#Gil secretly keeps the note
softquietsteadylove · 3 months
So… have you watched or played The Last of Us? If you have, could you write Thena and Gilgamesh meeting after a fight with a few clickers?
Gil panted behind his palm. Even his heavy breathing was liable to get him killed in a situation like this. Fuck.
Half the party was already dead.
Between the upper floor and the lower, they had split up. He didn't know everyone--hell, he didn't really know anyone. No one had to know anyone in their little section of city life, and he liked it that way. But any loss was a loss, and it meant more food for those things.
Two clickers, as far as he could gather. One was on the mezzanine level, trying to flush out the rest of the team. The other was on the lower level, already spreading cordyceps to those below. Fuck.
Gil slowed his breathing. He looked up at the broken skylight. There was still some glass in it, but it was mostly a big ass hole letting in the elements now. If only he could get eyes on them. He was one of three of them who had real experience in the field.
He always tried to tell people he grew up in America, but he spoke the language. Then he would say that everyone had to do mandatory service, but that still meant he had firearms training. Didn't matter if it was the Korean forces or US army, they wanted anyone who could hold a gun and not shoot their own nuts off.
The other two were the team leads, did this regularly. One was a sharpshooter, talkative but also deceptively observant. Gil didn't know if he had served or if he just had perfect eyes, but either way, he was always on the scope. The other one was definitely the kind of guy who liked his time in service. He was tightly wound, always had a stick up his ass, liked barking orders.
The only other one Gil even somewhat recognized was the woman.
He didn't know her name either, but he knew that the sharpshot called her 'T'. He referred to her as Blondie in his head sometimes, only because, well, fuck--he didn't think a person could get any blonder than she was. Not in the dumb way.
On the contrary, she seemed lethally sharp. He had seen her around. She kept quiet, kept to herself. But he had seen her use sign language and she was light on her feet; those were already two assets that made her pretty much royalty to the field team.
Gil flinched back as that sickening sound drew closer. That creaking, croaking click that gave the things their name. He looked down at the floor.
Blondie was waving at him.
He looked up from the puddle. She was in a pretty good spot, actually. She was up on one of the higher shelves, crouched like a fucking cat. Her hands moved but he made a face and shook his head.
She gave up on the real sign language. She had eyes on them. One was right behind him. The other was downstairs. Their own were each pinned in the crook of a corner. Better to deflect that thing's sounds.
Gil nodded. This was their best bet. He looked at her and angled his rifle.
She shook her head. It wasn't a good shot. And even if the other one was downstairs, it would just come charging up at them as soon as they made any real noise. And those it was infecting now would follow.
Gil tilted his head back again. Why had he agreed to raid duty again?
Oh right, he was just feeling particularly miserable about things. And he wanted off body duty--anything but hauling the lifeless sacks around all day. Maybe something in the kitchens.
Blondie was waving again. She pointed up at the skylight.
Gil shook his head. What was the busted ass skylight gonna do?
She pointed again, then at him, then up. She mimicked taking the shot. Then...snowfall? Rain? Rainfall; Gil made a face and she nodded. She was telling him to shoot the skylight. The clattering glass might - just fucking might - be enough to distract those things.
He tilted his head at her, asking if she was particularly sure about any of this.
She shrugged, pulling up the dinky little handgun either Thing 1 or Thing 2 had given her. She nodded at him and then aimed downwind from herself. It almost looked like she was aiming at him, but he could see that she really thought shit through when she had something to say. She was going to aim for the one closest to him.
He took his aim too, looking at Blondie up on the shelf. He held out his fingers. It was on three, if either of them mistimed this, shit could go south very fucking fast.
Blondie nodded.
One. Gil drew in a breath. He still didn't like guns at all. He had never had to use his weapon when he did his mandatory service. Two. He didn't like any of this, to be honest. He wasn't really a violent guy, by nature. But the world was what it was, now, and violent delights had violent ends. Three. All that was left was trying to live day by day.
The skylight clattered to the ground below, even the glass that was remaining falling inward. Maybe it didn't seem like much when it was up that high, but it was actually a hell of a lot of glass that rained down on the first floor. The clicker down there screeched as it was sliced up from above. The bodies of their own also got buried in the sharp snowfall.
Gil winced as his gunshot echoed in his ear. It wasn't really an echo, one shot was his and one was hers. He ducked down, expecting shit to rain down on him too.
Blondie had pretty good aim, apparently. She got the thing right through the temple. It was still up, sure, twitching and all, but the brain was dead, thus no longer a source of nutrients for its host.
Gil walked out cautiously. He peered downstairs. There were only a few masses writhing and hissing down there. He spread some shots around, making sure nothing sprang up to trot up and meet him. Once nothing seemed to be moving, he dropped the barrel.
Blondie gave him a tight nod.
He returned it, looking around him. Dumb and Dumber were already skulking around the rest of the mezzanine, looking for evidence of more of them. True gentlemen, leaving the lady fucking up on a pedestal. Gil rolled his eyes.
Blondie eyed him from above as he walked over to her. A little glass crunched under his boots as he did. She was still curled up pretty tight on herself.
Gil nodded his head for her to come down.
She looked around them. There was a clicker body and a hell of a lot of glass around them.
Gil sighed. It was always easier going up than coming down. He pulled the strap off his shoulder and set his weapon down. He extended his arms up.
She gave him a look.
He scoffed and waved his hands again. What did she think--that he was trying to cop a feel? He changed the position of his arms, promising her an easy dismount.
She had her misgivings, and he couldn't really blame her for that. He kept his hands up as she slowly unfurled her legs. She let them dangle a little before scooting herself closer to the edge. She was really trying not to trust him.
Gil moved forward, grasping her by the waist before she could really plummet that last couple feet to the ground. Jesus, she weighed as much as a sheet of paper. He kept his eyes on her as he helped lower her to the ground quietly. Once even her toes were on the floor again he let go, holding his palms out and stepping away. No funny business.
She continued to eye him like a cat would eye a stray dog. Maybe he could see why; she was an itty-bitty thing, not that anyone was necessarily well fed these days. But the jacket she was wearing really hid how delicate boned she was.
Gil raised an eyebrow.
She gave him one last withering glare before tipping her head. It wasn't much of a thank you, but he accepted it nonetheless. She looked over at the clicker that had been right on top of him and then at him, from the ground up. Her sandy coloured eyebrows raised as well.
He pursed his lips and tipped his head. He wasn't bit, but he wouldn't call this a fun day out, or anything. He shrugged, and she seemed to agree with his lacklustre sentiment.
Blondie looked across the open mezzanine. The sharpshot signed something to her, and she signed back. She even had slim little delicate fingers.
Gil tiled his head to catch her eye again, hoping to be filled in. There were regular classes for sign language back in town. Maybe it was time he actually attend some.
She nodded to him with a hint of a smile. "All clear."
Gil blinked as she walked past him on the way to the lower floor again. "You can talk?"
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months
More Highlights From the SOLDIER Group Chat
• Every time someone makes a grammatical mistake and butchers the English language, Genesis sends a copy of the Rosetta stone.
• Kunsel changing the group chat name to The Bad Bitch Brigade™
• Angeal's phone and microphone are broken as hell, but he refused to buy a new phone while his still works, so all of his audio messages make him sound like a chipmunk.
• Roche accidentally sent his "most to least attractive" list to the group chat. Genesis was at the very bottom. Genesis didn't shut up for six hours.
• Every time Sephiroth is questioned about something uncomfortable he responds with a model-esque selfie.
Lazard: Sephiroth did you break the training room again???
Sephiroth: *sends a picture perfect selfie of himself basking in the sunlight*
• Zack using the group chat as his personal journal until Lazard told him to stop because "No one wants to hear about the sweet potato shaped like a penis you had for lunch, Zackary, nor do we want to hear about the life advice the drunkard in sector 7 keeps giving you"
• On a similar note, Genesis uses the group chat as his personal to-do list. Lazard also had him stop after the items started getting more and more concerning. The last straw was:
1) Buy fireworks
2) Buy enough duct tape to hold a grown man
3) Summon Sephiroth to the rooftop at midnight
• Director Lazard thought the "😂" emoji meant a sad crying face, so he sent "I regret to inform you all that Mrs. Helen Thompson from the finance office has passed away 😂 💀"
• The day Genesis changed the group chat name to "LOVELESS study club" and began sending his LOVELESS analysis. Everyone left the group chat immediately. Including Lazard.
• The morning everyone hurried to the group chat to see why there were 5K messages. It turns out Kunsel and Zack were RP-ing.
• Sephiroth not knowing that "I'm dying" means the person is laughing. He twice sent paramedics to Genesis's office.
• Angeal, the admin, getting drunk and changing everyone's screen names to something ridiculous.
Sephiroth, Genesis and Zack became Mommy Issues, Used To Eat Chalk When We Were Six, and Hedgehog On Crack.
• Upon figuring out how to change the group chat name, Sephiroth changed it to The Mystery Penis™ Is [Redacted] and then turned his phone off.
• Zack sending a joke picture of him and Kunsel holding hands. Kunsel has hairy fingers so Angeal immediately responds with "WHAT DID YOU DO TO AERITH?"
• Sephiroth learns he doesn't need to respond to every messages and can instead use the reaction feature. This leads to gems such as:
• Angeal changing the group chat name to "Dr. Phil audition tapes"
• Roche selling a used hair dryer and advertising it on the group chat as "USED HAIR, GOOD CONDITION, $20 GIL FREE SHIPPING
• That of course is followed by a mass advertisment spam where everyone is trying to sell their used products. Genesis in particular gets removed from the group chat for "ASSORTED TOYS, NEVER USED, SOLD TO ADULTS ONLY, $ 50 GIL A PIECE + AUTOGRAPH
• Genesis being removed allows Zack to advertise "BOX OF RANDOM SHIT I STOLE FROM GENESIS'S APARTMENT"
• Cloud, an infantryman who's secretly been a part of the group this whole time, finally outs himself the day Reno is discovered to be hiding in the group chat undercover.
• He sent this image:
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
Some HCs - Arthur Kirkland
It seems I am unable to draw anything these days. It's either a bad case of artist block or any slight skill I had in the drawing department has vanished into thin air. Someone send either an ambulance or Francis ( so I can hit him with my car to calm myself down)
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Until then here are some hcs for our favourite pater familias:
Arthur has a hard time falling asleep and has constant insomnia episodes. He's used to them by now and doesn't try to force himself to sleep when he realizes he can't. The one thing he can't do during his no-sleep nights is read. He browses the internet, checks out his kids social media updates, and even sends a text to Francis or Gil in the hopes of waking them up and being a general petty menace. He does everything but read books as they strain his eyes.
He might be the grumpy rat we all know, but he is incredible with children. He doesn't talk to them as many people do with children: childish and condescendingly, but like an adult speaking to an equally intelligent human being. Also, Arthur can make up stories on the spot that will intrigue even the most well-read intellectual and equally bring the most unruly child to sleep. His imagination is something he keeps almost completely to himself though. Least someone might find out he is not completely the stoic, stiff upper-lip kind of person he wants to be portrayed as. Though children are the only people that get to experience his creative, imaginative, and story-telling side. His children had quite the bedtime stories. Especially Alfred.
Trash telly is one of his weaknesses. When the work is done, the dishes are washed, and the paperwork is finished, Arthur will most definitely turn on the news and pretend that's what he is interested in on the tv. When in reality he waits a couple of minutes to switch to some Love Island, Geordie Shore, 22 Kids, and Counting, or even Funniest royal Cock-ups.
Arthur doesn't like being in pictures taken by others. Be it not liking how he looks in them or simply not liking when he's not the one in control of taking pictures but he simply hates being in photographs taken by other people. One can imagine this is just a part of Arthur's controlling side coming out.
When it comes to his kids, Arthur is constantly worried. He of course doesn't show it (the beforementioned stiff upper lip kind of attitude) yet when there is real trouble or he can sense something is amiss, he will do his best to drop his indifferent demeanor to help his child as best as he can without being too emotional. He doesn't admit it to anyone and especially not to himself but seeing his kids hurt or unwell is the one biggest fear he has. This feeling in him conflicts with him being a country and having to put his own people and government before anyone else. He is a past empire and empathy doesn't come easy to him. Yet here he is wondering if Matthew ate his lunch after the meeting or if Alfred got into trouble again with his officials over some tweets. As much of an emotionless bastard as he is and as much of a country as he is, he is family oriented and his kids mean the world to him.
While on the topic of his kids, Alfred is the absolute favourite child, the crown prince, and the firstborn son of the family. Al gets some privileges that his siblings do not. Arthur is especially worried and distressed when Al is in trouble or is hurt. More so than any of his other children. There is some jealousy/envy from the rest due to this of course. More on that in Alfred's hcs.
On a lighter note, Arthur lost his car in a shopping mall parking lot almost a dozen times now.
Also, he refuses to get rid of his 2006 silver Renault Clio. He has a newer car but uses it only for business and when driving longer distances. Matthew is worried the old vehicle will die any day now on the road and keeps urging his father to buy a new car.
Arthur is secretly a big fan of Neil Gaiman and his works but keeps that to himself.
He has an instagram account where he posts pictures of his garden, his book choice of the week, and his kids. The beforementioned kids are not happy with the pictures their father chooses to post on his account. Zee has blocked him.
