#Guess he did find that light at the end of the tunnel
lyn-ne · 9 months
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navybrat817 · 1 month
Calgon, Take Me Away
Pairing: Reader's Choice
Word Count: 900
Warnings: None really. Reader is just done with some parts of adulting. 😂
A/N: We know @biteofcherry , @bucks-and-noble , and others love to do Choose Your Babe and similar variations. With the next couple of weeks being busy, busy, busy, I just want someone to be like Calgon and take me away. 😌
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It was an average day as you had lunch with a friend. Nothing out of the ordinary. Both of you took turns trading topics of discussion. Work naturally came up, which made you think of money and relationships. How broke you were. Lonely. Exhausted. You couldn't hold it in.
“You know what? I’m sick of my job. I wish I could just quit,” you said, narrowing your eyes when your friend giggled. “I’m serious. I’m tired of it. I work my ass off, but I'm not going anywhere. I don't feel accomplished when I’m done at the end of the day and I dread hearing my alarm because it’s just another day of having to push through it. But I can't quit because I have to pay my bills. And I'm tired of being tired.”
Even saying the words wore you out.
She asked once your rant was over, “What’s the solution then?”
“I wish I knew,” you answered. You couldn't exactly quit without a plan in place. “If someone could just... I don't know, take me away, it would solve my problem.”
“Take you away?” She raised an eyebrow when you nodded. “How would that solve your problem? Sure, someone takes you away for a bit, but you’d have to go right back to work after your vacation because you'd still have bills. That or you'd have to find another job if you're gone for too long.”
“No, because it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be something more permanent,” you said, a dreamy look taking over your expression. “He would decide my new job is just taking care of myself. And taking care of him, of course.”
She blinked. It sounded crazy to your own ears, but you meant it. “So, you'd be a housewife?”
“Sort of. I guess? Housewife, sugar baby, whatever he needs.” She stared as you paused to take a drink. “He'd let me have hobbies because he wants me to be happy, but I wouldn't have to stress about a job I hate and I'd actually sleep and feel rested when I wake up. I wouldn't have to worry about anything.”
“A guy like that is probably married or a serial dater.”
“This one wouldn't be. He’d be devoted to me,” you said before you corrected yourself. “We’d be devoted to each other.”
Your friend playfully rolled her eyes. “And you think some guy is just going to show up and decide, 'Yeah! I'll make her my little housewife or sugar baby or whatever and I’ll be faithful and worship her!' Really?”
Your head hung for a moment. “A girl can dream, okay?”
“Look. You don't actually want that. You just hate your job right now. Maybe you'll find something else and it'll get better.”
“I've tried finding something else,” you reminded her, doing your best not to whine. “I've been trying for months and the light at the end of the tunnel is only getting further away.”
“Well, not to shit on your dream, but no one is going to show up and take you away,” she said, finishing the rest of her drink. She was being logical, of course, but why couldn't she let you fantasize for a moment? “That's reality. It sucks, I know.”
You deflated a bit and pushed the remainder of your food around your plate. You shouldn't have said anything. “It would still be nice if someone did,” you muttered.
But it was a dream, nothing more.
Someone clearing their throat at the table beside you pulled you from your thoughts. You gasped when you looked his way. He was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. “Sorry for interrupting, but what’s your name?”
You shrugged at your friend before you answered him.
“That’s a beautiful name,” he smiled, making your cheeks feel hot. “I couldn't help but overhear your problem. I think I can help if you're serious.”
Your friend's eyes were as large as saucers, no doubt noticing just how hot he was. “Wait. Really?” You asked.
This gorgeous man heard everything you said and wanted to make your fantasy a reality?
Your heart fluttered when he smiled more. “Really.”
“You're fucking with her right?” Your friend scoffed. “You thought it'd be a funny joke to say that? That's pretty fucked up. You should mind your own business.”
His gaze flickered toward her. “And I think it's pretty fucked up that this beautiful gem is on the verge of tears because she's unhappy and you'd rather roll your eyes and brush off her feelings,” he said, directing his gaze back at you once he finished.
Both of you gasped, you from shock that he defended you and her from offense. “That. That's not what I did!” She argued.
