#Gaza Harbour
indizombie · 7 months
The idea of the erasure, the annihilation, of Palestinians is being clearly articulated by Israeli political and military officials. A US lawyer who has brought a case against the Biden administration for its “failure to prevent genocide”—which is a crime, too—spoke of how rare it is for genocidal intent to be so clearly and publicly articulated. Once they have achieved that goal, perhaps the plan is to have museums showcasing Palestinian culture and handicrafts, restaurants serving ethnic Palestinian food, maybe a Sound and Light show of how lively Old Gaza used to be—in the new Gaza Harbour at the head of the Ben Gurion canal project, which is supposedly being planned to rival the Suez Canal. Allegedly contracts for offshore drilling are already being signed.
Arundhati Roy, ‘Our country has lost its moral compass’, Hindu
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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nando161mando · 11 months
50 People in Sydney harbour disrupt weapons dealers drinking champagne while bombs fall in Gaza!
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allthegeopolitics · 4 months
Last week, President Joe Biden amplified a dangerous myth when he claimed that the Middle East has long harboured an “ancient hatred for Jews”. This assertion, made during Holocaust Memorial Week, suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of the region’s history. By alleging that Hamas is “driven by an ancient desire to wipe the Jewish people off the face of this earth”, Biden not only spreads falsehoods but also engages in a troubling revisionism of history. It is no exaggeration to suggest that the rhetoric of the US President serves to justify Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza and its takeover of historic Palestine. Biden’s statement effectively transposed the historical anti-Semitism prevalent in Europe and the ancient animosity toward Jews within Christendom onto the Middle East. How can Hamas, a group established in 1987 in response to Israeli occupation, be attributed to an “ancient hatred”, especially given the absence of a historical precedent for such animosity towards Jews in the Middle East compared to Europe? In fact, for centuries, Jews found sanctuary and co-existence in Muslim-ruled lands while facing persecution in Europe. This fact is attested to even by some of the staunchest critics of Islam and Muslims. “The coming of Islam saved [Jews]”, an essay in the Jewish Chronicle concluded.  The author goes on to state that Islam provided a new context in which Jews “not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity.” The historical reservoir of anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust did not originate in the Muslim world, but rather in Christian Europe. Contrary to Biden’s assertion of “ancient desires”, the Middle East, where the three Abrahamic faiths were born, was not the breeding ground for such sentiments. In fact, Muslims and Jews have a rich history of peaceful co-existence and mutual support, dating back to the time of Prophet Muhammad. As early as 622 CE, the Prophet ratified the constitution of Medina, a ground-breaking pact that unified Muslims, Jews and others into one community, as part of the Ummah, demonstrating a long-standing alliance and shared heritage.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
Israel has warned that it is “expanding its activities” before an expected full ground invasion.[...]
“In addition to the attacks that we carried out in recent days, ground forces are expanding their activity this evening,” he said. “The IDF is acting with great force ... to achieve the objectives of the war.” Israeli troops have gone into Gaza on the previous two nights, officials have claimed.
27 Oct 23
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
i've heard that the reason there are so many civilian casualties on the palestinian side is that hamas intentionally puts their weapons where there's a bunch of innocents
and that therefore because Israel has a right to stop their own innocents from being attacked, and hamas has made this the only way to stop the attacks, that it becomes acceptable for israel to blow up kindergartens
i don't like this argument much as is maybe visible from my phrasing, but if you've thought about it a lot, you might have a better-considered rejection, which I'd love to read
I mean this is the standard justification yes but it’s just so obviously non compelling its hard to give it much thought
If it were true, it would apply in equal force to Israel housing military infrastructure in eg tel aviv, since gazan rockets are comparatively crude and cannot safely target single buildings exclusively
This is the same excuse given by eg apologists of the bombing of Hiroshima, where they will point to the presence of Hiroshima castle. If you don’t take that seriously why take this seriously?
