/s) is Mr/Mrs, (f/c) is favorite color, (f/f/t) if favorite fruit tree, (f/f) is favorite fruit -
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You turned, "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" (Y/bff/n) yelled to you. They were sprinting, nearly falling over as they rushed to your side, a small piece of paper tightly grasped in their dominant hand while they waved to you with their other.
And at the sound of your name you turned, coming face to face with the young (blonde/brunette/whatever floats their boat). Sending them a warm smile, you set down your basket of apples.
"What?" You asked as you walked over to meet them next to your tree.
It was a (f/f/t). You got it on your sixth birthday from (G/n). Ever since, it's grown quite tall, and quite strong. You and (Y/bff/n) spent most of your childhood climbing it. That, and throwing (f/f)s at a shank named Gally.
(Y/bff/n) panted for a second, before explaining that the Prince was hosting a ball. They grinned, holding a flyer for proof.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Okay... remind me why you're telling me this, again? I mean, not to be rude and everything but it's invite only."
"It's a masquerade," (Y/bff/n) prompted. When they noticed you ccouldn't follow their train of thought, they sighed, "We don't have to be invited!"
"No "but"'s. We are going." They said. You tried to open your mouth, but they cut you off. "And don't even try to use not having the right outfit as an excuse because I already got you one."
(Y/bff/n) smirked, "I have my ways."
You chuckled slightly at them, Of course. "Okay, but even then I still couldn't go. Sorry."
"Why not!?"
"I gotta do stuff...."
(Y/bff/n) raised an eyebrow, "Is that code for 'you're already having a secret affair with the Prince'?"
Your eyes widened, "No! Tha...that's disgusting! You're disgusting!!" You said.
(Y/bff/n) laughed loudly, "Jeez, (Y/n), you should've seen your face. I was kidding then, but now I'm not sure...." You reached over plucked an apple from your tree, and playfully threw an apple at them, which they ducked just in time. "Alright, alright." They said, putting up their hands in surrender. "I'll meet you over at out spot at sundown tonight. Just tell (Mr/s) (Y/g/n) your sleeping over with me." They said, saluting you with two fingers before they left.
You smiled to yourself, and continued picking apples for (Y/g/n)'s pie tonight.
You wished (Y/g/n) sweet dreams, and left your house, heading for the woods to where Y/bff/n told you to meet them.
"I'm here!" You shouted, opening the door into your small cottage.
"Oh, (Y/n)!" (Y/bff/n) said. "Try this on!" They shoved a (f/c) (dress/suit) into your arms, and pushed you into the room you made for yourself. They shut the door behind them, and left you in the dark. You lit a candle, and changed out of your old outfit, into your new one. Once you finished, you walked over to a mirror.
The outfit was beautiful. Long, silk sleeves hugged your arms, but not too tightly. The rest of it showed off your curves, and ran down to your legs. The soft fabric felt like a dream compared to your peasant clothes. You knew you couldn't accept this, but man, you wanted to.
"(Y/n)?" (Y/bff/n) called, knocking on the door.
"Yes?" You asked, your voice straining.
"How does it look?"
You twirled around in front of the mirror. "Lovely."
"It fits!?" (Y/bff/n) squealed.
You inhaled slowly, "Yes. Yes, it does."
"May I come in?"
You nodded your head, but soon realized that (Y/bff/n) couldn't see you. "Y-yeah," you said. The doorknob turned, revealing (Y/bff/n), who stood wide-eyed and has dropping to the stone floor below you.
"Shit, you look hot!" They said, causing you to giggle.
"Thank you, but I don't think I can accept this. I-it's too much. I--"
"Shut up, shuck-face. You're going, and you're wearing that. The Prince would be blind if he didn't notice you."
You blushed, "Thank you."
(Y/bff/n) waved it away, "I'm just statin' the truth. Now come on, I need your opinion on my (dress/suit)." You followed (Y/bff/n) out of your room, and into theirs. They rushed over to their cot, and held up two outfits--one a deep burgundy, and one a dark grey, with white accents. You choose the burgundy one. The grey seemed to be too much.
"Great!" Ybffn said. "I'll pick you up next week, at yours."
You sighed, knowing there was no use in protest. You agreed, and wished (Y/bff/n) sweet dreams.
The second you walked into the ballroom, you felt self conscious about everything. Was your hair alright? Did your outfit have any wrinkles on it that you missed? What if it actually wasn't a masquerade? (Y/bff/n) picked up on your nervous energy, and reassured you that everything was alright. "Look!" they said, pointing in front of you. "The Prince!"
You turned, and your breath hitched in your throat. His golden hair seemed to shine in the lighting, and his chocolatey eyes squinted under his mask as he smiled, greeting his guests. The black suit he wore only made him look 10x more handsome. And tall. As much as you hated to admit it, you knew you were falling for him. It was obvious he was the main topic of all the kingdoms conversation.
"Huh," (Y/bff/n) said to themselves. "He's not as hot as I expected."
You looked at them funny, "What?!" You asked.
"Everyone always talks about how hot the Prince is, and I gotta say I expected a better looking man. Whatever, though. It's whatever." They said with a shrug. "Ooh!" Their eyes lit up. "Speaking of, don't look behind you. I'm going to go get myself a drink or two." They said.
"Wait, no!" You called. "Don't leave me here." You whispered under your breath.
Someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around, Just like you practiced. You told yourself, coming face-to-face with the blond haired, brown eyed Angel himself. Newton.
"Your highness," you said in your best 'princess' voice, bowing slightly. Newton did the same.
"(Y/n). O-of Arica."
"(Y/n) of Arica," Newton repeated, as if testing it out on his tounge. He smiled warmly, "How are you doing?" New asked, reaching his elbow to the side, urging you to take it. You did, and responded with an:
"I'm well. How are you?"
"I'm fine." Newton responded. "Uh, please forgive me, but I don't remember where Arica is. Could you point it out on a map?"
"Of course, " You said, internally panicking as you walked over to a mapping room with the Prince. "It's right... here." You said, pointing towards the southernmost coast of an island.
Newton looked at it closely, but nodded his head in acceptance. "I've never heard of it." He said.
"We mostly to keep to ourselves," You said. Nice, (Y/n).
Once again, Newton nodded. "I'll have to visit sometime," he said, leading you out of the mapping room and into the courtyard.
"Sure," you said, knowing this would be your only time you'd talk to the Prince. Really, it'd be the only time you'd talk to any prince.
"So..." The Prince said, kicking rocks below his feet, an annoying habit he's picked up over the years.
"How is 'the maze'?" You asked Newton, earning a small smile from him.
"I think it's well. But honestly, I don't know. I've been thinking of traveling there some time, just to see the people in there, but father doesn't approve. Sonya's done it a few times. She disguises herself as a peasant, sneaking out every once in a while. I'd love to join her, but mother and father keep a close watch on me. Bloody keep reminding me that I need to act like a king, and whatever." he said.
"So why don't you just leave one night? I've done it," Newton raised an eyebrow.
"Really?" He asked, eyes lighting up.
"Yes. I like to think that if you're going to rule a kingdom, you need to know the people in it."
"Exactly!" The Prince said. "That's my thought, too!" You looked at the prince, smiling. "Okay," he said, turning to the right, leading you outside of the courtyard. "You see that?" Your eyes followed to where Newton pointed, at the horizon of his kingdom.
"Pretty, right?"
"Beautiful." You've seen sunsets in Glade many times, but never like this; in front of a castle, holding onto a prince's arm.
Newton smiled at you, and you did the same.
"So what's it like?" You asked him.
"What's what like?"
"The pressure of almost being king. Having everyone look up to you, people rushing to your service every time you need it? Trying to find a queen?" You winked, elbowing him lightly.
Newton pressed his lips together, into a thin line. "Bloody hell. I suppose it's the same as almost becoming queen," he said. "All honestly, I like to do things for myself, and having people bow down to my every time I walk up to them is a little awkward. I can't really find the right woman to rule by my side, and that stresses me out a bit as well. Coronation is coming up quickly, and father's arguments don't help. He wants me to be with Harriet, Sonya's best friend, but I don't know. I mean, she's great and all, but I just.... "
"I get it," you lied. "My father wants me to find someone to rule besides me as well."
"Really?" Newton asked.
No. "Yeah. He wanted me to meet you, in hopes of uniting out kingdoms, or whatever."
Newton smiled, "Well, how does that make you feel?"
"I... don't know. I mean, you seem like a wonderful person and everything, but I dont want to marry someone I just met. No offense."
Newton out his hands up in surrender, "None taken. I feel the same way." 
You smiled, "Shall we go now then?"
Newton looked up at you, "Pardon me?"
"Go. Like, into the village. See the people there. I could help you--"
"Newt!" A high-pitched voice called. She sounded very formal, and you'd be lying to say it didn't crush you inside.
Newton turned, "Yes?" He asked. You turned as well, finding a girl with blonde hair in front of you two, leaning against a fountain. She reminded you of the prince. In looks, at least.
"Mother wants you to meet Arabella. She's here." The woman said. You were surprised to hear mockery in her voice when she mentioned the princess Arabella. That was not very royal of her.
Newton sighed, turning to you. "I'm very sorry, but I must go." He said. "It was wonderful talking to you. Will I see you again?"
You shook your head, "Most likely not, your majesty. I must be going."
Newton frowned, "At least let me walk you to the door, yes?"
You nodded slowly. "Yes, but I must find (Y/bff/n) first." You said.
"And... that was it."
"That was it?! That was it?!" (Y/bff/n) said, rather disappointed.
"Well, yeah... we went to find you. W-what did you think was going to happen?"
"A kiss?!"
You snorted, "He's the prince."
"We're peasants...? I-I don't understand."
(Y/bff/n) rolled their eyes, "You would if you'd have stayed the night with that prince of yours." They said, winking.
"Egh. No! (Y/bff/n)!" You said, turning to face them with a disgusted expression.
"Oh!" (Y/bff/n) said, snapping their fingers milliseconds after their eyes lit up. "I know what you should do! Go to the castle and give him a tour of the city!!"
"Won't he be suspicious that I know the kingdom so well?"
(Y/bff/n) shrugged, "Just tell him you went exploring."
"What about curfew?" You asked.
"Hide." (Y/bff/n) said like it was the obvious answer.
Once again, you rolled your eyes, chuckling.
"Thank you," Newton said.
You turned to face him, "Hmm?"
"For getting me out of my castle. Thanks for your help." He said.
You blushed, "Oh. It's... it's good." You said, kicking the rocks below your feet. "Don't mention it."
"So... when do you leave?"
You looked at the prince, confused for a minute. "Oh!" You said, mentally kicking yourself. "E-early this morning... I think. I don't actually know." You said with a sheepish smile.
Newton chuckled, "Really?
"Okay... well we should make our time together count then.
You smiled, quickly nodding your head. "Alright, your highness. Let's go!"
Newton giggled, chasing after you.
"Bloody hell, (Y/n). You sure seem to know your way around." He panted next to you.
"Uh... yeah. I-um... I explored for a bit before I came to get you." You said.
"Smart." Newton mumbled. You stopped suddenly, holding out your arm to stop the prince as well.
"What? What is it--"
You quickly shushed him, holding a finger to your lips. You pushed him back against a wall, waiting for footsteps to pass. You panted slightly, feeling your heart beat in your neck, and Newton's hot breath against your head.
He smelt good, like maple and autumn. But also spring.
He smiled, looking down at you. You turned around, and tried to hide your blush from him.
"What's wrong, luv?"
"Nothing." You said sharply. "I... uh, let's go. We don't have much time until sunrise."
Newton shrugged, but followed you, towards a small lake.
You started taking off your skirt, but were stopped by the prince.
"Wait! What are you--"
"Relax, I'm wearing my brother's shorts underneath." You said with a chuckle.
Newton blushed deeply, but nodded his head as he watched you unbutton your shirt. You smiled at him, and turned to face the water.
"You coming, your highness?" You asked with a smirk.
Newton sputtered out a 'Yes', stripping down to his boxers before he chased after you.
You screamed, but was soon shoved under water by a familiar set of arms.
He laughed, and pulled you up. Followed by you glaring at him, shoving him back.
"Hey!" He chuckled, stumbling back a bit. His pale arms were held up in surrender.
You crossed your arms over your chest and stuck out your bottom lip in a pout.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Newton asked, trying to pull you towards him. You shrugged his touch away. "(Y/n)? C'mon, luv, what's--"
"Aha!" You shouted, jumping onto the prince, and knocking him into the water.
His protests were silence by the water.
"Who's there?!" A voice asked in the distance. Suddenly, a light followed.
You gasped, and pulled Newton under water with you. You felt his eyes on you, but you kept yours on the light until it dissapeared--as well as you could when under water.
When the light left, you shot up, panting. You turned to Newton, who was grinning.
"That was close!" He said.
"Yeah," you nodded your head. "Let's get out of here."
Newton grinned, "This was awesome." He said. You turned your head to watch him, admiring the contagious grin that covered his face, and the way his eyes glowed in the light of the sunrise.
"Yeah." Newton said. "...thank you."
"Of course, your majesty." You said, turning to watch the sunrise.
"You know... you don't have to call me that. Right?"
"What?" You asked, turning to face Newton.
"I mean... call me by my first name. Or Newt."
You looked back to the horizon. "Okay, Newt." You said with a grin.
Newt sighed, "So this is it, huh?"
"Mmh?" You faced the prince again.
"You know, the last time we meet."
"Oh... yeah." You said sadly.
"But it doesn't have to be." Newton said, reaching out to grasp your hand. "I mean, it's obvious the feeling's mutual, so why don't I court you? I know it's rushed, and I'm sorry, but--"
"Newton," you cut him off. "I'd love that... but I can't." You said. Newt's face fell, and it broke your heart.
"Why not?" He mumbled.
"I... I'm sorry. We have to go." You said.
"But I--" You gave Newt a look, "Okay." He finally said, standing up.
You reluctantly followed. I'm sorry. I love you.
Tag List:
@madithemagicalfangirl @wiselight
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killerix562 · 5 years
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Word Count: 4,004
Warnings: Angst, Mention of suicide and the act of 
“You look like shit.”
“Shut the hell up.”
“It’s true though. You should get back to the dorms and rest.”
Bakugo scoffed and leaned against the rough surface of the brick building. He shoved his hands into the depths of his pockets and slightly slouched forward, looking away from the girl beside him. He pursed his lips and scanned the area around him, searching for anything remotely interesting to keep him the slightest bit entertained. 
