#Genma fanfiction
nightofhappylight · 5 months
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an old accompany sketch for Heart and Blood in the Palm of Your Hands
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okamirayne · 7 months
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So, this insanity happened… 👇🏼
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*goes to drown in crippling terror and tea* ☕️😬🫠….💜
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inanewmoon · 2 months
Leaf's Ranma AU - Character Profile Uzumaki Saotome Tendo Ranma
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Born around ten years after the destruction of Uzushiogakure at the conclusion of the Second Shinobi World War, to Uzumaki Nodoka and Saotome Genma, Uzumaki Ranma has been denied a permanent home since before they were born. To add to that, ever since they could walk, Ranma has been separated from their mother, taken on a more than a decade long training journey by their father.
While not officially a missing-nin, they spent most of their life on the move through elemental nations, only staying in smaller villages and taking odd missions with their father Genma. Their talent for taijutsu has earned them an entry in the bingo books as a footnote under Saotome Genma’s page as Saotome Ranma.
Known mission history includes a whole heap of D-ranks, a handful C-ranks and one B-rank that had Ranma facing off against the shinobi of Nadeshiko Village.
A training accident while trying to learn a Tanuki Transformation Technique at age six has barred Ranma from signing their name on the Tanuki summoning contract belonging to their father Genma, and messed up their proficiency in other transformation techniques, including the regular transformation jutsu.
It’s not known if Ranma has succeeded in signing any other summoning contracts, but Genma has reportedly been asking about the location of the Cat summoning contract since Ranma was eight years old and has stopped the inquiries after a visit to Nekomata Fortress.
Current place of residence - Konoha. Ranma has officially joined the Tendo Clan (engaged to Tendo Akane) and was given a rank of genin following a short evaluation of their skills in the academy, making them officially a shinobi of the Leaf.
Currently part of Team Yamato (also known as Team Four), with Hibiki Ryoga and Tendo Akane as their teammates. The newly minted team is yet to take their first mission.
Art by the wonderful @beedokart 💙💙💙 See also https://linktr.ee/fernvbedek. I'll eventually ask her to draw all of the team four, be patient 💙 For Ryoga Hibiki, look here. And - Tendo Akane
This has been a draft of Tendo Ranma's profile for the Merger AU in which I have transplanted a handful of Ranma characters into Naruto (Dreaming of Sunshine) universe. I suspect that the knowledge of Dreaming of Sunshine is not gonna be needed, but I didn't wanna remove Shikako from the setting, since she's very dear to my heart. 💙 Leaf's Ranma... coming to an archive of our own... someday in the future.
This is part of a larger effort to showcase more of my writing, and an attempt to force myself to sit down and write. 💙
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uh-oh-its-bird · 4 months
Short snippet from my fic 'one step three steps' under the cut. Ft. Shinobi politics and Hatake clan lore via gossiping at the bar about what happens when a clan drops off the map
No context needed, can be read as standalone, I just thought it was neat enough to post on its own.
"What are the odds there are— or were," Izumo grimaced. "Some offshoot branch of the Hatake family out there?" 
"Not impossible, I think? They were a real clan once, right?" 
Kotetsu blinked. "Were they? I kind of thought they used to be civilians or something, before the White Fang." 
"No way, the Hatake's were huge once." 
"No shit?" 
"Yeah, they were— fuck," Genma squinted into his cup, now well and truly flushed from his drink. For a guy sent on so many honeypot and information gathering missions he was a bit of a lightweight, huh? 
"6th? Is that right? 6th-ish clan to come to Konoha, way back when. It's not really taught anymore since they died off so fast and lost relevancy, but they were decently important, wayyy back in the day. Had some sort of deal with the Senju." 
"Nerd." Kurenai snorted, but she looked thoughtful. 
"Hey, this sort of thing is important!" Genma pointed at her. "This kind of history gets buried so fast, it's crazy." 
"But why though?" Kotetsu asked. 
"I mean," Genma frowned. "It's kind of complicated. It's a whole politics thing, you know? Every few years they get together and talk about what gets taught in school. All the clans have say and all the big ones wanna make sure that everyone remembers who was there first so there's a lot of pushing on how to split the importance among them. So when a whole clan up and falls off a cliff . . ."
"There's no one left to advocate for them getting taught about." Izumo finished, looking unsettled.
Genma shrugged. "That's just how it is, really. Happened to the Uzumaki's, happened to the Hatake's; Would have happened to the Senju too, if the Hokage was any less sentimental about it." 
"And it's not like they teach a lot about history in the first place, do they?" Pointed out Kurenai with a sigh. "Most kids learn that stuff at home, if they're clan brats." 
"Pour one out for all the civilian losers with the disadvantage once again." Izumo sighed, and he clinked glasses with a cheering Kotetsu and Kurenai as Genma, the only clan brat among them, snorted into his cup.
Read the full chapter here ->
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pupkashi · 1 year
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kakashi doesn’t understand how genma can be so smitten with one person, until he meets said person
a/n: hi friends ! thank you sm for this request <3 im thinking of making this into a series if you guys would like that ? let me know what you all think :]
wordcount: 2,946
“-and they changed their hair today! usually they wear it in this one certain style but today they-” kakashi zoned out again, Genma’s all too familiar musings become more and more similar everyday.
