#Georgie actually ends up with Melanie
t4tnavysea1 · 2 years
cannot stop thinking abt your au. but like a bit twisted. in a scenario in which they live in the same time, either the 80s or nowadays, ofc, like the boys survived and decided to look for the institute and make a statement. I saw someone on my dash (no idea who and I wasn't sure what it was about then, and still not sure but who cares a guy can make crazy headcanons any stuff he doesn't know anything about. as a treat) saying Rolan would be the corruption thing. what if Rachel was the corruption, then they "defeated" her but then now it's Rolan? also Kian could be the distortion (no elaboration, just bc he reminds me of Michael ahshahsh). idk if Rand would be anything, but I love the idea of him just being a guy who's oh god so tired and lost in the middle of this mess. can anyone hear me? then queue all the things you said abt their relationships w the institute crew peepogigles (can I just say Beckie and Georgie would be a thing, or am I just saying words at this point)
LUA. I love the idea of them ending up at the institute in any way. Corruption Rolan (and the hive) is really interesting, and it gets even better if you imagine the fears working like they do in tma canon. I have thoughts, but I don’t know how to say them without spoilers. Anyway, I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks Distortion Kian would be so cool! Remember how not Kian was acting in episode three right befote…well. He’d kind of act like that. And I love the idea of his tattoos shifting on his skin because of Spiral stuff.
Rand is the Desolation 100%. You can’t tell me I’m wrong. If you want me to I can talk about my reasoning. But also, him being the only one not part of the supernatural is very on brand. I am obsessed with their dynamics and how they’d work.
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occudo · 8 months
wait, yo there’s an entire mage magic system in this au? Might I ask for more details?
The short answer is that is a soft magic system, with no hard rules, it's just fun with the characters.
The long answer on the other hand...
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I had a similar ask before, but since then some things changed, so I guess I try to explain it as best as I can.
So! This is a magical-fantasy-medieval AU, I was loosely inspired by arthurameslove 's fic This Lonely Knight, but since then I made my own version of a similar premise. The magic system is based on the original fears, the avatars are people who are affected by their magic, in one way or another. The more close to the fear the person is, the more magical effect it has.
The most known magic users are witches. They go to school to study, and from there, they can go and become advisors in small kingdoms where they can get gifted titles like Lady and Lord, but they don't get actual lands or servants.
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Jon is not an advisor, but Elias' protégé and he can afford to employ Martin, who is a Knight, and previously worked for Lord Lucas. Elias is the advisor of King Magnus.
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The kingdoms are based around the Fears, with most avatars being nobility or witches. (I wasn't sure if I wanted to make Simon a noble or a mage, maybe he is not so open about his skills) The witches are glass cannons- they can be really powerful in some situations but otherwise, kinda weak so is a common thing to have a designated knight bodyguarding them if they leave their palaces.
Martin is 'touched' but can't do magic the way Jon, or other witches.
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If a witch finishes school, they are respected and believed that they can control powerful magic (with circles and runes) without it affecting their bodies and minds negatively - not like Jane Prentiss, for example. She was a noblewoman who got- corrupted.
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Not every witch goes to serve nobility, there are plenty of small village witches, and Gertrude also tried to leave the palace and become a bog witch kinda deal.
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Innisially for this au, I made the 'witch factor' the characters' connection to the eye in canon. I didn't see either Tim or Martin really eye-aligned, so I made them knights instead.
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Since then I added Sky Mages for the Vast avatars- I just tought flying and stars and sky really deserve their own coven.
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I'm not sure about the other fears names and schools jet. The phrase Seer Mage came from @skell3 's fanfic inspired by my comic, and I loved it so much that I baked it in my au. Also, the thought that eye-aligned mages are all about seeking truth and other's secrets, while can't really fly or fight mutch was funny to me.
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So this is a loosy-goosy system that I'm still working on. I'm also open to suggestions- like with Basira and Daisy- they ended up being witch hunters.
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or Georgie and Melanie
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And I changed Michael from a jester to an actual noble/prince
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So yeah, I hope this answers your question. Mostly a character-based, case-by-case thingy.
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consistentscreaming · 2 years
I'm relistening to The Magnus Archives, and I made a list of Actual Canonical Details we as a fandom forget about
- sasha gets coffee from a specific coffee shop every morning
- Jon has an excellent sense of direction
- canonically in artifact storage there is: a wardrobe light cannot penetrate, a carved rock eye that interferes with the video cameras and therefore is kept in a black velvet bag, and a scalpel ride with disease no matter what they use to sterilize it, kept in a hermetically sealed plastic box
- during halloween week, they have to call in the archives as backup due to the influx of statements. jon canonically gets a good nights sleep after disproving these statements.
- Jon sincerely believes he is far too unlucky for statements to just be a hallucination
- Not-sasha asked not to be recorded multiple times
- when told he benifited from gertrude's death, jons only response was "...I didn't?"
