#Glee-What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
gleesongtournament · 11 months
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #63: 2012
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Gotye, Carly Rae Jepsen, Fun, Maroon 5, Ellie Goulding, The Wanted, Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, One Direction. End description]
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We're starting to see the sound of the 2010's differentiating itself from the 2000's. EDM and dance pop is still big, especially that "festival sound". Nicki Minaj's Starships and Rihanna's We Found Love are notable examples of the "wordless chorus" (where the song builds up to a drop or some other kind of musical phrase instead of a traditional chorus) that will continue to shape the decade's musical landscape. We'll also start to see more examples of songs being attributed to the producer in addition to, or in some cases instead of, the vocalist.
But what's especially interesting this year are the new ways artists are being able to grow an audience. Traditional methods of promotion like TV are still present, with Fun's We Are Young gaining widespread popularity from its cover on Glee and One Direction gaining their initial popularity off of The X Factor. But this is the year we're starting to see the trends shifting. While Carly Rae Jepsen was already making a name for herself in the Canadian music scene through her appearance on Canadian Idol, her debut hit Call Me Maybe, started to take off in the States after Justin Bieber tweeted about it. This wasn't the first time a song blew up online, and it wasn't even the biggest this year.
I won't bury the lead: this was the year Psy's Gangnam Style took off worldwide. However, the song is not featured on this poll, because it only made it to number 47 on the Billboard Year-End chart. This is notable for any Korean language song (especially at the time), but for a song that was so universally known and parodied, if feels odd that it wasn't bigger than it was. The reason for that is Gangnam Style became popular through its music video, and Billboard didn't factor YouTube views into their charts at the time. Billboard changed their data collection to include YouTube views later this year. Was it because of Psy? Maybe. But after this year, we'll start to see a lot more instances of songs taking off in part to the performance of their music videos -- even more than the peak of MTV in the 80's.
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melishade · 1 year
what would happen if Optimus would to land in AOT before the plot began, when it during Ymir founding titan time?
Oh god Optimus is gonna go from:
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Timestamp 0:29 seconds
In about 5 seconds.
Optimus is about to become feral Optimus again. It's gonna be great.
So Optimus being dropped right in the beginning means that nothing would have happened. Attack on Titan wouldn't have taken place and a story of tragedy becomes one of healing and living.
Let's say Optimus gets dropped near a battle with Ymir's titan form completely active. Optimus sees her attacking an army of humans and immediately springs into action to attack her. Eldian weaponry isn't helping. It's just spears and shields. It can't do much to him, and the Marleyans are thinking: just let this happen, they might kill each other.
Optimus is weaving and bobbing around Ymir's titan form because of how massive it is. And he's trying to find out her weaknesses to kill her. I'd like to think that because she's the original titan shifter and not split into nine parts in this moment, she would have an immunity to energon. So his blasters aren't doing much and he needs to get a clean shot.
But then Optimus hears something. He hears someone barking a command, an order, a slew of insults at this creature. And...it was reacting negatively. Optimus managed to follow the noise and realized that it was King Fritz shouting at the beast.
"You pathetic slave!" King Fritz roared, "Do your job and kill that monster! You are of no use to me if you can't do your job! Obey you useless whore!"
Optimus is just mortified while Ymir's attacks get more desperate, more urgent. Someone who's trying to fix a mistake so they won't suffer consequences. Her cries even become louder, causing the Marleyans to cover their ears. Optimus sees that this isn't a monster. It's someone who's afraid. Ymir manages to slam her fist down on top of Optimus, but Optimus manages to catch it and force it upwards. He is struggling due to the force, and Ymir is trying so hard to kill Optimus, but Optimus is stronger than she thought. The Eldians are cheering and the King is smiling with glee, while the Marleyans are looking on with fear at the prospects of their survival. Optimus sees tears pooling out of those empty eye sockets, and his spark just breaks.
"You are not a slave!" Optimus shouts at her, "You do not have to be! You have the power to choose your own fate! You do not have to serve him if you do not wish to! You are allowed to be whoever you wish to be!"
"Kill it, slave!" King Fritz shouted at her, "Or I'll caste you out forever!"
"Kill the monster!" Both Marleyans and Eldians shouted, the Eldians at Optimus, and the Marleyans at Ymir.
"You are not a monster either!" Optimus told her, "All I see is a broken soul acting on command out of fear! He is not making you feel safe! He is taking advantage of your strength! Please, let me help you, and I swear that I'll protect you!"
Optimus could feel Ymir's fist loosen, but she did not stop her assault. She was still trying, but wavering in her resolve.
"I will not caste you out! I swear you will never be alone again! Whatever act you make from now on will be your own! But please let me protect you! Please let me save you!"
