#Gd ff
plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
I once again remind you there’s no such thing as an “illegal ship” bc it’s fucking fiction
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hidingoutbackstage · 11 days
Decided to watch a “found footage horror film” posted to youtube called Milk & Serial and i’m not even 3 minutes in and it’s so bad bro i actually burst out laughing at how bad it is i can’t wait to watch this
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The hyper-veneration and almost fetishization of the USA's troops have honestly given rise for some of the worst types of people who want power without effort, I think.
It's why you see some entitled asshole troop who think they can do whatever to civilians because we "owe" them for them "putting their lives on the line" or the type of person who thinks they personally will stick it to a random Afghan civilian for what "their people" did on 9/11 (a racist institution fostering racism? Colour me shocked (sarcasm)).
As a US citizen, I'm personally really concerned with this attitude we have toward troops. As somebody who hates the institution of the military, I also hate that it fosters a genuinely toxic mindset - it's much like the mindset that is instilled in cops; however, when you are overseas, the people you harm are not typically US civilians, so people can sweep under the rug the injustice of terrorizing civilians who aren't "like us."
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meduseld · 3 months
As someone from a country that was in fact enmeshed in a conflict with guerrilla warfare and kidnapping over literal decades: stop acting like this is a fandom debate and excusing whatever your "side" does. War crimes are war crimes and need to be called out, there is no justification for those. You can believe one side is justified or whatever, but do NOT excuse this shit. No one has clean hands in conflict
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coulsonlives · 10 months
Where is the lie lmfaooo
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lunapwrites · 9 months
Today. Today I am going to attempt to write.
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louisisalarrie · 8 months
I’m sorry but this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
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fire-fira · 1 year
Testing something because tumblr's doing something weird.
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dewpriism · 7 months
you guys know that if you post your nudes on here you have to tag them properly, right? :) you guys know that, right? :) you guys know that the nsfw tag literally means 'not safe for work' in that viewing it at work would probably get you written up or potentially fired, right?? :) you guys know that not everyone on this website wants to see nsfw, right?? :) surely you guys wouldn't purposefully expose ppl who either have triggers or just plain don't want to see it for any reason at all, right??? :)
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atthebell · 10 months
not the pinkwashing comment in the notes bro that is not it
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
They fucking closed all the public bathrooms and all the museums/locations with bathrooms at 5pm so when at 5:30 I realized I really fucking had to pee, I had to find a fricking secluded cluster of bushes and pee in the bushes.
Well, date #2 went well besides the pee issues so hey, can only get better from here, right? 🙃😑😓
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guys does aaron drink coffee
also what would he order at a coffee shop
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 year
The weight room is full of young twinks and I am so disappointed.
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sothischickshe · 2 years
Ship categorization game: Anya/Xander, Angel/Buffy, and Willow/Xander
Ooh thank you sweetie!
I find anya to be quite an overrated character generally 🤷🏼‍♀️ and while I'm not immune to their charms while watching (sidenote oh the rewatch urge, it's strong 😩) I find their dramz a bit too repetitive (and tragic 😢).
I'll never tell is THE breakout omwf song/performace for me buttttt I think their relationship has a little too much of the men are from Mars, ancient demons are from venus as long as they're lady shaped (which doesn't necessarily completely sync sensibly for me with the rest of anya's characterisation?), and I def think the hell's bells break up thing was too contrived/lazily explained??
So idk they're kinda cute but I'm not that fussed, I guess of the options im going to go: seasonal ship! 🍃🍁
Hmm idk, the older I get the less appealing I find them -- particularly how it's the teen girl/older bf trope writ extra large, but also bc the more we learn about Angel across the verse the weirder him morality petting her in early buffy seems??? I'm pretty into the crisscross of ot4 ships of buffy Spike faith Angel, but for me buffy/angel is def the weak link of those.
Again im def not immune to some charms while watching (iwry??? 😢😢😢😢😢) but I'm probs gonna go rare pair bc im more interested if Spike and/or faith or darla maybe is thrown in too, but that's difficult to do well
I did enjoy them being awful together actually!! It was compelling!! They're both consistently pretty selfish actually!!
Rating this crack ship cos I just don't have any interest in it past s3, and I love that they mended their friendship and how important it was across the show (S6 finale!!! 😢💛🖍️).
I still prefer it to xander/Dawn though 🙃 (the comics have a lot of crimes to answer for....)
Send me a ship and I will attempt to categorise it!
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Okay one thing I love about writing Gymrat!Remus... is that like... casually or in his Workout get-up... the guy looks like an absolute miscreant you dropped in a blender with some unholy abomination of goth, punk, emo, and dragster.
And he is an absolute unhinged jackass, to boot.
BUT he’s a brilliant technician and pretty damn smart in conventional measures. Which often times surprises people. Yeah, he totally looks like he would hotwire and steal your car... or he can hack your car’s computer to play DOOM (not giving a shit about bricking it as a functioning car).
But he has NO impulse control. Like. An INFINITESIMAL amount of impulse control.
And pretty much everyone around him has to deal with it.
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leafywillow · 2 years
Random PSA: just saw a post about people "supporting" those with mental illness until difficult symptoms/situations occur and that just really grinds my gears bro. Mental illness is a bitch and those that struggle with it should not have their illness romanticized only to be later judged when people realize it's not actually glamorous to have a fucking mental illness. Just wanted to say my blog is a safe space for anyone who has ever felt this way and you will never be judged here 💕
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