#The Flash CW fluff
trashart00 · 3 months
Ladynoir July 2024, Day 8: Bad Idea
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(terrible idea indeed)
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adriellej · 5 months
The way
Warnings: None really. 
Pairings: Team Flash, Harry x Reader.
Word count: 1.6K+
A/N: I made something cute again! I’m apparently all in for the cute stuff lately. I was looking on Pinterest to get some ideas and I fell over this. I just knew it had to be Cisco’s line, didn’t imagine it to turn into a whole Harry situation, but it kinda did!
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GIF and Prompt isn't mine. Found on google and found on Pinterest.
You had always been an active outdoorsy person. You always played every sport you could find. You’d take long walks with your family, and when you got old enough you went hiking on your own. You had traveled quite a lot, all over the world really. 
Lately, it had been some slow days for team Flash, metas were on the down-low, no big current villain to haunt down. So you had convinced the team to come hiking with you. You knew an amazing place just outside of Central City. It was beautiful at sunset, but it was also a bit of a hike to get on top of the small mountain. 
It wasn’t everyone who was as excited for it as you were, and a few, or one specific, had been quite reluctant to go. It’s no point, makes no sense to waste our time doing this. Our time is better spent developing our tech than this, you recalled in your memory. Others had been excited and joyful. Oh yes! This would be awesome, it’s going to be so much fun! You had laughed at how excited Barry was to go. 
You looked around at your friends, they were like family to you and you were so excited to be spending this time with them. Barry was running in the front with Ralph right on his heels. They had made it into a competition; who could reach the top first? Caitlin and Iris were walking beside you and right behind you were Harry and Cisco, who were of course bickering about something.
“You know, this wasn’t a bad idea Y/N,” Caitlin mused beside you, all you could do was smile and say thank you. You dwelled in the moment, making mental pictures of it, because you knew you would have to go back to the real world at some point. Suddenly you heard a yelp.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” Cisco dramatically exclaimed. “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.” You and Harry said in unison causing the two girls beside you to laugh. “You two have a fun way of being quite alike,” Iris ushered. “Have you made up your mind?” Caitlin continued Iris’ thinking. You smiled and shook your head. “Come on, you must know if you want to or not!” Iris said a little louder than you wanted her to. 
“Iris, shhh!” You half panicked when Harry glanced at you with an amused look. “I don’t need him to know anything,” you spoke lowly. “At least not until I tell him on my own,” you continued as you looked at your girlfriends. A big smile spread on both of their lips. “Oh yes! You’re going to be so cute,” Iris shrieked. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself Iris. It would have to include that he likes me too, ya know.” You tried to not get your own hopes up. 
You had had a crush on the Earth 2 Harrison Wells for quite some time by now. Iris had asked you one day what it was about him that made your heart flutter. At that moment you had said everything, but it had started a thought process over what it was about him. 
You could conclude on your own that it was the way his dimples came out when he smiled at you. It was the way he looked at you, that made your knees go soft. It was the way it didn’t matter to you if you understood what he said or not, you just loved to listen to him talk about something he was passionate about. It was the way that he tried to explain it to you, with no annoyance or anything. It was the way it felt when your fingers grazed each other when handing stuff to one another. It was the small hugs at the end of the really long days, that no one saw. It was something only you two had and moments only you shared. 
It was how he always put a smile on your lips when you thought of him. The way he made fun with you, told jokes, and laughed with you. He’s the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. 
You glimpsed back at him. His baseball cap tugged down on top of his glasses, his black t-shirt showing his very nice muscled arms, and his sweater wrapped around his waist because it became too hot to wear. Oh yeah, and then he’s just flipping hot and sexy, you thought to yourself. 
“Iris come on, you need to see the view from up here!” Barry yelled down to his wife. A big smile spread across her face. “Race you to the top?” Cisco chimed in right beside you. They all shared a look and ran off, leaving you behind with Harry. 
“Hey,” He said as he joined you and adjusted his speed to fit yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you said as you nudged his shoulder with yours and a smile you couldn’t hide. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” You slowly started to converse with him. He breathed in and held it for a second before letting it go in a small laugh. 
“Well no, not with you by my side at least,” He smiled as he glanced down at you. His icy blue orbs were filled with enjoyment and warmth. Maybe Iris and Caitlin weren’t wrong when they said he had a thing for you too. 
You reached the top with the others just in time for the sunset creating the most beautiful purple, pink, and orange lights across the sky. 
“Wow, this is absolutely stunning,” Caitlin pointed out to the rest of the group. “How long have you kept this gem to yourself?” She continued looking back at you. 
“Well, not for as long as you would think. I found it a few months ago, just haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet,” you stated. 
Everyone fell silent for a while. Barry and Iris were sitting with their legs hanging off the little cliff, and Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin were joking about something further away. Yourself, you were leaning on a big stone that was stood by a tree. Enjoying the moment. Savoring it as much as you possibly could. Harry came up to lean against the tree beside you. 
“Ya know, I was afraid something would happen and ruin this moment. I was expecting a meta alarm to finally go off and take this moment away from us, but it didn’t.” You looked into the horizon, with a dreaming look on your face. 
“I think we needed this more than we thought,” Harry caught your attention and you turned to look at him, his hand resting on your shoulder. His features were soft as he spoke. “With Savitar, with the metas, with the Earth X’ers. Having this moment with our family is worth more than anything,” Harry was a quite soft and warm person behind the hard glares, the grumpiness, and the insults. 
“Harry, with a risk of ruining this moment, can I ask you two questions?” You turned completely towards him with a soft smile on your lips. 
“Sure, though I would bet to say it would equal in three questions, taking the one you just did ask,” He joked and huffed a small laugh. “See, already ahead of you, that was one of the two questions!” You exclaimed poking out your tongue at him. “I know you too well,” You continued and he laughed. His laugh was like music to your ears, you would give anything to listen to it all day. 
“Go on,” he pushed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, looking straight into his captivating ones. 
“How do you feel about me?” You spoke lowly scared to say it out too loud. 
“How do I feel about you?” He looked puzzled at you. You looked down on the ground before you spoke again. 
“I like you, Harry. I like you a lot, and I have for a while now. I just haven’t had the guts to ask, because I’m afraid I might ruin what we have. We have an amazing friendship, and you are by far one of my best friends, and I would hate for it-” you ranted on before you were cut short by Harry.
“Y/N, stop blabbering and look at me,” His hand went to take yours and you looked more at your hands than at him. He crouched down into your view forcing you to look at him, and you followed as he stood up straight again. “I have a hard time going through my day if I don’t see you. It’s like my day isn’t good before I’ve seen your smile. You're the one who brings some light into my life while Jesse isn’t here. I wouldn’t want our friendship to be jeopardized in the slightest bit.” He continued to talk, and you could feel your face fall a little bit at the last part he was saying. “Stop overthinking it, Y/N. I’m trying to say that I like you a lot too, it’s just not coming across the way I want it to,” He laughed nervously as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck.
You looked up at him, removing the last part of space between you as you stepped up to kiss him. His hands found their way to cup your face and yours snaked around his neck. 
“FINALLY!” Cisco and Ralph yelled out. You laughed against his lips before he started pecking your lips several times in a row. His hands snaked around your waist instead and deepened the kiss. “Okay you two, we get it, you’re in love, now get a room!” Cisco yelled out again. 
“Shut up Cisco!” You yelled out in unison again.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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weird-an · 1 year
Getting high with Billy Hargrove wasn't what Steve had planned for his Friday night, but he wasn't saying no to Argyle's generosity after he waved a giant bag of dope at him and asked him if he wanted to join their hangout.
So, that's how he ends up in a Surfer's Boy Pizza van. The inside of the car covered with blankets and sheets, all blue and purple with paisley patterns that would make his mom and her love for plaid have a heart attack.
Apparently Argyle and Billy knew each other, years ago, when they were kids sneaking off to swim in the ocean or steal surfboards because they couldn't afford their own. That's why he's here.
Billy sits between Argyle and him, not really talking at first. Only gave Steve a nod when he came in. He's staring at Jonathan when he's scooting closer to Argyle.
Argyle doesn't seem to bothered by Billy's glaring. Just ruffles his hair which earns him a frown and a slight pout and hands him the joint.
The evening gets better once they get started.
Because yeah, the weed is great. But what's way better is Billy. It takes a while, but when the weed hits him, he… melts.
He's laughing at Argyle's jokes and his whole body laughs with him. His nose scrunches and blonde curls bounce around his head.
Billy is beautiful like that. Steve can't look away.
Billy catches him staring, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean he just talked about.
"You alright, Harrington?"
He's still smiling. Steve wants to see him laugh again, wants to see this nose scrunching up again.
Maybe if… He puts his finger on Billy's nose. Bops it.
Billy's brow furrows, but he doesn't move away.
"I'm great," Steve says, tapping Billy's nose again. He swears the freckles on his skin jump at that.
"How are you?"
"…okay?" Billy scrunches his nose a little. A win!
"You're pretty," Steve tells him. "You're the pretty boy, not me."
"No." Billy purses his lips and seems to be really upset by that idea. "You are the pretty boy."
"No!" Steve clicks his tongue. Doesn't Billy see himself laugh like that? They should take a photo and show him.
"I think you're both pretty, my dudes," Argyle says, holding out another blunt. Billy grabs it.
"You heard the man," Jonathan seems to think the same.
Billy laughs at that, the freckles dance on his face and Steve wants to kiss him.
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Hi can you do a Speedster/Brother Of Barry Allen x Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost
Caitlin and Killer Frost relax on their couch...
Y/N speeds in and kisses them both...
Y/N: dinner is in the oven and will take about an hour
Caitlin: perfect baby
Frost: you're such an amazing homemaker
Caitlin: I think this calls for a cuddle session
Frost: I agree
Y/N sits down and the women snuggle their speedster...
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daydreamer999 · 1 year
Your Scars Are Beautiful
Summary: In a world where you have a predestined partner, Y/n must navigate her harsh reality as her body holds the scars of her Soulmate
Barry Allen x Plus Size Reader
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She was used to the stares by now. But the harsh words from random strangers were still very hard to adjust to. Thankfully working at a shifty bar with even more questionable patrons, Y/n's looks alone were enough to have them leave her be. Y/n's two toned eyes, one grey, one e/c, flitted towards the mirror across from where she stood as she frowned at the image that looked back at her. Her s/c was ashen and sick as the angry dark marks that branched from her neck and spread the left side of her face, her left eye clouded and grey. Her eyes trailed down her arm and chest where she knew it spread down to her navel. With a huff she mumbled to herself, "As if it wasn't bad enough that I had stretch marks."
It hadn't always been like this. 23 months ago, before the Particle Accelerator blew up, she was on her way to do big things as an up and coming journalist for the CCNP. But that night, whoever her soulmate was, got hurt bad, bad enough that she felt it through their connection that sent her into a coma for nine months. When she woke up, she and the doctors were surprised that none of her faculties were failing her. Despite her left eye, she was perfectly normal.... well that and the scar that she now had. The doctors said that it looked like a Lichtenburg figure... but it would have been impossible for her or her soulmate to survive being struck by lightning. So her scar remained a medical mystery.
And she was left with her life in shambles. Because of her disfigurement, she lost her job as she scared most of her colleagues now. And well, the world in general for that matter.
She was pulled out of her thoughts when her favorite patron sat down at the bar in front of her and gave her one of his cool smirks. His blue eyes danced across her face as he drawled, "Evening snowflake."
Y/n's dark painted lips pulled up into a grin as she greeted, "Len, what a pleasant surprise. Last I heard you were in Iron Heights."
He let out a soft chuckle as he shrugged, "I got out on good behavior."
"Mmhmm," she pursed her lips as she smiled at him disbelievingly. She quipped, "Heard Mardon and the Trickster got out too. They out on good behavior as well?" Len's icy blue eyes sharpened as did his smirk as he complimented, "Smart, and beautiful. You really are too good for this place Snowflake." Y/n laughed good-naturedly as she turned around and asked, "Your usual then Snart?"
"That would be lovely, thank you N/n." came his easy reply. Mixing the cold beverage up, she completed his order and handed it to him with a easy going smile as she said, "It's on the house. Take this as a 'congrats for getting out of prison'"
"Oh, how thoughtful," Len joked. Y/n couldn't help the giggle that slipped out at the older man's words. With that, her evening truly begun. For hours she stood behind the bar and made drinks, all the while Len sat there making easy conversation with her, and threatening some of the customers when they got too rowdy.
Nearing the end of the night Len started slowly, "I have to ask, you don't have to answer.. but your scar?" Y/n's lips turned to a sad smile as she wiped one of the glasses clean, "My soulmate's." She confirmed causing him to wince, "That looks painful. Do you know what caused it?"
Y/n sighed and shrugged, "The doc's said it looks like a Lichtenburg Figure; a lightning strike scar. The night the Particle Accelarator exploded, was the same night I got this scar and went into a coma."
Snart stiffened at that causing her to quirk a brow but continue on, "The damage it's done to me, means it probably killed my soulmate."
Leonard stayed uncharacteristically quiet for a long moment before dropping some bills on the counter and saying, "I gotta go do something real quick kid, I'll be back." Frowning, Y/n's eyes followed him, "Okay..... later Snart."
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Barry was not happy. Not one bit. His glare on his face was murderous as he stared down the man who made himself comfortable once again in his home. It was Christmas, and yet, here Leonard sat, the same reindeer mug in his hands as he leisurely stared down Joe's and Eddie's guns. His blue eyes slowly scanned the group in front of him before they landed on Barry as he said in his usual drawl, "I hope you don't mind, but I helped myself to some eggnog."
Barry's brows were furrowed as he snapped, "What do you want Snart? Don't criminals take the day off for Christmas too?"
Snart's signature smirk tweeked his lips as he hummed, "I'm not here for business. Consider this a Christmas gift to you Scarlet." Barry's confusion was written clearly on his face, "What?"
With a dramatic sigh, Snart hauled himself to his feet before staring down his nemesis that was more of a friend to him, "I found your soulmate Scarlet."
Barry's sharp intake of breath broke the silence that followed Leonard's words. Cisco was the first to speak up, seeing as he had the least problem with Snart as Lisa was his soulmate, "Wait, what do you mean you found his soulmate? You know who they are?"
Snart gave a curt nod, "She's been working at Saints and Sinner's for the past 13 months." Barry's frown deepened, "Why didn't I see her the times I went there?"
Snart tilted his head, "Let's be honest Allen, you didn't go there for pleasure." Barry huffed with slight agitation but conceded as he always went there to check on Leonard. Joe finally found his voice as he asked with an accusing glare at the criminal, "What? You're just going to trust him? What if he's lying?"
Jay, whom Barry forgot was even there, spoke next, "Yeah, I'm not sure you should listen to him. If half of what you guys say is true about him...." he trailed off but the insinuation hung in the air. Snart was apparently done being accused as he glared at the two of them, "I may a thief and a liar, but I care about her like she's my own sister." Gliding his ice cold eyes back to the Speedster he said, "She's hurting. She thinks your dead."
Barry bit his lip unsure of whether to believe him or not when Harry asked, "Do you mind telling us how you know she's Barry's soulmate? And if you knew, why come to us now? Instead of all those months ago."
