#Ga Mo-tak
valentine--heart · 7 months
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 29 Group 144
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Counter: So Mun, Ga Mo-Tak, Do Ha-Na, Chu Mae-Ok
Submissions are now closed!
Willie Lewis, Billy Bennett, Marcus Lopez Arguello, Petra, Maria Salazar, Saya Kuroki & Lex Miller:
Their relationships are different in the comics and the movie but they're really interesting in both
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I haven't even finished the series yet, but the found family vibes are off the charts.
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mysidaesm · 5 months
"at some point theres nothing you can do to change someones mind + sometimes you have to give up on a person" seems like a you problem. ratio + go watch The Uncanny Counter (specifically season 2) + I am full of joyous whimsy
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caramel-maveeato · 10 months
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʜᴇʟʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇᴢᴇꜱ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: sacrifice is inevitable if victory was yearned for… ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x Fem!reader ♡ Genre: sight fluff, angst, hurt/slight to no comfort ♡ TW: blood, crying, wounds, gore, cursing, death, self-harm, spoilers for ss2 ep12. ♡ word count: 2.1k
Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n.
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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A gentle glimpse of sunset snuck through the window, bathing in his entrancing eyes like a pond of honey: “‘Til death do us part. I mean it.” 
“Damnnn, you’re so cheesy today!” You snorted, nudging your shoulder against your boyfriend's, who was quick to retaliate with a playful flick on your forehead.
“Oh shush. But I’m serious. I won’t die, and you won’t die, and everyone on our team won’t die. That’s it, I’ll make sure we all survive no matter what.” 
Despite his lighthearted tone, you could tell So Mun was beyond sincere about keeping his promise, and so were you. No matter how deadly it is waiting on the future path, everyone will make it out alive. 
“Um-hm, am I that dear to you?”
He scoffed, but there was no sign of mockery or ridicule, only playfulness emerged: “Yes, you are. First time knowing?”
“Please, I’m almost sick of how many times you said you unequivocally adored me, like everyday morning alarms, y’know?” You giggled, wiggling your index finger out in front of his face and quickly withdrawing it when he faked biting you: “But I still want to hear you verify it one more time, is that too much of a request?”
“After you had the audacity to say you’re getting sick of it, I’m sorry to announce your request has been declined.”
“I take back what I said, I could never get sick of how many times you express your cheesy little lovey-dovey words for me. Like everyday morning alarms, but that means I can’t wake up and function normally without them.”
“Switched up smoother than I expected.” His effort at holding back a laugh evaporated: “That’s it? You just gotta be all sweet again after the “damage” you’ve caused? Your attitude is getting out of hand.”
You snickered, swiftly stealing a peck on his cheek to demonstrate an “apology” you knew he’d happily accept: “Verify it one more time and I’ll shut my attitude up.”
“I’ll do what you asked, but don’t shut it up.” A honeyed kiss pressed down on the top of your head. His arms closed around your waist a little tighter, enfolding the intimacy of your afternoon cuddle session to its fullest: “When hell freezes over, that’s when I’ll let go of you, satisfied now?”
You grinned, not acknowledging a dusting of pink already saturated across your cheeks. No matter what your level of lactose tolerance was, his “cheese” was always perfect for you in terms of ingestion: “Satisfied.”
The group portrait tranquilly sat on your desk, smiling at you two through its frame with the same encouragement. You and So Mun were the only ones in the room, yet the sense of security it conveyed still made you feel complete. 
“Everyone in this picture will make it until the end.” 
“I already did my part, what about you? Still determined to be stubborn and not say it back?”
Confronted by a tilt of his head, which was one of his ridiculously adorable tactics to persuade you. You eventually let out a frisky sigh and laid your head on his shoulder, eyes closed under the serenity of being with your beloved other half:
“Alright, ‘til death do us part. I mean it too.”
‘Til death do us…
‘Til death…
Too many things happened in just a short span of time, but all enervation departed as the unrelenting battles now came to an end. Knowing he had brought such miracles summoning Hwang Pilgwang, the overwhelming pressure intruding on his heart finally rested. 
For the first time in months, So Mun could finally escape the hushed corridors of his own mind. 
As much as his teammates adored him, they weren’t dramatic people. Yes, it was a near-death experience for all, but the entire team knew they had succeeded, so there was absolutely no reason for them to give him such pained looks. His random thought contorted into an affirmation that they weren’t crying because he remained passed out longer than supposed.
The revolting metallic smell in the room sickened him to the core, yet it stood no chance against how atrociously nauseous So Mun felt being greeted by teary faces as the first thing after he woke up. 
For years he was never this afraid of his own voice, afraid of asking a question that might assemble answers he didn’t want to hear: “What’s wrong…?”
Only suppressed sniffles responded to him. 
The ambiguity only added more confusion to his already fuzzy sight. As much as he tried to deny it, something within him had already enclasped the possible truth he’d choose death over knowing.
Why was everyone crying? And why were you lying there on Hana’s lap, eyes closed, unmoved? 
“Noona, she, Y/n…” Fright clogged up inside his throat, making words stumble. The more he tried to stay calm, the more his composure shattered like a sand castle under ruthless waves: “What’s… what’s wrong with Y/n, why is she…?” 
He could feel Jeokbong’s hand supporting his back as he lunged over to your side. The sudden outbreak of panic was dizzying, yet he paid no attention to it. 
Reddened eyes of his teammates all ran away from him, obscuring themselves from a cry threatening to burst. So Mun inhaled shallowly, his own lungs betraying him with how torturously aching it was with each breath taken upon seeing your body now completely motionless. 
The welcoming warmth of your fingers was replaced with a vague, yet disturbing coldness, benumbing his skin when he grabbed your hand. The shock he felt appeared no different from receiving a thousand strikes at once, inside his ear rang a quiet shriek of nothingness: “Ms. Chu, please tell me…” 
At her name being mentioned, all the anguish she bit back for long unleashed in a choked snivel—a realization to So Mun that this wasn’t just some cruel, twisted nightmare he thought he was having. 
Time seemed suspended, sealed within the shadow of horror. 
This is not a dream. 
“No, there must be…” He stammered, squeezing your hand as an expectation that you’d return the gesture like you’ve always done: “Ms. Chu, there must be a way to save her. You can heal her, right? Y/n is strong, with your help, she’ll wake up in no time.” 
His voice died down when the woman closed her eyes, letting hopeless tears pour down her bruised face. He looked at Motak, then Jangmul, then Hana, then Jeokbong, one by one, desperately searching for a gleam of the dullest light he could at least clutch onto. 
Nothing worked. What happened had already happened.  
He took a closer look at your face, only to be pierced by a blade of emptiness. He had always loved to admire your sleeping face—so relaxing, so gentle, so peaceful. But not like this. No matter how loudly he called your name or how hard he shook your shoulders, you still lay there like a soulless doll, so close to him yet horrendously out of reach: “Y/n, wake up…. We won, we finally won…”
Calloused fingers stroked along your cheeks, looking for the slightest hint of miraculous movement. He was known to be good at performing miracles, but at the moment, even his miracles were impotent to save you.
So Mun had never felt so fucking useless.   
“No, she will be okay…” The facade of incredulity crumbled and he found himself seizing you into his arms, clinging onto the thin thread of fictional faith despite already noticing your body lacked the familiar warmth he fell in love with: “Y/n will be okay. She—she promised me she’ll be fine, she’s just taking a nap.”
Hands patting on his back like a call to the truth and cries eventually broke out, yet So Mun was too senseless to care about any of them. His mind was too busy hunting for your heartbeat, but all he received was the echo of silence. 
He pressed his hand on the side of your neck, eyes sore and fingers trembling lamentably at the absence of life. But the growling heartbeat of his own gave him hope—he could feel its rhythm through his digits. That could be your pulse, right, that must be your pulse, he can feel it.  
“She will be okay, we’re okay. I promised all of us would—”
The mutters of your name sank in the weight of disbelief, of false reassurance. His own tears wracked his body, dropping and dampening a piece of your soiled tracksuit like rain that slowly blasted into thunderstorms. 
He stared blankly into the lifelessness you were holding, dirt stains and blood-dried cuts of yours dyed his fingers with monstrous pain. Suddenly, his own existence felt alien, as if he were an outsider peeking into a world he didn’t belong in.
So much for “everyone will make it until the end,” now what?
He is a liar. 
He is a fucking liar.
For one of the rarest times in his life, he regretted trying. So Mun knew exactly what it felt like to regret. Each time, there was an explosive outrage at the injustice that had befallen him. But this one was the most destructive. 
Maybe Ma Juseok was right—what was the point in risking his life to save others? He tried so hard and worked so hard just for fate to repay all of these fucking efforts by destroying everything he had.
A lie. Maybe it really was a lie. 
Maybe this goddamn self of his was a lie. 
His distorted reflection spun and spun and spun like an annoying bug that kept buzzing despite numerous attempts to kill it. He had no idea where he was or how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity knowing you hadn’t reached Yung. Just where are you? You didn’t vanish from the final battle’s impact, did you?
So Mun needed to see you again, or he’d go fucking crazy. 
The palpable heaviness in the air suffocated him. So Mun never hated his own reflection before, not until right now.
Colors deformed into the entrance of an abyss he wished to just jump into—black of darkness, white of Yung, muted grey of guilt.
And red, too. 
“So Mun! That’s enough!!”
Frightened yellings and sounds of falling glasses slashed on his ears. Yet So Mun couldn’t quite hear or feel anything, not even the hideous pain he just put himself through. 
Footsteps congested the bathroom he was in, tears that once dried up erupted again. Hana grasped his wrist tightly, almost fearfully, and god, the warmth exuded nearly drove him mad with how much he missed yours. 
“Stop hurting yourself, you know it doesn’t change anything! She’s gone!” The crack in Hana’s voice flooded his eyes. They couldn’t even pronounce your name around him, afraid of how much it might trigger him. 
