#Greta x Jo
hopeagainsthope97 · 2 years
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Greta Gill & Jo De Luca (A League of Their Own)
I love you, Joey. I love you too, Bird.
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incorrectaloto · 2 years
Jo: Seems like I am always saving your ass.
Greta: Well, it is an ass worth saving.
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sssshhhhaaaayyyyy · 2 years
I’m starting a series of short aloto fics! Each one is going to be named after a song from Taylor Swift’s Midnights, some are inspired by song content some are inspired by the title on its own. These will be posted on AO3 soon as well!
Lavender Haze – I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
“Come with me” Greta grinned grabbing her hand, pulling her off the barstool.
Carson followed her helplessly. She wasn’t joking when she said that Greta was like no one she had ever met before. She felt a strange clenching in her stomach walking hand in hand with Greta towards the back of the bar. She wasn’t quite sure what the feeling meant but she knew she didn’t want it to stop.
Greta pushed through a small door at the back of the bar into what appeared to be a storage room. She pulled Carson inside, turning around with a gentle smile on her lips. Carson suddenly felt too aware of all of her limbs standing awkwardly in the dark room, engulfed in a quiet tension.
“W-what did you want to tell me?” she stuttered.
Greta didn’t say anything, just took a few slow steps towards her grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her back against the brick wall.
The gasp Carson let out at the sudden contact was swallowed by Greta’s soft lips. The kiss was slow at first – tentative. She could smell Greta’s floral perfume, feel her chest moving slowly up and down, growing more rapid as she deepened the kiss. And all too soon it was over, Greta pulling away, softly pushing Carson back as she leaned against the wall.
Carson’s pulse was racing, mind hazy with desire. What she desired exactly? She wasn’t too sure all she knew is that she wasn’t the one that had pulled away from the kiss, she wasn’t the one who had wanted the kiss to end. In fact, the longer she looked at Greta the more she wanted to kiss her again.
Greta’s expression was hard to read, she was smiling when she pulled back from the kiss, but the longer they stood in silence, the more masked her expression became. Carson couldn’t wait another second, she surged forward pulling Greta into another kiss, this one much deeper and more frenzied than the first. She turned her head, slotting their lips together, hands sliding from Greta’s cheeks down to her hips pushing her back against the wall with more force than Carson had originally intended- earning a small gasp from Greta.
She felt Greta’s tongue brush against her lip. It was so brief Carson almost thought it was an accident until she felt it again, a soft swipe of her tongue- cautiously asking for entrance. The third time it happened Carson didn’t hesitate - she opened her mouth allowing Greta’s tongue to collide with hers.
Carson couldn’t help but wonder if this is how her friends had felt, when they would talk about the boys they had a crush on, when they would swoon over a kiss in his car. They would giggle and blush and Carson could never understand. Sure she had liked Charlie, he was her best friend, but when they started going steady she had never swooned over him. Truthfully she wasn’t sure if she had ever even kissed him like this- with this much need.
She was pulled from her thoughts by the feeling of Greta’s hands in her hair, desperately grabbing at her locks. An involuntary moan escaped Carson’s mouth as Greta’s nails scraped the back of her neck, she felt Greta smile into the kiss at the sound.
Carson wasn’t sure if it had been minutes or hours when she felt Greta gently pushing on her shoulder again. She reluctantly stepped back- leaving Greta’s space, still breathing heavily. Greta pushed herself off the wall, without her knees bent she was easily 5 inches taller than her. Carson stared up at Greta with a mix of awe and arousal painted clearly on her face.
“I thought so” Greta said with a small smile, wiping at the remnants of her lipstick with her pointer finger she flattened her dress, turned and walked out the door.
Carson couldn’t move, she wasn’t sure she wanted to break the spell of the moment the two had just shared. She leaned her forehead on the cold brick that Greta’s body had just been pressed against. Her fingers coming up to brush against her own swollen lips.
What was she thinking. Carson was married. She was a housewife from Idaho. She didn’t slink around in dark rooms kissing strangers. Kissing women. She went to church and to choir. She baked pies. She was normal. She didn’t look at women like that. She didn’t kiss women like that.
