#Get Iron Pills online
koolades-world · 4 months
Hiya! Hoping you’re having a good day :)
Can I ask for the Obey me! Brothers and the side characters for how they’d react to a low iron MC who just faints in front of them?
For example Beel would give MC more snacks which are rich in iron along side all of his snacks, just making sure they’re getting their iron.
Thank you! <3
hello! yes, of course :)
enjoy <3
Mc with low iron who faints in front of the brother + side characters
he looks calm but he's so freaking out inside haha
he does know what he's doing though and he stays by your side until you come to again
he makes a rule for the house that every dinner cooked must have at least one iron rich food in it so you get some daily
he's for sure panicked, because you're his human after all
he uses his own lap as a pillow for you while he waits for you to come back
after this, he's ten times more protective and practically never leaves your side. he's holding your hand a lot more with some vague excuse of protecting you haha
he's full on panicking
he does need someone to quickly snap him out of it so he can help you
past you knew this might happen, so you told him what to do, and once you're awake again, he thanks you and sends you lots of tips he found online for low iron
he actually catches you but he wasn't actually expecting you to have passed out
he's very put together and makes sure you're breathing before setting you down, head on his jacket so it doesn't have to be on the floor
once you're awake again, he's not pestering you, but he does ask you and make sure you're meeting your iron requirements. if not, he'll help make sure you do :)
he's the type to scream and cause a scene
but, it gets you the help you need and when you wake back up, he's crying happy tears and hugging you
he makes sure you add irons pills to your supplement routine and that you won't be getting too much iron now thanks to that
he's concerned but he's oddly silent the entire time
he totally forgets about his food and watches over you carefully
when you're back, he digs through his snacks and finds one high in iron and actually saves all of those for you in the future <3
he seems pretty calm, and he is, but a small part of him is panicking
but, he knows how to help you and he knows freaking out won't do you any good
once you're awake again, he helps to soothe any injuries you may have gotten and puts in more effort to ensure you're getting your needed iron intake
he really wished he was calmer throughout the entire ordeal, but he was very worried
he lets barbatos care for you and when you wake back up, he's by your side
he's already arranged an appointment with his doctor to make sure this doesn't happen again
he's very collected and knows exactly what to do
he elevates your legs and makes sure you're breathing until you wake up
after this, every time you come over for dinner, he makes sure all the food is iron rich and that it's something you'll be sure to ask seconds of <3
another one who's very calm and knows how to help you
after you wake he, he makes sure you're not hurt after your fall
he has you rest for the remainder of the day so he can monitor your condition and feed you dinner
he's so so worried about you
he'll be right next to you the entire time, very close to crying
once you wake back up, he's hugging you so tightly and is finding ways to sneak more iron into your diet through the desserts he gifts you
he's quick to use a spell to wake you back up
he arranges for someone to craft a quick bowl of fruits high in iron for you to snack on while he checks your vitals
you notice him keeping a much closer eye on you from then on, but you're not opposed to it
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queer-ecopunk · 1 month
Re: blood donation
If you are concidering donating blood, awesome! It is a worthwhile, often pretty easy thing to do that can have a huge impact. This is especially true in the summer, when the number of blood donations is lower.
There are many things that may get you denied or deferred for donation, some of which have been and still are influenced by fear and prejudice. However, here in the US, some restrictions have recently been changed. I've listed many of the common denial/deferment reasons below. If you are ineligible to donate for a temporary reason, concider doing so in the future! And for everyone, eligible or not, I would encourage you to encourage others to donate. Even one donation could help save someone's life.
Common reasons people get denied in the US
- weight. You must be at least 110lb, so that you have enough blood to safely donate.
- low iron. If you are under the donation limit but not severely, you will be deferred and can donate later, once your iron increases. If your levels are extremely or consistently low, you will not be able to donate.
- recent vaccinations. Depends on what it was. With some, like flu and covid, it is fine to donate after as long as you are feeling well. Others, like hepB, monkeypox, or tetanus may have you deferred for a specific amount of time, then you will be eligible again.
- tattoos / piercings. The restrictions depend on what state you had the mod done, but it may be a 3 month wait before you will be eligible again.
- medications / illness / disabilities. Some will disqualify you, check online for your specifics. With some things, like diabetes or high/low bp, you are eligible as long as it is well managed. Others will disqualify you entirely, or they may defer you based on current health. It is highly dependent on the condition and meds you take.
PrEP for HIV prevention will disqualify you (for 3 months after last dose of pills and 2 years w/ injection). This is because in rare cases, PrEP can cause false negatives, meaning that someone can have HIV but be at low enough levels from the medication that the test doesn't detect it. This would be dangerous for a blood recipient, so they do not want to take the risk with folks on PrEP.
Additionally, if you are HIV+, you are ineligible to donate. Even if you are on ART and are at undetectable levels, there is a risk of transmission with blood transfusions.
- injectable drugs. If you have used injectable drugs that were not prescribed to you within the last 3 months, you will be deferred.
- sex.
There are several ways your sex life may get you deferred, which are based on what the powers-that-be have determined to be higher risks for STIs, particularly hepB and HIV. We can discuss all day if these concerns are reasonable, but the restrictions exist regardless. However, they have changed recently in the US regarding men who have sex with men. The following rules are now gender neutral.