- [daisy became police in ~2002, almost 15 years before the story starts...meaning she is canonically late thirties/early 40s
- even when compared with the paranormal, daisy considers car accidents worse
- mary keay made an eye pun "i know the institute and i haven't always seen eye to eye, as it were"
- jon noticed when ghost hunt uk stopped updating
- sasha is taller than not-sasha
- annabelle dresses like a vintage clothing store exploded on her, has bleach blonde hair and dark skin
- annabelle looked "like the type of person that talked to cleaners as if they were actual people"
- annabelle looms over the cleaner by almost a full foot, meaning she Tall
- "the moment i die will feel just the same as this one" is not just a georgie thing, it's an End thing in general, as proved in ep 70
- not-sasha tends to stay late
- martin worked at the institute in 2009
- micheal has curly sandy blonde hair
-micheal is tall
- melanie and jon are on the same wavelength, and when working together they both came to the same conclusions with the same evidence
- elias does not think daisy is smart
- georgie is observant, and pays attention to peoples behavior
- melanie thought jon killing someone with a pipe was "wildly out of character" for him
- georgie and jon have a mutual friend named Jess who thinks Hungarian food is "too Soviet"
- jon borrowed georgie's coat when he went to meet jude perry
- jon tells jude to kill him as an ultimatum every five minutes
- elias tells tim that when presented with horrors, he finds comfort in beaurocrocy
- jared hopworth is handsome with cheekbones and a jawline to die for
- georgie was canonically willing to cover for jon to the police with no context after an unpleasant breakup and after no contact for almost 5 years
- georgie grew up poor in liverpool, and had a scouse accent until she went to oxford
- basira is a huge nerd and will talk about what she's reading to anyone who will listen
- nikola makes an allusion to not having a face
- martin and melanie got along fantastically
- georgie told jon that he needs anchors
- "if something happened to you, or-or god forbid, The Admiral, I-"
- "Don't be a Stranger." georgie thinks she's funny
- michael had a childhood friend who was taken by something like michael (schizophrenic) and that's what drove him to the magnus institut-he never you over what he saw or didn't see
- Hannah is a black woman who works in the library, had a "Thing With The Milk In The Breakroom" in april 2016. Went on maternal leave to have a baby in June of 2017.
- elias enjoys scheduling
- martin zones out when he has to read a statement, and often takes little notice of his surroundings when doing so/about to do so
- martin was looking for a book called "marvelous spiritualism and the circus in tge 19th century" and a guy named tom said tim had it checked out
- danny and tim didn't talk much, but were still close
- Abigail Ellison-who tim calls abby- is a mutual friend of tim and danny's from "back home"
- tim shipped danny and abby
- out of the two of them, danny was more assertive and tim "had never been able to stand in the way of his confidence"
- tim has a big armchair, a printer, and a couch
- melanie has made everyone in the archives cry
- [basira loved wtg until it "took a weird turn in season 3" when they introduced something she thought was odd
- melanie, basira, and martin used to go out for drinks, and martin and basira were gossip buddies
- Melanie's dad had dementia relatively young, but he always remembered her. He called her "Little Moth", and her mothers life insurance helped pay for him to be put into Ivy Meadows Care Home-where he was killed by the Corruption at the hands of John Amherst before Julia and Trevor burnt it down.
- julia is in her early thirties and wears nondescript hard wearing denim
- jon thought that reading statements could be a classical addiction, but decided that even if it was he had no time to, as he put it, "experiment"
- Peter was surprised that elias killed people kimself-implying elias has people to do murders for him. what other murders did he commission
- martin and basira both noticed something wrong with melanie after the Elias Incidint when her work started to deteriorate-martin said she'd always been "quite conscientious"
- right after being told by basira that standing by with a cup of tea wasnt enough, when melanie entered the room Martin immediately offered her a cup of tea.
- Martin knocked over a stack of papers and defended himself by saying that they shouldn't have been there. the absolute madlad
- after micheal stabbed jon, jon told martin he stabbed himself with a bread knife; and martin then proceeded to A) believe him and B) not trust him with anything sharp after that
- Gerry didn't care abt what happened in the unknowing bc he's a book. jon asked if he was serious. Gerry responded that he was, in fact, dead serious.
- gerry teases jon by saying he doesn't know anything before rescinding that statement avd giving the vaguest hint possible. he's such a dickhead i love him
- gerard didn't trust gertrude-he wanted to, but she reminded him of his mother
- gerard called trevor and julia "the van helsings"
- gerry was jealous of lietner bc his mom paid so much attention to them
- mary haunted gerard for 5 years before gertrude destroyed her, and gerry cried with relief when gertrude gave him back the destroyed book
- before the unknowing, daisy was running around killing mannequins and other Strangers
- tim didn't think they would be able to stope the unknowing
- jon would rather have tim where he could see him-which is why he let tim come (guilt guilt guilt guilt GUILT GUILT GUIL GU
- basiras dad couldn't stand people who passively whined about their problems. he always said "If you don't like something, you accept it and you adapt, or you fight, and you change it. Whining doesn't help."
- Melanie was depressed before the unknowing
- jon rambles about his latest insights and melanie wants to punch him.
- martin: "it felt good, weaving my own little web." "Also, i get to burn some stuff, so that's cool"
- basira was the one to suggest that they not tell Melanie they were doing surgery
-Daisy made jon listen to the Archers. "I hate it. but it feels... good, to hate something that can't hurt me"
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
TMAGP 23 thoughts, spoilers under the cut!!
lmao I love how Sam’s reasoning for bothering with the response department paperwork is to A) assume it’s Alice doing a bit and B) seeing how long Alice can keep up said bit. I would do the same thing tbh
Lena cautioning him against it raises some red flags about what it might actually be though. That said, if doing the paperwork really is dangerous, she isn’t exactly trying all that hard to convince him to stop so who knows?
Chester statement time!! It’s an internet one this week hell yeah I’m ready for some red canary (or weird movie) esque shit
“Creating a better me”???? this sounds… very Strange
what do you mean by “finding your piece”? It sounds at first like affirmations but then the statement writer directly refutes the idea of it being a psychological/ “inner peace” thing
The second post makes it seem like this piece thing is an object taken from a significant location in your life. That’s less cursed that what I thought it was gonna be (a body part)
the implication that this person did something at least mildly illegal to get their piece is somewhat troubling. it was probably just theft though. Also they never specified what the piece is
“I’m sure it’s totally safe and not at all dangerous to sleep with the piece in my bed” famous last words
Also why do you need to keep it warm??? Is it alive????? And you have to “bond with it” which I guess is in line with making a “better you”. I guess it has to know what you’re like to emulate you or smth idk but this doesn’t sound like it’ll end well
ok it’s coral. Why are you worried about keeping it warm? If it’s not in water it’s definitely not alive.
you fucking watered your coral with your own blood to grow a better copy of yourself? The fuck? What is the point??? Do you WANT to get replaced????