Optimus then grunts as Ymir stops her assault completely. He's venting as he's looking up at her. He couldn't read her face because it was a skull, but her hands were trembling. Before Optimus could decipher what that meant, Ymir cried out in pain as King Fritz and his men were climbing on her titan form, intending on getting to her actual body. Optimus doesn't know that and quickly climbs onto her back, just under her nape. He doesn't want to fire at humans but they are climbing fast. Optimus then feels steam right behind him and turns in horror to see a teenage girl coming out of the nape of the neck. There were marks on her face, but her gray eyes and tears told a clear message.
"...Please...save me..."
Optimus then pulls Ymir out of her titan form and fires at the corpse in front of the Eldian army. A good portion of the men are blown back and the corpse begins to disintegrate. Optimus uses the smoke cover from the corpse to flee and transform into his alt mode, with Ymir in tow before driving as far away from the battle as he could. He doesn't even think about stopping for a second. The Marleyans, sensing the opportunity, almost thinking it was from the heavens, charge at the Eldian army who are confused and in disarray. They end up killing King Fritz, and the Eldian Empire quickly falls as soon as it began to rise.
About 12 hours later, Optimus feels that he's at a safe distance away and finds a cave to stay in. He sees that Ymir is passed out and checks to make sure that she's alive. He turns on the heater and quickly finds a way to set a fire in the cave and get something for her to eat and drink.
When Ymir wakes up, she's a little woozy, but then in a state of panic as she sees that she's in Optimus' alt mode, thinking that it's another prison. She's prepared to transform, but Optimus quickly opens the door with his holoform and reassures her that everything is alright.
"It is alright," Optimus reassured, "You are safe. I swear. I will not hurt you."
Optimus saw the girl's labored breathing slow to a stop. He saw that she took a look at her surroundings, realizing that the two of them were in a cave together. Ymir saw the fire, some fish on a stick cooking above it, and a rock shaped cup next to the fire.
"You must be hungry, right?" Optimus began as he walked over to the fire and grabbed the fish, "This should sustain you for a while until we find an adequate source of food."
Optimus handed the stick over to her and guided her hands to hold the cooler end of it. Optimus then grabbed the rock cup and showed it to her.
"This is freshwater," Optimus explained, "There was a river nearby. It is safe to drink. I made sure of it."
Optimus grew stiff when the girl suddenly started to cry, her tears stained her tattered dress and hit the scales on the fish. "I am sorry." Optimus placed the cup down. "You must be overwhelmed. I did not mean to frighten you. Do you desire some time? I would be more than fine to give you some space-!"
Optimus grunted as Ymir quickly grabbed Optimus and held him tight. She continued to sob in his chest and furiously shook her head. He winced a little as her grip got tighter, but not once did he force her to let go.
"I do not know what you have endured," Optimus began, placing his hands on her back, "But I swear to you, young one. As long as I still function, I will not let anyone harm you. You are safe now. I promise."
So instead of Optimus going through turmoil, horror, and pain, he's going to be giving Ymir the best life she could possibly have. Which would include.
-Optimus recognizing that she was technically mute (I mean we don't hear her speak) so Optimus teaches her how to read and write so they can communicate better. Optimus doesn't know her name for the longest time because of this barrier.
-Ymir's conditioning is slowly undone with time. Cause she was continued to be a slave and has immense trauma and Optimus has to help her through that.
-Optimus having to find a way to map out a world that's practically in the stone ages for someone like him.
-The Marleyans end up taking over instead, but they swear on peace instead. They tell tales of Optimus as a deity from the stars who defeated the devil of the Earth. Because Optimus just came in, defeated Ymir, and left, and because he's made of metal, they think he's not of this world.
-Ymir's eldest daughter, Maria, still exists in this universe. Because King Fritz gave her a 'reward' before that battle, and is showing symptoms of pregnancy about 8 weeks later. And it's freaking both Optimus and Ymir out because they were not equipped for this. They don't know how to handle teen pregnancy.
(I am willing to write more about this if someone asks. But yeah, Optimus being dropped into Ymir's time would lead to a world of peace. Hell, let's assume the future of this timeline is the Attack on High School AU Isayama made at the end of each manga chapter. Lol.)
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rawrsatthetree · 4 months
Idk how people can make dedicated content for their tav. I have a new Tav every month that I focus on and make a whole story for and ultimately drop for the next Tav to infect my mind.
Anyways my current Tav of the month is a human oath of devotion Paladin with an urchin background who’s an AU version of my dark urge where they aren’t a Bhaalspawn and got to grow up with their foster family instead.
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Ala'onna (An Elven name that means keeper of harmony). 26 years old.