“She’s just trying to keep my feet on the ground,” you said to keep the peace. There was no reason to make a scene.
He softly smiled. “Well, I'd like to pay for your meal, if you'll let me,” he said, flagging the server down before he leaned over to hand you a business card with a wink. There was no ring on his ring finger, which was a good sign. “And I really can help you with your problem. So, if you're interested, call me.”
You glanced at the card in your hand and ran your thumb along the name…
Whose name is it?
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Well. Who is it, lovelies? Love and thanks for playing! ❤️
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“Hey, Wayne said you refused to talk to the therapist.”
It was day 34 of visiting Eddie in the hospital, and there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel. If Eddie would talk to the therapist, he could be released into Wayne’s care.
The therapist spent two hours with him, and apparently got nothing more than some sighs and eye rolls.
“I didn’t like him.”
“Well, we can get you another one.”
“I don’t like them either.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“You haven’t even met them yet.”
“I just know I won’t,” Eddie said as he crossed his arms, hissing when he rubbed against the bandages still covering most of his torso.
“Do you want to stay in the hospital forever?”
“Then why can’t you just talk to the therapist? You don’t have to tell them everything, just how you’re feeling now.”
“I don’t want to.”
Steve was trying not to get frustrated. He promised Wayne he’d try to talk some sense into him patiently. It was proving to be harder than he thought it would be.
“What is it that you don’t want to tell them?”
“That maybe I did kill Chrissy! That maybe if she had just gone home or I told her no that she’d still be alive! Maybe Vecna would have gone to the next victim and I wouldn’t have to be here in pain!” Eddie was breathing heavily, his heart monitor beeping more rapidly the more he spoke.
Steve didn’t visibly react, though he wanted to. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold Eddie, turn back time and pretend that it was possible that Chrissy wouldn’t have died, let Eddie live his life not knowing these horrors existed.
He wanted to be able to scrub the memory of carrying Eddie’s limp and bloody body from his mind so he could go back to his regular nightmares of him dying, not the man he-
Steve’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt when Eddie spoke his apology so softly into the room. It was a direct contrast to how he’d been before, and it was startling.
A thought occurred to Steve, one he hadn’t thought of in at least two years, but felt right now.
“You know, I used to be kind of friends with Chrissy. Not close, but we talked.”
Eddie stared at him curiously, probably wondering where this could be going.
“It was funny. It didn’t happen until I wasn’t popular anymore. I guess that just shows she was a great person.”
“Yeah. She was.”
“I remember I was sitting alone eating lunch. Jason and his crew weren’t there and she walked up to me and said ‘let’s be lonely together for today.’ And I guess that was our thing, being lonely together. It sounds stupid.”
“Doesn’t sound stupid to me.”
Steve looked up and saw Eddie’s wide, wet eyes staring back at him, silently begging him to continue his story. Maybe he needed this.
“It happened a few more times and then we ended up hanging out a few times before graduation. We actually,” Steve paused and bit his lip. This would give a lot away and may end up making things worse for Eddie, but he wanted to believe it would help. “We bonded over our crush on you.”
He let it sit in the air for a moment, eyes refusing to look back up at Eddie.
Until he felt a hand on his.
“You both had a crush on me? Me?!”
“Don’t tell Robin, but she was the first person I came out to. Accidentally. And it wasn’t really coming out so much as admitting I thought you were cute.”
“You thought I was cute?!”
“Well, yeah! Always playing with your hair and doodling during class. Helping the freshman find their classes. Giving those speeches. You were brave.”
“Steve. That’s not bravery.”
“It is when everyone is willing to hurt you because of who you are.”
“I barely ever actually got beat up. Words are just words.”
“We both know that isn’t true.”
Eddie nodded, swallowed, then sighed.
“Yeah. I just didn’t want anyone to feel like me.”
“That’s why we had a crush on you!”
“Well, that’s nice that you bonded over that.”
Steve didn’t like the sudden change in his tone. Like he’d liked hearing the story, but now he realized it didn’t matter.
And maybe it didn’t.
Chrissy was still gone. Eddie still had to watch her die a terrible death.
They were both still traumatized.
But Steve still had a crush on Eddie that wouldn’t go away no matter how much he repressed it.