Except she just had, and she was fairly certain if she was given the opportunity, she would do it again.
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missing pieces
ch. 2 – letter
She’s not sure she’ll ever be sure what she was thinking, writing that letter.
It was the product of an aching heart; a broken soul. Her deepest fears slipping through the cracks and, for the first time, no one was there to help her tape herself back together. It was all the things Greta wanted to say to Carson, and all the things she wished deep in her heart of hearts that Carson would prove her wrong on.
But she knew that wouldn’t happen.
People like her weren’t built for things like that – big, romantic moments, and a happy ending before the credits rolled up.
So, Greta Gill wrote (only a few lines, but shared her feelings like never before). And then, Greta Gill fled (like she always has, and always will).
Because Jo had been right, hadn’t she? This is just who she is.
For a moment, there – too caught up in the whirlwind of the devastating bliss that was sneaking around with Carson Shaw, – Greta had almost managed to forget herself. Now, she wonders who that person even is.
They were supposed to be a team, her and Joey. A matching set. And it never mattered if their surroundings changed too soon to lay down any roots, or if that was the idea all along; wherever they went together, they’d be home.
In a way, Josephine DeLuca has been the only home Greta has ever really known. And she was content with it – couldn’t, wouldn’t, ask for more, – because she’d met her soulmate before she knew what that meant, and life has taught her more than one lesson on how wanting other long-lasting relationships (even if differing in nature) was simply greedy.
They spoke a language made just for the two of them; wrote each line of every page of their story together, then gathered them all into books to be arranged on a hidden shelf, in a library deep into a world inhabited by only the two of them.
They worked, and they were good for each other.
Or so, Greta thought.
“It’s who I was, too,” her mind plays on repeat, no sign of stopping anytime soon.
How long has Jo been feeling that way? How many cities did she drag her best friend to and from without realizing that she was only servicing herself? How many lives did Jo give up, in favor of trailing after Greta towards whatever shiny town she set her sights on next?
How did she not notice she was hurting the one she’s always claimed to know like the back of her hand?
Then again, that’s just what she does, isn’t it?
Whether it is by the power of a God she doesn’t believe in, of Lady Luck, or that of her own selfishness, Greta Gill hurts people.
It’s one of the countless reasons why she tries her best not to keep them.
Expecting that rule to not apply to Joey was naïve, and she should have known better.
But she’ll be damned if she has to add Carson to the list of people left damaged in her wake.
It’s that thought that gets her through packing her belongings in a hurry, and leaving out the side door; but not before leaving Carson an explanation, because she deserves it – deserves to know she’s not the burden that made Greta leave (that she may very well have been the first thing in a very long time to make her want to stay.)
By force of habit, she nearly buys two tickets instead of one after getting to the train station, but her escape is otherwise simple enough, all the Peaches too shaken by the day’s events to notice another one of them gone. Quite honestly, even under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t expect many of them to notice her absence right away, and as it turns out, the one who might do so today ran off before Greta could actually say, “it’s over.”
Which is probably for the best, because she wouldn’t have been able to.
The pang in her chest upon watching Carson make herself comfortable in another person’s arms was a cruel addition of insult to injury. It’s still there, not in any way dulled, but acute and alive, because that’s the price of having a heart that once again beats and heals at the mere presence of its chosen One: it also bleeds. Even that is for the best, though. Carson is safe in the arms of her husband (most importantly, she is safe away from Greta).
So, it may have been a tad reckless to leave that letter behind, but it’s what she needed to do. Now, she can look forward – on to the next speeding train; to the next fruitless adventure, – and focus on what she’s good at.
And- Alright, she may be throwing herself a bit of a pity party, here, but Greta reckons that in light of recent events, she’s earned that much. Besides, if the one person who knows all of her (or as much as she’ll allow), told her that leaving when things get hard is who she is, then she should probably listen to that, right? No point in trying to stay, when staying would do no one any good.
Of course, this time is different. This time, Greta Gill is utterly alone.
