billcipheringtime · 3 days
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Some art this vessel made!!
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sunyatrash · 2 years
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latvian photography
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me10dy10 · 8 months
Ocean Eyes
Finnick Odair x fem!reader
Y/n Odair was laying on the dirt. She couldn't move, she couldn't even open her eyes. All she could do was think about the intense pain she was in. Her breathing was harsh and she was slowly falling unconscious until someone picked her up. Their hands were harsh against the horrible blisters the fog had created.
She gasped and her eyes opened. "It's okay, sweetheart. It's just me. It's Finnick," her husband whispered. He picked her up and walked her to the lake. Y/n's body was covered in blisters and boils and there was a large gash on her head from falling.
"This is gonna hurt a little bit but it'll get rid of your ache okay, sweetheart?" Y/n gulbed and nodded.
Finnick slowly dipped her into the lake. A scream releasing itself from her chest. She tried to get out of his grib, trying to get anywhere but into the water.
"It's okay, you're okay. Please, baby."
Slowly she stopped screaming and the pain lessened.
"Shh, shh, shh," he whispered. Something he'd do whenever she was upset back home. "I'm right here. You're safe."
He used his right hand to wash off her face, tears falling from her eyes but she could finally see. Her brown eyes making contact with his beautiful ocean eyes.
"Hi, baby. It's me."
"You're okay."
"You're safe."
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strvingforuuu · 1 month
Tw: ed rant
Tw: language,may be triggering to some viewers so if u have recovered pls proceeded to scroll or get of this page pls I don't wonna be the person to ruin it for u♡♥︎
The worse thing about school started back is not only the work but also the feeeling of looking at skinny girls who can wear tight shirts without a gulb of fat sticking out and girls that can wear baggy clothes and u can still tell that their clearly skinny and my friend in 5th period has such skinny arms like I'm not even joking she looks anorexic if only I could achieve a body like hers bc she litterly rapped her hand around her upper arm and I can't even do that half way
And I am very bloated right now so that's adds on another reason why I should get sk!ṅṅy I won't be SUPERZIZE when I'm bloated. But instead u can barely even tell that im bloated type sk!ṅṅy. That makes me so mad that I have to look like a p!g all the time but the only person i should be mad at is myself bc I chose to be a pig and eat like one too so now here's my consequences for even deciding to eat in the first place I'm fucking close to 80kg which will be my new fucking highest weight. I now all the down sides of being a model but if someone could put me on a model diet for a 7 months and workout I would be happy like would be happy to join a modeling team and happily do all the strict diets that give me bc I clearly have NO self control but maybe the modeling career could give me some
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rebelband · 11 months
do fish Go glublgunlbvfg hlubf gibl giblg gulbu gulb glun glub? glub glub glub?
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mondstaub1 · 9 months
Jace/Cregan hotd fanfic idea
Jace's village has been hunted by a wicked Monster and Jace had been chosen as a sacrifice.
He was brought to the forest, stripped naked, blindfolded, tied to an altar and left to die. No one expect him to survive the night. Jace was shivering in the cold as the night wears on.
At midnight he hears heavy footsteps and his heart nearly stops. His fear skyrocketed as he felt a presents of something big right beside him. A wimper escaped him but then he felt a hand on his arm. He freezes as strong fingers explore his body. "Who are you?", he wispered fearfully. A low chuckel run through the air. "Oh little lamb", a male voice said sending a siver through Jace's body, "you're such a pretty little thing. No doube the most beautiful offering I have ever gotten. Jace gulbed: "You're the Monster that's been hinting us." Once again the ,man, chuckeled before climing on the altar. Jacaerys felt the strangers presents over him and the knees which were place on either side of his thice, he struggled against his restrains but it did not work, it only caused the stranger to laught at him. "What? Can't get free of you bonds?", he leaned closer and wispered, "Can't get away?" Jace let out a desperate sobe in his terror "Please", he pleaded unsure of what he was even hoping for. Mercy? A painless death? He would die either way but still. Suddenly the blindfold was removed and Jace could see again. It took only secunds for his eyes to ajust but once they did he gasped. The being in front of him was both beast and man at the same time, human hands with claws for fingernails, a mans well trained body but a bushy wolfstail, he was hairier then any man Jace had ever seen but not as much as an animal would be. He had human eyes but they glinted like those of a preditor staring at his prey. "Suprise", the man/beast said and Jace was unsure of what to say next. The stranger began to explore him with his large hands, he tried to squirm but it only encoraged the man to go on. He pinched his cheeks and pulled his hair before making his way downwards. Jace blished when the stranger fodelt his small breast and it only got worse from there. When the man arrived at his middle and pulled his knees apart Jace screamed in terror. He had alway tried to hide what lay between his legs as is was most shamefull. Insead of being like everybody else he was born with both the parts of a man and that of a woman. No one but his family had known and now this beast knew. Lustful eyes looked up and the stranger laught "What a sweet suprise", he said before lowering his head and liking Jace's clint. The sensation nearly drove Jace mad, he had touched himself there a few times but never had it felt so good. His body had stopped listening to him and his mind became muddled only caring about more, more, more. His hips were moving up and down, pushing against the strangers face as he licked with a sadistic smile. Suddenly something burst and he threw his head back, letting out a scream as wetness spread in between his legs, covering the beasts face.
