#Gas Logistics
blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Industrial Heavy Machinery Movers & Transporter
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muaka-safari · 2 months
May I ask, did you get around to writing that essay about ga-matoran in Metru Nui and their connection to the Great Temple? Not expecting anything! Just curious!
Oh, I think I wrote a bullet-pointed list on ga-matoran and their connection to the Great Temple, specifically looking at how it affects their concept of gender here, but I never wrote anything long-hand.
If a quick rundown is what you're looking for, follow that link. If you do enjoy long(ish), rambling essays from someone making far too extensive headcanons for fictional worlds, read on.
So. Ga-Metru. The metru of the ga, the metru specifically for the ga, that metru. Now, I could launch straight into the impact of Ga-Metru being Mata Nui-favoured... but this is my essay, so I'm gonna roll this a bit further back and delve into a possible reason of why Ga-Metru is favoured.
Because I have a personal headcanon that Ga-Metru's favoured status was very much a byproduct of the natural resources.
Look at it this way: You need to build a protodermis purification facility on Metru Nui. You've already built the forges and furnaces; now you need to be able to source the building material for these smithies. So you need somewhere with a lot of liquid protodermis readily at hand - somewhere, for example, like Ga-Metru.
And then, because you probably shouldn't put all your important masks in a place full of burny, melty fire, you store your kanohi mask here (instead of Ta-Metru) as the other major building in this budding metru.
So, ta-da, you now have your second major site in Metru Nui, and over time that becomes Ga-Metru, home to the Ga-Matoran. Second-eldest metru, not out of any holy significance, but because it provided an important resource.
Time passes, and your purification/storage facility becomes a place of spiritual importance. I mean, it makes sense. It's an old, vital building, storing items of power, and isn't the hot, noisy space of Ta-Metru, plus the act of purifying carries a kind of holiness to it.
So, the next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is home to the temple of your god, then - obviously - god must like this metru best.
Next, next logical train of thought: if Ga-Metru is the favoured metru, then those who live there must be Mata Nui's favoured matorans. Or, at least, they are spiritually closer to Mata Nui, living basically on the doorstep of your connection to him.
By this point, matoran have certainly been granted sentience, and with that comes all the messy irrationality of thinking for yourself. What a lot of religions like to do is recognise those singled out, spiritually, with a title. Father. Reverend. Back in the medieval era, catholic priests were called "Sir" the same way a knight was.
Regardless, the point is: you need a name or a title to recognise that Ga-Matoran are different. And (headcanon going strong here) because Matoran weren't programmed with a sense of gender, they only really have "he/him" for daily use, with "brother" as a title of respect.
So language does what it always does in these circumstances - it adapts. Except, well, the Matoran may not have a concept of gender, but the Great Beings who created them did. So, somewhere in that pesky programming and superfluous data, there's a not-memory of "sister" being an equivalent title to "brother" - they don't understand how it relates to gender, they just know it feels right. And with "sister" comes the pronouns "she/her" so suddenly you have a whole metru with their own special pronouns and titles.
And, ta-da! Matorans have now accidentally ungendered gendered pronouns.
I also think it adds an interesting sense of irony for any (head)canons that Ga-Matorans consider themselves above or better than other Matorans (because then their importance is built on a coincidence, rather than actual Mata Nui favour) but that's for another day - or for other people to take a crack at, if they'd like. (I know I've certainly seen some interesting posts about Ga-Matoran self-importance!)
I personally was just fascinated by the fact that the "female" Matoran are the "holy" Matoran, despite gender being nonexistant, and examining one possible reason for Ga-Metru gaining its favoured reputation. (What can I say? I love clawing my way into the cracks of existing world-building.) Feel free to agree, disagree, whatever, but these are my personal headcanons and I hope people enjoyed reading about them!
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mlobsters · 10 months
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bemoaning some of the weird early season shirts they put sam in (honestly it's just a couple that stand out) while working on budget burials and noticed the rolled up sleeves on what i thought was just the plain white half button thing he's got on it is like the weird inside-out lookin patterned (also half button) shirt in s2 e9-10 (and other eps but that's where i could find it easily in my screenshots folder :p)
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overdevelopedglasses · 10 months
Tachibana Blog Real?
I know the answer, but for real this time...
Obligatory picture of the man himself
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raitrolling · 2 years
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=> It seems like forever since you’ve had a night off work to stay at home, and that’s because it is. Mister Espino had given you the entire weekend because he needed his employees out of his hair so he can have the hive to himself for once had nothing for you to do, and none of your friends had needed you for anything either. 
=> Except one friend. Well, you don’t know if you’d call him a friend, but... 
=> Your co-worker Gerrel had very politely informed you that you still had yet to invite him over to your hive like you said you would, and after a whole lot of apologising for getting too caught up in your work (because unlike him you don’t take time out of your busy schedule at all), the two of you arranged to meet tonight.
