#Gerard Keay x reader
tma-reader-inserts · 1 year
Gerard Keay x Lonely Avatar! Reader
Tw: suicidal thoughts; mentioned character death
You missed Michael. You missed him so much you ached. You missed his breezy laugh and fun sweaters and how he always made tea for the two of you every morning. You missed your best friend, and his absence weighed on you like a stone.
You never worked together exactly; but you were an assistant to Elias, and you took the same route home every day and he was just so friendly it was hard not spend time with the sweet and sensitive man.
You didn’t have many friends. Hardly any except for Michael. And by extension, you were on friendly terms with Gerard Keay, who worked closely with Micheal and Miss Robinson on several statement cases. You were… intrigued by Gerard. Michael had encouraged you several times to “go for it”, to suck down your cowardice and just asked the attractive book-burner out for drinks; but you were so, so awkward; even more bumbling than Blackwood.
It felt like a miracle Elias hasn’t fired you yet. You assume it’s because you’ve memorized his coffee order and know exactly where to buy the biscuits he enjoys so much. You really didn’t do much in the was of assisting. You help take names and numbers of potential statement givers, arranged for them to meet an archivist or archivist assistance, fetch coffee and teas, and mostly just sit at the desk in front of Elias’s office and look busy. Whatever papers Elias gives you usually are meant for someone else and all you do is have the building’s mail system bring them to the specific person, so you don’t really do any actual filing.
Well, it’s a living.
A small reprieve from the hum drum of your boring work life was Michael and his fun stories.
Now you don’t even have that.
You wore all black for three weeks in mourning when you realized Michael wasn’t coming back. He wasn’t the first assistant to disappear, but it was the first that affected you. Elias and Gertrude said nothing about the change of your attire and attitude.
You also haven’t seen Gerard in ages. You had seen him once in passing as he exited the building while you were walking up to the stairs, smoking heavily with a dark look on his face. You have to assume he knows of Michael, you couldn’t imagine telling him, and Gerard always seems to know about everything that happens in the Institute. He eyed you briefly, in your dark clothes and somber expression, and he gave you a pitying look before walking in the opposite direction.
Not a word was exchanged, and you had felt so utterly and horribly alone since.
The loneliness creeps into your chest cavity, hollows it out and curls in there like a fog on a pier. Michael was gone, Gerard hasn’t been back in so long, and you were so alone.
Elias briefly checks up on you, asks about your morning walk and compliments your new shoes, wishes you a peaceful weekend and lends you an umbrella when it’s storming. But he’s no friend, and you are under no delusions that you are replaceable to him if needed.
You had no family to turn to. No more friends. Even the stray cat you were feeding regrettably was hit by a car. You felt so desolate and solitary.
You used to cry about it frequently. Every night even, especially after Micheal’s disappearance. But now you can’t even bring yourself to shed tears, they dried long ago; now all you have is the cold knowledge that you have nothing, and that nobody wants you.
When Gerard comes to the Institute again, you don’t even see him at first. You used to jump at the chance to even look upon the handsome man with his badly dyed hair and plethora of tattoos, but now when you hear the other people in the office tittering over his arrival, you just… acknowledge he’s there in the building. You don’t feel excitement or dread or anything. You meant nothing to Gerard, why would he visit you? You don’t even leave your desk to see him.
You felt it again, the loneliness. The heavy fog settling in your brain where you just stare ahead and register nothing going on around you, not processing anything, just barely existing.
Maybe you’ll kill your self today, your thoughts muse in the back of your mind. Death must be nice. To not have to worry about anything; not about friends dying or abandoning you, about poor strays on the street, about perfectly distant bosses and co workers…
It’d be easy; people kill themselves all the time. The Institute was a rather tall building. A drop from there would surely end you; and you know where all the key copies were to get access to the roof.
You had to cross a bridge over a river to get to work; on your way home you could easily crawl over the railing if you wanted.
You were suddenly acutely aware of the sleeping pills in your apartment, ones you bought months ago to aid with your insomnia. It’d be like taking a long rest, like going to bed.
Someone was shaking your shoulders, someone was saying your name with a rising pitch of desperateness. You felt your office chair swivel to face a dark mass and warm warm hands cupped your face.
