armsunfold · 2 years
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character: lily evans, harry potter
“vivacious, you know. charming young girl. ”
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tecnologygaming · 2 years
Geeknetic is celebrating Today, November 2, 2022 is 20 years since this website was born. The name in its beginnings was HispaZone, but we renamed it as GEEKNETIC exactly 6 years ago. In these two decades we have seen everything in technology.The birth of Facebook and YouTube, the resurgence of Apple with its Macbooks and iPhones, the takeover of ATI by AMD, the revolution brought about by SSDs and so many other milestones in technology that have made it all possible. we have chronicled in the form of articles, news, guides and reviews throughout this website.. In this article, I come to bring you a bit of nostalgia to those of you who have been following us for years, and to the newcomers to show you a little bit of what the technological world was like years ago from the eyes of a publication like ours. Don't forget that on the occasion of our 20th anniversary we have organized. a huge contest with 30 prizes in total amounting to more than 5,500 Euros in value.We will be distributing these products among multiple participants. HispaZone (today Geeknetic) and Technology in 2002 Launching the web At that time there was no Wordpress and both me and some of the colleagues who started this project with me had to learn to program and design from scratch and develop the web during that summer of 2002. The project was so hard and long that it was not until November 2nd that it could see the light of day. Exactly 20 years ago today, with the age of majority just reached, I was in front of my computer, with a tube screen, giving the finishing touches to the programming of the website before uploading the final version via FTP to hosting. As usual in most teenagers, my home was my parents' house, who at all times gave me great support and help both morally and economically to move forward and without which Geeknetic would not exist. My bedroom was the "Headquarters", command center, or headquarters of the web, basically because being an only child was the place where was the only PC that was at home, with its brand new Internet connection by ADSL 128 Kbps. On the other side of the copper was my friend Pedro Jelicz, co-founder of the web and designer of it, from his home, waiting for the great moment when we would have the web operational.. Like him, a handful of colleagues who collaborated in our beginnings. As soon as I finalized the last changes, I uploaded them, and that was it! We had our own website, a portal about technology. At the beginning we focused on educating with guides and publishing computer news. We already had a few articles ready for the launch day. This is why there are articles in Geeknetic that are dated prior to November 2, 2002: IRC at that time was a tremendously used communication system and meeting place for those of us who made extensive use of the internet. and were looking to communicate with people in an informal way. In Spain the IRC network par excellence was IRC-Hispano, in which we had our own channel, under the name HispaZone. The network does not have as much public as in its day due to the fact that other systems became popular, such as MSN Messenger, Skypeand later Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Discord among others. Nowadays IRC-Hispano has been reconverted into Chat-Hispano, and although it is presented in a different way, it still uses the same IRC system. What was cooking in technology at that time? In terms of connectivity, ADSL was the normalthough we were already starting to talk about fiber optics. Email has not changed that much since then, in fact, at that time we were already talking about the huge amounts of spam that were arrivingas we reported in this news item. At that time we used Internet Explorer or Netscape as a browser. Google Chrome did not exist and the free Mozilla browser, the forerunner of Mozzilla Firefox, was beginning to have its first stable versions. The operating system in vogue was Windows XP, although many users used it reluctantly. At that time Apple was not so popular in our country, except for those who already had iPods. This left the fight between Windows and Linuxalthough a few also swept towards the BSD operating system. On the hardware side, Intel and AMD had quite a busy fight. Intel had its Pentium 4 (Northwood) and AMD had its Athlon XP (Barton). It was at that time that we saw the birth of the first 64-bit processor for home use: the AMD Athlon 64. Soon after came the first multi-core CPUs; the Athlon X2 and Intel's Core. The multi-core and multi-threading thing (like Intel's hyperthreading) we already saw it back then as. a great revolution. What we did not know is that the software would have such a hard time taking advantage of multiple cores. and even today we can still question their full utilization, especially in games. In laptops, we saw the birth of the low-power CPU with Intel's Centrino range. From that point on you could use your laptop for a few hours without plugging