#GoT stans (extremely derogatory)
I thought I hated things getting popular because I was just sort of bitter but I realize now I hate it because "popular" these days just means "the GoT crowd grabbed it" and they're insufferable
You’re not wrong.
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itchyeye · 7 months
(Different anon) Honestly, you’re not missing out on not listening to TMAGP :/…
I’m keeping up with it and it’s just not very engaging in my opinion. Out of 5 episodes 3 statements were written by guest writers, and like. You can very much tell (derogatory). Something I loved about TMA was Jonny’s writing, and it’s just. Not here anymore.
(And in my opinion I don’t like the new characters. They’re all sort of annoying. This show is extremely office banter based, very little is it about the statements I feel. There’s no discussing them or afterthoughts, they’re read and ignored. Idk people will hate me for this but I just don’t like how it’s all set up, it really is a completely new show.)
Also: It’s not confirmed Augustus is Jonah. It’s all 100% speculation and guesses. And like that alone is not a reason to listen because he only read a single statement and that’s it like the voices atm don’t play any actual role in the story, and they most likely won’t (Jonny and Alex keep pushing that you don’t need to know about TMA to listen to TMAGP so I doubt they’d be like “THIS IS JONAH MAGNUS THE CREATOR OF THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES AN INSTITUTE THAT”- etc etc yknow?)
Sorry for going on a tangent to you I got personally annoyed when that anon kept hardcore pushing at you to listen asgdjs- it’s a brand new show and doesn’t vibe with people the same way TMA did and that’s fine. I’m only listening because idk. I miss Jon LOL.
(And yeah when I hear “Martin” speak at all ever I can’t even remember the statements it all becomes white noise no joke LOL I block it all out.)
oh i don't think it's fair to say the other anon was being pushy!! i think they're just enthusiastic about a show that i don't care about. but thanks for this info!!
i understand why they would lean into an office banter based show, since that seems to be what the vast majority of their patreon-backing fanbase actually cares about, while actively resenting the horror elements of the horror podcast.
if i was trying to bleed money out of the golden egg laying JM-stan goose i would also be offering up tepid office dramedy 🤷‍♀️ it's what the people want!
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Hellers wouldn't in a billion years wish something that orrible (a bullet hitting Jensen or anyone else). We weren't the ones wishing death on a pregnant woman (Daneel) or wishing a man would set himself on fire (Misha) or insulting a teenage girl with a very mysogynistic slur (Kathryn). And so much more, and so much worse. Say and think what you want about us (not sure I really consider myself one tbh) but there're clear limits we don't cross that the more extreme (and not so extreme) JP stans had never have any issue crossing. They're not "no better than hellers", they're a lot worst. Doesn't mean hellers don't have their issues too, ofc.
Not gonna lie, I was pretty tempted to just delete this as a too obvious troll ask. Instead, I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume you've been fandoming from inside some sheltered and skewed bubble that's completely dishonest about what its worst members have been up to.
One OTT Jared stan said that about Rust and was promptly reported by other Jared stans. I'm not sure if the Danneel one was stans or extreme tinhats, which is a slightly different issue - and considering that group also suggested ways Gen could abort Odette, well. To be fair, I don't remember or didn't see the comment about setting Misha on fire, so I can't speak to that context either.
That said? To this day, MULTIPLE hellers still send messages direct to Jared about how they wish he'd died in that car crash. They just did it again recently when he tweeted about the Queen dying. Not to mention the previous instances spanning years back of wishing he had/would kill himself when he had mental health issues. Again, not even just on their own blogs, but tagging him on platforms he uses, hoping he'd see.
It was a heller that threatened to poison the water supply at Jensen's brewery and burn down his house. It was hellers who wrote just as derogatory and misogynistic things as were said about Claire's actress about the actresses that played Anne Marie and Amara for their characters being close to Dean.
That is what I can remember seeing with my own eyes just off the top of my head. I don't keep receipts and I've got work to get done tonight, so I'm not going to dig to give you further blow by blows of every inappropriate, gross thing that side of the fandom has done. I suspect someone who does keep receipts might come along and help out on that count, because there is plenty more.
So I'm just going to reiterate that you are so patently, obviously wrong it was a huge stretch to even take you seriously.
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
back in january i was in this dream anti server, it was full of like redditors and maybe a few 4channers and their main focus was making fun of dream. but also making fun of dream stans and dreams friends. i did not really understand this because they were saying dream was manipulating young teens into his stan twitter cult with parasocial relationships. they said dream was mentally ill (derogatory). they also said his stans were mentally ill (derogatory) and then they went right on to make fun of dream stans for being idiots? they did the same thing for dreams friends and switched between making fun of them and talking about how they needed to escape dreams Abusive Clutches. it was very interesting and i kind of miss the 3 hours i spent in it. they had a whole team of people trying to find infiltrating stans. i got kicked out cause they started using a lot of slurs and told them all i was a wilbur stan and maybe they called me slurs too? i cant remember but after that i was forcefully removed by the owner himself. anyways yknow how wilbur got immensely drunk like twice on stream in december and then ran into the sea and then disappeared for half a month because of extreme anxiety and also put his hand through his window? they said dream was emotionally abusing wilbur and making him mentally ill. they thought wilbur punched his window in a blind trauma induced dream induced rage. anyways looking at verse two of concrete by lovejoy i hope somewhere they are reading it and losing their god damn minds about their conspiracy theories
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ghost arent u like 5 years old why did you do an entire infiltration mission like this i
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
The beauyasha fandom in its heyday was a wonderful place to be and I'm forever grateful I got to be part of the phenomenon in a real way but my god I do not miss the routine of unfollowing a new round of wlw every time Caleb said more than twenty words in a row.
Like folks were straight up like "we don't dislike him because he's autistic, it's that-" and they proceed to list off a list of autistic traits. Of which he had many, largely why so many identified with him. And when folks pointed that out they got hostile about how neurodivergence doesn't mean they have to like him and those of us who weren't crypto radfems were like. Nobody said you had to like him. They're seven flavors of dickhead, you're bound to not mesh with one. But you keep describing his traits using words like white male and male privilege and misogyny and lesbophobia and I really don't think the problem you have is the one you think you have. Do you hear yourself.
Every fucking time.
My favorite thing (extremely derogatory) about it was like so many of them were ostensibly Beau stans? Like most of them would fistfight about how well they apparently knew and related to Beau and I'm sitting over here going "Beau would fucking take your kneecaps for implying she can't check him herself when necessary AND for talking shit about Caleb. In that order of priority." especially that one time everyone insisted Travis/Fjord had stepped in to make him stop because Beau/marisha needed that for some reason. The slashes are because people lost the ability to separate character from player and it was bowlgate all over again. (I don't want anons asking about that so just in case, that refers to the fight they had about the bowl and calianna way early in the series. Like in the teens/20s. I wasn't back on Tumblr or in the fandom until episode 110 and I was still hearing about it. It was bad.)
They're all assholes. Beau isn't magically a better, more permissible asshole because she's a girl. She's the asshole I'm attracted to, but that is not at all an observation that imparts objectivity and Caleb was never ever an edgelord kylo ren character like I kept seeing. He was critical to Beau becoming who she was. She loved him and he loved her.
There's a reason I follow like 10 critical role blogs at this point and like 8 of them are artists and not commentators. Absolutely abysmal how much of being a fan of a wlw ship permitted and encouraged the ideology of terves even among people who overall meant well.
I miss a lot about the b/y heyday but not that. Not even a little.
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this is random but I think it’s funny, so I was lurking some Harry blogs that are literally dedicated to disproving his relationship with Olivia is fake, and it’s just so hilarious to me, like they literally think every relationship that Harrys been in that was high profile is PR, like for one blog I asked a general question on anonymous that was like “do you guys think haylor was PR purely based off the Central Park and NYE stuff or is there something else” and someone responded and linked a video off tik tok from some girl that had a third eye view ig from the Central Park thing and they were like, yeah Harry was away somewhere and Taylor was taking pictures with fans and they were only at the zoo for 10 minutes and said the paparazzi were strategically placed, and they were like “if you were in a relationship why were the paps there and why were you only there for only 10 minutes? PR?!!!” And I’m like……uh probably bc theyre high profile celebrities in a public place in one of the most well known cities in America and ppl recognized who they were, followed them around and somebody tipped off the paparazzi??? Like are y’all dumb?? 1+1=2. Like I’m not ignorant or blind to the fact celebrities do enter pr relationships for attention and financial gain, or that they call the paparazzi on themselves for set up scenarios to push a narrative to the media. But considering what WE know (we meaning the ones that know the tea) it’s literally not rocket science why they were photographed and their logic is so stupid it’s funny, like most of their logic is purely them looking way too into stuff and trying to play detective gadget, like one of them even had “degree in journalism” as if that automatically makes them an expert in PR and relations with celebrities like girl….