They were adopted by their dads, a 300 year old retired paladin dwarf and a 650 year old retired ranger elf, who run a bakery on the outskirts of Riften. They always dreamed of growing up to be an adventurer like their dads, inspired by their many bedtime tales. They spent their childhood running around the lower city and exploring the sewers getting into trouble while their Vul (dwarf dad) would sell baked goods from his cart. They got mixed up with some ruff kids and learned how to swindle and steal. One day a strange pale girl with even paler eyes joined their little group of would be thieves. Everything was fun and games until this strange girl killed one of their friends, pushing him from one of the high city walls and watching with glee as he splattered on the cobblestone below. They watched in anger as flaming fists just shrugged it off and refused to even acknowledge those most in need of protection. They vowed to work hard to become a real hero that would protect everyone who was in need, even those others deem unworthy of protection.
They were on their way back to the city after an adventure to check on their Vul and Ada when they got snatched up by the mindflayers.
When the party got to Baldur’s Gate they were super excited to introduce all the companions to their fathers however they had both decided come out of retirement and went off to fight the Absolute’s army.
They don’t recognize that the pale girl from their childhood was Orin but they do admit she seems hauntingly familiar. They were a bit too young to run around in the same circle as Karlach and a little too low-class to play with Wyll. They had bumped into Astarion before, on a night they were out far later than they were supposed to be, they were dared to pick pocket him since he looked wealthy and stupid. He frightened them off flashing his fangs and glowing red eyes threatening to drain them dry if they didn’t piss off. They refused to sleep alone for the next month waking up from nightmares of a vampire trying to bite them in their sleep. Astarion doesn't remember, but they do. They don't just recognize he's a vampire that night when he tried to bite them, but specifically the vampire that haunted their nightmares as a child.
They think they tread the line of an oath breaker but, for all their grey morality, they always stand up to evil. Even if their definition of evil is a little more fluid and grey. They try not to judge creatures based on what they are or people based on their background. "Stealing is ok, the real evil is the rich that let you starve"; "maybe goblins wouldn't be like that if people treated them with kindness and respect" that sort of thing. This does make them very naive, they're open mind getting in the way when they really shouldn't trust or give people a chance. They fight with themselves to see the good in the world, for them it's a choice they make, in spite of everything. They tend to shoulder too much, when bad things happen it's their fault. They should have been stronger, they should have been quicker, they should have known better.
They actually have a really low constitution for a paladin, it's only 11. Yes they still always use compel duel, yes they go down every other fight, yes Astarion is loosing his mind over his knight in shining armor with a death wish. They also have laughably low wisdom (8) and intelligence (9).
Growing up everyone thought they were actually half dwarf because they're 5'3" and kind of stocky. They're not really self conscious or anything, they know they're muscular (18 strength) and their chubbiness is just proof of being raised in a loving home with good food and lots of bread (their Vul taught them this).
They're Ada was a little more distant from them than their Vul that dotted on them constantly. Not that he didn't love them as much, but being 660 years old will make you a little distant or so their Vul told them. They wouldn't say they have daddy issues since their Vul is also their dad, more specifically they Elf daddy issues. They are embarrassingly desperate for attention and validation from specifically Elven men. Astarion is blissfully unaware of this, of course they want his approval that's what he's manipulating them for. Halsin however knows.
They're not fluent but they can speak and understand a bit of Elvish and Dwarfish as well as some thieves chant.
Their second highest stat is charisma and they love to sing. They swear they should have been a Bard but the schooling is much more expensive than some starter armor, a sword, and an oath.
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howlingday · 1 year
Can you do a Killing Joke climatic fight with the Curious Cat please?
Ooh! I think I can!
Ruby flinched as a branch rustled beside her. Separated once more from her friends, but stronger than she was before, she hunted her prey hidden in the shadows. Crescent Rose ready in front of her, she took slow, steady, cautious steps through the thicket of limbs and leaves. All the while, her prey called to her in an echo.
"Let me ask you something," The Curious Cat purred from all around, "what does it matter if you kill me if it doesn't matter to me?" She tried to listen for movement, but the cat was too careful to be caught. She turned, thinking she saw it's tail twitching above the leaves. "The Rusted Knight has already been driven insane, and I have proven that there's no difference between you humans and the people of the Ever After. All it takes is one bad day, and you are denied what you deserve. Just one bad day."
Ruby spun around and blocked Neo Cat clone that leapt on her. Shifting Crescent Rose she made quick work of her, only to be surrounded on all sides by more. They all jumped her at once.
"You had a bad day once, too, didn't you?" Ruby drifted around a clone and severed it apart from behind. "You had a bad day, and everything changed." The clones danced around her, swiping at her with their claws as she ducked and weaved. "Dressing up in that hood doesn't hide who you are; it screams it!" Ruby blocked another attack and threw a clone into another. "Did mother not return home like she promised?" She capitalized on their disorientation and slew them both in their stupor. "Did your sister get chopped up by a lunatic?" More clones arrived and drove her to the ground, knocking her weapon away. "You keep trying to find reason in all these tragedies, keep clinging to some hope that everything will all work out like some fairy tale!" Tanking the blows to her aura, she reached out her hand and grasped her scythe, transforming herself into a whirlwind of rose petals and blades. "You make me want to puke!"