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gentlylily11 · 11 months
The hall was extremely dark this night due to the slightly heavy rain that was falling that night
Grim dry gulb fore keep moving and going down stairs with his glass of water
The sound of tree branchs hitting the windows making his fur stand up
"Hum nya...that wasn't so bad" said Grim trying to calm himself "Now I just have to get to the kitchen...HUM NYA!!"
The monster scream as a loud thunder lighten the room almost making him drop the empty glass of water
"Stupid thunders!" spit Grim angry his fur standing up as if he had been struck by the lightning"
"And stupid Ace with his dumb horror stories, tomorrow ill burn his hair so bad he'll look like a bald rat!"
Mutter the monster as he went to the kitchen and fill his glass of water drinking all he wanted before filling the glass to make sure it would last the rest of the night
When suddenly the windows open with loud bang as other louder lightning stroke Illuminating a sinister figure out of the window
Grim scream to the sevens and beyond dropping the glass of water
He ran back upstairs but in his way crash with someone
"Get away from me thing!!!" exclaim Grim shooting a fireball to the figure
A familiar voice scream moving aside
"Grim what as gotten in to you!?" snarl Yu turning on the light of his phone "You could have really hurt me"
"Yu!! Hurry we have to go the our room there the thing is in the kitchen!!" exclaim Grim scared
"The thing? Grim are you hearing yourself" said Yu confuse while going to the kitchen
"NO, Yu come back!!" Yu said scare going after the human trying to stop them clinging to her leg "NOOOOO"
They both enter to the room and the light of the phone illuminating the room
"Grim open your eyes" said the human annoy before carrying the monster cat in his arms
"No Yu I wont see her, if i do its over!!" said the cat terrified
"I promise you Grim there is nothing"
The cat remove one of his paws and watch the broke glass of water and the window that had previosly open, its Doors opening and closing due to the wind
Outside was nothing but a tree with a peculiar form
"See there is nothing" said Yu calm "Now bring me the mop I have to dry this before the water ruins this already old wood"
Said the huma closing the windows before picking up the shatter glass with the help of a napkin
Soon after the human finish cleaning and the cat fill other glass
"Grim next time you are scared, please tell me" said the female tired
"I-I wasnt scared!" said Grim following the human to the living room
Yu sigh to his friend coment before kneeling to his level
"Grim you know its ok to be scared, righr?" said Yu calm "I wont ever judge you for being scared, i wont even laugh if it makes you feel bad"
The cat wanted to complain but the tone of voice the female was using was the one she always used when she was talking about something serious so he couldn’t find it in him to complain
"Yeah, yeah" said the Grim looking away
"Do you want me to carry you?" ask Yu
The monster cat only rised his paws at the human and he carry him in one arm while taking the glass in the other while Grim held the phone
Once in the room Grim jump out of her arm in to the bed as she left the glass in his side of the bed
Both lay on the bed
Yu covering both with the blanket as she nuggle close to him stroking his head just like he like it
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phrandallanton · 4 months
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Fajita says hi
gulb gulb bubbles!
