#Gelatin Leaf
askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Ginger and Hibiscus Jelly
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The most surprising use of this versatile and fragrant Ginger and Hibiscus Jelly might be as a condiment for oysters; but it works! The sharp tang of the jelly beautifully balances the salty creaminess of the shell! But if you prefer it on its own, as a condiment for venison, with which it also pairs gorgeously, for dessert or at breakfast, this lovely, wobbly thing will suits your fancies nicely!
Ingredients (makes about a cup):
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
1/4 cup dried hibiscus flowers
1 1/2 cup water
1 gelatin leaf
2 tablespoons caster sugar9
Peel ginger and cut into thin strips.
Combine ginger strips and dried hibiscus flowers into a small saucepan. Pour in the water. Heat over a low flame. Once boiling, remove from the heat and allow to infuse, 15 minutes.
Soak gelatin leaf in a bowl of cold water.
Strain mixture thoroughly and return collected ginger and hibiscus water to the saucepan. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat. Stir in caster sugar until dissolved. Simmer, a few minutes.
Squeeze water out of the gelatin leaf and stir it into the hot ginger and hibiscus mixture until completely melted. Remove from the heat, and pour ginger and hibiscus jelly into a shallow plate or small silicon molds. Allow to set overnight, in the refrigerator.
Serve Ginger and Hibiscus Jelly as a condiment for oysters, on its own or onto yoghurt or toasts...
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electrifieddoodles · 1 year
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Fig-Leaf Panna Cotta (Vegan)
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briery · 23 days
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Red-eyed Tree frog's eggs in a jelly-like substance deposited on a leaf.
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tapwater118 · 15 days
Tap Water Productions Presents:
What’s the Deal With Evil Leafy?
Seriously, what’s her deal? What’s with all the chasing and the people-eating and the potentially-possessions? Where’d she even come from? Am I actually gonna answer any of these questions? Well, keep on reading, dear readers!
Hello, internet! Welcome to BFDI Theory!
A Crash Course in Evil Leafy
Before we can find out what Evil Leafy is, it would help to know where and when Evil Leafy is. Here’s a tabulation of all of Evil Leafy’s canonical appearances:
Evil Leafy’s first appearance is in BFDI 17, where she is one of the 30 recommended characters that could potentially join the show (recommended by MrOrange890). She fails to get enough votes to join, and is summarily sent to the LOL.
Her next “appearance” is in BFDI 25, where Leafy can be seen “turning into” Evil Leafy after Golf Ball accuses her of stealing Dream Island. Strange, but Bubble did briefly turn into Evil Bubble in BFDI 20, so maybe it’s just a visual flair?
Evil Leafy does not receive enough votes to join season two, so in BFDIA 1 she is sent to the LOL with the rest of the rejects. Evidently she escapes at some point, as she appears in BFDIA 2 to chase Book, Ice Cube, and Spongy through the Evil Forest. Book and Icy escape, but Spongy trips, allowing Evil Leafy to “sink into” him.
In BFDIA 3, Spongy is shown no worse for wear as he spits out Evil Leafy. She is quickly frozen by Gelatin, who takes the time to write on her back. She unthaws later as she is seen “sinking into” a frozen Flower in BFDIA 4. Notably, strange dark vines seem to grow out of Flower when this occurs.
Like Spongy, in BFDIA 5a Flower spits out Evil Leafy, again none the worse for wear. Evil Leafy then spends some time chasing Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Rocky through the Evil Forest, before consuming them as well as the entirety of FreeSmart.
Evil Leafy serves as the setting for BFDIA 5b, as it is revealed she contains an entire world within her being. Also notable is that the BFDI crew are not her first victims: various other objects can be seen living in this world, all of whom met the same fate as FreeSmart. Lego Brick confirms that there are in fact thousands of recommended characters trapped within Evil Leafy; she’s been quite busy off-screen.
(Most of) FreeSmart escape Evil Leafy in BFDIA 5c, who proceeds to give chase once more. Book and Ruby successfully kill Evil Leafy with a large weight, alongside Puffball and Fries. As TB, GB, and Rocky (as well as Firey and Gelatin) need to be recovered in BFDIA 5d, it can be assumed that they either died within Evil Leafy during 5b, or died when Evil Leafy was crushed. If the latter, it can be assumed that all of the other objects in Evil Leafy die as well.
Evil Leafy takes a leave of absence until BFDIA 6, where Team No-Name accidentally revive her by looking into a leaf-shaped mirror in the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel. She gives chase to them, during which she phases through a window, causing Tennis Ball to remark that “she’s growing stronger.” Interesting.
As she’s about to catch Team No-Name, she hears Coiny repeatedly saying her name elsewhere in Yoyle City. This gets her to prioritize WOAH Bunch and FreeSmart over the helpless Team-No-Name. As she apparently cannot go underwater, she ends up causing the two teams to see-saw on the dehumidifier for some time.
After fruitlessly chasing WOAH Bunch across the dehumidifier, in BFDIA 7 Firey Speaker Box evidently has enough of her shenanigans and freezes her, causing her to fall into the flooded building. For one reason or another, she is absent when WOAH Bunch drain the building, and she is not seen again for an even longer period of time.
After a four episode absence, she returns in BFDIA 12, and after killing Bomby (note that her sinking into him actually does kill him, unlike the other times she has done this) and being harassed by a bunch of concert-goers, she becomes all buddy-buddy(?) with Pan Flute, and ends up doing her strange vine thing without even sinking into him like with Flower.
In BFDIA 13, Pan Flute decides he is done with Evil Leafy’s shenanigans and duct tapes her to the wall, which apparently is enough to contain her. That is, at least, until Leafy utters the word “Who?” in context of wondering who recovered her. This sound somehow burns away the tape, allowing Evil Leafy to go free.
Throughout BFDIA 14 Evil Leafy chases the contestants across the islands, notably causing her strange vines to grow through the islands. This comes to a head when she chases FreeSmart through the pirate ship, and after Book narrowly escapes being captured, she confronts them one last time while standing on the surface of the water, and Needle crushes her with the ship.
As the rest of BFDIA hasn’t released yet, we don’t know what happens to Evil Leafy during that time. She evidently sticks around, as she can be seen stalking TB and GB in the Science Museum in IDFB 1, though oddly does not give chase unlike her previous appearances.
After IDFB, Evil Leafy is seemingly gone. She never shows up, and none of the characters even mention her. In BFB 6, Diamondcup67 submits her as a recommended character, but even then she doesn’t actually appear; she’s been replaced by a cardboard cutout of herself.
Her sudden disappearance thus begs the question:
What Happened to Evil Leafy?
Unfortunately, it’s all but impossible to tell. Whatever happened happened during IDFB, which is a huge knowledge gap in terms of the timeline. However, I have ideas of things that could be related :
The Desertion of Yoyle City
Strangely, despite calling Yoyle City their new home during BFDIA, the contestants seem to have long abandoned it by BFB 1. Seeing how closely Evil Leafy is tied to BFDIA and Yoyle City (through the ˥IΛƎ Here Hotel), there’s reason to believe she might have something to do with this.
Something to note is that the BFB grasslands are not the same as the BFDI ones, as evidenced by Golf Ball’s Underground Factory; it still has the old grass around the entrance, as she had to move it to this new location. The new grasslands are also seemingly closer to Yoyleland than the old ones, as Yoyle Mountain can pretty much always be seen in the distance, whereas it is never visible in the old grasslands. This could imply that the desertion was hasty, or that there was no way to easily cross the Goiky Canal (or even the Evil Forest).