Leonard let out a sigh as he admitted, "Her scar..... I never asked about it until today. She got it the night the Particle Accelerator exploded," he paused for dramatic effect. His eyes finding Barry's again as he admitted, "Her scar is from a lightening strike." Barry's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he registered his words. Barry looked over to Caitlin with hope and trepidation in his greenish blue eyes, "But how? I never had a scar."
Caitlin frowned as she mulled over the possible situations before nodding, "It may be because you're body may have already healed itself so a scar never showed on you, but your soulmate....." Barry's jaw dropped as he thought of all the possible ways he could have gotten scars, his mind going straight to when he was shot for the first time, and the two arrows that Ollie shot at him. Covering his mouth, his happiness quickly turned to horror as he thought, "Oh my god, what have I done.... all this time.... she could be getting more scars." Leonard winced as well as he thought about the time he iced Barry. Holding out his hand, Leonard offered, "Tell you what, you do right by her, and I won't be icing you every time we meet as the Flash and Cold."
Barry looked overly grateful for the deal, and without thinking, shook his hand. Before he could pull away though, Leonard gave his hand a hard squeeze as he shot him another glare, "But I swear to God Barry, if you hurt her in any way, no one will ever find your body." Barry laughed nervously as he asked, "You're joking right?"
"No, I got the same threat," Cisco muttered helpfully to Barry, who audibly gulped, "Right, of course. I won't do anything to hurt her." Leonard squinted at the young man before letting go when he was satisfied that he understood the very real threat he was delivering him, "Good." The Scarlet Speedster mouthed ow as he rubbed his now very sore hand , but he bounced back with a visible spark in his eyes, "Can I meet her?" Leonard gave a curt nod causing Barry to grin, and zip out the door without further prompting. Leonard just sighed before turning to the rest of Barry's family as he spoke to Joe, "Might as well change and blend in, I'm sure you all will want to meet her too." With little else to say, the rest of them scrambled to get ready as well as Leonard waited and thought, "God, I'm turning soft in my old age."
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Y/n hummed along to the Christmas songs that played mutely in the background while the patrons cheered at the footage of the Flash being beaten down by Mardon and the Trickster. Her own e/c eyes drew into the scene as she winced with every punch, but her lips quickly twitched upward when the Flash put a hand to his ear before he zipped around and quickly disarmed the two of them. Y/n wasn't sure what had changed the Flash's demeanor, but she was grateful no matter what had happened. She rolled her eyes when she heard the collective groans and boos. One going so far, as to throw their beer at the screen causing the bottle to shatter, and the screen to crack. More groans and yelling sounded around at that just as Y/n's eyes caught sight of Len walking in with a big group around him.
Not paying them any mind, she quickly turned and yelled at the rowdy customers, "Oi! You better pay for that!"
"Eh, whatever, I can steal ya a better one!" the man yelled back.
Glaring she spat back, "I don't care what you do, but it sure as hell ain't coming from my paycheck!"
The man waved a dismissive hand at her, "Whatever, grab me another drink would you doll?!" Y/n felt her face heat up with anger as she muttered angrily to herself before she heard Len say, "Tough crowd today huh?"
Y/n's two toned eyes turned towards Leonard, and his group of..... well normal looking friends.... her demeanor relaxing as she easily grinned, "Len! You're back, I thought you'd be done for tonight." Len tilted his head to the side as he said, "I had someone I wanted you to meet." Y/n's eyes turned to the group that were staring at her with varying degrees of awe and disbelief. Her eyes landing on a pair of green blue ones that looked at her with unfiltered adoration that it nearly knocked her on her ass. Her eyes scanned his thin frame that was lean, but clearly built. His brown hair looked like it was in a constant state of windswept, and his smile was soft.
She was shocked out of her daze when the same man from earlier came clobbering towards her bar and parked in the stool right in front of her, effectively shoving Len to the side. Her face immediately fell as the sleezy man eyed her up and down, "Dollface, what's taking so long? I asked for a drink ten minutes ago."
Y/n bit back the insult that was just about ready to burst from her throat, and instead gave him a sadistic sweet smile, with a tilt of her head she spoke sarcastically, "Of course sir! How silly of me, just one moment." Her smile dropped as soon as she turned away and towards her alcohol. She was about to grab the ingredients to mix a drink when she stopped dead in her tracks as the man spoke, "Well aren't you just a lovely sight walking away like that. That's right, just bend over, let me see that view." Y/n felt her body go rigid before she muttered, "Fuck it." Turning with a speed that would surely make the Flash proud, she bent down to pick up her bat, as she made strides towards the counter. Climbing over it, she swung her thick leg out and hit the man in the chest, effectively knocking him off the stool.
He fell with a loud clattering thump, causing the other patrons and the group that Len brought to turn and stare at them. The man stood up with a fury as Y/n planted her feet on the ground, "What the hell?!?!" He didn't have time to even retaliate as she brought her arm back, and swung hard into the man's abdomen. He fell on his knees as he wheezed and clutched his stomach. Grabbing him by the ear she pulled him to his feet and all but dragged the towering man out, which she would admit probably looked a sight as she was significantly shorter than him. He kept hissing and complaining but followed her to the door where she promptly shoved him and swung her bat again, hitting his ass on the way out. The man face planted and turned to look at her in outrage, but she flipped him the bird and spat, "Don't come back here you dickhead!" Slamming the door shut, she let her bat rest on her shoulder, while the crowd began to bellow and shout in excitement.
She huffed out a laugh as the many customers began to pat her back and compliment her for being so badass. Rolling her eyes she went back behind the counter where the group was staring at her wide eyed now. Well, except for Len, who looked smug and proud at the same time.
"You took my lessons to heart," Len spoke, breaking the silence. Y/n smiled as she began to wipe the glasses down, "Of course, I may have this scar, but it will only do so much. I work here for God's sake Lenny. I'm lucky no one has really tried anything yet."
"Well the scar makes you look badass," a Latino man with long hair spoke up, causing her eyes to snap at him. He immediately began to curl into himself nervously as he stuttered, "Sorry, I hope that wasn't rude."
Y/n smiled easily as she shook her head, "Not at all, although I can't take the credit. My idiot of a soulmate did this." That caused most of the group to chuckle while the really handsome one from earlier just blushed and rubbed his neck nervously. Y/n's frown slowly came back as her eyes glazed down at the bar, "Wherever they are..... I hope they didn't suffer too much."
She noticed that the group got quiet, causing her two toned eyes to flit upward before giving them a sad smile she apologized, "Sorry, that was depressing.... What can I get ya'll?" They gave her their orders, and she made quick work of mixing it up for them. All along, she hummed to the Christmas tunes, unbothered that she had an audience now watching her closely.
As she handed them each her drink, one of the women, who had auburn hair and warm brown eyes, asked, "I hope this isn't too forward, but your left eye... it looks pretty damaged..." the woman ended with a question as Y/n's hand immediately went to cover her grey eye before she chuckled and shook her head, "It's alright, it's just part of the scar. I can see perfectly fine with it."
"How interesting, can I get a blood sample?" She asked as she pulled a kit from her purse.
Y/n was surprised to say the least, as were the two men beside her. The handsome one looked at the woman almost scandalized that she even asked that as he said, "Caitlin! Not now." The woman, Caitlin, sighed as she shook her head, putting her kit back in her purse, "Right, sorry, I'm just really curious about the effects soulmates have on one another."
Y/n's face twisted into pained amusement as she scoffed, "Why would that matter? My soulmate's dead."
The group turned look at her again, this time with pity as the Latino man asked, "Why do you think that?"
Y/n's frustration leaked out as she gestured to her body, more pointedly her face, "Look at me, look at all this damage my soulmate went through. Do you honestly expect them to have survived? I know, more often than not people do survive lighting strikes.... but whatever this is... it was much worse."
The attractive one turned to the group and Len before turning to Y/n as he asked, "Hey, can I show you something?"
"Barry..." an older African American man started with warning but Barry shook his head at him as he answered cryptically, "Joe, she needs to know."
Y/n's eyes squinted with distrust, "What the hell are you talk about? What do I need to know?"
Barry's eyes turned back to her, "Please, you can trust me-"
"Trust you? I don't even know you," Y/n interrupted but Len spoke out, "N/n." Her eyes searched his calm ones as he gave a curt nod and said, "You can trust him." She let her fears reflect in her eyes before turning to Barry who just gave her a calm smile and a reassuring look. Letting out a breath she said, "My shift ends in ten minutes." Barry's smile was blindingly bright making Y/n's heart skip a beat.
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Y/n looked around at the Forensic Lab that Barry worked at. She wasn't sure why she was here, or why she had trusted Barry so easily as soon as he held her hand and guided her to her car. She was confused when she asked where his car was, only to be met with the response, "Oh, I ran here."
Y/n's two toned eyes, flitted back to the lean attractive male as he walked towards the wide window where Central City was lighting the horizon. He pulled some chains causing a clanking noise to sound above her. Her head looked upwards at the skylight that was being exposed, she could see snow falling leisurely from the clouds above them.
Her brows furrowed as she turned to Barry to find him already looking at her, "What are we doing here?"
Barry gave her a sad smile as he confessed, "23 months ago, I was struck by lightning and fell into a nine month coma." Y/n's breath hitched as her eyes widened, never leaving Barry's figure when he stood next to her and looked up at the sky, "I was standing right here when it hit me."
Y/n let out a disbelieving huff as her eyes began to sting with tears, "How..... how is that possible? You..... you don't have a scar.... You... You-"
Barry turned to her and gave her a scared smile as he let out a shuttering breath, "When I woke up from my coma..... The lightning, combined with the Dark Matter in the Particle Accelarator, changed something inside me. I found out that I could heal really fast.... and run faster than the speed of sound."
Y/n's eyes got impossibly bigger as the little clues he hinted clicked in her mind. He didn't drive to the bar, he healed fast, and ran faster. With a hysterical chuckle she asked, "You're the Flash aren't you?" Barry gave her a nod which caused her to touch her head with disbelief as she leaned against the table behind her. She could feel the air in her lungs being squeezed as she tried to not freak out. Barry, for his part, looked like he wanted to comfort her but didn't know how so he hesitated as he took a step closer. Y/n's eyes searched his as she asked, "Why? Why tell me?"
Barry's eyes started to glisten as well as he let out breathlessly, "Because.... because you're my soulmate. I don't want to hide any part of myself from you." Y/n stayed silent as she observed Barry, who seemed more and more distressed as time passed between them. Barry ran a nervous hand through his hair as he shook his head, "Look, I understand if you don't want me as your soulmate, we can just be friends.. But I promise that I will do everything I can to protect you."
When she still made no response to him, his hope began to dwindle until her voice broke through the stillness, "I always felt a strange protection every time I saw the Flash fighting on the news.. Now I know why," Y/n ended with a smile as tears freely fell down her cheeks. Taking in a shaky breath, she closed the gap between the two of them as she reached up and held his face in her hands. Her two toned eyes gazed at him with unconditional love causing Barry's eyes to mist up even more and his heart to ache with longing. His heart slowly fell as he asked with fear, "What if you don't want anything to do with the other part of my life? I will always be putting myself in danger, I can't even guarantee your safety."
Quietly, as to not disturb the peace around them, Y/n said through her tears of joy, "I finally found you. Whatever hardships come our way, we'll be ready for them... Together." Barry shared her smile before closing the gap between them and kissing her softly in the stillness of his lab.
>>, >>>
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messylxve · 3 months
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♡♡♡ Criminal Minds ♡♡♡
where bridges burn (series)
In which you fear your love for aaron has ruined everything
ignited spark
old flame
burned hearts
In which an unsub asks you what you’d do to protect your daughter
love, life, and death
In which a near death experience allows you to realize your feelings for spencer
In which being famous has led to much heartbreak
♡♡♡ The Flash ♡♡♡
ghost spider (series)
In which there’s more than one superhero in Central City
ghost spider
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amelia-queen-black · 5 months
Night Visit
An unusual noise disrupted the calm of the night. Oliver sat up carefully, his eyes wide open in the semi-darkness of his cell. Muffled voices. People walking down the corridors. This was strange, the guards patrolled alone at night, and if prisoners had somehow escaped their cells, they wouldn’t be chatting away but would try to be discrete. Intrigued and on guard, he sat on the edge of his bed, the cold concrete under his naked feet chasing away the last remnants of sleep.
Two figures recognizable at a glance appeared in his field of view through the bars and his jaw almost dropped in surprise. He had to resist the urge to pinch his arm in order to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. No way. These two idiots didn’t just break into the most secure jail of the country to help him escape.
“We should have gone by the control room to find out which cell he’s in.”
“No need, we’ll find him easily, super vision, remember?”
“If I used my speed, we would find him even faster.”
Oliver rolled his eyes and moved to the bars with muffled steps. They didn’t even have a well-established plan for their attempt to free him. These two were incorrigible.
“We’ve talked about it, you’re likely to wake everybody up by entering their cells and raising their sheets to see their faces.”
“Not to mention that some sights might scar you for life,” Oliver said.
Barry pulled a face in disgust before reacting and running up to his cell while Kara smiled from ear to ear as she came up at normal speed, carrying two boxes in her arms. The two superheroes seemed out of place with their colourful suits in this grey setting. They shouldn’t be here.
“You should leave,” Oliver said. “I can’t escape and become a fugitive, my family…”
“Yeah, yeah, we know, Dig explained everything,” Barry interrupted. “Is that how you greet your friends? Also, can we talk about the beard?”
More on AO3: Night Visit
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her-favorite · 2 years
On Purpose
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Warnings: DOM!BARRY, rough sex, teasing, begging, dirty talking, doggy style, overstimulation, degrading kink, choking kink, edging, spanking, Barry being a sadist tbh
Summary: When you went to visit your boyfriend at his work, someone decided to flirt with you. With Barry being in a bad mood, that was his breaking point and he took you home to make you beg for the rest of the night..
a/n: I want to start posting my Barry imagines/smuts on here (even though they probably won't get too much attention) - also found on my wattpad: @thefastestwomanalive
You walked out of the elevator of the CCPD with a smile on your face. You decided to visit your boyfriend since the streets of Central City were clear at the moment. 
You and Barry Allen were the heroes of Central City: The Flash and Bolt. You both were speedsters, both struck by lighting. You had met when you both woke up at STAR Labs, in the cortex. As you confused as you were, you couldn't help but admire the half naked man that was rambling off the things that had came to his mind. 
You smiled at the memory. As you made your way towards the stairs, someone had walked in front of you. At first, you thought it was Barry so you smiled and looked up at him, starting to open your mouth to say a hello and maybe a kiss on the cheek. But you stopped when you didn't recognize the man in front of you. 
"Hey," he smirked and looked you over. You shifted on your heels, looking around to make sure he was talking to you and not someone behind you. "All right, I'll cut to the chase. I'm hot, you're hot. Jitters, 8 pm."
Before you could get even open your mouth, you heard footsteps and someone clearing their throat. "Who do you think you're talking to?" You snapped your head to the voice and saw Barry coming up behind you. 
"This smokin' lady in front of me-" 
"You can't speak about her like that." Barry snapped. He started to walk closer to the random man, making you move away slightly. "She's mine, not yours. Nor will she ever be yours." He poked the guys chest, getting in his face. 
"Well, she didn't seem to mind." The guy snapped back. Barry stiffened and he stood still for a moment. He looked back at you and saw your expression: confusion and surprise. 
