#Generators Buffalo NY
flyers-deactivated · 1 year
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fotographee · 2 years
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west seneca, ny
december 25, 2022 // 12:48 AM
click for higher resolution Owo
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thingsmk1120sayz · 2 years
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General Mills plant Buffalo New York 1930s
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focsle · 1 year
have you written anything about tattoos? is that relevant? don't know how your niche lines up with generic "sailor" tradition, but wikipedia simply says on knuckle tats that deckhands may get "HOLD / FAST" as a charm to support their grip on rigging, and i thought that was kind of cute.
I haven't written anything myself, mostly cos if you throw a stick out in the internet you'll find any number of articles about the symbolism of sailor tattoos, like hold fast and pigs and roosters and swallows and all that!
In my narrow window (the middle decades of the 19th century), I don't see tattoos mentioned all too often, compared to late 19th and throughout the 20th century where they became more common. For instance, this register of seaman's protection certificates (which are admittedly limited in the scope of things, since they're only from a few specific ports) from 1796-1871 rarely list tattoos as distinguishing marks, beyond the odd mention of being marked with an inked anchor, eagle, or letters here or there. Here's a neat jstor article (if you have any more of your 100 free monthly articles to read with a google account) that goes into late 18th-early 19th c tattoos that has some tables and visuals. The research was also done using seaman's protection certificates, with the following stat:
"The SPC-A records start in 1796 and include tattooed men born as early as 1746. There were 979 tattooed men out of a total of 9,772 men whose records survive from 1796 through 1818.26 These men were marked with a total of about 2,354 separate designs."
So, not a large number, but also 10% isn't insignificant. The protection certificates while a reliable source, also only describe the man in one specific moment. I'm sure a few of those men who just have their moles and scars and crooked fingers listed eventually picked up a tattoo or two in their time. Most journal keepers perhaps didn't think it important to mention who had tattoos or what of, though the typical motifs of anchors, nautical stars, girls, religious & patriotic imagery, etc. were certainly a part of the visual language at this point. Whaler William Abbe who sailed in the 1850s, devoted considerable attention to describing the physical appearance of some of his shipmates. In one instance, he wrote about the tattoos of one 'Johnny Come Lately' or 'Jack Marlinspike' (Real name, John Hewes of Buffalo NY)
'from beneath this cap his face looms out - while beneath supporting his comical head is a bare neck and breast — hairy + brown —the upper timbers to a stout hull of a boat that boast a pair of arms all covered with India ink tattooings — the figure of American Liberty — Christ on the cross — an American Tar holding a star spangled banner in one hand + a coil of rope in the other — a fancy girl — + anchors, rings, crosses, knots, stars all over his wrists + hands — the memorials of different ports he has visited — for Jack has been in all kinds of vessels from a man of war to a blubber hunter — + has consequently been to many ports.'
From the logbook of another whaler who sailed in the early 1840s, James Moore Ritchie, he had a page of his drawings with prices included. This potentially may have been a tattoo flash sheet for his shipmates:
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American whalers also noted the tattoos of indigenous people who had signed on to whaling vessels, particularly in the South Pacific. William B. Whitecar, whaling in the 1850s wrote: "Several New Zealanders in the respective crews of these vessels attracted my attention from the tattooing on their bodies" making mention of "figures on their face and breast".
I'm too sleepy to have a conclusion lol. Tattoos! They existed! Though perhaps not as ubiquitously as the pop culture sailor designs would imply, at least prior to the late 19th c.
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stawpny · 4 months
hcs?? anyone?
-will put on loads of sunscreen on his face and yet still get burnt. His face will literally be white with sunscreen and yet he’ll be red at the end of the day. has to buy a new sunscreen bottle every 3-5 days.
-knows how to ride a horse, as they had to travel on them in the 16-18 hundreds. might (will) steal the southerners horses.