Arthur buys candles all the time. Any smell, any aroma. And just keeps them in a drawer. He saw an ad for candles online once and now it's something he impulse buys at the grocery store.
These days he has the energy of a divorced housewife with an elderly dog
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lwh-writing · 4 months
Girl Genius Reaction #2
Hi, hey, been a hot second since I've done one of these but here we go!
I love that the Heterodyne boys have been elevated to this almost folklore-like state where everyone's got a story about them that ranges from "mostly true" to "entirely made up"
Also, Gil's Dad was adventure buddies with the Heterodynes???? I know Theo said he made the story up, but considering it was shown to us like a flashback, I assume there is at least a few kernels of truth to it all
I think I clocked the possible Von Pinn connection. As all the students claim Von Pinn is modeled off of and/or secretly Lucrezia Mongfish (whoever the hell that is), and Lucrezia was name-dropped in Theo's story/flashback and on the receiving end of one of the Heterodyne's love confessions, I'm assuming Von Pinn is thus modeled off of and/or secretly Agatha's mother or aunt. I wonder if that'll ever come up later. Either way, it's nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking Von Pinn and Agatha looked way too similar
Also, I know Agatha probably took the chance to change out of the pants and into a more comfortable skirt while Theo had everyone distracted, but I kind of like the idea that she can just randomly and inexpensively modify her clothes at will with no one noticing
The Baron being concerned about the hive engine being "eighteen years old or brand new?" really caught my attention. Larger scope villain entering the chat? 👀
Theo & co. running into Gil and there's an obvious disconnect about whom hasn't kept in touch with whom, re: Gil saying they'd only ever come to him if they need something vs. Theo saying Gil hasn't answered any of their letters. Betting money that the Baron has been withholding Gil's mail and trying to isolate him for whatever reason.
Whomst is Othar Tryggvassen? Hello? Random man just suspended over the void, every limb chained, giant green globe on his head? WTF???
I do love Agatha's reaction though. "Is it right to leave a fellow sentient strung up like this?" "Well, that depends upon the nature of the experiment..." I love this mad scientist so much
I'm also really loving the Jaegers (Jaegerkin? Jaegermonsters?). They're all so full of personality. And the tension with the Lackya is very delicious
Love the Jaegerkin generals inviting Agatha to supper, saying "It's good, no bugs!" only for another general to say in the most dejected voice "...no bugs?" 🥺
Also, it looks like the Jaegers are officially figuring out that Agatha's a Heterodyne! Gil may believe/know Agatha is a Spark (has the Spark?), but the Jaegers are the only ones connecting the dots to the Heterodyne question. Wonder if they'll tell someone or keep it to themselves.
Also, Jaegers playing matchmaker? "What do you think of the young master?" "What kind of question is that?" "Well it would make things really simple if--" What's their angle there? Hm....
Speaking of ships, I am sending Andre the Jaegermonster to horny jail. I'm with Agatha; Von Pinn doesn't sound interested
Flashback with Uncle Barry was very cute. He obviously didn't want to repress Agatha's powers, but it was probably a matter of safety
Agatha sleep-inventing is very cool, but why's her little sentient robot(s) hiding from her?
Von Zinzer is giving some insight on the larger world. Apparently, there's a series of wars going on? I know the Baron is a ruler and is keeping the school kids as hostages, but I didn't know it's a continuous conquest of what seems to be Europe.
Also, side note, do we ever see the rest of the world? Africa, Asia, Australia, North & South America? I know deep in my bones that this world's version of China would fuck severely.
Dr. Dim and his bears are also very cute. Loved the moment between him and Agatha
The fight between Von Zinzer & Agatha was very fun. As was Gil hiring Agatha on the spot. The friendship is growing!
And finally, the talking cat! My oh my, how will this go from here? It's very obviously sentient, and based on the website's banner, a main character to boot. But what is it? A chimera? A rogue experiment? Someone trapped in a cat's body? Guess I'll find out
Overall: Still really liking the story! It's got me hooked so far and it's building really well on the premise. The story is still obviously finding its footing, but it's still good!
Continued 7.5/10
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majorgammage · 1 year
My husband wondering why I’m on my phone at 3am typing away: …What if she’s talking to other guys?
Me in my iPhone notes:
How lgbt+ friendly are Stardew Valley folks anyway? A breakdown of suspected character philosophies:
Objectively homophobic, repeats shitty takes on “woke culture” they heard on a podcast: Pam, Alex
Tries to debate biological sex but only cites sources 20+ years out of date: Gunther
Straight until further notice, gets your pronouns right but still calls you ugly to your face: Haley
Accidentally homophobic, but gets too defensive to learn from it: Clint
Trans and living her best life: Sandy
Also trans, has some serious work to do on himself: Shane
Educates you on ten different cultures’ worth of ideas on gender and sexuality from his travels but never talks about himself: Linus
Has enjoyed many whirlwind romances in his life and claims it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re enjoying the adventure: Professor Snail
Doesn’t have a problem with gay people but still insists they just didn’t “have those” in his day: George
Doesn’t understand what the big deal is, claims everyone knows women are just more attractive. Thinks it would be neat to live with your bff 24/7. Keeps a framed picture of her best friend on her nightstand: Evelyn
Desperately wants to be bisexual for the aesthetic, but she’s just an awkward ally—still wears a lot of rainbows and a she/her pronoun pin at work: Emily
Pansexual, but only likes you if you own a sword (WILL critique how you hold it): Abigail
Queer bffs club, everyone’s tried to date at some point but they’re not really compatible with each other or anyone else in town, so they just meet up and talk shit at the saloon: Elliot, Leah, Penny
Undecided, too busy working and being edgy to care much anyway: Sebastian
Straight, genuinely invested in getting your pronouns right—honestly one of the safest bets in town if he can get out of his parents’ house: Sam
Starts the local Gay-Straight Alliance chapter the minute Sam starts wearing nail polish. Still learning but means well: Jodi
Trying to be supportive of whatever, secretly scared Sebastian is making his son gay: Kent
Devout Yoba follower who claims to welcome everyone but definitely has Opinions despite needing a literal she-shed to escape the mundanities of her own hetero marriage: Caroline
Flies rainbow flags everywhere in June, but only to capitalize on profits: Pierre
Gay but still a shitty person, votes conservative: Morris
Kissed a guy in college but pretty sure it isn’t for him, reminds you to get tested regularly and always use protection no matter who you’re with: Harvey
Gray ace, exclusively reads queer monsterfucker fanfic and scientific journals, might consider a relationship with the right person/machine: Maru
Bisexual, needs marriage counseling in a bad way: Robin
Asexual/aromantic, self-therapized into that realization late in life but hasn’t ever discussed how that might affect, you know, his wife: Demetrius
Emotional support straight/designated mom friend: Marnie
Not gay but supportive, does a lot of extracurricular reading to support Marnie and Shane: Mayor Lewis
Husbands of 20+ years: Gil and Marlon
Former leather club gods, occasional hookups with Gil and Marlon: Willy, Grandpa
Owned the leather club, may or may not have participated: Gus
Reproduces asexually so can’t comprehend the conversation: Dwarf
Non-binary king: Krobus
Love is love, and that’s all she has to say about that: Birdie
Doesn’t really do labels, only requirement is that you’re into smooth jazz: The Bouncer
Somehow transcended gender and achieved true peace, but is gatekeeping the secret: Mr. Qi
Just here for the soup: The Governor
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undercat-overdog · 2 years
In Unfinished Tales, Christopher Tolkien draws the conclusion that the Three Rings can not have been used until after the loss of the Ruling Ring*. I think this conclusion is incorrect and that both the text of Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age (Silm) and the History of Galadriel and Celeborn (UT) support the idea that the Three Rings were used in the Second Age.
The Silmarillion states that they weren’t used openly, which doesn’t preclude some secret use, whatever that might be; the text implies to me that the Three were used secretly:
But Sauron could not discover [the Three], for they were given into the hands of the Wise, who concealed them and never again used them openly while Sauron kept the Ruling Ring.
(Who the Wise were varies somewhat. Appendix B states that they are Galadriel, Círdan, and Gil-Galad and that Gil-Galad gave Vilya to Elrond before his death, while in other sources it’s Gil-Galad who receives both Narya and Vilya. In one version he gives Narya to Círdan immediately but in another he keeps Narya for himself and gives Vilya to Elrond in the Second Age after a council following the War of the Elves and Sauron.)
Meanwhile, the History of Galadriel and Celeborn outright states that Galadriel used Nenya in the Second Age:
Galadriel counselled [Celebrimbor] that the Three Rings of the Elves should be hidden, never used, and dispersed, far from Eregion where Sauron believed them to be. It was at that time that she received Nenya, the White Ring, from Celebrimbor, and by its power the realm of Lórinand was strengthened and made beautiful; but its power upon her was great also and unforeseen, for it increased her latent desire for the Sea and for return into the West, so that her joy in Middle-earth was diminished.
Later, there’s a line about her giving away the Elessar since she didn’t feel she needed it after Nenya had come into her possession (seemingly immediately after it comes into her possession, implying that as soon as she was given Nenya she used its power).
But afterwards when Nenya, chief of the Three, was sent to her by Celebrimbor, she needed it (as she thought) no more, and she gave it to Celebrían her daughter.
Christopher, in note #9 of the History of Galadriel and Celeborn, is confused by the former passage, and says:
Galadriel cannot have made use of the powers of Nenya until a much later time, after the loss of the Ruling Ring; but it must be admitted that the text does not at all suggest this (although she is said just above to advise Celebrimbor that the Elven Rings should never be used).
(Galadriel seems to have counseled that they destroy the Three, and they ‘failed to find the strength,’ so I don’t see why she couldn’t fail to find the strength to forgo using Nenya. Perhaps she felt that Sauron couldn’t master her.)
But that note is Christopher’s, not his father’s, and Tolkien’s own text outright says that Galadriel uses Nenya in a time before the One Ring was lost. She must have used it secretly, as the Silmarillion says the Elves used the Three secretly during the Second Age, but I think all the evidence suggests she used it in at least some manner, if not flamboyantly. I don’t think Sauron’s possession of the One necessarily would have stopped her. As for other two, we know that, like Nenya, they weren’t used openly. What the difference between open and secret use is is unclear; perhaps the latter is just a passive positive blessing on the land and wielder, perhaps something more or less. But I think that they were used.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
how does break/george show their care for chrysi? and how does chrysi show her care for them? what games do u think would oz and alice enjoy…
break shows his care for her by calling her out on her bullshit <3 he knows that it’s all her self-destructive tendencies speaking whenever she claims she doesn’t want to get anybody else in trouble. he’s been there. he doesn’t want her to make his same mistakes.
honestly, a lot of break’s caring for chrysi stems from him trying to prep her for when he’s going to be dead. he’s the only one that can read her and understand her, and so he has to be the one to set her to rights and get her on the right path before he’s gone. he shudders to think of what’ll happen if he doesn’t.
(though what happens if chrysi were to die first? what then?)
george shows his care for chrysi via brusquely keeping her company. he’ll clean her room for her, even if he’ll complain a bit as he does it, and he’ll bluntly tell her hey, he’s concerned for her on account of her being an idiot. but in the end, he can’t tell her to do anything. he jst indirectly lets her know that he’s worried for her, he thinks she’s making bad decisions, and he wants her to be better soon……. vv little brother behavior………… he’ll also leave her some homemade meal and a comic he thinks she might like 🥺 just to distract her.
(side note: i think out of all her boyfriends, george might like gil the most???? hmmmmm. perhaps mordred too, since mordred would defend chrysi w his life……….)
chrysi shows her care for break by attacking him like a wild animal. it’s mostly jst banter between the two of them, but when it comes down to it, they can communicate to each other pretty clearly. they’re not really ones for physical contact, but their company is secretly appreciated :)
with george, chrysi will DOTE ON HIM. getting him his fav treats, new comics, sending him silly calendars each new year, OH MY GOD, THE GAG GIFTS……. she’ll take him out on the town for one-on-one time w him. that is her baby brother!!!!
i got sidetracked a moment bc i was imagining oz and alice playing kh and yk what…. they’d fucking love it. also nitw? i feel oz would rlly appreciate it and alice would like it when he plays it because she jst falls asleep to it.
in terms of board games, i think chrysi would force both of them to play talisman so many times that now they love it. and whenever it’s cloudy out, they start bothering chrysi because they want to play talisman!! it’s talisman weather!! she’s going to murder them.
OMG THEY’D LOVE PLAYING MYSTERIUM. THAT WOULD BE SO FUN. funnily, alice is the best at being the spirit and choosing the spirit cards. chrysi suspects that alice’s stint in the abyss makes it easier, but she’s not entirely certain….
as for card games, slapjack…… chrysi’s not allowed to play, but honestly, alice hits harder than chrysi does. also, they love garbage + bullshit. they’re all easy games to learn and play rlly fast hehe.
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
you know it’s 2am guys and you know what that means: more incoherent thoughts about lotrop. I genuinely was going to try and do a rewatch and take notes and screenshots but I don’t feel like it. those things are long. so [insert general disclaimer about future show spoilers from the assorted works of tolkien]:
I’m probably going to collapse any second now but my brain is buzzing I need to yell at someone and nobody else is with me :( so tumblr you get to suffer through this.