it into the mains and enjoy a truly portable experience. Interestingly, the Centrino CPU architecture philosophy, which prioritized performance per watt, was later carried over to desktops in the first Intel Core which enjoyed superb performance. This was a hugely successful move for Intel, and It marked the beginning of the end of AMD's success. at the time. The iPhone and smartphones were not yet born. At that time, most of us were Nokia mobiles based on Symbian operating systemand when you went by public transport you used to play the snake game. Of course, almost nobody had internet on their cell phones, and we communicated by SMS and sometimes with the famous missed calls. However, the famous Matrix phone caused a certain furor in the media, and we also echoed it. In graphics cards, the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 and FX 5900 were the great promise, although it was not without controversy, due to the thermal problems they suffered. However, these problems were rectified, allowed ATI to gain considerable ground with their range. Radeon 9000. At that time NVIDIA was not only known for making graphics chipsets, but also for making motherboard chipsets, and very well regarded as well. Flat screens became popular in laptops, since it was unthinkable to put a tube screen on them, and with that it was gradually gaining ground also in desktop. However, their high price meant that many of us were slow to make the transition. In removable storage the floppy disk was beginning to disappeareven Dell itself announced that it was getting rid of it in favor of other formats such as CD and DVD. At that time it was unthinkable to buy a PC without having a DVD rewriter and we all accumulated tubes and tubes of burned and blank CDs and DVDs ready to use.. The source code for this web site was actually carried from one PC to another using one of these DVDs. In pocket audio, it was not yet possible to listen to music on your mobile, but there was a new trend that was hitting hard: MP3s. Our first hardware review came in 2003 and it was an MP3 player, the Creative Nomad Muvo NX. Little by little we started to review everything we could get our hands on: Little did we know how technology would evolve. Technology from 2005 to 2010 Although it may seem hard to believe, at that time eSports were already a sensation and there were even those who could afford to make a living from it. This was the case of famous professional gambler known as Fatal1tya worldwide winner of Quake, Call of Duty, Counter Strike and Doom competitions among others. Apart from the earnings through winning competitionshe registered his user name and assigned the rights of the name to trademarks in exchange for royalties.. That is why we have seen so many products bearing his name, such as this sound card from Creative that we reviewed in 2006. This was the era that saw the birth and expansion of modern social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, which reached everything with great speed and also permeated a lot in our country. At the end of the decade, we saw the arrival of Whatsapp, which completely took over sms services in many countries, to the benefit of mobile internet plans. Precisely, Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007, and although the smartphone as such already existed before, it did mark a strong trend in the market that revolutionized the market mobile market, accelerating the mass expansion of smartphones and the transition to 3G. It was precisely thanks to apps like whatsapp that even your grandmother, who had never touched a computer in her life, had a smartphone with internet. In peripherals gaming was becoming more and more important, and thanks to it were born Logitech G keyboardswith the G15 being one of the most prominent examples. Although mechanical keyboards have been around for a very long time, the trend at the time was for membrane switches. In mice, the ball mechanism was already forgotten and what was in vogue were. laser sensor mice. Razer was already starting to hit hard at that time, judging by this comparison we published in 2006. As you may have seen, the Razer model already came with LEDs. Logitech tried to revolutionize the mouse market with a concept called MX Air, which basically consisted in that you moved the mouse in the air and with that you moved the pointer.. We were lucky enough to try it out and found it to be a fantastic solution. However, it is clear that if you are still using the mouse on top of the mousepad today, it is because this type of solution did not quite work out. The reason is obvious, if you have to spend hours using the PC, you want to be able to rest your arm while using the mouse, which conventional mice already allow you to do. In laptops, a paradigm shift occurred with the ASUS Eee PC, of which. we had a world exclusive here at GEEKNETIC. Suddenly you could buy a functional and perfectly useful laptop for less than 300 euros. The first unit we tested was Linux-based, but Windows versions soon followed. To nurture this new generation of small and cheap laptops, Intel launched a range of CPUs called Atom, which also had very low