#Grant Gustin one shot
arrow-v-flash-polls · 4 months
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The Flash Suit went though quite a few changes over the years but which suit did you like best?
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pepperonidk · 4 months
vii. where else can i go || all i could do
"Don't we get to be happy?" "Then he smiles and where else can I go?"
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Pairing: Lee Jihoon x f!Reader Summary: Don't you get to be happy at some point down the line? Warnings: angst, reader wears heels, jihyo mention bc that's my wife fr Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: oh boy. this was a doozy. there are like 3 versions of this song i listened to on repeat. Jonathan Bailey from Bridgerton, Jeremy Jordan, and Grant Gustin from Glee and the Flash. I cry every single time. the gaslight toxic boyfriend anthem. sorry jihoon.
join the taglist! previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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The party was in full swing with people dancing to the jazz band that was playing on stage and the who’s whos of the music industry all mingling in small groups. And you were at the bar, nursing your second glass of expensive champagne, people watching.
“So what’s it like?” a voice coming up beside you drew your attention away from where you were watching Jihoon entertaining a group of whoevers across the room. He glanced and caught your eye with a smile before you turned away.
That was really the most you’d seen of him all day. Jihoon had just come home from his tour a few weeks ago and was already hitting the ground running. Phone calls were few and far in between during the last leg of the tour. And when he was finally home... Well, you’d wake up and softly slip away from a sleeping Jihoon as you got ready for your day at the lab, and by the time Jihoon was home from countless hours at the studio, you were well into a deep slumber. Sometimes you’d wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed to see a text saying Jihoon was still at his studio.
This was the most you’d seen him in a while, actually.
“Sorry, what’s what like?” you questioned. The person beside you was Jihyo, another artist signed to Jihoon’s agency. You had spoken a handful of times but mostly in passing “hello”s and “nice to see you again”s. She was one of the names you had heard more frequently in Jihoon’s tour stories since Jihoon helped her produce her debut album even while he was overseas. In fact, you were 60% sure this party was for her.
She called her hand for the bartender to top up her glass of champagne before answering your question. “What’s it like to be the wife of this generation’s Beethoven,” she smiled kindly. You chuckled at her question before tilting your half empty champagne flute to hers in a toast.
“It’s great,” you returned her smile before turning and catching Jihoon’s eye once more. He was speaking to a few big shots of the agency, board members and whatnot. He winked at you slyly and you felt yourself blush.
“Oh come on,” another voice chimed. Seungkwan, another singer you’d become somewhat familiar with from Jihoon’s stories. “Give us something juicy,” he pleaded. He had helped Jihoon with some backing vocals on some of his songs and was an insanely talented singer. He was one of Jihoon’s reasons for signing on to this particular agency.
You let out a sigh as you turned back to them. “There’s not really anything juicy about it,” you answered. “He’s just... Jihoon.”
“And what’s Jihoon like?” Seungkwan asked.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You see him almost more than I do with the time he spends at the studio,” you began. “I’m sure you know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, well,” Jihyo replied. “We know the workaholic superstar side of him, so we really don’t know him that well.”
You hummed thoughtfully. At work, at these extravagant parties, on stage, he was charming in a way only a picture perfect idol could be. He laughed at all the right times, shook hands with all the important people, but it was all still a performance. It was nice to relish in the idea that you were by his side before all of this, when he was still a senior in college whose veins were pumping nothing but Coke Zero and instant noodles.
“Well at home, it’s just normal,” you finally answered, smiling to yourself. “We could be watching a movie and eating pizza and then suddenly he’ll think of something and it’s like he zones out for a bit until he jumps up to grab his journal.”
It was easy to visualize the scene as it happened frequently. He’d grab his journal and his lucky pen that he’s chewed on way too much and scribble furiously the same way you’ve always known. And then suddenly, he’d stop and look up and hum to himself until a small smile forms and his eyes light up and you know he’s found what he was looking for.
“It’s like music coming to life,” you mused. “And I’m a part of that.”
Jihyo chuckled politely, taking a sip of her champagne. “Doesn’t that get annoying?” she asked. “Jihoon constantly getting up in the middle of stuff to write? I’d be so annoyed if I had to pause my movie so he could write a song about Coke Zero.”
You rolled your eyes at her joke. “Yeah, yeah,” you answered. “He’ll scribble in his terrible handwriting, and log miles walking around the apartment while humming mumbled words, and he’s an insane genius... but then he smiles and how can I complain? I’m a part of that.”
“Well what about you then?” Seungkwan asked. “Maybe you’re not writing the next hit of the century, but knowing Jihoon... well you must be pretty amazing if he married you.”
He must have meant it as a compliment, but his words still found a way to bite at your heart. You looked over to Jihoon once again, but a couple of well dressed ladies stood in front of him and blocked your line of sight. However you didn’t miss the way one of them laid a hand on his arm.
“I’m uh,” you began. “I’m a lab assistant,” you confessed, unsure of why you hesitated in your reply.
“Oh so you’re like one of those scientists who are curing cancer or whatever?” Jihyo questioned with a smile.
“I remember having to take a biology class when I was in college for a bit,” Seungkwan added on. “Have you published anything?”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Uh, not really,” you answered. “I mostly just file reports and do calculations... it’s usually the head researchers who do the publishing. And we’re not studying cancer, we’re looking at how various binaural beats and their beta and gamma arms affect damaged language serving areas of the brain.”
You wanted to shy away, noting the way Jihyo and Seungkwan’s smiles faltered just for a bit to reveal their boredom before their celebrity training kicked in and they continued to smile through the now awkward tone of the conversation.
“But it’s fine, really,” you stammered out. Why you felt the need to defend yourself to people you didn’t know so badly, you had no clue. “I’ve also been applying to grad schools and studying for entrance exams so...” you nodded before turning to take a sip of your drink.
“Well that’s pretty cool,” Seungkwan said a little bit too quickly.
“Yeah,” Jihyo nodded her head in agreement. “I hope it works out for you.”
“Me too,” you raised your glass slightly in a salute as you turned away, giving them the opportunity to walk away from the conversation. You let out a sigh and swirled the remaining bit of your drink around the bottom of the glass.
Although they didn’t mean to, they did raise some valid points. For most of your relationship with Jihoon, he’s been on a rocket headed for the top while you followed in his stride. Were you ever by his side? Or have you always just been riding his coattails? You had told him when he proposed that you were on your way, assured him that you’d be beside him one day. But what if your dreams were changing? Would Jihoon still be waiting for you when you decide you’re fine with a smaller life without all of the glitz and glamor? Would he let his dreams change with yours and settle for that life with you?
Would he stop running his race to sit with you and watch the clouds go by? Would it be enough?
As if sensing your distress, you felt Jihoon’s gentle touch on your shoulder and you turned to see him smiling gently at you. Against your judgment, your heart did a small flip. That damn smile, you thought to yourself. He smiles and where else can you go?
“Hey,” he called out to you before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Yeah,” you replied, hoping Jihoon didn’t notice the nervous lilt in your voice. You’d honestly been ready to go home hours ago, when you felt blisters forming where your shoes chafed against the skin. But Jihoon was still busy making conversation with all the right people, making small talk with other artists, and of course having his ass kissed by the many clout chasing nobodies in the room. It was pretty standard for every party Jihoon brought you to. Sure, it was part of his job, but it’s not like you were dragging him into a lab to calculate titrations with you.
The car ride home was mostly silent. Jihoon hummed along to whatever songs came on the radio while you turned your attention outside to the city lights that blurred by as he sped through the empty roads of 4 am.
Too fast, you had thought to yourself. It’s all too fast.
It wasn’t until you were home and sat on your bed that you finally spoke, relieved to be able to
drop the mask and just talk about what was on your mind.
“Jihoon,” you called. He popped his head out of the bathroom door in the middle of brushing his teeth to show he heard you. You looked down into your lap before continuing. “I don’t want to go to these parties anymore.” You heard him finish up in the bathroom before he came back into the room with you.
“Angel...” he called out. “What are you talking about?” He sat beside you on the bed and reached for one of your hands to hold in his.
“I just,” you began, stuttering. “I just don’t want to anymore.” The sentence came out much more biting than you intended but you tried to not look surprised at the defensiveness of your words.
“And I’m asking why not,” Jihoon snapped back. Your eyes shot up to him in surprise at his tone and he let out a sigh. “Why don’t you want to go to these parties anymore?” He asked again with more restraint.
Ever since Jihoon started working at the agency, he had been wound up more than you had seen him. You’d heard stories of him snapping at interns, feeling impatient with everyone else who was struggling to catch up with the genius’s mind. When did you become one of those people?
You chewed your lip, unsure of what to say. “I hate these parties,” you began, much firmer now. “Nobody ever talks to me and when they do, it’s because they think I’m someone important whose ass needs to be kissed, and when they realize I’m not, they walk away. I always have to wear uncomfortable outfits, the food sucks, and for a record label, they hire some really shitty DJ’s too.”
You stood from the bed and walked around to the other side of the room and began pacing back and forth, the nervous energy taking over your body as your hands fidgeted by your sides. You kept your eyes on the carpet, afraid that looking at Jihoon would ruin the momentum you’d generated. “I hate wearing heels,” you continued. “And all anyone ever wants to talk about is who the most famous person in the room is, and we could just be using that time to watch a movie or finally just spend time together after months of missed facetime calls, and I really just hate your parties.”
The room was silent for a beat before Jihoon spoke with a quiet and cold tone. “Are you done?” was all he asked.
“Yeah,” you answered firmly. Jihoon stood up to face you and you couldn’t read the expression on his face.