Jeokbong’s cries in the distance and Ms. Chu’s pleas were helpless to distract the profound grief, more like a bargain for fate to rewrite itself: “Let it out, but please, you know it also hurts me to see you like this!”
The woman emanated a green radiance to envelope his hand, trying to console the blood-soaked skin he created himself from a brutal contact made against the mirror, tiny fragments of sharpness punctured on each of his knuckles. Shards warped together with flesh in a grotesque mess, crimson swathed the once-tidied floor and the paleness of his skin. It hurt his eyes. It hurt everyone's eyes. 
You used to say he looked good in red. Red tracksuits, red hoodies, red blazers. But you hated it when he was covered in the redness of blood. Does this mean he just failed you again?
“I’m sorry…” 
Was he saying this to his teammates or to you? He had no fucking clue. But the only thing he could recognize was how much effort it took to breathe, he didn’t feel like himself inside his own skin anymore when everything around him seemed fulminated. 
Strong arms whooshed him into an embrace, cramming So Mun’s hot tears and muffled sobs into a reliable shoulder. No words were spoken, but Motak’s bellowing heartbeat was already a silent bawl. 
Losing a loved one was like having life’s chapters torn out, leaving an unfinished tale with ragged ends that never fully fit in tandem. It can recover, and he can heal. Just not at the moment.
Shattered pieces of blood-drenched mirror reflected a history that repeated itself. Again, again, and again.
Winter was just gone by, hell didn’t freeze over. But the reality So Mun cherished still collapsed on that day.
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[Tag List]✿⌦ @slytherinshua (feel free to notify me if you want to be on the tag list)
Thanksgiving is near so here’s angst I guess 🫶🏻 FLUFF AFTER THIS I PROMISE
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haomnyangz · 1 year
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Is everyone really waiting for me? THE UNCANNY COUNTER S2: COUNTER PUNCH (2023)
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skz1-4-3 · 1 year
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Read part two here
(Added a Little note on 14th sep down below)
This chapter is slightly suggestive because so-mun will be shirtless , and fresh out of the shower.
(takes place in s2 and in the new hideout)
Content info :you and hana were together in her room having a simple girls night , out of the blue she asked for you to look for a charger for her phone , since hers was broken. So you first went into so mun and jeok-bongs room since it was closest to yours…
Reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns.
Keywords : Y/n -> your name
Second person pov
Warnings : probably some spelling errors , slightly suggestive, mentioning of so mun being shirtless, slight flirting and teasing,so mun is hot, y/n is a shy person,blushing so slight cringe warning. Let me know if i missed any warnings to give in the comments or per messages.
Word count : 1.5k
Hana may didn’t look like it , nor act like it , but she really enjoyed sleepovers. So now you two were in your, room sitting on the floor , surrounded by as many pillows as you could find. Hana was painting her nails with black nail polish, while you were doing your usual routine to go to sleep . (Do you haircare , skincare etc…) You were about to finish, when hana suddenly asked you.
„Hey Y/n , could you maybe look for a charger ? Mines not working anymore.“ holding up her charger ,that looked like it went through war.
„Yeah sure , let me see if i have mine here.“ you responded calmly with a smile on your face. Standing up , you looked for your charger but couldn’t find it. Then it hit you,before the sleepover you and hana had went out with the care to do some shopping first for the night. So You probably forgot your charger in the car.
„Oh no , i forgot mine in the car“ you said turning to hana,she looked at you.
„Dont worry , i‘ll ask one of the others real quick.“ she said and was about to stand up when you pushed her back down softly.
„Dont , i‘ll do it since i have to go to the toilet anyways , was too lazy to go, but now im already up so i‘ll go.“ you smiled and went out the door as hana thanked you. Walking into the direction of the restroom , so mun and jeokbongs room came into sight. You heard the shower earlier, so you thought that so mun must still be showering and could just ask jeokbong for his charger, since him and hana had the same phone model. As you opened the door ,your gaze landed on a shirtless so mun , his wet hair dripping down his body making him look like a seductive being , straight out of a movie. Eyes widening and cheeks turning a peachy pink colour,you let out a hurried apology and were about to go and just get your charger from the car, but you felt yourself freezing in place for a short moment, then regaining back control over your body,but so mun was already behind you ,after having used his powers on you.
„no need to apologize y/n , what do you need“ he said after letting out a deep chuckle and turning you around, by your wrist.
„Oh uhm , i was just going to ask jeokbong for his charger , he and hana have the same phone and hers was running out of battery..“ you answered him, voice getting smaller and smaller , avoiding his gaze trying to look anywhere but his tonef chest and abs. So mun noticed and leaned on the doorframe. He was now leaning above you ,his height giving him the advantage. He was obviously trying to seem flirty and wow , it definitely seemed to have had an effect on you.
You must admit that your little crush on so mun, hadn’t stopped growing since the day you met him. You were for sure a hundred percent in live with this man and so the situation was hard for you to handle. So mun smiled at you , even though it looked more like a smirk to you , weakening your knees , almost bucking* down.
*(falling down)
„You could’ve asked me since jeok bong isn’t here,didn’t you know?“ he said flirtatiously
„I didn’t“ you answered him and met his gaze. Oh how much you wanted to kiss him,just a little kiss.
„Then do it“ he said , interrupting your thoughts. You looked at him , confused. What should you do?
„do what?“ you questioned him , he leaned down even further to you , faces now not even an inch apart. He once again put his fingers under your chin and slightly tilted your head . If you were to stumble forwards now , you would be in the perfect position , on his lips. He moves his hand from under you chin to your cheek and cupped it.
„Kiss me“ he said and you eyes widened before relaxing again. You moved even closer to him , if that was even possible . So close that your lips were touching, but you didn’t dare move further . So mun noticed and let out a slight chuckle before closing the kiss and his eyes.
His lips felt like heaven , like a perfectly fitting pillow made just for your lips. They moved together in sync, both of your eyes now closed. You felt him pull away ,but you put his hand on his other cheek , while your right hand went up to his waist ,holding him in place. He started to feel hot, and so were you. He pulled you up, so now your legs were around his waist, walking up to his bed, to lay you down.
Your lips finally parted , and you both gasped for air . Your lungs were definitely overworking themselves.
„What does this make us now?“ you asked so mun , slightly hestitating. What if you weren’t important to him after all and he just wanted someone for tonight? But all those worries vanished when so mun gave his answer.
„You’re my girlfriend now , i mean only if you want to of course.“ he muttered in the end and now it was your turn to laugh , you nodded your head. You definitely wanted to be his girlfriend. So mun smiled and closed the space between you two once again . Things were getting heated pretty quickly now,he slid his hand slightly under your tight fitted t shirt ,which he loved on you . His fingers now on your naked skin felt so soft ,that so mun was excited ,for what could come next.
But it didn’t come to that , because someone burst trough the door.
„Hey so mun did you see y/-AH“ hana began to speak but as she saw you two on so muns bed , so mun shirtless , his hand under your shirt and above you , she let out a short and quick murderous scream out of shock and slammed the door shut. So mun was laughing his soul out and even wi gen asked why his chest was hurting,since she also felt it. But it was only because he was laughing so hard,while you were beneath him , cheeks heating up once again.
„Come on , i bet we have explaining to do“ he said retracting his hand from underneath your shirt, and softly grabbing your hand, pulling you up.
Alright that was it , i hope you enjoyed it. Im thinking about making a part two with M (mature content) that would be nsfw obviously. But i want to reach around 100 likes and a few comments of feedback first. So if you want a part 2 then let me know in the comments and by leaving a like.
Quick note : if you guys want to be tagged please tell me in my ask box or in the comments!)
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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" Are you ever going to show up on time? "
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aeongstarss · 1 year
jungjin city lights / somun x fem!reader
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a/n: hi everyone! this is my first ff I've written in a while. I hope you all enjoy it, please leave any requests or tips you have! enjoy :) warnings: mention of blood, knifes, violence, choking, drinking alcohol genre/type: fluff, semi slow burn, Y/N, angst, happy ending wc: 6.2k title track: once again - Kim Sejeong (Uncanny Counter OST season 2)
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* The sound of your blaring alarm wakes you up from your deep slumber. You tiredly roll over and hit the obnoxiously loud alarm. You look at the time with blurry eyes and roll around to go back to sleep until you realize; you’re late.. again. You shoot up out of your comfortable warm bed and rush to the bathroom. You quickly brush your teeth, not even bothering with your hair. You throw on the first pair of clothes you find on the floor and grab your backpack and run out the door. 
You’re 20 years old living in Jungjin, South Korea as a full time university student; so being on time is pretty important. You rush to your 9AM class, but you’re 3 minutes late. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm yourself before entering your class. Professor HaJoon has never been the lenient type. Always yelling at you and your classmates about the dumbest things. You dread this class. You open your eyes, ready to be confronted by your strict professor, except you are met with a sign hanging on the door. “CLASS CANCELED.” You whine and say out loud, “It’s 2023, don’t people communicate through email nowadays?” You hang your head low while standing in your spot. You hear someone next to you let out a breathy laugh. You snap your head and see a girl with curly hair standing next to you. She has cuts on her hands and a healing scar just above her right eyebrow. “Did I scare you?” the mysterious woman asks you. You stare at her for a second then nod ‘no’ quickly, without saying a word. She laughs, “I’m Do Ha-na. Nice to meet you.” You smile and introduce yourself. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you too, Ha-na.” She bows and walks away with both hands in her pockets. “Ahh, she’s cool.” you think to yourself. 
Now that class is canceled, you finally have a day to yourself since you don’t have any other classes today. You let out a sigh of relief and head towards the elevator. *DING* the large silver doors open and you are about to step inside. Suddenly, a hand grabs your arm and pulls you back. You let out a scream, but it is quickly silenced when a hand is placed over your mouth. You try your best to fight the attacker, but he is far too strong. You kick and scream, but he’s not budging. Suddenly, after what felt like hours of fighting back, the heavy weight of the man disappears. You gasp for air and run into the elevator, pressing the buttons in a hurry to get away. You look up out of fear. But there stands the same woman from earlier. Your eyes widen, “Ha-na?” you ask quietly. She smirks and walks towards you. You back up out of fear. She brings a hand to your head, and now you are sitting in your bed again, not remembering anything after Ha-na placed her touch on you. 
