#Oil and Gas Shipping Services
blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Industrial Heavy Machinery Movers & Transporter
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reportwire · 2 years
Cash is king for sanctioned Russian, Venezuelan oligarchs
Cash is king for sanctioned Russian, Venezuelan oligarchs
MIAMI — It was a deal that brought together oligarchs from some of America’s top adversaries. “The key is the cash,” the oil broker wrote in a text message, offering a deep discount on Venezuelan crude shipments to an associate who claimed to be fronting for the owner of Russia’s biggest aluminum company. “As soon as you are ready with cash we can work.” The communication was included in a…
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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I.8.1 Is the Spanish Revolution inapplicable as a model for modern societies?
Quite the reverse. More urban workers took part in the revolution than in the countryside. So while it is true that collectivisation was extensive in rural areas, the revolution also made its mark in urban areas and in industry.
In total, the “regions most affected” by collectivisation “were Catalonia and Aragón, where about 70 per cent of the workforce was involved. The total for the whole of Republican territory was nearly 800,000 on the land and a little more than a million in industry. In Barcelona workers’ committees took over all the services, the oil monopoly, the shipping companies, heavy engineering firms such as Volcano, the Ford motor company, chemical companies, the textile industry and a host of smaller enterprises … Services such as water, gas and electricity were working under new management within hours of the storming of the Atarazanas barracks … a conversion of appropriate factories to war production meant that metallurgical concerns had started to produce armed cars by 22 July … The industrial workers of Catalonia were the most skilled in Spain … One of the most impressive feats of those early days was the resurrection of the public transport system at a time when the streets were still littered and barricaded.” Five days after the fighting had stopped, 700 tramcars rather than the usual 600, all painted in the black-and-red colours of the CNT-FAI, were operating in Barcelona. [Antony Beevor, The Spanish Civil War, pp. 91–2]
About 75% of Spanish industry was concentrated in Catalonia, the stronghold of the anarchist labour movement, and widespread collectivisation of factories took place there. As Sam Dolgoff rightly observed, this “refutes decisively the allegation that anarchist organisational principles are not applicable to industrial areas, and if at all, only in primitive agrarian societies or in isolated experimental communities.” [The Anarchist Collectives, pp. 7–8] According to Augustin Souchy:
“It is no simple matter to collectivise and place on firm foundations an industry employing almost a quarter of a million textile workers in scores of factories scattered in numerous cities. But the Barcelona syndicalist textile union accomplished this feat in a short time. It was a tremendously significant experiment. The dictatorship of the bosses was toppled, and wages, working conditions and production were determined by the workers and their elected delegates. All functionaries had to carry out the instructions of the membership and report back directly to the men on the job and union meetings. The collectivisation of the textile industry shatters once and for all the legend that the workers are incapable of administrating a great and complex corporation.” [Op. Cit., p. 94]
Moreover, Spain in the 1930s was not a backward, peasant country, as is sometimes supposed. Between 1910 and 1930, the industrial working class more than doubled to over 2,500,000. This represented just over 26% of the working population (compared to 16% twenty years previously). In 1930, only 45% of the working population were engaged in agriculture. [Ronald Fraser, The Blood of Spain, p. 38] In Catalonia alone, 200,000 workers were employed in the textile industry and 70,000 in metal-working and machinery manufacturing. This was very different than the situation in Russia at the end of World War I, where the urban working class made up only 10% of the population.
Capitalist social relations had also penetrated the rural economy by the 1930s with agriculture oriented to the world market and approximately 90% of farm land in the hands of the bourgeoisie. [Fraser, Op. Cit., p. 37] So by 1936 agriculture was predominately capitalist, with Spanish agribusiness employing large numbers of labourers who either did not own enough land to support themselves or where landless. The labour movement in the Spanish countryside in the 1930s was precisely based on this large population of rural wage-earners (the socialist UGT land workers union had 451,000 members in 1933, 40% of its total membership, for example). In Russia at the time of the revolution of 1917, agriculture mostly consisted of small farms on which peasant families worked mainly for their own subsistence, bartering or selling their surplus.
Therefore the Spanish Revolution cannot be dismissed as a product a of pre-industrial society. The urban collectivisations occurred predominately in the most heavily industrialised part of Spain and indicate that anarchist ideas are applicable to modern societies Indeed, comforting Marxist myths aside, the CNT organised most of the unionised urban working class and, internally, agricultural workers were a minority of its membership (by 1936, the CNT was making inroads in Madrid, previously a socialist stronghold while the UGT main area of growth in the 1930s was with, ironically, rural workers). The revolution in Spain was the work (mostly) of rural and urban wage labourers (joined with poor peasants) fighting a well developed capitalist system.
In summary, then, the anarchist revolution in Spain has many lessons for revolutionaries in developed capitalist countries and cannot be dismissed as a product of industrial backwardness. The main strength lay of the anarchist movement was in urban areas and, unsurprisingly, the social revolution took place in both the most heavily industrialised areas as well as on the land.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
The United States District Court for the District of Maryland has tossed a flawed environmental assessment that grossly underestimated harms to endangered and threatened marine species from oil and gas drilling and exploration in the Gulf of Mexico.  
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) prepared the assessment known as a biological opinion—BiOp for short— in 2020 under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NMFS is a federal agency within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 
The biological opinion is required to ensure that drilling and exploration for fossil fuels in the Gulf does not jeopardize endangered and threatened species, and is a prerequisite for oil and gas drilling permits auctioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior. 
That same year, Earthjustice, a national nonprofit, filed a suit challenging the biological opinion on behalf of Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Earth and the Turtle Island Restoration Network. The American Petroleum Institute, Chevron and several other groups representing the oil and gas industry intervened as defendants in the case. 
The environmental groups argued the biological opinion underestimated the potential for future oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and did not require sufficient safeguards for imperiled whales, sea turtles and other endangered and threatened marine species from industrial offshore drilling operations.