Panting, she took a moment to breathe. Nothing hurt beyond bruises. Her aura took it all, and even then, it wasn't much lost. Closing her eyes, she concentrated.
There. Through those branches. Leaves flitted down like feathers. She approached, more determined than she was before.
"So what was it that changed you?" The voice echoed, getting louder as she closed in. "Were you too expectant of the world? Did someone abandon you in your time of need? Oh, it was something like that! I'm sure!" Around her, the voiced boomed from all sides. She closed her eyes to focus, to be the huntress she wanted to be. "Because something like that, happened to me."
Ruby spun around, ready to strike!
"Sometimes it happened this way, and sometimes it happened that way."
...But was met with a twig clattering to the floor.
"I mean, aren't the best stories told from another's perspective? My point is..."
Ruby hit the tree hard as something struck her side.
"I went crazy." Dazed, Ruby tried to stand up. "And I'm smart enough to admit it!" A paw slammed her chest, forcing the air out of her lungs. "Why can't you?!" The pressure let up, only for her to be knocked to the ground by another paw. "By clinging to reality, you deny reality itself!" She tried to stand, but was assaulted by more and more batterings on the ground, like a cat playing with a kill.
"I mean, do you know how many Red Kings, how many Rusted Knights, and how many chess pieces I've had to put up with?!" They ripped a limb free, patting and hefting it. Ruby felt it's weight as it crashed into her. "You silly girl, it's all a game! Everything and everyone that anyone has ever cared about! It's madness!"
Ruby looked up. There they were. Those same eyes that looked at her with such glee and... curiosity. With panting breath, their wavy and distorted form became clearer. "Why can't you see it through my eyes?!" Claws sprang free from their bean-like homes. "WHY AREN'T YOU MAD?!"
As the bladed appendages came down, they struck hard and deep...
...cutting a rose petal in half. Following the trail, those same curious eyes met silver ones. Between each set of eyes was a red high impact sniper rifle.
The Cat reeled from the pain as they were shot, but had little time to react as a scythe blade nipped and sliced from all angles at once, pushing them on the back foot. With a single strike, The Curious Cat rolled out of the shadows and into the light.
"Because I've already heard it before." Ruby loaded a dust round from her belt. "And it was stupid the first time."
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OC design post!
This is what Augustus looked like in August of 2021. I spent so long on it because of the shape language, color choice, clothing, pose and even background. 2 years later, I'm still happy with it but I have significantly changed Augustus' entire character so it is unfortunately outdated.
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His outfit is fairly similar, but it's a little lighter, his build is a bulkier and the style is significantly softer.
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Also elephant in the room, he's white as crap in drawing one and black in the second one! In August of 2021, his mom was not Ione. That decision came around in early 2022. I changed his skin tone and hair texture to match.
So what about them? Glad you asked! Augustus is a king, but more importantly, he is a mentor character.
See, in 2021, he was a slimey pure evil villain but I changed that in 2022 (made him really good but spring this year, I made more edits and he is a little bit morally grey) and I think the design is a fun way of showing the change.
Design 1 is shape, he hides his body (and therefore himself) with a large cape and a blouse that is too big for him, he holds a sword but conceals it with his cape because he doesn't want the general public to know he's planning a war and he's got an excellent smirk. Not explaining how, but the background is just how his long dead wife still haunts him 900 years after he killed her. He's just really slimey and I've gotten loads of praise for this drawing on how well I captured that :]
Drawing 2, he's physically stronger. He still has a sword, but shows it because he's proud that he can defend his people from the monsters of the north western waste. He still has a cape because he's a very private person, but it isn't used to make himself seem bigger or greater than he is like in the first drawing.
What's the purpose of this post? EXCELLENT QUESTION! You've been BAMBOOZLED! It was dear emperor all along!
So I've talked about how Augustus' design has changed with his character, how he was a slimey pure evil villain then became a mentor. Why am I doing this?
Obviously it's because I love infodumping.
Well, also that, but it's actually about Volker. If I were to design a pure evil villain, I'd likely just look at some disney (classic, not recent, good grief) and anime villains I like, sketch up something neat and call it a day, right?
That would be a perfectly okay process, if it weren't for Volker's genre of pure evil. He's pure evil and obviously lies and uses everyone around him, but he's also physically huge and has led soldiers on a battle field, not to mention that my main inspiration for him is Damon Gant from ace attorney, Volker is a mentor figure for Ira and aesthetically then dear emperor is heavily inspired by triangle strategy and breath of the wild.