“genma do you even talk to them? seems like you just stalk them from afar” the silver haired jonin replies, genma stares at him in shock.
“pft! of course i do!” his chest is puffed out and he’s looking to the side with an angry pout, “i tell them good morning and goodbye” he mutters, kakashi shakes his head.
“i don’t see how one person that you barely even talk to can be so captivating” he mumbles, rolling his eyes as genma gasps, as if you’d insulted his entire bloodline.
“how dare you hatake! y/n is the most amazing person in this village! maybe even the world!” he’s defending you as if you were already married and a life together.
“it’s a silly crush genma! talk about them when you actually make a move” kakashi scoffs, leaving genma alone in the street as he turns to make his way to his apartment.
and so that’s how genma found himself in his current predicament, reciting the words in his brain he’d say to you when you flashed him that bright smile of yours. all he had to do was invite you to dinner! it’s not like it was a straightforward date, some of his other friends would be going. it was a good way to ease into this!
genma is staring much too hard at a tree when he hears your voice from behind him, “i think that one’s an oak tree if that’s why you’re so focused on it” you laugh, smiling when genma turns to face you.
“y/n!” he shrieks, eyes widening before clearing his throat, “good morning! i didn’t even hear you” he smiled nervously and you bump his shoulder.
“you should be glad i didn’t become a shinobi, I’d probably outrank you” your voice is teasing as you wink at him, causing genma to think he was gonna go into cardiac arrest anytime soon.
“pft, as if!” he smiled back, “hey, you busy this afternoon?” he asks, his palms sweating beyond belief as you ponder his question.
“what today friday?” your lips are in a small pout as you think before shaking your head ‘no.’
“do you wanna be?” there’s a glint in his eyes that makes you smile, “depends” you reply, his once faux cocky smirk falling off his face.
“on what?” his voice much weaker than he intended it to come out. genma can’t help but study your features, drinking in how breathtaking you look so early in the morning.
“will you be there?” the question catches him off guard, had you always been this coward with him? was he always too stupid to realize?
“I’ll be the one picking you up” he smiles, beyond ecstatic that you were actually gonna say yes.
“then I’d love to be busy tonight, what’s the occasion?” your eyes are sparkling with excitement when he looks at you, he can’t help but smile widely as he explains.
“we’re having a surprise dinner for Gai! we missed his birthday since he was out on a mission that ran long” he explained, you couldn’t help but smile warmly at genma.
“that’s really sweet of you guys” you reply, “never took you for such a sap genma” you tease, bumping you shoulder into him, smiling as he rolled his eyes, hating the fact that a prominent blush was already on his cheeks.
“yeah, yeah” he grumbled, watching the way your smile turned into a small frown, your brows furrowing.
“hey, what’s wrong?” you’re looking at him with wide worried eyes as you explain to him you have no clue what to get Gai. genma only smiles, shaking his head and reassuring you, “don’t worry, i got him something I’ll just say it’s from both of us.”
Genma can’t help but feel like a proud peacock that afternoon when he’s walking home with kakashi.
“guess who got y/n talking to them for almost an hour this morning” he’s boasting, kakashi ever as uninterested sighs.
“raido?” Genma smacks the silver head jonin upside the head before pointing at himself, the cockiest smile on his face as he shakes his head.
“this guy!” he cheers, practically running circles around his much calmer friend. “and guess who they’re coming to gai’s birthday dinner with?!” he doesn’t give kakashi the chance to speak before cheering once more, “this guy!”
“so I’ll finally meet this ever famous, impossibly perfect y/n?” kakashi asks, genma nodding.
“I’ll see you there! I’ve gotta make sure i look amazing so i can woo them tonight” already taking off in the direction of his apartment. leaving kakashi alone in peace and quiet.
so he was finally gonna get to meet you huh. after who knows how long (it’s only been a month) of genma gushing about your every little move and comment, he was finally gonna see what all the hype surrounding you was. kakashi would never admit he was looking forward to meeting you, especially after the countless times he’s told genma he didn’t care to ever meet you on their almost daily walks home together.
it’s 6:30 when you hear a knock on your door, you’re checking yourself out once more in the mirror before opening the door with a bright smile.
“hey! come in i just have to slip my shoes on real fast” you smile, motioning for genma to walk in.
“you uh- you look great y/n” his face is burning up, only getting hotter when you giggle, asking if you can hold onto his shoulder for support as you slip your shoe on.
“you clean up nicely yourself” you reply, grabbing your bag before turning the light off, genma offering you his arm as the two of you leave.
“I’m not too overdressed am i?” you ask, genma quickly shaking his head, “no of course not!” he assures you, trying his best to not outwardly freak out because you’re so close he can smell your perfume.
the two of you make small talk as you arrive at the restaurant, genma pulling a chair out for you, giving you a charming smile when you thank him.
it wasn’t long before the large table was filled up, only the birthday boy himself another seat left empty. as it turned out you and genma shared many mutual friends, smiling widely and hugging kurenai and asuma when they walked in and saw you. anko practically ran towards you, crushing you in a hug and smiling widely.
“i didn’t know you knew Gai!” she beamed, taking the seat next to you and you shook your head.
“i don’t! but i know genma and he invited me” you smile, “i hope I’m not intruding” you frown, kurenai and anko both replying with a firm ‘no!’