Oh and also they all love to push this idea that Harry just gets dragged by the collar in to PR relationships, and it’s always one sided, and he always looks miserable and the girl is the only one benefiting and Harry never acknowledges them and my thing is Harry is grown, yall are treating this man like he doesn’t have bodily and mental autonomy as if he doesn’t choose to be in these relationships with ppl, not saying any of them are fake or not, but my thing is y’all stan Harry based of his authenticity correct? So why’re you stanning somebody that you wholeheartedly believe consciously chooses to be in supposed fake relationships (apparently since he was 18), and when he gets negative attention for it wanna be like “aw poor baby, that fake relationship really took a toll on him” and I’m like that’s HIS own fault, like y’all constantly demonize every woman he’s with, calling them derogatory names under the guise of “she’s actually a terrible person so it’s justified” when most of the time it’s just misogyny. Like with haylor they’ll be like well Taylor benefitted bc she got material to make an album and I’m like you bitches must be dumb and have selective memory, like she was relentlessly degraded and harassed by not only 1D stans but the media and her peers to the point where she felt like she had to be single for a yeah so she didn’t get called a slut, like they really don’t know how bad that mentally fucked with her resulting in her having an eating disorder and her constantly being self conscious about her current relationship and thinks every person that enters a relationship with her doesn’t want to be with her, but yeah it’s poor Harry cus he supposedly looks miserable standing next to someone he chose to be with and chose to be public with. Sorry for the rant but uh whew 😅
THE POINTS YOU MADE. Whew. You stole most of what I had to say right out of the orifices of my brain, but I so agree. It’s such a ridiculous concept that every move celebrities make relationship-wise is somehow related to PR, as well as sad/disturbing and extremely insulting. I’ve seen people who are fans of Harry and/or Taylor say this shit too, and I’m like
1) Do you realize these two celebrities have always been very famous? They do not NEED PR, paparazzi were following them everywhere anyway
2) You’re attacking their integrity and saying they would sell themselves like this for albums. You’re cheapening their artistry by saying it comes down to PR.
3) I have to wonder what these people think is “real” if what they consider fake is just...two people on a date trying to be normal despite of the high-profile nature of their lives. Part of me questions the integrity of their own relationships, if they even have any (majority of the scrutiny comes from jealous or disillusioned “fans” projecting their own fucked up sexual fantasies involving themselves or someone else with Harry/Taylor. It’s very hard for them to come to terms with the fact that these people have real lives & that their disturbing fantasies are fictional, so they...just don’t. They find pseudo-truths in everything to cater to their fanatical lies. I once had someone say their PR class in university used Haylor as an example (the fuck kind of university they were going to I never got to know)...They scream “fake news” and go running in the opposite direction).
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I totally agree with you when you say they probably left places in 10 minutes because there was a shit ton of paparazzi and they were two very young people in the spotlight trying to mediate in that grey area between “I really like this person, and I don’t want to hide because it makes me feel like I’m doing something incriminating and wrong,” but also “the relationship is fragile and we have to protect it from ruthless people who think our stardom gives them monopoly over our lives.”
Celebrities! They’re just like us.
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saturnaftertaste · 3 years
9 - 12
oooooh ty for the ask bestie ♡
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
oooooh tough but my most hated...probably tim and babs...sorry chloe
Tim, because ughhh he just rubs me the wrong way. the entitlement around being robin (what was his reason for being robin??? some abstract notion of justice??) the general misogyny and know-it-allness also the fact that there's literally nothing interesting about him. I have very specific ideas about tim should have slotted into the batfamily but the way DC executed it all those years ago is just Not It. he's literally just Some Guy (derogatory) like even my friends who are comics geeks + Tim stans agree that if he really doesn't add value to the story
Babs: I understand why she's well liked, and personally I think she's an excellent representation of a realistic woman. however, I just don't like the way she's written - the casual callousness to dick and steph and sometimes even cass, dick especially in the recent ric grayson arc. And I feel like the bitterness that comes across in her older oracle appearances could be justified even if I dont like them (but then there's stuff like when she blamed dick for being kissed by tarantula, or being extremely condescending to steph) but I especially don't like batgirl babs she's so aggravating to read?? like a h*rmione that never matured you know?? I think she's an interesting concept, but brought to life in the most white-feminist way possible
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Generally bits from batman 2016 because Tom King has no clue what he's doing. like the wedding bit where selina leaves him at the altar (which is annoying because I love me some batcat) or ending bit up until issue #80 (I found all of that really stupid there was just too much going on and it would have made more sense for the wedding to happen in issue #50) I feel like with the artists you had on hand and the creative freedom tom king was afforded we could have had something truly brilliant? instead we got "meow" and a bedtime story about cannibalism and alfred dying and bruce calling only damian his son and beating his other sons and abandoning his eldest and interfering for no reason with jury duty? I feel like we could've gotten so much more out of tom king as a whole tbh
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I'd say YJTV M'gann M'orzz tbh I know she's not technically DC comics per se but I loved her character when she was first introduced on the show. I feel like a lot of what she does comes from either a place of love or misunderstanding or hurt, and it's an interesting and complex story that doesn't really get a lot more exploration/is explored in a way that doesn't come off right. I feel like she has a lot of potential beyond being the first-girl-love-interest-character, and we don't get much of her backstory like we do with artemis so it's hard to build sympathy or context for her actions; but then again, eldest-sister first-girl characters are my bread and butter, so.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Easy. Forever Evil (and what comes after!)
I know plenty of people DESPISE Forever Evil for the things it did to people's perceptions of the Batfamily and the in-universe cascading events that follow, but I adore it personally for those reasons. Naturally DC doesn't follow through on anything that it writes, and the Bats' reactions to Dick being alive are awful, but I think Forever Evil is integral to canon characterization of the story that DC has been pushing in their depictions of Dick and Bruce and the rest in any kind of media - Dick is expendable, and even when he dies/is hurt for his family he's not good enough (which we see again and again with less and less self-awareness each time, especially with the Ric Grayson arc), Bruce has a clear capital p PROBLEM in how he treats those around him (just think of Stephanie and how her treatment is glossed over every time when people try to bend Bruce into a Good Father Figure in fanon) Jason and Tim have problems with their egos and their relationships with Bruce factor into their treatment of their brother (NEITHER OF THEM STOP TO ASK IF HE'S OKAY???) , and how Barbara (again, made out to be SO MEAN here, she's DISAPPOINTED that he's alive??) is often no better than Bruce himself, but she's framed as being right, again and again.
to me it just makes their characters messier and gives the fandom a chance to really dig into the angst behind all of this -- they aren't real, and therefore their pain is catharsis -- all of a sudden, you have a wellspring of well-written anger and sadness and complex relationships and that's why I LOVE Forever Evil - it produces problems that aren't easily solved. It gives us a chance as an audience to dig deeper into a pretty convenient set of 'happy family members' all through some shitty writing + editorial decisions that were not a good idea in-universe to make Batman or the others Good People, but an excellent way of generating emotional interest from the fans.
it also moves the the angst light away from Tim and Jason and onto Dick, because honestly the amount of fiction I've read where it's Poor Jason or worse, Poor Little Timmy being hurt by his Evil Eldest Brother ! makes me want to hurl. It's just such bad mischaracterization of each of them, and Forever Evil gives us a canon-based chance swing things in the other direction for once.
It's also (in my eyes) incredibly in-character - Bruce is a hard-ass on his emotional support eldest son after trauma (in this case, the ESES's OWN DEATH), Dick sets aside his own hurt and trauma to support his family, Jason and Tim are selfish as all hell without realizing that they are being that way, etc.
