#buffalo generational storm
fotographee · 1 year
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west seneca, ny
december 25, 2022 // 12:48 AM
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wordnerdsworld · 8 months
Are you a writer constantly in need of cool, fancy sounding words to write about? Are you a person who just wants to expand your vocabulary? Do you just want words to use to make you sound smart? Well then, enjoy this list that took me a few months and tons of books and google searches to create of really good words.
All with the official spellings and definitions from the first result, alphabetically organized :)
Updated and featuring a word for every letter of the alphabet!
Abhor- regard with disgust and hatred
Abject- (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree
Adumbrate/Adumbration- report or represent in outline
Adage- a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth
Aftak (Scottish)- An easing or lull in a storm
Alizarin- a red pigment present in madder root, used in dyeing
Amalgamation- the action, process, or result of combining or uniting
Anchorite- a religious recluse
Anhedonic- inability to feel pleasure
Apocryphal- (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true
Ardent- burning; glowing
Arduous- involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
Askance- with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval
Athirst- very eager to get something
Augur- (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action
Axiom- a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true
Baroque- relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail. In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernini in Italy
Basorexia- the overwhelming desire to kiss
Bawdy- dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent
Beguile- charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way
Benignant- kindly and benevolent
Bier- a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave
Blunderbuss- an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision
Boff- have sex with (someone)
Boudoir- a woman's bedroom or private room
Bovine- an animal of the cattle group, which also includes buffaloes and bisons
Bucolic- relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
Calamitous- involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous
Callow- (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
Celerity- swiftness of movement
Cenotaph- a monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war
Claret- a deep purplish-red color
Conglomerate- a number of different things or parts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but remain distinct entities
Consternation- feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
Coppice- an area of woodland in which the trees or shrubs are, or formerly were, periodically cut back to ground level to stimulate growth and provide firewood or timber
Crépuscule- twilight
Covetousness- the feeling of having a strong desire for the things that other people have
Dearth- a scarcity or lack of something
Debutante- an upper-class young woman making her first appearance in fashionable society
Declamation- the action or art of declaiming
Declaiming- utter or deliver words or a speech in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience
Demarcated- set the boundaries or limits of
Dichotomy- a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
Dilatory- slow to act
Diminution- a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something
Diocese- a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church
Diaphanous- (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent
Dolichocephalic- having a relatively long skull (typically with the breadth less than 80 [or 75] percent of the length)
Dogmatic- being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions
Dutch Crocus- type of flower I thought sounded pretty
Encroached- intrude on (a person's territory or a thing considered to be a right)
Eleutheromania- a mania or frantic zeal for freedom
Encumber- restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult
Epigram- a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever or amusing way
Ephemeral- lasting for a very short time
Erotomania- a delusion in which a person (typically a woman) believes that another person (typically of higher social status) is in love with them
Espionage- the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information
Expostulate- express strong disapproval or disagreement
Falchion- a broad, slightly curved sword with the cutting edge on the convex side.
Fallacy- a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument
Fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree
Floccinaucinihilipilification- the action or habit of estimating something as worthless
Foibles- a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character
Folichonne- (informal) slight, lightweight; mischievous
Forelsket (Norwegian)- The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love
Fungible- (of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable
Funambulist- a tightrope walker
Galvanic- relating to or involving electric currents produced by chemical action
Gant- a yawn
Garrulous- excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Gloaming- twilight; dusk
Hedonistic- engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent
Hiraeth- (especially in the context of Wales or Welsh culture) deep longing for something, especially one's home
Idiosyncrasies- a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual
Idyll- an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene, typically an idealized or unsustainable one
Intaglio- a design incised or engraved into a material
Incandescent- soft glow
Irrevocably- not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final
Jettisoned- throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship
Kalopsia- The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are
Keening- the action of wailing in grief for a lost loved one
Ken- one's range of knowledge or sight
Lackadaisical- lacking enthusiasm and determination
Logophile- a lover of words
Loquacity- the quality of talking a great deal; talkativeness
Magnanimous- generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person
Magniloquent- using high-flown or bombastic language
Meandering- following a winding course
Meliorism- the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
Mellifluous- (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
Metonym- a word, name, or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated
Midnightly- Taking place at midnight
Modicum- a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable
Nihilistic- rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless
Obsequies- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Obstreperous- noisy and difficult to control
Occultation- An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden from the observer by another object that passes between them
Ochre- an earthy pigment containing ferric oxide, typically with clay, varying from light yellow to brown or red
Panoply- a complete or impressive collection of things
Pastiche- an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period
Petrichor- a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
Pious- having or showing a deep respect for God and religion
Pithy- (of a language or style) concise and forcefully expressive
Portending- be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen
Portmanteau- a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel (from ‘motor’ and ‘hotel’) or brunch (from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’)
Propinquity- the state of being close to someone or something; proximity or close kinship
Propitious- giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable
Pulchritudinous- beautiful (yes, that’s the full definition)
Pusillanimous- showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Qawwalis- a style of Sufi devotional music marked by rhythmic improvisatory repetition of a short phrase, intended to rouse participants to a state of mystical ecstasy
Rapport- a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well
Recalcitrant- having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
Repertoire- a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses
Resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Reverberated- (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo or (of a place) appear to vibrate or be disturbed
Reverie- a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
Requisite- made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations
Ricocheted- rebound one or more times off a surface
Rivulet- a very small stream
Rhododendron- a shrub or small tree of the heath family, with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and typically with large evergreen leaves, widely grown as an ornamental
Ruched- (of cloth, clothes, etc.) sewn so that they hang in folds
Sablions- French plural word for sand (I’m 90% sure)
Salacious- having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters
Salubrious- health-giving; healthy or a place that is pleasant; not run-down
Sarsen- a silicified sandstone boulder of a kind which occurs on the chalk downs of southern England. Such stones were used in constructing Stonehenge and other prehistoric monuments
Scagliola- imitation marble or other stone, made of plaster mixed with glue and dyes which is then painted or polished
Sceptred- invested with a scepter or sovereign authority
Scintillating- brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful
Sepia- a reddish-brown color associated particularly with monochrome photographs of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Sepulchral- gloomy; dismal
Sonder- The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it
Soporific- tending to induce drowsiness or sleep
Sumptuous- splendid and expensive-looking
Sycophant- a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
Synecdoche- a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning “Cleveland's baseball team”)
Taciturn- (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
Tangentially- in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally
Tantamount- equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as
Tenacious- tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
Trepidation- a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
Truculent- eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
Ubiquitous- present, appearing, or found everywhere
Unequivocally- leaving no doubt
Valise- a small traveling bag or suitcase
Vaunted- praised or boasted about, especially in an excessive way
Venorexia- the feeling of romance that comes with the arrival of springtime
Verdant- (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation
Wanton- (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
Whelm- engulf, submerge, or bury
Xerically- of, pertaining to, or adapted to a dry environment
Yillen (Scottish)- shower of rain
Yoked- attack, especially by strangling
Yūgen- the beauty that we can feel sense into an object, even though the beauty doesn't exist in the literal sense of the word and cannot be seen directly
Zenith- the time at which something is most powerful or successful
I hope you enjoyed my little panoply of words!
Ily all, and ty for really amplifying the last post I made like this! I hope it helps someone out there and if there are any mistakes or inaccuracies PLEASE lmk!
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fereise · 1 year
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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So I was talking to my bf the other night and made this rec eps list for fun. The idea pretty much was like to challenge myself to see if I had to recc someone who was hesitant to watch the entire show due to length and wanted to get a general gist, which eps would I recc for them to get a good feel, esp if they've maybe onIy had prior experience fics/art or want to delve on that but wanted to have an idea of canon first. I llimited myself to 15 eps with 5 extra "reccomended ", my focus being character dev eps and plot stuff like the lead up to reign storm, valerie's plotline, danielle, etc.
To be honest it was kinda hard at points lol, esp since DP is episodic moreso than plot heavy so it's not really like making a list for like a long running battle shonen or something, but hey this was fun to do fndnd.
Also again this is not a "you must follow this or else" type thing, I only did this for fun, I'll even link the tiermaker I used in case someone has their own version and opinions they wanna post as well which I'd honestly love to see.
