#Goodbye Doug
honkytonkangelsspn · 1 year
Goodbye Doug
Piper_Halliwell1979 (@lulu1102) | nickelkeep (@nickelkeep) Title: Goodbye Doug Rating: Mature Paring(s): Donna/Jody, Donna/Doug Kontos, Jody/Bobby (past), Donna & Dean, Castiel/Dean (background) Word Count: 6,407 Archive Warnings: None Tags: AU, Minor Character Death, Friends to Lovers, Closeted Characters, Closeted Donna, Closeted Dean, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Abusive Relationships, Physical Abuse, Secrets, Murder Wives, Happy Ending Summary: 
Donna and Jody were the best of friends. After high school, Jody left to pursue her dreams. Donna was too afraid of being “out” to do anything but accept Doug’s proposal. After his abuse put her in the hospital, Jody comes back to help her get out of a bad marriage. Permanently.
Inspired by “Goodbye Earl” by The Chicks
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wanderingandfound · 5 months
Doug Eiffel set to "Run Away to Mars" by TALK.
Animatic idea from my morning commute that will never happen because I am not a visual artist and do not have the motivation to learn said skill for a project as big as a full-length song.
Your colour’s fading 'Cause I kept you waiting It’s a wild, wild world And you’re a wild, wild girl
Zooming in on a polaroid of Anne and Eiffel smiling. The color becomes stronger as we get closer, and by the time it takes up the full frame it's no longer a fading polaroid but an in-motion memory of them playing air-guitar in a public park. We also see flashes of Anne growing up without Eiffel.
Our sun’s still shining But it seems half the size And it’s a wild, wild world Out here
We're back on Earth, post-canon maybe? And there's comparison shots between Sol in Earth's sky and Wolf 359 as seen from the Hephaestus, both in its smaller red stage and its larger blue stage.
Before my time runs out What If I run away to Mars? Would you find me in the stars?
We see the initial launch, maybe Cutter offering Eiffel the job when he's in prison. Eiffel staring out a shuttle window as he gets his last glimpses of Earth, the planet quickly shrinking into nothingness. A brief shot of Kate and Anne glancing at the night sky, maybe while they carry in groceries. Nothing to suggest they're actually looking for Eiffel.
Would you miss me in the end If I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars
Some of Eiffel's initial struggles on the Hephaestus, including the time he nearly drowned on a spacewalk. Also featuring Eiffel coughing on knock-out gas while Minkowski is trapped outside the airlock during Hilbert's initial betrayal.
I can’t tell which way's home I’ve been gone for so long It’s an empty world Up here
Shots of them being unable to orient themselves because Eiffel didn't keep up the star charts. Eiffel alone in the storage room sifting through the boxes of junk. Shots of each of the first four characters alone in a different room or hallway of the Hephaestus. Glimpses from "Am I Alone Now?"
I skip stones and wonder How long till I'm discovered? It’s a quiet life Up here
Long, quiet shots of Eiffel counting and fiddling with his illicit cigarettes, in between sending out hails into space and receiving static in return.
Before my time runs out What If I run away to Mars? Would you find me in the stars?
We see Hilbert's experiments on Eiffel, when he's coughing and can't breathe. When he nearly dies. He's a ticking timebomb himself.
Would you miss me in the end If I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars
We get Hera saying to herself "Some days I wonder if I’ll miss you after you go away forever, Doug." We also get her threatening Lovelace and Hilbert over Eiffel's life.
Three, two, one, I miss you I’m sorry, I got issues
A shot of the polaroid taped to his desk. Eiffel explaining it to Minkowski. Eiffel yelling at his imaginations/hallucinations of his crew during the USS Horrible Unending Nightmare.
What If I run away to Mars? Would you find me in the stars?
The launch of Lovelace's shuttle with him trapped aboard. Hera and Minkowski scanning space for him desperately. Long, hopeless shots.
Would you miss me in the end If I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars
While Eiffel rations food and cryogenically freezes and thaws himself, looking closer and closer to death each time, we see Minkowski, Hera, Lovelace, and Hilbert getting sadder, more tense, and more snappish on a space station that is falling apart.
The answer is yes, they would miss him in the end.
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an-eala-bhan · 1 year
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benw2021 · 2 years
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Colors as promised #monthofmonsters
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doctorsiren · 24 days
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Today’s textured canvases once again featuring that Legally Mom AU 😁
Miles and Phoenix were never separated, and so they remained best friends through high school and college. They both went to law school, but Phoenix got a BFA and went to law school wanting to defend artistic and creative rights. He also went because he would be bored all day if Miles was still going to school and he wasn’t
Edgeworth actually becomes a lawyer and he works at his mother’s firm
Mia ends up working there instead of at Grossberg’s because it makes more sense that she would work at the firm connected to DL-6 and also uh she would have a woman as her boss lmao (Eleanor ends up becoming like a mother-figure for Mia, and Miles becomes like a younger brother to her)
Since Mia isn’t working at Grossberg’s, she wasn’t involved in the Fawles trial (which was prosecuted by Franziska). Diego was the defense attorney on that one, and he went on a solo mission to investigate Dahlia. He and Mia met and became friends, but Diego kept the Dahlia investigation close to his chest and a secret, partially to protect Mia (since they were friends now and since she was a new attorney and inexperienced). Diego and Mia finally ask each other out one day, and they plan to have a date later that week, but Diego then has to go to a meeting he has…which was with Dahlia…and he got poisoned…and by the time he wakes up, Mia is dead and they never got to go on that first date. He was asleep and unable to protect her, which is why he didn’t tell her about the Dahlia investigation in the first place. He ends up blaming the Edgeworths (Eleanor and Miles) for her death.
Dahlia (Iris) still dates Phoenix since Phoenix and Miles are dummies and have yet to confess their feelings for each other (although Eleanor can tell). Since Mia wasn’t a part of the Dahlia investigation, and since it was handled by a different firm, it didn’t raise any red flags when Phoenix started dating this chick. Phoenix was also in the courthouse library that day because, again, he wanted to go to law school with Miles (subconsciously pulling an Elle Woods).
When the murder of Doug happens, Miles isn’t a lawyer yet since, even though he could have skipped a grade or two, he never did because he didn’t want the increase in social isolation and also didn’t want to get separated from his friends he already had at his grade level. So he’s the same year as Phoenix (senior in college). I think Eleanor would then be the one defending Phoenix (rather than Mia) since she’s also basically a mother to him (he practically lived at the Edgeworth household since his home life wasn’t great, and then he moved in after his mother passed away his senior year of high school. So he’ll call her Mom and such, but he doesn’t refer to Miles as his brother and neither does Eleanor refer to them as brothers since She Knows What They Are [even if they don’t really know yet lmao])
We also figured out that for Turnabout Goodbyes, Eleanor is the one framed for Hammond’s murder since MVK wants to get rid of her as she is still trying to investigate the truth and he can’t have that. Miles has to defend his own mother BUT THEN when Miles starts saying the stuff about how he probably is the one who killed his own father, Eleanor then defends HIM and it’s just…Ough…mother son bonding over murder and death of father 😭😭😭😭
Just some thoughts 😁
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Bianca di Angelo and Her Reputation as the Child of Hades
POV: Bianca visits Nico, who is staying with the Jackson family + Paul and Annabeth for school time
Sally, getting a call from the principal: Okay. Okay, please wait. I'll ask her. Bianca, dear?
Bianca, playing mythomagic with Nico and Paul: Yes, Ms. Jackson?
Sally: I just got a call from the principal. Did you tell a few boys to turn themselves in for bullying?
Bianca: ...I remember doing something of the sort.
Bianca, dropping off Nico to school: Okay, now, you remember what to do if someone calls you that again?
Nico: I tell an adult or Mr. Blofis.
Bianca: That's right. *kisses his forehead* Go.
Nico: Bye, Bia! :) *waves goodbye and leaves*
Bianca: :)
Random guy: Hey. Haven't seen you around here before. You new?