power consumption. We could see this in the MSI Wind PC that we analyzed later, which was the competition to the Eee PC. This type of laptops were called "Netbooks" and although little is left of them nowadays, they were a huge success at the time. It was a time of great innovation in laptops. The new Core 2 Duo range codenamed "Merom" allowed manufacturers like ASUS to experiment with new concepts and ranges. In this article encompassing ASUS solutions with these CPUs we gave an account of one of the first 2-in-1 hybrids that combined the Tablet concept with that of a notebook. Another novelty of the time were the first gaming laptops. Here at Geeknetic we were lucky enough to be one of the first to test the ASUS G1 and G2, our editor, Jav, was pleasantly surprised. At that time, the distance in performance between gaming laptops and gaming desktops was tremendous, but still were very well received. In CPUs Intel advanced by leaps and bounds evolving its Intel Core range. It was at that time that Intel made the nomenclature change to Core i7, Core i5 and Core i3, with its fantastic Nehalem CPUs. Intel was taking an ever-increasing lead over AMD.which still continued to release products, such as the Phenom 9600 Black Edition. Efficiency began to be a very important factor. Gigabyte was one of the main motherboard manufacturers that went all in, developing a system called DES specialized in saving energy on its motherboards, with different power supply phases. However, the fight began to be crazy, the brands began to compete with each other to see which one managed to put more power phases on their boards, which ended up being an unnecessary nonsense that only served mostly for marketing. This is how we saw in 2009, boards with up to 24 power supply phases for the processor. In graphics, a new promise was born. Ageia had created a chip called PhysX that calculated the physics of 3D worlds, so developers could now make games where you can break walls, throw objects and this chip calculated it and allowed to display it in real time. It's not that it wasn't possible before, it was just that it required too much power if you had to run it on the CPU or on the graphics. This specific chip allowed you to break a wall and be able to see the trajectory of all its pieces in real time. on the screen, perfectly rendered as if it were real life. In graphics cards NVIDIA continued on its path of innovation. One of the best products was the GeForce 9600 GT, the successor to the 8600GT, which was great value for the money. However, what really caused a before and after in the industry was the purchase of ATI by AMD. As a result, they were able to create a hybrid between CPU and GPU which they called APU. and they continue to do it to this day. As you well know, AMD went ahead with their Radeon GPUs, and they continue to innovate with it generation after generation to this day. One of the most prominent products shortly after the ATI buyout was the all-powerful Radeon 3870X2 which combined 2 GPUs in a single graphics card.. Not long after AMD decided to get rid of the ATI brand, making the whole Radeon range part of the AMD brand. These graphics cards were also intended to be able to run games in the new landscape screen resolutions that were picking up steam, 1280x720px and 1920x1080px. The use of these resolutions became a great marketing claim, which is why they were baptized as HD (High Definition) and FullHD (Full High Definition) respectively. Thus began the transition in PCs from 4:3 to 16:9 screens. There were still those who dared to try a little wider formats such as this BenQ monitor we reviewed in 2006, which had a 16:10 aspect ratio. In 2007 Microsoft launched Windows Vista. The transition was not particularly good and it certainly consumed a lot more resources than Windows XP. The arrival of Windows Vista was seen by many as an involution, creating many detractors. By the time Windows 7 arrived we were all very skeptical, however, it did prove to be a real revolution. Windows 7 was a very refined operating system much better optimized than its predecessors and made its use tremendously more comfortable and faster, even on the PC itself. Apple for its part already used Intel CPUs in most of its Mac computers.because the previous CPU vendor (PowerPC) was not able to match Intel's all-powerful Core CPUs. This made it unavoidable to think that Macs were essentially a PC, no matter how much Apple tried to indicate that it was a totally different computer. There's nothing like having a test lab to prove it, in this article we saw how it was possible to install MacOS on a PC and also overclock it. so that it would run with much better performance than you could have on an iMac at the time. We did the same with the MSI Wind PC, to which we were able to install MacOS, proving that Macbooks were also, as far as their hardware was concerned, PCs. At this time the expansion of broadband internet multiplied and this meant that it was already possible to view videos in real time, causing websites like Youtube to become very important. Google soon jumped into the pool to buy it for a millionaire. This also led to the proliferation