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einzilpik · 1 year
Den Mund zu voll genommen beim Knäckebrot essen
Gassp - kurps
Gassp - kurps
mörpel gulb
Gassp - kurps
Gassp - kurps gulb
Gassp - kurps
gulmpf glmpf mpf pf - f f ff ff ffhust
ualch chhhhh cchh
ptiff ptiffff
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satrs · 1 year
ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ - ɪᴢᴀɴᴀ ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴀᴡᴀ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ  °2
Warnings: violence, gore?, mention of death, mention of blood
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Now sitting in the back of a black car, you expectingly waited for the  car to start heading of to your destination. Laying your phone down, you look into the review mirror, looking at the driver who's  face was covered by a black hat.
"Is something the matter?", you ask, not expecting him to stay in silence. "Sir? Is something-", stopping yourself from talking when you noticed the driver pulling out a pistol, you quickly opened the door and ran back into the building. While you ran for your life, you heared gun shots coming from the place you just fleed from.
Finding shelter behind the door of the men toillets in the lobby, you felt like your heartbeat was stuck in your throat.
"When you ever find yourself in danger, run away and find a place unusual place to hide. Like a male toilet for example."
The words Izana once told you when just got into a realationship with him, where the only thing you could think of right now. Like a programm installed in your head, turningon when your in danger.
Back then, you were a thorn in the eye for many gangs and even some members of Izanas gang because they saw you as Izanas weak spot, weakening him. Or they saw you as his one and only treasure, the only thing he dared to hold onto. So what would he do when you suddenly dissapeared?
But you were not only in danger in the past. You still are now, like you just experienced and will most definitely be in the future. The sound of footsteps growing louder in your ears, you froze, trying not to make a sound.
As the sound stopped infront of the cabin your currently in, your eyes widened in fear, seeing your life flash before your eyes.
"Mrs. L/n? I took care of the black SUV. I'm sorry for the missunderstanding, you should've been informed tolook out for a black Jeep." There is no way. It was a black Jeep. This must be the driver of the car. He wants to lure me out.
Slowly going to your knees to look through the gap of the cabin, you looked up to see a man with a brown hat. The shape of the hat is different and I think his hair are a bit lighter too.
Swallowing down the gulb of fear, you brought yourself back up to your feet, take a shacky breath and slowly open the door.
You were met with a friendly looking man, having an almost pity look  on his face. "I am sorry for the delay, and the uncomfortable situation you are now currently in. My deepest apologies." With that, he bowed down until he faced the floor.
"Oh no don't worry about it. It's not the first time I'm in such a situation. Also, you take no fault in this so please, you don't need to bow", you let out a nervous chuckle, relived smile now resting on your face.
A bit flustered by your words, the young chauffeur guided you back to the entrance of the building, stumpling over shattered glass in the process and seeing the body of the man who tried to kill you laying on the street, hole in his head and blood leaking out of it, coloring the floor in a crimson red.
"Don't worry about it Madam. The body and the comissioner will be taken care of", now holding the door of the black Jeep open, patiently waiting for you to step inside.
Oh my god it really was a different car. How could I be so careless? Thanking the man and steping inside, he closed the door and made his way into the front to the drivers seat, starting the car and making his way to your destination. You in the backseat, slowly drifting into a slumper, yearing desperately for some rest.
Meanwhile Izana was sitting in that stuffy meeting room,  close to snap and pull out his pistol, adoring everyones face in here with a nice hole right through their skull. He was tired and tensed, just wanting to go home and sleep.
"Everytime I'm stressed or on the edge, I think about you. Then I can endure everything a little longer", you beamed with a bright smile on your face.
Thinking about about your words, he smiled a bit to himself, quickly letting the smile dissapear again, not wanting to be caught daydreaming about his private life right now.
He remembered your words like you said them yesterday. It was on a Monday morning, when he was complaining about how stressing his work days are currently.
He loves you, he really does. Still, he is not feeling much of  guilt not calling you the past few days or telling you to move out so suddenly without any explaining, nor did he feel bad  not giving you the attention, comfort and affection you deserved.
He knew he was acting different towards you and he knew how much it hurted you and kept you up at night. There is more important stuff to worry about right now, knock it off, he told himself, focusing on the buisness taking place infront of his eyes.