Bianca, getting bad vibes: No, I go to the other side of the school. I'm just dropping my brother off.
Guy: I'm Doug. I'm...part of the welcoming committee here.
Bianca: not interested.
Doug: Psh. Give it 30 minutes in the janitor's closet and-
Nico, running over: BIA! Look, I made this flower yesterday *shows paper flower*
Bianca, smiling: That's very pretty Nico. Why don't you go show your teacher?
Nico, sees Doug: *hides besides Bianca* That's him. That's the guy who keeps calling me the f word.
Doug Friend: Get out of here, kid.
Bianca: Don't talk to my brother that way.
Doug Friend: Don't tell us what to do, bitch.
Doug: SHUT UP!
Bianca: ...Nico, go back to class.
Nico: ... *sticks his tongue out then leaves*
Bianca: *sighs* Why don't we start over? I'll take that closet offer if it's still available.
Doug: Hehehe. Now that's more like it
Sally: What happened then?
Bianca: Oh, nothing much. Just a few things that I can't mention with Nico around.
Sally: Okay, well. The principal called to ask me how long you think he should suspend them for.
Paul: ...He...asked Bianca how long they should be suspended.
Bianca: Hmm, two weeks school suspension and one month detention should be enough.
Sally: ...I'll tell him that. *goes back to the phone*
Nico: I WIN!
Paul: What- AGAIN?! Okay, do over! I'm taking you down this time
Nico: That's what you said 5 times ago.
Paul: Hey, 6th time's a charm.
Percy, coming home with Annabeth: We're home!
Sally: Ah! Hey, you two.
Annabeth: Oooh. You guys playing mythomagic? Who won?
Bianca: No, we were tied on the 3rd round
Percy: The weirdest thing just happened.
Paul: What is it?
Percy: I got called into the principal's office today. He said that there are some guys who wanted to apologize to Nico.
Everyone: *looks at Bianca*
Bianca: That one I had nothing to do with.
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grey342 · 8 months
Phil Wenneck x reader
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synopsis - You make Phil grovel after an argument
warnings - MDNI 18+ content, teasing Phil, slightly in public, P in V, no protection and Phil talking you through it (kinda).
authors note - Thank you guys for being so patient it means the world to me! I'm gonna try to post at least once a week but, school may get in the way of that fml. Thank you again for all the support and I hope you like this one. P.S- this was kinda rushed so apologies for that :)
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
If looks could kill, I would've been dead as soon as I walked through the door.
There has been a bit of tension in the Wenneck household this week. Okay a lot of tension. It all started on Monday; Phil had to work late at the school again, which, of course, you had no problems with. However, the thing that bothered you was when he came home and revealed to you he was with that one colleague who has a massive crush on him.
Naturally being a grown adult, you communicated these concerns with Phil but, he claimed you were looking into things too much and he only has eyes for you. How cute.
So, you voiced these concerns to him yet again on Monday night. He claimed that you were being "dramatic" and "childish". Big mistake. You both started to go back and forth at each other until you ended the argument with the classic:
"you're sleeping on the couch tonight!"
Due to your stubbornness, the pair of you haven't spoken a word to each other since. It's now Friday night, the night you and your friends designated as the weekly get together.
You and Phil both agreed to act civil with each other but you weren't letting him get off that easy. You done your makeup exactly the way he likes, put on his favourite dress and, as the last kick in the teeth, put on his favourite matching set.
You had already everyone that you were going to run a little late due to work, so they all got started without you. You took an Uber to the bar and as soon as you stepped through the doors, you could feel his eyes burning into you.
You walk over to the table greet everyone and sit down next to him. The table began to converse with each other when you felt his breath on your neck.
"You think you're really funny don't ya?" He grunts.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You respond, feining innocence.
"Oh you don't huh?" He retaliates slightly smirking. You shake your head slightly and join in on the conversation. He puts his hand on your thigh and grips it to gain your attention.
"I'm in the middle of a conversation sweetheart, don't be rude." You teased. He straightens himself and moves his hand higher. He slowly moves it higher and higher until he reaches underneath your dress.
You struggle to hide your smirk when you see him realise. He leans in his voice barely a whisper.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You pull his hand out and place it on his lap.
"Control yourself Phillip, we're in public." You warn smirking as you notice the vein on his forehead, popping slightly. You love doing this to him. It's your favourite hobby; getting a rise out of Phil.
The dinner goes on and you've been teasing him non-stop, waiting for him to snap. It's when you hover your hand over his buldge and rub softly against it, he does.
"Okay so sorry to cut it short but we gotta go," he says standing and grabbing your hand, "Doug if you could call me tomorrow and give me our bill that would be great bye guys." They all mutter goodbyes as he drags you by the hand to the car.
He gets in and slams the door.
"What the fuck do you think your playing at? And don't even try to pull that innocent bullshit act. What is going on?" He exclaims.
"You know what's going on." You say avoiding his gaze. He scoffs.
"Are you seriously this pissed over her?"
"Yes, I am! And I know it's stupid but," you sigh, "I trust you with my entire life. But..I don't trust her and I know that's a ridiculous excuse but-" He takes your hand into his.
"Oh sweetheart, you should've told me this. If I knew you were this bothered by her I would've stopped talking to her months ago."
"Really?" You look into his eyes.
"Of course." He reassures.
"Now, don't think you're completely off the hook," you look at him confused, "oh honey, don;t tell me you thought you would get away with that little stunt you pulled at dinner." Your eyes widen in fear and excitement.
"Just wait until we get home."
Throughout the entire car ride, he seems freakishly calm. But as soon as you step foot into your apartment his hands are all over you as his mouth claims yours. You moan out of surprise and your hands immediately began to rake his back.
His hands reach your thighs, he lifts you up, your legs wrap around his waist, and carries you to the bedroom. He places you on the end of the bed and begins to strip down until he's in his underwear. You doing exactly the same. He stops dead in his tracks and his eyes scan you from top to bottom.
"Holy fuck baby." You go to take your bra off when he stops you.
"Leave it on." He demands and pushes you back onto the bed. Your mouths meet again in a wave of passion. His hands rubbing up and down on your thighs until he meets your core.
He begins to slightly rub over your clit through your panties making you moan in his mouth. He slowly picks up the pace but it's not enough to take you over the edge.
"Please.." You beg.
"Please what?" He taunts.
"Please let me cum." You breathe out.
"Oh I don't think you deserve that just yet." He pulls his fingers away and you whine at the loss of them. in the blink of an eye his boxers are off and he began pumping his dick. He pushes your panties over to the side and rubs his tip slowly over your slit. You moan at the sensation.
He pushes the tip in at an agonizing pace and you began to squirm out of impatience.
"What's wrong honey?" He teases.
"Please Phil.."
"Come on, you can do better than that."
"Please, please fuck me Phil."
"Atta girl." He says sliding all the way in. He gives you no mercy as he pounds into you, the headboard beginning to bang against the wall. He places his head in the crook of your neck, his grunts and whimpers vibrating against your neck.
"You think it's funny to tease me hm? Make you feel good?" He asks in between breaths. You whine, shaking your head.
"No, good. From now on 'm gonna prove to you everyday that you are ten times the woman she is." He moans and picks up the pace.
"She doesn't hold a torch to you baby, she never will." You moan loudly, feeling the pressure build in your lower stomach.
"Phil..?" Your breath quickens.
"Yes honey?"
"I'm gonna cum."
"Me too, hold on we'll do it together mkay?"
"Okay.." His hand moves down to rub you clit, you whimper in response.
"Ready," you nod your head rapidly, "cum baby, oh fuck, cum on my dick." The second he says that you let the pleasure consume you. You feel his cum shoot into you as he whimpers in your ear.
You place your hand on his head, slightly pulling on his hair. He looks at you with a playful smirk on his face.
"What?" You return the gesture.
"Round two?"
"Fuck off." You say chuckling. He leans forward claiming your lips. You smile into the kiss.