Hordes of people walked aimlessly around their chatter loud and overlapping one another, cars noisily honked as if the blaring noise could somehow speed up the process of traffic, and the occasional soft ring of a bell sounded off as people on their bike swooshed on by.
“Are you even listening to me?”
Dark red irises clashed against bright [e/c] orbs. His gaze narrowed, seemingly scowling at the petite girl beside him. Her [h/c] locks reached down to her shoulders, dancing along with the slight breeze overcast. Her skin glowed looking healthy as ever and her plump lips glossed with her favorite lip gloss. She stood next to him, her hands intertwined behind her back as she stood facing the hot-headed teen. 
 Despite the harsh tone in her voice, her eyes held such a loving sympathetic gaze. Her lips curved into a small smile and her cheeks flushed due to the sun rays beating down onto her form. Bakugou’s heart clenched painfully and was the first to break eye contact as he stared ahead once more.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do woman.”
“Fiesty as ever I see.”
He ignored her comment and turned his back away from her and began treading his way back to U.A. Despite the distance he put between himself and her, and the loud chatter of strangers around himself, Bakugou still managed to hear her angelic voice.
“Same time tomorrow?”
His surroundings and scenery were the same, much like yesterday. He approached his destination to meet up with the [h/c] haired girl once more like he did every day. It never really necessarily bothered the riled up teen to see her every day, despite the fact he never really liked going out of his way to do something (unless it was in his favor). But being able to see the girl he liked since 5, this was definitely in his favor. 
The two never saw each other much after Junior High, despite the fact the two lived in the same neighborhood. Bakugo had gone on to pursue his dream of being the number one hero, thus attending a well-known hero school and not so surprisingly, got into the hero course. [Y/N] on the other hand, had seemingly disappeared, gone with the wind. Bakugo never really bothered asking the girl what school she decided to attend to, and he never saw her in her school uniform, the only proof of her existence seemed to be at the tall rundown building, always there at exactly 5:45 PM.
Bakugou pulled out his phone and tapped on its screen to bring it to life, thus being met with his lock screen. He quickly checked the time and sped up his pace to his destined location. Soon he could make out the familiar old rundown building and there at the very entrance was the girl he had fallen in love with. She wore her favorite [f/c] sweater along with a pair of black skinny jeans that hugged her in all the right places. She twirled a strand of her hair between her index finger and thumb. Her gaze set straight ahead of her, looking quite bored, that is until she caught sight of the blond male.
[Y/N] let the strand of hair go and turned to face Bakugou, who was now making his way in front of her. She smirked and crossed her arms across her chest, leaning on her right leg.
“You’re late!”
Bakugou scoffed and peered down at her smaller form. “Shut up short stack,” He crossed his own arms and took a step forward. “I had trouble getting off campus today.”
[Y/N] tilted her head slightly to the right and uncrossed her arms, opting to place her hands on her hips. “Huh? Did you run into a teacher?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and moved to lean his body against the brick wall, [Y/N] following close behind. She slid against the wall until her bottom met to the cold concrete floor. She pulled her legs close to her and rested her head on top of her knees, still looking at Bakugou for an answer.
He clicked his tongue against his teeth and looked down at the girl beside him. “Nah, just a bunch of idiots getting in my way.”
[Y/N] giggles, “You mean your friends, Katsuki.”
“Tch. As if.”
[Y/N] laughed once more, covering her mouth to hide the smile that formed on her lips. Bakugou glanced at her, heart-clenching desperately wanting to see more of her radiant smile.
Bakugou scowled but nonetheless stopped and turned around to face the redheaded teen.  Kirishima swiftly ran up to Bakugou, who was in the process of wrapping a scarf around his neck. “What the hell do you want shitty hair.”
Kirishima smiled wide showing off his pearly white shark teeth, and waved his hand in the air as if to brush away Bakugou’s insult. He laughed, “The rest of the group and I are planning to head out and catch a movie! You should join us!”
Bakugou fought the urge to roll his eyes but ultimately let a scoff slip past his lips. He bent down and slipped on his shoes making sure they comfortably sat correctly. “Fuck off, I got better things to do.” 
Kirishima whined and slumped his shoulders in before walking over the hotheaded boy and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, much to Bakugou’s annoyance. Kirishima continued his endeavors to persuade the explosive teen but to no avail. Bakugou discreetly glanced at the clock that hung off from the furthest wall in the common room and nearly had a heart attack at how late it had gotten. He quickly shoved Kirishima’s arm off his being and made a dash out the door.
Crestfallen, Kirishima stood by the doorway and watched Bakugou runoff to who knows where. He sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck before heaving a sigh. Soon a set of thumps came his way and he glanced up to see who had approached him. Both Sero and Kaminari stood next to each other giving Kirishima a weary smile.
“Hey man maybe you can convince him next time,” Sero spoke up in hopes of cheering his friend up.
Kaminari sighed and kicked at the ground before crossing his arms with a huff. “I don’t know man. He always seems so busy this month!”
Sero elbowed Kaminari in the rib cage before hissing at him to shut up. Kirishima looked back at the entrance door and sighed once more.
Bakugou exhaled small pants as he sat down on the concrete floor. He had almost missed seeing you and thus ran all the way from the school campus. He placed his forearms on his knees and leaned in slightly so his back wouldn’t make full contact with the wall.
The [h/c] haired girl sitting beside him stared ahead at the bustling city. She puffed out a small exhale and watched as it fogged the air with a drifting, white cloud that had barely dissipated. She pushed her hair back and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.
[Y/N] sighed, “You almost didn’t make it.”
Bakugou said nothing. He clenched his hands and tucked his head in low. Clenching his teeth Bakugou seethed at the thought of not being able to see you, there was no other time to meet you except for that exact minute.
“Shut up.”
“They’ll think your crazy.”
Bakugo huffed and tangled his fingers into his blond tresses, and whispered under his breath, “I already am...”
As the weeks went by the entire class of 1-A slowly began prepping the small party they would be throwing on Christmas Day. The walls and hallways of the dorm were filled with decorations, the fridge stocked to its fullest with many prepped meals, and the pile of presents grew more and more underneath the Christmas tree. And finally, on Christmas Day, everyone dressed for the holiday sat amongst each other spreading much joy around.
Except for the one and only grinch, Bakugo. Somehow, the BakuSquad had managed to convince him and stay with them all for a few hours and wouldn’t bother him when the time came for him to leave. He reluctantly agreed and now was squished between Sero and Kaminari, who in turn were trying to get everyone to play a _very _childish game.
“Oh come on Bakugou! It’ll be fun!”
“Fun my ass. I’m not playing any of your stupid games.”
Kaminari whined and threw himself onto Bakugou hoping to coax him into it. “It’s not a big deal! Just a few rounds and we’ll let you go! Promise!” Kaminari pleaded as he slightly bowed his head and held his hands in a prayer motion.
Sero quickly jumped in, “Definitely! And the chances of your number being picked are slim!”
They whined and whined, and suddenly a few other of his classmates began to chant along. Bakugo’s right eye began to twitch and anger began to bubble within, reaching his boiling point.
“ALL RIGHT I’LL PLAY JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!” Bakugou barked out having enough of his classmates yapping his ears off.
They all cheered and started to set up the game. As they were doing that Bakugo laid back into the couch absentmindedly scrolling through his phone but repeatedly kept checking the time. His leg shook rather fast from the uneasy feeling creeping into him, he didn’t want to miss seeing you today, he just couldn’t afford too. He sighed in frustration and threw his phone onto the coffee table in front of him, before getting up and walking over to the restroom hoping to ease his nerves.
Bright yellow orbs followed his form to enter the male's restroom and carefully watched to make sure he was completely out of sight. Mina devilishly smiled and crept her way over to Bakugo’s phone. Kirishima saw this and quickly put a stop to her act.
“Mina! What are you doing?!”
She rolled her eyes and pushed her way to her target.
“Oh come on! He’s been going out every day this month!” She swiftly picked up the phone dodging Kirishima’s hand who attempted to take it first. Mina squealed, “It’s definitely a girl!”
“Bakugou with a girl? Hah! That���ll be the day!” Sero commented overhearing the conversation.
Suddenly Tsuyu popped up. “Bakugou with a girl? Kero.”
“A girl?!”
“I wanna see!”
“Who is it?”
“Maybe someone in class 1-B?”
It seemed that the topic of a girl in a romantic relationship with Bakugou perked the interest of the girls in the class. They all began to swarm around Mina who was in the process of trying to decipher his passcode. Kirishima continued to reason with them all and coax them out of something that was surely going to end very badly.
“Guys, that’s an invasion of privacy!” Kirishima swung his hand forward trying to grasp the phone in his hand, only to come out empty-handed.
Midoryia stood on the sidelines wearily glancing at the scene before him and in the direction of the restrooms, scared that his childhood friend will suddenly pop back in. He took a deep breath in and took a shaky step forward, “W-we really shouldn’t guys. Kachan will get super a-angry!”
“We’ll just take a quick pe- ah! I got it open!”
The girls all huddled in and gasped in shock peering at the wallpaper Bakugou set up for his home screen. There, staring right back at them was a girl with [h/c] hair dressed in a junior high uniform. She stood a good distance away and seemed to be packing her belongings away. Mina screeched loudly, “He’s into younger girls!”
“What? No way!”
“Yes, way! Look!” Mina said as she turned the phone around and showed the guys who couldn’t help their curiosity from growing.
Some gasped and began to mumble to each other about the girl in the photo. Except for Midoryia. He stood there silently with a grim look on his face, he recognized that uniform, he recognized that classroom and more importantly recognized that girl. He knew her, how could he not? They grew up with one another, attended the same school since preschool, lived in the same neighborhood for crying out loud!
With a newfound determination, Midoryia stormed his way through the group of gossiping teens and snatched the phone away from Mina. Everyone grew quiet as he locked the phone and placed it back onto the coffee table.
His hands balled up and he harshly bit down onto his bottom lip. He stared at the blank phone as memories of his childhood friends flooded his mind. He opened his mouth to comment on the situation but was a second too late when another voice broke the silence.
“What the hell are you all doing.”
Everyone turned to stare at Bakugo who continued to walk over to the large group. A handful of them awkwardly shuffled away and looked away from his intense gaze, others stood their ground but refused to speak up. Mina cleared her throat in hopes of easing the tension in the air, “Hey um Bakugou, who’s the girl on your home screen?”
Bakugou grew still, his eyes widening before they harden into a deathly stare. He scowled marching up to the group and harshly shoved those in his way. He quickly snatched his phone and stuffed it into his pocket before pushing his way out. As he made his way to the door, he stopped mid-stride and continued looking ahead.
“Go to hell. All of you, deserve to rot in hell.”
Bakugou quickly made his way out and with great force slammed the door shut. The loud bang the door made shook everyone inside and slowly came back to their senses. The air around them was tense and no one dared to break the silence. The girls awkwardly shuffled in place and wore a face of regret, some boys included. Midoriya sighed and thus was the first to break the silence. He fell onto the couch and buried his face into his palms.
“You shouldn’t have gone through his phone Mina...!” Kirishima mumbled out.
Mina frowned and began to fidget in place, “How was I supposed to know he would react like that...?”
“...Bakugou sure is scarier when he doesn’t yell.” Kaminari pipped in as he took a seat beside Midoryia.
“Goes to show we really messed up this time,” Sero said.
Silence took over the room once more. There was nothing that could be said or done to save this Christmas evening. To somehow ease their nerves just a bit, the guilt-ridden teens put themselves to clean the area as a way to distract themselves. One by one everyone slowly began to help out, except Midoriya.
Midoryia pulled his phone out and clicked onto his photos app. He scrolled past the few pictures he had taken this year with his friends and stopped when a certain [h/c] haired girl popped up. He tapped on one to enlarge it and have a clearer view. She was smiling so wide that the corners of her eyes wrinkled up just a bit. She was wearing her favorite [f/c] sweater along with a pair of black jeans, her arms were extended out in front of her as she held onto a limited edition All Might figurine.
Midoriya smiled sadly recalling how much he cried tears of joy that day. He remembered telling [Y/N] how he had missed the chance to purchase said item due to some family matters. Somehow [Y/N] had gotten her hands onto one and gave it to Midoryia who was a much bigger fan of All Might than herself. He humbly accepted the gift from his friend and vowed to pass it down to his future children. This was on Christmas Day. Exactly one year ago.
Mina let out a frustrated sigh and threw the trash bag in her hands onto the floor before plopping onto the couch. She pulled at her pink hair, “I just don’t understand the big deal! It’s just a girl!”
Sero deadpanned as he crouched down to pick up a plastic cup. “Uh, I don’t think that’s the issue here.”
Mina turned her head to the side and stared at Midoryia, in hopes of getting an answer from him she asked, “Neh, Midoryia! Do you know who that girl is! You guys are childhood friends, surely you’ll know something!”
The green-haired boy awkwardly avoided making eye contact, not sure whether he should share that he, in fact, does know who [Y/N] is. He rubbed the back of his neck and gave in. “Ah well, you see...” he took a shaky breath in. “Her name is [Y/N].”
“So you do know!” Mina squealed in delight as she scooted closer to her friend, she clasps her hands together, “What else do you know?! How old is she?! What school does she go to?! Are they really dating?!”
A light dust of pink painted Midoryia’s cheeks as Mina continued to get closer, but soon faded away when he thought about the topic at hand. He sighed through his nose and gave a sad smile to Mina. Noticing her friend's mood she shut her mouth and plastered on a worried look.
“She’s a sweet, kind, and caring person. She did her best to help those in need and always put them first.” Midoriya began to play with the phone in his scared hands. He continued, “She actually grew up with us, and also wanted to be a hero...” The tears began to form and blurred his vision.
“But she was born quirkless. And was tormented every day because of it. And I...and I...!” He could no longer hold his tears back and began to sob. He brought his hands up to desperately wipe them away. “And I was so focused on my own matters I couldn’t see how she was in so much pain!”
Mina worriedly placed her hand onto his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, a wordless gesture as if to say ‘take your time’. Midoriya sniffled and buried his face into his hands, ashamed to show his face, ashamed for his past mistakes, but he continued. “She committed suicide. On Christmas Day last year...”
“Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“... you're the one that started it damn it...”