“Goodmorning, Y/N! Ah, afternoon.. Are you feeling any better?” Eun-Jeong says to you. Choi EunJeong has been your best friend since 2nd grade. You two are inseparable. Despite her intimidating appearance, she is the kindest and most loving person you have ever met. You nod and Eunjeong hugs you and gives you a friendly kiss on the forehead. You smile and playfully push her off. “Are you hungry? I’ve been craving noodles recently.” she says to you with a smile and genuine eyes. “I could definitely go for some noodles.” you say in a raspy voice. She cheers and you two begin getting ready for brunch.
While walking the streets of Jungjin, you find a corner shop called “Eonni’s noodles”. You step inside and are greeted by an older woman. “Welcome in!” she says with an energizing tone. You and Eunjeong smile and make your way to a table. While you sit down, you make eye contact with a man. He has black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and a soft smile. You stare at him like a deer in headlights. He does the same back. Eunjeong looks over her shoulder and sees the man. She waves her hand in your face with furrowed eyebrows. You snap your attention back to your friend. “Y/N.. are you okay?” Your face slowly rises into a light pink. Your friend laughs and whispers. “He’s cute, don’t you think?” You look back over at him and he is still staring at you, until a middle aged man comes up and hits the boy's head with a rolled up newspaper. “Ah! Mo-tak!” the boy yells. “He is cute.” you reply through slight laughter. The older woman then comes to your table and introduces herself. “Sorry about the wait! I’m Chu Mae-ok. What can I get for you two?”
As you and Eunjeong finish slurping your noodles, you both sit back and process the delicious meal you just had. In the corner of your eye, you see the middle aged man pushing the young man out of the curtains. He comes stumbling out and fixes his clothes. He clears his throat and walks up to the table. “Hi.” he says. You and Eunjeong look at each other and you reply. “Hi.” The boy breaks eye contact for a second then takes your bowls without asking and scurries back behind the curtain. You and your friend shoot each other another look. “We didn’t even pay..” Eunjeong whispers. 10 minutes pass by with no one coming out from the curtains. You smack 25,000 won on the table and you two make your way out of the restaurant. 
While walking back to your dormitory, you get a call from your father. “I’m on the way.” you say with a shaky voice. She looks at you with concern. “I have to go.” you say. Nothing more nothing less. Your best friend has always been the understanding type. She nods and gives you a hug. You turn to leave your friend and begin jogging towards your childhood home which is just a few blocks away. As you’re running in a panic, you forgot to look before you crossed the street. All you remember is headlights and a loud horn blaring at you. 
White. White is all you see. You sit up from your lying position and are met with a young woman. “Where am I?” you say in a panic. The woman doesn’t answer you. “Am I dead?...” you yell. The woman scoffs in a playful tone. “Not exactly. You are in a coma. Right now, you are residing in Yung. A place between heaven and earth.” she explains. You smack both sides of your face and rub your eyes, hoping this is some sort of dream. You open your eyes and once again, you are met with the woman. She holds out her hand. You hesitate at first, but then take the woman's hand. She helps you up and motions for you to walk with her. Suddenly the white scene turns into an empty field. “I’m Ha-neul. Take a walk with me Y/N.” You don’t even question how she knows your name. You look around the field in confusion, slowly following behind Haneul. 
After a while of walking, she presents an option to you. “You can sign the contract and become a counter, or you will stay in your coma.” You look down, feeling defeated between the two difficult choices. The silence is louder than loud. The only voice you hear is your conscience. After a few seconds pass, which feels like hours, you blurt, “I’ll become a counter.” 
You shake Haneul’s hand and start to notice your hair curling up. You look at your hair with shock while Haneul laughs. “All counters have curly hair.” you look up at her and let out an awkward, nervous laugh. She smiles and leans in for a hug. 
Standing in the center of a noodle shop, staring at your feet, a loud voice announces “This is Y/N! Your new team member!” Chairman Choi says with excitement. You nod while keeping your head down from embarrassment. “God, this red jumpsuit is atrocious.” you think to yourself. You stay silent, zoning out at this point. The chairman gives you a hard slap on your back, making you jump and look up. Immediately you know where you are. Eonni’s noodles. After realizing everyone is wearing the same bright red jumpsuit, you lock eyes with the same young man you saw that day you went out to eat with Eunjeong. You stare at each other with wide eyes. “Do you two know each other?” Mae-ok says in a shocked stutter. You and the man say nothing. Chairman Choi breaks the loud and thick silence by introducing everyone. “This is Mae-ok, you can call her Miss Chu.” She smiles and bows. “This is Ga Mo-tak.” you recognise him. He’s the guy who hit the young boy on the head when he was staring at you. A smile appears on his face and he waves with one hand. “This is Do H-” “We met.” she says in a monotone voice. Your eyes widen once again. “Hana?” you say. She smirks and bows. “So it seems you know everyone already.” the chairman says laughing. “And this is our So-Mun.” “Finally. The handsome boy has a name afterall.” you think to yourself. You both smile at each other and then quickly look away. You bow and introduce yourself. “Hello everyone. I’m Y/N.” Everyone smiles, but the one who shines the brightest is Somun. “Let’s eat! Shall we?” Miss Chu says hurrying to the kitchen. 
Hours pass by of you and the other counters talking over noodles and soju. It’s a lot easier for you to open up when you’re intoxicated. After everyone has finally finished up their beer and noodles, Motak speaks up, “Okay, I’m gonna head to bed.” with a painfully obvious wink. The chairman and Miss Chu stand up quickly. She looks at her fake watch “Wow! Would you look at the time? You know, when you’re old you have to sleep earlier!” she says through a forced laugh, while pushing Chairman Choi out of the shop. Hana smirks and gets up without saying anything. Somun shoots them all a death stare before they can all go to their rooms. This leaves you and him alone. 
------------------—---next morning-----------------------
A loud yawn from Motak startles you awake. “Goodmorn-“ he says. Suddenly it’s silent again, nothing but the birds chirping and cars passing by on the busy street. You raise your head from the wooden table that you apparently fell asleep on and see Somun sleeping across from you. Your heart races. “Did we stay up that late last night that we couldn’t even walk to our beds?” you thought silently. You turn around and see Motak and Miss Chu standing there staring at you with their mouths open. Your eyes widen and you quickly turn around to avoid the embarrassment. Hana comes up and flicks Somun on the head. “Goodmorning, you two.” Somun looks behind his shoulder and looks at Hana in confusion. “You two?” he asks in a tired voice. She cocks her head towards you. Somun turns and is met with you, right across the table from him. He slams his head back down on the table, pretending to still be asleep, which obviously didn’t work. You laugh at his cuteness and get up to go shower. While walking away, you hear the counters footsteps scurry to the table, asking Somun a million questions. 
After your shower, you get dressed and make your way to the restaurant lobby. There sits a very scary and determined Somun. Last night, he was so cute and cheerful. But now, he looks… almost dangerous. You look around the room and see everyone zipping up their jumpsuits. Somun stands up and starts yelling, “As a way to welcome our new teammate, we are training today!” you almost laugh seeing how serious he looks but the tone in his voice is so unserious. You all get ready and make your way to the training garage. 
 It’s your first day on the job and you also don’t know your power yet. On top of that, you still have to attend school while being a counter. You walk behind the rest of the group, feeling nervous about your first day of training. Miss Chu seems to notice this and she slows down to walk at your pace, rubbing your right shoulder. “Y/N, we were all nervous when we first started. It’s okay to feel scared or even worried.” she says to reassure you. “It’s normal if you’re not the best on day one. As long as you continue to train and practice, you can do anything.” You smile and thank her for her kind and encouraging words. 
Once you all reach the training garage. Motak looks at the wall then looks at you, “You see those handprints?” he says, raising an eyebrow at you. You nod, “That blue one at the top, the one you can barely see? That’s Somuns.” You look at the hand print in shock. There’s no way anyone could reach that far up… it’s not humanly possible you think to yourself. You gulp and gather up the courage to test yourself on your first day as a counter. You look at your hands and see 5 black dots. You can feel your adrenaline pumping through your body. You’re gonna do this, and show them that they won’t regret having you as a part of their team. Motak covers your right hand in a dark purple paint. Motak, Hana, Somun and Miss Chu all watch from the sidelines as you prepare for your jump. You take a few steps back, and boom, you’re running towards the wall. You let out a loud scream and jump with all of your might. You feel like you’re flying. You have never jumped this high in your whole life, is this even possible? You land on the ground softly, and before you can even look to see how far up you made it, everyone is cheering for you. You look confused as your confidence was low, thinking you’d get maybe 5 feet off the ground if you were lucky. You tilt your head up, blocking the sun with your hand, to see your handprint just a few inches below Somuns. You stand there in awe, taking in what just happened. Everyone comes up to you and starts hugging you; Somun being the first to hug you. As soon as he touched you, you felt a spark. Not a romantic kind of spark, more like a jolt of energy. You have butterflies in your stomach and a bright smile on your face while the rest of the team joins in on the hug. 
-----——- time skip: 5 months -------——— 
You and Somun have gotten really close recently. You two do everything together. And sometimes, you two repeat the cycle of having a little too much to drink while getting lost in conversation and crashing on the wooden table. While being with Somun and the team so often, you learn that they never stop training and never let their guard down. Through all of this training for the past 5 months, you have discovered your counter power. Psychokinesis and speed. Sure, you’re not as good as Somun, but you’re a lot better than Motak. Hana and Somun were the ones who really helped you discover your talent. At first, you constantly strained yourself. Nose bleed after nose bleed. But after a while, you started to get the hang of things. You have your limits as everyone does. You still have loads of training to do, but none of this would be possible without your new family. 