Numenor is cool I love the statue of Earendil. I actually really like how they’ve set things up so far? Making it pretty clear it’s in a state of decay/decline. The thing with Miriel and Pharazon is interesting because it sure did seem in promotional things that Miriel had more control than she actually had. I think she is secretly Faithful but is playing along for now to try and keep her control over the people, but the second Tar-Palantir dies, Pharazon is going for the kill (cousin marriage). I liked their little line of like. Pharazon saying that they had to be careful with Galadriel since they don’t want to risk the “cloud that [Miriel’s] father brought over” or whatever. Nice way to allude to Palantir being one of the faithful and the last of the faithful so briefly. Honestly I can’t remember if that’s just a thing I picked up on or if it is something casual viewers would pick up on too. idk.
I liked the little name etymology conversation with Elendil. And I’m glad that it was very clear Anarion IS existing in this show and around just not... here. my numenorean geography sucks. this main city place. ... armenelos... idk. again: 2am give me a break.
The main complaint I see is that Elendil doesn’t seem to be Lord of Andunie and Miriel seemingly doesn’t know who he is. Possibly Miriel could have been lying about not knowing. And I guess possibly Elendil (or Amandil) could have lost that title when people got very anti-Elf and anti-Faithful. idk. A bit of a departure, but not an extremely egregious one, I feel? like the gil-galad stuff was worse for me. But I do think Miriel at least believes he is secretly one of the faithful by giving him the task of watching over Galadriel. I like the “keep her confined to the palace grounds” [galadriel and elendil go on a trip to visit halls of lore] which may imply that Miriel defied her seeming orders and hopefully Pharazon doesn’t find out about it.
Hmm THE ELROS POSTER. I was so happy. I was going to do a “watch the show normally and then rewatch for the commentary” but I did pause for Elros. I’m so glad he got a decent mention and explanation about him being Elrond’s brother. That’s important stuff I’m glad they got to touch on. and elros building the library <3 I see you’re a nerd like your brother. always good.
The thing is there was a teaser for this scene that just had her introduce herself as “galadriel of the golden house” and that just seems to be the marketing team cutting out all the lore stuff so it seems more accessible [COWARDS] I’m so happy we got Finarfin mention. I know he was probably in the appendices and Fingolfin wasn’t but I’m still holding out to complete the trio with Fingolfin. somehow. somewhere. episode 4 maybe. [sorry feanor for putting you in a trio with fingolfin and finarfin]
like I already have a Reaction every time the word “Noldor” is dropped. even in the simplest ways. I am That gone for the Silmarillion. But hearing Finarfin’s name made me clap to myself like in an excited way. Finarfin namedrop + long Elros mention were the highlights of this episode. it is interesting how it implies that Galadriel knew Elrond and Elros fairly young -- like I assume right at the end of the first age. Elrond and Elros walking out of the care of Maedhros and Maglor following their horrific ends only to walk right into another house of finwe member:
Oh also uhhhh one thing. the Galadriel planning to take a boat by force. IS SO FUNNY. GIRL. WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME SOMEONE TRIED THAT.
Uhh last thing I can remember right now (though undoubtedly I forgot something important like how I FORGOT THE OATH OF FEANOR CALLBACK FOR THE FIRST EPISODE WRITEUP DESPITE THAT BEING THE THING THAT MADE ME CARE ABOUT THIS SHOW IN THE FIRST PLACE anyways) is the reveal that the sigil is a map of Mordor. I’ve seen that theory online but I didn’t expect it to be revealed so soon! 
isildur and earien I’m not super attached to right now. I think Elendil is going to be an interesting guy. I think right now the standout to me of the Numenoreans is Miriel. 
oh actually one more thing about deceptive trailer editing. There’s a line somewhere in one of the major trailers with Miriel and Galadriel by the Palantir and Miriel says “It is here, Galadriel. The moment we feared.” and that line is actually her talking to her father like “It is here, father. The moment we feared. The elf has arrived.” I am interested to see what the implications of that are (prophecy?) and also that she does seem to actually be on her father’s side here. which seems contradictory at first about the idea of an elf being here but you know. anyways trailer editing is so deceptive it’s weird and honestly I don’t like taht but it’s not the show itself so whatever.
wait another numenor thing I had to come back to: UINEN STATUE IN THE CELLS!!! I was whispering to myself trying to remember her name when I saw it like NOT OSSE. WHO’S ASSOCIATED WITH OSSE... I think it’s Uinen. that was another exciting little thing.
hm I think that’s all the Numenor stuff. except for one crucial thing I’m going to take a whole part to talk about:
Did not expect a Halbrand Identity Reveal this soon. Because I was really feeling nervous throughout this whole thing. Him being drawn to forges and claiming to be very good about it? Concerning. Him trying to win people over by being charismatic but deceptive? Concerning. And him seemingly being very strong, enough to like. break limbs easily. Concerning. I really was feeling like this was beginning to build towards Sauron but then Galadriel came in with the save (king of the Southlands reveal) and I was like. oh okay that’s a relief.
and honestly I know that they could fake that out later. but I really really don’t want them to. I don’t want them to have a twist for the sake of having a twist, you know? I want Sauron to show up as Annatar. I think it’d be super weird if he’s pretending to be a man and tries to deceive Galadriel but then Galadriel eventually finds him out after seemingly trusting him and then he leaves and then HE COMES BACK AS ANNATAR TO TRY AND DECEIVE GALADRIEL AGAIN. like that would suck. 
like between this and then his later numenor thing it’d be weird if like... “here’s a guy you think you can trust... SURPRISE IT’S SAURON. okay now here’s a new guy you think you can trust... SURPRISE IT’S SAURON AGAIN” back to back over 2/3 seasons it’s going to seem real bad. The audience (or at least those who are familiar with the lore) are going to guess Annatar right away AND THAT’S NOT A BAD THING. The interesting thing is seeing why Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mirdain are won over by him and stuff like that. Not the OHHH I NEVER GUESSED HE WAS SAURON that’s cheap.
I know Sauron later claims to be the King of Men. But I don’t see why that necessitates him being an actual human PLUS trying to escape -- to Valinor? To Numenor? Having other people with him who get killed and don’t seem to hold him in any particular reverence? And also I hate the idea of Galadriel and Sauron teaming up. that’s so much a... non-tolkien thing. it’s unbearable to me. it’s like “isildur ringwraith” level.
though admittedly it could make the significance of the dagger somewhat interesting since Sauron would recognize it as Finrod’s dagger and thus this is Finrod’s baby sister, but. the costs FAR outweigh any benefits they could have here. both lore-wise and also just the integrity of the story. I’m good with Halbrand Future Nazgul, I’m good with Halbrand King of the Southlands, I’m good with Halbrand eventually defecting to Sauron and giving him info on the elves and Numenor, I just do not want him to be Sauron himself because that seems so. weak. you know?
Also the One Thing on my “If you do this I am dropping this show, despite the possibility of seeing stories I’ve wanted to see come to life for a long time actually come to life” list is Galadriel-Halbrand romance. I did not like some of those comments from the other guys hinting at it. I want to bash my head against a wall. let people be friends. my god. the last thing this show needs is a Galadriel romance plotline that’s not with Celeborn and even then they should keep that to the fucking minimum I am not here for this shit I am here for Celebrimbor Forging The Rings Of Power And Getting Turned Into A Banner and I am here for Silmarillion References and I do not need this romance stuff. ... I’m getting belligerent from being so tired, so time to move on to stuff I care less about.
this one will be brief. ... which is that I have no real thoughts on them. I’m sorry. my brain is mostly noldor. and silm. in which the harfoots and hobbits have no part. 
The Stranger is helping them now so now I extra do not want him to be Sauron. I just don’t want any of these people to be “Sauron in disguise” like save it for annatar. sheesh.
orc time. how did those other guys get captured? I feel like I didn’t care enough for them to care when they died it kind of reminded me of “Haldir dying at Helm’s Deep” in the jackson movies where it’s like wow. that sure happened. and I feel it has more weight here than it should.
The big thing is Adar since he’s the episode title and we didn’t even get to see his unblurred face which is such a shame I was really looking forward to that given my crack theory that he’s Maglor Gone Off The Deep End. (It’s how I trick my silly little brain into caring more than I should.) I’m glad they addressed it’s an elvish name.
but on the subject of elvish it’s REALLY bothering me that the elves who are seemingly silvan elves are speaking quenya. literally why would they do that. it’s the extreme version of the “why are they answering to gil-galad” from the first episode THESE AREN’T NOLDOR, YOU CAN’T INTERCHANGE THE DIFFERENT ELF TYPES OR PEOPLE LIKE ME GET MAD. IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE NOLDOR JUST MAKE THEM NOLDOR? and it’s not like we have no information on Sindarin as a language! IT’S THERE. PLEASE.
like it would make way more sense for all the elves to speak Sindarin than Quenya that stuff has been outlawed for a decent amount of time and even then only the Noldor should really be speaking it anyway. quenya by silvan elves... the world has gone upside down. I’m really tired and probably angrier than I should be. Maybe This Was A Bad Idea Typing This So Late.
I am curious about what’s up with this adar dude though. why’s this guy running an orc camp that captures and tortures his fellow elves. like that does push me away from the maglor crack theory a little more. (not that I was ever sold on it in the first place but come on. you have to admit it would be funny.) but since they left it on a cliffhanger we’re not getting the answer until episode 5. but I mean he does seem to be built up into a decent part of the story?
I know the elves are speculating he’s Sauron but I think that would be too obvious. Yet despite that between Halbrand-Stranger-Adar being Sauron I’d prefer this Adar guy since he’s so far had zero positive interactions with anyone he shouldn’t be having positive interactions with. BUT STILL. SAURON COULD JUST NOT BE HERE YET. 
hmmm I was hoping I would be more convinced by this episode since 3 is my lucky number. and there’s a couple times now I’ve gotten invested in something on the third episode/installment of the thing. but not this time :( I mean I loved the numenor stuff but some things like the “silvan elves using quenya” seems oddly careless? which I mean... there may be a reason and I’m trying to be open to that, I definitely don’t know languages enough to pick up on if this is actually sindarin and the subtitles are just messing with me, but if it is quenya then that’s. really weird. sorry. it’s strange since the elves are so Important but it feels a bit like they dropped the ball on some important elf stuff, or maybe it’s actually not that important and I’m just a crazy person obsessed with the Noldor and nobody other than me cares. and THAT is a sign that I should stop since it’s now 2:30 am. hopefully I didn’t forget anything massive in my sleep deprivation. bye bye
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grxmincvdescxnce · 11 months
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( laura harrier, she/her, half-shade ) To GEORGINA ODETTE, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of COLD INCARNATE grows a little stronger.  They are a MUTE SWAN shade aligned to HOUSE of FRASER. For TWENTY-EIGHT years, they have survived a world of magic with both their PASSION and PUERILITY. They work as a BALLET DANCER and SOCIALITE, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to BE WANTED FOR WHO THEY ARE. + gil child [ painter ]
inspo includes the likes of the following: odette of swan lake / swan princess, weiss schnee of rwby, courtney gripling of as told by ginger, marina of sinbad: legend of the seven seas
name — georgina euthymia nephera odette
aliases — lady george, snowdrop, andora porter 
birthdate — june 28
zodiac — cancer
birthplace — selphia
sexuality — biromantic demisexual
alignment — neutral good
temperament — choleric-sanguine
element — water
primary vice — envy
primary virtue — chastity
house — fraser
occupation — noble, dancer, unofficial spy
markings — curse mark on her thigh that she’s always assumed to be a birthmark. she has no idea how it got there or what it implies
georgina has two older sisters, georjana and georgette. they are absolute devils as far as she’s concerned, with their relationship only more strained these days and full of sibling rivalry 
george has very little control over her abilities as a half-shade even after all these years, given little opportunity to explore them as she should. the only child of her parents to be born with gifts, and gifts that tend to go haywire at the most inopportune times since birth — her skin is often too cold to touch and her swan form tends to appear in moments of shock for example — she’s often shunned and made to feel great shame as a consequence. 
her strong wish for her family’s approval has steered a number of choices she’s made throughout the years, including putting reputation before everything and giving up a number of things she truly desires 
for example, her great first love was not dancing, but painting, with george only following through on her talents on the stage once her father dismissed her love of the medium as meaningless and unworthy of her station. it’s worth noting, of course, that her mother was very talented in the way of such artistry as well, and at one point, their larger estate had been filled from ceiling to floor with her work and favored artists. her passing affected the man greatly, and he has since banned any trace of what was. 