“Good,” Jihoon replied. He was quiet, but his words were calculated. “These parties are important to me and you know that–”
“Please,” You scoffed. You were angry now, mostly at the fact that it had taken you this long to speak your mind. “Important for what, Jihoon? For you to butter yourself up with the same people over and over again? For adoring women to fawn over you? I haven’t seen you in months, but they see you every day, so how is that even fair?”
“Stop,” he interrupted you, loudly and sternly. “Just stop, for a goddamn second and just listen.”
In the last few years, you and Jihoon had had your fair share of fights. They were usually resolved pretty quickly and usually ended with a sleepless night in bed together, but lately, things have felt different. This was different. Jihoon had never raised his voice at you, not like this.
You stopped and listened.
“Yes,” he sighed, running his hands through his hair. “It is important for me to kiss their asses and to play along with the adoring crowd, and you know exactly why I need to do it. So fine, if you hate seeing people cheer me on then you don’t have to come. But be fucking serious with yourself first.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, taken aback by the way he cursed. Although he was more than an arm’s length away from you, you took a step back defensively. “This isn’t the life we promised each other, Jihoon.”
“What? A life where I’m living my dreams? Where I have you?” Jihoon scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. “Tell me then what life I’m supposed to have.”
“A life where we have each other,” you exclaim, frustrated. “A life where we have each other and it’s enough for you, Jihoon. Is that too much to ask for?”
He buried his face in his hands before standing to cautiously take a step towards you. “Please,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I just...” he took a few more steps before reaching out for your hand. “What’s this really about, angel?”
Tears were now brimming your eyes as he continued to speak. “Is it really about the party, about me? Is it that you’re disappointed that another school rejected you? That you’re stuck in another dead end? Did you think this would all be easier than it turned out to be?”
You shook your head at him and pulled your hand out of his, walking back to the bed. You hated that you were fighting like this, and you hated that somewhere inside of you, you felt the self-doubt that you had pushed so far down coming back up.
It was hard not to be frustrated and disappointed with yourself when you were surrounded by everyone else’s success. You had worked as hard as he did and yet, life did not hand you the same rewards. And although lately you were beginning to finally feel like you were happy where you were, Jihoon was quick to remind you that you were far more than a few steps behind him. If your life now was enough for you, why wasn’t it for him? Was it enough for you or had you really given up?
The tears were spilling now, and you lay down, turning to the other side so Jihoon couldn’t see them.
“If I didn’t believe in you,” Jihoon began. You could hear that he had knelt down on the floor beside your side of the bed. “We wouldn’t have gotten this far. If I didn’t believe in you, if I didn’t think you could do anything you wanted, if I was certain that you’d come through... well the fact of the matter is that I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
You choked back a sob, aware that Jihoon definitely knew you were crying.
Jihoon’s hands found their way onto your side as he moved to sit beside you on the bed. You weren’t fully sure how you were feeling any more, but you shifted to move away from Jihoon ever so slightly and you heard him take a deep sigh as he retracted his hand from your side.
“Don’t we get to be happy?” he questioned, his voice beginning to raise again in frustration. Usually Jihoon’s sweet words would easily coax you back to his side. But tonight, they felt more like daggers than honey. “Like at any point down the line, don’t I get to be happy without you pushing me away? Why can’t you just be happy for me? Why do I have to feel like I’m committing a crime for doing something I’ve always dreamed of?”
He let out a sigh before continuing. “I will not fail so you can be comfortable,” he said with that calculated tone once again, an attempt to hide his frustration. His words betrayed his attempt. “I will not lose because you can’t win.”
He was quiet for a second and you wondered if he was finally finished. You were tired.
“If you just hold on, you’ll be fine,” he said, returning to a softer tone that didn’t match the heaviness of his words. “But don’t make me wait till you are to be happy with you.”
His words cut into you, but you couldn’t find it in you to look him in the eyes as he twisted the knife. He may have missed the point, but his pointed words found their way into your heart anyway.
He stood up and grabbed a pillow from beside you. The next time he spoke, he was further away. “If I didn’t believe in you,” he said quietly but loud enough for you to hear. “I wouldn’t have loved you at all.”
The door clicked shut behind him.
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Taglist:@yksthings @alonelystarfish @coveyland @xuimhao @sana-is-ms-rmty @gummymintae @maverey @jespescially
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
The Handler’s Red Carpet Express Part 7 & 8
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Casting for a new buddy cop Apple Plus TV show called Ghost Spy’s sitting in the major casting room at television studio want I am expecting is so much better Chris Pine and Chris Messina in the waiting the room.I flip on the camera setting up the room all is perfectly set up as I call Chris into the room for the time being as he enters my cock is coming to life springing forward under the desk.
Quite a unique looking face he has I must admit to myself but still fucking handsome and he is about to me be mine I state all to myself very hyper excited at his newest role in cinema.The lights flicker on lowly as he sits down the door slamming closed he slates for the camera then we begin to read lines as the circular light system around the camera turns on burning brightly it edges deep into his mind.
Everything comes to a slow stuttering crawl as he stumbles over his words his eyes grow heavy, his mind is in a deep sea of hazy fog and I watch him falling ever deeper into my power.He has no idea what is happening nor cane he even attempt to resist if he wanted to simply because I will him to be at my mercy for life and he is fully committed to serve me for life.
Pine has no more ideas left in the pretty boi face of his except to stare mindlessly with a stupefied look on his the spit trickling down his chin soon he is all that ever existed in his mind.I am the center of his life now as he builds so many monuments of me in his head one at a time he falls for me a expression of love over comes him and he soon is everything I ever want.
Getting up I push my chair back to rise to my feet as I stood up staring him down in a hot, heavy and lustful display of pleasure launched me over the table on to his lap and we make out. His hands rove throughout my body touching every part of his body in a scandalous wave of energy overcomes us both in a shill of power his lips touch my skin all hot and bothered.
“Mr. Messina please come in.” I say exiting the room as he smirks walking in.
“Please sit.” I instruct not even looking at him.
“Please focus on the camera.” I state
“May I start?”
“Yes commence”
“Oh wait! Must the lights be so strong”
“I can’t think”
“I am confused “
“Why am I here?”
“What’s so funny?”
“You are hilarious “
“Wait what?”
“Continue to take a gander “
“You will admit it”
“You own me”
“You love the sound of my voice “
“You are rock hard”
“Fuck…you own me”
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Grant Gustin is up for a second pilot go a up and coming new show I have commissioned for Amazon where he would play a hot shot attorney having a torrid affair with a young male assistant attorney. The studio is awash in a bright gold lights of the entire room showcasing everything as he walks in with such power, confident and presence to control the situation he is so instantly struck.
The moment he saw it his world spun intoa fit of crazy babble in a world wind of air to his lungs he takes a deep breath inhalinga sweet intoxicating taste like he has never smelt before. His body is hot falling backwards onto his back his mind melts away at everything he has ever felt loosing himself in a pure unsafe feeling of love and desire for me and only me.
“Grant please slate”
“I am Grant Gustin”
“Good boi”
“Please read this “
“I am here to submit and obey “
“I submit “
“I succumb to your will”
“I am at your mercy “
“Do as you wish and please “
“Ravish me in your will”
“That’s it truly feel it”
“You are intoxicated with love”
“I am obsessed “
“Intoxicated “
“Oh God! You make rock hard”
“How do you feel about me?l
“I love you “
“Absolutely correct “
“What do you expect Charlie Hunnam? Come in now.” I say swinging the door open in excitement because I know he is loves it madly in love with me soon enough he will follow me like Grant. “Please slate for me Charlie.” I command him as he sits down he stares down with a smile he sits up flipping his hair up with a cute wink and he says his name in a sexy, heavy and gruff.
“My name is Charlie Hunnam”
“Good boi”
“I ain’t a boi ”
“Yes you are”
“I don’t have to stand for this”
“Sit down”
“Cut it out “
“I love you “
“Get off me”
“Stare in to the light “
“Give in”
“I can’t stop “
“Why can’t I think?”
“I can’t move”
“Spread your legs”
“Take off your pants”
“Rise up “
“Remove your clothes”
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Chris Wood and Jessie Metcalf waltz into the auditorium for the audition but soon the power of the lights, the heat of night and so much more consume them they are lost to my power as well.
The end
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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annepi-blog · 1 year
tag someone who you want to get to know better
thanks for the tag @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
favorite color: This question is tough because I love many colors. If I had to choose I would say a golden yellow, followed by a rather dark green.
last song: Spotify says it was Runnin' Home to You (Guitar Version) by Grant Gustin from the Flash musical episode.
last movie: At the theater the Barbie movie. At home, it was Red, White and Royal Blue.
currently watching: I just watched the second season of Heartstopper last week.
other stuff I watched this year: This year I went to the cinema to see The Whale, The Little Mermaid, Asteroid City, Barbie and for the second time Everything Everywhere All at Once. Otherwise, I'm currently watching the new season of Grey's Anatomy with my best friend and with all my roommates finished watching New Girl and Mandalorian together and have now started Modern Family. Plus, of course, Glee every now and then.
