#Good to know that someone within the team still acknowledges the existence of this game
thatonecrookedsmile · 2 years
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March 15th is what I call "the day Showdown Bandit was first announced".Trailer anniversary in other words. Good times bro. I remember that day like it was 4 years ago (oh my god). I thought for this occasion that only I think is special,I should post something about SB today. Because at some point or another I would have to. Unfortunately I don't have anything recent to post,so here's something I did a long time ago.
My designs for Carl Handler and Buddy Bublik (because apparently the text on the drawing doesn't give enough of a hint (look,this was done over a year ago, give me a break). Kind of crazy to think that,apart from their names,we never saw anything from them in Episode 1. The (in-universe) creators of Bandit,and not once did we get any info from these guys. Imagine BATIM but Joey is never mentioned once. 
What was their relationship? Why and how did they bring the puppets to life? What happened to them after the show ended? Which one is the puppeteer,and if one is the puppeteer, what happened to the other one? So many questions,and we will probably never have answers.
Not that it will stop me from making designs and headcanons for them,but,still..
 As I said,this drawing was already done a long time ago,so there are some details here and there that could have been improved (like the proportions) (and also there are maybe 1 or 2 details in these designs that I might change the next time I draw them again) but I still think it's a good drawing that still holds up. Not bad for something made more than a year ago.
Despite the fact that my pfp is the cowboy himself,I've only really talked about this game once. Maybe it's hard to be interested in talking about something that,well,is kind of dead these days. And let it remain clear,I'm still pretty sad about what happened to this project. Very sad.
For a while now I've kind of wanted to continue this "AU" I had at the time just... I don't know,for fun? I just think it would be interesting to do a story with these characters who didn't get time to shine thanks for certain people.
I wouldn't say this would be a case of "I stole these characters and the story is mine now" or "what would I do if I directed Showdown Bandit" (that second one is worse than the first one,ngl). But more a case of "I'm still sad and I still want to draw/write stuff with these characters from a game that was wronged". Basically I'm still going to treat this as an AU/fanfic based on a game that went nowhere.
But again,dead game,inspiration to do something related to it is low at the moment. So nothing related to this "AU" is coming out anytime soon.
But when the inspiration strikes? Then yeah, I think I can try to do something. It's only a matter of time.
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spacedikut · 4 years
the blessing of a blizzard ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: a blizzard leaves the team holed up in the bau office. spencer can’t stop thinking about your elusive boyfriend, mike, who might not be your boyfriend after all. 4.3k
a/n: festive fic! kind of! im too scared to do a final check so if there’s errors or i misuse pronouns just lemme know ily happy holidays ! thank you to the incredible @homoose for helping with dialogue :D
Mike. His name is Mike, and Spencer hates him.
Full name Michael, Spencer presumes, which comes from Hebrew meaning “who is like God?” A rhetorical question, implying there is no person like God, Michael was one of the archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible.
What Michael should mean, however, is the guy that stole your heart and left Spencer thinking things very unlike him – that Mike, a man Spencer has never met and that clearly makes you very happy, has a really stupid name, for example.
There are three things Spencer knows about him:
1. Ever since you started deciding on his wardrobe, ladies love him. It makes you a little jealous, apparently.
2. You love baking him homemade treats whenever you can. Like a movie playing in his head, Spencer can perfectly remember you excitedly chatting with Garcia and Emily, animatedly explaining how excited Mike gets when he sees you’ve made something just for him.
3. Mike can be a bit of a dick, actually. There have been several mornings you’ve come in with a long face, leaning back in your desk chair far enough to view the world upside down and whining about how grumpy Mike was that morning, how you had to tip-toe around your apartment lest he get mad.
You’d called him your soulmate, added that he’s a light in your life you didn’t know you needed until you had him. You’re a person who chooses their words carefully, so when you’re walking around putting Mike and soulmate in the same sentence, you mean business.
That business is ripping Spencer’s heart out of his chest, apparently. Because you’re busy showing JJ pictures of him on your phone right now, blissfully unaware of the subconscious glare Spencer is lasering into your phone as he leans against the jet counter.
Spencer’s never had the honour of seeing Mike (a genuine word you used – honour) and you know what? Spencer doesn’t want to know what Mike looks like. Spencer doesn’t care. Mike’s probably ugly, anyway, and Spencer’s confidence within himself grows day by day and if there’s one thing he’s learnt recently it’s that comparison is the thief of joy and-
“Oh!” JJ exclaims, “He’s gorgeous!”
Fuck Mike. Really, fuck him.
The floor is slippery beneath everyone’s feet, the surrounding area slowly losing its mixture of colours to blend into one coat of white.
It’s snowing.
Garcia greets the team, a steaming cup of tea in her bejewelled hands, and everyone gets to work right away. There’s whispers of the snow getting heavier and sticking and covering more and more ground with more and more depth; people are rushing against the proverbial clock to get done and get home before they’re all stuck.
But that won’t happen, right? If people were genuinely concerned about getting snowed in, surely everyone would’ve been sent home early as a precaution. Right? Right?
Rossi’s the one to notice it, calling out, “Check it out. Snow’s pretty bad.”
He says it like it’s nothing, like they’ll race to the windows then deflate with disappointment because you couldn’t even create a single snowball with that light coat, but holy hell people are walking around with snow up to their ankles and it’s still coming down thick. And then the lights are flickering and JJ is making frantic calls home to Will and Hotch is exiting his office, phone pressed to his ear, calling everyone to attention:
“There’s a blizzard incoming. It’s too dangerous for anyone to be on the roads, so we’re being told to sit tight. You should all try to call home, just in case; we don’t know how long we’ll be here.”
Some people still brave it, still try to head on home, and whether they make it or not is up to the Gods. The team glance around, varying expressions – Emily and Derek look pissed, JJ is worried, and you and Rossi are straight-faced. Penelope is bouncing in excitement.
“It’s like a sleepover!”
All Spencer can think about is how Mike will have to suffer another day without you. He bites back a smile.
Spencer’s straining his neck, butt barely on his desk chair, in attempt to see around all the bustling people that stand between you and him. Through the glass BAU doors, on the phone, your shoulders are slumped and you kick your boot against the floor a few times to channel your multitude of emotions into something. He hopes Mike isn’t giving you a hard time for something that isn’t within your control.
Emily looks up from her monitor, where she’s doing Christmas shopping even though it’s Christmas Eve, and looks thoroughly amused by Spencer’s internal battle of wanting to watch you but not wanting it to be obvious.
“You good, Reid?”
Spencer flinches like Emily pinched him. “Yeah, good. Fine. Are you good?”
Emily makes a show of slowly turning to look at you, still on the phone, then slowly turning back to Spencer’s wide-eyed gaze. She smirks. “You think they’re talking to Mike?”
Yes, Spencer does think that, but he’d made a point to not fully acknowledge it. And there’s something about Emily’s smugness that tells Spencer she’s teasing him – she knows something he doesn’t and it makes his eyes narrow. “Probably. Why?”
Whatever the response is, Emily’s barely opened her mouth before she’s interrupted by Penelope Garcia gracefully clapping her hands, getting the attention of every BAU member. The team quiets and all eyes are on Penelope. Except Spencer, who watches with concern as you sneak back to your desk, a furrow to your brow and downward dips either side of your mouth.
“I know these are less-than-great circumstances, and we’re stuck in work of all places, but that shouldn’t mean we can’t have a little fun! So…”
She wildly gestures for Hotch to step forward, a cheesy grin on her face and a gleam in Hotch’s eye that tells everyone he’s also smiling but internally, and she takes the three large boxes he was carrying like the good sidekick he is.
“We’re building gingerbread houses!”
There’s exclamations of surprise and joy; Emily lights up at the idea of doing anything other than work or sitting at her desk, and JJ takes a box to look it over before asking, “Where did you get these?”
Hotch answers. “They were supposed to be for the kids,” He shrugs, holding back a smile, “However, I guess we can use them now.”
“Yes,” Penelope nods, “Yes, we can use them now. Get your game faces on, because this is a competition. Hotch and Rossi are the judges, because they’re grumpy old men, and the rest of us will be in teams of two fighting to build the best gingerbread house the BAU has ever seen.”
Derek speaks up for the first time, just to insult Spencer. “I refuse to be on a team with Reid. He has no creative skills.”
Members of the team laugh and Spencer reacts indignantly. He wants to reply, but you’re already speaking.
“Hey! I’ll take him! Spencer’s great.”
Many heads snap to you when you speak, Spencer’s surely got whiplash, but you’re looking at him and smiling at him and him alone. He’s breathless at the sight, how you chose him and have literal stars in your eyes, yet all he can think is how undeserving he is of such a beauty. How undeserving anyone is, mostly Mike, to exist in the same reality as someone who puts the definition of beautiful to shame.
Spencer’s about to make the best damn gingerbread house the world has ever seen.
So, building a gingerbread house? A little more difficult than originally thought.
Maybe it’s the sticky icing, or the temptation to simply eat all the sweet decorative candy rather than use it for its intended purpose, or…
Maybe it’s the pretty teammate Spencer has that keeps brushing against him, keeps brushing against his hands, and like a virus to a computer you completely wipe Spencer of all thoughts other than: Y/N.
Spencer caught you watching him while he was rolling up his shirt sleeves, caught you staring at his hands and trailing your eyes up his forearms, following the sleeves as they moved inch by inch up to his elbows.
Then, when Spencer was holding two pieces of gingerbread together, you were too lost in thought to put the icing between the cracks and cement them together. Your eyes were trained on the fingers pressing the pieces together. Spencer had to call your name three times to wake you up.
Then, something weird happened (if the previous instances weren’t weird enough). You two had been in your own bubble of hushed tones and accidental touching, surrounded by bickering and collapsing houses and at one point Emily offered Rossi twenty bucks if he just votes for her and JJ without them making a house, and suddenly it’s silent. All he can hear is his heartbeat, his blood pumping in his ears, and all he can feel is the warmth of your breath on his ear because you’re right there, over his shoulder, joining him in hunching over your creation to decorate it with all kinds of shapes and colours.
The close proximity is too much. It’s too much.
You lean even closer, shoulder and arm pressed directly against Spencer’s, and lift another hand to place a miniature candy cane next to the gingerbread door. The action causes your hand to brush Spencer’s, and for the first time ever he’s not jolting away like he’s been electrocuted, no, his hand stays there, hovering, waiting and hoping for more.
Hoping for more of you.
And you seem to realise, too, that Spencer’s reaction is abnormal. He can’t decide if you’re testing the waters, or if it was a mere accident. But what are you testing the waters for? Why are you trying to touch him? Why do you want to touch him?
He takes a sharp intake of breath. From the corner of his eye, he sees you turn to look at him, and he almost doesn’t reciprocate. Almost.
You’re so close, face so close to his own. You take the softest breaths, in and out, sending the gentlest puffs of air onto Spencer’s lips.
He has no idea what the fuck is happening. He doesn’t want it to stop.
Your eyes, always shining and full of an emotion Spencer can’t decipher, dance around his face – his eyes, to his nose, stopping on each cheek, back and forth and up and down. Spencer’s captured by them, unable to tear himself away, which has become quite the habit since he’s known you.
Then you’re looking at his lips.
Spencer blinks, hoping to clear away the obvious hallucination he’s having, but no. Nothing changes. Your gaze remains, unwavered, making Spencer subconsciously open his mouth. The softest gasp leaves it when your pupils dilate.
This is the perfect moment to kiss, right? Right here, in front of the gingerbread house you made together, decorated together, and now begin the start of something else together. It makes sense, it’s almost poetic, and Spencer’s thought about you and him in a relationship enough times to consider this opportunity good and sweet enough to regale everyone with in the future.
Can you imagine it? “We had our first kiss in front of the gingerbread house we slaved over together. We won the competition, too.”
There’s a loud clang – Penelope found an actual gong from somewhere – and Rossi announces that the timer has gone off and it’s time for the judges to vote for the winner.
When you gently pick up yours and Spencer’s creation and take it to a cloth-covered table, where Rossi and Hotch ominously stand with their arms crossed, Spencer is frozen in place.
Oh my god. Oh my god.
There’s no way you wanted to kiss him. It isn’t possible. You’ve never looked at him like that before. It must’ve been a mistake.
But you were so close…
No. If Spencer made that move, it would’ve ruined everything – your friendship, the festive fun, the atmosphere of the entire evening. Everyone’s expected to be stuck here for at least another six hours, and making it tense and awkward was not something Spencer is willing to do.
But your eyes…
Spencer can’t think about that fact too much. That could mean anything – dilated pupils don’t necessarily mean you’re in love. You could’ve gotten a good whiff of the gingerbread and felt hungry, or a song you really liked started playing from the playlist Penelope created. Or, most likely, Spencer thinks, you were thinking about someone else.
Your boyfriend, for example.
You have a boyfriend. Mike.
Of course, you were probably thinking of Mike. Your boyfriend.
Spencer almost kissed someone in a relationship, and he’s pretty sure you almost kissed him too.
Much to Derek’s chagrin, you and Spencer win the gingerbread house contest.
Penelope was baffled, frantically gesturing to the Jacuzzi she made with icing and- Derek made miniature weights? Somehow? It looked chaotic.
“Practicality, my dear,” Rossi told her. “Who, living in a gingerbread house, is worried about working out?”
Even though you and Spencer were the winners, Derek and Penelope and their pouting (and calls for a rematch) took the attention away from the obvious awkward tension between the winners. Spencer stayed at the desk you worked at while you took your house to the judges, stayed at the desk when you were crowned and stayed at the desk when you cheered.
You looked at him, wide grin and happy eyes, and all he could do was tightly smile back. Give a thumbs up.
He gave you a thumbs up. You nearly kissed less than ten minutes prior. And all he could do was give you a thumbs up.
The light in your eyes dimmed, but you seemed to understand.
Understand what, exactly? Spencer’s not so sure either. But something clicked in your head – you nodded to yourself as if confirming whatever you’ve concluded, and turned your back to him.
That was an hour ago. Now, the team has spread across everyone’s desks. Turns out, Hotch is a big fan of gingerbread - he’s consumed most of Derek and Penelope’s creation, icing and all, while Rossi has decided now is a good time to open one of the many bottles of whiskey he has in his office.
Spencer believes having that much alcohol in your work environment is breaking some kind of rule, but the snow isn’t letting up and it looks like a sleepover in the BAU office is likely. He deserves a little whiskey.
And where are you in all of this?
Spencer won’t lie and pretend he hasn’t had you in his line of sight the entire time, so he’ll recap what you’ve been doing: laughing at Derek’s jokes, plaiting Penelope’s hair, eating the candy Emily and JJ didn’t use on their house.
You’d left the room to call home and check up on things (check up on Mike, Spencer thinks bitterly) and now you stand in front of the large window by the BAU elevators, watching the snow fall.
Spencer has the perfect view of you through the glass doors. When the call ends and you stay there, he grabs a paper plate, grabs one of the walls from yours and his masterpiece and makes his way towards you.
He doesn’t know what he’ll say, or how he’ll even act, but he wants to talk to you. Things feel weird after the almost-kiss, and Spencer never wants things to be weird with you. He can’t have things weird with you. You hadn’t talked to him once since the competition, and he has a feeling you’re waiting for him to make the first move.
So he does. If that’s what you need, he’ll do it.
(He’s making this more dramatic than it needs to be, really, but he feels everything so deeply when it comes to you)
Spencer’s voice perfectly matches the snowy atmosphere. It makes you feel warm inside, like you’ve just taken a sip of hot cocoa, and so often he’s left goosebumps on your skin just from speaking.
Seeing the outstretched paper plate in his hand, you take it gratefully. “Hi there. Thanks.” You nod to the gingerbread that you begin breaking up.
You hand him the first piece even though he brought it for you, and it’s silent while you both chew thoughtfully and watch the pure white outside. It doesn’t feel weird, necessarily, standing here, shoulder-to-shoulder with you, but you’re certainly more in your head than usual. You’re thinking a lot and, as much as it hurts him, Spencer knows you’re likely preoccupied by your boyfriend and not what transpired between you earlier.
It’s that thought, that disappointment settling into his chest, that opens his mouth unconsciously: “How’s Mike? Does he know you’re not making it home tonight?”
He regrets it immediately, worsened by the way you stop mid-chew, eyes dimming like Spencer’s taken a baseball bat and shattered the lights inside.
This is unchartered territory – talking about Mike with you – and you know it. Who, in their right mind, willingly asks the person they have feelings for how their relationship with someone that isn’t you is going? Does Spencer enjoy pain?
Although this is the first time Spencer’s mentioned Mike to your face (he’s mentioned Mike plenty to a laughing Derek), he’s been so close to presenting the topic many times. He wants to know so badly – wants to know how well Mike treats you, really treats you (he will profile you), if you see a long-term future with him and if not, on average how long does it take you to get over your exes? Just an estimate?
You swallow the gingerbread you’re eating. “He’s okay. My roommate has to take care of him, but at least he’s got someone.”
Since when do you have a roommate?
And why is your roommate taking care of your boyfriend?
Oh. Guilt blooms in Spencer when it registers that he’s been thinking ill of a person that might be sick. No wonder you dote on him so much and seemed devastated to make that phone call home earlier - Mike needs you, you can’t be there for him, and you feel horrible for it.
Spencer feels horrible for having the subject of his anger be someone you so clearly cherish, so deeply love. He’s embarrassed that if he was asked to explain why he hates Mike so much, he’d have to tell them it’s because Mike has you, and you’re what Spencer wants. What about what you want?
“Take care of him?” Spencer asks. The concern is genuine, which is an emotion he never thought he’d have in regards to Mike. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh,” You shrug. “He needs someone watching over him at all times, that’s all.”
That’s all?
You continue. “Make sure he eats – and only eats what he’s supposed to. Give him his meds. Make sure he poops. Those kinda things.”
“Your… roommate makes sure your boyfriend poops?”
Now, Spencer knows what you look like when you’re confused. Honestly, he has every facial expression you’ve graced him with tucked away in a proverbial box he spends too much time thinking about. He knows that when you’re trying not to laugh, you bite the inside of your left cheek. When you’re frustrated but need to present a professional front, you bite the inside of your right cheek. Happiness fills your entire face, like every inch is consumed by it, and you’ve trained yourself to transport anger to your hands, where they twist into tight fists and leave fingernail marks in your palms.
Confusion is one of his favourites (second only to joy – for obvious reasons. Have you seen your smile?) because it takes many forms. You’ve pursed your lips, narrowed your eyes, tapped your foot on the floor. When you do them all, Spencer considers it a jackpot. There’s something about the way you look when you’re presented with something you can’t quite figure out yet, when you’re perplexed, that just-
You make it hard for him to concentrate. He can’t be a genius when you’re around because you’re so pretty. You’re a vision and he can never rattle off information to you specifically because he will trip up and divert to talking about the beauty that is you and that would be embarrassing for many reasons.
But this type of confusion? The way you’re looking at him right now? He’s never seen this before. Your jaw has dropped, your brows are furrowed so deeply they might fall off, and you look… horrified.
“My… my boyfriend?”
Spencer mirrors your expression. “Yeah, your boyfriend. Mike?” He looks around, waiting for cameramen to jump out and tell him he’s being pranked, because why don’t you know who your own boyfriend is?
You move slowly, placing the half-eaten plate on the windowsill before turning to face Spencer fully. You take a second to compose yourself.
“Mike is my cat.”
Mike is…
“And he’s having digestive issues, so he needs to be watched pretty much full-time.”
Silence. Tense, weird silence.
“…You thought Mike was my boyfriend?”
Spencer sputters, then, because of course he did! “Yes! The way you talk about him was… it was… it seemed…”
He flustered, oh so flustered, hands flailing and face enflamed and burning from the inside out. How had he not known?! How had… how had your wires gotten so convoluted, so mixed?
Does everyone know that Mike is a cat? Is Spencer the only one out of the loop? The look Emily gave him earlier, that knowing too-smug look, was that…
She was making fun of him. She knew he thought Mike was a person, not a pet, and was teasing him because of it.
All at once, the world seems lighter and dimmer – a contradiction that leaves Spencer’s chest heaving – because the past year feels like a lie. He’s spent so long seeing the way you come to life when talking about Mike, sitting opposite you on the jet as you awaken like a dying flower watered when home got closer and closer, and it was all for… a cat?
There’s a mist over Spencer’s eyes as he recalls every overheard declaration of love and coos of how handsome Mike is, and you’re laughing. Spencer’s having a crisis in front of your very eyes and you’re laughing. Hunched over, a single tear falling from your eye, clutching your stomach because it hurts from the ferocity of your giggles.
By the time you quieten, your hand is over your mouth to cover the big grin that grounds him, gives him something other than this revelation to focus on. Spencer’s still baffled, frazzled, but there’s the tiniest of smiles on his face because of how overjoyed you look. And he did that. Albeit his stupidity did it, but Spencer’s stupidity nonetheless.
You’re out of breath. “God I… I don’t even know what to say. You really thought my cat was my boyfriend?”
Spencer’s fighting a smile, lips wiggling. The way you’re looking at him now, all blinding smile and crinkled eyes, alleviates him of any anxiety he earlier had. Like you’ve wiped away his plate-full of worries, all the times it felt like he took an arrow to the heart, all the times he caught you smiling at your phone because you were looking at pictures of Mike, it’s all worth it. Because you’ve never looked like this while talking about Mike, and Mike is a cat. He isn’t a person, isn’t your boyfriend. Mike is a cat and Spencer has a chance.
Spencer has a chance.
“Does this… this means you’re single, right?”
A somewhat terrified look overtakes his face.
“Oh, shoot, you are single, right?”
You bite your lower lip and nod. “Yes, Spencer. I’m single.”
He lets out a breath. “Good. That’s good. I’m glad.” He repeats your nod, realises what he said could imply, and starts shaking his head. “Not-not good good. You’re incredible and need to be appreciated, but… good, because that means we could, you know…” He gestures vaguely. God, why can’t he get coherent words out? “If you wanted to, we could-“
“Are you trying to ask me out, Spencer?”
Just to cause immense emotional distress, you raise an eyebrow, mischief clear on your face, and wait for him to continue.
“You want me to actually ask?” He winces.
“I’ve spent the last year convinced you didn’t like me, so, yes, I want you to actually ask.”
The new information sends ice down Spencer’s back because what? Since when? “You- what?“
“I’ve liked you for a while, Spencer,” You cross your arms over your body, slightly embarrassed. “But you always kept your distance so I did too, I guess.”
“I thought you were taken!” Spencer exclaims. “If I’d known I would’ve-we could’ve- I would-“
“You’d what, Reid?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone, but there’s no denying you’re incandescently happy.
He takes a deep breath and asks what he’s wanted to for far too long. “When this is all over, would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N?”
Relief flashes in your eyes, like you didn’t fully believe what was happening until he finally asked, and words have never sounded as pretty as when you say: “Yes. Yes I would.”
Like lovesick idiots, you stand in front of the window with the snowfall as a backdrop, grinning at each other. You can’t help it – you lean up, press a kiss to his cheek that immediately sets his skin ablaze, and fall back onto your feet with a smile sweeter than all the sugar you’d consumed today.
“Merry Christmas, Spencer.”
Somehow, despite the nerves and the way his heart is trying to leap into your hands, he manages to tell you, “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
(Three weeks later, Spencer meets the Mike. Turns out he’s a nice guy. Spencer takes the first opportunity he can to apologise for all the bad things he said about him behind his back. The purring tells Spencer he’s forgiven)
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @bitchyreids @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @gublertoon @averyhotchner @prettyboy-reid @shadyladyperfection
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austajunk · 3 years
Please PLEASE go into detail about how protective he is over Chiaki!! I literally am begging to finally hear someone else actually acknowledge their friendship/relationship especially after having to deal with a pretty toxic anti-bi/pan Nagito rper I was on a server with for a good part of a year! (Sorry went kinda ranty but hopefully my anguish is understandable!)