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To explain my reasonings
Req. Tier
Mystery Meat - First ep of the show, get introduced to main cast, set up yada yada
Parental Bonding - Introductuon to Paulina, first ep we get an idea for Sam and Danny's relationship.
What You Want - Tucker only really has two episodes during the show, so at the very least the first one focusing on him would be good to have to delve a bit into him.
Bitter Reunions - First Vlad ep, esp since he's Danny's arch-nemesis would be weird not to get introduced for later on.
My Brother's Keeper - Jazz finding out about Danny's secret, plus I really feel this is a great episode showing their dynanic and getting to learn more of how Jazz is.
Shades of Grey - best character Valerie gets introduced here, so felt it was pretty important to include esp for later on.
Public Enemies - This is the first episode where the status quo is changed and now Amity Park is just generally aware of Danny. Thinking he's an enemy yeah, buttttt still aware of Inviso-Bill i nearly typed in buffalo bill
Maternal Instincts - Danny and Maddie getting screentime together, Vlad's second appearance, and the start of Maddie straight up hating his ass lol.
Memory Blank - Mainly chose this one since it's where we learn how Danny first had the accident, so hey backstory stuff.
Reign Storm - The whole plotline with Vlad and Pariah Dark's ring and crown, more Valerie development, it's a fun episode imo. Too bad this didn't get followed in S3 but-
The Ultimate Enemy - Do I really gotta explain lol, Dan and Clockwork, Danny finding out Jazz knows his secret, etc etc like it's pretty much the episode every reccomends.
Flirting With Disaster - Big development for Valerie showing how she's developed imo, continues the Danny and Valerie stuff from Reign Storm, also again I'm biased towards Valerie lol
Reality Trip - Look I'll just be blunt I fucking love this episode, like it's genuinely my favorite of the three specials. It's a fun adventure, I love the Danny being revealed plot line, it's an exciting watch, could not leave it out.
Kindred Spirits - Danielle introduction plus more Vlad development as well, plus depending on your watch order I think this is counted as the S2 finale?
D-Stabilized - More on Danielle and Valerie's plotlines, and for a general bias honestly find it to be a pretty good episode and if any I'd say are "required" from S3 it would def be this one.
Recc. Tier
These were the most difficult cause there's still a bunch of episodes I'd rec.
Life Lessons - First ep where we see Danny and Valerie learn about each other outside of a negative context, plus pretty funny episode.
King Tuck - Again, Tucker barely gets any episodes so I do think his should be watched. Similar reasons to what I put for "What You Want".
Secret Weapons - First ep post-TUE where we see how Jazz and Danny are now that they're both aware she knows his secret. Get more development between them and more Vlad screentime too.
Eye for an Eye - This was such a hard one to choose between D-Stabilized and it, but I felt the former was more important in the end. Sets up the Vlad becoming mayor plotline that gies throughout S3 and also it's just funny like Vlad really rigged an election over a prank war with a 14 yr old.
Urban Jungle - I'm personally not the biggest fan of this episode, plus it's not really a special despite being advertised as such, but it does introduce the ice powers Danny gets that stays with him till the end so I felt it would be a good one to have listed as well.
Fun fact I actually had an earlier ver that incl. Million Dollar Ghost over Public Enemies, but when I thought about it I felt the latter had more bigger impact than the former simply setting up a plot line that Reign Storm goes more into anyway. Plus I really wanted to include Control Freaks cause it introduces Freak Show but again was limited 😭😭
Also it's very hilarious that for all the villains who's episodes I couldn't include, Desiree got BOTH her episodes in, like damn her impact 🤣
Anyways here's the Tiermaker I used in case someone wants to do their own!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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January 31st marks 70 years since the sinking of MV Princess Victoria with the loss of 134 lives.
Built in 1946 by Wm Denny & Bros, Dumbarton, The Princess Victoria was one of the earliest roll-on, roll-off ferries to go into service.
British Railways used the ferry on the crossing from Stranraer in Scotland to Larne and was the first purpose-built ferry of her kind to operate in British coastal waters. 
The short crossing from Scotland was made on a stormy morning. The sinking of Princess Victoria occurred during a severe storm that also caused the North Sea Flood of 1953, claiming 531 fatalities in the UK alone, although this was the worst single incident in that storm.
Sadly, no women or children on board nor the Captain survived with just 44 people escaping the tragic incident that occurred off the Co Down coast, which is often regarded as "a generation's Titanic".
The wreckage can still be found lying at the bottom of the Irish Sea, northeast of the Copeland Islands.
Commemorations are held annually in Larne as many of the victims were from Northern Ireland and many families from the area are said to have been affected by the incident.
There were 128 passengers and 49 crew thought to be onboard, but just 44 – all men, survived.  Perhaps most tragically, two lifeboats with survivors inside were destroyed in the storm.  One of the lifeboats which was the carrying women and children crashed against the side of the ship, resulting in all of its occupants being thrown into the icy waters with none of them surviving.  The other lifeboat was overcome by the waves and flooded resulting in it sinking.
Of the 44 survivors, some 33 were rescued by the Donaghadee Lifeboat Sir Samuel Kelly  The final resting place of the Princess Victoria, was just 5 miles North East of Copeland Island, near Donagadee itself.  The Sir Samuel Kelly now occupies a plot in the carpark behind Donaghadee harbour, but is fenced off and unfortunately in an increasing state of disrepair.  7 people were rescued by the destroyer HMS Contest, while a further 2 were rescued by the Portpatrick lifeboat Jeannie Spiers which was the last vessel to arrive.
Rescue efforts were hugely hampered by the storm and by the fact that until just a few minutes before her sinking, the Princess Victoria was radioing her position as being off the coast of Scotland.  Only once the coast of Northern Ireland was visible to those onboard were rescue vessels sent to the correct area.  As soon as it was clear that the vessel was close to Belfast Lough, 4 vessels (the cattleship  Lairdsmore, the trawler Eastcotes, the coastal oil tanker Pass of Drumochter, and the coastal cargo ship Orchy) which were sheltering from the storm in Belfast Lough rushed to the vessels aid.  Unfortunately, due to the ferocity of the weather, they were unable to get close enough to rescue survivors from the lifeboats without risking damaging the lifeboats themselves.  However, they were able to shelter the survivors from the worst of the storm.  Importantly, Eastcotes was the first vessel to accurately broadcast the position of the stricken vessel.
Despite being the biggest single loss of life in UK waters during peacetime, the Princess Victoria disaster is almost unknown outside of Scotland and Northern Ireland.  There are memorials at Stranraer, Portpatrick, Donaghadee, and Larne however.    This is an annual memorial event organised by the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes MV Princess Victoria Lodge in conjunction with Mid & East Antrim Borough Council.
You can read much more on this all but forgotten tragedy here https://www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/things-to-do/causeway-coastal-route/mv-princess-victoria
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morgue-ratt · 2 years
Can we get otis making reader worshipping his bloody boots 👀
Otis Driftwood x Reader Gender Neutral
813 words
Warnings: demeaning language, blood (obviously), captive reader, Otis just. in general. hes an asshole
THERE had been screaming earlier. You heard begging and then laughing and then… then nothing. You’d covered your ears and turned away from the window. The Fireflys were laughing and hollering, screaming in sheer delight as they ran through the woods and picked your friends off one by one. 
    You had been spared, dragged up to Otis’ bedroom and left here to wait, though as you heard the screaming you doubted your reprieve would be long. 
    You heard the family stomp through the house and storm up the stairs like a herd of buffalo; you wilted in on yourself as you heard them head down the hall. The door was flung open and at the sight of Otis Driftwood you felt genuinely ill; his face and forearms were covered in blood and almost immediately the room smelled like pennies. 
    Otis scanned the room, his strange eyes catching the low light and seeming close to orange in color. When he saw you he gave you a sinister grin and sauntering over, he’d obviously had fun. “Ya friends didn’t put up mucha a fight.” He ran his hand through your hair and the smell made your stomach churn, you whimpered and his grip tightened. “What’s the matter, Princess? I do somethin’ to offend you?” You shook your head as best as you could and Otis let out a snarl. “Speak up.” 
    You needed him to not be touching you. You needed his hands off of you more than you needed anything else, you could feel Otis whipping his palm against your scalp, using your hair to clean the excess blood off his hand just to watch you squirm. 