“oh Gai is gonna love you! he better not end up intruding on girls night!” anko frowned and you laughed, shaking your head.
“for all we know he could hate me” you reply, turning your head when you hear genma snicker.
“y/n i don’t think there’s anyone in the world who could hate you” he smiles, leaning a bit closer to you, your face heats up a bit at the proximity, laughing softly before taking a sip of water.
“where the fuck is hatake? surely he wouldn’t be late to the dinner he planned” asuma states, his brows furrowed as he looks around.
genma’s attitude changes as he replies, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, “that man will be late to his own funeral” he snickers and you can’t help but smile a bit.
you’d seen the famous copy ninja around the village, but with such different lives you’d never actually spoken to him. it was a miracle you were even friends with the amount of shinobi that you were friends with, considering you were just a normal villager.
“I’ve never met him actually” you comment to genma, and he smiled at you reassuringly, “he seems mean but deep down he’s a real nice guy” he says, asuma quickly getting his attention as they talk about something they’d been discussing earlier.
it’s only a couple more minutes when a silver haired man walks in with Gai at his side, his sworn rival talking his ear off.
“surprise!” everyone cheers as Gai notices the group of people at the table, “happy late birthday Gai!” everyone taking their turns hugging the man and handing him a small gift.
“you guys! i cant believe this” he smiles, his eyes tearing up a bit, “this truly is was youth is all about” everyone laughs at his words, ordering food and making small talk.
kakashi notices you immediately, your smile just a soft and bright as genma had described, your hair falling perfectly and framing your face, his breath almost catches in your throat when you laugh and push a strand of hair behind your ear.
it’s the moment that genma introduces you to each other that he realizes he has a very big problem.
“this is y/n! y/n this is kakashi” he’s staring at kakashi with a shot eating grin, one that says ‘told you they were amazing’ and kakashi has to stop himself from smacking him then and there.
“it’s nice to meet you!” you hold out your hand, kakashi taking it and shaking it gently.
“likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you” he smiles, holding back his laughter when genma almost chokes on his own spit.
“all good things i hope!” you giggle, turning to genma with a soft smile, your face flushed.
“of- of course!” he smiles sheepishly, the two you turning back to your meals and continuing to converse with each other.
as everyone is leaving the restaurant kakashi is giving the group signals, one that you don’t understand and are looking to genma to explain.
“there’s a secret after party at gai’s place asuma and i planned” he whispers and you’re nodding along, a smile on your face, “you wanna come?” his cologne is wafting into your nose and you can’t help but nod.
“sure why not” you smile, blushing a bit when genma grabs your hand, pulling you alongside him to catch up with the group.
it didn’t take long for the party to start once you got to the apartment. you laughed as you watched asuma and kurenai sing a terrible duet, genma and raido both downing shots one after the other and anko trailing off for the fifth time about something she’d been wanting to tell you but couldn’t remember what it was.
you glance at the clock and realize how late it had gotten, eyes widening and apologizing to anko that you had to get home.
“oh but you only had a couple shots! you aren’t even buzzed” she slurred, frowning when you hugged her tightly.
“sorry sweets but i have work tomorrow!” you pout, smoothing her hair down before saying goodbye once again and going off to find your date.
you have to hold back laughter when you find genma almost passed out next to Gai and raido, shaking them all a bit to make sure they were still alive.
“genma? I’m gonna head home” you smile and he gets up, wobbling a bit before he throws his arms around you.
“oh don’t leave us y/n! you’re too perfect to leave” he whines, your face flushing at his words, “i can walk you home” he smiles, getting up from his chair and almost slipping, causing you to catch him and help him to the couch.
“i don’t even think you can walk right now” you laugh, bidding him goodbye and letting him know you’ll see him monday.
as you finish your last goodbye’s and wish a much too intoxicated Gai happy birthday once more, you’re heading out the door, a small smile on your face as you close it.
“genma not walking you home?” the deep voice startling you, causing you to shriek a bit, your heart pounding as your eyes land on kakashi.
“god you fucking scared me” you laugh, hand over your heart, “no he’s piss drunk right now” your head shaking.
“I’ll see you around kakashi, take care” you’re smiling at him brightly, waving goodbye. and before he can stop himself he pushes himself off the wall and catches up to you, walking at your pace.
“oh i don’t want to inconvenience you” looking at him with kind eyes, he’s shaking his head at your words.
“ ‘s not an inconvenience, just wanna make sure you get home safe is all” his words make your stomach flutter and you nod, a small ‘okay, thanks’ leaving your lips as you look away, hoping he doesn’t see the blush on your cheeks.
it’s a bit chilly as you continue walking, kakashi noticed the way you’re holding yourself tightly, and within seconds his jacket is resting atop your shoulders.
“oh I’m fine really!” already taking the jacket off, kakashi shakes his head, placing it back on you before speaking up.
“keep it on, i was getting a bit hot anyway” he smiles, you return him a brighter one, tugging his jacket tighter around you, letting yourself drown in his cologne.
“I think it was really nice that you planned the dinner for gai” you speak up after a couple seconds, fiddling with your fingers. kakashi shakes his head at your words.
“it was all of us really” he shrugs and you look at him, a smile on your face when he turns to face you, “what?” there’s a smile creeping onto his lips.