I just think it's Interesting. I'm also a Dick Grayson fan, so, that's probably why.
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uncloseted · 4 years
tw: transphobia😭 hi I'm a radfem cisgirl (I hate using "cis" and "trans" words but here I need to for the sake of the story) I've got a friend from ny highschool (we're in college now) who's also a radfem and is always sharing great feminist stuff. Yesterday, she shared the comment of a girl saying "this fight for abortion (it is illegal in my country) is for men/people with vaginas too!" and mocked it. I preferred not to make up any opinions about her because of one single post. But today, she shared a picture of Miss Spain 2019 (a trans girl) who talked about her experience with sexism, and mocked her too. This time, it was obvious to me she was just being transphobic trash. She received lots of backlash and deleted the post, but instead made a new post complaining about people caring about transphobia but not about sexism (a very stupid post, if you ask me). This time, along with some comments from other girls respectfully telling her to stop being cruel and mocking towards trans women, she received a lot of support from other TERFS (although these TERFS said they hate being called TERFS just for being honest and brave lmmfao). They said that transwomen don't belong in radfem because they just suffer from discrimination, not oppression, and listed some reasons why: according to them, trans girls don't suffer: obstetrician violence, forced pregnancy, feminicide, child marriage, genital femenine ablation, glass ceiling barriers, being implanted "maternal sense" while kids, getting their ears perfored while babies, among other stuff, and that differentiate ciswomen biological reality from trans women biological reality isn't transphobia. Other girls said they knew transwomen who were mean to them, using derogatory terms to refer to ciswomen and they were mean and cruel, using this argument to generalize about all transwomen smh.
I'm just so stoned that people could be so cruel to transwomen and set them aside from the feminist fight when they suffer from already being excluded from so many things. It sickens me that some people don't belive trans people exist and treat them that bad, specially trans girls. I wish I could debunk the info this TERFS are spreading because it's so dangerous and enables transphobics to keep harming transpeople and I find that unbearable, but I am not as informed as I should be to debute all their lies at once. Could you help me?
So starting with the question of transwomen in radfem spaces, I don’t think many (if any) transwomen would say that they experience the exact same type of discrimination that cis women do.  There’s often this idea that “trans people don’t believe in biology”, but that’s a bad faith argument.  Trans people understand biology very well, often more than their cis counterparts do, because it’s such a big part of their identity.
Yes, transwomen don’t suffer obstetrician violence, forced pregnancy, child marriage, genital feminine ablation, etc. (I can’t even find any articles on the ear thing).  They do experience femicide, at way higher rates that cis women do. Transwomen are women, and they’re discriminated against in their own way; sometimes that’s because they’re women, and sometimes that’s because they’re trans.  Transwomen are largely supportive of fighting with cis women to rid the world of discrimination for all women, cis and trans alike.  
By contrast, TERFs seem to think that because transwomen sometimes suffer a different type of discrimination than cis women, they can’t be “real women”.  But that argument makes no sense to me.  The vast majority of affluent, white, straight, cis women will never suffer the violence that is apparently so central to the cis female experience.  They’re extremely unlikely to experience femicide, child marriage, genital mutilation... and yet they can acknowledge that those issues are feminist issues, even though they’re not universal to all women.  Why shouldn’t the discrimination that transwomen face also fall under that umbrella?  And if they can accept that women who have had hysterectomies, or women who have chromosomal differences, or women who are intersex, or women who present butch are all women, why shouldn’t transwomen also fall under the umbrella of womanhood?
Further, is that really all that womanhood is to TERFs?  Experiencing the trauma and discrimination that so often accompanies being a cis women?  I don’t think inclusion to a group should be predicated on the amount that one has suffered or how many “oppression points” they’ve amassed. And I don’t think being a woman should be predicated solely on biology, especially given that we never really know what kind of biology a person has just by looking at them.  What “being a woman” is is a metaphysical question that derails the discussion of trans feminism, and it’s a question that I don’t think a lot of TERFs actually have a good answer to.  It’s just an easy way to put the burden of proof on trans people and trans allies and waste our time (but if you’re interested, I do have an opinion on this. I just think it’s best saved for a different time).
In terms of trans people being oppressed, there’s all sorts of data to suggest that trans oppression is very real.  In the US, trans people were banned from serving in the military under the Trump administration, a decision that was only overturned a few days ago, and the Trump administration also reversed the Obama- era Title VII policy that protected trans employees from discrimination.  Trans people are overwhelmingly lacking legal protections- there are no federal non-discrimination laws that include gender identity, and in some states, debates over limiting the rights of trans people to use public bathrooms are ongoing.  
About 57% of trans people faced some type of rejection from their family upon coming out.  Around 29% of trans people live in poverty (compared to 11% in the general population and about 22% in the lesbian and gay populations), and that number is higher for trans people who are Black (39%), Latinx (48%), or Indigenous (35%).  27% of trans people have been fired, not hired, or denied a promotion due to their trans identity.  90% of trans people report facing discrimination in their own jobs.  Trans people face double the rate of unemployment that cis people do (about 14%) and about 44% are underemployed. This is despite the fact that a reported 71% of trans people have some level of post-secondary education- actually higher than the general population, which is about 61%.  It’s often cited that women earn 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, but that statistic doesn’t even exist for trans women.
54% of trans people have experienced intimate partner violence (compared to about 24.3% of cis women), 47% of trans people have been sexually assaulted (compared to about 18% of cis women), and about 10% are physically assaulted in a given year. 
About 22% of trans people and 32% of trans people of color in the US have no health insurance (compared to about 11% of cis women), and 55% of trans people who do have insurance report being denied coverage for at least one gender affirming surgery.  29% of trans adults have been refused healthcare by a doctor or provider because of their gender identity.  In one study, 50% of trans people said that they had to teach their medical providers about trans care.  Trans people are four times as likely than the average population to be infected by HIV.  41% have attempted suicide at one point in their lives, compared to 1.6% of the general population.  
20% of trans people have been evicted or denied housing due to their gender identity, and trans people are four times more likely than cis people to be homeless.  Only 1/5 of trans people report that they have been able to update all of their identification documents, and 41% have a driver’s license that does not match their gender identity.  22% of trans people report that they have been denied equal treatment by a government agency or official, 29% reported police harassment, and 12% reported having been denied equal treatment or harassed by judges or court officials.
75% of transgender students feel unsafe at school because of their gender expression, 60% are forced to use a bathroom or locker room that does not match their gender, 50% were unable to use the name and pronouns that match their gender, and 70% of trans students say that they’ve avoided bathrooms because they feel unsafe.  78% of trans students report being harassed or assaulted at school.
And these are all statistics that focus on trans people at large.  The discrimination is worse for transwomen and especially transwomen of color.  All of that certainly sounds like systemic oppression to me.
Every person who chooses to be a TERF perpetuates this discrimination.  It’s just bigotry towards trans people, plain and simple.  And for what?  A reactionary fear that all transwomen are secretly sexual predators and all transmen are confused girls who don’t know better?  Unfortunately, men can be sexual predators just fine without having to jump through the convoluted hoops trans people go through to be recognized as their true gender identity, and transwomen are way more likely to be sexually assaulted than they are to be sexual predators.  There are no reported cases at all that transwomen are dressing up as men to assault women in bathrooms.  There aren’t even statistics on how frequently trans people are sexual predators. And transmen are just as capable of making informed, thoughtful decisions as cis women.  
TERFs shouldn’t be pitting themselves against trans people.  There’s just nothing to be gained from doing that.  They should be working alongside trans people to fight the patriarchy and the discrimination that cis and trans women both face, regardless of what that discrimination entails.
Last thought.  Not to be a stan or anything but if you’re interested in learning more about these issues, Contrapoints has a number of really good videos on the topic of TERFs (including one that just released today!). They delve a bit deeper into the actual questions that TERFs often bring up and provide some nuanced answers.
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sarah1281-takethree · 4 years
Today I got two comments on a time travel story I wrote from the same person. One of them did not understand why Harry would be uncomfortable as mentally an adult going to the Yule Ball with someone his physical age in a romantic capacity but is okay to go with someone his physical age who is aware he’s mentally an adult and so is on the same no romance happening page. They called me a derogatory word beginning with R and said they could not believe they spent their day reading this piece of shit story. 