The Gulf of Mexico is home to a range of threatened marine species protected under the ESA, including the endangered Rice’s whale, which exists nowhere else on the planet. 
It also caters to much of the nation’s oil and gas extraction under federal waters known as the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This includes a region known as the Gulf OCS that experiences a high volume of ship traffic to production platforms, tens of thousands of active wells and thousands of miles of underwater pipelines. 
In its Aug. 19 ruling, the district court agreed with the environmental groups that the biological opinion violated the law in multiple ways. Among other deficiencies, it found the opinion wrongly assumed that a catastrophic oil spill like the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon will not occur despite NMFS’ own finding that such a spill can be expected. 
The court declared the 2020 BiOp unlawful and ordered NFMS to produce a new biological opinion by December 2024.
“The new opinion should come along with more protections for the Gulf’s threatened and endangered species that are already struggling to survive in the face of an onslaught of threats, including existing oil and gas activity, climate change and others,” said Kristen Monsell, oceans program litigation director for the Center for Biological Diversity. 
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bopinion · 1 month
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2024 / 32
Aperçu of the week
“Live and let live.”
(This is the term used to describe the spontaneous emergence of non-aggressive behavior between troops facing each other as enemies at the front during the First World War. It is now used as a synonym for “to each his own” - as long as he doesn't step on anyone else's toes).
Bad News of the Week
The LGBTQ+ community is open, diverse, peaceful, colorful and inclusive. And stands for tolerance like no other. At the Christopher Street Day parades, which now take place in almost all major German cities throughout the summer, people are cheerful and exuberant. Many people are infected by the atmosphere. In cities such as Cologne, Berlin and Hamburg, hundreds of thousands come together and celebrate a festival of humanity and togetherness that excludes no one. That's nice.
Unfortunately, these events not only attract the attention of those with a positive attitude, but also those with a negative one. Hostility and even attacks on queer people at the events are becoming increasingly common. This happens primarily in the east of the republic and almost exclusively from the right-wing spectrum - neither of which is surprising. After all, the principle of free self-determination can easily be stylized as the antithesis of the conservative, traditional image of society.
The low point for the time being: the CSD in Bautzen in eastern Saxony took place under police protection and the closing party had to be canceled due to security concerns. Numerous disruptive actions were announced by right-wing organizations, including the far-right “Free Saxons” mobilizing on a grand scale, with a counter-event entitled “Against gender propaganda and identity confusion!!!”. In this way, a movement that not coincidentally has the same symbol as the peace movement, the rainbow flag, becomes the target of intolerance with violent tendencies.
Saxony's Justice Minister Katja Meier said that she was stunned that an event had to be cancelled due to the tense security situation and strong right-wing extremist mobilization. “Hatred and agitation against queer people are an expression of misanthropic ideologies that have no place in our society,” emphasized the Green politician. Unfortunately, it has to be said that this is not the case: this ideology has indeed found a place in society. In the state elections taking place this fall in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) is expected to become the strongest party. And they have already polemicized against queer people with posters such as “Hands off our children!”. I'm starting to fear for our social peace...
Good News of the Week
I like this slightly rebellious attitude that the Scots like to display from time to time. Now Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is once again showing its stubbornness. A very positive one. It is rebelling against the public image of fossil fuels.
Specifically, this involves advertising, sponsorship, events etc. for a whole spectrum of companies, products or services. The list ranges from airlines and cruise ships to off-road vehicles and basically all oil and gas companies: “all companies and associated sub-brands or lobbying organizations that extract, refine, produce, supply, distribute or sell fossil fuels”.
In short: polluters should no longer be allowed to present themselves to the public. That makes sense. Because “carbon-intensive products and services undermine the council's commitment to tackling climate change”. Current example: In a report released this month, the International Energy Agency just found that if SUVs were a country, they would be the fifth largest CO2 emitter in the world.
Of course, this is only a symbolic step. But it is a step in the right direction. And is therefore being described by activists as a “historic” step in the fight against climate change. Which other British cities such as Cambridge, Liverpool and Norwich would like to follow. Thank you, dear Scots!
Personal happy moment of the week
My son has just gone on a bike ride with my father. He is 16 - and therefore 70 years younger than his grandpa. And yet the two of them can do something together that is “their thing”. For a whole week. Along the Elbe, from Dresden to Magdeburg. I particularly like the fact that this is also possible thanks to the sister and granddaughter. Because in the meantime, she looks after Granny at home. Because dad and son - of course - don't have time again. Thank you!
I couldn't care less...
...that the Republicans are calling Kamala Karris' new running mate Tim Walz a radical leftist and woke extremist. The “coach” is simply a successful, hands-on, people-oriented politician. He has a clear moral compass, his heart in the right place and his feet firmly planted on a democratic foundation. I like the guy. In whose shadow his political opponent J. D. Vance actually just looks weird. I'm looking forward to their debate in television.
It's fine with me...
...that freedom of speech exists. Because it is a valuable democratic asset. But in the age of social media, limits must be set - keywords hate speech and fake news. A prime example of this is a “free spirit” who happens to own his favorite platform: Elon Musk and Twitter (yes, I know he wants it called X). I don't mean that he has reopened this far-reaching mouthpiece to radicals. Or that he fired most of the team responsible for moderating and monitoring the posts. And not his interview with Donald Trump. But his own posts.
According to a study by the non-governmental organization Center for Digital Hate, Musk has spread 50 false or misleading messages on X since January about the upcoming presidential election in the USA alone. Musk's false messages have already been viewed almost 1.2 billion times this year, according to the center. False messages that could benefit Trump. And which are poisoning the political climate. According to his biographer Walter Isaacson, Musk wants to be seen as a “messiah”. He is convinced that he is right in everything he does and says. That makes him a loose gun. And that is dangerous.
As I write this...