The Gaza Strip is a minuscule plot of land with roughly the population density of fucking hong kong. To be quite frank, you cannot realistically expect militant forces headquartered there not to butt up against civilian infrastructure. And who is responsible for ghettoising the Palestinian population outside the west bank into this hellish parody of kowloon walled city to begin with?
Israel has repeatedly demonstrated its overarching disdain for and suspicion of all Palestinian civilians. The dahiya doctrine, the testimony of occupying forces in the West Bank, its ongoing collective punishment of the population of Gaza all attest to its disregard and violent contempt for all Palestinian life, civilian or combatant. The bombing of civilian infrastructure accused of harbouring militants must be understood in this context
Where did they get these infallible hamas-detectors that keep pinging hospitals and apartment buildings lol
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Gaza, that ancient city on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, has come to be the political and moral compass of the entire world. Despite the pervasive destruction, Gaza stands not as a place in need of lessons. Instead, it is itself the poignant lesson of our modern age – a litmus test for humanity. As the death toll continues to rise, it becomes increasingly challenging to conceive of a violence more profound than that inflicted by machine guns and aerial bombardment. However, Israeli colonial violence – both in Gaza and Palestine more broadly – has historically manifested at various scales. It extends from the confines of a bedroom to encompass a neighbourhood, a whole city, and stretches to the scale of a regional geography.  Understanding the destruction of Gaza calls for a dual perspective. It requires zooming in on the intimate scales of violence while also being aware of these broader manifestations. At the core of Israeli colonialism in Palestine is the logic of partition, a paradigm fundamentally at odds with the land, its people and its history. Gaza has long been a nexus of interconnected worlds: for millennia, it served as a vital crossroads, connecting Palestine to Egypt and bridging the continents of Asia and Africa. The roads from Gaza to Bir al‑Sabe’, Jaffa and Jerusalem have witnessed the passage of visitors, merchants and pilgrims from diverse corners of the world. The city’s social, cultural and economic prosperity has been woven into its geographical openness, a defining feature in Palestine’s long history. Any thought about Gaza and Palestine’s future is bound to reckon with this history. The enduring imprints of Gaza’s geographical openness are discernible in both its social and built fabrics. This ancient city has witnessed the rule of various empires and civilisations, including the Egyptian Pharaohs, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and successive Islamic dynasties – each contributing to the rich tapestry of the city. Gaza is home to historic treasures such as the Anthedon Harbour, the port that linked the city to the Mediterranean world in the Roman era; the Great Omari Mosque, one of the most significant mosques in Palestine; and the Church of Saint Porphyrius, believed to be the third oldest church in the world. These historic landmarks, among residential buildings, universities, museums and cultural institutions, have not escaped the intentional targeting and destruction inflicted by Israel. In essence, these sites embody all that Gaza stands for and Zionism doesn’t – geographical openness and historical continuity. In historical terms, the 75 years of Zionist domination in Palestine represent an anomaly, as Gaza and other cities have perennially thrived on cultural diversity and interconnection. 
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Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the downtown Vancouver hotel where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was speaking Thursday night to pressure him to cut off Canadian military support for Israel. Dozens of demonstrators lay under white sheets outside the Westin Bayshore hotel in Coal Harbour, where Trudeau was speaking at a private Liberal Party fundraiser.  Surrounding those on the ground, several hundred more were seen waving Palestinian flags and signs saying "Free Palestine" amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Organizers with the grassroots group Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) said the event was to show solidarity with Palestinians and call on Canada to do more to end the conflict. 