“asuma said you planned the whole thing, give yourself some credit” you nudge him softly, hoping to god it was alright and he wasn’t insanely uptight like how genma painted him out to be.
“or do you have some sort of appearance to uphold” you tease, laughing a bit when the jonin scoffs at you, looking in the opposite direction with his chin up.
“i don’t have any appearances” he denies, turning to face you when he no longer hears your footsteps next to his.
“oh please! the whole village has you painted as ‘the great copy ninja’ so mysterious and dark” your voice a bit lower, as you say his famous nickname, he’s rolling his eyes and chuckling a bit.
“maybe I’m just mysterious and dark” he shrugs, following you when you continue to walk to your apartment.
“are you?” your voice curious as you look at him, trying to read his features as best you could.
“maybe” he replies, watching the way you cross your arms and smile up at him. his hearts beating a bit faster, feeling insecure under the scrutiny of your eyes. why did he care so much?
“you aren’t” you reply, shrugging your shoulders as you both continue to walk. kakashi’s eyes go wide and his brows are furrowed, his mouth open at your statement.
“you don’t even know me! how would you know?” he’s a bit defensive as you brush his off easily, looking at him with a warm smile that has his stomach doing flips.
“please! you plan out birthday dinners for you best friend, you walk someone home you don’t know and give them your jacket, you have actual friends that care about you and love you” you list off, “and you’ve been talking to me this whole time, dark and mysterious people would just say something vague and look off into the moonlight” you giggle.
“you sure you’re not a shinobi?” the question makes you laugh, waving him off before turning into the street when your apartment is.
“thank you for walking me, i felt much safer with the dark and mysterious copy ninja as my personal guard” you smile, kakashi returns it gracefully, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth.
“it’s my job to protect this village” he says, his voice raspy as he looks up at the sky, searching for the moon.
“new moon tonight” you mumble, kakashi’s shoulders falling a bit, “guess you weren’t meant to be dark and mysterious” you laugh, kakashi laughing alongside you.
“I’ll uh- see you around?” he asks and you nod, starting to shrug his jacket off before he stops you, placing his hand on top of yours. he’s caught off guard by his own actions, clearing his throat and composing himself when he he looks into your eyes.
“you can hold onto it, don’t want you to get cold walking up the stairs” he winces a bit at his terrible choice of words but you don’t seem to care.
“ever the gentleman” you giggle, holding the jacket close to you, “goodnight kakashi” you smile, biting your lip as you turn around and head up the stairs, waving goodbye before you open the door to your apartment, letting out shrieks and giggles when you throw yourself on your bed.
he doesn’t leave until you’re closing the door behind you, a smile on his face as he walks back to gai’s apartment. he’s smiling widely and kicking a rock, a slight blush on his face as he replays the conversation the two of you had.
it’s not until he reaches the apartment and his eyes land on genma that his world is crumbling around him. he can’t like you, not when his friend had been pining after you for a month.
he tries his best to forget about you, he really does, but it seems fate had other plans when you quite literally run into him only two days later, his jacket hanging off your shoulders.
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stargliders · 8 months
Caught Looking (ShiSaku)
I'm thrilled to share my fic for @kumeramen's gorgeous, ultra-sweet prequel baseball artwork! I had a ton of fun putting a sporty 50s twist on this beautiful ship. Enjoy! 🧡⚾
Rating: T
“Go! GO! Shisui-senpai!” Turning toward the bleachers, Shisui spotted a petite girl in the front row waving her pom-poms a little too ardently, her long pink hair whipping through the air. The other cheerleaders had about half her intensity and vocal projection. It wasn’t unusual for the cheer squad to practice alongside the baseball team. Shisui just wasn’t used to having such an impassioned admirer—a strikingly pretty one, at that.
Read the one-shot on AO3
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Apple of My Eye
Genma Shiranui x Reader
Synopsis: You were the apple of Genma's eye and the butterflies in his stomach.
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Everything about you screamed sweet. The way your eyes twinkled when you saw a baby. The way your nose would crinkle as the flower merchant gave you a tulip because it ‘matched your dress.’ The way you smiled at him…
He was in too deep, and he didn't know how to handle all of the love he felt for you.
It was springtime in Konoha, and you became rather happy-go-lucky. But it wasn't the season making you so cheery. It was him. 
Genma paused as he took in how your pink dress billowed at your knees. The merchant was correct. The tulip did indeed match your dress. He opened his mouth to comment on how pretty you looked, but your squeal cut him off. An enormous breeze rushed through, causing your dress to fly up. Your free hand went to one side of the skirt, yanking it down as you prayed for the wind to stop. Genma was beside you rather swiftly, his hand moving to pull the other side down for you. “Thank you,” you giggled sheepishly. “If I had known it would have been breezy, I wouldn't have worn this dress!”
Genma nodded at that, but he didn't mind.
You locked eyes with him before they dropped to his lips. His senbon was missing, something that used to happen rarely. Now that the two of you were dating, he found it quite troublesome to kiss you with it in. His hands moved towards your waist as he pulled you closer to him, “God, I love you,” he whispered before kissing your cheek. You cocked your head, trying to chase his lips with your cheek. One kiss was never enough for either of you. 