Rough thumbs wiped away at the hot tears settling on your face. When your vision focused, you saw Gerard. Black lipstick, teased hair, tattoos and dark, wide, worried eyes.
He says your name again and it sound like it aches in his throat to say it.
Several long moments were in silence as the book-burner wiped your face with his finger and smoothed your hair down, eyes darting around your figure as if to search for an injury.
Finally, your voice croaked. “Hi…”
A sigh of relief escapes him, he visibly sags. Hands rest on your shoulders heavily. “Hey. You were crying, did something happen?”
A part of you wants to be enraged. Of course something happened. Micheal is probably dead. The cat that sleeps in your apartment all winter is dead. You want to be dead. You want to carve out your insides so your body reflects how you feel and this whole time he wasn’t there-
But you can’t even feel the anger within you anymore. The burning spite inside you is snuffed out by the chill of your indifference of the situation.
“… I’m fine…” you eventually mutter, looking to your desk. The files on the surface were meant to be sent out ages ago, you should really get on that.
Don’t want to leave your replacement a messy desk after all.
You see Gerard flinch in your peripheral. “Listen- I’ve been meaning to talk to you…”
He smells like cigarettes and sweat, and you briefly realized you will miss that smell when you kill yourself. He flinched again.
“It’s really kind of important, um, can we talk about it over drinks? Right after you get off?”
This stalls your brain. Sure, suicide was a sudden desire, but it felt like the right decision to make. Drinks would just put off the inevitable.
Gerard’s hands came back up to your face again, warm and solid. “Please?”
… you’ve never heard Gerard Keay say please before. At least not earnestly. Usually it was sarcastic and in annoyance. The sincerity of the word casts off whatever dregs of the fog were left, and now you were hyper aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Your cheeks were wet; when did you start to cry? And your hands were balled up into fists so tight your knuckles changed colors. Your mouth was incredibly dry and your jaw aches which how tightly you were clenching your teeth.
Gerard’s presence was warm, comforting. It almost make you choke a sob, and you felt very suddenly the desire to spill every thought about your plans to kill yourself to him, and the only thing that stopped you was social graces and the idea that Elias was right behind the door beside you both and could probably hear you.
“Drinks?” You inquire, blinking away the swell of cold tears in your eyes “um, it’s Tuesday, though-“
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about that. Just-just say you’ll come. I’ll walk with you after work.”
It sounded more like a plan for himself but you were always so weak willed you didn’t have it in yourself to contest him. So you nodded. Gerard smiles and breathes out a long breath, like he was holding it in. “Good.” He concludes, rising up from his crouching position and removing his hand from your face. “Good. I’ll see you at five.”
He almost turns to leave, before staring hard at Elias’s door. Thick rubber soles squeaked slightly as he steps even closer to you. He looks down at you, eyes wide and searching. One of his black painted finer nails prodded at your fist until it was pulled apart and relaxed by his ministrations.
“Hey…” he sighs, “I’m… I am sorry for not coming back to you sooner.”
A small frown pulls at your mouth. You never meant to make Gerard feel guilty. “It’s fine.” You assure, voice soft.
His eyes alight with sadness. “It’s not. It’s not okay, you need to know that.” He stresses, before finally turning and leaving.
As soon as the door to the hallway close, Elias’s door opens.
He says something about a meeting he has tomorrow with a Board member, a Mr. Lukas, and he asks you to be sure to brew strong coffee for the gentleman when he arrives tomorrow.
You nod, and plan on maybe killing yourself later in the week; to make it easier on everyone.
Five pm rolls around at a snails pace, but surely and dutifully, Gerard is there at the door to the exit, waiting for you.
He looks… not stressed, just anxious. Like he’s itching to leave the building as soon as you’re within reach. And that’s exactly what he does. The second he saw you his face erupts into a smile and one of his pale, tattooed hands reached out and gently grabs your elbow, pulling through the front door and down the steps to the road as he sings praises about the bar the two of you were going to; nothing too stuffy but not overtly casual, and he promises that the cocktails are unique and the music they play is a far better selection than most.