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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enarei · 10 months
"I have repeatedly and unequivocally condemned Hamas. I have repeatedly said that the 7 October attacks were unspeakable and horrific. Apparently, this is deemed insufficient. In the German context, the term Zivilisationsbruch (“breach of civilisation”) is used by scholars as a reference to the Shoah [the Holocaust]. In effect, the museum is arguing here that they can’t show my work because I have not acknowledged an equivalence between the Holocaust and the 7 October attacks. To demand that such an equivalence be pronounced, as a condition for exhibiting my work, is to effectively demand that I relativise the Holocaust. In order to comply, I would have to betray my fundamental understanding of the Shoah as a singular historical event. Need I point out the absurdity of Germans dictating to Jewish people how they should articulate their reactions to the heinous massacre of Jewish people at the hands of terrorists? What will come next? Will every Jewish person in this country be asked to retrospectively condemn the Shoah and unequivocally deny having empathy for the Nazi regime?"
"The notion that every progressive Jew in this country can be assumed to be harbouring antisemitism unless they publicly denounce Hamas is patently ridiculous. One is apparently guilty by default, until one declares oneself innocent. This reminds me of the post-9/11 climate, in which Arabs, Muslims and Sikhs who did not publicly condemn the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center were automatically suspected of condoning al-Qaida."
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Boy, 12, is referred to counter-extremist Prevent officers by his own school after declaring there 'are only two genders' and 'I'm gay not queer'
By: Alex Ward
Published: Jun 29, 2024
Boy also made a video in which he stated 'there's no such thing as non-binary'
School made referral to Prevent amid fears he could be radicalised by far-Right 
He was accused of unhealthy interest in weapons as he owns a toy crossbow
A 12-year-old schoolboy has been investigated by counter-extremism officers after he declared there 'are only two genders'.
The child made a video, posted online, in which he also stated: 'There's no such thing as non-binary'.
And in response to school bullies who mistakenly believed he supported transgender ideology, he said: '[I'm] gay not queer.'
Originally a homophobic slur, trans activists claim the word 'queer' now describes people who don't adhere to ideas of sex or gender.
But the school told the boy's mother they would refer him to Prevent, the Home Office programme that attempts to stop people becoming terrorists, amid fears he could be at risk of being radicalised by the far-right.
The Mail is aware of the boy's identity but has agreed not to disclose it, and has also viewed the social media posts.
The boy's mother was visited by Prevent and Northumbria Police officers this week, in a meeting she described as 'an interrogation'.
Officers listed a string of allegations to illustrate the boy was at risk of radicalisation.
The boy's mother said: 'We think that he was targeted as the children believe gay people agree with trans ideology.
'He made a video which I uploaded to YouTube where he said there 'are only two genders' and 'I'm gay not queer'.
'The school phoned up and were incensed by it. They said that they would refer him to Prevent for that video.
'They said that he was at risk of radicalisation - not that he had been, but was a risk when he gets to 13 and is entitled to his own social media accounts.
'There was a risk he would fall in with Far Right groups.'
She said counter terror officers - who visited the family home - raised concerns over the fact that her son, who is Jewish, harboured extremist views on account of his response when asked if there were any groups that shouldn't exist. 
She said her son responded that 'Hamas (the Gaza-based terror group) should be wiped out'.
Further fears were raised over comments he made to school bullies, stating he wanted to 'exterminate' them. 
He is said to have made the remark in relation to appalling racist slurs from classmates.
In a letter to the school in South Tyneside - seen by the Mail - his mother detailed how he was subjected to vile verbal abuse and Nazi salutes.
Prevent officers also suggested the boy had an unhealthy interest in weapons on account of another online video - again uploaded by his mother - which showed him demonstrating a toy crossbow bought from English Heritage, she said.
English Heritage describes the 'best seller' item as 'completely harmless but lots of fun'.
The mother said the school and Prevent officers were guilty of double standards, claiming anti-Semitic incidents at the school were not dealt with in the same way.
She said: 'We sat down with the Prevent officers and there was an interrogation - they had an attitude of 'we'll ask the questions'.
'We were asked if we monitored his social media and what songs he listens to.
'They said there was a whole series of things he had been accused of.'
The police response was criticised by free speech campaigners who rebuked officers for 'wilfully missing the target'.