(Some confusion may arise about these actually being two separate locations, seeing as they’re both referred as Goiky several times, but Goiky could just be the name of the greater location that encompasses both grasslands, and potentially Yoyleland too.)
Also interesting is that Barf Bag is seemingly unfamiliar with Yoyleland; when she is teleported there in TPOT 4, she expresses how Yoyleland is her “lifelong travel destination,” as well as getting excited over getting to see a yoyleberry for the first time. This is very odd, seeing as if IDFB were to continue as purported, Barf Bag would be freed from the LOL at some point and would have had at least some time to explore Yoyleland. Did Yoyle City get abandoned in the middle of IDFB, such that Barf Bag was released from the LOL in the new grasslands?
Everyone’s Okay With Leafy Now
In IDFB 1, Leafy is still an outcast from the rest of the group, still being metal, hiding in the bushes, and throwing knives at people. When we next see her in BFB 1, she’s been accepted back into the fold of the cast, conversing with both newbies and veterans in her usual Leafy way with no objections from anyone (except Firey, but everyone already knows what his issue is). Why the sudden(?) change in group opinion?
Maybe this could be written off as the newbies both outnumbering the veterans and not knowing about the theft of Dream Island (seeing as how Eggy and Lollipop were seemingly completely unaware of the incident, and even Gelatin, a BFDIA veteran, only had cursory knowledge of it). But she still interacts in a cordial manner with a decent amount of season 1 veterans, and any that still have a problem with her have their issue unrelated to Dream Island (again, except for Firey).
Maybe Leafy does something to gain back the group favor? Maybe something related to Evil Leafy? There is an obvious connection between the two, as suggested by BFDIA 13. Is there some encounter between the two that causes Evil Leafy to stop showing up? Is this the reason they move out of Yoyleland? I have an idea that I’ll get to soon, but it’s mostly speculation right now. There are many questions that unfortunately do not have answers right now.
So, that begs the question:
What even is an Evil Leafy?
There are two main aspects of Evil Leafy I want to bring up.
The first is her strange aversion to water. In BFDIA 6, she refuses to chase her prey into the water, even though they are sitting ducks at that point and she clearly prioritizes WOAH Bunch over the much drier Team No-Name. Additionally, in BFDIA 14 we see Evil Leafy standing on top of the water on Teardrop’s island. She absolutely does not want to go into that water.
And honestly, it makes sense why; after she falls into the water in the beginning of BFDIA 7, she isn’t seen until BFDIA 12. A four episode gap! That’s even longer than when she got crushed in BFDIA 5c! For some reason, water is especially dangerous to her, and while she isn’t afraid to go near it, she absolutely will not go in it of her own accord.
(Also worth noting that, as Needle likely submerged Evil Leafy when crushing her with the ship, we might not actually see her for a few episodes. If my theory holds water (heh), she most likely will not be in BFDIA 15. Ah, bugger. I forgot about the stinger where we see her safe and dry inside the ship. My bad. Ignore this paragraph.)
Secondly is how Evil Leafy gains her power. Tennis Ball remarks that Evil Leafy is “getting stronger,” and we don’t just have to take his word for it. Her “sinking into” move goes from being nearly harmless in BFDIA 2 and 4 to directly killing Bomby in BFDIA 12. Also, her strange vines go from needing to sink into someone to grow (BFDIA 4), to just needing to be near someone (BFDIA 12), to being able to grow anywhere regardless of if anyone is present (BFDIA 14).
I think they made it fairly clear where this power is coming from: in BFDIA 13, Leafy is the one who indirectly gives Evil Leafy the strength to burn away the tape and free herself via her confusion at being recovered. This goes back even further; despite likely being free from the LOL for some time during BFDI season 1, Evil Leafy is nowhere to be seen. You know when she does start showing up? When Leafy is exiled to Yoyleland.
Evil Leafy is an Anti-Leafy, the polar opposite of Leafy. Leafy is green, Evil Leafy is red. Leafy has been shown to love water, while Evil Leafy hates it despite (presumably) also being a plant. Leafy loves being nice to people, while Evil Leafy is seemingly built on detest for all she encounters.
Well, you say, Leafy is prone to lashing out at others. Does this mean Evil Leafy can remain docile around others? Yes! In BFDIA 12, Pan Flute treats her with kindness (at least initially), and in turn Evil Leafy does not harm him despite having every faculty to do so. Leafy and Evil Leafy are polar opposites. Two halves of the same coiny.
So, back to my idea I mentioned earlier; we can see that Leafy’s negative feelings apparently give power to Evil Leafy. Heck, even that moment I called strange in BFDI 25 could play into this: the negative emotions Leafy feels in that moment transmitting power to Evil Leafy. So what ultimately causes Evil Leafy to vanish?
If Leafy’s negative emotions give her power, it would only make sense that Leafy’s positive emotions drain that power. When Leafy got accepted back into the cast, I can only imagine she felt elated at that. She’s back with her friends! She can laugh and play and be nice to them just as she could before. Sure, some might still not like her, and she may still get sad and angry at times, but if you ask me I don’t think it can get much worse than “exiled to a distant land for years.”
Maybe she even precipitates the move out from Yoyle City. Yoyleland is a haven of bad memories for her, it would make sense she wouldn’t want to live there. And seeing as she makes some friends with some newbies (or at least gets on their good sides), they may want to follow her, eventually leading to everyone leaving on a “when in Rome” principle.
When Leafy is happy, what does that mean for Evil Leafy? Literally it means that her power is drained and that she cannot continue her reign of terror, but metaphorically it means that Evil Leafy is not necessary anymore. Evil Leafy showed up when Leafy was at her lowest (barring BFDI 16/17, but I’m willing to write that off as a form of Early Installment Weirdness), and she leaves as soon as that low point is over.
So that’s what Evil Leafy is. Even if not physically, at least she represents Leafy’s broken psyche. Leafy is unavailable, Leafy cannot handle the current situation, she remains exiled in Yoyleland. So Evil Leafy, the Anti-Leafy, the antithesis to all things Leafy, steps into the picture. And when Leafy becomes available again, Evil Leafy is gone. Leafy’s sorrow literally imprints itself onto the world, as if reality is saying “Oh, you don’t want Leafy? Then you can have Anti-Leafy instead. See how much better that fares for you.”
and that’s all I really have to say. sorry if this is a bit all over the place, i wrote it over the course of a week and had several new ideas in the meantime, so some rewriting had to be done. And with my luck bfdia 15 is going to instantly disprove all of this, so yeah for that
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jareckiworld · 2 years
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Shin Sato — Moonlight Field  (mineral pigments, gelatin, gold leaf, on panel, 2008)
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the-raven-lady · 2 months
@bispecsual wouldn't let me rawdog the kelp straight from the ocean so reader is doing it for me
this is a random snippet after the last part of Ebony Coasts
Pairing: Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Reader
Song recommendation: Every pet owner (bispecsual) asking their cat / dog (me) what's in their mouth (kelp)
Warnings: Icky textures, eating ocean flora, fluff
Word Count: 514
Tag List: @egrets-not-regrets @sleepyfan-blog @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual
You look down at the yellow-brown leaf in your hand with repulsion, appalled at the slimy texture. It was one thing to handle these things from a scientific perspective, but it was another entirely to actually put it in your mouth.
“It is delicious, pearl. I am certain you’ll enjoy it,” Corvus pipes up. His sharp teeth crunch into his own blade of kelp and suck at the gelatinous substance within. Once more, he runs a soothing hand over the back of your shoulders, careful of his claws. You sit back further into the soft muscle of his tail.