• if you have had a new sexual partner and have had anal sex in the past 3 months, you will be deferred.
• if you have had multiple sexual partners and have had anal sex in the past 3 months, you will be deferred. This includes if you are in exclusive, committed relationships with multiple people.
• if you have exchanged sex for money, drugs, or other payment in the past 3 months, you will be deferred.
• if you have had sex with a sex worker, someone who is HIV+, or someone who has used non-prescribed injectable drugs in the past 3 months, you will be deferred.
If you are eligible and planning to donate
- do not do so if you are sick or feel unwell. Wait or reschedule until you feel healthy.
- do not donate while under the influence of drugs, including weed and alcohol.
- hydrate!!! Before and after!!!
If you are eligible, please concider donating. If you are not currently able to, check if you can in the future and spread the word on how important blood donation can be! ❤️ 🧛‍♂️🩸
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blackpilljesus · 1 month
Hello, I tried to look up what "black pill feminism" is but have had no luck, and all that comes up on Google are definitions related to incels. Could you please tell me in a nutshell what "black pill" means in relation to feminism?
It's ironic it's called feminism given that pretty much all blackpillers hate feminism & aren't feminists but I think the feminism part is added to distinguish from the incel blackpill version & because before being blackpilled most blackpillers were feminists at some point.
This picture gets blackpill feminism in a nutshell:
Tumblr media
It was posted ironically & at the time I wasnt blackpilled but I agreed with post of the points.
Essentially in a nutshell blackpill feminists believe that maIe evil & female pickme behaviour is biology and because of this there's never going to be change talkless of female liberation.
More officially (s/o @/squire-pirhana for this) blackpill feminist beliefs:
Biologicall realism. Male misogyny, sadism, violence and the need to subjugate and control women are caused by male biology. Female submissiveness and pick-me traits are caused by female biology. These generalizations apply to 99%+ of humanity. Patriarchy is the result of (biological) misogyny, not the origin of it.
Feminism is a scam. Society’s definition of equality is re-packaged male dominance. Feminism has been hijacked by anti-woman forces and was always doomed to succumb to the pick-me nature of most feminists. Feminism is anti-woman movement.
We are heading towards misogynist dystopia. Hardcore porn, misogynist online communities, transgenderism, deep fakes, invasion of privacy, sexualization of children and the general rise of all things degenerate, fucked up and anti-woman. No matter how you look at it, women are fucked and things will keep getting worse and worse. Don’t have kids.
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reorientation · 3 months
I'm ftm and I've been on HRT for 5 years, had top surgery and I generally pass really well. My passport says I'm male, too. But until very recently, I never even saw a real cock in person, despite being a fairly horny person - I've only had sex with two people, both afab and transmasc as well. Ironically, I was the dom-ish one in both of these relationships, too.
But... I kept spending a lot of time online browsing through humiliation and misgendering porn. Reddit, tumblr, all that stuff. I kept fantasizing about being used like that. The rougher the better. I've got so many fantasies about it.
It took me a long time to finally install grindr. First, I chickened out and uninstalled it. And then installed again. Uninstalled. Installed.
And one night, around midnight, I started writing with someone. He lived 5 minutes from me. Told me I could come for a quick discreet fuck, just that, like I'm a fleshlight. And... I did. I went out, came to his house, got bent over and for maybe 8 minutes, he fucked my pussy, groped my ass and made me feel like a toy.
I loved it.
I didn't even get to cum, obviously. He didn't even ask for my name until afterwards. And then I told him to hit me up if he ever needs to unload again. It was my first cock ever, first one I've seen and first one I've let inside my most private parts, and the first cock even saw me as a fleshlight because that's how I advertised myself.
I kept grindr on my phone after that. I'm not using it too much, but it's there, waiting for me. And I did have a few more encounters after this one. I guess it awoken the slut inside me...
While this first guy used a condom, I was quick to find a second one. And I was so horny that I let him cum inside me (he even took some pics). I'm not on any contraception apart from T, which isn't contraception, and I'm scared like hell of getting pregnant. So afterwards, I had an awkward pharmacy talk, because I came in and said 'I need emergency contraception', they asked if it's for me, they stared at me and said 'it's for females'. I didn't sleep at all this night (because he was too busy with my body...) and I stood there like a dumb bitch for a few seconds while the guy (he came with me) said 'he's female' and that unlocked something in my brain and I said I'm trans.
Today, I might get fucked raw by another guy again. I had enough brains to get on birth control after that awkward pharmacy talk but apparently not enough brains to stop offering my cunt to strangers...
Oh also it's the ftm who just send you a long ask about fucking people from grindr and having an awkward pharmacy talk and possibly fucking another stranger tonight, I thought I should add some kind of name so you know who I am so uhmmm I guess my deadname would be a good fit and knowing you know it along with the fact that I'm offering my pussy to strangers will be kinda hot. So hi, I'm Alice uhh, and nobody used this name for me in years...
🎵One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small 🎵
Except for you, Alice, I suppose it's "keeps you small" - without that little pill, you might already be swelling. 🖤
Sometimes things happen very fast, don't they? You hadn't even seen a cock in real life, for all those years, and then just a few days after you sent your first Grindr message, you were out in public listening to the man who'd just fucked his cum into you tell a stranger that you're female.