That's so many things to take into consideration!
He has to be pure evil, so horrible he would kill his own sister, the gods that protect the world from [unnamed thing] and lies with a bright smile, but he also has to look like a dad who would swing a battle axe with glee. Do you see the problem. He needs the vibes of Griffith (berserk) (minus the rape) and Harvey (octopath 2) but I also want him to look like Landroi (triangle strategy). Not to mention that I haven't even begun to think of what rich people might wear in Odeda! I only have commoners' clothing pinned down! And Volker isn't just rich, he's the king of a country that occupies like 5 other countries! He's rich rich!!!
Conclusion? Just thinking of Volker's design gives me a headache and I'm excited to start designing him and I'll document that miserable process.
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apricusapollo · 4 months
rip obi-wan kenobi, you would've loved jamming to this after the fall of the republic
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Heyyyy u undertale au angst demons I have ur lab angst foood it'll get even tastier too ;)
Killer by @/rahafwabas
Dust by @/ask-dusttale
Z by me :)
Killer was angry at himself. He hated the feeling of urgency that he had to save Cross. Why would he do that? He's an emotionless piece of corrupted determination trash whose main and probably only use is being a killer dog with rabies. 
Cross was right. Cross was right and they didn't believe him. How could they, when what he was saying sounded like total nonsense. If the boss was defeated, something is seriously wrong. That was proven already. 
Cross doesn't have an au anymore. That makes him an "outcode", right? That meant he was in danger. Z said something about outcodes, he thought. 
Cross isn't his little little brother- no. Fuck. He's only had one brother, and he's long dead. Because of him, even. This "little brother" feeling for Cross feels like shit and he hates it. But… it's there and he can't really do anything about it. Suppressing it seems to make it stronger for some reason. 
He was kind of stuck right then, though. At least he was not in total silence. Dust was on the table on the other side of the room, mumbling incoherently in a panic attack and occasionally bursting out in angry screams. At least those "voices" came while he was restrained…? There was a somewhat relieving feeling for being retrained. Because of… his own issues. But right then, he needed to get out. 
Killer turned to look at Dust, trembling and quietly sobbing. He is no help right now. 
Usually it isn't too hard for him to get out of restraints. But this? The metal around his arms and torso, then his wrists, then his legs and ankles felt like they were molded to his body. He couldn't budge. 
"BITCH ASS HOE MOTHER FUCKER I'M GONNA KILL YOUR BITCH ASS!!" He knew Z could hear it. But the continued silence aside from Dust's mumbles only fed his infuriation. "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME YOU FUCKIN PIECE OF SHIT!" …. "SHIT EATING BITCH FUCKER!!" 
More of… nothing. 
"Asshole bitch" He said, looking up at one of the cameras on the ceiling. Many colorful ways of killing Z came to mind which made Killer smile.
One more… "bitch ass"... he said with a grin.
Okay one more actually. "Shitty ass fucker!!!"
He had to hold back a flinch when the automatic slide door opened. "I think you need a bigger vocabulary."
Killer pressed everything he had against the restraints. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!"
Z doesn't spare Killer a look. Killer has to strain his eyes to see him at a counter by the door he entered from. 
"Your gonna be in fucking shreds so quick you'll already be fucking dust before your ass actually starts dusting!"
Z looked up at Killer and approached him. He hadn't noticed the damp sensation on his face until Z was looking down at him curiously. Way too close for comfort. Killer gnashed his teeth at him. "Oh my God you're like an angry wild kitten." Z put his fingers over his mouth to shield his glee.
"Fuck you I'm your worst n-" Z interrupted him when he took the dull end of a knife to scoop off a sample of the black liquid on his face. He wasn't startled enough to not try to bite him, though. "-NIGHTMARE- I'm your worst nightmare!! Don't touch me jackass!!" 
Z snickered then scraped the black liquid inside the rim of a small beaker. He put a cap on it and set it on the counter. 
Dust's mumbling became rapidly louder which turned their attention towards him. A "stop" or "I can't" or "no" along with much more slurred words that are harder to translate. The mumbles became speaking, then yelling and crying. Z decided to do something about it. "NO! no- NO"
Z rushed over to the thrashing Dust and pulled an air mask over his face. 
"The fuck are you doing to him!?!" Killer shouted when he saw Dust stop moving. 
Z peered over at Killer. "Chill out. It's anesthesia." Z unlocked one of Dust's wrists and held it up to show Killer it was bleeding. His thrashing and the metal restraints were making him injure himself.  
Killer went quiet. A relief to Z's hearing. 
Did he just…
Killer's confusion was giving him a worse headache than he already was having.
Z locked Dust's wrist back up then grinned at Killer. "Healthier subjects means more accurate test results!"
Oh fuck this. Fuck him.