of on-demand content services such as Spotify and Netflix, as well as non-physical game stores such as Steam. In addition, Pen Drives, or external storage flash drives, had gained considerable prominence. All of this contributed to plummeting sales of blank DVDs and CDs.and with it, fewer and fewer people were installing a CD and DVD rewriter in their computers. In the end, it turned out that the only mechanical element left in the PC were the hard disks.. However, they did not have much time left, new units were beginning to arrive that used the same storage system as the Pen Drive, NAND memories, but designed to be connected inside the PC as the main storage. We are talking about SSDs. The first SSD we analyzed in GEEKNETIC was the Intel SSD X25-M 80GB, back in 2008. The leap to the SSD was the great revolution of the time, and the biggest technological leap we have ever seen in these 20 years. Switching to an SSD was a much bigger advantage than upgrading to any new CPU or graphics card, like going from a bicycle to a Formula 1 car. You took any computer of the time, put an SSD in it and migrated the operating system and programs to it, and the PC would flyit was as if it were someone else. Technology from 2010 to 2015 Continuing with SSDs, their success was evident. At the beginning, SSDs for home use only worked through SATA bus. There were brands that bet heavily on SSDs, and soon the performance grew so much that reached the maximum that the SATA 3 bus is capable of.A great example was the OCZ Vertex 2 we reviewed, which outperformed everything we had seen so far. With the SATA 3 bus maxed out with SSDs, it was clear that. there was a significant bottleneck. However, that did not stop everyone from buying SSDs, both for new PCs and for upgrading existing ones. In 2013 we published this guide to learn how to migrate to an SSD. The solution to the bottleneck lay in the use of the PCI Express bus through the PCI Express slots on motherboards of the time.which were already used for graphics cards and other components. Storage cards such as the Revodrive from OCZ started to appear. The problem is that these solutions were not affordable for everyone and SSDs over SATA already provided a more than considerable leap. In CPUs Intel dominated with ease, improving and innovating generation after generation. Sandy Bridge, launched in 2011, caused a huge sensation and contributed to AMD falling much further behind.. Not even the Phenom 2 X4 980 Black Edition, which was one of their flagships, was capable of overshadowing a regular Intel Core i5. In graphics the fight between NVIDIA and AMD was tremendous. Both brands were releasing products and making performance leaps generation after generation, both with single GPU products and with graphics cards incorporating 2 GPUs. The problem is that scalability was not equivalentas with SLI and Crossfire, putting 2 GPUs you didn't get double the performance, so both the market and the brands were losing interest. The latter became apparent with one of the most important graphics chips of the time: the NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan X, based on Maxwell architecture. A beast of a graphics chip capable of producing the performance of 2-GPU graphics cards.with a single GPU. In 2013 NVIDIA took us to Montreal, Canada without telling us what they would be presenting there. We were pleasantly surprised when they unveiled a new technology called G-SYNC, which made it The graphics card, not the monitor, governed the scanning frequency.. In this way, vertical synchronization or V-SYNC was no longer necessary, since the monitor displayed each frame when the graphics card commanded it, promising to eliminate stuttering completely. One of the reasons why we liked this technology so much is that it you could now go below 60FPSnecessary if you couldn't buy one of the more expensive graphics cards, and have synchronization with the screenwhich technically should benefit users with less purchasing power. The problem is that NVIDIA initially made this technology proprietarylimiting it not only to their graphics cards, but also through the monitors. They developed a module that the monitor manufacturer had to integrate as a requirement to be able to use this technology. This meant that only very high-end monitors such as this ASUS ROG SWIFT ended up being compatible, making it inaccessible to users with lower purchasing power. AMD's alternative to G-SYNC would arrive a couple of months later. They called it FreeSync, in clear reference to its free naturalness. In fact, FreeSync became a part of the VESA standard, which Allowed adaptive sync to come by default to thousands of monitors. of all brands and price ranges. Another trend at the time was the transition to the ultra high-definition resolutions.popularly referred to as 4K, as it is 4 times higher than high-definition. The first 4K monitors we tested were a 28-inch ASUS 4K and this 28-inch ACER XB280HK which was the first to combine 4K and GSYNC in the same product. However, all these things do not overshadow what was about to happen. There was a huge and tremendous technological innovation coming that