I...guess they are just an extreme Harry/Ginny stan? I don’t know. The story doesn’t have a pairing for Harry so nothing is stopping eventual Harry/Ginny once Ginny is at an age it’s no longer deeply unhealthy for a mentally adult Harry to date her. He just can’t ask her to the Yule Ball or anyone else his age who does not know he’s actually like twice their age just to be on the safe side. 
Then they went back to the third chapter and asked how any Harry Potter fan could like Snape, asked if I liked Stalin and Hitler too, and asked if I was in the KKK. 
This may be the most fucked up and overreacting comment I’ve ever gotten and I’ve written off and on since 2004. 
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I checked Taj Jackson’s twitter today and look what I found. 
Okay, when I see someone spew such hate, I usually get angry. No matter who it is about. Not this time. This almost had me laughing out loud for some reason. Thanks for making my day, dude. He even went on to make a list of the deluded sycophants. Sycophants. That’s a new one. We’re usually called p******** apologists. Please, don’t get mad at me. I’m trying to approach this with a sense of humour. Which is what we all should do. We shouldn’t even acknowledge people like that.
Look, and please don’t go for my throat for saying that, but I actually don’t have a problem with people believing Michael was/is guilty AS LONG AS they are respectful to the fan community and open for conversation. Those people you can talk to, they don’t insult Michael, some even appreciate him as an artist. They are not haters. Haters are a different beast. 
Believing or even knowing someone (you’ve never met) committed a crime and hating them are two different things. Hate is personal. People like this person from the screenshot, they hate for the sake of hating.They would’ve hated him even without the allegations. And I feel sorry for them. I wonder what it must be like to be filled with such hatred and negative emotions. How are people like that even able to function? And going to the fans to harass them? Really? I also wonder how much time it took this person to come up with such a creative way to describe him. Was it worth the effort just irritate us?
What I’ve noticed about them is how they strive to use the most derogatory way to describe Michael. They get off on the image those words create in they minds. I would never use such words to describe anybody. No matter who it is or what they’ve done. The words you choose to use tell more about who you are as a person than they do about the person you’re describing.
And then my favorite part is that they say that there is something wrong with us. We’re ‘rabid fans’ or ‘stans’ and we’re ‘delusional.’ But when you think about it, how are we delusional? We’re not saying believe that MJ is innocent because we tell you so, we’re saying do your research. That’s it. That’s all we’re asking for. And we shouldn't even have to ask for it. Nobody had to tell me to go and read about the cases a few months ago. I did it on my own. Because it was the logical thing to do. So far, at least from my experience, the people who have read on the cases with an open mind either believe in his innocence or at least have a reasonable doubt in his guilt. A reasonable doubt. That should be enough. 
This is not just about Michael Jackson. A while ago I found out that Melanie Martinez has been accused of r*** and her fans started burning her CDs and any merchandise they owned right away. All because someone said something. Blindly believing someone’s words is dangerous. If it’s so easy for you to believe that someone is capable of r*** then it should be just as easy to believe that someone could lie about it for financial reasons. People have done worse than just lie when it comes to money. 
What about Polanski? He’s also been labelled a r***** as well. Believe it or not, there are people online who are familiar with the case and defend him. Why don’t you go and harass them? Why don’t you do and call them apologists? Because you seek attention and few things will give you more attention than slandering MJ. 
Someone’s words are not proof. Especially if the case has never been taken to court. There are people who would probably call me stupid for it, but I do believe in innocent until proven guilty. And we also have to learn not to generalise and look separately at each case. I know that celebrities also commit crimes. I know that some of them are in fact guilty. But you have to acknowledge the fact that in some cases someone else wants to use a certain celebrity as their personal ATM. If you want to ruin somebody, the easiest way to do it is to throw accusations at them. Look at what happened with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. At least Johnny got an apology from the media. Which is more than the Jackson family is ever going to get. 
Anyway, I didn’t mean for this post to go in this direction. This is a serious subject that cannot be covered in two short paragraphs. The point of this post are haters. 
I am part of many fan communities. I’ve witnessed a tremendous amount of hate aimed towards things and people I love. I can’t go through a comment section on yt without reading a hateful comment. Go back to 2017 and try to say that you like BvS/Zack Snyder or Eminem’s Revival album. You’d have an army of people coming to you and explaining to you how you’re wrong to like it. It’s so hard to enjoy things these days. It’s easier pointing out the negative instead of trying to find the beauty in something. 
However, today I stumbled upon a video that gave me a little hope. This person, a yt creator who reviews films, made a video about how even though back in 2016 they hated BvS, their perspective changed. I recommend the video even if you’re not a DC fan. It’s interesting to see how someone’s opinion can change radically if they give something a chance. The video is called  WHY I LOVE BATMAN V SUPERMAN or: How I Learned To Stop Hating And Love Zack Snyder. Give it a try. 
Before I finish, I’d like to say one more things. This post was about haters, but I have acknowledge the other extreme - the stans who in some cases do a bigger damage to a fan community than haters. Not accepting anything negative about something/someone that you like is just as harmful as not accepting anything positive. 
Since this started with Michael, I’d like to finish it with him. I’m new to the community. I haven’t spent years defending him like many of you have. I admire your dedication. But please, there are lines you shouldn’t cross. Be respectful, and don’t insult Michael accusers. Don’t harass them, don’t call them liars. It’s not worth it, and you’re not helping MJ’s case in any way. You’re just hurting the reputation of the community. 
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wheretogofrmhere · 5 years
Big difference between Nicholas and Alex. Nicholas got extremely derogatory towards Niall stans twice recently, once to praise Harry and then about Meghan. He’s just looking for which fanbase is going to give him the most likes. Most Niall stans have him blocked now. I don’t give any attention to Alex either but he’s no Nicholas.
mmm i really do not know anything about either lmao 
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Weekly Rundown 10/21/18-10/26/18
Time to rundown what I’m watching, loving, hating and everything in between! Spoilers ahead! Full episode reviews and reactions are linked in the titles.
Daredevil Season 3
Just so y’all know - most nuns do not wear their habits in public anymore. It’s been that way since Vatican II, but TV refuses to catch up.
The action is amaaaaazing again. I love how Matt actually gets tired when he’s fighting.
I don’t want Matt to put that ugly Daredevil suit on again he looks ridiculous. Keep the black mask and call it a day.
I want Foggy to propose very badly. I need a Foggy wedding in Season 4.
Is there any particular reason why Karen didn’t haul ass to Frank’s Punisher lair when her life was in danger and Matty Mcbrown eyes was off Daredeviling an existential crisis? That’s where I’d go.
Matt refusing to ask the other Defenders help because “it’s not their fight” is the stupidest reason ever.
Arrow (“The Longbow Hunters”)
It is a bit creepy when Stan says, “I bet a guy like that would do anything to keep his family safe.” Maybe Stan is a nuthouse, but leave me to my dream for now.
Is it me or did Yorke look older than 40? 1978????
Deputy Director Bell is evil. Calling it now.
The Longbow Hunters don’t actually use bows. This is a twist I did not see coming.
Bl*ck S*ren can’t lawyer worth a damn, but she can wear a suit.
“Stay behind me.” That was oddly hot Rene. I’m wildly uncomfortable that I find you attractive right now, but it is what it is.
Rene: Been back in town a week and you’re already sneaking out of A.R.G.U.S. behind Papa Dig’s back? I’m so proud.
Felicity: Thanks man.
This whole exchange was delightful and not remotely derogatory like “Blondie.” THY NAME IS CHARACTER GROWTH.
“Grab your balls Curtis, we’re going in.” If the Rene character only exists to say this one line of dialogue then it was worth it.
Why didn’t BS and Dinah go after the Longbow Hunter? What is up with allowing all these criminals to run away at a moderately brisk pace and our people acting like they can’t catch them? They are called legs! Move your ass!  
Legends of Tomorrow  (“The Virgin Gary”)
Legends Season 4 premiere is fantastic and full of all the hi-jinks I’ve missed over hiatus.
“Speaking of the same old crap isn’t that what he did last year?”Legends gets points for acknowledging that Wally gets the storyline shaft a lot.
When you are officially a hero the time bureau gives you a medal, but I was more excited about the balloons.
It would be super weird if the Legends spent more than a day in 2018.