- Massachusetts and New York in the dynamic of : “You know I’m not your father, right?” “I know. But do you?” (my age hcs don’t make any sense)
-had his license revoked because of road rage and ramming it into someone on purpose. Usually either forces someone to drive him or just teleports. (option 3: steal a golf cart, they aren’t real cars, or so he says.)
-will get into a very competitive match of baseball against Mass, usually (always) leading to a huge brawl between them.
MA: “I taught you how to catch! You can only play because of me!”
NY: “Sure, but somehow I still play better than you, old man!”
-builds legos. mostly from the botanical collection though (will build some with CA if they are matching)
-pushing NY/LA/FL/TX/CA (pls I need to see more fics of this I beg of you *nf*)
-War HC’s for the OG13
New York: Army
New Jersey: Coast Guard
Massachusetts - Army- General/ Main Commander
Virginia: Army- General
North Carolina: Air Force
South Carolina: Marines
Rhode Island: Navy
Connecticut: Navy
Georgia : Air Force
Delaware - Coast Guard
Maryland: Marines
New Hampshire: Air Force
Pennsylvania: Army - General
(please forgive me for my lack of knowledge on the military 😭 I js see them doing these things, no actual reason behind it but that really)
-I hc NY to have 6 sometimes 7 children: Albany, Long Island, NYC, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Niagara is split custody, but NY has her most of the time. (these aren’t in age order btw) also forgive me for my lack of knowledge on NY cities, I js took the main ones. (+ LI)
NY - Vermont
js like:
MA - Maine
they js don’t like each other like ME and MA do
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goddess47 · 6 months
Eclipse from Buffalo, NY. We generally have clear skies 30% of the time on this date, so not expecting much. But thought I'd capture some pictures before, during, and after. This is 12:15 pm Eastern Daylight Time...
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The grid is the screen I'm taking pictures through..
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knifesxedge · 1 year
1. the opening acts were GREAT like i need to listen to Royal and the Serpent and more Bring Me the Horizon the openers were REALLY REALLY GOOD
and YOU KNOW WHAT. they were PLAYING cupid’s chokehold over the sound system between bring me the horizon’s set and fall out boy coming on and i ACTUALLY THOUGHT TO MYSELF “haha what if this is their way of teasing the fact that travie is going to perform with them tonight” as a JOKE. and then i was RIGHT.
4. patrick made the dog puppet sing along to this ain’t a scene which was CUTE AND FUNNY and pete stuck his head inside the puppet again
5. magic 8 ball was a DOUBLE tonight AGAIN and it was the live debut of i am my own muse and then 27 AGAIN. BRUTAL. when pete said “should we play something really really new that we’ve never played for anyone before?” everyone started screaming
7. SPEAKING OF WHICH. pete did this little “magic trick” where he disappeared behind a curtain he held up on stage and then reappeared at the BACK of the stadium towards the seats where we all were! it was fun and also pretty cool!! he stayed there for a whole song too :)
8. pete had like three wardrobe changes and by that i mean he had 3-4 tops which were a giant snuggie-style oversized hoodie, which he took off at some point to reveal a t-shirt underneath? and then when he was up at the back of the stadium he was in a normal-sized hoodie and THEN at the end of the show he was wearing the iconic mesh-and-roses top. fashionista
9. the PYROTECHNICS. i’ve never been to a show with pyrotechnics but the way they were integrated at this show were SO COOL. FLAME JETS AND FIREWORKS. and of course pete’s flamethrower bass. i yelled a lot during this show and a lot of the yelling was about the flamethrower bass
10. the location was really interesting!! the weather was FANTASTIC and besides that it was a really cool little (“little”) tennis stadium that was in the suburbs of queens NY like LITERALLY tucked in between a bunch of rows of houses :> there were people playing tennis at the tennis club right next door that we could see from our seats! it just REALLY fit the vibe fob seem to have been going for the whole tour + pete talked about how his mom was from queens and his grandmother had graduated from the high school in the neighborhood (forest hills) the stadium was in 🤗 ALSO there was this on one of the pillars which i think illustrates how very fitting to the whole vibe of the album/tour/fall out boy in general the place was:
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11. even the parts of the set that were more “standard” like the pink seashell opening the concert and love from the other side and the big classics like sugar we’re going down and thnks fr th mmrs and saturday (SATURDAY. TO END THE SHOW) were just. so incredible. i’ve never been able to see fall out boy live before so it was just such an incredible privilege especially since @movingdayy was so kind as to invite me and erie and gifted me a ticket so that i would be able to see the tour even though i thought all year that i wouldn’t be able to :’) the sets were super incredible and the band interacted with all the setpieces a lot too which made it really unique
12. i handed out a LOT of bracelets and i STILL have a crazy amount. mutuals if you want a fababoi bracelet and are willing to give me your address i will mail you one ❤️
so YEAH that’s my quick overview of the concert it was just insane, incredible, life-changing, etc etc etc etc 🧡 i probably forgot some stuff that i will inevitably kick myself for but those were like. THEE standout moments. i sang along to every song they played and my throat hurts and it’s 2 am and erie and i just swapped drivers for the rest of the way home so i MAY be missing some important things due to being overtired 👍
EDIT: FUCK I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT. ROB FROM MIDTOWN WAS APPARENTLY IN THE FLOOR SEATS AND PETE SPOTTED HIM WHEN HE WAS COMING BACK TO THE STAGE FROM THE BACK OF THE STADIUM AND WAS TALKING ABOUT HOW HE WISHED ROB COULD COME UP ON STAGE AND THEY COULD PLAY SOME MIDTOWN SONGS. and THEN patrick joked about how he “doesn’t even remember the words to their own songs” (<- paraphrasing) and pete went “not this time…maybe another :)”. jersey shows coming up I Am So Scared
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ghoulangerlee · 9 months
3, 4 and 22 if youd like to :3 i hope work goes by swiftly <3
Thank you!!! We are at the halfway point I feel. So close to the end of the day!
3. Favorite food?
Oh god I love food in general, I don't know if I actually have a favorite 😭 I could eat so many things and never get tired of them. Chicken and broccoli with fried rice is really far up there as a favorite though!
4. Favorite drink?
lmao sweet tea all day long. I am but a simple southerner at heart so I love a good sweet tea. Cold and refreshing, I'm apparently a sweet tea snob bc I have my favorite places to get it from lmao.
22. Best memory you can think of?
This one is kind of a long one, but, not really a secret, I left the state I grew up in to get away from my very abusive aunt. There were already plans in place for me to leave within the next week or so, but, I ended up leaving October 3rd, so early. Because my aunt had sent a friend to the house my sister, bro in law and I lived in (it was her house, the reason we were living there is a longer story I don't need to get into haha) but, that friend came to the house, berated me and yelled at me for not waking up at 6:30am. (Reference, I did rescue transport for my aunt on top of working at Sears. I got home that morning at like 3am or so from driving all the way to Buffalo, NY (I lived in South Carolina) and had to be to work at either 7:30 or 8am). The reason I needed to be up at 6:30am was because I needed to clean the house, take care of the puppies that we were fostering for my aunt's dog rescue and make sure the housemate we were in charge of caring for had been fed. I was tired and not thinking straight, said fuck it, told that friend I was leaving and packed my shit in a duffle bag. Cried a lot and called my manager at Sears and told him I'd be late (he came and picked me up and took me to work). I remember talking to both Kel and Kel's parents that day, got greenlit to make the move early, ordered my bus ticket to Georgia and worked my whole shift before leaving the state in an Uber to make it to the bus stop so I could begin my journey. It was a fucking long and miserable ride 😂 I couldn't talk to my sister because we were scared my aunt would find out where I was going and try to start shit. Anytime my sister messaged me to check in she cleared her message history and told my aunt that she was pissed at me for leaving her behind (she wasn't).
