#Gray x reader
justauthoring · 2 months
your hand feels nice in mine.
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requested! -> hii loved your natsu fic! 🤭 i’m glad that fairy tail content is coming back. i wanna request something similar w gray.. maybe it’s a hot day n he helps reader
a/n -> honestly it was not my intention to write for fairy tail today... but writing that natsu drabble was so fun and i can't help it im in a fair tail mood lol. also, for the sake of it, let's pretty juvia hasn't joined the guild yet okay?
pairing -> gray fullbuster x f!reader
it was far too hot.
ridiculously hot.
really, it shouldn't even be humanely possible for it to be this hot. hot enough that you were sweating profusely, it building up on your forehead and leaving you feeling gross and sticky. you were thirsty and your movements felt luggish, as if you might just pass out on the spot.
clearly, the universe had something against you because this was starting to feel like a personal attack.
your eyes flicker to your teammate who seems all too unaffected by the heat; which, yes, to be fair was to be expected. gray was an ice wizard and you knew he ran cold, so obviously this heat wasn't impacting him as much. he looked somewhat warm, you guessed, a small build up of sweat lining his forehead.
but he wasn't dragging his feet and he didn't look flushed or uncomfortable. nothing like you at least.
walking ahead of you, gray looks perfectly fine which, unfortunately, is just irritating you more. how was it fair that he was fine while you were practically dying?
"dumb ice wizard with your stupid ice powers and cooling abilities," you mumble to yourself, grouchy and annoyed.
you just wanted this mission to be over but it was looking like you were going to be stuck on this island for a while longer if the fact that you guys hadn't even found your clients target yet was anything to go by. the rest of team natsu had split up in search of them; natsu and happy with lucy and erza with carla and wendy.
which left you with the stupid, unbothered and cool gray.
truthfully, you're not even sure how you're going to even be able fight the damn target when you do reach them because it was so hot!
"are you okay?"
if he hadn't spoken, you would've ended up walking right into gray. but his voice is enough to snap you out of your own sulking, blinking as you stop and meet his gaze. his words seem genuine and you're sure he is concerned but the damn smirk on his lips just pisses you off more.
"fine," you reply sharply, turning to walk past him.
gray reaches for you before you can, his hand wrapping around your arm and halting your steps as he pulls you back towards him.
regrettably, even if his cold hand feels soothing on your skin.
gray just lets out a chuckle, shifting you so you're stood in front of him before pressing his palm against your forehead. whatever you'd been about to say promptly falls silent the second it does. instantly, a cold, gentle breeze flows over you, enveloping your entire body in a cooling sensation that has your tensed muscles relaxing.
"feel better?"
glancing up at gray, you blink at him, dazed. "much," you admit, nodding, "your magic feels so nice."
gray flushes slightly at your words, the compliment making his insides feel funny as he coughs, trying to pretend like that hadn't affected him. "w-well, i'm glad. you looked pretty miserable."
as the feeling floods you, you start to gather your bearings, now just realizing how close you were to gray. his hand was raised, pressed against your forehead, but his other hand still rested on your arm and the two of you were very close.
you feel your cheeks warm as you lower your gaze.
"th-thank you, gray." you mumble, feeling oddly embarrassed even though you can't reason why. gray was your friend and all he was doing was helping you, his friend, cool down in this ridiculous heat.
there was nothing to be embarrassed about.
still, that couldn't explain the flush on both of your cheeks.
"here," gray shifts, moving his hand and you have to resist the urge to moan at the loss of his hand. he lets go of your arm and moves to stand beside you. and, before you can dwell on the disappointment much longer, gray's face is burning and he's promptly turning away from you, avoiding your gaze.
your eyes then lower, seeing his hand held out towards you, palm inviting.
"hold my hand," he explains, muffled as he shoves his face into his coat collar (surprisingly still on). "i'll keep you cool."
the realization dawns on you, eyes widening. "o-oh," you mumble, forcing the words out as you glance at his hand once again. "okay."
slowly, hesitantly, you slip your hand into his, gray easing into the touch as he threads his fingers through your own, and squeezes.
true to his word, he lets his magic slowly seep out, cooling you and enveloping you in a consant cool sensation. but the heat refuses to fade from your cheeks, all the same, as the two of you avoid each others gaze.
"sh-should we get going?"
"why are you holding gray's hand?"
you snap your attention to lucy at her question, eyes then snapping to gray who's staring back at you, and then finally down to your intwined hands.
a second later, the two of you are pulling away.
"no-no reason!"
lucy just blinks at the two of you, quirking a knowing brow.
"you guys sure?"
you send a lucy a half-hearted glare, knowing what she's insinuating, and given that she knew more than anyone else there, you refused to let her try and egg you on. "of course," you say firmly, and lucy just laughs. "it was just... hot. gray cooled me down."
hands on her hips, lucy snorts; "okay, then." then, stepping back, she shrugs. "i was just curious."
she leaves the two of you alone and both you and gray stand there for a moment, silent, not sure what to say.
then, gray speaks up; "i didn't mind, you know?"
"hm?" you mumble, meeting his eyes. he just gestures to his hand and your lips part. "oh. me... me neither. it... felt nice." then, you move to clarify; "and not just because of your magic."
"that's good," gray nods, flustered. "i'm glad."
"...wanna... hold hands again?"
you let out a breath of relief. "yes."
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zaimta · 1 year
Hey, can i request some friends to lovers relationship headcannons for Gray, Natsu and Loke from Fairy Tail with and fem!reader please
a/n- the crazy thing is this is a trope that would work for them the best, can you tell loke is my fave i went crazy on his
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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unfortunately for you since y’all are friends he always walkin around in his drawls, he simply does not care
he makes fun of you to no end, and don’t let you talk about something he could care less about either
“shh shh wait you hear that y/n?” he cups his ear “i don’t hear anything??” “you see because that’s the sound of someone who gives a fuck.” you rose a brow “i don’t hear any- oh.”
he thinks he’s so funny
he’s actually thee worst person to go to for relationship advice, if he openly does not like the person you’re dating and you come to him about your problems he’s like “break up with them” with no type of hesitation
at some point, you had to stop goin to him for relationship advice and only talk to him for a good rant
even if y’all are real tight he won’t tell you about ur, until he goes to that moon island and the memories resurface for him, then he’ll tell you all about it
but he’s not a big sentimental guy so it’s a little hard for him but you’re glad to know he could trust you
when he catches feelings for you he denies it terribly, he could catch himself starin at you too long and he snaps his neck in the other direction with a quickness
and don’t let anyone mention it either because it becomes even more obvious
“what are you talking about?? me and y/n? nah we’re just friends…” he says while watching you laugh with your friends with a smile
refuses to ask anyone for advice, he hopes to suffer quietly and move on
he’s the type to confess on accident, probably during a quest and you almost get hurt really bad and he saves you, you try to brush it off n make a joke out of it and he gets mad at you for it
“you could have died back there y/n. do you have any idea how that would have affected us at the guild?! how it would affect me!?” he sighs before continuing “you drive me so damn crazy you know that? i can’t live without you.”