And maybe that part of the story was something that could change for the better.
“Robin told me I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah, she tells all of us that often.”
“But this is about something specific.”
“What is it?”
“Well, I never got over my crush on you. And instead of saying something about it, I just thought I’d forget about it eventually.”
Eddie blinked at him.
“Chrissy once dared me to ask you out. She said when you graduate, I should do it. Just take the risk.
She was pretty sure you were into both anyways.”
“She was right.”
“Yeah, she usually was,” Steve nodded. “But the problem here is you haven’t technically graduated yet.”
“No I haven’t.”
“You could, though.”
“But you have to get out of here first.”
“I see what you’re doing, Harrington.”
“What’s that?” Steve smirked and reached out to move Eddie’s hair away from his face.
“Bribing me to graduate with promises of a date.”
“Is it working?”
Eddie sighed. “Unfortunately.”
“Good. So you’ll talk to the therapist tomorrow?”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“You always have a choice, I’m just hoping you choose you.” ——————————— When Eddie walked across the stage two months later to get his diploma, Steve was giving him a standing ovation.
He ignored his original plan of flipping off Principal Higgins, he didn’t want more eyes on him than he already had.
He ignored it because now he had a new plan. He was gonna walk off the stage, throw his cap in the air, and then kiss Steve Harrington.
Part 2: Prologue
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mr-mandalorian · 2 years
ghost x f reader, hurt/comfort, blood & violence, ghost gives reader his mask
she could only ever see his eyes and yet at times it was still too much. shutting the door behind her, she found him at the entrance of the med bay. he was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, and with what she could only guess, a permanent scowl fixed on his face.
“you didn’t have to wait.”
“you disobeyed a direct order.”
she sighed, not in a mood for a lecture. while she’d never admit it, even with tolerance trained to bear it, her side was absolutely killing her.
“and yet it got us a lead.”
“you put yourself in unnecessary danger. what if the bullet moved just a little bit to the left? you could’ve died.”
“if i did, i’m sure you’d be more than happy to find yourself an obedient replacement.” she pressed further, holding his gaze. she knew she was being unfair, stepping over a line with her lieutenant. and yet she still wished to strip them of their titles, have him admit that there’s more than just friendly comradery making him wait for her to get patched up.
ghost didn’t respond and she could feel months of bonding crumbling before her feet. it’s the way his eyes changed, glazing over with the same coldness when she had just met him. before she felt his flesh on hers, before there was a warmth reserved just for her.
so the silent treatment it was.
readjusting her position, she could feel the stitches at her side pulling. it’s only been two days, but the lead that was the reward of her disobedience could not wait. it didn’t help that the comms were silent, her ears deaf to any usual silly banter that would ensue during a mission. even if she tried to utter a whisper to soap or gaz, ghost would cut in, deeming it unnecessary and distracting.
“entering basement now, how’s it looking on the upper floors?” she voiced an update, slowly ascending down the stairs, finger ready on the trigger as she looked down the narrow hall.
she waited for ghost to confirm, but when no response came she could only roll her eyes. so now even necessities were off the table?
positioning her heavy boots with feather like steps, she made her way down the stuffy hall. the only light illuminating the walls was coming from the door at the end and it didn’t take long for her to spot shadows coming from the gap at the bottom.
“movement spotted, permission to go in?” she quietly tried again only to be met with more silence. “Lt, how copy?”
with a minute to spare and another roll of her eyes, she slowly pushed the door open. a secret tunnel system underneath the building, at least eight goons loading a truck for their escape. but the target was there, a sleek silver briefcase handcuffed to a man.
with the element of surprise on her side, she fully kicked the door open. static filled her ears with ghost’s cursing coming in broken through the comms. four men gunned down, she pressed herself back against the wall, holding her breath and counting down the shots. when the noise died down, she waited. she waited and waited, until a silhouette appeared before her. wasting no time, she kicked the man’s gun up, jabbing him in the neck with her knife. with more goons to follow after, she used the man’s body as a shield as she finally stepped through the doorway. she released the body when the ammunition stopped, throwing herself at another man to slice his throat.