Oh my lord, you’re giving me a chance to shine with my fixations?! I can’t thank you enough! Now, please understand that this is based on my perception of the series as I’ve played through the second game twice. I’m pretty good when it comes to being the person who has unpopular opinions and ships and I know claiming that Nagito is bi/pan/Demi is probably one of them. But honestly, it comes from the desire to see this boy get as much love as possible. Because he sure needs it.
Ultimately, Nagito’s sexuality is never canonly specified, so I think whether gay, bisexual, Pansexual, or what have you, we’re all well within our rights to just have fun and see what we want to in a really flawed and relatable character. And that’s what makes it interesting.
That being said, let’s talk about Nagito and Chiaki. Friendship or romantic, I don’t think you can deny that Chiaki is at least special to Nagito in some way.
Upon replaying the second game, I’ve realized how protective Nagito actually is towards Chiaki interestingly enough.
In chapter 2, she leaves to go question Fuyuhiko but Nagito stops her and tells her not to let Fuyuhiko get rough with her. Every time Chiaki’s skills help them advance, he deeply praises her. Even after he’s stopped praising all the others (which he does mostly after Chapter one, hinting he does not like some of them as actual people). But for some reason, especially during the trials, Nagito is quick to jump in and mention how wonderful Chiaki is and compliment her (only to be usually cut off by someone when he starts to ramble).
It should also be noted that Chiaki and Nagito both share an appreciation for games. Nagito seems to like more luck-based games for obvious reasons, but he also mentions that like Chiaki, he likes the Twilight Syndrome series. Both of them similarly state that they felt Monokuma was butchering a favorite game of theirs.
They also both have an odd way of trying to cheer Hajime up and joke with him, the examples shown coincidentally beside one another. Chiaki says she’s gonna look for a dirty book, throwing Hajime off and Nagito “jokingly” tells Hajime to lick his boots and now to him, but Hajime is extremely put off when he claims it was a joke. These oddballs get each other in the weirdest of ways is what I’m saying. They’re both incredibly antisocial, but their hearts are reaching the same place too when they try to make an effort.
In chapter 4, when Chiaki teams up with Nagito and Kazuichi, then leaves because they’re both being clingy, Nagito quickly follows and chases after her to make sure she’s okay. Then he chastised her for running off, looking deeply concerned. Even after his attitude change, he will answer her more directly and not ignore her. When she tells him to be quiet, he politely obeys... or maybe it’s because he’s deep in thought about her motives as he mentions he was watching the trial carefully to decide on who the traitor is.
I may just be mentioning this because they’re my OTP, but if you know about their school time together and pay attention to Nagito’s Hope versus Chiaki’s Hope, I think it’s fascinating.
Okay, now let’s head into Danganronpa 3 territory. Now this is the part where I am the most shaky as I’m still trying to determine what I take canon from this series. The thing is, a friend who got me into the series informed me that the production was way rushed and that Kodaka never wanted to do the anime in the first place. But! That being said, Chiaki and Nagito have some great moments in this and the anthology comics along with it, so let’s get into some stuff.
First of all, Nagito warmly mentions that Chiaki being their class rep makes her the true Hope of their class. And you can tell he’s serious because as he’s saying it, he’s doing that thing where he’s staring at his hand desperately like he wants eat it. You know the look.
Moving on, it’s clear that aside from Chisa, Chiaki is the only one to value and treasure Nagito. And this makes sense. In her own dying words, she loves her classmates. They are the world to her. All of them. And of course, she loves Nagito too with all her heart. As evidenced as she cradled him protectively in her arms while he’s injured. At first when Chiaki and the others are determined to stand up to Junko and get their teacher back, Nagito pleads with Chiaki not to. That his luck could not overcome them. He knows they can’t win in this situation and I do think he was actually trying to talk Chiaki out of it. But of course, when Chiaki pushes back and says she wants to go anyways, he literally can’t help himself when it comes to wanting to see Hope shine. So he agrees and praises her again because of course he does.
Until it all leads to the Pain Train with Despair coming out on top. Chiaki is brutally slaughtered and we see something new from Nagito. He breaks down crying. Tears are streaming madly down his face as a forced and twisted smile appears on his lips. He even beseeches Chiaki’s name. “You understand right? You know you’re a stepping stone for Hope!” “What has been done to Nanami is unforgivable...” Nagito’s already trying to cope. To rationalize something horrible that he just witnessed in his mind. He’s trying to protect himself as he’s utterly being destroyed and breaking down like all of his classmates. Chiaki’s death literally shatters his mind. It’s a pretty well done scene even if I’m not a big fan of the brainwashing stuff. Not to mention, the way he says “You understand right, Nanami?” As if he’s begging for her forgiveness as he falls apart. It’s so very very tragic. And of course, when being made apart of the Neo World Program, his desire to see Chiaki once more, just one more time like his classmates, brings her back to him(and the other classmates) in AI form.
Honestly... it’s pretty beautiful. Chiaki is apart of Nagito in some way and is imprinted into his mind and heart. He longed to see her as much as everyone else. This person, who doesn’t seek out relationships because his luck either gets them killed or he finds their Hope to be too weak, has a connection with Chiaki like that. This is literally a person who believes his life is just a stepping stone for better and more worthy people, someone who knows their existence is a formality at this point. And still, he does have connections. There are people capable of caring about him and loving him and Chiaki was one of those people. And he wanted to see her again in the Neo World Program. Like Chiaki said, it’s no less than miracle.
But alas, this is getting rather long, isn’t it? Well in the D3 anthology, Nagito also is concerned when Chiaki avoids eating because of her hyperfixation on gaming. Chiaki skipping out on self care?! Not cool, Chiaki. And so he challenges her to a game to make sure she’ll eat lunch. Fucking protective as hell. And yes yes, the anthology isn’t canon... but that’s the thing about Danganronpa. The series is over. Any additional info and stuff added to it is meant to enrich the experience for the fandom, so it’s canon to me. What’s the fandom gonna do? Whine at me and tell me it isn’t? That Nagito wouldn’t do these things when official anthologies and content that’s sold for Danganronpa tells me he would? So... yeah.
Ultimately, whether you ship them or not, I think this fandom is missing out on the Komanami side of things and how good their relationship is when you really observe it. :3
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moririki · 3 years
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it takes a confession from someone else at nationals for tanaka to realise where his feelings truly lie
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> kinda shit writing (i need to start proofreading), tanaka's dumb as shit you both are i'm so sorry, takes a while to get into for no good reason, unclear time jumps just bear with pls, takes place in s4 so i guess spoilers?, ooc kiyoko + yachi i think, rushed ending
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> bruh i love tanaka so much and i love ignoring responsibilities so i'm just going to write this. also kanoka amanai supremacy <33 i love tall women
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sure, it could all be in your head, but you always thought that there was this unspoken tension between you and tanaka. you were uncertain of how or when it had started, but when the boy you had grown closer to during your first year practically begged you to join the volleyball club as a manager. you declined at first, but you quickly realised that having a club wouldn't hurt for college applications and that you did have quite a bit of spare time on your hands. besides, when tanaka decided to include nishinoya in his pleas, they could get very annoying.
you finally caved when they literally got down on their knees in front of you in a school corridor of all places, and it took you yelling at them to get up and promising to become a manager for them to knock it off. you brushed off the slight butterflies in your stomach that came to life when you saw tanaka's grinning face when you agreed. you were just friends. and you were just doing this as an extracurricular. no other reason.
you met the two other managers, kiyoko and yachi, who you instantly hit it off with. though vastly different, you found their presences soothing after having to be around nishinoya and tanaka in a classroom for most of the day. kiyoko taught you and yachi the ropes of being a manager, such as the intricacies of procuring towels for each player and making sure that water bottles stayed filled.
getting to know the players was nice, too. there were some third years who you would have found intimidating in any other setting if it weren't for nishinoya basically climbing onto them, as well as some first years who were... energetic, to say the least. you definitely got a kick out of watching them practice.
and then, of course, the duo which you had the ultimate dissatisfaction of knowing in and out of a classroom. even though they were practically bouncing in their seats all day, tanaka and nishinoya still were some of the most energetic within the team alongside hinata. you don't know how they did it.
and all of this would have been fine and dandy, if it weren't for that tricky underlying unspoken thing that you couldn't shake the feeling of. you were aware of your own feelings, painfully so, and how they would make you seize up in front of the boy who had seemed to stake a claim in your heart.
so yes, maybe it was just wishful thinking when you glanced to the seat next to you to find his eyes already locked onto you, and maybe you missed the slight tint of his cheeks when you accidentally brushed the back of his hand, but surely it didn't hurt to dream a little?
the little cat and mouse game had seemed to turn up a notch with this school year, though you were yet to realise.
it was hard to believe that this was the same team that had once lost to aoba johsei. in the few months that you had been their manager, you had watched as the karasuno volleyball club powered through preliminaries, only gaining momentum with each step forwards.
you found their drive and passion admirable, to say the least. it was so clear to see their dedication to the sport through every spike and receive. just observing them was enough to be blown away by the sheer power, though you found your focus lingering on one particular player more than you wanted it to.
in your defence, it was like tanaka was a completely different person on the court. though he still messed around, you saw a drive in him when he delivered spikes that you had never seen before. then there was the same old tanaka yelling out a string of not-quite words while ripping off his shirt and waving it madly. even especially then, you still just watched him in silent distant awe.
and so, your observations continued. you made sure to be sly about it for reasons that still remained unknown to you. you didn't think that anyone had caught you, so it was surprising when you felt kiyoko walk up to you, a knowing smile on her face.
"you seem to be staring at him whenever you get the chance, y/n," she hummed. straight to the point. you tried to string together some denial, but your senior just laughed, placing a dainty hand on your shoulder. "the blush would say otherwise, y/n."
the pair of you giggling had attracted the attention of nishinoya. he scurried over to tanaka, nudging his side intently.
"it was a good idea that we got y/n to become a manager, huh? look at kiyoko, she's laughing and smiling now." tanaka looked over, feeling his face heat up at the sight of you and kiyoko huddled together and gossiping lightly. "man, she's so beautiful," nishinoya whined. tanaka nodded, though his eyes couldn't seem to focus on the third year with glasses.
stolen glances from either side were all that seemed to happen. by some course of luck, the two of you had never managed to catch the other's eye.
the miyagi prefecture rolled past, with an astounding win against shiratorizawa. you remembered the day clearly. you and yachi had ecstatically clung to each other at the final point, jumping up and down with joy.
you watched the team hug each other, almost melting into tears as reality sunk in. the buzz still remained as you headed to meet the team, eager to congratulate them.
yachi got confronted immediately by hinata, the two of them excitedly yammering on with sound effects and wild arm motions. you looked around, eager to spot one face only.
the answer came to you with a pair of arms that had wrapped around you from behind. you squealed, feeling yourself get lifted off of the ground and spun in a circle.
"y/n!" you turned around as you were set down, already recognising them by their voice.
"tanaka!" you beamed at him, seeing the rosy flush to his cheeks. you'd blame it on the adrenaline later, but your only instinct was to close the gap between you and throw yourself into his arms, wrapping around his shoulders. he responded immediately, and you were too caught up in your own overlapping compliments and praises that you didn't even notice the hesitance in him as he let go. "you played so well, tanaka, i'm so proud of you!" the boy's smile spread wider, and he was about to respond when a blur of limbs and hair jumped onto his back.
nishinoya quickly joined, rambling about the game, and you couldn't help but get sucked in, the moment that you had had with tanaka disappearing as quickly as it arrived. you followed along with nishinoya, joining in with his gushing over the plays.
"and to think that i can brag about my friends going to nationals," you beamed.
though they didn't seem like much of an impact to you, a certain skinhead got very quiet on the way back home. was that really all that you saw in him?
then again, neither you nor tanaka had time for doubts. nationals were looming, and some of the first years were at practice camps. with the absence of hinata, there was a silence to fill in the gym as the players practiced. this ended up being combatted with more gossiping with kiyoko and yachi.
today's topic was your relationship with tanaka. you groaned, digging the heels of your palms into your eyelids out of frustration.
"i don't know what's happening any more," you complained in a hushed tone while kiyoko folded up the towels. yachi nodded sympathetically as you continued. "everything was good at the shiratorizawa match and i thought that something was really there between us, you know?"
"i thought you didn't like him, y/n?" yachi asked you in confusion. you felt yourself blush, shrugging a little.
"so did i, but..." you trailed off, looking over to tanaka. he had just finished delivering a spike, and almost on a whim he looked over to you only to see you already looking at him. he managed a quick smile before lookin away to avoid blushing too profusely.
you only saw the tight-lipped smile sent your way briefly before tanaka turned away from you.
"see, he wants nothing to do with me," you groaned, completely missing the knowing look nishinoya shot tanaka, as well as tanaka's hissed response of "shut up." kiyoko and yachi exchanged a glance of skepticism before returning to you.
"look, y/n, just because you two hugged at the shiratorizawa match doesn't mean that he doesn't want anything to do with you," kiyoko chided you.
"i think that it's the opposite, actually," yachi chimed in. you looked up at them, your doubt clear to see from your facial expression.
"so why's he being so weird and distant?" you countered.
"he's probably trying to figure out his emotions and feelings," yachi suggested.
"from what i've seen, he stares at you a lot." kiyoko was blunt, and you blushed at her observations. "and you do the same back, y/n. i don't think that it's out of coincidence."
the two other managers had you and your feelings cornered. kiyoko wasn't one to sow false hope, and yachi's smile was nothing but supportive.
"so... what am i supposed to do about all of this? my feelings?" you got quiet again, desperate for none of the players to be able to hear you even though they were all practising hard at the moment.
"well, you've got to get them out in the open eventually. you know that you like him, so you can either wait for them to go away or do something about it." you nodded in agreement, though either option sounded unpleasant.
"I think you should go for it, y/n," yachi nudged you, and you nodded slowly.
"i'll try to. i'm not sure how, though," you mumbled.
"ah, y/n, there's no rush," the two girls assured you.
right, you thought to yourself. i've got plenty of time to figure out how to do this.
naturally, nationals came faster than you wanted it to. the few nights leading up to it, a small idea had formed in your head on how to best confront tanaka. but excuses kept popping up to keep your thoughts at bay.
he doesn't like you like that.
you'll just throw him off of his game.
you'd be a bad manager if you did that.
you groaned in frustration, glaring at the good luck charm for tanaka that you had made. its meticulously stitched letters mocked you, and you almost threw it across your room. but you hesitated, instead tucking it into the pocket of your jacket.
you had a plan. you were going to stick to it. the bus for nationals was going to leave tomorrow.
nationals was as enjoyable as it could be. you were definitely busy as one of the managers, and thoughts about your looming confession were pushed to the back of your head.
that was, until you had met with the team back at the inn that you were staying at and heard them gushing over someone and tanaka. you tapped ennoshita, asking him what was going on since tanaka appeared to have blown a fuse.
"oh, he's just realised that he actually has a chance with someone for once," the second year chuckled, and you felt your eyebrows raise.
"with who?" it was an effort to keep your voice neutral, and you weren't sure if your underlying emotions were undetected by him. but he shrugged and answered anyway.
"that tall volleyball girl who noya almost fell into. i think that her name was kanoka?" and with that, you felt your resolve crumble just a little. you overheard some jeers from noya over how red tanaka was, and that was enough to make you turn on your heel and stalk off, clutching at the good luck token in your pocket and your pride.
it looks like kiyoko was wrong after all.
you got ready for bed with a heavy heart, mulling over the events of the past few weeks. you lingered on kiyoko's reminder to get your feelings out in the open regardless of his.
though you didn't want to admit it, you knew that she was right. it would be better to face rejection and just try to move on. you saw that kiyoko had returned from her bath with yachi, and she smiled sympathetically when she saw your face.
"i need you to tell me to do it," you said to her. the third year blinked a few times, before fixing you with a look.
"you only need to tell yourself, y/n. but go. it's not too late yet, he won't be asleep." you nodded, stepping out into the slightly chilly hallway, the charm half-hidden by your hand as you marched towards the boys' dormitories. you couldn't find it in yourself to care that you had goosebumps prickling over your skin from the temperature or that you were wearing shorts that made you look just a little indecent.
you knocked on the door, and to your luck, it was the very guy that you wanted who opened it.
"hey, can we talk?" tanaka nodded in confusion, slipping out into the hallway. his eyes flickered over you and what you were wearing before his eyes shot back up to your face, a blush warming his cheeks. you tucked some hair behind your ear, trying to gather some courage.
"tanaka, i..." you trailed off pitifully, feeling all of your brazen confidence dissipate now that you had him alone. you remembered his face after speaking to kanoka, and you grimaced. you thrust out your hand, and he took the charm from you with delicate fingers. they brushed against your palm for a split second, and you could have sworn that you felt a jolt of electricity run through you. "it's a good luck charm." you wanted to punch yourself.
"shouldn't the rest of the team be here?" tanaka traced the meticulous stitches, trying to fight the urge to just melt into a puddle right now and wrap you in another hug.
"why?" you furrowed your brows, confused.
"well, you'd want to wish all of us luck, right? as a manager?"
"well, yeah, but this one's just for you." you whispered the last part though the silent hallway made it easy for tanaka to hear. he felt his mind go blank at your words, a part of him hoping that you'd say something else.
tanaka, i like you.
tanaka, i want to go out with you.
i'm in love with you, ryu.
those unspoken words swirled around both of your heads, though tanaka sucked in a sharp breath and thanked you in a slightly gruff voice before almost dashing away, leaving you stood alone in the hallway.
you walked away, too confused to do anything else. then again, the more you thought about it, the clearer things became. he didn't like you in the same way.
day 2 of nationals was just as gruelling as day 1, if not more. karasuno were up against inarizaki, prospected champions of the entire tournament. you could feel the nervousness of the team, though this was different from how they typically felt pre-game.
there was determination. there was confidence. and you were there to witness it.
the match was, as expected, intense. even if it was just three sets, it seemed like a lifetime. both teams were strong and fighting for the same spot to keep going onto the next stage, but ultimately karasuno were triumphant.
you felt almost lighter than air with excitement and cheering. you were so proud of them all. they had come so far, and there was still a long road ahead of them to keep hiking. you and yachi charged towards the team who were rejoicing, and you felt yourself drawn to tanaka despite everything.
"y/n!" his eyes were wide, head still spinning from the game. his hands gripped yours, almost engulfing them with the size of his own.
"tanaka!" you gasped.
"y/n, i've known you for a few years and yesterday made me realise a lot of things," tanaka started rambling to you, and you could only hope from the tone in his voice that this was going the route that you had dreamt of. "i didn't know how i felt for so long, and i'm still confused, but i know that i want you, y/n." the borrowed confidence tanaka had compelled you to look at him, his eyes only holding honesty, with a tinge of desperation for your response.
"i've liked you for so long, y/n, and you giving me that luck charm made me realise that i want you to be mine. and i understand if you don't feel the same way but-"
tanaka didn't get to finish his sentence, not with you launching yourself at him and wrapping your arms around him in the tightest hug that you could manage. the cheers of your teammates almost amplified in your ears, but all that you could focus on was the grinning boy with his arms around you.
"tanaka, i want you." you had to yell to be heard despite being this close together, but the smile on your face said it all.
kiyoko was right. you had it all wrong, and you were glad.
because when you and tanaka closed the gap between your lips, not giving a damn about the rest of the court seeing, you could only smile giddily as you heard the excited yells of the other second years as you felt a long-awaited rush of satisfaction.
yeah, he liked you back.
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lightrises · 3 years
"Only in allowing her to pass..." — Hornet, The Radiance, and the means by which Hallownest turned its victims against each other
A quick note: I read Hollow Knight as an anti-colonialist text. As such I'll be touching on topics related to colonialism as it's depicted in the world of the game, and said analysis will reflect both a sympathetic take on The Radiance and a critique of The Pale King that won't pull its punches. If this sounds up your alley, hello and thank you for the read! Let us be sad about these bugs together.
So!! A while back I realized something about pre-canon that felt rather... "curious" is one way to put it, I think. To wit: for all the effort and scheming and determination The Pale King poured into trying to get rid of The Radiance, neither of his plans involved directly killing her.
Was that his long game? Well, sure, that seems clear enough. His tack changed from luring the moths away from their god and creator to a more literal form of incarceration once the infection became a factor, but at its core the end goal never really changed—The Pale King very sincerely wished to destroy Radiance via obsolescence. The Seer lends us foreshadowing to confirm as much:
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[Image descriptions: Two screenshots from Hollow Knight, showing the Seer and Ghost in the Seer's alcove at the Resting Grounds. Across both screenshots, the Seer tells Ghost the following: "None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us. Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters." End description.]
(Which, by the way and given the context, talk about an extremely unsubtle allusion to cultural genocide huh!!! Whew.)
In any case, we're left with a whole bunch of machinations which build up to... well, two very roundabout attempts at committing deicide. That's kind of weird, all things considered! Why not just do the deed in one fell swoop and get it over with?
This could be for any number of reasons. Maybe the king was devoid of the means to instantly kill another higher being. Maybe his personal sense of scruples stopped him short of signing off on MURDER murder (although, y'know, the aforementioned genocide + eternal imprisonment = still cool and copasectic apparently!). Maybe the long drawn-out cruelty was the point. Maybe the idea of playing fuckign 4D chess with the circumstances was too delicious for him to pass up—that man did love to tinker and stick his claws where they sure as hell didn't belong—or maybe it was a little bit of All The Things. Who knows!!
But interrogating The Pale King's methodology on this count isn't what I'm here for, at least not really. The main reason I raise this question at all is that in her own way, Hornet did too.
"I'd urge you to take that harder path... "
See, going by The Pale King's actions and what The White Lady explicitly says, they both foresaw two outcomes wrt the infection: it can be allowed to spread, or it can be contained. At Teacher's Archives, Quirrel acknowledges the fact that Ghost is expected to do... something about this, but he doesn't elaborate on what HE thinks that's supposed to be apart from the obvious "Gotta bust into Black Egg Temple first". Hornet is the one person who presents to us—to Ghost—what's framed as a third option: confront and destroy the infection at its source.
And she doesn't bring it up like it's just another tactic for Ghost to consider, prim and indifferent to what they would do. She nudges them towards it, actively, up to the point where she throws herself into the fray against Hollow at a juncture that's uniquely dangerous to her and her alone just to make that option feasible.
Even when she's couching it in disclaimers that this is still Ghost's decision to make (and let's be fair, she's extremely not wrong about that lol), no one can pretend Hornet is unbiased. It's obvious in that buttoned-down Hornet kind of way that she is way the hell done with the increasingly tenuous stalemate that's kept Hallownest's desiccated corpse from collapsing in on itself. Personally it's hard for me not to read some Toriel Undertale-esque "My father was too entrenched in his own foolishness to pursue any course of action that would have DEFINITIVELY ended this" shade into her stance here, regardless of whether that's strictly true in canon.
And that bit—Hornet's hopes for an end to Hallownest's stasis, moreover her grim calculation of what needs to be done to get there—that's the bit I find super interesting but likewise tragic and depressing as shit, on multiple levels. In no small part because a) canon itself gestures towards Hornet feeling conflicted about the very plan she's pushing, and moreover b) she has at least two (2) damn good reasons to feel that way.