 As you and Hana are cleaning up for the night, her neck twitches. You’ve been a part of the team long enough to know what this means. An evil spirit has step foot. She lets everyone know, and you all drop what you’re doing. You all run into the car, Mo tak being the driver.  “What level is it?” you ask. “Level three.” she replies. You have a moment of internal panic as you have only encountered level 1 and level 2 spirits. Somun notices that you’re feeling scared and nervous. He shyly intertwined his fingers with yours and gives you that reassuring smile that always makes you feel better. You take a deep breath and smile. What Somun doesn’t know is that he makes you 10x more nervous. His soft hand interlocked with yours gives you a sense of relief, but the dozens of butterflies dancing in your stomach say otherwise. He looks at you, “You can do this. We’ll all be by your side.” he says. You stare into his eyes, then accidentally take a glance at his lips. He seems to notice this and he lets out a light laugh and throws his head back. You have had many moments like this with him, but something about tonight is different. Maybe it’s the adrenaline rushing through your veins, or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve fallen hard for Somun. You mirror his behavior and lay your head back and try to muster up the confidence for this mission. Somun softly squeezes your hand and you reply to his action in the same manner. You stay like this until you arrive at the Jungjin Metro Station, where the level three evil spirit is. 
You all step out of the car, making your way to the ground floor of the station. There lay a woman and a child. You and Miss Chu make your way to the pair to make sure they are safe. Somun, Hana, and Motak split up to look for the spirit while you and Miss Chu take care of the pair. While carrying the mother and child, you walk up the stairs and see a man standing there. He is emitting such strong energy. An aura you have never felt in your life. You press your earpiece, “Found him.” you say. You and Miss Chu nod, knowing what to do in this situation. You run towards the spirit, attempting to lay a punch on him while Miss Chu runs out and brings the pair to safety. 
You miss your punch, as well as your balance. The spirit kicks you in the stomach, making you tumble down 2 flights of stairs. You grunt in pain and look up to see the spirit walking towards you. You didn’t know it was possible to be this strong. You are scared, and just want to lie there, but you were taught to never give up. You muster up the strength to sit up and push him away with the motion of your hand. He didn’t budge. Your eyes widen in fear as you try one more time to push him away with your psychokinetic possessed hand. This time, he flies back, but only by 2 feet. The spirit reaches out his hand and drags you. Your throat is now in the hands of a level 3 spirit. You are struggling for air, you are completely helpless as the spirit is holding you up in the air. You hang there, trying to fight him off for what felt like hours. You are about to die. You cough up blood and tears run down your face. The grip on your throat grows tighter and you close your eyes, letting out through a cracked voice “I’m sorry.” Suddenly, you can breathe. You collapse to the ground, gasping for air. You look up and see Miss Chu with a steel bar in her hand. She rushes to you to heal your throat. Just then, the spirit stands up to laugh while winding up his hand to punch the back of Miss Chu's head. You pull Miss Chu into your shoulder in an attempt to shield her from the hit. Just then, you hear footsteps. Is there another spirit? You think to yourself. You look up and in the speed of light, the spirit is hit by a force so powerful, it scares you. You and Miss Chu gasp, you look to your left, and through blurry tears, you see Somuns silhouette. Motak and Hana follow behind him. “Sorry to keep you waiting” Somun says in a cocky, but determined tone. You smile and try to speak, but your voice is completely gone. You look at Miss Chu and she hovers her hands above your throat, not having enough time to heal your stomach. You stand up and thank her. Now that your team is here, you can show your full potential with confidence. 
With speed being your strongest suit, you pounce at the spirit and land a direct kick on the side of his head. You go to strike a punch, but the spirit grabs your leg, penetrating it with a sharp butterfly knife. You scream in pain and collapse to the ground, blood pooling around your leg. Just in time, Hana quickly slides across the ground and grabs your head so it doesn’t hit the hard concrete. On the other hand, Somun is admitting such a strong and powerful energy. He drags the spirit to him, stepping on his chest. The spirit pushes Somun away with a motion of his hand. He stands up, beginning to limp away in an attempt to flee. You and Somun are the only ones who are able to stop him with psychokinesis. Somun is quick to stand back on his feet, but not quick enough; the spirit is getting away.
You notice this, and let out a loud yell, reaching out your hand. You will stop this spirit today, no matter what it takes. The spirit stops in his tracks. Your nose starts to bleed, but Motak strikes the spirit with the same metal bar. You sigh out, Hana catching you in her arms. The spirit falls to the floor. Before he can begin to laugh, Somun strikes punch after punch on the spirit. It’s bloody. You’ve seen a handful of bloody scenes, but there was so much more this time around. Somun pants, face bloody and eyebrows furrowed. You hate to admit this, but when he’s this serious and determined, you only fall harder for him. Somun gets off on top of the spirit, motioning his hand for Motak to summon it. The spirit lets out a loud scream and then collapses. You slump down, still in Hanas arms, wiping the blood from your nose. You smirk, feeling proud that you’ve defeated your first level three spirit, alongside your team. 
—------------- next morning —-------------
You wake up the next morning at around 10AM and grunt in pain, slowly sitting up while holding your stomach to look at your leg. “Feeling better?” Somun asks. You flinch and dart your eyes to him. There he is sitting next to you, holding an open book. You don’t even ask how he got in your room, you are just happy he’s there by your side. His hair is messy from not being brushed, and he’s still in his pajamas. You nod in response to his question and look curiously over at what he’s reading. “It’s called ‘The Melody of a Bird Whistle’.” He’s reading your favorite book. “I remember you saying that you enjoy when someone reads to you, and that it relaxes you. So I thought I would read a story to you to help you feel better.” he says shyly. Your heart melts at his sweetness. “Now that you mention it, the wound on my leg is closed. Was this your doing?” you ask. Somun laughs, “That’s Miss Chu’s doing.” You let out a silent ‘Ohh’ and laugh. While laughing, you grab your stomach and wince in pain. Somun places his hand on top of your free hand in a hurry, “Are you okay? You shouldn’t be laughing too much” he says. Your face lights up with a shade of red. “Yes, I’m okay. Thank you Somun. I can ask Miss Chu to heal my stomach.” After you assure him that you are okay, you expect him to move his hand away from yours out of relief, but instead he keeps in there, looking into your eyes. You look at him with a slight turn of your neck and furrowed eyebrows. “What?” you ask him. Somun looks away shyly. “You…” you tilt your head further “You look beautiful.” Your heart skips a beat at his words. This is so odd coming from him. Somun has always been kind towards you, but you’ve never seen him this sentimental or even affectionate. Maybe seeing you last night worried him. You are always worrying about him since he’s the strongest on the team. You smile, but before you can say anything, Somun slightly leans in while looking at your lips. You take a moment, but you lean in as well. The atmosphere is thick, but you feel so comfortable and safe with him by your side. “This is it! He’s going to kiss me!” you think silently. Just after you close your eyes, the door bursts open.
 “Goodmorning, sleepy heads!” Chairman Choi walks in interrupting your moment. You two pull away, before your lips can even touch. Choi yells and slams the door. He’s apologizing outside of the door. Miss Chu and Motak rush out, thinking something serious has happened. You hear the muffled voices of the adults outside the door. “They-They we’re about to kiss!” the Chairman yells out. Miss Chu and Motak yell in unison. “WHAT?” you can hear them scurrying around in a panic. You and Somun stare blankly at each other, then let out a silent laugh. You two take a moment to collect yourselves. He then helps you out of bed to have Miss Chu heal your stomach. Stepping out, Miss Chu starts apologizing over and over again. “Ah! I’m so sorry Y/N! I totally forgot about your stomach, I’ll-” you cut her off. “It’s okay Miss Chu. Thank you for everything.” Miss Chu smiles, then places her hands over your stomach. You whine as you can feel the bones in your ribcage mending back together. About 20 seconds pass by and you are back to normal. “Thank you Miss Chu! What would I do without you?” you say through a smile. She then gives you a hug and pats your head, “Let’s eat breakfast now that you’re awake!” 
Chairman Choi sits the final plate on the table and then takes a seat. The air is insanely thick. Hana is out this morning on a 10 mile run, so this leaves you, Somun and the adults. You all eat in silence, contradictory to the loud and energetic meals you all normally have. “Kids.” Motak speaks up after about 15 minutes of silence. You and Somun both look up from your bowls. Even though you two are both 20 years old, to Motak, you two are babies. You for sure thought you were gonna be in trouble. “You two go out and spend the day together. If any spirits come, we will take care of them.” he says. You won’t reject this offer. Usually Motak is very serious about everyone being at the noodle shop, ready to fight whenever. You and Somun nod slowly, in slight confusion, but stand up to walk to your rooms to begin getting ready for your first official date. 
You walk inside and immediately head to your vanity desk. While picking up your brushes you realize that Somun has never seen you with makeup, let alone any of the counters. You turn on your favorite song and begin your makeup. “Perfect!” you say while applying the last swipe of lip gloss. You smile at yourself in the mirror and play with your hair to make sure you have no flyaways. You want to impress him, and make sure you two have a good night. You give yourself one final smile in the mirror and head towards your closet. It’s early spring, so you choose to wear a black skirt, a black and white striped sweater, and knee high boots. It’ll keep you warm but not too warm. You walk over and spray your favorite perfume and throw on some minimal jewelry to compliment the outfit. You take one final glance in the mirror. You haven’t felt beautiful ever since you started this job. Usually you are all cut up and worn out. But today, you finally have the chance to treat and care for yourself. You take a deep breath in, and as soon as you exhale there’s a knock on your door. You didn’t feel nervous until you heard the knock. You take one more breath and reach for the handle. You open it up and see Somun standing, waiting for you. You two stare at each other then smile. Miss Chu and Motak are not-so-secretly watching behind the kitchen curtains. “You look nice.” you speak up. Somun smiles and throws his head down. “You look beautiful.” he says to you with glistening eyes. “Way to one up me!” you say jokingly. He laughs and motions for you to follow him. “Motak and Miss Chu, we see you staring at us!” you yell across the lobby. They quickly shut the curtains, pretending like nothing happened. “Okay okay, we’ll see you later!” Somun shouts. “Have fun and be safe!” Miss Chu says through the curtains. You and Somun nod and make your way out onto the busy streets of Jungjin. 