"I don't know who you think you are, but I know you're not the one to kiss her, and you're not the one able to hold her, and you are definitely not the one to have her scream your name- that's my job. She's the one that I get to kiss, the one I get to hold, and definitely the one that has her scream my name. So back. off." Barry's irises were clouded with anger, his body fighting the fact that lightning wanted to swarm his eyes. 
The man had cowered off, running away from Barry, but taking glances back to make sure he wasn't following him. The scene caused some of the officers to look over, more when they watched the man run away from their known forensic scientist. Some had wide eyes, other hiding smiles or laughs with paper. 
You stood there stunned with what he said. Barry had never been so upfront with your relationship before, especially.. that part. You were more than surprised when you heard him mention that and your cheeks felt like they burned a hundred degrees. 
Barry also stood there, except his breathing was erratic and his eyebrows were furrowed while his focus was still on the direction the man went in to leave the building. Eventually his head looked over to you, noticing your lingering gaze on him. You watched him look you up and down with a sort of possessive edge to it. But you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you squirm a little. 
"Come on, we're getting out of here." He finally broke the silence, heading straight for the doors. You didn't move at first, the words not exactly processing in your mind. But when they did, you immediately went to go catch up with him. 
You didn't know what you had gotten yourself into. 
As soon as you got home, Barry had you in his arms. His lips immediately attacked yours, pushing his tongue inside your mouth. You moaned at the feeling, hands reaching out to grab him. But he held them and started to walk backwards. He went in the direction of the couch, pushing away from you to see where he was going. 
He sat down, grabbing your waist and coaxing you into sitting on his lap. He set his lips on yours again, his hand coming to the back of your head, pushing you against him. His hand was threading through your hair as you both made out. You rolled your hips on his lap, eliciting a groan from Barry. 
He pulled away, looking you over. When he made eye contact with you, you realized how dark his eyes were. You've never seen him this lustful before. You could see the possessive edge in his eyes and the desire swarming around. His hands started guiding you over on his lap, straddling his leg. 
"Come on, baby, ride my thigh." You whimpered at his words, immediately following his order. The friction between your clothed clit and his leg made you even more desperate. You wanted to feel him, his skin. He flexed his leg, hitting you perfectly. Your nails dug into his skin that was holding his shoulders. 
"I wanna feel you, Barry." You whispered, eyes furrowed. 
"I don't care what you want, sweetheart. I'm gonna do whatever I want to you and you're gonna take it like a good girl." He replied darkly. You moaned at his words, grinding down harder on his leg. "Yeah? You like it when I talk to you like that, huh?" When you didn't answer him, he left a harsh smack on your ass. "Answer me, princess." 
"Yes, Barry, I do." You moaned. You were so close, that knot inside of your stomach was tightening and it wanted to burst. You were chasing your high, trying to keep in your sounds incase Barry wouldn't let you come. Seconds later, you were so close, you let out a strangled moan right before you were about to come. About.
"What do you think you're doing? Trying to come without my permission? That's not gonna slide, angel. What are you?" He waited a second for your answer. "What are you, huh?"
"I'm your slut, Barry. You're slut." Your eyes were squeezed shut, still trying to get over your denied orgasm. 
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Then he got up. You sat there, confused, as you watched him. He moved to stand in front of you, between your legs. His hand went underneath your chin, making you look up at him. "Now you're gonna listen to me, alright? You're gonna go upstairs into our bedroom and when I come in there, you're gonna be stripped and on your knees for me." He demanded. "Yeah? That okay with you?" You nodded. "Good because you don't have a choice." And he let you go. 
You instantly got up to go to your bedroom. You stripped out of your clothes as you walked up the stairs, throwing them wherever they landed. As you opened the door to the room, your clothes were discarded, just how Barry wanted. You kneeled by the bed, waiting for him. 
When Barry came in, all he had on was his boxers. "Look at you, on your knees, waiting for me. Such a good girl." His hand stroked your cheek when he went in front of you. He looked down at you with lust-filled eyes that could make you go crazy by just seeing them. 
He stripped himself of his boxers. "Come on, doll, suck my cock." 
You moved forward to take his tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. Your hand moved up to grip the base, stroking what wasn't in your mouth. You felt his hand tighten in your hair when you licked a sensitive vein. "Y/N," He breathed. His hips bucked up into your mouth, making you gag. "I'm gonna fuck your mouth, baby. And you're gonna take it." His hands held you still as his hips moved forward. Tears formed in your eyes as he kept going, watching the way they fell down your cheeks. "Aw, look at you. So pretty." He muttered. 
He pulled away when he felt himself coming close. He saw the tear marks on your face and the way your chest rose and fell quickly. This image itself made him even harder. His hand went down to cup your cheek. His thumb was dragging your bottom lip down, while you looked up at him. He nearly groaned when you took his thumb in your mouth and sucked on it. After, he used your spit to spread across your lips. "Up." He ordered. You complied, rising to your feet so you were facing his chest. His hand went up to cup your cheek again, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "On the bed." 
His voice gave you chills. It was deep and raspy, blowing right into your ear. You shivered as you moved to follow his demand. You laid back on the bed, feeling the soft comforter underneath your skin. You watched the way Barry looked at you, like you were his prey. It made your lust grow and you couldn't handle it. He looked you up and down, lips curling into a smirk. 
Barry had several thoughts running around in his mind. He wanted to punish you, but he wanted to see you in pleasure. He wanted to do what he wanted to do, but he didn't want to hurt you. He wanted you, but he didn't want you to not want him. But all of those worries washed away once he saw you laying there, on the bed, waiting for him. Waiting for your punishment he had in mind.
"So ready for me, huh?" He muttered as he kneeled on the end of the bed. You nodded to his question, seeming to satisfy Barry. His lips were still up in a smirk, his jaw clenched. His eyes still roamed all over your body, almost trying to pick out every single detail on you. You realized what he was doing. He was trying to figure out what to do to you. 
Eventually, he leaned down to press kisses on your neck. You have never been so glad to feel lips on your skin before, until now. You needed Barry, so bad. You've realized that he was teasing you, he was making you wait on purpose. This was gonna be torture.
"I bet you're soaking wet right now, baby. Huh? Are you?" His voice was breathless against your ear. It was almost like he was doing it on purpose. 
"God, yes, Barry." You moaned, making him hum. His hand slides down your body, sliding his finger through your wet folds. You whimpered at the feeling, throwing your head back against the pillow. 
"That feel good, angel?" He teased you as his kisses got lower, hitting your stomach. He would alternate between kissing, sucking, and biting on your skin. Once he got to your thighs, he nipped at your left one, making you jolt. He chuckled at your reaction. He moved slightly, brushing his tongue up your folds. You moaned at the feeling, thrusting your hips up towards him. "Mm-mm, doll." He put his hand on your hip to stop you from moving. His lips wrapped around your clit, licking at it. His fingers pushed inside you, making your hips want to move again. 
"Barry," You breathed. 
"Yeah, doll, make sure I can hear how much you're enjoying this." He murmured against your skin. His fingers went deeper and deeper into you, pleasuring you more every second. "You wanna come, baby?" 
"Yes, Barry, please." You practically chanted. 
"Too bad." And he pulled away. You grabbed the sheets out of frustration. 
"Barry, please. I need you so bad." Your eyes squeezed shut as you exclaimed. Second denied orgasm of the night. This was gonna be rough. 
"Look at you begging for me. What would the city think, their hero crumbling under me from just a touch. Such a dirty little slut." He spat at you. The words sent heat right down your body. You were about to start begging again, but Barry moved before you could. He lifted your legs to wrap around his waist as he pulled your hips against his. The friction made you both groan. He made sure he had a tight enough grip on you before flipping both of you over. He moved you to straddle his thigh again. "Come on, sweetheart. You know what to do." His voice was like honey. It was music to your ears, it distracted you for a second. 
When you regained your senses, you immediately started to grind on his leg again. You steadied yourself on his chest, fingers feeling the ridges of his abs and pecs. Your nails dug into the skin that was under your palm. You were chasing your high, going faster and faster as you neared. "You close, babydoll?" Barry asked as he watched you. 
Watching you like this was surely a sight to see. Barry was mesmerized. Having you on top of him like this was something he always craved. His dick throbbed as he watched you, watching you grind down on his bare leg. He knew what he was doing, denying your orgasms and talking to you like this. He also knew it turned you on. He originally had doubts for the way he wanted to act towards you, but as soon as he saw your response, all of his worries washed away. 
You grinded against him easily since you were so wet. Barry watched the way it collected on his thigh, more adding as you grind down harder. He knew you were close, he saw the way your eyes shut tightly, your mouth hung out in a silent moan, and your nails digging into the skin on his abdomen. "Look at me, darling. Look at me when you're gonna come." His voice broke you out of your trance, making you look at him in the eyes. You could tell they've been looking at you and your body this whole time. You knew he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"Barry, I can't-" You panted his name, rolling your hips with more force as you were about to reach your high.
"Mm-mm, sweetheart. Look me in the eyes and tell me you deserve it. Do you deserve to come? You weren't being very much of a good girl earlier, were you?" He taunted you. The entire time, his eyes were on yours. His fingers were digging into your legs, almost turning white. He was helping you grind against him, pushing you down onto him. 
"I promise I'll be a good girl. Please, Barry." You basically pleaded with him. You were roughly chasing your climax, you couldn't handle it. You needed it. 
"Do you though, sweetheart? Do you need it that bad?" 
Did you say that out loud?
It was a rhetorical question, you already knew he wouldn't let you come with the way he was talking. Even if you wanted it that bad. 
You felt his hand slide up your body, tickling the skin he moved over. Goosebumps formed in its wake. His hand curled around your throat, squeezing. It was enough to have you dizzy, but not something you couldn't handle. Your hand moved to grasp his arm, digging your nails in his skin to try and relieve some of the pleasure you felt. 
"You're so close, darling." He noticed. "Well, that's too bad. Because you're gonna have to wait." And he moved you off of his lap to change your position. 
He flipped you on your stomach, kneeling behind you. You were propped up on your knees and forearms. You felt his hands crawl up your back, his lanky fingers making you have goosebumps trail up your skin. He felt them, smirking at your reaction. Barry was still deciding on what he wanted to do with you, but he knew you needed a punishment. 
"You're gonna count for me, okay?" He says vaguely, no giving you a description on what you'll be counting for. Before you could ask, you felt a hand slap your ass, stinging the plush skin there. Your mouth opened on a squeak, not trying to let anything out while you waited for the next one. "What the fuck did I say?" He slapped you again. 
"Two." You counted, tears forming in your eyes at the stimulation. You tried not to jolt every time you felt a slap, but it was hard not moving at the pressure. He would chuckle at your state, knowing deep down you enjoyed it. 
"What, can't handle it? But you were being such a slut earlier; it's what you get for being such a whore." He degrades, making your knees weak. The next slap was hard, making your body jostle at the hit. Tears poured out of your eyes in the best way possible. You knew you were going to have a mark by the end of the day, but it was going to be worth it. Sitting down was going to be a problem, but you were gonna have to deal with it. 
Once he was done, he massaged the skin he smacked over and over again. Your tears subsided, leaving you with a slight puffy face. He turned your head a little, looking over your face. He cooed, smoothing his hand on your cheek. "So beautiful." He whispered, knowing it had an affect on you. 
"You ready, doll?" He asks, not truly caring what you were going to answer with anyway. He knew you were wet enough from everything he's done to you, but he still has to have your consent. Before you could answer either way, he pushes inside you, making you moan loudly. He groans at the way you feel, thrusting into with speed. "You're so tight." He mutters, squeezing at your hips. You moan at his words, feeling your back arch at his hard thrusts.
Barry was having trouble keeping normal speed. he knew that if he went any faster, he would start to vibrate. But he wasn't too sure he cared. 
"Barry!" You cried once you felt him go even faster, hitting that perfect spot inside you. He smirked at your reaction, immediately knowing what he did. Barry knew your body like the back of his hand. Every mole, freckle, scar, bruise, everything. He took pride in knowing your body so well, saying he likes to do it "for science," you immediately knowing he was lying once he said that. 
"That feel good, baby?" He teased, slapping your ass once more. You screamed at the overstimulation on your skin, pushing back. His hand came over your back, arching it for you. "You're close, angel, I can feel you squeezing me." His eyes were closed with pleasure, his head thrown back. His Adams apple was bobbing up and down, looking perfect. 
"Barry, please, I can't-" You tried to plead, but you could barely make out a sentence at this point. He chuckled at you desperate state, knowing exactly what you meant. 
"Let go, my love. C'mon." He urged, hitting that perfect spot inside you were you couldn't take it anymore. You let go of the knot inside your stomach, coming down from your high. After so many denials, nothing has ever felt so good in your life. 
Soon after you were done, Barry came with a groan of your name. He sighed, pulling out of you, watching your guys' cum mix together. He moaned at the sight, pulling away from your body. He let you lay down, going into the bathroom to get a towel to clean you up. 
After you both laid down and got settled under the covers, Barry pulled you close to him, laying your head on his chest. "I didn't hurt you, right?" He whispered, playing with your hair. He couldn't stand the thought of genuinely hurting you, whether it was sexually or not. 
"Of course not, Bare." You reassure him, tracing circles on his chest, picking out each freckle on his skin. He smiled and pressed a kiss to your hair. "I love you, Barry." 
"I love you too, Y/N."
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mgnifique-tion · 11 months
— still a hero.
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summary || `` trapped in the worst earth to ever exist, the scientist finds herself in a confession made by the dark speedster. ``
pairing: headcanon–blitzkrieg!barry x fem!scientist!reader song recommendation: innocent (taylor swift) lowercase is intended…
— themes and warning/s: fluff, enemies to lovers-ish, swearing (?), suggestive for a moment (but not really?), comfort, mentions nazis, mentions death (nobody dies though), and a bit angsty
— a/n: actually, i have absolutely no knowledge of comic!blitzkrieg but ever since i found out that this character was cut out of crisis on earth-x (alleged..? so not sure), i knew i had to write about angsty barry with a different flavor and storyline… did i nail it? did i nail it better than the cw– anywho, enjoy! (i also write for k-pop on my main account so if you’re into that, follow @mgnifiqueyoo ^^)
[ total words: 3.3k ]
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here's the so-called thing: it's been weeks since the nazi in the black suit stopped the führer from executing you and you just couldn't stop thinking about it. 
you were from earth-1, a curious scientist who had gone to lengths to explore the multiverse and it just so happened that you landed on this one. i mean, what's wrong with living on an earth where the nazis won? haha, everything.
everything's seriously fucked up.
“hey!” the speedster was aggressive but not in a way that you'd expect as you stood there in the middle of a red 'x' symbol on the cemented ground, ready to be shot with one of those arrows that killed the innocents who chose not to conform. you opened your eyes to see that the hooded führer, leader of the entire world, was even startled by how the black streak was stopping him from ending your final breaths. “i know this is for the fatherland but she’s done nothing. she's not the one who stole the samples from us. you've got the wrong girl.” 
the führer, an awful version of the star city mayor, oliver queen, lowered his bow and you were just mind-blown that he'd even take it into consideration. 
“are you sure about this? because i’ll put an arrow in your eye if we're both wrong.” he taunted through gritted teeth as the speedster ran towards him, stopping right in front of him. he was so fast that you couldn't even tell if he was teleporting or running. 
he is the fastest man alive after all.