The whole trip I was so fucking scared. I'd never done anything like this—leaving the place I grew up, leaving my sister and brother in law behind to deal with the fallout. I'd never stood up to my aunt like this before. But the absolute relief I felt sitting at a bus stop in Marietta waiting for Kel and his dad to come pick me up like, sits so clearly in my mind to this day. It's been 5 years now since I made the decision and I've literally never looked back since.
It's not a happy memory to begin with, I was so tired and miserable. Crying in front of my bosses, the store manager, the fucking district leader at my Sears as I had to air my dirty laundry to make sure if and when my aunt came to look for me, they knew not to tell her where I was. The fear and anxiety of the bus ride. All of it. But it ended on such a positive note that I'm here all these years later to sit and think back on how I finally got out!
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jennyeliseprince · 27 days
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Name: Jenny Prince From: Buffalo, NY
Bio: Hi, my name is Jenny. I'm an artist and an art history professor from Buffalo, NY. I feel privileged to teach and create with you this semester. I highly value your generation and find you all incredibly inspiring.
My teaching style is rooted in my background in art history and studio art. To truly comprehend and appreciate art history, one must also create art.
As an educator, I've dedicated significant time to exploring the intersection of art history and shifts in social consciousness. This includes the influence of consumerism, pop culture, and technological advancements. Art history, therefore, serves as a powerful lens through which we can observe and understand the ever-changing behavior of human beings.
As a studio artist, my experiences significantly influence the assignments I create for you. My ultimate goal is for you to feel safe and encouraged to celebrate and explore your individuality. Your voice is important, and I'm excited to be part of your creative journey this semester.
On a personal note, I would like to share a little bit about myself. I love going to Pilates classes, swimming, and spending quality time with my loved ones in my free time. As a Buffalonian, I love the Bills and Sabres, and of course, I love food. You will always find me cooking and opening a bottle of wine.
A random fact about me is that I met my husband at Bonaventure. Many of my dearest and oldest friends are bonnies I met during my first year. What a special community we have here at Bonas! I can't wait for a beautiful online semester together!!!
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vyorei · 10 months
[tried to IM you but tumblr won't let me, oTL]
hey quinn - crengarrion/atomograd here, not sure how to make it message you from my main blog admittedly oTL i just want to let you know that literally minutes local to me, today, a car crashed and. basically literally incinerated itself upon impact at the US-canada border crossing, the rainbow bridge. the whole incident is highly suspect and, already, news outlets reported it as a terrorist attack then revoked that statement, alleged eye witnesses' accounts may be suspect ot unreliable, and initial reports of both vehicle occupants having perished on impact may not be accurate. the FBI jumped on this perhaps weirdly fast even for new york state, but i haven't seen reports of canadian authorities investigating. the airports are not closed but all local US-canada border crossings are, and security is increased everywhere. generally it is believed this was a regular car accident and/or accident tragically caused by EV/autopilot fuckery, but wholly innocuous. many local (buffalo, NY and some in ontario, CA) people are under the assumption this was staged by the FBI and/or the FBI will claim this was an act of terrorism "by hamas" when it wasn't. there are no concrete details
the general vibe right now is huge fear of an even bigger spike of islamophobia. i just wanted to give you a heads-up, in case you see reports of this incident or violence/claims of terrorism stemming from it. dark world we live in. i sincerely hope you're well and that your health isn't too bad - my partner and i are both severely chronically ill and you're in our thoughts often
Jesus that's a lot, are you OK? Thank you for taking the time to inform us, that's absolutely wild, I don't even know what to think of it aside from ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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Announcement of Music Tapes’ 2009 Caroling path.