So, what do I mean by that? Let's look here first:
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[Image description: A screenshot from Hollow Knight, of Hornet and Ghost inside the Temple of the Black Egg, standing in front of the unsealed egg itself. Hornet has been struck by the Dream Nail and her dialogue is displayed as follows: "... Could it achieve that impossible thing? Should it?" End description.]
As the curtain is about to drop on things one way or another, Hornet thinks,
... Could it achieve that impossible thing? Should it?
Now, looking at that last bit it's easy to go "Oh no, Hornet's worried that Ghost won't survive killing The Radiance!" And I do think that's part of it: Hornet is, categorically, not her father. By endgame it's clear she's not content to view her Void-borne siblings as tools to be used then disposed of. She's also well aware that as a healthy autonomous Vessel amongst the countless dead, Ghost is the only person left alive who has a fighting chance against The Radiance. Knowing someone is the only qualified candidate for the job doesn't make encouraging them to embrace a probable death sentence any less of a bitter pill to swallow, though. And odds are on that this sentiment extends to Hollow too, who IS going to die no matter what happens here. To put it bluntly, it's more than reasonable to conclude that Hornet hates the absolute fuck out of this.
But I don't think that's all there is to it either. Remember what I said earlier about The Pale King's bids for genocide? Well, it's not like the man deigned to limit his efforts to just the moth tribe.
"We do not choose our mothers... "
On top of everything else—an infected Hallownest being all she's ever known, the fact that she only exists because of the infection, the list goes on—Hornet has spent her life wedged into a position that's been uncomfortable and terminally unglamorous at best: she is both a daughter of her father's kingdom and of Deepnest.
Deepnest, which like the moths and many others was here long before the wyrm and his lady wife swanned onto the scene and the God Become Bug laid claim to everything the Light touched plus a considerable amount of change. THAT Deepnest, which has fought claw and thread to retain its sovereignty against same-said settler king, and for which Herrah not only surrendered her life but also agreed to bed her worst enemy, all in hopes of securing a viable future for her people (put a pin in that last part by the way, I'll come back to it soon).
Two Worlds, One Family (Ft. An Indigenous Woman Trying Her Damndest To Work With What She's Got Versus An Imperialist Who Only Signed Up For This Because He Needed The Political Favor THAT Badly, So It's The Height Of Dysfunctional Actually). Fun times!!!!
The baggage this entails for Hornet is gnarly enough without implications made by The White Lady and the pre-canon timeline of events and even Team Cherry's dev notes that the king may well have looked at baby Hornet, gone "YOINK", then ensured she spent the lion's share of her childhood reared within the pearly auspices of his Pale Court*. That would be rather advantageous for Him Specifically after all, the potential to mold a born foe into a future ally and even have her trained in combat under the same tutelage as her doomed sibling. And far be it from him to stop a grown Hornet—his own flesh and blood too!—from making Deepnest her forever home if she so pleased. He totally wouldn't be reneging on his "fair bargain made" by doing this one simple thing until Hornet came of age, not t e c h nic c a l l y.
If that is indeed the case, there's a non-zero chance Hornet's formative years were a hot mess of cultural alienation and being a good deal more privy than most to just how much of a bastard her father could be. There's an equally non-zero chance that at some point she stood or sat within earshot as The Pale King finally, finally dropped all pretense and euphemism to name the Light for precisely what (for who) it was.
See, in conjunction with the question that started this whole dang train of thought I've been asking this one too: Does Hornet know? When she speaks of confronting "the heart of [the] infection" does she know she's talking about not just a literal person but someone very specific? The Radiance, who god though she may be shares skin in the game alongside Hornet as a native woman screwed over by the same settler king, likewise deprived of her kin and saddled with a life gone horrendously pear-shaped?
I'll assume for the sake of exploring the possibility and because I think it's a likely one anyway that yes, Hornet does know. She knows, and despite everything can't help empathizing. She might even look at Radiance and see bits and pieces both reflected and slightly inversed in her own mother: Radiance was forced to the sidelines while her people—her children, the brood she was meant to lead and care for—died out under The Pale King's rule, and it's no stretch to assume she's at least as upset about that as she has been about everything else; Herrah too took drastic measures for her people's sake, trying to head off annihilation by relegating herself to the sidelines in an act that was as much calculated risk as an attempt to find wiggle room and leverage in the face of a nasty proposition.
A calculated risk that, if things continue as they are, might well amount to nothing as the rest of Deepnest gets eaten alive by the infection. It survived The Pale King's advances for so so long, only to fall here. Herrah's sacrifice would be for naught; the other tribes—themselves the king's victims—would keep succumbing to the infection too.
And this is where things fall apart.
"... or the circumstance into which we are born."
Let's be clear: I think Hornet is wise enough to know what's what here, that all the carnage and suffering falls on her father's head for starting this slow-motion trainwreck in the first place. Hallownest wasn't always Hallownest. This domain was Radiance's home first, along with many others. It was the worm-turned-king who rolled up on the scene unsolicited and decided this was a ""'problem""" that had to be """solved""".
But the fact of the matter is that he's gone and The Radiance is here, raging, seemingly inconsolable. Above and beyond being Deepnest's rightful heir, Hornet isn't in a position to countenance more splash damage even if the grief and fury fueling it makes perfect sense. She can understand without ever bringing herself to love Radiance, and she can bend her knee to practicality even if she hates the everloving shit out of it because the fact that it "has" to end this way isn't fair.
This lends itself to one last awful conclusion: that Hornet has probably considered and (rightly or wrongly) discarded the possibility that Radiance can be saved, at least not without dragging more collateral along for the ride. If even her mother and every other enemy to the king seemed to dismiss talking Radiance down as an option way back when... well. Why should Hornet hope for any better after things have escalated so far?
Again, it's practical. A practical net good is what Hornet strives for. And again, it fucking sucks.
For extra tragedy points, this makes Hornet's extended crypticness around Ghost followed by her last minute casting about for a reason to tell them "Wait, don't; not just yet" that she never voices even more of a gut punch. She can't bring herself to burden Ghost with the context that haunts her so, least of all when it might weaken their resolve to go through with what (she thinks) needs doing.
It's the "same song, different verse" which led to the mantis tribe and Deepnest being pitted against each other: Hallownest rigged the game so that two women who could have been powerful allies—who have a mutual vested interest in driving out settler rule—wound up poised as enemies instead. And how awful is that? The king for all his being extremely fucking dead still gets the last laugh, because outside of a miracle the game never manifests Hornet can salvage what her mother started and look forward to a future where Deepnest pulls itself back from the brink if and only if The Radiance dies.
Resolution comes at the price of a completed genocide. Add two more dead siblings to the unconscionable pile thereof, while we're at it. That's what it boils down to whether or not Hornet can bear to articulate it as such, and there's no grace or even a properly bittersweet ending to wring from this clusterfuck. And that is rough.
* This has been better explained elsewhere, but a quick rundown: The White Lady tells Ghost that Hornet and Herrah "were permitted little time together." On its surface this can be taken to mean that Hornet was still very young when Herrah was shipped off to Eternal Dreamland—except this doesn't jive with the fact that we meet Hornet as an adult. If the stasis kicked in once the Dreamers went to their rest, which in turn halted the aging process for every living bug in Hallownest, AND before all this Hornet experienced little by the way of quality time with her birth mother... I think you can see where I'm going with this.
To top it off we've got Team Cherry weighing in ominously from their dev notes on Herrah: "As part of the agreement for her alliance and her role as a dreamer, King gave her a child (Hornet). Was she allowed to keep this child or was she taken away?" This isn't confirmation by itself of course, but given additional canon details (see above): Can I get a "yikes" in the chat fellas.
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alonfic · 4 years
in conclusion (i love you)
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pairing: tsukishima kei x reader genre: college + fwb to lovers au | fluff, suggestive wc: 3,742 description: In which Tsukishima discovers that love can bloom in inconspicuous ways, even when you and him are supposed to be conducting a (not so) simple experiment. author’s note: cross-posted onto my ao3. still not sure if i’ll be posting here frequently, but i thought i’d see how i like it first.
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Tsukishima doesn’t understand romantic relationships. 
He thinks they’re illogical, impossible, and most of all, irrelevant. They seem like too much hassle when it comes to the ordeal of courting. From the hours spent preparing complicated banners for asking significant others out to the extensive search for gifts that are supposed to appease pointless “monthiversaries,” Tsukishima finds it all to be a waste of time. 
Just acts for appearances. Sure, they’re cute, heartwarming even, but what does all of that show for anyway? What happened to qualitative experiences?  
He ascertains that he may never truly understand what it means to love another person by modern day standards; for those standards are all full of overhyped bullshit trying to make a trending post on Twitter and Instagram. If avoiding those things means saving himself from love, then so be it. (Irrationality and heartache be damned!)
Tsukishima decides in his first year of university that he won’t do any of those things. 
How? His friends ask, guffaws in tow.
He simply tells them that he won’t fall in love. 
Not many people share in this same ideal, Tsukishima finds. 
He can’t say he’s very surprised or disappointed to have his philosophy rejected, especially by those same friends who have questioned his goal, Yamaguchi and Hinata. They’re fools who deem love as something akin to fate’s gift. 
Love is a choice, Tsukishima tells them, and this is his decision. 
They think he’s being a little silly for not wanting to fall in love. They say he’ll get bit in the ass when he least expects it and he’ll go back on his word, but he hardly thinks that’s true. 
If he doesn’t want to fall in love, then he won’t, and that’s perfectly okay. At the very least, you agree with him. 
You have always understood him on wavelengths that others simply could not. You have always stood by his side when it came to debates on this matter, and even more so when he really thinks about it. 
Tsukishima has been able to lean on you even in high school. Him being so introverted has made things difficult, and what he needed then was patience, something many people lacked, but unlike those people, you took the time to understand him and his struggles. 
It’s made him grateful to you. Even now. Scratch that, especially now. 
These days he isn’t just shooting you texts about how he could’ve let someone down easier. Sometimes it’s checking out hot pot places at 8PM on a Tuesday; other times, it’s going to the library until 5 AM because statistics midterms suck at an unbearable level, but you take the 8AM class with him anyway, just because it’s him, and General Education requirements may suck but they’re mandatory. 
It’s also sharing jokes that no one else gets, and teaming up against the rest of the group when they heckle you two about being the only ones who sees love as the bane of both your existences. 
Tsukishima has heard plenty of love advice and received Cosmopolitan articles on how to woo a friend from those same punks who think that love is given by chance. He has seen the knowing stares exchanged at kickbacks. Hell, he’s heard all the whispers, too. But it means nothing. 
This is friendship. No matter what anyone else tries to insinuate, you both know it means nothing for either of you. 
What you are together is simply platonic. 
Friends, that’s all. 
Somewhere along the way benefits become a factor for you two. 
These are the sort of benefits that forgo late night convenience store runs for ramen and other delicious, overly processed foods that Yamagchi and Sugawara blanch at the two of you over. Instead it’s the kind that means heated kisses in one another’s bedroom and wandering hands in places very few people have become privy to in both your two-decades long reign on this planet. 
And, it all starts over a simple experiment. 
At least that’s what you and Tsukishima like to call it. 
“Isn’t it stupid that Ennoshita would say that?” Tsukishima asks, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. “We can be friends. How can he say it’s impossible for us to be just friends? I mean there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to one another, right? You’re good looking. I’m good looking. We’re acknowledging each other’s attractiveness.” 
He pats the open space beside him on his bed, feeling it dip a little soon afterwards. You’re visiting him after he blew off the post-kickback get together. He shouldn’t be surprised that you came by to check on him.
You smile at him as one of your fingers pokes his cheek. “You sound awfully bothered over something that shouldn’t matter.” 
He frowns at your nonchalant tone, even if you are messing with him. 
Tsukishima has never been that particularly fond of other people telling him that his friendship with you is only the stepping stone to something more, that it would only be a matter of time before you two were calling one another cutesy pet names and holding hands for other reasons than as a precaution from getting lost in crowds, and that if he didn’t step up to the plate now, then he would lose you to someone else. 
But how could he? If anything, you’ve been more against love than him. Seeing you with someone else is as impossible as seeing Hinata at Aone’s height. Possibly with some help, but still highly unlikely. 
“I mean, aren’t you? So what if we’re attracted to each other? That doesn’t mean we’re going to start dating because of that.” 
You hum in affirmation. 
You know he has a point. It’s silly to expect two friends to date when both your admissions came as a result from a simple game of “truth or dare.” While it comes from a place of truth, it isn’t like either of you admitted to harboring deep-seated feelings for one another or anything. It’s simply an admission of truth. 
He thinks you’re attractive, beautiful even, and it helps that you share the same opinion as him when it comes to love. And, you think he’s attractive, handsome even, and it’s because you both share the same opinion on love that he doesn’t have to worry about frivolous things like falling in love with you. Or you with him. Your dynamics just work like that. 
“You know, there are other alternatives to relationships anyway, right?” you ask him, watching as he turns to face you on the bed. 
“Like what? Hooking up?” He feels a little dumbfounded. The idea of hooking up with you never really occurred to him. Clearly not because he wasn’t attracted to you, but didn’t those end up… badly? 
You nod. 
Seeing the instant confusion wash over his face, you explain, “Yeah, hook-ups aren’t so bad. It’s like a one and done. It doesn’t even have to lead to anything more. It’s like a preliminary thing. Trial or whatever. We give it a go and if it doesn’t work out, then we can just go back to being friends.” 
“And if it does? Work out, I mean,” he gulps. He doesn’t want to think of an option that means losing you or this friendship. But he’s intrigued, he wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t, and you know it. 
“Then we have one of two options.” 
He blinks. “Which are?” 
“Well, if it does, then we can continue and enjoy the fun. Or, we really fuck ourselves over and do exactly what our friends have been betting on for years.” You lean in closer, eyes alight with mischief and interest. 
He feels a tug within him to concede, as if his own body knows its answer, while his mind’s doubts seem to lower in volume the longer he’s under your gaze. 
“What do you say? Up for an experiment?”
He still has to ask: “And, what if we can’t go back from this?”  
“I don’t know,” you whisper, eyes softening as you note his hesitancy. “Even that’s something I can’t answer. This is just a risk we both have to be willing to take. Truthfully, I’m in. But, are you? I-it’s okay if you aren’t, though, Kei. This was just a suggestion, of course—”
He doesn’t take a second longer to tell you his decision.
“I’m in.” 
After all, it couldn’t hurt… right?
Tsukishima discovers many things in this time. 
Things that he never really gave a second thought on. Somewhere between how you look bathed in moonlight with the curtains half-open to the just-right way you feel beside him, he realizes how soft your skin is, how low and husky your voice can get when you’re feeling a particular way, and how powerful you are. 
There’s something enticing about you. Not just in the way you look bare, but the way you can make him feel even without the lack of clothing. He realizes that he enjoys the lingering taste of your lips against his, the heat that your fingertips leave behind, and the small voice you use when you call his name. 
It’s normal, he tries to convince himself. This is how it should be. 
It would be ridiculous to hate the way you feel or sound when it comes to him. And while that is true, that becomes a whole different matter when it bleeds into everyday life outside of the bedroom.
He swears there are moments where he can hear you say his name and you aren’t even in the room. His eyes catch sight of something familiar, at least enough to remind him of you, and suddenly you’re popping up front and center in his mind. He can’t help but smile, of course. 
Even just the taste of last night’s kiss rears its head when he’s doing homework, suddenly taking him right back to that night you two shared talking about the latest fantastical escapade in his reading arsenal. 
He believes the simplicity of these exchanges is the best part of this entire experiment. 
Being able to switch between friendship and, well, sex. And he isn’t sure if the consistent exposure to your presence has brought him to think of you constantly or if it’s some other seed blooming in the vestiges of his chest. He can’t say. Partially because he’s scared to. Because admitting to the second possibility means changing something good, something normal. And change, in this regard, often means a relationship. One that he isn’t sure if such feelings will truck through or crash and burn the moment he mentions it. 
Instead when you call out his name, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and a fingertip tapping his cheek, he flashes one of his heartwarming smiles your way and brushes aside the concern. 
“It’s nothing,” he tells you. “I’m fine. Everything is perfect.” 
And while you aren’t convinced, you simply nod and take note to ask another day. 
The thing that bothers Tsukishima most is being fickle. 
He doesn’t like being fickle. He knows it is transcribed in the stars that he is a fickle being. And it doesn’t help that everyone is constantly telling him that he is indecisive. He knows already. He knows it well. He hates it, but only when it comes to you. 
He is never indecisive with you. Well, only because you’re the assurance he needs when it comes to decision-making. Maybe it’s your influence. You’re bullheaded and more self-assured than Patrick Verona from “Ten Things I Hate About You.” (Mind you, you’re the one who forced him to watch it. And, fortunately, he wound up loving it.) 
He constantly thinks about how opposed those two main leads are about love, simply because it is exactly against what everyone else expects from high school teenagers. They don’t conform to the status quo. They make their own status quo. Perhaps that is where Tsukishima garnered such a strong stance against love from. Partially from the movie and mostly from you. 
While everyone is banking on your relationship to become more than just friends, he truly can’t help but consider the possibility of a ‘more’ with you anymore. He realizes this when he sees you underneath the incandescent fairy lights hanging around your room. 
Your tranquil visage, how effortless you look sporting one of his T-shirts with a giant crescent moon on the back, and the way your limbs so effortlessly remain entangled. This is comfortable. This is… right. 
He doesn’t stop himself from brushing aside the stray locks covering your face. Normally, he might like to turn over and occupy another part of the bed, but he prefers to remain where he is with you in his arms, just so he can listen for your soft and steady breathing like his own personal lullaby. If he was brave enough, he probably would’ve kissed your cheek. 
Truthfully, if he were in a relationship with you, he truly wouldn’t mind. Not even a little bit. 
Realization strikes him then. A simple, yet vital question crosses his mind, one that he hadn’t thought needed to be asked before—could you feel the same way about him? 
Tsukishima doesn’t have any other answer besides I don’t know. 
When Tsukishima said he could never be as irrational as any other lovestruck fool, he never imagined what it would be like to see you in the arms of another man. 
Given, this is a man he knows well. Trusts, even. He can’t help but feel a large pang in his chest when Kuroo spins you around on the dancefloor. It’s a drunken habit that everyone either loves or hates depending on their sobriety levels, but even while sober, you seem to bask in this treatment with glee. 
It makes Tsukishima grumble under his breath, “What’s so good about him anyway?” 
He doesn’t ask anyone in particular and expects no one to answer him back, but a nudge and a pointed look from Sugawara tells him that his ruminations have not gone unnoticed. 
Sugawara nods his head in your direction. “You finally realize you’re in love with her?” 
“W-what? I am not in love… with her,” he says. It’s all weak and unconvincing.
The smirk on the silver-haired man’s face says it all, much to Tsukishima’s annoyance. 
“Shut up.” 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“You’re thinking about it.” He doesn’t want to say it aloud. He hardly feels right feeling what he does when you probably don’t even feel the same way anyway.
“What am I thinking that has you so peeved, Tsukishima?” Sugawara raises his eyebrow. “The truth?” 
The tone elicits a wince from Tsukishima, making him frown. Not that he’s unhappy, he’s just frustrated that the proverbial cat is now out of the bag. 
Tsukishima simply shakes his head, wanting nothing more than to escape from the scene. Maybe go home and burrow away into his bed, away from all of this. Afterparty milk tea trip with the rest of the group be damned. Did he really have to go when he was this emotionally compromised? Stewing right here just spells trouble, and not just for him, but for your friendship with him as well. 
“You should just be honest, dude. None of this ‘experiment’ bullshit. You both lost. Own up to the results.” 
Tsukishima raises an eyebrow at Sugawara. The rest of the party seems to cease with more drinks getting passed around, which he receives one quite graciously. “What are you talking about ‘both?’ It’s just me. I fell first.” 
Sugawara snorts. 
Tsukishima shoots him an accusatory glare, but when he receives nothing in response, he chugs down the red Solo cup without thinking of what’s inside. 
The mixture kind of tastes like shit, and it makes him feel even worse, because now his mind won’t stop fixating on you and Kuroo. A match that could be made in heaven. 
The dark-haired man has always been handsome, adorable at times, funny without trying particularly hard, caring, and worst of all, certain. God, was Kuroo a certain bastard. He always seemed to know what he wanted. He did as he pleased and got whatever he set his heart on too. 
It’s cruel, really. The way fate has metaphorically bit him in the ass like Yamaguchi and Hinata predicted. 
Tsukishima can’t stand the thought that maybe you would choose Kuroo’s sauve side tonight. He particularly dislikes that he really did lose his chance thinking that this experiment would last forever. A few months should’ve sufficed. Should’ve. But only an idiot would let something as good as you be a temporary fling. 
“Maybe I’m the idiot,” he mutters, shutting his eyes.
Sugawara doesn’t respond immediately, in fact, he doesn’t respond at all. Instead a voice he swears is yours does. 
“Who’s an idiot?” Fingertips digging into his sides are unlike Yamaguchi or even Sugawara. In fact, these ones are all too familiar, even with two layers of clothing blocking access to his bare flesh. “Kei?” 
When he looks at the perpetrator, he nearly tumbles over to see you in Sugawara’s place. 
You immediately steady him by interlocking one of his arms with yours, and it’s only you. No Kuroo trailing behind you. No Sugawara in sight either. It’s just you and him walking toward an empty section of the house. Milk tea trip really be damned, you seemed to tell him. 
“Are you alright?” He notices you make eye contact with Yamaguchi before you two round the corner into the surprisingly unoccupied hallway. 
Tsukishima’s begrudgingly grateful that Kageyama’s place is a lot spacier than he remembers. It’s enough that he’s been granted some relief—no trip or an audience to bear witness to his major crash and burn.
He sighs. “N—yeah. Er, no.” 
“Yes or no? Which it is.” You flash him a half-smile as he sways inside the empty guest bedroom. 
He looks around after noting just how quiet it is without the thumping bass of music or the chatter of others drowning out just about everything else. It feels bare here somehow. 
He shakes his head. 
“Why?” Your eyebrows screw together. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I fucked up,” he whispers. Looking from the beige walls covered bare of any sentiments, he meets your softened gaze. “I fucked up the experiment.” 
“How did you do that?” 
“T-the results are inconclusive. I can’t continue, because,” he rubs the back of his head, “well, I caught feelings.”
The surprise is evident on your visage, even from the weak lighting created by the moon and street lamp outside. But he can’t deny seeing the sight of a smile beginning to grace your features either. Amusement, he can discern with absolute certainty. Relief, dare he say? All of the things he never imagined in any of his scenarios about this moment. 
“Leave it to you to be able to use big words when you’re buzzed.” 
“It’s true. We can’t continue this. I mean I’d love to have something with you, but this isn’t a one and done for me. Not anymore. Maybe not ever.”
“Really? You mean that?” Even though you won’t say it directly, he knows there’s a huge burden of thoughts on your mind from the way your bottom lip gets captured by your teeth. 
“Yeah, I mean it. I—I can’t pretend that I don’t love you anymore. I just can’t. I don’t think I ever expected to feel this way for anyone, but spending so much time with you in and out of bed has shown me that whatever shit I said before has gone completely out of the window. I mean I’m not asking you to be with me if that’s not what you want, but if at all, you feel something too, then…” He can’t help but fiddle with his fingers. Why is his heart beating so loudly? Can’t you hear it? 
“You love me?” 
He swears then that you probably can. 