His head slumps on your chest and the pair of you let sleep take over.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 6 months
one thing about me is that i do enjoy a good Dad Stede fic or fics where stede’s kids (and mary and doug) are important figures in his life and he has a great relationship with them, i like reading abt stede trying so hard to be a good dad
but at the same time i do not consider this to be stede’s canonical characterization. canon stede is an incredibly subpar dad to his biological children. not only does stede not know how to interact with said biological children when he’s not sharing his interests with them but also it has never once occurred to him that he should do other stuff with them. stede probably doesn’t even realize it’s possible to do anything with his kids aside from play pirates. he also does NOT have the emotional maturity necessary to handle when a toddler is throwing a tantrum, and thank fucking god he got out of there before they reached their teens. in s1 he mostly felt guilty for leaving them bc he did it in the middle of the night without saying goodbye but also because he still felt tied to the social obligations enforced on him by society. he still felt like he had a responsibility to be a Socially Acceptable Man, which includes being a husband and a dad, even tho trying to be a socially acceptable man made him fucking miserable. when he realizes at the end of the season that his kids and his wife are legitimately better off without him he leaves again without looking back.
and mark my fucking words he is never seeing those kids again. he said “two messed up kids, probably” so he’s at least somewhat aware that running out on his kids like that will most likely cause lasting psychological damage, but by god his children’s abandonment issues are not his problem. doug and mary can worry about that, he left them plenty of money to afford ye olde therapy if they need it down the line. and louis might’ve said “who are you, again?” but the truth is that stede only knew louis was his son bc he was sitting for breakfast inside stede’s house. that man could not pick his kids out of a lineup if his life depended on it. to quote @jaskierx, stede said “two messed up kids, probably” as in “my kids are messed up. and i think there were two of them”
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redroomreflections · 11 days
Not Easily Broken Chapter 2
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Reader go through a tragic divorce
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: Yes, it's getting finished besties
W/c: 3.8k
You’re late. You’re really late. Not even just an ‘oh I got stuck in traffic I’ll be there late”. You’re the “I hope my daughter doesn’t hate me and harbor those feelings the rest of her life late.” As you bob and weave through traffic in your BMW SUV you curse to yourself. You feel stupid. Very stupid. There’s no way you can ever make up for this but you can certainly try to.
As you pull onto the street of what was once your home you squint just a little to see how many people are still there. You can see the cars lining the street start to dissipate as you pull into the driveway. Natasha is on the porch talking to one of the people you recognize from Emma’s dance class. She spots you, rolling her eyes and angling herself, so you’re not in her vision. Parking the car, you look over to the passenger’s seat where Emma’s gift is wrapped in yellow paper (her favorite color) and a bright pink bow. You turn the car off with a sigh. You really did it this time. You unbuckle your seatbelt and reach over to grab the present and exit. You walk slowly up the pathway marveling at all of the decorations that Natasha has put up for Emma’s fifth birthday.
Five. Your baby girl is five and you’ve missed her birthday party. One Natasha had gracefully invited you to. Briefly, your mind flashes back to the mornings where you and Natasha would wake the little girl up with breakfast in bed. Mini pancakes, strawberries, her favorite juice. You would go the whole nine yards for her. Now you’ve done everything but that. You reach the edge of the steps with a small wave to Natasha’s guests.
“Kerry, Doug, nice to see you again.” You give them a tight smile hoping to appear calm even though don’t feel that way.
“I’ll call you,” Natasha says bidding them goodbye. She doesn’t speak until they’re down the path and in their car. She trails her eyes over to you still in your work clothes with an apologetic look on your face. “Unbelievable.” She scoffs turning to go inside the house. You follow after her with an apology at the tip of your tongue. She starts collecting the trash she sees around the living room.
“I’m sorry, I got sidetracked at work,” You begin.
“You don’t have to apologize to me.” She shrugs. Pushing her hair behind her ear she glances at you. “I’m not the one turning five and I’m not your wife.” Something about the last part of that statement strikes you right in the heart. The divorce has been finalized for eight months now. Eight months and you’ve barely seen each other. Only during pickups and drop-offs. Even then you barely speak. Hearing her voice is...nice. Even if she is angry with you.
“I know but I’m really making an ass of myself,” You shake your head. “Where is she?”
“Backyard,” She answers.
“She must hate me,” You mutter more to yourself.
“She doesn’t hate you,” Natasha walks to the kitchen and again you follow. “She’s just really confused on why her Mommy said she would be here and wasn’t.” She gives another wave to one of the last guests and they trickle out of the house.
“Yeah,” You say following closely behind her. She stuffs the trash into the bin carefully.
As she stands to her full height you take a second to look at her. She’s gorgeous. Her hair flows behind her back longer than she’s ever let herself allow it to. Her eyes are just as expressive and beautiful. God, you’ve missed her.
You open your mouth to speak but you’re interrupted when a familiar figure steps into view. Richard Matthews. An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Natasha’s new partner. He accompanies the Avengers on missions every now and again. You’re not exactly sure why but he’s always paired up with Natasha on missions and it never really bothered you until now.
“Everything’s all set with the kiddos,” Richard says to her. He completely ignores you and you can’t really tell if that’s intentional. The way he steps into Natasha’s space makes you think they’re closer than she’s letting on. “Emma’s having a blast with the new American doll I got. Says she’s gonna sleep with it tonight.” He smiles down at Natasha. “Will you be okay here? Ryan helped me with a lot of the backyard so there’s not much else to clean.”
“Yeah, I got it.” Natasha nods glancing over at you. She can see how uncomfortable Richard makes you feel. “Thank you, Richard.” She raises her hand to rest lightly on his bicep. You narrow your eyes. Clearing your throat they both look towards you.
“Oh, y/n, I didn’t see you there.” Richard feigns innocence.
“I’m sure you didn’t, Dick.” You say with every ounce of disdain. You can see Natasha’s lips quirk in amusement but she quickly hides it.
“Well, I’m gonna go.” He says before giving her a kiss on the cheek. He lingers before walking past you towards the front door. You two don’t break eye contact until he’s gone.
“That guy is a real tool,” You roll your eyes.
“He’s nice and he’s a part of the team.” Natasha shrugs. She steps over to the sink to do the dishes giving you the idea that this entire conversation is over. You want to ask her if she’s seeing him. If he’s more than just her partner. You’re not entitled to any of those answers and Natasha won’t be afraid to tell you.
“I’m just gonna go,” You wave the gift in your hand heading towards the back door. Once you’re out there you finally exhale. From the porch, you can see the giant pink bounce castle that both of your children are currently playing in. You go down the steps content to watch them for a moment. It’s Ryan who spots you first. Before all of this, he would have scrambled out of the bounce house to meet you halfway. Instead, he just stands there.
“Mommy!” Emma breaks you from your trance flopping onto her bottom. She slides out of the bounce house to run into your arms. You catch her twirling around in your arms. “You came!”
“I did, baby girl.” You kiss both of her cheeks.
“You missed my party though,” She reminds you.
“I know, Mommy’s so sorry,”
“It’s okay,” Emma forgives you. She wraps her arms tightly around your neck again.
“I got you something,” You jiggle the box in your hand. She leans back to inspect it her eyes widening. “Let’s go ahead and open it.” You let her down to stand on her own two feet. She takes your hand dragging you over to the picnic table on the other side of the yard. She’s small so it takes her a minute to sit correctly but when she does she beams up at you. Her socked feet swing underneath the table as she waits for you to hand her the present. You place it in front of her and take your spot next to her. She doesn’t hesitate to rip into the paper tossing the bow somewhere in the grass behind her. You can hear the sound of someone sliding out of the bounce house and you look over to see Ryan stepping closer.
“Hey bud,” You greet.
“Hi,” He says softly. You raise an arm beckoning him over to come to give you a hug. He presses himself against you as you hold him close. “I missed you.” He mumbles into your neck. Through this entire divorce, your relationship with him has been strained. Everything has been strained.