with two men left, she tossed her knife at one of them. a mistake on her part as the briefcase goon pulled it out of his shoulder unfazed. before she could reach for her handgun, the other man flung himself at her, kicking and ripping the stitches at her side. movements slowed by the pain, she danced around the man, missing briefcase coming at her. barely yet not enough out of reach, he launched at her with her own knife, slicing the left side of her face. with blood dripping into her eye and vision turning red, she could only scream in misery and continue to stand.
when the team had finally made their way down underground, they found a bloodbath cooling in the basement. surrounded by corpses, y/n laid in a pool of blood on the floor, briefcase tightly clutched to her chest.
nine days without any communication with ghost. the nurses that tended to y/n, while at first a little terrified of the giant man lingering around the med bay, have grown to admire his patience and started guilt tripping y/n into letting him come inside her ward. but how could she? even with one eye left to see, she could not face his disappointed gaze.
they were removing her face bandages today. dreadful stitching starting from her chin all the way up to her eyebrow that she refused to catch sight of in a mirror.
“you know, it’s not only him today. the whole task force is here to see you.” the nurse spoke finishing up, her tone sympathetic.
“well, let’s get it over it then. tell ghost he can have the honor of chewing me out first, i’ll see the others after.”
moments later ghost entered the room. he looked so out of place, a dark looming shadow a stark contrast to the med bay’s sanitary white. only his mask matched, concerned eyes behind a pale skull boring into her own.
silence seemed to follow ghost everywhere he went. but it was no longer some petty treatment, it was uncertainty. he was overwhelmed, seeing her up and about when the image of her unmoving body still haunted him. he’s endured trauma beyond belief throughout his life yet somehow nothing compared to the nausea he felt when he saw her sliced up face.
“you went in without permission.”
“here we fucking go.” turning away, she hung her head low, hoping to hide herself as much as possible. “i did ask for permission, but when you didn’t respond i thought you were just being prick. only later did i realize the comms got fucked when i went underground.”
“you still should’ve waited for backup. look where it got you-“
“i did wait, but they were about to escape! i got the briefcase, didn’t i? what else matters?”
“what else-? fucking hell, y/n, i thought i lost you!” grabbing her arm, he twirled her around to face him. “i thought i lost you for good. a pain in my ass you are, doing whatever the fuck you want with no regard for your own safety.”
she shrunk under his frame, eyes still glued to the floor. a gloved hand raised her face, cupping her jaw gently to make her look at him. she never understood how a man of his size and talents could be so tender with his touch, always holding her like a porcelain doll that was bound to shatter at any moment.
“keeping me waiting all these days like a fucking dog, trying to break my heart or somethin’?”
her stomach twisting with butterflies, she held his gaze. there was nothing but sincerity behind the hollow curves of his mask.
“you started it.”
“for fuck’s sake-“
“i’m okay, Lt. as okay as i can be, but it’ll take time getting used to this.” she gestured towards her eye. “it’s why i didn’t want to see you, or anyone else. any chance you have a spare to share?”
she gently tugged on the bottom of his balaclava, a sad smile painted on her face.
“love, you took eight men down. the boys were speechless when we got there, it was like a fucking massacre. you’re the most divine woman i have ever laid eyes on, but now there’s a pretty scar on your pretty face to remind me not to fuck around. god knows, you could fucking take me if i act a fool again.”
“mmm, i don’t know.” she hummed, breaking into a genuine smile. “i don’t feel ready yet, you know? i appreciate everyone coming to see me but-“
before she could finish talking, she was cut off by something getting shoved down her head. she gasped as realization set in, immediately raising her hands to cover her eyes.
“simon! what are you doing?” she gaped, pressing her palms further into the fabric of the skull mask that covered her face.
“i trust you.” taking her hands into his own, he lowered them without any intent of ever letting go. “besides, what’s the harm? you only have one good eye left to look at me.”
her cheeks hurt from smiling, she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. she stood on her toes, reaching up to ruffle his hair, ghost closing his eyes in content. she only ever hoped for him to confirm that the yearning was mutual, she never expected to receive a gift as precious as adorning his infamous mask.
“now go on, go wave hello to the lads. i’ve waited days to see you, what’s a few minutes more?”