[Y/N] looked away and said nothing more. Bakugou’s red irises landed on the girl's form, who so happens to be sitting next to him. She felt him staring and looked over, catching his gaze, this time though he did not break eye contact. His heart ached with sorrow, anger, and regret. His head was constantly attacked by questions, with what-if scenarios, with memories of her.
“If you have something to say, then just say it.”
“...Why’d you do it?”
“You told me to.”
He clenched his hands and roughly bit the inside of his cheek. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes but he refused to let them flow down his cheeks. He tore his gaze away from her and stared at the cracked sidewalk, memories of that fateful day reliving in his head.
“Katsuki! Get your ass down here right now!”
Bakugou scowled but wordlessly got up from his bed. He crossed his room and stepped out to walk downstairs, “What the hell do you want you old hag?!”
Bakugou’s mother, Mitsuki, shoved a neatly wrapped box into her son's chest. He grunted from the impact but caught the box into his hands. _
“I need you to send that over to the [L/N] household.”
The minute Bakugou heard that last name his scowl deepened and purposefully dropped the gift before turning around to head back into his room. Unfortunately, Mitsuki gripped the back of her son’s shirt and yanked him back. She gave him a sturdy and hard hit to the head before shoving the gift back into his arms.
“Agh! Don’t hit me you old hag!”
“I wouldn’t have to if you would just do as I say!”
“Like hell, I will! I’m not going over there!”
“Yes, you are!” Mitsuki grunted as she forcefully threw her son out the front door. “And don’t come back until you do!” She slammed the door closed with such force that the whole house shook.
Bakugou stumbled but quickly regained his balance as he cursed at his mother silently. He took the gift into his hands and softened out the crumbled edges to make it appear much nicer. Placing the gift underneath his left arm he fished out his phone and began his journey to the [L/N] household. The scenery around him began to bustle with people, mainly couples, who were enjoying their night out on a Christmas date.
Bakugou clicked his tongue and looked away doing his best to ignore the warm bubbly feeling growing in his chest. He had unconsciously tucked his phone back into his pocket and combed through his ash-blond locks, in hopes of taming the spikes on his head. He stopped midway when he finally noticed his actions and let out a frustrated sigh. “Stupid...! Who the hell are you trying to impress...”
There was no way he could even romantically think about you. Someone so weak and fragile as you, an extra that couldn’t even stick up for herself, a quirkless nobody. There was no way some like Bakugou could like someone like you. And so he locked his feelings away and buried them deep, casting them away, never to see the light of day. 
When your apartment complex came into view his heart skipped a beat and he mentally scolded himself for giving into such weak feelings. Despite his own scolding he picked up his pace and held the gift with both hands. As he neared the entrance of the apartment, his phone buzzed. He stopped in his tracks and swiftly pulled out his phone. His curiosity bloomed when an unknown number popped into his notifications. He punched in his passcode and opened the message.
This is my Christmas present to you.
His brows furrowed together in confusion and his scowl deepened. 
“What the hell?”
He ignored the message and went to place his phone back into his pocket, but stopped as a lady screamed and pointed towards the sky. It was as if time itself stopped. The sound of shattered bones and the splat of the impact resonated in his ears. The crimson blood splattered onto his face made him flinch, as his eyes grew in horror. His heart thumped wildly in his ribcage, his whole body shook as he slowly fixed his gaze on the mangled body before him.
Bakugou stumbled back due to the shock, and fell onto his bottom, squirmed to the side, leaned low and hurled. He turned back ahead of him and saw the crimson color splattered all over. The bright red blood dripped in a steady rhythm from [Y/N]’s nose and mouth. Her cold lifeless eyes stared into Bakugou’s red orbs, his body continued to shake violently and he gasped for air not realizing he had unconsciously held his breath. 
On that Christmas Day, [Y/N] [L/N] passed away at approximately 5:45 PM leaving this world with only one single text message, that would forever haunt Bakugou Katsuki.
This is my Christmas present to you.
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aquarius-johnny · 6 years
12:21 | Johnny Seo
Requested: no | WC: 2.4k | Warning: cussing, oral (male and female receiving), male!sub x fem!dom, cum play 
Genre: smut
A/N: sub!johnny x dom!femreader / this is more of a soft male!sub x fem!dom and I suck at titles okay I’M SORRY
Summary: You’re in charge tonight, but it seems like Johnny couldn’t keep up.
A sense of confidence washes over you as you clip the garter belt straps to your black stockings. Taking a step back to look at yourself in the mirror, you’re pleasantly surprised at how amazing you look in the lingerie set you splurged on. Throwing on the matching robe, you step out of your bedroom and saunter over to the living room where your boyfriend is busy scrolling through his phone as a rerun of his favorite sitcom serves as background noise.
“Johnny,” you say in a sing-songy voice on your way to him, only to have a hum let out from his lips.
As you enter the room, your eyes meet with his and you take note of how they’ve widened at the sight of you. You stood there in your black see-through robe, your very sexy lingerie peeking through. Johnny drops his phone from his hands and his lips slightly part. You hear him gulp as he straightens his posture.
You admire your boyfriend as he sits on the couch in nothing but his favorite pair of grey sweatpants, slightly confused at what’s happening but incredibly turned on by the sight in front of him.
“Whoa,” he mumbles under his breath, his eyes scanning your body as you walk over to him. Placing a knee on either side of his thighs, you straddle his lap and caress the sides of his face. His hands find its way to your waist and he quickly scans your body once more, but at a closer angle. “What’s the occasion?” He gulps once more, trying to gather his thoughts as his member hardens against you.
“No occasion, I just wanted to see your reaction.” You giggled, enjoying how the confident and flirty guy you know is basically putty in your hands. “You like it?” Cocking your head innocently to the side as you asked, trying to boost your ego more than the lingerie already has.
“I love it.” His breathily responds, licking his lips.
Pushing yourself off him, you stand in the middle of the room and begin to undo the velvet belt that held your robe closed. Ever so slowly, you allow the robe to fall off your shoulders and onto the floor.
“What about now?” You bite your lip and give him a little twirl.
“Fuck,” his whispers, groping his length that’s now very prominent against the fabric that’s holding it back. He didn’t have to say anything to know he was incredibly turned on at this moment and by you.
You walk over to him, the sound of your heels hitting the wooden flooring fills the room. You motion for him to stand up and he does. Pulling on his waistband, you lead him to the bedroom. He eagerly shuts the door behind him and he waits for what you want him to do next.
“Take it off,” you order tilting your chin towards his sweats.
He gives you a smirk. “You’re in charge tonight?” You could tell Johnny was getting off on the idea of being told what to do, especially from someone like you: a submissive.
“My pussy, my rules,” you simply state. “Hurry and take them off before I change my mind.” You sit at the edge of your bed, watching your boyfriend strip from the little clothing he had on. His cock springs up, excitingly.
Patting the empty space to your right, Johnny joins you. His eyes are still locked to yours, full of lust and desire. Your finger gently grazes his shaft, teasing him as he silently begs for your lips.
“You’re not gonna cum until I say you can and if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you do whatever to me for a week, whenever you want.” Your hand wraps around his thick cock, stroking it slowly. You could feel his precum oozing from his tip, excited about the incentive.
“What happens if I -” Distracted by your thumb spreading his precum around his tip, he closes his eyes trying to recapture his train of thought. “If I cum before you tell me I can?”
“Then we won’t fuck for a month.” You kiss his cheek softly, then smile against his skin.
His jaw drops in disbelief. A whole month without fucking you is something unimaginable, especially with his high libido. But he loved the challenge. Shaking his head with a smile across his face, he pulls you into a kiss. Pulling away, you drop to your knees in front of him. Kitten licking his tip, you look up at him and watch him melt at your touch.
“Mm, you taste so good.” You praise, running your tongue over his shaft. You hear Johnny groan and he pets your hair, silently encouraging you. Taking him into your mouth, you feel him grip your hair. “You like my mouth on your cock?” You asked, innocently batting your eyes as you stroke him up and down.
Johnny nods his head. “You’re very pretty with my dick in your mouth,” he compliments.
You smile at his words, before inserting him back into your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down, you deep throat his swollen member, feeling it hit the back of your throat.
A groan from his throat releases from Johnny’s lips. “Spit on it,” he tells you. You lift your head, watching a string of your saliva follow your lips.
“Where are your manners, baby?” You place your hands on his thighs, moving them upward towards his abdomen, then back down. “Ask me nicely and I’ll do it.” You continue, watching his dick twitch at your teasing.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologizes. “Spit on it, please baby.”
Giving him a smirk, you do as he says. Moaning at the sight, you push him into your mouth once more, using your hands and mouth to stroke his long cock. “Stand up,” you order, moving back a little to give him room. “Fuck my mouth.” You see his eyes light up in excitement, and he positions his hands on the sides of your head, holding it in place. Thrusting in and out, you feel your gag reflex kick in causing you to make choking noises which does nothing but turn Johnny on even more.
“Shit,” you hear Johnny mumble. His breathing shallows and he pulls himself out, only to shove it back into your mouth. Pulling away, you watch your boyfriend’s mouth open as he sees strings of your spit left behind. “You’re so fucking sexy,” he tells you, helping you up. He pumps his shaft, keeping him hard as he watches you remove your black laced underwear and get onto the bed. Opening your legs for him, you see Johnny move towards you but you shake your head and he stops in his tracks.
Licking your fingers, you rub your clit. Ensuring to not break contact with Johnny’s eyes, he moves his hand faster watching you. You slowly dip your finger into your entrance, pumping in and out as you rub your clit with your other hand. You let out a moan at the expense of teasing Johnny.
“Baby,” you hear Johnny desperately whisper.
“What do you want to do?” You ask, still penetrating yourself with your index and middle finger.
“Eat you out...”
You smirk at his desperation. You motion him over and he hovers over you, making sure he gets your permission before going down on you. “Taste it,” you order, bringing your fingers to his lips.
He happily complies, rolling his tongue before sucking your juices off. “You taste really good,” he says, stroking your ego. “Can I please…” he trails off.
You nod your head and he eagerly positions himself between your thighs. His tongue sinfully laps over your area, drawing a moan from your lips. He doesn’t hold back as he parts your lips and drags the tip of his tongue against you, hard. Flicking his tongue against your increasingly sensitive nub, you feel his finger slowly move inside of you. Using his free arm to hold your lower abdomen down, you feel him hungrily attack your core. Your moans fill your entire room and your fingers tug on Johnny’s hair. You feel an orgasm wash over you, toes curling and back arching under his touch. You push Johnny back by his hair and pull him into a hard kiss. Getting on top of him, he holds his shaft up as you sink down onto his cock.
“Holy shit,” he mutters under his breath. Locking his eyes with yours, his hands grip your waist.
“Nope,” you quickly pin his hands to each side of his face. “No touching.”
“You have got to be fucking kidding,” Johnny grins, biting his bottom lip in the process. “Babe!” He whines. You ignore his begging, rolling your hips against him as your hands are sprawled against his chest. Trying to sneak his hands back to your hips, you pin them once more.
“No touching or I’m tying your wrists together,” you whisper in his ear. “Understand?” Your tone a lot more dominant than you expected, which surprised Johnny.
He nods his head obediently, enjoying the view he had of you bouncing on his cock. He bucks his hips into you causing you to let out a squeal. You see him fighting back the urge to touch you, gripping the sheets underneath him instead.
“Shit, I want to touch you so badly,” he groans.
“Let me touch you, princess. Please,” he pleads. “I need to touch you.”
Your lips meet his and he’s struggling to keep his hands to himself.
“Please,” his voice soft and desperate.
Grabbing his hands, you plant them on your ass. He gives you a hard squeeze. “Fuck me. Hard.” You command harshly. Your boyfriend follows, planting his feet into the mattress, and pushing into you relentlessly. “Shit, fuck, Johnny!” You screamed, causing him to push your head into his shoulder to muffle your wails. “Keep going, keep fucking going.”
Slightly spreading your cheeks open, you feel Johnny’s cock stretch you out more. His hand snakes behind you, skillfully undoing the clasp of your bra and pulling it down to expose your hardened nipples. Kneading your breasts, his tongue grazed your skin, causing shivers down your body. Interlocking his fingers with yours, he gives you leverage to ride him. Johnny seductively bites his bottom lip, scanning your breasts that move up and down as you work against his length.
“You like when I fuck you like this?” You ask, hovering over his lips, grinding against him harshly. He nods submissively, shutting his eyes. “What about fucking me from behind, hm?” His eyes flutter open, nodding his head as he groans in pleasure. Trailing kisses down to the crook of his neck, you suck his skin between your teeth before rolling your tongue over it.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers once he notices your grinding halt, gripping your skin tightly.
Despite his request, you lift yourself off him. Johnny looks at you, anticipating your next move. Laying next to him, you motion at him and he lifts himself so he’s positioned over you. “What about in this position?” Petting his cheek, watching his eyes dilate in lust.
“My favorite,” he answers, kissing your neck, causing goosebumps to run up and down your arms. Taking hold of his stiff cock, you align it with your entrance. Grazing his tip against your wet core, you watch his brows furrow.
“How bad do you want to be inside of me again?” You asked innocently.
“Stop teasing me,” he mutters, gritting his teeth, watching you rub his tip gently.
“Tsk, who’s in charge again?” You lift his chin so he’s looking at you.
Johnny’s eyes soften, ready to obey once again. “You are,” he replies. You stroke him against your slit.
“So, I’m going to ask again: how badly do you want to be inside of me, baby?”
“Really bad.” He presses his forehead against yours, slowly losing his patience. “I just want to make you feel good. Can I do that, baby girl?”
You meet his lips, inserting him inside of you at the same time. Your warm walls tighten around him and he groans against your mouth as you feeling him penetrate deeper. His thrusts were sharp and rough, leaving both of you a moaning mess.
“Right there, fuck, ah!” You cried into Johnny’s neck, but he doesn’t weaken his thrusts. Keeping his pace, you encourage him and he slowly begins to lose himself. “Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me until I cum.”
Johnny sloppily thrusts into you, biting his bottom lip. “I’m gonna cum soon,” he stutters.
“Not yet, baby.”
The space between his perfectly shaped eyebrows crease. “Please, it feels too good. I can’t hold it,” he begs.
“Hold on a little longer,” shaking your head, moving your hips against his cock.
Johnny’s arms begin to shake, unable to hold himself up. Pulling himself out of you, his shallow pants fill the room. “I can’t hold it in if I’m in you,” he chuckles a little.