“I missed you too.” You whisper back. You give him a soothing kiss on his head. He doesn’t let you go as you both watch Emma to see her reaction.
“Wow!” She says pulling the last pieces of paper from the gift. She turns the box over and over in her hands. “I got a watch!” It’s not some fancy watch. You’re not that out of touch with reality. It’s an Apple watch. The most she can do on the thing is take pictures, use the phone features, and use a calculator. She loves it all the same as she hugs the box to her. After hearing what Richard got her you were apprehensive about it being enough. Sitting here watching her cherish this gift you know you picked correctly. “Can I call you on it?” You nod. “Every night?” You nod again. “Cool!” She cheers.
There’s a squeak coming from the back door and you know Natasha has come to the back porch.
“Can I go show Mama?” She asks you.
“Go, show her.” She turns from the picnic table rushing over to Natasha to show off her cool new present. Natasha looks down at the box and then back to you with a raise of her brow. She doesn’t share in Emma’s excitement but she tells the girl how cool it is.
“How are you doing?” You turn your focus to Ryan. He shrugs. “You sure?” He nods silently.
“Ryan, come on, it’s almost bedtime,” Natasha says. “I want to check your backpack before the night is over.” She ushers Emma inside.
“Guess we better go and check those backpacks.” You say rising to your feet. Ryan clasps your hand in his and you both move to walk inside of the house. It’s there Natasha is setting up Emma’s watch. “Patience, Printsessa.” Natasha scolds lightly. She presses a few buttons on the screen.
“Can Mommy stay for bath time?” Emma asks innocently. Your eyes fly to Natasha’s. You haven’t done that in a while.
“Please?” Ryan joins in. Natasha’s resolve is broken as she gives a meek “yes.” The children cheer in unison.
Guess you’re staying for bedtime.
This takes almost two hours to get both children through their nightly routine. Emma is more reluctant to fall asleep as she doesn’t want to miss you leaving. You tuck her into bed with a kiss and a promise to see her again soon. She pulls the American girl doll under the covers with her. You wait for her to fall asleep before leaving her room. Ryan is next and he’s much easier. He climbs into bed all on his own with his back turned to you. He’s conflicted and you being here is not making it easy on him. You sit on the bed beside him. You press a kiss to the back of his head.
“I love you,” You say before reaching over to turn off his lamp. You exit his room leaving his door cracked. You amble down the hallway to the stairs. You find Natasha in the front room gathering all of Emma’s new presents that she would put into their proper place later.
“Thanks for letting me stay to tell them goodnight,” You say awkwardly.
“Don’t mention it,” She dismisses tossing the last of the toys into a pile. The house is pretty much clean now save for the leftovers she has to put away. She’s not kicking you out as you follow her down the same path into the kitchen.
“Natasha,” You begin. stopping yourself when you realize you don’t really have anything to say. “Thank you for inviting me. I know you didn’t have to do that. I feel like a jerk. Especially with how things have been going.”
“How have things been going?” Natasha busies herself with pushing the leftovers into whatever Tupperware they can fit into. She curses turning to look for a lid for this particular bowl. “Where is it?” She searches.
“Bottom right cabinet,” You inform her. She pauses before moving over to search the cabinet you gave her. She finds what she is looking for and turns back to the food.
“Things have been going good.” You continue your earlier conversation. “Work is work. My mom is doing well. She sends her love. I can’t complain.” You watch her stuff the fridge full.
“Well I’m glad things are going well for one of us,” She slams the door of the fridge a bit harder than intended. “Not all of us are able to abandon our motherly duties.”
“Natasha, I’m trying my best here.” You say immediately knowing what she means.
“That’s what pisses me off the most,” She says exasperatedly. “They’re so good with you just trying. They don’t care how many times you mess up. They don’t care if you don’t do something. They don’t care if you’re having a bad day and you’re doing everything to make them happy. They don’t care if you don’t show up for their goddamn birthdays but it’s me that get’s the brunt of the madness and the anger.” She slams her hands against the counter. Running her hand through her hair, she shakes her head. “Do you know Ryan got into a fight at school the other day? He’s been...angry these days. I’m considering seeing a therapist with them.” She nods to herself. “Emma’s been giving me hell too. I wouldn’t allow her to watch tv one night because I dislike them having so much free time. She threw a tantrum.” She swallows thickly. “She told me, she told me she hates me and that she wishes she could come live with you.” The unshed tears in her eyes break your heart into a thousand pieces. “So, yes trying your best doesn’t really fly with me.”
“Natasha, I’m,” There’s no amount of apologizing that could take that hurt from her. “I’ll talk to them. I’ll take them out for dinner and we can talk.”
Natasha sighs. She knows this isn’t something that can be fixed with a simple talk. She lets her tears fall freely. You hate that this is what you’ve done to your family. Stepping around the counter you reach out to her. It’s reminiscent of that night all those months ago when you left. All you want to do is make it better. Make her feel better. Your emotions are conflicting as you bring your fingers up to caress her cheek. She stands stock-still closing her eyes at your touch. You rub your thumbs across her cheeks clearing away the tear tracks.
“I’m sorry,” You say and she lets out a sob.
“You’re not sorry,” She shakes her head.
“No, Natasha, I’m sorry,” You say firmly. You’re hoping she can hear the sincerity in your voice. She opens her eyes searching your face for a lie. You get lost in the forest of her eyes. So trusting and loving even with all of the pain you’ve brought your family.
You don’t know who makes the move first. Your lips meet tentatively. There’s a hint of familiarity that comes from nine years of marriage. The kiss is soft and sweet. Her lips glide over yours in a slow, languid motion. It’s not lacking in passion. Quite the opposite actually. Her mouth is hot and wet and hungry for you as your tongues meet. Taking in her flavor, you moan. She tastes like leftover cake with a hint of toothpaste. You pull back slightly to suck her bottom lip into your mouth. You nip it gently and the moan it elicits from Natasha only spurs you on. Her arms come up to wrap around your neck pulling you closer as you push her gently towards the counter. Her back is pressed against it as you kiss her harder. You spend a few more moments wrapped up in each other. Your hands roam her body tracing over every curve.
The need for air becomes too great as you pull away to trail kisses down her neck. You lick at her pulse point before giving it a soft bite. She moans a bit louder tensing under you. You’re moving fast and hurried as you push her tank top over her breast. You move the cup of her bra to expose her nipple taking the rosy bud between your lips. You give it a hard suck and she gasps loudly. Her hands push your head closer to her as you swipe your tongue across her nipple. Your right-hand slides down to trace the front of her jeans.
“Please,” She says in her lust-filled haze. You flick the button of her pants open skirting your fingers under the waistband of her underwear. She’s wet. So wet. You slide your fingers through her folds collecting her wetness. On one particular slide, you bump her clit causing her hips to jump. You trace her opening and she’s panting now. When your fingers slip inside of her she lets out a yelp. You push until you’re at the second knuckle. You can hear the sound of her arousal and it is music to your ears. Natasha has always been loud during sex and this is no exception. You abandon her breasts to return your lips to hers.
“Shh, baby, you don’t want to wake them,” You whisper into her ear. She nods shakily as she tries to fuck herself on your fingers. You thrust harder sending her reeling as she reaches blindly behind her for the counter. “Good girl,” She flutters around your fingers, and god damn you want to stay like this forever.
“Harder,” Her breath is airy and hurried. She’s close. You listen thrusting into her harder, faster, deeper. Her brows are knit together as she chases her orgasm. You can feel the way she tightens around your fingers.
“He doesn’t fuck you like this does he?” You breathe close to her ear. “Doesn’t take care of you like I do,” The moment is over faster than you know it. Suddenly Natasha is pulling away and pushing you away from her. It’s like a bucket of ice-cold water has been dumped on you as she takes a huge step away. She’s buttoning her jeans and wiping at her mouth as you try to catch your breath. “What? What happened?”
“You can’t be serious?” She says. “You think I’m fucking him?”
“Natasha,” You drop your hands to your sides. She pushes her shirt down over her breast and you immediately miss your closeness.