You and Somun find yourself walking around a modern art museum, admiring the art. You recommended this, knowing how much he loves to draw. After walking and talking for hours at the art gallery, listening to Somun explain every painting in immense detail, you are starting to feel tired. You have the idea to go to a cafe and sit down for a bit over coffee. He nods in agreement and you walk to the nearest coffee shop you see. 
Time flies by when you’re with Somun. The 3 hours at the art gallery and the 3 hours you’ve spent talking with each other has felt like 5 minutes. You notice the sun starting to set. “Somun, should we head home? It’s starting to get late.” you suggest. “I have one more place I want to go.” You nod your head and follow him out of the cafe doors. 
“Where are we going? We’ve been walking for 30 minutes, and these shoes are really uncomfortable” you whine. Somun laughs, “Don’t worry, we are almost there. Cover your eyes.” You are confused, “Why do I have to cover my eyes? It’s already dark out.” you complain. “Shh, just trust me.” Somun says putting both of his hands over your eyes. You sigh and continue walking for about another 2 minutes until Somun stops. “We’re here.” he whispers. You feel hesitant to open your eyes, you have no clue where you could be. He notices this. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Just open your eyes.” 
You open your eyes and are met with the beautiful shining skyline of Jungjin. You gasp and turn towards Somun smiling. You turn your attention back towards the city, admiring its beauty. Somun is admiring you and how happy you look. He suddenly grabs your hand and leads you to the top of a rock. Where did this sudden confidence come from? You ask yourself. But hey, you won’t complain. You two sit down on the ledge of the rock, admiring your hometown. You have never seen something this beautiful before. Tears start to fill your eyes. “Thank you, Somun.” you say turning to him. Somun smiles, looking into your eyes. You two lock eye contact, and you both start to gravitate towards each other. Somun cups your cheek with his hand and presses his lips against yours. You cup his hand with your own and kiss him back. He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you about something.” he says in a raspy whisper. You tilt your head replying, “What is it?” Somun looks away at the city for a few seconds and back at you, grabbing your hands in his. “I like you… a lot.” he says. Your heart skips a beat and you look at him with wide eyes. You quickly grab his face and lean in, smashing your lips against his. His hand is under your ear as you two share this passionate experience. You pull away this time, “Somun. I’ve liked you since day 1. When me and Eunjeong came into the shop. I was head over heels for you at first glance.” you confess. Somun blushes and tilts his head back. “I did too. Motak and Hana wouldn’t stop teasing me for the rest of the day.” he says. You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder. “I like you so much.” he confesses again. He kisses your forehead, then stands up, reaching out his hand. You accept his hand and you two begin walking home, fingers intertwined. 
---—————- next morning —------———-
You wake up the next morning with Somun cuddled against you. You turn your head and admire him. You smile and place a soft kiss on his lips before getting up to head to the kitchen. When you open the door, Miss Chu, Motak and Hana all come falling in. You stare at them laying by your feet. “Woah! How did we end up here?” Motak asks in an attempt to save themselves from their stalker-ish tendencies. You are surprised to see Hana there as well. “Good Morning guys.” you say in a flat voice. “Ah, Ah! Good Morning!” Miss Chu says while getting to her feet. “We didn’t hear you come in last night, we just wanted to check up and make sure you and Somun were okay!” You laugh and roll your eyes. “Yes Miss Chu, the date went well.” you say. She looks at you awkwardly as they all scurry away. You laugh as you follow them into the kitchen for breakfast. Miss Chu has prepared Gyeran bap, one of your favorite dishes. You all sit down and begin eating when you all hear a door creak open. There stands Somun with squinted eyes and messy hair. You can’t help but laugh at his cuteness. But you look around and notice everyone also staring at him. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion until you glance at him one more time. Red lipstick is smeared all over his face. Motak and Hana bust out laughing and you cover your face out of embarrassment. “I guess the date did go well!” Motak exclaims while giving Miss Chu a high five. Somun tilts his head then turns to the mirror beside him. His eyes widen and his face immediately turns red. He runs back into your room and slams the door. Through laughter, Motak raises your hand and yells, “Congrats to our new couple!” you shove your face into the table to avoid the embarrassment once again. 
Somun walks out again, lip stick free, “Are you guys bothering my girlfriend?” he asks. You two didn’t have the official “boyfriend and girlfriend” talk but it’s pretty obvious what you two are after last night's confession. The table swoons “Ooooo” and you keep your face hidden. Somun walks up to you and places a kiss on the hands that are covering your red face. “Yes everyone, the date went well. Y/N is my girlfriend.” he speaks up. You love Somuns confidence, but at times like this, you hate it. You eventually remove your hands from your face and look at everyone. You expected them to be laughing in your face saying things like “You’re dating THAT?” but instead you find them smiling and supporting you two. “You guys are cute.” Hana speaks up. Hana is not the type to express emotion, so when she does, you know that it’s genuine. Motak pats Somuns back with a little too much force and laughs. You stand up and motion for Somun to take a seat. He sits down and you walk to the kitchen to get him some breakfast. You sit the bowl down on the table and rub his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek, in hopes of embarrassing him. “Here you go, my love.” you say. The table swoons again and Somun whines out in embarrassment. You laugh and sit down, joining everyone for breakfast.
You feel safe and supported when with your team. You are beyond lucky to have met such wonderful people. But, you are particularly grateful to have met Somun, your boyfriend. They welcomed you in with open arms and stuck to their word to protect you. They have saved your life countless times, but you wouldn’t trade the world for it. You save others and this is what makes you happy. But you’re glad that you have a loving and supporting family beside you. 
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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tempobaekh · 11 months
Between Realms
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Pairings: Ga Motak x Scarlet Witch!reader
Warnings: angst, tiny bit fluff maybe?? idk? I think my shitty story writing should be a warning as well
A/N: I’m having a Motak brainstorm right now. Like the amount of ideas I have to merge marvel and tuc bc why tf not? So this is fic number one of my idea and I have another one in the works. I kind of hate this one but also like it idk this gotta be my worst work. Also an idea from my babe @slytherinshua made me come up with this<3
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The Counters' new place buzzed with activity as they analyzed, in their eyes, a new threat that had emerged.
Y/N, considered an evil spirit, had become an enigma even they couldn't comprehend.
Possessing abilities beyond their comprehension of just how strong she was, she was a force to be reckoned with.
But she wasn't using her immense abilities to harm others; she had become an anti-hero, despite having powers that can cause utter destruction, she chose to use them to  protect those around her.
You see she was an innocent victim that was unfortunate enough to be targeted as the host to the evil spirit.
When Y/N was conducting study in a lonely library that not many people visited, that is how she got into this strange situation.
This library contained a strange collection of mystical artifacts, scrolls, and books, many of which had been untouched buried deep inside the library.
In her quest for knowledge and understanding of the mystical arts, Y/N stumbled upon a seemingly harmless amulet. This amulet was decorated in complex runes and symbols from several spiritual traditions, exquisitely covered. Unknown to Y/N, the amulet was more than just an artifact; it was a prison.
The amulet had been crafted centuries ago by a powerful sorcerer who sought to imprison an evil spirit of chaos and destruction, a spirit even Yung wasn’t aware of.
The evil spirit was known for its ability to corrupt and consume the souls of those it possessed, granting them immense power in exchange for their humanity.
Y/N, driven by her insatiable curiosity and the desire to harness the amulet's hidden potential, decided to wear it. In doing so, she unknowingly triggered the amulet's ancient enchantment. The evil spirit, dormant for ages, sensed a new host and seized the opportunity, merging its essence with Y/N's consciousness.
The fusion was not without its struggles. Y/N fought to maintain control over her own mind and body, while the evil spirit sought to dominate her.
It was during this internal struggle that Y/N's powers began to manifest, Y/N's powers allowed her to manipulate and harness a mysterious energy source that appeared as scarlet-colored manifestations when she wielded her abilities.
This scarlet energy was a visual representation of her power and became closely associated with her. 
Which earned her the name Scarlet Witch.
The Scarlet Witch attire is a manifestation of her powers and her connection to the evil spirit within the amulet. It's a distinctive outfit that combines elements of traditional mysticism with a touch of modernity. 
Her attire doesn't materialize automatically. She can summon it at will when she chooses to engage in combat or tap into her Scarlet Witch powers.
This allows her to blend in with regular clothing when she doesn't want to draw attention to her abilities.
The attire consists of a flowing crimson robe adorned with arcane symbols, it also includes a headpiece with a red gem that helps channel and focus her powers.
While wearing the Scarlet Witch attire, Y/N's powers are enhanced and more focused. It allows her to harness the full extent of her reality-warping abilities, manipulating the environment and creating illusions or defensive barriers as needed.
Y/N can control when the attire appears and disappears, giving her flexibility in choosing when to use her powers discreetly or to engage in battles against the Counters or other threats.
The attire serves as a symbol of her unique situation, a reminder of the evil spirit within her, and her ongoing struggle to keep it in check. It's a visual representation of the duality within her, embodying both her heroic and potentially destructive capabilities.
As she grappled with this newfound power, Y/N realized that she could control the evil spirit within her to some extent.
She used her abilities to keep it in check, preventing it from causing harm to others, or taking control over her and using her as an extension to do its evil deeds.
However, she also understood the danger she posed, should the malevolent spirit gain the upper hand.
So she started to distance herself from everything, from the world.
Y/N's life took an unexpected turn from that moment onward. She became a reluctant anti-hero, determined to protect both herself and those around her from the evil spirit's influence, even though her using the powers was seen as evil.
This intricate dance between good and evil formed the foundation of her struggle in keeping everything at bay, despite being physically and mentally tormented by the evil spirit within her.
Y/N's first encounter with the Counters was entirely unexpected. She had been living a relatively solitary life after merging with the evil spirit and gaining her Scarlet Witch powers.