Harry Miller, chief exec of Fair Cop, said: 'His views on gender are as far away from terrorism that it's possible to be. 
'They are views that are held by the majority of people in Britain and don't even get into the foothills of terrorism.
'You couldn't call it criminality, let alone terrorism. There is a difference between bad behaviour and terrorism.
'This is another instance of the police wilfully missing the target because hunting down school children is easier than confronting actual terrorists.
'Fair Cop will continue to stand between these idiots and the public until they stop behaving like the woke, cowardly Stasi they have become.
'The Home Office needs to get a grip. Sack every complicit Chief Constable.'
Kate Barker, chief exec of LGB Alliance, said: 'If it's a sign of radicalisation to say you don't like being called 'queer' then according to our research, 94 per cent of LGB people can expect a knock on the door from counter-terrorism officers.
'We applaud this young boy for standing up for his beliefs, and we condemn the teachers and police who think it's wrong to abhor this horrible slur.'
The Prevent strategy was introduced by the Government in 2011 as part of a bid to tackle terrorism through early intervention.
According to the latest Home Office data there were 6,817 referrals to Prevent in the year ending 31 March, 2023 - the figure was up 6.4 per cent on the previous year.
A joint statement from Northumbria Police and Counter Terrorism Policing North East read: 'We are unable to discuss individual cases, or identify anyone who may or may not be the subject of a Prevent referral.
'All referrals are treated in the strictest confidence and will always prioritise the safety and welfare of those concerned.
'Prevent is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding and supporting those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention. 
'It seeks to protect young and vulnerable people against all forms of extremist activity, regardless of ideology.'
South Tyneside Council declined to comment.
Apparently, there's so few burglaries and murders that police have nothing better to do than harass children expressing completely true, mainstream and reasonable positions, and treat them as extremists deserving of counter-terrorism intervention.
Nineteen Eighty-Four was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
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vyorei · 9 months
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I got distracted with this email set up I found, I'm dropping it here for you all
Take these emails:
Take this subject:
South Africa VS Israel in the ICJ.
Take this letter:
Dear Madam President and esteemed panel of Judges,
I hope this message finds you well and resolute. My name is [your name], I am a concerned citizen of [your country]. I am reaching out to you with a sense of urgency and sincere apprehension which prompts me to break my customary silence.
I have always held the belief that individuals in positions of authority, such as yourself, harbour the best interests of humanity at heart. However, recent developments in the Middle East and the global response to them have stirred doubt in my convictions, compelling me to express my concerns directly to you.
As I explored the International Court of Justice's website, I took solace in the fact that it consists of "independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character." With this understanding, I address you regarding the impending South Africa v. Israel matter, the provisional measures hearing of which is scheduled for Thursday, 11th and Friday, 12th January 2024.
I am sure that you are acutely aware of the gravity of the case before you, and I believe that your ability to discern the truth, resist external pressures, and deliver a just judgment is foremost on your mind. The Genocide Convention, a cornerstone of international law, was established in 1948 as a commitment to 'never again' allow atrocities akin to those committed by the Nazi’s in WW2. 152 states out of 194 nations of the world honourably signed up to the convention. It is a testament to our parents and grandparents that their generations committed to a set of standards that constitute the basic principles of right and wrong, which underpin the fabric of the world we live in and form the basis of the lives most of us are lucky enough to lead.
The very fact that the responsibility of adjudicating on this case has fallen upon your shoulders underscores a disheartening truth – the failure of existing systems of checks and balances within the international community. It is disconcerting that national interests have tainted the operations of our global systems, allowing the mass killing of civilians to persist without intervention. I find this reality appalling, as do countless citizens around the world who have expressed their horror through protests on the streets of cities across the globe.
The upcoming case is a litmus test for humanity's commitment to the solemn pledge of 'Never Again.' Generations have been educated about the horrors of the Holocaust, and this case challenges us to live up to the principles we profess. It is a stark reminder that the values we hold dear are being tested in real-time, with devastating consequences.