“oh, right. i'm sure,” the masked accomplice answered with a chuckle, later placing his hands behind his head as if this was all a game to him. “and also, i can easily kill you right now but i wouldn't do that since i'm telling you the truth.”
“good point.” the archer responded, breathing in as he turned around to face his other men, who had now lowered their guns as well while his kryptonian wife squinted her eyes, quite disgusted.
“we're done here. she's in blitzkreig's hands,” he told her, which almost made her feel nauseous. — she anticipated your death the most but that's not even the weirdest part about her; she's literally an alien. “she's of no importance anyway.”
and somehow, that brought you here; you're now in the headquarters of those nazis, waiting for the speedster to show up. why? because he ridiculously called you in the middle of the night and you think that it's an emergency.
oh, right. you're his speed mentor these days. that's why he did that.
“where is he?” you mutter in almost a whisper, bouncing your leg furiously as the heel of your shoe tapped the floor's tiles. time is ticking and you're getting anxious. what if this is a trap, right? that could get you killed.
but what if it isn't? then, something else must be up. 
a familiar gust of wind strikes into the room, even snatching your wrist watch away as he checks the time himself. “i'm not too late, am i?” he asks in a joking manner as you can't help but let out a sigh, trying to keep your patience together. for the record, you thought he was getting killed and for some reason, you kind of wished that something as serious as that was actually happening instead. 
“... was there even an emergency?” you question, your brows already knitting lower as he lets out a chuckle. “so, there's no emergency,” you utter, still trying your best not to say anything that'd annoy him – which would later convince him to turn you to the führer or just kill you himself. “great. that's understandable.”
the strange meta laughs even louder, later looking down at you with his bottom lip bitten by himself as if he'd been viewing you differently.
“don't sulk about it, doc. remember, you signed up for this,” he tells you to quit thinking about it as a bad thing, tilting his head to the side. you could just see it in his eyes – the desire to annoy you in that high chair you're sitting on. “would you rather be an earth-1 fugitive or be a free man- well, woman, on this earth? plus, you're my property anyway. you've already gotten so many privileges with just that.”
he's smug, unserious, and unbelievably so overconfident that even as bad as siren-x wanted to replace him – but mainly because of her feelings for the one and only führer but let's not dive into that love triangle between an alien, a meta, and the jacked apple of their eye.
“but i do have a problem… surprisingly.”
you raise both of your eyebrows, intrigued by how his mood shifted. you never expected the blitzkrieg, killer speedster faster than thawne, to consult you about a problem. he's never had them before and it just shows how bothered he is by this so-called problem.
so, what is it?
“are you… running differently?” the question almost sounded like a joke to him if it weren't for that genuine look on his face. the speedster crosses his arms, slightly puckering his lower lip out while he's obviously frowning at you through that mask. it's hard to make out what his face actually looks like but for some reason, you can read him so well.
but then, he lets out a quiet snicker. “no, that's a shit guess... guess again.” he was eager to let you find out the reason yourself that you just spent a few seconds (fifteen or so?) thinking of a possible answer.
and when you looked back up at him, you shake your head, causing him to roll his eyes, annoyed again. “guess again- come on, you’re not an idiot. if you were, then i would’ve let you get killed.”
“i literally don’t know. i’m sorry.” you apologize – well, more like forced to do so – as he slouches his shoulders in disappointment. he just couldn’t believe that it’s hopeless for you to know what his problem was!
even though he was being totally vague and unreasonable at this point, he knew you knew him in a different way; in a way that you knew what he’s like even without knowing the face behind the mask. 
so it just surprised him that you had no idea what he’s talking about.
he takes in a deep breath, readying himself to tell you the issue; the main reason why you’re here in the lab at three o’clock in the morning all by yourself and… him, of course.
“i can’t sleep and i don’t know why… this is my first time, alright? don’t judge,” he blurts out, the confidence stripping away little by little as you take a moment to understand what he’s telling you. is he not joking with you? that’s a new thing.
he’s always so fond of ruining your days whenever you come around to work at the laboratory but he seems so different now. way too solemn for you to think he’s even joking at this very moment. 
“... you can’t sleep well, is that why you called me here at 3 am?” 
and shockingly, he nods right away, determined to learn more about his ongoing problem. “yes and god, it’s horrible. everytime i close my eyes, i keep on thinking about something else and the next thing, my mind’s all about her.” blitzkrieg runs his mouth almost faster than he could do with his own legs that he doesn’t even realize that he let an important and rather private detail slip. 
who was she?
“... her?” you ask, watching how his already dilated eyes almost jump out of its sockets, terrified to find out that you heard him say those things hilariously clear. in panic, the wrist watch he snatched from you drops from his grip, resulting in him looking down to see what he’s done.
“is she an ex-girlfriend?” you continued to ask him, not letting the key part of his sleeping problem get ignored as you find yourself getting even more interested.
“um… no, she isn’t. not an ex or anything,” he answers truthfully, the unknown awkward side of him taking over his voice as he later picks up the wrist watch from the floor. handing it to you, he manages to keep his distance, his hands intertwined with one another while he stands stiffly. “but, uh, i count her as somewhat of a friend- it’s complicated.” he crosses his arms, slightly nodding as those words of denial flow out of his lips, his eyes clearly avoiding yours.
‘is he having a crush on someone?’ you think, tilting your head to one side as you lean your chin over your knuckles, unsure of what else you could make out of this brand new information that you’d rather expect from the ruthless kryptonian with the heart disease.
“look, i’m not a therapist or anything so i’ll use my logic instead,” you start with a disclaimer, leaning your back against the rails of the high chair as he nods once again, still willing to listen. “so, what are those thoughts specifically? i mean, there’s a really huge chance that those thoughts could be distracting enough to not make you sleep.”
he stares at the other side of the room, silent again. you could tell he was so bothered by his own late-night thoughts that he could spend seconds staying quiet just by thinking about them. “... i keep on remembering how she’s looked me in the eye, scared shitless. untrusting. overall pathetic… but for some reason, i always feel the need to protect her.”
“... you could feel that?”
“i said don’t judge.”
but it was too unexpected for him to feel that way about someone! whoever that girl was, you were so sure that blitzkrieg loved her whether he’d admit it to himself or not.
“but that’s not all, i also think of her in ways that i probably shouldn’t tell you,” he says in a teasing tone, his signature smirk finally showing up within his lips after long moments of just pure seriousness and deep down in him, he’s wishing to make you feel the nosiest you’ve ever been. “... or should i?”
you squint your eyes at him in confusion, torn between being nosy and being a decent “doctor” or whatever he wants you to be.
“you seem excited to tell me so do as you please,” you say with a slight chuckle, trying your best to be relaxed about it as if you’re not interested to listen in the first place – which, in reality, you actually are. 
“what? you want me to tell you?” he’s around the middle of laughing and panicking as he avoids that look on your face again, just like earlier. in response, you hum, still playing the chill listener, who would choose to keep the darkest secrets of her friends to herself than letting them have their own privacy.
after all, you’d swear to tell no one. it’s not really much of a big deal.
he then faces you once more, eyes looking at you from top to bottom as he takes a step or two towards you. suddenly, he lifts away the mask from his face, finally revealing his biggest secret to you with anxiety firing up his nerves – and apparently, you knew who he was all along.
well, his earth-1 counterpart at least: bartholomew henry allen, the chemist from central city’s police department; someone that your past co-worker julian albert used to dislike for months.
“barry allen?” you whisper in disbelief, carefully bringing your palm to your lips to shush yourself as he nods slowly. to be honest, he’s been waiting ages for you to figure that out but it seems that you’ve brushed those thoughts away for a reason that he had no idea about. 
“anyway, back to the topic, are you sure that you want to know what i think of her?” he changes the subject as quickly as possible, which causes you to take a second before nodding along. well, it’s quite a thing for this earth to get shocking with the counterparts – this man in front of you would be called a “modern hero” in your world yet in this one, it seemed that wasn’t the case.
let’s face it. even this version of barry would call himself unkind. “oh, and before you ask why i showed you my face, that’s because i trust you,” he begins with a reminder, hoping that you’d take note of that as you nod once more. your ears are basically ringing, tingling, and almost itching to listen to what he’d tell you. “i want you to tell no one else about this, is that clear?”
and of course, you nod another time, already getting even more impatient as minutes pass by.
“i don’t think i should explain further when i tell you that i think about her a lot in bed,” barry admits with a smirk on his face as one of your eyebrow arches in curiosity. you later let out a hum, a cue for him to continue with his stories; you’re now definitely sure that he really does like her, whoever she is.
“i think about how her skin would feel under my fingertips once she finds out who i really am.”
he takes another step towards you, his eyes fixated on his gloved hands as he looks back into your eyes in a way that he’s almost telling you something that shouldn’t be said.
something that’d put himself in danger. “often times, i’d think of playing the hero over and over again… just so she knows that i’ll put my life on the line for her,” he says, later glaring back at you with a hint of desperation. — he’s been waiting for seconds, minutes, days, and even weeks to tell you this. to tell you all about it. to tell you that this girl he’s talking about is no stranger to you.
he then takes the empty seat next to yours, keeping his head down for a while. for him, saying things like these is a struggle, especially since he lives in a world where freedom couldn’t be an option unless you’re wearing a badge. and even though you were his “speed doctor,” he knew that you wouldn’t still be treated the same way as he was and the constant reminder of that was crushing him slowly.
and then, he lifts his head up and says, “i’ve been thinking about you all the time.”
you freeze in your seat as if time has stopped, taken aback by how he’s now talking about you and not someone else you didn’t know. barry reaches for your hand and you let him take it, placing it over his chest as if he’s asking you to check his pulse.
“when doctor west… iris was executed by thawne, i thought that i could never feel this way anymore,” he admits, softly caressing your hand. the rough leather of his suit grazes over your skin so gently like a feather that he almost forgot that he’d also use that same hand to drill into someone’s chest, even taking their heart out for the fun of it. “but you… you made me realize that i wasn’t always a monster. that i once loved someone… that i was once human.”
“... barry-”
“you don’t have to say anything,” he cuts you off, shaking his head as if he’s actually giving you control of the situation unlike usual, wherein it’s always his call that matters. and deep down, you didn’t know what to tell him.
everything was happening so fast that you couldn’t even believe that this earth’s barry is the man behind that dark mask, which would usually be seen before someone’s death. 
he then takes another deep breath, returning your hand back to you as he looks out at the window, spending a few moments to think about what he’s done. — he fell in love with you already and it’s too late to crawl out of the deep pit that has no floor; a wide space like an ocean but instead of waters, it’s all those things about you. what he liked about you from head to toe. the things that his mind would be focused on every single night.
he couldn’t sleep, yes.
but he’d always smile whenever he remembers that somebody like you exists in his life.
a life so dark, so broken, so warped that he believes that he doesn’t even deserve to feel loved.
“i can take you back to your earth, where you belong. i know you’ve been staying here for months…” he trailed off, thinking about it deeply. he's torn between it. just because he could love, that didn't mean he's an angel – he's a thousand miles away from it. 
he wants you here all to himself and owned by no one else but him. he craves for you to be around him all the time. he wants your eyes on him only.
but he knew it would hurt you.
and it almost kills him to think of that.
“... but you deserve to go home.” he was miserable. deep down that silly, menacing facade was just someone so in need of feeling something. anything. and god, was it so addicting to feel some love for once. “because in the end, you'll always be that person who reminded me of who i used to be… who i wished to be.”
there was long, loud silence. a silence that ticks like a time bomb, pressuring you to think of how this all would turn out to be. after all, what would happen next is in your hands.
“i’m starting to think that there’s a reason why i ended up here,” you said with a gulp, about to make the biggest decision ever. he raised an eyebrow at you, confusion shown within his whole face as he cocked his head to the side with a question that remained in his mind– what exactly did you mean? 
“this world needs saving… and maybe we’ll be the ones who’d save it.”
the speedster had a frozen look on his face, clearly not expecting that those words would even come out of your mouth.
“do you really think that it’s not too late for me to change?” hope was seen in his eyes, his brows furrowed in both confusion yet belief in what you’d tell him next as you nodded, your soft palm later reaching for the side of his face. 
he closed his eyes so tightly for a long moment, his chest rising up and down so quickly in anticipation. 
he’s never felt a touch like that in ages. the last time he’s ever felt a hand graze over his skin was the moment he’s locked eyes with his iris, who had been fighting for her life ‘til her last breath.
i’ll be okay, she said no matter how the red pooled over her chest, the blade that thawne held seconds before was sticking out of her. 
the very moment he’d realized that this agenda that the new reich had implemented was not worth doing at all.
“there’s a hero in all of us,” you said, your hand slipping away from his skin slowly when he’s suddenly reached out for it, holding your arm so dearly like fragile, thin glass. “and you already saved me.” 
“let’s go save the world together, then?”
“of course.”
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mxacegrey · 1 year
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Sitting at your desk, you wrote in the case files before you. Suddenly a bright red light buzzed from your computer, reading 'Timeline fracture -- Alternate timeline detected'. Frantically, you accessed the system to reveal the location of such an anomaly. Sighing in annoyance, you collected the case files, letters that had sat on the corner of your desk, and your bag before opening a time portal to the location.
Alarms rang as you walked into the cortex, scrolling through documents on your tablet. You sat down on a chair you had dragged out from the med bay, facing the door when the suspects in question arrived.
"Who the hell are you?" A man in a tight red suit asked, the rest of the group holding a weapon in your direction.
"Please put the weapons down. I'm here for a Mr. Allen. Mr. Bartholomew Henry Allen." You explained calmly before pointing at the man in the red suit. "Which, I take it, is you, sir. I also assume that your friends here are Francisco Ramon, Dr Caitilin Snow, Joe, Wally, and Iris West."
"What do you want?" Mr. Allen asked, removing the mask from his face, and glaring at you.
"I am simply here to hand you this letter and to tell you that you and your compatriots are due for a trial for your crimes against the timeline." You stated, taking out a small stack of letters from your bag and attempting to hand it to the group. As you attempted to hand the papers, the group moved away from you. Raising an eyebrow, you simply placed the documents on the table before moving back.
"Who are you?" Cisco asked cautiously, watching you step back.
"My name is Y/N. Y/N Thawne." You replied, causing the group to step back from you in shock. Joe raised his gun at your head, shooting a bullet straight at you. Within a split second, you caught the bullet between your thumb and index finger. Moving your hand down to your side, you looked at the group in disappointment and veiled annoyance.
"W...What are you doing?" Wally asked as he watched you take out your tablet and start typing.
"None of you seem to be very receptive to me being here so I am calling in my partner. Perhaps he will have better luck." You replied, looking up at the group sharply.
"Your husband is a psychopath, who killed my mother!" Barry iterated for the seventh time since you revealed your name. You shook your head and rolled your eyes in annoyance. You noticed a time portal opening from behind the group and called out to your partner,
"E. I had no idea you were a psychopath or that you killed Nora Allen."
"I had no idea either." Your partner replied, causing the group to turn around in shock at the familiar voice.
"Eddie?!" Iris called out, walking towards Eddie, who walked past the group and wrapped an arm around your waist. A streak of red lightning followed Eddie as a man in yellow stopped next to him.
"Oh, Crap." The man in yellow exclaimed as he took his mask off.
"Hold it right there, Eobard." You and Eddie scolded the man, as he was about to run off once more.
"... Hello." Eobard smiled, waving mockingly at Team Flash.