Oh, well.
Perhaps that’s just how it was supposed to be all along.
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jessmalia · 6 months
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― Mary Oliver, Thirst
[peter and edmund version]
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anastasial0vesy0u · 5 months
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“she’s so me!” and it’s just a bitch with a severe avoidant attachment style who thinks she’s unlovable
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I want to be loved like Laurie loves Jo
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milkgemini · 2 years
Tip Of The Iceberg
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka X f!reader Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: josh in that beanie had a chokehold on me tonight.. so how could i not. shout out to my baby @babyhoneygvf for helping me come up with this. ily pookie. as always, plsssss let me know your thoughts! 🫶🏻
Part 2
Jake 4:59 pm
“Get up ya lazy shit. We’re going skating in an hour” 
You 5:05 pm
“Im up Im up. I’ll be over in 20.” 
The friendship you shared with Jake was something near and dear to your heart. He felt like a big brother to you. You both shared the same humor. He would tease you and call you names, but at the end of the day, you knew he would never let anything happen to you. 
His twin brother, Josh, was a different story. You didn’t dislike Josh. You didn’t know him well enough to even dislike him. There had never been a time where you hung out with Josh one on one. Jake or Sam had always been there to ease the awkward tension. You had tried to spark up a conversation with him before at parties the boys had thrown, but had always felt like a nuisance to him. Like he couldn’t be bothered to be included in the conversation. So you stopped trying. 
You were always civil towards him. It was in your nature. He was your best friend’s other half, literally. The least you could do was acknowledge his presence as he entered the room. 
It was just past 6 when you had shown up to the Airbnb they had rented. The 3 Kiszka boys had been staying with their parents for the holiday, but decided to rent this place so they could create their version of a Christmas break, which included a little more volume than their parents could handle. 
As you entered the rental, you couldn’t spot anyone right away, but were greeted with the volume of voices which seemed to be coming from the kitchen around the corner. Your presence was made known as you stepped into the frame of the room. 5 heads turning towards your direction, with only 4 them showing excitement that you came. 
“Hey hey! There she is!” Jake chimes in pulling you into a hug. One of the most important things in your friendship with Jake was the fact that his girlfriend Jita was respectful and understanding of the bond you two shared. They had been together for years and never once had she questioned you two, so to see the smile on her face as you reached your arms out to embrace her as well made your heart feel warm. 
Danny and Sam were leaning against the counter, sipping on whatever experimental concoction they had decided to whip up tonight. Sam's eyebrow rose over the rim of his drink, gulping down a sip while simultaneously throwing an arm around you to welcome you. “Hi you two. What’s the drink of choice tonight?” you hesitantly asked, fearful they would force you to try. “This right here is a secret family recipe.” Sam replies, smacking his lips acting as if he’s savoring the flavors of the cocktail. “I’d tell ya the ingredients, but like I said, it’s a secret so you’ll just have to try yourself.” He gives you a smirk while pushing the rim of the cup closer and closer to your lips. 
“He’s full of shit, don’t believe him. There’s no family recipe.” Danny warns you just as you’re about to fall for Sam's tricks. “Aw come on, Daniel. I almost had her!” With a wave of your hand, you roll your eyes to Sam, realizing there’s one person left in the kitchen you’ve not yet said hello to. 
Josh had also been leaning against the kitchen counter a little farther down from Sam and Danny. He had a red solo cup in his hand, silently sipping his drink perusing the scene of people in the room. His legs were crossed at the ankles, and he watched over the rim of his cup as you greeted the rest of the crew. Once you had realized it was rude of you not to at least say something, you faced his direction. “Hi Josh” you waved meekly towards him. His only response was to lift his cup giving you a tight grin. 
“Well, that was awkward.” you thought to yourself. And as if your best friend could read your mind, Jake saved you from any further embarrassment by interrupting. 
“Alright guys. Uber’s gonna be here in 10, so get your shit together.” 
