#Gnostic Catholicism
Hello World!
Merry Meet!!! My name is Rev. Emory, and I am a Gnostic Catholic Priest and Occultist. Ecclesiastically, my main affiliation is with the Gnostic Catholic Union, Under Archbishop William Thomas (AKA, The Happy Heretic). But I do have lots of friends affiliated with the Aquarian Catholic Spiritual Communion under Bishop Tom Simota, and I am discerning studying with them as well! I am also one of the founders of Eden's Circle, a church for Christian Witches. Going backing to even when the church was The Sophianic Church of the Christian Mystic and just starting out on reddit and tiktok, so it has been an absolute blessing to help them grow from day one! https://www.thegnosticcatholicunion.org https://www.aquariancatholicspiritualcommunity.net https://www.facebook.com/groups/696816557926304 As for my other occult practices (Beyond Gnosticism), I will always consider Chaos Magick my 'mother' occult discipline. I started looking up PDFs and reading occult websites when I was a young teenager (Mama, If youre reading this I'm sorry. But Harry Potter didn't have jack to do with any of this. I learned the dark arts on my own :P). I have always considered Chaos Magick as breaking down magick and metaphysics to its most barebones and really messing around with the primordial essence of creation. The source code of the universe if you will. (Also, I am working on a project to synthesize the ideas of chaos magick and gnosticism, its been my baby for almost two years now). I also occasionally dabble in Christian Witchcraft and Divination (Mainly tarot cards). But I will always consider the Gnostic Mass the most important ritual and service I will always preform. The Mass and The Eucharist are the highest and supreme act of Christian Alchemy (To borrow the words of Tau Stephanus of Ecclesia Gnostica), where ordinary bread and wine (Or grape juice) is transformed into the spiritual body and blood of Christ. The Spiritual Nourishment for the soul on its journey through Gnosis and back to unity with God! Beyond the Occult, I am also beginning to study eastern religions, mainly taoism. I am also an Active Freemason (That may be on the fringes of the occult, but whatever lol). I was raised to the sublime degree of A Master Mason two years ago, I am the current sitting Chaplain of my Lodge, and I am preparing for initiation into the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (This up coming weekend as of this writing!!!!) As for non-study related hobbies and past times. Like any other 20-somthing, I'm a huge gamer. I've been on a big Destiny 2 binge as of late (Void/Stasis Warlock Main). I also enjoy Halo, Runescape, and WoW. Im also a newbie wrestling fan (My favorites are Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Domink Mysterio, and my favorite faction is Judgement Day). I'm also really into the Gothic subculture and I'm really active in my local goth scene. I also used to street race, but I retired a several years ago. Heres to the start of a new blogging adventure! Pax Pleroma!
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Remember guys if you think that milk chocolate should be considered evil because it is not as good as dark chocolate you are participating in the ancient heresy of Gnosticism thank you goodnight
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reality-nihilism · 1 month
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A veiled Carmelite nun.
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ocean-not-found · 8 months
My personal Alternative Hail Mary Prayer:
In Traditional Latin and English.
Hail Mary, full of Grace.
Thy Devotees are with you.
Blessed art thou among Women, and Blessed is the fruit of your Womb.
Hail Mary, mother of all,
help us now,
and at the hour of our death,
Queen of Heaven guard us from harm.
Ave Maria, gratia plena, devotus tuus tecum .
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Ave Maria, Mater omnium nostrum,
adiuva nos nunc
et in hora mortis nostrae.
Regina caeli, ab iniuria nos custodi.
Hope someone has benefited from this knowing you can *change traditional Catholic prayers to fit Paganism, Gnosticism or Folk Catholicism!*
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thatscarletflycatcher · 2 months
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brother-emperors · 1 year
How'd you first get interested in the classics in the first place? What was your gateway?
oof, lets see.
god I can't really remember if there was a specific first. I grew up watching documentaries and reading history centric non fiction, so it feels like I've been aware of it forever, it's just that my interest in engaging with it varies. like, periodically I hit a very hostile negative with the classics and it takes a lightning strike of something special for me to get back into it. this current run of classics related fuckery is sponsored by machiavelli!
uhhhh. maybe assassins creed? when the conspirators try to use the shroud on brutus to resurrect him, and it fails, the body moves but there's no life, and they call it a second death?
