#Ginger tea
lacebird · 3 months
Making Hayden Christensen's tea 🫖 | Recipe
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After seeing the gifset above (from this interview), I could not stop thinking about Hayden's ginger tea. So I did what any normal person would do and bought all the ingredients required to make this tea. I did some research before doing this and used all the tea knowledge I possess (I basically just winged it). This recipe is for a single serving, but I'm sure you could eyeball it to make a full pot.
Obviously, I don't know if this is how Hayden does it. Ya'll who'll be meeting him at cons this year can maybe ask him lol
Recipe and directions below the cut 💜
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Hayden's mean cup of ginger tea
I won't give exact measurements because I pretty much eyeballed this, but it's pretty straightforward. Feel free to add more or less of something if you want!
Water (fill the cup you'll be drinking from + add a splash)
Cinnamon sticks
Wash the ginger, mint and lemon.
Fill the cup you'll be drinking from with water, place in a saucepan and bring it to boil on the stove.
While the water comes to a boil, smash and chop the ginger (I used a piece the size of my thumb, feel free to use more or less). Slice the lemon (I used one slice about a 1/2 cm thick). You don't have to peel the ginger and lemon since we washed them first (also who has the energy to peel stuff — not me). Pick a few mint leaves, I think I used about six, but I'd use more next time since I didn't really taste the mint that much.
Throw everything in the saucepan, add a stick or two of cinnamon. Cover and let it boil for about 10 minutes or longer depending on how strong you want the tea to be.
Pour the tea into a cup (strain it of course) and add some sweetener if you like. I'm vegetarian so I use agave syrup, but you could also use honey or plain sugar. Or since Hayden's canadian, I guess maple syrup could work too? Feel free to try whatever you want—it's your tea, not mine!
For the peeps that find pictures helpful!
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Water added to a small saucepan. As it boiled, I washed the ingredients (except the cinnamon)
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When the water was boiling, I added everything to the saucepan, put a lid on it and set a timer for 10 minutes.
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Done! How adorable is this little teapot T_T
To conclude, I thought the tea was pretty delicious. It's very warm and cozy, a really nice drink for winter, I think! I hope you try this out! Let me know if it was any good! 💜
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dailyfatefigures · 3 months
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Astolfo - Doll Clothes - Doujin Accessory - 1/3 Scale by Ginger Tea
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addicsvt · 3 months
opinions on svt's vocal line as tea?
Seventeen's vocal line as tea
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pairing - svt vocal line x reader in some parts genre - fluff word count - 283 warnings - mentions of pain synopsis - seventeen as tea &lt;3 a/n - AA, i loved this request so much!! thank you anon for sending it in <333 (spent 30 minutes researching on tea notes for this LOL)
Jasmine tea. Just like Jasmine tea, jeonghan's presence can be really strong or subtle at times. Jasmine tea generally has a sweet note but sometimes it can taste bitter like Jeonghan. Sometimes he's the sweetest being ever and sometimes he's a reincarnation of the devil himself.
Ginger tea. He's calming, just like a cup of ginger tea after your sore from something. He's so cozy too helping you relieve all your pain and make you feel better in general, just like ginger tea. Besides his soft and calming side, he has a spicy side to him, just like the notes of ginger tea. He can be loud when he needs to and certainly is crazy.
White tea. Like white tea which is known as a mild tea flavour, he tends to not take the spotlight as much in variety shows compared to others. White tea has soft subtle floral notes, just like woozi as he's very soft-spoken. He can soothe you without saying much, his presence in general is very peaceful.
Chamomile tea. He's very stress-relieving, like a warm cup of warm chamomile when your up with the flu, almost like a warm hug. He's like an immediate anxiety reducer and feels very soothing like chamomile. Chamomile has a subtly sweet, floral taste like the feeling of seokmin when he's lulling you to sleep.
Black tea. Seungkwan has a very bold personality which matches with the overpowering flavour of black tea. Seungkwan feels like a cup of strong black tea in the morning. It instantly helps you focus and is very refreshing. Black tea has a bitter note, which honestly reminds me of seungkwan when he side-eyes everyone.
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Ginger Milk Tea - Adrak Wali Chai
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awoogajt · 24 days
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this would go hard on a tshirt
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this-is-me19 · 8 months
Am home sick with viral cold with five year old, so making tea. Thought I would share a very simple and easy recipe.