he indirectly confesses to you with that and y’all are basically dating
unsurprisingly he acts the exact same, the only thing that changes is the fact that if he teases you too much you can shut him up with a kiss and he’s always like “oh?”, he is very aware of his effect on you and will continue to annoy you for more kisses
when he strips down it’s way more annoying than when y’all were just friends because he teases you about it
“are y’a that crazy about me that you’re embarrassed y/n?”
a good hit upside the head will do the trick just fine though
he still won’t be able to open up about things easily though, after years of constantly trying to brush things off it doesn’t come naturally to him, but he appreciates that you’re there to listen
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this trope was made for him actually
as his friend he would always drag you along to do all kinds of shit, he drags you along on quests 24/7 and trusts you to watch his back
if he starts a fight in the guild he always comes over to you smiling like an idiot whether he won or lost, constantly asking if you saw the new move he did or how cool he looked doin it
he’s at your house more than his own, he lives to annoy you first thing in the morning, he swears it’s funny but it’s not so funny anymore when he gets rocked for playing too much
he talks to you about igneel from time to time when something reminds him of his father or when he thinks of him just cause and he always tells you that igneel would love you if the two of you would meet each other
he’s not shy about his feelings towards you, he’s kinda obvious about them but not obnoxiously obvious about it, it’s clear to everyone else but not you because that’s just how he is
he would be around you more but it wouldn’t feel new because he was already around 24/7, but he would become slightly more touchy like throwing his arm around your shoulders n junk
he compliments you more too
“hey y/n! lookin good!”
eventually, y’all start jokingly flirting with each other, it goes on for a good while until you catch feelings. you try to ease up on the flirting but he keeps going so you admit that the flirting is getting to you and admit that you can’t flirt with him anymore if it’s not real and he says
“wait i thought we were already dating?”
once y’all are official things are more clear between the two of you, he screams “fun dates” guy so he loves going to nearby fairs with you on dates
he loves eating the food there and having you try some of the food
nap dates could be his thing too, you would have to talk him into it because staying still for long periods of time aint his thing, but when he comes over and he’s really tired he just wordlessly drags you into your bedroom and collapses on you and falls asleep immediately, run your fingers through his hair he loves that
his kisses have playful energy to them, you can feel him smiling into the kiss and it’s the cutest thing ever
when he tells you about igneel it’s different from when y’all were just friends, he talks about you meeting him, and him showing you off to his father knowing that he would love you as much as he does
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y'all would be real close, when he was interested in he would tell you immediately which happened literally every day, he would be like
"hey you see that girl over there? i think I'm gonna go talk to her"
and you would never be able to talk him out of it either
but at the same time, he would keep certain things from you like him being a celestial spirit, he was planning to never tell you about it till his time was up, as he feels his time fading he's filled with regret, instead of telling you how he felt he just ignored his feelings with other women and in the end he wasn't even able to tell you that he loved you
when lucy makes a contract with him, she insists that he goes and confesses his feelings for you
"we all know loke, y/n might not have noticed but we see the way you look at her…and ironically you don’t see the way she looks at you either” his eyes widen, and lucy extends her hand to him “go get her”
his confession is the sweetest thing ever
with encouragement from lucy, he wasted no time running back to the guild, he almost tripped a couple times from the brute force of his start but he didn’t care he needed to see you. he burst into the guild hall out of breath “where is y/n?!” he shouted. the other guild members crowed around loke wondering what happened, asking him about his new look, and wondering why he ran out of the guild earlier “there’s no time for that dammit where is y/n?” cana spoke over the crowd “she’s on her way home to i would go get her now before she moves on if i were you!”
he started running once again by the time he found you, you were a few steps from your house before he shouted “y/n!!” causing you to stop in your tracks at the sound of his voice “loke?” he ran up to you and sweeped you into a hug, he hugged you so tight as if you were going to disappear “i won’t leave you like that again i promise.”
the two of you share a kiss and he tells you everything, he talks about him being a celestial spirit, he tells you ab the previous wizard he made a contract with and why he made up the identity “loke”
from there he tells you his real name, and every time you say it he gets butterflies
as for y’all’s relationship he’s often out of the celestial world hanging out with you on days he’s not on lucy’s schedule
out of respect for lucy y’all never have anything planned on the days he’s contracted, and out of respect she doesn’t call him when she knows y’all are busy, she is y’all’s biggest supporter
when he’s seen around the guild he’s normally seen with you close by, his arm will always be around you one way or another whether it’s your shoulder or waist it’s gonna be there
as the king of the zodiacs, he often calls you “my queen”
he seems like the beach date type, but not during the day during the night time so y’all can see the stars, he points out his constellation
“if there’s ever a time i’m not able to be with you the stars will always be by your side.”
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malereadermaniac · 3 months
Royal Secrets ~ Gray Fullbuster x Male Reader
Royal Au kind of? Gray and you are from affluent families in the kingdom of Fiore (while still keeping his family history kinda the same) word count: 1.2k
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Gray and you were forced to become acquaintanced and to spend time with each other during your early teen years
The two of you would have to sit in on your families' business meetings and attend events and parties whether you actually wanted to be there or not
You and Gray didn't really get along to begin with, but once the two of you managed to bond over having overbearing and ridiculously rich parents, you two started to get along more
The two of you would sneak around, wiggling your ways out of meetings and sneaking away from parties to fuck around and play games with your magic
You two loved sneaking up to the balcony and playing pranks on other people in the courtyard with Gray's ice - your friend making small, slightly melted droplets of ice fall on people's heads and into their collars.
Gray loved showing off his powers to you, his mother ensured that he was well trained to use his magic, so he could perform some pretty neat tricks
And the man loved looking at you as you watched him in awe as he made some small ice figure - his ego would inflate when you would compliment his skill, and he would inexplicably blush at your comments
Now that you're both adults, you are both expected to partake in meetings and host parties - as well as start courting possible suitors...