He chuckled against your rapidly warming skin. He loved how flustered he could make you with simple actions. “You want more kisses?” You shot him a look but didn't say anything as you pouted at him. Deciding to give you what you wanted (like always), he dove back down to pepper kisses against your warm skin. How you melted into his embrace caused his heart to soar, but it wasn't enough. He had to hear you laugh.
His life depended on it.
Genma began moving his fingers on your waist, causing you to giggle. Soon, that sweet giggling turned into a burst of vicious laughter. He continued peppering kisses on your face as you squirmed in his grasp. It wasn’t always a pretty or sweet sound, but it was you.
And that was more than enough. 
“Okay! OKAY!!! UNCLE UNCLE!!!” You screamed out as you grew breathless from the laughing and attack of kisses. Genma pulled back with an affectionate smirk before pressing a final kiss to your lips, causing you to melt into his embrace again. When he pulled away, he noticed you had dropped your flower. “You dropped your flower… Let me get you another one.”
“Oh, Gen, that's okay!” you stated as you bent down to grab the ruined flower, but when you stood up, he was already heading toward the flower stand. “Gen!!” you called out as you stepped towards him, but something caught your eye.
Genma thanked the flower merchant as he paid for the tulip. He went to pocket his wallet when his eyes landed on your form. Your eyes were wide and your mouth was dropped as you took in the sight before you.
“Is this cotton candy? I haven't had cotton candy since I was 15!”
The merchant glanced your way, not amused by your excitement. You bit your lip, contemplating if you wanted to spend the money on something so childish. “Is this cotton candy? We used to eat this after every training session, right?” Genma asked as he looked over your shoulder at the fluffy candy. You nodded happily, delighted that he remembered such a thing. You opened your mouth to order, but Genma was quicker than you.
“We’ll take two bags of cotton candy, please,” Genma stated as he handed you the tulip. The lady grabbed two bags and gave them to you. You thanked her before shifting the items to your other arm so you could grab money from your purse. Genma grabbed your wrist, stopping your actions as he passed the money in his other hand to the merchant. He shot a smile her way before lacing his fingers with yours. The two of you began to stroll toward the park, but you were still slightly upset that he was spending so much on you. “Genma, you didn't have to buy me that! The flower was more than enough-” 
“Does it make you happy?”
“What I got you, do they make you happy?”
You bit your lip at that; they did make you happy. He pulled you into his side, silencing your concerns before they erupted to the surface once more. “I think you make me happier than anything else,” you whispered sheepishly, eyes glancing every way to avoid his loving gaze. He pressed a kiss to your forehead but didn't add anything else to the conversation, rather enjoying the quiet moments between you the most—the moments where he could quietly drown in your presence.
The sight of the tree caused you to sigh dreamily. It was the best area of the park to watch the sunset, and it would be the place where the two of you would be sitting, cuddling, talking, and kissing as the space around you grew darker and darker. You let your eyes travel up the tree, looking carefully for something unique. A smile ghosted your lips as you let go of Genma’s hand and approached it. You traced the heart carved into the wood; your and Gemna's initials lay within it. “We were insufferable. Poor Guy,” you joked. Genma didn't say anything, only smiled at the memories between you. He didn't know how it was possible, but his love for you seemed to grow more and more every day. 
You turned back to Genma with a loving smile.
“Why do you take such good care of me?” 
His eyebrows furrowed, but his gaze never faltered. How could he possibly tell you how much he loved you? He would give you the sun and stars if you asked for them. He’d simultaneously kill and die for you. He would do anything, be anything, for you.
Just so he can see your heavenly smile.
He cocked his head, motioning for you to come back to him. Your cheeks flushed as you made your way toward him. “Why do I take good care of my baby?” he stated, wanting to ensure he heard your question correctly. You nodded as Genma embraced you, arm wrapping tightly around you as his other cupped your cheek. “Because you are the apple of my eye and the butterflies in my stomach. You are everything I love about this world. You are my everything.”
“Gen,” you sighed, ready to interject, but he silenced you with a firm kiss, causing you to lean into him for support. Money didn't mean anything to him. Nothing meant anything to him when it came to you. 'You are the one that taught me to love in this cruel world,' He thought as he deepened the kiss, fingers digging into your waist as the thumb of his other hand sweetly caressed your cheek. Nothing mattered. The only thing that mattered was that you would be by his side for the rest of his life.
And he'd do anything to ensure that stayed true.
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echoelena-ing · 9 months
Hello, hello tumbler I am here to give some more self promo.
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In wich Haruno Sakura came from a clan, a crew, of the sea, of sailors and stormbringers. A Sakura that hides weapons in her unusual skirts and wields her axes with a fearal grin and movements so barbaric that her academy teachers would get a stroke.
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svfttachi · 2 years
can i get a genma x f reader where genma loves reader but reader doesn’t think she’s gemma’s type at all since he pulls a lot of females who are just different from reader (ex: body, height, style, etc) but he wants to make it clear to her that he loves her for herself and wants to be with reader 👉🏽👈🏽
we need more of genma plz😩
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TYPE: Fem!reader, Fluff
WARNING(S): Insecurity Talk
WC: 1071
NOTES: This was a good idea and very easy to accomplish, but I hope everybody reading this understands that nothing anybody says to you should bring you down. We are all pretty and beautiful in our own ways, and nobody should be able to let you forget that. With that in mind, hope you enjoy reading this!