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pedriswife · 2 years
Pedri imagine on his nose injury & his gf rushing to him after the game to make sure he’s okay & the players making fun of him for it bc he’s whipped…ugh I wanted to rush to his side when I saw that i think that deserved a card but whatever (you can put smut 😉)
A/N: Anon, when I saw this, I just had to write it straight away. It defo deserved a card😭 Thank you for requesting 🫶🏼
TW: swearing, smut ;)
"Son of a bitch" you swore, seeing one of the opposing team players elbow Pedri in the nose. Pedri immediately stopped chasing the ball and held his nose, clearly in pain.
You watched from the stands as he later spoke to the referee and made the decision to get off the pitch, unable to continue playing. The fans could be heard chanting his name, impressed with how he played in the game up until the injury.
Pedri sat on the bench for the rest of the game, which Brcelona ended up winning. As soon as all the boys finished the match and came through the tunnels to their changing rooms, you made sure to find your boyfriend and check on how he is doing.
You saw him walking towards the changing room, with Gavi on his side. He finally saw you from the distance and waved, signalling for you to come over. You ran up to him, arms around his neck, eyes scanning over his face for any sign of pain.
"I'm alright, princesa, it was just a small nudge," he said, seeing the worry in your eyes. You gave his nose a small kiss in response, to which he rubbed his thumb over your cheek and gave you a peck on the lips.
Around you, whistles and giggles could be heard from the other players who happened to see the encounter between you two.
"Whipped much Pedri?" Gavi asked, not used to seeing his best friend being this soft with someone. Pedri gave him a glare in return, to which Gavi immediately shut his mouth.
Finally, Pedri and the rest of the team went to change and get ready to leave. You were waiting outside for Pedri so you could finally get home.
Back at home, you went straight to the kitchen to get an ice pack out of the freezer for Pedri's nose. Even though he said he was fine, you were still going to do things your way.
Being the amazing boyfriend that he is, he obliged to your ministrations without argument. Sat on the sofa, you pressed the ice pack against the bridge of his nose, Pedri's eyes piercing your soul.
"I guess I can't sit on you for a couple of days" you joked to which his eyebrows perked up, a smirk rising slowly on his face.
"There are other ways in which I can please you and you know that very well bonita," he replied, toying with the loops of your jeans.
You laughed, taking the ice pack off his face. You gave him a kiss on the lips and before he could deepen it, you broke away, leaning closer to his ear.
"Show me," you whispered, Pedri groaning in response. He kissed you, his tounge, swiping over your lips, asking for permission to enter. You obliged and ran your fingers through his hair, pulling the strands from the bottom, making Pedri gasp into your mouth.
You removed his shirt, running your hands through his his back, leaving light scratches. Pedri did the same, kissing your neck and chest in the process, leaving slight marks.
He finally got your jeans and panties off as well, cupping your ass, making you moan into the kiss. You began to grind on him, making both of you moan in unison.
His fingers now circled your core, giving you light and teasing touches, Pedri watching your face the entire time as you moved your body even closer to him. He slowly rubbed his finger against your clit, teasing, spreading your juices, enjoying how your body responded to this simple touch.
Suddenly, he stopped completely, making you whine at the loss of his fingers.
"Ride my thigh, bonita," he said, as he watched your face go from an initial shock to excitement. Truth be told, you always wanted to try this out, already making it clear to Pedri but only waiting for the right moment, which happens to be right now.
You nodded, taking off his slightly stained joggers from you being sat down on them. You got on top of his thigh, his hands remaining at your sides, his eyes watching you just as hungrily as before.
You started to slowly ride his thigh, your breath hitching at the unusual feeling. Pedri flexed his thigh, enjoying watching you use him for your own pleasure. You sped up, your moans heard throughout the room, Pedri flexing his thigh adding extra pleasure by bumping ocasionally against your clit. His thigh was now covered in your juices, and you were even closer to your high.
Seeing that you were close, he reached down, rubbing his finger against your clit and attached his mouth to one of your nipples, licking and sucking, providing you with even more stimulation.
All of this at once caused a wave of pleasure wash over you, a moan ripping from your mouth, you cumming all over Pedri's thigh.