However, what your parents are unaware of is that the two of you are too busy "courting" each other to have time for courting women
Gray and you only started seeing each other secretly recently
It was as a result of your parents declaring to a business meeting (which, of course, including Gray and his family) that you are planned to court Lady Lucy of the Heartfillia family
When Gray heard your father say that, something in him clicked - the affluent man just couldn't picture you spending your life, or even more time, with anyone else other than him
That night, the two of you were sneaking around your courtyard after ditching one of your parents' parties
Once the two of you reached the gazebo, with the ambient moonlight and the gorgeous flowers adorning your families grandeous gazebo, Gray fully couldn't take his eyes off of you
He couldn't get the idea of you with a woman out of his mind, he felt possessive over you - unlike he'd ever felt for anyone else
You also couldn't take your eyes off of the handsome man in front of you - Gray dressed very fancily to fit his status at your party, hands gloved and face glowing in the moonlight
And even though he knew he really shouldn't, Gray held your face in one of his silk gloved hands and pulled you closer into a chaste kiss
While it did take you by surprise, you were not opposed to kissing the handsome, rich man whatsoever
And while you did want to keep kissing Gray, especially when his warm tongue broke into your mouth and danced around with your own tongue, you were forced to pull away at the sound of a guard calling for you
Luckily, the clueless guard saw nothing, except for two blushing and out of breath men standing slightly too close yet just far enough as to not look suspicious
And when Gray and you were made to follow the guard back to the party, the smug man could only smirk your way, looking down at you sexily - it made you blush, of course, but also want to make out with him then and there
Ever since then, your parents have continually tried to have you court many different affluent women of their picking, and you continually subtly refuse and sneak off with Gray
The two of you are more inseparable than ever, visiting each other on "business" to spend 3 hours together - making out, chatting, thinking of the future, making out some more and going a little further from time to time
Also, you and your now secret boyfriend are not very quiet or sneaky about your relationship
You try to be, mainly sticking to your rooms when doing *certain* things, however the guards outside of your respective rooms have heard some unspeakable things
Your butler knows about the two of you after walking in on you and Gray mid-makeout and he fully supports you while keeping your secret
Other staff at your mansion or Gray's know about the two of you, especially when you two sneak around and night and bump into maids or cooks who are going to their quarters
You two wouldn't have it any other way though, Gray and you would love to be public about your love and affection towards one another - your parents being the only obstacle
While your parents have no problem with the possibility of you being gay, they would still want an heir - which you and Gray obviously can't produce legitimately
Gray's parents on the other hand believe in traditional values - meaning no dick for Gray
However, Gray's parents have had some late night, drunk discussions about the positives of having Gray and you combine your families business empire with their own
Gray and you aren't too affected by your parents opinions though, your love for him is only affected by Gray and vice versa for him.
And who knows, Fiere is changing by the day
You two have always thought that your parents can be convinced
Turns out, they could be!
It wasn't the most elegant or thought out way of telling both your parents and Gray's about your extraordinarily homosexual relationship but it worked nonetheless
What happened? Well both sets of parents walked in on you and Gray of course!
You and your tall, handsome boyfriend had snuck off from one of his families parties once again and found yourselves in one of Gray's many guest bedrooms
By the time anything registered in your brain, Gray was only in his unbuttoned dress shirt and tight trousers - love bites already on his neck and your collar bone whilst some of your own clothes were discarded on the floor
As Gray was shoving his tongue down your throat - your arms around his neck, his strong hands holding your hips on his lap, the two of you comfortably making out on the guest room's bed - you two were distracted from one another at the loud sound of the door slamming open
You two quickly break the kiss and turn to look towards the now wide-open door to the guest room
And of course, as you can guess, in the doorway stood not only Gray's parents, but yours as well!
And while the two of you had to separate and get scolded loudly and for a very long time - by the end of the night, your parents were discussing how to go about the situation
Their conversation ending in an arranged marriage between you two!
Somehow, it all worked out for you and your tall, handsome boyfriend
You should of taken a photo of Gray's face, he was dumbfounded but elated
Your parents had to separate the two of you again when you started making out again out of joy!
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pfpanimes · 6 months
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⌕ fairy tail · gray fullbuster.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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weneeya · 25 days
don't push me away w/ gray m.list | rules
note. hiiii i'm finally back i'm sorry omg it's been so long ANYWAY fairy tail brain rot is going on sooo i hope you're ready for it <3
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It wasn’t so rare for you to go on quests with Gray, as you two were a pretty good match with your magics. It worked pretty well, and even more as you had a pretty good relationship. At least, it was the case until your last quest. Gray had been kind of weird all the time and you couldn’t take it anymore when he almost snapped by yelling at you. 
Since you came back, you were clearly avoiding him. Mirajane tried to talk to you about it but you were stuck on your positions and not ready to talk to him again. Everyone noticed it because you were spending a lot more time on your own than with Gray, Natsu and everyone else. It was difficult to make you this angry, so they all thought that Gray must have gone too far this time. 
You were currently looking for a quest on the board, alone. Until Gray approached you, clearing his throat and gathering all of his strength. He looked at you, and you didn’t even glance at him. A small sigh left his lips before he crossed his arms on his chest. 
“You’re really going to leave for this quest alone?” He asked, and you simply turned your head to him. It almost broke his heart to see how cold your gaze was towards him. He was sure he never saw you look at anyone in the guild like this before. He looked away, still hoping to get an answer from you. 
But all you did was to take the paper on the board. You showed it to Mira before turning away, ready to leave the guild. At least, you were about to when Gray grabbed your wrist to guide you out of here with him. He only stopped a few meters away, now facing you, your wrist in his hand. You looked at him with a frown, quickly taking back your hand from his grip. 
“What’s your problem?” You almost yelled at him and he looked away, his jaw slightly clenching. He quickly looked back in your direction, obviously angry but mostly hurt. You could see it in his eyes. 
“You plan on ignoring me for the rest of your life?” He finally asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. “I can’t do it anymore. I’m sorry, I told you that already. Please, stop it.” 
You kept your gaze locked in his eyes, a little frown over your face. As you were going to forgive him this easily. He tried to grab your hand but you brushed him away quickly. His lips slightly parted before he looked away, another sigh escaping his mouth. 
“I shouldn’t have acted this way with you, I really am sorry. It’s just… you.” Your eyes widened a little, realizing what he was trying to say. “Oh so it’s my fault now?” You slowly raised your eyebrows and he looked back at you in a second. 
“What? No! It’s me, but it’s because of what you’re doing to me!” There was clearly a misunderstanding but you didn't seem to get what he was trying to tell you right now. In fact, it was only making you even angrier. 
“Stop trying to put the blame on me, would you!” He couldn’t believe that things were really turning this way. He put his hands on his eyes, rubbing them for a moment, before meeting your gaze. “I love you! This is the problem!” He finally admitted, and it made you go silent almost immediately. 
You were looking at him without saying anything, trying to process the words he had just said to you. You blinked a few times, before your voice left your mouth almost in a murmur. “You… what?” He sighed loudly, not able to assume your gaze anymore. “I said what I said.” A slight blush was running across his face, and it hit you hard. 
“Gray, I…” He shook his head, not letting you finish your sentence. “It’s okay, you don’t need to take pity on me,” he said, and it made you frown once more. You took a step closer, and your hand quickly found its way to his cheek, forcing him to look back at you. He caught him off guard, as he was waiting for you to say anything. 
“I wasn’t done,” you started, and he didn’t know how to answer this. When he was about to finally say something, you didn’t give him the opportunity to. Your lips met his for a few seconds, before you looked back into his eyes, your hand leaving his face. “Now I am.” 
He must look so dumb right now, but he was looking at you with a confused expression and a blush at the same time. His mind was a mess, screaming at the alert. It made you laugh a little, which brought him back to Earth. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. 
“I guess we’re fine then,’ he said and you rolled your eyes, with an amused smile over your lips. You took his hand in yours, nodding slowly. “Guess we are. Now come on, we have a quest to do.” He followed you without saying anything more, still trying to process all the events that just happened. 
Maybe making you angry wasn’t the worst thing he ever did in the end.
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thank you for reading!