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INSECURITIES occur in every shape, way, and form in almost everybody walking on the planet. Relationships are one of the ways that insecurities come up and prevail the most. At least, that was the case for you. It has been a year since the night that Shiranui Genma confessed to you with a bouquet of flowers, a candlelit picnic, and a shiny night sky. That night was the most romantic night you have ever experienced, but it also began the string of hatred that has followed behind you ever since.
Day by day, just walking in the village was enough to trigger your emotions because of the looks you get. Women younger and older than you judged you for being with the one and only Shiranui Genma, who was notorious for going out with half of the village’s population. When it comes to looks, he takes the gold star, and when it comes to romantic gestures, he takes the whole cake. You, on the other hand, did not feel like you could step up to the level of every girl he has ever gone out with, especially since people continued to look at you differently.
Frankly, you wondered what kept you in the spotlight in Genma’s eyes. When you were walking in the village gaining those staring eyes, you couldn’t understand what exactly Genma saw in you. You were just an average girl in your own eyes, and to some of those other girls, you were a little less.
“Hey, hon, are you ready for—”
Currently, you are sitting in front of the big floor mirror in your shared bedroom, staring at your reflection. As you prodded at your lips, eyes, nose, and cheeks, you were completely oblivious to the gentle and calming tone of Genma’s voice entering the room and cutting himself off halfway through his sentence. He stood at the door frame, watching as you viewed yourself in the mirror. “Y/N?” Genma called out to you, knocking lightly on the wall.
You snapped out of the craze you were in and turned your torso to look at the source of the knocking. His hazel eyes bore into your own E/C orbs, and it was clear that he knew something was wrong. “Is… there a reason why you’re sitting on the cold, hardwood floor, staring at the mirror?” Genma questioned with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Um… I—I was making sure there was no lint in my hair,” you muttered, immediately getting off of the floor, “It must have blown right off by the fan.”
A nervous giggle escaped your mouth as you began to avoid eyeing Genma. The highly experienced jonin wasn’t pleased with the answer you gave him, so he walked up to you. The toothpick stuck in between his lips shot out of his mouth and directly into the trashcan next to the mirror. You were caught off guard by the sudden action, but the hands that pressed onto your shoulders were enough to bring your focus back on Genma. Now, the eye contact was inevitable, and you can clearly see the sparkle in his eyes as he looked at you.
“Y/N, you can tell me anything, you know?” Genma whispered quietly, waiting for a response from you.
No verbal or physical response was given to the man, yet there was a small signal that showed you were suffering on the inside. A tear escaped from the corner of your eye and began to roll down the side of your nose. It wasn’t long before you were comfortably in the strong arms of Genma with a hand placed on the back of your head. You brought your own arms up to wrap around his torso as the tears began to fall faster thanks to gravity.
“Why do you like me so much, Gen?” you asked, words somewhat muffled against the soft material of his t-shirt. Genma furrowed his brows at your peculiar question and started to pull away so he could get a good look at your face. He could see the seriousness displayed on your face, but he didn’t know why you would ask such a question. “What do you mean, Y/N? Are people looking at you weirdly in the village again? If so, I’m going to have a word with anyone who looks at you differently than I do,” Genma spoke with tenderness in his tone.
“It’s gotten worse, Gen… sometimes I would just be getting the groceries, and someone would whisper about you and why you chose me out of all the pretty girls around here. And I keep thinking that it has to be my physical appearance that sets me away from everyone else in the village… and it hurts to look at myself in the mirror looking for the reason behind the gossip,” you said, mumbling some of your words through your sad tone.
Genma sighed and brought the hem of his shirt up to rub away the tears still protruding from your face, taking in the appearance of your red eyes. He was aware of the talks that go around, especially when he walks around the village as well. It always centered around Genma’s type and who he finds attractive, and everytime he overheard someone talking about it, he could only wish to talk some sense into those people either physically or verbally. But your face comes into his mind whenever he does hear these people talking about his relationship with you, and it would be enough for him to calm down. He just didn’t think it would get to you this badly, and it never has been this bad for you.
“Y/N, you’re the only girl I would ever want to be with. You’re the prettiest, beautiful, and sparkling ray of sunshine that has ever made its way in my path, and I am so grateful that we went official one year ago. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t get to wake up next to you every morning or eat lunch and dinner together everyday. Honestly… I’d probably go insane because there is this amazing girl that I could never imagine with anyone but me. And anyone who has anything to say about that can come say it to my face directly,” Genma said, beginning to caress your cheeks, “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you, too.”
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mothervvoid · 8 months
1/1ch | 4.3k wc | Obito x Genma [ EXPLICIT ]
Prompts; Haunted / Tragedy
Summer in the Land of Fire meant the days became unbearable around mid-day, when the sun reached its zenith in the middle of a cloudless, pale-blue sky. The days were long and sticky, the only relief coming from the huge green tree canopies, ducking into the shade of a shop or restaurant stall, or just plain staying home.
Obito has decided to go on a walk. It's early enough in the morning, the sun slowly inching its way across the sky. Already everything is damp, skin sticky and unpleasant, bugs humming in the air. Traipsing around the backroads of the village, where the trees were the thickest and the roads the thinnest—mere dirt paths—where he could be seen and bothered by nobody. Why did he decide to do this again?