Slowly, he nods. “I don’t know how I came to love you exactly, but it just struck me when you were sleeping. It felt right that you were beside me. Easy and comfortable, even. I debated so hard about what these feelings were when it came to you. I didn’t think I could like someone this much. But I just do. I just love you for you, for being there... for existing.” 
The last part has his cheeks burning, and Tsukishima can’t help but look away to save himself the humiliation of looking like a fresh tomato. You laugh when he does this, and he can’t even help himself from trying to catch a glimpse.  
He loves your soft exhale, it’s one that he relishes in. Somehow you don’t look as perturbed or aghast as he expects. If anything, you look quite content. It makes him wonder if Sugawara was right, if everyone else was right all along. 
He asks, “Well, what do you say?” 
This time you laugh again. A much louder, but he can’t help but break out into a broad grin, because the atmosphere feels lighter than any tension breaking to grip the room. He knows without being told.
“Only you, Kei. Of course, I love you too.” 
His heart swells, and a greedy part of him wants to hear you say it again. “Really?”
You nod and look at him as if there couldn’t possibly be any other answer out there. “There’s no one else in this world that could understand me the way you do. No one could touch me like you, make me laugh like you, and certainly not watch ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’ five million times with me like you.” 
“Five million and one times,” he corrects. 
His fingers shyly brush away the hair threatening to cover your face, and he refuses to be denied that luxury. Not when he can’t seem to get enough of you. He can’t even bear to move his hand away after he’s done it. “And I’d watch it over and over again with you, by the way.” 
“Good.” You smile at him, cupping your hand over his. “I’m glad we finally came to a conclusion on this.” 
“Even if it means getting ‘I-told-you-so’s’ and teased to all hell?” He smiles when you nod. “Good, ‘cuz I don’t think I’d have it any other way.” 
“Yeah, me either,” you say, leaning in to peck his lips. Of course, he returns the gesture (and then some). 
(The room is empty, after all.)
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
Love letter project ♡
Sooo to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Shining live, I put together a project! I basically got a bunch of people to write a love letter for their favourite boy. Things like, why they like them, how they got to like them and what they like about them were all accepted!
The event was supposed to have 2 fans for each boy but unfortunately I was unable to get two for some of the boys. 
Under the cut will be the love letters for all of Class A!!! Please enjoy~ And thank you for all the people who participated in the event and taking the time to write the love letters out. 
From @ponzu-penzui:
Hello world! My nickname is Yuki, and I’m here to tell you about the sunshine boy that is Otoya Ittoki. The redhead of the series, Otoya is your seemingly a-typical sunshine in a mascot boy character. But, as we all know with these types, the sunshine isn’t as, well, sunshine as they seem. Or, if you didn’t know, well… spoiler alert I guess. Go watch the anime, or play the otome games, then come back here. Anyways, let’s get started on our journey, shall we? Through the rabbithole that got me here in the first place!
Otoya immediately became my best boy the second I saw him. I’m not quite sure what immediately got me at first, whether it be his red hair and eyes, his voice, or his immediate friendliness, but here we are. I should also mention that UtaPri was my first idol anime, so I was completely unaware what was going to hit me later. And, if you’ve watched the entire anime, you know where I’m going.
Season 4 was an emotional wreck. I cried at least twice. Did I have a newfound appreciation for Otoya after all that heartache? Definitely. Without spoilers, it was incredibly painful for me to watch, but I don’t regret it.
After watching the anime, I soon found out about the existence of Shining Live. So, with no other UtaPri content to binge, I started to play SL in late 2018. After playing for a little more than a year, I tiered in my first Otoya event (Heartwarming Snow Festival), and achieved my first top 200. Ever since then, I’ve tiered in every Otoya event, getting top 200, then top 100.
But, why do I like Otoya Ittoki even to this day? Well, I guess this is the time where I say that, after a certain point, I started to see bits of myself in Otoya. This led me to start to RP him, and, as you probably know if you’ve ever roleplayed a character before, I started to look at the miniscule amount of translated game content (many thanks to the Ohayaho Translation Team) for, well, more content. And content I did receive. Long story short, this only served to solidify Otoya as my favorite boy of not only UtaPri, but from all anime/manga/game content I’ve ever seen/watched. His cheerfulness may have been the first thing that got me in this rabbithole, but his backstory and how he managed to grow up pulled me in even further. And, I don’t think I will or want to get out anytime soon.
Next one from; Anon
As much as we all know our Otoya for how sweet and kind he is, there is so much more to him than just a precious smile. He is uplifting, cheerful towards everyone he meets. He has empathy and goes out of his way to make sure his friends are happy. Even so, Otoya has feelings that aren’t always happiness and smiles. He can feel sad and angry just like anyone else.
The reason I care and love Otoya so much is because he has shown me that I don’t have to always put on a smile. It’s nice to show off your pearly whites, but sometimes, it’s okay to be sad too. There are times in everyone’s life when they feel out of place and that they don’t belong. Otoya also felt this way and that’s perfectly okay. He’s still being the best idol he can be: The idol that Otoya loves the most.
From Anon: 
Masato Hijirikawa. Why do I like Masato Hijirikawa? I like him to the point that it feels weird for me to even question why I do. He's just- a good boy. A great boy. I love him. As a joke, I'd usually say that it was his weirdly pretty, bowl-cut hairstyle that drew me to him, or I'd say that he caught my interest when I read that he was "very good with his hands" (wink wonk) in his Shining Live description, and while both of these reasons are still true, it wasn't until I started role playing him in an old server that I really started to appreciate his character more.
Masato, despite his aloof and almost "perfect" initial image, is a very relatable character. When he first arrived at Saotome (in-game) he wasn't necessarily seen as someone with a lot of talent to become an idol, which he acknowledged with grace and worked hard to make up for. He's humble despite his privileged upbringing and is incredibly self-aware of his flaws, which are sources of insecurity for him sometimes (a lot of times). Though it should be said that most of this insecurity stems from not having a lot of control over his early life, which is why it felt so gratifying to see him break free of his metaphorical chains to pursue his happiness without any doubts. He's a hard worker and is willing to accept criticism with open arms, not only for himself but for the people around him. Despite his traditional upbringing and nature, he's very receptive to change as long as it benefits both him and STARISH. He values the people he cares about more than anything, which is why he constantly strives to be a better version of himself every day, not only for himself but for the people around him.
Though his stoicism sometimes makes him seem plain or even "boring" to some people, he hides a warm, hidden passion within that's just as bright as everyone else's. Like the springtime bloom of cherry blossoms after winter, Masato shows his passion and love with no restraint to anyone who takes the time to understand him, and I can very much attest to this. I love him a lot and I hope to see more content of him, STARISH, and the others for more years to come.
From uh....me:
HELLO I’m Z~ also known as the mod of the mikaze-discord/utapri-hcs tumblrs, as well as the organiser for the event! But enough about myself, let's talk about Natsuki Shinomiya.
When I first watched the anime as a youngin, I had already known about the games and their plots but had decided to try out the anime as well since I had nothing better to do.
Natsuki was actually one of my least favourite characters in the anime just because of how they presented him. I just...didn't care for him at all. He was just some random tall guy who loved hugs and almost murder…. Yeah.
I’m sure like most, I had a changing point. Originally, I was a Tokiya rper but...I was just unhappy with how my Tokiya was, I wasn't as experienced in rping with that server being my first rp server i was ever in. I didn't feel like I matched up with the others. I felt my Tokiya was just lacking something, substance maybe. Another person actually had a similar feeling and had changed their character from Camus to Syo and since we already had an Ai, I had just decided to go with the flow and complete the rest of the cute team. Best decision of my life. I’m so grateful for Natsuki and everything I associate him with. Without him, I probably wouldn't have made my tumblrs, I wouldn't have stayed in that server, I wouldn't have gone looking for other servers to rp in. I don't think I would be the same without Natsuki. I just find him so endearing now, he is just a lovable giant who happens to be able to be a disney princess. He is just so darn cute damn it. , just look at his Christmas card, his King card, quite literally just half his Shining live URs. Also, just like his songs just slap. Natsuki to me, is just serotonin. He gave me so many opportunities that I could have missed. I don't even think I would have started this love letter project without him if I’m being completely honest. I genuinely enjoyed all the memories I made as Natsuki. Thank you to Natsuki and to the Mikaze-discord for basically starting me off.
From Luke:
Natsuki was actually the very first character I encountered before I got into utapri. A friend showed a photo of him and told me that I'd probably be into this guy. She sure was right! After installing shining live for the first time and having a familiar face on the screen, I grew curious of him each day and just had to find out why was so attracted to him. The fact that I've seen him so many times in the past was haunting me, telling me that this man actually watched me grow up from a distance without even knowing his name. It sounds weird but I find it rather comforting for someone who doesn't want to be protected but isn't strong enough to defend myself alone.
The thought of having him there was enough to get me through the day and gave me enough reason to wake up to the next. I admit I may have adapted some of his habits after looking after his account for a year but that isn't a bad thing if it means that it would turn me into a much better person than I am now. I guess you could say we've grown together now in a sense, preserving the feelings and just living through the moment no matter how happy or sad it is. What's important is that we're not alone in all things we do and in everything we feel, there will always be someone there to keep us moving when we feel like giving up.
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hello, kay! i hope you've been taking care of yourself well and that life has been kind to you for the most part. i want to ask, how do you feel about kita shinsuke? your akaashi is exquisite and incredibly characterized that i always find myself coming back to your stories should i need my keiji fics, and i realized that it would probably be really interesting (and beautiful) to meet kita through your words. no pressure, tho! as always, i am grateful for whatever you write. ♡ all the love x
you’re an absolute sweetie -- i hope you’ve been well too! i’m honestly at my wit’s end but we’ll survive somehow, right? ahahaha // i’m still incredibly flustered whenever someone mentions how much they like my keiji characterization -- he’s one of the ultimate comfort characters for sure! so thank you for giving my keiji fics that honor <3 
i’ve definitely developed some love for kita over time! i love anyone who’s incredibly dependable -- my love language (that i’ve recently re-discovered) is acts of service and i can see him embodying that! 
i got carried away: here’s ~1.7k of some hazy kita appreciation, or some strangers-to-lovers ideas sprinkled together. my brain has died from finals, but i hope you like this anon!
the first time that kita shinsuke even crosses your mind, you mistakenly think, “he’s certainly a bit dull.” 
it’s not that you forgot he existed by any means -- the boy certainly carries a presence and emanates it in a calm, quiet manner. you just can’t remember him saying anything that wasn’t related to speaking out loud in class or social pleasantries. he’s certainly not much more than a blank canvas to you, and the only splotch of color thrown on is that he’s a member of your nationally recognized volleyball team. other than that, you know nothing else.
it all changes when you two are paired for classroom cleaning duties your third year. 
when your homeroom teacher announces your name after his, you glance away from the window to the boy sitting diagonally in front of you to your right. his back sits upright, elbows bent to indicate he’s probably sitting with his hands linked on top of his desk, legs still and placed together underneath the wood. besides the two-toned grey and black hair, you would think he’d be the perfect poster child for japanese education. 
the first morning of cleaning duties, you’re sprinting through the halls in your slippers, hoping that the student council president isn’t anywhere near your classroom. the subway was absolutely packed and nobody seemed to be in the usual pace of the morning rush, which caused some delays and for you to cut it very close. you slide open the class door with all the force you can muster, panting and out of breath with apologies falling off your tongue. unbeknownst to you, your brain had been expecting kita to give you a small smile and ensure that it was okay for your two minute tardiness -- instead, you were at the receiving end of a blank yet heavy stare, and seemingly scathing words of, “don’t be late next time.” 
your second thought of kita is that he’s too rigid and austere for a seventeen year old. bitterness festers in your chest as you practically stomp towards your desk, setting your stuff down before you head to the erasers in front of the chalkboard. even though there isn’t much dust left on them, you’re searching for excuses to calm down and be a little more level-headed. 
you’re so caught up in your thoughts and staring out into the open sky that you don’t register kita’s presence looming near. but it’s his timbre voice that startles you out of your stupor, though they’re nothing more special than, “you can sweep the other half of the classroom. i’m getting started on the desks,” and he walks away. 
in gliding the bristles over the wooden floor, you take another peek at your partner for the time being. it’s hard to miss the way he methodically cleans each wooden surface, leaving no corner unwiped, no speck of dust lingering. something about it is somewhat endearing to you, a rather drastic juxtaposition to how you were feeling not too long ago. maybe you were wrong about him -- kita shinsuke might still be a little boring to you, but he’s just...diligent. 
in home ec, you’re partnered up with ojiro aran (which proves to be in the best of your luck). but he’s good with small talk, and it’s not like you two have never spoken before. so three weeks later over the folding of meringue into the other batter, you decide to pop the question of, “what’s kita-san like as captain?” 
aran can’t contain his muted surprise at your inquiry, seeing as you two rarely ever get into the details of his volleyball playing, much less so about his team. but it doesn’t stop him from giving a truthful answer, “he’s no nonsense, keeps everyone in line. we have some rowdy underclassmen and no one scares them more than shinsuke.”
“a hardass?”
“when he needs to be,” aran chuckles. “but he’s very thoughtful and goes out of his way to care for everyone. the guy lives and breathes by routine.” 
there’s something that stirs within you, a small flame being lit, one that flares the next morning when kita walks by your desk and greets you, “good morning, l/n-san.” seeing as he usually never does, you stumble over your reply and shock, all the while berating your heart for beating as fast as it is. kita’s just being polite and using social pleasantries, nothing more. 
but he does it the next morning, and then the next, and even incorporates, “how are you?” into his line of words on days you two clean. little by little, you get to know more about him -- not a lot, but enough to correct yourself for ever thinking that he’s a dull, austere, mean human being. you tell yourself it’s nothing more, especially when you start looking forward to their games and join the student cheering squad. it’s nothing when you eagerly await for the moments that kita gets subbed in; absolutely nothing when he looks away from the court and into the crowd, catching your eyes and allowing his lips to slip into a demure smile before turning back around. the pounding of your heart and sweating of your hands aren’t related at all, just physiological effects of the game. 
and before you know it, graduation comes around and you think you’ll never see him again after this. you’re laughing and taking pictures with your classmates, later spotting aran over the crowd of families. he catches your waving arm and bounding figure, bright grin on his face as he congratulates you. “i’ll miss you all,” you confess and aran affectionately pats your head. “same here. have you seen shinsuke?”
your brows furrow. “no, why? is he looking for me?”
“you sound confused by that. weren’t you two friends?”
“i wouldn’t overassume that...but i doubt i’m on his mind right now.”
aran only nods and adopts a pensive look, taking a moment to think before confessing, “you meant something to him. after all, he greeted you every morning, right?”
you nod. “but what does that have to do with anything?”
aran’s parents interrupt and attempt to drag him away before he can answer, but he beckons for them to give him another minute. quickly, he pulls you into a one-arm hug, telling you over the bustling crowd, “you were part of his routine.” 
you’re stunned, frozen in your tracks as aran and his family walk away. their departure creates some space between everyone, and you find yourself looking straight into the golden eyes of the man that had been plaguing your thoughts for months now. he doesn’t back down, not out of defiance though -- rather, he seems to be trying to convey that he sees you, acknowledges your existence and long wedged a placeholder for you in his life. 
but the spell is broken when one of your relatives tugs on your arm for you to leave and go home for a big lunch celebration, and that’s the last you see of him.
at least for the next two years. you have a part-time job at osamu’s onigiri shop, having met the man in some cooking classes over the years. while you’re up front most of the time, you occasionally help out in the kitchen during rush hours. evidently, you missed any of the information on the exact source of the rice, remembering nothing more than the fact it was special and held a certain place in osamu’s heart -- because when kita shinsuke walks in to make a special, personal visit, your brain splutters and ceases all deep cognitive functioning.
he looks well, happy, strong, more than he did back in high school. the same air of confidence still surrounds him and encases the entirety of the shop, and instincts nearly have you dropping to your knees so you can hide behind the counter and catch your breath. 
“oh shinsuke, you’re here!” osamu calls out from behind you, popping out of the kitchen to help with the rice bags. the most you can muster is a gentle bow before messing with the cash register, pretending to be busy organizing receipts and bills. you tune out most of the conversation cleaning counters, checking customers out, wiping down tables, and anything else that’ll take your mind off the guy your heart could never seem to forget. 
but osamu bidding goodbye to kita snaps you out of your reverie. and instead of walking towards the door, kita’s figure approaches you until there’s nothing but 5 feet of wood between the two of you. “it’s good to see you,” he greets softly, a gentle expression casting onto his face and tone. 
“i-it’s good to see you too, kita-san,” you barely reply in time, doing everything you can to fight the blood rushing into your face. 
“i’d like to take you out for coffee when your shift is over, if that’s okay.”
“oh, well, yes, but um, my shift doesn’t end for another hour and--”
“oh, you’re good to go for the rest of the day,” osamu calls out with his head popped out the kitchen door, sending a knowing look towards his former captain. in fact, you remember that the owner had been somewhat insistent that you come work today of all days and you never knew why...until now.
that fucker.
shinsuke’s eyes glimmer as the realization hits you, the same demure smile as the one he sent you all those years ago during a volleyball game sitting on his lips. excitement bubbles within you, and you attempt to tease, “only if you can untie my apron for me?”
there’s no hesitation in his demeanor as he walks around the counter and plants himself right in front of you, mere centimeters between the tips of your shoes and his. you can’t bear to look away as an arm reaches around easily undo the bow at your lower back. neither do you miss the ghosting of his fingertips at your waist that burn through the cotton of your t-shirt, and you’re just thankful that no customers are around to witness this heated, intimate moment. 
“lead the way, captain,” you can’t help but say. something dark and dangerous crosses his eyes, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine. and you think that yes, yes indeed, you’d like to see those eyes more often if you can. 
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haillenarte · 4 years
white day 2020;
Here is a full translation of the (thus far) Japanese-exclusive White Day 2020 Developer’s Blog post.
First, the dry translator’s disclaimers: I acknowledge that this post is four months old. Once upon a time, I was the sort of fan translator who would have rushed to get this done within a week of its posting, but in this case, I was busy with the Ishgardian Restoration Skybuilders’ Ranking when it was first posted, and then after that... well, I just busied myself with other things. I was tempted to skip doing this one completely, but then I felt obligated to complete the series given that I’d translated the post from 2018, so... goodbye to my Saturday morning and afternoon, I suppose.
This post is intended as a polished translation on par with official content. As such, I have taken certain liberties with the text: though it was originally in more or less a script format, I embellished it to make it a prose post consistent with other English developer’s blog posts. Most of the moogle’s narration was invented by me in order to preserve humor and narrative flow. This is nothing that the localization team itself does not do. I can assure you that the core details remain essentially intact and untouched.
If you would prefer to read a more literal take on this text, I am sure that more than a few rough translations exist of it already, so please look for someone else’s post if you want something that’s more of a word-for-word take.
Special thanks to the person I trust best to write Urianger’s dialogue for helping me with Urianger’s dialogue, and then to a second good friend for Elizabethan grammar-checking the both of us!
Happy White Day, Kupo!
March 13, 2020
It’s ever so nice to speak with you again, kupo!
Do you remember me from the last report, perchance? ‘Tis I, the ever-industrious deputy postmoogle’s apprentice! The rising star that’s, ahem, still training to become a full-fledged postmoogle... kupopo...
This Valentione’s Day — like every Valentione’s Day — we postmoogles were once again entrusted with delivering confessions of love all throughout the realm. So I’m here to give you an exclusive rundown on how my deliveries unfolded, kupo!
First, I tapped into my considerable experience as an aspiring postmoogle to... erm... take care of the most difficult delivery on my list before all the rest. A-As any professional would, obviously!
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Oh, it was such a relief that he was asleep when I dropped by, kupopo... I thought my heart was going to thump straight out of my fluffy chest! My paws might have been severed... my pom plucked...
Honestly, I was of the distinct opinion that I had done more than my fair share of the year’s work after that, kupo, but of course I tirelessly flew away to my next destination without complaint!
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The second set of Valentione’s Day packages in my delivery satchel were meant for Lord Hien of Doma!
Lord Hien greeted me himself, kupo, friendly as ever. "Ah, the postmaster — right on time as always!” he said, a little breathlessly. “You have my thanks. Would you just leave your deliveries on that table so that they come to no harm?”
What harm? I was more a bit confused, but then I realized that he was in the middle of some sort of... game?
He was running around, being chased by the leader of the Buduga clan, kupo. I suppose they were in the middle of an extremely spirited game of tag! How fun! I remember when I was a young moogle playing tag with my friends, floating in circles with the wind in my whiskers... Oh, for those halcyon days! 
Daidukul received a fair bit of stuff from his admirers, too, kupo. More than Magnai, that’s for sure...
Then Isse looked at me as I was laying out everyone’s packages. “Oh, the postmoogle’s arrived?” he asked. “Um, by any chance, are you the one who delivered the year-end gifts from last time? I meant to give my thanks to the person who sent me something then...”
Of course, I told him that would be perfectly fine!
After all, even when it’s not Valentione’s Day, it’s the responsibility of a delivery moogle — or delivery person — to ensure that all the tender feelings they’ve been entrusted with reach their intended recipients. That’s why there’s no better job for me than being a postmoogle!
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After my business in Doma was concluded, I flew back to Eorzea, kupo.
I’m a real go-getter — and someone really ought to tell the deputy postmoogle of my great work ethic — so I darted straight to the Black Shroud to unload my paws of all the packages I had for the people there. And what luck! As fortune would have it, I met one of my delivery targets on the road: Sanson Smyth!
“Happy Valentione’s Day, Sanson!” I chirped. “I have some very special deliveries for you and your usual companion!”
“Companion?” Sanson repeated. He sounded a little incredulous. “Er, no, that’s not quite right — it would really be more accurate to call him a vexing subordinate... Regardless, if it is Guydelot you seek, he is no doubt at his usual tavern. Would you like me to walk there with you?”
Oh, but of course I did, kupo! Sanson’s such a thoughtful, helpful man, isn’t he? It was so very nice of him to ask.
Taverns are where travelers go to rest, so they seem like such wonderful places to meet other people, kupo...
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Once I’d finished with my deliveries in the Shroud, I let the cool northern winds carry me straight to Ishgard, kupo. And what change it’s gone through! The city was just bustling with the reconstruction effort!
I told Edmont (Count Edmont? Lord Edmont? So confusing!) that I’d come to deliver joyful tidings of love to everyone in House Fortemps again, kupo!
And to Ser Aymeric as well, of course!
And... well, I had a whole sack of things to give to Estinien, but just like last time, he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Since writing his name on it and leaving it by the window seemed to work last Valentione’s Day, I asked Aymeric if I should do the same this year, but... kupopo... He didn’t quite seem to approve of the idea. 
“We’ve received word from our men afield that Estinien may no longer be operating in Ishgard,” Aymeric explained, “so it may not be enough merely to leave his gifts by the nearest window and expect him to come across them.”
My pom drooped a bit at this pronouncement, kupo. After all, how was I going to deliver Estinien’s presents if even the Ishgardians couldn’t find him? Was it all hopeless, kupo?! All those packages to be returned to their senders... What a waste!
“No, well... Another report indicated some success in luring him with the scent of roasted kraken, seared by dragon’s breath. We might try that, if you’d like.”
I thought that seemed like a reasonable suggestion, but Edmont looked a little concerned. “Ser Aymeric, do you truly think — ?” he began, but then he seemed to change his mind. “...No, forget that I spoke. That being said, the restoration of the Firmament is proceeding apace, so I would exercise caution around undue use of fire...”