Remember when Oliver asked Sara to move in with him and she went running screaming in the other direction? It all worked out because Sara knew he was really in love with Felicity. I’m just saying she’s come a looooong way.
I want to be clear about one thing and it’s not up for debate. Ready? The best thing about Legends is Mick. It’s always Mick. That is all.
Manifest “Connecting Flights”
It was nice to fill in the back story of the characters left behind after the plane went missing, however the show is starting to lose my attention. I need more movement on these character relationships. Manifest is hitting a lot of the same notes week after week.
This Is Us (“Toby”)
Randall is going ahead with the city council job? Are they independently wealthy Does no one have to work?
Baby Toby is the cutest.
Holy crap is this how in vitro really works? It’s so friggin expensive and no guarantees. Wow, my sympathies to all those who have gone through this excruciating process.
Randall unbuttoning his shirt is all the reason I need to vote for him. Done deal. 
Toby used his wonderful sense of humor to cheer up his depressed Mom. Ugh my heart.
But for real though sometimes you need just “one damn day.” #MomLife
Three hours to get ready Kate? Just as an FYI - that’s all over when you have a baby. You’ll be lucky to get a shower.
Miguel carried a piano up stairs to cheer Rebecca up. That’s love.
“There’s so much of her in you it scares me.” THAT IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SAY TO YOUR CHILD ASSHOLE.
A+ on the prom dresses. Absolutely what I wore in high school. We were fashionista slaves in the late nineties.
Kate’s impression of Adele is dead on.
Miguel tries so hard. He’s just trying to keep his promise to Jack.
Rebecca is such an amazing mom. Kate doesn’t give her nearly enough credit.
KATE IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Rookie (Pilot” and “Crash Course”)
I really loved The Rookie. I typically don’t hate procedurals, but this one has surprised me thus far. It’s fast paced, so it held my attention more. I hope it stays that way. 
I love how it is the rookies versus the training officers. It fills my Rookie Blue void.
I am not invested in any ships yet. I am not buying the romance between Nolan and Lucy so far. I actually think Lucy has more chemistry with Bradford and Nolan with the Captain.
A Million Little Things (“Friday Night Dinner” and “The Game of Your Life”)
I want to love this show, but they are making it next to impossible. I hate cheating storylines in any show. It’s one of the main reasons I quit watching Shonda Rhimes’ shows because she is unable to write one without including adultery. Arrow’s original love story revolved around cheating and was an absolute mess. It feels like a lazy way to inject drama. This cheating storyline between Eddie and Delilah is making two characters who are otherwise very likable extremely unlikable. 
Instead of jettisoning this plot into the atmosphere where it belongs and never speaking of it again, A Million Little Things is double down on it.  Delilah is pregnant! Oh wonderful, now we get to play “Who’s the Daddy?” for several weeks.
Apparently, the writers come from The Fl*sh school of writing. Characters can only be mad at other characters for one episode. All the friends found out about Eddie and Delilah’s affair and the very next week they are sitting down to pizza. It’s at Delilah’s house and Eddie’s wife Katherine comes too because FRIENDS. No. Just no.
Instead of being angry at Eddie and Delilah, the friends make excuses for them. Regina’s conversation with Delilah turned into a huge “I didn’t see your pain” apology, which is flat out ridiculous. What Delilah did was so off the charts wrong there is no excuse for it. If you are in pain see a therapist. It’s not an excuse to cheat on your husband. Also, Regina you are not to blame for Delilah lying to everyone for over two years. 
Gary, who has been the angriest, decides he’s being too hard on Eddie (ya know by actually holding him accountable for his actions) and lets Eddie move in with him after his wife finally kicked him out. Are you freaking kidding me with this? I was already mildly irked at Gary for giving Delilah a free pass, but I understood his reasoning because her husband just jumped off a building. She has been punished quite a lot. But Eddie? I think we could muster a couple episodes of anger towards Eddie.
The writers attempted drum up sympathy for Delilah by shining a little light on her seemingly perfect marriage with Jon. It’s not really perfect, but what marriage is? Jon was short with Delilah during a family dinner. He took a phone call from work and snapped, “Everything I do is for this family.” What a bastard. Of course, that is reason enough for Delilah to jump into bed with Eddie, her husband’s best friend. GIVE. ME. A. FRIGGIN. BREAK. If my husband slept with someone else every time I was cranky with him, he’d have a harem.
So, on top of being suicide apologists, the writers are adding cheating apologists. There is no reason to cheat. It’s just mean. Nobody has put a gun to your head. If you want out of your marriage you march to an attorney’s office and file for divorce. Not sure if you want a divorce? Then go to counseling. But cheating, under any circumstances, is wrong. It’s cruel and selfish. It’s trying to have your cake and eat it too. A Million Little Things trying to excuse away Eddie and Delilah’s heinous behavior is almost as bad as the cheating itself. Trying to make suicide and cheating okay with excuses is dangerous behavior. I AM NOT A FAN.
Stray Thought - on what planet is a school program presented in the middle of the freaking day? What kind of ridiculous school do Eddie and Katherine send their son to?
Blindspot (“The Quantico Affair”) 
Zapata has a very interesting running stride. Sorry I was in cross country. That stuff interests me
Roman saying "He knows. This is it. Kill him" underscores the dramatic tension.
I’m gonna need someone on Team Blindspot to pick up on Remi's side eye. Y'all are FBI agents for goodness sake.
I don't actually know what Patterson's name is, but I feel confident it is not Lisa.
I think Martin Gero saw me write "Where is Patterson's storyline?" in my last review. I could have opted for patience, but complaining loudly via written word felt like a better plan. 
Hey watch the condemnation Remi aka Jane aka double secret agent who told so many lies I can't keep it straight anymore.
OMG Rich not explaining how the tattoo was solved is the best thing ever. PLEASE DO THIS EVERY WEEK
I wanna talk about the Book of Secrets mostly because Rich calls it the Book of Secrets.
Hahaha. Her one night stand showed up at work. This is how Meredith and McDreamy began. I highly recommend elevator scenes too.
One night stand boy is Weitz's nephew. IT. JUST. GOT. BETTER
Sure Madeline come on in and check out our super secret tattoo murder board.
"Thundercats ho!" OMG was that an ad lib?
Totally ship Patterson and this dude. I should probably learn his name.
Somebody tell Rich about the one night stand. Pleeeeeeeease.
I'm not calling him Lincoln. He shall be known as "Slab of Man-Ham" forevermore.
Patterson and Rich are the perfect work wife/husband team. Remember Rich is the work wife
How does Weitz maintain employment? This may be the greatest of all Blindspot's mysteries.
Of course "Jane" and Weller are on the train Weitz. IT'S THEIR JOB. Seriously someone get this dude a DVD of #Blindspot S1-S3
Patterson girl, Jane is never that cranky with you when she's diffusing bombs. SOMEBODY NOTICE PERSONALITY CHANGES PLEASE!!!
"You're new here." ALL KNEEL TO PATTERSON.
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stenbrovgh · 7 years
Request ⇾ Richie x reader where the reader doesn’t really like Richie while he’s in love with her and he asks his friends for advice and each one gives him an advice and they all fail. And in the end she gives him a chance
Warnings ⇾ swearing, reader being not that nice at the start I guess, yeah I think that’s it?
A/N ⇾ this is long as hell and I’m sorry, hope y'all are having a great day! Keep sending in requests!
“C-c-come on, Richie! W-when has a g-girl ever m-made you sh-shy? Just g-go over there and s-say one of y-your cheesy l-lines!” Bill teased as Richie pushed his glasses back up his face.
“I can’t, Bill! I’ve told you a million times, she doesn’t like me like that!”
“Fine, then why don’t you try writing her a letter? Sign it from ’her secret admirer!’” Stan smirked, knowing that Richie was, indeed, her secret admirer.
“No, no! I’ve got it! Clean her room and her bathroom! Yes! And then you’ll know it’s safe, because do you actually know how many germs fester in those rooms? So many! I mean, it's—”
“Shut up, Eddie!”
“God, don’t listen to those fools. She wants something nice and romantic. Take her for a picnic and tell her your feelings, she’ll love the thought you put into it!” Bev chimed in.
“How about writing her a poem? I can help if you like?” Ben suggested.