Wait no she transplanted the coral into her body to grow it. What the fuck maam are you trying to reproduce through some cursed version of asexual budding???
okay yeah that’s exactly what’s happening this thing burst out of her
I mean at least she planned this out and took off work so she doesn’t lose her source of income I guess??? And she made sure she had proper supplies and a paralysis computer.
Oh damn this lady is just straight up willingly getting replaced. This is reading more and more like the original Alesis Newman is more akin to a shed skin than anything related to asexual reproduction
Oooh it went wrong. Not sure how but it definitely did
Oh shit this world’s Jon and Martin have been dead for 20 years and have no connection to the Magnus Institute
wait how would she know about Helen? Did the tunnels cult ever meet her? I don’t remember
OH WAIT I REMEMBER SHE TRIED TO EAT CELIA (at least, according to Melanie and Georgie) lol girlie why would you want to find her ageidjdief
Oh poor Gwen is not doing great.
Oh my god she’s actually talking to Alice instead of being snappy
And Alice seems to be. Actually listening !!!! Here’s how Dyhard can still win-
Alice fully believes Gwen
we’ve got confirmation that [Error] has a shitload of eyes let’s gooooo archivist moment
Alice immediately recognizing the tape recorder from her own experience and putting the pieces together that the whole oiar is being targeted is peak girlboss energy hell yeah Alice
And Gwen is obviously taking Alice’s experience seriously too hell yeah
Alice and Gwen are in danger? I think they should kiss about it
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JonTim is actually the best ship i don’t care if its toxic literally every ship in tma is toxic name ONE healthy ship
this promotes the Bully x Bullied trope, even if Jon is extremely regretful of this and never truly hated Martin and was mostly himself projecting, due to Jon’s lack of emotional stability and self preservation to a Suicidal degree with Martin being extremely worried of Jon it gives a toxic standpoint of necessity on both ends where Jon is relying on Martin to pick him back up again and Martin is relying on the fact that Jon will always fall and he needs someone to help, this gets vaguely remedied in s4 - s5 but we see that their relationship has many arguments over character traits that would only change with time and therapy or maybe even wouldn’t change due to their nature.
While at a glance they might seem like a powerhouse in some aspects, We get to explore more of their toxic side in the show. in s2 - 3 we have the knowledge that daisy is undoubtedly an unjust cop, and we know basira is ignorant and yet aware, letting daisy do what she wanted because she viewed her stronger/braver. when daisy “died” basira had to toughen up herself, leading to her only viewing people based on worth and use. when daisy comes back, she sees that she is “useless” but because of her dwellings of love she doesn’t give up on her and defends her relentlessly. i can only imagine the backhanded compliments. in s5 daisy is a literal monster.
What The Girlfriends?
Melanie has always had a temper problem, melanie was arrogant at best aggressive at worst. she was resorted to violence and yelling. georgie cannot experience fear, while this might not be a bad thing in most cases, it can lead to her not understanding or disregarding other people’s fear. including melanie’s own of people’s fear of melanie. while it may seem silly, fear is generally something you need to keep yourself on edge, or aware of bad things. georgie and melanie handle the apocalypse situation well. and it’s a Very good thing melanie hadn’t kept the bullet, and had gone to therapy.
i have more examples but you get my point,
this is not me Hating literally every ship. i like jmart, all of these are technically canon. but all of them have flaws. flaws that could generally be solved if any of them invested in couples therapy. and i have heard people argue about jontim being toxic so…ya. get this toxic yaoi some therapy and they’ll probably be fine.
please draw jon and tim gay and also write them and write music with them pls please pslplspsl
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acearchivist359 · 2 months
something i can’t stop thinking about is that at this point pretty much everyone has been mentioned except melanie. which is especially confusing to me considering the archives character name drops/mentions/cameos we’ve been getting have all been because of celia [with the exception of gertrude and gerry which came from sam’s email from “john”]
first we had georgie which would make sense from celia, she spent a lot of time with georgie in the apocalypse, she trusted georgie, she knew georgie. she likely knew if this georgie was anything like archives georgie that she could help her
then we had jon and martin which . considering jon’s position in the apocalypse and his relevance to the magnus institute it would make sense for her to look for him and suspect that he may be involved or worth looking in to. martin likely was lumped in with jon because of his importance to jon which is something celia would know or at least have an inkling of. considering by the time jon and martin got to the tunnels they were practically attached at the hip not to mention the way jon tore out of there like a bat out of hell after martin when annabelle took him. but jon would have been the more important person to look for cause celia knew what he was, they all did, at least to the extent that he was like, melanie and georgie, unaffected by the apocalypse. they also knew jon was melanies boss [at least laverne did but i’m going to assume it was common knowledge]. if i got taken from a world that just had an apocalypse and ended up researching the very same place i ended up hiding during said apocalypse i too would look for the man who was at one point in charge of that place.
then there’s helen and basira which are interesting additions, if a bit confusing. far as i remember, and as i’ve seen people point out, celia’s only interaction with helen was helen trying to eat her. she never knew helen in any capacity other than that. celia didn’t work in the archives like melanie or basira or martin so she would have only seen helen as a monster. it’s possible she knew more about her from melanie but . we can’t confirm any of that. i think it’s safe to assume that’s how she knows helen’s full name, unless helen introduce herself, but that’s neither here nor there.
and basira . i don’t remember if they met? i’ve seen a lot of people saying they didn’t but i really don’t remember. clearly celia knew who basira was, we can see that especially after tmagp 24. like with helen, it’s definitely possible she heard about basira from melanie and gerogie. especially considering melanie and basira were pretty good friends, they out for drinks together, they hung out. it’s perfectly reasonable to think that melanie would have been concerned for basira and may have discussed that.
but that still begs the question of where is melanie now? when the point is looking into the magnus institute and now we’re looking into helen richardson and we’ve not had even a mention of melanie? melanie who actually worked in the archives, even longer than basira did? melanie who celia knew and knew well, just as well as she would have georgie?
it just confuses me that she’s not even been remotely mentioned despite being a notable member of the archives staff in later seasons and someone celia was friends with. especially when you consider almost everyone of the last of the archives staff has been mentioned [jon, martin and basira] and the only ones who haven’t are melanie and daisy.
daisy not being mentioned is t much of a mystery because celia definitely didn’t meet her cause she was dead before celia even met jon and martin. that being said with the stuff with basira that’s starting to make less sense too. but where is melanie??