all that said, george never truly gave up her paintbrush, operating secretly for years under a version of her mother’s name and pushing her paintings into the local scene. similarly to her mother, she’s won a handful awards over the years, though georgina is never there to accept them in person, aiming to keep any idea of a connection to herself to a minimum. the only individual aware of any of this is her most trusted bodyguard ( wanted connection )  
ever the romantic, among her greatest ambitions is the notion of being free of her father’s gaze and traveling the world over, bringing color and life to wonders beyond even selphia. she’s frankly very easily jealous of anyone permitted to step beyond their doors unencumbered, let alone allowed on things as amazing as airships, like her cousin ariel 
george also collects paintings whenever possible, which primarily has been permitted only on her birthday due to her ability to easily disguise them as something else entirely to avoid her father’s suspicions. she keeps them safely tucked away in a secret room of the manor, admiring them in her quieter moments
she is a pescatarian and has been for several years now, refusing the very idea of land creatures as food. this may, in part, be due to how attuned she is to her swan form, having been stuck in it for several weeks at a time before. she is also a pacifist
much of the finery belonging to those of well-off stations like herself she’s less of a fan of, favoring simple elegance over unnecessary opulence and gaudy trinkets. of course, this will never leave her lips in usual company
she’s developed something of a love/hate relationship with shoes, particularly on account of how harsh ballet can be on her poor feet. while she doesn’t always mind wearing them and can even enjoy the look of them, she can find them uncomfortable and stifling after longer periods and may choose to go without should the situation allow
she absolutely adores sly commentary, thinly-veiled insults. she also has a thing for puns though she more so enjoys hearing them rather than the other way around. she might hate herself most for the latter, honestly, since she knows how dumb they can be
should any matter require use of it, george possesses a swan-imprinted locket from her mother that permits one to alter their appearance according to who beholds the wearer, for a very brief time. it can result in a number of odd symptoms should she try to push beyond the allotted time, so she tries not to rely on it very heavily 
she has a habit of gazing at any passing reflection, less in a fit of vanity and more in just ensuring she’s still entirely herself. given her struggles with maintaining her human form and keeping her abilities in check, it’s a constant worry 
she is extremely claustrophobic, tending to hyperventilate at the mere idea of cramped spacing. with that in mind, she’s often found in larger forest clearings and gardens when alone, enjoying the quiet and open nature. it’s where she’s most at peace, and most often able to find the greatest inspiration for her paintings 
the dancer is a child of gilbert gladstone, a fact she has absolutely no idea about, raised to believe the man responsible for her well-being all this time is of immediate blood relation. she has, however, noted how much her ‘father’ resembles her sisters more, but george has convinced herself she’s imagining the whole thing
cold incarnate permits the user to become the embodiment of the colder element. this is more readily revealed in a form of cryokinesis or the manipulation of wintery air. while george’s immunity seems as expected, incidents like her freezing her first kiss, her arm being found in a block of ice at random, or her skin in general just being much colder to the touch are not uncommon. it’s to the point she’ll wear things like gloves or longer clothing to avoid others discovering what they shouldn’t
the first seven years of georgina’s life were spent in a magically-induced coma, her mother suffering a version of hypothermia too quick to recover from upon her birth due to sheer lack of control from the child, evident from the start. the exact nature of her mother’s passing would never make the headlines, with the woman’s death attributed to a mere ‘freak accident’ that caused too many complications. her father, an extraordinarily wealthy business magnate and famous explorer, wishing to believe his family had somehow been cursed rather than blame himself, sought nothing short of the very best to see georgina’s health and life restored. secret letters were sent far and wide in an attempt to call on any possible miracle or magical advantage to see her freed. the time between would see the rumor of george being a sickly child, in need of constant care, making the rounds to avoid any further suspicion at her absence
it would be a great mage known to some as rothbart, who would hold the honor of seeing george restored to full health. the man takes on the role of the family’s designated sorcerer to keep george and her abilities in line, and an arrangement between his son, siegfried, and georgina for eventual marriage offered in return, rothbart solidifying his place in a position of absolute influence
georgina spends much of her youthful years hiding behind the walls of her family estate, rarely allowed into the world save for occasions that demand it with her father’s shame and disgust, now knowing the truth, preventing him from showing her the affection and freedoms he permitted her sisters. 
these days, she is rarely ever without the presence of rothbart or her bodyguard, and with rothbart taking a keen interest in the likes of her fellow nobles and palace trappings, he occasionally uses george to spy for him or otherwise do his dirty work, threatening to have her locked away should she fail to comply
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Kangaroo Westerns!
Got a modern made one today. “Australia” (2008)
This one, like “The Overlanders”, takes place in the early 1940s. It’s a much visually glossy movie than others, but it’s directed by Baz Luhrmann and that’s his style. 
In 1941, English aristocrat Lady Sarah Ashley (Nichole Kidman) goes to the Northern Territory, Australia, to find her husband who owns a cattle station. 
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When she reaches the station she finds out her husband has been killed and an Aboriginal Elder named King George is being blamed.  The owner of the neighboring station, powerful cattle tycoon King Carney wants to take over Sarah’s land. Sarah fires her foreman, Fletcher, after finding out he’s helping Carney try to take her land.  Sarah is completely out of her depth in outback Australia, but over time becomes adapted to the harder life. To stop Carney, Sarah has to move her 1500 head of cattle to Darwin for sale to the army. She enlists the help of an embittered man known only as The Drover (Hugh Jackman) to put together a motley crew to move the cattle. 
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This includes the young grandson of King George, Nullah, who believes that he has the same magical abilities as his grandfather. 
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Spoilers under the cut
The drive secretly followed by Fletcher, who tries to stampede the cattle over a cliff, trapping Nullah who manages to stop the stamped through his magic. 
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While Sarah and Drover initially disliked each other, on the drive they learn more about each other and begin to fall in love. 
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Fletcher has poisoned the waterholes and their only hope is to cross the Never Never, a stretch of deadly desert. King Gorge, who has been following them to watch over his grandson, appears and leads them across the desert. 
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The trip nearly kills them but they make it to Darwin just as Carney is about to sell his cattle to the army. The contract will go to the first herd to be loaded into the transport ship, leading to an impressive race against time as Sarah moves the cattle to the loading dock while Drover sabotages Carney’s herd as it leaves the holding yard. 
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Sarah, Drover and Nullah settle into a life at the station as a family, but tensions build between them all. Drover ‘s first wife died some years earlier and Drover is afraid of his heart being broken again. Sarah has become attached to Nullah and wants to adopt him but has trouble understanding the needs of his culture. Worst of all is Nullah’s eventual capture by the police due to his mixed race. (Nullah’s father is secretly Fletcher) Note: This is a horrific historical fact that mixed race Aboriginal children were taken away from their families and sent to mission schools with the intent of taking away their culture and heritage and eventually even their skin colour. They’re known as the Stolen Generation. This country has some massively screwed up history)  The final conflict of the film is the 1942 bombing of Darwin when Japanese fighter planes launch an attack on the city. 
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Separated at the time of the attack, Sarah is told Nullah was killed when the mission island he was sent to bombed. Drover sees the radio building Sarah was working in has been destroyed and thinks she was killed.  After learning that the children on mission island were left for dead in the raid, Drover and his brother-in-law Magarri head to the island to try and rescue them. They find the priests have been killed but the kids have survived and they narrowly avoid a Japanese patrol  to escape. 
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The moment when Drover, Sarah and Nullah were reunited made me cry first time I watched this. They nearly miss each other as Sarah is about to leave with the evacuation but she hears Nullah playing a song she taught him on his harmonica.   Fletcher is revealed to be the one who killed Sarah’s husband. He tries to shoot Nullah but is speared by King George. 
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The closes with Drover and Sarah returning to the station and Nullah reuniting with his grandfather to go Walkabout, an adolescent right of passage, after promising that he’ll be back to see her in the future. 
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Overall this is a good movie. A bit more glossy and CGI’d than I usually like for a western but it’s very pretty to look at. 
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The casting is really good. Not usually a Nicole Kidman fan but she suits this movie well and Hugh Jackman is great as the tough guy with a soft heart. 
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I have to point out one scene after they bring the cattle to Darwin. Sarah is invited to a gala and wants Drover to go with her. Initially he refuses but later shows up. This moment when the cowboy shows up at a fancy party wearing a tux seriously reminds me of “Incident of the night on the Town” when Gil show up at the hotel all dressed up. It’s a total eye-candy moment. 
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Brandon Walters as Nullah is the stand out though. He’s adorable and courageous. He’s lived under constant threat and had to face death far to young, but there’s still brightness in him that comes largely from his understanding of magic. 
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“Australia” shifts between action, humor, romance, heartbreak and terror. It gets some criticism, probably because it’s very “hollywood-ised”, but it’s a solid movie and a good western. 
Side note, there’s some details in here that makes my Rawhide heart happy, like Drover telling Sarah that night guards sing to the cattle to keep them calm. :) 
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 4 years
Very Sneakily Accomplished
Summary: A detailing of Uma’s first kiss that just happened to be with Harry Hook that just happened to be instigated by the one and only CJ Hook. Huma fluff, a hint of Sea Three and CJ and Uma friendship.
  “Uma, you wouldn’t believe the news!” CJ proclaimed as she hurried into the Chip Shop. Uma didn’t even look in the other girl’s direction as she plopped an order down on a customer’s table. However, Uma didn’t even have to look at the youngest Hook child to know that she was carrying that same dramatic air as her older brother so enjoyed flaunting about.
  It had been a relatively boring day at the Chip Shop and she was really hoping that it would stay that way. Unfortunately, it was apparently not meant to be if CJ’s appearance was anything to go by.
  “I probably wouldn’t, so therefore I don’t care,” Uma replied simply, and she could practically feel CJ lingering closely behind her as she made her way over to the counter. She retreated behind it and CJ took a seat as she stared Uma down.
  “Oh, but you need to know it!” CJ cried out in a manner that was almost theatrical. Uma rolled her eyes, starting to wash dishes as she largely ignored the young girl.
  “After all, it could wreck your entire reputation,” CJ told her a bit quieter, and Uma paused in her dishwashing as she closed her eyes, sighing deeply as she tried to conjure patience with the kid.
  It wasn’t that she didn’t like CJ. It was more that when she got into the groove of working for her mother, she didn’t like to be interrupted. The sooner she was done with chores, the sooner she was free to do what she wanted. And there was a pretty long list of chores around the restaurant.
  Uma actually really did like CJ. She cared about her a lot, and kind of even thought of her as a kid sister, and she truthfully didn’t want to run the brat off.
  “Well?” CJ prodded, and Uma groaned as she spun on her heel, placing her elbows on the counter as she stared down the kid.
  “What news, you urchin?” Uma questioned, her voice devoid of almost any emotion as she glared at the girl and finally took the time to look at her. She was sitting there, her chest puffed with the self-perceived importance of her role in the delivery of her supposed information, and her blonde hair was a poofy mess as usual.
  “Come to a table! You need to sit down for this one!” CJ told her with a wild grin before hopping up from her seat and prancing over to a nearby table that had no one occupying it.
  Uma rolled her eyes as she pushed off of the counter, reluctantly following the blonde. Uma really thought that CJ was just wasting her time now, but she figured she’d go along with it at least for a moment.
  The daughter of Ursula plopped down in the chair, lounging back in it as she figured she would take a break for at least a moment. She propped her legs on the bottom of the table and she lounged back, perfectly relaxed as she looked at the silly Hook girl.
  “Alright, you’ve got my time. Do something with it besides waste it,” Uma somewhat gruffly told the girl, signaling her to start talking.
  CJ looked around them secretively and shiftily before leaning forward, and Uma just offered her the slightest quirk of a brow.
  “The word is that you’ve never kissed anyone before,” CJ whispered almost conspiratorially, and Uma just openly laughed at the girl. CJ withdrew somewhat, looking something between utterly offended and confused.
  “You waltzed in here dramatically, stopped my chores, and dragged me all the way over here just to tell me something I already knew? Good gosh, Calista,” Uma proclaimed, resisting the smirk that was tugging at the corners of her lips as she silently gauged the girl’s reaction to Uma’s use of her real name. Sure enough, CJ didn’t disappoint.
  “Don’t call me that,” CJ told her, all emotion disappeared from the girl’s face for a moment. But too soon, it returned in the form of that same interest, gossipy look. Uma almost groaned in reply, but she managed to get ahold of herself before she could.
  “But no, it’s not that! Well, it is that, but the word on the street is that you’re scared to do it,” CJ explained, and Uma snorted.
  “I ain’t scared. I just haven’t found one worthy of me putting my mouth on,” Uma shot back at the other girl, smirking and trying to ignore how those rumors sparked an immense irritation.
  “Well, I know that, of course! You only deserve the best, and I know you’re just waiting on that best, but I don’t know how you’re going to tell that to everybody who’s talking about your chickenness,” CJ somewhat regretfully told Uma, and Uma’s eyes narrowed.
  “Who all’s talking about it?”
  “Oh, everybody. Diego de Vil---”
  “He’s always been an idiot,” Uma effortlessly expressed.
  “Ginny Gothel---”
  “She likes throwing mud on people’s reps, and no one listens to her,” Uma smoothly replied, and CJ continued down the list.
  “She’s my arch-nemesis, why is that shocking?” Uma noted, only a hint of sadness in her voice, but she quickly shook herself from that train of thought. After all, she was not going to allow herself to mourn the loss of that complete witch. Regardless of the fact that Uma had caused that divide between them.
  “Anthony Tremaine---”
  “Doesn’t surprise me, he’s a gossip from way back,” Uma waved CJ’s words off.
  “Even Harriet!” CJ exclaimed, and Uma’s eyes met the smaller girl’s for a short moment before she closed her eyes and shifted a bit in her seat.
  “And that really doesn’t surprise me. Ol’ big sis never has liked me,” Uma pointed out, but she couldn’t shake the sudden thought that hit her concerning Harry. If Harriet had been talking about it, then Harry likely knew it. And Uma quite honestly wasn’t sure if she liked the idea of that.
  Remarkably, Uma had been thinking more and more of Harry and what he would think of things, and she wasn’t quite sure to what to make of her own thoughts. She actually didn’t like how she started pausing and thinking of Harry’s thoughts, but it was how it was. She simply chalked it up to deeper friendship.