In March 2022, the International Court of Justice ordered Russia to immediately suspend military operations in Ukraine and ensure that affiliated units take no further steps in furtherance of the military operations. Despite this intervention, an estimated 10,000 civilians have tragically lost their lives in Ukraine since Russia's military operation in 2022. Moreover, and by comparison, the death toll in Gaza has already surpassed 22,000 since October 2023, with a staggering 70% of the victims being women and children.
In an age where mainstream media faces scepticism due to perceived biases, the global community has been witness to Israel's actions in real-time through various social media platforms such as Twitter, TikTok, and Telegram.
We find ourselves in a world where trust in global institutions is eroding rapidly. The International Court of Justice, in particular, cannot afford to make an erroneous judgment in the South Africa v. Israel genocide case. A misjudgement in this matter would not only underscore the ICJ's ineffectiveness but also prompt scrutiny regarding its autonomy from nation-state political influences, potentially compromising the esteemed moral character of the individuals involved.
In 1945 we celebrated Winston Churchill as the leader that brought the world together in war to put-down the threat of Nazi Germany and the horror it inflicted. That war claimed over 50 million lives. We do not wish to celebrate a wartime hero again; we wish to celebrate new heroes who averted a war by presiding over justice without fear or favour.
I humbly beseech you to approach this case with the utmost diligence, impartiality, and commitment to justice. The eyes of the world are upon you, and the outcome of this particular case will reverberate through history, shaping perceptions of the ICJ's impartiality and moral standing.
Yours sincerely,
[your name]
Email that shit and do your part, we are fucking obligated as living beings on this planet.
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Poorly Informed
So throughout the existence of my blog I have yet to find a Palestine supporter present factually correct figures and evidence in any debates with me, and here's an example.
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First one, blatant wrongful assumption. I'd have to be a psychopath to think 15,000 child deaths is ok. Secondly
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Don't inflate the figure so much. Although yes, it's sad, 11,500 dead children as of the latest figures I can find, it's innocent unnecessary deaths, but who's hands are actually bloody because of this? I'd say the Hamas soldiers who assaulted Israel with no justification, kidnapped hundreds of civilians, including children btw, and hide amongst their civilian population. I can also say those who harbour the terrorists in their homes and put their families at risk are to blame for the deaths of their children, especially since Israel has warned of strikes on active civilian areas and asked them to evacuate.
I also don't support genocide, I just believe it isn't happening based on figures, evidence, historical references and the definition of genocide. An accurate description is an abnormally high upsetting figure of civilian casualties. Also are you saying that all Israeli supporters go to Starbucks when saying we'd drink their stuff? I've never had Starbucks in my life but that's funny.
The death toll released by Gaza officials states as of a week ago around 28,000, however they don't distinguish between military and civilian. The most advanced intelligence agencies in the world estimate between 5-9 thousand of those are Hamas fighters. Being against civilian deaths also doesn't make you pro Hamas, I'm against the civilian casualties because that's just morals, but if anything that makes me even more anti-Hamas since I hold them accountable for the vast majority of deaths. Also you can't just throw around terms like 'genocidal maniacs' to people who have analysed the situation in a different way to you, I don't go round calling you a terrorist because you support Palestine, who's government is a terrorist organisation, because I hope in my heart that when you support Palestine you're just against the civilian deaths, but blame Israel rather than Hamas. Even if we blame different governments, my hope is to agree the deaths are upsetting, since the polarisation over this crisis is insane, and we need some middle ground to agree on to retain a belief of morality in humans. Either way, please get the right facts and figures, and don't throw around numbers and terms like these peoples lives are a game, I've had an Israeli friend who lost family in the holocaust called a genocidal Jewish freak just for being Jewish, not even saying anything about Israel. Anyway, hopefully I start seeing less brainwashed ill-informed arguments on this site.