How did it feel to have them looking at you, Alice? To feel their eyes on you and realize that they knew you had a fresh load of cum inside your pussy. To realize that after all your efforts to pass, you still ended up having to admit that you have a fertile womb, and that a real man had put his seed into it.
It felt good, didn't it? Being a cumdump, and having them know it. Being humiliated in public because you'd been so desperate to give your pussy to a stranger. Having them see right through your identity to the needy little cunt underneath.
But maybe they're not seeing through anything. You've been dreaming of "misgendering" and letting men use you as a fleshlight without even asking your name. Maybe this is your new identity - not a man, just a needy little cunt.
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bomberqueen17 · 9 months
ok lol
after all that i didn't actually tell myself the story of what i have to do today
you see the hubris. i was like "i have described the problem huzzah" check a thing off the list move on.
part of the thing i was describing was how lists don't work for me. so like. in the text of that post was me explaining that i had to do a thing in order to function. and then. then! i didn't do that thing.
ok so today what do i have to do! a lot of it i have already done on sheer momentum but now i have been stymied by something and have to regroup.
i have to load and run the dishwasher, check!
i have to put in a load of laundry, check!
i have to go over to my own house, bringing a number of items which i had for traveling but which should not wind up at dude's mom's house, check!
I am going to bemusedly greet the electrical inspector for the town, who was supposed to be rescheduled and not come today, and give him a little tour of the things the electrician said weren't ready to be inspected, and he's going to say oh yes, I see what he was going for, he's done a lot of stuff already, isn't this nice, well I'll be back, have him call me when he's done those two things he didn't get to, everything else looks really good. This will derail me a bit, but I will persevere.
whilst at the house, i am going to cut out fabric to make my own not-quite-floorcloth to go under the microwave, since i want to put something there before i do anything else, and i hate the paltry shelf-liner offerings actually in stock anywhere in town, and i am too decision-paralysised to actually buy anything online rn. check! (finished measurements will be 26.5x23". I found enough white canvas for this, and have soaked and ironed it in accordance with the tutorial, but i am going to paint it and then sew it to an unpainted backing, which I hope will protect the shelf surface, as I don't need this shelf to be grippy since it's just to protect the painted surface from the microwave and whatever winds up next to it. So the backing is an old mostly-polyester sheet, somewhat pilled with wear, because i know that won't be slippery but also won't scratch the surface.)
I was going to then prime this canvas, but I don't... have any primer? This is false, I know I do, but damned if I know where it would be. I have to stop by a hardware store for paint chips and polyurethane anyway, so now I guess I'll get some primer. I don't think I need art store primer for this at all.
i have terrible acrylic craft paints but i am not trying to do anything wildly sophisticated. in fact i'm not sure what i'm trying to do. actually i could get little sample pots of a couple of the colors i'm considering at the hardware store, paint smallish swatches on the wall, and then paint this cloth with the leftovers, LOL. That might actually be the thing to do???
Dude might be annoyed if I'm swatching without even having consulted with him but 1) i know what he likes and 2) he's so busy rn he won't even put his plate in the dishwasher or talk to me about what groceries to buy so like, he doesn't have the energy to care, and anyway you can just paint right back over swatches and in fact I will do so, so whatever. Possibly the swatches will just give him something to disagree with but when you are as fatigued-in-general as he is, often that is the best way to get a decision made!
(heck what if i painted the whole shelf liner cloth a gradient between two of the adjacent swatch colors and then stenciled a doily over it in metallic gold that'd be a pretty sick shelf liner pattern)
ANYWAY the story of what else i have to do today is that i also have to go to the grocery store. so if i manage both the grocery store and the hardware store before noon i'm gonna be the fucking champion of the fucking world i tell you what. but that is my goal. i should do the hardware store first so the groceries don't have to sit in the car and get warm but that feels contrary because the grocery store is more urgent. but no, i'm going to do the hardware store first because i am a little bitch and can do what i want. and i won't forget the groceries after that. (famous last words, stay tuned to see if i do)
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nei-ning · 11 months
I got my depression medicine today. SUPER TINY PILLS! :D I take one pill per day (10mg) for a week and then 2 pills, either at morning or evening. I took first one today during early afternoon to see what kind of side effects I get. If bad, I could go to hospital to seek help instantly.
About 30min after taking the pill, my vision came very very VERY slightly blurry (for a short moment) when looking for too far. Like if looking at painting's frame, the outer edge of the frame looked very mildly blurred. Nothing more. After that started to come this feeling that my eyes are very tired, wanting to go to sleep but otherwise, nothing! I am RELIEVED! I honestly feared the worst symptoms (getting urges to harm / kill myself, nausea, diarrhea, throwing up, bleeding, fainting, heartbeat issues etc etc etc.)
But if the pills only make me tired I AM HAPPY about that! I take that any day! And since they make me tired, I know to take them in the evening for now. I just hope they also help me to fall asleep and sleep better.
Doctor also wants me to go to full blood test after a month (which is fine by me) and she will call me after 3 weeks to ask how I am doing with the medicine. After that I've no idea what's going to happen. Will I keep eating the pills for 6 weeks in total and then slowly start to drop them out or will I keep eating them the rest of my life? I hope not.