“No, no, you cannot be serious.” Natasha turns to catch her breath. “You don’t have the right,”
“Fuck, I didn’t mean to assume. He was close to you, kissed you.”
“On the cheek,” She whips her head to look at you. “He comes over sometimes to help with the kids. They like him. That’s not any of your business if I was fucking him or not by the way. You lost that when you served me with the divorce papers.”
A wave of anger washes over you. Swiping your hand across the counter you cause all of the glasses she dried earlier to crash to the ground.
“Fuck,” You yell. The glass resting at your feet satisfies you. It’s a representation of how you’re feeling right now. Natasha jumps back avoiding the glass from touching her. She looks down at the mess in surprise before looking back at you. You both wait in anticipation for one of the kids to come down. They don’t.
You rush out of the back door to sit on the steps. You bend so your head is between your knees. The blood rushes there and you cough hoping to catch your breath. The backdoor creaks. A comforting hand is placed upon your back as Natasha comes to sit next to you.
“Breathe, y/n.” She hums. You’re having a panic attack. She sits with you so patiently as your breathing becomes normal again.
“I’m not good for them,” You say. “I’m just like him.” You whisper brokenly.
“No, y/n, you’re not.” Natasha lifts your chin to look at her. “You’re not.”
“But you said-”
“I know what I said,” Natasha interrupts. “You’re nothing like him. I only wanted to hurt you as much as you hurt me.” The admission sits between the two of you.
She returns her hand to her lap.
“I can’t…” You struggle. “It wasn’t making sense. Any of it. It doesn’t make sense. One minute we were happy and the next we weren’t. We became too much. I couldn’t make you happy anymore. Emma told me during her bath that she hears you crying at night when you think she’s asleep. I never meant to do any of this. I never meant it, Tasha.” You cry. You mean it. You ran. You did what you do best and ran.
“I know,” She says solemnly. “You never asked me if I was happy.” You lift your head to look at her questioningly. “You said you couldn’t make me happy anymore but you never asked me. You never ask you just assume. I’ve always been happy with you. Back during our days in the tower, when we got married, when we were pregnant with Ryan.” She names. “Even when we weren’t having sex and not communicating and fighting all of the time. I never once thought that we would end.” You’re surprised by that. All this time you thought you were doing the right thing for everyone and now you don’t know if it was the right thing at all. “Couples have rough patches. Tony and Pepper did. Thor and Jane. Clint and Laura. They got through it. I thought we could too. When you handed me those papers -- my entire world stopped, y/n. I thought there was something wrong with me. I thought maybe you found someone else. I thought so many things. But that I didn’t see coming.”
“I’m sorry,” It’s your turn to cry now. “I didn’t want this.” You shake your head. “I fucked up.” You say.
“Is this because you think I’m sleeping with someone else?”
“Partly,” You admit. “I have had some time to think and I just… I thought I was doing what’s best for us. You’re right I didn’t ask you. I assumed. I pulled away. I’m so sorry, Natasha. I never stopped loving you or wanting you. Even though all of that.” Natasha’s breath hitches through your admission.
“Then why?” She asks. “Why did you leave me?”
You don’t have a single answer. “I thought you were better off without me.”
“How could you ever think that?” She asks. You don’t have an answer for her.
“I have to leave in the morning,” You say. The moment is broken and though Natasha thought you were getting somewhere it’s clear you haven’t. She moves to stand and you catch her wrist. “Come with me. It’s a week in Florida. Come with me. You and the kids.”
“Y/n, we can’t just leave in the morning.” She says. “The kids have school and I have work.” You deflate. Of course not. You shouldn’t have asked. “But we could meet you there Friday night? Gives us time to pack and get everything in order with their teachers.” She’s giving you a chance. You stand to look at her. “The moment we come back we’re in therapy. All of us.”
“Yes, yes, of course.” You promise.
“Don’t break my heart again,” She begs quietly. “I don’t think I’ll survive this time.”
“I won’t.” You pull her into your arms. Standing here with her you wonder how you ever thought you could be without her.
---> next part
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hephaestuscrew · 5 months
It's so emotionally powerful to me that we don't hear any interactions between Minkowski and Eiffel in the finale between the scene when she tries to send him back on the Sol and the scene where she witnesses him losing his memories. That's more than an hour in the middle of the finale with no direct interaction between these two central characters whose dynamic is a core element of the show. For me, this makes both of those dramatic scenes even more moving, because they feel juxtaposed in a way they might not otherwise be if there was a Minkowski & Eiffel interaction inbetween them.
As the Sol prepares to launch, Minkowski tells Eiffel goodbye and she knows it could be the last time she speaks to him. She thinks she might never see him again, but at least he'll be safe. She thinks he might never forgive her for that choice, but at least he will have made it through this.
But his stubborn desperation to fight alongside the rest of the crew defies all her plans to protect him. And the next time she speaks to him - after she's been shot in the stomach during her attempts to reach him, after she's continued to look for him even as she's bleeding out - he is injured in a way she would never have expected. When she first sees him hooked up to Pryce's machine, maybe she thinks for a moment that he's unharmed, that they might all make it through this the way she hoped. Then she learns that his memories are already slipping away from him.
There's her desperate attempt to protect him at all costs, and then there's a life-altering harm that she couldn't protect him from, which she witnesses. Between these two moments, there aren't any scenes with both characters in together to bridge that gap. There's Eiffel yelling "Goddammit, Renée, DON'T DO THIS!", and then there's him telling her "It was an honor to serve under you, Sir." There's him pleading with her and then there's him forgiving her. There's Minkowski saying "Go home, Eiffel. Hug your daughter.[...] Goodbye, Doug.", and there's the desperate heartbroken way she says Eiffel's name after the memory wipe has gone through. There's two very different kinds of goodbyes.
And then, afterwards, there's two very different kinds of introductions.
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hauntthenarrative · 11 months
Haunting the Narrative Character Roster
Thank you for your patience while we sorted the submissions, and thank you to everyone who submitted! Here’s the final character roster for our tournament!!
The roster is currently in alphabetical order by character name for your convenience; we haven't made the brackets yet! Please check out this media list first if you want to know the media without potential spoilers, and keep these things in mind going forward!
Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko)
Alice (Alice Isn’t Dead)
Altan Trengsin (The Poppy War Trilogy by R. F. Kuang)
Andrey Nokolayewich Bolkonsky (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812)
August (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!)
Ava Ferin (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Avator Roku (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ayano Tateyama (Kagerou Project)
Beatrice Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Caleb Wittebane (The Owl House)
Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation)
Cassandra “Andi” Brand (Glass Onion)
Chara/The Fallen Human (Undertale)
Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
December “Dess” Holiday (Deltarune)
Doug Rattmann (Portal)
Dr. Casper Darling (Control)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Godot (Waiting for Godot)
Goto’s Girlfriend (Samurai Flamenco)
Gregory Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Hinawa (Mother 3)
Indou Hikaru (The Summer Hikaru Died)
Iphigenia (The Iliad)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (Batman)
Joe Tazuna (Your Turn to Die)
Jordie Rietveld (Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair/Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona 5: Royal)
Kite (Hunter x Hunter)
Klint van Zieks (The Great Ace Attorney)
Lacie Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)
Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Leelathae/Lilyth (Cursed Princess Club)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Mara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Mari (Omori)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic)
Maric Theirin (Dragon Age)
Martel Yggdrasil (Tales of Symphonia)
Murata Himeko (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Professor Sada/Professor Turo (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)
Rebecca de Winter (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier)
Red-Haired Shanks (One Piece)
Renju Okiura (AI: The Somnium Files)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Rose Thorburn Sr. (Pact: Devils and Details, by J. C. McCrae)
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Shannon Masters (Warrior Nun)
Shen Jiu/Original Shen Qingqiu (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System)
Sliver of Straw (Rain World)
Summer Rose (RWBY)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6)
Ted Kord/Blue Beetle (Booster Gold)
The Oldest Dream (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
The Pale King (Hollow Knight)
The Snail (Zero Escape)
Trisha Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII)
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
What about a fic where reader is Evan’s sister and gets into a bad car accident? Lots of angst but also some fluff please. 🫶🫶
slipping through my fingers - e.b
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summary: request :)
evan buckley x sister!reader (a lot of maddie too 🩶)
a/n: i have an eddie diaz oneshot in the drafts currently that i’ve been debating on posting. it contains a pretty sensitive subject, so i really wanted to get it right. it was inspired by another request, along with another show. i hope you enjoy this and i’ll keep on writing some more for you guys :))
y/n could say growing up with as the youngest buckley wasn’t the easiest task. the consistency of begging for attention was draining from the start. going above and beyond for just a grain of appreciation was the default in their house. she was repeatedly looked through, almost as if she wasn’t there due to her parents grief.