"He's a murderer!" Barry yelled, his eyes tearing up as he pointed at Eobard. "Why would you let him out?!"
"Technically yes. But his actions are the ones that we told him to take." You explained before turning to Eobard. "And Eo, take that damn illusion off."
"Fine." He replied, before pressing a button on his watch. Team Flash watched in shock as Eobard seemed to get younger until he was a teenager. "Better, Mum? Dad?"
"Much." You and Eddie replied before opening a time portal back to your offices.
"She was my mother! And your son murdered her!" Barry yelled at the trio, causing you to turn with a slightly sympathetic look on your face.
"I mean this in the nicest way possible but your mother was essentially timeline collateral. Her death is a fixed point in time. As you can tell, messing with such events can have devasting effects." You replied before speeding away with Eobard, leaving behind purple lightning.
"Try not to mess with the timeline anymore, Allen. You've already created masses of paperwork." Eddie replied before leaving in blue lightning.
Upon entering your office, Eobard looked at you and Eddie in mock innocence.
"Love you, Mum and Dad."
"You're grounded... And no Barty." You told Eobard, exchanging a smirk with Eddie.
"What, no Barty?!" Eobard exclaimed, shocked.
"No Barty." Eddie repeated. Eobard left the room, his red lightning following him. Eddie pulled you into his arms and pressed his lips to yours. His left hand held yours, your matching golden wedding rings glistening in the light.
Months went by until you were interrupted once more by a bright red light buzzing from your computer. Your desk was cluttered with paperwork regarding Flashpoint and the new changes to the timeline that had to be recorded and analyzed.
"What?" You called out, bemused as you looked at the computer.
'Timeline fracture -- Death of individual too early'
'Location: Infantino Street'
"What?!" You exclaimed as you read the notice. Eddie walked up behind you, his chin on your shoulder.
'Harrison "HR" Wells (Earth 19) - Deceased May 23, 2017'
"WHAT?!" You and Eddie yelled, eyes wide in shock.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 2 months
Silver & Gold - Chapter Ten
The final chapter. CW: Smut, Keeping Secrets, Vomiting, Pregnancy mentions. Prompts fulfilled; ’Their Reflection’ – Bug’s First Bingo, ‘Sleep Deprivation to Hand Holding’ - @hurtcomfort-bingo “Let Me In!”, “We Need To Talk.”, ‘Bite Marks’, ‘Dominant Lover’, ‘Face Sitting’, ‘Riding’, ‘Spread Eagle’ – @fandom-free-bingo (Flight Edition), 'Lingerie’ – Fandom-Free Bingo (Frosty Edition), ‘Vomiting’ – @badthingshappenbingo
‘Big Secret’ – @multifandom-flash Round 2 (1023), ‘Keeping Secrets Sucks’ – Multifandom-Flash Round 2 (1025), ‘Impregnation’, 'Light Bondage' – Kinky Things Happen Bingo, ‘Sexual Fantasy’ – @anyfandomfluffbingo, ‘Edging’ – @anyfandomgoesbingo (Kink), ‘Secrets’ – @eclipsingbingo.
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Boards at the bottom. Divider by us.
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In total, I was on some form of reduced activity for six weeks – not that I minded, in the end. Yoshitsune kept me well exercised, providing ample opportunities for me to rid myself of excess energy. By the time I was back in full form, I was littered with tiny bruises from his fingertips and mouth on me.
And I was finally capable of returning the favour.
The disparity between our weights allowed me to move around the bed without disturbing him, the even pace of his snoring acting as an early warning system. But I secured his wrists and ankles without issue, rocking back on my heels to admire my handiwork.
I really should remember to bake Greg some cookies…
Winter’s boyfriend had helped guide me through the knots, spending hours on video calls with me while my beloved soldier slept. True to the sailor’s word, Yoshitsune seemed secured and comfortable – though we both acknowledged that the rope would be no matter for my boy if he truly wanted to escape.
Silver simply snored on, oblivious, spread-eagle in his shorts, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. I dropped to my chest between his legs, pressing tender kisses along the inside of his thigh.
He began to stir as my lips brushed the bottom of his shorts, letting out a quiet, contented hum, his eyelids flickering. My fingertips hooked into the material, pulling it gently to one side so I could trail my tongue luxuriously over his balls. It wasn’t until my lips drifted to his steadily-filling cock that he stiffened and groaned raggedly, shifting beneath me. My eyes raised as his head lifted, gaze meeting mine in time for me to take his tip in my mouth. His pupils blew wide with lust and pleasure; a smirk twitched at my lips when he went to move his arms, diverting his attention and earning a whine.
“Fuck… G-Good morning, Swan… What did I do to earn the privilege of being at your mercy?” he breathed, throat bobbing as he swallowed.
“You’ve been so good to me while I’ve not been able to do much…” I purred, leaning up just a little to side the edge of my scissors into the leg of his shorts – far away from anything delicate – slowly making my way through the material before continuing. “I thought you deserved a little treat of your own.”
His eyebrow raised, usual half-grin pulling at his mouth. “I don’t do it in the hopes of a reward,” he chuckled, and I smiled.
“Oh? I’ll stop then,” I teased, rocking back onto my knees and feeling a heat settle in my abdomen as he took me in.
“Dear God, please don’t,” he breathed, hands flexing unconsciously against his bindings. “Please… Please don’t.” His eyes trailed deliberately slowly over my breasts, barely contained by a thin layer of lace, and down my stomach to eye the translucent fabric doing little to hide my pussy from his view. “God, you’re beautiful.”
I blushed softly, wrapping my hand around his length to caress him slowly. “Flattery will get you everywhere, baby boy…” I murmured, leaning down to trail my tongue over his tip delicately and eliciting a hiss of pleasure.
“You – ah! You’re beautiful – gorgeous – so talented, so sexy… The most beautiful woman I have ever see-” He cut himself off with a deafening groan as I took him quickly between my lips. “Y- Oh God, oh fuck, I love you, so much, my p- fuck- my perfect Swan…”
I purred contentedly around him, earning a grunt of delight, head beginning to bob slowly. His muscles tightened as he entered my throat, hips twitching in a futile attempt to drive himself deeper despite the restraints holding him fast.
He let out a quiet whine as I steadily increased my speed, fingertips tenderly caressing his balls as he became more frantic, writhing against his binds as he struggled to press further between my lips. But I simply maintained my pace, eyes locked on his, waiting until I felt the skin beneath my touch draw up, his muscles clenching warningly.
And it was then that I drew back, eliciting an inhuman groans of arousal and frustration, head jerking up to look at me with wide, desperate eyes. “No- fuck, please, Swan, I need-”
I leant over him to kiss him softly. “Don’t you worry, my sweet boy… I’m going to make you feel amazing. There’s just something I’d like to do first…”
He raised an eyebrow as best he could in his lust-filled haze, hips bucking weakly, instinctively, in a futile search for friction as I stood. His eyes didn’t leave mine as I shifted my panties down my thighs, growing amusingly wider as I positioned myself with a knee either side of his head.
“Is this okay?” I breathed, one hand tangling in his hair. He simply nodded, the motion desperate and hungry, and the groan that he let out as I settled my dripping pussy on his face made me whimper as it shot through my core.
My hands tightened in his hair, hips rutting lightly, lost in his desperate tongue buried inside me, lapping and gulping every drop he could find, eager sounds slipping between his parted lips. I could only gasp and mewl as I squirmed on his face, head falling back, my movements becoming irregular as pleasure threatened to overwhelm me. Having this man – an impressive, powerful soldier – entirely and willingly at my mercy was intoxicating, just as pleasurable as his ministrations between my thighs. His groans grew louder, sending electricity sparking in my tender nerves, and I moaned breathlessly, hips jerking.
“Yes- Fuck, Yoshitsune, just- just like that, God… Don’t stop, baby- gonna cum right here, right on this p-pretty face…” One hand moved to my breast, grasping desperately through the thin fabric as the other pinned his head to me, too lost in my pleasure to give much concern to his need for oxygen as I cried out, back arching to press myself closer needily, his tongue fucking me eagerly.
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By the time I drew back, his face slick with my wetness, he was panting for breath, but grinning broadly, looking entirely blissful. “Oh… My God. That…” He groaned weakly, licking his lips, and I giggled, gently sitting back on his chest.
“Yeah,” I agreed, beaming, leaning down to kiss him softly and letting out a quiet moan at the taste of myself on his lips. He shivered contentedly, swallowing, eyes dancing with joy as I drew back to look at him. “Now… I’m going to untie you, and you’re going to fuck me like it’s your last night on earth.” My fingers wrapped lightly around his throat as I kissed him again, purring softly. “Make me squirt, soldier, then leave me dripping with your come.”
He groaned again, fingers curling uselessly in his restraints as he nodded eagerly. “Yes. God, yes, fuck, please- please…” he breathed, squirming helplessly beneath me.
“Be rough with me, Yoshitsune,” I murmured, reaching up to untie his wrists, giggling as his tongue skimmed my nipple through the thin lace when my breast brushed his cheek. “I want to be utterly destroyed; you wouldn’t leave me wanting, now would you?”
He shook his head, desperately wriggling as I moved to his feet, positioning myself across his lap, his hands moving to my offered ass to grind against me hungrily. “Never, my perfect, gorgeous, irresistible, fucking sexy Golden Swan – not ever, ever, ev-”
His words cut off as his feet were unbound and he shifted to his knees, metal fingers digging into my hips as he jerked me back on his length, earning a stuttered, euphoric moan. My own hands tangled in the sheets as he rutted against me punishingly, my pussy still fluttering around him in the wake of my orgasm even as another began to stir low in my abdomen, the power of his thrusts making my body jerk. “F-fuck, yes, oh God-” My words came as trembling gasps, barely audible over the sound of skin meeting skin and his length moving in my wetness. One arm snaked around my waist to pull me up against him, the other tearing away the silk that restrained my breasts with an almost feral snarl. The feel of skin-warmed metal gasping hungrily at my newly exposed flesh, his free hand shifting between my legs to stroke me eagerly and the unerring, rapturous destruction of him moving inside me had me mewling helplessly, utterly at the mercy of his expert ministrations.
“That’s it, sweetheart – fuck, this perfect pussy is so wet, I can feel you dripping all over my cock,” he grunted, his mouth dropping to my throat to leave searing bite marks against my skin. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you? Give me everything, Swan. Squirt for me.”
A few last, pulverising thrusts as the wetness built behind the pressure of his cock, and he pulled back, groaning in ecstasy as I wailed and shook, hands reaching back to grasp desperately at his hair as I soaked him – and the sheets – relentlessly. No sooner had my gushing eased than he was inside me once more, face buried in my throat as he panted heavily. “Swan- fuck, please, I-I need-”
I worked myself just as eagerly on his length as he fucked me without mercy, arching into the hand between my legs needily. “Come for me, Yoshitsune. Come inside me,” I whimpered, still clinging to him desperately. With a surrendering groan, he offered me a few last, bruising thrusts, his roar of pleasure making the soft skin of my neck tingle under its ferocity. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside me, hot seed filling me until it was dripping around his length, had me mewling right alongside him, crying out as my orgasm crested, leaving my weak body to tremble and all but collapse against him, only the arm around my waist and the length still buried inside me keeping me upright.
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The next week or so continued in much the same way. I was insatiable, waking him in the middle of the night with a needy hand caressing his half-hard cock until I could throw my leg over his hips and find the release I craved. My knees bruised from the time I spent on them, fumbling frantically with his fly as I hunted my reward. Yoshitsune was surprised, but certainly didn’t complain – each time I surprised him, his eyes lit up in joy, and he was only too happy to aid me in whatever dynamic I fancied at the time.
But then I started to rise in the night for different reasons, padding carefully from the room in the darkness to kneel before the toilet as my stomach emptied violently. Less, during the day, but it was hard not to arouse suspicion with my frequent disappearances to vomit. My reflection grew more and more gaunt each time I rose from the bathroom floor, and I saw the pain and concern in his eyes every time he took me in, silently chewing on his lip each time he held me close, and my protruding bones dug into his body.
But I was eating without complaint, and so he gave me a small amount of leeway – likely hoping that it was just some form of illness, and it would pass. After all, I wasn’t often timing my bathroom visits directly after meals; there was no clear link between this and the depths of sickness of which I’d once been at the mercy.
The worry in his face made my heart ache, however, and I dutifully reached out to Stephen, seeking some form of explanation for my renewed inability to eat.
I stole through a portal in the soft light of dawn, terrified of waking him – if he hadn’t noticed the extent of my illness, I wanted to keep it from him for as long as possible, and I paused long enough to listen out for his steady snores upstairs before heading through the glowing ring.
“Lia,” Stephen murmured, wrapping me immediately in his arms, and I clung to him as I broke, violent sobs wracking my frame as he held me tight. “Hey, hey… It’s okay. We’re going to get to the bottom of this, I swear to you.”
I could only nod, fingers tangled in his shirt, breath hitching. “Something’s really wrong with me, Stephen,” I whispered, eyes squeezing closed as I finally vocalised my fear.
I’ve only just started my forever. I can’t- It can’t end yet. It can’t.
He smoothed my hair gently, drawing back to wipe a tear from my cheek with tender affection. “Then how about we find out what it is, and how I can help, hm?”
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By the time I stumbled back through the portal, hands shaking, pricked like a pincushion and emotionally drained, the sun was firmly in the sky. My cell had begun to shriek ten minutes earlier, forcing me from my stupor and through another ring of sparks, tongue too thick and heavy with shock to answer the increasingly frequent calls from my partner.
He was pacing the living room when I reappeared, immediately bundling me in his arms and pressing frantic kisses to my hair. “You disappeared. You disappeared, and you have been acting strangely, and I thought- I feared…”
I winced, finally seeing the obvious connection he was likely to make – if not my own demons, then another, hellbent on seeking me out and manipulating my somewhat unstable nature. I shook my head hard, burying my face in his chest. “I’m okay,” I muttered eventually, drawing back to wipe a few more tears from my permanently-damp cheeks. “I’m okay. I… We… We need to talk.”
He swallowed, throat bobbing with fear, but he nodded once, fingers entwined with mine as he settled on the sofa. “I’m listening.”
I opened my mouth to attempt to find somewhere to begin, but with well-timed precision, my stomach roiled, and I was on my feet before I could offer any hurried explanation, the bathroom door shut and locked behind me before I skidded to my knees, the juice Stephen had all but forced into me reemerging in a gruesome manner.
“Lia? Li! Aurelia, sweetheart, please. Whatever it is, I-I’ll help you through it. I’m here, my gorgeous Swan. I just need you to let me in, okay? Open the door, baby. Please. I’m worried about you.”
I winced as I spat residue from my mouth, trembling and sweating with the effort, guilt panging in my chest. “I’m f-fine…”
“No, honey; you’re sick. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m here for you. I’ll help you, just- please. Let me in. We’ll work through this, but I-”
He fell silent as I opened the door, still shivering, clammy and chilled. Wordlessly, he moved closer, lifting me easily to his chest and cradling me against him as he moved back to the sofa. My weak limbs unravelled into him as he held me tightly, the desperation evident in his grasp. “Yoshitsune, I…”
Nodding once, he kissed my hair gently. “I should have said something. I thought you were slipping, but I didn’t realise it was this bad; I hoped you wouldn’t need me. I was selfish, I-”
“Shut up, Silver,” I chuckled weakly, and he blinked in surprise. “I… I’m not sick.”