...I'm still in a kind of Olympic spirit. For 16 days in Paris, you could watch ambitious athletes surpass themselves. With tears of joy and pain, with hope and adrenaline, despair and Covid - lots of great emotions. And a wonderfully motivating audience that not only cheered on their own, extremely successful athletes (“Allez les bleus!”), but actually rooted for everyone. Somehow this crisis-ridden time seemed to stand still a little, even and especially in France, which is currently in the midst of a full-blown government crisis. My personal discovery of these Summer Olympics is Breaking, this breathtaking mixture of athleticism, creativity, coordination, attitude and rhythm. Simply beautiful. See you in four years, Snoop Dogg!
Post Scriptum
That's what you call a roll backwards: the Liberals, who incidentally also provide the transport minister in the current government coalition, are seriously trying to score points with a clear “pro-car strategy” for city centers against the alleged “paternalism” of the Greens. With fewer pedestrian zones and cycle paths and more parking spaces - preferably with a flat rate, as an alternative to the Germany ticket for local public transport. I checked the calendar: no, it's not April 1st. So it must be serious. It rarely happens, but in this case I really am at a loss for words...
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viceroy-transporter · 6 months
How to Prepare for Auto Transport
Simple steps you can take to help you prepare your vehicle for car shipping services.
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The more prepared you and your vehicle are, the faster and more efficient the transport will be completed.
Getting your car ready for auto transport service is super important. It helps protect your car during the journey and makes everything go smoothly. When your car is ready, it's easier for the transport team to load and unload it, which means fewer chances of delays.
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Plus, proper preparation ensures your car is secured well, so it won't get damaged on the way. Taking the time to get your car ready shows that you care about its safety and makes the entire moving experience more successful and stress-free.
Top 10 Preparation Steps
Here are the top 10 things you need to do to prepare your car for transport:
Empty your car of personal items: Insurance only covers your car, not the stuff inside it. Remove personal items not part of the car to reduce risk of loss or theft.
Keep your fuel gauge low: Drivers prefer your tank to be less than a quarter full to reduce the risk of flammable gas igniting.
Wash your car: A clean car makes it easier for the driver to inspect it for any damage before shipping.
Take pictures of your car for records: Snap some pics of your car's condition before it gets loaded up for transport. It's good proof if anything happens during transit.
Make sure the loading area is clear: Remove any obstacles that might get in the way of loading your car onto the transport trailer.
Remove your license plate and registration: You don't need to take off your tags, but keep your registration and title with you for extra security.
Check for tire leaks: Make sure your tires are fully inflated to prevent damage during loading and unloading.
Find and fix any oil leaks: If your car has an oil leak, let the driver know so they can position your car safely on the trailer.
Remove any toll passes: Toll charges incurred during transport are your responsibility, so take off any toll readers attached to your car.
Remove or adjust special modifications: Take off or adjust any add-ons like spoilers or bike racks to make the loading process easier and reduce the risk of damage.
Following these steps not only ensures a smooth auto transport process but also guarantees the safety and security of your vehicle throughout its journey with Viceroy Auto Transport.
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ferromagnetiic · 10 months
Holiday Special Candle Service! °❆⛄⋆.ೃ࿔🦌*:・❄️(SINCE KID GAVE MR 3 HIS XMAS GIFT HERE URS AS WELL)
Covered in oil and grease, Galdino pulls himself from under the boat’s engine. His glasses aren’t needed for the wax coating he’s been doing. So his gold frames are kept in pristine state over the table, the same that has a blueprint spread over. A magnifically designed machine; as he clearly consults it to check which next step he would be taking. 
Only him and his captain remained there as it seems both had taken the effort into their hyperfocus for the week. That was a great opportunity.
“ Mr Eustass. ” Galdino raises a hand. “ Remember your missing goggles that you were searching for last week, ga ne. The thing is… I stole—BUT WAIT GA NE WAIT GA NE LET ME EXPLAIN ” “ —YAAAAAAAA LET ME EXPLAIN! You see! That must have accompanied you many adventures and the sweat and seawater had taken a toll on the leather. The golden pins were dusty, the frames were held by a threat! ” He raises a well adorned box, opening it already while trembling and showing his gift. “ I changed the leather and polished the golden parts and changed the lenses for ones with armored glass. As the treasurer of this ship it's my duty to use our funds to keep everything pristine!  Worthy of the future pirate king, ga ne '' Sweating, but keeping up with a nervous smile. He offered the gift to him. “ Me—Merry Christmas! Mr Eustass! I.. I promise I will ask permission next time. It just… I wanted it to be a surpriseeee. ”
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】      « A Christmas gift. »                     @waxgentleman
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            Growing up in an environment in which theft was a daily concern had a permanent effect on Kid's relationship with his material possessions. In his past, there was a constant threat of being the victim of thievery — returning to his shack or home base at the end of the day only to find it completely ransacked and looted of all his collected goods was a scene he experienced far too frequently. As a result, he actively tried, to an extent, to disconnect himself to the things he owned. He built what he had out of trash and recycled garbage, as it would inevitably break, be destroyed, or it would be stolen. Nothing lasted forever on that cursed island. He could not afford to be sentimental towards something that could so easily be taken from him.
Things began to change when he finally sailed from those treacherous waters. Though he continued to make things from scrap, he also learned to appreciate the thrill of being able to acquire expensive and luxurious goods, and keep them for himself. No longer quite so afraid of having his belongings stolen, he couldn't help but be occasionally drawn to grandeur; to items which were worth more than he ever could have fathomed in his youth. He was a pirate, after all; it was inevitable he would become partial to some of the things he owned, even if he didn't intend for it to happen.
The goggles in question, however, were not considered a rarity in terms of monetary value. They would not fetch a considerable price if presented to any dealer of lavish and extravagant goods. They had been a present when he was a teenager, gifted to him just a few years before he finally acquired his title as a Captain. They weren't new when he received them; found in a trash heap somewhere, already slightly tattered and worn to begin with.