He knew the reason you two were growing apart.
But he can't say it. Not to you, not to anybody.
The reason couldn't be overlooked. It was important. Maybe he would even consider it as more important than you.
This was his first mistake.
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cody-helix02 · 2 years
Soooo I am back with a new fic 😅 This time something OC related cause I got inspired by one of the sketches I did for my OC Muffin. You'll definitly know which one right away lol 😌 Also his real name is Elijah so don't be confused by the name change hehe other then that have fun reading 😌✌️
Disclaimer: strong language I think and obviously blood oh and also mentions of violence 👀 Also if you see spelling errors or grammar shit no you didn't😒😌 (also the gif is from pinterest)
Like Blood Upon the Snow...
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Blood, dripping from his chin in tiny red specks onto the bright white snow. Flowing from his jaw over his neck, seeping into the dirty uniform jacket. Holding his breath, not moving a single muscle in his body, he looked straight into lifeless hazel eyes.
Elijah was afraid. Afraid that if he looked away for a second, took to deep of a breath or moved slightly the other would eat him alive. The other, a man with tousled ravenblack hair peekin out from underneath his helmet, pale skin with a jaw set tight and lookin a little scruff. Lieutenant Ronald Speirs from D-Company. Known to be a fearless and ruthless soldier. A killer even.
The blood, still dripping onto the snow, was not Eli's own but from the Lieutenants hand that held his chin and jaw in a firm grasp. Where the blood was from, Elijah would not dare to ask. Even tho Bastogne was a white frozen hell he wanted to stay alive.
A few seconds of deathly silence, that felt like an eternity to Elijah, passed. The metallic stench of the red liquid was slowley making him nauseous. Taking a big gulb of air he gathered his courage and slowly reached into his jacket pocket for a cloth tissue.
Speirs, even tho his eyes hadn't left Eli's own, kept track of every movement out of his peripheral vision. Carefully and with featherlight touches Elijah peeled the rough hand of of his face. The fingers slid, due to the blood, fairly easliy from his jaw.
Elijah waited a second to see if the Lieutenant would make a move. But nothing happend so he started to clean the blood of of his fingers. He worked gently, cause he didn't know if Speirs hand was injured or not.
Keeping his breathing shallow he ventured a look onto the others hand. The blood, now soaked into the tissue, did not seem to come from the back of it. Carefully, still gingerly grasping it, Elijah turned it to also clean his palm from the deep red fluid. Inspecting it, there also wasn't a wound on the inside, so the blood had to be from somewhere or rather someone else.
Soft rustling from clothes made him snap his head back up. Speirs had moved closer without Eli noticing, bracing his other hand on the tree trunk behind him. He had leaned down his head and torso, not leaving Elijah much personal space.
A slight shiver wrecked Eli's body as he now was nearly nose on nose with the, still rather emotionless lookin, Lieutenant. His heart climbing into his throat as he tried to evaluate how to get out of this predicament alive.
There wasn't anybody around and shouting for help would be embarassing. Taking a step back wasn't an option either because of the tree behind him. Speirs also bodely blocked him from nearly all sides. Elijah almost made an attempt to shove him away, when something wet and soft touched his, with blood smeared, cheek and jaw.
Deep in his panicked thoughts he hadn't noticed, again, that the other had taken the tissue, from his slightly trembling hands and was now using it to wipe away the blood. Frozen, Eli could only stare dumbfounded into the Lieutenants face. Which now looked somewhat relaxed and focused on the task.
"Are you afraid Sergeant ?" The question brought Elijah out of his frozen state. Slowly blinking he looked back into the others eyes, which were now fixed on him in a nearly amused stare.
Searching for an answer, Elijah opened his mouth but only a shuddering breath escaped him, so he closed it again. With a barely visable smirk the other put the tissue back into Eli's pocket. Just as he was about to pull his hand away Elijah whispered:" Yo..your hand...where...where did...the blood came from Sir..?" and a tinge of pink coloured the tips of his ears and cheeks.
Speirs studied his face curiously for a moment, took a step into his direction, while leaning so close that only a piece of paper could've fit between them. Elijah had no other option then to press his back against the tree. Putting his hands against the others chest, which radiated warmth even through the thick layers of his uniform.