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ambi-kiko · 1 year
here are some tma food hcs bc AAAA
i think that jon gets hungry for real food, too. but its more of a deep hunger? he actually needs food less and less and eventually just doesn't need to eat, but he still can and he still gets hungry, when he lets himself be relaxed enough to realize what his body needs
hes a great cook and at the safe house, cooks amazing meals and bakes warm loafs and all of martins favorite meals
jon sometimes gets hungry and doesnt let himself eat bc he doesnt feel human enough and feels like he doesnt deserve it
martin notices that last one and tries his best to make something jon likes
i think that martin is the best at making tea, really excellent at making classic chocolate chip cookies, and just awful at anything else in the kitchen. he still tries his best, and jon eats everything he makes
lonely!martin loses a lot of weight bc he leaves the office less and less and doesnt care for himself as much
jon is the only one who notices this and starts putting out a little tray of homemade biscuits near the tea in hopes that martin grabs some
when theyre in the safe house, jons #1 priority is to figure out martins favorite meals as subtly as he can to get martin to stop starving himself accidentally out of habit (he actually wasnt subtle at all, but martin found it endearing so he played along)
Melanie wanted to be a baker when she was younger and got really good at making treats. Her first youtube channel was for baking
Georgie cooks and Melanie bakes and they always call eachother the better chef
georgie is pretty good at cooking but she isnt exceptional by any means. melanie is excellent at baking, but she considers it pretty useless because "you cant live off fancy cakes and meringues"
daisy says that she knows how to cook and for a pretty long time basira believes her bc you cant be that buff if you dont eat
one night she comes over and finds that all that daisy has been eating is frozen meals
basira is fine at cooking (enough to live off of), but she cooked the best meal she could in hopes to inpress daisy
daisy had so little actual ingredients that basira rly struggled but it was amazing. daisy didnt notice bc she was too tired. she crashed on the couch and basira left after tucking her in. daisy was pissed at herself for not appreciating basira
after that, she stops eating frozen meals and tries learning to cook. shes really bad at it at first and almost gives up multiple times, but wants to be able to cook for herself (its really for basira but she wont admit it)
tim is the cook and sasha cleans up after
he feels bad making her clean but she insists bc "cooking is so much more useful and time consuming" and that he should "let her be useful"
tim always helps out in the end and they often end up dancing together in the kitchen
tim gets this weird feeling of loneliness when certain songs come up when hes cleaning the kitchen alone after not!sasha
peter leaves homecooked meals at elias' desk when he has his back turned (he starts with warm foods, but realized that they always turn cold and that isnt very pleasent, so he starts bringing salads and poke bowls)
if i missed anyone, lmk! i could continue w these for a while but im blanking on other characters and i dont want to go on too long in 1 post so see ya later!
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somuchbetterthanthat · 5 months
The reason I love going into the tag times and times again is that I see people coming up with the same sort of ideas just after an episode and some of them are so interesting (people making the connection between Luke's bands, their names, his turn of luck, and the drown victim! Fascinating stuff I had not made the connection to AT ALL, but I enjoy quite a bit.)
But speaking of the drowning victim, once again I cannot help but turn towards Alice, and I've got two very vague theories of my own building up.
The first one, the one that immediately jumped at me and that I'm giddy about it becoming true maybe, is that Alice has fallen prey to the Institute, and to whatever version of the Eye we've got here. She's in the process of becoming an eye victim. We've only had Alice for 15 episodes, after all, but ALL THIS TIME, she's been a firm advocate for "keep your head down, don't ask questions, don't get curious, don't look, don't listen, and everything will be fine." Someone who avoids so well digging into the horrors she categorizes each week is someone who fears what she might discover on the other side.
Avoidance is fear; so is being unable to shake away the truth anymore. If you won't go out of your way to seek truth (which could also end badly, of course, see: Jon), then the truth will be the one chasing after you. Alice is the only one who gets the feeling of being followed after coming back from the Institute. Alice is the one who just so happens to stumble into a supernatural occurence, and gets a tape recorder out of it ---well, not really, she drops it, but- the tape recorder is not recording the drowning victim. the tape recorder is recording ALICE witnessing the drowning victim. ALICE being too terrified of what she sees to stay, ALICE running away. I'm getting the feeling that this is far from the last time Alice is going to just randomly see shit like that. and, each time, there will be a tape recorder somewhere.
The second theory, which is less well thought about so far and less obvious is. I think the Magnus Archives World is, quite literally, haunting the Magnus Protocol World. I think, perhaps, whatever door Jon opened that day when he sent the fears away, he didn't really got to close it behind him after, and so now things are popping up -- and also people. Mght have started with Celia, Georgie, possibly Melanie and Basira (and other cult members close by) ; might be still going with other victims (hence the Errors at the Institute, hence the drowning victim -- although, again, love the idea the drowning victim might have actually been linked to Luke's bands).