“No, no, no! Be a man, just tell her how you feel!” Mike counteracted.
Richie was having a hard time processing what was actually happening over his friends countless suggestions, despite if they were good or not. He ended up shaking his head and standing up from their table at lunch.
“Forget it, I’ll just sort it out myself! Like I always do!”
“Hey, Y/N! Can I ask you something?” Richie said while running to catch up with Y/N as she rushed out of the school gates.
“You just did, Tozier.” She smirked at the flustered expression he currently had painted on his face. “But go on…” Not that she was genuinely interested to hear what he had to say, most of the time it was meaningless or simply derogatory, in her eyes. She definitely did not have feelings for him.
“Uhm, d-do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.” Richie spat the words out as if they were venom on his tongue, so fast that Y/N struggled to comprehend what he had actually said.
Instead of responding, she simply rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk out of the school gates, leaving Richie stumped.
Determined not to give up, Richie ran up to Y/N’s locker and slotted the piece of paper inbetween the gaps. He was giving Stan’s idea a go, since Bill’s had failed him thus far. He had even signed it with ‘your secret admirer’ hoping she would be able to catch on that it was him. Noticing Y/N round the corner, he ran off to his locker. He was going to nonchalantly watch as she, hopefully, read the note.
Y/N walked up to her locker and entered in her combination. She was planning on meeting her friends in the study hall, so was just going to pick up her books. As she opened the stiff metal door, a piece of crumpled up paper fell to her feet. She bent down to pick up the crisp paper and closed her locker. She leaned against the cool metal while unfolding out the paper, it read….
Richie could feel the butterflies deep within bursting as he saw her reading the note, his note! However, those were quickly replaced with disappointment as he saw Y/N turn in the other direction, dumping the note into the bin as she passed.
He wouldn’t give up just yet, he’d try Ben’s idea. So she didn’t like notes, fair enough, but maybe she would appreciate a poem? He wasn’t very good at them but he was sure as hell going to try! And instead of leaving it in her locker, he would slip it into her bag! Yes, that was a good idea! Then she couldn’t put it in the bin straight away, she’d see it when she got home.
It took him around eight attempts to actually write something that sounded, more or less, like a poem. Slightly satisfied and extremely tired, Richie packed it into his rucksack. He would sneak it into Y/N’s while they were all at the quarry tomorrow, then she wouldn’t know it was him if she found it during the day. He applauded himself for being so smart and went, promptly, to bed.
The next day, at the quarry, Richie’s heart was pounding. They had all jumped in, except Ben, who was sitting changing the tapes on his boom box that rested by their bags, by Y/N’s bag. He made some excuse that he was going to put some real music on and turn off Ben’s 'pussy boy’ music. It was not a lie, he probably would also do that while he was up there, but that wasn’t his main mission. His main mission was to put that poem in Y/N’s bag.
“Hey, Richie,” Ben said waving and smiling at his friend.
“What are you doing?”
Richie huffed before deciding to confide into Ben, “Well I took your advice, wrote her a poem and everything. I’m going to slip it into her bag so she can read it later.”
“Oh, can I read it?” Ben asked, trying to snatch it out of Richie’s hand as he quickly whipped it out of his backpack.
“No!” Richie’s hand flew in the other direction and quickly slid it into Y/N’s backpack. “No offence or anything, I just, its private, you know?”
“Yeah, sure.” Ben agreed.
“Now, let’s get this shit off and put some good music on!”
Having failed all of the three previous times, Richie was just going to be upfront, like he should’ve been from the beginning. It turns out, Y/N didn’t like poetry. She found it to be arrogant and narcissistic. How could Richie like the only girl on the earth who didn’t appreciate some half assed poetry? He didn’t know, but he was finally tired and just wanted to tell her how he felt. It was third period and they both had a free, so naturally, gravitated to the library. He could see her reading a book, something about Greek mythology. How could she find poetry arrogant but not the legacy of Greek god’s? He shrugged off his thoughts and strided over to her, confidence brewing inside him like an uncontrollable fire.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?”
“Sure, i suppose so.”
“So, I don’t know if you know, but I’ve been sending you notes and poems over the past couple of days? I know they haven’t been working so I just thought I’d be upfront. I like you, I like you a lot. I think it would be really cool if we could go to the arcade sometime? I mean, if you want to, if not that’s also cool too.”
Y/N sighed. Initially, if she had been asked if she liked Richie that way, she would’ve laughed in whoever was foolish enough to question. But now, she wasn’t so sure. She knew it was him leaving the notes. He was a terrible liar and couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it, it was amusing actually. So seeing him go to all these lengths just to please her, did make her heart swell a little bit. And really, if she was being completely honest, she’d say she had caught feelings for him, so why deny them?
“Go on then, that sounds fun.”
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What’s Wrong with Sharon?
As one of the many obsessing over what’s wrong with Sharon, I’ve had many thoughts, worries and theories. I won’t go into some of the “off the cliff” thoughts that I had and instead will focus on the ones that seem plausible.
So I”ve been doing some armchair diagnosing and here are my thoughts.
First off- (we’ll start with worst case scenario and work our way up)
Brain Tumor-
Because I’m one of the many Laura Roslin fans who are still traumatized by what was done to her and immediately think the worst every time Sharon seems tired.
Brain tumor symptoms she exhibited-Head pain (she pressed her fingers into her forehead in pain) Issues with her sight, weakness in her limbs. But her breathlessness does not fit with this diagnosis and Duff did stress that a member of the cast would be left “breathless” so that seems to be the key symptom.
Brain Aneurysm-Same scenario as above.
I watched my grandmother have a stroke and this is not the way one has a stroke. With a stroke Sharon would have had possible intense pain in her head,  weakness on one side of her body, her face would have drooped on one side, her words would have slurred and she wouldn’t have had the issue with being unable to catch her breath.
Issues from the bombing- 
Are her headaches, vision and weakness leftover remants from a concussion and the breathing issues from all the dust from the bombing that have given her a lung infection?
Walking Pneumonia- 
The flu could easily have turned into walking pneumonia in which case she could have a headache, tiredness, lingering weakness. Pneumonia could have been brought on by the chemicals in all the dust from the bombing and then the flu. One thing that throws off this diagnosis is the lack of any cough.
This has been what most people seem to think is happening and I think it is the most plausible answer—and also the one that I am HOPING for. Stress could account for the headache and vision issues. Each time she seemed to have a vision/breathing issue it was during one of the many stress triggers she has going on. The case, in the church, with Rusty talking about the gun. MC has always done things for a reason and I think they chose to have her “episodes” happen when they did for a reason. So we’ve got headache, vision and breathing symptoms covered. What about the tiredness and lingering weakness? Well, couldn’t that just be remnants of the flu? I think a combination stress/flu could be a very plausible explanation—and much better than anything else I listed above.
First of all, let’s list everything Sharon has had to be stressed about over the last year or so.