Only a milimeter was now between their faces, breathing each others air and keeping eye contact Speirs whispered against Eli's lips:" I gouched a Krautz eyes out because he wouldn't stop staring."
The Lieutenants big hand sneaked it's way around Elijahs narrow hip and grabbed his lower back tightly through the uniform. Making him shiver once more and sending goosebumbs over his ivory skin. Not caused by the cold surrounding them Eli's cheeks turned a darker shade of red.
It took him a few seconds to register what Speirs had said because he was transfixed, watchin the slight amusement in his face. Shifting one of his hands up the mans chest, over his jaw and onto his neck, Elijah mumbeled back:" What...was he staring at...sir ?".
Instead of an answer Speirs cocked his head a little to the side. He closed the small gap between them in sealing Elijahs soft lips with his own chapped ones. Kissing him passionately. With a tiny gasp Eli dug his fingers into the others jacket and returned the kiss shyly, timidly holding the back of Speirs neck....
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because of the event of the last episode of Adventure Time, gulb's stomach had not only turned Simon back to normal and reset the crown but also give Fionna and cake ability to remove the magic or so I think
please tell me if this info is right or wrong
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churchdoodle · 1 year
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" Lettuce welcome you to the house of doodles and doodads. Open your eyes to our creations and absurdities. " - Fish 12:24 " whenever thou goeth to a resteraunt thou must always sneaketh the utensils into thine shoes and leaveth the establishment with them. " - Ringo 4:20
Art blog ran by two friends 4 shits & giggles + ask/request box open 24/7 ! send us reqs on what to draw! ( NSFW dni ) ; posting daily?!?!
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Meet Rev Ring☺️ :
Bio : evil smile hi Its me reverend ringo . but you can call me reverend ringo. i am also.............an athiest LAugh out Loud =)
Likes : i like comic books and video games
Dislikes : i dont like strawberry icecream and i think it tastes like shit
Pronouns : my pronouns are he him however adjectively i can be described as rugged muscular handsome charming and also muscular
Poster / Artist Signature : ☺️
Meet Father Fish :
Bio : gulb blup blup. Omnipresent.
Likes : long walks by the shore
Dislikes : dolphins. The name Martin.
Pronouns : Any
Poster / Artist Signature : ✰
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all art by : rev ringo & father fish
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lavenderangeline · 1 year
She who holds the spirits
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Naruto Fanfiction
This chapter is for everyone to read
Tw: contains slight spoilers from Naruto Shippuden
The spirits of nature and humanity aren't aligned with each other. Everything comes with a reason. But what if you combine two souls into one? We already saw it happen. But nature spirits are different than the tailed beasts...
Also there could be some not so right things about the main story of Naruto. If you notice in this or other chapters something not fitting pls tell me bc some things confuse me and I tend to forget.
I mean Names, places etc.
Have fun reading 🌸
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Prolog : Where the spirits live
Long ago, before the ten tails became nine, spirits started to realm in this world.
None of them could've been seen by people. Only those with special abilities could see, feel and sense them. Those who could, became priests and priestess.
But after all the war and suffering in the world, the good spirits got forgotten, still living in our world but not in tune with the humans.
Maybe it is better this way… Maybe it needs to be this way to contain some kind of balance. They've seen everything what the humans did and still do with too much power. Mankind will never have balance - and if the spirits of nature would show themselves, offer even, to make the world a better place… Humanity would do everything in their own power to betray them and use them as weapons… Just as they did with the tailed beasts in this world.
“But Mama-” little Shia said, “humanity can also be good! I believe in them to be better!”
The dim night lamp in Annaisha’s room flickered a little, the girl gave it a little smack and it worked fine again.
Her mother chuckled and gently caresses her little daughters head. “that's right little bird. I just want you to learn what you shouldn't do.” she sighed - “you're such a pure soul. Sometimes I'm very worried about you” Keiko tried to hid what was her true thoughts.
But sadness in her mother's eyes made Anna worried and sceptical but for her own sake she didn't ask bc her mother wouldn't tell her anyways. “now go to sleep sweet sparrow, tomorrow is not also your final genin exam but you also have to do your ceremony.”