You knew from his description he was probably taking you to a goth bar; you didn’t really mind. The idea of strong drinks and black painted walls and sad music almost seemed like a comfort to you.
The hand on your elbow migrates down to your wrist, and finally your hand. His grip was sturdy, and he never let your digits go, squeezing slightly whenever he thought the two of you might get separated.
Gerard was always affectionate with you before. Casually playing with your hair whenever he passed by you in the hallway, placing a hand on your shoulder as you laugh along with Michael over the latest office mishaps, even a few times bringing his lips to your knuckles when you handed him a well appreciated cup of tea whenever he was staying late at the Institute. The touching was not foreign territory, but it felt like forever since you’ve been there, like walking through your childhood house after having been moved out for decades.
When you finally make it to the bar, which was in fact a hole in the wall goth bar, Gerard lead you to the darken back corner, and huddled up next to you comfortably, as if you’ve done this a thousand times before, like it was a regular thing. His arm was heavy and warm around your shoulders and he handed you a cocktail menu.
True to his word, they all had fairly spooky names and sounded tasty. You didn’t even really know which to pick, but Gerry points to one that seems like it’ll suit your taste just fine. You almost titter at how well he knows you, before swallowing down your excitement. You could just be an easy read.
You don’t even order for yourself; as soon as the waitress, decked in black and spiked black hair, came over, Gerard ordered for himself and you, his voice lilting and he seemed utterly uninterested in even looking at the woman, rather eyeing you as he moves some hair out of your face as he spoke.
While the drinks were being made, he fusses over you, asking small conversational questions like, “How is Elias treating you?” and, “You’ve been sleeping well, I hope?”
After weeks of no one even asking after your health you flush under the attention, answering each question softly and as briefly as you can surmise, shy and bashful as Gerard’s dark eyes roam your face and observes your mouth every time you opened your lips to answer. He nods along and occasionally his hand rubs your shoulder.
You feel like he’s avoiding the obvious. Avoiding Michael. Maybe the loss was felt as keenly for him as you felt it. Maybe he was just as wrecked by the blond’s disappearance and is trying to find solace and common ground in you.
When the drinks do come, the goth man removes his arm from your shoulders and sets a napkin in front of you, moving your cocktail onto it without prompt. A tense moment of silence settles now that you’re alone again, and Gerard heaves a heavy sigh.
“I never should have left you alone for so long after he left.” He chokes out, eyes searching your face for your reactions to his words. When not a muscle twitches in your expression, Gerard continues. “I was… hurting. I was angry, and it had nothing to do with you but I was acting ugly and I didn’t want you to see that side of me.”
You nod, ready to let forgiveness slip past your lips when he cuts you off.
“It wasn’t okay of me, it’s not alright. I should have never, ever, let you go through that alone.” He looks so regretful, so sorrowful, it made your heart ache; it was one of the strongest emotions you’ve felt in a while. “I- I don’t even know how to make it up to you, for abandoning you like that.”
The earnestness in his voice makes you stall. You’re not the kind of person people seek forgiveness from. You just got walked over and forgotten and you were used to it. To have anyone, especially someone as high up and composed as Gerard, beseech you for amnesty, seemed to fully pull you from whatever slump you’ve been in these past few weeks.
Your face finally emoted; you frowned and your eyebrows drew together in sympathy, and you shouldered the darkly dressed man. “Drinks is a good start, but I don’t want you beating yourself up over it. You’re here now.” You tried really hard to show that all was forgiven. “Just… try not and leave me again for so long?”
It felt silly to even ask, like a child begging their parent to return safely from a business trip.
Gerard looked at you very seriously, one of his hands coming to yours that were clasped in your lap. “Not as long as I live.”
The night was a blur, your drinks were consumed and you’re not entirely sure when you kissed Gerard on the cheek in gratitude or when he kissed your shoulder in fondness but somehow the two you ended up just… kissing in the dark alley next to the bar.