    “What’s the problem? Don’t like blood?” He slid his hand out of your hair and down your cheek, further coating you in blood. You shook your head and Otis laughed darkly. “Aw, you poor darlin’,” He cooed with no sympathy. “Feel bad now, trackin’ all this mess in here.” 
    “It… it’s fine,” You managed, your voice faint. 
    “Nah, I’m just bein’ rude, mean lookatchu. You’re pratically shakin’. Here, lemme clean up.” Before you could do anything in your defense, Otis had grabbed your hair again and was forcing your face into his blood soaked boot. “Well? Hurry it up now, get it clean.” 
    You couldn't breathe without flooding your senses with that horrid metallic scent and you thought you were going to puke. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--” 
    “No, I’m sorry for offending you. Just tryin’ to clean up a little.” You gagged and above you Otis laughed again, grinding your face into leather. “Now, lick ‘em til they shine er I’ll be forced to do somethin’ unpleasant.” You whimpered before finally darting your tongue out to meet his boot. All it was was metal, you couldn't distance yourself from exactly what you were doing. Blood tastes like blood and that taste was overwhelming. You gave the curve of the boot another and Otis piped up; “Ain’t gonna get em clean like that, but if ya wanna spend all night on yer knees that’s yer business.”
    He was right. He knew he was right. You dragged the flat of your tongue across the toe of his boot and he crowed; “There you are, that’s it.” You didn’t want to like his praise but it made you feel good and spurred you on as you moved towards the soul and did your best with the worn rubber. Mud and blood here.
    Otis nudged you slightly and you pulled away enough for him to reposition and allow you to start on his other boot. He cocked his head thoughtfully and mused; “You know, I killed the one you were all cozy with, RJ had em cornered but I told him, them was mine.”  You didn’t look up, but if you had you would have seen his scowl at your nonreaction. You worked your tongue over the eyelets. “I had em on the ground, they spent their last moments groveling an’ beggin’ for their worthless life like a bitch.” Otis paused and chuckled darkly, nothing was ever nice about that laugh. “But you know all ‘bout that, don’tcha?” He moved his boot, the toe resting under your chin and making you look up at him, your eyes huge with fear and brimming with unshed tears. 
    He waited. 
    You swallowed thickly; “Y-yes. I know what it's like.” 
    He gave you a disturbing grin, you’d never known anyone who loved misery more. “Exactly right.” He put his boot back flat on the floor and you hesitated; “You waiting for an invitation? Best finish soon.”
    You continued the demeaning task, the blood and filth mixing so you could no longer taste either. You still felt ill, deep in your chest. 
    “There ya go. There’s a good little thing,” Otis groaned. You flicked your eyes up to meet his. “Just like that.”
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critter-coded · 11 months
A Cheetah's Heriloom
I am not a cheetah therian, but years ago when I was still a child, I had a dream or vision of sorts where I was one. I've been thinking about it often as one of my important feline experiences, so I'm writing about it here as best as I can!
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ♡
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[From The Lion King]
Sometimes during the longest and most difficult droughts of the year, when the wildebeest collapse of exhaustion and the waterhole dries up, there is the scent of hope in the air. Dark clouds loom above in the distance, building up a promise of plenty while warranting the beasts of the land to beseech its swift arrival.
The water buffalo calves look skyward as this is the first time in their new lives that the sun has receded, but the moon and stars have not taken its place. Their home is coming.
The hyenas and lions, with faces stained by blood and dust, await the chance to wash down their mid-day meals and drive the flies far from their eyes at long last.
I can see them all on the horizon, settling down in preparations for this grandiose event, but I have larger concerns that dampen my desire of reprieve. Reeds dance around me in the wind to the rhythm of distant thunder as I sit for a short passing moment to assess my situation.
Chirrs and chirrups move through the grass on tiny paws working hard to keep up with me, complaining with their developing voices for their next meal. They've begun to eat meat already, and with their growing bodies has come a growing appetite. I have sacrificed my own meals for their survival, and still, I have only two of them left given the season's circumstances. The Savanna shows no mercy to anyone, especially not often to the mothers of its lands. Graciously, it has left me some instead of none.
Small raindrops fall onto my fur, causing equally small twitches and shivers. It's coming faster than I can run with them both by my side. Months of rain can fall in minutes, so I must move quickly as to not let mother nature take all that I have left, but with grumbling stomachs between their moments of play, I realize I must choose between our needs: food or shelter.
Scouting across the plains, there is an acacia standing a mere few miles away with no other animals hiding beneath its cover, offering an optimal spot to rest. That said, the antelope prepare for the unbearable night by standing with their backs turned upwards against the sky as the storm develops, tails tucked beneath their legs while they hold out for the end of the torrent. My scent will be hidden more than usual.
A slow blink.
A flicker of an ear.
A purr projected outward.
I stand up with fur raised from both static and worry. Rest is always cut short or broken by fear. I scoop up the smallest of my children by the scruff, beginning to move as to make use of my time instead of squandering it. Making these choices of life and death are a daily challenge.
My cubs depend on me to make every choice correctly. I know it well when I see my genes in their eyes, and their tiny pads somehow fit so well in my own prints. They will grow up to carry my legacy on and remember these moments, repeating them for generations to come with their own cubs.
I shall not let them down.
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layce2015 · 2 years
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader)
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A New Life
Masterlist / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Seven Years Later
The cool breeze blew through the Heartlands area, the beautiful green grass swaying back and forth with the direction of the wind. Deers and Buffalos roaming the area as a wagon rides along the dirt road. In the back of the wagon were three kids, two girls and one boy, sitting there with a golden Labrador laying down next to them. The oldest child, Annebeth, was reading a book while her two younger siblings, five year old Eleanor and seven year old Alistair, were playing with these toys they were able to keep while the two adults, Arthur and (y/n), were in the front seats steering the wagon as the lone horse leads the way to the town of Valentine.
"I think we need to stop here and get some supplies, Arthur. We're getting kinda low on food." (Y/n) tells Arthur. "I know. We also probably need to take in some jobs." He said. "So, stay here in Valentine for a few days and then be on our way again?" (Y/n) asked him. "I reckon...so you better behave." Arthur teased her. "I feel like I should be saying that to you." (Y/n) said, smirking, and he laughs. "You're probably right." He said as they pass the train station and enter Valentine.
"God, this place brings back memories." (Y/n) said as she looks around the old familiar town. "Good? Or bad?" Arthur asked her. "Bit of both." (Y/n) said as they turn a corner and started to come down the main street of Valentine, which hadn't changed much except with a few new buildings. 
They passed by a saloon when a man stumbles out and then a second men storms out and charges at the first man. "You sonuvabitch!" The second man growled and they start to fight. The kids recoiled at this as (y/n) shakes her head then turns to Arthur. "Bet that brings back memories, doesn't it?" She asked him as she gestures to the fighting men with her head.
Arthur chuckles in response. “Sure does, darlin.” He replied. "Though, I don't miss it very much."
(Y/n) rolls her eyes at him. "Oh I'm sure you miss showing off how much of a tough guy you are." She teased and he chuckles. "What does that mean?" Alistair asked her. "Well, your father sometimes would get into fights with other people a few years back." (Y/n) said and Arthur turns to her. 
"Hey, wasn't my fault." He said, defensively. “Yeah, sometimes they were bad people.” (y/n) said as they come up at the end of the road and Arthur pulls the reigns, making the horse stop. "Okay then...I'm gonna see if there's any jobs I can take." Arthur said and (y/n) nods. "Alright...we still got a bit of money, I'll buy some groceries." She said and they start to dismount the wagon.
"Alright, my darlings, let's walk around for a bit." (Y/n) tells her children and her and Arthur go to the back of the wagon and help the kids down while the Labrador jumps down.
Arthur walks up to (y/n), leans in and gives her a loving kiss. Alistair sticks his tongue out in disgust while Eleanor giggles and Annebeth rolls her eyes but smiles at this. The couple break the kiss before Arthur mutters. "Be careful." (Y/n) nods then whispers. "Of course." Then she leads the kids and the Labrador, Dixon, towards the general store while Arthur starts to walk around town.