  “So?” CJ asked after a moment, and Uma opened one eye to look at the girl.
  “So what?”
  “So, what’re you going to do about it?”
  “Nothing, I don’t reckon,” Uma replied simply, a slight smirk playing on her face as she tried to push aside her annoyance with this entire situation.
  “Oh, and I forgot! Harriet personally told me and Harry how cowardly she thought you were. It was so horrible, and I tried to tell her otherwise, and Harry didn’t say anything. So, I have no idea what he was thinking,” CJ explained in that typical dramatic manner. Uma immediately lost any semblances of a good mood as she growled under her breath. She strongly resisted the urge to snarl aloud.
  “Since when do I give a crap what Harry thinks?” Uma demanded, her voice conveying more of her irritation than she wanted to portray.
  “I don’t know! But I just thought I’d tell you,” CJ defensively told the other girl, and Uma huffed in irritation, finding that this answer didn’t satiate the angry demon growing within her.
  “Look, I’m not chicken. Heck, listen to this: I’ll kiss a boy right now! The next one that comes through that door, in fact,” Uma declared boldly as she jabbed a thumb behind her in the direction of the entrance to the Chip Shop. CJ just grinned widely, and Uma narrowed her eyes as she resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at the other girl who was looking at her so smugly.
  However, it quickly occurred to her that CJ was looking much too smug for her own good, and Uma raised an eyebrow. But before she could ask the other girl why she was looking so pleased with herself, Uma suddenly heard a voice.
  “’Ey, Uma? Ye know where me coat be hidin’? I cannae find it and I really suspect Gil took it,” the one and only Harry Hook spoke up in that affected voice. Uma turned to face the boy, and then she slowly turned back to face CJ. CJ just grinned widely, and Uma couldn’t help but note that the girl was nearly giddy with the entire situation.
  Uma just boldly stood up and headed over to the son of Hook. She swallowed hard, pushing down her nerves as she wasted no time in moving toward him.
  Secretly, Uma had been experiencing all sorts of feelings toward her best friend. He had recently undergone a growth spurt, and it was quite honestly disconcerting to her. She didn’t think she would ever witness the day that Harry Hook was actually--- dare she say it--- attractive in her eyes.
  So long had he been that tall, skinny, lanky boy that she had reluctantly grown somewhat fond of despite her best efforts to the contrary.
  But here she was, a whopping fourteen years old, and there he was, a whopping thirteen but on the cusp of turning fourteen, and she was finding herself actually nervous about kissing him. Which immensely irritated her and also kind of gave her butterflies that she found particularly uninvited.
  As she grew closer, she could feel CJ’s eyes on her back, pushing her to continue, and it was all she could do to refrain from turning around and telling the twelve-year-old precisely what she thought of her meddling ways.
  It was quickly occurring to her that she had never kissed anyone before, and despite the allegations that she was chicken or something, she found it rather tantalizing to keep it that way to avoid the risk of looking like a total moron. But there was also another half of her that pulled at her heartstrings and urged her to share that first kiss experience with Harry.
  After all, he certainly wasn’t the worst option she could have. Gil was somewhere around, and she certainly wouldn’t trade Harry for Gil.
  “Cap’n?” Harry questioned, and Uma never stopped as she reached him. This was her moment, and she had to take it. It was unfortunate, because she really didn’t want to do this. However, she kept assuring herself that she was just needed to clear her reputation.
  Harry’s blue eyes were locked with her own dark brown ones. She swiftly grabbed the opening of his shirt and yanked him down to her level before crashing her lips into his own.
  She had no idea how this was supposed to feel or how to even do it in the first place, but all she knew is that Harry Hook’s lips against hers felt quite possibly more wonderful than anything she had ever experienced. They were soft and they gave easily into her own more insistent ones.
  However, she forced herself to pull away from him quickly, and Harry’s eyes were wide as he followed the tug of her lips just barely. He searched her face, those gorgeous azure pools boring holes into hers.
  She almost couldn’t breathe with the intensity of his stare, and she swallowed hard, trying desperately to think of something witty to say but failing miserably.
  “Whoo! Nailed it!” CJ whooped, and Uma smirked, stepping back and putting a bit of distance between her and Harry. She cleared her throat.
  “Had to clear up all those rumors about me not kissing anybody before. Y’know,” Uma told him. The barest of smiles crossed his face as he seemed to wake up from whatever spell that had been cast on him.
  “Umm… But Gil’s out back if you want to talk to him about your coat,” Uma told him, and he nodded emphatically before backing up, almost tripping over a chair.
  “Uh, thank ye, I’ll head out there,” Harry responded, grinning somewhat embarrassedly before rushing for the back. Uma blinked and then she turned and headed back to the table where CJ was.
  “Spread that for me, would you?” Uma commanded, and CJ grinned widely. Uma then turned away from CJ, moving behind the counter as she dried out the inside of a cup.
  “Sure thing,” CJ replied somewhat smugly. Uma just looked up at the girl and eyed her with a somewhat playful scold.
  “Scat, you urchin,” Uma sent her off as she watched the girl’s long red coattails disappear behind her.
  Years later, Uma would realize that those long red coattails belonged to Harry’s missing coat and that CJ had been much too smug for her own good about the entire situation. She would also realize that no such rumors had been spread around about her.
  But it was all in good time, and even Uma would have to admit…
  It was very sneakily accomplished.
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find your way (back to me) - chapter eight
Back at it again with another update cause I had to get this chapter down before it left my head. Honestly Em is a hero for giving me this idea bc I had stalled on the fic after Jessica’s escape. But because of their help I actually know a lot more than I even knew in the LAST CHAPTER much less as a whole. Loving the comments so ofc keep them coming cause i need validation.
The process of healing is frustratingly slow and Jessica finds herself lost in the cycle of sleeping, being questioned by officers, seeing Ainsley and occasionally Malcolm, and sleeping again. It’s a small comfort knowing that Malcolm, in all his determination is searching for the man behind all of this. Most of her though just wants him in the room with her, knowing he is safe.
The most frustrating, to her and investigators alike were her memories. She remembers the big picture. There was a wreck while she was traveling to a meeting for Eve’s charity. With the woman gone Jessica had preserved her legacy the best she could. The crash was unexpected. She’d checked Alphonso from the back seat already knowing he was dead. Two paramedics pulled her out of the car, put some kind of oxygen mask on her and she was out. Next came where it blurred. She was held in the dark by two men and they asked her to pick between her life or a stranger’s. No matter how many times she picked herself the other person would die. She was shot first, and then stabbed later.
She didn’t remember other conversations. Colette Swanson was the one to report to her what they found at the construction site. They found the room she was held in, two chairs bolted to the floor facing each other. They found the trail of blood where she had escaped. They found a young man matching the surveillance footage of the paramedic they’d found the day of the wreck. He was beaten to death, likely by his partner though the FBI agent didn’t expand on why.
She’s not shocked. Part of her knew this already.
What tears at her was they found no trace of the other killer nor Freddy in the vicinity. Gil tells her that no trace of blood should be a good thing.
It doesn’t feel like a good thing.
“Ms. Whitly.” She picks her head up from the spot she was staring at, smiling kindly at the doctor.
“Dr. Garcia, I hope you’re not planning to wheel me back for another surgery. Ainsley is getting off soon and she’s bringing Vionelli’s.” The surgeon chuckles warmly shaking her head. In the week she’s been stuck in the hospital Dr. Garcia had been a welcoming bright spot in her boring or traumatizing days. The day she chased away an officer who was getting a little too aggressive while questioning and insisting that she remembered. Waving a clipboard and getting in the face of an armed man, it was a sight that made her laugh no matter how much it hurt her side.
“Actually, I wanted to be the one to tell you that it’s looking like you could go home today.”
“Today?” She sits up a little, newfound energy overpowering the shot of pain that goes through her side at the movement.
“Your infection has cleared up and all of your baselines came through clear. Now you’ll come back in a week to remove the stitches and I want you taking it easy when walking. We’re going to send you home in a wheelchair.” Jessica must have made a face because the doctor gets serious, “I expect you to use it Ms. Whitly. Your physical therapy will be easier if you don’t push yourself too much. No alcohol or other supplements until you finish out your medication.” Jessica hesitates but nods. Anything that can get her past this as soon as possible she’ll agree to. “Well, in that case you might want to tell your daughter to bring a loose set of clothes and I’ll tell the nurses to get the paperwork drawn up.”
“Dr. Garcia?” Her question evades her as soon as she asks. Past conversations echo instead, The knife was two centimeters from nicking the femoral artery. The gunshot wound had been infected, but we caught it early. Your memory will return in time, it’s expected with the combination of anesthesia and your head injury. Yet, not once had the woman made the claim other doctors had. The one that she told herself, you got lucky. “Thank you.”
After the text it’s Ainsley, Malcolm, and Gil who come to escort her home. It feels like a bittersweet celebration. None of them will let her stay alone, despite her protests and the 3 details they set up along the house. All help is dismissed until further notice, and her home has already been searched five times for any possible cameras or bugs hidden. Gil tried to insist her stay with her but couldn’t fight more when she pointed out that she’d get around easier in her own home than his small apartment.
They celebrate with Vionelli’s, as promised, and sitting at her own table with her family surrounding her almost feels normal. She longs for a drink but her children made sure that all alcohol was removed from the home the second they were told she could come home. For a few split seconds she allows herself to believe this is a normal day. That she doesn’t ache all over, that there aren't several patrols outside guarding each exit of her home, that she doesn’t have the details of 3 days blurred as if she’d taken a few too many pills.
Despite her protests the three of them create a system. Malcolm will stay with her tonight, Gil’s insistence as he hadn’t slept much in 3 days. Gil will switch him tomorrow, Ainsley after that. Even though she tried to deny their pushes, she’s secretly glad to have one of them with her. At least she can be assured one of them is safe at all times. 
Much to her dread, Gil and Ainsley eventually leave. They linger longer than they should. None of them really tired enough to stave off their personal demons from the night. Gil gives in when Colette calls, Ainsley long after he is gone but her own detail looks tired and she shouldn’t probably get home.
Jessica makes her way back to her own bedroom. The clothes Ainsley brought are comfortable enough that she can just slide right into bed. Her medicine is slowly dragging her under and she’s grateful for the peace that the familiar setting brings.
“Goodnight mom,” Malcolm smiles at her, the expression not quite matching the worry in his eyes.
“Love you Sunshine.” She says as gently as she can, inordinately calm against the threat of sleep. Her nightmares are no stranger to her. The nickname helps as she watches him relax, even if only slightly.
“Love you too.”
Jessica wakes again with a gasp sitting up in bed, the pain that echoes through her abdomen making her regret the movement. The nightmare already faded from her as she settles back hissing through her teeth. She squints at her phone laying on her nightstand.
4:26 A.M.
She huffs covering her eyes. She can feel the beginnings of her medicine wearing off. She’s surprised Malcolm hadn’t woken her simply to take some. She peers through the dark spying her son curled in the chair in the corner of her room. He must have fallen asleep there after working on the case for most of the night.
Her chest aches remembering how after Martin she’d find him sleeping almost anywhere but his bed. That chair, specifically, was his favorite place to curl up. A flashlight and book lying abandoned on the floor by his feet.
She experimentally sits up again, slower this time. The pain is much more manageable in the slow, precise movements. As her eyes adjust to the dark she sees a cup sitting on her nightstand along with the bottles of medicine she’s supposed to take. Lying by the glass is a small card, a note hastily written.
Just as you like.
Her chest warms looking over at Malcolm again. The glass is still hot, he couldn’t have prepared it long ago. She tusks but slides the note in her drawer, standing. She suppresses the groan at the ache in her leg, not wanting to wake him when he’d clearly just managed to fall asleep. She grabs the spare blanket draped across the bottom of her bed and covers him. Even in his sleep he looks like he carries the whole world on his shoulders. Grabbing her tea and medicine she exits her bedroom.
She’s not sure exactly where she intended on going. The restlessness is enough to make her wander through the home on a good night. This, this is something else. A sense of dread that can’t seem to leave her chest.
She takes a sip of the tea enjoying the warmth that spreads across her. Her peace is only momentary though.
The tea doesn’t taste like what she drinks.
The taste brings her back twenty years. To Christmas morning with two children bouncing onto her bed excitedly screaming about Santa. To a golden tray loaded up with her favorites. To breakfast in bed. To the tea Martin had prepared for her.
Malcolm didn’t make this.
Panic fills her as she pushes herself through the home, steadying herself on the walls. She bursts into the dining room, looking for the bar cart.
She hears Malcolm screaming in her head.
Don’t drop the cup, it could be evidence.
She needs a drink
You’re not supposed to drink on your medication.
She doesn’t care. Not when she can’t get the taste out of her mouth.
The cart is empty. Of course it is. Ainsley herself cleared it out. She has a stash in the kitchen. One she hadn’t touched since Malcolm’s months of silence. One only she knew about.
She grits her teeth using the table as a brace as her leg screams against the rush. She can’t think. Not when the memories are too loud. The good times taste like poison under his gaze, his touch.
She flicks on the light stopping dead in her path at the sight of a figure seated at the island, facing her. The glass slips from her hands spilling across the tile and scattering shards everywhere.
Freddy stares emptily at her. His skin is all too pale. A sharp cut against his throat and blood spilled all over his clothes. They’re the same clothes he’d been wearing when she saw him last. The eyes that had been so kind to her are frozen in choking horror. He probably couldn’t even scream.