“Ginger is used as a catalyst, promoting a rapid change in conditions. If you add small quantities of ginger to any incense, it will enhance the effects of the incense and make it work more quickly.
Elementally, ginger is the “fire of air.” It is used in spells of all kinds to assist them being brought to fruition more quickly. Take care that whenever ginger is used in a spell, it is the smallest of the components of the spell. If too much ginger is used, it will overwhelm the other components, making the spell a waste of effort.” — Excerpt From True Magic by Draja Mickaharic
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teacornerchronicles · 28 days
Nutritious beverages for immunity
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In your pursuit of a longer, healthier life, bolstering your immune system is paramount. One of the most effective ways to support it is through dietary changes. Our body’s immune system, a crucial defense mechanism against pathogens and diseases, requires adequate nutrition to function optimally. Fortunately, there are numerous nutritious beverages you can incorporate into your diet to help fortify your immune system and enhance overall well-being, potentially extending your lifespan.
Nutritionist Kritika Nanavati shared insights with She Finds about six immune-boosting drinks that not only fortify the body’s defenses but also promote overall health.
Green Tea: Green tea isn’t just a refreshing beverage with minimal caffeine; it’s also packed with health benefits. Nanavati praises green tea, stating, “Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to enhance immune function.” These antioxidants combat inflammation, shield cells from damage, and bolster the immune system by enhancing the performance of vital T cells.
Citrus Juices: Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are abundant in vitamin C, a vital nutrient for warding off infections. Nanavati emphasizes, “Vitamin C plays a crucial role in supporting various immune functions and stimulates the production of white blood cells necessary for fighting infections.”
Turmeric Latte: Turmeric, rich in curcumin, boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Nanavati recommends adding turmeric to warm milk to create a flavorful and nutritious latte. The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric are integral for optimal immune system function.
Ginger Tea: Ginger, renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, has been used medicinally for centuries. The bioactive compound gingerol found in ginger may help lower the risk of infections by inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria and potentially exhibiting antiviral effects. “Indulging in delightful ginger tea not only warms your body from within but also endeavors to maintain its health for as long as possible,” notes Nanavati
Berry Smoothies: Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are packed with beneficial properties. They boast high levels of antioxidants, crucial for immune protection. Nanavati highlights that regular consumption of berries can enhance immune responses and reduce inflammation.
Broths: Meat and vegetable broths serve as excellent additions to your diet and can even be enjoyed as standalone beverages. Rich in vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy immune system, broths are particularly abundant in zinc, selenium, and other minerals that can strengthen immunity and aid in fighting infections.
In Conclusion: Incorporating these immune-boosting beverages into a well-balanced diet can not only help ward off illnesses but also nourish the body with vital nutrients for a healthier and longer life. These beverages have the potential to bolster immunity, making it more robust in combating infections and diseases.
Welcome to timetea.ca
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unofficialchronicle · 8 months
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
"Someone order some cake with extra protein?~" Ginger asks your muse as she shoves her wide muscular bunny buns in their face.
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asprinkleofpeppermint · 2 months
5 recipes using ginger root— Caramelized ginger bites, ginger lemon tea, carrot ginger soup, ginger applesauce, and pickled ginger.
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liquidgirl13 · 5 months
Ginger Tea Benefits: Nausea, Pain Relief, and Blood Sugar
💛💛💛 take care of you
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Practical witch tip: drink ginger tea if you're feeling nauseous or having trouble digesting a meal. Some may want to draw a healing sigil in their tea. You can decide on which direction to stir. Clockwise to bring healing in, counterclockwise to banish the nausea.
A quick filipino remedy is making a delicious ginger and chicken soup called tinolang manok, if you like to cook or do magic in the kitchen.
*consult a physician if the nausea does not go away.
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coffeeandhermind · 1 year
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tea-love · 10 months
Significant benefits associated with Ginger Tea
Unveiling the Significance of Ginger Tea: A Natural Elixir for Health and Well-being
In the realm of natural remedies, ginger tea has emerged as a remarkable elixir, celebrated for its numerous health benefits and invigorating flavor. For centuries, ginger has been treasured for its medicinal properties, and when steeped in hot water, it creates a soothing and aromatic beverage known as ginger tea. Let us delve into the significance of ginger tea and explore the myriad ways it can positively impact our health and well-being.
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Digestive Health and Comfort: One of the most renowned benefits of ginger tea lies in its ability to promote healthy digestion. Ginger possesses natural compounds that can stimulate the digestive system, alleviate indigestion, and reduce bloating. By sipping on a warm cup of ginger tea after a meal, individuals often experience relief from discomfort and a sense of calm in their digestive tract.