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samanthaa-leanne · 2 months
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From the moment you laid eyes on Gray Fullbuster you knew it was game over. All the nights you spent reading romance novels and seeing how all it took was one look before most of the heroines fell in love with a man. You thought it was bogus. There was no way you could fall in love with a man with just one look. That was until you saw him. 
Gray Fullbuster was a well-known wizard throughout Fiore. You had heard about him well before you joined the Fairy Tail guild. You just didn’t expect him to look like that. When your friend and roommate Lucy introduced you to her group, the group she also wanted you to join. She introduced you to Erza first and you couldn’t help but think she was the sweetest person you had ever met. You didn’t know why Lucy was so afraid of her. That was until Natsu knocked over her strawberry shortcake and all hell broke loose. 
Natsu was something else. He tried being intimidating but quickly changed his attitude once he learned you could fight. Then all he wanted to do was challenge you. Lucy tried to scold him, but you agreed, and soon kicked his ass. Everyone in the guild was impressed with your skills. Even Natsu when he regained consciousness.  
“Wow Natsu, I can’t believe you got your ass kicked by a girl.” A voice said from behind you. 
You turned around to defend yourself when suddenly the most handsome man you had ever seen was standing in front of you. Your heart did a flip and you lost all sense of what you were going to say. 
“Gray I was wondering where you were.” Lucy said, trying to change the subject before another fight broke out. “This is my friend YN. She just joined the guild.” 
All of a sudden his eyes were on yours as he looked you up and down. Your cheeks turned a bright red as his eyes finally met yours. 
“Nice to meet you YN. You seem like a real badass from the ass whooping you gave dragon breath over there.” He said, motioning to a fired up Natsu who was about to hop the table to get his hands on Gray. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” You said as calmly as you could. Your heart was still racing from his mere presence. 
A few months had passed since you first met and joined Team Natsu. The missions you went on grew even more dangerous and there were some you didn’t know if you would complete in one piece, but without fail your team beat the odds. 
Your trust in one another grew everyday and soon you guys could predict each other's moves. Sometimes you even knew what the other would do before they did it. You gave a new definition to the word close. 
Your bond with your teammates was something you never wanted to lose. However your feelings for a particular teammate grew even more as each day passed. There were times you thought he felt the same, but then he would treat you like he did with all your other teammates. 
It seemed like everyone knew about your feelings for Gray besides him. He was oblivious. Not even Natsu and Happy’s not so subtle jokes clicked in that handsome head of his. You were okay with it though. You figured he was just pretending not to know about your feelings for him so it didn’t ruin your friendship. Which you didn’t want to ruin anyways so you shoved your feelings down and focused on your friendship instead. 
What you didn’t expect was to overhear a private conversation between Natsu and Gray about a month later at the guild hall. 
“So what do you think about YN?” Natsu asked as nonchalantly as he could. 
“She’s a pretty awesome fighter and a great friend.” Gray responded quickly, giving Natsu a weird look. 
“Just a friend huh?” Natsu asked, trying to hint at something he shouldn’t. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Gray shot back. 
“Are you sure you aren’t an idiot?” Natsu asked, his voice calm for once. 
“What are you going on about this time?” Gray replied with confusion written all over his face. 
“You really don’t know that…” he was cut off by Erza showing up and punching him in the stomach as Happy flew him a few feet away. 
“Ignore him.” Erza said as she joined the table they were at. You quickly walked away before anyone noticed you.
Gray nodded and went back to what he was doing. The questions Natsu asked had him thinking if he really did just see you as a friend. 
He couldn’t lie to himself and say he didn’t find you attractive, because he did. From the moment he first saw you he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. And then you beat the crap out of Natsu which just impressed him even more. But Gray didn’t believe in love at first sight. He believed in getting to know someone through and through and falling in love with the person they were. 
And that’s when it clicked. It was slow and he didn’t realize it until he really sat down and thought about it, but he was in love with you. He had been for a while now. He loved everything about you. The way you smiled when you saw something that made you happy. The way you always had your friend’s back no matter what the situation was. The way you tucked your hair behind your ear when you were nervous. You were everything he never knew he needed and at that moment all he wanted to do was find you and tell you he loved you. So that’s exactly what he did. 
You were on your way back to your apartment when you heard someone shouting your name. You turn around to find Gray running after you at full speed. 
“Gray? What’s wrong? Is everything…” You were cut off as his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into him, hugging you tightly.
“I love you.” He said softly as he rubbed his arms up and down your back. 
“Wait what?” You asked, pulling back a little from his embrace. The look he was giving you was something you had always wanted to see. 
“I love you.” He repeated as if he couldn’t say the words enough. 
“Is this some kind of joke? Did Natsu put you up to this?” You asked as you scanned the surrounding area trying to catch the pink haired menace. 
“What?! No! Of course not.” Gray answered, baffled that this was your reaction. His mind was racing. Did he not think this through? Did you not feel the same way? 
“Natsu and I were talking and he asked me what I thought about you and at first I said you were just a great friend but then I got to thinking and I realized I’m in love with you.” He started, stopping to look into your eyes as he said, “I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your ability to put everyone in the guild in their place. I just realized that you are everything I never knew I wanted or needed and I just had to come tell you.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until his fingers were wiping away the tears. You never thought he would reciprocate the feeling you had. 
“Aww don’t cry, pretty girl. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said softly, pulling you back into his chest. 
“I love you too.” You whispered. “Ever since I first laid eyes on you. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you.” You said truthfully, your tears calming down. 
He stepped back and lifted your chin so your eyes met. The smile he was giving you was so infectious you couldn’t help but smile back up at him. 
“Say it again.” He whispered, closing his eyes. 
“I love you, Gray Fullbuster.” You said, your smile growing with each word. 
He opened his eyes, leaned down, and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “I love you too baby girl.”
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moon-child1316 · 1 year
||Hot and Cold Gray Fullbuster x reader x Natsu Dragneel NSFW||
Warnings: NSFW/Masturbation/Threesome/Double Penetration/Creampie/ temperature play if you skint ur eyes I suppose/ Slightly OC/ also please excuse any grammar mistakes since English isn't my first language.
I'm not gonna say minors DNI cause I know y'all don't listen. But you've been warned about the contents.
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You layed down on your bed with a sigh. You were extremely exhausted after the last mission Fairy Tail's strongest team had gone on. After recharging your energy for a bit you decided to go into your bathroom and take a bath.
You practically melted into the water. The warmth and the different oils you put into it helping you recharge your magic and loosen up your joints. You closed your eyes relaxing not realizing you were falling asleep in your bath.
By the time you woke up you quickly drained your bath and dried up before walking out, you were in your home so you didn't bother wearing a towel as you got out. You looked out the window and realized it was night time by now "I must've been asleep for awhile." You mumbled as you walked towards your mirror staring at yourself.
You traced your hands over the curves of your body. Starting from your thighs all the way to your breast. For some reason you were suddenly getting in the mood, and I mean no one was going to burst into your apartment anytime, right?