"Your a fucking ass bitch fuck I hate you. You're gonna fucking die because I'll KILL YOU FUCKER!!"
Silence gone, Z sighed. "Come up with more insults, please." 
"Hehe no you fucking suck and you're an asshole." 
Z ignored him, picking up the beaker with the sample of Killer's corruption in it. He left the room. 
As Z left, Killer yelled at him: "Where's Horror, you ass!? You better not touch him! Don't you dare touch any of them!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" The door slides shut. 
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starofnyra · 8 months
I just wanted to make a decent dude dragonborn and oh no he's kinda hot
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"Kill the firstborn of Akatosh that's literally called the World Eater, and end all war in Skyrim without setting the world on fire. One of those things is impossible, and I like our chances with the dragon."
Anyway... meet Anfortas Areyllion: gentleman rogue, or roguish gentleman? A dunmer from High Rock who's travelled across Tamriel in search of stronger foes, he's made a name for himself as an extremely proficient warrior, to the point that many factions, both shadowy and noble, have tried to court him into their side -- to no avail. It doesn't matter whether you're the world's worst enemy, a hero, or a god. So long as you're stronger than him, he's out to get you.
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Because High Rock is all about "who you're born to" and not who you come to be, Anfortas has a special distaste for born talent or people in places purely for their bloodline. Which makes him being the Dragonborn so, so funny. He takes great pride in his hard-earned skills as a rogue and archer, things he wasn't good at in his clumsy younger days.
If I could mod it in, I'd give him a Belmont-style whip too.
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Anfortas has no particular care for how things should be. If anything, the more enforced the order of things is, the more he's eager to defy it. A dunmer from the slums shouldn't be writing poetry, knitting sweaters, and reading up on Talos? Guess what he likes to do in his free time.
Sure, he has to earn money somehow. It's a good thing he's not opposed to clearing out bandit camps or necromancy temples every now and then. But really, could Tamriel come with a bigger challenge?
Alduin: proceeds to exist.
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In my playthrough, he starts off a Thalmor prisoner -- our boy has been raising the hairs on the back of their necks lately. But with a little improvised lockpick and some backup from Kaidan, he made it out just fine. Fine enough, that he had no qualms picking up Taliesin, despite him being a Thalmor agent.
By Anfortas' reasoning, if two fugitives and a turncoat don't send the Thalmor running to them, then how else could he goad the Thalmor into a fight?
Well, maybe he should pick up the runaway prince in Solitude while he's at it.
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Anfortas is always ready to mention how he killed legendary-beast-so-and-so or powerful-person-whatsit, with a roguish, monotone drawl and idle morbid glee. Want to learn the six slowest ways to kill someone with a toothpick? Need a refresher on Wayrest-style brawling with a side of improvised weaponry? He's your mer.
Just... don't ask about the scar. Not even the promise of a 1v1 with Akatosh could get that story out of him.
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2013venjix · 10 months
Here’s “What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) (Power Rangers: Legacy Video Mix 2)” by The Troubletones⚡
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lesbianladyhamlet · 1 year
How did the glee writers think it was a good idea to let them sing "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" in an episode about a guy attempting suicide?
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 2
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angelhummel · 2 years
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🔥 Every Santana Lopez Outfit
3x14 On My Way
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princessozera · 2 years
Season 1 Recap
*shitpost- written like a glee episode recap*
"So here's what happened in obey me in case you live under a rock or have been dating real people instead like a normal person.
MC was summoned to the Devildom for some exchange program by the prince of hell, Diavolo.
"Welcome to the royal academy of Diavolo!"
They turned into a sheep for some reason and although everyone here is magic no one bothers to help them change back. MC hears a weird noise and thinks it's a ghost but it turns out to be the missing 7th brothed locked up in attic.
He begs MC for help and MC has no self preservation instincts so they agree and start collecting the other brothers pacts like they're pokemom cards. Lucifer has no idea that MC's met Belphegor but he doesn't trust them so he proceeds to threaten this 2 foot tall sheep in the middle of a dance as if they haven't almost been murdered like 3 times at this point.
Solomon sees this and since he lives to advance the plot, he gives MC some of his power and we learn that MC has some super strong powers themselves- maybe even stronger than Solomon. After getting 5 of the 6 pacts MC admits to Lucifer that they know about Belphegor but before he can kill them, Belphegor shows up in the most dramatic way he possibly can, because of course he does.
Beel is furious at Lucifer for lying about Belphegor, and for locking him up. He almost fights him, but instead takes MC and Belphie to Purgatory hall and starts rambling on about the three of them living on their own. He doesnt get very far because Diavolo amd Barbatos show up and arrest Belphegor- yeah, turns out he really hates the exchange program and even threatened all of the human world to stop it which is like super illegal.