After all, I've been feeling so good this week (sleep issues still remain). I haven't taken my anxiety pill since Monday evening either since I haven't been needing them. I have been laughing, feeling happy and joyful, I've been able to do small tasks daily etc. even with these mild anxiety attacks (which I try to suffocate instantly when they rise). But I think one reason is the following which I have start to do since Tuesday: - I greet myself every morning via mirror (Good Morning, Beautiful) - I sing a mantra for 15-30 minutes - I do little exercises. Many different tiny moves for 15 min max. - I have given myself a little task each day: Do laundry, wash one cup, take out garbage, stretch your legs, spoil yourself with a feet bath etc. Something simple and small which makes me happy! - Meditate 15-30min before going to bed - In bed I listen either more calming / relaxing music or guided sleep meditation.
I also got text message from therapist. She asked me to fill this online application (which I did) and then call her so that she can check it and we can talk. I tried to call her twice today but she didn't pick up. I will try to call her on Monday. If she won't pick up, then I send her a text, asking her to call me back. I'm quite excited to be able to talk with her about all the things in my life :)
Also! When I went to get the pills from pharmacy, older lady worker spoke a long time with me. I told her about my symptoms, about my periods etc. She looked at me, bend towards me and said: "You know, all your symptoms sounds like they also could be result of the lack of iron in your body."
I was stunned so she continued. She told me that iron is the most important thing in woman's body and pretty much everything in our body depends on iron! She added: "I have experienced it all myself. But you also know what? When a woman is pregnant, she should eat iron so that the baby would get iron too. If the mother won't eat iron during the pregnancy, her baby won't get much iron either. No matter how much iron this baby would eat as an adult, it will never go to normal / high level. You never catch that normal level of iron."
That makes SO MUCH SENSE! I'm 100% sure mom ate badly (still does) when she was expecting my sis, me and my little brother. No wonder we all are "zombies" more or less.
I'm not saying getting and taking iron supplies won't help, since they do at least some, but the iron level won't get as high as it naturally should be if the mother ate iron during pregnancy.
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pillatedcompills · 10 months
The amount of braindead activities going on around tumblr is actually insane. "Kids NEED adults who will listen to them"
Adults nowadays DON'T listen to teens, whatsoever.
I'm sorry but there is no reason in the WORLD why a 13 year old should be all buddy buddy with a random ass person who's old enough to drink online.
Maybe it would be different if it was in real life, and their parents knew said adult but this isn't the case.
The sheer fact that these grown adults on this platform who are working a 9-5 getting paid cash money, and are old enough to be popping bottles ( and maybe pills ) are saying that kids NEED to talk to adults is INSANE.
As well as pushing the argument that it's "physiologically unhealthy not to". Kids don't want to talk to adults, it doesn't matter what. Sure a minor and adult can be friends, but when it comes to age range that's what matters.
Plus it's people who's accounts are literally 17+ or literally draw porn for the public eye to conceive and witness saying this baloney.
Kids don't trust adults and for a good reason. Almost every adult I've ever talked to besides for a few at some point has cut me off or blocked me. Most adults in the fandom I'm currently in, DON'T listen to me.
Stop trying to push old social norms, it's different nowadays. With everything set in stone, maybe it will be forever who knows-
Kids will not waste their time trying to talk to older people, that's the end of the story. Don't force your norms on teens who literally don't want to do that.
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isobug · 8 months
I’ll add it to the Rentry when I have time but y’all. I’m fine with terms relating to celibacy in general ( there is nothing wrong with being celibate for any reason, just like there is nothing wrong with those who are sex-ambivalent, repulsed, or any other stance or orientation regarding wanting to have sex ) but if you have unironic “-pill / -pilled” terms ( ex. red- ) on your blog or are requesting them from me, I’m not comfortable with that. I will block you.
I’ve known someone who frequented spaces which made that terminology, seriously incorporated it into their life and outlook, and overall it just lead to them being depressed and becoming bigoted. It seriously hurt them, and it was hurtful to be targeted by that language. Communities which use this terminology for real can seriously worsen your mental health and make you think you’re unlovable or unwanted forever, or that you need to risk your health to become more attractive to others and “deserve love”.
That’s not true. I promise you are already worthy of love and that there are people who do want you in their life. If you’re in a rough spot, these communities and this terminology are not going to help you get out of it. They thrive on being negative, nitpicking your appearance, and getting you to lash out at other people and nitpick them as well. There are resources online if you need help with this, as well as are multiple studies on how they operate and stories of people recovering if you need to read them.
It’s fine to ironically use “-pill / -pilled” suffixes as clear jokes, especially ones which are pointing out how messed up or nonsensical these communities/mindsets are, but please don’t make serious flags or symbols which ignore how bigoted and harmful the actual terminology is and how these spaces have genuinely hurt people. Sorry for the long post that most people here probably know / agree with anyways
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thatonefatgumsimp · 1 year
so...I may or may not have gotten bored and made a whole incorrect quote tiktok feud between my au young millenial Enji and young gen z Hizashi...
Context: the responses are them stitching back and forth and replying to each other's tiktoks
Enji: "Anyone else hate how gen z is always going around claiming things as their own like the spoiled little brats they are? Oh we invented the cha cha slide, we invented twerking, we invented the cotton eyed joe- bitch no you didn't? We created all those things, those are ours."