would was the before and afterleaving all of us with our mouths open in amazement. how it contributed to making the PC tremendously more powerful.to unsuspected limits. I'm talking about ... RGB LEDs in components and peripherals! The above paragraph is obviously a joke, but it comes to reflect a bit what was our point of view at that time. Although we already had LED lighting on every component and peripheral you could imagine, they were only one color. The "innovation" was to start using configurable RGB LEDs, and now you could have the PC illuminated with the colors you wanted. The Tesoro Lobera Supreme was the first keyboard with RGB LEDs that we tested. The irony in the above paragraph is because during that time brands focused on innovating almost exclusively in this field. RGB enclosures, RGB fans, RGB cooling, RGB mice, RGB keyboards and even monitors, which themselves emitted light, now also had little RGB LED lights in their casing. Motherboards were revamped to include systems to manage all these LEDs, and each brand came out with its own system: ASUS Aura, MSI Mystic Light, Gigabyte RGB Fusion, etc. For a technology publication such as ours, that we look for you to surprise us with technical innovations that contribute to PC performance and usabilities.was a somewhat complicated time. You'd go to trade shows and launch events and the news, time and time again, was that they'd put RGB on a product that didn't have it before, or they'd added a new RGB lighting effect that was different from the old one. We felt like we weren't providing interesting and useful information to our readers. Not to say it wasn't important, the brands were telling us that the reality was that RGB was contributing positively to sales. This made its expansion, as much as it weighed on us, inevitable. Thanks to that today we recognize more easily a product designed for gaming, when it has RGB illumination.. All brands jumped on the RGB bandwagon, except for one exception: Noctua. This well-known Austrian brand decided to to overlook this trend and continue to innovate and improve their fans while maintaining their fidelity to their signature panty-sash color, such as the one used in this review of their NH-D15S. Maybe thanks to the fact that they dedicated their effort to performance and features instead of RGB, Noctua remains to this day one of the world's top references in fans.. Liquid cooling was booming at the time, thanks to the mass appearance of pre-assembled and sealed kits that made installation tremendously easier and faster. They may not have given the same performance as custom liquid cooling, but they gave more performance than air cooling without having to go around cutting the pipe, filling the circuit with coolant. You'd open the case, anchor the water block to the socket, the radiator to the case, and you're done.. One of the great protagonists of that time, was the Enermax Liqmax II cooling that we tested here, the favorite of many. Another of the promises of the time was virtual reality or VR. Throughout 2014 we posted non-stop about the Oculus Rift, which seemed like it was going to revolutionize gaming forever. There was still some time to go before it could be sold to the general public. We ended that time dreaming that soon we would have experiences like the Matrix. Technology from 2015 to 2020 In 2015 NAND chip storage was continuing to evolve. In notebooks, it was extending a new port called M.2 which was possible to use for all kinds of devices, from storage to connectivity chips. Its reduced form factor made it possible to make thinner laptops. In addition, the M.2 port was much more versatile than others specially dedicated to storage as they could go by SATA or PCI Express interface. With it came M.2 NVMe drives that integrated their own NAND memory controller and that meant a substantial improvement in data access speed. The first of these we tested was the Kingston Predator 480GB which came with a PCI Express card to insert it into if you didn't have an M.2 port. This port turned out to be so effective that it also started to become popular in desktops thanks to its implementation in the motherboards that started to come out from that moment on. In 2016 I attended the last Intel IDF (Intel Developer Forum) in San Francisco. It was Intel's main event of the year, which, in addition to bringing together developers and technology brands, was also used to release products and show what the blue chip giant was working on. However, it is not exactly Intel that we remember that event for. AMD took advantage of the fact that there were journalists from all over the world invited by Intel in San Francisco those days to coax us to a nearby hotel, there must have been about 50 of us journalists. Once there Lisa Su, who had been leading AMD for a short time, surprised us all with what she showed us: Zen architecture and a working prototype that beat everything Intel had at the time in performance. It seemed unbelievable, months ago we were predicting the bankruptcy of the company, and suddenly there they were with an extraordinary CPU architecture ready to stand up, after years of lagging behind, to