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I didn't really stop anything. The closest I would say is that I don't know when I'll get around to watching Witcher S3 because I also watch it with friends and we have to find time together.
currently reading: Unfortunately, I'm not reading a book right now but just a lot of scientific articles for work. I try to keep up with many WIP Klaine fanfictions because they always bring me joy <3
currently listening to: I don't listen to any particular album at the moment, I tend to turn on my playlist with songs from musicals and movies the most.
currently working on: At work, I am currently preparing the exam for this semester for my students and just started to organize the practical course for the next semester. In my spare time, I'm currently writing a Klaine one-shot based on a German song.
current obsession: Mhmm, maybe the teachers in Heartstopper. They appear for maybe 10 minutes in the whole series, but I love Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi. Otherwise, I was on vacation in Iceland last week and learned about cave bacteria while visiting a lava tunnel. Apparently, they are being analyzed by NASA right now, and I researched about it quite obsessively after the visit :D
Tagging (no pressure ofc): I can never remember who has been tagged. I tag @daisyishedwig @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @kirakiwiwrites @mynonah and anyone else who wants to do this
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Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week 2023
MBAW Master List
Thanks so much to everyone that participated in this! We were absolutely thrilled with the response! Here is the compiled list of all submissions from the event!
Please remember to tag us in Max content all year long-yours or others-so that we can reblog it for others to find.
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Head Canons:
Appreciation and HC's from @angelasscribbles
Max Appreciation from @twinkleallnight
New Stories:
Max Bleaches his Hair by @harleybeaumont
Max's Room by @angelasscribbles
A Leviathan Surprise by @karahalloway
Marabelle by @tessa-liam
The Best Ramsford Has To Offer by @queenmiarys
What Happens in New York: by @angelasscribbles
Praise The Lord by @dcbbw
Maxwell's Jolly Holiday by @harleybeaumont
Throwback Stories:
Crossed by @queenmiarys
Bare a Laxwell story by @dcbbw
List of Max stories by @harleybeaumont
List of Max stories by @angelasscribbles
List of Bad Romance Max chapters/one shots by @angelasscribbles
Confessional 1: Survivor Cordonia by @bebepac
Once Upon a Time by @twinkleallnight
Came for the Prince, Fell for the Lord by @squid-princess-teach-swallow
The Royal Tea Party: Max as a father. by @harleybeaumont
Dads on the Edge: Max as a father (along with the rest of the BR gang) by @angelasscribbles
We are including Mirage by @thefullbeaumonty We're not sure if she's still around by this gem deserved inclusion.
Max Pairings @angelasscribbles
Maxwell Beaumont Pairings and Moodboards @harleybeaumont
Maxwell, Julianna and son Julian @queenmiarys
Maxwell and Julianna Wedding Reception @queenmiarys
Maxwell Beaumont by @duchess-of-lythikos
Maxwell and Riley by @duchess-of-lythikos
Small Doses by @duchess-of-lythikos
Some Maxwell wallpaper we threw in for good measure
Max in his birthday suit (haha, not that one, an actual suit!) by @ladylamrian
Snippets but with Max gifs at the end
Valentine's date @squid-princess-teach-swallow
Fanart by @twinkleallnight from The Other Friend by @alj4890
Spread Joy Quote by @storyofmychoices
Moodboard/Questionnaire by @karahalloway
Maxwell Visuals: Moodboards by @angelasscribbles
Face Claims by @alj4890
Visuals Face Claims by @harleybeaumont
Thirsty Pics by @harleybeaumont
Grant Gustin by @squid-princess-teach-swallow
Face Claims by @bebepac, @tessa-liam and @queenmiarys
Hippo by @twinkleallnight
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notebookmusical · 2 months
Hi! This is part 2. Wow I just watched the video of him singing since I had a chance and was pretty impressed. His voice was low and Stars is such a hard song to sing so I guess I'm not worried anymore, that he can't pull off the role because of singing. We will see how it goes but hopefully I can watch the proshot of Merrily first lol.
Speaking of pro shots, I also heard about the Bonnie and Clyde one and would love to watch Jeremy in that so hopefully I will at some point but I'm not sure when. Like I'm worried If I rent it, my sister and I won't have time to watch or she will be tired idk. I also don't know whatever happened to the Waitress one either. Btw, for your vibes, my instinct was to go with Les Mis cuz it reminds me of you. Not just because of your name either, but because how much you love it..but your vibes also match with Waitress too! It just makes sense.
Anyway I was able to find an Aaron Sweeney bootleg and a Jeremy Little Shop one so maybe I will watch them this week. After some digging, I guess it's alright or easy to find but I was more interested in ones currently still on Broadway and I'm not sure they will be available yet. However there might be a Gatsby video out there since I think I saw it giffed. I didn't have a chance to watch the Lempicka one yet either or listen to the Gatsby cast album yet, but I'm listening later today and will share my thoughts. Also I just found a copy of the book the other day so maybe I will finally read it! I need to get back into reading again as a better distraction haha. Instead I listened to The Notebook, Illinoise and Water For Elephants. Suffs is fine..I listened to it twice and it has some catchy songs but wasn't into the story or anything and found it slightly hard to follow, but it was also the only original musical the season so I guess that's something. I don't really have too many thoughts about it but people always like different things. Like I love the Outsiders based on the story and music but I know a lot of people absolutely hate it for winning best musical. I would hope you would like it but if you didnt, that's also okay. I think what I loved about the Notebook and The Outsiders is that they feel almost totally separate from the movie to me now, in a good way. Like I love both, and I was using the movie to follow the story listening to the songs, but i wasn't like..this is exactly like the movie..they truly offered something a little different and the songs matched the stories. What are your favorite songs from the Notebook? Also, what did you think of the casting choices and how the parts were swapped with their races with the old couple? At first my sister and I were confused but then they said that was the point. Also are you an Ingrid Michaelson fan? I found out she has an album coming out next month too. If you wanna share more about what watching the show is like, with the rain scene maybe, I would love that too!
I am not as familiar with the Water for Elephants movie..but listening almost made me wanna watch it again to see if it was similar or different. I only watched it once so I couldn't really remember much about it. I'm a fan of Izzy Mccalla, Grant Gustin and Paul Alexander Nolan so I enjoyed it. I'd say it did have parts of a more Broadway sound with some of the circus stuff and in general talk singing dialogue in the show. My sister and I noticed that 3 and a half shows had to do with an affair from the women being taken and we thought that was funny. The Notebook, Gatsby and Water for Elephants lol. Anyway you might like it if you wanna give it a listen. I liked Illinoise but also couldn't get much of the story and it felt like listening or imitating Sufjan so I'm sure it's better to watch since I couldn't get much of the story. Hell's Kitchen I was able to follow some or most of the story and am a fan of the singing and performers too, like Shoshana Bean so it's maybe worth a listen. We also said how there was a mix of stories that were teen and adult, and also a lot they were looking back on the past. That could be cuz a lot of them are based on books though lol.
Omg of course I've watched the Spring Awakening bootleg haha. Sometimes I just pick a few songs to listen to, that's why instead of the whole thing or watching but I love it so much! I love that there's nothing else quite like it. I think the only thing I really compare it to is like Next to Normal, and that could be biased. One because of Aaron and Jonathan who are similar performers to me, and two because these were the first musicals I learned about that werent based on anything and also the first bootlegs I watched lol. I think a performance of the show would be so cool so i'm sorry you didn't like the show! What was so wrong with it if you don't mind saying?
Also happy anniversary to Speak Now TV! I might be a day late but still. How does the album hold up for you and what's your opinion of the vault songs? Idk if we ever talked about it. I haven't really been into Taylor as much but I forgot to mention that she sang Castles Crumbling with Hayley Williams about a week ago and it made me nostalgic for my show. Hayley Williams also posted about it being 1 year and Taylor didn't lol. She also sang Mary's Song! But too bad it was only part of it. I haven't been guessing surprise songs as much but I actually guessed that she would sing a song from debut and mash it up with a song from Red..which was right, but just the wrong songs lol. She also sang a I Can See You and Mine mashup which actually sound a bit similar in the beginning of the songs. It's too bad she already played it instead of doing something to celebrate it. I'm guessing she will be singing Last Kiss tomorrow cuz of July 9th and i am putting it here so I can be right for once! Idk if it will be on guitar or piano cuz it could go either way. I also think she might sing the whole song instead of mashing it up..and maybe she will sing Timeless again since she seems to be in a romantic mood. I just noticed they sort of rhyme so they could be almost mashed up lol but I think that's all I'm gonna guess for now haha. I hope I'm right! I haven't got around to listening to those albums yet but I will next week. I am spending another week on Broadway stuff with Gatsby, a musical cast album called The Violet Hour that Jeremy and other Broadway people sing on, and possibly Lempicka after I watch it this weekend. That also reminds me I need to watch Hazbin Hotel too, which he is a part of. I usually only listen to three ish albums a week so ya. What have you been listening to? Sorry this got kinda long again too but I hope you have an awesome week!!! I hope you enjoy my long messages but you can always take time replying. I guess I missed talking to you! 🩷
🩷 i'm so sorry for the awkward delay in replying! my friend showed up early to get me for the basketball game we went to tonight </3 although honestly... if i hadn't been distracted (buying oh mary tickets) i definitely would've had time to answer the rest of this ask before i left. in the time it took for me to answer that last ask and start answering this one i bought tickets to see the thursday oh mary 5pm matinee. bailey loves me and is putting up with me and my nonsense. i also have a packed schedule now. oh well!
i was also impressed when i heard him sing! i was like oh! okay! i am really, really excited for the merrily proshot and i hope it does not take years for it to be released. but at least it's been filmed!
i haven't gotten around to watching it yet but i do need to! loveeee bonnie & clyde! i was listening to the west end cast recording earlier! you could always wait to rent until you know you have time! i did laugh about the les mis thing; i was definitely expecting it to win and was pleasantly surprised when waitress won! waitress is one of my favorites though (obviously) so i am quite pleased with that result.