Eventually he walks towards the Sheriff office and remembered that they usually asked for bounty hunters so he enters inside and both Sheriff and Deputy look up at him. "Well, looky here. Maybe this is our man." The Sheriff said as he eyes Arthur. "You a bounty hunter, mister?" The young Deputy asked as he stands up from his chair. "Maybe...it depends." Arthur replied.
"Well, I'm guessing you ain't here to pass the day...turn yourself in...or discuss the finer points of country law. Then I don't need to know much more than that...til I got a reason to." The Sheriff said and Arthur smirks a bit. "Alright..." he said and the Sheriff takes in a deep breath as he stands back up.
"You smell that? This here's livestock town, mister...attracts delinquents and reprobates like flies. Now I'm not a feller to pass a quick judgment...but I've been around long enough to know...you don't hire a Saint to catch a sinner." said the Sheriff and Arthur lowers his head and smiles to himself.
"You bring me what I need...and I'll pay you well...and I won't ask questions." The Sheriff assured and Arthur looks at him, this was all Arthur needed to hear. As long as they didn't ask questions and paid him, he and his family would be safe. He didn't know if the Pinkertons were still looking for him or just thought he was dead, but he knew he still needed to keep a low profile.
"So...what is it you need?" Arthur asked the Sheriff. "Why don't you have a look at that poster...on that wall over there." the Sheriff said as he gestures to his board behind Arthur. The former outlaw turns and sees a wanted poster for a man named Benedict Allbright.
"He's a low down huckster. He's been poisoning folks with his miracle cure...from here to Annesburg. Killed more than Landon Ricketts without even pulling a trigger. Get some kind of sick satisfaction out of it." The Deputy said as Arthur takes down the poster and examines it.
The photo showed an older man with a top hat on and a three piece suit, the reward was $50.
"The feller over at the saloon says...he thought he saw him by the gorge...straight north of here." The Sheriff said then he stares, intently, at Arthur. "You think you can bring him in? The money's good. I need him alive though. I wanna make sure the women he widowed...get compensated before he swings." He said and Arthur folds up the poster and tucks it into his satchel. "I'll see what I can do." He said. "Well good luck to you." The Sheriff said and Arthur walks out of the office.
He heads over to the wagon when (y/n) and the kids come out of the store. "Did you find anything?" (Y/n) asked him as she walks up to Arthur. "Yeah, got a bounty hunting job." Arthur replied and (y/n) furrows her brow in worry and confusion. "Arthur, you sure about that?" She asked. "He said he won't ask questions and he pays well. So we should be safe for awhile." He said and (y/n) thinks for a moment at this then gives a small nod. 
"Well, if you're sure about it." She said and he nods. "So...I'm guessing you're gonna need the horse." (Y/n) said as she nods towards the horse that was hitched to their wagon. "Yeah...I think you and the kids should stay there at the hotel and I'll be back as soon as I can." He said and (y/n) nods.
They get the wagon parked next to the hotel then Arthur gets the wagon off of the horse then heads off to find the bounty while (y/n) heads into the hotel, with the kids and Dixon.
Arthur makes it to the gorge and starts to look around for Benedict. He makes it up to a cliff when he found a horse and a man sitting by a campfire. "What we got here?" He mutters as he gets closer. 
"Are you Benedict Allbright?" Arthur asked the man, who was startled as he stands up. "No, sir..." the man replied and Arthur eyes him before he hums a bit. "You kinda look like him...and I was told he'd be up here." Arthur said. "No...not me, sir." The man said but he did seemed frighten and nervous. Then again, Arthur was a big guy and he could intimidate any man just by walking into a room.
"It's because...I wanna buy some medicine..." Arthur lied as he walks up to the man. "And...I heard...I heard good things. I'll pay...in gold...i-if you can help me find him." Arthur said, doing his best to sound desperate. The man seemed to relax a bit at the mention of gold but he still kept his guard up as he eyes Arthur.
"It's just...my daughter's real sick." Arthur said and the man, Benedict, fully relaxes and smiles. "Oh, well if that's the case...if it's for a sick little girl...I'd be happy to help." Benedict said and he saunters over to his bag while Arthur smiles. "I'm a healer you know...a medical man. Finest medicine in the state." Benedict said as he pulls out the bottle of medicine, walks over to Arthur and hands him the bottle.
Arthur chuckles then tosses the bottle aside, down towards the river below them. Benedict looks towards the thrown bottle, confused, and turns back only to see Arthur aiming his gun at him. "Game's over, mister. Put your hands up...I'm taking you in." Arthur said as he walks over to Benedict's bag, still keeping his gun trained on him, and looks it over.
"Taking me in? What for?" Benedict asked, confused. "Apparently that stuff you're pushing is killing folk...and there's a price on your head. I don't know, it ain't my business." Arthur said as he walks back towards Benedict. "Come on, partner, that's crap. I'm a healer." Benedict said as he takes a step towards Arthur but Arthur holds his gun up and the medical man steps back.
"I've got an aura...I speak to spirits...I'm a scientist. Folks get real angry for no good reason...this...this is a mistake." Benedict said as he lowers his hands a bit and looks down to see he is close to the edge of the cliff.
"Keep your hands up, buddy...they only want you for questioning..." Arthur said as he reaches out and grabs Benedict's gun, disarming him, and tossed the gun aside. "I have to insist this is a mistake." Benedict said. "Don't be a fool." Arthur said as he takes a step forward, which made Benedict take a step back and he starts to fall.
Quickly, Arthur grabs the back collar of Benedict's shirt collar and pulls him back up. Benedict laughs once he was back on solid ground and turns to Arthur. "You saved me..." Benedict said, laughing. "Come on, buddy, let's make this easy." Arthur said as he goes to grab Benedict but the medicine man backs away.
"You're taking me in?" He asked, again, sounding shocked. "It's just for questioning." Arthur said as he goes towards him but Benedict goes around him. "You saved my life." He said to Arthur as if that makes a difference. "Ain't we had enough drama?" Arthur said as he walks towards him again but Benedict goes towards the ledge.
"I-I'd be better off jumping." He said and he runs to the ledge but stops when Arthur yells at him. He turns and Arthur holds a hand out to him. "They expressly told me not to kill you." Arthur said. "This is about you?" Benedict asked and Arthur sighs, annoyed, as he looks down then looks back at Benedict. "Don't jump..." he said. "O-Or what? You can't shoot me." Benedict said as Arthur starts to run towards him but he makes a slight move and Arthur stops. 
Arthur sighs and holsters his gun and holds his hands up. "Please." Arthur said. "I'll take my chances." Benedict said and he turns towards the cliff. "Come here!" Arthur growls but Benedict jumps. "Bye, friend!" He yells as he plummets down to the river below and Arthur stops himself from falling in.
Below he could see that Benedict was still alive as he was flailing in the water. "I really do not like you." Arthur growled and he runs towards his horse, mounts it and takes off down the hill and follows the river to get close to Benedict, who was screaming out for help.
Eventually, Arthur was able to throw a lasso at Benedict and pulls him to shore. Once he got to shore, Arthur begins to hogtie him. "Who made you God, friend? Who made you the judge?" Benedict asked before Arthur punches him across the face, letting out some frustration. Arthur then picks him up and places him on his horse. He mounts up his horse and takes off back to Valentine.
"Sir, this isn't necessary. I'm a medical man, a healer!" Benedict shouts as Arthur pulls up to the Sheriff's office. "It's all just a big mistake. I don't feel very well." Benedict shouts again as Arthur removes him off of his horse and starts to carry him. "I told you to shut up." Arthur growls as he enters the office, only to see the Sheriff and a woman sitting inside.
The Sheriff jumps once he sees Arthur coming in, carrying Benedict. "Oh, my Lord...I wasn't expecting you back so soon." The Sheriff said to Arthur then he turns to the woman. "Uh, Mrs. Calthrope was, uh...was just leaving." The Sheriff said, sounding nervous like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
"Sure...where you want him?" Arthur asked him, gestures to Benedict. "Cell in the back." He said and Arthur heads to the cells then drops Benedict down on the ground. "There's been some terrible mistake. I never did it...any of it." Benedict exclaims. "I thought I told you to shut up, partner." Arthur said as he cuts the binds around Benedict's legs then pulls him up.