Shattering glass startles Malcolm awake. He's up and aware in a matter of seconds. The bed his mother had fallen asleep in is empty, the medicine he’d left on her nightstand is gone too. He tries to rationalize with himself. She likely woke from a nightmare. Went to look for a drink. He doesn’t need to jump to conclusions.
Her scream sends ice through his veins. He’s taking off after that, ignoring the soreness in his joints from the position he’d slept in.
He never should have let himself fall asleep.
He was supposed to be guarding her.
Now she’s-
“Mom!” He calls out to her. Her screams seem to echo off the walls. He suddenly feels too small, a child searching helplessly for his mother in a crowd of ghosts. “Mom!” He’s closer. She’s still screaming.
He rounds the kitchen to a sight that turns his stomach. His investigative sense tells him to preserve the scene, call 911. But his mother is backed up against the wall, eyes glued to the body meant just for her. He doesn’t give a damn about the glass the cuts his feet to get to her. He lifts her by the elbows pulling her back into the dining room.
“Freddy. It’s Freddy.” She sobs before collapsing on his shoulder.
In that moment, Malcolm freezes. Twenty years, not once did she cry for Martin. Not once did she cry for her family that had been burned up and destroyed. She didn’t cry when he moved away, not when he woke up after being taken by the Junkyard Killer, not when Ainsley confessed to her that she killed Endicott. But she’s clinging to him like her life depends on it, and she’s crying.
All he can do is hold onto her and text Gil.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
BTS Inspiration of Winner’s Curse
I know not many people read my descendants fic, but hey it’s my Bday tomorrow and I feel like revealing some of the inspiration for it. This world building was actually what inspired me to start writing it down. Originally it was going to be from the POV of a Vk, and explore all the dynamics of the “new” Isle under the Coven of 13, and get into the motivations of each but as you can see that did not happen. I was intrigued by the idea of exploring a “sidekick” trying to be the hero and all that. Other notes are
Circe was originally going to be the mother of Malik, after having a fling with Mozonroth when she got sent to the Isle. Decided it was too much drama and discarded that.
There was going to be more focus on the power struggles between the mercenaries, the Coven and the authority figures. Was going to reveal Uma and Freddie to be siblings. Ended up sidelining Freddie.
Gaston’s daughter, Cosette, was going to have a role, becoming closer with Gil.
Atlantis characters were going to be part of the main group. As well as Black Cauldron characters. Also discarded.
Was going to redeem Drizella because I heard the original plans for Cinderella III was going to be Drizella redemption but they changed so they could give more development to Anastasia. So I decided I was going to do it. Dizzy would have been given more of a role.
Hans was going to be revealed as the cruelest villain. (Yeah I was going to make him a twist villain again. Be glad I did not).
Nasira and Mozonroth were going to be lovers before I decided on mother and son.
Diego and Ivy De’Vil would have had more a role.
Hercules characters would have had more a role. Including the Muses.
Ben would have had more a role somehow.
And that‘s about it.
But some things I am proud of in Winner’s Curse. Passing the Bedchel test.
A POC majority cast (This was completely unintentional but now I see it and counting it out, there’s four Agrabians, two WOC, and three European. Though I’ll admit I have not given Harry, Calix and Gil as much spotlight as I should. So my bad. But does Greek count as a white Euro? Idk, point is, unintentional diversity. Woo)
There‘s only two romances. Both are interracial. Also unintentional. Uma and Harry are totally together. And Aziz and Lala’s burgeoning crushes that will not end in a kiss after the final battle because it’s not important. Oh well. Attempts to explore PTSD, abuse, sexual assault and poverty.
The emphasis on family and friendship between characters.
Exploring the negative side of Auradon including it’s classist system, the Magic Ban, and the Euro-countries getting more resources and riches compared to the likes of Kuzcotopia and Atlantis and Atlantica,
Psychological studies(ish) and more character exploration.
Jay faces his dad!
Hook siblings!
Getting to mention tie ins to the Aladdin animated series, Legend of Tarzan animated series, Hercules animated series, Ariel‘s Beginning and soon Disney fairies books. And adding those characters.
That I finished 20 chapters! This is my longest fic ever! And just ten more chapters to go! I’ll get there.
Coven of 13: Villains dedicated to using their old magic to take over Auradon and be restored to their glory days once more. However they all have conflicting wishes with what the final plan should be.
Maleficent: Since being “overthrown” as queen of the Isle. Maleficent had to settle herself with working with others until she can be mistress of all evil again. Is in a constant battle for dominance with Queen Nerissa, Ursula, Mozenrath and Jafar.
(Evil) Queen Grimhilde: Though she may be pre-occupied by her looks and seem to be passive, Grimhilde is secretly gunning for complete control of the Isle and Auradon when they invade. She feels there should be a new queen that doesn’t get into such petty tantrums as Maleficent. Queen Nerissa: Queen Nerissa is the unofficial leader of the coven since it was her idea but it is impossible to convince the others of that. She wishes to get her ultimate revenge on Giselle, Edgar and the rest of Auradon by becoming the tyrant.
Ursula: Ursula is smartly setting her sights on just ruling Atlantica. Unless she gets bored. Then she might expande her pool of options. She mainly just wants to stick it to King Triton and when it comes to execution time. She isn’t going to make the mistake of keeping his soul, she wants to destroy it. Mother of Uma.
Circe: Very bitter about ending up on the Isle even after Helen of Troy vouched for her to stay in Auradon. So to say that she wants to crush Adam to the bone is understatement. She wants him to grovel. And if she can find that one good man while she’s at it, that would be a plus. Mother of Calix.
Mother Gothel: Though she has an intense rivalry with Grimhilde since day one about hoarding the scarce beauty products available on the Isle, she is her closest supporter now when it comes to finding magic for revenge and curing wrinkly skin. She is the mother of Ginny who she doesn’t dote on nearly as much as she did with Rapunzel.
Yzma: She wants Kuzcotopia and she will do anything and everything to get it even if it means teaming up with a bunch of “old hags” (yes pot calling kettle). Still remains overdramatic and delusional. Has a semi-dependent abusive relationship with her children Zevon and Yzla.
Morgaine Le Fey: Morgaine Le Fey, like Grimhilde, is quiet when it comes to group work but she is always observing for everyone else’s weaknesses and flaws that she will undoubtedly exploit when she becomes Queen of Camelot. Mother of Morrían.
Nasira: Sister to Jafar and mother of Jade and Mozonroth. She isn't nearly as enthusiastic about ruling Agrabah as her brother and Mozonroth are but she is just in it to get revenge on the stinking alley rat, Aladdin.
Queen La: Without her staff, her kingdom or leopard-man army, La has resorted to her Atlantean priestess magic again in hopes of getting off the Isle and reclaiming her staff. Still delusional, still lustful and hates having to depend on the rest of these people. Mother of Ranavalalona.
Jafar: Wishes to rule Agrabah and execute the royal family that “mistreated’ and “disrespected” him so much. Is in a constant battle with Mozonroth on the fact that he is the best sorcerer and will be ruler of Agrabah when they take over. Mozonroth: Finds Jafar to be a blowhard and believes that since he already took over the Black Sands and overthrew his former mentor that he should be doing far better plots. But with the Isle’s Magic Ban, he has to go with what he has. Besides that he would like to give his half-brother, Aladdin, a taste of “brotherly love” when he puts him in a headlock to crack his skull. Father to Malik and Imran Abbas.
Dr. Facilier: Like Ursula, Dr. Facilier smartly works on the fringes, setting his sights small on the Bayou before ruling the rest of Auradon. Father of Freddie and Celia.
All-Powerful Quartet: Generally speaking, if any villain was going to be taking over Auradon, it would be these 4. But due to their all-powerful status, they’d rather not exert themselves to do such menial tasks when they have other things to do.
Mirage: Evil Incarnate. So she does get to go off-Isle to maintain some balance of good and evil in the universe but generally enjoys the place. There is just so much evil and chaos everywhere and she glories in it. Mother of Illusion and Chimera.
Chernabog: Since being put on the Isle, Chernabog remains asleep on the mountain, waiting for his day to rise again.
Horned King: Without his deathless army, the Horned King remains in his cave, slowly wasting away. Mainly convenes with Hades.
Hades: God of the Underworld. So yeah, he has a full time job to do.
Mercenaries: The muscle behind the Coven, these are people who can’t adjust to domestic life, more 20th century living and miss the thrill of a fight. They deal with the dirtier deeds of murder and treason. The big boss (literal mob boss) is Sykes who rents their services out.
Sykes: Mob boss. Basically owner of the unofficially named, “Mercenary for Hire.” He never gets his own hands dirty but he has plenty of people who will do it for him. He keeps his people in line with his files of blackmail he has stocked up.
Clayton: Desperately misses the thrill of the hunt and more modern conveniences like a well-polish gun with enough ammo to shoot all these thieves to hell. Has a coworkers- with-benefits relationship with Helga. Father of Clay.
Rourke: Since being screwed over by magic, Rourke has kept a very rigid condition that he will only deal with non-magical situations. Still maintains his treasure-seeking ways and often pilfers from Jafar’s shop.
Helga Sinclair: One of the most intimidating humans on the Isle and of the mercenaries in general. She is known for her efficiency in work, stoic demeanor and same condition to her jobs as Rourke, no magic.
Muviro: Finds mercenary life to be very suitable since being exiled from his tribe. He does it less so for the money but for the glory and bloodlust. Father of Renavalalona.
Lady Caine: Self-proclaimed, “Queen of Thieves” and pirate extradonier. She is Captain Hook’s only real competition on the piracy front leaving a lot of punch-punch kiss tension between them. Many suspect that she is CJ’s bio mom since they share the same manipulativeness, “devil may care” attitude and self-centeredness. However she has no time for any child-rearing, and leaves James to do whatever neglectful work.
Gaston: Another mercenary that does it for the glory rather than the money. He needs something to do since his hunting days are over. Unfortunately he has not won a lot of admirers on the Isle for his chauvinistic attitude (Bad move considering that many of the women have actual powers). Father of Gaston Jr. Gaston the Second, Gil, Gaston (IV) the Great and Cosette.
Shan Yu: Finds himself very low being part of a mercenary gang instead of invading foreign countries. But it does provide some thrill that he can work on his own and make his homicides as bloody as he wants them to be.
Sa’Luk: Former “King of the Thieves,” Sa’Luk uses his mercenary work to get rid of his excess energy and anger towards his enemies. He joins Rourke in pilfering from Jafar’s shops and has a penchant for shiny gold trinkets.
Lt. Col. Jean Staquait: Former French officer and best to hire when you need someone to torture prisoners.
Authority Figures: Villains who are used to have some amount of power in more domestic/civilian pursuits. Pretty much like big corporations that constantly drain the other villains of cash, small trinkets, food and whatever other valuables are on the Isle.
Queen Saleen: One of the most malevolent mermaid, well only mermaid on the Isle. She spends most of her time in the Isle’s waters, avoiding the annoying two legged people. She is often in some sort of feud with Ursula.
Lady Tremaine: Guardian to Anthony Tremaine. Lady is getting on with her years and remains more or less infirmed in her house with a dozen grandchildren. She runs her house with an iron fist and is the most vocal on the Isle in support of child labor. She misses her days of richness and convenes with other elder women about how low they have fallen.
Medusa: Just like she did before the Isle, Medusa owns a pawn shop that is on a constant losing streak to Jafar’s so she has opened a small casino next to it too. She rather delusionally considers herself to be an entrepreneur and tries to work with those higher up in the social ladder to get more money herself.
Cruella De’Vil: While she spends most of her time tending to her furs and car and drinking, when she is sober she tries her hand at fashion design as in the olden days. She works closely with Lady Tremaine and Medusa.
Prince Hans: More or less the least-adjusted to the Isle with his loss of kingdom, servants and anyone gullible enough to believe his lies or manipulations. He is in close cahoots with Mozenrath and bought Drizella as his mistress. Father to Lars, his only son and heir since Stalyan refuses to ruin her figure again.
Sheriff of Nottingham: Serves as the Isle’s one man police force and a sucky job at that as he lets his henchmen squad do most of the work while he serves as trial judge and executioner with the Queen of Hearts: She works a bit on the judicial system, mainly the one who suggests the executions. She can also be found bringing most of the cases to court against henchmen who have wronged her or disobeyed her Tea Shop’s rules.
Captain Hook: The sole owner and commander of the coasts of the Isle while Ursula controls its seas. He is still as obsessive as ever about Peter Pan, his hand and crocodiles and can be found frequenting bars and other brawling areas on the Isle where his hook serves as a nasty weapon. Father of Harriet, Harry and CJ.
Gov. Ratcliff: The only one on the Isle that deals with paperwork. Sort of a treasurer of sorts. Not so much in organizing it but guarding it with his life and spends his time staring longingly at the piles wishing it were genuine gold than copper coins. Claude Frollo: Father of Claudine. Maintains his strict preaching and inflaming others against sin and towards prejudice. But he also tends to lose his inhibitions more and is a regular at the brothels of the Isle late at night. No woman has replaced his lust for Esmeralda though. Claudette seems to becoming close to that though.
Stalyan: Hans’ wife and Lady Caine’s part-time lover which drives Prince Hans crazy. She has her eyes on one thing and one thing only, money and bad boys that make her look good. She has no real ambitions of her own and depends on her father, the Baron, to give her what she wants. Mother of Lars.