Saccharina latissima. Sugar kelp. Corvus had been kind enough to cut a piece off of his, adamant that you try the filling. Your normally understanding partner would not take no for an answer. Internally, you knew that it was him feeling insecure about his inability to provide for you on land. Being locked to the ocean when his little lover was land-dwelling affected him deeply. You didn’t have it any easier than he did, with the pressure of protecting his habitat and keeping him a secret. Eventually, you conceded to his demands and took his offering.
That had been ten minutes ago. You still have not tried it.
Corvus was a patient man and would wait until the end of the earth for you, but even he had begun to get restless. You poke a finger into the oozing sugary splooge, then hold it closer to get a better look at it. The mostly clear substance smells sweet and salty. The mer at your side’s attention focuses solely on you the moment you get the gusto to press the fresh kelp to your lips, tongue darting out to sample it. The taste of the ocean hits you first, followed by a wave of sugary and umami. It reminds you of the taste of Corvus’s soft lips, and you feel brave enough to take a small nibble of the central vein.
…and promptly spit it back out at the absolutely rancid texture. Gooey, rubbery, vile. If this is how he was getting back at you for the warheads, it was working.
You grimace, pushing the remainder of the blade in your hands into Corvus’s chest. Your mer chuckles as he takes it and wipes the corner of your lips. “Perhaps it isn’t for the land-walking palate,” he chides, humor in his tone. A rare smile graces his face.
“I’ll stick to protecting it, thanks,” you reply, shuffling the remaining pieces of kelp to the front of your mouth and spitting them out onto the stones. You brush yourself off to soothe your frazzled nerves and relax back against ebony scales. Corvus runs a tender hand through your hair, careful not to catch on the strands and cause a mess before returning to his sweet treat. The warmth of adoration blooms in your chest as he silently devours it, and for once you didn’t feel so bad about not liking something that had been offered to you.
It was more fun to watch Corvus enjoy it anyway.
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cubikzoa · 1 year
No but Hannibal and Will are both so dramatic and petty, and in truth, clever and intellectual. I highly doubt their arguments would resort to, uh, culinary combat unless they had exhausted all other insulting options. Like Will is mad bc Hannibal will not let him adopt the 23rd dog in a row and Hannibal is mad that there is MUD on the CARPET and dog fur on his $552239737900 suit. Will puts McDonald’s coupons in Hannibal’s wallet. Hannibal switches the time on every single clock in the house. Will puts ketchup and mustard on his fancy gourmet dinner. Hannibal frames a poster for a local dog catching service.
Will is like “Well we already agreed that tonight we are going to have regular pork” and Hannibal is like “Well I apologize, there’s only one dish on the table that is people-free. So sorry, Will.” Will’s like “Wow Hannibal, thanks for making me a jello dessert for dinner. So nice of you” and then Hannibal says “Gelatin, the main ingredient, traditionally comes from boiling cartilaginous cuts of meat, usually pork. The people-free dish is in fact the water with a mediterranean lime and a hint of mint leaf in it” and Will grabs the frying pan and a potato skewer and leaps over the table
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Imogen can't concentrate.
(standard procedure for up to a couple weeks ago, now it wears a different guise.)
She fidgets, sits with her legs crossed on her bedroll, backpack in her lap, removes, itemises, arranges its contents, huffs stray hairs out of her face, hands still twitchy, mind still scrambled, organises it all again. Repeats. 
It's early, the fact given away by the low-lying sun and crisp smell on the air that has not yet been burned away by its sustained and blistering presence. 
The blisters on her ankles, the friction of leather that is still not fully broken in. Imogen delays in pulling on and lacing up her boots, calves restless but exhausted, thrumming if they remain still too long (too long being only a moment).
She falls back heavily onto the bedroll. 
Overhead, in the weave of vines and branches, birds sing. They're mocking her, surely, the awkward and bound to the ground sack of flesh and fat and bones that she is, hair frizzed and sticky from the humidity, her inner thigh chaffed and perspiring where the contact of her dagger's harness coils around it like a constricting snake.
She loosens it a few notches
The pathetic and inconsistent touch of it frustrates her more, so she buckles it tight like a tourniquet. 
She exhales, deflates, heavy as she is, runs the back of her forearm over her brow, spreading the salt and sweat, breathes in, feels the connective tissue holding together all of her joints, exhales, arm to ground, along with every other limb, the back of her knees, her spine, her shoulders (there's a rock digging into one through the mat, did she sleep on that last night?), her neck, her ass, wishes they were all gelatin, that she could become one with the floor and not collide with every edge and corner and texture of it, stop being so reactive. 
She inhales, skin pulling away, wishing it would continue, peel, lift, blanket, canopy (closer than the trees), shade, but it would drip with blood, hot and sizzling as it rained back onto her exposed bones. 
Shadow, the dark tatters, the veil. Molasses of ichor. Dull, hazy, sharp, thorns. Don't touch, don't approach. Space. Wail, scream, chorus, silence. That would chase the birds away, feathers dislodged from sudden movement re-lodged into black tar, carried off, away, down sluggish stream, no contact. Barbed like a briar.
The thread of the bed roll is itchy, the weave of it too thick and open, rough spun from fibrous burlap, it splinters bare skin where it makes contact, nape of her neck, backs of her forearms, thighs, knees, and calves. 
Delicate, cool, billowing lace that accommodated to the pads of Imogen's fingers, to her palm, fractured by magic, calloused and freshly wounded, it dulled even the rows of needle teeth beneath. Imogen imagines it her bedsheets, the ground would not matter - could be rivers of lava jutted by shattered glass, it would not matter, sure, cool billowing lace, Imogen would sleep well. 
Easier to tell now, how restless her hands are. They pluck at the gauzy linen that makes her dress, the more rigid weave of her waistcoat, following stitching as if it were pathways, movement, roads to get her somewhere, them, skin to skin contact barriered like the rock digging into her shoulder. Her touch meanders to her chest, unintentional, she swears, in promise and obscenity, a winding path with sides towered by hedges and trees that block the horizon, a shock carried from the point of touch to manifest as an ache between her legs and a weightless haze in her head, body rolling, shoulders leaving the mat, leaving the rock that digs, a breath to a sigh to a gravelly moan, sends a bird or two scattering away, a leaf or two falling behind them. 
Fuckin' birds. Relax. More touch. Touch is good? Barbed. Thorns. Restraint. Maybe she should grow her nails, maybe then the touch won't feel her own. Laudna - fuck, the name gets a reaction from her again, the jolt in her core as she feels the heat pool at the surface of her face, her neck, her chest, crimson damming, damning, acid rising to her throat carried by the guilt of it. 
She kicks and squirms, side of a fist like hammer to nail on the bedroll beside her, other covering her face from the shame of it, it being the burn, the rolling simmer, the violent boil of want and guilt and acid and sting and she is so restless, boiling over, she can't concentrate, the contact of the ground and the fabrics and the atmosphere all feels wrong, scalding, now she knows what to compare it to, how it could feel, what she could be touching. 
Could be death calling, alluring, maybe, how long she flirted with it. Cold with head empty, sounded nice, still does, though the delivery and means maybe different now. A face to an end, ends her, finishes, acid in her throat again, hand bunching the rough fabric under her hips. 
It moves of its own accord to her thigh, takes a fistful of cuff and flesh and she sobs, eyes scrunching shut so tightly that she starts to see colours in the dark, blotches of crimson in a grey dream, her body in the butcher's cart. 