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that might've been the first time I realized that all of this could be narratively interesting and fun to play with. I have spent YEARS discussing the implications of this with other asscreed friends, and we applied way too much history to all of that.
that was around the time I was in middle/first year of highschool, and the iliad/odyssey were part of the literature curriculum, along with oedipus rex, antigone, and some other tragedies. and ofc dante made me obsessed with the historical virgil.
in conclusion: all of this is a ball of yarn, but probably assassins creed.
edit: tbh it could be that my teacher for the iliad/odyssey/etc also had us watch sword and sandal adaptions of myths. I like groovy visuals, and sword and sandal movies had visuals for days.
edit 2: disney's hercules. I used to fall asleep listening to a cassette tape of the soundtrack when I was. like. 5.
tldr; I have no idea
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tabernacleheart · 10 months
...Frankly, a lot of Christians have internalized the idea that the afterlife just means going to heaven in a disembodied kind of way– that we leave Earth behind and 'never shall we meet again.' And that’s not the actual Christian teaching. It’s not just that we believe in life after death. We believe in life after life after death. That there’s a stage after death in which the soul and body are separated, and if you die in a state of grace, the soul goes to be united with God. But that’s not the end of the story. Then we talk about the resting of the body in death. That’s not going to last forever. There will be a time when the body rises again to be united. And there’s a reason for this. You are not a soul trapped in a body, the way the Gnostics believed and the way that people like John Calvin taught. "Soma sema" was the Gnostic phrase, it just means "body prison", and your body is not a prison. It can feel like a prison because of the limitations. We can talk in an analogous way of being freed from the body, not because the body is "bad", but because it’s so limited. The flesh is weak even when the spirit is willing. But the solution there is for the body to be restored to its original design because you won’t be wholly yourself apart from your body. That even when the souls of the righteous are in the presence of God, there is still a sense we can say they lack something. They have God, so it sounds very strange to say they lack anything. But what they lack is their body. And so this is brought to a completion in the bodily resurrection.
Joe Heschmeyer
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canary-prince · 4 months
If you catch me posting Bible memes I'm not turning into a Christian or whatever the fuck I was before my intense spiritual crisis 2 years ago (or was it three)? I went to school for academic theological studies (analysis of religion from an exterior view point) and recent books have me nostalgic and hyperfixating.
#if anything grief turned me back into atheist#ive been a few things#my dad was raised catholic but is a staunch atheist#and mom was sort of Pentecostal and sort of methodist and is a like#soft atheist who definitely believes in ghosts and curses and shit#and i was an atheist for a long time but i felt drawn to Catholicism#it felt like a culture idk#and then it got more and more comforting to non commitally hover at its edges through witchcraft and loose modern spiritual stuff#and perform mental gymnastics about it and mostly believe large swaths of its mythology without thinking about the moral and human side and#also not converting because i couldn’t face my parents if i did and i also was already aware that i couldn’t#but i kept convincing myself that The Church as an institution could somehow be good despite how evil everyone running it is#and then my education finally got the upper hand over my weird desperate longing to fully believe in something beautiful and nearly ancient#and also my father had repeated lies he didn’t know enough to spot#my education finally made me understand that The Church was only >1000 years old#that the gnostics (originally a jewish tradition according to bart d erhman and he referenced this as being commonly accepted)#were the group which the supposed messiah belonged to and the patristic church (catholic church 1.0) had them all killed#unarmed ascetics starving in the desert the people who wrote the earliest gospels and the church killed them all#there is no textual basis for the authority of the pope#the devil was a comprise#the saints were a marketing tactic#correction: the church is sort over a thousand years old but it went through so many iterations and eras before we got here#to be exact#the church FATHERS aka the church that will become the patristic church in the wake of these dudes#and im fuzzy on if the orthodox church is a fully separate iteration or if it and the patristic are used interchangeably#Catholicism as like a term comes out of the scism with Protestantism i think
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tumbler-polls · 4 months
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ocean-not-found · 6 months
I love you Virgin Mary i love you folk catholicism i love you gnosticism i love you archons i love you cosmology i love you occultism i love you druidry i love you english folk magic.
Muah mwah mwah
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cryptotheism · 1 year
If you could pick one strain of ancient christian heresy to have stuck around til today as an alternative to catholicism what would it be?
Ophite Gnosticism. They had cool shit going on. And it was decentralized. Much harder to build political power.
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ignylinn · 2 days
So, I've read The Locked Tomb series. I liked all three books, and they get better and better. Gideon was the most meh, Nona the best of them all.