the almighty Intel. This was the beginning of a complicated era for Intel; their promised 10nm process stalled, and products that should have been coming out on this manufacturing process were coming out on 14nm one after another. All this at the same time as AMD continued to release tremendously powerful CPUs. generation after generation, eating a very substantial market share from Intel.. Precisely one of the most spectacular products was the first of the Threadrippers, the AMD Threadripper 1950X, which provided 16 cores and 32 cores of unbridled power that you could install in a desktop PC. It is ironic that the beginning of Intel's "bad streak" started precisely at its IDF event with AMD's presentation of Zen. The Intel 10nm issue went on for a long time; both here at Geeknetic, and in other media, we were waiting to see when news of a new delay in the arrival of 10nm to desktops would arrive. The thing ended up costing Intel's CEO his job (even if they said that he was fraternizing with a female employee) and they ended the decade without a robust figure to lead the company and without debuting 10nm in desktops. In GPUs however, these were not the best of times for AMD. We were very disappointed when it was revealed that the graphics cards known as "Polaris" were actually mid-range and we would have to wait much longer until we could see something that could give an answer to NVIDIA's best, which at that time were the GTX 1080. And is that NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 1080, based on Pascal architecture, were a very important graphics performance leap. One of their strong points was precisely their ability to be used in virtual reality games, which consumed much more resources than conventional games. The Oculus finally hit the market and other brands like HTC and Valve rushed to develop competing products. VR became very fashionable, but not for the consumer, but for the hardware brands, who kept bombarding us that their PCs or components were ready for VR. Zotac actually dared to create a backpack PC designed for virtual reality. Fortunately or unfortunately VR never quite took off, to the benefit of more modern monitors that were now equipped with HDR and curved panels, such as the fabulous Acer Predator X35, which incorporated both. As expected, the Adaptive Sync or AMD Freesync became so popular that NVIDIA eventually made its G-SYNC compatible.relegating those G-SYNC modules to a handful of very high-end monitors. At the end of the decade, the surprise in graphics came from NVIDIA. In August 2018, they introduced their first range of GeForce RTX graphics chips, designed for. RayTracing and Artificial Intelligence. Due to the high consumption of resources required by RayTracing, NVIDIA invented DLSSa system that allows each frame to be rendered at a lower resolution and then scaled to the resolution of the monitor with artificial intelligence to make it appear as if it had been rendered at that resolution. The result of this is so good that it has made it possible to create games much more demanding than the graphics cards are capable of supporting, making it possible for them to move them with ease. As much as NVIDIA may regret it, DLSS, which was created to solve the high cost of rendering raytracing, has become much more popular and important.. The consumer has shown that he prefers to play smoothly even if he does not have the best graphics, than to have a more realistic game with RayTracing. Be that as it may NVIDIA was at the forefront of innovation and AMD, once again, had nothing compelling to compete with. However, nothing beats, once again the "great" novelty that some manufacturers had in store for us for Computex 2018. Now the products were not only RGB, but had evolved to become "ARGB"! I.e. the same, but with configurable effects. Now you can make a luminescent wave with your PC, imitate a popcorn machine or make it look like Las Vegas at Christmas. Just kidding obviously, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's wrong to add visual effects to PCs, I myself have RGB on my PC (disabled that is), it's just that it's quite sad for a tech journalist to see that the only thing to highlight in a new product is that. Let's move on. In cell phone networks we saw how 4G was spreading left and right all over the country. Excellent news for those of us who make extensive use of cell phones. In the meantime, Qualcomm kept demonstrating the prowess of its 5G technology, on which they had bet heavily for the next generations of smartphones. In the high-end smartphone segment precisely one brand that played a special role at this time was. Huaweiwhich became the 2nd largest smartphone brand in the world. Geeknetic attended every worldwide presentation of Huawei mobiles from its brand new P9 to that fateful Mate 30. Huawei's first flagship that could not be connected to Google services.at least officially, due to the exclusion list in which Donald Trump's government introduced the Chinese giant. Although the company continues to innovate and offer excellent solutions in other markets, things for Huawei have not been the same since then. This era was also particularly