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magpod-confessions · 3 months
hi. so because i'm normal about jonathan sims and jmart. um.
i really like jmart. i think there could have been MUCH better buildup, but... ultimately it's a very cute ship. i think the appeal, yeah, is a lot that it's just canon. but.
they're both deeply broken people. jon wasn't loved enough. his grandmother tried her best, but he was never cuddled, never read to, never had a chance to *be a little kid*, really. and martin was never loved. maybe he convinced himself he was just never loved the right way, that his mum just didn't know how to show it because he was so *insufferable* and *incompetant*, but no matter the lies he tells himself, martin was not shown love by his mother.
and then they meet. and martin gives and gives and gives because that's all he knows. and jon has no idea how to receive because he never really had anything to receive. and jon's coping mechanism, with that unknown situation, is to reinforce his emotional walls. martin does not know how to stop giving. so they don't work at this point, not at all.
and then jon's emotional walls come tumbling down. well, moreso that they were violently destroyed, with prentiss and all. jon has no support system!!! tim hates him because he's a fucking *stalker*, martin... well... he can't rely on martin, of all people. and sasha... he never knew her too well, but she's acting strange. so jon and martin don't work together at that point, romantically, i think partially because jon won't let it.
in big part, jmart is built on mutual trauma (NOT traumabonding!! i know it's used that way in podcast, but that's not the correct definition) and ... martin being pretty much the only person jon has left. of course, there's basira and melanie and georgie, but they don't *get it*. they didn't go through everything jon did alongside him. sure, martin didn't either, but martin has been there the whole time.
it's partially a relationship of proximity, partially shared trauma, but i do think a lot of it is genuine care for each other (even if that care stems from the former two reasons).
anyways. theyre really cute. tma could have been just as good without it, but---and im saying this as someone who typically despises most romance in media---i really adore them and their dynamic. it opens up so many doors for both character- and self-exploration.
martin learning to love without sacrificing himself. jon learning to love openly, period. explorations of trust and how mutual trauma that affected people in different ways can shape them, etc etc etc. and of course, this is all in fics and in my own mind, because . theyre dead . (i wont accept any ending but that, honestly. theyre not Somewhere Else to me). but. it's nice. they mean a lot to me as characters and as people and as a pair. thumbs up.
and some jon ranting!! because i. admit. finally. that i might be a bit of a jon kinnie.
jon doubts himself, constantly, unless his decision is completely impulsive (ex. the coffin). he can't *let* himself feel, fully, because as a child it was always annoying/obnoxious, or too much, or wrong in some ambiguous, nebulous way.
he's out of touch with himself emotionally. it's... not so much that he doesn't get emotions, it's moreso that he's repressed the majority of his own so intensely that he has a hard time dealing with others' emotions because he's not too sure what it's supposed to feel like without a heavy flavouring of shame.
he's read a lot of books. he knows, in theory, what sadness or romantic love or anger or excitement feels like---and occasionally in practice, when the repression and 'compartmentalisation' (bottling it up) becomes too much and it all boils over---but he has a hard time relating those hypothetical and heat-of-the-moment feelings to actual, real life people.
he struggles with empathy, severely. partially an autistic thing, partially a trauma response. yknow. he's genuinely well-meaning when it comes to comforting those he cares about, but he's not sure of the right thing to say because of how severely that muscle has atrophied. he was never taught that with his grandmother and her neglect (and yes, no matter what he says on tape, it was emotional neglect) and then not having very many friends... he missed those prime developmental stages as a child.
he never empathised with book characters, i don't think. he was always the observer, never really fully putting himself in the role of the protagonist. he definitely used books as an escapist coping mechanism, but it wasn't in a visiting-this-fictional-world way, it was more of a losing-himself-in-the-story way, if that makes sense. there was always a sense of detachment. reading was an *in between* of his life and the life of the protagonist.
he struggles with his and others' feelings because, from his perspective, his emotions are uniquely shameful, uniquely embarrassing, and uniquely *harmful* to other people. so, he represses them, and doesn't let himself feel them unless they're 'useful'. and then, when he can't apply this ideology to others' emotions, he has no way to deal with them. he freezes up because this is a situation in which he has no real experience in, and, as a child who was punished for behaving autistically *wrong* ---whether by his peers or his grandmother---he's scared to make a wrong move.
he sees himself as a person who is uniquely capable of harm. other people can hurt other people, sure, but jon can hurt them in a *special* way, a *worse* way, because he is a fundamentally wrong, bad person.
I AM EATING THIS I agree with this yea
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 3 months
omg gwens gonna get inkeddddd alice is gonna be so proud!! ^.^💥✨️✨️
i would love if inksoul fully monstered out and became like the most annoying influencer octopus eheheh
but also alice omg ur so right and i support u...like bring me evidence and we'll burn the uk government down but until then eeeeekkkkkkk later!!! <333 shes like how hard i was rooting for georgie in the og, and also melanie bc they were just like so right always all the time. getting the fuck out and trying to murder the source of ur suffering? wtg gfs more like competent could have made this a like 120 or less ep podcast lol. slay and booyah and cosigned tbh (:<
i loved seeing celia mediate too like alice was like sigh fine, mystery hot girl can keep me on a short leash (as a treat, etc.).
tho....as charmed as i am by alice as a character, my kinnie mayhaps even, i have to say i get why sam feels undercut and patronized by her (hes never really said that exactly but i get the impression he doesnt feel listened to or taken seriously by her and im like lmaoooooo i see why u whores fucking broke up~ pls god stay broken up!! messyyyyyy!! <3)
i love sam, i think hes a sweetpea and silly and too damn curious for his goddamn wellbeing but like....hes the only that gets to be mad at alice. rest of yall can gargle rocks owo 😭<3
i love my horny cringefail tumblr gf and i will be toxic about it <333
also also back to gwen but her interaction with inksoul had vibes of jon and jude perry's first convo imo. she's too damn nosey and reckless and is way over confident she wont get hurt, i love that shes so stupid mwah :x 🫶✨️✨️ also i think inksoul has leanings toward the desolation (if that's how they powers are manifesting in this) and their speech pattern/way they said things reminded me of jude too. i was like wow they suck i kind of love them (me also at jude- im literally stupid about all of the tma sapphics) 💀✨️
however!! the parallels end there- gwen actually takes care of her skin!! so tbh the comparison isnt even worth entertaining oops!!!! uh oh!!! throw it in the trash, kick its ass and huff my butt jon sims u pee pee farthead d:<
miss u nikola, u would have loved to wear gwennie bouchard 🤧🤗🙏
(i love commenting on a magnus work in real time even if i have brain rot and wringing hands the other six days of the week <3)
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martington0x0 · 7 months
Ok so I know that the universe that tmagp takes place in is generally considered to not be the same universe that tma takes place in, but have we considered that there’s a possibility that all the characters from the tma universe that were unaffected/saved from the eyepocalypse are the same?
what if after martin stabs jon and all the fears are sucked through hilltop road all the surviving characters are brought there witj them? this would follow the current pattern:
-Jon, Martin and Jonah are (presumably due to beholding shenadigans) stuck inside the computer
- Celia who is 100% from the tma universe is working with
- Georgie (who, for lack of information, I am unsure if she IS the same Georgie but i am assuming so) to find out THINGS ABOUT TIME TRAVEL AND DIMENSION HOPPING??