She could have traded them. She could have traded them and somebody would have offered her enough food for a few days in exchange, even in their subpar condition. But she hadn't. She had kept them for him, despite being hungry, despite being exhausted from stifling through mounds of junk for hours in the hunt for something that could be bartered for a filling meal. She had kept them for him, because New Year's Day had just passed less than a week before, and she knew he would like them as a special Birthday gift. They were one of the lasts gifts Victoria could afford to give to him before her death.
Eustass Kid did not enjoy feeling sentimentality towards his worldly possessions when it would be so easy for them to be destroyed, or stolen, or for their potential damage to used against him as a threat. But all the same, he couldn't help feeling something for a specific few. Victoria had found them for him, and they inevitably became his favorite pair of goggles. The glass in the eye pieces had become frosted over time and he could barely see out of them, but he still wore them over his head all the same, because replacing them would feel like putting something to rest when it was his duty to keep it alive and warm.
When he believed he had lost them, he had tried not to reveal his upset to nakama. He had searched relentlessly; every area of the Victoria Punk he was inclined to visit, he had militantly paced around in an attempt of catching a glimpse of blue-tinted glass under the glow of candle flame. Though his efforts were fruitless, he did not wish to request any aid in looking for them, and have them privy to his disappointment should they fail to appear. There was nowhere they would look that he had not already searched, after all. All it would serve to do was inform them that he was despondent they were missing. The only choice he had was to accept that they were temporarily absent, and hold on to the belief that they had not gone far and would eventually be returned to him. They had to be on the ship; he could distinctly recall wearing them the night before their mysterious disappearance. They were misplaced, he assured himself, but that was not the same as them being completely irretrievable.
Perhaps he should have suspected Galdino sooner; he was likely the only one ballsy enough to try a stunt like swiping something from his own Captain. Eustass Kid was not at all partial to things being kept secret from him, nor was he a fan of any surprises that put him in a temporary state of distress — something that his crew members were perfectly aware of, and generally respected.
He holds the newly returned goggles in his right hand, allowing the skin of his thumb to trace the texture of the fresh, clean leather. He presses down on the rivets adorning the strap, causing a small, circular indent in his thumb pad. In a way that is comparable to a child who anxiously tests the quality of a security blanket after it has been washed to make sure it is still the same, he has to make sure nothing has been changed in a way that doesn't resonate with him.
The repair job is excellent. Each little piece has been meticulously cleaned of grime and rust, with only the completely deteriorated parts needing to be replaced. It's clear Galdino has dedicated a significant amount of time and effort towards keeping the goggles as pristine as possible.
After a long silence, Kid completes his inspection, and draws the item to his forehead, returning it to its usual position. There is a flooding sense of relief to have it back, though he will not out himself to Galdino by confessing this. Instead, he nods at him, a silent sign of approval, of his gratitude.
Kid is a man of few words. He cannot verbalize his appreciation directly, even though it sits just below his ribcage. He is soothed by the awareness that not only are they safely returned, but now he no longer has to fear the prospect of them falling apart in his hands due to being weakened by repetitive wear.
Finally, he speaks; collected, while the wax artist nervously whimpers his fretful apology.
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     ❝ Galdino, ❞ Perhaps this is the first time he has addressed him by his name rather than his notably condescending nickname, yet the word moves from his painted lips as if it were commonplace.      ❝ Consider this yer promotion. Yer being appointed as my new errand boy. Ya can let Bubblegum know yer gonna be takin' over from him from now on. Yer bein' wasted on just managin' the gold and that. Think ye'd do better handlin' all the jobs that I don't trust anybody else doin'. ❞
A broad hand is placed directly on top of the other man's shoulder, then. Not the shoulder that he had somehow injured fairly recently, of course; the shoulder that still remains unbroken. Kid's grip tightens in a signal of companionship.
He smiles, then; his copper eyes glinting to reflect his expression of rare conviviality.
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     ❝ Think we're gonna be spendin' a lot more time together from now on, aye? ❞
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earaercircular · 2 years
Pula wins world’s first Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award
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The efforts and initiatives of the Croatian city of Pula to preserve its marine environment and species have been recognised by Friend of the Sea[1], a project of the World Sustainability Organisation (WSO)[2]. Pula has become the world’s first winner of the Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award[3], which aims to promote sustainable practices and the protection of marine ecosystems.
The award handed by the Friend of the Sea project praises Pula’s efforts to preserve the environment and improve its citizens’ quality of life by embracing sustainable solutions, according to a press release from the WSO.
“We recognize the city of Pula’s impressive record in adopting sustainable practices and marine conservation initiatives. For this reason, we decided to award it with the Friend of the Sea placard”, said Paolo Bray, founder and director of the WSO, which promotes sustainable practices through its two main certification programs – Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth
Pula is also among the 100 most sustainable destinations in the world, which demonstrates its ability to work with all stakeholders, particularly environmentally conscious companies, individuals, and associations committed to adopting sustainability, according to the statement.
The sustainability initiatives that Pula has implemented so far include establishing and improving a waste management system, implementing a green model of storm water drainage, and introducing eco-buses that use compressed natural gas, as well as electric bicycles and electric scooters in its public transportation system. It also plans to co-finance the purchase of energy-saving devices and the installation of solar panels.
In June this year, the Pula Aquarium received the Sustainable Aquarium certification from Friend of the Sea for its contribution to promoting environmental policies and animal welfare. At the award ceremony, a sea turtle rehabilitated in the Aquarium’s Rescue Center was released into the sea.
The turtle was released at Pula’s Ambrela Beach, which is in final stages of the certification process to receive the Friend of the Sea Sustainable Beaches[4] label, the WSO said in the statement, adding that the requirements include the absence of disposable plastic, water quality, and respect for the natural ecosystem.
In addition to the already implemented activities, the city of Pula plans to introduce other environmentally friendly measures such as co-financing the purchase of energy-saving devices and the installation of solar panels.