Hizashi: "Anyone else hate how millennials are going around trying to steal a platform that isn't theirs cuz their mommy and daddy never gave them attention?"
Enji: "See you say that, but then all of you wear those stupid-ass sunglasses, mom jeans that make you look like a middle aged mother, and a middle part that emphasizes just how little you wash your hair."
Hizashi: "Says the one who went around wearing low rise skinny jeans, thongs, and those wack-ass side parts. Like bestie, get with the vibe. That's so last decade. Also do you not see how fluffy my hair is? I literally washed it yesterday. The audacity."
Enji: "Wig. No one cares. And at least I don't blame shit personality traits on my zodiac sign."
Hizashi: "Well at least I don't blame shit personality traits on my Hogwarts house and think drinking everyday is a personality trait. Literally go to double A, boomer. Low-key."
Enji: "At least we don't romanticize revolution, burning down the government, dying in protests, killing cops, and only shave once in a century, you literal fetus."
Hizashi: "I'm sorry, I don't remember last century…tell us, grandpa, what was the first world war like? Do you still have memorabilia from then like the original black and white gameboy and first edition Pokémon red?"
Enji: "See you think you're all that and a bag of chips, but you're not. Please finish puberty before you try to sit at the adult's table, kiddo."
Hizashi: "Literally what are you even saying? Speaking gibberish animal crossing lookin ass. "wig", "all that and a bag of chips" like what does that even mean, you fuckin dinosaur?"
Enji: "Your generation acts like you know nihilism, but you've literally only lived a decade and a half. Think before you continue speaking."
Hizashi: "Sorry, you're right. I'll just shut up until I've lived a century like you. Like damn you just like complaining, huh, Karen? I suggest you take several seats. And fix your hair while you're at it."
Enji: "Well you and your entire generation can suck it. You can't tell me what to wear or how to act. I've been rocking this side part since you had Kermit on your underwear."
Hizashi: sitting in a chair in his room with his real glasses on, midway down the bridge of his nose and a pen and notepad in hand "Mmhm…and does that make you feel better and more mature that you're going online emotionally dropkicking children? Does it give BDE? Cuz I'm gonna be honest, it's giving compensation for me…would you like to talk about it?"
Enji: "Ironic that you're acting like a therapist for me when your generation is literally the most depressed generation. mockingly Would you like a cookie?"
Hizashi: "Mmmmh no thanks, my parents taught me to never take candy from strangers…they also taught me how to have basic manners unlike you apparently."
Enji: "Well at least my generation isn't the bunch of dumbasses that's trying to cancel Eminem. That's cute that you even think you can do that. He was around before any of you were even born. What? Are you just mad that he was an actual lyricist unlike your modern mumble-rappers? In fact, I think you're the one that needs to take a chill pill. He was spitting bars before you could even talk."
Hizashi: "Mmh mmh, see- that's not even what we were talking about, don't go off topic Mr. "my generation has no idea how to use emojis correctly"."
Enji: "I can't even with you, child. You're testing my patience. We invented and used emojis first. Try again, Little Tyke. And honestly? Kindly stfu. No one asked you for your opinion anyways."
Hizashi: "Woahhhh calm down, Jamal, don't pull out the 9. And patience? Honey, what patience. It's giving chronically online. Go touch grass."
Enji: "At least I'm not an idiot who calls yoga pants flared leggings."
Hizashi: "Well at least we don't pay an ungodly amount for overpriced avocado toast or call our pets fur babies, idiot. Mic. Dropped. Get dunked on, boomer."
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Vyvanse Day 4 today! Just took the 20mg.
Yesterday was my first day on 20mg, and I seemed to be doing okay. However, I somehow decided that a cold brew coffee (with ice so idk how many oz really) after the museum + 32oz Diet Dr. Pepper a few hours after that was a good idea. I didn’t finish all of the coffee (honestly, I forgot about it), but that’s still like 250mg of caffeine. One Ghost is 200mg, and a Rockstar is 160mg, and I can only handle like one of those in a day and I still get jittery (even before starting any ADHD med).
Suffice it to say, I did get some high HR notifications and in the afternoon I just felt… a little off I guess. I can’t quite explain it.
It was still much better/more tolerable than the Strattera. Ironic to me that a non-stimulant med was worse than the actual stimulant that turns into actual amphetamine via red blood cells*
It also didn’t seem to have much effect in keeping me awake or keeping me more “alert,” but it didn’t increase somnolence either? Like the Strattera had me taking 2 hour naps no matter what, but the Vyvanse at that dose didn’t seem to impact me on that front.
Attention wise, the jitteriness made it a little hard to focus on its own. I also just… decided I didn’t want to read. I finished an audiobook and got some online shopping done, though.
Today I am going to be mindful of my caffeine intake and only have some of a Rockstar (I just feel like I need something since even 2 hours after waking, I’m pretty tired this morning). Tomorrow I meet with the PMHNP again to check in, so I’d like to get a good feeling for how I’m doing on the 20s.