Gerard was all consuming; the way he leaned into you, how his thumb ran over the pulse in your wrist with one hand and his other thumb pressed into your jugular. He smelled like cigarettes and old books up close, he felt warm and heavy against you, how he sighed and moaned when you grabbed onto the lapels of his leather duster to pull him in closer. Every time you opened your eyes all you saw was his dark and brooding set gaze at you from behind heavy lids and the sight was too much for your heart to handle so you close them again, Gerard pulling you closer.
Any closer and you’d become one.
Maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely then.
His head ducks down, nosing your neck and the hand the occupied your throat drops down to your waist. A hot tongue licks your pulse and you gasp, eyes rolling in the back of your head. A black jean clad leg slips between yours, and you’re effectively pinned against the brick wall.
“Missed you…” he moaned, teeth scraping against your skin. “Missed seeing you, being around you, talking to you…” a hand snaked around and pulled you closer by the small of your back. “Fuck me for leaving.”
You gasp and groan, and come to the realisation. That Gerard was a talker, and that you were easily swayed by words. You didn’t even realise that Gerard even liked you this way until about twenty minutes ago. How long has he harboured a crush on you? Had he thought of kissing you often? As often as you thought of kissing him?
He said other things, salacious things, directly in you ear as his hands moved up and down your body, hot breath puffing against the shell of your ear as he occasionally dipped down to kiss you or give you love bites along your neck.
You desperately wanted to do something besides just being there, allowing yourself to be kissed and bitten and wooed. You wanted to move, kiss back, make Gerard as flustered as you were; but the skin to skin contact, the affection, the confirmation of attraction overwhelmed you so much you almost choked up.
In fact you did.
A small sob crashed through your lips as tears welled in your eyes.
The sound causes Gerard to straighten up, and he quickly took in the sight of you crying and stepped away from you, concern of his face.
“Shit- I’m sorry.” He rushes out. “Fuck I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
The separation makes you feel cold and lonely again and your stomach swoops in dread because Gerard, beautiful, wonderful Gerard, is now looking at you like some fragile breakable thing and you just can’t stand the idea that you’ve ruined all the ground you covered in the last hour, and that after this he’ll never want to talk to you again. Boys don’t like people who cry when you kiss them.
Fog begins to seep into the alley, coming off from the street and the dead end a few yards away from you. You don’t try to comprehend how fog just manifested from no where, you just sob again because Gerard was going to shun you out for being too damn weird and unapproachable.
You babbled apologies, heart clenching, trying to verbalise that you were fine, that he didn’t do anything wrong, just that you were fucked up about everything and he should probably just ignore you forever after this.
The fog became thicker and you shiver at the coldness it brings. You sob again, hiding your face in your hands so you can stop looking at the man’s beautiful and worried face.
God, you wished that the wall would swallow you up entirely; you wished you could just disappear and stop being such a nuisance; you should’ve just gone home and killed yourself.
So a brief second, the sound of the air about you had changed. The music leaking through the wall stopped, cars were no longer passing by the mouth of the alley, you didn’t hear the wind shake the plastic lid to the dumpster, you even stopped hearing Gerard’s breath in front of you. The silence was deafening, frightening. For that second, you felt utterly, terribly alone. Like you were the only person in the entire world.
And just as soon as the sounds of the world were gone, they were back. Cars hitting the puddle on the road, early aught goth music seeping through the brick, and Gerard saying your name with desperation.
Warm warm hands clasp your shoulders and you finally peer through your fingers to see the man, lipstick smudged and hair frizzy from the fog. He eyes looked wild, fearful, and he gripped your person so tightly like a life line, like you’d runaway if he let go.
Gerard says your name very lowly. And your sobbing ceased at his tone. Oh god, he was going to yell at you or something, you were certain. He was going to call you a freak and that he never should have even bothered with you in the first place-
“You need to breathe.” He commands. “Look at me, and breathe; be here with me right now, get out of your head.”
Your eyes dart wildly around the alley, not wanting to meet his gaze. God, why couldn’t just be normal for once-
A small pang of pain snapped across your brow, right between your eyes.
You look ludicrously to Gerard, eyes moist from tear and voice shaking from crying. “Did you just flick me?” You warbled.
“Yes.” He admits readily. “Now, calm down.”
His word sounded normal but felt… staticky in your ears. Like tv fuzz was playing just under his voice.