1.     Mass Shooting- Sharon was involved in a mass shooting where her boss was shot and killed in front of her. She in turn killed the man responsible (her first time killing someone in the line of duty) A man she despised so much she couldn’t feel sorry for killing him. Many would would see that as a positive thing but not Sharon. It only created more stress in the situation. 2.     Andy’s health scares- Having just recovered from a serious blood clot issue that required dangerous surgery, Sharon’s boyfriend then has a heart attack right in front of her. And though we didn’t get to see one little bit of it,  that had to cause an extreme emotional response inside Sharon. 3.     Power Vacuum at the LAPD- With Taylor gone Sharon had  to deal with the power void at work and the very real fear that Winnie Davis could step into Taylor‘s vacant position. There was a lot of angst over who would get the job and Sharon felt very pressured into pursuing it when it was the last thing she wanted. She was happy where she was, but felt she had to go for it because if Davis got promoted there was a pretty good chance she would shut down Major Crimes. She was put back in a situation of shoving her own happiness aside for the greater good. 4.     The Engagement- Andy asked her to marry him and she said yes. She then started to worry over whether she could get married in the church or not, and then had to plan a wedding. Sharon did seem to enjoy planning the wedding and does love a celebration but they are getting down to crunch time and that can get very stressful. 5.      Going after a possible terrorist- Sharon had a very stressful case trying to hunt down someone intent on bombing LA and ended up getting bombed herself…twice. 6.     Commander Raydor- Sharon got promoted to Commander and even though that was a positive it can still be stressful learning to navigate your way through a new position with a new boss and there had to be some chaos while they rebuilt the building after it was bombed. 7.     Stroh- A dangerous pyschopathic serial killer who wants her son dead suddenly appears to be back in the country and is killing anyone who has anything to do with his past. Her son refuses undercover protection and instead wants a gun. 8.     The Catholic Church-Sharon is a devout Catholic and now she has a case that involves her church, her parish and the school all three of her children attended. She has put so much love and trust into her church and suddenly she is getting it on all sides. Her team at work—some of them—have been very nasty and derogatory about her church and her faith and she has just bitten her tongue. And the people she trusted in the church are trying to thwart her at every turn. Father Stan has been particularly hard for her. Here is a man she turns to for advice, who listens to her confessions, one of the few people she probably pours her heart out too and suddenly she isn’t sure if she can trust him anymore. Suddenly she doesn’t know who he is anymore. She has relied on the church all her life for moral guidance and support spiritually and physically, something that was especially important to her as a single mother. The church helped raise her children, it’s an integral part of who she is and now it seems as if she is questioning all of that and it’s breaking her. 9.     Holding it all in-Now, with all of this going on we never see Sharon frazzled, we never see her venting or complaining, we never see her losing her cool. I have been one of the people complaining that we need to see how Sharon feels about ANY of what I’ve just listed. But if she truly has kept all of this inside, it’s no wonder she kind of explodes. It’s like the FBI agents hiding the boys was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back and she just complete loses it. You can see the look of shock on the faces of her team when she just starts laying into the agents—and the look of concern on Andy’s face, because it just isn’t like her. Before she collapsed she looked scared because she couldn’t catch her breath, and maybe because she had just completely lost control, which is something she’s just never done. She’s always in control That said, Sharon in her full fury and contempt was a beautiful thing to behold---until she collapsed. It was the same reason Laura Roslin‘s “I‘m coming for all of you“ speech was so breathtaking. To see a reserved person who is always in control just completely lose it is so freaking powerful.
I’d love to see this be a combination stress/flu thing because a. it means Sharon doesn’t have a terminal illness and b. because I think it could be a really interesting storyline. Illnesses have been done and done and done again and Mary has already played that. It would be great to see something different. You can already see Mary sinking her teeth into this and I think it could be a very powerful storyline.
Sharon prides herself on always being in control, always keeping her cool and understanding stress. After all she lectured Andy on stress when he was wondering why he had a heart attack. She just never saw herself in that light. For a person as controlled as Sharon is, to lose that control would be a very scary thing. I think Mary could act the hell out of this. And it would be a great opportunity for some supportive Andy.
And who knows, if it is an issue with stress now both Sharon and Andy are dealing with that and maybe that‘s how they will end things. Once Stroh is taken care of--and I think we all know he will be taken care of, they may look at each other and say “Hey, we‘re married, we‘re happy, we want to live long and healthy lives, we need to get out of these stressful jobs and retire.”
(Then they can start a little PI business with Provenza and live happily ever after.)
So, I’m preparing for the worst and hoping against hope for the best. Looking forward to how this plays out next week. And it looks like from a promo shot I just saw that we will actually see Sharon and Andy in their bedroom! Not actually touching or anything, but it’s progress. Giddy!
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jewpacabruhs · 7 years
so out of boredom i wanted to go in depth about something from a certain ep. in ‘the death of eric cartman’, from season 10, kyle calls cartman a “fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulating sociopath”. as we all know, it’s pretty easy to label someone a certain way, when in actuality stuff tends to go so much deeper than a couple of summarizing words. so i wanted to analyze each of those six titles that seem to follow cartman around.
1) fat. yes, hes overweight; there’s no denying that. it shouldn’t be included in this list of negatives, but kids are shallow.
2) racist. while there’s no denying he’s blatantly racist, i don’t think cartman understands the depth of racism at his age, and therefore it’s not genuine. none of the kids, except for token and nichole and maybe kyle, do. i myself was pretty racist until around thirteen or fourteen, because i’d been raised like that and i didn’t know any better. despite being jewish (granted, i didn’t experience any anti-semitism until i started to embrace my religion recently), i found harmful stereotypes about non-white people to be funny & often said them in jest, until i started educating myself and realized how harmful doing that was. unfortunately a lot of people don’t outgrow the racism they learn as children. point is, i think cartman doesn’t understand the magnitude of racism and it’s harmful effect on poc. then again, he doesn't care about any one but himself, and things that don’t directly involve him don’t concern him, so you can’t expect him to. but considering his recent pc arc, maybe he’ll mature a little. unfortunately, as of now, i think he just views making racist remarks as another thing that gets him attention. he’ll take any attention he can get, and negative attention is easiest to get. how to get negative attention? make everyone hate you. how to do that? display hatred towards everyone else. 
3) self-centered. he’s most definitely self-centered. i think cartman got a very extreme case of only child-syndrome (general selfishness, bossiness, etc. i myself was an only child until twelve, and i was a goddamn pain to be friends with, i’ll tell you that) that was magnified by abuse and neglect from his mother. he’s developed a me-against-the-world complex. not to mention he’s very intelligent, and he knows it, which led to some intense narcissism (or perhaps that’s a front to hide his insecurity, because there’s been a couple of instances where cartman’s grandiose facade cracked and we got a glimpse of the vulnerable kid underneath). that intelligence, regardless of how little he demonstrates it on a daily basis, also alienates him from the rest of south park, who are airheads. and while i can’t deny he’s undeniably clever, and that’s a positive for him, his self image of his psychical body is all false bravado; he’s convinced himself he’s strong, attractive, and manly, when in reality he’s chubby, weak, fairly repulsive (albeit charming), and a little more on the feminine side, if we’re generalizing - he’s emotional, sassy, manipulative, and on a more psychological level, he cross-dresses, plays with dolls, and is, canonically, attracted to boys. he doesn’t like himself, even if he pretends he does. now, personally, i believe all humans are self-centered - at the end of the day, do we genuinely care about each other people’s trivial problems? then again, i’m a raging nihilist. regardless, cartman’s put up a facade of who he thinks he should be, who he wants to be. his use of derogatory language towards others (not the personal attacks, like calling kyle a filthy jew or token a black piece of shit or whatever, but the general ones, like “hey, f*gs” or “whats up, dickwads”, yanno), it’s all to make himself feel better about himself. to try to put himself on a pedestal, so he’s untouchable, and he does this by demeaning others. his use of the f word in particular, and i’m not talking about fuck, is likely internalized homophobia.
4) intolerant. ties back into racism - he’s intolerant because he thinks it’s cool. he thinks bigotry is badass, and he’s obsessed with his own image, similarly to stan, only stan actually has morals and a decent sense of wrong vs right. stan will do anything to make himself look good, but only in socially acceptable ways. cartman, on the other hand, has no concept of what’s socially acceptable, and merely does things to the beat of his own drum; whatever he thinks is right, in his own eyes, he believes wholeheartedly, and he practices what he, and he alone, preaches. he thinks that, by spouting hateful bullshit, he, again, is putting himself up on a pedestal, which is exactly where he wants to be (and likely thinks he belongs). have you ever met/talked to a bigot who wasn’t a raging narcissist? i haven’t. cartman also clearly doesn’t know how to be nice, as shown in casa bonita; hate is all he knows. it’s his defense mechanism, likely because, subconsciously, he’s afraid to let people get close. he doesn’t want emotional intimacy with anyone because he doesn’t want to be genuinely vulnerable (partly because he likely considers vulnerability as “faggy” or “girly”, and his ego won’t allow that, and partly because he doesn’t want the walls he’s built up to be torn down - no bey reference intended, i swear). the only people he’s ever really opened up to have been his mom and butters, and with his mom he usually wants something and he’s exaggerating. butters, i think he trusts to some degree, because he knows butters is a dweeb and he’s naive enough to not entirely understand the difference between cartman’s true(?) nature and his facade, considering his erratic moods. still, even then, butters has shared cartman’s secrets time and time again, which probably proved to cartman that he really cant trust anyone. anyway, like i said, i don’t think the intolerance is genuine, i think he thinks it’s cool and he likes how controversial his remarks are, because, like i said, to cartman, any attention is good attention.