Gertrude and Gerry arent the same because they weren't around for the eyepocalypse, so it makes you wonder about the alternate universe versions of the previously mentioned characters…
anyway, if this theory is true, then it means that we may see:
-Jon, Martin and Jonah (i mean obviously)
-The WhatTheGirlfriends cult members (Georgie, Melanie, Celia, Arun, Danielle, Song, Christopher and the other unnamed members)
-Basira maybe?????
- (and the person who I’m CONVINCED will show up and some point:) Annabelle Cain.
Also extra mini theory: Another thing to note is that at the VERY end of mag 200 when we hear Basira, Melanie and Georgie hunt down the last tape recorders, this could have been after they were all dumped into the new world cause if the web had disappeared out of tma then the tape recorders should have stopped BUT THEY DIDNT, so maybe it was because they were still manifesting as an aspect of the web before the web changes in the new world?? Idk if that’s anything but that’s just a thought I have had
ALSO to add to the Annabelle Cain thing there has to be a reason why Jon lets her live at the end of tma. Something something Checkoffs gun (similarly this COULD mean the return of Simon Fairchild but I doubt it cause he has no relation to the eye or to hilltop road.)
Yeah I know that it was said that you don’t have to have knowledge of tma to enjoy tmagp and that it was said that tma listeners shouldn’t be biased about tmagp but Cmon…
I hope that u enjoyed my yap fest I don’t know if any of this is actually anything of if I’m just slowly going insane but I would love to hear your thoughts!!!
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ashironie · 4 months
tmagp ep 18/may 28
“GWEN (absolutely losing it) SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
okokokok starting now
incident elements: -strong language
ohhhhh starvation
ah alex is doing the intro hope the case is norris
ohhhh wouldn’t it be cool if there was no case? what lore happens IS the case?
i’d allow that
oh celia? alice mumbling? ALICE!!! TEDDY!!!
Alice you girlfail
teddy is the jobless friend that you just randomly find in your life that you have no clue what their doing at the store buying coal, baby food (they don’t have a baby and are not expecting), and ten boxes of plastic bags
Sam? ew lena
he’s nervous around you you fuck
i hate lena
uggggghgghhhhh it’s called being kind and sociable, at least when gwen does it she’s purposely being a bitch
you don’t know your own employee’s kids name???
actually that’s fair
i just hate her
that interaction is making me love sam more
what’s his name
AUGUSTUS!!!!!! that’s not how you spell it is it?
i hope this is so fucked up
is this the drowned victim?
nah, i don’t think the drowned died of dehydration
OH MY GOD WAIT IS THE BOUTA BE ALIVE? I WAS LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT MY SISTER ABOUT HER TALKING TO DEAD BODIES (she wants to become a pathologist, aka someone who dissects dead bodies to know more about illnesses)
mother???? the web?
wait alone?
maybe it’s a ritual???
god i hope alice doesn’t hear this. agustie’s kinda a bitch
end of statement soon :(
it’s getting more robotic but he isn’t getting less emotional? oh no he is dw
wait was he lying? how can he lie???
thank god alice want listening
Sam shut the fuck up
she doesn’t need to know
knowledge isn’t always power my man, not when you have very little of it
she so can just ignore this, she’s been doing this for years
she kinda slayed that
like how that woman got slayed—
who is that???
i’m gonna kill lena
Alice pleeeeeaaaaase don’t poke the bear
sam i’m going to fucking kill you im going to murder you dead im going to fucking stab you i’m murdering you as we speak i hate you more than lena for this moment
Sam go kill yourself
Gwennie are you ok?
Celia :)
So jack is real
georgie c:
i hope she’s able to date melanie :)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 7 months
I unfortunally don't have The Sims 4 anymore (I had the og paired with totally legal not even a lil bit OFMD inspired DLCs but the DLCs bugged for ocean reasons and it broke the og and now I don't have it but can't redowload it because it acts as if it's still on my PC) but I was looking at my phone's note to delete some and I found a detailed traits plan for a bunch of TMA characthers. So I'm posting it here in case someone finds it usefull or a fun thing to discuss (or tells me how to fix my game so I can add new totally legal DLCs and play as my beloved blorbos).
The traits change as seasons go because CHARACTHER DEVELO0MENT, my beloved.
P.S: no season 5 because the literal end of the world brings more than 3 traits on it's victims/survivors
Jon - S1: Snob, Perfecionist, Bookworm
S2: Paranoid, Perfecionist, Bookworm
S3: Cat Lover, Gloomy, Paranoid
S4: Gloomy, Cat Lover, Bookworm
Scotland: Socialy Akward, Cat Lover, Bookworm
Aspiration: Reinassanse Sim (nerd) (he can also be a wizard and have Spellcraft and Sorcery or play as uni Jon and have Academic, uni Jon's traits are more open to interpretation I would suggest Perfectionist, Cat Lover and Bookworm but rly up to player)
Martin - S1: Creative, Socialy Akward, Clumsy
S2/S3: Creative, Socialy Akward, Loyal
S4: Gloomy, Loner, Loyal
Scotland: Creative, Jealous, Loyal
Aspiration: Best-Selling Author (when concluded there is also Country Caretaker for the good countryside good cow life, let's pretend the Eyepocalipse never happens and no one is likely a compurter program)
Sasha - Genius, Good, Geek
Aspiration: Nerdy Brain
Not-Sasha - Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac (stoled some tapes)
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief (I hear you Public Enemy fans but Chief of Mischief has Tormentor as a bonus trait so...)