So there you were sitting down on your bed and spreading your legs. You sucked on your fingers for some lube and then took them down to your aching core. Slowly drawing circles on your clit. As you did it you couldn't help but let your mind wonder to a certain ice wizard and a certain dragon slayer. Your crush for them both was obvious, but after all fire and ice don't mix at all. And you were right in the middle of them both all the time. Mirajane swore they both reciprocated your feelings but you never saw it.
So all you had where moments like this, where you would let your mind wonder about how Gray's cold lips would feel against your neck, how Natsu's hands would feel gropping your thighs, maybe having both of their cocks inside you at the same time.
You closed your eyes and layed fully down on the bed, getting extremely caught up in your fantasy you failed to hear your door opening and the footsteps coming to your room.
You slipped 2 fingers inside of yourself immediately curling them to reach your g-spot. You moaned out the names of the 2 men that were driving you insane.
You heard a throat clear and your froze in the spot. Your eyes flying open as your blood ran cold. You shut straight up and sat on your bed as the blush came straight to your cheeks.
Standing in your doorway were Natsu and Gray themselves staring at you. "GUYS!" you quickly yelled grabbing onto your blanket that was conveniently next to you to cover up the little decency you had left. "Um, how long have you been standing there?" You asked with a nervous chuckle. The sweat starting to form in your hands.
"Enough" mumbled Gray, his icy eyes staring deep into yours. Your eyes slowly scanned them. Gray as always had no shirt on, but his pants were unbluckled as he leaned on one side of the doorframe. Natsu leaned on the other side, his arms crossed. His expression was different however, you noticed the hunger in his eyes. A hunger you had never seen before.
Slowly your eyes drifted and you noticed the very noticeable bulges they both had. No words needed to be said as you looked back up at them, biting your lip nervously.
Gray was the first to move. He slowly made his way towards you taking off his pants fully leaving him only in boxers. A view you were used to seeing yet this time it was different. You felt your heartbeat quicken with every step he took towards you. His icy fingers gently grabbed your chin making you look at him in the eye. "So you were playing with yourself while thinking of us huh?" He asked with a smirk on his lips. You felt like all the words in your vocabulary had gone out the window so you just nodded. Gray sat down on your right side and pulled your face close to him. You could feel his cold breath against your lips, chills kept running down your body but you loved them. "Well, how about we make that fantasy of yours a reality" he whispered before closing the tiny gap and capturing your lips in a kiss.
You felt as if your heart was going to explode. Gray's lips were on yours. The kiss was hungry, he used the hand on your chin to keep you from backing away from him. You felt the bed dip on your left side and a half slowly start to remove the blanket covering you "Hey now don't forget about me" Natsu whispered in your ear. You felt his hot breath against your neck and you shivered in anticipation.
Gray finally released his grip on your chin and you broke away from the kiss. You were breathing heavy as you looked at Natsu, seeing he had taken off his clothes too. Natsu didn't waste anytime on kissing you either. His kiss was quicker, but you could still feel the passion in them. His tongue quickly took dominance over your mouth and you couldn't help the little moan that escaped you.
Once you pulled away for some air you placed a hand on both of their chest. "Guys..." you mumbled "you don't have to do this, I dont want to ruin the team and you weren-" your sentence was quickly interrupted with a throaty groan as you felt Gray's hands on your inner thigh squeezing it. "We want this" Natsu says "Right icy head?" He asked turning his gaze towards Gray. Gray hums in agreement before turning his gaze back towards you "But, only if you want it darling" he says moving some hair out of your face.
"I want it... I want it so bad..." you whisper. They turn to look at eachother and smirk as if they were talking telepathically "I guess that settles it" Gray says before laying you down on the bed.
Gray spreads your legs and immediately dips his head down to kiss your thighs while Natsu moves to remove his boxers. Gray places your legs over his shoulders and blows cold air onto your clit making you shiver. He chuckled and starting sucking on your clit while inserting 2 fingers inside of you. You moaned out and looked at Natsu. As if he could read your mind he sat on the bed near you and you leaned up taking his cock into your mouth.
The room filled with the noises of your muffled moans and Natsu's groans while Gray could be heard slurping on your juices. It didn't take long for you to start feeling the knot in your stomach, yet Gray pulled away despite your whines of protest "Not not babygirl." Natsu also pulled out of your mouth leaving you a drooling mess and then looked at Gray.
"So who's putting it in first?" Natsu asked Gray raised a brow at him as he stood up from his position on the floor "Obviously me" Gray said with a scoff. And there the argument between these 2 started. You were a little dazed however you knew if this kept on going much longer they would end up destroying your home.
"Both" you said sitting up on the bed. They both stopped their argument and turned to you. "I want both of you at the same time" you whispered, a blush starting to adorn your cheeks.
They looked at eachother and came to a silent agreement. You slowly stood from the bed standing between them. Gray pulled you in by your hips, your back facing him as he started to kiss and suck on your neck. Natsu ran his hands over your body stopping on your thighs "You ready?" He whispered to which you nodded. You wrapped your arms around Natsu neck and Gray grabbed onto your legs both of them using their combined strength to lift you up like you were nothing.
You felt them both line up with your entrance, a silent whimper leaving you. They both coated their cocks with your slick before slowly slipping inside you.
You gasped at the sudden fullness you felt. Both their cocks stretching out your folds. Tears and a small sob escaped you while you held tight onto Natsu. "So full, I feel so full" you whispered. Gray hushed you while he gently caressed your thighs and kissed your neck. Natsu whispered sweet nothings into your ears both of them trying to calm you and minimize your pain.
"You're doing so good for us baby, taking both of our cocks" he whispered making you moan a bit at his words. After a bit you gave them the green light and they started moving. Taking turns thrusting into you, Gray's cold body in your back and Natsu warm on was driving you crazy. Your insides felt like they were being stirred up as their cocks kissed your cervix.
You were getting drunk on the please, your gummy walls tightening around their cocks begging for more. You could barely register when you cummed all over them, your juices dripping down both of their legs.
Gray was the first to get rougher, his thrust getting harder as he bit down on your shoulder. Natsu gave him a nod and sunk his fingers onto your thigh making you cry out.
They both started thrusting into you at an animalistic space, causing you to cry and scream out profanities as they abused your overestimated pussy. Both of them looking for their own highs.
It didn't take long before both of them exploded their load, painting your walls with their cum. You shivered and moaned at the sensation of being filled up by both of them.
They slipped their cocks out of you still keeping you up in the air. Their cum dripping down onto your carpet. Natsu chuckled a bit at the sight "Oops, sorry about that princess" Natsu whispered "We'll clean it up for you don't worry" Gray whispered as he slowly let go of you, nodding towards the bed.
Natsu took the hint and slowly carried you onto it, making sure to lay you down comfortably before laying down next to you, Gray doing the same. You turned towards Gray and layed your head on his chest as Natsu wrapped his arms around your waist. All 3 of you cuddling tightly as the tiredness took over all of you. At that moment you weren't going to question how you got into this position, but as you closed your eyes you thanked whatever entity was up there that let you have this moment with both men that you loved.
A/N: whoa I think this is the first time I truly ever write a Threesome. Also first time writing here on Tumblr. Let me know if you guys would like a part 2 full of fluff.