=> You have been cleaning non-stop since the moment you got home from work yesterday. Every room (even if you know he’ll most likely only see three of them at most), every window (even though they’re all open to let the nice breeze into the hive), every floorboard (even though large spaces are covered with rugs, which of course you also cleaned), every glass and plate and piece of cutlery. All surfaces has been dusted, decorations polished, curtains and towels all freshly washed, flowers watered, couch cushions and pillows fluffed up... Anything you missed your lusus was certain to point out.
=> And then, of course, you had to prepare food. You cannot be one of Mister Espino’s most trusted employees and not also know how to be a good host. You think you’ve prepared for everything: You’ve got both simple finger foods and fancier (yet affordable and easy to make) hors d’oeuvres, sweet and savoury things, and for lunch you’ve prepared tacos with all the different fillings laid out on the dining table. You also have a small selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in the fridge, and if he’d like a cocktail you’ve also got all your bartending supplies out. That way he can pick whatever he wants with his lunch, and you should have covered all bases! This is definitely too much food for two people, and your lusus is already shaking his head at you being too wasteful, but he also told you to prepare all of this in the first place. It would be even worse to not be able to fully cater to your hiveguest by lacking something.
=> It should come as no surprise that you are absolutely exhausted from having to do so much work to prepare for Gerrel’s visit, but it’s fine. You’ve pushed through so much worse than a single all-nighter. 
=> You had asked him to text you once he’s arrived so you can show him the ropes to enter your hive. Literally. You live up in the treetops, so he’ll have to climb up the rope ladder. While you wait, you prepare the finishing touches to the banquet of taco fillings and finger foods on the table. Your lusus is perched on the back of the couch, watching you carefully.
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tendingtenderpaws · 5 months
Science-fiction cellular regeneration equipment designed to heal and help gone wrong (I'm sure a lot of this could apply to magic, too)
The equipment is noisy and every time it's brought near the patient they flinch and squirm, aggravating their wounds and prolonging the pain they're in
A dazed, confused, or delirious patient unable to recognize the equipment as different from a weapon and resisting or refusing treatment, lashing out at the caregiver or straight-up running away
The healing equipment used in a hurry, or by a careless caregiver who doesn't fully remove any bullets or shrapnel from the patient, and the patient's cells rebuild themselves around the foreign body
See also: the cellular regeneration working to push the foreign body slowly from the inside out
The action of cells being regenerated being unbearably cold or terribly hot, putting the character in more pain now so they heal better later
Regeneration technology only speeding up the healing after tried and true traumatic medical treatments: setting bones, being intubated and/or hooked up to an IV, stitches, extractive surgeries, leading to...
Characters who are no longer injured, but still feeling physical exhaustion and emotional shock from the trauma (and having to continue soldiering on because "they look fine")
A character who had become so used to the speed of the tech that having to heal "traditionally" is so much more painful than before they had been healed that way (and maybe they overexert themselves too soon because they get restless during their longer recovery period)
An injury gushing blood being quickly sealed and stopped, but the patient is left barely breathing, delirious, and with a dangerously low pulse from the blood loss
A barely-conscious caretaker struggling between pained gasps to explain to someone else how to use the equipment because they can't
Not an original thought by any means, but always a good one: the patient is fully conscious and aware of their cells regenerating and muscles knitting back together <3
And of course: a character studying themselves in the mirror, running their fingertips over soft, smooth skin where it should be raised and scarred if their injuries had been allowed to heal normally
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sochilll · 8 months
*gritting my teeth while forcing myself to be slightly inconvenienced for the sake of being included in future activities instead of isolating myself as always*: I love to be social and hanging out and even talking
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
I remember being like “ooh giant emp bomb that’s effective against droids wonder why they didn’t use it more?” And then. It greats a sinkhole the size of a city. And unleashes an ancient creature that rampages through a city. And I was like “oh. that’s why.”
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That said how did these still work?
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TOne of the entire show Mace:
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Seriously how do those feet support it’s weight?!?!
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SHoutout for this unglamourous escape cause I think its funny:
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And for forcing the Chancellor to make the same unglaomourous escape
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Look at it’s face. “this does not spark joy.” 
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m0e-ru · 1 year
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wooga booga
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999-roses · 2 years
yesterday i drove to [unfamiliar city] and had to pump gas. dude across from me sheepishly gets my attention and asks for some 'assistance' getting gas, I told em sure, hold up lemme get my side started, then I go around and tell them yeah I can pump you like $10, [the gas hatch was closed still] pop your tank open? i'm whipping my card out as he reaches into his car to pop the gas hatch open but then he comes back and he says 'oh sorry my brother [in the passenger seat] says we need cash' and I'm like yeah I don't have any on me right now sorry and just go back. i get back in my car & im lowkey just confused because they could have just accepted me pumping them $10 of gas? you're at a gas station and you gave me a very reasonable story.. uhhmhhnnhgggjlhg??