important for us. At the beginning of 2015 we introduced the new web design.very similar to the current one, but less evolved, leaving behind the old design that we had been dragging for 13 years. That same year we became part, then still under the name of HispaZone, of the creation of the European Hardware Association. In the same month of June, as members of this association, we hosted in Taipei the first gala awards ceremony for the European Hardware Awardswhich today has become one of the most prestigious awards to which a technology brand can aspire. At present we are still one of the active members in the association and everything related to it. Shortly after, on November 2, 2016, coinciding with our 14th anniversary, we changed the name of HispaZone to Geeknetic. In this article I explained in its day the reasons. 2 years later one of our projects saw the light of day. We launched our own power supply calculator, which is used by many, many people every day. You can see it here. Technology in the present The last few years have been crazy in the industry. On the one hand, we have had a pandemic which has led a large part of the working population to work from home and children to receive their education virtually. As a result PC sales skyrocketed. This has added up to a tremendous demand for chips from all sectors, including automotive, drones, smartphones and of course new graphics cards. Graphics cards that have been massively used for mining. All this has resulted in an unprecedented chip shortage and exorbitant prices. To make matters worse in the middle of the pandemic, numerous supply problems arose, causing stock-outs that paralyzed car factories and the arrival of product from many brands, not to mention the aggravating circumstance of the jamming of the Evergreen merchant ship in the Suez Canal. Anyway, all this has not stopped technology brands from innovating. One of the most remarkable things, at least in graphics, is the AMD's launch of FSR. It is true that it is a alternative to NVIDIA's DLSS, but it is made in such a way that will work on any graphics cardold or new, from AMD, NVIDIA or whoever ventures to make a PC graphics chip. It even works with integrated graphics chips with Intel chips, which have been able to run games that up to that point could not. NVIDIA has continued to release generations of architectures and graphics chips designed for raytracing, the most recent being the GeForce RTX 4090. It is at the time of writing this article, the most powerful graphics chip we have ever tested. AMD, for its part, launched the range Radeon RX 6000, based on RDNA2, which achieved pretty decent results, being able to place the Radeon RX 6900XT above NVIDIA's RTX 3070. AMD's next generation is just around the corner, and shortly after publishing this article is when a virtual AMD presentation will take place that will promises to unveil RDNA3 stuff. And this is where Intel arrives in the graphics card market.. After years working on it, this year we have finally seen dedicated graphics chips from the blue giant. Every start in a new segment is difficult, even if you are Intel and have hordes of engineers working flat out under the tutelage of Raja Koduri himself. The truth is that the only thing we can say about Intel's graphics chips is that they have indeed made dedicated graphics chips that work and can be used. Period. If we want top of the line performance at the moment in Intel we won't find it. We will have to wait for future generations to surprise us. Intel however, did introduce a major innovation in CPUs recently. In 2021 they introduced the 12th generation Intel CPUs, which had as a major new feature the fact that they would combining, for the first time in x86 architecture, cores of different types, following the big.LITTLE pattern that for so many years has dominated the mobile market. Now they have just renewed their architecture following the same concept and we have just published our review of a Core i9-13900K. As for Geeknetic, the big change in the last few years has been that during the pandemic in-person presentation events and in-person technology trade shows ceased to exist. We had to give an account of the novelties only and exclusively virtually, without being able to see the products in stands, without being able to have a chat with engineers of technology brands to be able to get things out of them about their products and without being able to explore new interesting startups in the aisles of the fairs. The exception has been the reviews, which always come from products that we have received physically in our lab and we have been able to carry them out normally. However, we seem to be leaving confinements and travel restrictions in the past. This year, 2022, we are once again traveling to events and trade shows of all kinds, allowing us to experience new technology products first hand, have all our technical questions answered instantly, and be able to report to you in as much detail as we have always done. Without going any further, as I write the last words of this article I am on board a Boeing 747-8 on my way to the United States to attend an