You sit up, position your legs wide open for Johnny to see. Lightly stroking your wet clit, he positions himself across from you.
“Try to hold it in until I cum. Can you do that, love?” You ask innocently, using your toes to run up and down his shaft. “Remember your reward,” You smirked.
Without saying a word, Johnny slowly strokes his cock as he licked his lips. You dip your fingers into your cunt, moaning with every movement of your fingers. Johnny’s lips part, his favorite curse words are mixed with your name. His eyes don’t leave your pussy, watching your every move.
A familiar feeling creeps through your body. Rubbing yourself faster, you notice Johnny following your pace subconsciously.
“I’m gonna cum,” you let out.
Your words seemed too much for Johnny to handle as it was the trigger. Thick white substance releases from his tip, unable to stop it. Your movements are at a standstill, smirking at the sight in front of you. Johnny’s cock twitches a little before you see it soften. You move to lick the liquid off his cock, swallowing the rest.
“Damn,” his whispers under his breath.
Looking over your shoulder, you look at the time. It’s 12:21 am. Johnny looks at you suspiciously.
“Looks like we won’t be fucking for a month,” you smiled, kissing his cheek.
“Are you fucking serious?” Johnny’s jaw drops. “Babe! I’m sorry. Please don’t do this to me.” He whines, tugging on your arm.
“Hey, if you held on a second longer, this would be a whole different story.”
“That’s totally not fair and you know it,” he pouts.
“A month isn’t that long, good luck.” You let out a giggle before placing a kiss on his cheek.
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aliensforleaders · 6 years
Tell Me Again Tomorrow: Part 3
Pairing: Rami Malek x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, and oh boy is there smut. Like seriously, y’all ain’t ready for the Sin that is in this chapter. I think I actually needed a water break and to turn on my fan while writing this.
A/N: So this is the final part to this little series. I seriously appreciate all the love I’ve gotten for this. It’s really inspired me to write more so keep an eye out for that. Smut is also a bit difficult for me to write so sorry if it’s terrible lol. Also this chapter was heavily influenced by the Glass Animals album Zaba. If you enjoy emersion like I do, I suggest you listen to it while reading this because it slaps, my guy. Anyways get on with it then and enjoy!
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And below is the dress the reader wears to the party.
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I woke up the next day, this time after Alisha. She was sitting against her headboard on her phone.
“Oh good you're awake.” she said looking over at me rubbing my eyes.
“Yeah. What’s up?” I said sleepily.
“So much. Okay, okay so listen.” she scooted to the edge of her bed and crossed her legs, facing me.”
I propped myself up against the pillows behind me in preparation for what she was going to spring on me now.
“So today is Sunday. Which means it’s the last day of this birthday weekend, right? So that means there’s a huge party tonight down at the beach.” she bit her lip, grinning wide.
I stared off into space looking slightly confused. “Okay…? What are you getting at?”
“UGH! You are so dense sometimes!” she covered her face with her hands and laughed.
“(Y/N), the guy. This mysterious, wonderful guy you met on Friday? This is the perfect opportunity to get him all hot and bothered. We are going shopping today for something to wear for you. You have the perfect lack of chest to pull off the lowest v-neck dress we can find.”
I smirked at her somewhat back handed compliment. I mean I wouldn’t mind getting him looking somewhere else for a while.
“You know what, fuck it. Let’s do it.”
Alisha squealed and jumped into bed with me, throwing her arms around my neck.
“I need to meet this guy and figure out what’s got you so eager to do this. I was expecting a little push back to be honest.”
I sighed loudly, “Oh I don’t know. But I do know that I didn’t want to come here in the first place, and I’m so glad I did. I’m going to start doing things I wouldn’t normally do from now on.”
“Fucking finally! Join me on the dark side,” she lowered her head and rubbed her hands together, “we have dick and tequila!”
“You’re outrageous, you know that right? I need to know that you know that.” I giggled at her.
“No other way to live, baby.” she winked at me.
After a long day of visiting store, after store, we finally found the dress.
“Oo I don’t know about this, Lish. It’s so short.” I called to her from behind the dressing room curtain.
“Come on, let me see it. You can be a prude sometimes remember?” she called back.
I pulled back the curtain and stepped out. The dress was fairly thin and flowy, which I loved. It had cut outs on the sides that wrapped around the back and the neckline was very low. I didn’t need a bra with it because of how small my chest is. The bottom reached just above mid thigh and it was a sort of dusty rose color.
“WOW.” Alisha gasped. “Girl listen, if we weren’t like best friends…and I didn’t think of you as a sister…”
“Ah, ah! Okay I get it.” I laughed and turned back around to the mirror.
She was right though. I looked hot. I felt hot. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this good about myself. I twirled a little from side to side, looking at my long tan legs and my almost completely exposed chest. A long necklace would look great with this, maybe two.
So I bought the dress and we left the store, heading back to the hotel to get ready. As Alisha and I applied our makeup in the bathroom, my heart began to race and for the first time in years it was excitement and not a panic attack. Too real, I know. I applied some lip gloss and fluffed up my hair that I had decided to leave down and messy. It fell just above my shoulders, letting the dress do the rest of the work.
“Fuck.” I sighed.
“What? God I’m almost mad at how good you look.” she laughed incredulously as she applied mascara.
“Oh hush..I do though huh?” I gestured towards my body and Alisha shoved me playfully.
I walked out to the main room and sat on my bed, grabbing my phone. My heart began racing again when I tapped on my conversation with Rami, accompanied by the cute picture I took of him at the museum as his contact photo.
You: Hey! so please tell me you are going to this party tonight?
Rami: hi:) actually yeah I am. Sami is making me.. but I’m glad you’ll be there
Oh you just wait. I’ll be there alright.
You: yep! thanks to Alisha lol. I’ll see you soon then xx
I wondered if the kisses were too much, but then I looked down and figured it was the least of his worries tonight.
“Alright let’s go pregame.” Alisha said nonchalantly slipping on her heels. She looked down at my sandles and frowned. “You aren’t wearing heels?”
“No because even I don’t hate myself that much.” I grabbed my bag and she followed me out.
The party was happening down by the bar we had been at on Friday, except it had been transformed completely. There was a large wooden platform placed on the sand nearby full of people dancing. The bar and dance floor was enveloped in large trees and vegetation that was adorned with lantern string lights of all purples and blues you could imagine. It felt like we were in the middle of a jungle. It was beautiful. Loud music pulsed through the large speakers and you recognized it to be Glass Animals. Perfect for the setting.
“Alright where’s this dude. Oh wait never mind, I’ll just look for the puddle on the floor.” she snorted and nudged my arm. Honestly everyone needed a friend like Alisha to hype them up this much.
“Jesus, you haven’t even had alcohol yet.”
“Ew you’re right. Come on. We can find your man later.”
We went over to the bar and Alisha ordered us both shots. We downed them and shortly after the song “Walla Walla” came on. It was one of my favorites.
“Hey come dance with me. I love this song!” I yelled to Alisha and she grabbed my hand pulling me to the dance floor. 
We began to sway to the heavy drum beat and I could feel the alcohol kicking in. It was turning my body into liquid fire in the best way. I felt myself let go and closed my eyes. Alisha grabbed my waist and we danced and danced until the next song came on, “Black Mambo.” As soon as the beat kicked in I opened my eyes and they were immediately caught by very large greenish ones that slowly turned darker as they studied me. Rami stood a few feet away next to who I assumed was Sami.
He wore a loose, very unbuttoned shirt with a floral pattern on it and that little strand of hair hung down on his forehead just the way I liked it. I smiled at him devilishly from the dance floor, beckoning him with my finger. I don’t know who I was in this moment and it felt so damn good. He licked his lips and willed himself towards me.
“Holy shit that’s him?! Is that another one too?! He’s a twin?! Oh excuse me, but I have work to do.” Alisha flipped out next to me for a minute and then walked towards Sami swiftly.
Rami finally reached me. I slowed my hips and looked deep into his eyes.
“Hi.” I stated simply.
“Hi.” a grin began to form on his lips and he was close enough now that I could see his eyes darken even more as he scanned my body. He found my gaze again, looking at me under his long lashes.
“Do you like it?” I asked twirling a little and biting my lip.
“I- uh yes. Yeah I like it. You look..just incredible.” he struggled with that and that only spurred me on more.
He still hadn’t touched me, ever the gentlemen, but now wasn’t the time for that. I grabbed his hands and wrapped them around my waist. I could feel his hands on my skin now and it ignited something deep in me. I snaked my fingers into the back of his hair and let my head fall back as the beat of the song intensified and we swayed together now. This was absolutely intoxicating. His skin on mine, the music vibrating my soul, his warmth radiating off of him and onto me. I let my hands wander down his chest, my hand slightly disappearing under the fabric. He pulled me closer and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He softly pressed his lips to my neck right under my jaw, which made me pull him tighter to me. He then put his lips to my ear and I could just barely hear him say, “What are you doing to me..”
I then leaned up to his ear and responded, “Playing.” I smirked at him and that’s definitely what made him lose it.
He sucked in a deep breath, grabbing my hand tightly and pulling me with him. I didn’t know where he was taking us, but I definitely knew I was about to get it. He led us to what seemed to be a utility closet for the hotel. He pulled me in, flicking on the light, shutting the door and pushing me against it.
“Where the hell did you come from?” he breathed into my neck, pushing my hair out of the way. He began to hungrily kiss me, starting just underneath my ear and going all the way down my chest. His hand gripped my thigh and pulled it up around his waist.
I was a panting mess already and very wet. He was leaving kisses all over my neck and chest. I gripped handfuls of his curly hair.
“You just make me want to do very bad things, love.” I managed to get out between pants and moans.
He came back up and faced me, our noses touching, still eyeing my lips. Then his eyes flickered up to mine.
“I want to fuck you so bad right now, but I need you to give me permission.” He said very out of breath and that sentence made me even wetter.
“And what if I said no.” I tested him, bringing my thumb to his bottom lip.
He sighed, closing his eyes. “Then I would take my hands off you and we would leave this closet.”
An accidental moan escaped my lips. The fact that he would walk out of here with a dick that hard all because I told him to..
I leaned in and whispered, “You have my permission.”
I could almost feel him break down the wall of restraint he had up until those words left my lips. He reached his hand farther up my thigh until he reached the wet heat coming from between my legs. He pressed his fingers into my clit and I just about screamed.
“Ugh fuck!” I let out and bit down on my lip. I opened my eyes just enough to see him studying my face as he worked circles into me.
“God you're so pretty like this.” he huffed out. 
I could feel how hard he was through his pants on my thigh and I reached a hand out towards him. He let out a groan as I palmed him through the fabric, both of us working each other in just the right spot. His forehead fell into the crook of my neck. We began to sweat, which made our skin stick and it was a delicious feeling.
“Fuck this is too much. I need to feel you right now.” 
I grabbed at his shirt undoing the few buttons that were done and pushed it off over his shoulders. As soon as it was off he flipped me around, unzipping the back of my dress and letting it fall to the floor. He pressed himself against me, now just in my underwear which wasn’t much to begin with. He brought his hand up to my hip and let it wander back to wear I was now practically dripping. My face being pressed against the cool door was helping me to not pass out from the pleasure.
“You are so..wet..for me.” he kissed the back of my neck and flipped me back around to face him. He leaned forward leaving a sweet, languid kiss on my lips. He pulled a condom out of his pocket and handed it to me.
“Do you want to or should I?”
I grabbed it, not saying a word. I unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers and finally we were both completely exposed. He was a work of art. I studied his body as quickly as I could before rolling the condom onto him, which earned a sigh.
He grabbed both of my thighs this time and held me up against the door effortlessly.
“Ready?” he asked and I nodded vigorously.
He slowly pushed into me and we both gasped and let out a long moan at the same time.
“Holy shit.” I huffed out, the sudden feeling of being full taking me to another plain of existence.
“You are so tight, fuck.” He began to thrust faster and faster. Our hands explored each other and his mouth left sloppy kisses on whatever he could reach of me.
I could feel a familiar tightening in the pit of my stomach as he thrusted harder and harder. My moans became ungoverned.
“I’m close, baby.” I warned him.
“Me too ugh..” he groaned and his grip on my ass tightened more and more with each thrust.
Just two more and I was gone. I threw my head back against the door, the loudest moan escaped my lips and I was almost shocked something like that could come from me. My nails dug into his shoulders and everything went white. The pure ecstasy washed over me like electricity and I felt him come undone shortly after. The whimper that he let out into my ear was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. 
We stayed there for a moment trying to get our bearings. After a moment he pulled out of me and let me down slowly, but the second my feet hit the ground I fell into his arms.
“Jesus, I can’t even stand after that.” we both laughed, our foreheads pressed together as we attempted to catch our breath.
“What actually just happened?” he ran a hand through his hair.
“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that was astral projecting or some shit because I feel incredible.”
We both lazily pulled our clothes back on, smiling like idiots. He placed a kiss on my lips after every piece of clothing we put on.
“Come here.” After our clothes were back on, he sat down on the floor against the wall and motioned for me to sit in his lap.
I crawled on to him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my hair and resting his chin on top of my head.
“Thank you for giving me permission.” He uttered, sweetly.
“Thank you for asking for it.” I smiled and nuzzled my face into his warm neck.
He held me for a few moments longer, until we finally decided to rejoin civilization. I stepped out of the room first, adjusting my hair. I looked back at him and noticed my lip gloss on his jaw.
“Oh wait.” I wiped away the lip gloss with my thumb and he giggled.
“Yeah because the lip gloss is what they will notice, and not our ridiculous sex hair.”
We both giggled and shrugged, making our way back to the party.
“Oh. My. GOD.” Alisha starred at Rami and I as we walked up to the bar. Sami was standing next to her. “I’m so proud of you! You finally got some dick like I told you and now you are glowing.” I blushed at her words, finding it impossible to be that embarrassed after what just happened in that closet.
She leaned over to Sami and muttered, “The girl was wound tighter than a damn piano wire.”
“HA! She was? You don’t even want to know how long Ram-“ 
“No she doesn’t. And you aren’t going to tell her, Sami.” Rami’s jaw clenched as he gripped Sami’s shoulder, interrupting him. They both laughed and Rami turned to order us drinks.
Alisha scooted closer to me and the boys started talking about nonsense.
“So I guess this weekend was a success then?” she raised an eyebrow at me.
“It was. Thanks by the way.” I smiled coyly. 