a lot of the songs on the notebook took a while to grow on me! my days is obviously a favorite, so is iron in the fridge, but there are just so many that really get to me (i always cry when i listen to it). i think it was a bit odd! i remember being like ?????? when i saw it and also when i heard the casting announcement and a lot of the audience was like ??????? but! they are all such good actors. and i am! i love ingrid michaelson's music! the chain is one of my favorite songs of all time. very excited for her album! oh gosh the rain scene is done SO well!! i will elaborate on this after i've seen it again but i remember being SO impressed with it!
i will give water for elephants a listen soon! my friend saw it and liked it but didn't love it :( i think the big sell of illinoise is that it's dance heavy ( i heard it's more like vignettes rather than a cohesive plot of a show ) so i really hope we get a bootleg and that it tours someday!
oh gosh there was so much that went wrong with the production i saw! i have a lot of ... thoughts on that theatre and their artistic direction. i love love loved the revival, and i think the direction + staging + double casting added a lot of complexity to the show. and so i think seeing anything after that would've been a disappointment, but i think my mediocre show experience was really down to two things: 1) a bad show + 2) a bad audience. i think shows do themselves a disservice when they treat their audience like they're stupid. everyone knows that the songs in spring awakening are about ... what they're about. we do not need it spelt out for us. the set didn't do it any favors (it was very bare/minimal — wooden chairs, some trees, and two big rocks that the actors kept tripping over). the casket in the left behind scene was a chair and it was very ... odd. the costumes weren't very great, but the one thing i will not understand is the choice to put wendla and moritz in grim reaper sims-esque outfits (i get why i just think they were very off putting and also jarring in comparison to everything else). a lot of the reviews said the wendla and moritz were terrible; we had an understudy moritz (who admittedly also wasn't great) but i really don't think the wendla was bad at all — she just didn't come off as naive/innocent as i feel like wendla starts off being, but she wasn't like that terrible. the moritz and martha were the saving grace of this show; very clearly talented, out-acted and out-sung everyone else. just very, very good in a very, very mediocre production of spring awakening. a lot of the actors chose (or were told to?) riff as much as they could, which ... well could is a stretch, but also spring awakening is not a show you riff through. and audience etiquette was just absolutely horrid, like why are you laughing at the most inappropriate scenes? why are you hooting and hollering like it's a sports game? it was just ... so deeply terrible. i hate to say it but i understand why one of our local reviewers called it a two dimensional one note show.
happy (incredibly belated) speak now taylor's version anniversary to you too! i haven't actually listened to taylor much lately, but i think the album holds up fine and my favorite vault songs from it still haven't changed (foolish one, castles crumbling, timeless). i still think red has the best vault, and then i would say fearless, then speak now, then 1989. what about you? i really wish she had sung mary's song in full :/ same with a place in this world. i think the mashups are a fun concept, but i don't think i like them all that much — i'd rather hear the songs in full, and i think sometimes they're mashups just for the sake of having a mashup vs. something that has a clear theme + is thought out. if you could hear her do any two mashups (one on piano, and one on guitar), what would you choose?
i haven't really been listening to a whole lot! i listened to the new clairo album today and loved it (i love clairo, so i wasn't shocked that i loved it), and have still been mostly looping brat! aside from that i haven't really been listening to much!
i love your long messages! i always love chatting with you, even if it takes me a while to reply — i usually do read your messages at they come in and then it takes me a while to reply over time but i love it! speaking of, did you know our one year anniversary is coming up? july 14th!! i can't believe we've been chatting for almost a YEAR! happy one year, my friend! 🤍 i hope you're having a good july so far! any fun plans for your weekend or week? sending love!
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fortressofserenity · 1 year
I feel if Kamala Harris were to become president after Donald Trump getting shot, it wouldn’t just lead to riots but also a full-blown civil war and one fought over America’s political identity. Serious conflicts between political parties isn’t anything new, medieval Florence had this with the Ghibellines and the Guelphs.
 But I feel America would really be torn apart because of both Donald Trump’s impending death and Kamala Harris’s rise, if it does come to pass expect serious betrayals when one gets conscripted into a given side. If it does escalate then it’s best for those who don’t want to get killed or conscripted to leave, especially beforehand.
If because it will get worse if Trump gets killed at all, that those who refuse to fight or die would have to leave America for greener pastures. It could be Italy, it could be Spain. But no matter the country, safety is an important decision and consideration. I even prayed to God to have musician Perry Farrell leave America for the Philippines in case if civil war happens again.
He might miss his old friends, but at least he will have peace of mind when he comes to Manila. Same thing with Grant Gustin moving to Italy, at least they will live the sweet and quiet lives if they move overseas. If America were to tear itself apart in a new civil war, better to go away than to stay there for long.
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spidey-stark · 3 years
Barry Allen x Reader
Summary - Barry accidentally changes the timeline and can’t find Y/N, only to discover that she is now a meta and was locked in the pipeline.
Warnings - Very brief mention of sex. 
Word Count - 2,099
Authors Note - I’ve had this in my drafts for a bit so I just decided I might as well post it. 
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He couldn’t tell them what had happened. 
He couldn’t tell them what he did. 
Or at least not yet. He wasn’t ready to see the expressions of disappointment and sadness flash across the faces of his friends. He wasn’t ready to stand in front of a room full of everyone he loved the most and tell them that he had completely changed every single one of their lives; for better or for worse. 
Besides, there was no way that he was going to bring this up to them until he could figure out just how much damage changing the timeline had caused. So far he had accounted for almost all of the members of Team Flash and was still in the process of making a mental list of how he had changed their lives in this new timeline, but there was still one person that was missing from his list of friends. Y/N. 
“Ayo,” Cisco called out from across the lab, throwing a crumpled ball of paper at Barry’s head, “Earth to Flash!” 
He glanced up from the floor where he had been zoning out, too busy caught up in his own head and trying to figure out where to go from here. “What’s up?” 
Cisco gave him a rather concerned look, obviously confused by how spacey his friend had been lately. “Did you forget why we even called you here?” He asked. 
“Oh, yeah.” Barry replied, shaking his head as a sort of attempt to get all of the dreaded timeline thoughts out of his mind. “I’m supposed to be dealing with some meta in the pipeline, right?” Cisco nodded, confirming Barry’s statement. “And why do I have to talk to them again?” 
Barry wasn’t used to being the one dealing with all of the metas they caught. Unless it was something urgent or some end-of-the-world type of deal, he usually just caught them and stuffed them in the pipeline, a bit too busy to deal with the time consuming part of questioning them. 
“Dude. You literally already know why.” Cisco said, clearly thinking that the answer to Barry’s question was beyond obvious. But, seeing the confusion washing over his friends face, Cisco continued, “It’s the chick that robbed the bank a few days ago. She refuses to talk to any of us, she just keeps asking for you.” 
Barry nodded to show that he had taken in the information before quickly speeding into his suit and making his way towards the pipeline. He knew that Cisco could tell something was wrong. After all, it wasn’t like he was doing a very good job at hiding it with out of it he had been lately. But it was impossible for him to try to focus on what was going on around him when he hadn’t even managed to track her down yet. 
Had she never been a part of his life in this timeline? A part of the Team? Did she even live in Central City in this timeline? Did she even exist in this timeline? 
He quickly pushed that thought out of his head. He couldn’t afford to think like that yet. He couldn’t let himself even entertain the thought of her not being here anymore. 
And, as if it were some cruel joke being played by some higher being, he immediately found himself face-to-face with the answer to the terrible question that had been plaguing his mind. 
Luckily, he hadn’t wiped her from existence. 
Unfortunately, however, she was currently the meta that Cisco told him was locked in the pipeline. 
Barry rubbed his eyes roughly, trying to get his head straight as he looked at the cell in front of him. There’s no way, he thought to himself, taking in the sight of Y/N sitting crosslegged in the center of the cell, looking just the same as she had a few days ago back before he had changed the timeline. 
“It’s about time.” Y/N chuckled, rising to her feet at the sight of him entering the room. “I was starting to think you would never show. It’s rude to keep a girl waiting, ya know.” 
“I-um.” Barry struggled to form words, still in disbelief that the person he had been searching for had been almost literally right under his nose this whole time. “Sorry about that.” 
Y/N scrunched her nose, tilting her head to the side slightly at his behavior. “So?” 
Barry stared at her, stepping closer and closer to the cell until he was right in front of it. It was once he was standing right across from her that he realized how confused she looked. 
“You just gonna leave me in these or..” Y/N trailed as she lifted her arms up to display the meta-dampeners around her wrists. 
“I mean..” Barry motioned to the cell, still struggling to take in the fact that she was really here. And a meta? “Kinda seems to me like you did something to deserve being in here.” 
She scoffed at his statement, dropping her hands back in front of her. “Oh please. Now is not the time for flirting, Flash.” She scolded him, a teasing tone to her voice that continued to add to Barry’s growing confusion. “You’ve already left me down here for two days which is much longer than last time. I would say that it’s time for you to go ahead and let me out and start planning your oh-so-brilliant story of how I managed to escape.” 
Wait... Barry thought to himself as all the pieces of the puzzle began to slowly fall into place, Flirting? Let her out? Do I... Help her? 
The thought wasn’t terribly shocking to him. To be fair, it was just a couple of days ago that the two of them were snuggled up in Barry’s bed watching terrible baking shows together on Netflix and fighting over who got to eat the last honey-bun. She was the one person that Barry loved more than anyone else, and he knew from experience that there was nothing that he wouldn’t do for her. But this timeline changed things, didn’t it? Y/N was a meta now, and clearly not a good one if she had been caught by them and stuffed in the pipeline. So, despite the fact that he wanted to be relieved that some semblance of their relationship had survived the changing timeline, he also felt conflicted. 