As you all exited the kitchen, each of you began bundling yourselves with jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves in preparation of bracing the bitter Michigan winter air. With your hat, scarves and gloves secured, you patted the pockets of your winter coat making sure you had all of your belongings before leaving. 
“Think you left this” a flat voice called from behind you. 
Josh stood there, holding your wallet in his right hand, wiggling it towards you. 
“Right, thanks.” was all you could reply. 
Stuffing the wallet into your side pocket, you followed behind Sam as you all crammed into the van taking you to the ice rink. 
The place was packed. It was Christmas break so you didn’t expect any less. As you approached the booth to pay, you began to feel your nerves rise in your stomach. Here you were about to step onto the ice, with no clue in the world of how to skate. 
You followed Jake over to the stand where it was time to pick out your skates. You whispered to him, “I don’t know what I’m doing, so..” He huffed a laugh and turned to the employee before the desk. “She’s a size 7.” The man behind the counter had handed you a pair of white skates, heavier than you expected. 
The 6 of you had found a bench outside, and everyone started untying their shoes to put their skates on. Unsure of how to tie your own skates but unwilling to admit it, you peeked out of the corner of your eye to mimic Jake’s movements. 
“Is this right?” You pointed your feet in his direction, laces not tied properly. 
“Lift up for me.” He tapped his thigh signaling to lift your feet to him. 
Jake fixed your laces for you, tying them extra tight, resulting in you huffing out a breath to him. 
“You’ll thank me later” he shot a wink at you before grabbing Jitas hand, and walking towards the entrance to the rink. 
Sam and Danny had already gotten out there, Josh following in his twin brother's footsteps right behind him. Which left you by yourself to wobble up to the entrance, clinging on to anything in sight that would help stable your balance. 
As you stood in the entryway, you closed your eyes and said a quick affirmation to yourself before stepping on the ice. You clung to the side walls as you moved your skates centimeters apart. Jake and Jita skated by you with ease and you flashed them a fake smile, immediately rolling your eyes when they were no longer in sight. 
“Well, I paid for this so I might as well at least try..” you thought to yourself. You had no idea where this shot of courage came from, but before you could overthink it, you pushed yourself from the edge of the rink and tried skating on your own. 
“Slow and steady wins the race” you repeat to yourself, as other people whip by you showing off how well they could skate. A younger boy in a hockey jersey was skating incredibly fast with friends behind you. Their volume increased, giving you a warning they were approaching quickly. The boy was paying no attention to you, just trying to get past as fast as he could, unfortunately knocking your shoulder in the process. Nudging you a bit too hard, you had lost your balance, sticking your arms out into nothing, bracing yourself for the fall you knew was coming. 
Just before falling on your ass, you felt two sets of hands steady you by your elbows, straightening you up, saving you from the fall. 
With the hands still gripping your elbows, and you too terrified to move an inch, all you could do was turn your head to the side to catch a glimpse of who was behind you. 
“Josh?” you blurted out. “Oh um… thank you. I was about to bust my ass” you chuckled to yourself. 
“I saw. Here. Go slow, let’s just get to the edge.” With his back flush to your chest, his hands still gripping the back of your arms tight, he guided you to the edge of the rink. 
As best you could, you used your mittens to try to push your bangs out of your eyesight and readjusted the hat on your head. 
“I’m not very good at this.” You admitted to him with a half smile. 
“Takes practice. Jake and I started really young.” he responded flatly. 
“Yeah well, I’m over it. You guys go head. I'm gonna grab a hot chocolate.” Before giving him time to respond, you began to creep along the edge of the rink towards the entrance. 
You turned to Josh with wide eyes. You weren’t even expecting him to be there anymore after you told him you’re finished with skating. You figured he wouldn’t really care what you were doing actually. 
“I was thinking of getting a beer myself, so if you don’t mind…” he trails off 
“Sure, what do you want? I’ll bring it back over. Just meet me on the side and I’ll hand it to you.” you absentmindedly start reaching in your pocket for your wallet. 
“I meant… do you mind if I join?” he retorts back to you, looking directly in your eyes this time. 