His eyebrow raised in disbelief, and he cocked his head toward the bathroom. “Li, I just-”
“I’ll rephrase,” I interrupted softly, shaking my head fondly. “I’ve been being sick, but I’m not ill. It’s not a flu, or my eating disorder, or anything like that.”
His brow furrowed, confusion deepening as he considered me worriedly. “Aurelia, why-”
Oh, my dear, sweet, silly boy.
“I went to see Stephen this morning because I’ve been throwing up for a couple weeks,” I began tentatively, earning another soft nod. “I wanted to know – think I needed to know what was going on. So we ran some tests, and he…”
I trailed off at the silver eyes locked on mine, full of worry and adoration, and smiled softly.
My dear, sweet, silly Boy.
“Yoshitsune… I’m pregnant.”
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adriellej · 6 months
I'm Yours
Warnings: None really, maybe a little implied grown-up time ;P Besides that, it’s just fluffy fluff.
Pairing: Harry Wells x Reader
Word count: 1.2K+
A/N: So this is my first posting in what, 4 years? Has it really been that long? Not only that, I also decided to do it with a fandom I have not written for before. I fell into a Flash hole about a few months ago, and I have taken a particular liking to Earth 2 Harry Wells. So consider this as me hopefully coming back, and hopefully having made something cute for y’all. All mistakes are my own!
It's based on I'm Yours by Jason Mraz - was hearing it one day in my car and thought it would be cute! Also I don't own the GIF's, one I found on google and one here <3
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You were walking through the cortex, thinking about how you were going to steal the projector Cisco was hiding in STAR labs. A big smile spread on your face as you skipped down the hall. Cisco rarely let anyone borrow it, not even you, his best friend. He loved how you were both movie dorks, but he protected it with his life if he had to. Hence you were now sneaking in to steal it for the marathon weekend you were having with yourself.
You turned towards his workshop, his little lab, or not so much his own anymore. There was a certain Earth 2 scientist that had occupied it. Now wasn’t any different than usual. Harry was sitting in the lab tinkering away at some sort of tech in front of him. You weren’t the engineer or the smart one as your best friend, so you never understood what he and Harry worked on together. Or what they were always bickering about. 
You leaned yourself on the doorframe into the lab as you studied him for a bit. His long fingers worked away, tweezing some cords together as he tried applying power to it again. Harry only earned some sputtering from the tech and groaned out in frustration. 
“Goddamit how hard can it be?!” He yelled out while tossing the screwdriver across the room. You huffed out a small laugh as you shook your head as the older man in front of you acted like a child who didn’t get his way. You had always liked Harry, you were pretty sure the entire team knew, except for him. The way his outside was so hard, when in fact you knew that Harry’s heart was big and cared a lot for all of you here. He would never say it, but you knew. You two had many small moments together where you turned his frown upside down like only Jesse could. It was one of your assets for the team. Keep Harry from throwing everything around and make him a little bit more easy-going. 
“Ya know, maybe you just need a break,” You said while walking into the room, haven gotten a great idea, if you had to say so yourself. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked while turning towards you for a brief moment, only to return his attention to the project in front of him; “Also no, I don’t need to take a break,” he grumbled as he started to tinker away again. 
Meanwhile, you had found your phone, this was also one of the things Cisco loved about you, as you found a song to play. “To answer your question, I came to steal Cisco’s projector, but now I think I have a better idea of how to spend my time,” you mused as you closed in on Harry you put your phone down beside him, and pushed play. 
You slowly turned Harry in his chair, he looked at you like he could kill you, but all you could do was smile as you started singing. 
“Well you done, done me in; you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted,” you reached your hands down to Harry’s arms to pull him to stand. “Y/N, I’m not doing this. I’m busy, and you of all people should know I need to get this done,” His voice laced with annoyance and reluctance as you sang. “Well, I don’t care,” You answered while the music shortly played on its own. You forced him to stand, keeping both of your hands in his, as you slowly started to move the both of you. 
“Before the cool done run out, I’ll be giving it my bestest, nothing’s going to stop me, but divine intervention, I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some,” You continued as you slowly got Harry to move with you. A big smile played across your lips, your eyes twinkling in the light of the lab. You were looking into Harry’s beautiful blue eyes behind the glasses, and you swore you could see a little glimpse of enjoyment. 
“See, it’s not so bad, now is it?” You joked with him earning a small groan from him, but a small smile curved at his lips. He pulled you into him, earning a small squeal from you, as you properly began to dance together. 
“Well, open up your mind and see like me. Open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love, love, love, love” Your voice continued to ring out as Harry spun you around. “Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we’re just one big family, and it’s our god-forsaken right to be loved, love, love, love, loved,” 
You were having the best time as you were laughing and singing. Having Harry be invested in your idea, actually dancing with you, and not only that, he was smiling. Your heart felt so full. You knew he would be the death of you, with his gorgeous smile and handsome looks. 
“I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards just to see it clearer,” You got caught off guard when you heard Harry’s hoarse voice singing along to the song while you were still swaying to the song together. You had heard it so many times around him, that the genius apparently had learned the lyrics. 
“I guess what I be saying is there ain’t no better reason to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. It’s what we aim to do, our name is our virtue. But I won’t hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait - I’m yours,” You sang together as the song came to an end you stayed close to each other. 
You looked into Harry’s mesmerizing eyes, your eyes must shimmer from all the love you felt towards him. You had your hands at his shoulders and his was around your waist. You had laughed and smiled so much during your dancing that your cheeks hurt, but you couldn’t remove the smile on your lips. Looking at Harry with a rare but equally just as big of a smile as yours, as you were breathing a little heavy after all the dancing and singing. 
You thought to yourself how perfect he looked standing there. You could feel yourself getting flustered as you felt his breath on your lips. Before you could stop yourself you leaned up toward his lips. At first, he didn’t respond to it, but it didn’t take him long before his lips moved with yours. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, earning a little moan from him. His tongue ran across your lip and you gladly let him enter. His hands on your hips pulled you even closer to him. 
As the kiss deepened and became more passionate, his hands moved down to cup your ass and without any words needing to be spoken, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to his desk and set you down on it, while his hands came to cup your face instead. You pulled apart for both of you to catch your breath, foreheads leaning on each other. 
“Wow,” Was all you could muster to say, as you smiled while biting your lower lip. He gave a small chuckle from the depth of his throat. “Wow, yourself,” he gave you the biggest smile and a wink. “Maybe that break isn’t such a bad idea,” He said hoisting you up to him again, a squeal and laugh escaping your lips. 
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@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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captain-cold-approved · 6 months
im past 10k words in my 5 + 1 coldflash fic. i'm only done with the first two out of six scenarios. it's going SWELL.
14 notes · View notes
fandomnerd9602 · 11 months
Barry: so how did you two meet?
Nora: well I was fighting against Captain Cold 3 and I was knocked down.
Y/N: I glided in and saved her. And then I asked her, ‘are you okay?’
Nora: and I said, ‘I am now’
Y/N: first time an amazing woman ever flirted with me
Nora: oh baby
Nora cuddles into Y/N’s side…
Barry and Iris stare daggers…
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For @erenyeager2023
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daydreamer999 · 1 month
The Scars that Make Us
Summary: Tensions rise when Earth-2 Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen enter their Earth to escape Zoom's wrath. Using this as an opportunity to grow closer, Barry shares the stories behind his scars on her body..... and discovers the stories behind hers.
WARNING: Some sexual and Triggering content ahead, nothing too graphic, but minors do not interact. Triggers: I will be touching on child abuse, if you are not in a safe place to be reading this, I will put a Trigger Warning again when it happens.
Barry Allen x Plus Size Reader
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Despite the growing threat of Zoom looming over Team Flash, Barry Allen had an ever-persistent smile on his face since Christmas. And it wasn't hard for his Team to tell it was all because of his soulmate.
Only having been together for a few months, with dates few and far between scattered between those months, it was clear for anyone with eyes to see that he was head over heels in love with Y/n. He would constantly gush about her little quirks, or would sigh dreamily as he ate a home cooked meal for once saying that Y/n wanted to make sure he ate well. Barry would always tell her and anyone who'd listen how appreciative he was of her for being so understanding of his unpredictable schedule. Only to have her wave him off and kiss his cheek before wishing him luck, leaving him frozen in his spot a second longer than should be normal for the fastest man alive.
But to his family, it was so adorable to see them together, and to see Barry finally relax and happy for once, to let all of his walls down. But today was one of the rare days that Y/n didn't come into the Cortex with Barry. And most of the added Team members were busy with their other jobs, so it was only Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry standing in the Cortex. While Harry and Cisco were by a whiteboard the elder man had set up to run calculations, Caitlin was running some tests on Barry.
"Isn't this great? Feels like the good old days, except without a creepy lookalike who tried to kill us," Cisco finally broke the silence excitedly as he looked at the Team he originally grew with, but quickly remedied and apologized when Harry shot him a look. Harry let out a huff before admitting, "It is nice to work with you all, even you Ramon."
Caitlin and Barry chuckled as Cisco let out an excited noise and fist pumped the air, "See I knew you'd warm up to me eventually!"
"Oh, I'll deny it if you try and tell the others," Harry countered so quickly that it left Cisco floundering for a moment as he watched the man walk away with the marker to fill up another board. Cisco just pouted, "That's just cold man."
"As nice as having the original team is, we need to at least accept one addition to that group," Caitlin broke through as she shot a pointed look and a smirk at Barry. Barry turned his head towards her and blushed when he noticed they were all shooting him with matching looks. Shifting in his chair he turned his eyes back to Cait, "What do you mean?"
"Well..... Y/n's your soulmate. As much as I like the rest of our additional team, I won't think of them as us, the Original Team. But with Y/n it's different, isn't it?" Caitlin observed. Barry's lips twitched upward at the mention of his soulmate's name, but he out a sigh as he nodded, "Isn't it always different with your soulmate?"
"Yes... But the scars on your back," Caitlin started and observed her friend as he stiffened at the mention of them. Harry and Cisco exchanged looks but kept quiet and watched the other two as Caitlin continued, "When you fell into your coma, and I was your caretaker, I noticed those on your back. At first, I thought they may have been from your lightening strike, when you fell into the beakers, but then I realized they were all older than that. Of course we found out you healed really quickly once you woke up, so I didn't think much of it again until I saw Y/n and her scars she got the night the Particle Accelerator exploded." Barry's eyes were trained down on the floor, his face marred with sadness as tension filled the air. The silence felt impenetrable before Caitlin quietly asked, "They're her scars aren't they?"
Barry's eyes fluttered upward to try and fight the tears and muttered, "I got them not long after my father was wrongfully convicted of my mom's murder." Barry's eyes turned back towards the teams who were all looking at him with sympathy. Caitlin put a comforting hand on his shoulder as she spoke quietly, "For years you've held her scars. She's been with you since before you met us.... that makes her part of our team, our original team. And we take care of our own." Caitlin paused as she rubbed the Speedster's arm comfortingly, before she stared, "Barry, her scars..... They don't just happen by accident. Someone put those there."
Barry sucked in a breath as he shook his head, "How am I supposed to approach this subject? I mean, I haven't felt her pain since I was eighteen, so whoever it was, she got away from them, but.... they hurt her for years Cait." The tension was thick within the Cortex before Harry capped his marker and spoke, "Go to her, you guys still have a lot to discuss. When we've modified the weapon to take down Zoom, we'll call you." Barry nodded gratefully as he wiped away his tears before standing up and speeding away leaving a flurry of paper behind him. Cisco sighed and turned to Caitlin, "How come we always forget to invest in paperweights?"
Caitlin just shook her head and let out a small chuckle as her eyes trailed the mess of paperwork she'd have to clean up once again.
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Y/n walked into the Cortex 48 hours later after Barry showed up unannounced at her apartment and kissed the living daylights out of her. What was supposed to have been a serious talk between two soulmates, ended up being a passion filled love making session that had left her absolutely breathless. Barry had worshipped her in ways she never knew possible and she discovered he could vibrate on top of everything else? Y/n didn't know what she did to deserve him, but she thanked every star in the sky that Barry was hers and she was his.
She was absolutely wrecked by the time Barry was called by Harry saying they needed to go. Barry held back just enough to finish the call before he finished her for the fourth and final time.
He had sped through the cleaning process, cleaning her gently, but she was so sensitive that her hips had involuntarily thrust in his direction despite how spent and tired she was. Barry had quickly cleaned himself as well, before rolling back to lay on her, kissing her passionately.
"Barry," Y/n moaned, trying (and failing) to pull away, before she resorted to tugging his hair to reluctantly pull his lips away from her, "Barry, don't they need you?" Barry's eyes searched hers with such intensity before he said, "I'm not done with you yet. When I get back, we're going to continue where we left off." Y/n's cheeks warmed as she smiled, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Now go save the world Flash. You'll get your reward later." Barry shot her a dazzling smile before giving her one last toe curling kiss. And then in a flash, she was left naked, and alone with no trace that her soulmate had been there, other than the fresh bouquet of (favorite/flower)s now on her nightstand.
A warmth curled deep within her as Y/n's lips twitched upward into a playful smile at the memory, wishing her legs could move just as fast as Barry's so she could just kiss him silly. She had received a text from him telling her he was safe and sound back on their Earth in the Cortex. So there she walked, wanting nothing more than to be back home with Barry tucked at her side. But instead, she walked into S.T.A.R. Labs at a normal pace, with her hands buried in her pockets nervously playing with a small package she wanted to gift specifically to Cisco and Caitlin.
"There you are, I was beginning to worry," said Doctor's voice had sounded, bouncing off the walls of the quiet hallway. Y/n's two toned eyes gazed at her new found friend, "Caitlin! I was hoping I'd run into you." Caitlin's smile never left her face, although her head tilted to the side as she observed Y/n's cheery demeanor.
"You're in an awfully good mood," Caitlin spoke with a quirk of her brow. Y/n's own twitched to furrow but she kept her smile on her face, "Of course, why wouldn't I be? Barry's back, and he's safe. I felt no pain, which means he didn't get hurt. Why? What's up Caity?" Caitlin's mouth did turn towards a frown as she asked, "Did Barry not talk to you before he left?"
Y/n's cheeks warmed causing Caitlin's brows to shoot upward as the full figured woman admitted, "Well.... he did visit, but we didn't do much talking." Y/n's eyes nervously flitted toward her friend as she watched in amusement as Caitlin's own cheeks began to flush a deep red, her eyes going wide, "Oh." Was her prim response.
Nervously chuckling, the two started to make their way towards the Cortex in awkward silence before Y/n grinned at her friend, "Oh, before I forget, I thought I would get you and Cisco a little gift.... from Barry and I," she tacked on with a quirk of her lips and a shrug of her shoulder. Caitlin just studied her friend for a moment before her face broke out in awe and amusement when Y/n pulled out little paperweights with lightning bolts engraved in them. "Oh my god," the Doctor spoke out quietly as she held the gift reverently in her hands before turning to Y/n when she said nervously, "I know it's small, but Barry was telling me how sorry he feels for leaving a mess behind every single time he speeds out, and that you guys have always mentioned in investing in some but haven't grabbed any yet."