Her primary focus was on controlling the evil entity within her and using her abilities for personal defense rather than offense.
One fateful evening, as she was attempting to contain the evil spirit's influence in a deserted part of the city, her powers inadvertently drew the attention of the Counters, as she unknowingly stepped in their territory.
The Counters, always vigilant for signs of supernatural disturbances, sensed a powerful and unusual energy source in the vicinity.
They were going in this mission blind, not knowing the full extent of powers Y/N had as she was so powerful that Hana couldn’t even tell which level evil spirit this was.
As Y/N struggled to maintain control over the malevolent spirit, her powers caused a rift in the fabric of reality, which the Counters detected. They rushed to the scene, expecting to confront a malevolent spirit wreaking havoc.
Hana, being the vigilant and pragmatic member of the Counters, initially believed that Y/N was just another evil spirit posing a potential threat to innocent people.
She saw Y/N's powers as a potential risk to the balance between the realms, and her skepticism made her determined to follow the standard protocol.
During the initial confrontation with the Counters, Y/N found herself overwhelmed and facing a team of skilled individuals who were determined to subdue what they believed to be a evil spirit.
She had the power to defend herself, but her moral compass guided her to avoid causing harm.
As the Counters closed in on her, their combined abilities proved too much for her to handle without revealing her full potential.
She decided to surrender peacefully, knowing that it would be the quickest way to show them that she wasn't a threat, and that she just craved help, she wanted to separate herself from the torture that was the evil spirit.
Once captured, Y/N was taken to a specially prepared containment chamber within the Counters' headquarters. The chamber was designed to neutralize supernatural entities and prevent them from using their powers to escape or cause harm.
The chamber was a dimly lit, translucent enclosure with intricate protective runes etched into the walls and floor, personally made by the people in Yung. The runes acted as a barrier, preventing Y/N from using her powers to manipulate the environment or escape.
The room had a cold, sterile feel to it, amplifying her sense of isolation and confinement.
When the Counters confronted Y/N during that initial encounter, she was faced with a difficult decision. Her life since merging with the evil spirit, against her will, had been one of isolation and struggle.
Controlling the evil entity within her had taken a toll on her both physically and mentally. She had experienced moments of chaos and danger as she tried to grapple with her newfound powers.
Before merging with the evil spirit, Y/N had led a relatively normal life. However, the traumatic experience of the evil spirit's possession had left her scarred. She had seen the damage it could do, not only to others but also to her own sense of self. The spirit's relentless attempts to take control had caused her unimaginable pain and suffering.
Y/N had made a vow never to harm innocent people, driven by a deep-seated fear of becoming the monster she had seen within the evil spirit. Her powers were both a blessing and a curse, and she carried the weight of that burden every day.
Y/N's emotions during her containment were complex and conflicted. She felt a mix of fear, frustration, and a deep sense of injustice. She knew that her intentions were not malicious, and she had hoped to live a quiet life, free from the evil spirit's influence.
However, being confined and treated as a threat by the Counters stirred feelings of anger and helplessness. She also felt a sense of isolation, as she couldn't fully explain her situation to anyone without risking further misunderstanding.
It was during her capture by the Counters that Y/N's connection with Motak began to form. Motak, who often kind of acted like the leader of the Counters, was known for his calm and compassionate demeanor, even in the face of supernatural threats.
He was the first among the Counters to sense that Y/N was not the typical evil spirit they had encountered.
As Y/N was contained within the Counters' headquarters, Motak spent time observing her.
He sensed her inner turmoil, her struggle to control the evil spirit, and her genuine desire not to harm others. Something about her vulnerability and the conflict within her resonated with him on a profound level.
Over time, Y/N began to open up to Motak. She shared the story of how she had come into contact with the evil spirit and the traumatic experiences she had endured since. Motak, in turn, shared stories of the Counters' mission and the moral dilemmas they faced.
Their conversations deepened their understanding of each other, and an unspoken connection formed between them.
Motak was drawn to Y/N's strength and resilience in the face of adversity, as well as her determination to use her powers for good, and he could not deny that Y/N was utterly beautiful, a sight for sore eyes.
Y/N, on the other hand, found in Motak a kindred spirit, someone who saw the potential for good within her despite the darkness that loomed.
His unwavering belief in her goodness and his compassion touched her heart in a way she had not expected.
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Ga Motak was conflicted. He stood by the glass doors, peering into the room where Y/N was contained. Her powers radiated like a cosmic storm, but she held them in check.
She was not the menace they had expected.
In the midst of the chaos, Hana, the fierce and determined member of the team, was resolute about their mission. She argued vehemently, "We can't let this continue, Motak! Y/N is dangerous, just like any other evil spirit. We must summon it and put an end to this!"
Motak remained silent, his eyes fixed on Y/N. He couldn't bring himself to treat her like a typical evil spirit. Something about her drew him in, an unexplainable connection that transcended their roles.
Y/N, once she had established a degree of trust with the Counters, thanks to Motak being a big help, attempted to explain her unique predicament.
She told them about how she had unwittingly merged with the evil spirit through the ancient amulet. She described the trauma and pain she had endured in controlling the spirit's influence and how she had developed her powers as a result.
However, even with her heartfelt explanations, there remained a degree of skepticism among some of the Counters, particularly Hana.
She was still wary of Y/N's powers and the potential threat they posed.
The Counters knew that to fully address the situation, they needed to deal with the evil spirit trapped within Y/N.
So they formed a plan.
Their plan involved summoning the spirit and finding a way to separate it from her without causing harm.
Y/N, having a deeper understanding of the evil spirit's nature, offered her assistance in this process.
She believed that she could use her powers to create a controlled environment, a kind of pocket dimension where the spirit could be safely contained during the separation and summoned back to Yung.
Y/N's powers were intertwined with the evil spirit due to the amulet's fusion. The Counters recognized that her abilities could be a valuable asset in their mission to protect the balance between realms.
Therefore, the plan was not to completely strip her of these powers but to separate them from the malevolent spirit.
To achieve this separation, the Counters devised a plan to use a combination of their supernatural abilities and Y/N's powers.
They would create a ritual that temporarily weakened the connection between the amulet and the evil spirit, allowing Y/N to use her reality-warping abilities to draw the spirit out.
Once the evil spirit was drawn out and contained in the pocket dimension Y/N had prepared, the Counters would focus on separating it from the amulet. This was a delicate and dangerous process, but Y/N's control over the spirit gave them the best chance of success.
The ultimate goal was to leave Y/N with her powers intact but free from the evil spirit's influence.
It was a complex and risky plan, but Y/N and the Counters believed it was the only way to ensure that she could use her unique abilities for good without harming anyone or being consumed by darkness.
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Later, the night before the dangerous ritual, as the headquarters grew quiet, Motak found himself alone with Y/N.
She was still in the translucent barrier, her eyes reflecting both power, and vulnerability but also showing fear for what was about to happen.
"Y/N," Motak spoke softly, "You are going to be okay, we can do this" he tried reassuring her in his deep voice, almost sounding like he was telling himself that.
She met his gaze with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "Motak, there's a reason I control the spirit within me. I don't want to hurt anyone. I've seen what absolute power can do, and I refuse to become a monster. I want to be free.”
He stepped closer to the barrier, his hand reaching out, longing to touch her. "We can do this, I will free you from this shitty spirit.” he paused letting out a small chuckle as Y/N also let out a watery laugh. “This plan must work, we can do it together."
Y/N's eyes softened, and she nodded. "We can rewrite our own destinies, Motak, but we must be careful. The line between good and evil is thin, and we walk it every day."
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As the ritual to separate the evil spirit from Y/N's amulet reached its climax, the room filled with an otherworldly energy. Y/N's Scarlet Witch attire shimmered, and her powers surged to their peak.
Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she concentrated, aided by the collective strength of the Counters.
In the center of the room, a swirling vortex of crimson energy emerged, drawing the evil spirit out of Y/N's body.
The spirit fought and resisted, but Y/N's unyielding determination, combined with the Counters' supernatural prowess, proved stronger. With a final surge of power, the spirit was captured within the pocket dimension Y/N had created.
A collective sigh of relief filled the room as the evil spirit was successfully separated from Y/N.
She collapsed to her knees, drained from the intense effort, but her powers remained intact, her amulet now free of the evil influence.
“Y/N!” Motak rushed to her side, offering his support as she regained her strength, cradling her delicately to his chest.
He pressed light kisses to her forehead, whispering praises with his lips pressed to her skin.
The other Counters observed in awe, realizing that Y/N's abilities could be a valuable asset in their mission to protect the balance between realms.
Hana, who had been the most skeptical of Y/N, watched the proceedings with a newfound respect. She understood that Y/N's intentions were pure, and her powers could be a force for good.
With the evil spirit contained and neutralized in the pocket dimension, the Counters turned their attention to sending the evil spirit back to the darkest depths of Yung where it belonged.
While Y/N, for the first time in what felt like a long time, felt free, relaxed, and safe in the arms of the man she fell deeply for.
The man that vows to protect her and love her no matter what.
In the days that followed, Y/N and Motak's connection deepened further.
They had faced the darkness within and emerged stronger together. Their forbidden love had defied all odds, just as Y/N had defied the evil spirit's attempts to consume her.
As they looked toward an uncertain future, Y/N, Motak, and the Counters had rewritten their destinies.
They were no longer just hunters of evil spirits; they were protectors of the balance between worlds, guided by the belief that even in the darkest of circumstances, love and understanding could prevail.
And so, in the quiet moments between battling supernatural threats, Y/N and Motak found solace in each other's arms, knowing that their love was as powerful as the abilities that had brought them together—a love that could conquer any challenge that lay ahead.
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Note: gifs, pictures, and header DOES NOT belong to me. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! Feedback is appreciated.