Regular Citizens: Citizens that hold no sort of power and are pretty much everyone’s punching bags.
Morgana: Morgana would have been put part of the coven, but her sister, Ursula forbade it. Besides everyone knows that Ursula is far more powerful and talented than her sister. Instead Morgana is blackballed from any real position of respect and takes care of Ursula’s restaurant when she is away.
Marina Del Ray: Since losing her job to Sebastian she has become the Madam of the Isle’s seaside brothels, using the money to spiffy up her gaudy wardrobe.
The Bimbettes: Claudette (red dress) used to be Gaston’s gf but left him after he tried to “throw away” their daughter, Cosette, to try for a boy. She has since then been seen with the likes of Prince Hans, Mozenrath and Frollo. Laurette (yellow dress), the mother of Gastons 1-3 is Gaston’s favorite. Paulette (green dress), Gaston’s official wife is more or less his servant/punching bag and mother to Gil.
Drizella Tremaine: Since she couldn’t be married to Prince Hans, she has settled for being his mistress whenever he and Stalyan have a fight. A thankless position since she regularly bends over (literally and metaphorically) to his will and gets discarded like trash every time.
Lefou and Smee: Live together and own a kinda profitable gun and fishing shack. By far the best parents on the Isle due to their goofy more sympathetic natures.
Jasper and Horace: Still devoted henchmen of Cruella, they serve as secretaries, gophers and all manner of assistance to her. Fathers to Jace and Harold.
Ivy De’Vil: Mother of Diego, is the brains behind Cruella’s beauty designs since she isn’t drunk all the time. Can be considered one of the better mothers on the Isle.
Animals: No explanation needed
Scar, Zira, Shere Khan, Sabor, Benzai, Ed and Shenzi, Tublat, Hista
Couples: Captain Hook and Lady Caine (fight-hate sex rivalry. Child- CJ)
Lady Caine and Stalyan (with-benefits)
Stalyan and Prince Hans (Married. Child- Lars)
Prince Hans and Drizella (affair, possibly Dizzy?)
Mozenrath and Hans (Hans swears it was an accident. Or he was too drunk. Or it was magic)
Lady Caine and Hans (Revenge against Stalyan)
Queen Grimhilde and Prince Hans (One night stand)
Ursula and Dr. Facilier (fling, potentially Freddie and Uma)
Frollo and Claudette (with-benefits)
Gaston and Laurette (Affair/borderline married. Children- Gaston Jr. Gaston the Second, Gaston (IV) the Great)
Gaston and Paulette (Married. Child- Gil)
Lefou and Paulette (Lefou deux, drunken night of pity sex because Gaston’s treatment of them)
Smee and Lefou (Couple. Adopted Sammy)
Ivy De’Vil and Frollo (One night stand. Child-Diego)
Mozonroth and Morgaine Le Fey (Fling)
Clayton and Helga Sinclair (co-workers with benefits)
Queen La and Muviro (Married and dumped. Children- Ranavalalona. Musala, Taytu Betuvira, and unnamed, deceased)
Queen La and Clayton (Fling- Leopold, deceased)
Queen La and Gaston (Fling. Children-Amina and Shaka, deceased)
Queen La and Rourke (Fling. Child- Euware, deceased)
Queen La and Mozonroth (Fling. Child-Sarounia, deceased)
Shan Yu and Sa’Luk (Once- There’s no straight men in the trenches)
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Gil Being A Dad
Part Three: Dani
The commissioner’s voice wavers through the crowd, his glasses pushed down the thick of his nose as he looks at his notes. He drones on about duty, Gil gets the sense that a rookie has prepared this speech and not the commissioner himself. No matter, his attention is split between the other man’s dull words and the freshly recovered detective staring blankly at the floor. Tonight is for her, and countless other men, but to Gil it’s for her. 
Curls fall down and obscure her face, hiding the tear tracks. She refuses to look into the crowd, to see the countless faces of men and women being lied to. The commissioner sells her as a hero, right up there with officers who have lost their lives. Except, she’s not like them. Nothing like them. In the end, only she and Gil knows what happened. If Gil had reported her overdose for what it was, it would have been overlooked anyway. Too much paperwork.
The ceremony passes in a blur. The medal on her chest weighs her down, startlingly heavy. She blinks the tears from her eyes as countless people shake her hand, commending her for her undercover work. They don’t know about the overdose or the emotional affair she had with a drug dealer. 
They throw her a party, keep celebrating what they think is a win. She failed them, can’t they see that?
“Powell.” She’s pulled from her thoughts, from her spiraling head. She turns her head in the direction of the warmth at her right side. Gil’s stretching himself out on the porch swing beside her, kicking the ground to send them swinging softly. “Why aren’t you joining in at your party? You only get these sort of parties once, you know.” He wraps an arm around the back, consequently around her shoulders too. 
She just shakes her head, arms slowly folding over her chest. She glances at him from the corner of her eye, aware of how close they are. Really, he’s been there for her through the last few weeks like no one else. He has always been there. “You know,” she whispers, shame dripping into her words. “I don’t deserve it, Gil.”
He hums, nodding his head. He pushes them again, rocking calmly as he turns this over. “Why don’t you deserve it,” he asks, fingers absent-mindedly tapping the back of the swing. “I think you deserve it and so does everyone in that house,” he points the beer she hadn’t realized he had in his hand to his house. 
Her cheeks burn as she recalls he’s the one who is throwing this party, for her. He’s proud and she knows he’s also secretly overjoyed she’s back where he can watch her. Where he can protect her. So, she nods and for a moment she thinks maybe he’s right. Maybe she does deserve this and then… “I did drugs, Gil.” Her eyes burn and she has to turn her head away from him, to the wall as her chin trembles. “I’m not a hero.”
Gil chuckles, shaking his head. “You went undercover, Dani.” He doesn’t bother fighting with her just puts his hand on her shoulder. A reminder that he’s there, even when she doesn’t want him to be. He’ll drag her out for stake-outs all week if it means she gets out of the house. He’ll make her listen to Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen until she’s begging him to put something different on, something better. 
He’ll support her and he’ll love her, just like he always has. 
She sniffles, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. She lets go, not of her guilt but of her anger. Just for now, for this. She leans back against his arm, her head on his shoulder. “Gil?” She can remember last summer in his backyard. Jackie made one of her fantastic casseroles and fed them watermelon until Dani thought she would burst. 
She closes her eyes, “do you think… do you think my dad would be proud?” A tear manages to escape from her eyelashes and her breath shakes as she cries openly.
“Hey,” Gil catches under her chin. He forces her head up, wiping a tear with the rough pad of his chin. “He would be speechless, Dani. You’re a brave woman, strong. He’d be beyond proud.” He moves his hand to her cheek, his voice serious. He smiles, “I know because I’m proud of you Dani.”
Dani nods and her lips tremble. She wraps her arms around Gil’s shoulders, burying her face in his neck as she cries. He wraps his arms around her too, rubbing soft circles on her back. “Easy, kid,” he soothes. “Easy.” 
Jackie finds them a few minutes later, wondering how her husband managed to sneak away. Dani is stretched out on the swing, Gil rocking them slowly with his long legs. His hand is resting on her shoulder, her head in his lap. Jackie airs her concern with a raised eyebrow. Gil nods, smiling. ‘Good’ she mouths back and gives him a small wink before stepping back into the house. 
Gil sits with her until the sun goes down and most of their party guest have left. He guides her to the couch, she’s been crashing there a lot lately. He pulls a blanket up over her shoulders. 
He stops, hand raised to turn the lights out. “Yeah, kid?”
“Thanks… for everything.”
Gil smirks and turns the lights out,” anytime, kid. Anytime.”
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harryandhishook · 4 years
Wings are made to fly - Chapter 5
Pairing: Not fully sure yet, just gonna see how it goes (Maybe Evie? Don’t know yet)
Setting: Auradon
Warning: Erm … none? I think at least
Summary: Everyone knows what type of person they are, Fairy, Goblin, Dragon or just a simple person and Harry thinks he’s just a simple guy but the more he comes into contact with Auradon and magic, the more the people around him notice something off and maybe Auradon is the only place with answers
Words: 2165
Requested: Nope, me and my Fiance were roleplaying this and I thought it would be awesome to make it into a Fanfic
Side note: I have no excuses for this one, Uni is finally over and obviously the whole pandemic is happening which has stressed me out seeing as I only have the resources I need in basic form on my computer so I have you can all forgive me. Also there is no proof reading and still no beta reader so you’re just gonna have to live with this quick chapter, also I’m trying to write more than just Descendants so I may try my hardest to spend time on more than just one fanfic at a time.
Stay safe my friends, I love you all <3
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Within the next few days, the group became quite busy; Harry being pressed by Evie for fittings upon fittings of his new coats, which he didn’t really mind much, Uma and Gil trying to come up with plans to keep Harry’s cover during school, i.e. Gym, which wouldn’t be too hard if they could get some help from the nurses who were there during Harry’s coma and lastly, Ben, the one who had been going crazy from trying to secretly communicate with the pixies, going behind his parents back was something he had never done and it was something he found quite exhilarating but it needed to be done and he would do it whether it got him in trouble or not.
It wasn’t until the school practically went into meltdown and the fairy god mother ran hectically around the halls that the gang knew Ben had done it.
Uma, Gil and Harry laughed hysterically as they watched teachers, guards and students run around the school grounds from the pirates’ window, the lot of them realizing just how entertaining Auradon could really be from up here,
“Ye’ know, I think I might like it ‘ere actually” the young Hook said, breaking them all away from the entertainment for a moment, “It’s not our type a thing but a little bit o mischief around and we could make this place a little bit more fun, ye’ know what I mean?” he asked, turning to the others as they sat in thought. Neither spoke for a while, just watching everyone below in silence, Uma could relate with him, it was quite nice to smile, to laugh, to have fun, it was nice to have the freedom they had here and well, even Uma couldn’t deny, everything here would be missed if they went back,
“You know what Harry, I think you’re right, I think…” she started, wrapping her arms around both boys, pulling them into her before continuing, “I think we are going to do great in Auradon” she mused, glad to have her two boys beside her.
Everything was calm, the three of them content as they sat, watching silently out the window until suddenly, the commotion outside stopped, students freezing as a bright light floated down from seemingly nowhere, catching the pirate’s attention,
“Is that?” Gil asked, sitting up straight as he crawled closer to the window, peering out curiously,
“Holy shit, Ben did it, he actually did it” Uma confirmed, watching as the light slowly disappeared, revealing the Queen of the pixies herself, “Wait … THAT’S THE QUEEN” She screamed excitedly, leaning closer to the window with Gil, “I thought pixies were small? She looks about the same size as us” she asked, neither of the pirates saw the young boy behind them slowly back away from the window, neither noticed as he rose from the floor, trying to hide as best he could from the sudden realization, he would be meeting the Queen of his people,
“There Tinkerbelle too, hey, maybe she might know more since she was the enemy of your dad” Gil added, turning around to look at Harry only to realize … the First Mate wasn’t there but was in fact now curled up on top of the wardrobe, “Harry?” he asked, getting up off the window seat to move closer, “Isn’t this what you want, you can finally find out what is happening, you can learn more” he said, trying to coax the boy down but to no avail, the pirate continued to cower in the shadows. Uma sighed and followed Gil to the wardrobe, looking up at the wing hanging over the edge,
“Harry, please, I know your scared but you need to see them, you need to talk to the Queen” Uma continued with reassuring the boy, hoping soft words might help, “I need you to listen to me Harry, I need my first mate, I need my friend, I need you but the only way I can have that is when you truly understand yourself, when you can walk free and happy, that’s when I have my best friend back … please” the Captain begged, hoping it would give some hope to the boy.
Unfortunately for the both, it didn’t do much, other them give them a quick glimpse of Harry’s hand as he pulled his wing into the shadows, making him completely gone from everyone’s sights.
The two teens were about to try again when a knock broke the silence, Uma knew it would need to happen eventually and Ben had done so much for them to let this all go up in flames; she slowly opened the door and watched as the two guards moved to the side, allowing Max to enter with Queen Clarion, Tinkerbell and … Fairy Mary?
Quickly Uma waved Gil over, pulling him into a bow as the Queen entered before closing the door behind them quickly. Before any words could be spoken, Uma simple pointed to the top of the wardrobe, indicating exactly where the new pixie was, causing all their heads to move upwards just as a pair of soft brown eyes peeking out from the wooden piece of furniture,
“You must be Harry” Queen Clarion stated softly, a small smile on her face as she gracefully approached the wardrobe, raising up to the level of the frightened boy, “I understand, you’re frightened, this is new and you can’t comprehend it all, it’s okay, we only want to help you” she reassured gently, her words almost one of a mothers, “Now, do you want to come down or would you like to talk up here … I could teach you the first thing you as a pixie will need to know if you chose to stay on top of the wardrobe?” the Queen asked, wings fluttering softly behind her as she continued to wait patiently for the pirate to speak, unfortunately, his voice wasn’t prepared to actually start any sort of conversation but the little movement of his head was enough for Clarion to raise her arms beside her as the twinkling of pixie dust surrounded her form, hiding her for a moment until she was only three inches tall.