she had come after buck in a desperate attempt to be able to save david, but failed in the end. he was gone too soon, so therefore, y/n was almost like a chore. sure, her parents loved her, but she wasn’t the child they wanted. dealing with the discovery of why she wasn’t loved enough was just as bad as experiencing it. maddie was in boston with doug, and buck had gone onto his own adventures. meanwhile y/n was stuck at home with nowhere to go and no plans of leaving. she dreamed about it, though. she heard about buck moving to los angeles and immediately wanted to be with him. she was almost done with college, and after that, she packed up her diploma and degree and flew away.
life in california was amazing. she had friends, she was loved, and she had no reminders of the lonesomeness she felt at home. for once, she was able to make a home out of where she was. maddie was safe, and it felt like they were a fixed version of their family.
out of the pure intentions in her heart, y/n invited her distant parents back to LA. with maddie expecting a new baby, and the years of a few texts, there was a new hope that maybe things could be turned around. it wouldn’t change their childhood experiences, but maybe they could heal them. maddie was on board, but buck was still skeptical. their words were like knives and the scars couldn’t be helped. he showed up anyway, wanting to give maddie and her baby the opportunity to have a life with them.
they travelled six hours, and chimney and maddie were gracious enough to host a dinner for everyone. maddie received hugs and gifts as buck and y/n were kind of nudged away. when maddie got her baby box that her parents had from when they were kids, buck and y/n had just become dusty figures. they didn’t say anything, at least not about that.
an explosive speech from buck had ignited from the judgmental words from their parents, causing him to be begging for love and expressing his inner teenage self. he had removed himself from the dining room of the apartment, and y/n sat in her seat, slumped over with her head in her hands.
“god, can you guys please just do something other than reprimand us?” y/n breaks the awkward silence.
“we were just speaking, y/n!” says their father. “if evan wants to storm out, let him.”
“well, maybe he wouldn’t have stormed out if you didn’t nit-pick ever part of his life.”
“you invited us, y/n. i don’t know what you want us to say. you know what we went through-“
“and you think that’s an excuse? if so, it’s a shitty one and we all know it. no parent should have to say goodbye to a child, but no child needs to go unloved because they don’t care anymore. and you didn’t even bat an eye when he begged you to ‘love him anyway’. so if you want to sit here, and tear down everything we have build from your actions, be our guest.”
“you always defend your siblings, y/n. you guys have never once put yourself in our shoes!” their mother cries out.
“oh, trust me, we did. for over 20 years,” maddie breaks in.
“how do you think we feel, maddie? you all just packed up your stuff and ran away to leave us with nothing,” speaks their father, again.
“dad, i can’t… i can’t do this. everything i did, i did it myself. i made this life here for myself! so did maddie, so did buck. don’t go putting yourselves on a pedestal,” she begins to gather her things, and put hers and bucks dinner plates away for maddie and chimney.
“where are you going?” chimney says, trying to calm everything down and he’s definitely in the most awkward situation.
“chim, thank you for dinner and letting us come over. you’re welcome over to my place anytime. i’m sorry, but i’m going to see my brother,” y/n says, shutting the door behind her.
while maddie stays back, trying to pick up the broken pieces, y/n drives over to bucks apartment. she repeatedly calls him, making sure he’s okay and to say that she’s coming over. the roads were dark from the early sunsets of the fall, barely illuminated from the streetlights.
“buck,” she says into her phone. “i know you’re pissed off, and im sorry i arranged this. but i need to know you’re ok, so im on my way over. please call me back.”
she ends the voicemail and tries to put her phone back into the holder. it slips out of her shaky hands and onto the floor of the seat. she groans out, worried he would call her back and she wouldn’t be able to answer. she doesn’t reach down, but she looks at the phone on the floor.
a drunk, someone intoxicated with alcohol, must have been driving like a maniac. swerving through lanes with no warning and passing several signs. she tried so hard. she tried to move out of the way, but the spontaneous movements of the driver had confronted their cars head on.
the flash of white from y/n’s airbags flew out at her. the glass of her windshield was shattered, laying all over the dashboard and the seats. her head drooped onto her shoulder. the cuts on her face were stinging and the other pain in her body went unnoticeable due to shock. the soft ringtone of her phone was vibrating on the bottom of the car. the ringing in her ears caused the sound to be faded out, and she couldn’t even get it to call 9-1-1.
“maddie, hey,” buck says as maddie picks up the phone. “have you, uh, tried calling y/n? she left me so many calls and now she won’t answer.”
“no, i haven’t. she said she was coming to see you,” maddie replies, confused.
“where’s mom and dad?”
“the hotel, they left soon after her.”
buck pulls his phone away from his ear and the buzzing on his hand. y/n’s name appears across the screen. “oh, she’s calling me know,” he hangs up the phone and answers it to a bone-chilling sentence.
“is this evan buckley?” a deep, unknown voice asks in bucks ear.
y/n was awake in the ambulance, hearing all the chaos and jargon around her. she knew she’d never hear the end from buck, being a firefighter. she begged them to let him know, telling them repeatedly, “my brother works at the 118,” and how maddie is a dispatcher.
she was wheeled into the hospital on her stretcher, collar on and a big bandage around her waist for a massive piece of glass in her abdomen. “y/n buckley, 27, three-car pileup with an oblique fracture to the tibia and penetration wound to the abdomen, likely to not have hit any major organs.” and before she knew it, she was sped into the trauma rooms and given more morphine. she just wanted her brother and sister. not all these doctors or her parents.
buck picked up maddie on the way to the hospital, not thinking twice before smashing the gas pedal down. he ran through those doors like a strike of lighting, being seen in one place and somewhere else the next. he forced her name out to the nurse as maddie caught up to him. “relation to the patient?”
“brother, and sister,” he says, impatiently, both hands flat on the counter.
the nurse typed rapidly on her computer. “she’s in surgery, honey. but she’s stable.”
buck puffs out a sigh of relief as maddie grabs his arm, leading him to the waiting room. almost all of the 118 was in this hospital, like she was a firefighter herself. chimney had brought hen, and eddie had come as well as bobby. athena had told bobby, as she was the one who arrested the man who caused the crash.
buck tries to calm himself down remembers all the times he tried to one-up her and smiles at the memories. he and maddie exchange small and sweet memories of their little sister, as her life remains in the hands of someone else.
“hey,” maddie nudges him, trying to think of something to cheer him up. “remember when she stole 20’s out of our wallet to buy us christmas gifts?”
buck giggles a bit, “yeah, and then we tried playing tag, so we spun her around a ton of times and hid inside until she just sat there.”
“and then she fell down the stairs from being so dizzy,” maddie smiles.
“ruthless!” chim interrupts, sitting next to maddie.
“you know you two are what made it so hard to leave.”
“i know. imagine having to leave her all alone with mom and dad, though. she’s gotta be ok, maddie.”
“she will, buck. no one’s getting rid of her that easy.”
the doctor with a scrub cap on comes walking into the waiting room, followed by a few interns and others. “buckleys?”
maddie and buck shoot out of their seat first, and chimney and hen follow soon after like a train. “oh, my bad.” hen says, pulling her and chim back down to sit.