“Flash?” Y/N spoke, noticing that he had zoned out for about the millionth time that day. 
“How many times have you been down here?” He managed to choke the words out, trying to get back some sense of composure. 
“Well...” she flashed a grin at him, one that made his heart stop in his chest, “Technically three.” Y/N told him as she proudly lifted her cuffed wrists back up, holding up three fingers at the speedster, “But in my opinion? Only two.” she dropped one finger. “Seeing as though I let you catch me last time.” 
Barry furrowed his brows at the girl. “Let me?” he repeated. 
"C’mon Flash.” Y/N groaned and threw her head back in frustration. “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing here but I am more than ready to be out of these cuffs now. I don’t have time to sit here and recount how I let you live out that little fantasy of yours.” 
His eyes widened slightly. “Fantasy?” 
“Okay, seriously? You’re the one that kept mentioning that stupid dream of yours for days about catching me and screwing me in the cell.” 
He realized then that obviously more than just a bit of their relationship had survived the timeline change. Actually, a fair bit of their relationship was apparently intact with the one very major problem being that the love of his life was now going around Central City robbing banks. 
“Your powers,” Barry began, trying to move past her previous statement despite the fact that he could feel his face burning under his mask. “do you hurt people?” 
Y/N looked offended by his question, confused, and equally hurt. “What the hell is wrong with you?” When he didn’t respond she decided to answer anyways despite her irritation. “No, Barry.” So she knows my identity? “And you already know that. I’ve never once used my powers to hurt anyone and don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. You also know exactly why I’m doing what I do. And you also should have let me out of these cuffs yesterday!” with each word that left her lips her frustration became clearer and clearer. “And I’m getting real tired of entertaining whatever it is you’ve got going on here. You’re all spacey and weird and acting like you don’t know a single thing about me-” 
She stopped talking. She closed her eyes for a moment, and Barry was honestly concerned as to where this conversation would go next. What was she doing? What was she thinking? 
“Barry...” she finally spoke, her eyes opening back up and looking at him, her gaze much softer than it was before. “What did you do?” 
Despite everything that was clearly different about their relationship now in this timeline compared to the one he came from he still found himself breaking down in front of her. Breaking down at the feeling of familiarity that he had been craving ever since he changed the timeline. “I really messed up, Y/N.” He admitted, voice cracking as he spoke. “I messed things up for all of you.” 
Y/N frowned at the sight of him, noticing the tears that were welling up in the speedsters eyes. “Hey,” she began as she reached up and placed both hands against the cell, trying her best to comfort him, “we can fix it, ok? Whatever it is we can fix it.” Barry swallowed hard, placing his own hand against the glass where hers rested. “But first?” Y/N offered a small smile, “You really need to let me out of this cell. I don’t know if I am gonna be much help in here.” 
Barry didn’t necessarily know if he could completely trust her. Obviously she seemed to think he could, and apparently he was supposed to know things about this version of Y/N that would make all his hesitation in trusting her melt away, but a small part of him still felt conflicted about what the right choice was in this situation given the information he did have on her. But all it really took was one more glance into her eyes and he knew that he would let her out. It wasn’t even his choice to make. He would always do whatever he could to help her, no matter who’s side she might be on. 
And so, he opened the cell and walked over to her, removing the cuffs from her wrists. A small part of him expected her to do something, anything, to show him that he had made a mistake and that maybe the Y/N from this timeline was nothing more than the evil meta that Cisco seemed to think she might be. But instead something different happened as she was freed from the confines of the cuffs. She threw her arms around Barry’s neck and pulled him in to her body. At first he was surprised by her actions, but as the scent of her familiar perfume filled his nose he found himself relaxing into her, feeling a sense of home for the first time in what felt like it had been years. 
“Whatever it is-whatever happened-we will fix it, ok?” She whispered against his ear, the warmth of her breath against his neck just making him squeeze her tighter. 
Y/N leaned back slightly, her arms still around his neck as she looked him in the eyes. “I promise you that everything will be fine.” 
And without hesitation, without any sort of warning, she kissed him. The passion filled, soft-lipped sort of kissing that you don’t just share with a casual fling--and if any part of him still held reservations about what exactly their relationship was in this new timeline, it was slowly being washed away as she tangled her fingers in his hair, a moment so consumed in raw emotion that all of his anxiety about his friends or the timeline or her began to wash away. 
Because no matter what he may have lost in this new timeline, he hadn’t lost her. 
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grantgustinimagines · 7 years
 I’m Venus, and I’ve joined this tumblr. I’m sucker for angsty fics, and I write them. I also write fluff, no smut though… My main tumblr is @barryallenplease. I’ll try to post on here once or twice a week. But I can be very lazy… so. Moving on, if you have any questions for me, feel free to msg me through my main account. Inbox or dm, it doesn’t matter. <3 <3
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so-flashtastic · 7 years
Daddy’s promise 0.1
Request from anon: 083 would be awesome
Category: Pregnancy 083: "I can't be pregnant... or....OH, MY GOD! "
Pairing: Barry Allen x reader  Warnings: Girltalk where the word "sex" is mentioned a couple times (idk if that's a legit warning tho), mild swearing (I think there's like... three curewords or something), and a bit bad writing in the beginning. Words: 3516 
A/N: Just thought I'd give you the reason why I didn't post Cinderella part 2: it's pretty much because it's been a while since I wrote last time, and I want the second part to be perfect, AND I didn't have so many ideas – just thought you guys deserved an update quicker...
When it came to sneaking in after a long night, Y/N Y/L/N wasn’t the best. Was the girl inexperienced? Well, maybe, but she blamed it more on her dominant gene of clumsiness. As expected, the door wasn’t on her side when she tried her best to get into her and Mary's apartment inaudibly.
Squeak! It was moments like these, Y/N regretted not getting their door fixed. Though she excused her laziness with the argument that it was a great (cheap) alternative for an alarm in case of thieves (as if anyone would break the law for her stuff, hah!), it wasn't funny when you tried your best to sneak inside after a long night out.
"Good morning," Mary, Y/N's best friend, and roommate smirked at her, two cups of coffees in her hands.  "We really need to oil those hinges," Y/N tried her best changing the topic, as she took the mug her friend offered her.  "Nice try, go shower and get dressed. You've got a lot to tell me, and I don't want you to be hung over while you're at it," at that moment, Mary was so determined, Y/N didn't dare nor care to tell her she wasn't that hung over.
"You had sex with Barry?! I can't believe it! I mean, you guys are like... the definition of cinnamon buns!" Mary exclaimed in shock. "Ugh, stop it, Mary. Now that I've told you everything about last night-" "He asked you to take som drinks with him and Caitlin, then you just ended up having sex? Who are you?"  "-can you just be the bestest best friend in the world and don't remind me about it for the rest of my life?" Y/N continued as if her friend hadn't just interrupted her, and hid her face in her hands.
"Wait, what? Why? Was he so bad?"   "NO! Jesus, Mary, no, he- he was good... But the sex is not the point!" Y/N shook her head.  "Well then, what's the problem?" "We're friends, and... and... and did you not just hear what's happened?! We had intercourse-" "Don't say intercourse, Y/N/N, it's old and it's weird," Mary interrupted. "Well, we did it-" "You're not five, Y/N, I believe the word you're looking for is-" "Oh my God, Mary, can we just not talk about this?! Please?" Y/n couldn't do this conversation anymore, and with a short "OK" from her noisy friend, Y/N left their living room. 
It had been days since her and Mary's conversation about Y/N's wild night with Barry. Luckily for her, Barry was needed in Star City for a week, so the awkward meet was yet to come. Of course, Y/N knew that it had to happen sooner or later, though later had worked out just fine for the past days, hence why she was still rooting for that method – despite Mary's constant nagging.
The morning came quicker than usual as Y/N woke up by the sudden urge to throw up. This confused her, considering Y/N was never sick – well, excluding the days she actually happened to be, of course. So when she found herself hanging over the toilet, she couldn't help being both frustrated as well as disgusted. 
"Y/N, are you ok?" Mary's voice came from the other side of the locked bathroom door. Y/N never locked the bathroom door – she feared she would get shut in and stuck during a fire – which happened more often than you would think (let's just say that Mary wasn't the best at cooking, or with fires). "Uhm... yeah, just-" She was interrupted by a second and hopefully last round of vomit. "Y/N?" "Yeah, I'm fine, just a sec, Mary!" Y/N was panicking. Y/N was throwing up. Y/N never threw up. "Y/N Y/L/N, I demand you to open this door before I get creepy Jack  down the hall to kick this door open for me!" And that's how Y/N got herself in lockdown.
It was never fun to be at home, sick. Especially when one wasn't sick, but one's crazy overprotective roommate and best friend forced one to stay home because one acted a bit off and looked a bit pale in the morning. Y/N was currently in this situation. She didn't like it. At the moment she was walking around their apartment, feeling 100% good to go to work. "You look terrible today as well, Y/N, you're not going anywhere. I'm telling Mrs. Norman, so if I get a phone call that your toe has even touched the air of the other side of that door, you'll be dead," Mary had told her. 
This was it, the last drop, she was done, finished, finito with staying home any longer. Y/N had just finished her third film of the day, and just laying there was getting her a migraine. 'OK, I'm going out! I'm a grown woman! A big girl, an independent girl! I can do whatever I want to! My best friend can't make me stay at home!' Y/N went for her purse and was ready to walk out the door, but as if Mary could read minds, Y/N's phone rung. "Hello?" Y/N sounded as chirpy as she could, feeling nervous as hell. "Hey, Y/N! Just wanted to make sure you haven't left!" Mary knew her better than anyone, and it was almost scaring Y/N a bit. Almost. 