Benedict was about to protest but Arthur talks over him. "But nothing! Shut up and err....good luck!" Arthur said as he shoves him into the cell and closes the door. "It's been real fun." Arthur said and he walks away. "You ain't much of a man. If you ask folks for forgiveness you remember this, partner." Benedict shouts but Arthur ignores him and goes to the Sheriff.
"Now, Sheriff...how much was you offering?" Arthur asked him. "Fifty dollars....here." the Sheriff said as he pulls out the bills from his pocket and hands it to Arthur. "Thank you." He said then he turns to Mrs Calthrope. "Madam." He said and he walks out of office.
After talking to the hotel clerk on which room his family's in, Arthur made his way upstairs and to the room they were staying in. He opens the door and gives a genuine soft smile once he sees his family. Annebeth was sitting in a chair, reading a book, Alistair was playing with Dixon and Eleanor was drawing. (Y/n) was sitting on the bed and sewing up a patch on Alistair's jacket when she looks up and sees Arthur.
The kids also look up and see Arthur and they smile at his return. "Daddy!" Alistair and Eleanor exclaimed as they run towards him. Arthur kneels down and holds his arms out as the two kids go and embrace him. He hugs them back as (y/n) smiles at this.
"Welcome back. How did the job go?" She asked Arthur as he pulls out of the kids embrace and stands up. "Well, he did give me a few problems but...I got him. Made fifty dollars." Arthur said as he holds up the cash to her. "Good..." she said as he hands her the cash. She accepts it then goes to one of the bags and pulls out a lockbox then places the cash inside of it.
Later that day, (y/n) had put the kids to bed in the second room, she had rented for them, and kissed them goodnight. She pats the top of Dixon's head and he lays down near the bed, almost like protecting the kids, while (y/n) heads out of the room and towards the room her and Arthur shared.
She looks over to see Arthur counting out the money in the lockbox, sitting on the bed. "So, how are we doing?" She asked him as she goes to sit next to him. "Well...I'd say...if we keep working...in a few months we should be able to get a home..." Arthur said and (y/n) chuckles a bit at this.
"So, in other words, we need more money..." she said and Arthur scoffs a bit at this then slightly shakes his head. "Yeah..." he mutters and (y/n) sighs. "I just wish that whole gold business up north went better." She said and Arthur nods. "Yeah...I guess we came in too late to get the gold." said Arthur as he shuts the lockbox, stands up and puts it away.
"Seems to be our luck..." she remarks and Arthur chuckles. "As long as we keep our heads low, we should be good." He said as he sits back down on the bed. 
"Can you just picture it, Arthur? Our own home...no more running...no more hiding...we could add a barn and raise chickens, cows and horses...the house would be big enough to hold five of us..." she said, dreamily. "Or more..." he said and she turns to him, shocked and disbelieving. "Arthur Morgan, are you suggesting more kids?" She asked him, almost laughing. Arthur shrugs. "Why not?" He said.
(Y/n) giggles as she eyes him a bit. "You're wanting to build your own gang, don'tcha?" She asked, jokingly, and he turns to her before he scoots closer to her. "Maybe..." he said, smiling, then he caresses her cheek with his right hand as the two look into each other's eyes, lovingly.
Arthur leans and kisses her, she returns the same. It starts out sweet and loving but then it turns a bit heated as they deepen the kiss. (Y/n), slowly, wraps her arms around his neck as he places his hands on her waist. They break the kiss to catch their breathes before Arthur pushes (y/n) down on the bed then gets on top of her.
They continue to kiss, passionately, for a few moments then Arthur starts to kiss (y/n)'s jawline then down her neck. "Arthur..." (y/n) whispered, in a soft desperate voice, and she could feel his smirk as he continues to attack her neck.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and the couple stops and looks towards it. "Mommy...Daddy?" Eleanor's voice squeaked out from the other side. She sounded scared. The couple, quickly, sit up and Arthur goes to the door and opens it, revealing Eleanor.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Arthur asked her as the little girl rubs her eyes. "I-I had a b-bad dream...and I-I got s-scared...can I sleep here with you?" Eleanor asked, in a frighten tone. Arthur and (y/n) share a quick look before (y/n) turns to her young daughter. 
"Of course, honey. C'mere." She said and the little girl runs to her mother's open arms. Arthur smiles at this as he shuts the door and (y/n) hugs their daughter, comforting. They get ready for bed and Eleanor sleeps in the space between the two and they share one more kiss before they say goodnight and fall asleep.
@starjane312 @trinswhimsys @reiya-djarin
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Blizzard Conditions in the U.S. Northeast A powerful Arctic cold front battered the Midwest and eastern U.S. in late-December 2022. The storm brought blizzard conditions to some areas, life-threatening cold to others, and daunting amounts of lake-effect snow. As winds howled and snow piled up from what some forecasters called a “once-in-a-generation” storm, so did the traffic accidents, power outages, and transportation woes. These images show the snow- and cloud-covered northeastern states as observed on December 25, 2022, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. Cloud streets over Lake Michigan hint at the powerful winds that accompanied the deadly storm. Gusts surged as high as 79 miles (127 kilometers) per hour in Lackawanna, New York. In several other states, winds topped 50 miles per hour, according to data from the National Weather Service. The bands of clouds streaming off the lakes, which form when cold air passes over open water, can produce lake-effect snow. While snowfall totals generally stayed below 5 inches (13 centimeters) in most areas touched by the storm, lake-effect snow caused totals to surge above 50 inches in communities east of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie in upstate New York—including Buffalo. In these areas, early winter storms are known for producing huge amounts of snow because the lakes often have not frozen over yet. The first image is natural color, while the second uses a combination of visible and shortwave infrared light (bands 7-2-1) to distinguish clouds (white) from snow and ice (blue). The ripple pattern in the clouds was likely caused by the presence of wave clouds. Wave clouds typically form when air gets forced upward by hills and mountains, in this case, the Appalachians. When gravity causes the air to fall back down, it begins to oscillate, creating the waves. Clouds generally form on the cool crests of waves when there is enough moisture in the air. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Adam Voiland.
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thebuckblogimo · 1 year
Why would anyone need an AR-15? To take down a herd of buffalo?
April 30, 2023
I generally try to steer clear of writing about political issues. However, when it comes to my repugnance toward assault-style rifles, as Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys once crooned, "Well, it's been building up inside of me for, oh, I don't know how long."
It was 11 years ago that my wife and I moved to Grand Haven when, for the first time, I noticed a guy at the local Powerhouse wearing a black t-shirt with a graphic of an AR-15 on the front and the words "COME AND TAKE IT."
I thought to myself...really?
I already knew I didn't like the guy. I'd seen him several times before, yacking with friends around the exercise machines. He was a big mouth who did lots of talking and very little exercising.
I was in the locker room one evening, packing my bag to go home, when he walked in and sat down on a bench. It was just the two of us in the room. I'm not sure what possessed me, but I pointed to his shirt and said, "Is that what you really think, man?"
He began to rant: "You're damn right...I'll be prepared when they come...Gotta a shelter, amunition, rations, everything I need..."
I stood there dumbfounded. Finally, I said, "So if they--whoever they are--come with artilery, bombers, etc., you're going to stand up to them, is that right?"
"Hell yes," he said, "We'll have that stuff, too."
The guy was a nutjob.
Later that same year a troubled--to put it mildly--20-year-old with Asperger's Syndrome named Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary in Newport, Connecticut, with a Bushmaster AR-15 and two handguns. He opened fire, murdered six adults and--I use the next word advisedly--obliterated 20 first-graders between the ages of six and seven years old.
Some of those kids had not yet learned how to tie their own shoes.
Between the increase of people like the guy I confronted at the Grand Haven Powerhouse--during my recent stay in Florida I noticed burly dudes wearing COME AND TAKE IT shirts every day--and the growing propensity to "shoot first" if a stranger pulls into one's driveway or sets foot on one's porch, America's gun culture has devolved into something worse: gun idolatry.
Well count me among those who think we should banish the manufacture of all AR-15-type rifles for civilian use. Totally. Right now. They should not be made ever again for use by anyone but soldiers on the battle field.
No one should be able to own a weapon of war like the one that Lanza used to fire 150 rounds and cause the human carnage he inflicted upon those Sandy Hook kids--some of whom could be identified only by matching DNA provided by their parents.
Let that sink in for a moment.