I did miss a lot while reading. Memes - did not see a single one, from what I read later here on tumblr they are a bit culture specific, so I just do not know the reference materials. But I was sad to learn that some phrases I particularly liked and which for me were deadly serious a carried a lot of emotional weight were actually memes references :(
I did miss a lot of social commentary for various reasons (culture, current state of my own mind in relations to social and political, etc.).
BUT! T What I competely, totally do not understand is how are these book Catholic or critique of Catholicism or even where the notion of them being somehow related to Catholic worldview comes from.
I mean, I am very much Catholic myself, I love theology, I did Bible studies, etc. And these books - the worldbuilding, the religious themes, are quite Gnostic in nature. And gnosticism is a completely different thing, very non-Catholic. It is also one of the earliest Christian teachings, it predates Catholicism and basically everything else.
So, fellow readers, and fellow catholic readers specifically if you are out there, please please please explain to me where this Catholic thing came from. Where is it, what am I missing here?
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
The Flesh in The Magnus Archives is associated with Christianity in MAG 5 - Thrown Away, MAG 19/20 - Confession/Desecrated Host, MAG 58 - Trail Rations, and MAG 130 - Flesh, and I think that's very interesting, because I started thinking about it yesterday, and I knew that The Flesh was associated with Christianity, but I have Thoughts.
There's a lot of stuff with Catholicism, with the whole eating the flesh and blood of Christ in MAG 19/20. There's also the Lord's prayer appearing in MAG 5 and MAG 58. And then of course the Gnostic temple in MAG 130.
There's also the whole mormon -- and probably other types of Christianity -- idea of heaven stripping away all your flaws, which is actually pretty horrifying if you think about it, and if you're not good in the eyes of God, then you won't go to heaven, and that's often just not being allocishet and other similarly fine things to be and do. And like in the season 5 Flesh episodes, a lot of it was wanting to be seen as useful and good to others at the expense of yourself, and that came with body image issues, and literally marching to your own death -- because if you don't, then you'll be not useful and dead.
I'm not entirely sure how to articulate my thoughts here, but I am thinking. Sure am thinking. Please, think with me.
(AND yes this is an @a-mag-a-day thing, bc MAG 130 got me thinking)
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lovewardeath · 17 days
I’ve decided to go back and start worshipping Freyja again, I just feel this connection to her. I love her so much!
I’ve also decided to start looking into Catholicism & Orthodoxy, especially since I worship Jesus. As well as researching more into Gnosticism.
Still remaining a Satanist/Diabolist and having Satan as my Patron deity.
To be honest, I kinda fell out of Hellenic paganism, but I’m getting back into it, especially towards the Titans.
I remain a religious person. Pagan to still be my title. Here’s a photo of my calendar which has majority of the major & minor religions holidays.
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4chanfetishist · 28 days
in my quest to find a religion that suits my belief i have been around. i have sat at the tables of catholicism, buddhism, paganism, and judaism. and never felt like i was at the right table. my beliefs constantly fall out of place at the table. now im stuck in between this mix of gnosticism and folk catholicism, almost back where i started and im trying to find my place at the table again, but there is transphobia EVERYWHERE i turn here. i am scared to be in spaces i want to belong because people like me are not supposed to be seen. but i was made in the image of God too, right?
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nekropsii · 1 year
Hi, heir-of-rage-and-etc here.
So hypothetically, the psiioniic should have a biblical counterpart like the suffer et al.?
But I'm fucked if I can find one and it's been three days.
Have you managed to turn anything up? I am reading the gnostic gospels so hard
Hope your creative endeavors are going good, you are an inspiration
The Psiioniic and Mituna both very much so resemble St. Joseph of Cupertino to me, in the department of Biblical parallels. He's the Patron Saint of Aviation, Astronauts, and Mental Handicaps. Heavily criticized, scorned, and very much so disbelieved. Key tenets of the Mituna Formula.
When in doubt, comb through other religions. Gnostic text isn't the only place you can draw inspiration from. Catholicism is quite a meaty beast in particular, considering its worship of Saints and such. Much more "mystical" than standard Christianity in that respect. You're always bound to find something at least half accurate to what you're looking for in the extremely expansive list of Catholic Saints.
Also, thank you! They're going quite well, I'd say. Currently working on spriting the Patron Trolls of Sovereignstuck. They're finicky, but I'm managing. It's fun getting funky with where the signs go, and how they're presented. Have a nice day!
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