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Photo of the handwritten caroling schedule and instructions:
Begining At 12 Noon Saturday December 5th: the list of all Caroling Houses with Open Doors to kind Neighbours near and Far who wish to attend, will be Made available via Automatic Reply to All who E mail Music Tapes Caroling @ Gmail.com (one word all lower case!)-
An Official And Final Caroling Path:
December 5th - Atlanta Ga
December 6th - Nashville (early) Louisville, Ky (late)
December 7th - Indianapolis, IN (early) Champaga. Ill
December 8th - Chicago, Ill
December 9th - Kalimazoo, MI (early) Detrait and area
December 10th - Toledo, OH (early) Cleveland, OH
December 11th - Buffalo, NY (early) Genesee, NY
December 12th - Ithica, NY (early) Monterey, Ma
December 14th - Providence, RI and area Cape Cod (early)
December 15th - Riverside, CT Purchase, NY Marlboro, NY
December 16th - N.Y.C
December 17th - N.Y.C
December 18th - Manalapan, N.J. (early) Phillidelphia, Pa
December 19th - Washington D.C.
December 20th - Eagle Rock, Va Lynchburg, Va
December 21th - Chappel Hill NC. (and triangle cities)
December 22th - Athens, GA!
Thank you for all of the invitations. They were wonderful. Very wonderful. And thank you for being so patient with Caroling Ambassador, he has been very generous and kind to us, and the response has been unimaginable and overwhelming, both very, very, nice things, but more than one ambassadorial soul can handle! Thank you so much.
If you chose to document the Caroling, Please Wait ti share it untill the Caroling's winding path is complete. So these moments can belong in evenings as we all share them, before being glimpsed at through Tiny Windows in endless glowing screens. Thank you.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The way prosecutors tell it, Joseph Bongiovanni went to work for years with a “little dark secret.”
Behind the veneer of a veteran U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent, they alleged, was a turncoat on the take from the Buffalo Mafia, offering an “umbrella of protection” that derailed investigations of his childhood friends, covered for a sex-trafficking strip club and even helped a connected high school English teacher keep his marijuana-growing side hustle.
In a federal trial that began this month, prosecutors portrayed Bongiovanni as a greedy racist who pocketed more than $250,000 in cash-stuffed envelopes over a decade and threw his colleagues off by opening bogus case files and encouraging them to spend less time investigating Italians and more time on Blacks and Hispanics, “n----- and s----” he was alleged to have called them. When authorities finally unmasked him in 2019, he hastily retired and wiped his cellphone clean.
“Sometimes the DEA doesn’t get it right,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Tripi told jurors. “He was able to manipulate everyone because, in law enforcement, there’s a certain amount of trust that’s inherent. He did it under the watch of supervisors who under-supervised him.”
The 59-year-old Bongiovanni has denied the counts of bribery, conspiracy and obstruction of justice that could land him behind bars for life, charges his attorney says are built on lies “so fanciful they don’t just strain credibility, they rip it apart.”
The trial is the latest gut punch to the 4,100-agent DEA, which has seen at least 16 agents brought up on federal charges since 2015, a parade of misconduct that has revealed gaping holes in the agency’s supervision.
The crimes have included child pornography, drug trafficking, leaking intelligence to defense attorneys and selling firearms to cartel associates, an Associated Press analysis found. One carried a “Liberty or Death” flag and flashed his badge outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. Another infiltrated the DEA in Chicago and helped traffickers smuggle thousands of kilos of cocaine from Puerto Rico to New York.
At least three veteran agents are serving prison sentences of a decade or longer, including one who laundered money for cartels in Colombia and spent lavishly on expensive sports cars and Tiffany jewels, and an Arkansas-based agent recorded taking a bribe inside a Las Vegas casino.
The cases, coming amid an epidemic of more than 100,000 fatal drug overdoses a year, often present yearslong headaches for the U.S. Justice Department to determine whether any investigations were tainted when rogue agents betrayed the badge.
“We should not expect to see this much crime in one law enforcement agency,” said Rachel Moran, an associate professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis. “The common thread I see here is a lack of oversight and accountability.”
The DEA declined to comment. DEA Administrator Anne Milgram is herself the subject of an ongoing Inspector General inquiry examining whether the agency improperly hired some of her past associates.
Like other DEA scandals, the Bongiovanni case underscores recurring questions about the agency’s hiring standards and ability to root out corruption. Background checks didn’t turn up Bongiovanni’s prior drug use and ties to Italian organized crime in his native Buffalo, prosecutors said, and not a single member of law enforcement was on to him until a trafficker paying for Bongiovanni’s protection was arrested by another agency. “He’s got that little dark secret,” Tripi said.