Well, I am nothing if not a cautious moogle, so I very carefully cooked up some delicious grilled kraken over an open fire, kupo. We postmoogles truly go above and beyond for our work!
I left his packages with the salted cephalopod as it was roasting, so I’ll bet he was thrilled to find everything set up for him!
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I didn’t forget to make deliveries to this place either, kupo.
Whenever I come here, the atmosphere of the room feels so... so holy, kupo. As if the very air is clear... but empty, too. Do you know what I mean?
I cleaned up my posture before I left, kupo, and then it was off to finish the rest of the deliveries!
I had successfully shared everyone’s expressions of love with all sorts of people in Eorzea, and now it was time for... um... the impossible, kupo. You see, I still had a whole stack of especially challenging deliveries to make to the First!
We moogles have a lot of special tricks up our poms, kupo, but even I can’t possibly visit another shard without a bit of help... 
I really hadn’t the foggiest idea how to get there, so I wound up consulting the helpful folks at the Eighteenth Floor to ask them how I could get to the First!
And do you know what? They were so nice, kupo! They said that because Valentione’s Day was such a special day, and because they wanted to accommodate everyone’s heartfelt feelings, they’d let me use a special door that would take me safely to the First. Though it was not without... stipulations...
They handed me an enchanted pocket watch and said that if I failed to return before the hand on the watch made a full turn around the clock, I’d never be able to go back to Eorzea again, kupo.
Terrifying! Utterly terrifying! What other job would possibly ask you to put your existence as you know it on the line, kupo?!
But I am, as I’ve said, a professional beyond compare... so I made up my mind and zipped right through that door!
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...I admit, I passed out and lost consciousness as I was traveling between the worlds, kupo. But when I came to, I was in a beautiful purple forest, and I could vaguely hear someone calling for me!
So I bounced back into the air and fluttered off to the Crystal Tower, kupo!
Naturally, the first First resident I delivered packages to was the Crystal Exarch. I had things to give him as the Crystal Exarch, and... other things to give him, too, kupo. Presents from a different time, from when he went by a different name. 
Now, I must admit, I’ve never quite understood his situation, but I did dutifully deliver his Valentione’s Day gifts each and every year! I simply wasn’t able to enter the Crystal Tower, so I would leave them at the entrance, kupo. I told him this, and then I asked him if he’d received them.
...But he didn’t answer me, kupo! He just started crying!
What was a poor moogle to do? I mean, you’ll notice our paws aren’t exactly great for wiping tears away. Had I made a terrible mistake after all? Should I not have done that?
“No,” the Exarch said, shaking his head. “No, you... you have done nothing wrong, little moogle. Forgive me. Let us move on. We must needs formulate a plan to keep you safe as you navigate this shard.“
I was very grateful to have made the acquaintance of such a cooperative colleague, kupo! With his help, I charted a path through Norvrandt that would let me finish my deliveries in time.
Next time, though, I hope I’m given a bit more time to take in the sights. I still think of those beautiful flowers in Il Mheg, and all the sights and sounds in that luxurious seaside city, Eulmore...
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The Scions of the Seventh Dawn were there on some sort of business trip, I suppose, and of course they received as many gifts as ever, kupopo. I was very pleased to meet young Ryne for the first time, though!
She was delighted to meet me too, I do believe, and when I explained to her what Valentione’s Day was all about, she smiled and said, “It’s so wonderful that there are such beautiful holidays on the Source!”
“I’m sure Norvrandt will begin celebrating its own holidays before long, now that it isn’t under threat of the Light,” Thancred told her. “If you want, you can start a holiday of your own, with your friends.”
“That’s true,” Ryne giggled.
Urianger was especially pleased to see Ryne smile, kupo! Er, what was it he said again? “Pray enjoy thy gifts, to the delight of those who give thee affection.” Something like that, kupo? And also, um... “Have care lest thou shouldst cross paths with pixies and their kin, for therein lieth a penchant for mischief most troublesome.”
Yes, that was it, kupo!
Seeing everyone smile made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy too, kupo. I realize I’m always warm and fuzzy, but I mean extraordinarily so!
After ensuring that all of my packages arrived in the hands of their recipients on land, I then had to travel all the way to the bottom of the deep blue sea. It still boggles my mind that people on the First live beneath the ocean waves, kupo!
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It took me some time to find someone who would respond to me, but I managed it eventually. “Why, hello there!” I said. “Yes, you, the tall fellow over there! Do you know where I might find someone by the name of Emet-Selch? I’ve a long story that I haven’t the time to tell, but to cut it all short, I have a pile of presents that I must see into his hands!”
I couldn’t quite make out the tall fellow’s face behind his mask, but I got the impression that he was smiling at me, kupo. “You are troubled, little one. Yes, I understand... If you would deliver these glad tidings to him, then let me give you a helping hand. Here.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes, kupo! With a snap of his fingers, the tall man made all my packages for Emet-Selch disappear into bits of light!
This wasn’t in any of the procedural manuals the deputy postmoogle made me memorize back-to-front, so I admit I might have panicked a little bit... but the tall fellow calmed me down soon enough.
“Even sweet gifts such as those you bear are only masses of aether,” he explained. “Once reduced to their base components, they will go to where he is — where all life eventually arrives. Be at ease, child. Whatever his faults in character, our lord of the dead and king of the underworld is an exceedingly clever man. No matter how vast the sea of life may be, he will surely be able to pluck his presents from the aetherial flow... supposing he desires to do so, that is.”
Now, I didn’t truly understand the finer points of this explanation, kupo... but the masked man seemed sincere about getting those gifts to Emet-Selch, so I decided to believe that he hadn’t done any harm.
I wanted to thank him for his help, but then he was gone in the blink of an eye! Even though I was in the middle of speaking with him when he vanished!
The citizens of that place are so mysterious, kupopo...
After all that was said and done, kupo, I had one final delivery to make. Just one last addressee to track down, and then I’d be finished, kupo!
And I really put my all into it. I swear upon my postmoogle’s cap and bag! I looked everywhere, every mountain high and valley low, but I simply couldn’t track him down.
The time left on my pocket watch was starting to run out, kupo, so I had to accept defeat. Disappointed, dragging my drooping pom behind me, I made my way back to the door between worlds, which already looked like it was in danger of disappearing, and leapt through the gates...
Mayhap I had cut it so close to the last second that something went wrong, kupo?
I passed out again, and when I came to, I was rolling around on an unfamiliar grassy knoll... while someone was poking at me to wake up, kupo!
What luck! What incredible luck! It was the very person I’d been searching for, for all that time, up until the very last second — Ardbert!
I almost cried and threw myself at him, I was so happy! To think that I would find him like this! “Ardbert, Ardbert!” I said, like he was an old friend. “I finally found you! I had all these presents to give you, kupo!”
He laughed and took it all in stride, though this must have been greatly puzzling to him. “What’s this? Another reward for the quest we just finished?”
“No, it’s not, kupo!” I replied, perhaps a little more crossly than I should have. “Here, this is for you! Take this, and this, and this! It’s all yours, kupo! Each package represents someone’s feelings for you, kupo! Everyone loves you so much!”
“Careful, now — oh, these look delicious!” he exclaimed, affably embarrassed as he sorted through the boxes I was admittedly pelting him with. “And this is all for me? You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure, kupo! Eat them all up and have more faith in yourself, Ardbert!”
His eyes crinkled at their corners when he smiled. “Hahah! You’ve got a point. Then I’ll share these with my friends just over there. My thanks for bringing them all this way here, postmoogle. You’ve done a great job.”
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I don’t quite remember what happened after that, kupo...
When I came to, I was lying on the counter of the Seventh Heaven, evidently having dozed off next to that Wandering Minstrel fellow. At first, I thought perhaps meeting Ardbert in that strange world had been nothing but a dream, but when I checked my postmoogle’s bag, I realized that it was much lighter, kupo!
So I really had met him, and I really had completed all my deliveries!
This year’s Valentione’s Day deliveries were arduous and difficult, kupo, but at the end of the day, I really did have a lot of fun. 
I delivered all of your love to everyone else, kupo... and now I’m here to deliver their love back to you!
One more time, for everyone’s sake: Happy White Day, kupo!
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how would you do a percy jackson adaptaion?
okay, so I know this is a controversial opinion right off the bat: I really don’t think it should be an animated series.
A large part of the appeal of the series is that it’s a fantasy series set very very firmly in reality. Literally, apart from the camps, you could go to every location hit in the books. Riordan mentions specific streets, buildings and landmarks, and that was cool when I first read them. I remember being a kid and waiting for him to set a scene in a place near where I lived! I remember trips to New York and being able to envision an epic war happening in the streets. So I think any adaption needs to be live action just to keep that same feeling alive, while I’m not knocking on animation, I just feel like taking the story out of real life would make it loose a little of the charm. Like, the scene where Manhattan is completely frozen in time? It would be haunting to see that in real life, but I feel like it would be less impactful if it didn’t…you know…look real? The series should be done in a way that makes you truly feel like you could just turn a corner and walk straight into a snake woman going about her day. 
Now: another large part of the appeal of the series is how funny it is, but a lot of that…is Percy’s inner monologue. He doesn’t actually voice most of it, there was even a book where Annabeth described him as being quiet. So, I think the best way to work around this: make it Interview With A Demigod. 
Imagine it’s got an interview with a vampire-esque setup- and this even works because within the riordanverse, the books canonically exist because Percy sat down with a ‘camp scribe’ and had his quests recorded. So, like, this isn’t even entirely out of left field. But just imagine, a college-aged, maybe a little older Percy, I can see it so clearly in my head, he’s wearing a sweatshirt that at first glance looks like it says NYU but a trained eye will see it actually says NRU for a camp jupiter easter egg, he’s sitting in some dinky little diner (maybe it can even be a monster donut or something with a clever greek myth related name) with a guy who’s recording the conversation on some old-ass tape recorder that keeps acting up but they can’t record on a phone because of the whole technology thing. Every now and then it’ll cut back to them to get some great Percy thoughts out there. They open with older Percy saying the ‘look, I didn’t wanna be a halfblood’ and then explaining where he was when the whole mess started. Once he get’s to “was I a troubled kid?” the screen fades from older Percy to 12 year old Percy getting in a fight with Nancy and her gang, and the voice over says the ‘Yeah, you could say that’ part as we see him get threatened by the principal to behave on the field trip. Boom, we’ve got an opening. Lowkey….I’m seeing Jordan Fisher as older Percy, but I’m not 100% married to the idea. 
And before anyone tries to argue that showing an older Percy would spoil he’s not gonna die in last olympian- like, reading the books, we all knew he wasn’t going to die. It was a first person narrative and he was consistently speaking in past tense lmao like we Knew he was gonna make it. We still enjoyed the series. It won’t ruin anything.
I want part of the score of the adaptation to be instrumental versions of songs from the musical, I think that could be a sweet nod to that team. 
They really need to nail camp halfblood. I know that goes without saying, but in order to keep the pacing of the story decent we can’t spend as much time falling in love with it like we got to with the book. The book is like, 24 chapters and the quest starts at chapter 12- for a movie or tv show, that’s just gonna feel like it’s dragging. So, the insanity of the camp needs to smack you in the face right away, and then it needs to endear itself to the viewers quickly after that. Don’t try to ease the viewers (or Percy) into the mythology is real thing, rip it off like a bandaid. He’s on his way to meet Chiron and Mr. D for the first time and even if he’s not comprehending what he’s seeing, there’s nature spirits and harpies all around going about their day. Hestia waves at him and then disappears into the flames. Hecate kids can be seen casting a spell on the porch of the Hermes cabin. The Stolls are seen pranking some Aphrodite kids. He sees someone surely die on the climbing wall but then you hear a faint ‘I’m okay!’. The Apollo kids put a rhyming curse on another cabin. Pure chaos all before he gets the ‘so, gods are real’ speech. And then after that…show how warm Luke is to him at the cabin and at dinner. Show the kids all goofing off at the campfire and really make it clear that they’re children. Show the strawberry fields rolling in the wind and Percy sitting on the beach. The whole couple weeks where he’s searching for powers and learning greek and latin with Annabeth can be a montage. Make it clear how hurt and scared he is when he finds out he needs to leave.
It needs to really get you feeling how Percy’s feeling, every laugh, every tear, every moment of fear or confusion needs to shine clear through. Like…think of Spider-Man Homecoming, the Washington monument scene. All things considered, it’s not the most high-stakes scene we’ve ever seen in that franchise, and when it cuts to the kids in the elevator, they’re worried but not quite freaking out, but that scene feels very high stress to watch because the movie is good at getting the viewers to feel what Peter feels. A Percy Jackson adaptation needs a touch like that, because Percy’s a very emotional kid and that’s what a lot of the scenes hinge on.
Lowkey- I’d love it if the casts of both the previous movies and the musical had cameos or bit parts (the movie cast did Nothing Wrong, it was the rest of that team). It’d be hilarious to see, like, Jake Abel as the owner of the poodle, or Logan Lerman as Older Percy and the reporter’s waiter that keeps trying to get in on the conversation, or Brandon T. Jackson as a satyr who’s still stuck grooving out in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Kristen Stokes as a nature spirit, Chris as one of the ghosts stuck in the waiting room of DOA Records, just like any of those casts having small parts would be fun and sweet. 
There should be a lot of easter eggs for the bigger riordanverse. Promotions in the background for the new Tristan McLean movie. Gabe’s got a true crime documentary about the missing Grace children playing during his poker game. Mr. D is reading a paper about Rachel Dare’s father’s newest project. At some point while they’re still in New York they pass the Kane family’s mansion or whatever it was called. Annabeth keeps a picture of little her and Magnus on her nightstand. The barest of hints about the Triumvirate. Seeing kids in camp jupiter gear in some background shots, just out of notice of our main characters but implying the camps are going through similar problems (BITCH….if we got a titan’s curse adaptation…and we had a shot of Thalia in the foreground….but in the background we saw a blond boy in purple with a golden sword….well I would simply loose my Goddamn mind).
And show us how easily the mist lets things blend in, too- like, everyone thinks ‘Monster Donuts’ is just a normal chain, it’s just on an average street block, but if Percy looks through the window he can see who’s behind the counter. Show someone swindling some guys in a park and you have to look twice to realize he’s a gegeines. Like…how people are still trying to find all the background ghosts in haunting of hill house. I would LOVE to see a bunch of background monsters and mythical beings just going about their day as much as the mortals are while the gang’s questing. 
The effects need to be fun. The whole story needs to be fun, but one weird thing about the past movies are that like…in their attempt to make it gritty, none of the fantastical things happening on screen actually felt that exciting. We need bright colors and interesting choices, consistently cool action shots, a liveliness that makes you feel like you’re in the center of the action. I have absolutely no doubt Disney easily has enough funds to pull off great effects.
The characters need to be….in character lmao. Annabeth needs to be cocky and bratty with the skill set to justify it. Percy needs to be a sweetheart who pretends to be hardened because that’s what people assume he’s like. Grover needs to have dry humor and a Too Old For This Shit attitude whenever percabeth start bickering. Luke needs to be nice and friendly but in a specific way that you can look back after the betrayal and see he was trying to groom everyone. Sally needs to be loving, protective and strong. Chiron needs to feel defeated and determined at the same time. Mr. D needs to….be Stanley Tucci lmao
Also, I’d love if the adaptation could expand more on things that got brushed along in the books- Percy and Beckendorf’s friendship, Silena and Clarisse’s dynamic, make Nico’s crush on Percy a little more obvious, give Rachel some more development. One thing that haunts me about the books is Sally never found out that Gabe hit Percy. Absolutely they don’t need to make the abuse explicit, but I also personally feel like a lot of Percy’s mindsets throughout the series are somewhat a result of Gabe, and I’d like if that got, you know, acknowledged. Maybe in the scene where he figures out Gabe abuses Sally he could say ‘does he hit you too?’ or something to that effect. They could also go more into detail about Annabeth’s family, give Zoe some more depth….like the possibilities I’m screaming.
Okay this is already long and I’m getting tired but I can so clearly see a great adaptation in my mind….Disney please come through….It’s what we deserve…. 
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
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Member: The Rich Man’s Crochet Club!Hoseok
Header by: @underthejoon​ aka the best
Prompt: How Hoseok lost his virginity. Based off this line in the fic:  “That’s the whole point,” Hoseok explains, dropping a wink which makes Namjoon groan. “That’s how I lost my virginity, you know. I scored the winning run in a championship game and that night, Tiffany something-or-other jumped me in a dirty frat bathroom. It was…” Hoseok pauses for effect. “Heavenly.”
Rating: 18+
Warnings: semi-public bathroom sex, Hoseok is a virgin, fingering, who-the-fuck-knows-when-this-bathroom-was-last-cleaned
WC: 4,110
A/N: This one shot is told in second person (with Y/N). This is not the same Y/N from Rich Man’s Crochet Club (i.e., Namjoon’s Y/N).  
↳ part of my 30K milestone drabble game
Jung Hoseok is tipsy.
This is not the first time Hoseok has been tipsy, nor will it be the last, but this time is unique in that he has paid for nothing this entire evening. Since his arrival at the party, free drink after free drink has been pressed into his hand. This, accompanied by cheers of, “CONGRATS, ROOKIE!”
Hoseok is not a rookie on the kickball team – not by far – but this the first time upperclassmen have deigned to acknowledge his existence. He supposes this is what comes of scoring the game-winning run. A slow buzz of pride tinges his thoughts, mixing into the warm musk of alcohol.
“HOE-SUCCC!” hoots Jungkook, slinging an arm around his neck. Sipping on his beer – bought at the door – Jungkook eyes the crowd. “So, who’re you going home with tonight?”
Hoseok sputters, turning red above the collar. “What’re you talking about?” he mutters, shoving Jungkook’s arm off. “The club’s still got five members, remember?”
The Rich Man’s Crochet Club – don’t ask about the name – also known as their esteemed group of friends who happen to be virgins. Recently, their number has dwindled from seven to five. Taehyung was the first to lose his virginity, shacking up with some girl last semester and becoming virtually married. Seokjin was next, which came as a surprise to everyone but him.
Now, only five remain. Idly, Hoseok sips his drink and wishes one of the others had come to the party. None are on the kickball team though, leaving him alone with Jungkook. Not that Jungkook is not great, but while he talks a big game, he has yet to have sex himself. Not for lack of options, it might be noted. Jungkook keeps saying he is waiting – although Hoseok has no idea what for.
“I don’t know.” Jungkook glances around. “Tonight could be the night, man. Endorphins are high, drinks are flowing and every girl within a ten-foot radius is eye-fucking you silly.”
Hoseok nearly spits out his drink. “They are not,” he coughs, wiping his mouth with one hand.
Jungkook’s grin broadens. “I may be drunk, but I’m not blind.”
Subtly, Hoseok glances around and – to his utter surprise – finds Jungkook is correct. Multiple girls smile, one waves and several giggle before turning back to their friends. Hiding his shock, Hoseok quickly returns to Jungkook.
Being blunt, Hoseok is not the type to romanticize his first time. Maybe when he was in high school and there was someone to care about – but not now. Not when Hoseok is single, crushing on no one and just wanting to get laid. Multiple times, he has been close but somehow, Hoseok has always managed to psych himself out.
Draining the rest of his cup, Hoseok tosses this into the trash. Pushing himself off the counter, he nods when a teammate of theirs passes.
“That run!” cries Ric, nearly dumping his drink as he mimes the kick. “Man, whatta game, huh? Jung, if you don’t get your dick wet to-NIGHT!”
Wincing, Hoseok’s cheeks are practically scarlet. Multiple people overheard the remark, laughing and whispering when he whirls to face Jungkook. “I can’t do this,” says Hoseok in a panic. “I have to get out of here. Why is everyone assuming I’m gonna hook up, I –”
“Hey, you’re Hoseok, right?”
Hoseok freezes in place. The voice is entirely unfamiliar – new, bright and standing directly behind him. Slowly, Hoseok turns around.
His eyes widen. You are standing before him – short, smiling and fuck, are you cute.
“I – uh, yeah.” Discreetly, Hoseok wipes his hands on his pants. “That’s me. And you are?”
Your smile widens. “Let’s leave my name out of this for now.”
Hoseok’s eyebrows shoot up. “Um. Okay.”
Arching a brow, you look towards the dance floor. “Wanna dance?”
Heart pounding, Hoseok is about to decline – you are clearly way too hot for him – when Jungkook coughs and leans in. Pretending to pour himself more vodka, he mutters in Hoseok’s ear. “Stop freaking out,” he says lowly. “Just go dance.”
Hoseok exhales. Jungkook is right, after all – this is just dancing. The portion of the night Hoseok is good at. Forcing himself to smile, Hoseok nods. “Yeah,” he agrees, stepping forward. “That sounds like fun.”
Smiling flirtatiously, you grab his hand and lead him through the crowd. Hoseok swallows and follows, forcing his nerves into his stomach. The music is louder at the front of the house, everyone dancing as they twist to the bass. When you reach the front, you turn to face Hoseok. A giant speaker to your right is blaring, making it difficult to hear.
“How do you like to dance?” you yell, in order to be heard over the music.
Hoseok’s brow furrows. “What?”
“HOW DO YOU DA – oh, never mind,” you laugh, turning around and placing his hands on your hips.
Hoseok swallows, freezing when you press your ass to his front. Luckily, when you begin to move, twisting around to the beat, his natural instincts kick in. Hell, Hoseok was not captain of his high school dance crew for nothing. Sliding a hand over your waist, he grasps your other hand with his. Slowly moving his hips, Hoseok drapes your arm over his neck.
Exhaling, you lean back on his chest. The song is practically indecipherable, but that hardly matters – the song is not the point of this dance. All Hoseok needs is this; his hands on your body, your hips moving with his and his breath on your skin.
Losing himself in the downbeat, Hoseok grasps your waist tighter. When the tempo changes, you lean forward and – fuck, fuck, fuck – place your hands on both knees. Glancing over your shoulder at him, your lips quirk as you grind your ass on his crotch.
Swearing under his breath, Hoseok quickly grasps your waist in an attempt to hold on. If you keep this up, he is going to pop a boner in front of the entire kickball team. Snaking back up, you turn around in his arms and Hoseok pulls you in.
“You’re trouble,” he chuckles, not letting go.
Your hair is a bit sweaty, skin smelling citrusy and sweet. Grinning widely, you dance closer. “Why don’t you call me that tonight?” you tease, lips brushing his ear. “Trouble.”
“Done,” Hoseok grunts, hands cupping your waist.
Your body moves so easily with his, coming alive at his slightest suggestion. It makes his head spin, makes him want more in the worst kind of way.
Sliding your arms around his neck, you move closer. “So. Everyone is saying you’re kind of a big deal tonight.”
Hoseok suppresses a smile. “That’s a matter of opinion, I guess.”
“Oh? What’s yours?”
“That what’s going on right now is way better than what happened during the game.”
Eyes gleaming, you smile. “Good answer.”
“I try.”
“Huh.” Glancing over his shoulder, you scan the dance floor. “Can I tell you a secret, Hoseok?”
“Are you gonna tell me where the body is?”
“No,” you laugh. “Nothing like that.” Lifting on your toes, you press your lips to his ear. “I don’t actually go here.”
“Oh?” Hoseok turns his head. Your lips are so close to his.
You slowly shake your head no. “I’m an upperclassman at St. Martin’s, actually. My friend goes here. She’s the one who invited me to this party – and then promptly abandoned me for your pitcher.”
St. Martins – the kickball team Hoseok demolished earlier this evening. Lifting a brow, Hoseok smirks. “So, you asked me to dance to pass the time, huh? I don’t know if I’m insulted or flattered.”