The way I see it, there ought to be a federal program to start buying back the 20 million AR-15-type weapons that exist in this country today. After a few years of buy-back efforts there should be stiff penalties for anyone found to be in possession of one.
If it's ludicrous to think that someone would use an assault rifle to take down a herd of Buffalo, what does it say that someone took out a classroom full of children with one.
Ban the AR-15 and all military-style assault rifles.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Addendum #1 You can also count me in among those who support background checks, age restrictions, red flag laws and other sensible regulations to start chipping away at the rise in deaths by gun violence in America.
And if you're a huge supporter of the Second Ammendment, understand this: If a wave of common sense laws should ever sweep this country, no, they won't be coming to take your guns--not your deer rifles, not your shotguns, not the handgun you may feel you need for protection while making a deposit at the bank or to protect your family against criminals, wackos or extremeists storming through your front door.
Addendum #2 I was in grade school when my home room nun conducted a discussion during religion class about the Fifth Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." She said something that day that made complete sense to me as a child and that I still believe today:
No one has the right to kill another person with a gun, knife or any other weapon unless you are certain that he or she is about to kill you.
If a stranger is at your door and does something that causes you to feel as though your life may soon be threatened, you can shoot above the door. I suspect that most perpetrators would turn tail and run after that. But until the bad guy forces his or her way in and "crosses the threshold," you do not have the right to shoot to kill.
Addendum #3 If you have children and you have guns at home that are not locked in a safe, sooner or later your kids are going to find them. As a child, I knew where my Dad hid his deer rifle. I may have been ten years old when I first went up to the attic, uncovered his gun, pulled back the bolt, checked the chamber to see if it was loaded, and pulled the trigger. (I had seen my Dad do it when showing off his rifle to friends.) I did that dozens of times as a kid. And in high school, my buddy Tony knew where his dad hid the key for his gun cabinet. When his parents were away, we put his dad's shotgun and some shells in the trunk of the car, drove with friends to a wooded area, and fired away at sparrows--while knowing little more about guns than what we picked up from watching cowboy movies on TV. If your guns aren't kept in a safe with combination lock, sooner or later your kids are going to find them. And then what?
Addendum #4 Three times--once in Georgia, twice in Ohio--I have walked into a store or restaurant and noticed someone strapped with a firearm at his side. On each occassion I felt my body involuntarily shudder. And as I proceeded down the aisle or took a seat at a table, I thought about the many times that I was at a late night party, or last call at "the Phase," or at a sporting event where tempers flared and a fight broke out. What might have happened during those times, I wondered, had the laws been such that testosterone-filled pals buzzed on cheap beer could openly carry handguns? I suspect that some of them--maybe even an innocent bystander like me--would not still be standing today.
I acknowledge that some monumental problems underlie a large part of the gun violence in America today--mental health issues, poverty, illiteracy, undereducation, unemployment, crime, etc. I'll just say this: We should be spending a lot more time on trying to resolve them than we do on freaking out over men who like to pull on women's clothing or what pronouns to use in a sentence.
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Crazy Horse — 1842-1877
Crazy Horse, a principal war chief of the Lakota Sioux, was born in 1842 near the present-day city of Rapid City, SD. Called “Curly” as a child, he was the son of an Oglala medicine man and his Brule wife, the sister of Spotted Tail. By the time he was twelve, he had killed a buffalo and received his own horse. His father gave him his own name, Crazy Horse.
While living with his uncle Spotted Tail, Crazy Horse watched as a group of soldiers attacked Sioux leaders who were trying to mediate a dispute. Spotted Tail then led a group of warriors to attack the soldiers. Sometime later Crazy Horse returned from a buffalo hunt to find the village burned to the ground and eighty-six people dead. Finding a few survivors, Crazy Horse was told that U.S. cavalry had attacked the village.
While still a young man Crazy Horse went on a vision quest and had a vivid dream of a rider in a storm on horseback, with long unbraided hair, a small stone in his ear, zig zag lightning decorating his check and hail dotting his body. The storm faded and a red-backed hawk flew over the rider’s head. His father interpreted the dream as a sign of his son’s future greatness in battle. Crazy Horse adopted the costume as his war dress.
During Red Cloud’s War in 1866-1868 Crazy Horse joined in raids against white settlements and forts in Wyoming. When the Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed in 1868 and the Army agreed to abandon its posts along Bozeman Trail, Red Cloud and Spotted Tail settled on reservation lands. Crazy Horse became the war chief of the Oglalas. He was only 24 years old.
Crazy Horse learned in 1874 that General Custer had led an expedition into the sacred Black Hills and found gold at French Creek. Prospectors and speculators swarmed into Sioux land ignoring the fact that the land had been guaranteed to the Lakota by the Fort Laramie Treaty. To ensure the safety of the white travelers, the government issued an order requiring that the Sioux bands be required to stay on the Great Sioux Reservation. Crazy Horse and his followers ignored the order and the Army organized a campaign against them.
On the upper Rosebud Creek in southern Montana, General George Crook’s army of thirteen hundred attacked twelve hundred warriors led by Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse had over the years become a daring military strategist, adept in the art of decoying tactics. His feinting and assault techniques baffled Crook who withdrew. Crazy Horse now joined with Sitting Bull and Gall at the Bighorn River in Montana.
When Custer attacked on June 25, 1876 Crazy Horse led his warriors against Custer’s men from the north and west, while Gall charged Custer from the south and east. Custer’s force, including Custer himself was completely destroyed. After the battle the Sioux encampment split up with Sitting Bull heading to Canada and Crazy Horse and his followers traveling back to the Rosebud River. However, despite winning several battles, Crazy Horse band could not win the war. Intense harassment by the military and the loss of their food source, the buffalo, finally forced Crazy Horse and his followers to surrender on May 6, 1877 at Ft. Robinson in northwest Nebraska.
He was promised a reservation in the Powder River country. It did not happen. After a few months on Red Cloud’s reservation Crazy Horse left without permission to take his sick wife to her family at the Brule Agency about 40 miles away. On his way back forty government scouts arrested him. While being lead toward a stockade, Crazy Horse resisted at the sight of the prison. A soldier bayoneted him through the abdomen. He died the same night.
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weather-usa · 2 months
Climate of Arkansas
The climate of Arkansas is generally characterized by mild winters and hot summers. In Little Rock, temperatures in January typically range from around 30 °F (–1 °C) in the early mornings to about 50 °F (10 °C) during the day. Conversely, July sees daily low temperatures in the low 70s (low 20s C) and high temperatures in the low 90s F (low 30s C). However, temperatures can vary depending on factors such as elevation and latitude.
See Weather Forecast for Arkansas today: https://weatherusa.app/arkansas
Arkansas receives an average annual precipitation of nearly 50 inches (1,270 mm), which is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. October tends to be slightly drier compared to other months. The wettest regions are located in the Ouachita Mountains and the southeastern part of the state, while the Ozarks in the northwest are typically the driest area.
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Plant and animal life
The Ozark Mountains and Crowley’s Ridge are characterized by vast hardwood forests predominantly populated by oak and hickory trees, complemented by understories of dogwood and redbud. In contrast, the Ouachita Mountains feature a mix of pine and hardwood forest as the dominant vegetation. While the lowlands have undergone significant agricultural modification, traces of the original bottomland hardwood forest can still be found. Overall, approximately half of the state is covered by forests.
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-72035
Arkansas boasts a rich diversity of native bird species, numbering around 300, which call the state home throughout the year. Among these are iconic species such as bald eagles, various hawks, barn owls, blue jays, cardinals, finches, and flycatchers, to name a few. Notably, sightings of the majestic ivory-billed woodpecker, long presumed extinct, were reported in the state's east-central wooded wetlands in the early 21st century.
Situated along the Mississippi flyway, Arkansas serves as a crucial seasonal stopover for migratory birds, including ducks, geese, shorebirds, and various small land birds. The eastern part of the state, with its rice fields and reservoirs, attracts numerous game birds and animals. Among the most abundant are turkeys, quail, deer, opossums, squirrels, and rabbits. Additionally, bobcats inhabit the hill country, while feral hogs, locally known as razorbacks, are widespread. See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-72066
In the mid-20th century, efforts were made to reintroduce black bears into the Ozarks. Furthermore, the lakes and streams of Arkansas teem with a diverse array of fish species, providing ample opportunities for fishing enthusiasts. These include crappie, bass, walleye, drum, catfish, buffalo, gar, and trout, contributing to the state's vibrant ecosystem.