The trial, expected to last two months, is part of a broader sex-trafficking prosecution that has taken sensational turns, including an implicated judge who killed himself after the FBI raided his home, law enforcement dragging a pond in search of an overdose victim and dead rats planted outside the home of a government witness who prosecutors allege was later killed by a fatal dose of fentanyl.
Bongiovanni was raised in a tight-knit Italian American community in North Buffalo and known as a “door kicker” in the DEA, defense attorney Parker MacKay said, “not the type to sit in front of a computer.”
In his high school yearbook, Bongiovanni said he wanted to be a billionaire. But prosecutors said he went through financial struggles during his two-decade career that made him vulnerable to taking bribes.
His protection ranged from providing an “all clear” assuring trafficker friends they were not on law enforcement’s radar to leaking intelligence and opening fictitious cases that made it appear he was investigating them or relying on them as informants, prosecutors said, a sort of catch-and-kill tactic that prevented other law enforcement agencies from pursuing their own cases. This also positioned Bongiovanni to receive notice any time another agency became interested in one of the targets, a process known as deconfliction.
Bongiovanni also is accused of vouching for criminals, filing bogus reports and swiping a sensitive DEA case file on organized crime that he stored in his basement after his abrupt retirement.
Among the rackets Bongiovanni is accused of protecting is Pharoah’s Gentlemen’s Club, a strip club outside Buffalo described by prosecutors as a haven for drug use and sex trafficking. Bongiovanni was childhood friends with the owner, Peter Gerace Jr., who authorities allege has close ties to both the Buffalo Mafia and the notoriously violent Outlaws Motorcycle Club.
Prosecutors said Gerace had the agent on speed dial for advice when he needed to cover up the overdose of a stripper. The evidence includes a voicemail in which Gerace asks Bongiovanni about tracing a drug dealer’s cellphone. “Is there a way to ping it like police do?” he said, according to court records. “I just want to know if you could do that or not.”
Gerace attorney Mark Foti said his client “denies all charges and looks forward to confronting the government’s evidence at his trial.”
The long list of witnesses in the case includes dozens of federal law enforcement officers and a public school teacher of 30 years who admitted running a marijuana-growing operation while receiving confidential information from Bongiovanni.
Prosecutor Tripi said Bongiovanni had two sets of rules, one for cronies lining his pockets and another for everyone else.
“He did just enough legitimate work to avoid detection,” he said. “He almost got away with it.”
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stawpny · 7 months
I’m feeling rather generous today /j
so I’ll give you some hc’s plus a 3,000 word fanfic that I wrote in a span of 4 hours
I get bored sometimes
especially when the wttt New York tag is dry on Ao3 and here (guys pls 🤧/ hj)
-York and California love to hold hands and do cheesy shit like watching the stars from a rooftop or watching the waves crash on a beach
-let’s say, hypothetically (🤓) CA and NY would get married and them and their children would move in together, I feel that LA and NYC would hate eachothers guts, Sacramento and Albany would be like best friends, and SF and Buffalo would be friends too.
-CA: paper star maker
-NY: paper star receiver
-NY raised Vermont and was like the Massachusetts to his Maine, if you know what I mean. He kept every little think Vermont had made for him when he was a child.
- NY: “Just because Beyoncé made a country song DOESNT MEAN I LIKE COUNTRY MUSIC!” -(quoted from me)
- (HC from @sleepdeprivedsimp234) NY and TX play fight with each other. Like York would playfully punch him in the shoulder and it would just escalate until they just laugh it off.
New York: Watch it, big guy, you don’t want to feel my wrath
Texas: Alright tiny, bring it on
Anyways, if u want to read this, please do, I spent so long on it 😭 (not forcing!)
A sick, drunk, and emotional New York.
And, it’s the Fourth of July.