important technological presentation event, of which we will publish more details in Geeknetic soon. The future is also coming on strong, we have the WiFi 7 just around the cornernew Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 that will power the best smartphones of 2023, Intel and AMD's new notebook CPUs. likely to be unveiled at the CES in Las Vegas in January 2023, and in all likelihood the same event will be used by NVIDIA to launch its RTX 40 notebook GPUs. We'll be there to tell you about it. We also have a great team behind us for reviews, covering news, writing guides and much more. Among them I would like to highlight Javier Rodriguezwho, as you may have seen, is the author of many articles since he joined us in 2005, and to Antonio Delgadoeditor for more than a decade and editorial coordinator. Also don't miss the fantastic articles by Jordi Bercial, Juan Antonio Soto, Joan Vivas, Pablo López, Javier Romero and Edgar Otero. who make a daily effort to tell us everything that happens. Whether you have been reading us for 20 years or have just met us, I thank you for doing so. You can't imagine how eager we are to satisfy your curiosity, help you with guides and show you amazing technological innovations as they happen. Feel free to leave us a comment below, we read them all, and welcome anything you want to share with us. And don't forget about the contest! More than 5,500 euros in prizes are at stake.just for participating by submitting a list of products that make up a PC configuration.
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magicinmyhand · 3 years
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“There’s a little witch in all of us.” -Practical Magic
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helaenatargaryens · 3 years
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@paletmblr event vii: favourite cinematic piece of 2021
-> the witcher season 2
Behold the mother of forests. The deathless mother, nesting in dreams. Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut. Turn your front to me, hut, hut.
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kingvrys · 3 years
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favourite shows watched in 2021 ⇨ what we do in the shadows (2019-)
I appreciate you, I really do. Well you have a funny way of showing it sometimes. Thank you.
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sidious · 3 years
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sylthrein · 3 years
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365 characters; kira yukimura (teen wolf)
until we figure out if she’s just another psychotic monster that’s gonna start murdering everybody, i vote against any and all interaction.
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kyasclark · 4 years
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“That night in the school, I felt utterly weak. Like I needed someone to come in and rescue me. I hate that feeling! I want to feel stronger than that … I want to feel powerful”
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kinglegolas · 4 years
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MOVIES (RE)WATCHED IN 2021: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) dir. Chris Columbus
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kahhorri · 3 years
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@wizardingworldonline event 04 | alternate houses
— hermione in hufflepuff
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cinderllas-archived · 4 years
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2k celebration edits ϟ ⤑ @opheliaaa requested: Ophelia (Shakespeare’s Hamlet)
“'Tis in my memory lock’d, and you yourself shall keep the key of it.”
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userethereal · 4 years
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Favourite animated movies: Ratatouille  “Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau’s, who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau’s soon, hungry for more.”
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heughan · 4 years
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magicinmyhand · 3 years
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It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus!
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helaenatargaryens · 3 years
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We belong together. You. Us. It’s not perfect, but it is real. It’s yours. We are your family. And we need you.
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kingvrys · 4 years
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favourite shows watched in 2020 ➯ the queen’s gambit
Do you imagine...that you saw the king as a father and the queen as a mother - I mean, one to attack, one to protect? They’re just pieces. And anyway, it was the board I noticed first. The board? Yes. It’s an entire world of just sixty-four squares. I feel...safe...in it. I can control it. I can dominate it...and it’s predictable. So if I get hurt, I only have myself to blame.
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