“Oh please you gotta give me like a detail or two.” Alisha begged.
“Dude, no way!” I sipped my drink gazing out at the ocean.
“Ugh! No fair.” she frowned.
“I will say though,” I glanced over at Rami who was laughing at something Sami said, “the boy knows who’s in charge.” I threw back the rest of my drink and looked at Alisha with a grin.
“Aaaahh!!” she squealed and it turned into both of us losing it.
Rami came to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“So, how about a swim?” he asked grinning at Sami.
“Rami, no I just bought this dre-“, he swept me up and threw me over his shoulder before I could answer. I screamed in protest and then saw that Sami was carrying Alisha the same way, running through the sand towards the water.
Before we knew it we were all soaked and falling all over each other in the salty water. I pushed Rami playfully, but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and he held me and we stood there in the water, the four of us, now very far from the party. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now than here with you.” I looked into his eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of them and turning them sort of blue this time.
“Tell me that again tomorrow.”
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brianc521 · 6 years
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He walks in the door from the studio, welcomed with the deep voice of Elvis blaring through the house. He chuckles as he shuts the door, glad to know that you are liking the new speakers he had installed last week.
He sets his guitar and bag in the hall, walking through the house in search for you, coming up empty until he passes the laundry room.
This is where he finds you, hips swaying with the beat of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’.
He leans against the door frame, watching you hum along as you fold the grey bathroom towels. He smiles, falling in love with the way you sing along softly, and how you put a hand to your heart as you smile along with the lyrics.
He licks his lips, smile taking over his whole face as he watches you stand with your right hand over your heart, left hand dangling by your hip. He takes that tiny step forward, grabbing your left hand in his and twirling you around the laundry room.
“Shawn!” You squeal, startled since you didn't even know he was home.
“Dance with me.” He whispers, pulling your body closer to his, right hand on the small of your back, left hand holding yours, swaying with you to the beat.
You giggle, blushing as he dances you around piles of clean towels and dirty clothes.
“For I can’t help falling in love with you, for I can’t help falling in love with you.” He sings softly into your ear, pressing a juicy kiss to your lips when the song finishes.
The song changes and he laughs, pulling away, “In an Elvis mood are we?” He asks as Burning Love spills out of the speakers.
“I’m always in an Elvis mood.” You shrug, laughing as he spins you around.
You turn back to the laundry, grabbing the stack of clean towels taking them to the bathroom, Shawn following close behind.
“Always in a Elvis mood eh?” He asks, sitting up on the counter as he watches you organize the towels in some fancy way.
“Always,” You nod, smiling at him over your shoulder.
He blushes, head ducking when you smile at him like that.
Been dating for 2 years, living together for 6 months, seen the good, bad, and ugly and you still make him so nervous.
He bites his lip, peeking up at you through his lashes to find you focused back at the towels. He’s memorizing your profile, finding every inch of you so perfect.
You turn and walk to him, kicking his legs open so you can between them.
“Hey Pretty Mama.” He says in his best Elvis impression.
You laugh, hiding yourself in your hands, blushing a cute shade of pink.
“What?” He giggles with you.
“You just, you look like him a little.” You look up at him, “And when you said that it just seemed like him.”
“You sound like you knew him.” Shawn teases.
“Oh god I wish.” You sigh, looking into his brown eyes.
“You think I look like Elvis?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, especially when that one curl falls.” You smile, reaching up and tugging at one lock of his curls. Making it spill onto his forehead while the rest stay like waves on the top of his head. “Like that.”
“Elvis.” He mumbles, turning to look at himself in the mirror behind him. “I don’t see it.”
“This one show.” You bite your lip, attracting his attention again.
“Yeah?” He says, hands sliding up and down your sides while you silently swoon at the thoughts running through your head.
“Your shirt was unbuttoned a bit, I think you were wearing white. That was the first time I saw it.”
“Yeah?” He leans forward a bit, wanting to be the one biting your plump lip.
“You looked so hot.” You whisper, eyes shutting letting you remember that night.
“Oh yeah,” Shawn’s lost in you, eyes glazed over in lust, lip trapped between his teeth as he breathes heavy, watching you reminisce. “Why didn’t I know this?”
“I don’t know, but I swooned so hard.” You giggle, opening your eyes, coming back to the real world.
“That’s the only time?” His voice is deep, laced thick with want and need.
“There’s been other times, but that one sticks out the most.”
He’s left breathless as you walk away, the Elvis song changing to Blue Suede Shoes, hearing her squeal in the hall “This is my favorite song!”
He’s got plan, such a good plan.
He wants to make you swoon again, want a new fresh memory to stick out to you. He’s got his team working to keep you distracted and away from him all day.
That way you can’t see the way he’s got his hair styled, that one curl falling loosely on his forehead. His shirt is unbuttoned except for a few buttons and he sports an old guitar he picked up recently, looks pretty similar to Elvis’.
He’s worked on a new song with the band, and they’re confused but Shawn has his reasons. Wouldn’t want to perform it if he didn’t have a reason.
And reason does he have.
He’d do anything to see you smile and blush like that again. To watch you bite your lip and sigh as you thought back to that look.
“Shawn, Y/n’s front row with the rest of the crew tonight. Told her there wasn’t enough room for her to be side stage like usual.” He hears through his in ears. “She wants to talk to you.”
He smiles, looking around and finding Geoff with a walkie talkie hanging off his hip. He swipes it, speaking into it.
“Where is she?”
He waits a beat before he hears “Hey, I’m here.”
Your voice floods his ears and the smile that washes over his face is stunning.
“Hey Baby.” He smiles.
“No room for me side stage?” She asks and he can hear the insecurity.
“No and it sucks, I really wish you were here.” He says calmly.
“Me too, I worry about you.”
“Don’t worry about me Baby, I’m fine.”
She sighs, stepping away from the crowd hoping to find some sort of privacy. “I miss you.” She whispers.
His gaze drops to the guitar in his hands, fingers picking mindlessly at the strings.
“I miss you too.”
“When do you go on?”
“Few minutes.” He answers.
“Be careful out there okay?” He says, remembering that she is sitting with the crowd.
“I will, I’ve got the team with me.”
“I know, and Baby.” He says softly.
“Don’t let any boys make you swoon.” He grins.
She laughs, shaking her head, “One boy makes me swoon, and he’s not on stage yet.”
“Shawn, go time.”
“He’s about to be, I have to go Baby. Be safe.”
“Go Shawn, go play, go kill it.”
He hands Geoff his walkie talkie back, rolling his shoulders before he walks on stage.
The crowd erupts as he walks on, smile plastered on his face when he feels the energy of the crowd.
He tries to find you, search for you in the crowd but there is so many people he can’t make it out. All the eyes and smiles staring at him seem to blur together.
The concert going on, all the people in the crowd going crazy with as much skin he is showing. He’s happy, so insanely happy and the only thing that can make this night better is to serenade you and make you swoon.
He nods to the band and they start the intro to the new song on the setlist. He jumps into the crowd, scanning for his crew because that’s where you are.
He walk by, someone grabbing at his arm, looking over he sees Andrew and stops.
Andrew then turns, grabbing you and pushing you to the front gate in front of Shawn.
You look around confused and then meet his eyes, smiling breaking out on both of your faces.
“So this isn’t my song,” He speaks out to the crowd, “But it’s someone's favorite.” He looks at you. “So I couldn’t not perform it.” He laughs at you confused state. “This is Blue Suede Shoes.”
The band jumps into the song, Shawn singing the whole song to you, holding your hand and twirling you even though there's a gate separating the both of you.
The song ends and he’s panting in front of you while you stare at him with a shocked expression.
“Holy shit!” You shout up into his ear so he can hear you.
“Did I make you swoon?” He grins.
“Of fucking course.” You blush at him.
He leans down, pecking your cheek “Love ya Baby.” He says into your ear before running back to the stage.
The crowd is bursting with cheers, never had you guys been so affectionate in public so his fans finally got a taste of what boyfriend!shawn was like.
You’re glowing now as he plays the rest of the show, laughing as hears the girls screaming for more Elvis.
“No more Elvis tonight, but I’ll look into more.” He says when a chant is started. “My girls obsessed so she should be of some help.”
The festival he’s playing as cameras in the crowd to show on the big screen and you now fill the screens for the people to see.
“Right pretty Mama.” Shawn smirks in your direction.
You laugh, blushing and shaking your head. The crowd freaking out about the love Shawn is showing you right now.
“One more song guys, here we go.” He says jumping back into the concert.
He walks back stage, a bit surprised to see you standing there, waiting for him.
He smiles at you, letting his stage hand take his guitar as he makes his way to you.
“Hey Baby.”
You don’t respond, you just grab the collar of his open shirt, pulling him into you, his lips crashing down into yours.
You leave a searing kiss to his lips, licking into his mouth as you clutch his shirt tighter.
His moan is swallowed up but your tongue gliding against his.
His hands gripping your sides tightly, holding you flush up against him.
You pull away for air, and he smiles cheekily at you.
“I’mma take it you liked it?” He grins.
“Holy fuck.” Is all you respond with.
He laughs, kissing you again. “Glad you liked it Baby.”
“You know what else I like?”
“What’s that?”
“When you call me Pretty Mama.”
He pulls back a bit, eyebrow raising “Yeah?” He licks his lips.
You watch that tongue swipe across his lip, eyes narrowing.
“Yeah,” You breathe out.
“Okay,” He sighs, leaning back in and kissing you deeply.
“Figured out why he wanted to play that song.” Mike says, disgust lacing his tone while the team walks up to the couple making out.
He pulls aways to chuckle while you blush and hide yourself in his sweaty chest.
“Are we adding Elvis to the set list.”
“Yes,” He answers quickly, holding you closer. “Yes we will be.”
If he gets a reaction like this every time then hell yes, he’d perform every Elvis song to get you to look at him the way you’re looking at him right now.
“You don’t have to.” You whisper, looking up at him.
“Anything for my Pretty Mama.” He impersonates Elvis again, leaving you to giggle into his chest, arms wrapping around him.
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@/yourinsta: My personal Elvis #swoon
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crzcorgi · 7 years
Giving Her All
Catch up with Negan and Number 6 here
Negan x wife (reader - Y/N)
Y/N=your name
Ne - reader’s nickname for Negan
I switch between the reader and Negan’s POV , but I have labeled the changes
Warnings-sexy Negan times & language.
I apologize for the amount of time between chapters, and for my less than stellar writing.
3250 words
Want on or off my taglist? Just let me know!
@mypapawinchester @kijilinn @may85  @mamapeterson @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @negandarylsatisfaction @rapsity @strangersangel9 @wickednerdery @hannibalssweaters @ladylorelitany @angelak72081 @scarygoodfanfics @superpinkkcat @gageef @ericas-negan77 @miss-nori85 @ali-pennell @smuttwd @purplejellybean @concertxjunkie @magical-spit  @jotilpip @thedeadwalks @negantrashlucille23 @pandainfinitely @xdaddy-neganx @almostinwonderland @myheart4ever47-blog @lauryphelps1d @texasgal2222  @rizflo-blog @catleesi-xo @negans-network    @melodicdolls @ohmyneganimagination-twd  @kitcat44  @jmackie1983 @bulletscrossbowpie @astrangegirlsmind @negans-dirty-girl @theatricalbride @jasoncrouse @neganscatleesi @yesfangirlfan @jdmsgal @sherrilynn67 @cherieann-2001
@haleyea @tennantsforever @heartbreakgirlposts @warriorqueen1991 @foreverplagued
I apologize if I forgot to tag you, Just let me know with a slap aside the head! And @#% Tumblr won’t tag everyone, I’m sorry!
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  Fuck ups, fuckity fucking FUCK UPS! I was sick and fucking tired of not only the shitters at the newest community we had acquired, but I was also done, absolutely fucking through, with my own bunch of dickheads. Screw up after fucking screw up had caused a trip that was supposed to be only a 1-2 day one, to become a fucking week long. I stepped out of the truck, making sure to grab my lady Lucille, stretching my legs after the long ride back.
 I was heading inside when I heard a scuffle behind me. Turning, I saw a couple of men fucking rolling around on the ground like fucking kids, punching, kicking. Jesus fucking Christ.
 Spinning around quickly, I stomped over towards the scuffle.
 “What the fuckity fuck is going the fuck on?!!!” I held Lucille at arm’s length, threateningly.
  Simon looked at me, “They’re fighting over…”
  Interrupting him, I swung Lucille back up on my shoulder. “You know what? I don’t give a fuck.”
 “Boss, whatta you want to do with that guy? And the weapons, you said you wanted to have a look at ‘em before they sent to the armo…”
 “Good fucking God, Simon! Take care of that shit! No more talking to me, got it? I’m a fucking ghost, you don’t see me. So fuck off.” I waved my gloved hand at him, dismissively, walking as quickly as possible towards the freight elevator.
 “It’s stuck!”
 “No, just shimmy that side a bit, it’ll fit!”
 What the fuckity fuck!!!
 As I reached the elevator, I realized there was some piece of shit cabinet was stuck half in, half out of the elevator, Fat Joseph and Larry, my favorite fuck-ups, trying to move it in or out, fuck knows which.
 “Jesus, what is going on?!”
 They both turned to look at me, a look of shock on their faces.
 Fat Joseph stuttered, “Uh, Negan, sir. We were trying to get this up to the wives quarters, uh, I mean, your ex wives,  like uh, before you got back back.”
 “Well, that definitely worked out shitheads.”
 “We almost got it, just another…”
  I held my hand up. “Fuck it, I don’t care.” I turned heading for the stairs. All I wanted was to get to my room and take a long fucking bath. If I was honest with myself, what I really fucking wanted, craved, was to screw y/n’s brains out. I wanted to take her, hard, pounding into that glorious pussy, from behind, taking a hold of her hair, my fingers working their way through, reaching the ends and pulling, making her groan, spurring me on. Fuck!
 But I couldn’t, wouldn’t, get my true desire. Doll, was not like any other woman I’d been with. She was so like my Lucille, pure, loving, a sexual innocent. Yeah, we had some fuckity fucking fun, but I always went easy with her. She scared easy, and fuck if I didn’t want to lose her trust, it took so long to gain it. When she first became my 6th wife, she was like a fucking little mouse, hardly heard a peep out of her. Took awhile to get her to open up. And the rest they say is fucking history.