“Be flattered.” Still staring, you lick your lips. “I saw you during the game. You seemed like you, uh… knew what you were doing out there on that field.”
Hoseok’s stomach sinks. That may be true for kickball, but for what you are implying is woefully inaccurate. Before he can say anything more, you lean up again.
“Wanna take a tour of the house?”
Hoseok inhales, nearly choking on his spit but luckily, this proves to be his saving grace. Taking this as a yes, your grin broadens, and you take his hand in yours. Hoseok allows himself to be pulled through the crowd, staring hard at your ass and thanking whatever lucky stars have aligned here tonight.
People are dancing throughout most of the first floor. You bypass all of them, coming to a stop at the staircase. Glancing over your shoulder, you raise a brow. “First floor seems crowded. Wanna look at the second?”
“Do you…” Dropping his voice, Hoseok leans in. “Do you know someone who lives here, or something?”
“Nope.” Meeting his gaze, you shrug. “Does that bother you?”
This is the moment Hoseok realizes he has no qualms about any of this. Having sex for the first time at a frat house – not his frat house – in the room of a stranger, with you. Zero reservations.
“Not at all,” he grins, nodding at the stairs. “Lead the way.”
With a laugh, you continue, tugging him up the staircase. The next floor is quieter, distant bass muffled through the floorboards they proceed. A few doorways are shut, laughter coming from behind them. Hoseok’s cheeks heat as you walk down the corridor, coming to a stop at the end.
You reach out, placing a hand on a doorknob and pushing. An unlit bathroom awaits – cleaner than Hoseok expected, but still nothing to speak of.
Glancing backwards, you cock a brow. “Wanna explore this room?”
Heart pounding, Hoseok stares past you. His hands are sweaty, limbs weak and he is five seconds from running away – when you step forward and kiss him.
Your lips part, tongue flicking with his and Hoseok stills for a moment before he finally melts. Hands sliding up your waist, he loses himself in the taste of vodka and mint. Hands twining slow in your hair, he has you up against the wall before he knows what he is doing. Knee wedged between yours, hips grinding together until you break away, panting.
“Fuck it,” Hoseok gasps, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the bathroom.
You shut the door as you enter, pushing Hoseok to the wall and resuming where you left off. He groans, the noise slipping out with an eagerness which betrays him. You do not seem to mind. If anything, you kiss him harder, one hand sliding down his leg to cup between his thighs.
“Fuck,” Hoseok growls, biting down on your lip. “You really are trouble, aren’t you?”
Breaking away, you grin. “I’ve heard that once or twice.”
Hoseok jerks his head. “Up on the sink.”
Cocking a brow, you obey. Grasping the sides of your shirt, you lift this overhead to fall on the floor. When you see Hoseok’s jaw drop, you turn and hop up on the counter. “Now, what?” you say, loosely swinging your legs.
Hoseok stalks forward – all one and a half steps it takes to reach you. Frantic, he tears his shirt overhead and, grasping your chin, kisses you soundly. Fingers sliding along your jaw, he cups the back of your head to open your mouth with his. Hoseok’s other hand falls between your legs, searching until he feels how wet you are. Even through your jeans, the material is damp.
“Shit,” Hoseok mutters, looking down. “You’re already wet?”
Staring at him, you spread your legs wider. “Mhm.” Turning your head, you close your lips over his finger. Staring at Hoseok, you suck – hard. The motion goes straight to his cock. “Take off your pants,” you exhale, letting him fall from your mouth.
Hoseok does not hesitate, hand dropping to his belt and frantically undoing his buckle. His dick feels unbearably hard, pressed to his jeans in a pure form of torture. Reaching down, your hand replaces his as you begin to undo his buttons.
Suddenly, he panics because there is no going back from this moment. “Okay,” Hoseok blurts, placing his hand over yours. Paused in your motions, you look up. “Before we go any further… I feel like I have to tell you something.”
Instantly, you turn wary. “Um, okay. Is this about your penis?”
Hoseok stares. “Huh?”
“I mean, like, does it curve upwards?” You mime this with your fist. “Or, like – do you have a micro? Because that’s cool, you know. We can make it work. Oh!” you blurt knowingly. “Is this a kink thing? Like, you need to see my feet in order to get hard?”
“No – no!” Hoseok blinks, horrified. One of your shoes is off, falling to the ground before he can stop you. “None of those things! God.”
Lips twitching, you scoot towards the end of the counter. “Okay,” you shrug, running a hand down his chest. Hoseok shivers a little in response. “Then, what’s the problem?”
Closing his eyes, Hoseok takes a deep breath and wishes he could melt into the floor. “I’mavirgin,” he mutters.
“I’m sorry?”
“I’m a virgin.” His eyes pop open. “I, uh, haven’t had sex before.”
“Oh.” You pause, considering. “Is that all?”
“Is that… all?” Hoseok blinks. “You don’t care?”
“Um, no. Oh – wait.” Wincing, you lean back. “Am I supposed to care? Should I be more… gentle, or something? Sorry. Do you, uh… want to find a bed to have sex on?”
Hoseok’s lips twitch. Before he can stop himself, he begins to laugh. Body shaking, Hoseok steps forward and drags a hand up your thigh. “Nah,” he murmurs, lips hovering over yours. “I’m good with this if you are.”
“I’m good,” you breathe, hands sliding around his neck. “Do you have a condom?”
“Yeah.” Hoseok turns to fish this out of his pants. He places this beside you on the counter. “Been carrying that around with me for months. You know, be prepared.”
“What a boy scout,” you exhale, scooting closer.
Hoseok kisses you again, softer this time. It is not a conscious decision, but somehow it feels right. Even though this is a one-night thing, cannot and will not go anywhere, Hoseok still feels the gravity of the moment. He is leaving a part of himself behind. You are the one he is sharing that with.
Continuing to kiss, your hand falls between your thighs. Cupping his dick with one hand, you slowly stroke up and down. “Nothing micro about that,” you tease, breathlessly pushing closer.
Hoseok snorts, thrusting into your palm. “God, I hope not.”
Kissing you eagerly, his hands slide around your ribcage to find the clasp of your bra. Thankfully, this is one area in which Hoseok is adept and before long, your bra is undone in his hands. Sliding back to your front, Hoseok cups your breasts, playing with your nipples until they are hard. You inhale, arching upwards with the sweetest of moans.
Rolling his hips, Hoseok grasps your knee to hook around his waist.
“Hoseok,” you whimper, burying your face in his neck. Your voice is barely recognizable, thick with desire. “Touch me.”
Reaching down, Hoseok fumbles with your zipper until your jeans are open before him. With your help, he pushes these down your thighs and onto the floor. Spreading your legs with one hand, he gently cups your sex.
“Oh,” you gasp, grabbing his biceps.
Hoseok stares, pulling your panties aside to sink a finger into your wet core. Gaze darkening, you stare as your lips form a silent o. Hoseok begins to finger you, thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit as he slides in and out.
He can feel how receptive you are, body twitching with each brush of his thumb. “Fuck, Hoseok,” you moan, leaning your head to the mirror. Spreading your legs, you grant him a better view of his fingers sliding into your cunt.
All the blood in Hoseok’s body rushes straight to his dick. His cock twitches uncomfortably against the confines of his boxers, pants still half-undone and hanging just off his ass. Your chest rises and falls, hips pushing against the motion until it suddenly becomes too much.
“Okay,” you pant, shutting your legs on his hand. Hoseok stills. “These have to go,” you gripe, reaching out for his boxers. Tugging them down with his jeans, Hoseok’s cock springs up to slap his abs. “I need you inside me.”
“Oh,” Hoseok says, licking his lips. No one has ever spoken to him like this and god, does he like it.
Hopping down from the counter, you turn to rest your hands on the sink. “Well?” you say, looking over your shoulder. “Is this good?”
Wriggling your ass, you sink down on your elbows, pussy on full display. Hoseok stares, wondering dizzily how in hell he is going to last. Steeling himself, he reaches out to grab the condom from the counter. Shoving his jeans to the floor, Hoseok breaks open the packet and rolls it onto himself.
Positioning himself at your center, Hoseok cannot help himself from sliding up and down a few times. Your body is just so warm and wet, inviting him in. With a moan, you duck your head and push back. “Please,” you beg. “Please, Hobi.”
Hearing the nickname, Hoseok arches a brow and grasping your waist, he slips in. “Fuck,” he gasps, stopping out of necessity.
It is nothing at all like his hand. Even when he uses lube, even when he sits on his hand until it falls asleep – this is so much fucking better than that. Your pussy is so warm, so wet, enveloping him with every inch.
“Oh, my fucking god,” Hoseok chokes out, pushing into you again.
You remain still, watching his face in the mirror. Hoseok realizes this when he looks up and meets your gaze.
Staring at him, your lips curl in a smile. “You like it?” you breathe when he bottoms out.
Hoseok cannot move for a second, hips flush to yours. He exhales, mind spinning from the unbelievable sensation of wholeness. Buried in you to the hilt, he wants nothing more than to stay – except. The feeling of pushing inside you was so fucking good. Meeting your gaze in the mirror, Hoseok slowly slides out.
“Yeah,” he breathes, thrusting in just as slow.
Breath catching, you arch your back and shut your eyes.
Grip tightening, Hoseok slides in again and marvels at how similar this is to dance. Each time he thrusts, your body clenches around him. Hoseok carefully watches, trying different angles until he finds one that makes your thighs shake.
“Oh,” you gasp, hand slipping a little on the sink.
Hoseok pauses, tilting his head and thrusting again – harder. The same thing happens, your face twisting with pleasure while he stares in the mirror. Smirking, Hoseok grabs hold of your waist and finally lets himself go.
That sweet mouth of yours falls open, moaning obscenities when Hoseok begins to fuck you. He thrusts into you roughly, cock rock-hard as his hands grip your ass, trying not to slip out. Managing to keep a steady rhythm, Hoseok forces himself not to be a pig and remember your pleasure.
Leaning down, his hand dips in a search for your clit. You help, grabbing his hand to guide him even lower. When Hoseok circles the swollen bud with his thumb, he feels your walls clench around him. Wanting more of that, Hoseok begins to move faster. It is all so much. Your body is so responsive, so wet and hot and his hips have a fucking mind of their own.
Before Hoseok can stop himself, he realizes he is in danger of coming. “Fuck,” he gasps, hand falling to your waist as he tries to control himself. “Fuck, fuck – I’m gonna come. I –”
The orgasm takes over before he can stop himself, releasing into his condom in several short, sloppy thrusts. Hoseok shudders, head dropping as the most intense orgasm of his life wrings him dry. Slowly, Hoseok exhales and looks up in the mirror.
Hair falling into your gaze, you grin – equally fucked out and breathless. “So,” you manage. “How was your first time?”
Even with his cock softening inside you, Hoseok’s gaze narrows.
Pulling himself from your body, he quickly replaces his softening cock with his fingers. Your smile abruptly disappears. “It’s not over yet,” he murmurs, watching you in the mirror. “I don’t think you’ve come yet.”
Lips parting, you try and laugh – which turns into a moan when Hoseok scissors his fingers. “I – Hoseok,” you stutter. “Y-you don’t have to.”
Ignoring this, Hoseok steps closer. Leaning forward, he places a hand on the counter. “Wanna make you feel good,” he says, dropping a kiss to your shoulder. Between your thighs, he slowly slides out – only to snap his wrist forward.
You groan, legs buckling as his fingers repeatedly fill you. Hoseok grasps your waist, pulling you backwards and keeping you still. His hand travels lower, tracing circles around your already swollen clit. Eyes fluttering, your lips part when Hoseok begins to finger-fuck you harder. He can feel you squeezing around him, ass pushing back on his hand at the thrust of his fingers.
It is his hand at your front though, which pushes you over the edge. You abruptly seize, grasping his hand when your body gives in. “Fuck!” you gasp, collapsing forward. Hoseok slows his movement, feeling your pussy pulse around him as your own orgasm claims you. “God.”
Slumping, you pant in relief when his fingers slide from your core. Hoseok stays there for a moment, he cannot help himself – sliding his fingers slowly up your slick, he lazily enjoys the feel.
Turning, you look at him over your shoulder. “Holy shit,” you say, fighting a smile.
Without though, Hoseok pulls back and pushes a hand through his hair – shit. He is definitely going to need a shower when he gets home. “Yeah,” he groans, meeting your gaze. “Holy shit is right.”
Grinning, you bend to grab your bra from the floor. Sliding your arms through the straps, you begin to re-dress. Hoseok turns around, searching for his boxers to follow suit.
“That was, uh…” Shaking his head, Hoseok wonders what he should say.
Small talk seems crude right now. Thanking you seems formal but saying you should do it again would be a lie. He knows you did not come here tonight for that and truthfully, he barely knows you. Tugging off his condom, Hoseok throws this in the trash and pulls up his boxers.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you laugh at his expression. Wriggling your panties in place, you reach out for your jeans. “That was really fun.”
“Yeah,” you agree, tugging your shirt down your torso. “I mean, once you’ve had a little more practice…” Pausing your changing, you give Hoseok a look. “The girls on this campus won’t know what hit them. I mean – they will know. It’ll be your fat dick.”
Hoseok nearly chokes at the thought. “Yeah?”
“Well… above average. But fuck, do you know what to do with it.”
Snorting, Hoseok pulls his shirt overhead. “Hey, I’ll take it.”
Fluffing your hair, you make your way towards the door. Hoseok watches you go, still feeling as though he is missing out on something. You do not seem upset, nor like you want to linger and honestly, this is what you both signed up for. This was a quick fuck in a bathroom, nothing more.
Still, your hand pauses on the doorknob.
“Are you really not going to tell me your name?” Hoseok asks, curious. You really are not like anyone he has ever met.
You hesitate, then glance over your shoulder. “You can call me Tiffany,” you say, flashing a grin which makes Hoseok about fifty percent sure you are bullshitting him. Pulling open the door, you step into the hall. “Thanks, Hoseok!”
“Thanks, Tiffany.” Crossing one ankle over the other, Hoseok leans against the wall. “Am I ever going to see you again?”
Normally, he would not be so bold but right now, Hoseok is feeling pretty fucking good. On top of the world might be one way to describe it.
Arching a brow, you seem to be fighting back laughter. “If it’s meant to be,” you allow. With a wave of your hand, you disappear down the hall. “They say you never forget your first, Hoseok! Let my legacy live on, okay?”
Hoseok stares after you, waiting a moment before shaking his head. Reaching down, he fishes his phone from his jeans and pulls up the chat.
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Hoseok: club is just four now, gentlemen [11:48 PM]
Shoving his phone back in his pants, Hoseok runs the same hand through his hair and exits the bathroom.
  © kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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adastraperfortuna · 3 years
I Played Cyberpunk 2077
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Ultimately, Cyberpunk 2077 is an excellent video game. It’s hard to talk about it without acknowledging the backlash that it received around its launch, but the backlash was directly proportional to the amount of marketing that it got. This happens to a lot of games – and frankly, a lot of my favorite games. If I were working at CD Projekt RED and I was responsible for the kind of marketing that resulted in the kind of expectations that they built for themselves, I’d have to take that sort of stuff into deep consideration. But, as someone who bought the game, enjoyed the game, and desperately wants to talk about the game, I’m not sure that it matters. So, to reiterate: Cyberpunk 2077 is good.
There’s so much game to Cyberpunk that it might be easier to start by talking about my favorite part of it that isn’t a game: the photo mode. I’ve joked before about my favorite gameplay loop in Star Citizen being “taking screenshots,” and that’s not my intent here, but some of my favorite games in recent memory have made it easy to look over the memories I made during their runtime. Interspersed within this review will be some of my favorite screenshots that I took – the inclusion of precise controls for things like depth of field, character posing/positioning, and stickers/frames helped to make my screenshot folder feel less like a collection of moments in a game and more like a scrapbook made during the wildest possible trip to the wildest possible city.
And what a city it is. Night City is my favorite setting in a video game in recent memory. It’s not incredibly difficult to make a large environment, but to make a meaningful environment where every location feels lived-in and the streets are dense with things to see and do? That’s a challenge that very few studios have managed to step up to. More than that, Night City feels unique in the landscape of video game cities – whereas a city like Grand Theft Auto V’s Los Santos is rooted in a reality we’re familiar with, Cyberpunk’s retro-futuristic architecture (and overall aesthetic) help lend it a sensibility that we’re unfamiliar with. It really feels like stepping into another world - fully fleshed-out, fully envisioned.
The environment is obviously beautiful and unique, but I was surprised by just how ornate it was. The thought and consideration that went into details as minor as the UIs you’ll encounter in and on everything from car dashboards to PCs and menus both diegetic and otherwise helps the entire world feel diverse, detailed, and cohesive. While everything feels of a kind and everything is working towards the same design goals, the sheer amount of variety was shocking.
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The biggest thing that stuck out to me about Night City itself within just a few hours of playing was how vertically oriented it was. Not just in the “there are tall buildings” sense, though there certainly are tall buildings – I’m talking about the way that Cyberpunk uses verticality to tell stories. The first time that you end up high enough above the skyline to see rooftops will inevitably be during one of your first encounters with Night City’s elite. The hustle and bustle of street life fading away as an elevator climbs up the side of a building and you emerge into a world you aren’t familiar with was astounding. That claustrophobic feeling of being surrounded by monoliths isn’t only alleviated by attending to the rich, though – for similar reasons, my first journey out of the city limits and into the “badlands” will stick with me. Cyberpunk successfully manages its mood and tone by controlling the kind of environments you’ll find yourself in, and while that may seem like a simple, sensible, universal design decision, its consistent application helped ground the world for me in a way that made it feel more real than most of its contemporaries.
Something else that makes Night City feel real is how Cyberpunk implements its setpieces. In a decision that reverberates throughout the rest of the game, CD Projekt was clearly all-in on the notion of immersion and seamless transitions. While it was consistently surprising and exciting to find bombastic moments embedded in the world’s side content (one standout involves Night City’s equivalent of SWAT descending from the sky to stop a robbery in an otherwise non-descript shop downtown), it never took me out of the world. And, on the other end of the experience, the number of memorable, exciting story moments that were located in parts of the city that you had wandered by before helped make the world feel almost fractal, this idea that every building and every corner could house new adventures or heartbreaks.
One thing that did take me out of the experience, unfortunately, were a few of the celebrity (or “celebrity”) cameos. While I think that the core cast was well-cast, with Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand in particular being an inspired choice, the game, unfortunately, wasn’t immune to the tendency to include recognizable faces just because they were recognizable. Grimes plays a role in a forgettable side quest that felt dangerously like it only existed because she wanted to be in the game. There are also an almost concerning number of streamer cameos (“over 50 influencer and streamers from around the world,” according to CD Projekt), and while most of them completely went by me, the few that did hit for me only served to disrupt the world. The only perceived positive here is that most players won’t have any idea who these people are.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing that broke immersion in the game. Due to what I can only assume are particularly harsh memory restrictions imposed by the game’s release on last-generation hardware, the game has some of the most aggressive NPC culling that I’ve ever seen. While NPCs don’t strictly only exist in screen space, it often feels like they do, as simply spinning the camera around can result in an entirely new crowd existing in place of the old one. This is obviously rough when it comes to maintaining immersion in crowded spaces on-foot, but it gets worse when you’re driving. Driving on an empty road, rotating the camera, and finding that three seconds later there was an entire legion of cars waiting for your camera to discover them, far too close to slow down, was always a deadly surprise. It doesn’t help that your cars take a while to slow down.
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Cyberpunk’s approach towards cars in general is interesting. While I certainly had trouble with them when I began playing, I eventually began to get into their groove. If you want to learn how to drive effectively in Cyberpunk, you have to learn how to drift. After the game’s latest substantial patch, the team at CD Projekt finally fixed my largest problem with the game’s driving – the minimap was simply too zoomed-in, making it difficult to begin to make the right decisions on when and how to turn when traveling at speed. Now that that's resolved, however, whipping and spinning through the streets is fun, and the cars feel appropriately weighty. I’ll still occasionally boot up the game just to cruise around its streets and listen to the radio.
Speaking of the radio, did I mention that Cyberpunk 2077 has one of the greatest game soundtracks that I’ve ever heard? The radio is filled with great original songs from some pretty great musicians, but that’s not where the soundtrack’s beauty starts and it certainly isn’t where it ends. The original soundtrack (composed by P.T. Adamczyk, Marcin Przybylowicz, and Paul Leonard-Morgan) was consistently beautiful, moving, and intense. The world feels gritty and grimy but ultimately beautiful and worth saving, and a great deal of that emotion comes from the soundtrack. While the heavy use of industrial synths could’ve lent itself towards music that existed to set tone instead of form lasting memories with memorable melodies, the sparkling backing tones and inspired instrumentation helped keep me humming some of its tracks for months after last hearing them in-game. I’m no musical critic, I don’t know how much I can say about this soundtrack, so I’ll just reiterate: it’s genuinely incredible.
It certainly helps that the encounters that so many of those tunes are backing up are exciting as well. I was expecting middling combat from the company that brought us The Witcher 3, and while the experience wasn’t perfect, it was competitive with (and, in many ways, better than) the closest games to it than I can point to, Eidos Montreal’s recent Deus Ex titles. Gunplay feels tight, shotguns feel explosive, and encounter spaces are diverse and full of alternate paths and interesting cover. My first playthrough was spent primarily as a stealth-focused gunslinger, using my silenced pistol to cover up the mistakes that my feet made when trying to avoid getting caught. Trying to sneak into, around, and through environments helped emphasize how complex the environments actually were. While it’d be easy to run into a wealth of the game’s content with your guns loaded and ready to fire, that may contribute to a perceived lack of depth in the game’s world design. I’m trying to write this without considering what other people have said about the game, but this particular point has been something of a sticking point for me – there are individual, completely optional buildings in Cyberpunk that have more interesting, considered level design than some entire video games, and the experience of evaluating and utilizing them was consistently mechanically engaging and exciting.
The sheer number of abilities that the player has can be almost overwhelming. While leveling does encourage the player to specialize into certain traits, especially when said traits can also serve as skill checks for the dialogue system and some traversal opportunities, every trait houses a bundle of skills that each house a sprawling leveling tree. Far from the kind of “three-path EXP dump” that you’ll find in a great number of AAA titles, Cyberpunk’s leveling experience can be legitimately intimidating. It’s difficult to plan the kind of character you want to play as when you’re trying to project eighty or a hundred hours forward for a character that will be constantly encountering new kinds of challenges. I certainly didn’t begin my playthrough by wanting to be a stealth-focused gunslinger – in fact, I was originally aiming for a melee-focused hacker build. While I was drawn to what I was drawn to, hearing stories from other players about the kind of builds that they ultimately considered to be overpowered made one thing exceedingly clear: Cyberpunk is a game that rewards every kind of play, possibly to its own detriment.
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Cyberpunk’s main story is notably short. I wouldn’t consider this to be a problem, considering the sheer amount of engaging, exciting, heartfelt side content, but it might be the core of the difficulty scaling plateauing so early on. As you progress deeper into the game you’ll find that almost every build, as long as you are willing to commit to something, is more than viable. Look around long enough and you’ll find people saying that every single build is overpowered. For me, that fed into the central power fantasy in an exciting way. By the time that I rolled credits a hundred hours in I was more or less unstoppable, walking into rooms and popping every enemy almost instantly. For others, this was a problem – it can be frustrating to feel like all of your work to become stronger wasn’t met with an appropriate challenge when the time came to put it into practice. This is a difficult problem to solve, and I don’t have a solution. I’ll fondly remember my revolver-toting, enemy-obliterating V, though, so I can’t complain.