Almost instantly your breathing evened out and you no longer felt the desire to cry; your mind wasn’t filled with self-hateful thought but now just focused on Gerard, who was watching you carefully.
Reaching into the pocket of his duster, he pulls out handkerchief, and wipes at your face, sighing. He looked expressionless, and you feared the worse.
“I’m… I’m not great at this.” He says softly, stowing the cloth back into his coat. “I always go too fast, I’m told, It’s just-“ he screws his lips together as he thinks. “I- I feel like if I left you alone for too long, you’d forget about me, and I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think I’ve lost interest in you, I didn’t even think that I’d, well, overwhelm you like I did.”
You swallow thickly, considering his words.
“I never knew you were interested in me.” Was all you can say.
Gerard sighs. “Yeah, I’m piecing that together now.” He winces. “I had it in my head that this was a long time coming for both of us, I never stop to think that I might be surprising you with my sudden infatuation. I’m sorry.”
Your mouth is already opening to forgive him when he silences you with a cool look.
“I… must’ve freaked you out pretty badly, huh?” He questions, moving closer to you, but refraining from touching you again.
“It’s not that you freaked me out,” you’re quick to answer, “it’s just… yeah, it came out of nowhere to me.” He looks down casted and you wait a moment before speaking again. “I like you so much, Gerry.” You confess, voice creaking with emotion. “I’ve just been so lonely, and it’s hard for me to think that you’d like me too.”
He looks to you, sympathetic. And he nods to himself before extending one hand to yours, gently grasping your fingers.
“How about we do this a little more properly?” He suggests. “Would you like to go to dinner with me?”
You almost laugh at how hopeful he looks, like you would say no.
The idea of dinner was nice, but the thought of going back to your empty apartment scares you now. Being alone again scares you; the idea of someone not watching you scares you because what if you get lost in your own head again and this time the silence wouldn’t disappear after a second.
“Tonight?” You ask, stomach twisting. It’s wasn’t exactly early evening any more, by all rights he could deny you.
He nods, decisively and eagerly. “My place?” He suggests.
A smile fights its way across your face. “Scary movies too?”
Highly amused, Gerard smiles, and pretends to think for a moment. “Well, if we do that, you might be too scared to go home by yourself.” He reasons.
“Sounds like I’ll need to sleep over, then.”
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lumierexfics · 1 year
Gerry and martin (separate) with a protective desolation avatar s/o?
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Chat Log Name : I love you like the ashes in my cigarette box!
Chat Log Description : Headcanons + small fics with the scenarios of Gerry and Martin with a Desolation Avatar s/o!
Online Users : Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood, Desolation Avatar S/O
A/N : Characters are going to be ooc!
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Gerard Keay
🕯 You both accidentally met in the raining street as he begrudgingly offered you his umbrella. Yet, he knew something was off about you.
🕯 Due to your small flame abilities granted from the Desolation, you’d light his cigarettes.
🕯 As you had became his bad luck charm yet he couldn’t seem to sever the bonds of fate that held you tight to his fate.
🕯 You seemed positively to agree for a recording of the fear that the Desolation granted. Gerry had to stop the recording multiple times due to the temperature in the room heating up many times till he begrudgingly gave up and made you record your own statement.
Gerry tried not to cover his nose since it was the first time that he decided to visit your apartment and he got a strong scent of mixed smells from your apartment. It was candles, you were lighting more and more candles. All different sizes, colors but burnt the same flame and dribbling down on what remained of your wooden floor.
He watched while sitting on the last spot of couch that seemingly wasn’t encrusted with wax.
“Gerry,” you asked,” is this too little?”
Gerry looked at you bewildered at your question, too little? Infact, it was too much.
You tried to pull back his long hair that obscured his face to get a better view of his face to hear his answer and immediately pulled back noticing your hands feeling hot, a familiar sensation that you felt when you first met him; underneath the cold rain that dissolved on your skin.
Martin Blackwood
🕯 How you met each other was you accidentally getting lost in the archives to record your statement since you seemed to have a small moment due to the soft gentleness of the kindness of Martin’s nature. You seemingly couldn’t help but fall harder for him ever since you had the interaction with him.