"This is perfect N/n, thank you, seriously, Cisco is gonna love it when I show these to him, and I already love it so much," Caitlin gushed wholeheartedly. Y/n beamed as they made the rest of the way to in relative silence, Caitlin beaming down at the gift in her hand every now and then, while Y/n tried to contain her soaring heart as she heard her soulmate's voice echo down the hall from where he stood with the others. When they finally crossed the threshold, her smile instantly dropped though as she felt a deep pain in her chest at the sight in front of her. There standing in the middle of the Cortex was her soulmate with his hands around Iris, both of them dressed as if they just went back in time, and Barry had adorable glasses on his face that made him look dorky. But they were talking intimately to each other, and were closer than what Y/n had seen them be in the past.
Her heart felt as if it was being ripped out when she saw the two kiss. Her two toned eyes immediately welled with tears before she felt her face crumble into one of heartbreak. Y/n heard something akin to whimper echo through the Cortex, and immediately all eyes turned to her. Feeling her legs begin to shake beneath her when Barry's eyes met hers, and all she could see was confusion and that he seemed to not recognize her. With that revelation, she felt her body crumble into the table behind her.
Eddie, whom also looked greatly disturbed by the sight in front of him, was at her side trying to hold her up as he spoke quietly, "Y/n, it's not what you think, they're-"
"Y/n?" She heard Barry call for her, causing her head to turn towards the side past Eddie to see Barry standing in normal clothes. He was in front of her in an instant, blocking her view of the other Barry still holding Iris close to his body.
Her own eyes focused on the green ones that gazed at her with worry and care. Her hands came to wrap around the wrists of his own hands which held her face delicately, his thumbs stroking underneath her eyes wiping away her tears. She focused on his voice as he spoke soothingly, "Hey, hey, I'm right here N/n, I'm right here."
"Barry?" Y/n choked causing his eyes to well up with tears before he closed them and his jaw clenched. Resting his forehead against hers he spoke lovingly, "It's alright, I'm right here sweetheart. I promise."
Y/n closed her own eyes and focused on her soulmate's soothing voice as he continued to whisper sweet nothings to her. When the pain in her chest became a dull throb, she pulled away only slightly, so that she could look Barry in the eye as she asked. "Who are they?"
Barry pulled away and turned his body so that Y/n could look at his copy and Iris closely, the both of whom were already watching Barry and her with frowns and furrowed brows. Barry ignored their confused looks as he introduced, "Y/n, this is Barry and Iris from Earth-2, our doppelgangers. They were about to get killed by Zoom so we took them here to protect them for the time being while we figured out what to do," Barry then turned his attention to the doppelgangers, "Guys, this is Y/n, my soulmate."
"Soulmate? So you aren't married to, or mated to Iris here?" The other Barry asked looking completely scandalized at the thought. Barry, her Barry, look as if he was about to slap his doppelganger silly but Y/n just let out a watery laughed, her own tears finally slowing down as she explained and pointed to Eddie, "No, Eddie and Iris are happily together and soulmates here. Besides I think it would be kind of weird, didn't you two grow up as siblings?' Y/n finished as she directed that question to her own Barry. She could feel the tension leave him as he huffed out a laugh and gave a nod, "Yeah, I mean, I did have a crush on her when I was younger but it was made very clear very early on she wasn't my soulmate so I gave up on that silly crush. She's been my sister ever since."
Y/n rubbed his arm soothingly, noticing that he was still very uncomfortable with everything going on. But he only stiffened further when Iris' doppelganger blurted out, "Oh, that's why he seemed so awkward when I kissed him!"
"I'm sorry, he got frisky with you?!" The other Barry yelled more than a little outraged.
"You kissed my doppelganger?" Y/n heard a familiar voice say beside her, causing her to turn and see Iris dressed as she would normally be. Even Eddie looked uncomfortable with this information as did everyone else. None more so than Barry who looked like he was one second away from bolting, with Y/n in tow if his hand twitching as it held her hip tightly was anything to go by. But her own thoughts were quietly drawn in on the fact that Iris, their Iris, didn't look disturbed by this information as everyone else did. And that didn't sit well with her at all. Y/n's defensiveness immediately rose to the surface as she turned on Doppelganger Barry and Iris, who she was looking forward to calling sister one day, as she snapped, "Do you two have selective hearing. She kissed him, not the other way around."
"Your not mad?" Her Barry asked quietly. Y/n's two toned eyes flitted towards his green ones where she sent him a smirk and flirted, "Of course not. As long as you didn't kiss her on purpose. But... I don't like the idea of another woman's lips being the last ones you touched. I'm gonna have to remedy that." Y/n was pleased by the hitch in his breath and his dilating pupils which found their way to her lips. His eyes staring at them with longing as he nodded, "I find those terms agreeable. Should we go now?"
Y/n chuckled before saying, "We should get these two settled in first Barr. Then I think I promised you a hero's reward once you returned home." She watched intrigued as lightning danced in his eyes before he closed them and pulled her closer as he tried to take a calming breath, "Later, got it. Are you sure we can't leave now? I think they can handle them-"
"Barry," she chuckled in warning causing him to groan and open his eyes as he glared ahead of him in determination, "Right, right. That can wait. Later .... not too much later though right?"
"All good things come to those who wait," Y/n giggled causing Barry to huff, "That's not fair. Waiting for me takes an eternity."
Pulling him down she whispered in his ear, "If you can wait, I'll wear the special present I got just for you tonight." She pulled back to watch his face go blank and a blush consume his cheeks. A spark of lightning danced off his forehead and causing the group to laugh in amusement as Cisco said, "Whatever you said N/n, I think it broke him."
They chuckled some more as a minute later Barry sparked to life as he said, "Yeah. Let's wait, waiting sounds good." Y/n giggled before kissing his cheek softly and turning back towards the Earth 2 refugees and asking, "So, how did you two meet?"
The tension broke between the couple, both seemingly relieved that Barry's soulmate (even from a different Earth and a different Barry) seemed to think them worthy of their time. Y/n could only assume they thought so much of her because she was the Flash's soulmate here, a superhero they also knew of and valued back on their Earth.
Iris smiled up adoringly at her husband when she said, "I met him on my first case as a detective." The other Barry blushed as he turned towards his wife and smiled adoringly while Iris continued, "He was just this adorable bumbling CSI that had the tendency to ramble when he got nervous or excited and while many of the other detectives found him annoying. I just found it so endearing. I was flirting with him trying to see if he felt the same, but he just didn't seem to get it." E-2 Barry blushed while calm laughter filled the Cortex and Barry said spoke up in his defense, "Don't worry, I've been told I'm rather clueless too." Y/n only hummed as she melted into her soulmate's side and gave the couple another reassuring smile as she asked, "So how did you two find out you were each other's soulmates?"
E-2 Barry spoke up this time, his eyes turning a touch sad as he clutched his own mate close to his side, "A year after working together, Iris got caught up in a case that went deeper than we thought possible.... There was corruption in our department, and she and I were the only ones who discovered it, but they didn't realize that I also knew. They only took Iris hostage.... and she would have died that night if I didn't feel the connection through our soul bond." E-2 Iris rubbed her husband's back reassuringly before saying in a more playful tone, "After I was fully recovered, we decided that there was no point in waiting. He kissed me breathless and we've been together ever since. We got married six months ago."
"Congratulations," Y/n praised genuinely happy for the couple in front of her. They thanked her in unison with matching grins before E-2 Barry's smile fell slightly as his brow furrowed, "I don't mean to seem rude... but... how did you two find out you were soulmates? You two don't have matching scars."
Y/n felt Barry stiffen beside her but she laughed easily and looked up at her own Barry adoringly, "Well this knucklehead decided to go and get struck by lightning and got his powers from that. His scar healed up, but what you see on me, is what he would have looked like if the lightning hadn't mixed with the Dark Matter from the Particle Accelerator and made him the Flash." E-2 Iris frowned as did E-2 Barry as they looked between the power couple before asking the full figured woman, "It doesn't bother you? That him being the Flash could give you more scars?"
Y/n sucked in a harsh breath before her face hardened and she spoke with such strong conviction she left no room for argument, "I'm proud of Barry for doing what he believes is right. He could very easily become another Zoom, but he's using his powers for good, and to help others. And until this past Christmas, I thought he was dead, I didn't get any other scars, so if he did get hurt from being the Flash he healed quick enough it didn't affect me." Team Flash turned to Y/n in surprise at this information, before they exchanged looks with each other as Cisco added, "That explains so much!"
Y/n's eyes flicked over towards her friend, her brows still furrowed into a hard glare as she asked, "What does?"
Caitlin stepped in and supplied, "We were just curious as to why you thought Barry could be dead when we first met you. He had so many injuries that would have left scars if he didn't have super healing that we were sure you must have had over the months he became the Flash. But now it's gotten me curious as to how you now have that scar and Barry doesn't?"
"Well, maybe Barry did have it initially," Harry added, easily stepping into the head father figure of Team Flash that had been empty since the Fake Wells died last year. Barry noted how easily they all got distracted to the scientific aspect of things rather quickly but couldn't find it in himself to care as he asked, "How do you figure?"
"Well, our initial hypothesis was that Y/n got scars just like the rest of of the soulmate's in the world, which would be immediate, and whatever scars didn't show on you, would be evident on her. But now we know that all of your injuries never showed up on her all those months that you two never knew each other. What if, the Dark Matter didn't change your DNA instantaneously? What if you did have that scar? Long enough for it to effect Miss L/n through your soul bond? It would have given her the scar and sent her in the nine month coma along with you." Harry hypothesized as he began to draw on a whiteboard the timeline between the two.
Eddie spoke up next as he nodded along as he studied the timeline, "It would have been quick though, because I discovered Barry in his lab not even two minutes later and he didn't have a scar when we saw him." Harry pointed at Eddie appreciatively before adding in a two minute window while Barry grinned and fist bumped Eddie who responded in kind. The other two from E-2 looked at the group around them intrigued but confused before their Iris spoke up next to Eddie, "This is all really interesting, but what does this have to do with anything?"
Caitlin explained calmly, "Well, with the rise in number of Metahumans we don't know what that exactly entails for their soulmate's and the bond between them. So it's quite interesting to see in real time the effective bond of soulmates between Meta and Human. What would be another great study is the bond between Meta and Meta as well. And obviously we would need more than just Barry and Y/n here to collect all of our data, but we now have a baseline."
"You guys have a really great support Team here, you two are lucky. We're sorry for any offenses we may have caused with our questions, we're just... curious, this is all so new," E-2 Iris broke through as she stared at Y/n and Barry with acceptance. Y/n's eyes flitted up toward E-2 Barry who also gave her a small lift of his lips and a tilt of head in agreement. Y/n gave them her own but shifted closer to her soulmate for comfort. Barry unconsciously held her closer, sensing Y/n's exhaustion, he turned to Caitlin and said, "We need to find them a place to stay while they're staying here. I'd offer up STAR LABS, but Harry is staying here and seeing as his doppleganger is a well known killer, he can't be wandering around."
Cisco nodded with pursed lips, "We seriously need to add more bedding areas here. It's not like we have don't have the space."
"Yes, but we're workaholics Ramon, if you Allen, and Snow all had place to sleep here versus going home, you'd probably stay here. Hell, you practically keep this place stashed with your grocery list," Harry sassed backed good-naturedly. Y/n could only tiredly giggle as the three scientists who were called out hung there head in shame, knowing Harry was right. Cisco muttering, "Don't have to be mean about it, geez."
Joe cut in with a fond shake of his head before saying to Barry, "They can stay with me Barr, out of everyone here I think I am the one who here who has the space."
Iris frowned and folded her arms, "We have space, don't we Eddie?" With everyone's attention on the blonde detective, he could only shift uncomfortably as his gaze flitted to the two Barry's holding their soulmates. Understanding was clear on both of their faces, E-2 Barry, knowing it would be difficult to see someone else be with a soulmate that looked like his own; and Barry, knowing how awkward and uncomfortable this whole ordeal was in the first place. For that, Eddie was grateful that he knew Barry enough to understand how truly apologetic he was about this situation, and he was grateful that E-2 Barry seemed similar. It was the latter who spoke up surprising the room, as he seemed less confident compared to his Earth 1 counterpart, "Thank you for the offer Iris, but I think for both of our sakes, we'll stay with Joe. It would be the best option for everyone I think."
Iris frowned but the rest of the Cortex seemed to have relaxed. With his gaze shifting down towards his full-figured soulmate, Barry exclaimed, "Alright, now that that's settled, I think we're gonna retire for the night."
Without waiting for a response, Barry grabbed Y/n's plush waist, pulling her close before speeding out of Speed Labs.
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Y/n wasn't happy in the slightest since the E-2 refugee's had entered their Earth. It wasn't that she disliked the West-Allen's. They were very nice, and frequented Saints and Sinners while she worked, making her day go by quickly. But, she didn't like how Iris was starting to look at her soulmate because of them.
They still had family dinners, the Wests. And since the West-Allen's were living with Joe, and Barry was his unofficial kid, Barry and Y/n (when she could go) would also be there, and it was when Bart and Iris were sharing their lives together, that Iris, their Iris would share her's and Barry's. And it was made very clear to Y/n that she was easily replaceable.
Joe didn't seem to realize what was going on, but Eddie had a constant frown on his face, just as Y/n had one on her's. She may have even chalked this all up to be a part of her fanciful imaginations, the jealousy of Iris' and Barry's close relationship running rampant. But with how uncomfortable Barry looked, she couldn't help but feel that Iris was doing this on purpose.
It was at one of these very dinner's where she had finally snapped.
Y/n could hear the rest of the Wests (unofficial or otherworldly) laughing as they often talked about their past while sitting in the living room. A frown was permanently drawn on her face, her heart aching in a dull throb in her chest as she listened on to their jovial noises while she prepared the cocktails in the kitchen. Her eyes shifted down her body where she wore what she thought was a cute outfit at first. Black nylons, in thigh high black boots, a burgundy suede mini skirt, and a black long sleeve shirt that hugged her curves. Only, it didn't feel so pretty on her when Iris had turned up wearing the same outfit, making her feel insecure in her own skin. A feeling she hadn't felt since that woman left scars on her back.
Her eyes flicked upward towards the window, where it was pitch black outside, and her reflection was staring back at her. She felt her plump lip waver as her insecurities began to rise, her eyes immediately seeking out her Lichtenberg figure and her clouded grey eye. Her thoughts began to question why Barry even loved her, if that one time when they made love if he was disgusted. They never did do anything after he came back from E-2. He had told her that he didn't want to push her into anything and could feel she was still upset, but a whole four weeks had went by and he has yet to make any more time for her for dates, or even to love her as he did before. Instead, most of his time he spent with Iris and their Earth two counterparts.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Eddie's reflection in the window, making her turn towards the dejected looking cop. He had also seemed to have lost some of his color, looking pasty and white. His usual golden hair, looked more dull, and the deep purple bruises under his eyes emphasized his lack of sleep that matched Y/n's. Eddie's lips quirked into a half-hearted smile, "Do you need help bringing those in."
"I'm a bartender Eddie, I think I can handle seven glasses on a tray," Y/n tried to go for a lighthearted approach, but winced when it came out harsh and cynical.
Eddie chuckled anyways, though it lacked his normal charisma, "Oh, I don't doubt it, it's just... it gets too much sometimes. Being near... them..." he ended weakly, his voice cracking as his eyes fell. The plus sized woman felt her own heart throb painfully as her eyes fell back towards the glasses on the counter. with a sigh and a smile, she nodded at Eddie, "Sure Eds, I could use a hand."