“what’s goin’ on, doc?”
“y/n will be fine. she had a fracture in her leg which we fixed up. she’ll need some help getting around, but she’ll be good as new,” the doctor informs.
they knew she would make it out, but hearing it being confirmed by the doctor made it so much more real. buck was speechless, not being able to mutter out any words. “can we see her?” maddie asks.
“you can, she’s still sedated from anesthesia and intubated, but cynthia, here, can lead you to the room.”
seeing y/n’s fragile and hurt body on the bed was an agonizing sight. maybe if buck hadn’t stormed out, she wouldn’t be in this bed and have come across that driver. maybe he could’ve driven her home. all the ‘if’s’ and ‘maybes’ in bucks head were floating through, thinking it’s his fault. he always takes the blame for these situations when it is completely the opposite.
buck sees tragedy every day, and maddie hears it. maddies only sister was in the small hospital room with a tube down her throat. she needed y/n there to help her, and her baby needed her aunt. buck needed his little sister, the one always there for him and forever will be. the thought of her not being there scared him to death. even though they see get rushed into the hospital or sent to the morgue every day, it will never prepare you from seeing your favorite people in that position.
buck stumbled over to the chair by the side of the bed, pulling it out for maddie to rest her aching feet. he walked to the other side of the bed, sitting down and grabbing lightly onto y/n’s hand like he was scared to break it. “i don’t know if we should say something. let her know we’re here, you know.”
“she knows, evan,” maddie says, meeting bucks eyes with her own. “i know that.”
buck smiles and looks down at y/n, her chest rising and falling with the hissing of the tubes and machines. he observes the iv’s and cuts and fresh new bruises. he wants to kill whoever did this, but at the moment, his only concern is the well-being of y/n.
so, for the rest of the night, maddie and buck didn’t move from their spots once until she was awoken and the tube was removed. they held her hand, and when y/n was awoken, she knew she was safe from the hands that were tangled with hers.
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mradrielg · 1 month
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Quick drawing I needed to make about him cuz I love him in a normal amount :D
(I swear I was planning to comeback with a bunch of drawings, a couple of animations and a bunch of art bumping.... but I believe Doug has taken priority in my brain again, goodbye non-existent productivity)
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Anywasy, yesterday felt like christmas to me; new Tadc ep, new Jaiden video (Hatsune Miku edition) And Doug (my beloved) is now a future dateable.
I cannot explain how happy I am now that Doug is getting more love <33333 :]
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wisefoxluminary · 23 days
The whole goodbye scene between Colter and Russell is so wholesome to me because it shows how deeply they care about each other. Colter dropping everything to tend to Russell's bullet wound and patching him up with tenderness and care. Russell's expressions as he tries to stay strong for his brother through the pain. Feeling indebted to him for rescuing Doug and for keeping him on his feet. Russell made the selfless decision to go back and take care of unfinished business because he knows as long as Solango's around, he'll endanger his friends and family. Russell has got a dark past we don't know about. He served in the military and now operates as a civilian contractor so he has done a lot of dark shit in his past that he regrets to protect his country. He wants to be discreet about killing Solango because he will not stop going after Doug and the other men in his unit. Russell knows that and he's not going to let him walk away from this with his life intact. I think there is a darker edge to Russell we haven't seen yet in terms of his military past and hope that gets explored in future seasons.
The point is he doesn't let the burden of his past eat him up inside and he still finds a way to continue on, to hope for the best for those around him. He puts Colter at ease knowing that he'll see him again. He gives him hope that there is escape from this life. That there is hope in the horizon for the both of them. Russell already has his retirement plan in motion - he wants to open up his own brewery. He has found a way to escape his family past to the point that it no longer defines him. Colter still hasn't figured that out because he lets the heavy burden of the past hang over him. All his life he believed Russell was the one that killed their father and he believes there is more to the story than his mother or his siblings want him to believe. Colter struggled to let go of that resentment for most of his life and when Russell comes back and leaves again, Colter begins to feel an aching sadness because he's finally got his brother back. They get to be brothers again. Colter wants him to stay but deep down he knows Russell has unfinished business to take care of and lets him be. Colter is struggling to let go of the past and by Russell giving him reassurance that he'll see him again, he gives him hope that maybe there is an exit plan from all this. That Colter doesn't need to spend the rest of his life travelling the country in his trailer. He wants to believe that there is more for him out there and Russell inspired him to take up that sentiment because he has chosen to let go of his resentment of him after all these years and has made amends with him. Colter has had a little taste of it and now he wants his family back together. He realises that they can be brothers again.
As well I thought this would be interesting to bring up the colour symbolism here with Colter and Russell as I think it tells us a lot about where they are at this stage of their lives.
Throughout the episode, Russell wears a green jacket. Green symbolises growth and harmony as well as fertility and renewal. This shows that Russell has grown after all these years of being a prisoner to his father's paranoia and has finally made peace with his past. This has made him more happier as he has aspirations about settling down. Something we didn't think was possible in the Shaw family. Russell gets to have a second chance to live his life in a peaceful and safe environment that isn't uprooted in conflict or isolation.
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In contrast, Colter wears a black jacket. The colour of black represents death and mourning as well as fear and mystery. Colter is the complete opposite of Russell and can't quite let go of his family past. It continues to haunt him and brings him nothing but regret and heartache. Colter is obsessed with finding out what happened to their father and he wants to bring the true killer to justice. He finds out early on in the episode that Russell wasn't the one that pushed the dad and he believes someone else did it and was in cahoots with their mother. The first step in his journey is forgiving Russell and he achieved that. But he is still mourning from the repercussions of his past and he wants to make right by travelling the country and finding people who can't be found because he failed to save his father years ago. There is a mystery to Colter Shaw because he just drifts from place to place in his trailer, helping people and seeking rewards and people struggle to understand his motives. What he really wants as a person. After cases, people offer to do nice and normal things for him like Bobby and Reenie inviting him to dinner and he respectfully declined. He was invited to the wedding of the groom he saved and he respectfully declined. Colter longs to do these things, to be a normal person but the burden of his past holds him back and he struggles to let go so he hasn't really figured out an escape plan for himself because he doesn't think he is meant to have one. The only commitment he manages to make it to is his dinner with Dory and he is wearing a white shirt which symbolises cleanliness and perfection showing that he is trying to be his best for his family even though he struggles to make right with the past. By having his family back together, he gets the renewed hope that maybe they have a chance to be together again. Dory pleads with Colter to make up with Russell as she wants her brothers to be back together again and when he makes amends with Russell, it offers him closure he never thought he'd need because now he is trying to make right with his family past. For the first time ever, he has the hope that his family can be together again because he isn't running away from them anymore. He kept his promise to Dory and reunited with Russell. This is only the beginning of his journey to letting go and being on good terms with his siblings checks boxs off his list. This is him making right with his past in big ways and no longer avoiding it because he finally puts everything aside to work with Russell and it is a healing experience because for the first time he has hope that things can get better. That he is capable of change and turning his life around by not holding anything against his family and letting go of all grudges. His only goal now is finding out who really killed his dad and then he'll be free of this burden.
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The episode ends with Russell giving Colter his prized knife that his father gave him as a parting gift at the motel. An object that Doug risked everything to return to Russell which shows just how important it means to him. Russell is giving a part of himself to Colter. Keep it safe for me the note says as it shows that Russell trusts Colter the most. He no longer needs it because he isn't defined by his past anymore. He doesn't need to protect himself anymore, he is past committing bloodshed. Colter is still out there doing what he does and Russell gives him the knife as a way of protecting himself because Russell knows that Colter can look after himself and he doesn't need his older brother to look after him anymore. Russell's at peace with that and he's happy for Colter to carry on without him. He is looking out for Colter and by giving him the knife, Colter has a part of his brother with him protecting him always. I just think it's beautiful as Colter has come a long way from hating his brother to forgiving him. By carrying the knife, Colter has had growth and he is now on the steady path to healing. To letting go of the past and not letting it define his future.