🕯You couldn’t help but start a relationship with him, desperately trying to be calm during every meeting since the flame of love for him burned brighter than ever before. But you desperately tried to hide the gift of the Desolation from him since he doesn’t need to see that side of you.
🕯 The gifts you gave him were candles that he might like and a mug or his favorite tea. Of course, he gave gifts to you too which seemed to be pastries, candles and candelabras for the candlesticks.
“Martin.” You paused, ignited a match in your hand. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
Martin stood with a plastic bag in hand and at the entrance of your apartment, seeing you ignited wicks of candlesticks to dribble down into a metal bowl.
“Bad time?” He asked.
You nodded, collecting the wet wax from the metal bowl to smear and smooth your waxy skin that had decided to pull up causing a ripple effect.
“Can I step in?” Martin asked, almost confident but had a tinge of fear.
“Of course,” you responded, ”you can. Put your things on the coat rack and why are you here, Martin?”
“I just wanted to visit you and bring you your favorite pastry,” he said.
You continued to smear the wax to try to smooth out your waxy skin as he placed the plastic bag on the empty spot of the counter. Begrudgingly letting his hands smooth out your waxy skin in a soft melody that played from a nearby radio.
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Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏🙏
Hello everyone, I am Karam Al Nabih from Gaza. All my dreams have been shattered now in Gaza. I am a software engineer in my last semester, but now my home, my dreams, and my university have been destroyed.
All my dreams have been destroyed 😞 I hope you share , support and donate
Repoooost & donate please after read my story, that's urgent! 🇵🇸🍉
Donate even if it is 10 euros or 15 euros، The smallest donation makes a difference in my family's life!!🙏🙏
Vatted by @nabulsi @90-ghost
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 4 months
Not Gonna Let You Die
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YiIRJNs by JesusTapdancingChrist ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴀ ɢɪʀʟ ᴏʙꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ ᴘᴏᴅᴄᴀꜱᴛ ɢᴇᴛꜱ ᴍʏꜱᴛᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ ᴛʀᴀꜱᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴏ ɪᴛ; ꜱʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅᴏ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ꜱʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ. ______________ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɢɴᴜꜱ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ɪꜱᴇᴋᴀɪ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Words: 749, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Melanie King, Georgie Barker, Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Michael | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Helen | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Michael "Mike" Crew, Gerard Keay, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus, Annabelle Cane, Jurgen Leitner, Pipe Used to Brutally Murder Jurgen Leitner Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James/Tim Stoker, Sasha James/Reader, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) & Reader, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Basira Hussain & Alice "Daisy" Tonner Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Brutal Pipe Murder of Jurgen Leitner, Gerard Keay Lives, No Sex, Eventual Romance, Reader-Insert, Fluff and Angst, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Everything, Author Is Not Religious, Help read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YiIRJNs
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tklpilled · 2 years
Jumped at the chance to ask a blog who writes for magnus, so I offer you the prompt/thought of Gerard Keay with a soft, opposite aesthetic s/o (gender neutral). Muted colors and soft sweaters, and they look so goofy as a couple but it just works
opposite aesthetics >>> i dont write x readers though im sorry D:
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Hi I am desperately in need of help. I am Diana Samin a 34 year old woman living in a tent in Gaza with my two children. I urgently need insulin and medical attention for my type 2 diabetes, especially since I am pregnant.Please help by donating to my fundraising appeal for medical needs. Any amount will make a difference. Click my Donation Link on my pinned post to donate and share.
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Hello, I am Shaima Shaaban from Gaza. My house was bombed and I have a two-year-old little girl. I need your help to save me and my little girl. Please donate to me through my link.Please help me, please. I am in dire need of money so that I can escape from Gaza and go to a safe place with my child.This is unfortunate. Please help me. My heart is full of sadness for the condition of my child and for the condition of my familyYes, this is true. The little girl suffers from psychological trauma and depression due to the destruction and the ongoing war. Please help me please so that I can save my child. Leave Gaza and go to a safe place. I want more money.https://gofund.me/039f98da
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tma-reader-inserts · 1 year
I have a bazzilion ideas
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