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I think about these children all day and night. The hatred I harbour for Israel knows no bounds.
Gaza Genocide 32 - @saleh_aljafarawi
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
By Michael Arria / Mondoweiss
An oil tanker scheduled to carry 300,000 barrels of military-grade jet fuel to Israel has been prevented from docking in Spain and Gibraltar following pressure from activists.
The oil is expected to be used in Israeli Air Force’s F16 and F35 jets as part of the country’s genocidal assault on Gaza.
The Overseas Santorini was supposed to dock in Gibraltar on July 30, but it did not stop and is currently traveling northeast in the Mediterranean.
It’s unclear if the failure to dock was connected to the protests. Gibraltar confirmed that the vessel requested to stop and an official told the Gibraltar Chronicle that no services were supplied to the tanker. The government says the decision not to bunker was made by the company.
The effort to block the ship from docking is part of the No Harbour for Genocide campaign, which was launched by a coalition of groups including Progressive International, Disrupt Power, the Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy, Valero out of Corpus, the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, and the BDS National Committee.
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marstonie · 7 months
MY THOUGHTS — i beg to read to the end. saying that zionism and israeli jews are epitomizing "white supremacy" has to be the worst fucking opinion i have ever had to witness. god, you fucking antisemitic pigs are unbearable. yes, antisemitic, not antizionist — believe me. if you would just spend one serious minute of your life to indulge yourself in the history of israel, in the history of HOW it came to be, and especially WHY it came to be, all of you naive, ignorant people would see pretty clearly that this isn’t an aggressive, "settler colonialist" (😭) state, but it’s the reaction to thousands of years of opression, to an ACTUAL genocide of over 6 million jews, to the fact that no place on earth wanted to harbour them in safety — so first question, where else to go? and please enlighten me, after you’ve spent actual time reading in a history book or attending a real school, how israel was the initial aggressor in this conflict? how jewish people back then were doing something bad or fundamentally different than what every single group of people had done in the history of humanity — to migrate and to settle. do we want to go over the settler history of arab states and nations together? do you want to enlighten me, what makes the arabs settling good, and the jewish settling evil? do you care to provide any information that isn’t solely based on bias or — how do i say — hatred for jews? one pattern i have been very much observant of, is that the majority of the pro-palestine movement is uneducated, and refuses to use any actual historic facts or historic depth as backup for their cries to eradicate the only safe home that jewish people have on this messed up world. and i, too, believe the expansion politics of israel to be wrong, and strongly believe that palestine should exist in a free, individual state — however, the pro-palestine movement is calling for palestine to demolish the jewish state. to eradicate and murder millions of israeli jews. they are saying things like "resistance isn’t terror", and believe this is a cry for peace — when the hamas terrorists raped women, murdered children, beat teenagers and elderly in blood and kidnapped hundreds — terror remains TERROR. you can acknowledge this terror, and still call for palestine to be free! i AM calling for palestine to be free! yet, i am asking you, how do you expect to have diplomacy, when the leading political force of gaza is currently, a terror organization. tell me, how? but you won’t want to tell me, because to you, the murder and rape of jewish, innocent people is resistance. i hope you fake and disgusting activists choke. i am a shockingly pacifist person, but this bullshit makes me feel rage and sadness beyond words. i hope you all wake up from this disgusting lunacy, and turn to actual activism, turn to actual advocacy for peace. i will always be advocating for peace and the freedom of both these states. you guys are doing neither.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 7 months
What would be funny about this insane floating pier the US wants to build for aid to gaza if the whole situation were not so horrifying: its some seasteading shit!! "What if we bypassed tricky problems of national sovereignty with an impractical floating construction project? Wouldnt that be cool,?" This is just ripped from the mainstays of technolibertarian microstate utopianising, as applied instead to aid during genocide. Defies belief there is nobody involved in the project who harbours some seasteading daydreaming themselves. Its so stupid it makes the mind reel
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