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x-authorship-x · 2 years
Chapters 1-14^^^^
Until Dawn Breaks
Chapter Fifteen: Suffocate
Summary: “You don't need an ocean to feel like you're drowning.
You feel it, between your chest and your throat,
the weight of it stretching you outside yourself,
like a dead fish on the shore.”
― M.E.H
Updated: 20/01/2023
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at1nys-blog · 18 days
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Teams, Families and Associations
【Team 7】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Team 10】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Team Guy】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Team 8】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Konoha 11】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Team Taka】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
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↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Sand Siblings】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Single Characters
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ Deidara (requested)
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ Hidan (requested)
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ more to come
【Kakashi Hatake】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ A change of heart
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ more to come
【Naruto Uzumaki】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Sasuke Uchiha】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Sakura Haruno】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Asuma Sarutobi】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ��೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Shikamaru Nara】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Choji Akimichi】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Ino Yamanaka】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Might Guy】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Neji Hyuga】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Rock Lee】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Ten Ten】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Kurenai Yuhi】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Kiba Inuzuka】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Hinata Hyuga】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Shino Aburame】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
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【Anko Mitarashi】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Koketsu Hagane】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Izumo Kamizuki】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Genma Shiranui】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Hayate Gekko】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Aoba Yamashiro】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Hashirama Senju】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Tobirama Senju】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Minato Namikaze】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Kushina Uzumaki】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
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【Rin Nohara】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Shisui Uchiha】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Obito Uchiha】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Madara Uchiha】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Suigetsu Hozuki】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Itachi Uchiha】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
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【Kisame Hshigaki】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
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↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【White Zetsu】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
【Black Zetsu】
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
↳˳;; ❝ ᵕ̈೫˚∗ nothing yet
Disclaimer: Order is kind random and I'm pretty sure I forgot someone, in case I did you can request a fanfiction for them.
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rainbowfey · 1 year
Day 11: "Oh no, you're a morning person!"
The bedside lamp flickering caught Genma’s attention. He stifled a yawn, set his book down and glanced at the clock on his nightstand. The glow in the dark clock hand pointed at a glowing three and for a moment, Genma had to do a double take. The last time he had checked the time, it had only been a couple of minutes after midnight. But now that he took a look at his book it did make sense. When he started reading, he had been all the way through the first quarter of the book but now the pages left until the end had gotten dangerously sparse. Of course, he knew that he probably shouldn’t stay awake this long but this book was just way too gripping. And since he didn’t have any tasks for the next day, it surely wouldn’t hurt to read another couple pages. After all, the hero had yet another enemy going against him, even stronger than the ones before, and Genma couldn’t wait to find out how he’d escape this seemingly desperate situation.
A soft touch on his side brought him back to reality. The colors of the enemy’s lair faded in front of his inner eye and gave way to the very real bedroom around him. The moon illuminated the darker half of the room just enough for him to see Raidou’s silhouette. Genma smiled softly when he saw that Raidou had snuggled up to him, burying his face in his shoulder. For a second, he was mildly concerned whether Raidou could even breathe like that but the soft movements of his chest reassured him. Raidou had fallen asleep even before Genma had started reading and he hadn’t stirred at all until now. Genma’s gaze hovered between his book, enticing him with a whole world of magic behind its paper and ink, and Raidou sleeping next to him. A warm feeling arose in Genma when he got a glance of Raidou’s peaceful face. And when Raidou smiled in his sleep, the poor book didn’t stand a chance.
Genma carefully set the book aside and turned the small light on his nightstand off. Now, with only the moon left as a source of light, Raidou’s face was bathed in soft shadows and glints of silver moonlight. Genma moved slightly until he was lying directly next to Raidou. Their faces were so close to each other that he could feel the warmth of Raidou’s slow and steady breathing. He gently leaned forward and gave Raidou a soft kiss. And as if he had felt the tender touch, Raidou wrapped his arms around Genma and pulled him closer. Embraced by Raidou’s warmth, Genma yawned quietly and closed his eyes, dozing off into a peaceful sleep.
A sudden movement shook Genma awake. Startled, he opened one eye and peeked at the bedside next to him. It took him a moment to register why the cold, empty space beside him seemed strange.
“Raidou?” he murmured drowsily but everything kept quiet. He closed his watery eye and instead opened the other one – which was equally as tired – and peered at the bedroom. The walls had taken on a soft glow and behind the window, he could see the night slowly fading away. He felt like as if he had only been slumbering for a couple of minutes and an enormous yawn shook his entire body.
Genma’s head felt like as if it was filled with cotton and he had a hard time thinking straight. He slowly started contemplating whether he should get up and search for Raidou. But even though he did want to find out where Raidou went, the thought of moving did not seem compelling at all.
A distant rustling spared him from making a decision. If he wasn’t mistaken, the sounds had to come from his kitchen. Genma peeked at the clock on his nightstand and groaned when he saw the ungodly time. He hadn’t even slept for three hours if he did the math right.
“Good morning, sunshine,” a voice came from the direction of the bedroom door.
Genma turned around sluggishly, his body feeling like as if it had been cast in concrete. He blinked several times until his vision slowly started to sharpen. Raidou was smiling at him from the doorway, holding two ominous objects in his hands. It took another couple of blinks for Genma to finally recognize them as steaming cups of tea.