If you've read this far first off thank you so much, if you guys have any request please let me know.
-Much love Moon <3
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virtualluvr · 6 months
Society needs more grey x reader
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belele u didn’t specify so i took this request and RAN
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GRAY is silent, selectively mute if you say, on set. Sure he has smalltalk with some of the other brawlers, but its not much. He only really enjoys talking to you, alone. One on one talking has always been really important for him in a relationship.
Gray doesn’t care for what the conversation is about. (Although he mostly listens to your rambles) He doesn’t care if it’s absolutely dumb or meaningless. He loves hearing your silk, honey-filled voice. “Like music to my ears” he says.
Though some days, when he comes back from a film, he talks, a lot. You don’t know why, but something about coming back from a long film day, has him wanting to spill everything to you. To distinguish all the thoughts that had been flowing on his mind that particular day.
Which kinda makes you flustered in a way. His deep raspy voice finally coming out after hours of not communicating much. It drives you crazy.
Gray also enjoys the silence when you guys are in bed, holding onto each other. It makes him feel hole as you snuggle up against his neck and his arm drapes over you. He loves these types of days where you guys are too lazy and tired to get up or talk. So you just bathe in each others presence while birds chirp outside the window of the complex you live in.
I feel like he lays on the couch after putting his coat and hat on a rack. He sighs deeply as his relaxes his head on the arm of it.
“How was your day, love?” Gray holds his hands on his abdomen, awaiting your response as you prepare dinner.
“It was good, how was film day? Did it tire you?” your gentle voice echoing from the walls of the complex, he hears the plates clinging. Which alerts him that dinner is almost done.
“Yes, I’m sorry I took so long to get home. Brawlers kept interrupting during cutscenes.” He lets out a deep breathe as silence fills the room.
“I’m a little more tired than usual, forgive me dear.” he breaks the silence as shuffling from you taking off the apron fills the air.
“Don’t worry about it, we can eat dinner later if you’d like. I’ll heat it up when you’re ready.” He hears the gentle smile in your voice as you hover over him and kiss his cheek.
“I’m so glad I met someone like you.” Gray whispers as he doozes off to sleep.
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@VIRTUALLUVR — dont copy my work, paste it, or steal !
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flwerie · 7 months
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BOYFRIEND!GRAY who’s known for his tough exterior, but with you, he can’t help but show a softer side. He often surprises you with small gestures like leaving a note or your favorite snack.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who’s an ice mage by day, cuddle lover by night. He loves to hold you close, especially after a long day of missions.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who’s surprisingly good with words when expressing his feelings. He might not say it often, but when he does, it’s heartfelt and sincere.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who makes ice sculptures as his way of saying “I love you.” You often find beautifully crafted ice roses or hearts waiting for you after a tough day.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who loves having movie nights with you, and secretly has a soft spot for romantic films. You catch him secretly wiping away a tear during the touching scenes.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who has a sweet tooth, and he can’t resist your homemade desserts. Baking together becomes a regular, delightful activity.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who’s protective but not overbearing. He trusts your abilities, but he’s always ready to step in if things get too tough.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who has late-night talks with you. He opens up about his past, creating a deep bond between you two.
BOYFRIEND!GRAY who’s stoic facade fades away when he’s around you, revealing a warmth and playfulness that not many get to see.
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Another Headcanons for you to feast on. Enjoy! <3
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justauthoring · 13 days
yours, always.
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requested -> ooh since ur writing fairy tail fics now, how abt a gray x ice dragon slayer reader where she just likes the taste of gray’s ice and always convinces him to make her some by -> anonymous
a/n -> it's been a hot minute since i wrote for fairy tail and gray is just adorable so here yall go
pairing -> gray fullbuster x f!reader
want to support me? send me a coffee!
from across the bar, drying a cup in her hands, mirajane raises a curious brow. “what’s the matter, y/n?”
meeting her eyes, you pout, draped across the top of her bar rather dramatically. your hands stretch out before you, and you not so subtly shove the cup of ice away from you. “i’m hungry.”
“oh,” she frowns, concerned, eyes momentarily eyeing the cup of ice you'd shoved away. “i can make you something if you’d like? you need only ask, y/n. you know that.”
you turn to her, letting your chin rest on the table instead of your cheek and frown, not having meant to insult her. “I know, mira. thank you,” you say honestly, sending her a small smile. “it’s not food really that i’m hungry for, it’s—“
whatever you’d been about to say promptly gets cut off by the sound of the doors open. you straighten, surprising mirajane as you practically leap to your feet. instantly, your head is snapping towards the door, desperately hopeful, before your eyes practically shine at the sight of a familiar dark-haired (shirtless) mage.
“gray!” you call, bounding towards him without a second thought.
at the sound of his name, gray turns to face you, settling once he realizes just who called for him. his face brightens and a gentle smile curls on his lips as his arms widen to hug you, body obviously easing at you, his girlfriend, given how much he’d missed you while taking solo job.
it wasn't even like he'd been gone for that long — the mission had taken no more than two days. it was just rare that the two of you didn't go together, or at least with the rest of team natsu, but you hadn't been feeling well so you'd opted out.
you'd severely regretted that decision the second gray left.
except, you don’t jump into his arms like gray expects, arms shifting to prepare himself. instead, you stop right before him, hands reaching to clasp his wrist and tug it towards your chest.
and he blinks, stunned and confused, the whole thing happening in a blink of the eye to gray. he's dreadfully confused and a little disappointed because he'd been looking forward to that hug and then, your words register and he smirks teasingly.
“and here i thought you actually missed me.”
eyes shifting from his hand to his eyes, you pause. “oh, yes, gray of course i missed you. im glad you’re safe,” you rush out in a way that doesn’t completely seem heartfelt in the way gray had really wanted. but, he guessed, it was that thought that counted?
“now, ice. im starving.”
huffing, gray moves to oblige, not able to deny your request but still pouting about it.
“seriously,” he whines, feeling rerribly unlike himself (only you would have the ability to make him whine), holding his hand and making some ice for you to take. “it’s like you just use me to eat my ice. did you know that i missed you and you were on my thoughts the entire—“
gray halts when he feels your lips press against his cheek.
lips parting, his eyes follow you as you lean back, the ice he’d made for you held safely in your hands as you beam up at him.
“thank you,” you whisper, warm and genuine.
the sight of you smiling at him like that and the sound of your voice has gray short circuiting, cheeks turning a bright red as you move to happily munch of the ice.
“mm!” you exclaims, giddy and satisfied. “delicious. as always. no other ice can compare.”
and it’s silly and stupid. it’s just ice, but it melts gray’s heart and your words mean so much to him that all he can manage is to smile back at you, eyes flooded with love.
"you're welcome," he muses, watching you with adoring eyes. with the ice happily in your hands as you munch away, gray wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you against his side as he leads you towards a table.
truthfully, he'll give you all the ice in the world if it makes you that happy every time.
and he'd be foolish to deny how happy it makes him that only his ice can satisfy your craving.