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
It's getting cold outside, and winter is coming sooner than we'd like to acknowledge. When you own a piece of heavy machinery, you understand how important it is to keep it well-maintained to ensure that it lasts as long as possible and always functions at peak efficiency. This is extremely vital as winter is approaches and the equipment may stay dormant for a longer time than usual. Here are few tips from Go Gauge Logistics.
Pre Winter Preparation
Make sure your machinery has been serviced as per manufacturer guidelines by scheduling an inspection and maintenance before winter sets in. Maintenance tasks like checking and topping off fluids, adjusting tyre pressure, adding an engine block heater, and inspecting hydraulic hoses and other vital components are all part of this.
Prepare your Storage area
If you are storing your machinery inside, prepare a space that is clean and dry. You may want to invest in some protective floor coverings, depending on the type of floor you have in your storage building. If storing outside, investing in a quality tarp is a smart idea. This will help to prevent rusting caused by freezing and thawing water on the surface of your machinery.  For an easier start and less time brushing off snow, keep your machine indoors while not in use. To protect hinges and joints, detach and store attachments when your machine is off in winter.
Keep batteries charged and warm
If the temperature in the storage area freezes, remove the battery and store it at normal temperature to prevent excessive draining. A warm battery performs far better than a cold battery. If the equipment is stored in a temperature-controlled garage, its relocation poses less of a risk. During the winter, batteries should be linked to smart chargers or slow chargers if possible. At this time, battery connections should also be inspected and cleaned. Corroded terminals might cause complications with starting and charging. Operators should remove any dirt or debris from the top of the battery, as it might create a conductive route and deplete energy slowly. The primary consideration here is ensuring that the terminal posts and cables have clean and secure contact, so providing the best and most consistent current flow from the batteries to the machine.
Maintain a full fuel tank
Fill the tank when storing equipment in winter to avoid condensation from polluting fuel lines. After each use, refill the fuel tank and empty and clean the water separator to prevent freezing and algae growth and to remove water, debris and sediments. With a clean fuel system, the machine can handle even the coldest winters. Even if the machinery was reasonably new before storage, filters may need to be changed. Make sure to provide room for expansion while loading fluids, especially diesel exhaust fluid (DEF). Machine reservoirs are designed to handle freezing DEF, but store bulk DEF in heated storage during winter. Your local dealer can help you store and handle DEF, which is sensitive to temperature. 
Conduct a Visual Inspection
Before putting a machine into storage or using it in the winter, it is best practise to inspect it visually and do any necessary maintenance or repairs. Hydraulic hoses and connections require extra care. As a result, they are more likely to break under stress in the cold. Before starting off, it's a good idea to inspect the condition of the electrical wiring, attachments, and hoses, as well as the rest of the equipment. Check the condition of the hydraulic hoses, belts, and tyres for any signs of damage. Clean the tyres and undercarriage of any snow, dirt, and debris.
Take care of Tires
To avoid the tyres freezing to the ground, remove any snow or ice from them and park the machinery on boards. Tire pressure should be checked often. Dry nitrogen should be used to replenish the tyres if the pressure lowers, which can happen in colder temperatures. Tire air valves are protected from ice formation by using dry nitrogen. Not all heavy machinery will have tyres, but if yours does, make sure to check the pressure before putting it away. Tire pressure should be set according to the owner's handbook. However, if you plan to store your machinery on a cement floor, it may be a good idea to slightly over-inflate the tyres to avoid flat areas. We all know that in cooler temperatures, they can lose air pressure more rapidly. .
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neobluenergy · 11 hours
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Environmental Responsibility in the Petroleum Industry - Neo Blu Energy
Neo Blu Energy leads in environmental responsibility within the petroleum industry, implementing sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact while ensuring efficient fuel distribution and wholesale services.
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artisticdivasworld · 1 month
Navigating the Financial Impact of EPA Emission Standards: Strategic Insights for Trucking Companies
Renee Williams, CEO & PresidentFreightRevCon, a Freight Revenue Consultants, LLC. company The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new emission standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks represent a landmark move toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving public health. With these standards set to roll out from 2027 through 2032, they are projected to cut greenhouse gas…
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just2bruce · 2 months
Dark fleets and Sanctions
We now have two worlds of international commerce, as a result of trade wars and the Ukraine-Russia conflict. As the Western world, principally the EU, UK and related countries and the US look to tighten sanctions on Russian oil exports, some shipowners are finding creative ways to get around the rules set by the West. One important escape hatch is to flag ships with a Flag State that doesn’t…
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trukkinsblog · 7 months
Oil and Gas Logistics Revolutionized Trukkin Logistics Leads the Way
In the ever-changing world of oil and gas logistics, effective logistics are essential to maintaining smooth operations. Businesses in this industry recognize how important it is to move resources to and from different locations in a timely and secure manner. Within this context, Trukkin Logistics has become a trailblazer, transforming the way that oil and gas logistics are managed.
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