Dreamlike, hazy, drunk (this must be how it feels), she moves without thought, groping herself through the crotch of her shorts, writhing, the floor is too hot against her back, sweat gathering at her hairline and salt beading down into her eyes, again, breath short, short, when did it get so shallow, dizzy. How long could she hold it (hold herself), heat, radiating into the cup of her hand, squirming, a worm under boot, squashed before it gets to dine on the corpse. She pushes firmer against herself, shudders, the feel of the floor leaving, rolls her hips onto the press of her fingers, barriered, dulled, not enough, as they fumble, clutch at the shorts and wrangle the inseam of them in frantic pulls against uncomfortably undulating heat, heat, damp forced through from the close contact onto the pads of her fingers and Gods she's gonna have to prestidigitate that, what the hells is she doing, Laudna could return from her morning forage or whatever it is any moment and
fuck the thought doesn't quell the need at all, her hips spasming and knees shaking as she holds them suspended and trembling, working herself up, frantic, frantic and desperate. How did she get here? she followed the woman at the market, the woman followed the yellow bird, the birdsong silenced for pathetic needy moans, her hips raised so high her shoulders are pushed further into the cut of the offensive rock, princesses and mattresses and beans or whatever that fairytale was Laudna had mentioned about ladies and their proper behaviour. 
Proper, right, she should stop, get it over with, fumbles with the fastening of her shorts, hand making its way beneath fabric before it's fully undone, now registering coarse curls, then slicked, heat, heat, heat, hot, wet, eager, soaked, soft, the glide of her intensity, betrayal, soaking. fuck. Touch is not enough, hers, fuck. Not right, the feel of callouses and scars and heat and a barely registrable thrum shit what happens if she gets away from herself, gets too excited. magic fried uncontrollable she is out of control fuck the heat of the bedroll on her back and the push of the rock imbedding imbedded scars wrapping tangled suffocating sinew silvered skin nightmares burden and guilt guilt guilt storming-
Imogen rolls over onto her front, the rock through the bedroll pushing into her chest, against her sternum, aiding to evacuate the bile that has been suspended in her oesophagus but the guilt won't leave her thighs slicked and hot and tacky and uncomfortable and the chaffe of the itchy fabric of the mat burning them, restless, as she removes her fingers from between her legs, wipes the evidence of a pathetic and failed and just and just wrong attempt onto her shorts, prestidigitates it all clean as if she can wash herself of her impurities and intentions, dares to think of the occasions the purple glow has evaporated the rain from Laudna's clothes and skin, now a selfish act, was then too, maybe, always selfish. 
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batrachised · 9 months
Adventures in Maud's Recipes
Tomato Jelly Salad
The Recipe
It's been a while since I've picked up LMM's cookbook, after the successes of the New Moon Pie, the cornbread, and the potato soup! I experienced hit after hit - New Moon pie was light and delectable, the cornbread a taste of Eden, and the potato soup apparently academy award worthy. Why at this point, I thought to myself, I should trust Maud's judgement implicitly when it comes to the dinner table. But then I pondered: I'd only tried the recipes that are difficult to get wrong. What if I tried one of the more out there recipes? Cornbread is one thing; raisin pie another. I considered my options. There was dandelion wine, but that required wild dandelions and I didn't feel like curling up with a book and a glass of pesticide; salmon jello molds (yes, really) but that was too much for me (there are some paths even I dare not tread for the sake of lm montgomery); or, I found, there was the aforementioned tomato jelly salad. This salad involves tomato juice, vinegar, onion, sugar (hold on, now we get crazy) which you combine with gelatine to make a jello (keep holding on) and then while the molds are forming, you add a vegetable such as peas or cabbage. For the crunch, I suppose. After all, everyone wants their jello to be crunchy. For obvious reasons, I hesitated. While I do not hate jello, I am suspicious of jello combined with tomatos and peas. In fact, it took me months to build up the emotional resilience to try. Yet, try, I have, and you shall hear of it.
The Results
After a rather disastrous mold experience (I made the mistake of pouring into a floppy dish instead of a metal one, thus meaning any movement of the dish resulted in tomato jello liquid everywhere), we landed on this:
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Do you see the peas? Waiting, in the jello like little minnows? What's not to like about this presentation? I love all of my meals to look like bloodsoaked peas. I go for "Veggie Tales mass murder" when it comes to meal presentation, personally.
After bravely moving past the Veggie Tales crime scene, I popped a piece out onto a plate. Here's what it looked like out of the mold (featuring wizard hat roommate's banana chips in the background, my food photography skills are truly impeccable):
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That looks vaguely pretty, if it weren't for the peas. One last photo - much like a crime scene, I feel obligated to provide photos from multiple angles. The mold is definitely molding. I suppose you could argue this is vaguely Christmas themed due to the red and green.
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The Review
You're supposed to eat this wrapped in a lettuce leaf, but I detest lettuce leaves in that form and refused to do so. I would take this pure, raw, unfiltered by any form. Wizard Hat Roommate insisted on watching as I took the first bite. Tremulously, I took up the fork. Would it taste all right? Would the texture be too much? Would Lucy Maud deliver? I paused, then boldly took a bite.
I want you to imagine the flavor of ketchup. Then I want you to imagine this flavor transmitted via the medium of jello. Then on top of that, as the cherry on this veggie tales sundae, I want you to imagine this ketchup has peas in it. Needless to say: I did not enjoy it. It tasted wrong...disordered...as if the earth itself shuddered as I bit into it. Is this how Frankenstein felt, feeling his creation lurking in every corner of the world? Haunted by the work of his own two hands?
Okay, in all honesty: it wasn't that bad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. The taste was okay - I didn't like it but it wasn't disgusting. The texture was weird - I didn't like it but it wasn't disgusting. The two combined admittedly pushed it, but it only toed the line of being gag worthy.
It didn't help that the color of the jello meant my subconscious kept expecting a sweet cherry flavor, only for my mouth to meet vinegary tomato and peas. Ketchup jello with peas on top is not for me personally, though I won't speak for anyone else. Wizard Hat Roommate insisted on trying one, and actually finished hers. She described it as something she'd never make, but she could eat. We shall see if Clifford Roommate has the same opinion.
So, what would I rate this? Well, if a zero is a mouse in a pudding sauce, and a ten is Susan's monkey paws, I rate it Aunt Martha's ditto served cold and topped with peas.
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mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #029 : leafy brain! (phaeotremella foliacea)
the leafy brain (also called jelly leaf or brown witch's butter) is a jelly fungus in the family phaeotremellaceae. usually found on dead or recently-fallen conifers, this fungus occurs in north america, europe & northern asia.
the big question : can i bite it??yeah !! this species is said to be edible.
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p. foliacea description :
"fruit bodies are gelatinous, brown to dark brown, up to 5 cm (2 in) across, & seaweed-like (with branched, undulating fronds). microscopically, the hyphae are clamped & occur in a dense gelatinous matrix."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Tropical Coconut Buche
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If you're invited to a New Year's Eve Party tomorrow, you can still whip up this delicious Tropical Coconut Buche! The creamy coconut layers are beautifully balanced by the sharp tang of mango, pineapple, ginger and lime, and the juicy, seedy bits of dragon fruit. It is indulgent but also light as air, and a nice, bright break from chocolate-y concoctions! Happy New Year's Eve's Eve!