Pula wins world’s first Friend of the Sea Sustainable City Award, in: Balkan Green Energy News, 13-10-2022, https://balkangreenenergynews.com/pula-wins-worlds-first-friend-of-the-sea-sustainable-city-award/
[1] Friend of the Sea is currently a project of the World Sustainability Organization, an international NGO whose mission is to promote environmental conservation. Friend of the Sea has become the leading certification standard for products and services which respect and protect the marine environment. The certification awards sustainable practices in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Fishmeal and Omega 3 Fish Oil. Friend of the Sea also promotes pilot projects related to restaurants, sustainable shipping, whale and dolphin-watching, aquaria, ornamental fish, UV creams and others. https://friendofthesea.org/friend-of-the-sea/
[2] WSO is the only organization proposing two consumer friendly logos which can potentially certify sustainability for the whole food range (seafood and agro) as well as non-food products and services. WSO delivers the certifications based on 30 years’ experience in the field, in full independence and by mean of audits of accredited certification bodies. https://www.wsogroup.org/
[3] https://friendofthesea.org/the-city-of-pula-receives-the-first-friend-of-the-sea-sustainable-award-for-its-merits-in-showcasing-sustainability-and-environmental-awareness/
[4] https://friendofthesea.org/sustainable-standards-and-certifications/sustainable-beach/
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mariacallous · 1 year
Ukraine has regained control of gas and oil drilling platforms in the Black Sea, which are known as the “Boyko Towers,” Ukraine’s military intelligence reported. Russia had seized the platforms in 2014.
During the operation, which was carried out by Ukraine’s intelligence service, Ukraine was able to regain control of the Petro Hodovanets and Ukraine drilling platforms, as well as the Tavrida and Syvash self-elevating mobile offshore drilling units.
According to Ukrainian intelligence, special forces on boats engaged in fighting with a Russian Su-30 fighter jet during one of the first phases of the operation. Ukraine’s military intelligence reports that the jet was damaged and forced to retreat.
The agency also reported that the special forces were able to capture a stockpile of unguided aerial missiles and the Neva radar station, which can track ship movement in the Black Sea.
The Russian authorities have not yet commented on the statements made by Ukrainian intelligence.
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
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cartercapnerqld · 1 year
Business Name: Carter Capner Law
Street Address: level 18/150 Charlotte St
City: Brisbane City
State: Queensland (QLD)
Zip Code: 4000
Country: Australia
Business Phone: 1300 529 529
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://cartercapner.com.au/
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LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/company/carter-capner-law
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CarterCapnerLaw/
Business Description: Carter Capner Law provides insurance and compensation recovery services to the people of Queensland and in the city of Brisbane. Our team of no win no fee lawyers guarantee expert and cost-effective insurance and compensation legal services to individuals and families.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17532668685304109263
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am-6:00pm Tuesday 8:30am-6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am-6:00pm Thursday 8:30am-6:00pm Friday 7:30am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Train & Tram Accidents, Bus & Coach Accidents, Construction Accidents, Emergency Service Worker Injuries, Factory Accidents, Farm Worker Accidents, Heavy Industry Accidents, Hospitality Worker Accidents, Hospital & Health Care Accidents, Metal Fabrication Accidents, Mining Accidents, Oil & Gas Worker Accidents, Workplace Trucking Accidents, Warehouse & logistics Worker Accidents, Work Discrimination & Harassment, Aircraft & Airline Injuries, Cruise Ship Injuries, Hotel & Resort Injuries, International Student Injuries, Overseas Travel Injuries, Visitors to Australia Injuries, Medical Negligence, Medical Misdiagnosis, Medical Failure to Warn Injuries, Hospital Negligence, Laparoscopic Surgery Injuries, Emergency Medicine Negligence, Road & Footpath Injuries, Park & Public Place Injuries, Private Premises Accidents, Rental Property Accidents, Shopping Centre Injuries, Schools/University Injuries, Hotel/Motel Injuries, Bars/Pubs/Clubs/Venue Injuries, Theme Park Injuries, Tour & Excursion Injuries, Paid Watersport Injuries, Indoor Recreational Centre Injuries, Hot Air Balloon & Ultralight Injuries, Horse Riding Ranch Injuries, Jet Ski, Boating & Skiing Injuries, Scuba Dive Centre Injuries, Gym & Workout Injuries, Defective Product, Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harrassment
Keywords: Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Train & Tram Accidents, Bus & Coach Accidents, Construction Accidents, Emergency Service Worker Injuries, Factory Accidents, Farm Worker Accidents, Heavy Industry Accidents, Hospitality Worker Accidents, Hospital & Health Care Accidents, Metal Fabrication Accidents, Mining Accidents, Oil & Gas Worker Accidents, Workplace Trucking Accidents, Warehouse & logistics Worker Accidents, Work Discrimination & Harassment, Aircraft & Airline Injuries, Cruise Ship Injuries, Hotel & Resort Injuries, International Student Injuries, Overseas Travel Injuries, Visitors to Australia Injuries, Medical Negligence, Medical Misdiagnosis, Medical Failure to Warn Injuries, Hospital Negligence, Laparoscopic Surgery Injuries, Emergency Medicine Negligence, Road & Footpath Injuries, Park & Public Place Injuries, Private Premises Accidents, Rental Property Accidents, Shopping Centre Injuries, Schools/University Injuries, Hotel/Motel Injuries, Bars/Pubs/Clubs/Venue Injuries, Theme Park Injuries, Tour & Excursion Injuries, Paid Watersport Injuries, Indoor Recreational Centre Injuries, Hot Air Balloon & Ultralight Injuries, Horse Riding Ranch Injuries, Jet Ski, Boating & Skiing Injuries, Scuba Dive Centre Injuries, Gym & Workout Injuries, Defective Product, Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harrassment
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airsolutionscanada · 2 years
Receive the Benefits From Preventative Maintenance
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Air Solutions Canada believes in preventative maintenance programs.