Potent Anti-inflammatory Effects: Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. These bioactive substances lend ginger tea its ability to combat inflammation in the body, potentially providing relief from conditions such as arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint stiffness. Regular consumption of ginger tea may contribute to improved mobility and reduced inflammation-related pain.
Immune-Boosting Properties: Ginger is hailed for its immune-boosting effects, making ginger tea a valuable addition to one's wellness routine. The tea's antimicrobial properties, coupled with its rich antioxidant content, can help strengthen the body's defense mechanisms. By nurturing a robust immune system, ginger tea may aid in warding off common illnesses and maintaining overall well-being.
Alleviating Nausea and Motion Sickness: For centuries, ginger has been used to alleviate nausea and soothe motion sickness. Ginger tea can be a comforting remedy for individuals experiencing queasiness, morning sickness during pregnancy, or postoperative nausea. Sipping on ginger tea can settle the stomach and provide a gentle, natural relief from feelings of nausea and discomfort.
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Ginger tea boasts an abundance of antioxidants that help combat the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. These antioxidants play a crucial role in reducing oxidative stress and may contribute to long-term health benefits. By incorporating ginger tea into your routine, you can harness its potential to promote cellular health and overall vitality.
Respiratory and Sinus Support: The warming properties of ginger tea can provide relief from respiratory ailments such as coughs, congestion, and sore throat. The tea's natural expectorant qualities may help to expel mucus, alleviate congestion, and soothe irritation in the respiratory system. Ginger tea serves as a comforting companion during seasonal allergies or common colds, promoting easier breathing and overall respiratory well-being.
Stress Relief and Relaxation: Ginger tea not only nurtures the body but also calms the mind. The soothing and comforting properties of ginger tea can have a positive impact on stress levels and anxiety. Sipping on a warm cup of ginger tea can induce relaxation, promote a sense of tranquility, and provide a brief respite from the demands of a busy day.
Ginger tea, with its remarkable array of health benefits, offers a natural and holistic approach to enhancing well-being. From supporting digestion and reducing inflammation to bolstering the immune system and promoting relaxation, ginger tea is truly a gift from nature. Incorporating this warm and invigorating beverage into your daily routine can provide a soothing ritual while offering a multitude of health advantages. Taste Ginger tea by Ceylon Valley Tea
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viridiaxnse · 1 year
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Eating a little healthier lately <3 progress
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petraviskisworld · 2 years
Hallgatni a szívverését,
 De a pulzusa lüktet és gyorsul.
Átvenni teste remegését és vele reszketni,
Néha olyan érzés mintha a kezek amik a melleiden a köröket futják igazából a tieid lennének.
Egyszerűbb így gondolni.
Lassan alámerülni és a tudatállapotod átkapcsolni.
 Csak sodródni.
Tudod ,hogy meg kell tenned hát a kezeid megkegyelmeznek ,a testedben elraktározott kalóriákhoz nyúlnak.
Boldog emlékeket esznek ,hogy ezt túlélhesd.
Egy prostituáltnak gondolnia kell a jövőre.
Olyan ,mint amikor fáradtan es éhesen még elmosogatod az edényeket az étteremben.
Már egyedül vagy.
Forró víz ,csípős tisztítószer
és szemcsés kávé zacc a bőrödön.
Alig állsz a lábadon, alig viseled el magad fölött.
Csak egy hínáros mocskos áramlat ami végigfolyik rajtad.
Vagy te folysz végig rajta?
Elnyom és nem ellenkezel.
Egyszerűbb mosolyogni és csak a bizsergésre gondolni.
Mint a kellemes, világos lager.
Éhes vagy ,hát harapsz és mozog a szád.
A nyelveddel nem érzed a falat ízét.
A jóllakottságot várod.
Túl hosszú nap volt.
Kimertültél és az emberek kiittak.
Nem könyökölsz fel ,igazából még a szemed sincs erőd most kinyitni.
Elképzeled ,hogy csak álmodod.
Csak hagyod, hogy a befeszült izmaid egy forró kéz ellazítsa és a combod szétnyissa.
A sikamlós dolgok is sokfélék lehetnek,
Szirupos ,nyákos, nyálas, olajos, csúszós...
Ez egyik se,
csak nedves, ragacsos és tapadós.