Carefully, Queen Clarion shuffled her way onto the wardrobe, hovering close to the young boy with a gentle smile as Harry carefully sat up, making it a little easier for the both to communicate with each other,
“My dear Harry, you must understand how worried your friends are for you, King Ben made quite a few sacrifices in contacting and bring us here to see you so you must see how important it is to let us help you” the tiny pixie said, gesturing towards the edge of the wardrobe where the others were stood, “Let us help you” she whispered, floating a little closer to the boy; all the while, Harry thought, he thought and thought until his head couldn’t take it, he knew he had been waiting for this, this was what they had all talked about, this is what he had asked for but now it’s here, he didn’t want it, he wanted to just hide and stay locked away for ever, unfortunately for him, there was no other option,
“Okay…” the boy whispered, his voice only loud enough for the small Queen to hear which was obviously enough for her to smile with that could only be rays of sunlight,
“I am glad that you have seen it our way” Clarion spoke softly, floating away from him to give some distance between the two, “now, first things first, we are going to get you down from here but I can only imagine how much of discomfort and pain it would cause if you tried in the size you are, so I am going to teach you someone all pixies find quite useful and very important to know especially in such an integrated place for all species like Auradon” she started explaining, holding her arms out in front of her, hands outstretched, “I want you to change your height” she finally finished but by the look on the pirates face, she hadn’t done too good of a job. The pixie sighed and continued with a little more explaining, “All you need is some faith, trust and pixie dust, it’s not just used for flying you know” she chuckled softly before going on, “I’ll give you some of my own pixie dust and all you have to do is think really hard about the thing you want and imagine it true, in your case, think about shrinking down to my size and imagine it true, can you do that?”
Harry fumbled with his fingers for a while, thinking over the instructions, he knew it could be that hard but he was so nervous, what if he made the room explode or everyone the size of pirate ships; a deep breath from the boy quickly calmed him as he focused himself, how hard could it be.
With a nod of his head, Queen Clarion softly blew some pixie dust over the boy, almost causing the poor pirate to sneeze but with all his might, he thought, he imagined, he … couldn’t feel anything happen, nothing was happening, everything was still the sa-
A sudden pain in the top of Harrys head gave him the quick realizations he had thought too hard, as well as the soft giggle of the Queen, he opened his eyes to reveal he had grown a few inches, resulting in banging his poor head onto the ceiling above him,
“I can’t do this” he groaned, lowering his head away from his attacker to rub his head, even with the pain and the failure of an attempt, the pirate wasn’t going to back down … well … maybe after one more try at least,
“Try not to focus on the dread or the anxiety you are feeling, focus on what makes you happy, stay calm” the Queen reassured, composing herself from the little incident to encourage him further.
Harry sighed nervously as he allowed his eyes to close one more time, another deep breath and another thought, this time, a thought surrounded by nothing but positive feelings, well, the few he had; moments passed, silence surrounding him as he continued to try but slowly, he was giving up,
“This is pointless, I can’t do it” he whispered defeated, he was ready to climb from the wardrobe and cover himself in his blankets forever, until, a hand, a normal sized hand ran through his hair softly, making his eyes open faster than anyone could have even thought possible and there she was, Queen Clarion, identical height to him.
Carefully looking around his little hiding place, the beautifully carved wooden top of the wardrobe seemed to go on for miles, the ceiling looked like it was about the same distance away as the sky, everything was huge, which only meant one thing,
“I DID IT!” Harry screamed, jumping up from his spot to examine himself, luckily, he had also shrunk his clothing and hadn’t left them draped across him and the piece of furniture. Shuffling closer to the edge, he peered over, he could see that everyone had sat down to wait but … Holy shit, that’s high, “h-how am I meant to get down from here? I can’t fly yet…” he asked, his voice laced with nerves, carefully, he shuffled away closer to the centre as he looked up at the now floating Queen beside him,
“I am proud of you, my dear Harry, with a little bit of teaching, you will be able to do so much more but I would like to discuss this on the ground” she spoke with a smile, holding out her hand for him to take, “Now, if you will allow me, I will help you down and we can return you to normal height as another lesson” with a cautious hand, the pirate nodded, taking her offering as he slowly stood straight, his legs strangely wobbly from all the new powers he could feel building up inside of him.
Walking to the edge, his grip became tighter as he looked down, knowing he could die if he fell from here, all he wished he could do was turn back and climb down himself but the soft tug on his arm pulled his gaze to Clarion who was now hovering over the sudden drop, making him panic even more than before,
“It’s okay Harry, flutter your wings and step off, I will not let go of you, you will not fall, I promise you that” the Queen whispered, stroking her thumb gently over the back of his hand, giving him any reassurance she can, “trust me” her voice almost an echo as Harry looked over to the drop again, his breathing staggering nervously as he took a little step, half of his feet now over and into the open, toes visibly curling.
Closing his eyes once again, he let his body control the movement of his wings, trying to let his body take over naturally as if they were just another form of limb. Ever so gently, he felt it, the soft breeze in the back of his hair, the almost silent and barely audible vibrations they caused and before he could even think himself out of it, he stepped off.
A black mind, a weightless feeling in his gut, a panic of knowing he was about to see his life flash before his eyes … never came.
The pirate opened his eyes with confusion, everything around him felt still, no plummet, no screams, no splat, only the Queen smiling like a proud mother who had just seen their child walk for the first time and the four motionless walls surrounding them all, he was flying … well … floating as best but still supporting himself in the air none the less,
“Breath Harry, you’re doing fine, focus and slowly slow down your wings” the Queen instructed, he grips carefully loosening without him noticing as he followed her word. With a bit of stumbling and little missteps, they both finally made it to the ground, feet gently laying flat on the carpet which looked like it was about to swallow them whole, happily, Harry smiled wide as he looked around at the comically big room,
“This cannae be real” he exclaimed as he strolled through the almost grass like flooring, staring in wonder at every lit-big thing around him, he couldn’t believe it, he felt like he was in the most wonderful dream he never wanted to wake up from, “everything looks so … fake but it feels so real” he stated excitedly, turning back to the Queen who was waiting happily for him,
“I’m glad this has changed your mind, you seem quite in awe by everything around you but now, we must return you to your normal size so we can discuss how to proceed in your teaching and I want you to do this without my help” she revealed, stepping back as a bright light surrounded her body, stretching until she once again the same height as everyone else in the room whom the pirate had only just notice had been watching them.
With his fists tightly clenched beside him and a deep breath circulating in his lungs, Harry put every single little bit of energy he had into what he wanted, clearing his mind of any doubts and waited. Slowly, he watched as a shimmer of gold and silver rose up from his feet, surrounding him completely; the boy could feel the sudden growth as the fabric of the carpet around his feet became smaller and soon, he was back to normal height, the shimmering dust gone and the world back to normal,
“Welcome back up here” Uma chuckled from the seat she was currently leaned back on, her smirk definitely gave Harry the feeling of accomplishment all way the other watched on in amazement while the Queen spoke again, obviously very eager for Harry to continue his training.
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ohmyprodigalson · 4 years
Okay, I know you might not wanna do another fic like this, since its similar to a few here, and if thats the case, dont worry ab it! So I just had a prompt (kind of) to give you: The reader purposely steps over the red line to show how truly unafraid of Martin she is. Shock ensues. (Maybe takes place in ep 7? Idk you decide)
This was particularly fun because I wrote the character in a different light with regards to Martin. She values making him angry for the sake of it, and I tried to let that show. This version of ep 7 cuts a lot of things out because of the reader, too. For example, Ainsley doesn’t air out Malcolm’s dirty laundry, etc.
Trigger Warning: A near-death experience.
Word Count: 1,189
(Y/N) arrived just as Jin and Ainsley had finished setting up the equipment for the interview. "Am I late?"
Ainsley answered. "No, we were just about to start. They'll bring him in soon."
They were there for Ainsley's interview with Dr. Whitly. Malcolm asked (Y/N) to go and watch because he was worried about Dr. Whitly manipulating Ainsley. It was inevitably going to happen, but maybe she could stop it from getting out of hand.
Dr. Whitly was brought in for the interview and Jin and Ainsley completed the finishing touches to prepare for filming. Dr. Whitly looked at (Y/N) with a small smile. "And why, may I ask, are you here?"
"Don't worry about it." (Y/N) knew it angered him when her responses were short and sweet with no new information he could use. His smile faded as the frustration in his eyes betrayed him.
The interview started, and (Y/N) stood next to Jin behind Ainsley. She watched through Jin's screen as it progressed before Malcolm knocked on the door. She was surprised because he was supposed to be too busy to watch the interview, which is why she was there.
Everyone watched in silence as Malcolm questioned Dr. Whitly about the knife he found in the station wagon. Her heart broke for him when Dr. Whitly dismissed his questions, but she couldn't show that emotion here. All she could do was hold his hand when he stood beside her after the interview resumed.
But (Y/N)'s mind wandered. It always did, and usually at the worst of times. She wasn't paying much attention to the interview and her eyes landed on Dr. Whitly's bookshelf. He took meticulous notes on everything. What if he had notes pertaining to the events in Malcolm's memories?
(Y/N)'s hand slipped from Malcolm's as she walked over to the bookshelf, crossing the red line ominously painted on the floor. She started reading their labels until she found one with potential. Pulling it from the shelf, she started flipping through its pages. It was filled with detailed pictures and scrawling, tiny cursive. Even just skimming through for important information, she found the journal fascinating.
(Y/N) was too engrossed in the journal to notice that the room had fallen eerily silent. Malcolm's quiet voice broke the silence at last. "(Y/N)...?"
His voice pulled her out of her trance. She looked up from the journal to see Malcolm, Ainsley, and Jin staring at her, mouths agape and eyes wide in pure shock. Dr. Whitly was even surprised, though his expression wasn’t as comical as the others. (Y/N) grew rigid. "Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry! Did I step into the frame?"
Jin was the only one to speak, his voice high-pitched with even greater surprise. "No..." All of them were floored that she thought the problem was the frame of the camera during the interview.
Dr. Whitly spoke first, the others in too much shock. "My, how daring we are today."
"What do you me-" (Y/N) stopped speaking when she followed Dr. Whitly's gesture towards the red line on the ground. She finally understood why they were all staring at her. (Y/N) shrugged. "So?"
"(Y/N)!" Malcolm scolded her. "He could kill you!"
"Nah." She dismissed him with a flip of her hand as she returned to reading the journal she was holding. "The Surgeon doesn't kill with brute force, and he would never beat someone. He likes to medically incapacitate people and then cut upon them. Methodical and artistic. Isn't that right, Dr. Whitly?"
He didn't get a chance to respond because the alarm started to go off. While everyone was discussing the escaped patient, calling Gil, and recording footage of the empty halls, (Y/N) continued reading. The door was locked, and she had no fear of Dr. Whitly. Nothing interrupted her until she heard a commotion in the hall. Jin had been stabbed.
Malcolm and Ainsley brought Jin into the room and argued about giving a knife to Dr. Whitly so that he could save him. She watched as Malcolm offered to operate on Jin with Dr. Whitly's instructions, and she watched him almost start the procedure. When Malcolm had a flashback, she stepped in before he could hand the scalpel to Dr. Whitly.
Ainsley yelled at her. "What are you doing?! Jin's dying! Give the knife to him!!"
(Y/N)'s voice was cool and calm. "Remember when I said Dr. Whitly would never kill with brute force? Well, he would definitely kill with a scalpel. I won't let that happen, so it's my turn to try and save Jin." She casually looked at Dr. Whitly. "No offense. I just don't trust you."
"Aww, how sweet." Dr. Whitly kept his composure, but he was secretly furious that she was keeping him from manipulating Ainsley. His plan was falling apart. He was supposed to be the one to save Jin so that Ainsley would think he wasn't a monster. If he wasn't a monster, she might love him, and then he could play her like a violin. But maybe he could spin this situation to his advantage anyway.
She followed Dr. Whitly's instructions to a point. But she recognized that, in the middle of the procedure, he started to give the wrong directions. If she followed his next command, she would actually harm Jin. If she made this particular cut, he would start to bleed more heavily and the emergency would grow in severity. (Y/N) could see it from a mile away. If she did this, Ainsley would force her to give the scalpel to Dr. Whitly and his plan would fall back into place.
(Y/N) paused before following his instruction. The blood was draining from the area around Jin's lung and his breathing had improved. It wasn't back to normal, but it was better. He could live like this until EMS arrived.
Malcolm was out 'taking care of' the escaped patient, and Dr. Whitly's orderly said that EMS would be there any minute. (Y/N) looked into Ainsley's eyes. She spoke with authority. "We are going to stop here."
"What do you mean? We're not done!"
"We are for now." She leaned in close to Ainsley and spoke quietly. "I know you won't believe me, but what Dr. Whitly just told me to do could kill Jin."
Ainsley spoke in hushed tones, but her voice was still angry. "You're not a doctor! How could you possibly know that?"
"Just trust me. Look at him." She nodded her head towards Jin. "He's a thousand times better than he was. Is he out of the woods yet? No, but he will live. The ambulance will be here any minute, and he can make it until then." They stared at each other. (Y/N) was pleading for Ainsley to understand, and Ainsley was trying to do so.
That moment of hesitation was long enough. Malcolm returned and told them that the escaped patient was apprehended, and EMS was entering the building.
(Y/N) had succeeded in keeping Dr. Whitly from achieving his goal, and he had plenty of time to consider this while he was in solitary. Somehow, someway, he will have his revenge. 
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