Tim - S1/S2: Bro, Outgoing, Adventurous
S2/s3: Hot Headed, Gloomy, Adventurous
Aspiration: Extreme Sport Enthusiast (for all the kayaking; other sugestion is Serial Romantic, for all the cop seduction as unfortunally revenge isn't a sims 4 aspiration but maybe there is a mod? Would sugest looking for it)
Basira - S3: Bookworm, Dog Lover, Loyal
S4: Dog Lover, Ambitious, Genius
Aspiration: Nerdy Brain (baby just wants to read and chill)(I'm unsure of her traits cause I actually think she just has all 5 and picking the more evident per season was hard. I feel very proud of Dog Lover for her tho, she loves her werewolf wife)
Daisy - Hunt: Mean, Hot-Headed, Loyal
Post Hunt: Dog Lover, Loyal, Active
Aspiration: Lone Wolf/ Inner Peace (she changes aspiration, also sugestion werewolf, the lone one is cause Basira is all the pack she needs)
Georgie - Foddie, Outgoing, Catlover
Aspiration: Computer Whizz (unsure what do with aspirations for her, I also considered Neighboorhood Confidant for the cult and also how protective she is of her people and Master Actress for the matress add, on the other hand is fundamental you buy the brave bonus trait for her)
Melanie - Slaughter: Hot Headed, Mean, Erratic
No Slaughter: Hot Headed, Geek, Romantic
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity (with her yt channel)/ Archeology Schoolar (is the closest to non moded paranormal specialist sorry)
Elias- Actually Jonah (that bitch): Evil, Self-Absorved, Genius
Aspiration: Public Enemy (it's the cloest to king of the broken world and it's trait is mastermind, would also recomend Seeker of Secrets for it's beholding energy, tbh he should have both)
OG Nepo Baby: Bro, Lazy, Slob
Aspiration: Fabulosly Welthy (he already is but wants to keep being without having to rly work for it)
Peter: Loner, Evil, Child of the Ocean
Aspiration: Sucefull Lineage (hear me out: that's the whole Lukas thing ok? Also isolating people is not a valid option)
Gertrude: Genius, Ambitious, Self-Assured
Aspiration: The Positivity Challenge (?) (Is the closest to stopping rituals ig, if you find smt better please please tell me)
Gerry (my son): Bookworm, Gloomy, Music Lover
Aspiration: The Positivity Challenge (?) (again burning Leitners, stopping rituals, other better ideias would be appreciated)/ Painter Extraordinary (this one was added rn while formating the list for Tumblr and is inspired by happy Gerry from TMAGP : ) )
Michael Shelley- Assistant: Loyal, Good, Clumsy
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Distortion: Eratic, Evil, Insider
Helen Richardson: Non-Comital, Ambitious, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Distortion: Eratic, Evil, Cheerfull
(Unsure what the distortion really wants, so my sugestion for aspiration is either whatever the players wants or just keep changing it at random lol)
Agnes (my gal): Romantic, Gloomy, Self-Assured
Aspiration: City Life (because she scaped the cult)/ Soulmate (be it that guy or Gertrude)
Annabelle (my problematic fave): Ambitious, Perfecionist, Genius
Aspiration: I'm unsure maybe Public Enemy for the evil plot + mastermind trait or Friend of the Wolrd but friend is in quotation marks for her.
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hareofhrair · 5 months
An incomplete list of Magnus Archives fic I want to write but probably never will
Romance between a Desolation avatar oc who keeps burning her life to the ground and restarting and a Stranger avatar oc who’s features and mannerisms are constantly subtly changing so they look and act like a completely different person every few days. Desolation starts a new relationship in every city and then watches it go up in flames before she leaves, but she starts to notice weird similarities between her various ill fated paramours and realizes she’s actually just been dating and breaking up with the same person over and over.
Horror short about a Hunt avatar whose thing is being the Perfect Prey, like the Hunt’s version of the anglerfish. Predatory people zero in on her and are compelled to pursue her until they eventually find themselves literally hunting her down with violent intentions, thrilled and horrified by what they’re doing but unable to stop, until she suddenly turns the tables on them and they realize they were the ones being hunted the whole time.
Some kind of “everyone’s avatars” au which starts out as a heartwarming found family thing where they all become monsters together but redeem each other- John’s the Eye of course, Martin’s Lonely, Tim becomes Desolation after he blows up the Unknowing, they kill the Not-Sasha and it regurgitates Real Sasha who has been transformed into a Stranger by the process, Melanie’s Slaughter, Basira’s the Hunt, Daisy become Buried post coffin (it’s complicated), they keep and somehow “fix” Ghost Gerry who becomes an avatar of the End, they recruit Michael/Helen from the Spiral, Annabel Web starts hanging around and they can’t make her leave so she’s eventually just made part of the family through attrition, they recruit Manuela of the Dark because she’s got nothing left after the ritual failed, and Michael Crewe of the Vast just because I like him and I said so, Adelard Decker comes back Corrupted because I’m a heartless bastard, and when the Flesh attacks the institute Melanie cuts off a chunk of Jared which falls behind a filing cabinet and emerges a few weeks later as a semi sentient blob they name Meatball and dress in little outfits. Oh and everyone thinks Georgie is just the token normie but surprise turns out losing her fear was just the beginning of her evolving beyond humanity and whoops now she’s Extinction. With their powers combined Jonah Magnus gets kicked to the curb well before he can pull any shenanigans and yay the world is saved snd we’re basically superheroes now! Except then it turns out their love for each other has actually doomed the world by perfectly balancing the fears in each other, essentially becoming the archive John was meant to be times, uh, 14. Apocalypse time! Yaaay!