Neglecting to maintain equipment can lead to it breaking down. The most expensive repairs are usually caused by neglect. It doesn't even take into consideration the costs of your plant going down, or the rental equipment needed during repairs.
We encourage clients to think about preventative maintenance as they do vehicle maintenance.
Do you change your tires when they start to wear or wait until you have an accident on the highway to do so? Do you change your oil every 5,000 kilometers or wait until you have a car that is leaking blue smoke?
However, nobody enjoys having to pay for something they don't really need. This is what we understand. Sometimes maintenance plans can seem expensive and unneeded. Even if your machine is running well, why invest in it?
Air Solutions Canada is a provider of turnkey industrial compressed-air solutions since 1997. Since 1997, we have provided turnkey industrial compressed air solutions to thousands of customers in the GTA as well as throughout Southwestern Ontario. Regular preventative maintenance has many benefits. Neglecting to maintain your system can lead to serious problems.
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How can I save money on my company's preventative maintenance program?
You can save money when preventative maintenance is done on time and by qualified staff using quality parts, lubricants, or air tools in Canada. While you may need to spend some money on labour and parts, this is a reasonable investment that will reduce downtime, which can often be exponentially more costly.
Here are some specific results from an air compressor break down:
Lost production
Compressor rental fees (including hook up)
Rush shipping
Emergency repair costs
Fast decision making
Catastrophic failure that goes beyond economic repair
Unplanned or unbudgeted replacement costs
Panic and Stress
Although it is difficult to place a dollar value on them, you are well aware of the toll they can take.
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Is there technology to predict maintenance issues?
We are authorized to sell and install Kaeser's Sigma Air Manager 4.0 system (SAM) as a Kaeser dealer. SAM integrates all the components of your compressed gas system, monitors and analyzes performance in real time and provides alarms and warnings.
Remote diagnostics combined with need-based preventative management ensures maximum reliability in compressed air supply. Permanent availability of compressed system process data and the resulting analysis makes it possible to determine the best time for your compressed air system to be maintained and serviced.
What specific businesses preventative maintenance plans work well for?
Preventative maintenance plans are available for any customer, no matter how large or small. No matter how small the company is, it doesn't really matter whether they are a 1-person operation with a 3HP piston compressor, or a 1,000 person plant with a 5k HP compressor.
Our customers include all industries that use compressed air, including food, beverage, dairy, pharmaceuticals, automotive, paper, electronic, etc.
Air Solutions Canada 29 Innovation Dr, Dundas, ON L9H 7L8 +1-647-691-5694 https://airsolcan.com/
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vertechs21 · 1 year
Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence
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Having an impact on almost all the sectors within the global economy, crude oil is one of the most highly traded as well as valuable commodities in the world. Currently, it is an important source of both energy and fuel that act as the driving force for every known industry. It is due to it that today the oil and gas industry overall is the powerhouse industry that remains responsible solely for exploration as well as refining of crude. Now, such Exploration & Production companies and oil-field service providers, they use some heavy machinery pieces, including wellheads and the pumpjacks, for drilling fluid from the deep grounds. 
Apart from extraction, as part of well completion services, there comes in the transportation of the crude for which the O&G companies are highly dependent upon the huge pipelines network or the 3rd party vendors that can easily transport the oil through railways, trucks, and ships. These oil refineries constitute a downstream segment of the O&G industry and remain distinctly responsible for the petroleum-based products generation from crude oil.
It is all a big system that is known to facilitate the crude transformation to refined products, and to do this, there come several challenges in terms of oil theft, increased complexity of equipment, and also the rise within carbon footprint, which leads to quite severe social, political, industrial and for sure the environmental implications. This is why the companies associated with the O&G sector remain in search of the tech and tools which can help them counter such complexities. So, with the use of the Internet of Things, the one tech that brings in telematics capabilities and advanced analytics capabilities, they can get rid of the complete complexities that are related to the well completion services.
Vertechs- Single-stop Solution for the Oil & Gas Sector
We at Vertechs are the leading force within the IoT sector which developed a state-of-the-art product that presents the O&G industry with the opportunity to make some amazing, ground-breaking developments.
Vertechs is the end-to-end IoT solution provider offering users power for monitoring conditions as well as the performance of the assets from remote locations. It brings in the systematically designed platform, which helps to encompass the high-tech electronics and to configure the IoT dashboard suite allowing users for keeping an eye on the industrial operations and well completion services.
With the implementation of the completion solutions, there come varied benefits within the O&G industry overall. It includes some important features like,
Advanced Analytics
Cognition Capabilities
Telemetry, etc.
With the use of the above and more, there comes in revolutionization for the downstream, midstream, and upstream segments of the O&G industry. As for the remote equipment monitoring when drilling fluid, it helps boost the efficiency of the assets and enhance the plant efficiency.
Operational Excellence with Vertechs-based Asset Monitoring 
Most drilling fluid procedures, they happen within the remote areas which remain under extreme environmental conditions influence. The manual inspection of such oil monitoring machines, including Pumpjacks, Wellheads, etc., isn’t easy at all, increasing the risks to the safety of the workers. Further, such machines, they operate collectively with varied other machinery pieces, and even the last-minute hiccup or malfunction, or breakdown of the single component associated with completion solutions, it can compromise operational efficiency associated with the complete extraction process.
With the help of Vertechs IoT, the companies can get the needed help for the oil exploration and production while they continue enhancing operational excellence. Further, the sensors and meters are used to measure varied parameters, including pressure, temperature, humidity, and much more. Even the thresholds could be again set for the alarm when the particular variable crosses the permissible range.
Monitoring Pumpjack 
As part of completion solutions, the pumpjack remains almost similar to the hand pump that is used for drilling fluids from the wells wherein the oil pressure isn’t high enough to force itself out onto the surface. Using a prime mover or the motor powers, walking beam, and the sucker rod, one can plunge out the oil through the well. However, still there exist varied complexities that remain associated with pumpjack working.