How could anything possibly go wrong? 🙀
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terarosi · 8 months
I have to do something.
For years now, it's felt like my brain's been trapped inside of a box.
I distinctly remember being an intelligent kid. I wrote out my ideas, and I was constantly creating. Something about the internet fried that part of my personality. In some ways, I believe it made me too self-aware. Anxiety that may have existed in normal doses suddenly spiraled so violently out of control that it transfixed my brain to the screens to watch other people live out their lives instead of continuing my own.
Something about these recent years has me tired of staring at the wall. As I continue my journey in education, I find that curious part of my brain being beckoned out again. I'm curious about myself and about the world.
Here's a brief explanation about how I've been feeling lately:
I used to feel trapped inside of Buffalo, NY. For 8 years I resented having moved during my Sophomore year of high school. Now, only a couple months after having left I realize what a perfect pocket of life it held. I did not know how good I had it in NY.
People are building a community like I've never seen before. There is a place to be a young person in Buffalo. There are friends who care and want the best for their peers. The beautiful social justice movements that emerge out of Buffalo's academic circles create bigger communities for the general public to join. I'm far away now, but I see it every time I open Instagram and watch protests and community events being organized.
Since moving to Vegas, I've been reminded of what life has become for so many people living in this country. Vegas is dirty. Dirty in a way that has turned my soul a darker shade since I arrived. It's built this overwhelming sense of hopelessness in the way this community is impoverished. Poverty exists financially, it also exists in the community here too. There is a sense of mistrust among its people. I feel trapped in the confusing nightlife and rapid consumerism that exists in this city.
There is also poverty in how disconnected this city is from nature. I know Vegas has caused me to miss the forests I explored in NY. However, I also remember how excited I was to explore the desert. Even with how dirty this city is, It's surrounded by the most beautiful mountains. It remains a reminder to me that nature still exists out there.
I'm not sure how I want to go about learning to create again, but this page felt like one of the right places to start. It's been a long time since I've tried recording my thoughts and sharing them with other people, but I'm determined to find a sense of community and purpose again. I know that the only way to do that is to open up.
I hope you stick around to watch my page develop. Thank you for taking the time to exist in this space with me :)
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nedsseveredhead · 2 years
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Hello! My name is Ned, I’m an nb artist from Buffalo, NY! I am opening heavily discounted headshot commissions to help supplement my income so I can pay off some bills. If you’d like a cheap portrait of your DnD character, your Warrior of Light, or even your poor little meow meow from your favorite TV show, I would be happy to provide! My regular commission TOS still apply.
I also have cheaper YCH style commissions available on my KoFi page, where you can also donate if you’re feeling particularly generous! Reblogs would also help immensely as tumblr seems to remove anything with links from the search function :’D
If you’re interested in anything, shoot me a DM and I will respond as fast as possible- thank you so much for your help!
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jennyeliseprince · 8 months
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Name: Jenny Prince From: Buffalo, NY Bio: Hi, my name is Jenny. I'm an artist and an art history professor from Buffalo, NY. I feel privileged to teach and create with you this semester. I highly value your generation and find you all incredibly inspiring.
My teaching style is based on my art history and studio art background. To truly understand and appreciate art history, one must also create art.
As an educator, I have dedicated time to researching the relationship between art history and shifts in social consciousness, particularly regarding consumerism, pop culture, and technological advancements.
As a studio artist, my experiences significantly impact the assignments I create for you. Ultimately, I want you to feel safe and welcome to celebrate and explore your individuality. Your voice matters, and I look forward to supporting your creative journey this semester.
On a personal note, I would like to share a little bit about myself. I am hoping for a Bills Super Bowl victory soon! In my free time, I love going to Pilates classes and spending quality time with my loved ones, especially if it involves great conversation over pasta and a glass of wine. I love reality TV. If a Golden Bachelor is searching for love or a Salt Lake City housewife is arguing on a yacht, I am interested.
Website: Jenny Prince (jennifereliseprince.com)
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