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zaimta · 1 year
Hello! Can i request a fluff gray x reader? Take your time ^^
zai says: some lovely hcs for yew
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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despite his cold demeanor, he's actually the sweetest
bonus, if y'all have known each other since you were kids because he would tiptoe around admitting to liking you for the longest cana, would have to beat the sense into him
he would constantly be complimenting you but he would be subtle about it, maybe a quick comment about how you changed your hair, or how nice your outfit looks
he would swear nobody knows but everyone knows, they all see the way he looks at you it's even worse when he's older because everyone knows
he calls you babe, and baby. never calls you baby in front of the guild, he let it slip once during the alverez war, he was trying to talk you out of it because he didn't want you to get hurt and it just slipped out and they never let him live it down
he's always cold to the touch, he constantly wraps his arms around you from behind and puts his hands on your bare stomach to tease you
he's the best to cuddle with on hot summer nights because he's constantly cold y'all won't get sticky and sweaty you can cling to him like a koala and it would be the best because he's so cold
in the winter though? oh he's shit out of luck banished to the other side of the bed and he pouts at you when you don't let him hold you
when you protest he swears he doesn't know what you're talking about when you try to shoo his hands away
he likes to casually throw an arm around your shoulder when the two of you are side by side
he doesn't smoke around you (fun fact he smokes w/ loke in the manga) if you don't like the smell or being around it in general, even if you don't mind him smoking he doesn't do it often because he doesn't wanna smother you with second hand
and speaking of loke, he's one of the few people who can genuinely see how head over heels for you. like beyond the whole having a crush on you thing he teases gray about it from time to time when he visits the human world
you know he loves you when he tells you about ur, and every time he tells you a quick story about her he tells you how much she would love you if y'all met
he loves and hates going on quests with you, he loves them because he knows you're strong and can handle yourself but at the same time he knows he would beat himself up if he ever let anything happen to you
he has no shame when he strips and you're there if you tell him to puts some clothes on he teases you for it and asks if you're enjoying the view
he loves fawning over frosch and if you love him too it's wraps. the two of you love giving him little hugs and cuddles y'all wanna steal him so bad but you know you shouldn't still the urge is still there so rouge better watch his back
absolutely loves kisses on his chest and forehead, he tries to act cool when you hold his face and kiss his forehead but he always ends up leaning into your touch
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tonks-21 · 1 year
Fairy tail headcanons of Gray Fullbuster as a older brother to a younger sister who is five years younger than him (she is a year older than Wendy)..she has ice make magic. She has Elizabeth's personality from the seven deadly sins and her clumsiness
Team Natsu's relationship with Gray's little sister.
Gray Fullbaster as your older brother ( + Natsu's team !) | Fairy Tail | Request
TW: mention of sadness, anger feelings, mother instincts over reader not real siblings relationship... +18
Type of content: Fluff, slice of life
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Since Gray met you he respected your boundaries a lot, if you tell him not to say some kind of stuff, he won't.
But if he is sure you need to have a discussion about something, he will push until you let it go.
Because he always wants the best for you.
And if it means to break in his arms, that will do.
Gray is always looking after you.
You aren't always at first hour at the guild, but if you don't appear at your usual hour, he'd be worried.
One of the first days in which he had to take care of you, you fell asleep and he stepped in your department to look if it was a casualty or you were in real danger.
This man always wants to go with you to your missions.
Even though they are simple and boring ones to someone of his level, he'd prefer to go and look personally after you.
Gray obviously trusts the other members, he developed some kind of overprotection over you that makes him uncomfortable and even nervous if you aren't around and you are probably facing an enemy.
As you use ice magic too, Gray'd teach you.
But in a slower way than his master did with him.
He just can't put you in extreme situations, sure you train hard, but you won't start holding on 24/7 with ice cold the very first week.
He likes to give you headpats if you are smaller than him and backpats if you are taller or when you get taller.
If you carry a bag, you'd probably have some of his clothes in it to give them to him when he forgets to wear his own.
Natsu and Happy usually invite you to a mission, as you want to try harder challenges and, with their team, and even more, your brother in it, it would be such an experience.
Although Gray complains about it, Lucy is already picking a mission, Erza by your side, with her arm over your shoulders, giving arguments about how you've improved your ice magic in the last month and Happy... well, trying to convince him by saying that you'd be left alone, there, without anything to do and that type of stuff.
They love you a lot. You are like one of the team and a little sister to all of them, even though you do not always go with them.
But they consider you so.
And how not? You are always so kind and cute and willing to help when there is a problem.
You may not be the best, but you put your life on it, and that's why they appreciate your presence.
Well, that and the fact that you always were capable of mediating between the boys.
Gray'd listen to you as Natsu will complain a bit but would leave it there and Happy would hide behind you to not get hurt by some  magic.
But if you turn serious or sad they'll stop even complaining.
It may not be the same as Erza, but they have a huge soft spot for you.
Lucy always wants to talk to you, you two are so close and understand each other, even though you are younger, she can feel she can trust you.
She'd do anything for you as the good friend she is.
Erza has like mother instincts over you.
If you didn't read the mission you chose, somehow she'd know and question you about that.
But she'd protect you with her life, that's for sure.
Natsu? Natsu always wants to stop and eat with you.
He feels safe eating with you, it's a strange sensation, but it's like peace and he is comfortable so he just leaves it that way.
And Happy loves to talk to you. It's just so funny the way you two can digress about.. nearly everything and just let your mind shoot random words and ideas from your mouth. You two talk a lot when you have to walk or take a transport to get to the mission.
Thank you sm for reading :D Hope you enjoyed!
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marsssbarrrr · 1 year
I love you
first post on tumblr be gentle🙈
Gray Fullbuster x PlusSize!Insecure!GN!Reader
Tw: Skin pulling, negative thoughts
Synopsis: After a comment from Juvia, you head home to look at yourself in the mirror. Gray finds you there.
“What are you doing, love?”
Love. He’d called you that a long time now. Three years, and you’d never outwardly questioned his ‘love.’ He showered you with affection privately, always had. He brought you back little trinkets from his jobs. He brought you to the guild, never once caring that you didn’t have or use any magic or that you didn’t look like the others there.
Juvia had always looked down on you for your lack of magic ability and your build. Simply put, you were a chubby non-magic user. You had always been determined to stay confident, not let her stupid comments get to you. But this one was different.
“I don’t get it.”
You’d hummed, looking up from your drink at the guild’s bar. Gray had left on a mission in the next town over almost a day before, and Mirajane had just left your conversation to serve Levy. Mirajane was one of the few friends you really had, and nobody had a problem with “Gray’s Girlfriend” hanging around.
“I said I don’t get it. Why would Gray choose a chubby non-magic user over me? I’m prettier than you are. Our magic is compatible. I’ve known him longer. I don’t get it.”
That’s what she’d said. Outwardly you shrugged it off. Inwardly, it felt like a stab to the gut. She’s voiced concerns you’d been to scared to voice yourself.
You’re chubby. You don’t use magic. Hell, you’d only met Gray because he and his team, as well as Juvia, had saved your ass on one of their jobs. You couldn’t cook for him like Juvia could. You weren’t attractive like Juvia was. You didn’t have cool abilities like Juvia did. You were more insecure than Juvia was. Simply put, you thought, you were useless.