Ingredients (serves 6 to 8):
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
1 1/4 cup water
1 1/2 gelatin leaves
2 tablespoons demerara sugar
1 pitaya (dragon fruit)
1/2 ripe mango
1/4 ripe pineapple
1/2 lime
a small piece fresh ginger
1 gelatin leaf
1 tablespoon caster sugar
3 gelatin leaves
400 millilitres/14.10 fluid ounces coconut milk
1/2 plump vanilla bean
3 tablespoons caster sugar
1/4 cup Ginger and Lime Rum 
200 millilitres/7 fluid ounces coconut cream
Dampen a loaf pan, and thoroughly line with cling film, letting it overhang. Set aside.
Peel ginger and cut into thin strips.
Spoon ginger strips into a small saucepan. Pour in the water. Heat over a low flame. Once boiling, remove from the heat and allow to infuse, 15 minutes.
Soak gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water.
Strain mixture thoroughly and return collected ginger water to the saucepan. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat. Stir in demerara sugar until dissolved. Simmer, a few minutes.
Squeeze water out of the gelatin leaves and stir it into the hot ginger mixture until completely melted. Remove from the heat, and allow to cool slightly.
Peel and dice pitaya, and arrange pitaya dices at the bottom of lined loaf pan. Gently pour ginger jelly over the dragon fruit dices. Allow to set 3 to 4 hours, in the refrigerator.
Scoop out the flesh of the mango, and roughly chop it.
Peel, core and dice pineapple.
In a medium saucepan, combine chopped mango and diced pineapple. Thoroughly squeeze in the juice of the lime halve, grate in about a tablespoon fresh ginger, and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Cook, stirring often, until the mixture collapses into a compote.
Soak gelatin leaf into cold water.
Using a hand-held blender, process mango and pineapple compote until smooth. Return over medium heat, and stir in sugar. Cook, 1 minute until dissolved.
Squeeze out the water of the gelatin leaf, and stir into the compote, until dissolved, 1 minute more. Remove from the heat. Set aside.
Soak gelatin leaves into a bowl of cold water.
Pour coconut milk into a large saucepan.
Scrape the seeds off the vanilla bean halve, and add to the coconut milk. Bring to a simmer, over medium-high heat. Once hot, stir in caster sugar until completely dissolved. Then, stir in Ginger and Lime Rum. Remove vanilla bean empty pod halve. Finally, thoroughly squeeze the water out of the gelatin leaves, and stir them into the hot coconut mixture until dissolved.
Remove from the heat, and stir in coconut cream. Allow to cool completely.
Once cooled, gently pour half of the coconut mixture onto the ginger and pitaya jelly, and return to the refrigerator. Allow to set, 3 to 4 hours, before spooning mango and pineapple compote onto set coconut layer, levelling with a spatula. Return to the refrigerator.
After another 3 to 4 hours, spoon remaining coconut mixture onto the set mango and pineapple layer. Gently fold cling film on top, and place into the refrigerator, to set, overnight.
The following day, unwrap cling film, and gently, carefully turn buche out onto serving tray or plate. Gently peel cling film off.
Serve Tropical Coconut Buche well-chilled, with chilled Champagne!
0 notes
scarletwritesshit · 9 months
🍰 Blade x Kafka 🍰 Companionship's Immortality
Upon hearing the strangest of gentle sounds behind him, Blade turned around to face Kafka, who he could’ve sworn meowed at him seemingly out of the blue. He looked at her, blinked a few times, yet could not discern anything out of the ordinary, relatively speaking. He turned his back again, but once he did, he heard another faint mew seemingly coming from Kafka. It could just be nothing more than her playing a most unusual prank on him, as Kafka did make a habit of toying with Blade. Eventually, he decided to pay no mind to the strange meowing, though he was still somewhat in disbelief over what he was precisely hearing. They sounded a bit too high pitched, even for Kafka to make.
What purpose did toying with Blade in such a manner even hold? Usually, if he stopped paying her mind, she would eventually get bored of attempting to get his attention. However, the mewing continued to persist, with each noise varying in tone from the last.
"Kafka," Blade said with a slight growl, "why do you insist on meowing at me?"
"Oh, I think you are quite mistaken, Bladie." Kafka said.
Blade turned around, confused, to see that Kafka was now holding a most unusual creature. The outer shell of the creature appeared to be shaped like a cake that he had seen on the Luofu, with the inner part of its body resembling a rather round feline. It had huge golden eyes, and its tail and one of its legs were wrapped in worn bandages.
"It looks just like you," she said with a smile.
He studied at the strange pastry-cat that Kafka was holding up to him. It stretched itself upwards, then bounced back to its normal shape. It seemed to have some sort of rubbery, gelatinous consistency to it, and Blade was almost tempted to poke it just to find out. However, he resisted the urge to satisfy his curiosity, and instead merely looked at it with displeased eyes.
"It looks absolutely nothing like me," he said.
"Someone’s in denial," Silver Wolf commented, still paying more attention to what was on her phone screen.
The strange cat stretched and bounced back once again, making an odd squeaky meow sound.
"And it sounds absolutely nothing like me, too." Blade emphasized.
"But you’re both absolutely adorable. Don’t you agree, Silver Wolf?"
She held up the weird cat so that she could see it and Blade side by side. Kafka was enthralled by their similarities. The outer shell of the creature was black fading into red, colored just like Blade’s hair. They were both wrapped in bandages and adored with the same gold leaf, and even their eyes shared that same ominous shine.
"I see it," Silver Wolf said, looking up briefly from her phone, though not too keen on agreeing with the “adorable” part.
"See? Even Silver Wolf agrees!"
"…Never mind that. Where did you get that thing, anyways?"
"Oh, I might’ve been just a tad bit unable to help myself when I saw them during a little visit to the Herta Space Station."
"So you just up and took one?  It’s bad enough that we have the Xianzhou Luofu and the Astral Express Crew keeping their eyes on us; we don’t need to make even more enemies with whatever these things are!"
"Oh, I don’t think you have to worry yourself, Bladie. These poor creatures act as if they haven’t seen another soul in such a dreadfully long time. I don’t think anyone is going to be missing just one of these pitiful creatures any time soon."
Blade sighed deeply as the unusual creature jiggled once more in Kafka’s hands, mewing softly.
"It serves us no purpose. Why did you even feel the need to take one?"
"Well, if you saw a whole group of them, you’d understand why. You wouldn’t be able to say no."
"I can’t say no to you in the first place."
"Precisely, Bladie. You don’t have much of a choice, darling."
He really didn’t. Blade couldn’t turn down Kafka’s orders no matter the importance, whether it be a matter of life or death or the acquisition of a small critter.
Taking Kafka’s few but convincing words into account, he poked it with a finger and watched it bob like a gelatinous substance. The odd cat simply blinked at him with its large eyes, showing no signs of protest nor discomfort. He poked it again and again, watching it bounce back every time.
"See, Bladie? It’s absolutely adorable, just like you!" she said, taking the cat in one hand and pinching Blade’s cheeks with the other.
He could not resist, though truthfully, he did not want to. Kafka was enjoying the little cat too much, and though he didn’t want to admit it, Blade found his feline lookalike to, indeed, be rather adorable.
Once Kafka freed him from her pinch, he stuck out his finger to the cat to gauge just how friendly it really was. He meant no harm to the creature, even if its reaction was hostile. The cat’s tiny paws grabbed his finger, with a sort of sorrow and yearning that felt all too familiar.
In the moment, Blade could feel what was left of his heart melt with genuine empathy for the poor thing. For the little paws it had, the creature’s grip was rather strong, as if it had just found its reason for carrying on, all while fearing the loss of purpose yet again. He genuinely couldn’t decline Kafka now. Not with how the poor creature longed to find something to hold onto in its unfortunate life. Not with the way its adorableness made Kafka so happy.