Regardless of the scaling, however, the content you play through to arrive at that pinnacle of power was consistently, surprisingly robust. While the differentiation between “gigs” and “side quests” is confusing (word for the wise: gigs are generally shorter and more gameplay-centric missions that are designed by CD Projekt’s “open world” team while the side quests are made by the same team that made the main quests and are generally longer and more narrative-centric), both kinds of side content are lovingly crafted and meaningful. Of the 86 gigs in the game, every single one of them takes place in a unique location with a hand-crafted backstory and (almost always) a wealth of different approaches. These don’t exist separately from the rest of the game’s design philosophy, even if they are made by a separate team, and you’ll often find that decisions made outside of gigs will reverberate into them (and, sometimes, the other way around). I’ve played a great deal of open world games, and never before has the “icon-clearing content” felt this lovingly-crafted and interesting. While the main quests will take you traveling across the map, the side content is what really makes it feel dense and real. You’ll be constantly meeting different kinds of people who are facing different kinds of problems – and, hey, occasionally you’ll be meeting someone who has no problem at all, someone who just wants to make your world a little bit brighter.
It’s surprising, then, that one of the most obvious ways to integrate that kind of content in Cyberpunk is so sparsely-utilized. “Braindances,” sensory playback devices used to replicate experiences as disparate as sex, meditation, and murder, play a critical role in some of the game’s larger quests, but they almost never show up in the side content. You would imagine that the ability to freely transport the player into any kind of situation in a lore-friendly way would’ve been a goldmine for side content, but its use is limited. This isn’t even a complaint, really, I’m just genuinely surprised – I wouldn’t be surprised if they used them more heavily in 2077’s expansions or sequels, because they feel like an untapped goldmine.
Another thing that the game surprisingly lacks is the inclusion of more granular subtitle options. While the game does let you choose the important stuff – whether or not you want CD Projekt’s trademark over-the-head subtitles for random NPCs, what language you want the subtitles to be in, what language you want the audio to be in – it doesn’t include something that I’ve grown to consider a standard: the ability to turn on subtitles for foreign languages only. As the kind of player who avoids subtitles when possible, I went through most of Cyberpunk with them off. Unfortunately, a tremendous number of important cutscenes in the game take place in languages other than English, and I didn’t know that I was supposed to understand what these characters were saying until I was embarrassingly far into one of the prologue’s most important scenes.
NOTE: I was pleasantly surprised to discover after replaying the ending of the game earlier today that they've fixed this issue in a patch. Nice!
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I can only complain about the game’s language support so much, because there’s something important that lies between the player and the story they’re there to experience: a fucking incredible English localization. Ironically, it’s so good that I can’t help but imagine that most players won’t even think about it. It’s easy to notice and talk about an excellent localization when it’s from something like a JRPG, something with a clearly different style from what you’d expect from a work made in English, but never once in my entire playthrough did I even briefly consider the idea that it was natively written in anything other than English. I knew that CD Projekt was a Polish studio, but I just assumed that they wrote in English and localized it backwards. The language is constantly bright and surprising, the jokes land, the characters have memorable quirks, everything feels natural, and the voice acting is legitimately some of the best that I’ve ever heard in a video game. Both versions of the main character’s voice were damn-near instantly iconic for me, landing up there with Commander Shepard in the upper echelon of protagonist VO. I can’t praise it enough.
That said, even if the localization was incredible, it’d be hard to appreciate if the meat of the story wasn’t up-to-snuff. I was ecstatic to discover, then, that Cyberpunk 2077 has an incredible story. Every great story starts with a great cast of characters, and Cyberpunk hit it out of the park with that. The core cast of side characters are some of my favorite characters in years. Judy, Panam, River, and Kerry are all memorable, full, charming people. Kerry Eurodyne in particular is responsible for my favorite scene in a game since the finale of Final Fantasy XV. The quest “Boat Drinks,” the finale of Kerry’s quest line, is quietly emotional and intensely beautiful. He, and the other characters like him, are more than the setting they’re in, and the way that the game slowly chews away at the harsh and bitter exterior that the world has given them as it reaches to their emotional, empathetic core consistently astounds. Night City is a city full of noise, violence, destruction, and decay, but you don’t have to participate in it. You don’t have to make it worse. You can be different, and you can be better. You don’t get there alone, you can’t get there alone, and Cyberpunk is a game that revels in how beautiful the world can be if we are willing to find the light and excitement in the people around us.
Of course, Cyberpunk is a video game, it’s an RPG, and the story is more than a linear progression of memorable moments. Something that struck me while making my way through Cyberpunk’s story was how expertly and tastefully it implemented choice. I’m used to games that give you flashing notifications and blaring alarms whenever you're able to make a decision that matters, so I was initially confused by how Cyberpunk didn’t seem reactive to the things I said and did. The game would give me a few options in conversations, I’d select one of them, and then the story would progress naturally. However, as I continued, I began to notice small things. One character would remember me here, a specific thing I said twenty hours before would be brought up by someone there, an action that I didn’t even know I had the choice to not take was rewarded. The game slowly but surely established a credibility to its choices, a weight to your words, this sense that everything that you were saying, even beyond the tense setpiece moments that you’d expect to matter, would matter. It was only after going online after completing the game that I realized just how different my playthrough could’ve been. While nothing ever reached the level of the kind of divergent choices that The Witcher 2 allowed, there were still large chunks of the game that are entirely missable. Three of the game’s endings can only be unlocked through the completion of (and, in one case, specific actions in) specific quests, and multiple memorable quests were similarly locked behind considerate play. This isn’t really a game that will stop you from doing one thing because you chose to do something else, most of the choice-recognition is simply unlocking new options for the player to take, but it always feels natural and never feels like a game providing you an arbitrary fork in the road just for the sake of making it feel artificially replayable. CD Projekt has already said that they made the choices too subtle in Cyberpunk, but I deeply appreciate the game as it is now – more games should make choices feel more real.
It helps that the dialogue system backing up some of those choices is dynamic and the cutscene direction backing those scenes up is consistently thrilling. The decision to lock you in first-person for the entire game was an inspired one, and it resulted in a bevy of memorable scenes made possible by those interlocking systems. There are the obvious ones – being locked in a smoky car with a skeptical fixer, getting held at gunpoint by a mechanical gangster with his red eyes inches away from your own and a pistol’s barrel just barely visible as it presses against your forehead, having to choose between firing your weapon and talking down someone with a hostage when in a tense, escalating situation. There are also a million smaller ones, situations where the scale of the world becomes part of the magic. The first time that I sat down in a diner and talked with someone I had to meet or the first time that I rode along through the bustling downtown of Night City as a politician sized me up will stick with me because the perspective of the camera and the pacing of the real-time dialogue interface combine to make almost everything more powerful. There’s so much effort put into it – so many custom animations, so many small touches that you’d only see if you were staring intensely at every frame. All of that effort paid off, and the controversial decision to strip third-person out of the game was ultimately proven to be one of the smartest decisions that CD Projekt has ever made.
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Another decision that helped power an exciting, engaging story was how the game freely manipulates the time and weather during key story moments. It’s a small touch, it’s one that you won’t notice unless you’re looking for it, but every once in a while you’ll walk into a place during a crystal-clear day and come out five minutes later to discover that it’s a cold, windy, rainy night and you have a city to burn. Along with the first-person limitation, this initially feels like something that could only harm immersion, but when it’s backed up by a story that motivating and scenes that thrilling you’d be hard-pressed to notice it outside of the flashes of telling yourself that this scene or that scene is the best that you’ve played in a long time. This also helps avoid a problem that games like the Grand Theft Auto series consistently face – instead of letting scenes happen at any time, compromising direction, or doing something like a timelapse, sacrificing immersion, Cyberpunk manages to always keep you in the action while also presenting the action in its most beautiful and appropriate form. There are moments where it truly feels like it’s meshing the kind of scene direction that’d be at home in a Naughty Dog game, the gameplay of Deus Ex, and the storytelling of the WRPG greats, and in those moments there is nothing else on the market that feels quite like it.
I sure have talked a lot about this game’s story, considering the fact that I have barely brought up its central hook. The early twist (unfortunately spoiled by the game’s marketing), the placement of a rockstar-turned-terrorist-turned-AI-construct firmly in your brain after a heist goes wrong and your best friend dies, helps establish a tone that the rest of the game commits to. Johnny Silverhand starts as an annoying, self-centered asshole with no real appreciation for how dire your situation is, but by the end of the game he had more than won me over. Reeves’s performance was really stellar, and the relationship between him and V is incredibly well-written. More than that, his introduction helps spur on a shift in the way that you engage with the world. The first act is full of hope, aspiration, the belief that you can get to the top if you hustle hard enough and believe. After you hold your dying friend in your arms and are forced to look your own death in the eyes, though, things begin to turn. Maybe the world is fucked up, maybe it’s fucked up beyond belief. But there Johnny is, telling you to fight. Why? Every time you fight, things get worse.
But the game continues to ruminate on this, it continues to put you in situations where fighting not only fails to fix the problem, but it makes it worse. Despite that, it’s positive. For me, at least, Cyberpunk’s worldview slowly came into alignment, and it’s one that I can’t help but love. Cyberpunk 2077 is a game about how important the fight is, how important believing in something is, even if you’re facing impossible odds, even if there’s no happy ending. It’s a story that posits that giving up is the worst ending of all, that your only responsibility is to what’s right and to the ideals that you and the people you love want to live up to. The game uses every story it can tell, every character it can introduce you to, and every encounter it can spin into a narrative to drive that home. And, when the ending comes, it was phenomenal. All of the endings were powerful, effective, and meaningful to me, but I’m more than happy that I went with what I did.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an excellent video game. It’s not flawless, but no game is, and at its core it's one of the most fun, beautiful, narratively engaging, and heart-filled games that I’ve ever played. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough, and I sincerely hope that everyone who has skipped out on it because of what they’ve heard is able to give it a shot someday. Maybe they’ll love it as much as I do. Wouldn’t that be something?
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Gondar, the Bounty Hunter build (DOTA 2)
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(Artwork made for Valve Software.)
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And here you were thinking that I wouldn’t actually make a DOTA 2 build; that’s where you’re WRONG! While this is sort of meant as my April Fools joke build I did actually play DOTA before migrating to League. I still love all the characters and I do genuinely think the gameplay has some strengths over LoL. The community...? Well, it exists.
Regardless back when I played DOTA I mained Bounty Hunter, which is rather ironic given I fucking hate League’s counterpart Bounty Hunter of Pyke. Gondar (yes his name is Gondar) was an extremely fun stealth assassin with a very unique passive to keep tabs on enemies at all times and inflate his teammates’ wallets. And apparently they magnified that even further by allowing Bounty to steal other heroes’ gold now with Jinada? Sweet Zeus Valve calm down with the feature creep...
Regardless: happy 5 days after April Fools! Hoes mad that I’m acknowledging DOTA’s existence.
You can't fight what you can't see - DOTA is a lot more willing to give people invisibility. Helps when you can buy a gem that lets you see all invisible enemies.
The realm's justice - Jinada, que pasa? We need to be able to do big damage to critical points that weaken our enemies in a fight.
You can run but you can't hide - Your ultimate ability will be to track people down like some sort of... person who tracks people down for money.
Back in the Warcraft days Gondar was a Goblin, so a Goblin he shall be! As a Goblin you get a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Constitution, and Nimble Escape to get half of what a Rogue can do with your Bonus Action to Disengage or Hide (but not Dash.) And you get a nice bonus to take down big bounties (big in the literal sense) with Fury of the Small, allowing you to do extra damage equal to your level to a creature that’s bigger than you once per Short or Long Rest!
15; DEXTERITY - Is your refrigerator running? Well you’d better go catch it, because there’s a bounty on its head!
14; WISDOM - Wisdom is tied to tracking, and spoiler alert? We’re going to be doing a lot of tracking.
13; CONSTITUTION - We kinda don’t need anything else so may as well use that +1 from our race to get a nice boost to our HP.
12; INTELLIGENCE - Practical intelligence never hurt when tracking down gods and demons.
10; CHARISMA - You need to be able to talk to the people giving the bounties.
8; STRENGTH - You’re a small man with small knives.
Man, if only there was a background for a Bounty Hunter! We’ll be going for Urban Bounty Hunter from the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide because just because the name says “urban” doesn’t mean you can’t prowl around the Radiant jungle too. You can choose your proficiencies among a small list: I opted for Insight and Stealth. You also get proficiency with two musical instruments or gaming sets: I’d maybe ask about languages instead? But honestly pick your poison.
Your feature Ear to the Ground gives you plenty of information about whatever bounty you may be tracking, as you’ve got contacts in all places to slip you information about where a giant fishman may be. “The Tidehunter becomes the hunted.”
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(Artwork made for Valve Software.)
You level Shuriken first on Bounty, you go for CON saves first in D&D. Along with those CON saves you also get proficiency in two skills from the Fighter list: Acrobatics will help you survive and Survival will also help you survive! But it’s mainly useful for tracking.
As a Fighter you can choose a Fighting Style at level 1: for a quick Shuriken Toss Superior Technique will let you grab the Quick Toss maneuver as well as a d6 Superiority die to use on said maneuver. It doesn’t take a lot to push Q and click on someone. Remember that your superiority die come back after a Short Rest, as well as a long one.
Finally as a Fighter you can hold onto a Bottle to use for a bit of Second Wind, healing for a d10 plus your Fighter Level as a Bonus Action. “A prudent hunter knows when to strike.” This ability also resets after a Short or Long Rest.
Second level Fighters can up their APM with Action Surge, allowing them to take two actions in a turn. The Wiki says the trick of attacking people during Shadow Walk’s Fade Time is still a thing, so yeah pro tips from a League player!
Third level Fighters get to choose their Martial Archetype and truth be told I just want to be able to throw more shuriken, so Battle Master it is for four more Combat Superiority dice! You can also learn three more Maneuvers other than Quick Toss: Disarming Attack will let you knock an enemy’s weapon away with Heaven’s Halberd, and both Commander’s Strike and Distracting Strike are good to team up with your allies to play support. “My allies have earned their keep.”
But of course the most important feature is Student of War; no shmuck politician is going to hire you unless you have Calligrapher’s Supplies proficiency to fool a god to sign off his power to you!
How about we slow them down a bit? The Slasher feat will increase your Dexterity by 1 but also allow you to slow enemies hit by 10 feet. Additionally if you crit you cripple them, giving them disadvantage on their attacks! This only works with Slashing damage, so technically you can only slow in melee range with a Scimitar. But if your DM is cool I’d totally allow Darts that do Slashing damage to slow at range!
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(”Twin Blades Assassin” set made by motenai and T_Vidotto. Made for YYF.)
First level Rangers get proficiency in one skill from the Ranger list: increase your map awareness and buy some wards for Perception. Additionally you get Deft Explorer from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, which grants you the Canny ability for two language proficiencies and Expertise in one skill of your choice. Your languages don’t matter too much but guess what? Survival is still used for tracking down bounties!
Speaking of those bounties you can mark them with not quite track thanks to Favored Foe. When you hit a foe you can choose to mark them and make them take an additional d4 once per turn for up to a minute! You need to concentrate on this effect though so you can’t just fire-and-forget like in DOTA, and can only use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
Second level Rangers get to choose a Fighting Style and you know what’s good for tossing shuriken? Thrown Weapon Fighting, letting you draw thrown weapons for free and giving you +2 damage to said thrown weapons!
But of course the main appeal of being a Ranger is the Spellcasting! You can learn two spells from the Ranger list: for a not quite stun that certainly isn’t mini Ensnaring Strike lets you throw a shuriken (or stab with your sword) to root an enemy in place. Alternatively if you want to track people super good Hunter’s Mark gives you advantage on Survival checks to track the person you marked, and also lets you do an extra d6 every time you hit the enemy!
It’s of course worth mentioning that both these spells require Concentration which means you can’t use them along with Favored Foe, but most of the Ranger spell list is Concentration.
Third level Rangers get to chose their subclass, and I hope you weren’t expecting Hunter just because the character is literally called “Bounty Hunter.” No we’ll be going for the Monster Slayer subclass, because certainly you only hunt monsters who have a price on their head for a reason, right? Regardless Hunter’s Sense will let you know what an enemy’s weaknesses are just by looking at them (and perhaps peeking at their inventory) with your Action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.
But what we’re mainly here for is Slayer’s Prey, for more tracking marks! As a Bonus Action you can put another mark on a foe within 60 feet to make them take an extra d6 the first time you hit them! You can only have one target marked at a time with this ability, and it ends if you take a Short or Long Rest. This stacks with both Hunter’s Mark and Favored Foe, so pick your poison to do as much as you can to your foes!
You can also learn another first level Ranger spell like Snare, to set up in advance for bounties you know are coming. You get a lot more magic too: Monster Slayer Magic provides you with the Protection from Evil and Good spell, which is helpful for hunting down demons and fiends. You can also cast Speak with Animals once per day thanks to Primal Awareness, just in case you’ve been hanging around with Enchantress.
4th level Rangers get another Ability Score Improvement, but we still kinda need to be able to turn invisible? Good thing Shadow Touched lets you increase your Wisdom by 1 and gives you the Invisibility spell along with one Illusion or Necromancy spell of first level.
What first level spell will we be taking you may ask? Why if only there was a spell to squeeze more gold out of your bounties. Oh wait! Distort Value from Acquisitions Incorporated, allowing you to sparkle up your bounties for more gold! You can cast both of these spells once per Long Rest without using a spell slot, and can also cast them freely with your spell slots.
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(”Desperado in the Shade” set made by HeeJae.)
5th level Rangers finally get their Extra Attack. It’s about damn time to pick up some attack speed as a Martial Fighter.
You can also learn another spell like Locate Object, because sometimes items have bounties on them too. Speaking of spells Monster Slayer Magic gives you the Zone of Truth spell, and Primal Awareness gives you one casting of the spell Beast Sense, in case you want to ride along with Lifestealer.
6th level Rangers get Roving from Deft Explorer, increasing their movement speed by 5 and granting them a Climbing and Swimming speed equal to their walking speed, meaning you can follow your bounties through any terrain. Additionally Favored Foe increases to a d6 of damage, so while it’s still not really comparing to Hunter’s Mark it’s still helping!
7th level Monster Slayers have a Supernatural Defense against magic and crowd control. Whenever the target marked by your Slayer’s Prey feature forces you to make a saving throw or if you try to escape their grapple, you can add a d6 to your roll.
You can also learn another second level spell like Lesser Restoration, as a Dispel is never a bad thing to have.
Striking foes from the shadows is all well and good but you haven’t got many ways to keep yourself safe. (Other than using your Bonus Action to Disengage I guess.) The Mobile feat will speed you up and let you avoid hits after cutting a foe’s heels!
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(“Giant Hunter” set made by Jigglypuff.)
9th level Rangers get third level spells! This means you get:
Magic Circle from Monster Slayer Magic.
Speak With Plants from Primal Awareness.
And Revivify from the Ranger spell list (thanks Tasha’s), in case you need to help someone Buyback their respawn.
10th level Rangers are Tireless thanks to Deft Explorer. You can recover Exhaustion on a Short Rest, and can use an action to give yourself a boost of Temporary Hitpoints a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, which resets at the end of a Long Rest.
You also get more ways to turn invisible with Nature’s Veil, which lets you turn invisible until the start of your next turn. Like Tireless you have a number of uses equal to your Proficiency bonus, which come back at the end of a Long Rest. “Unseen.”
11th level Monster Slayers carry a ministun to deal with casters. When you see a creature casting a spell or teleporting within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to try to foil it with Magic-User’s Nemesis. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or its spell / TP fails and is wasted. You can only use this ability once per Short or Long Rest however, so be sure to stop the enemy from using a teleportation scroll.
Additionally you can learn another spell like Nondetection, for protection against wards.
12th level Rangers can grab another Ability Score Improvement: even though we have an uneven Wisdom score I’m still going to suggest maxing out your Dexterity first for the highest possible AC, damage, and dodging skills.
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(”Hunter with No Name” set made by BigTuna, Vermillion-Wlad, and Stefco. Made for Funn1k.)
13th level Rogues can learn 4th level spells. You get Banishment from Monster Slayer Magic, but much more importantly you get Locate Creature from Primal Awareness for some proper Bounty Hunting! We’ll also be taking Locate Creature as our learnt spell at this level: one may say that it’s not the most useful spell, but if you need combat magic you can upcast Ensnaring Strike for a chain stun or Invisibility to dust up.
14th level Rogues see Favored Foe increase to a d8. Is this way too late for a feature that’s still arguably doing less than Hunter’s Mark? Perhaps, but Favored Foe still doesn’t cost your Bonus Action nor a Spell Slot.
You do also get Vanish to hide as a Bonus Action but... you could already do that. Oops.
15th level Monster Slayers are masters at 1v1ing squishy spellcasters, as you master the Slayer’s Counter. If the enemy you marked with Slayer’s Prey forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction attack them! You make this attack immediately before the saving throw, and if your attack hits you automatically succeed your saving throw.
You can also learn another spell but honestly? Pick your choice. We got just about all the character-accurate spells we could need as is.
16th level Rangers get their last Ability Score Improvement and while it’s probably late to do this the Resilient feat in Wisdom will make sure the enemy has zero chance to CC you.
There's several reasons I opted for Ranger levels instead of Rogue levels. Firstly Bounty Hunter can crit targets even when not stealthed, and Jinada is described as "preparing" the next attack which is much more in-line with Hunter's Mark and Favored Foe. Gondar's code language is most likely Goblin speak as opposed to Thieves' Cant. And of course Ranger was the only way to acquire tracking spells like Hunter's Mark and Locate Creature.
But above all else there were few Rogue subclasses that fit Gondar. Soul Knife is perhaps the only one that makes sense but ironically enough the unlimited nature of the Soul Knife Psychic Blades doesn't fit. (Also long-ranged teleportation doesn't fit either.) Monster Slayer meanwhile brings the backline counterplay to Gondar and allows me to work in a lot of Bounty Hunter's utility abilities.
I didn't come here to see my enemies grow rich - You have many ways to get the upper hand both in and out of combat, with both spells and martial prowess to aid you in combat. Between invisibility, Hunter’s Mark, Ensnaring Strike, or just generally tracking your enemy down you have all the tools you could need and more to get the jump on your foes.
Watch your head! - You are very strong against magic users and other enemies who force saving throws, and you didn’t even need the Mage Slayer feat! Monster Slayer is exceptionally good at giving one enemy an incredibly tough time killing you, especially if they rely on magic to do so.
Impressive technique, but not enough - A little bit of Constitution goes a long way, and a +2 to CON along with a d10 hit die will give you quite a bit of bulk in comparison to others.
A wise hunter knows patience - It takes quite a bit to set up all your marks, with several bonus actions to operate at maximum effectiveness. In fact you have an absolutely excessive amount of Bonus Actions to choose from which can make picking the right one very tricky.
My target eludes me - You also have several Concentration spells, and while your CON saves are good many of your spells are utility based you still can’t turn invisible while tracking down your bounty.
That's going to come out of my pay, isn't it? - Your Wisdom isn’t terrible but it’s not good either, and while most of your spells don’t rely on saving throws many abilities such as Hunter’s Sense and Magic-User’s Nemesis do rely on your Wisdom. I’m not saying Point Buy would be better but your Intelligence really isn’t doing much to help you.