The Optimal Period for Visiting Arkansas
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-72067
The prime time to explore Arkansas is during the autumn season, characterized by mild temperatures and ample sunshine. Autumn emerges as the driest season, offering picturesque outdoor settings. The landscape transforms into a vibrant canvas of colors, creating ideal conditions for hiking along mountain trails. With the storm season subsiding, the air becomes invigorating, and evenings bring refreshing breezes. While the northern hilly areas tend to be cooler, the southern regions offer milder climates. Fishing and hunting activities gain popularity during this time, and the harvest season sets the stage for delightful food festivals.
Less Favorable Period to Visit Arkansas
The least ideal time to visit Arkansas is during the peak of summer, notably in July and August, when the sweltering heat becomes overwhelming. These months also witness heavy rainfall and frequent thunderstorms, accompanied by a surge in humidity, resulting in discomfort. Daytime temperatures often soar beyond 100°F (37.8°C), making outdoor activities challenging. Additionally, remnants of tropical storms from the Gulf of Mexico occasionally penetrate the state, albeit without catastrophic consequences. Waiting for the cooler, more pleasant conditions of autumn is advisable to fully enjoy the charms of Arkansas.
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-72101
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 1.28 (after 1920)
1920 – Foundation of the Spanish Legion. 1922 – Knickerbocker Storm: Washington, D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes a disaster when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses, killing over 100 people. 1932 – Japanese forces attack Shanghai. 1933 – The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence. 1935 – Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion. 1938 – The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph). 1941 – Franco-Thai War: Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day. 1945 – World War II: Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road. 1956 – Elvis Presley makes his first national television appearance. 1958 – The Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today. 1960 – The National Football League announces expansion teams for Dallas to start in the 1960 NFL season and Minneapolis-St. Paul for the 1961 NFL season. 1964 – An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19. 1965 – The current design of the Flag of Canada is chosen by an act of Parliament. 1977 – The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977, which dumps 3 metres (10 ft) of snow in one day in Upstate New York. Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected. 1980 – USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers. 1981 – Ronald Reagan lifts remaining domestic petroleum price and allocation controls in the United States, helping to end the 1979 energy crisis and begin the 1980s oil glut. 1982 – US Army General James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades. 1984 – Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region. 1985 – Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief. 1986 – Space Shuttle program: STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board. 1988 – In R v Morgentaler the Supreme Court of Canada strikes down all anti-abortion laws. 2002 – TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100, crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 94. 2006 – The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others. 2021 – A nitrogen leak at a poultry food processing facility in Gainesville, Georgia kills six and injures at least ten. 2023 – Protests begin after police beat and kill Tyre Nichols.
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corndoggod · 6 months
The Way to Glacier
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Today, we embark on the long-awaited, much worried about road trip. First stop: Valentine. Graham told us about a spot in the Anderson Wildlife Refuge and promised us complete seclusion. He was sort of right. 
We delayed a day because we weren’t ready, and because we were having too much fun. I clocked off and threw my phone in a fish bowl and we took Lucy to the dog park, then to visit my Dad, and finally to the Saltdog’s baseball game. The next morning, we went to the farmer’s market where you tried homemade root beer, kettle corn and Filipino egg rolls. 
The Sandhills reminded you of Ireland (this would come up time and again) and me of home, though I’d never seen them before. We were subsumed by a great stillness, caressed in a sea of grass. Blown-out tires torn up like the seamed guts of a baseball lined the highway. We pulled over, taken with the view, and each other. 
We drove down a long dirt road in my Mom’s brand-new car, past a gang of young Mennonites, all of whom were bearded and dressed in overalls. Upon arrival, we were ambushed by ticks. The tiny bloodsuckers were everywhere -- in our socks, laced in our shoes, tucked in our cuffs. Once we expelled all the buggers from our body and tick-proofed our tent, we took a mushroom cap and blasted off. 
The Niobrara swam through the sunlight, molting into glass and melting back into itself. Our legs dangled free, and we felt free. It had been a trying year between housing struggles in New York, giving up your studio to try something new and my Dad’s second stroke. But all of that was far away now. It was just me and you and the golden hour and we did a little photoshoot like that 2009 Levi’s commercial. 
“Come my tan-faced children.
For we cannot tarry here, 
We must march my darlings
Pioneers! O Pioneers” 
An electrical storm interrupted the night. At first, we couldn’t figure out what it was. We saw flashes of light, but no thunder and no boom. When we finally ventured out of our tents we saw an opera in the prairie sky as lightning scarred the sky, lighting up mighty thunderheads. I felt a deep peace and longed for more summer storms in the Heartland. 
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We bought 36 cent coffee on the res and saw the decimation a century of government removal and control can inflict. But we also saw spotted horses and endless horizons that captivated you. 
“I’ve never seen that far in my life,” you said as we crested another modest hill. “Just look. So vast. It’s amazing.” And it was true. You could see for miles. There wasn’t always much to see, but you could see, and coming from New York that was rare. The emptiness was welcoming and peaceful. 
We saw a wild buffalo in the Badlands. He just appeared out of nowhere, but of course he had always been there. He was black and grey, as if he belonged not only to an older generation but an older time and it was a glitch to see him here. We scampered through the brush for a better look, but he slowly trundled away and disappeared behind a butte. 
We took another cap that night and watched the last light from a big dirt mound we came to call Big Rock Tater Mountain. Later into the night, squirreled away inside our tent, blind to the world and at the mercy of the wind, that song would save us from ourselves. 
The wind played mind games with us. Cocooned in the dark, we imagined all kinds of terrors -- a pack of coyotes, an inquisitive porcupine, a coiled rattlesnake, a return of the buffalo. “Don’t worry,” I said. “If you hear breathing, then you should be alarmed.” This was a terrible thing to say, and I was beginning to worry too, especially when I remembered we had loads of food on us. 
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The lording rock cannot be explained, so I will say no more. After a nice couple hijacked our evening by inviting us to dinner and disclosing a very personal family history including incest, sexual abuse and drug addiction, we excused ourselves to watch the sunset alone. I watched you drink in the valley and saw the sun freckle your face. 
We had our first hot meal at Wall Drug, which mastered the art of billboards. I regrettably ordered the house special -- a roast beef sandwich on white bread plus a scoop of whipped potatoes all smothered in a dark, tasteless gravy. 
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It’s so blue out here. The grass and the distance conspire to make something as sweet as the sky that we can walk upon. This is a lush West I’ve never known. I’m sure it’s tough up close, but from the highway, it is vibrant and soft. 
We sailed 8000 feet over the Big Horn National Forest, which was a sleeper hit. We saw meadows, wildflowers, gulches, a pair of elk and a moose slurping from a pond with its big, hidden beak.
We could’ve camped up there, but it was too cold and a storm was rolling in. Plus, we were in bear country now. So we drove on to Powell, Wyoming, where, educed by a soft bed, hot showers and a local guide, we made the mistake of staying an extra day.
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We drove to the top of the world, a thin place with snow and motorcycles and speed goats and one country store, and then neutraled back down to oblivion where concrete lives. 
We stopped for lunch in Red Lodge, Montana, a cute tourist trap straight out of rah-rah America. We ate at Provisions, a James Beard nominee, and stopped at a candy store for some treats and a cafe for nice coffee beans to gift Mark and Diana for their hospitality (they drank a gallon of coffee a day). 
Mark regaled me with stories of my Dad, most of which involved weekend-long benders and more tabs of acid than I can remember. He told me about the time he found my Dad perched in a tree holding a bag of Wendy’s after a 48-hour rager where they walked around with a sheet of acid handing out tabs to any and all. “The hell you doing up there?” Mark asked. In response, my Dad held up the Wendy’s bag and said, “Potato?” 
And then he told me about the time my Dad somehow maneuvered a footballer's moped into a tree. I didn't bother to ask why there was a moped in Lincoln or it was the same tree or if acid was also involved. 
Mark was sure my Dad would write a great American novel. “I don’t know of anyone who’s read more than your old man. I was sure he was going to do something great, but I think he was afraid.” I carry those same fears and ambitions in my hearth. They smoke out my eyes and scald my throat. I must write for the fire.