Eddie smiled and approached her, carrying three of the seven glasses, while she balanced the other four with only the steady precision of a waitress. Eddie walked slowly behind her as she walked in more confidently, but stopped when her two toned eyes looked up and saw Iris laughing and touching Barry's chest. Her jaw clenched as Iris loudly exclaimed to their married counterparts, "You know, it's so funny, but apparently in the future Barry and I get married too. We saw the article of his disappearance, and it always says Iris West-Allen as the one who wrote it."
Glass breaking made the whole house go silent, all eyes once again turning to Y/n.
Barry stood up and reached out to her, "N/n-"
"No. Don't fucking touch me," Y/n spat as she glared up at her soulmate, angry tears cascading down her face. Barry visibly flinched but backed away as Y/n's chest rose and fell heavily, her eyes finding Iris' again who looked considerably paler. The dopplegangers had looked uncomfortable as did Joe, but she could hear Eddie behind her struggling to keep a steady breath.
Finding Iris' eyes once more she glared at her," You know Iris, you are one cruel person. I had always looked forward to the day that I called you sister, but now, I have half a mind to break my bond with Barry." She heard Barry let out a sharp gasp, and saw in her peripheral vision that he staggered backwards because of her words. She couldn't help when her own face contorted in pain, but fought it off and glowered at her once more, "You should be ashamed of how you've treated not only my bond with Barry, but your own bond with Eddie. And if he was a crueler man, I can guarantee you, that bullshit you've been pulling on him wouldn't be left unpunished."
Iris' eyes filled with tears as she turned them towards the blond cop who immediately turned his eyes away. Tiredly, he added to Joe as he handed him the drinks, "I think... I'll just go home now. I can't stand being here for another minute."
"Eddie," Iris started as she stood up to approach him, but recoiled when he only shot her a cold look. And she could finally see how tired and heartbroken he really was, "Find somewhere else to stay tonight, I can't even stand to look at you for a minute longer." He finished quietly, his eyes immediately searching anywhere else. Grabbing his coat he turned back to Joe and gave him a soft smile, "I'll see you tomorrow Sir."
Joe could only nod sadly in acknowledgement, as he watched his partner walk out the front door and shut it quietly behind him. Making a mental note to himself, he knew he would as the Captain to give him a week off to deal with this and heal. He felt bad for not realizing sooner what was causing his partner to look so tired and dejected, and he knew having a few days to himself would be best.
All eyes turned back to Y/n as she spoke quietly to Barry, "I was once so excited to be apart of your family, and felt so blessed to have you as my soulmate. But now I just feel like a fool for thinking I could ever complete you." Barry's blue eyes began to water, and he opened his mouth to argue that there was no other but her, but she didn't give him the chance. She turned and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.
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!Trigger Warning!
Y/n was sat on the couch, wearing her gift to Barry that she never got to show him, while she watched Lord of the Rings and ate her favorite ice cream. She felt like a cliche, crying, while eating her favorite comfort food, drinking her bottle of Rosa. But she couldn't care less, it was honestly a comfort. And if she didn't know that Lisa would report back to Len, who would in turn kill her soulmate, she would have extended her an invitation while she vented. But her pseudo siblings were much too overprotective of her, and despite the pain Barry put her through (unwittingly so) she still loved him.
With a long suffering sigh, Y/n's eyes stayed on the screen where the ever valliant Aragorn was fighting to protect the hobbits. "Why can't you be real?" she asked quietly as she whisfully watched the noble man.
She heard Barry before she saw him. His tell tale sound of vibrating through her door caused her to look up in shock, her cheeks heating up as she looked down at her barely clothed body. Barry had stopped, his puffy eyes scanning her as his jaw dropped. His own face covered in a scarlet flush though Y/n could see he had been crying.
Clearing her throat she acted as if she wasn't wearing a sheer skimpy cloth that barely covered her intimates, "I didn't expect to see you here tonight."
Barry frowned as he looked her over, "Then who were you dressing up for?"
A sharp sting in her chest made her wince, she didn't like that he didn't seem to trust her. But, she couldn't deny that she wouldn't think the same thing if he had said he wanted to break their bond. Her eyes drifted back to the TV as she said, "For Aragorn and Boromir mostly." Barry's eyes drifted to the screen and she saw his shoulders relax before he turned back to her as she muttered into her glass, "Plus I just wanted to feel pretty."
Barry didn't hesitate to take the last couple steps to where she sat on the couch and sit next her, pulling her into a breathtaking kiss. She felt her tension melt as she sighed against his lips, bringing her arms up to wrap around his neck, where she played with his brown strands. Y/n groaned when he pulled away, but was pleasantly surprised when he didn't go far, his forehead resting against hers as his eyes searched her own, "You aren't just pretty N/n, you're perfect. And I was an idiot to ever make you think I could ever want anyone else but you."
Y/n's face contorted to slight pain as she admitted, "But earlier at dinner, Iris said that you two are gonna be married in the future."
Barry closed his eyes and groaned in annoyance as he cursed his unofficial sister under his breath causing Y/n's two toned eyes to widen and a surprise giggle to leave her mouth. Running his hands through her hair he shook his head, "Y/n, you are the only one for me. I don't know why that stupid article said Iris West-Allen, but I know that no matter what, I won't marry her in any future. Because it's you that I want to share my last name with, its you that I want to have kids with. The only future I want, is the one where your in it."
She felt her eyes sting with tears once more, her own doubt melting away causing her to sniffle and ask jokingly, "Why couldn't you have said that earlier at the Wests?"
Barry joined in her watery chuckle before admitting, "Because unfortunately for you, I'm sometimes an idiot. And also, it was nice to see you put Iris in her place. She was making me uncomfortable." Y/n pulled away to look at him as she mumbled, "I knew it."
"Knew what?" Barry asked.
"I knew you didn't like how she was acting around you. I just knew it, because if you did, and you knew what was going on," Y/n trailed off, as her voice cracked in heartbreak at the very thought. Barry didn't need her to continue to understand that it would have broken her if he ever liked Iris' affections. He couldn't help the shiver of disgust at the thought of being in any form of intimate relationship with her like the one he shared with his perfect soulmate. But instead of dwelling on those thoughts, his eyes scanned her body that was practically bare in front of him.
He felt his jeans begin to tighten, but ignored it as his eyes trailed down her lichtenberg figure, that started on the left side of her face, and trailed down her breast, down to her navel. A sudden urge to trace it with his lips entered his head, and he couldn't resist it, kissing her scarred face, before following the trail down, leaving wet kisses and goosebumps in his wake.
He heard her shaky exhale as she questioned, "Barry?"
"Hmm?" He hummed distractedly as he sucked on her soft plush skin of her stomach.
"What are you doing?" She asked more breathily than before. Barry pulled away and answered earnestly, "Admiring you, and our scars." He watched as her one pupil dilated, and she moaned as she flopped her head back, "Barry..."
He could only chuckle before his eyes honed in on a jagged scar on her knee. He was suddenly hit by the memories of how he got it as he traced it with a bitter smile, "Damn, I had hoped that one would have been gone since it faded on me."
Y/n's two toned eyes fought to focus on the scar he was tracing as she tried to control the raging waves of want for her soulmate. Blinking away her lust, her eyes found the scar on her knee and she couldn't help the laugh that escaped as she also remembered the day she got it, "Yeah, I won't deny I also cursed you that day, you ruined my favorite pair of jeans. It was stained with blood and I could never get it out. Every time I tried walking, it reopened. I got in so much trouble because I always ruined my jeans." The two shared a quiet laugh, before she asked, "So... how did you get it?"
Barry sighed as his eyes found her face, "I had a bully, Tony Woodward, he always beat me up after school, stole my lunch, you know the typical bully. Well one day, I decided to stand up to him, and he beat me up pretty good. Pushed me into the bleachers, my knee was so swollen after that, I was afraid he broke it."
"Yeah, it hurt a lot," Y/n sympathized as she ran her fingers through his wind blown strands. Barry gave her a bitter smile, "I didn't want you to have that one still."
Y/n only gave him a sad smile, before her eyes scanned his face and she touched his left temple where there was a miniscule scar, so small that if you didn't know where to look you'd miss it. She caressed it, her lips tipped upward slightly before she said, "So you still have my scar. You know, I got this at my graduation. I got drunk and slipped, hit my head on the stone steps at my friends house. I had to get stitches."
Barry's eyes widened as he tried not to laugh, "Seriously?"
"Yes, I was truly a drunken sight, I couldn't even feel the pain, I think I have the picture of me still, covered in blood and smiling like there was nothing wrong."
Barry groaned as he laughed and let his head fall on her supple chest, "I was taking an important test when that one showed up, I couldn't even finish it because I was so dizzy and had a major headache."
Y/n surprised him with her unfiltered laughter, causing him to look up at her in wonder as she tried to say, "I'm so sorry. That must have been so disappointing for you." He joined her for a bit, the two exchanging soft kisses in between before they both sobered up.
With a soft exhale, Barry's hands found their way to the scars on her back where he felt her immediately stiffen. Her body recoiled away from his touch, causing him to frown but to say in understanding, "It doesn't have to be tonight, or tomorrow, but when your ready, can you please tell me about these?"
Barry could feel her breathing quickening in her panicked state, causing him to rip of his shirt, and take her hands so that she could feel his matching set on his own skin. Her breathing became so quiet the moment she felt them, her two toned eyes searched his as he said, "The first ones showed up not long after my father was arrested and wrongly accused of my Mom's murder. They only multiplied from there." Guilt began to fill her eyes so he continued, "I know how much it hurt, and I know how alone you felt, but I was right there with you. Even if I wasn't in the same room, I was there with you, just as you were there with me when I got struck by lightning. And even though my own scars faded on my body, I never lost yours."
Y/n still watched him with a guarded expression, although it relaxed some as he went on, "You have been a part of my life since I was eleven. I never knew why I had these scars, or what kind of sick person could put them on you. But just know I never resented you for them, or blamed you in any way. All I knew was that I felt love for you, for your strength to keep going despite the pain you faced. It gave me strength too."
Y/n let out a shaky breath before she willingly traced the scars on his back, wincing every once in a while before she began, "My parents died in a car accident in the beginning of summer when I was eleven. I was left in the care of my grandma, who hated me. She blamed me for the accident because I wanted to go on a road trip, and they died because of it. She couldn't understand how I was left unharmed while my parents died, she thought I was cursed."
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath when the memories got too much before opening them when Barry spoke reassuring words in her ear reminding her he was there, she was safe, and she'd never feel that way again. Y/n shot him a watery smile before saying softly, "Her hatred for me grew, she became cruel but never laid a hand on me. She'd make snide comments about my weight, make me go to bed hungry, she began to hit me when I got her angry, but things changed for the worst when she began to drink again.
"She always had a problem with her liquor, it turned her into a mean drunk, that's what my Mom always said. She sobered up for my Mom, but she found herself drinking again the year Mom died. And her aggression only multiplied. Sometime mid November, her slaps became whips to the back. She'd strip me down in front of her friends, and they'd take turns beating me with a belt."
Barry had to hold back a gasp as his face twisted into disgust at the actions of the very person who was supposed to love and take care of her. He suddenly knew why the Snarts were so protective of her now, she was a fellow survivor.
Blinking back to the present, Barry brushed his hand through her hair, "God N/n, I'm so sorry. You never deserved that."
Y/n smiled at him as if she didn't believe his words, shrugging her shoulders she dismissed, "It's alright, it was a long time ago. I got away from her after graduation. I never looked back."
Barry shook his head, not liking how she easily dismissed her own pain but he didn't argue with her. Instead he kissed her soundly on the lips before saying, "I love you Y/n."
Her breathing hitched as her pupil dilated, "Say it again... Please."
His mouth stretched into a grin, "I love you Y/n."
Her own mouth twisted into a smile before she kissed him breathless, "I love you too Barry."
He eagerly brought her closer to his body, as their tongues fought for dominance. Her plush thighs wrapped around his slim waist, hugging him closer to her heat, causing him to gasp into her mouth. She gazed up at him coyly, and would have continued to kiss him, but both of them jumped apart when they heard Gandalf yell,
The two looked up at the screen in surprise before they both chuckled, Barry resting his head against hers. Stroking his thumb on her plump bottom lip, Barry's eyes searched her face before suggesting, "Why don't we take this somewhere else?"
"To the bedroom?" She asked as she bit her bottom lip to stop her growing grin.
Barry could only chuckle as he sped through the process of cleaning her snacks away, and grabbing her waist as he rushed her to the bedroom. When Y/n blinked, she found herself thrown on her bed, with Barry crawling over top her as he confirmed, "To the bedroom."
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jackiequick · 1 year
Your in love, aren’t you? • The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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HR Wells and Lea O’Conner One Shot | The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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“HR your in love, aren’t you?” Lea asked with a grinned, standing in front of the taller man.
“W-what? Me? Me in love? Noooo!” HR tried to defend himself but his eyes said otherwise.
One thing that every Wells they met so held strongly was their eyes and mannerisms. It’s one thing she noticed the 3rd time around with The Wells crew, as much as Harry likes to deny him ever being compared to the others, it was clearly there.
“HR. I can see it in your face and your hand gestures today, matter a fact this whole week.” Lea pointed out with her hands on her hips.
“Maybe.” HR admitted with a goofy grin on his face, “Okay, I am in love!”
“Ooo who’s the pretty girl?”
“Yes it’s her!”
HR was grinning and started to blush a bit. It was the cutest thing, rarely do you ever see a Wells blush. Grin like an idiot, yes. Blush? No. Lea started grinning brightly at the sight. HR was one of kindness and most sweetest people she knows, of course Tracy would go out with him.
“I just don’t know how to woo her.” HR admits with a smile fidgeting with his drumsticks a bit.
Lea sat down and nods, “What do you mean? HR, honey, all you gotta do is ring in that classic Wells charm.”
“How, flower? I-I don’t know how women on Earth 1 like to woo..”
“Awwww! First off, if she likes you back then Tracy has great taste in men. And secondly, buy her a small bouquet of flowers and a size small of favorite coffee.”
“Ohhh! I can add a little custom note, like a poem.”
“There you go! Use that writer brain of yours HR. Your a Wells, your clever than anyone.”
HR grinned brightly bouncing up from his chair and with a flicker of his wrist placed his hat on his head. Always a flare for the dramatically sweet moment. Lea laughed a little, practically seeing his gears turning in his head. Always happy to help a friend like him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, flower! I know excited what I’m going to do!” HR yelled excitedly and pulled her into a adorable embrace, placing a kiss of her forehead always grateful for his friends.
She laughed hugging him back tightly, knowing all he needed was a small push. “Your welcome, HR! Now go on before it’s too late, it’s 2:31pm already!” Lea replied with a smile.
“R-right! I’m going now, don’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course not. Theses lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Promise? At least until I tell Cisco.”
“I won’t tell anyone, HR.”
The writer of Team Flash left with a grin, not before grabbing his black jacket and almost stumbling out the door in excitement. Once she was sure he was gone, she smirked with a dazzling look in her eyes.
“I’mma go tell Caitlin.” Lea said with a cheeky smirk to herself and raced off to the top floor.
⚡️ Thank you for reading this short one shot. I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @drspencereidhotch @gcthvile @blueboirick @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and etc
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