But a good hunter knows what tool to use in any situation, and you have the tools to take out any target... for the right price, of course. Stalk your foes, strike when they least expect it, and reap the rewards for your allies. And if they're the type to complain that you're not from Runeterra simply remember that DOTA is better than League, and a LoL player can't deny.
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(Comic by Nerf Now!)
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
Kamen Rider Saber: Finale and Series Review
Okay, before I start disemboweling this series I want to give the finale two points of props.
It was nice to see the main trio fight the big bad together rather than it just being the lead Rider.
The ending really feels nostalgic for me. It's like one of those old games or anime that tried to do something like Evangelion, mostly Star Ocean 3 comes to mind.
I was going to add another point: how the ending didn't have to rely on a cosmic retcon to turn things into a happy ending like Build or Zi-o did, leaving those who died dead and having some level of maturity. I was going to give the show that point, even if it felt like it was leading into Touma essentially becoming God, but then the show did it and...I'm going to be honest here, I was saying fuck you at the screen. Multiple times, kinda like when Doctor Who's 50th anniversary where it turns out Gallifrey wasn't destroyed, the Doctor sealed it away and just couldn't remember it. Like, that is the level of bullshit I was calling out, and with Doctor Who I only said it as an “oh fuck you” rather than just “fuck you fuck you fuck you” until I noticed I was doing this and stopped myself.
Got it? Good. Now let's put Kamen Rider Saber on the examination table, rip it open, and see what went wrong with it.
Oh my god, where to begin with this series?
You ever see a show or movie that tries to do too much for it's runtime? Maybe a book that has some ultimately good ideas, but it never fleshed them out properly? That's my biggest feeling with Saber. Individual parts of the story, some arcs and characters are good on paper. Not to mention, Touma has two incredibly sexy upgrades (the Ryuki-inspired Draconic Knight and the berserker Primitive Dragon). But there is just so much in here that, given the proper focus could have carried the show if properly developed. It's a case of quantity over quality.
But the main problem comes to it's central McGufffin, the Omniscient Tome. This book is supposed to have all knowledge and later on all stories contained within it. It's what powers Wonderworld and the Wonder Ridebooks that are the main collectable trinket of the season. But when you stop and think about it, Saber is a world where there is no free will and the antagonists are all rebelling against this in their own way. Kento's dad (former Kamen Rider Calibur) went rogue in the backstory because he was given a vision of the future through his sword, and it led to the former Saber taking up the role of Calibur and going rogue in order to learn the truth. When the other riders are turned against Touma, the argument is over how he's destined to become more powerful, making Touma seem like he's seeking power and could be a future threat. When Kento returns from the dead, he's haunted by visions of the world ending in multiple variations, leading to him trying to seal the Sacred Blades in order to stop it. But then Master Logos is revealed to be buttfucking insane, wanting to rebel against his position in the world. Then it turns out the monster faction's leader, was a former poet who lost hope when he learned that all his creations were already in the Omniscient Tome, so he decided he would end the world his way rather than the predetermined ending. And even then, the world still ended the way it was always fated to end, even with Touma disappearing to nu-Wonderworld if only for a year.
The world wasn't saved, it was destroyed and then rebuilt because Mei wrote an online post that encouraged people to share their stories, which they did in oblivion even though these guys shouldn't have seen the post at all and instead just heard her voice.
Like, maybe the nu-World has free will. I'd buy that. But when applied to the 47 episodes I've spent the last year watching (alongside the Zenkaiger crossover episode), it felt pointless because it ended the way it was foretold in the Omniscient Tome. It didn't matter that Storious was defeated, fate was not averted. It's like, the complaints people have about the MCU post-Loki. It doesn't matter that Tony decided to sacrifice himself, because he didn't have free will. He was always going to sacrifice himself. Thanos was always going to snap away half the universe, and it would always be undone because choices didn't matter before Loki's ending.
And that's not even going into how they final arc reveals that Touma can somehow create stories not present in the Omniscient Tome. That he can somehow, because the personification of Wonderworld choose him as a child, that for some reason he's the only writer in history that can do this. His catchphrase is about how he'll be the one who'll decide how the story ends, but with the idea that everything was set into stone? It's laughable.
Like, my problem with Zero One's ending was the last scene. Aruto had learned a lot about the Humagears and was an advocate for them finding their own dreams as they became self-aware AI. So him trying to treat a new humagear as just an amnesiac Is  and try to help her “remember”? That felt like a betrayal of the character and what he stood for. But the post-series movie revealed that Is left a copy of herself in the Zero Two driver, and merged with the non-self aware nu-Is who the movie kept reminding us wasn't the Is we knew. Aruto even had a sobbing scene about what he was doing, lowkey acknowledging what he was doing but without overtly calling him out. It fixed Zero One for me after that last scene left me with a bad taste in my mouth that overshadowed an otherwise excellent show.
You can't fix Saber with a single movie, that's what I'm getting at here.
So, with that out of the way let's go into my thoughts on each character.
Touma: Is one of the blandest main riders in the franchise. His sense of style is probably one of the worst I've ever seen though. Like I know they like to try and give the main riders their own look rather than having them dress like normal people, like Aruto wearing a hoodie under his suit jacket alongside with his very bright shoes, but this wasn't a W or even something like Ghost (where honestly I really liked Takeru's robe-like shirts). What they eventually settled on with Touma was a stupid hat, really baggy pants, and shirts that look like they came out of a stern librarian's closest. You know, the type with her hair in a bun and their horned-framed glasses on a chain.
Rintaro:Is one of those cases where he's meant to be the secondary Rider of the series, but is overshadowed because the writer likes to use someone else more. The idea of him having to turn against the organization that raised him (like a child soldier) could have worked really well if the series had a more free will-direction. But alas.
Kento: Kento's the one character I found I could really like. His arc was more interesting during the first quarter, his return as Calibur, but then he returned to being Espada and, as much as I love that suit, he just became Touma's main cheerleader. Really, I felt like towards the end it was a waste of him, especially since he doesn't get any power ups like Rintaro did to solidify him as one of the main three. He definitely feels like a victim of rewrites or just the writer not knowing what he was doing.
Mei: The female lead. Honestly, I just found her annoying most of the time. A womanchild to match Touma's more manchild moments, with a potential romance with Rintaro thrown in to only be confirmed in a future movie. Really, she should have taken over as Espada after Kento disappeared early on (especially since she's one of the three in the Ending dance while Kento isn't).
Daishinji: I'd say best boy, but he became a background character pretty quick.
Ogami: An older Kamen Rider who is also a father to a young child? Cool, and could even have worked in contrast to Rintaro's raising as essentially a child soldier. But alas, it was not to be.
Ren: OMG. A somewhat psycho younger Rider, idolizing Kento, and his social Darwinist beliefs on strength leading to conflict as Touma gets more powerful, leading to him abandoning the team to train with an enemy monster? HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT NOT WORK! I swear, Ren should have been the secondary Rider of the series, with his changes in beliefs being used more effectively.
Yuri: One of the most competantly written characters in the entire show. One of the original swordsman who became his sword, returning after 2000 years and not only feeling the culture clash of then and now but even how the idea of what makes a hero has changed? Good boy. Also loved him using a shadow body early on during fights.
Sophia: Why are you even here?
Reika: Oh boy, the swordswoman who leads the rest to distrust Touma under the orders of Master Logos, and doesn't sway from this until he's proven to be batshit insane? And even then, reluctant to join the others? Could have been better, especially if her relationship with her brother didn't come across as incesty. Though, could we please return her to Magine in Zenkaiger? Reika hugging her was really cute, in a socially awkward type of way.
Ryoga: Reika's brother. With his powers being something out of Jojo, time manipulation powers which are a bit hard to explain. He starts them and to his opponents things seem like the fight is continuing as normal, but he really exists outside of that and then can attack from a blindspot? Could have been really good with if the series had gone Team Free Will is all I'm saying.
Master Logos: What I mentioned above, but his Rider suit is one I'm in lust with. Just laughs like a madman and you're wondering why Reika and Ryoga don't rebel against him earlier.
The Megid: Two are a waste who I never bothered to learn their names. Fall out of focus for a bit and only return to be beaten, with the sad fact that they were once human. Storious is the exception, but even then I felt he was a little too late to save the series.
Tassel: Bon Lecture! I still hate you you weirdo, even if your death scene made me feel a little sad. The fact that you treated the early parts of the show as a story you were reading? Have you seen my other complaints?
As for the message of what the show tried to say? I don't really mind it. It's encouraging people to love stories, even if they are copies (considering the controversy of Time Paradox Ghostwriter and Cheat Slayer within recent memory, I'm trying not to make jokes about Saber encouraging plagiarism). And I don't think that's a bad thing in itself. Hell, how many stories take stuff from older stories and just tweak elements to make them their own? I love the Elric saga, but that was based on old legends and meant to subvert the likes of Conan the Barbarian, and some other stories I've liked have borrowed elements from it as well. The idea that stories can be used to pass on our hopes, thoughts and dreams to others is pretty nice as well, rather than writing being a form of masturbation on the author's part.
But in the shadow of the Omniscient Tome and it's implications, I really feel the story should have taken another route.
A lot of Riders start of weak, having to introduce the plot as well as the main release of whatever trinket they want kids to gorge themselves on this year. But they usually start getting better towards the end of the first quarter, while maybe stalling a bit towards the end of the second/third. Saber was a series that I felt never really found it's legs. Too many bareboned plot threads on the go, dropping some for a while only to pick them up again after they've been forgotten about. This is not a good series, to be honest I think Zi-O and even Ghost were better, and really feel it would have been better handled in the hands of someone who could actually write. 
Not to mention, this gave me flashbacks of Power Rangers Megaforce over how much this series relied on fight scenes. Throw in greenscreen everywhere, lack of civilians...oh god, it is Kamen Rider Megaforce. And it felt like Saber was trying to have a story, unlike Megaforce, but it has the same “it’s a kid’s show, we don’t have to try that hard” energy.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Of Numbers and Strange Friendships
TITLE: Of Numbers and Strange Friendships CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 50/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being friends with Peter Parker RATING: T
NOTES/WARNINGS: None so far.  Also on AO3 here
Needless to say, Loki was banned from Stark Industries after his day of pranks there. Also needless to say, banning him did less than no good.  Loki spent the rest of summer break helping Peter in his lab in the building and security couldn’t do a damn thing to stop him from doing so.  
Stark didn’t like it, but he didn’t complain too loudly as long as Loki wasn’t playing pranks.  The Trickster played a lot fewer pranks when he wasn’t forced out of the tower.  Tony found that out the hard way when he’d gotten security to somehow throw Loki out one day.  Loki had filled the entire building waist high on every floor with teddybears shaped like Loki, wearing his armor from the build a bear store.  Every piece of artwork in the building had been replaced with pictures of Loki too.  When Loki vanished the Lokibears, some of them were being cuddled by the employees, so he allowed those to stay.  He wasn’t cruel after all.  
WvStark had been livid, but as Loki hadn’t actually hurt anything, Pepper and Thor took Loki’s side and told Stark to lighten up.  Loki’d even agreed to try to behave as long as he wasn’t banned from the building and from seeing and helping Peter. 
It also helped that Loki was a literal genius and was an expert in much more complicated technology than the stuff Stark and Peter were working with.  The first day the three of them all worked in the same lab together, Stark and Loki wouldn’t even speak to each other.  All their communications had to go through Peter.  It was all “Kid, tell Reindeer Games…” and “Arachnid, tell Shellhead…” By the end of the day, they were at least speaking to each other. Somehow Stark didn’t get stabbed and Loki didn’t get blasted by a repulser.  That was progress.  
Most evenings, the Loki and Peter went out on patrol together, sometimes joined by others, sometimes not.  They always stopped part of the way through patrol to have dinner with the team, sometimes at the tower, sometimes in the city in uniform.  Peter was careful never to remove his mask when he was eating in uniform, he just lifted it so his mouth was free to eat.   Though there were some evenings that they worked so late that Peter went out with Tony for dinner.  
The paparazzi always noticed either occasion and took pictures of where the Avengers or where Tony Stark and his star intern were.  Peter’s name had become known for that, though they had tried to keep it quiet.  It was too hard not to when the Tony Stark had taken special interest in an intern.  It was noted that Peter was being groomed by Stark.
Someone even had the gall to insinuate that the youth was being groomed.  He was quickly dealt with by Stark’s team of lawyers and no one dared make the accusation that there was anything sexual going on again.
And still, somehow his identity as Spiderman had remained hidden.  
The only problem with Peter working at Stark Industries was that he couldn’t spend his summer working for the Avengers as much as he’d like.  He couldn’t leave Stark Industries to go on missions without being noticed.  Even when Loki and Tony both left in their armor.  
One day in the last month of Peter’s summer vacation, that very thing happened.  While they were working in the lab, Jarvis made the announcement.  “Mr. Stark, Loki, there is an emergency mission.  The team needs you at the tower,” 
Loki’s armor shimmered into place while Tony summoned one of the many Ironman suits that existed in the building.  There was always one within easy summoning distance. 
“Please let me come, Mr. Stark!” Peter begged, once he realized that the pair were getting ready to leave without him.
Stark shook his head.  “Not this time, kid,” he said as his Ironman suit formed itself around him.
Peter looked to Loki, who also shook his head.  “No, Arachnid.  Too many people have seen you here.  It is not safe,” they were both concerned over Peter’s secret identity.  It only hung on a thread as it was.  And it would be obvious if Spiderman was seen leaving the building with Loki and Ironman.  
Peter huffed and started to protest, but Loki and Stark both gave him the same stern parent look and he backed down. “Stay here,” Stark told him firmly.  “And stay safe.” Peter nodded reluctantly and sat back down on the lab stool with a huff.  “Let’s go,” he told Loki and the pair headed out of the building to return to the tower and find out what the mission was. 
The mission was Hydra causing trouble and sending monsters to attack the city.  It was something they did frequently and the only reasoning the team could see behind it was that they liked annoying the Avengers.  
They should really stop annoying Loki, though, he had better things to do.  Though he WAS on Midgard for the express purpose of helping the team as a form of penance for trying to take over the realm.  Even though he’d been under mind control at the time. 
The entire team made it out to fight the monsters.
“Pep, I’m kinda in the middle of something right now,” Stark said as he blasted a monster.  He sounded distracted over the comms as he spoke to Pepper as well as the team.  He usually didn’t let himself get distracted, but Pepper always had a line straight through to his suit.  
“I know.  But you’re needed at headquarters,” Pepper sounded panicked and the entire team, including Loki, heard her over the comms now.  There was very little that could frazzle Pepper, so it got everyone’s attention when something did.  
“Pep…” Stark started.
“It’s Peter,” Pepper interrupted quickly.  “The building is under attack.  They got through security-“ Pepper wasn’t there. She was across the country on business.  So she must’ve gotten the news from security. “They’re looking for him in particular, Tony-“ she pleaded.  
Tony turned in desperation to find Loki on the battlefield.  He caught Loki’s gaze.  “Go.  We’ll handle things here.” Despite everything between them, Tony knew that Loki could get there faster than even he or Thor could flying.  Loki could teleport that far and not be drained.  He knew that despite how little he himself trusted the god, he could trust that Loki could and would do everything and anything within his powers to save Peter.  No matter how illegal it was.  
Loki didn’t give a single fuck about legality.  Not in the best of times and especially not if his blood brother’s life was in danger. 
Loki gave a brusque nod of acknowledgement and teleported off to Stark Industries, hoping he would get there in time.
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 18: MJ is lying to Peter but it definitely couldn’t be for his own sake
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This is something of a tangent on the last post, where I discussed why MJ would know better than to lie to Peter. However an angle I didn’t cover was the idea that she might be lying in order to protect Peter and his life interests in some way. Well today we’re going to tackle that very question.
This counterargument stems from the fact that MJ (obviously) wouldn’t want to see Peter come to harm and wouldn’t want to harm his chances in making more of his life. After all, Peter (circa AMJ #1) had only recently begun attending college again.
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Informing him about Mysterio would likely prompt Peter to ride out to L.A. immediately and potentially jeopardise his academic career.
But this just doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny.
In part 16 I spoke a length about how MJ values the greater good above even her marriage to Peter. I demonstrated that since she values her marriage over her career it therefore means she values the greater good above her career.
Using the same logic it’s pretty obvious to deduce that MJ also values the greater good above Peter’s academic career.
In ASM #303 (covered in part 16) MJ was prepared to jeopardise or potentially give up her successful modelling career for the sake of her marriage. This was owed to Peter being offered a promising new job in Kansas. 
However Peter turned the job down out of consideration for MJ and instead decided to go back to college (as he is in ASM v5) so he could get a job in NYC. Mary Jane doesn’t even try to protest against this.
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I’m by no means suggesting MJ is being selfish here, but it does demonstrate that the value she places upon Peter’s career prospects (which his college education is an extension of) has it’s limits. She clearly values her marriage more than that in addition to her own career.
So if MJ’s priorities place Peter’s career below their marriage and their marriage below the greater good, by extension it means she actually doesn’t value Peter’s education above the greater good.
And so she wouldn’t avoid alerting Peter to the existence of potentially dangerous criminals simply because she doesn’t want to screw up his academic chances.
But if you want even more proof, remember ASM #286? MJ ultimately decides the risk to Peter’s life wasn’t as important as the innocent lives that could be saved. Are we seriously going to suggest MJ believes Peter’s career options are more important than his literal life?
Of course not. And let’s not forget that Peter has gone back to school four  time by this point. I am unfamiliar with the American college education system, but that suggests to me that there is no limit on the number of times someone can stop and start their academic career. So even if MJ reluctantly has to kill Peter’s current chances in college, she knows that he could simply restart again. She also knows Peter would want it that way too.
Not to mention MJ could be honest with Peter without  risking him riding down to L.A. to save the day.
Peter knows he can trust Mary Jane. She doesn’t have the ability to get him to agree with anything she wants. But nor is Peter going to be immovable on any topic that entails MJ somehow being in a dangerous situation. In Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #2 Peter is insistent that MJ leave New York in order for her to evade whomever had abducted Aunt May.
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Whilst she reluctantly left, she soon returned despite what Peter wanted and continued to stick around in spite of him wanting her to leave again.
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However he didn’t press the point a second time even though the situation hadn’t changed. There are various reasons as to why but the point is that Peter was able to accept that it was a reasonable decision even though he disliked it.
Later in ASM #536 following the public unveiling of his identity and his turning against the Super Human Registration Act, the Parker family find themselves on the run. Peter wants MJ and May to get as far away from him as possible, arguing it’d be safer and more efficient for him to operate on his own. Peter is however convinced by May and MJ’s arguments to the contrary.
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Both examples demonstrate MJ being honest with Peter of being in direct danger but of her also convincing him to allow her to remain in that situation. Now for sure we could argue that these outcomes were ultimately the lesser of two evils from Peter’s POV. That what MJ wanted was actually ultimately safer over all.
However if somehow MJ had a solid argument for why her sticking around on the film set served the greater good or was ultimately better for her it’s far from impossible that Peter could be convinced to stay in NYC. Just spit balling here but she could argue that something very fishy is going on, Beck already tried something large scale recently and singling MJ out could mean he knows Peter’s identity As a result sending him to jail could risk exposing his identity and by extension endangering his friends and family. If MJ sticks around and Peter keeps a distance it puts her into a position to investigate and see what he knows.
I don’t know how much that idea holds up to scrutiny as I came up with it off the top of my head but it certainly makes a lot more sense than Mary Jane just straight up lying to Peter.
Even if hypothetically Peter just could never accept MJ being surrounded by criminals, she could simply promise him she would contact her various super hero associates. Or in fact ask him to do that on her behalf.
That’s not me suggesting MJ be passive or allow a man to sort out her problems for her either.
It’d be a strategic and diplomatic use of both her intimate knowledge of Peter’s psychology and her famous people skills. Having Peter on some level  take an active role in helping/protecting her would make him feel in control in some way. Make him feel like he is living up to his responsibilities as a hero and as a partner and thus alleviate his urges to ride down and intervene personally.
Nowadays Peter isn’t opposed to this level of trust in his super hero friends. Even ignoring his years as an Avenger (which included living with them alongside MJ and May), Peter has called upon these people in the very recent past.
Throughout in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man volume 2 Peter called upon the aid of his super hero associates to help him during various crises. These included the Doctor Strange, Iron Man, the Human Torch and the wider Fantastic Four.
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Another example can be found during the ‘Absolute Carnage’ event, which definitely occurred after MJ left for L.A. We know this because in ASM v5 #29 and issues #30-31 were tie-ins to the event.* The Avengers in fact appear briefly in issue #30.
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In Absolute Carnage #2 Venom/Eddie Brock suggests that they call upon the help of the Avengers to deal with Carnage’s impending rampage. Peter asserts that it’s best if he do that.
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He is shown doing exactly that in Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1 where he teams up with Captain America, Wolverine and Ben Grimm.
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Additionally this team contacts Hawkeye on the West Coast to deal with Carnage’s minions over in San Francisco.
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It’s important to note that Hawkeye was on the West Coast because he was a part of the West Coast branch of the Avengers. Their headquarters specifically being…in Los Angeles…where Mary Jane is making her movie.
Granted, it’s not the same part  of Los Angeles because MJ is in Hollywood and the West Coast Avengers HQ is in Venice Boulevard. And a quick Google search reveals that to travel between the two locations on foot it’d take…under three hours…Yeah…
Basically nowadays Peter is absolutely not going to be opposed to calling upon the aid of other heroes to help him directly or indirectly so asking them to show up and lookout for the woman he loves wouldn’t be out of character. Especially when one considers that Hawkeye alone is probably out of Mysterio’s league considering the threats he’s survived. But Mary Jane’s personal friends Iron Man and Ironheart? Unless Beck specifically prepared for them he would be unlikely to get away, let alone hurt them.
Now look I’m not suggesting we apply every single facet of the Marvel Universe into our analyses because that’d be ridiculous. Every Spider-Man or related story would fall apart because he could simply resolve his problems by calling other heroes. It’s part of the suspension of disbelief that Spidey is the only person available to deal with whatever crisis is at hand.**
But these are all very recent stories that, happened in the main Spider-Man titles; or tie-ins directly to those titles. In the Avengers’ case they were his teammates for over a decade and were for a time outright his supporting cast. Mary Jane was a major supporting character in the solo titles of two separate Avengers characters and that fact was acknowledged within ASM itself.
Is the idea of calling upon these characters really not fair game in this hypothetical scenario of ours?
I’d say no.
Regardless the fact remains that in AM #1 Mary Jane cannot be lying to Peter for his own sake and has no other justifiable reason either. She would know better than to do that.
Next time we take a look at MJ’s skills and whether they actually could protect her and others from Mysterio or not.
*It’s not entirely clear when the events of AMJ #1 happen in relation to ASM v5 #30-31. They must happen after ASM v5 #29 and AMj #1 was published the very same day as ASM v5 #32; being referenced in that same issue.
To me this implies that AMJ #1 slots in just prior to ASM v5 #32, but in fairness it could occur just after ASM v5 #29.
However, the events from the story I’m discussing were published before AMJ #1. They would also happen so close to it no matter what that Peter’s characterization in the former is still a fair source to cite.
**Although it should be noted that it has often been common practice for Spider-Man stories to directly address exactly why other heroes aren’t available to help Spidey. A great example would be ASM #361, Peter’s first encounter with Carnage, where the F4 and Avengers are occupied forcing Peter to call upon the aid of Venom.
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P.S. For some additional food for thought check out ASM #291. In the issue a Spider Slayer robot was on the loose but Peter reluctantly left it to the authorities because a crying Mary Jane called him up and asked for his help.
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