 I knew she would be asleep, so as I reached the top of the fucking stairs, I stopped to take my boots off, hoping I would make less noise. I’m sure she spent the day working hard somewhere in the Sanctuary. And worrying about me, something I couldn’t fucking get her to stop doing.
 I reached the door to our room, I heard what sounded like music playing, faint but I could make out the familiar notes. I placed my boots down to grab my key, unlocking the door slowly, and as quietly as possible, I stepped inside to see a fucking wonderful sight.
 Doll was dancing around to whatever song was playing, singing the words, not even realizing that I was here. I loved seeing her so carefree, such a fucking oddity in this world. But what really stood out was what she was wearing. The slinkiest, fucking sexiest lingerie. Fuck if I knew where it came from, I’d never seen that on her. Since it became just the two of us, she preferred to sleep in my tees, she said it always made her feel safe and closer to me. I didn’t fucking care because most times she was fucking naked when I was there. Fucking easy access.
 I slid over to sit on the edge of the bed, taking her all in. She still hadn’t noticed me yet, she was never this fucking carefree, a fucking breathtaking smile on her face. So happy. I was in a daze, just watching her, feeling myself growing harder by the second.
 “Oh my god, NEGAN!!! You scared the living shit out of me!” She startled me out of my thoughts, making her way quickly over to me, standing in front of me, her tiny hands on her hips. “What do you have to day for yourself, mister?!”
 Fuck, her she stands in front of me, trying to look all fucking tough and angry, and all I can do is stare at those spectacular tits and becoming harder than steel.
 She moves closer, almost straddling me. “I missed you, I was so worried. When Simon messaged that you were almost back, I’m not ashamed to admit I screamed.” She placed her hands on my cheeks, her fingers stroking my beard. “You look so exhausted, babe. Want a bath, or do you just want to sleep?” Leaning over, she kissed my head softly, keeping her lips there.
 “I missed you too, baby girl. So fucking much.” I took in the feel of her fingers on my face, her lips in my hair, feeling like fucking heaven. “ So, what’s the occasion?” One hand darted out, touching her side, taking the material between my fingers.
 “I found it at the commissary. No one had snatched it up yet.” She twirled around, giving me the fucking perfect view of her ass, fuck. “Do you like it?” She didn’t ask me that as a tease, she honestly wanted to know.
 I couldn’t hold it in any longer, pulling her onto my lap, making her make the fucking cutest squeak. “Negan!” She was giggling, playfully slapping my arm.
 “It’s beautiful, doll, but you know what I’m thinking.” I nosed her neck, my tongue darting out to taste her salty sweet skin.
 “I know, you prefer easy access, but I wanted to look pretty for you.” She placed her head in the crook of my neck, playing with my scarf.
 “So, bed or bath?” She was looking up at me, under her impossibly long lashes, those sweet y/e/c eyes so big.
 “How about neither?” I raised my hips up, prodding doll’s ass with my stiffy.
 “Ohhh!” Her little snicker made me grin. “Well, I was kind of hoping you might say that.” She gestured to her choice of clothing.
  “I need to go use the john, doll, but I won’t be long.” As I stood, I took her with me, making her squeal. I squeezed her to me, tenderly taking her chin in my hand, tilting upward to face me. Bowing down, I begin kissing her, my tongue begging for entrance, which she willingly allows. My tongue stroking hers, tasting her. Her tiny almost imperceptible moans make me even more fucking stiff.
 We were both suddenly startled by a knock at the door.
 Reluctantly pulling back, I couldn’t help my tirade. “Jesus, fuckity fucking fuckers, what the fuck now!!!!!”
 She took my hand, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. “I’ll answer it Negan, I’ll tell them you’re indisposed.”
 “Too late, kiddo! I heard him!” Simon.
 “Yeah, fucking damn right you heard me!” I yelled, stomping my way over to the door, unlocking and swinging it open violently.
 “Is there a fucking fire, a walker takeover, or no more fucking whiskey? No? No, I thought not. So get the fuck out of here and don’t come back until I say you can, got it?!”
 “Negan, the men are talking about what happened on the run, and fuck if I didn’t know any better, it’s like a fucking mutiny bein’ planned.” Simon rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
 “Fucking ingrates, I’m sick of this. Try to calm them down the best you can. I’ll be down in a bit. Jesus, fucking Christ.”
 After Simon left, I went over to sit by doll, she put her hand on my back, rubbing deeply, her head resting on my shoulder.
 “I’m sorry, Negan,you don’t deserve this, I can feel the tension in your muscles. Massage?” She took one of my hands, bringing it to her lips.
 “I’m so fucking wired, this whole week has been the fucking week from hell. I’m tired, but I am so pissed off I can’t fucking relax. I need to get this energy out.”
 Dropping my hand, y/n stood, moving around in front of me. Tipping her head to the side she spoke quietly, “maybe get rid of that pent-up energy on me.”
 I ran my hand down my face. Did doll just offer what I’ve been fucking dreaming off?! Fuck, I can’t, I shouldn’t. She’s my sweet girl, my fragile china doll. It took so long to earn her trust, what if this changes everything? What if I fucking hurt her. Reaching out for her hands, I closed my eyes.
 “I’m not a gentle man, sweetheart.” I looked up at her.
 “You’ve been nothing but gentle with me, Negan.” She kissed both of my hands, moving to straddle my legs, lowering herself slowly.
 “But, darling, this is different.”
 “Take me Negan, take me hard, fast, anyway you want me.” She dipped her lips closer to my ear.  “I trust you, always.”
 I brought my hands up to her shoulders, peeling the straps down her shoulders. Leaning back, her breasts thrusting forward, giving me perfect access. “Gorgeous sweetheart.”
 “Negan,” she sounded so breathy, “i won’t break, I promise.”
 She stood up, stepping back and stripped herself quickly of her clothing. “Now go, use the bathroom, I’ll be waiting for you.” She winked at me, backing further away. “No touching!”
 She would be the fucking death of me that girl. After I was finished in the bathroom, completely stripping, I came out to see y/n on the bed, on her stomach, ass in the air. Fucking knocked the breath out of me.
 Slipping around to the end of the bed, I got a full fucking view of her perfect pink pussy, as if she was put on display for me.
“Fuck, baby girl, I almost blew a load at this magnificent sight.”
 “Fuck me Negan, take me like you fucking own me. No holding back.” She had lifted her head to glance over her shoulder at me, I sexy smirk on her lips. “I’m so fucking horny right now, so either enter me or I’ll take care of myself.”
 “Fuck, I think I’m liking this new side to you, doll!” 
 It’s as if she could read my mind. She always knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed, before I even fucking knew. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking advantage of her, she’s always so accommodating, so fucking willing to do things, be things, just for me. She never takes, always gives.
 Maybe this was wrong, but fuck I didnt want to be right tonight. I fucking needed this. As I crawled up on the foot of the bed, taking in her magnificence, I couldn’t stop the sounds escaping me.
 Her head, tipped to the side, glancing back at me, she whispered, “it’s okay, Negan, I always trust you. Let go.”
 I knew he was hesitant, he always treated me like I was made of porcelain, would crack, break, with a bit of pressure. I have never been what people would call “adventurous” in my love life, kind of borderline vanilla. But just like every other part of my life, my being, I’d changed since the end, adapted to the new world order.
 I loved Negan with every fiber in my body. If my family and friends could see me now, they would never believe their eyes. But my love for him was more than just what he did for me, to me or could do for me. It was what I could do for him. He was broken and lost in so many ways, like a small boy all alone in a fierce world.
��So when Simon sent a message that it was a less than successful run, I knew what I had to do. What I wanted to do. And my want magnified when he dragged himself into our shared room. It broke my heart to see him, so distraught.
 I could feel him now, climbing up on the bed behind me. Glancing over my shoulder at him, I encouraged him to take me, to fuck me so hard, so fast, that I wouldn’t be able to stand. He was so hesitant, unlike the Negan everyone else knew and respected  sometimes feared.
 I felt his hands sliding up my legs, reaching my ass, where he rubbed each full globe, then lightly slapping, causing me to jerk forward, more from the momentum than the slap.
 “I’m sorry doll, no fucking foreplay tonight.”
 I nodded, letting him know my agreement. His hands lifted off me, I knew he was stroking his cock, and I soon felt the delightful sensation of his cock head dragging through my damp folds. Tiny moans escaping me.
 With one swift motion, Negan was sheathed inside my more than ready cunt, causing me to shift upwards on the bed. His hands took ahold of my hips, grasping tightly, I knew I would have multiple bruises from tonight, but honestly not giving a shit.
 His hands moved up my body, not softly, gently, more like grasping, clawing their way, reaching my breasts. As his fingers dug into them, he thrusted forward, his cock entered fully, it was as if I could feel him in my abdomen, a sensation that was very different, amazingly so.
 He pulled me up onto my knees, my back becoming flush with his chest. His dick’s assault on my pussy becoming so forceful, causing me to almost fall over. With one hand around my neck now, the other finding it’s way to my over sensitized clit, I was rapidly reaching my end.
 “Fuck baby girl, you like this…” I could tell he was having trouble speaking. “You’re so fucking wet. Fuck!”
 He was right, his relentless pounding was sending me over the edge faster than ever. His movements causing him to hit all the right places. The fast and furious pace, the feel of every inch of his meaty cock inside my oh so sensitive center. His fingers so delicately circling my nub. And his hand, his fucking long nimble fingers, wrapped around my sweaty neck, opening and closing, causing my breath to catch. Making my eye rolls and sounds to escape my dry mouth.
 “Oh, oh, fuck, NEGAN! Grasp my neck, tighter, tighter, oh PLEASE!!!!!” I begged, begged him to give me what my body craved, every inch, every molecule, crying out for release.
 “I got ya baby girl, come with me. Milk me for all I’m fucking worth. Shit!!!”
 As he tightened his grip on my neck, he upped his ministrations, his thrusts so hard, deliberate, I felt as if he was reaching my lungs from the inside. His other hand moved to pull me closer to him. His face burying into my neck, as he squeezed.
 I’m not sure what happened, I either blacked out, or was lifted to a higher plain. All I do remember was both of us whispering love you’s, forever’s. The feel of his tongue dragging up my neck, his warm breath on my already heated skin. The vibrations, the shivers and shakes, my body, the nerves on overload.
 As fast as it came, it was over. His cock softening and slowing drawing out of me, causing me to sigh. Sitting back, he brought me with him, resting between his legs, feeling the heat, his small damp leg hairs tickling my bare skin. Leaning into him, I couldn’t stop the shakes that came from my now cooling body. Surprising myself, I began crying, tears making their way down my cheeks.
Negan’s POV
 I brought my arms around doll, drawing her as close to my chest as possible. Hearing her whimpering, it suddenly dawned on me that I might have fucking hurt her.
 Kissing the top of her head softly, I began whispering to her. “Shhhh, it’s okay doll. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
 Tilting her head so I could see her face, her hand came up to my cheek, gently caressing it.
 “No, you didn’t hurt me Negan, honest. I’m not sure why I’m crying.” She sniffled, wiping at her wet cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
 “You have no reason to apologize baby girl. Why don’t you turn around to face me better. I wanna see that beautiful face.”
 She turned her body sideways as I shifted behind her, pulling her into my lap. She looked up at me, her face flushed from the fucking, the tears finally slowing.
 I stroked her cheek, slipping down to clasp her chin, moving her face towards me. My lips meeting her’s, not too rough. But I wanted to taste her, wanted to still be intimately connected. I needed her to know my love for her. To thank her for trusting me, with her body, her mind, her life.
 I gently shifted our bodies into a laying position, moving up the bed. Y/N tucked herself into my side, my favorite place for her. I started stroking her hair, to calm both of us, and she began playing with my fingers.
 Yawning, she spoke, her speech a bit slurred from exhaustion, “I know you said I didn’t need to apologize, but I don’t want you to think you hurt me, or that I didn’t enjoy myself, cause I did.” She looked up at me, a grin on her sweet face. “It’s just, I’ve never let go quite that way before, it’s kinda emotional, you know?” She kissed my fingers. “After worrying about you all week, to Simon saying that you went through a clusterfuck of events. Then seeing how utterly exhausted you were. To how absolutely done you were, I just wanted to make it all better for you. I only hope I did help some.” She sat up, crawling on top of me, grasping my cheeks. “I love you, Negan.”
“And i love you, doll, for everything you do for me. For loving me more than anyone ever has. For giving everything you can to me, including yourself. It would take me a lifetime to show you how much I love you, how much I fucking cherish you. You are my fuckin’ everything baby. Everything.”
 Looking down at y/n, I see that she has fallen asleep, I snickered. Fuck doll, and I just spilled my guts.
  I sat up, just enough to pull the covers over myself and y/n, trying carefully not to disturb her. She might not have heard me, but I hope she knows.
 She is my happily ever after.
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Two For The Show
Prompt: Seth asks you to be exclusive and you want to think about it. You are part of a scripted show (for the network) and one of the female wrestlers is supposed to pick on you. Seth joins in (as scripted) and decides to say something about your fear of commitment. Only later he finds out you had something special planned to tell him you are ready to be his. Angsty with Fluffy Smut at the end. @screamersdontdance
@blondekel77 @wweismyguiltypleasure
@charlitflair @lip-sync @emmarablack @lunaticfringe216 @amberhere-hi @thatonegirloncealways @queenreignsempire @debeauxmots @kittencutie245 @ilovesamizaynn @banrioncethlenn @screamersdontdance @redalternativefirefly @filthy-parade @welshwitch5 @nickysmum1909 @msgem @uberduber-loulou @cutester  @harleyquinnnikki @lclb12 @imagines–assemble @wrasslin-rollins @xenofi  @daywalker666 @heilisk @racheo91 @lilmisscrisis  @alexispoo
@wrasslesmut   @hardcorewwetrash
@caramara3         @underwaterwonderwoman
@randyortonstattoos   @hevluvsya102   @blondekel77
@50-shades-of-roman-reigns   @sarahmatthews7     @hiitsmecharlie
@tooweirdforlifex  @covergirlcollarbones  @valeonmars  @daintymissdevitt
@dolph-wwe   @pjanina13   @enzoshair   @emmarablack @legitlunatic @ashleymarie2021 @fangirltrash-25  @phlebotomyprincess1  @devittslegos
@avixenwrites     @iloveenzoamore     @theitscammy     @thatonegirloncealways     @finnbalorsbabygirl     @lavitabella87   @thedeboniardevistation   @fmlallthewayup    @itsjustemillly  @karaboomhower   @msgem  @iceninekiller-blog-blog    @littledeadrottinghood
I don’t know what ever made me agree to do something so ridiculous. Maybe I thought it would be fun, or boost my career as an interviewer or…I don’t even have a good reason.