His question shocked you. Not once has Josh put the energy into hanging out, just you two. If anything, sometimes it seemed like he went out of his way to avoid this exact circumstance from happening. 
“Oh umm. Yeah of course.” you tried your best to hide the surprised look on your face. 
Slowly but surely, you reached the exit gate to the rink, stepping down onto the rubbery ground. It was much easier to walk on the skates now, so you had no trouble finding a bench and plopping yourself down. Until you were faced with your next challenge. You look down at your skates to see the jumbled mess of laces Jake had tied for you earlier. You leaned over and tried to tackle the knots. Josh sitting next to you, had already untied his skates and laced up his boots. 
“Need some help?” He asked. 
“I think I got it. It’s just stuc-“ 
“Gimme it” he reaches down to grab your ankle, pulling your skate into his lap. Within seconds, he unties the mess his twin made earlier, and taps the skate to signal for you to bring your next foot up. 
You finished tying the laces to your own boots, skates in hand and stood up next to Josh. 
“Ready?” He asks, nodding towards the concession stand. 
You trail behind him, unsure of how this is going to go. You were so used to awkward situations when it came to Josh. Was this going to be filled with uncomfortable silence? 
As you reach the concession stand, you scan your eyes over the menu. Josh steps up to the counter first. 
“Hey how are you?” He greets the woman behind the cash register with a tight lipped grin. “Can I get a Dogfish Namaste and a hot chocolate?” He whips his head around back to you. “Anything else?” He asks. 
“Uhh, no just the hot chocolate. Thanks.” The thought of him buying your drink for you without questioning it made a smile creep up on your face. 
The woman at the counter handed over both of your drinks to which Josh thanked her and stuffed a few bills in their tip jar. He turned to you, extending his hand with your warm drink. 
“Thank you, Josh. You didn’t have to do that. I have my wallet, remember?” You reminded him. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He took a sip from his beer. 
You both started walking towards an empty table inside, needing the extra warmth right now. 
As you sat down, just the two of you at the table, you started to pick at the skin around your finger nails, worried about how awkward this might be. You decided to be the one to spark the conversation to ease the tension. 
“I like your beanie” you complimented him. 
The smallest smile shown on his face, as he reached up to feel the black knit hat on his head as if he forgot he was wearing it. 
“Oh, thanks. My mom got it for me for Christmas.” 
As you scanned Josh, you started to realize he looked different tonight. He looked good. The beanie was pulled tight onto his head, his curls stuffed inside. All you could see coming through were the shaved sides of his head. He kept his ears out of the beanie, which made the dainty golden hoops he wore even more noticeable to you. 
“You ever try this kind?” He lifted the beer up to you. 
Was he finally trying to carry on an actual conversation with you? 
“I’ve tried their other ones, but I’ve never had that kind before.” You replied to him, trying your best not to show your excitement from him continuing the conversation. 
“Try it. It’s good. It’s a wheat beer so if you like anything Belgian style, you’ll like this” he hands the beer across the table to you. As you wrap your fingers around the can, you also cover his fingers in the process before he has time to let go. Keeping your eyes on him, you watch his bashful reaction as he hands the can over and tries to find anything else to look at. 
You take a sip of the beer, swirling your tongue in your mouth to take in the flavor. Josh watches your mouth from across the table. 
“It’s good! I like it. I’ll have to pick this one up next time.” You hand the can back over to Josh. 
A familiar set of voices can be heard coming from behind you. 
“There you guys are!” Sam interjects, playfully slapping his brother’s shoulder. 
“We thought you guys ubered back and left us here.” Jake huffed a laugh and looked at both you and Josh. “You guys ready to go? We called the Uber before we even stepped off the ice. It’s fucking freezing out there.” 
The notification on Jake’s phone alerted you that the Uber was pulling into the parking lot. The 6 of you made your way out, tumbling into your seats and huffing out a breath as you all settled in. 
Sam sat in the front seat, Jake and Jita in the two separate seats in the middle of the van. Which left you, Josh, and Danny in the row in the back, with you sandwiched between them. It was a tight squeeze, and all you could think about was making sure your thigh wasn’t leaning on Josh’s side too much. 