"That's it bonita, you did so well, how about one more hm?" He whispered in your ear, his hands staying at your sides, making you continue to rub against him. You nodded, already feeling another orgasm approaching. Pedri continued to lead your body over his drenched thigh, whispering praises into your ear. He picked up the pack, bouncing his thigh more often, watching as you came undone once again, your throat raw from moaning.
He pressed more kisses onto your shoulder, murmuring a quiet "I love you," giving you time to come back to yourself after your orgasms.
After a while, he picked you up in his arms and led you to the bathroom, placing you on the counter as he gently wiped you and himself down.
"I guess you weren't wrong about knowing different ways to please me," you joked, making Pedri shake his head.
"This was just the first one. You didn't really think we were finished?" He asked, a cocky smile plastered on his face, watching the shock form on your face.
This was going to be a long night...
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Reading the Room at a 5th Grade Level: MC's Curse and Taiga's Memory Issues???
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Hi. My name is Yuri and I am an idiot. You see, when I downloaded Tokyo Debunker and I saw what happened to the MC I was confused. "Why did everything go red?" I asked myself. "It's like we were in another dimension!" I unhelpfully said at some point probably. Well I finally googled the name of the station the MC said "was not her usual stop" and guess what? I should have done that way fucking sooner because it's related to a Japanese urban legend, much like Takeru in Episode 2. And helps me with what I noticed yesterday while I was re-reading the Hotarubi episode.
This post contains spoilers for Hotarubi's Episode, viewer discretion is advised.
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When the MC is contacted by the spirit who allegedly curses her she is riding the train home from a concert. She receives a text message from someone with a spider lily profile picture, in English their user name is "Mina." Before we are confronted by Mina, the conductor announces that the train's next stop is Kisaragi Station, a station that dear reader, does not exist. It's also extremely famous! But I am not smart or up to date on horror things so I didn't know (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) so sorry if this is all stuff you guys already knew.
Kisaragi Station
The original post about Kisaragi station was, as best I can tell, made on a site called 2chan, which is a Japanese anonymous forum. I was able to find a post about it on r/nosleep from 2019 which claims that people started posting about it on reddit in 2010, and another post on Quora translating a thread that was posted to twitter. There are a few common themes to the urban legend, but there are three I find particularly relevant to our situation.
The station is believed to be on the border of our world and the "other world." It is possible to leave the station, we will get into how in a moment, but attempting to leave it by following the train tracks will get you killed. Especially if you attempt to cross through the train tunnel, that will take you across the point of no return. The original post describes hearing the sound of drums and bells, similar to a Japanese festival, that get louder the closer you get to the tunnel. Accepting rides from people in the vicinity of the station will also kill you. Cell service is active in the area, but you aren't able to find location information and people will not be able to find you. The anomaly on the train we see isn't tied to Kisaragi Station as far as I can tell, and I have been combing through various yokai to see if I can find anything like it but so far I haven't had much luck.
Back to how to leave the station, you have to light something on fire. Specifically something that causes smoke. Paper seems to be the most common suggestion. It's a small detail, but since the game starts with us seeing the school on fire I thought it was an interesting thing to note.
I added Taiga into the title of the post as in the translated twitter thread, the concept of memory loss the longer you stay in Kisaragi is brought up. We never actually see Taiga leave the station, and the MC only leaves it because Haku does something with his artifact. In Episode 5 Haku says he was not using his stigma to put the children's spirits to rest, implying that spiritual energy adn stigmas are different powers he can use. I am going to propose something kind of crazy at the end of this entire post about Haku, but for now just dealing with the facts presented in game he specifically says he "cordoned off" the area. Does he mean that he took the train to Kisaragi station? Or was MC always going there? And if he was the one responsible for doing that then uh. How did Taiga leave the station and get back to Darkwick? Was he trapped there and did he wander around for a long time, doing permanent damage to his memory in the process? Or am I over thinking this and he lost track of the anomaly and lit something on fire so he could leave. I like the idea of him lighting the station on fire and the ghosts asking him to leave, but that's probably not what happened lol
When the train reaches Kisaragi Station in game, the color pallet swaps to red. Much like it does in Episode 5 when MC receives a certain visitor:
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We learn later on that this is Zenji, and that Zenji is dead. MC seems to be reacting to his presence and I would like to think that the color choice is deliberate. If we go back to Episode 2, Takeru only has light amounts of red shading around him in his comic panels, when he kills the streamer and when Alan beats the shit out of him are two that immediately come to mind. Interacting with him does not turn the world red like interacting with Zenji or Kisaragi Station does, further strengthening Leo's conclusion about him being a Talupa and not a ghost as this red tint seems to be used for when MC is interacting with the spirit world. Which I am once again asking, how did Taiga get home from Kisaragi Station? Did he carjack a Taxi ghost?