“Hm?” Not necessarily his most eloquent question, but that was all he could muster at the moment.
“I made us tea,” Raidou said, the soft smile still on his lips.
Genma yawned again and this time he almost relocated his jaw from the movement. With another groan, he blinked at Raidou. “What for?” he asked drowsily. “It’s the middle of night.”
Raidou shook his head decidedly. He sounded way too vivacious for this inhumane time of the day. “Well, since I woke up a couple of minutes ago, I thought I’d make us some tea and we could watch the sunrise together. Wouldn’t that be lovely?”
Genma stared at him, his mouth slightly agape. Several thoughts buzzed in his mind until one finally gained ascendency. And from the depths of his soul he groaned, “Oh no, you’re a morning person!”
Raidou laughed out loud and the melodious sound did make up a bit for the rather rude awakening. “Didn’t you know that already, Genma?” he asked in an amused tone.
Genma shook his head emphatically, his hair brushing against the pillow. Raidou raised an eyebrow and grinned at him. “What about the myriad of missions we’ve done together?”
Genma sat up slowly, grumbling to himself. “That doesn’t count. You can’t really decide how long you want to sleep on a mission!”
“So, you just assumed I’m a sleepyhead like you?” Raidou teased him, but the gentle smile took the sting out of his words.
Genma gave him an indignant look and had another good yawn. He sighed and patted the bed next to him, motioning for Raidou to sit down. Now that he was at least halfway awake, he might as well make Raidou happy by playing along.
Raidou shook his head with a half-smile. He set one of the tea cups down on Genma’s nightstand before he walked over to the other side of the bed and carefully sat down, still holding his own cup. He leaned against the bedhead and took a sip of his tea, his gaze wandering to the window opposite of the bed. The apartment was on a building floor high enough to see over the other buildings surrounding it.
Genma fought the urge to close his eyes again and took the cup from his night stand, hoping the tea would keep him awake. He took a small sip and cursed under his breath when the boiling hot tea burned the tip of his tongue. Raidou chuckled to himself and Genma gave him a withering look. He did however blow on the tea quite a bit before taking the next sip.
Quietly they sat next to each other, both slowly drinking their tea and looking out of the window. The horizon had taken on a mesmerizing composition of colors. Closer to them, the sky was still of a heavy blue, the last stars sparkling above their heads. But further away, ravishingly beautiful streaks of orange and red set the sky on fire. And in their middle, Genma could see the glow of the sun slowly rising and flooding the world with its radiant light. He sighed faintly. Raidou was right, it was indeed a gorgeous sight.
From the corner of his eye, Genma suddenly noticed that Raidou was looking at him. He turned towards him and gave him an asking look. Raidou’s face took on a tender expression and he quietly said, “Thank you.”
And even though he didn’t say more, Genma knew what he wanted to say. He carefully set his tea cup aside and motioned for Raidou to do the same. After the danger of being boiled by steaming hot tea was avoided, he scooted over until he sat directly next to Raidou who gave him a curious look. Genma smiled at him and leaned against him. Raidou paused for a moment, but then he wrapped his arm around Genma and gently pulled him closer. Genma gave him a tender kiss on the cheek before he leaned his head against Raidou’s chest, peacefully listening to his steady heartbeat.
“You were right,” Genma said softly, “this is beautiful.”
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kakashisboothangg · 1 year
Y’all I need help finding this kakashi x reader story!!
So basically they are on a mission with a team. I think henna and Yamato in it. Anyway they are saving women from a trafficker and the reader suggested that she go In herself under cover and kakashi got all mad and said no they’ll find another way. They go to an onsen and he sneaks into the woman side and Yamato catches them. So somthing along those lines.
If y’all find it lmk bc I been searching dayssss🙃
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Asking Anko (For Marriage)
Anko has always wanted love.
(Even the most observant shinobi can miss the forest for the trees.)
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Mitarashi Anko/Tayuya Word Count: approximately 6K (Complete and posts one chapter daily)
For NatsBats who first gave me the idea that these two could be paired together.
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Tayuya kicks one of the small rocks on the training field, sending it flying.
Spring is here, even if only barely, and the leaves are green and growing. The weather is warming, even if the sakura hasn't bloomed yet, and Okaasan sent her off to the Academy this morning with a wish for a good day. But when she opened her bento at the mid day break, it was filled with the same onigiri as it was yesterday.
There was nothing special there.
She started the Academy early two years ago, right at the beginning of winter, smaller than everyone else in her class because her parents had to work and there was no one to care for her. Even so, her family celebrated the day of her birth with a small feast and presents - something that she'd hoped would happen again this year.
But no, there's nothing.
Being four means that she's old enough to celebrate growing one year older at the new year, right along with the adults, but she wasn't four last month.
She was three.
That doesn't seem to mean as much to everyone else as it does to her though.
So even though the whole world looks bright and happy today, Tayuya is angrier than she's ever been in her life.
Today is her day and it's hers to spend how she wants.
She can be mad if she chooses to be.
Read the rest on AO3.
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kanra-writes · 9 months
A silly little talk with my best friend sparked a headcanon that immediately sparked an idea for this fic.
We talked about how Genma looks very similar to Yashamaru, and joked that he is Yashamaru's and Karura's lost half-sibling.
And honestly? I'd kill for an interaction between Sand siblings and Genma.
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