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Thanks for listening to my analysis because I love the complexity of the Shaw brothers and I could talk about them for ages I am so obsessed. If anyone has anything else to add, please let me know.
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mellaithwen · 1 year
rewrite an ending or two
thank you for tagging @rewritetheending and @capseycartwright ! this started as a WIP Thursday but then I kept writing and it's a fic! Tagging in case anyone has something they'd like to share; @homerforsure @princessfbi @renecdote @nymika-arts @tripleaxeldiaz @fcntasmas @henswilsons @thekristen999 and @littlespoonevan <33
I kept thinking about Buck's coma!dream turning into a nightmare because what if in "saving" Daniel, Buck not only loses his 118 family, but the close relationship he has with Maddie too?
spoilers/spec for 6x11 In Another Life tw: reference to domestic abuse in canon
[ on ao3 ]
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When Buck sees Doug sitting next to his sister at the dinner table, all he can do to avoid causing a scene is to clench his fists around the napkin in his lap until the tissue's in shreds all over his jeans, while he waits for the chance to pull Maddie aside, and out of her husband's earshot.
We have to go now, it’s not safe, you don’t have to stay with him Maddie, you can start over, I can help you, I can help you get a great nursing job at one of the hospitals—
“Evan—what's gotten into you?”
“Maddie, it’s okay, I’m not gonna let him near you.”
“What? What are you talking about? Where’s this coming from?”
Buck remembers sitting down on his girlfriend's coffee table and asking in no uncertain terms if his sister was in danger. He remembers promising that she'd be safe, and convincing her to stay.
He remembers screaming Maddie's name with Chimney’s blood still tacky on his hands. He remembers holding her in the snow while she sobbed in his arms—I didn't give up, I didn't give up.
And he remembers squeezing her hand in the ambulance, while they raced to the nearest hospital, begging her to keep her eyes open.
Hell, he can almost hear her telling him to wake up now—please, Buck, we love you, we need you, come back, come back—
But that doesn’t make any sense... does it?
And then he realises that Maddie’s still wearing her jacket. The same jacket she’s worn all through dinner, and drinks, with the long sleeves and the collar turned up, with a high-neck sweater underneath.
Buck reaches out without thinking, and Maddie flinches.
He retracts his hand immediately, biting his tongue hard enough to bleed.
Without meaning to, Maddie’s quick movements let Buck see the bruise on her clavicle. His chest burns with anger and despair and grief that his sister is suffering and he has to fix it—he has to—and it takes him longer than he’d care to admit to realise she’s saying something.
“—and you’ve barely spoken to me in four years, so I don’t know why you’re acting like—”
“Wait, what?”
Maddie gives him this look—a long-suffering-sibling kind of a look, before sighing. 
“I didn’t come here to argue, Evan. I get it okay? You’re mom and dad’s miracle baby; of course you took their side when I married Doug, and I’m over that, really I am—”
“No,” Buck says, but he’s practically whispering, the words caught in his throat as he tries to refute what’s being said. He remembers only too clearly how the suit jacket he’d borrowed that day had been too short, and the trousers too long, and how Maddie had stood there in her beautiful white wedding dress with tears in her eyes, and told him he looked perfect. 
And then at the end of the small ceremony, with barely a handful of guests on either side, Maddie had sought him out before it was time for him to race for the bus back home.
"Thank you for coming," she'd said, her smile wobbly as she busied herself with ruffling his light curls and straightening his tie, gone askew. And unsure how to respond to his sister's teary goodbye, he'd simply held out his little finger for their unspoken ritual. Their promise.
“That’s not—that’s not what happened…” Buck says now, almost breathless as he tries to make sense of this strange world he's found himself in; where he seems to care more about what his parents think than his sister. A world where Maddie doesn't trust him, at least not with this. Not really.
“But this?” Maddie continues without having heard. “We don’t have this kind of relationship. You can’t just—You cant just treat me like a damsel in—“
“Maddie, he’s hurting you!” Buck blurts out and regrets it instantly—not because it’s not the truth but because of the genuine fear he sees flash up on Maddie’s face. 
They both freeze for a moment, but when there’s no pause in the general chit-chat coming from the other room, Maddie’s expression shutters as she hides her emotions behind a defensive mask.
“Did Daniel tell you?” Maddie says, her voice kept down low, almost hissing as she looks over her shoulder. “Dammit, I told him I could handle it.”
She takes a breath. And another. In the other room their mother’s laugh is shrill, and he hears his father say they’re running out of wine. They’re running out of time. 
Buck's chest aches again and he can't help but press his palm into his sternum.
“No, I am not bringing my little brother into this.”
She swipes angrily at the tears gracing her cheeks, to keep her make-up—and her mask—intact.
Buck takes a careful step forward, this time his movement’s are telegraphed, his body language open, safe.
“Maddie, standing in between you and anyone who thinks they can hurt you is exactly where I want to be standing.”
For a moment, Buck thinks it might have worked—that those same words that helped convince Maddie to confide in him years ago spoken softly in Abby's old apartment will help him again now—but when Maddie finally looks up at him, her eyes look dim, her expression sad, and there’s something painfully resigned in her voice when she speaks.
“Since when?”
Buck's heart shatters.
He doesn't know what to say, and the pain in his chest—bone deep and aching—reaches a sudden an all time high that takes his breath away.
—Chim? What's happening?
He stumbles backwards away from Maddie's despair, knocking into the kitchen counter that shifts from granite to marble then quartz. The backsplash changes from orange tile to blue. A high-chair flickers in the corner.
—He's not breathing
His ears are ringing; his heart stuttering while in the distance he can hear a monitor screeching.
—Dammit, we need some help back here!
—Buck don't do this, don't give up, don't give up
—He's coding! Get the crash cart
Pushing past the pain in his chest, and the cold fire in his lungs; emboldened by every single memory of his loving sister that he has, Buck reaches for Maddie's hand in the darkness until their little fingers are interlinked. 
—don't let go—don't give up—a united front, remember?
"Since always," Buck promises, as he holds on tight. As he takes a breath.
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911prompts · 4 months
On one starry night in Pennsylvania, Maddie Buckley and her brother Daniel, met a boy who brought them on the most marvelous adventures. With just a bit of faerie dust and happy thoughts, they fly out of their bedroom following the little boy called Buck.
The three of them go on grand adventures from mermaids to pirates, flying to swimming. The magical young Buck is fearless and happy to find these friends hoping they’d stay with him forever.
The dream doesn’t last - there’s no mistaking the rattling cough that shakes Daniel’s body and the concerned furrow of Maddie’s brow.
Daniel needs help that he can’t get in Neverland.
In the days and weeks following their adventure in Neverland, Buck periodically visits his new friends.
Until one day, there was only Maddie.
Being an ever loyal friend to the Buckley children, Buck decides to keep a close eye on Maddie through her heartbreak.
A month after Daniel’s death, Buck discovers that he can no longer fly without Tink’s help.
Two months after, the boy who never wanted to grow up decides he must … for the boy who never got the chance.
Buck is Peter Pan AU - he’s not actually Maddie’s brother but they’ve been so close since Daniel’s death, they might as well be. Buck still goes on his travels and it’s less about running away and more about discovering everything he stopped himself from wanting. He still writes postcards to Maddie about his adventures; Maddie still marries Doug; they both still end up in LA; Buck still is fired and rehired by Bobby - after so many years of being a boy it takes him a hot minute for adulthood and maturity to sink in
The only difference really is that Buck has more fantastical stories to tell Christopher and Jee-Yun. He’s a bit more fearless and that much more brave.
Sometimes he’ll think of about Tink and the rest at pixie hollow, wonder how the mermaids are doing, imagine the taste of the feasts he’d have in Neverland. But then he’ll look around at a gathering at Bobby’s with the 118 and be so grateful for the life that he’s been given.
Peter Pan quotes for inspiration under the cut ;)
“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”
“All children, except one, grow up.”
"To die will be an awfully big adventure.”
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