Anna gulbed. She didn't wanted to. But she had to… Sadly… mostly because her 6 year older brother wasn't a fit for the spirit- to the disappointment of the family. Anna wasn't the favorite child. She feared subconsciously what would happen if she almost dies like her brother did.
“Don't worry sis-” he said, peaking around the doorframe, his blond hair seemingly red in the dim light. “you'll be fine.” His confidence was something that Anna would love to have.
She hold back her tears, they didn't wanted her to cry. Just to nod and behave. She'll cry when they're in bed.
So- she did nod. She did in fact behave and thanked her brother, wishing a good nights rest. He said goodnight as well as to their beloved mother. After the good night's kiss on the forehead from her mother she hid under her blanket, crying, holding her little moon close-
After a yet again weird dream which felt almost like a long gone memory, she yawns, grunts but has to go out of bed.
In routine she takes her pills, gets up, showers and goes on packing the rest of her stuff into some bags. Today is going to be…
“-the day the new kushina comes into the village. Although I'm going to be her sensei I don't have the time welcoming her yet. You have to stop watching over Naruto and start watching over her.” Tsunade made an maybe too long dramatic pause in her Monologe Yamato was listening to. The hokage of the hidden leaf village soon, in fact today, would've welcome her new student but as much as she'd love to do this at her own… Yamato already looked around and saw this load of paperwork everywhere.
He was perplex that out of all people he was the one watching over the new girl. Yamato already has his hands full with Naruto, him just being the bouncing ball that he is, it was hard enough with one of this kind…. BUT TWO?
Tsunade low-key grinned at the not so amused flicker in Captain Yamato’s eyes. “No worries, she'll be helpful to you.”
His face lights up in surprise, then in confusion. How could be a single chuunin helpful? Of course, there were really talented once out there… But… “how can she be helpful to me?” He asked with a slight suspicion in his voice.
Lady Tsunade looks over some papers on a clipboard. She lays it down and puts it across her large document filled desk. The morning light shining through the windows giving the beautiful woman an onimous shadow into the room. Yamato steps ahead towards her, taking the board into his hands. As he begins to read the document the hokage continues to answer his question.
“She's able to contain, if not- control the nine tails.” Shocked, the tall man looks into the very serious looking eyes of his hokage. “Is that even possible?” The blond woman sitting before him nods. “You saw that it's possible. As you were on your mission to seal away the sanbi, the three tails, the young boy kind of was able to do so. With her it's kind of the same, but more complex than that. She comes here to be my student, wants to learn more about medicine. But - “ Tsunade stands up, hands on the table, Yamato listens carefully yet spellbound to her lips, “with her abilities it is possible for Naruto to get a little bit more peace while training. You also could get a bit more rest. It's saver having her around you as long as Naruto needs to perfect the new technique. She'll be in a different team afterwards.” Yamato is totally flashed by all of this not only information but also that this girls Chakra level on the chart he holds in his hands is absolutely insane. Of course he's not showing what he feels or thinks, only silently reads the Name of this girl out loud
“Annaisha Akiharu”
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Well hope you enjoyed, see you next time.
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paneerlajwanti · 2 years
happy birthday to your dear brother, wishing him a joyous day with lots of love (and cake) and thanks! we're starting to make the gulab jamuns god i love them so much, and thank you 🥰🥰
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tojiswhoree · 3 months
Swallow gulb and eat up his love, every bit of affection is counted by you like ur a starved child collecting, scraping the crumbles off your plate. U refuse to believe something that was so sweet can rot your insides so u keep feeding urself lies and lies and lies in attempt to overplay a loss of sense and reason.
a numbness; you can hear but refuse to understand ur friends cries or know the signs of abuse but decide to play blind.
All because u crave for that long lost sweetness. That itch in ur head- It has such a strong aftertaste - nothing compares to it in your mind.
Ur simply addicted now unable to escape as all the witnesses to ur self disrespect pray; to please grow tired of the humbling taste of Metal on ur tounge.
You too know and feel it in ur chest ; his love has long turned sour and theres no sweetness in ur relationship left. The enjoyment u once had is long gone and no amount of chances, scratches, no amount of sucking or forgiveness and hard to swallow conversations will fix ur rotten violent boyfriend.
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