He could tell you were tensing yourself, almost leaning into Danny to avoid your leg pressing up against his. As your Uber driver took a sharp turn rounding the block of the Airbnb, it caused your knee to brush against him, which you quickly retreated back. 
“No worries” Josh leaned over to whisper towards you, giving your thigh a soft pat. 
Thank god it was dark in that van, because the flush of your cheeks could be spotted from a mile away. 
As you exited the car and walked through the front door of the house, everyone gathered in the kitchen, cracking open a new beer or pouring a new glass. 
Remembering that you had been the last to show up to the function, and the only sober one left, you opted for a glass of wine to catch up to the others. You grabbed a red solo cup from the stack, and held the bottle of Pinot by the neck to pour into your cup. 
Once everyone’s drinks had been refilled, most of the group had walked over to the living room, leaving you and Josh in the kitchen. Screwing the cap back on the bottle of wine, Josh had resumed his position from earlier. Ankles crossed, sipping his drink, peering at you over the edge of his can. 
As you returned the bottle back to the wine rack, you could feel his eyes follow you around the kitchen. Before you could pick your cup up to follow the others to the living room, his voice stopped you. 
“Is there a reason you’re so hesitant towards me?” He finally breaks the silence. 
“What?” You look up at him with a questioning face. 
“In the van. It was almost as if you were trying to get away from me back there. You can only scooch so close to Danny before you’re in his lap.” He took another sip of his beer, looking at you over the can with raised eyebrows. 
“I…. Didn’t mean to it’s just-“ you continued
“Just what?” He stepped closer to you, placing his hand on the counter space between the two of you. 
“I don’t know. I’ve always felt like I annoyed you, so I didn’t want to press it any further.” You admitted to him shyly. 
He set his beer down on the counter, stepping even closer to you now, the smallest space separating your hips from touching. 
“Which part of tonight made you think I was annoyed by you” his back left the edge of the counter to stand directly in front of you now. Your eyes wide as you gazed back at him, mouth parted in shock that he was so close to you right now. 
With the toes of your boots touching, he stood in front of you, his eyes flicking back and forth between your wide stare and your lips. 
“Was it the way I gripped onto you tight, making sure you never hit the ground…” he lifts his hand to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while leaning closer before finishing his sentence. 
“Or was it the way I tried my best to get you alone earlier to share a drink?” His fingertips trailed from behind your ear to your jaw, tracing along the outline of it. As he got to your chin, he held it with his thumb, the knuckle of his pointer finger curled below it. 
He moved his face closer to yours now, noses close to touching. Your eyes fluttered at his movements. He tilted your face up to him while keeping his eyes on your lips, his mouth parted. 
As he moved closer to you, his lips came to your ear, just brushing up against it. 
As you felt his soft lips brush against the shell of your ear he whispered to you. 
“And what about now? Can you tell how bad I want you?” 
to be continued….
Taglist: @gretasimp @writingcold
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ambriel-angstwitch · 9 months
Why does no one ever talk about the parallels between the Laurie and Jo failed proposal and Laurie and Amy confession scene?
The fact that both March sisters when they realize what Laurie is going to say respond with “No, no” then Laurie’s “I’ve loved you ever since I’ve known you Jo” parallels Amy’s “I’ve spent my entire life loving you.”
This is driving me insane. I keep thinking about it.
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teaxanime · 4 months
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“you are not the exception, you will never learn your lesson”
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leaclark · 8 months
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amy march mood board 🎨🖼️🌷
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Day 3 of ALOTO meme week!🍑 @peachesunited
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dappertomboy · 2 years
A League of Their Own Looks⚾️🧢
follow me!
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qalijahbydior · 3 months
little women broke me guys i ain't marrying anymore
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lupeloto · 2 years
how am i holding up with the aloto news? i’m not. i’m choosing to pretend it doesn’t exist and that we are getting them back one day for a long time and that jess and lupe are traveling together and that they are all just hanging out together in the off season and everything is good😄
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