An annoying thing about these scheduled drugs: you can’t write for titration very well. For Vyvanse, my insurance has a dispensing limit of 30 pills every 30 days inclusive of strength. Idea being that it’s harder to share/sell them, or take more than intended, if you’re limited and cannot get more. Given that Vyvanse is available in 10mg increments you can technically do all titration with one pill/day. This works out well if you’re on an established dose or only going up 10mg or whatever in a month etc. The problem is that when you’re determining dose, especially when somebody is historically very sensitive, you’re stuck with the dose prescribed for as long as you have pills. I got 14 pills of 10mg for a 14 day supply, but I’m taking 20mg now, so I will “run out” of 10s before the end of the 14 days. They may not approve a new rx before 14 days, or only approve 16 pills until Aug 5, etc. And we may even want to go up to 30mg eventually which makes it hard to know how many pills to send in of the 20s and when. Which means I will NECESSARILY have to take the drug “not as prescribed” (skipping some days) until we find the right dose.
* I’m not kidding; Vyvanse is basically amphetamine with a lysine added to it, and the lysine part makes it relatively inactive. It goes into your blood, and there is an enzyme in red blood cells that will cleave the lysine away from the amphetamine and then you get the nice stimulant effect from the amphetamine! It’s designed this way because the cleaving is a slow step so it slows the rate you get dextroamphetamine, reducing a sharp high and abuse potential + somewhat increasing time of effect. Also should note that dextroamphetamine =/= methamphetamine. Methamphetamine has a small methyl group at the end (where Vyvanse has lysine) and this changes it a lot. Vyvanse primarily becomes dextroamphetamine via a very specific enzyme that only removes lysine (it won’t remove just the small methyl group). Much of methamphetamine is converted to a different amphetamine compound, not dextroamphetamine, so it’s *not* the same drug.
Also Vyvanse’s generic name is lisdexamphetamine: lis (lysine) + dex (dextro) + amphetamine. Generics do generally have a logic behind them yeah?
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dreamgirledward · 2 years
chronic depression and gad are so fucking annoying bro !!!! why did it take me years to get out of the rut ive been in to remember to take vitamins every single day and get a monthly iron shot for my stupid fucking anemia and eat food packed with antioxidants and protein and healthy carbs and lots of fruit and veggies and actually be surprised that it helps me SLEEP when i already kNEW THAT IT DID >:( regular walks in the fresh air and workouts actually make me feel like i might have some semblance of a grip on reality i literally have no idea what id do if i didnt have my little walkies every single day. my little smoothies make me so happy my little multivitamins are my friends the girlies on pilates youtube are so important to me literally WHOOOO AM I 🤡 depression is absolutely influenced by my environment and life events and my anxiety probably runs in my family but fuck bro is it wild to FEEL the difference when i take my b12 and vitamin d pills every day compared to when i dont!!!!!!!! fad diets are terrible and intermittent fasting is AWFUL for women. the damage trends like theirs have done for people online make them so scared to just try to live healthier and that's so fucked up!!! understanding what your body actually needs is so important and a lot of us truly just are not giving ourselves enough. i definitely wasnt !!!!!
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queerautism · 2 years
Someone asked you about trouble swallowing pills!
Me too! And I have so many fucking pills to take every single day. Wondering if its dysphagia/if theres treatment for it.
What do you know please? How do you get meds as sprays? I have such a hard time downing my gazillion meds every day but im kinda scared to bring it up to my dr because sometimes he asks me about treatment options instead of doing his job?? I need to look for a new dr.
Am tired. Rambly. Hope this makes sense. Please share info I need help, if you can.
I'm on several POTS / Dysautonomia subreddits and apparently trouble swallowing can be a common issue, so I mostly know a little bit because of that (here is the most recent post I read about it)
I have my Iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 as oral sprays. They're all from a brand called BetterYou and I just buy them online.
I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Your doctor should definitely be working with you to find possible alternatives that are easier for you. You might also be able to ask your pharmacist if any of the medications you take come in alternative forms.
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finnylifedumppage · 1 month
Today was good I guess, don’t get me wrong I guess I enjoyed most of it. I woke up at 7 am,went back to sleep… Woke up again at 8am repeat until 9:45 where I give up trying to get back asleep again. I force myself to wake up and I just bedrot whilst scrolling endlessly on TikTok and watching bakudeku gatcha YouTube reaction videos until 12:30 pm when I get a message from my dad telling me the time and to get out of my pit .I went out to a shopping centre to buy stuff with my mum for my dad’s surprise birthday party in a rented out building I don’t know the name of. At first it was fun, looking round shops for birthday supplies. Then it all suddenly turned into dogshit without any pyre warning. Like my mum just started having a right big old go at me for being “rude” and “horrible” and all that bull shit I’m used to at this point. Then whenever I try and help her look for the stuff she wanted to buy for the birthday party thing she just started to continuously complain about the price of everything. To be frank it was an outrageously high price for simple items like balloons and a birthday banner. But it was the way she continually went on and on about the price that seemed to infinitely piss me off. So yeah I’m guessing I’m the bad daughter now.