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We hiked the summit of heart mountain, rested briefly, and ran back down in record time. You realized sage grouse was the chicken-looking bird with boobs and we sang for the bears. I confessed that, if confronted with a bear, I would probably die out of embarrassment. Meaning I would be too shy to scream, and we both had a good laugh.
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It was nice seeing our old friend Eric who we met at Vermont Studio Center, which is also where we met. A brief aside: I love our story, especially our beginning. In that overpriced snowglobe where everything sparkled, I found you and you found me. I felt an ease around you unmatched by anything in this world not of my blood. And the magnitude of that feeling has only grown since. I will always caress your beautiful face like that first night. You talked about going on a road trip then, solo, and now here we are, doing it together in places we’ve never been 
Anyway, a beer meet up turned into an all-night hang, a path well trodden by me. We went to an art opening, critiqued Eric’s shed and talked about the difficulties of leading a creative life over a fire and smores and more tall boys. 
Making a living had consumed Eric’s life and ours too. I freelanced until I hated reading and writing. You sewed until sales dried up. Eric, like me, had a deadend comms job he loathed. But we all still have the fire, and the guilt, to keep us going. If we attend to the lighthouse, ride the lonely nights and drink in the long hours, a galleon will surely come bearing the world's cross and the people's crust. 
We both came at Wild Crumb, the dankest bakery in all the West. We dropped $40 on the flakiest croissants (almond, ham and gruyere, spinach and feta), a cardamom knot, pecan teacake, chocolate covered macaroon and a petit baguette to be sensible. 
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First night in bear country. We arrived, as usual, at 6pm with three hours of daylight to set up camp, make dinner, get weird and make a fire. We do not take a cap. We take our chairs to Trout Creek and bury warm beers and seltzers in the cold creek carrying melted runoff. We sit quiet and write in the honeyed light. And then we get naked and take disposable photos we won’t see until wintertime. 
I’m happy its just me and you again, doing as we please, quietly shuffling between the car and the site as we prep a meal and whatnot. We work well together and already we have something of a routine and a system. We could go on like this, across many states, for many weeks. 
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Glacier is my new favorite national park. It is a matter of scale and purity, which is to say untouched by man. We crawl like ants on the edge of God’s chalice, drawn by the scent of century-old pines and rivers clear and cold as ice. I have never seen waters so unsullied. Clear of sediment and chemical, you can see the stone they sculpted below. There are waterfalls wide and tall and many rivers strong. Clouds shielded the peaks from our eyes, preferring the company of eternal gods to us mortals. To consort with them, we’d have to brave their sharp, slick edges. 
At our modest cabin, we walked down a skimpy trail and collected rocks to skip. I went for the smooth ones, polished by a thousand waves. Your stomach is like river rock - cool and smooth and kind to the hand that reaches beneath. All week, we’d been listening to Circe and we invented river gods and challenges to win their favor. 
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With no reservation, we had to rise before dawn to enter the park. I was wide awake despite the brutal alarm. It could’ve been the thin mattress but it wasn’t. It was the challenge awaiting me: a twelve mile out and back to Iceberg Lake. 
The park was even more glorious alone in the first light, and it was scarier too, being nearly alone in all that wilderness. We clapped rocks for unseen grizzlies. We’d come to an understanding of bears after many states and the same question: What to do if one sees a bear? We learned bears preferred meadows to densely wooded areas because it was easier to move. We learned a horn was nothing to rely on and to carry spray within easy reach. The very same spray, if unleashed inside the car, would render the car unusable. 
The Iceberg’s path was lined with wildflowers and the rock was red with iron. We saw another waterfall by a hairpin turn and inched down close as we could with our pack and enjoyed a snack on less precarious ground. A band of horses passed by and you wanted to ride with them. But we hoofed it on our own two feet. Thankfully the path was majority flat after a steep climb in at the beginning. Cupped in a crater was the bluest lake I’d ever seen. We wolfed down our lunch and made it back to the car before noon. 
I woke up to a long train screeching by just after dawn. Pink eye after last night’s dip in the natural hot springs, and there was fresh bird shit on my towel. I felt mildly cursed. 
We drove all day yesterday. Try as I might to equally distribute the fun in an engaging loop, the return journey is always a bit sad. But we were ready to be back in our new home in Brooklyn on Prospect Pl. The paint had barely dried there before we packed our bags and left West.
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nonesuchrecords · 8 months
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Hurray for the Riff Raff (aka Alynda Segarra)'s new album, The Past Is Still Alive, is due February 23 on Nonesuch, available to pre-order here. Hurray for the Riff Raff and Nonesuch Store orders include a limited-edition, autographed print of handwritten lyrics to the song “Colossus of Roads” while they last.
Segarra created the album during a period of personal grief, when they found inspiration in radical poetry, railroad culture, outsider art, the work of writer Eileen Myles, and activist groups like ACT UP and Gran Fury. They use their lyrics as a way to immortalize and say goodbye to those they have loved and lost, and to honor both the heartbroken and the hopeful parts of themselves. Though made in North Carolina by the Bronx-born, New Orleans-based Segarra and produced by Brad Cook, the record brings listeners to places far beyond, evoking vivid experiences of small shops and buffalo stampedes in Santa Fe, childhood road trips and Florida storms, struggles of addiction in the Lower East Side, and days-long journeys to outrun the cops in Nebraska. 
Hurray for the Riff Raff will tour the US and Europe from February through May. They’ve partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 per ticket goes to supporting This Must Be the Place and its work to distribute Naloxone, which will be available for free at every Hurray for the Riff Raff tour stop. Artist presale begins today; general on-sale Friday.
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kateconwayturner · 1 year
Higher Education as the Great Equalizer
As I conclude my 43rd year in higher education, I find myself returning repeatedly to the notion that education is the great equalizer. As many of you know, my generation was the first in my family to attend college or even to finish high school. As I reflect on my life, I realize that higher education was the silver bullet that made the greatest difference in my life.
I grew up in a small, rural town, where my family eked out a living through a variety of working-class jobs. In particular, my great-grandmother (the daughter of an enslaved woman), my grandmother, and my mother spent a good number of their working years as household servants. They got up extra early to tend to their own families’ needs before moving on to spend the day helping their white employers’ households hum along.
What made all the difference for me personally—the game-changer—was finding my way to a university to begin my journey in higher education. That journey is a story for another time, but the point is that attending college turned my life around.
When I first came to Buffalo State, I knew this was an institution that understood first-generation students. Here I found a community of people who personally and intellectually believe in the transformative power of education and the right of each individual, no matter their background, to run, walk, or sometimes crawl over the line to graduation and change forever the trajectory of their lives.
At Buffalo State, I met many faculty and staff members who are “first-gens” themselves, doing a wide variety of work. I met students from small villages and large cities who had made their way to Buffalo State seeking a degree to better themselves and the world. They wanted to be teachers, scientists, artists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. They were prepared for college, or, if not quite, they were ready to work hard, hoping to find the support they needed here to succeed. They were of every upbringing and hue, every age and faith. Most spoke English at home while others had very different first languages. But they had one thing in common: every one of these students was wide-eyed with hope and promise as they embarked on their Buffalo State journeys.
Not all students have been able to complete the degree they came here to attain. Some found insurmountable obstacles in their path. Whether because of preparation gaps, insufficient finances, individual or family crises, or perceived lack of support, some students have not been able to cross the line to graduation. I still have hopes that those who started but did not complete have been bitten by the education bug, and that they will return some day to obtain that degree, whether it’s here at Buffalo State or at another institution.
I have also met hundreds of Buffalo State alumni who have graduated and who share my view that higher education was what made the difference in their lives. They came through Buffalo State at various times over the last 60 years, and many have told me that they never could have imagined themselves as the principal, the financial adviser, the elected official, or the research scientist that they became. They know that Buffalo State changed their lives, just as I know that my alma mater changed mine.
So as we face the challenges of today and look for creative ways to weather the storms, I have a wish for our campus. Please do not forget that education is the greatest equalizer. Do all you can do to remove the barriers from the road to success for our students. And remember that our campus has been the silver bullet of hope for countless generations of diverse students who needed just a little extra support, including adult, first-generation, and immigrant learners. This is our true north. Let us continue to support higher education as the great equalizer, and let us always work to advance this noble cause.
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