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kazxyy · 11 months
people who make uncanny counter fanfic please speak out🙏
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iii-ba · 1 year
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                ⅄   ◌  🦷 ˖  (´-﹏-`)
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       ⅄   ◌  🍪 ˖ "꿈에서 깨, we're just here to vibe"
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2ghoul2duel · 1 year
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We won't lose anyone in this photo. I PROMISE YOU THAT.
+ bonus
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geminidaydreamer · 1 year
Jamming session..😘😘😘
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strngedsire · 1 year
I don’t really ship So Mun and Do Hana. It’s weird for me because they’re like a family. We’ve got:
Jangmul - rich dad who spoils everyone
Ms. Chu - the loving and caring mom
Motak - crazy uncle
Hana - big scary but softie sister
Jeok Bong - clumsy and funny older brother
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caramel-maveeato · 11 months
ᴅᴏᴋɪ ᴅᴏᴋɪ ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: Eonni’s Gang’s unofficial couturier getting spellbound by the legendarily toe-curling rizzler So Mun (ft. real footage of Ga Motak being a professional matchmaker for 1k words straight)… ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x Fem!reader ♡ Genre: fluff, assumed relationship, reader is a simp in denial. ♡ TW: slightly suggestive, slight cursing, slight implication of bi-panic (it doesn’t indicate the reader is bi tho it’s just common sense to get skfjlsiglg when both Hana and Motak are in the room), might have been inserted a few TUC inside jokes and genZ slangs cus i was going insane over midterms i apologize ♡ word count: 3.7k
(request is here) Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n.
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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Who would’ve guessed there was legitimately a place for the dead to arrive after life? Not exclusively for the completely-dead, though, it was created for close-to-dead people as well, like in your case right now. 
You remembered girl-bossing a little too close to the sun and falling into a coma over… whatever. But instead of sinking into everlasting gloom where you could no longer feel or think like how those Hollywood movies portrayed, you were embraced by a bleached-clothed person who flung you back and forth between a fonded place of your memory and a blank white setting just as bleached, informing you about the world full of “evil spirits” and lecturing you into becoming a “counter” if you wished to continue living. 
Since you were too young and beautiful, you refused to gaf about the possible risks of getting unalived for the second time, closed-eyedly concluding the verbal contract for a (hopefully) glorious future. 
Six pairs of eyes leaped over at you. Ms. Chu swallowed her noodles before responding: “What’s the matter?”
“Well, I…” 
You scratched the back of your neck out of instinct, briefly making eye contact with the rest of the table: “I’ve told you that I used to work in the fashion field, right?”
The chairman nodded his head: “Yeah, you did mention that the first day you came here."
There is no way you could back out now, not after you have entirely mustered the attention. Rotating unsaid words in your mouth while you observed their expressions one last time, hoping no one would find your sudden proposal weird: “If you don’t mind, is it alright if I… take your measurements and make some outfits? I just think it would be nice to at least do something in return for all the help I’ve been getting from you. I know it’s not a lot but…”
And that was how you ended up here, pacing around with a tailor’s ruler and a notepad. 
Your suggestion wasn’t really approved at first as the team reassured you that it wasn’t just their responsibility to be your advisor but, at the same time, they were happy to be there for you, and that you shouldn’t be bothered to “return” the favor. But who are you to stop? All the remaining brain cells of yours congregated to list down every possible reason why this was what you deeply desired to do, including your “burning passion for fashion” and “essentiality for experience and modeling purposes.” 
Thankfully, they all accepted your offer after ten minutes of hesitation. 
Scribbling Jeokbong’s results down on the piece of paper, you scanned around, looking for the last person your notepad was still missing: “Where’s So Mun?”
Hana zipped up her hoodie that had been removed earlier for you to record her sizes, nonchalantly answering: “In his room, I suppose. His phone died so he said he’s going to charge it real quick.”
You thanked her before grabbing the equipment and making your way to the place mentioned. The hallway submerged itself in peaceful tranquility, conversations feebly reverberated back from the dinner table where your teammates gathered.
You knocked on So Mun's door to announce your presence, which was unnecessary since he was quick to notice you through the circular window: “Hey, do you mind if I…?”
“My turn already?” So Mun watched you nod with his signature amiable smile: “Sure. Do you need me to step outside?”
Sneaking a peek through the furniture and simple decorations, you stopped at his figure and moved closer. For some reason, the floor felt strangely unfamiliar as if you were a fawn testing its first step: “Nah, right here should also be fine, this won’t take long.” 
The soothing atmosphere was filled with the subtle rustling of the measuring tape. Each touch of the tape was deliberate, like a delicate caress, ensuring precision in every little detail. You made a mental note of the circumference of his wrist and the length of his arm. So Mun was also very cooperative, staying still with a straight posture while you interchanged small talk: “So, what kind of outfits do you plan on making?”
You hummed, letting out a chuckle when he cracked up from the ticklishness of the stroke: “I’m not sure yet, maybe I can hear what your preference is after this? That way I can get a plus point for customer service too, a win-win for us.”
He lightheartedly went along with your playfulness: “Oh, I can’t wait!”
“Um-hm, now don’t squirm around or I’m gonna put you in a Chucky fit.”
“So we also do cosplay? Interesting,”
Soft laughter resonated. You were so diverted by the bubbly ambiance flowing from So Mun that you didn’t notice you had leaned over to slide the tape behind his neck, encircling it attentively to avoid any signs of discomfort. It was a calming afternoon, causing the source of light to be perceptibly minimized. As much as you tried to pin your focus on the assessment, your unamenable mind kept on targeting his lower-half face that popped into your view. 
So Mun was adorned with a kiss from the dim sunlight glow, and for this one time you were given a chance to admire him this close, you were dazed to see how ideally shaped his jawline was, sharp enough to cut grass while the plumpness of his lips tamed the roughness down, two aspects blending perfectly like yin and yang.
Now you knew why the ground felt strange and your stomach flipped. 
In front of you stood a young man who seemed to have stepped out of a webtoon where its protagonist was an underrated visual until the later season. Charismatic and fascinating, his gentle yet chiseled features must’ve been carved out under the skilled hands of the most proficient sculptor, embellished by an air of youthfulness. 
From the very first glance, you were absolutely convinced that So Mun was, indeed, a local heartthrob. 
His effortless charm easily attracted gazes and turned heads among those who crossed his path. Dark, tousled curls framed a face that was abundantly favored by the eyes, easy to remember but not easy to forget. His thick brows added the final touch to the astounding side profile and praised a pair of expressive gemstones that accommodated secrets untold. His pupils illustriously mirrored a pellucid surface of the water, holding both innocence and wisdom within those splendid irises that had been dyed in a ravishing deep brown color. 
And the scariest part was that every time you laid your eyes on him, he seemed to become prettier. 
Now that you have stumbled across his vicinity, you secretly prayed to every known religion (or just your own sanity in general) that you would commit nothing out-of-character to give away how bad you’ve already grown to fancy this man. Or else… there will be no “or else.”
Still, something had been peculiarly off. 
It must’ve occurred to be some kind of hormonal chemical imbalance going wild right now. Because hell, the last time you found yourself feeling so jumpy around another person was when Hana nearly knocked you out after twenty minutes of physical abuse training (trust me, she did go 10x easier on you compared to how she went on So Mun and Jeokbong). But this specific man right here was not your mentor, nor was he about to beat you to a pulp. All he did was exist and let you take his measurements, periodt. 
Maybe he was just remarkably snatched? It couldn’t be since your adrenaline level didn’t act (this) weird around Hana and Motak. Sure, your heart rate did climb notably when situated in close proximity with them, but with So Mun in particular? 
It skyrocketed.  
A long, deep breath silently expanded your lungs, working extra hard to untie the obstructive tensity. You stared at the tiny numbers on the tape measure and mentally repeated it two hundred times in an effort to inscribe the result in memory. However, it was suddenly an impossible task because of how disconnected your mind was at the moment.
So Mun was too close to you right now. Not dangerously close, yet the distance was limited enough for your head to spin and your heart to pound. 
You have no clue if you should embrace this internal madness or not, but you certainly acknowledged that your lucidity and dignity were shrinking after each passing second. It’s going to be bad if you don’t get out of here soon. 
“Y/n, why’s your face so red?” 
“What? No.” You denied without missing a beat, which laid bare your disobliging trepidation almost right away from how fast you responded.
So Mun marginally narrowed his eyes with plain disagreement: “Yes, it is. You’re not feeling unwell anywhere, are you?” 
An invisible sigh of relief dropped when you realized he wasn’t aware of the tangible distraction you felt around him but rather centered the strange enhancement of color on your cheeks. You assured yourself that it was only you manifesting the accusation against yourself, so you tried gaslighting him into thinking he was the drama instead: “I’m fine, really. Are you sure it’s not you who is seeing things?”
“Huh? But your face wasn’t red like this earlier, I swear I’m not mistaken.”
Unfortunately for you, So Mun’s intelligence ran in his family. So you must’ve been in your sweet dream to expect a detectives’ son would be fooled by such a half-assed reason.
Each motion of yours was helplessly cornered like a prey waiting to be demolished under his unceasing focus, especially when two of you were the only ones in the room right now, all alone and suspicious: “Hold up, if you’re not sick… why are you blushing?”
Your mouth was clenched shut. Even the tiniest sound pealed loudly in the current confined space, reflecting your nervous gulp as clear as day. 
So Mun called your name again after the short pause, sounding even gentler than how he usually spoke in that… ludicrously charming voice of his: “Y/n.”
“Don’t tell me…” The way he drew the last syllable out slightly longer hurled a thud into your chest, sparking your diffidence. You heaved your eyes to meet his own only to regret your decision immediately as you were welcomed by a cunning smile he tried hard to suppress: “...you’re getting shy?”
You squinted and looked down, knowing damn well you, in fact, were shy as fuck: “No. Why would I be?”
“Yes, you are, you can’t see yourself right now but I can, you’re blushing all over the place. You were fine just now, were you not? Why suddenly get shy?” He closely beheld your reaction, allowing a grin to plaster as the traitorous shade of pink on your cheeks evidently declared how you truly felt: “Is it because of me?” 