And what hurts even more about that is the fact I’m trans I’m ftm and my parents refuse to call me by my chosen name and pronouns. Saying I’m allowed to go by those things and be those things with my friends but not around them. I really don’t get what the fuck they’re going on about. But back on topic.. my mum is also notoriously embarrassingly bad at technology I’m not joking or exaggerating at this point she doesn’t know how to log off and out of a computer or clear her google tabs. She wanted to stick nice and funky and funny pictures of my dad,me,herself and my two brothers on the walls in the rented out building and of course she didn’t know how to search for those pictures on her own phone. I don’t even know how she functions online at this point. The point is she clearly doesn’t. So I attempt to do that for a bit. With a shouting and pissed off mother shouting for me to give her phone back in the middle of the shopping centre acting hysterical. I tried to explain what I was doing but parents never listen to their kids so I just gave up extremely pissed off at her and the situation she put the both of us in. I somehow found found myself falling into the blame trap of my mother so all of a sudden everything that has happened to mother since the very moment she opened her eyes this morning became my fault. I have honestly no idea or clue how I impressively found myself in this hellish situation of mine. It’s low key kind of funny at this point to be fair and honest.
The second half of the day at 5 pm I found myself in a doctors office for an appointment that my mother has booked for me for my irregular flow of bleeding for my period. To talk about going on the pill. After I got my blood drawn the previous week (I almost passed out whilst having my blood taken). Nothing abnormal just regular questions the doctor has to ask you so you don’t develop breast cancer from the pill or get pregnant or die from the medication. I found out from what the doctors got back from my blood that I have less red blood cells that is considered normal for my age and low iron for my age as well. So I’ll have to take iron pills at the same time every day with orange juice for probably the rest of my sad meaningless life of mine. And if I don’t get my lack of red blood cells and lack of iron “sorted” out soon enough and quick enough I can very well be hospitalised. And die. Not the best thing to say to a traumatised,mentally unstable,partly suicidal teenager in my opinion. But what do I know I’m just a random teenager on the internet who isn’t a doctor or someone with any prior medical experience or knowledge. I only barely know to do the hymlic remover and chest compressions. All that information I was told triggered me.. of course it did I’m so pathetic and stupid. My mum obviously complained at me for not interacting with the doctor much… Even though I gave the doctor enough information…
Lastly in the evening I continued to wellow in my own sorrows like a lame little pathetic teen. Ate dinner. Continued to bed rot. Make a collage for tumbler. Made a tumbler account. Made a blog. Made the fyp to suit my needs and wants by searching up things to dictate my feed and recommend posts. Tried this exact same thing for Pinterest to get posts other than mha related ones. Don’t get me wrong I adore mha I’m obsessed with it tbh I spend a lot of money on merch that I can’t really afford to keep up with. It’s just that I want a change in what I see on Pinterest that’s not just strictly related to mha. Ate a chip butty. Wrote this blog. Listened to music. Did some Overthinking. Felt sorry for myself. Felt like I was wasting my youth and life away. Argued with my ex on a gc with all my friends on it. Regretted all my life choices I’ve ever made in the history of ever. Finished this blog. ETC ETC.
My kindest tired regards Finny⚡️🌩️⛈️🎧🎵🎶🎧🎬📱📸❤️📝💝
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dlatitudepharmacy1 · 4 months
Buy Fericure XT Tablet | Online medicine delivery in Gurgaon
Fericure XT Tablet is a dietary supplement containing multiple vitamins which help in enhancing general health. The folate-enriched pill is recommended for the management of iron deficiency and anemia. 
Fericure XT Tablet packed with folic acid and vitamin B12, it helps in the body's cell production and fights malaria. Furthermore aids in the body's platelet formation. The body maintains a constant supply of iron in circulation because ferrous ascorbate is available in sufficient amounts. Aids in the management and treatment of anemia and its many forms.
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Comfort and time are important to clients in this busy city, and Wellness Forever stands out as the leading online medicine delivery in Gurgaon. The safety and wellness of its clients are the top priorities for Wellness Forever. A wide range of medical supplies, prescription medications, and personal hygiene goods are available for prompt and convenient delivery straight to your door.
Our wide online pharmacy catalog offers vitamins, supplements, prescriptions, and medications that can be purchased, as well as a variety of personal care products. Wellness Forever offers all the basic health needs along with any specialized medical supplies you could require. Since we understand how crucial it is to take medication on time and want to ensure that you receive your supplies when you need them, we offer a simple and quick ordering process.
Because we are dedicated to quality and customer happiness, Wellness Forever stands out. Quality and safety are ensured because we get all of our products from reputable manufacturers and distributors. On our easy-to-use website, you can swiftly browse through categories, find what you're looking for, and place your order with a few clicks. In order to help you make decisions about your wellness and health needs, our website is designed to provide thorough product information.
Our top priorities at Pharmacy Online Wellness Forever are your comfort and mental health. No matter where you are in Gurgaon, we guarantee that your orders will arrive on time, thanks to our trustworthy and effective delivery network. In order to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible, we also offer a number of payment methods, including cash on delivery. 
Our committed customer service team is available to help with any questions or issues you may have, ensuring a flawless purchasing experience from beginning to end. Put your trust in Wellness Forever for all of your medical requirements, and take advantage of the convenience of online medicine delivery in Gurgaon with the guarantee of dependability and quality.
Choose Wellness Forever for a healthier tomorrow, delivered today.