The brothers beg MC to fix this- MC doesn't know how to, but it turns out Barbatos DOES know because he can manipulate time and space so he sends them back in time to right before Belphie is freed. MC goes and manages to open the door to the attic and Belphegor is so grateful he gives them a big squeezing hug. Around their neck.
But it turns out not really because MC's super distant relative was actually an angel that was like a sister to the brothers and was actually the reason MC was chosen as the exchange student for the program. They ask MC to keep caring for the brothers and does some magic hoopla to give MC life again. Old angel magic I guess.
After talking to their ghost grandma MC finds themselves back in a body again so they run downstairs and see Mammon holding their dead and totally fucked up looking body. The body disappears and no one knows what to say aboyt MC being back, but they're done with this magic bullshit by now and makes Lucifer tell everyone about Lilth being reborn as a human after the war. Instead of this starting another nuclear war with the brothers they all mellow the fuck out a bit and knowing Lilith died happy makes Belphegor less stabby. MC saved the timeline and Diavolo even shares his birthday with them for being such a good little human, but they still have to leave after living the most taxing year in exsistance.
And that's what you missed last season on glee Obey Me.
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savethelastdan · 2 years
Sesskagu in which Kagura gains her freedom from Naraku.
This battle is on all
You've made beautiful
Now hateful
You wretched life wrecker
Now suffer
Open fire
On the desire of the man
Open fire
With strife we'll strike down the hand
(Open fire, build the pyre)
If I can't make you see the damage you've made
(Open fire, build the pyre)
I'll make you wish you'd never been alive
"Know your place, Kagura," Naraku snarls. His tentacles wrench her arms so hard that Kagura thinks her shoulders will snap; she fights against it anyway, as he continues. "If I am defeated, then you'll meet your end as well."
At the time, everything had felt hopeless. Sesshomaru had rejected her offer of shards, and Naraku's power grew stronger with every battle.
Kagura chuckles at the memory, brushing blood-soaked bangs out of her eyes. Funny how things change.
Her former master, once a monster beyond the wildest imagination, glares at her from behind a protective barrier. The human priestesses must have worked hard on it, because even from ten yards away its power still makes the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
She doesn't still totally understand what happened or how they did it, but she doesn't have to. It's enough to see Naraku - no, she corrects herself, Onigumo - trapped like an animal. Bandages cover his human body; no more tentacles, or that stolen face. She wonders if the mark on his back has disappeared like hers did.
"Kagura," he croaks, and despite the vulnerability of his situation she still feels a pinch of anger and apprehension. "How can you still live?"
How can you still live, when the spider demon that made up my other half was purified?
After my miasma ripped you open?
While I am trapped, in a fate worse than death?
"Know your place, Onigumo," she says, bare feet scraping the ground as she paces a wide circle around the barrier. "I'm a Lady now, after all."
His lip curls in obvious disgust. Kagura stares back coolly, despite the glee that bubbles in her stomach to know he can do nothing to her now. The barrier crackles - the very thing that once made him untouchable, now keeping any demon from coming to his aid - and she can't help but smile at the sound.
"You must be hungry." Unfolding her fan, she holds it aloft. Onigumo's teeth knash, watching every slight movement she makes with the weapon. "Or maybe not - after all, I hear that so much time spent attached to a demon body has affected you in strange ways."
Kohaku and his sister spend much time discussing it, especially when Kagura's around. But in her opinion, they should simply consider themselves lucky to not have to care for the body left behind after Naraku's defeat, other than making sure it remains behind the barrier.
"Who knows." Kagura tilts her head, circling the fan to bring the wind close. It's a casual display of her power, simply to make him jealous. To remind him that it was always hers, long before he stole it along with her freedom. "Even if not one soul bothers to touch you, you may very well live forever."
What she can see of his face turns red; he shouts her name like a curse, spittle flying from the corners of his mouth. Smiling, Kagura turns and walks away.
Sesshomaru is waiting for her at the foot of the mountain. Jaken and Ah-Un are not at his side, and so when Kagura slips an arm through his, he does not pull away.
"That didn't take long." His tone is steady, but she can sense the tension in the way his gaze drops to the fan still in her hand.
"Well." She shrugs. The words are meant to sound casual, but there's an edge that not even someone as clueless as he is can miss. "He's pretty pathetic nowadays. Not much to look at."
Sesshomaru's jaw tenses. They spend a few moments in silence, walking down the path.
"If he is human now," Sesshomaru says finally, "then he wouldn't be any trouble to kill."
"Yeah." She digs her nails into his arm.
He knows that for some consequences, the risk would be worth it - neither of them care much for the lack of honor in killing a weaker being. Especially this particular one - even Inuyasha agrees on that point.
But the rest of it - the risk that she might fade away before his eyes, at the same moment as the remnants of Naraku's soul disappear - he cannot risk.