After finishing your drink, you’d gone back to your shared apartment and looked yourself in the mirror.
“I don’t get it either.”
You picked at your stomach. At your stretch marks. Your chubby face. Your big arms. Your abnormally thick thighs. Maybe you stood there for minutes. Maybe for hours.
That’s how Gray had found you, home a day earlier than he was supposed to be.
“What are you doing, love?” His voice was laced with concern as he closed the front door that you didn’t hear him open. He set his bag down, moving to stand behind you. “Y/N?”
You stood for a second, before acknowledging him. “I don’t get it, Gray.”
“What do you mean, baby?” He mumbled into your neck, arms wrapping around your abnormally large tummy.
“I don’t get why you love me. I’m fat, I don’t use magic, I can’t cook, I-”
“Love, who made you think that?” He rested his head on your shoulder, making eye contact through the mirror.
“I love your tummy,” he squeezed your sides, “I love your thighs, they’re like pillows,” he moved his hands to rub circles in your hips with his thumbs. “I love your beautiful face.” He kissed your cheek. “I love cooking for you. I love that I don’t have to worry about you going out on dangerous jobs. I love that you’re confident. I love everything about you. Y/N.”
He turned your head and kissed you, slow and real. “I love you. Always.”
“But- but I’m useless. Juvia-”
“Baby.” He cut you off with a short kiss. “I don’t care about Juvia. Or Natsu. Or Lucy or Erzählt or anyone else. I love you. I’m only looking at you. Your beautiful body and your beautiful messy mind.”
You sighed. “ ‘m sorry.”
“Don’t be, baby. I love you, please don’t ever doubt that.”
“I love you too, Gray.”
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anime-allover · 2 years
Fairy tail Headcanon pure fluff of how Gray Fullbuster would react when you (his wife, also a ice mage) told him that you are pregnant..you were nervous about it because you didn't know how he was going to react.
Pregnant s/o| Gray
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Gray was suspicious of how you were acting the past few weeks
He was irritated when he saw you avoiding him
He's your husband why are you running away from your own husband
At some point of the second week he had to pin you against the wall so you won't go anywhere
When you told him that you were pregnant really slowly
He kinda reacted late
"That's it? It's ok." He starts to walk away then stops "wait you said pregnant?"
Why couldn't you tell him sooner!
He'll pick you up and spin you around in happiness
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Thank you for requesting!!
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hii i hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself!! I had a request for Erza scarlet if that’s okay, fem reader is being hit on by someone else in the guild and Erza gets jealous about it, also i apologise in advance if you see me a lot requesting for Erza I just rarely see any fics for her 😭
~ 🌷
It’s no problem at all, I love writing for her and she needs more fanfics ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
Also, I’m working on my other requests rn too, so if anyone requested, don’t worry they will be coming ❤️❤️🥰🥰
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Erza Scarlet x reader
Sitting in your normal seat in the guild hall you did what you always did. Stare at Erza in all her beauty. She and Team Natsu just got back from a quest and you watched as she told Levy all about it, though, you assume her version of how the quest went is different than Lucy’s judging by the face she was making. Well, you were lost in thought and you failed to notice the man approaching you.
“Hey, Y/n, you’re looking as good as always.” glancing at the man talking, you had seen him around the guild but had yet to learn his name. “Thanks” you mumble toward him. “I’ve heard you’re pretty strong,” he says while he moves his body closer to you. “I am,” you say simply, you continue to talk to him while he flirts poorly with you. The whole conversation was rather one-sided as you have no interest in the man.
“Excuse you, can you not see that Y/n is clearly not interested in you?” Erza’s voice booms. “What are you talking about, why wouldn’t she be interested? We are having a pleasant conversation, aren’t we Y/n?” he looks at you as he finishes. “Please, Y/n can do way better than you,” Erza says as she grabs his collar and tosses him out of the booth.
“Wow, do you mind grabbing me like that?” you jokingly ask her. Erza’s face quickly flushes red. “I-i, you want..” laughing, you cut her off. “It was only a joke Erza, but… I am curious. Why did you stop that man from flirting with me?” Erza’s face stays red as she responds “Well, you were clearly uninterested in him, so…” She looks down. “Is there another reason you stopped him?” Erza looked up quickly, then looked around. “Actually, there is something I have been meaning to talk to you about,” smiling at her “Well, you have my undivided attention,” you answer simply. Erza’s face reddens more, “Uhm, could we step out of the guild hall," she asks nervously, without responding you stand up from the booth.
The walk outside was quick, which was good because your nerves were consuming. Trying to appear calm on the outside, “So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Erza sighs, “I… well,” she sighs again, trying to gain her composure. You can’t remember a time you’ve seen her like this. “I like you Y/n” she blurts out, finally looking up at you, “ I like you a lot, Y/n, you’re funny, smart, and undeniably attractive. Everything about you is amazing and I would love for a chance to call you mine,” Erza looks at you with her pleading brown eyes. “How could I ever say no to you? I would love nothing more than to be your woman Erza,” you watch the excitement radiate off of Erza’s face, “really? Can we get strawberry cake?” she asks excitedly. You smile at her, “Of course, I can even make you some if you would like,” Erza smiles, pulling you into a hug, your head hitting her armor with a loud clunk. Although it didn’t feel nice, you wouldn’t change this for the world.
I wasn’t sure if you wanted an established relationship or not so I wrote it as if they aren’t yet together
Feel free to request as much as you like ❤️❤️
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waifu-13 · 3 months
oh to be loved
a gray x reader
tw - none that i can think of
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Oh, to be loved by a writer means to be loved so deeply the only thing on their mind is you using you as their muse in everything they write. To be loved by a writer means Gray finds your work when left alone, with nothing to do his eyes start to linger around your room finding your writing journal making him pick it up out of curiosity to see what his sweetheart is always working on. To be loved by a writer means he watches as all your angst work where you express your darkest emotions, he knows some of the stories as you told him the real events but then sees how they turn into fluff or how the characters start to resemble him in many ways. His eyes dart across the paper seeing how you describe characters so close to him. To be loved by a writer means he sees how you describe him as perfect in every way from his eyes to the guild mark on his arm. As you go into detail about how his love for you is the warmest feeling you've ever felt almost like a perfect spring day the smell of the outside lingering around where it was just you too and everything was so peaceful. To be loved by a writer means seeing himself described using the most poetic sentences, reading all your deep thoughts you'd never know how to express to his face so you let your pen do the talking through your work, running his hand through his dark hair trying to understand how you can view him in such a beautiful light. To love as a writer means I'll never complain if all I can write about for the rest of time is love stories involving gray, To find love as a writer is like when you reach the end of a story where the main character fought so hard and won in the end. The endless stories of yall's battles run through Gray's mind, god does this man love you. A writer finally finding love is a happy ending I'll write about forever as my lover's name echoes in my thoughts every time I go to pick up my pen. A writer in love.. the words he reads over and over happy to be his lover's muse. A writer in love is like a real-life fairytail
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