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qochealthguide5 · 5 months
The Role of Supplements in Fitness
Supplements have become a ubiquitous part of the fitness industry, with countless products claiming to enhance performance, support muscle growth, and improve overall health. While some supplements can play a beneficial role in supporting fitness goals, others may be unnecessary or even potentially harmful if used improperly. In this article, we'll explore the role of supplements in fitness, including their potential benefits, risks, and considerations for safe and effective use.
1. Understanding Supplements
Supplements are products intended to supplement the diet and provide essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, or other substances that may be lacking in the diet or beneficial for health and performance. They come in various forms, including pills, capsules, powders, liquids, and bars, and are widely available over-the-counter at pharmacies, health food stores, and online retailers.
2. Potential Benefits of Supplements in Fitness
While a balanced diet rich in whole foods should always be the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, supplements can play a supportive role in fitness by providing additional nutrients or enhancing specific aspects of performance or recovery. Some potential benefits of supplements in fitness include:
Meeting Nutrient Needs: Certain supplements can help fill nutrient gaps in the diet, particularly for individuals with specific dietary restrictions, preferences, or deficiencies. For example, vegans or vegetarians may benefit from taking vitamin B12, iron, or omega-3 supplements to ensure adequate intake of these nutrients.
Enhancing Performance: Some supplements, such as caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, and nitric oxide boosters, have been shown to enhance exercise performance by increasing energy, strength, power, endurance, or blood flow. These supplements may be particularly beneficial for athletes or individuals engaging in high-intensity or endurance activities.
Supporting Muscle Growth and Recovery: Protein supplements, such as whey protein, casein protein, and plant-based protein powders, are commonly used to support muscle growth, repair, and recovery after exercise. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and essential amino acid supplements may also help reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle protein synthesis.
Aiding Weight Management: Certain supplements, such as caffeine, green tea extract, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and thermogenic fat burners, are marketed for their potential to boost metabolism, increase fat oxidation, and support weight loss or weight management goals. However, it's essential to use these supplements in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise for optimal results.
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3. Risks and Considerations
While some supplements can offer benefits for fitness and health, others may carry risks or have limited evidence to support their efficacy. It's essential to approach supplements with caution and consider the following factors:
Quality and Purity: Not all supplements are created equal, and quality can vary widely among brands and products. Look for supplements that have been third-party tested for purity, potency, and safety by reputable organizations such as NSF International, Informed-Sport, or ConsumerLab.com.
Potential Side Effects: Some supplements may cause adverse reactions or side effects, particularly if taken in high doses or combined with other medications or supplements. It's essential to read labels carefully, follow recommended dosages, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or concerns.To get more information click QocHealth.com.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations: The supplement industry is loosely regulated, and not all products undergo rigorous testing or scrutiny before being marketed to consumers. Be cautious of supplements that make exaggerated claims or promises that seem too good to be true. Look for products that are backed by scientific research and have a track record of safety and efficacy.
4. Supplementing Wisely
When considering supplements for fitness, it's essential to adopt a cautious and informed approach:
Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your diet, lifestyle, and fitness goals to determine if there are any specific nutrients or areas where supplementation may be beneficial. Focus on filling nutrient gaps and addressing individual needs rather than relying solely on supplements for overall health and fitness.
Choose Wisely: Select supplements from reputable brands with a track record of quality, safety, and transparency. Look for products that have undergone third-party testing and certification to ensure purity and potency.
Consult with a Professional: Before starting any new supplement regimen, consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist, to assess your individual needs, discuss potential risks and benefits, and develop a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and preferences.
Monitor Effects: Pay attention to how your body responds to supplements and adjust your regimen as needed based on changes in performance, energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. If you experience any adverse reactions or concerns, discontinue use and seek guidance from a healthcare professional.
5. Conclusion
Supplements can play a supportive role in fitness by providing essential nutrients, enhancing performance, and supporting overall health and well-being. However, it's essential to approach supplements with caution, skepticism, and informed decision-making. Focus on meeting nutrient needs through a balanced diet, choose supplements wisely from reputable brands, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. By supplementing wisely and responsibly, you can maximize the potential benefits of supplements while minimizing risks and ensuring safe and effective support for your fitness goals.
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Thursday, February 1st, 2024!
10:02am: yasssss it's my birthday month and it's time to partayyy 💅🥳🤠 feeling good 😜🤪😁😎 I have online lectures this morning so I'm already at home! After this one ends, I think I will make bacon and buttered toast for breakfast
1:11pm I made the bacon! I feel so content and at peace today. Everything is really good??? I'm just riding this wave man 😎 maybe it's bc I switched my vitamins up?? I found one that had more than my previous brand, and it's the first time I've bought tablets instead of gummies 😅 they're like horse pills tho but I only have to take one 🤣 I've been trying to find a multivitamin with iron + the normal barrage of once a day vitamins and I finally did. I think I've been iron deficient for a while.
1:47am karma works in mysterious ways!!! Randomly woke up at 12:59am, gets a phone call at 1am. His grandmother told me she thinks he stole $8000 from her..... Yo ☹️ wow I am speechless. We both agreed he's probably been taking "little" amounts out of her money drawer repeatedly, but is too dumb to realize how much he's taken out over time. I'm just speechless. Karma please do your work! 🙏 This is literally insane. Plus yeah she still doesn't like the new gf, thinks she's on drugs and said she looks like a race horse ☠️ wow, just wow
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