Mint nyári kánikulában a forró délutánok.
Amikor az emberek hűvös szobára és ropogós lepedőre vágynak.
Meztelen igazság.
Az úszás elött meg kell tanulni visszatartani a levegőt ,ha elsüllyednél.
A fulladás nem opció.
Megtanultam úszni.
A bőrkeményedéses ujjak amik előbb még finoman es puhán simogattak ,most a torkodnak feszülnek.
Az álkapcsod alá simul és ütemesen elnyomja a gégéd.
Ilyenkor nem úszni kell ,hanem nem megfulladni.
A nyitott ablakon egy zavarodott holló repül be véresen.
Eltörhetett a szárnya ,nem sikít.
Nem sír, nem sikít.
Megcsókol egy anyajegyet. Egy régen elnyomott cigicsikk.
A emberek szeretik a sebeket. Erre gerjednek.
Tiszta bőrön a szeplőkre.
Friss lepedőn a vérre.
Katolikus kislányokra felszakadt szájjal.
De ne legyen túl sok ,az már mocskos.
Amikor a torkod elszorul és sírni akarsz az a legjobb.
Éhes vagy és korog a gyomrod.
Előny a világos bőr ,némi szeplő vékony ,törékeny csontozat.
Kilátszó borda ,puha ,vékony bőr, lapos has ,kicsi, gömbölyű, izmos mell.
Ideálok fenntartások nélkül.
A kulcscsontodat szívja, beléd harap ,
eszik belőled.
Ő csak a létezésedre vágyik. A nem ellenkezésre.
Az irányításra. Nem kell csinálnod semmit.
Maximum egy párszor megsimítod a hátát.
Neki nem kell mozgatnod a csípőd.
Ha befeszítenéd a feneked csak még jobban fájna.
Fáj ,de a fájdalomtól kevésbé érzed helytelennek,
nem kellemes, nem élvezed.
Nem akarod hogy élvezd és ő sem.
Olyan mint a gyömbértea egy kibaszott hideg éjjelen. Gőzölgő ,maró ,forró tea.
Méregtelenít, megöli a benned szaporodó vírust.
Erre vágysz most, egy maró vírusölőre.
Beléd helyezkedik és csak ,hogy legyen mit csinálnia a kezével lefogja a csuklód.
Mint egy kifeszített állat.
Forraltbor. Elég alkohol a felejtéshez és ahhoz ,hogy átmosson.
Fűszeres, kesernyés, forró.
 Illatos szerecsendió, fahéj és szegfűszeg.
Alma és narancs az édeskés friss érzésért ,
egy kicsi nyár a rideg napokra.
A kardamom és a pirított cukor a titok.
Bors vagy chili.
Karácsony egy kurvának.
A nagyapád receptje.
Régen vadászni vitt, lőni tanított.
Nyulat nyúzni és megsütni.
Egy Gíber sosem lehet vad.
A sötétben jobban látszanak az égők.  
Éjszaka örülsz a tompa ,sárgás közvilágításnak.
Télen a kevés melegnek.
Egy forró testnek.
Péntekig be kell fizetni a gázszámlát.
Itt legalább a koszos radiátorok melegítenek.
Nyitva hagyta az ablakot ,a csípős decemberi levegőtől kemény és lila lesz az ajkad.
Fázik a talpad.
Nem gazdag, de van pénze fűtésre, alkoholra és kurvákra.
Rád. Több ,mint ami neked van.
Abbahagyja, felnyög, rád nehezedik. Merev végtagok, megkeményedett izmok.
Mély levegő.
Nem megfulladni.....
Örülsz a puha ruháidnak, a már száraz bőrödnek.
Otthon megfürödnél egy kád vodkában.
Vár a saját ágyad. Fáradt vagy és kimerült.
Az étteremből hoztál haza vacsorát.
Egynapos, félig kiszáradt pogácsa.
Ha átitatod vízzel és megsütöd frissnek hat.
Kívül ropogós ,belül puha és levegős.
Apró zsírcseppek, ha megnyomod.
Minden menthető.
A mai nap még menthető.
Lemostad a vért.
Most olcsó szappan illatod van.
Fáj a hasad.
A kikopott ágynemű és a kis, üres lakás megnyugtat.
Ez csak a tiéd. Ezért dolgozol.
Ezertől számolsz vissza ,hogy elaludj...
999, 998, 997, 996, 995, 994, 993, 992...
983, 982, 981.....
960, 959..
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