The creature was admittedly cute, yes, but he could not help but feel a form of sorrow for it. If this individual felt such a way, then the others might as well, and Blade felt a tinge of desire to lend a hand to…just one more.
He couldn’t take Kafka’s partner all for himself. She seemed all too happy to take responsibility for it. Perhaps, maybe he could sneak back to the Herta Space Station and grab one for himself? If she loved this one so dearly, arguably more than him right now, then he could hardly see a reason for her to say no to a second.
“Where did you even find those things anyways?” he asked.
“Oh, I found the poor little critters thrown away in the space station laboratory,” she said. “A pity that I couldn’t take them all with me, so I simply adopted one that reminded me of you, darling.”
He had a feeling that if she scouted for a creature that resembled Blade, then there could be one that looked like Kafka as well. No guarantees, but Blade was going to attempt to seek one out behind Kafka’s back anyways.
Once he had a break from her watchful eye, Blade made a solo trip to the Herta Space Station’s Special Purpose Lab to investigate the disposal area and locate the creatures. He was greeted by quite a large variety of them, all sharing the same cat like appearance, yet varying greatly in color and adornment. Some had green outer shells, others were a vibrant orange, The “fillings” had immense range as well, and even the characteristics of their eyes were quite diverse. After some looking (and petting a few sad critters to hopefully cheer them up), Blade eventually scouted out a creature that resembled Kafka; a violet and white individual adored with a spider web and sunglasses on top. He crouched down and gently held out his bandaged hand. The little creature seemed rather hesitant at first, but it eventually grabbed one of his fingers with its paw, showing Blade that it was at least accepting of his affection.
Blade picked it up the critter and gave it a gentle squish.
Kafka was right, these creatures are squishy, he thought, gently squishing and stretching its outer shell.
He watched the creature carefully as he played with it, making sure that he was not causing it any discomfort. No one was around to see him, so he spared the creature an ever-so-little smile to return some of the joy that he was feeling. It was an adorable cat-like creature resembling his beloved Kafka, how could he resist allowing himself a little smile in the secrecy of the lab?
He realized that perhaps, he should be making his way back to regroup, lest Kafka becomes concerned with his absence or he finds himself bringing even more critters along for the ride. Hiding the creature wasn’t going to be his problem; the main issue was dealing with Kafka’s teasing once she finds out he gave in and adopted one of his own. She was as sharp as a dagger too, and he physically had no way he could lie his way out of telling the truth.
He was indeed unfortunately correct about it being a short-lived surprise, for she did not hesitate one bit once she heard the slightest mew being uttered from under Blade’s robes.
Hidden away, or at least what he attempted to hide, was one of these critters whose appearance was reminiscent of Kafka.
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honeyslime · 19 days
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Peach Kohakutou by DamSoCafe.
Hi! As of today this is now also a blog about kohakutou, or crystal candy! This is a food both Erin and I can eat since it's gluten-free, which is most excellent. We love candy. Sometimes we say to each other that we'd like to eat particularly delicious-looking slime, so this feels like the natural space to provide kohakutou reviews.
My friend Ari said that the first piece of crystal candy I ever bought, shown above, looked like a fancy soap. They were extremely right. I loved the use of gold leaf and admired the delicate layers, carefully packaged and intact.
Happily, it did not taste like a fancy soap. It tasted like a rock candy on the outside and the most delightful blend between a gummy and gelatin on the inside. The flavor was a mild, juicy, and very natural tasting peach. I was so excited about this candy that I ate it way more quickly than I expected to: over the span of two days rather than a week. I had intended to try and save it like my childhood chocolate Easter bunnies. I forgot I always used to eat those pretty quickly too.
Would recommend energetically. I messaged the creator to tell her it was the best crystal candy I'd ever had. Technically true and an accurate measure of my joy.
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 27 days
(Chapter: two)
Part 2 of my crap fic of my comfort au
Everyones kinda ooc Sorry :(
Its also kinda bad and Cringe
Part 1
Caine announced Today's Adventure with usaul grander and gusto
Caine: The Legend says that Deep in the Forest Of Mount Allapackawape Is a Terrifying Monster with the Head of an Alligator, The body of a Bear, antlers of a Moose and The tail of a Raccoon!
Bubble popped out His hat
Bubble: A Big scary Monster? Sounds horrifying!!
Caine: Extremely Terrifying!
Bubble: ...Sounds kinda Hot-
Caine popped Bubble before he could say anything else
Caine: Your Job is to Hunt down this Hideous Helicopter and Save The People of AllapackaWape! Good Luck!
Caine snapped his Fingers and Summoned a Portal, As the Cast starting heading for the portal when Caine stopped them When He saw The Boy following them
Caine: Woah, Woah, Woah! Where do you think your Going Son?
The Boy: I dunno, Mount ally-backy-wamp Or whatever dumb thing you said
Caine: ....Are you sure you want To go? I mean, I don't want to Ruin Your Circus Experience but its quite Dangerous for a Child like you to go without A Parent or Guardian
Jax: C'mon Caine let the Kid come, Isn't This a Place for "All Ages?"
Caine: I-I Know, It's just my responsibility to Keep you happy and sane, And I'm afraid This Adventure Might be To Extreme for him
The Boy: pfft I'm notta Baby, Crapface!
Ragatha: Woah! Hey! Caine's just trying to help, Theres no Need to be Angry!
The Boy rolls his Eye
The Boy: I don't need his Help because He's an Idiot! And I don't Anybody else!
The Boy Jumped through the Portal
Caine: wah- HEY! That is no way to speak to your Ringmaster!
Pomni: Don't worry Caine I'll talk to him, Kid! Wait!
She Jumped through the Portal followed by the rest of the cast, Caine watched the portal closed, He was Worried about the Child and was definitely worried about Him possibly getting lost or scared
Caine: Tsk. Tsk. what a Troubled Boy...
Rogerg popped out of a trash can, eating a apple
Rogerg: Don't you have your own kid to worry about?
He poofed out and Rogerg rolled his eyes
Deep In the Forest of Mount AllapackaWape, The cast Was hiking on the Allapackawape Trail Taking in the peaceful Sights of nature, Expect for Pomni who Was Trying to catch up to The Slime Boy trying to escape
Pomni: Hey! Kid! Wait Up!
The Boy: Go away Loser!
He tried to slink away but Pomni grabbed him by the back of his neck, He was trying to squirm away from her grasp like a Cat or a gelatinous Snake
Pomni: Would You cut it out?!
The Boy: @#$% Off Lady!
He flung his body away from her grasp and face planted on the Dirt Trail
Pomni: Done Now?
Boy: Fine. Whatever. Just don't tell me what to do
The boy reluctantly joined the Rest of The cast
Pomni: look...I know your only a kid and you don't know any better, But you really shouldn't Talk To Caine Like that When he only wanted to keep you safe
The Boy: *Raspberries* I Talks How I want to Clown Lady!
He slithered away from her
Pomni: HEY! Look, kid, I know its Scary, Being so far from home, trapped In a world that your not used to, stuck in a body that isn't yours, Being So far away from your parents... You must miss them alot...
The Boy: Hmmm.... Nah, I don't
He slinked away
Pomni: Wait, What?
Ragatha: Isn't This Nice? I Almost Forgot How Peaceful The adventures can be! Right Jax?
Jax Was staring at a white baby Rabbit Chewing On a leaf
Jax: Huh- What- Uh Yeah sure, cool... (it kinda looks like Patches)
Queenie: Oh Darling Look! Forget-met-nots, and delightful! And a.... Whats that Bug Near It?