“Because of you?” Knowing he had successfully caught you red-handed, you tried the hardest to play it off cool with a sassy eye roll while hanging the tape just a couple of millimeters away from the width of his shoulders: “Where did you even get that from? 
“From the way you act?”
“Dear customer, you’re delusional.”
“Am I?” 
“Yes, you are.” 
Instinctively holding your breath, you enclosed the measuring tape around So Mun’s chest with great caution, arduously ignoring how you could already tell his physique was too attractively in shape under that black compression shirt. Every time he inhaled and exhaled, the tape stretched ever so slightly then loosened after the relief— Fuck, okay, stop. 
“Am I really delusional or are your hands shaking right there?”
This little shi– did not just call you out like that. 
His voice vibrated down from the top of your head, bordering between intentional cockiness and unintentional flirtatiousness. You never discerned that your fingers had grown to tremor abstractedly due to how faint the movement was, yet he could easily detect your restlessness just from a few playful glimpses. Never in your life you felt this terribly exposed in front of someone. It was like he could see right through you like a piece of glass.  
“You…” Shamefulness followed you like your own shadow. The immense heat on your cheeks was no longer pleasant to say the least: “Stop talking. Just let me get this done.” 
On the other hand, So Mun, whether or not had progressed to be fond of your painfully flustered self, mindlessly dropped the ultimate bomb on you: “Do you like me?”
You swore you saw your heart fly out and wheel around the ceiling in horror. 
If the tape measure wasn’t made of plastic, it would’ve been torn in half between your violent grip. You bit the inside of your cheek timidly and landed a weak punch on his shoulder. Agitation and embarrassment blanketed your half-whisper: “Just… be quiet, Mun.”
“Fine, fine, I was just joking. I’ve never seen you get this red before and…” So Mun laughed softly, though the laughter quickly dissolved into quietude as he caught a menacing glare from you: “Guess I got carried away, my bad.” 
Speaking of the truth, he didn’t mean any harm rather than just breezy teasing. It was you and your hormonal, backstabbing blush that created the whole awkward situation. You shifted your ruler down and laced it around his waistline, half of the frustration in your tone replaced with sheepishness: “You sure did have a lot of fun, didn’t you?”
“But you’re so cute like this… ” His chuckle brightened the air. Even though you weren't in the mood to appreciate the random compliment, just the word “cute” itself was enough to awaken those dormant flowers in your stomach and rush them into vigorously blossoming like it was a sunny spring day. 
You fought back a pout from arising, not sure if you should continue putting up an annoyed act. But before you could respond, your entire body froze as his voice suddenly appeared to be alarmingly close to your ear, tender like a passing cloud except it could facilely have you where he wanted if he ever wanted to. 
“C’mon, don’t lower your head, I’ll stop pointing your blush out.” 
Despite your concentration still being attached to his waist as you read the measured number, his toned abdominal muscles that somewhat divulged themselves under the thin compression shirt were nowhere near your zone of attention. Your nail dug into the tape, feeling your composure slowly fracture like a dainty little eggshell ready to be crushed. Timidity dispersed as uncontrollably as a broken dam when So Mun’s warm breath fanned your skin. 
It didn’t seem like he had a single clue as to how his gesture—purely coming from curiosity—tremendously affected you. The more he dipped his head and leaned closer to yours, the louder you heard your own heartbeat roaring.  
You turned away to hide how vulnerability had completely enveloped your face. A tiny crack echoed in your voice as you stuttered, trying to break free from his oblivious stare: “So– So Mun…”
“Hm?” The fire under your skin rapidly magnified within just a blink of an eye, to the point you were afraid it would explode, yet he still didn’t catch on to the silent plea in the way you called his name, instead taking it as a warning that you were getting exasperated: “Don’t be mad at me, I promise I’ll be quiet.” 
Even the sketches and doodles hung on the wall avowedly held their breath as if acknowledging the hide-and-seek negotiation unfolding before them. You clutched your eyelids closed and your body stiffened, dodging his gaze like dodging bullets. 
One sense had shut down, offering a chance for other senses to intensify. As So Mun leaned down searching for your face, the minty and earthy note of his shampoo washed over your nostrils, delightfully freshened from the vague men's cologne you smelled first stepping into the room. 
His breath ignited on your awfully reddened ear, goosebumps traveling up your spine while his scent created an intoxicating merge into your source of oxygen: “Let me see your face, will you?”
Suddenly, pressing under your chin were warm fingers that had calloused up from life journeys, determined yet tender and careful enough not to startle you as he tried to lift your chin up: 
“Come on, I don’t bite.”
“What takes you kiddos so lon— Oh my, are you two kissing?” 
From the inside of So Mun’s room, you could already hear noises of flabbergastation ringing like afterschool bells due to the exclamation. 
You and So Mun jumped away from each other like getting struck by electricity as soon as you saw Motak’s face appear behind the door’s window, amusement wafting in the way he looked at you two. You almost choked to death in your own panic, words collapsing when they reached your mouth: “It’s not what it looks like!! We’re just— We— I’m just taking his measurements!”
“Then why are your faces so close together?” Motak moved aside for you to storm out of the tension-filling room, raising his brows with great gaiety when So Mun followed your way out like a puppy. The tape measure was grasped brutally in your palm, hoping to be counted as evidence. But catching the wide grin that had seemingly been engraved on the older man’s lips, you doubted he’d buy your excuses.  
“Wait, so you were about to kiss and I interrupted? Damn, sorry lovebirds.” 
“No! It’s— we really did not…” Footsteps clouded the hallway, the whole team was quick to be summoned for the delicious tea. Out of the blue you lost all nerves to face them, your explanation slowly dissipated into a nonverbal ‘yes’ to the accusation with how much speechlessness you assembled. 
Hana tilted her focus at your skin’s crimson tint, her hidden protectiveness loomed out of armor and she threateningly gave the origin of your blush a good nudge: “Yah So Mun-ah, why is Y/n’s face so red? What did you do to her?!”
Gazes launched over the man of the moment with suspicion, making him hold his hands up in defense: “What do you mean, noona? I swear I didn’t do anything!”
He turned to you for confirmation, but your exchange of looks was impeded when Ms. Chu walked over to wrap her motherly hands around you, cooing with adoration and happiness as if she'd just listened to your wedding vows: “Oh dear, I knew it from the start you two would make such a cute couple. I’m so happy for you my babies.”
You swallowed heavily: “But we’re not—” 
“I can’t believe these two have made it this far, even faster than us…” The chairman ignored So Mun’s refuting head shake (as well as Ms. Chu’s side eye), giving both of you a thumbs up: “Right, Chu-yeosa?” 
“Don’t bring me into this.”
From the other side, Jeokbong engulfed So Mun in a side hug and patted his back pridefully: “I’m proud of you, very proud, So Mun-ah. We raised you so well, even getting a girlfriend before your hyung.”
“Hyung, listen to me—”
“Our So Munie, I never knew you had that in you, hm? Now you punk got the team’s stylist all to yourself.” Your beloved found-fam didn’t give you any opportunities to prove yourself innocent. Motak elbowed So Mun playfully with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. The more he talked, the more gasoline was poured into the flame of your embarrassment: “Anyone surely gets bolder near a pretty girl, right?”
Hana took a sip of her Milkis: “Isn’t it supposed to be the opposite?” 
“Everyone, hold on a second.” You spoke up, almost sounding desperate: “ So Mun and I have nothing to do with each other, this is just a misunderstanding.” 
Pausing shortly after your clarification, you looked over at him in search of a helping hand:  “Right?”
“Huh– yeah, right. We… Y/n is right. Plus, we’ve only met not long ago, how can anything develop between us this quickly?” So Mun hastily nodded his head. Both of you took turns clearing up the affair:
“Exactly, he’s right.” 
The hallway seemed to hold time in place, slowly absorbing your explanation as amused stares remained affixed to you and him.
The chairman quirked his eyebrows up: “So nothing, huh? More like nothing yet.”
“Let’s see how long you can keep denying.” You inwardly facepalmed yourself, your ears burning ferociously pink as Motak shot you a knowing smile. Levity once again suffused the air when you caught him leaning into Ms. Chu’s ear and whispering; both of them then snickered loud enough for you to hear: “I bet a month.”
“I’m serious, we’re not gonna—” 
“Oh, did I say something?”
Hana casually waved her hand in dissent, not even attempting to stop a half-smile from permeating her gorgeous face: “I bet longer. Look at how much they already lost their cognition just from being in the same room, they’re hopeless.”
Jeokbong briskly chimed in: “Like how Ms. Chu and the chairman are?”
“What did you say?!” 
Rambunctious laughter followed the sight of Ms. Chu smacking Jeokbong on the back. It was pure chaos, but not in a bad way. 
A chuckle managed to slip through your lips. The awkwardness was no longer bothersome but rather narrowed down into a silly feeling in your chest. You cast a glance at your assumed partner, coincidentally locking eyes with one another as his attention had also rested on you since forever. 
You spotted a trace of rosiness sprinted across So Mun’s cheeks, perhaps it had unwittingly blossomed when you were still committed to clearing up the dating scandal. And he smiled—one that was sheepish but sweet nonetheless, one that sent you into a hall of chaotically winging butterflies. Unspoken words lingered in the air, but you didn't mind them. 
If luck would have it, this could be the start of something incredible. But that’s only the matter of the upcoming future, right now?
You just figured out you’ve deadass forgotten all of the measurements you took of So Mun…
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[Tag List]✿⌦ @slytherinshua (feel free to notify me if you want to be on the tag list)
Lol i tried making it as spicy as “kiss and makeup” since the request asked for suggestive but us and Mun've only met for a short period of time i didnt know if we should kiss (yet). Hope this is okay @acupnoodle thank you for the cute idea ily ♡
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haomnyangz · 1 year
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I'm not powerful enough to kill you. But how about this? What if I erased the memory of your rebirth? What'll happen once the power you've acquired disappears? THE UNCANNY COUNTER S2: COUNTER PUNCH (2023)
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