I agreed to be part of a new reality-ish show on the Network. I use the word reality loosely because like all reality shows…It’s really not. They throw us together in situations and basically tell us what to talk about. The rest of it is mostly real…but that doesn’t leave much.
I should have known that the false reality would fuck with my own reality….
“So, we’ve got Nattie’s birthday party tomorrow,” Seth groaned, rolling over toward me in my hotel bed.
I rolled my eyes and moved closer to him. His chin rested on top of my head and as usual, his hand immediately went to playing with my hair.
“Is it to late to back out of this show?” I giggled against his taunt chest.
“Yup,” he sighed, letting the ‘p’ sound pop loudly.
I snuggled closer, as his fingers still ran through my hair repeatedly. The rise and fall of his chest was so comforting to me that I knew any minute I could fall asleep.
“Have I ever told you that you are literally the best body pillow in the world?”
“Once or twice,” Seth mused “But I don’t mind it.”
I slowly crawled my fingers up his chest, teasing at his skin playfully. He didn’t wait for me to finish.
He dove his fingers into my side, tickling me. He was the master of the tickle sneak assault.
“Seth,” I squealed, wriggling all over the bed trying to escape him.
He laughed, a carefree, genuine laugh and I loved hearing it. He pinned me beneath him and continued tickling me all down my naked body.
“Seth!” I shrieked, trying my best to tickle him in return.
His hands managed to grab my feet and I started furiously kicking my freshly painted toes at his shins.
“Shit,” he laughed, “Ok, ok. I give!”
“I knew you would,” I smirked in satisfaction, seizing the opportunity to wrap my arms completely around him.
He kissed me quickly on the lips, before we fell back into our snuggling position.
He twirled a piece of my hair around his finger and let out a contented sigh.
I pushed my leg through the two of his, wrapping them tightly together.
“Have you thought any more about it?” he finally asked after a period of silence.
“Mhm,” I mumbled against him.
“And?” he whispered, his lips kissing the top of my head.
“I still don’t know,” I replied, clenching my eyes shut preparing for his reaction.
He moved away, pulling my shoulders back so our faces were right in front of each other.
“Why?” his brow furrowed.
“You know why,” I shook my head.
“That was a year ago,” he gripped me a little tighter “And I’m not him.”
I had a relationship with Zack Ryder that fell apart a year before and my trust in men had not returned completely. He had cheated and I had been a devastated wreck for months.
Seth had been a welcome change but I had went into this new ‘relationship’ cautiously. He wasn’t without his history of infidelity and while I believed he was only seeing me, it was hard to take the next step to exclusivity.
“I know you’re not,” I shrugged out of his grasp and set up in the bed.
“Then why are you punishing yourself…and me for something that son of a bitch did?”
I looked over at him, as he sat up next to me, and the silence in the air seemed to answer him. He ran his hands back through his hair in frustration before looking to meet my eyes.
“Oh,” he nodded, as his jaw clenched angrily “I get it…I’ve cheated on women before so I’m just like him right?”
“I didn’t say that,” I reached out and ran my hand along the side of his face.
He flinched but he didn’t pull away.
“I want to be with you,” he sighed “Just you. I’m not going to hurt you…I’m not going to cheat on you with some other woman…I care about you. I fucking love you and you know that.”
“I know,” I nodded, my hand going into the hair framing his face.
“Then you need to decide,” his tongue licked his lower lip angrily “You need to decide right now. Am I what you want? Do you want this with me?”
Right now? Seriously? He was going to throw an ultimatum at me in the middle of the night?
“Seth…” I recoiled my hand.
“And there’s my answer,” his eyes grew stormy.
He slid out of the bed and began furiously putting on his clothes.
“Where are you going?” I heard my voice sound pleading.
“To my room,” he glanced up as he hooked his belt.
“Please don’t do this,” I sat up on my knees, the sheet falling from around me.
“I didn’t do this,” he turned to stare at me “You did.”
“Seth, I just need a little more time,” I whispered.
“Time?” he walked back over to the bed and leaned down toward me “It’s been months, Y/N. We have been doing this for months! You are what I want but I can’t wait on you forever. You gotta decide if you want to be happy. Because when we’re together, I know you’re happy. I feel it. I know it because I know you. We know each other because this between us…It’s fucking real.”
“I know it is,” I sighed, drawing the sheet back over me and crawling closer to him “You make me happy. You make me so happy Seth…And that’s the problem. Happiness scares me because when you’re happy then you’re setting yourself up to lose everything.”
“So you’d rather just be miserable,” he pressed his forehead sharply against mine.
His eyes closed and he let out a deep frustrated breath. I let the question hover in the air, both of our hearts racing in our temples. The tension between us was just as thick as the desire.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled, my lips ghosting over his cheek.
“Well, when you figure it out you let me know.”
He pulled away from me and snatched his t-shirt off the back of a chair.
“Seth,” I pleaded, my voice cracking.
“I’ll see you at Nattie’s party tomorrow,” he spat, as he headed toward the door.
The door slammed behind him.
I spent the whole next day in bed, staring at my phone. Not a single message or sign from Seth at all.  I had managed to eat a bowl of oatmeal and an apple. That was the only food I had consumed and that was because the growl of my hungry stomach was starting to grate on my nerves. The rest of the time I had stared blankly at the walls, crying my eyes out, watching the minutes tick by and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life.
Did I want a real, serious long term relationship with Seth? Was I willing to place all of my trust and love and future in the hands of a man who had been known to break hearts? Not just that but was I willing to place all of that in the hands of anyone?
I loved him, very much. He always made me feel happy and loved and important. He always asked me how my day was and he actually listened to the answer.
Seth made it a point to have time set aside for just us. Even if it was stealing an evening watching television and getting into those intense tickle fights that always led to more of the most amazing sex I had ever had in my life.
When we had sex, no matter the mood, it was mind blowing. Not just because Seth was a great lover but because of the connection I felt when I was with him. He kept eye contact, he spoke to me during it, he touched me how I wanted and sometimes how I didn’t know I needed to be. He knew my body better than I did. I had never experienced that with anyone.
It wasn’t just the physical either. He took care of me, he valued my opinions, he wanted the best for me and he helped me any way that he could to achieve my dreams. He had done wonders for my interviewing career in the business, giving me countless practice interviews. He assumed all different personas and characters. He truly had been amazing.
He was amazing.
He was everything I wanted.
So why was I torturing myself with 'what ifs’ and hypotheticals? Why was I comparing Seth to other men, to his past self? He wasn’t that man anymore.
He was the man who tickled me just to watch me giggle. He was the man who drove fifty miles in the middle of the night to change the flat on my rental car and then taught me how to do it in case he wasn’t around next time. He was the man who introduced me to his dog like he was introducing me to his first born. The man who carried me around when I 'lightly’ sprained my ankle even though it wasn’t necessary.
He was the man I had loved for nearly ten months and yet, I couldn’t commit to him?
He wasn’t the problem.
I was the problem.
If didn’t let all of my fear go, I was going to lose the love of my life.
The wardrobe department had my entire party ensemble planned out when I arrived the next evening for Nattie’s birthday bash.
“Girl, we’re gonna have to get to work on your eyes,” one of the makeup artists observed as I sat down.
“Yeah,” I whispered hoarsely.
My throat was scratchy from crying and I knew my eyes were a mess, along with every other part of me.
“You ok?” she asked me, as she hovered over me dropping some clear eyes into them to get rid of the redness.
“Long night,” I shook my head once she finished “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
She finished my makeup, making small talk and it was nice to be distracted for a little while. Once she finished, I found my dress amongst the others hanging on a rack.
Nattie’s dress was black with a bold pink trim. Mine looked like something out of a princess movie. They both fit our personalities but I thought mine looked more like a birthday dress. The black suited Nattie though.
I slid on the cotton candy pink, short dress and pulled at the sweetheart neckline as the hairdresser finished pinning my curls in to place.
It was taking a lot of work to make it look like I had just 'showed up’ at this party. As if I had done all the work myself to make me look halfway presentable after the night I had went through.
“You look gorgeous,” Lana walked up next to me “Stunning.”
Lana always was a welcomed face at events. She was one of my closest confidantes and one of the few who knew the details of my relationship with Seth. I desperately wanted to talk to her but she was hand in hand with Rusev and taping was about to start.
“Thanks,” I smiled instead, kissing her on the cheek “So do you.”
She and Rusev headed into the large tent where the party was being held. I stood back, trying to work up the courage to go inside.
I sighed and turned to see Alexa standing behind me. Her dress was a bright red confection of tule. She was sure to stand out. I wasn’t even sure why she had agreed to do the show when she hated the idea of it so much.
“Yeah?” I put on my best fake smile.
“They want me to address the elephant in the 'tent’,” she rolled her eyes.
“What?” I laughed lightly, folding my arms across my chest.
“They want me to talk about you and Seth,” she snipped “I’m supposed to bring up this little thing you two have going on.”
Seth and I had been taped cuddling up during parties and events for the show. It only appeared like we were close friends and nothing beyond that had ever been addressed in front of the cameras.
“What are you talking about?” I shook my head “That’s private.”
“Well, I was just warning you,” she huffed “Believe me, I don’t want to talk about your love life but I have a pay check coming my way so….I’m gonna do it.”
She flounced passed me but it felt like she had slapped me in the face.
Who in the hell had come up with this plan? I glared in the direction of the producers who knew exactly why I was angry. They just turned and avoided me.
I was just about to head in their direction when I spotted Seth.
He came out of one of the wardrobe tents. He had on a tux that fit him perfectly. Every muscle and lean curve of his body was accentuated by it. His hair was pulled into a low pony tail. He immediately saw me and turned to go the other way.
“Seth!” I called after him.
I watched his shoulders slump as he stopped in his tracks and waited for me to catch up.
“I need to tell you something,” I put my hand on his shoulder when I reached him.
“I know about Alexa,’ he tensed up “Believe me, I’m not happy about it either…But we all signed a contract, didn’t we?”
“That’s not it, Seth,” I walked in front of him.
He was avoiding my eyes, looking beyond me.
“Seth, I really need to talk to you. It’s important,” I reached out for his hand but he pulled away.
I finally followed his gaze behind me and realized he was staring at Eva Marie. She had on the absolute tightest white mini dress I had ever seen. There was no way I could compete with her curves and her face and everything else about how she looked. I felt my stomach sink and I wanted to throw up.
“Oh,” I whispered, the wind catching my curls and blowing them around my face.
“Yeah,” he shoved his hands into his pockets “I uh, I got some stuff I have to film with her so…”
“Sure you do,” I nodded “Don’t uh, don’t let me keep you.”
There was a good thirty seconds of silence. He stared at me, I stared at him, we both glanced over at her with her bright red hair and her long legs.
“I guess Seth Rollins should have a woman like her on his arm,” I shook my head “Not some insecure interviewer, huh?”
“That’s what they say,” he responded, his eyes back on mine.
“Well, then I guess I’ll see you when I see Alexa,” I forced a smile.
“Yeah, see you later,” he nodded, pushing past me slowly.
I watched as he entered the group of Eva, Paige, Dean, Renee and Daniel. They were all laughing, sipping their cocktails. Eva placed her hand on Seth’s shoulder as a camera panned by them.
I felt the tears start to burn in my eyes and I wanted to paw at them but I knew I couldn’t. Thirty minutes in the makeup chair for eyeliner and mascara, there wasn’t time for it. Instead, I dotted the corners of my eyes and turned my head away.
“You look absolutely adorable!” Nattie squealed when she saw me later.
The cameras were on us so I had to put on my bravest and fakest smile to hide how I was truly feeling.
“Happy Birthday beauty,” I giggled, drawing her into a tight hug.
“You ok?” she whispered against my ear.
I shook my head no but as we pulled apart, we went back to our roles.
“This has to be the absolute best birthday party I have ever been to,” I glanced over at TJ “You really are so lucky to have such an amazing husband.”
“I try, I try,” TJ smiled, before leaning over to lightly kiss me on the cheek.
The cameras followed Nattie, as she and TJ made their rounds throughout the party. I let out a deep sigh of relief that my part was over until the Alexa situation.
I slid down in a chair at an empty table and began tearing at a napkin emblazoned with Nattie’s initials and a little tiara.
“You look like you could use a beer.”
I looked up to see Dean, as he sat a Corona down in front of me and took a chair beside me.
“Thanks,” I smiled, clinking my bottle with his.
“I hate this shit,” he sighed, running his hand over his scruffy beard.
“Then why did you sign up for it?”
“You think I signed up for this?” he laughed “Hell no, this was all Renee.”
“But you agreed to it. You signed on the dotted line,” I took a long sip of the beer.
“Yeah, sometimes you gotta make sacrifices, you know? I’m slowly learning that’s how this whole relationship thing works.”
I nodded, my eyes falling back down to the napkin I was annihilating.
“So, you and Seth,” he cleared his throat “You just gonna let that pass you by or what?”
“What?” I laughed in confusion, looking back up at him “How did you…?”
“Come on now,” he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand “Seth’s my buddy. I saw him hanging all over Eva Marie and I asked him what was up.”
“So he told you he’s trying to move on?” I felt a lump rise in my throat.
“Nooo,” he drug the word out “Creative is making him hang over her. He wants to hang all over you but he said you don’t want that.”
“I never said that,” I sighed “I guess I’m learning what real relationships are all about too.”
“He loves you, you know?”  Dean raised an eyebrow “And believe me, if I can see that…You know it’s gotta be fuckin’ true.”
“I know he does,” I whispered “I love him too.”
“Then fuckin’ tell him,” he leaned in closer to me “Cause I gotta tell you, if he starts foolin’ around with Eva, I’m gonna have to drop his ass. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me, know what I’m sayin?…I like you.”
“Do you?” I forced a smile.
“Yeah, sure,” he stood up “You’re cute, you’re fun, you’re not all high maintenance like miss red whatever she calls herself…You’re the girl for Seth. Don’t blow it cause you’re scared. You got me?”
“I got you,” I stuck my fist out to meet his extended one.
He winked and then he was gone.
The cameras headed in my direction, Alexa in tow and I knew it was show time. I inhaled a deep breath, watching as Seth came from another direction.