Kinger: It looks like a Monarch Butterfly Dear!
Queenie: *gasp* A fellow monarch!
She Let the Butterfly climb unto her Fingers, Both admiring the white spots and black Stripes
Zooble Picked Up a Red feather
Zooble: Hey You Think Niku would Like this? Like maybe It could be and antenna or a finger or something
Gangle: Oh its Beautiful! Maybe we can Find more... Oh look!
She pointed to a Blue Feather stuck in a Tree
Gangle: Its even Their Favorite Color!
Zooble: I dunno... Its kinda High up
Gangle: Don't worry I got It!
Gangle climbed up the Tree And reached Out for the Feather, before she could grab it The Branch Started to creak and break and she Fell down a ditch
Zooble: GANGLE!
They slid down the ditch
Zooble: Gangle, You alright?
Gangle was face down in the dirt, Her Comedy Mask broken
Gangle: ...Did...Did I get it?
Zooble: Don't worry about it, what matters is you're okay, ...wait, Whats that?
Zooble poked their head out of the Bushes
Zooble: hey Guys, I Think I found Something
The Rest of the Cast Slid down the Hill and saw The trees Covered In giant Claw marks
Kinger: We must be getting close!
Jax: Okay, heres what were gonna do, One of you guys Will Be bait, And Then I sneak up behind it and Stab repeatedly
Zooble: Oh wow, Great idea Jax, and What happens when in stabs you back?
Queenie held up Her Axe
Ragtha: Wait! We don't have to kill it! Maybe Theirs a way we can trap it and release it far away from the mountain, what do You think Pomni?
Pomni: Um... Well maybe... Wait a second, where's the New guy?
Jax: I dunno, your the one who told Caine who'd watch him
Pomni: Oh God, We lost him!
Ragatha: D-don't Worry! He couldn't have gone far, We just have to Find him!
Later, The Boy was Walking in the forest by himself, using his Gelatinous body to Easily slither past the thrush
The Boy: Watta Bunch of Freaks... I don't need them! I don't need anyone! Im going to punch that Stupid Bear-Moose in the face and show them How brave and awesome I am! And If that Teeth face guy or those Psycho-Aid-Lia-Losers will know if they start acting weird, Im gonna Beat there #$@%es!
Twig snapped and The boy shrieked like a Girl
The Boy: *Cough* I mean- WHO GOES THERE?!
The Boy: God thats stupid, Who Goes their? Who shes that? What am I a-
A shadow loomed over the Boy, with Giant Antlers and a Alligators Snout
The Boy: Is it raining or Something- OH MY GOD-
Pomni: God, Why'd he have to Wander off? Anyone find anything?
Kinger: I think I found Some Green Stuff!
Zooble: Thats just Moss Kinger
Kinger: Oh
Gangle: M-Maybe We should Split up?
Jax: Well then everyone gets lost Stupid!
Zooble: Watch Your Mouth Jack@#%
Ragatha: Guys Stop! We shouldn't be fighting with eachother when A Kid is Lost in the forest with a Monster on the loose, We should Just stay calm and-
A blood curdling scream rang through the Forest
Pomni: Oh God! Thats him!
Queenie took out her Battleaxe and Sprinted towards the Screaming, Kinger eagerly following behind her
Kinger: Wait for Me Love!
Everyone Ran to the Screams of the Boy, And Found The Boy cowering against a rock with the Alibearmoosecoon, Cornering Him, The Beast Let out a roar which sounded like a mix between a Bear and a Moose
Jax: I Got This!
Jax Took out his Pocket knife and Jumped on the back of the Beast and jammed the Blade deep in Its back, The Beast led out another Roar and Fell on its back before getting back up on its Giant paws, Leaving Jax Squished like a pancake, Gangle snickered at this
Jax: Ow...
Zooble: Nice going Dumb@#$
The Alibearmoosecoon rushed towards her, She Used her axe to Parry against the beasts Antlers
Kinger: Woo! Go Queenie!
Kinger Clapped his Hands excitedly, Cheering for His wife, Pomni Snuck Past the Monster and Made her Way To The Boy
Pomni: Kid, Come with me! I'll get you out!
The Boy formed his hand to reach Pomni for a moment, before Retracting it back into himself
The Boy: I Told You! IM NOT A BABY!
The Boy lauched himself like a Spring and Jumped on the Beast's back and started punching it weakly, The Monster Flung its Head to the side, trying to Reach The Boy, Queenie went flying into the forest
Kinger: QUEENIE!
The Boy Grabbed the Alibearmoosecoon's antlers holding on like it was a Mechanical Bull Ride
Jax: What can We Do?!
Pomni: I Dont Know!? Something!?
Gangle Looked around Looking for something to Help, She Picked up a small Rock and Threw it at the Monster, The Monster Looked over to The rest of the cast and Started charging towards them sending them Running into the woods
Jax: Nice Going Ribbons! Now were all gonna Die!
The Boy still holding on for dear Life and still punching The Monster on the Head, Poked the Beast in The Eye getting slime stuck in it, It scream in Pain and Flung the Boy off of It, Throwing Him against a Tree, The beast went charging at him and Started vigorously Clawing at the poor Child
Pomni: NO!!!
The boy Was nothing left put splatters of goo across the forest, The Creature turned back to Finsh the rest of the Cast, When the goop on its Alligator face started moving down its body and Towards where the boy was Previously cowering
Pomni: Huh?!
Gangle: Whats happening?!
The Slime splattered on the leaves, bushes, trees and rocks slithered towards eachother and formed a pile and into a small tower and into The boy, His Bright Orange Eye shooting across the area
The Boy: Im alive? IM ALIVE!
The beast roared at him again, and the Boy Ran launched himself into the forest with the Monster charging towards him, The boy Grabbed unto branches to push himself futher
Infront of him the Boy saw a giant ravine and stopped and clung to a tree branch right before he could fall, The Alibearmoosecoon ran right into The Ravine, it levitated in the air for a Moment Before Quietly saying "Uh Oh" and fell to its demise
Everyone Just looked down into the ravine completely expressionless
Jax: Huh, Can We go back now?
Later, everyone was exiting the portal and Into the Circus
Caine: Welcome Back you Malpracticed Mangos! I hope you all had a Wonderful experience!
Caine floated down to Pomni
Caine: So Did You talk To him?
Pomni: Well kinda-
She was cut off By the Boy Screaming and Falling from the ceiling and splattered on the floor and Reformed without a scratch
The Boy: COOL!!
The Boy intentionally sprinted into a nearby wall
Ragatha: um... What are you doing?
The Boy: I'M INVINCIBLE!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!! I gotta see what else I can Do!
Pomni: Hey Wait!
Caine: Well At least he doesn't seem mad at me anymore!
Pomni gave him the side eye
Caine: What?
The continued to Test his New indestructiblity with increasingly More dangerous acts, He ran up To Gangle who was Gifting a Red feather to Niku
Gangle: I'm sorry I couldn't get you a Blue one
Niku: Quite Alright!! Much appreciated Muma!
Niku Stuck The Feather on the Side of Their head
The Boy: Hey Guys Look!
The Boy took three Knives and threw up in the Air, Letting them land On his Head and Niku and Gangle Screamed in horror and Shock
Niku: How could anyone do Such a Thing?!
The Boy: Calm down, Im fine! Wanna See it Again?
Niku: Nononononononon! Please no!
The boy rolled his eye and oozed away, and climbed up slithered up The giant Blocks unto the top
Princessa: What on earth Is he Doing?