Three knocks on the door followed by the sound of a pair of keys, and then the door opened. The familiar squeak made its way to Y/N's ears as she laid on her bed in misery. "Hey, Y/N, are you alright?" It was Barry. 'Barry? Is he back home?' Y/N tried not to let her panic take overhand. Anger suddenly washed over her, if this was Mary's work, a certain brunette would be in deep trouble when she came back from work...
"Hey, I uh... I brought flowers," Barry's voice could be heard from the living room, and Y/N's mind was twisting and turning: Should she go on and play sick? It would certainly delay the awkward conversation that was bound to happen... Deciding it was her best option at the time, Y/N made out a weak cough, and answered her friend: "In here, Barry!" as sickly she could manage.
"Hi, how're you feeling?" Barry stepped inside carefully, as if the floor would cause her more pain.  "I'm ok, my head hurts a bit, and I'm a bit nauseous," Y/N thought that her breasts being tender were a fact she didn't have to share. "Uhm..." looking as Barry's ears had just turned tomato red, Y/N scolded herself for saying her thoughts out loud.
"Mary told you to come here?" Y/N tried her best changing the subject quickly as well as keeping her act.  "Uhm, no, heard it from Caitlin actually. She was.. uh... on the phone with Mary I think. She, uhm, she's a loud talker," "Caitlin or Mary?" "Both," the two laughed, Y/N throwing in a couple of coughs. When the laughing calmed down, and the tension started to grow, it was as if her guardian angel saved her, and Barry's phone rung. "Uhm, sorry, I have to go, Captain Singh needs me at the office..." "Yeah, of course, you just go and save the city by stirring in chemicals," her good-bye made him laugh as he made his way out the door in a hurry. 
"Y/N?" Mary asked. They were currently sitting on the couch, eating pizza and watching How I Met Your Mother.  "Yeah?" "Pee on this for me, will you? I think you're pregnant," the brunette said, throwing a box at Y/N – who were almost choking on her food. "Excuse me?!"  "Just do it, it won't hurt, and you've been feeling bad for days. Now be quick and get it done already before I eat this up," 
"This is stupid," Y/N said. It turned out that Mary had seen the episode airing on TV "a thousand times", so they were now hovering over the white stick somewhat curious and excited. "Because I can't be pregnant... OH, MY GOD!” Y/N couldn’t believe it. It said positively. "Is it Barry's?" Mary broke the silence "What?!" "Well, you're obviously not Mother Teresa, and you're not the one to sleep around; I mean, I'm just tying up the loose ends..." "Oh my God, Mary, can we just not talk about this?! Please?" Y/N was still trying to cope with the fact that a living creature was growing inside her vagina. "Yeah, yeah of course..." And the night continued, Mary planning out how she would be the cool aunt of the unborn baby, and Y/N denying the scary fact that she would become a mother in roughly nine months.
"You need to tell him, Y/N," Mary said, looking at her best friend while trying her best not to tick off the ice cream-eating bipolar monster. 'I thought we agreed not to talk about this,'  Was what Y/N wanted and meant to say, though because of the piece of heaven that was melting inside her mouth, it rather came out sounding more like: "Eh ohuph uh a-edh umph uh ahk a-ou es!" Mary, on the other hand, managed to translate the faded message by the clear look in Y/N's eyes. "That was three weeks ago,"  "Ugh!!" And the monster sunk her head in the pillows surrounding her, letting out a loud cry of frustration.
"What about Coby?" Y/N asked her friend.  "Because Cody is too common for you?" Mary answered, still skimming through her magazine in the other end of the sofa.  "I don't know, he just feels like a Coby," Y/N answered, looking down at er stomach – if she really just concentrated hard enough, she could see the little bump forming. "Yeah, you've just begun the first trimester, so sorry hun, but the kiddo doesn't even have a face, let alone a pair of good functionating lungs,"  "You're right, but what about Bia? Or Dory? What do you think about those?" Y/N asked, and at this, Mary set her Vouge away and looked her friend straight in the eyes.
"I think that if you want to name your child after a Pixar/Disney-cartoon fish, you better talk to the daddy..." "Yeah, Dory was a bit too creative maybe... How about Elza? Elza is cool, or Logan? He was always my favorite. Though Jess was also-" Y/N's attempt on ignoring her friend's change of topic failed hard when Mary interrupted her. "Y/N this is getting serious. You haven't even hung out with Barry much for the past weeks. Remember when you two couldn't stay away from each other for more than six hours? I remember that very well. I also remember him being your number one topic to talk about 24/7," 
She was right. Mary was right and Y/N knew it, though she couldn't help it! All she could think of when picturing their first real talk since the one four weeks ago was BABYBABYBABY. Imagine how stressed he would be? He made one mistake, and now he was forced into a huge commitment. In addition to that, this was not what Y/N wanted herself. She wanted to get kids with the man in her life. And currently, that was her dad, considering her status on Facebook was still remaining 'single'. 
"But how Mary? How do I confront him with this? He's going to be a dad! And when I tell him, he will have two options: A, to agree to all terms and conditions, to become a dad and parent with me, or he can B, politely decline and leave my life forever! Mary, I can't bear a life without him!" She hadn't even realized the tears running down her cheeks before now.  "He won't leave you, do you hear me? He will never ever leave you," Mary tried her best reassuring her friend, patting Y/Non the head while whispering soft comforting words.
"You know, having a pregnant roommate is way more expensive than you would think," Mary came in the door with four bags full of food. "Yeah, yeah, where's the pickles?" Y/N asked frantically, to which Mary gave her one of the bags. "I mean, not only does it drench your wallet, but also your mentality. Here you go by the way, bought eleven jars, just for you," Y/N went for it, and opened the first one in sight. But just as she was about to open the lid and down all of the juice like she had done for the now empty seven jars in their fridge, she stopped. "Yuck, how disgusting is this? Do we have any chocolate?"  “Like I said, drenching my wallet and mentality...” Mary said looking up to the roof, shaking her head.
Y/N was currently in her thirteenth week, and her clothing style had changed drastically for a couple of weeks. 'They are meant for comfort and coverage,' she had told Mary when her friend had commented that she couldn't leave the apartment in 'the biggest sweatshirt in the building' and her pajama pants. So you could imagine Barry's shock when he not only saw his once best friend and crush clothed in uncharacteristically clothing but also for the first time in months. How Y/N had managed to avoid him for that long?
Y/N laid in her bed, computer on her lap, popcorn within her hand's reach, and sipping on a coke. Her mind was parallelled set on the kittens in the video she was watching, and how cool it would be when her stomach finally would grow to a proper, usable size AKA when she could drop the coffee table in the living room, and do a Phoebe Buffay. 
Interrupting her thoughts, her phone started ringing, leaving her annoyed as she had to pause her YouTube-watching. "Hello?" She said unaware of whom it wa son the other side of the line.  "Hey Y/N/N, just wondering where you-" It wasBarry. Her Barry. What was she to do?! "Sorry, wrong number," Y/N said in the deepest voice she could muster, as she quickly hung up on the poor, oblivion guy.
Though that wasn’t it, Y/N really was creative with her avoiding methods. She needed to go to the store? She asked Mary. Mary said no? She asked Mrs. Norman. Mary figured that out, got mad at her, and told Mrs. Norman not to worry about it? Y/N asked creepy Jack down the hall, whom she knew Mary wouldn’t dare to talk to. But how about her job? In addition to having a feminist extremist as a boss, Y/N was a writer for a magazine. So simply explaining her situation, adding a couple of white lies, and finishing with a strong apology with a touch of ‘I promise to work twice as hard at home,’ Y/N was off the hook. 
But just as any hormonal pregnant woman, Y/N got enough of her hiding – it should be him hiding, not her! To this Mary had told her that Barry didn’t have the knowledge to why he had to hide (which apparently, Mary didn’t have either) and she was being ‘irrational and not herself,’ which Y/N obviously ignored. Hence why she left their home to get the right chocolate milk, because creepy Jack simply didn’t do the job properly. 
"Y/N? Is that you?" Barry couldn't be too careful when it came to assuming  – let's just say this wasn't the first time he had "seen"  Y/N in public. Though at the mention of her name, Y/N turned to see who had said her name. Her eyes locked into his for mere seconds before Y/N turned away in hope her invisibility powers would quickly appear and hide her. Such a pity Y/N wasn't a meta...
"It is you!" Barry jogged up to her. Great, what was she to do now?  "Hi...!"  Y/N answered back, holding her basket with milk in a tight grip. "How've you been? I haven't heard anything from you for so long..." Barry said, just standing there in front of the girl he loved.  "Uhm, a bit ill actually... Yeah, that's why I haven't had the time to hang out," quite happy about her explanation, Y/N stood there ready to go. 
"For three months?" Barry asked, not completely convinced. "Yeah," Y/n faked a cough, "really bad flu,"  "I see, well, do you want to grab dinner Friday?" "Friday? As in now Friday? in three days?" Barry nodded, and Y/N shut her eyes as if she had to think of her plans for the rest of the week.  'Should I say yes? It would be quite suspicious if I told him no... But he will know! On the other hand, Big Belly Burger does sound tempting...' "Big Belly Burger?" Y/N asked with a smile on her face, which Barry gladly returned. "Yeah! Good, I'll pick you up at six," Barry winked at her, then left. 'What have I gotten myself into?'