He looked just as uncomfortable as I felt.
Alex and I made small talk for a minute before Seth encroached on the conversation.
“So,” Alexa eyed us both “You two got a thing going on or what? Cause I saw Seth gettin’ cozy with Eva outside. I thought you’d be all over that Y/N?”
I felt like I was frozen. I had built up in my head what I was going to say but I couldn’t think of a single word of it.
“Why would she?” Seth spoke for me “It’s not like we’re exclusive.”
“Really?” Alexa smirked “Seemed that way to all of us.”
“How can you be exclusive with someone who is afraid of commitment?” Seth forced a smile on his face “Gotta take baby steps with this one.”
“Well, Eva is not about baby steps,” Alexa laughed, glaring at me after she did.
“Don’t I know it,” Seth laughed along with her “That girl has no fear.”
I wanted to punch him. I wanted to run. I was stupid. I was so incredibly stupid.
How could Seth humiliate me like that? Show or no show?
“Yeah, well, you guys have fun,” I managed to get out with a straight face.
I backed away from them, just as the cameras pulled away too. I was half way out the tent when I heard him.
“Y/N!” he bellowed “Wait!”
Tears were streaming down my cheeks. My heart was beating so hard in my ears that I could barely hear him or anything else going on around me.
I felt him grab my arm and I jerked it away.
“Don’t touch me!”
His eyes grew dull and he bowed his head as if he were ashamed.
“How could you say that?” I spat at him “That is private. Between you and me! Not the whole god damn world!”
“I’m sorry,” he looked back up at me “I’m just so fucking pissed off at you right now!”
“Well,” I folded my arms “I’m sure that Eva can take care of that for you.”
“That’s all for this stupid ass show!”
“For now,” I shrugged “Give it a few more hours, a few more shots of tequila…I’ll be completely forgotten…As the pathetic interviewer that this fucking show wants me to be! Seth Rollins doesn’t need a girl like me, he needs a girl like her!”
“You know something,” he pointed his finger at me “What if you’re right? What if Seth Rollins is supposed to walk down red carpets and go to award shows with a girl like Eva Marie on his arm? How would that make you feel , huh? How would it feel to know that even she could make a commitment to me and you couldn’t.”
“She? Like she’s special?” I felt my face flaming with anger.
“No, just the opposite,” he held his hands out by his sides “Girls like her are a dime a fuckin’ dozen, Y/N. Girls like her are what people want to see on television. I don’t know why in the hell they do but they do!”
“Good night, Seth,” I choked out, trying to fight back the next wave of tears.
“I didn’t say anything to Alexa that wasn’t true!” he shouted “You are afraid! You’re afraid to be happy with me!”
“Really?” I spun around “Are you sure about that?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he was taken a back.
“Doesn’t matter,” I shook my head “Not anymore. None of it matters anymore…Have fun with your red carpet model.”
I walked as fast as I could to the valet, avoiding his shouts of my name.
I used my spare key to get into Seth’s room. I quickly started to pick up the rose petals I had gotten room service to place on the bed. They had gotten over eager. I was on my third handful when I heard the door open.
“What…?” I heard Seth’s confused voice behind me.
“I’ll be out of your way in just a minute,” I sniffed, as I snatched up the last of them.
“What is all this?” he ripped his bowtie from around his neck and walked in front of me.
“Nothing,” I shook my head “Not anymore.”
“You tell me right now what this is,” Seth pointed to the champagne bucket sitting on a stand on the other side of the bed.
“Well,” I drew in a sharp breath, tossing the petals into the trash “I had set this up to tell you after the party tonight that I wanted to be with you more than anything in the whole world.”
I felt my voice start to quiver and more tears start to fall. I hated myself for crying. I hadn’t been able to stop myself all day.
“That I wanted you to know that I had been an idiot. That you made me so happy that I couldn’t imagine life without you. That every minute I’m with you, I feel safe and I feel loved and I feel the happiest I have ever been in my whole life.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, reaching out for me but I wouldn’t let him touch me.
“But, that’s all over,” I shrugged in defeat “Because you made it very clear tonight….If our relationship was that important to you, you wouldn’t have been blasting details about it all over television. You wouldn’t have let them drag you into some fake relationship with Eva. You wouldn’t have made me look like a fool, like a blind, pathetic woman…Just like I felt when Zach cheated on me. Pathetic and stupid and used and…”
“Just, please,” Seth closed his eyes and drew in a breath before opening them “Let’s just talk about this ok?”
“There isn’t any reason to talk about it,” I shook my head “I will never be a girl like Eva and I don’t want to be. I will never be oozing confidence all the time because I know what it’s like to be the girl guys leave to be with girls like Eva. I know what its like to finally decide to give your heart to someone and then they throw it away…You know how I know what that’s like, Seth?…Because it’s happened to me twice now.”
“No,” he shook his head “This is all a big misunderstanding ok? I was an asshole and I should have listened to you when you wanted to talk. I shouldn’t have walked out on you last night. And you’re right, I shouldn’t have talked about our relationship to Alexa or anybody..I’m sorry, ok?”
“No,” I whispered “I don’t forgive you, Seth….You can keep the champagne, maybe you can find someone to use it with.”
I tugged at the neckline of my dress, which has slumped down again and turned for the door.
“Don’t do this,” Seth was behind me and I could feel his warm breath hitting my shoulders “Don’t walk out on us.”
“I’m not, Seth,” I answered “You made that decision for me.”
My night was spent very different than the night before. I sat in the bed, still in my cotton candy dress, as call after call came in to my phone.
I chose to ignore them all. Nattie was calling to see what was wrong, I was sure. Dean probably had talked to Seth and wanted to attempt to help in his own awkward way.
I stuffed my face on peanuts and pretzels from the in room snacks and downed several mini bottles of vodka and tequila mixed with the little cans of orange juice in the fridge.
My head was spinning, as I downed yet another and it burned my throat.
Fuck you, Seth.
I finally turned it off and tossed it across the room. I didn’t care if it broke. At that moment, I didn’t care about anything.
Around four in the morning, there was a knock on the door.
“Whoever it is, go away!” I shouted in my drunken stuper.
“Open this door.”
It was Seth’s voice and I climbed up, stumbling in my little dress to the door and swinging it open.
“Stop calling my fucking phone!” I shrieked into the hallway.
He sighed, pushing me inside and shutting the door behind him.
“Jesus, Y/N,” he took sight of the empty bottles on the bed “How much did you drink?”
“And why do you care?” I huffed, sitting back down on the bed “And why are you here?”
“I’m worried about you,” he sighed “You aren’t answering anyone’s calls.”
“So you did put all of them up to calling me,” I laughed angrily "You’re pathetic.“
"If you would just listen to me,” he sank down on the bed “You’re too drunk now…”
“I am blissfully numb,” I pointed my finger sharply in his chest “You have made me that way. I’m never going to feel anything for anybody ever again.”
I tossed a handful of pretzels in my mouth and held the bag out to him.
“Want one?”
He pushed it away.
“What I want is for you to sober up so I can talk to you,” he sighed.
He was changed out of his suit, dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants with his hair in a bun.
“What I want is for you to go back to your room, stop calling my phone and leave me the fuck alone,” I insisted, reaching for another mini bottle of tequila.
Seth grabbed it from my hand and tossed it onto the floor.
“You’re going to sleep,” he insisted.
His strong hands pulled me up toward the head of the bed, pushing me to lie down on his tense chest.
“Stop,” I mumbled, fighting the urge to fall asleep on my usual favorite place.
“Please go to sleep,” he whispered “I really need to talk to you.”
“There’s nothing to say,” I struggled against him “Please just leave me alone.”
“There’s everything to say,” he breathed into the top of my hair.
The last thing I remember is his hand starting to stroke my hair.
I woke up to hear the shower running in the bathroom. My head was pounding, although not has bad as I had expected.
“Come on,” Seth came out of the bathroom “Shower.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” I sat up “I don’t owe you anything.”
“Please, go take a shower,” he said in a calm tone.
I got up and walked passed him, slamming the door behind me.
The shower had felt nice. I left the pink dress in a heap on the floor and changed into pajamas I had left hanging on the towel rack.
When I came out, he was sitting in the middle of the bed.
“Why are you still here?” I folded my arms “I told you last night I wanted you to leave.”
“I’m not leaving until I say what I want to say,” he looked over at me “You said your peace…I wanna say mine.”
“Fine,” I relented nonchalantly.
I sat down beside him, leaving ample room.
“You’re right,” he started “I fucked up. I was angry and I was confused and I ran my mouth like I always do. I had no right to say what I did to Alexa….But that whole Eva thing, you know that was all fake. I don’t give a damn about her. I don’t give a damn about any woman on this whole planet but you. And I failed you. I couldn’t be happy with what we had. I had to push for a label, something to call it so I had a boundary defined. I just didn’t want to screw this up…I have never been so scared to lose someone in my life…I need you, Y/N. There’s not a thing better in this world than being with you. I thought titles and wins and accolades were the only things that ever made me that happy…Until you. Jesus, you’re the reason I get up in the morning now. I want to get up to see you…”
He turned to me, his hand sliding across the blanket to my waiting one.
“Please, please don’t change your mind. Yesterday, before everything…You wanted us. You were going to tell me you wanted us. I want us. Please?”
“Seth, you shared something that was private…”
“And it was stupid!” he turned his whole body toward me “I’m not in the smartest guy in the world, all right? I’ll actually admit that.”
Even though I tried not to, I smiled just a little.
“It won’t happen again,” he sighed “Now that I know you want this as much as I do…I’ll do anything.”
I reached out and ran my hand down his stubble covered jaw.
“Anything,” he whispered.
I stared at him. This man that I loved. Despite his flaws, despite his stupidity, despite his ego, despite everything…He was kind, he was protective, he was loving and warm…He was the man I loved…Despite everything. One day shouldn’t erase the last ten months.
“Then, touch me,” I whispered, drawing him toward me by his t-shirt.
“What?” he groaned, as my hand ran down his chest.
“If you love me,” I bit softly at his lower lip “Prove it.”
His eyes danced across my face and then his mouth took mine. It opened and closed with sloppy kisses, his tongue prodding deep into my own mouth.
“God, I thought I’d never get to do this again,” he breathed against my neck as he pulled his lips down my throat.
I dug my nails into his scalp as his tongue licked all over my neck and down on the skin exposed by my tank top.
“We’re getting out of those stupid contracts,” he breathed against my skin “And I’m going to do everything I can to get those scenes cut.”
“That would be nice,” I sighed, as his hands went under my shirt and slid it off me.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he whimpered, his mouth going back to nibbling and licking my chest.
He took a nipple into his mouth and moaned against me, his tongue darting out to lick it.
“Baby, you feel so good,” he gasped, raising up to pull his own shirt off.
I reached my hand down to feel his dick from outside his pants.
“I’m so hard for you,” he groaned, his hand covering mine “Fuck, you turn me on…Last night, that little pink dress you had on…Shit, I wanted to fuck you. So damn bad.”
“If you had, then you might have saved us a fight,” I whimpered, as I moved my hand inside his pants and wrapped my fingers around him.
“Maybe,” he slid his hand into my shorts “But then we wouldn’t have this…And you still have that dress.”
His fingers moved into my underwear.
“You’re so turned on, aren’t you?” he whispered against my ear “Daddy turns you on, don’t I?”
I nodded, as his fingers took hold of my clit and began to massage it. I slowly started to stroke his dick, my mind growing ever distracted by his touch.
“Fuck you’re wet,” he hissed, as he increased his speed on me.
“Seth?” I panted.
“Anything baby,” he kissed me again “Anything you want.”
“Go down,” I gasped, the sensations rising so much I couldn’t complete my thought but he knew.
He slid my shorts and panties off, tossing them and then immediately start licking a trail up and down my wet slit.
“Shit,” I threw my head back into the pillow “Seth.”
He kept his eyes on me as he worked. His lips devouring me over and over. Finally, he nestled his mouth around my clit and sucked so rapidly that I thought I would explode.
I dug my heels into the mattress and his strong hands gripped my thighs even tighter, pulling me closer to him.
“Oh god,” I moaned “Seth, that feels so fuckin’ good.”
In a few more minutes, I felt myself spasm inside his mouth and he moaned against me as I let out a scream. He lapped at me, his tongue tracing the inside of my thighs before sliding up my body to meet my mouth.
He plunged it inside mine and I could taste myself on him.
“Did I do good baby?” he gasped when he came up for air.
“Yes,” I purred “Really good.”
He grabbed his dick in his hand and pressed It against me.
“I don’t deserve this,” he ran his mouth along my ear.
“I don’t either,” I whispered back “But I’m yours now.”
“That’s all I’ve wanted to hear you say,” he moaned before he slid into me.
I gasped as he filled me and went deep immediately.
“I just want to feel all of you,” he panted above me “Everything that’s mine.”
“What’s yours baby?” I gripped his chin in my hands.
“This pussy,” he pounded a hard thrust into me “This beautiful body.”
I squirmed as he started thrusting harder.
“Everything,” his hand came down to push my still curled hair out of my eyes “You’re so fuckin’ smart and beautiful…Shit I’m the luckiest man in the whole god damn world.”
He licked his thumb and pressed it to my clit, rubbing rapidly against it.
“I have the hottest man I’ve ever seen fuck me senseless every night,” I panted, raising up to bite at his bicep.
“Fuck,” he grunted, his thrusts becoming shorter and louder.
“You gonna cum with me?” he looked down into my eyes “Cum with me baby. Cum all over me.”
“Oh, shit, Seth…” I gasped, as I clamped down around him.
He released inside me, repeating my name over and over like a mantra.
He stayed inside of me, easing over onto his side and pulling me with him. Our sweaty foreheads pressed together as we tried to slow our breathing.
“I want you with me every day,” he ran his hands up my bare arms.
“Ok,” I panted, running my hand through his damp hair.
“I want you to move in with me,” his hand took my chin.
“Ok,” I nodded, still smoothing his hair.
“I want you to marry me,” he drew my lips hovering just above his.
“Ok,” I giggled.
“Really?” his eyes widened.
I trusted this man. I loved him with my whole heart. I wouldn’t fuck it up because of fear. Ambrose would be proud.
“Yes,” I giggled again “Yes, Seth I will marry you.”
A sexy smile came across his face as he pulled my lips to his.
And for the first time, ever…I wasn’t scared anymore.
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