Pwp fic about ace voyeur John watching Martin fuck someone else. Tim maybe? That’d be funny.
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rossary-of-the-rose · 6 months
So. I just listened to MAG 200, finally finishing the fever dream that is The Magnus Archives, and all I have to say is: Holy shit. Just. Good lord.
Look, I knew it was going to be sad. I've been on Pinterest. But Jesus. I was not prepared. Now I'm shaking and will certainly be curling in the fetal position later, sobbing and screaming into the void. I mean, I'm happy for Basira, Melanie & Georgie of course, as well as our beloved Admiral, but God. Jon and Martin, I love you, you deserved so much better, I see why all your fanfics are fix it. But even just thinking about everyone we have lost, all the characters I got emotionally attached to. Sasha. Tim. Daisy. Michael Shelley. Even thinking about all the avatars (I'm a sucker for a villian, what can I say?) makes my lungs spasm with love and want. I shall miss them all for eternity.
And so ends possibly the greatest experience I've ever had with a fandom, at least until I recover enough to start tmagp. Everything about tma is just pure amazingness. Everything. It's funny how much you can grow to love random people just by hearing them voice act a character and laugh in bloopers. I love them so much, the whole cast. The two blooper episodes brought me more joy than I think I have ever experienced with a piece of media, trumping even the mighty Good Omens, which is saying something (To be fair though, Not with that thong on! and Oh god, I'm knackered, I've been doing all this labelling! would make anyone crack up, although perhaps not continue hysterically giggling for over fifty minutes... They still pop into my head sometimes and I'll just randomly snort in really inappropriate situations because I'm gonna buy some 'ead and shoulders, 'cause I found one on the road this mornin'! and Gertrude's been on the sauce, need I say more? Yes? Alright then,if you insist - Happy little DOORBELLS! FifTy MInUteS eArLY! and Fuck you, Jonny. God, he drags the rest of us down. What a wanker! I could go on, but I feel these brackets have already gotten way longer than they have any business being). I love these strangers more than I love anyone else I've actually met before, except my partner. They are everything to me. And I cannot wait to re-listen to all five seasons yet again, definitely screaming and crying and laughing and screaming while I do so. I have never before listened to and experienced something so perfect. Alex and Jonny, you have legitimately changed my life in all the best and worst ways possible, and I hate you and love you for it. You have my utmost gratitude and admiration, also kindly piss off.
Seriously though, the genuine adoration and idolization I hold for all the voice actors is sort of concerning. VA for Simon Fairchild gets a special mention, as well as Michael The Distortion because how is it possible to fall in love with a person after listening to only their voice for thirty seconds-
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
This will more than likely be the last one of these I have. So, for the last time, here is my live reaction to the final season of TMA. These will be in no particular order because ice been listening to it over the span of a couple of weeks. I only listen to it at work.
TMA S5 Spoilers ahead
The cabin episode made me so sad. The eyepocolypse had even taken away their domestic bliss
I really don't remember the trenches that well. It's not a fear of mine, so it didn't shake me or stick well enough. Still good tho
The sickness episode sent me right back to senior year of highschool. I had to take a minute KXNSKXN
At first I thought the worms was about Jane again but I was very wrong. It was a very interesting take!
Curiosity made me incredibly sad. I feel bad for Eric, Micheal, and Sarah(? Trinity? I don't remember. She was set on fire by a desolation avatar I think)
Also: Gertrude x Agnes perhaps???? Or at least solemn pinning? Maybe I just think it's slightly tragic to make it so and sometimes angst is good yknow?
Roots was ok, but the only part that stuck out to me was the jealous Martin scene. I listened to it like 3 times. I kept rewinding it just to list to it.
Fire Escape was SO good! It gave me a kind of manic energy as I listened to the descriptions of the fire.
Martin in the Lonely again made me cry. That's it.
"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" "Yes actually." "Oh...so is there anyway this doesn't end in me dead?"
The Basira and Daisy stuff actually did make me feel bad for Basira. Like, it's the apocalypse and she's having a whole ass crisis.
I wonder how he faked his death... man is talented and smart, I'll give him that
Skipping ahead to Martin's domain. Loved that. My boy isn't strictly human and I love that he can't deny that fact anymore.
Martin: Something something "one of you"
Jon, being a smug theater kid bastard boy: "One of us."
Like I heard that and I imagined him smirking ominously and gesturing with both his hands
He sounded so pleased that his boyfriend, as miniscule a role it had or that martin had, was like him, and I love that for him
I'm so glad Melanie and Georgie are happy. Though, the cult does weird me out (cults give me the heebie jeebies. It was a very nice touch!)
They deserve nice things.
Also, my favorite of the Cult members was Anil's character. I can't remember his name right off the top of my head, but he was wonderful. Anil did amazing with that little cameo/role
The scene where's he's arguing with Martin reminds me of that Jojo meme with jotoro and dio, but instead of stands they have their poetry clutched tight in their fists
"I dont need a poet." No, Jon, because you already have one. His name is Martin
Of course Jon gets trapped in the ocean when he doesn't have big string martin to row him out of it XD
Annabelle Cane is wonderful, I'm so glad Jon didn't kill her. She's so chummy with Martin up until she has to be a dramatic villain and I love that for her!
The ladder episode made me grin like a maniac manly because I would be the Martin in that situation. I love the feeling of falling/floating, but I hate actually getting myself to fall. I physically can't do it. I can barely dive into the lake from my papaw's boat
Martin, there are thousands of fanfics that dive into you two getting together without the trauma. Don't even.
Hey, real elias! That's where him being a stoner comes from! Because he is one! Nice.
I love og Elias, and I would protect him with my life I don't care.
Oh wait it was just Magnus dreaming
I almost cried when Martin was yelling at Jon. The boys are fighting
They're somewhere else being happy and domestic now you can't change my mind
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