Not a second time.
"I suppose I'll just have to keep rubbing his face in it." Kagura's smile is a touch more weary than it should be, for a happy ending.
"Nice night for a funeral, don't you think?" the wind witch sings, teeth glinting like a weapon in the moonlight.
Onigumo watches, horror and fury mounting in his bloodshot eyes, as long tongues of fire stretch greedily towards the sky. The baboon skin he once wore crinkles within the flames, folding in on itself with a sickening smell.
Kagura dances barefoot around the smoldering logs on the opposite side of the barrier. Dark shapes are deposited into the fire by her winds; chunks of stone from the fortress Naraku crept around on his human nights, Kagewaki's robes turned to tattered ribbons, handfuls of shriveled dead saimyosho.
If the Shikon jewel had survived its battle with Kagome, Kagura would have happily let that burn, as well. But these pathetic remnants will have to do.
It shocks her into laughter to think that he once considered her the same as these things. Something to own, to restrain, to wield.
As her shadow is swallowed by streaks of orange and bright white, she knows that in all the ways that matter, Naraku (and Onigumo, too) are dead. Tonight, while that shell of a monster watches the flames burn down into ash, Kagura will harness the world's winds to carry her through the sky; she'll laugh, and curse, and dance as much as she likes. She'll only touch down again once she's reached the side of a man who loves her, and not a moment sooner.
She'll be free, now and forever.
send me song lyrics and i'll write a short one-shot fic to go with them
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stabby-with-love · 3 years
Fitzcarraldo (II)
n. An image lodged deep in your brain, waiting to be awakened and brought back to reality.
<- Fitzcarraldo I ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ت︎ Fitzcarraldo III ->
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"Do it!" an old man shouted at his son. The male teenager fiddled with the tanegashima rifle in his hand, the vassals of his father lay around them, crimson pooling under their lifeless bodies. It was an attack to their family, a move to extinguish the flames of the proud Date Clan. The sadistic glee evident in the mastermind's face as he held the Date Clan Head with a knifepoint to his neck meant that they were close to winning.
"B-but, this is going to kill you!" the teenager exclaimed in anguish. "Do it for the Date Clan! Do it for Oshū!" the old man exclaimed as his wife lay weeping on the floor. "No! Oh please! No!!" she pleaded, to whatever person, god, or even creature could hear her. The rifle in Masamune's inexperienced hands felt like lead. It was no longer just a gun, the whole clan depended on his decision.... his father depended on his decision. He knew what he had to do, raised the gun to point at the mastermind who is using his father as a human shield. His father looked at his mother one last time, mouthed a quiet 'I love you...' before his son pulled the trigger and --- a woman's anguished wail was heard that night. Masamune defended his land... but at what cost?
A monster. A One-Eyed Monster, that is what he was. The council chamber's walls had splotches of crimson that spread, the tang of blood stronger and the scent of gunpowder lingers in the air, the lifeless heads of the corpses turn to face him, with their crooked fingers they point.. a shrill high-pitched scream "Y̶O̶U̶ S̶H̶O̶T̶ Y̶O̶U̶R̶ F̶A̶T̶H̶E̶R̶." their mouths twisted into a haunting grimace... " .......M̶U̶R̶D̶E̶R̶E̶R̶."
Masamune woke up in cold sweat. He looked around the dark room... They were back in Azuchi, the war on three sides... his lovely (Name) lay gently beside him. It was a dream, a nightmare that has come back to haunt him again. He could never forget the look on his mother's face after he pulled the trigger. She disliked him due to having only one eye. He was used to her disgust, yet seeing fear in her eyes as she looked at him that night broke something in him...
Wasting no time, he leaned down to his sleeping lover's chest. He closed his eyes to savor the sound of her gentle breathing and put his ear over her heart. It was to assure himself that she is alive and that she is still with him. After losing hope in thinking about his future, she arrived and embraced him with the warmth he never knew he longed for. She kissed his closed eye, accepted all his shortcoming and imperfections, and showed him her smile, hopeful for her future, even in the face of an uncertain life that fate had dealt her with. She gave her something to lose, yet gave him the strength to love again, to live again, to be happy again.
"I refuse to give up on you, Kitten." he said under his breath. "You are too precious to me. You have no idea how my life changed because of you." he gently stroke her cheek. You stirred a little and made a little sound but continued to sleep blissfully. ".... No matter how many times you forget, I would always remind you. I would always be here for you just like how you are here for me.". His blue eye shone in the quiet night, " Even if you cannot remember me..... I love you... always..".
Tomorrow he would introduce himself to you once more, the next day after, and the next day after..... but he doesn't mind. He has faith in the love you have for each other, you taught him to hope, afterall. You will both get through this and retrieve your memories, he promises. A promise that he would fulfill no matter how long it takes.
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