5) manipulative. he’s definitely manipulative, that’s undeniable. but i don’t think manipulation’s inherently bad, honestly; if you’re smooth enough to be able to talk yourself into getting your way all the time, good for you. if your morals are so shaky that you’re able to walk on other people to achieve personal success, you’re probably gonna move up quicker in the world, and i can respect that. cartman’s realized this at a young age, and he utilizes his charm. albeit, he often uses his power for evil, but still.
6) sociopath. this is the one i wanna talk about thoroughly. people don’t seem to understand the psychological meaning of 'psychopath’ or 'sociopath’, or any other psychological diagnosis. i’m not an expert, but i’ve researched psychology extensively, so i’d like to think i’m somewhat of a reputable source when it comes to this sort of stuff. and while i hate to try and stick a label on a fictional fourth grader, it’s pretty fascinating to try. however, you should still take everything i say with a grain of salt. anyway, so, admittedly, on the surface you would think cartman was a sociopath. he lacks empathy and manipulates as necessary without guilt, and while i think he definitely displays antisocial and narcissistic traits, i don’t think hes a sociopath. if anything, he displays some symptoms of high-functioning aspergers (ironic, considering that one episode). as someone on the autistic spectrum, i hardly want him as an example of an autistic person. but he sort of reminds me of someone i studied extensively while researching criminal psychology - one jeffrey dahmer (the real one, not the south park parody version of him). dahmer was officially diagnosed with bpd and schizotypal pd, among others, but a few of the many psychologists he spoke to following his arrest diagnosed him with aspergers. dahmer’s personality would go from awkward, reserved, and gentlemanly, to cocky, aggressive, and cruel. this could’ve been the bpd & aspergers/szpd (which is, more or less, aspergers & schizophrenia smushed together) coinciding. a little personal input: i myself have been diagnosed with a lot of different shit by several different therapists, but my lack of empathy and aloof attitude have been persistent symptoms in each of the diagnoses. if i compare myself to a friend of mine who has bpd, we’re pretty damn different. but if mashed together, we’d roughly make a dahmer-like personality, i think - and possibly a cartman-like personality. see, cartman’s behavior is very sporadic and unexpected. his default tone of speech (which says a lot about a person) seems to be a sarcastic but detached sort of drawl, which reflects his laid-back and idgaf-esque manner. he’s easily agitated, in which case his voice raises, often in a matter of seconds, before he’s returned to his relatively calm usual demeanor. the anger usually doesn’t last, unless it’s a heated argument. when angered, he can be driven to severely injuring people, without a second thought, because he lacks empathy. he blindly follows trends if they make him look cool, although i don’t think he really has a concept of what’s cool, nor does he care, i think he just tries to blend in to some degree to avoid ridicule, and because he wants people to like him. he’s assertive and straight-forward, doesn’t care if he hurts feelings, and doesn’t concern himself with people’s problems or opinions, although i think he cares about what people think about him a lot more than he cares to admit. that’s another thing that’s interesting; how he’s hated by everyone, despite his need for validation, and his brain twists things so he thinks people like him instead of just tolerate him. it’s crazy. anyway, i dunno, not making diagnoses, just bringing up symptoms and possibilities. and that’s all. gnite.
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2:09 AM
I am watching Rick & Morty. It is September 30, 2017. I will sing tomorrow at a karaoke Mexican restaurant. My heart is already beating faster than usual thinking about singing in front of a crowd.
I feel weird for not having a role model. I don’t think I’ve ever had one. There’s never been anyone in my life or anyone well known that I’ve wanted to stan after or really follow in their footsteps. Sure, there’s been certain qualities of people I’ve looked up to. I think Britney Spears’ is absolutely remarkable for being a literal super human at the tender age of 17. She wasn’t even 21 (my age) and she was already a living legend, her life barely having begun and had sold 50 million+ records. What a superpower one must have, even if it is being a sex symbol. When I was 17 I was jobless, being bullied in school and trying to slap my depression off with Prozac. I can’t help but envy Britney Spears’s age of success. No other 17 year old could ever, had never, and will never. Well, I cannot predict the future, but still.  I loved that Britney Spears also danced too-it will never make sense to me how people cannot automatically correlate music with dance. Christina Aguilera was also instrumental in making me feel awful about how little I had done with my life at 18. At 18 she won a grammy, exposed her incredibly godlike voice to the world, had three number one hits, sold 19 million copies of her first ever album and what I was doing? I got an easy job as a cashier at an Indian grocery store because you know, I’m Indian. I left after a month. The owner was a dick. 
I look up to Zhou Qunfei for being the richest self made woman on the planet, by being self-taught, starting a business/her ideas/her contribution and creation to society, believing in them and having her family also believe in them, then start from the ground up and become the mogul she is today, despite being born extremely poor. I love that she contributed so well as an innovate in the STEM fields.
I look up to Linkin Park for being the literal definition of original. I could cry thinking about Chester Bennington, again. I cried five times already since hearing of his passing. First off, Linkin Park helped me with my depression and suicide attempts- and by help I mean helping me cope with such awful thoughts. I would look at my own cuts and gashes on my thighs and arms and cry listening to Waiting for the End. Not only did they have some of the best music videos, but their melodies were out of this world. I truly cannot decide what was the most powerful aspect about them: Bennington’s vocals, Shinoda’s rapping, or those damn lyrics that I’d just read without even listening to the song and still shed tears. I liked that they entered the industry with a BOOM! I mean, what debut album sells thirty MILLION copies? 27 after, and 20 more after that one? LEGENDS. I love that despite their success they NEVER abused women in the process, or anyone that didn’t have their gift, talent, or privilege. They never did it for the groupies, the fame, the glamour, the star power. Shinoda NEVER rapped about date raping women, using them, calling them derogatory terms and talking of performing borderline illegal actions on them. He never rapped about how much money he had, or the fancy places he gets to go to now, but in fact rapped about never forgetting the struggles he- They had prior to the…breakthrough. I also found the one woman they would use in their video quite attractive. Not because they were used for eye candy or to show their bodies but to depict some level of emotional trauma and represent some form of intellect. I wish Bennington was here, still alive and happy. But I could never, EVER call someone that is suicidal selfish, or a coward. I guess because I know the feeling all too well, and for too long. If anything, the people who say such things are selfish and ruthlessly evil themselves, for not empathizing with what the person who took their live might have actually suffered to decide they longer can live as they are.
I find Mariah Carey’s voice a superpower as well- five octaves that could make me shed a tear, all while she writes and co-produces her own songs. To me, she seems the most involved in her music than the other pop starts/main stream artists out there, and on top of that she was not sexual, in her own prime. Quite the contradiction that I admire, and which helped her attain 18 number one hits! The individual with most number ones in the history of music is a brown girl yes! I like that being sexual and not being sexual both work for women. I like observing that and understanding that I have a choice to be as I please no matter what the world may already see me as even for my anatomy.
 I look up to Aimi Kobayashi for establishing a legacy through her out the world talents at the age of six!
The same can be said for Yeol Eum Son. I definitely have a soft spot for just about ANY woman with a PhD. I used to slut shame, not because I was super conservative because I never was, but I guess just due to the way I raised. I mean, till 18, I thought wearing even a bikini was “Whorish”! I used to also not care about women in the STEM field having a hard time or giving up. I like that I have matured enough to admire both women who are academically credited and or have never gone to college. I like that I have learned to admire both sexual women and modest women, and the middle ground ‘in betweeners’ such as myself. I grew so little, but grew nonetheless.
All of these people come from different parts of the world and start with little to nothing only to spend years to come up to where they are. I love it. But I don’t love them. Not the way I love my mother, or even my rabbit, because I don’t know them personally. I would also never want to be them. At most I’d like to advice or tips. But I probably wouldn’t be able to handle their struggles as well as they themselves did. Many times I’ve hated myself so much, I’d wish I could be someone else- even something else. I used to wish I was even a blade of grass. At least it would grow and be indestructible no matter what. At least time would always be on its side. It would grow from ground up- literally to form a beautiful meadow and help the world around itself. Yea, I wish I was a long standing, beautifully rectangular blade of grass. But then my rabbit would eat me.
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