Pumpjacks remain prone to the rod and tubing wear or pump failure because of the pump-off conditions and the fluid pound on the rod string. It can drastically increase the operating expenses and also result in unplanned downtime. 
With the Vertechs equipment monitoring solution, the E&P companies receive the solutions for reducing unexpected component malfunction changes that are associated with the pumpjacks and further ensure the regulatory or the safety compliance.
Final Words
Managing equipment efficiency and assets is an essential task for any industry. With IoT use, one can receive the benefits like the predictive analytics, which allows the industries to monitor conditions and the performance related to machines and assets.
With the help of IoT-based monitoring within O&G, the companies extend the life of the expensive machines, allowing users to monitor varied parameters associated with the machine working from remote locations. It, therefore, helps to reduce the time and cost associated with the random inspection and maintenance task. It also helps the companies enhance the overall equipment effectiveness of the assets and machines. 
So, go ahead and make the pick today. Using IoT solutions within the O&G industry is quite helpful and would help avoid risks and failures.
View Source:- Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence Read Our One More Blog: IoT-Powered Management System Benefits for Inventory in Oil & Gas Sector
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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NATO allies help Nordic countries patrol oil and gas facilities after Nord Stream incidents
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/01/2022 - 11:09
Norwegian F-35 fighters fly over the oil field of Draugen, in the North Sea. (Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Defense)
Norwegian F-35 fighters fly over the oil field of Draugen, in the North Sea. (Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Defense)
French, German and UK military means will contribute to the safety of oil and gas facilities in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, after the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, an act now widely attributed to Russia.
This was confirmed for the first time by Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who told the media on Friday that the country was “in discussion with allies to increase its presence in Norwegian waters and accepted German, French and British contributions”.
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Actions are being taken after the first disruptions in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea were detected on September 26.
Norway has already sent ships from the navy and the coast guard to patrol its oil and gas facilities, in addition to increasing the overflights of combat aircraft. Norway is taking the safety of its facilities seriously, as it took on the role of one of the leading gas suppliers to Europe after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February this year.
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“I understand that people are worried that something similar could happen to our oil and gas facilities,” Støre said on Friday. “We have no indication that there are direct threats against the Norwegian oil and gas sector,” he noted.
Store did not detail the form of support that would be provided by the United Kingdom, France and Germany.
BREAKING: NATO closely monitors the situation in the Baltic Sea. Allies are investigating the Nord Stream gas leaks and exchanging information, including with Finland and Sweden
They can’t and won’t even open their mouth to the public of real culprit. Only Russia can expose USpic.twitter.com/tI1jyfuoh7
— ? IFE News Agency? (@IFENewsAgency)September 27, 2022
Denmark, which also has offshore oil and gas platforms, unfolded the HDMS Absalon frigate and the environmental ship Gunnar Thorson in the waters around the gas leaks, where they help ensure that civil ships do not enter the prohibited areas. In addition, a Norwegian military helicopter is contributing to air surveillance.
The Swedish Coast Guard is also involved in the investigation and response to leaks.
Tags: Military AviationNATO - North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Buy MS Flanges Online – High-Quality Flanges for Your Industrial Needs
Introduction: Buy the Best MS Flanges at Udhhyog
In search of a trusted supplier to buy MS flanges online? Udhhyog provides the highest-quality mild steel (MS) flanges that are engineered for durability and efficiency. With a comprehensive selection of flanges for industrial applications, we make it easy for you to purchase the right flange, regardless of the scope of your project.
From construction to manufacturing industries, MS flanges are vital for connecting pipelines and machinery, ensuring secure and efficient operations. Udhhyog takes pride in offering cost-effective solutions that meet the requirements of both small businesses and large-scale enterprises.
Why Buy MS Flanges from Udhhyog?
Wide Selection of Flanges: At Udhhyog, you’ll find an extensive range of MS flange types, including weld neck, slip-on, and blind flanges, all tailored for different industrial needs. Our MS flanges are designed to fit seamlessly into your systems, ensuring reliable performance.
Easy Online Purchase: With Udhhyog’s user-friendly platform, you can easily browse, compare, and buy the MS flanges you need in just a few clicks. No more waiting for quotes or visiting physical stores—our seamless online shopping experience is tailored for your convenience.
Superior Strength and Durability: Manufactured from the highest-grade mild steel, Udhhyog’s MS flanges are built to withstand extreme conditions, ensuring long-lasting durability in high-pressure environments.
Expert Support and Guidance: Not sure which flange to choose? Our team of industry experts is available to guide you through the selection process, helping you make an informed decision. Simply reach out to our customer service, and we’ll ensure you buy the right MS flange for your project.
Applications of MS Flanges
Udhhyog’s MS flanges are used across multiple industries:
Oil & Gas: Reliable connections for pipelines, tanks, and vessels.
Water Supply Systems: Ensuring leak-proof joints in industrial and municipal water systems.
Chemical Industry: Suitable for high-pressure chemical processes.
Construction: Essential for constructing strong, durable frameworks in buildings and bridges.
Our flanges are tested rigorously to meet industry standards, guaranteeing performance and safety across all applications. When you buy MS flanges from Udhhyog, you are investing in quality, reliability, and long-term value.
Why Udhhyog Stands Out
At Udhhyog, we are committed to providing the best-in-class industrial procurement solutions. Here’s why you should buy from us:
Competitive Pricing: We offer the best rates on all MS flanges, ensuring you get the most value for your money.
Quality Assurance: Each MS flange is thoroughly inspected before shipping, ensuring that you only receive products that meet the highest standards.
Nationwide Delivery: We deliver across India, ensuring that your flanges reach you quickly, no matter where your project is based.
Bulk Orders and Special Discounts
Need to purchase in bulk? Udhhyog offers special pricing and discounts on large orders of MS flanges. Simply contact our sales team, and we’ll ensure you get the best deals for your requirements.
For a streamlined shopping experience and reliable MS flange solutions, visit Udhhyog’s MS Flange Section and make your purchase today!