"This is good, Y/N! Now you can finally tell him!" Mary said, proud of the maturity her friend was showing. "Telling him? Are you kidding, I'm not gonna tell him anything! We're just grabbing some burgers..." Y/N defended herself. Wouldn't that be scandalous, her telling him? He would flee the country to just get away from her. "You're not serious now, are you?" When Y/N didn't answer her, Mary took a deep sigh. "You are aware of that you're pushing him away from you, right? Because that's why you don't want to tell him because you don't want to lose him? So I'd use some more time to think before you just go on your date-" "It's not a date!" "- later today, and keep your secret safe," Mary finished and left the room for Y/N to remake her decision.
It had taken her blood, sweat, and tears – literally, but Mary finally made Y/N agree to tell Barry about her pregnancy. But after a brutal paper cut, an intense discussion, and while following the DVD-aerobic-instructor, Mary argued her way to victory, Y/N left their apartment in defeat.
Walking next to Barry, Y/N started to regret her choice of clothes – no scratch that, Mary's choice of clothes. Because Y/N was supposed to tell Barry she was pregnant anyway, and 'It's a date for fuck's sake, and you like him, you might as well dress proper!' So there she was. Next to the guy she loved, feeling more insecure about her body as ever, in hope Barry hadn't noticed. And even though he didn't show it, Barry did notice. But the thought of her being pregnant? That hadn't nor ever would've crossed his mind. 
"God, I'm hungry... Haven't eaten since lunch, how 'bout you?" Barry asked, not really sure of what to say. The conversation usually came naturally between the two of them. "Starving," Y/N said, but kept out the fact that she ate an hour ago. "I could seriously eat a horse, or maybe even the whole team, when I think of it," she finished, and made Barry laugh.  "A whole team of horses?" He asked with a smile, to which Y/N chortled at. "Yes!"  "I don't believe you..." Barry said playfully, loving the feeling of the normality between him and the Y/H/C girl.  "Bartholomew Henry Allen, you've officially been challenged to a duel," Y/N said in the stiffest voice she could muster.  "A burger-eating contest?" "Well, if you want it to sound dull, so yeah..."
“Oh Holy Moses...” Y/N sighed and rubbed her stomach. In front of her was a grinning Barry Allen, and five un-eaten 500g-Double cheese-bacon-burger with sweet potato fries. "Told you you'd lose, though I'm impressed, not many can keep up with a speedster," "Trust me, it's not that difficult when you're eating for two!" Y/N said with a laugh, but it quickly stopped when she saw the look on his face. It was a good mixture of shock... shock... and more... shock.
"Uhm... Uh... yeah, I'm uh... I'm pregnant... Sur-surprise?" Y/N had never been this nervous ever.  "You're pregnant?" Barry couldn't believe it. Who was the father? For how many months? Why hadn't she told him before? Was this the reason she hadn't talked to him for so long? However, he decided to keep those questions for himself, afraid of the answers – especially the first one, hadn't he meant anything for her?  "Uhm, yeah... Due date's 4th of April,"
"Who knows?" He asked again, "... is the father aware?" He finished. "Mary and you are the only ones. Mom and dad are kind of still in the dark..." Y/N felt ashamed saying it out loud.  "Ok, well, how are you feeling about it?" He asked, his concern warming Y/N's heart. She was so sure this would have ended completely different – hell she had cut off all contact for three months, and she'd continued if it hadn't been for their random encounter at the supermarket.  "It was hard to cope with in the beginning, though I've grown fond of the little creature,"  "I just want you to know that I'm not leaving your side anytime from this moment, Y/N. You're stuck with me, and there's nothing you can do about it."
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retvenkos · 5 years
gingerbread // barry allen
The Flash (Any Season) - Barry Allen x Reader Fic. Prompt:  you called me at two in the morning, insisting that I come over and help you bake christmas cookies for the party tomorrow because you forgot to make them earlier and now need help A/N: Do I know that it’s after the holidays? Yes. Did I accidentally schedule this wrong? You know it.
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“Oh, thank God! I’m so glad you picked up!” Your voice, frantic over the telephone, broke the silent stillness of Barry Allen’s bedroom. It was completely dark except for the light of his cellphone, the bluish brilliance casting awkward shadows on his tired face. Barry Allen never got restful sleep. Not anymore. Not after everything that had happened in so short a time.
“(Y/n)?” His voice was slurred with sleep, but with every word it grew more and more panicky. “What's wrong?” Barry pulled the phone away from his face for a moment to squint at the time. “It’s two in the morning. Are you alright?”
“No!” Your voice, afraid and straining, brought all of his senses to attention. The speedster bolted upright in bed, already making motions to get clothes on. “I mean... yes. Technically. But no, not really.”
Barry stopped in his tracks and stared confusedly at the darkness around him. 
“Can you just come over?”
A flash of yellow. He was gone before you had finished your sentence.
Soft music filled the tiny, grossly overpriced apartment when Barry Allen whooshed in. It took a moment for his mind to adjust to his rather calm surroundings, his panic running its quick course through his mind only to settle on peace. The lights were dimmed, but their warmth emitted a soft glow, illuminating the books that littered the coffee table and socks that had been thrown over the couch. Everything looked normal. Barry’s brows were coming together in confusion when an angry oven alarm cut through his thoughts. He turned around and saw you.
Sleep deprivation clung to you, your eyelids begging to close while your eyebrows worked against them to keep you awake. Flour was dusted all over your clothes while cookie dough stuck to your hands. The counter you sat at was littered with pans and bowls - eggshells discarded next to a half-empty carton on milk. You smiled at him softly and he crossed the room to take a batch of cookies - spread too thin from an excess of butter - out of the oven. 
He set them down next to you, and when you saw the state they were in you swore under your breath. Barry looked at you questioningly, a devilish smile playing on his lips. You sighed as you looked up at the cheeky grin that was making its way onto his face.
“Don’t say it. Just...” You waved your arms at the mess around you, gesticulating wildly. Barry snorted. “Help.”
“So now you want my help?” Barry asked, feigning an exasperated look. “What happened to, ‘no, I’ll be fine. Not everyone needs super speed, Barr.’?”
You tilted your head back and sighed, looking up at Barry through half-lidded and oh-so-tired eyes. It’s true, you had denied Barry’s help in making holiday cookies two days ago when he had offered, but you had faith in your baking abilities two days ago. Now that faith, short-lived and bittersweet, would never exist again. Everyone would be meeting at the Allen house in 6 hours, and you were cookie-less and far too tired to function properly.
Barry smirked down at you. Damn that boy. He would be the death of you. “Please?” You pouted at him and Barry’s expression melted into a smile.
“Find me the recipe.”  He kissed your forehead and started to clean the mess around you. You felt your face get warm as you looked through the cookbooks you had scattered around your apartment, your mind suddenly very much awake.
By the time you returned with the recipe you had wanted to make and had tried three batches ago, your tiny kitchen was spotless. There were even new towels hanging off the handle of the oven door. “So here’s the recipe. If you get the dry ingredients mixed I can start with the wet...”
“No,” Barry pulled the cookbook out of your hand and smiled at you gently. “I will take care of this. You need to sleep.”
“But--” Before you could finish your weak protest, Barry had wrapped you in a blanket and placed you on your couch. Despite yourself, you closed your eyes and snuggled into the warm blanket. You could hear Barry in the kitchen, his voice humming along to the music, the whisk in his hands hitting the glass bowl. You slowly drifted off, warm and content.
You slept peacefully for 4 hours when you were woken up by the oven alarm. You opened your eyes groggily and padded over to your tiny kitchen. You leaned against the counter as the smell of fresh gingerbread greeted you, along with Barry’s soft voice saying good morning. 
“Is that the last batch?” Your voice was slurred from sleep as you smiled up at him. He had a towel thrown over his shoulder, and a baking mitt on his hand. He looked adorable, you thought. 
“The others are already frosted. I didn’t want to wake you.” He smiled at you briefly before transferring the fresh cookies onto a cooling rack.
“Since when were you the perfect baker, Barr?” you teased him and lightly hit him on the arm with a corner of your blanket, which was still securely wrapped around you. He laughed good-naturedly, but the blush that grew on his cheeks gave him away. You were about to tease him again when his phone went off. He looked at the text and when back at you.
“We need to get ready to go over to Joe’s. He moved up the time - we have to be there in an hour.”
You swore.
“Those cookies you made were delicious, (Y/n).” Iris gave you a warm pat on the shoulder before walking into the kitchen, presumably to get some eggnog. Or perhaps it was to leave you and Barry alone. Not that you were complaining, of course.
“You made those, (Y/n)?” You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned to Barry, who was looking at you with a pointed grin. 
“Well, I may have had some help.”
“From who? They must be quite the baker.”
You laughed and Barry joined in. You snuggled in deeper into his side and Barry sighed in pleasure. “Y’know, I never did thank you. You need to bake for me more often, Flash.”
“Only if you do it with me.” He kissed you, then. And he tasted like gingerbread.
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coffeemakesmewrite · 4 years
Sin permiso de citas // Barry Allen
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Pareja: Barry Allen x lectora Advertencias: Ninguna :) Trama: Oliver es un hermano muy protector que no te permite tener citas, hasta que un corredor te roba el corazón Nota: Escribí esta historia hace ya un tiempo, muchas cosas han cambiado en el universo de DC pero no me quería quedar sin publicarla😅
Ser la hermana menor de Oliver Queen a veces no es tan favorable.
Si, tienes acceso a fiestas exclusivas y conoces a grandes personas, pero las palabras:
"Ya bebiste suficiente"
"Hora de ir a casa"
“Soy tu hermano mayor”
Siempre están presentes, la hermanita pequeña que siempre protege.
Con los chicos es peor, según Oli, nadie es digno de mi. Espero que Barry, Barry Allen, también conocido como Flash sea de su agrado, ya que, por lo visto son aliados.