Patchricia shrugged and they both looked up at him
The Boy leaped down the blocks, Splattering himself all over the Floor getting Bits of himself all Over the Two Girls, causing them both to Scream
Patchricia: EEEEEEEEWWW!!!
They boy reshaped himself not leaving a single drop
The Boy: Pfft Losers
Patchricia: FREAK!
The Boy: Whatever, You can go Get Stabbed!
The Boy continued his Self-injury spree, each one becoming more and more dangerous, Squishing himself under Blocks, Letting Gloinks try to tear him apart, Even setting himself ablaze, Making Every person with morals concerned
The Boy: Calm Down dude! I won't get hurt!
Princely: Why is He doing this?! Isn't he scared?!
Princessa: He doesn't have A real body Princely, Just pure Glop
Princely: I know, but still!
The Boy carried on to injure himself through the week, Testing the Limits of his Resistance to pain, stabbing himself with Darts, Beheading himself with Queenie's axe, and even shooting himself with a Gun He found, even Making the most nonchalant cast members and Pals uncomfortable
He was cut off when he Felt a Sharp, pricking sensation shoot through his Eye, He couldn't See what it was Because He went completely blind, He screamed in pain as loud as possible, calling For help
Enock dropped the Bow
Pomni was Helping Him get the Arrow out of his eye, pulling on it Causing more Pain For the Poor boy
The Boy: OW! OW! OW!-
Pomni: Hold still!
Pomni was able to yank the Arrow out of His eye, letting The Boys vision return
Pomni: Maybe you shouldn't play with Arrows...
The Boy: Yeah Okay..- Wait No- Im mean- YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!! I DO WHAT I WANT!!
The Boy Raspberries at Pomni and Sprung away
Pomni: HEY!
The Boy slithered away from Everyone
The Boy: Whatta bunch of loser dorks...
The Boy: Oh great...
Enock ran Up to him, Crying profusely
Enock continued to Apologize to him over and over, nearly incomprehensible due to his Crying, The Boy Just stared at him like he was bathing in peanut and jelly in public naked
The Boy: Dude- Dude- Dude calm down its fine! Im okay! God!
Enock: Are you sure?! You're not upset?!
The Boy: Well.. I mean...
Enock out stretched his Arms and The boy back away from him
The Boy: Weirdo...
Enock: *sniffles* sorry...
The Boy oozed away from Enock, leaving him crying by all by himself and alone
Caine: Heya Sport! I found a Rock that kinda looked your Mother and-
Caine Noticed His Son was Crying
Caine: Enock what's wrong son?
Enock: *sniffles* I accidentally shoot the slimy guy and He's mad at me now
Caine: You shot him?!
Enock: Yeah... With a Bow
Caine: Well You go around bull's eyeing your friends Ennie!
Enock: I know! But he asked me To!
Caine: He asked you... To shoot him with a arrow..
Enock: Yeah! A-and earlier I saw him Eta Bomb!
Caine: He ate.. A Bomb..
Bubble: A Delicious Gourmet Meal!!
Caine: As he been Hurting himself for a while now?
Enock: yeah 'vrebody tells him to stop but he doesn't lishen! I kinda... scared for him...
Caine: hmmm... I need to Go talk to You're Uncle about this, Here play with Your giraffe! Love you kid!
Caine poofed away and Summoned a yellow Balloon Giraffe splotched in colorful spots and Two Big googly eyes That could Stare into your soul lovingly, The Giraffe-puppy Barked happily and Licked Enock's Tears away
Enock: Nanner!!
Enock squeezed Bananer gently
The Next morning The Boy slowly opened His to Be Jump scared by Caine appearing at of nowhere and screaming at him causing the boy to scream back
The Boy: AHH-
Caine: AHH-
The Boy: AHH-
Caine: AHH-
Thats a good Question!
Caine: Ive been Told that You have been expressing yourself In harmful ways, And its making everyone very... Disturbed...
The Boy: Yeah, But, I Can't get hurt so what?
Caine: Well I'd hate to interfere with Your Self expression, But maybe You Could find another way to make yourself entertain-
The Boy sprung away but Caine stretched out his arm and pulled him back to Him, Holding him like a Hissy Kitten
The Boy: LET ME GO YOU @#$%!!
Caine: Now, Now son theres No reason to Get explicit, I've Come to Bring You Good news!
The Boy stopped thrashing and looked at him
The Boy: Really? What?
The Caine: Your gonna go to School with your new Friends, The P.A.Ls!!
Part 3
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qwertycake · 10 months
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deets + log entries below the cut
Commonly detected near Lumiknolls during the darkest hours of the night, the Phospho Wraith is a far cry from the many aggressive alien creatures prowling beneath the stars. The Phospho Wraith is a large gelatinous entity that appears to construct its form around a Glow Pellet core. The substance used for its mass has been identified as Glow Sap - namely because Dingo seems to have an insatiable urge to hunt and eat it. Louie and the Koppaites have also been looking at it kind of funny…
The Phospho Wraith has been found to have many ever-shifting gaps in its form, theorised as being used for light refraction. During the daylight hours, the creature takes root in an inactive Lumiknoll - or Tricknoll, should local Lumiknolls be destroyed - and absorbs the sunlight while in a docile state. The energy absorbed supposedly creates the glowing effect for which this creature and its associated substances and fauna were named. The holes, in turn, allow for natural light to easily pass through its body.
Unlike other documented Wraiths, it appears to be entirely passive, spending its waking hours harvesting Glow Pellets from its form and dispatching them to the Lumiknolls of the area. How exactly it forms these pellets using its body alone is currently debated. However, the fact that the pellets are formed with Glow Sap supposedly being involved in their chemical composition has only made Dingo enthusiastic about eating the star-like substance, which is not useful for anybody. The Glow Pikmin often have to pry it from his hands, should there be no bomb rocks dispatched nearby.
Olimar’s entry:
“Despite the large form this creature usually constructs for itself, the Phospho Wraith is actually rather docile. Scientists have identified its passivity to be connected to its lack of predators.
Much like other Wraiths, the Phosmo Wraith has a very durable form that it can disassemble and reconstruct at will. Any creature that does attempt to attack the Wraith will be met with a mouth full of liquid Glow Sap, the flavour of which is usually enough to discourage further hunting. It seems to use this reverence as a means to dispatch Glow Pellets undisturbed. How it procures these pellets is still undetermined, although it seems to use a minimum of one as a core at all times. Were this not a deeply scientific and professional journal, I’d wager to guess that the core was some sort of vessel being manipulated by an outside force.
The glow emitted from the Phosmo Wraith has been found to have a calming, almost hypnotic effect. The light tends to startle nearby creatures into submission. It also appears to act as a beacon for Glow Pikmin, who flock to the Wraith for protection, provisions, and peace of mind. Maybe the transfixing quality of the glow explains why Louie won’t stop staring at it…
Louie’s entry:
“Impossibly bitter in terms of flavour, unpleasantly slippery in terms of texture, but novel. When paired with meat, it causes the muscle tissue to twitch and squirm. Makes me feel like I’m hunting my food for a second time.
Induces insomnia, brain fog, and euphoria.”
Dalmo’s entry:
“This gelatinous guy is soft to the touch, but barely stable. Take care when petting! It often loses its shape and collapses into a huggable heap of alien slime. Luckily, it can rebuild itself back up again, no matter how badly it falls apart. Maybe the Rescue Corps took a leaf out of its book.
It’s also fond of giving gifts. I’ve got a dozen Glow Pellets burning a hole in my spacesuit… but I can’t throw them away! It looks so sad when I don’t accept its gifts…”
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