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enginesinc · 22 hours
YANMAR Engines in Oklahoma City; A Complete Guide to Performance, Efficiency, and Applications.
When it comes to reliable diesel engines, Yanmar stands out as a global leader, renowned for its durable, fuel-efficient products. In Oklahoma City, where industries like agriculture, marine, and construction thrive, the demand for high-performance engines is ever-growing. Whether powering tractors, boats, or industrial machines, Yanmar engines offer the reliability and strength required for Oklahoma’s demanding conditions.
With local availability and professional support from trusted dealers like Engines Power in Oklahoma City, acquiring and maintaining a Yanmar engine has never been easier. But why are these engines so popular, and what makes them a solid choice for your business? Let’s dive into the specifics.
What Are Yanmar Engines?
Yanmar Corporation is a Japanese company with a century-long history in engine manufacturing, specializing in small and medium-sized diesel engines. Known for their high efficiency, longevity, and environmentally-friendly performance, Yanmar engines are often used in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, marine, and construction.
Key Features of Yanmar Engines:
Fuel Efficiency: Designed to maximize power while minimizing fuel consumption.
Durability:��Built to withstand tough environments, from farmland to open seas.
Low Emissions: Meets stringent environmental standards, including Tier 4 compliance.
Compact Design: Offers powerful performance in a smaller, more adaptable size.
Why Yanmar Engines Are Popular in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City is home to a variety of industries that rely heavily on machinery and engines. Whether it’s the state’s robust agricultural sector, growing marine businesses, or the constant need for power in construction, Yanmar engines provide a versatile solution.
Local dealerships like Engines Power cater to this demand by offering a wide range of Yanmar engines, along with service and maintenance support. This local availability ensures that businesses in Oklahoma City can quickly and easily find the engine solutions they need without long wait times or complicated imports.
Types of Yanmar Engines Available in Oklahoma City
Yanmar engines are known for their versatility, and several types are available to suit different needs. Let’s look at the most common categories.
Marine Engines
Yanmar’s marine engines are used for recreational boats, fishing vessels, and even commercial ships. These engines are known for their reliability and durability, especially under harsh marine conditions.
Industrial Engines
In sectors like construction, oil, and gas, Yanmar engines power heavy-duty equipment such as excavators and generators. Their fuel efficiency and ability to withstand extreme conditions make them a popular choice for industrial use.
Agricultural Engines
For farmers in Oklahoma, Yanmar engines power everything from tractors to irrigation systems. With features tailored to rural conditions, such as dust-resistant filters and high torque output, these engines are a lifeline in modern agriculture.
Marine Applications of Yanmar Engines
In Oklahoma City, the marine sector might not be as large as in coastal areas, but lakes and rivers play a significant role in both recreation and commerce. Yanmar marine engines are highly sought after for their fuel efficiency and quiet operation, which are ideal for both leisure boating and commercial fishing. Popular models include:
4JH Series for mid-sized boats
6LY Series for larger commercial vessels
Industrial Applications of Yanmar Engines
Yanmar engines have long been a trusted name in Oklahoma’s oil and gas sectors. The construction industry also heavily relies on these engines to power machinery such as excavators, compressors, and generators. In this context, their durability and fuel-saving technology provide significant cost savings over time.
Agricultural Use of Yanmar Engines
Agriculture remains a cornerstone of Oklahoma’s economy, and Yanmar engines play a key role in powering essential farming equipment. These engines help optimize the performance of tractors, plows, and irrigation systems, making them crucial to boosting productivity. The air-cooled engines are especially suited to Oklahoma’s fluctuating weather conditions, ensuring that they perform well in both cold and hot temperatures.
Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Impact
With the rising cost of fuel and increased emphasis on reducing emissions, Yanmar engines offer a valuable solution. These engines are designed to meet stringent environmental regulations like EPA Tier 4 standards, which means they produce fewer emissions and are better for the environment.
Yanmar Engine Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of any engine, and Yanmar is no exception. Luckily, Engines Power in Oklahoma City offers a full range of service and maintenance options, making it easy to keep your engine running smoothly. Routine checks on oil, filters, and cooling systems will help prevent any major breakdowns.
Choosing the Right Yanmar Engine for Your Needs
Not sure which engine suits your needs? There are a few factors to consider:
Horsepower: How much power do you need for your application?
Usage: Will the engine be used constantly or only intermittently?
Budget: What can you afford for upfront costs and long-term maintenance?
Consulting with local experts at Engines Power is always a good idea to make sure you get the best engine for your specific needs.
Where to Buy Yanmar Engines in Oklahoma City
If you’re in the market for a Yanmar engine in Oklahoma City, you’re in luck. Engines Power is a trusted dealer with a wide selection of engines for all types of applications. They also provide expert guidance on choosing the right engine and offer a full range of parts and services to support your purchase.
Engine Power Solutions in Oklahoma City
A quick visit to Engines Power’s website will give you an overview of their offerings, from marine to industrial engines. They have a strong reputation for providing high-quality engines and excellent customer service, making them a go-to source for Yanmar engines in Oklahoma.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials for Yanmar Engines
Many businesses in Oklahoma City have turned to Yanmar engines for their power needs, and the reviews speak for themselves. Customers often highlight the fuel efficiency, longevity, and quiet operation as major benefits. Case studies show successful engine implementations in both the marine and agricultural sectors, making YanMar a trusted name in the community.
Advantages of Using Yanmar Engines in Oklahoma
In Oklahoma’s varied and often extreme climate, having an engine that can withstand harsh conditions is critical. Yanmar’s advanced engineering offers exactly that, with engines designed to be both fuel-efficient and durable. Whether you’re in the agricultural, marine, or industrial sector, choosing YanMar means investing in an engine that will last.
In summary, Yanmar engines are an excellent choice for a variety of applications in Oklahoma City. Their reliability, efficiency, and local availability through trusted dealers like Engines Power make them a top
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