Todo comenzó con una visita de Barry a Star City. Su preciosa sonrisa, su tierna risita, su personalidad tan nerd pero adorable son parte de las razones por las que desde el momento en que lo vi entrar a nuestra guarida sentí algo fuerte por el, y el sentimiento fue mutuo.
Primero vinieron los mensajes de texto, desde cosas sin sentido como:
"Oh, acabo de ver 3 películas seguidas en netflix"
Hasta grandes párrafos de temores y sueños por parte de los dos.
Las llamadas aparecieron en segundo lugar, cuantas noches no nos desvelamos hablando el uno con el otro hasta quedarnos dormidos.
El tercer paso fue el decisivo. Gracias a la velocidad de Barry en menos de 15 minutos podía contar con el, por lo que verlo varios días a la semana se volvió una rutina y para cuando nos dimos cuenta ambos nos encontrábamos enamorados del otro, solo un problema: no le habíamos dicho a nadie, en mi caso, Oliver no sabía.
A la semana de (oficialmente) estar juntos, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe y todas las personas importantes en la vida de Barry tenían conocimiento sobre lo nuestro. Por mi parte, Felicity fue la primera en enterarse y a partir de ahí la cadena se soltó.
Esa noche Oliver se encontraba fuera de SC, aprovechamos la situación y Barry llegó a hacerme compañía, nos encontrábamos acurrucados viendo películas y comiendo palomitas
Barry no dejaba de observarme, pero fingía que no me daba cuenta hasta que la risa me gano.
"Ya puedes quitar tus ojos de mi Allen..." tenté, el rió.
"Eres hermosa" mis mejillas se ruborizaron.
"Oh basta" voltee a verlo, estaba tan cerca de mi, lucía como un pequeño ángel, mi ángel "te adoro Barry Allen"
"Te adoro (y/n)" acercó sus labios a los míos y comenzamos a besarnos con mucha dulzura, enrede mis manos en su cuello, acariciándolo, el me rodeo de la cintura y lentamente se fue colocando encima mío, todo era perfecto hasta que...
"¡Dios mío!" Nos atraparon. Barry corrió a esconderse detrás de la barra de la cocina "Te vi Allen, no quieras escapar"
"Felicity, me asustaste" me senté en el sillón colocando una mano en mi pecho.
"Oh, pueden estar seguros, agradezcan que fui yo quien entro por esa puerta" Barry corrió de vuelta al sillón "¿Desde cuando están juntos?" preguntó con intriga acercándose a nosotros. Barry y yo balbuceamos dando respuestas diferentes "¿Allen?" enarcó una ceja hacia el.
"De forma oficial, es reciente, pero..." volteo a verme nervioso "ya tenemos un tiempo viéndonos"
"¡Que lindo!" ambos nos sorprendimos por su reacción "siempre pensé ustedes dos formarían una bella pareja" nos abrazó al mismo tiempo "Pero (y/n)" su sonrisa se esfumo dejando un rostro concertado "Oliver debe saber"
"Lo se" escondí mi rostro "tengo miedo de su reacción"
"Mientras mas tiempo pase, más se puede molestar. Mañana regresa y ambos le dirán " nos ordeno en un tono dulce.
Los tres esperábamos impacientes a Oliver en su guarida. Barry era el más nervioso, por momentos inclusive su mano temblaba iniciando vibraciones debido a lo rápido que la movía. Tuvimos un pequeño brinco de susto cuando la puerta se abrió y la figura alta y rubia de mi hermano entró.
"¡Oli!" corrí a saludarlo, tratando de disimular mis nervios.
"¡Peque!" Oliver me abrazo, pero su cuerpo de repente se contrajo al mirar a mi novio "¿Barry?" dejo de abrazarme y comenzó a caminar hacia el "¿Hay alguna emergencia?"
"Nope" se limito a responder. Mi hermano saludo a Felicity y la observó confundido.
"Hay algo que debemos decirte..." susurré con miedo "Barry y yo estamos juntos" solté sin pensar dos veces. Oliver posicionó su mirada en nosotros.
"(y/n) y yo somos una pareja" explico Barry tomando mi mano. Oliver soltó una curiosa carcajada, como si le hubiéramos contado un chiste, pero al ver que los tres nos mantuvimos serios su quijada se tenso y formo puños en ambas manos.
"Me estas diciendo, Bartholomew Allen..." comenzó a acercarse "que de todas las mujeres en mi ciudad y la tuya, ¡Se te ocurrió enamorarte de mi hermana!" grito al final. Barry y yo retrocedimos un poco mientras que Felicity se puso entre nosotros.
"Oliver, relájate" el comenzó a moverse en círculos frustrado "¿Qué piensas hacer? ¿Atravesar su pecho con una flecha?"
"Lo estoy considerando" respondió frío y mirando a Barry directo a los ojos para después salir de la habitación azotando la puerta.
Pasó un rato desde que le comentamos a Oliver la noticia de nosotros. Los tres seguíamos en el mismo lugar esperando de nuevo que mi hermano volviera, y eventualmente lo hizo. Abrió la puerta y caminó hacia Barry con mucha seguridad y seriedad, al estar a pasos de el lo observó, con un rostro completamente plano.
“Oliver mira, ya se que puedes tener miedo de que algo le suceda a (y/n) pero yo la protegeré, no tienes porqu-“ las rápidas palabras de Barry fueron interrumpidas por un abrazo de mi hermano, el nos miró confundido al igual que nosotras a el.
“Allen” Oliver se separo de el “entiendo que estas cosas suceden sin que las controlemos, y si tu quieres a mi hermana y ella a ti no tengo porque interponerme. Un chillido salió de mi boca emocionada y una enorme sonrisa se pintó en el rostro de mi novio “pero nada de llamarme cuñado” ambos soltaron una pequeña risa.
“Esto es tan bello” exclamó Felicity “¡Abrazo los cuatro!”
Todos nos juntamos en un abrazo y se sintió como una chispa de alegría brillaba en todos nosotros.
Masterlist // Pide algo aquí
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worldlyso-imagines · 6 years
(Favorite) By Far
Grant Gustin X Reader A chilly day on set is nothing less than comfort while messing around with your best friend. Rating: F (Fluff) **mild cursing**
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“And, cut!” A bell rung and the actors on set all sighed heavily, clapping. Carlos offered drinks later (Tom, of course, took him up on his offer), and Danielle relaxed on a couch, still in her Killer Frost costume. Grant panned his eyes around on the set to look for his best friend, and found her sitting at a far away corner, her phone in hand and earbuds in. A smile found its way to his face.
“You busy?” The brunette slid down the wall and sat next to her. Grinning, she held her phone out for him to see the video playing. She had recorded Tom dancing between takes, adding a text at the top that read,
‘when earth gets destroyed but then you remember it’s not even your earth’
Grant laughed. “I love it! Hey, while you’re here, why not check out the set?”
“Ooh, yes. Then food?” Standing, she grabbed Grant’s hands and pulled him up with her.
“You know me too well.” Before she could walk away, Grant bent down, pushing a shoulder into her stomach before grabbing her legs and taking her over his shoulder. Her laughter increased once he began to walk with a light skip, bouncing her on his shoulder.
“Grant! Where are we going?” She giggled. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his torso, eyes peering out from behind him. She could barley see over his waist but she was okay with it. She trusted him.
“Grant, come here a second!” Stopping in his tracks when he heard Jesse’s voice, he started humming to himself and continued (bouncing) across the set to his co-star.
“Yes, Jesse?” Grant grinned as her kept his arm over the back of her legs, securing her.
In between laughter, Jesse managed to ask Grant to lunch. “Or, are you tied down at the moment?”
With a soft shrug, Grant shook his head. “I’m not busy right now. Where were you thinking of going?”
“Uh, hello? ONE of us is tied up at the moment!” She groaned. Her and Jesse made eye contact, making Jesse laugh.
“Did you hear something? Oh, by the way, have you seen the girl I brought with me today?” Jesse cackled at Grant’s humor. Grant turned around in a near full circle, swinging his best friend with him. She squealed and tightened her grip around his waist in fear of being let go.
“Please be careful with her, Grant. She’s precious.” Carlos joined the conversation with a water bottle in hand.
“Carlos,” the girl panted. “Help me!”
The raven-haired American-Colombian stood at an angle to see her, grinning childishly. “Aren’t you a little, uh, upside down?”
“Oh, fuck you,” she chuckled.
“Damn. My back is hurting.” Finally setting his best friend’s feet back on the ground, he stood up straight and leaned back to pop his back, groaning. When he looked back down, the woman he had been carrying stood before him, arms crossed, hair messy, a smile fighting to be hidden. “Oh! There you are! I’ve been looking for you! Where’d you go?”
“I fucking hate you, Grant!” She swatted his arm with a laugh.
“I love you, too,” he smirked, pulling her into a hug. “Okay, but seriously.” He turned to Jesse, still beaming. “Lunch?”
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fanfictionera · 6 years
My Queen (Bucky Barnes x Reader) One Shot
Let Me (Bucky Barnes x Reader) One shot
You (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 
Part 1- Missed You
Part 2- Love You
Part 3- Just Us
Veterans Home (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2 
You Owe Me One (Grant Gustin x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 3 (Smut)
The Solution To The Problem (Harrison Wells x Reader) Smut
Once Upon A Flash (Barry Allen x Reader) Crossover 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A Detective Abroad, Sherlock/Flash Crossover
Tick Tick Boom (Sebastian Smythe x Reader) one shot
I Have Nothing (Sebastian Smythe x Reader) One Shot
Snow Angel (Sebastian Smythe x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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