This raises some questions about the anomaly that cursed MC. Is it a ghost and is it something unique to Japan? And if neither of those things are true then why was Haku there? I can think of two reasons for him to be there: the first is if he is there to keep an eye on Taiga for Cornelius/the Institute because Sinostra is on probation but they need him (he was specifically assigned this mission because of how aggressive he is) or it was meant to be a Hotarubi mission because it fit their criteria but Haku couldn't handle it so they arranged for Taiga to come along with him. That last thing is sort of countered by Haku saying that he doesn't think Hotarubi would be able to help with the MC's curse, but he could be lying about that I suppose.
Anyway who wants to hear my really stupid out there reason for why Haku is there-
The Part of the Show Where I do a line of coke Cope
So hear me out, what if Haku's stigma is time travel. So in this post on the subreddit donsaadali suggested that the powers you pick from in the personality test are powers the ring could give MC. I had the thought before that maybe it was a list of stigmas that the various characters had completely forgetting about the time travel line. But it does sort of fit with my line of thinking: make people follow my orders? That's Jin. Elemental powers? Towa. The others: extreme luck, never having to sleep, shapeshifting, and gravity control aren't ones that we have concrete information about but I am tempted to say that "extreme luck" could be Taiga, as turning things into ammo struck me as a quality of his artifact and not his stigma but I'm not really convinced of that. Anyway, if Haku can time travel, he could go back in time, pick up MC, and bring her back to Darkwick even if that's not what happened in the first place and Taiga was the one who brought her back the first time! But why he would do that is lost on me. Well not completely lost, I do think he wants to "help" her but with what and why is not something I have a theory on just yet.
To be clear, that was just me spitballing. I do not really think that Haku's stigma is time travel, there isn't enough evidence for me to think that. I do think that if there is a timeloop going on he is probably aware of it, but again. I don't know why.
Translated original post (x)
The above post also has a youtube video linked at the top if you want an audio version of the post and some other train related stories
Translated Twitter thread (x)
Shitty r/nosleep post (x)
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eisforeidolon · 1 month
Question: I know each of you have had programs that are going now, and some that did not make it - and that is complete B.S., by the way. [Audience cheers, Jared mouths thank you] Are there any other projects that are coming up that you can discuss? 'Cause we all know we see on Facebook and things that season 16, they've agreed, they've agreed, and like, okay we all wish that was true, but what can you tell us about future projects?
Jared [pointing at Jeff]: Well, he's set to direct season 16 of Supernatural.
Jeff: [nods] In a heartbeat.
Jared: I - what do I aggressively have going? I have a few things that we're working on developing, but I think aggressively I'm leaving tomorrow for Fire Country and [audience cheers, JDM and Jensen clap] It'll be - you know, I'm just doing a couple episodes, it's not like I'm joining the cast forever, it's a couple episodes, go see our buddy Max, and see some of the friends and family from Supernatural that I haven't seen in four years? So I can't wait to go play in their sandbox. I guess, I guess - I haven't talked to Kripke in a month but he said he was writing something for me, so we'll see if I can go hang out on The Boys.
Jeff: Are you working out? Are you getting ready?
Jared: I'm not.
Jensen: Are you doin' the squats?
Jared: No, I'm not.
Jensen: Are you repping 405?
Jared: No, I'm not.
Jensen: She is [referring to a previous questioner who asked about weightlifting].
Jared: I know. [points to that fan] Body double, just borrow her fan [points to other previous fan with prop] do the leg lifts, and then you're my double. You just got hired. But yeah, aggressively I'm kinda just living it day by day.
Jensen: I don't have much to talk about.
Jared: How much time do you have?
Jensen: I'll try to drum up some work for ya. So it's - no, you know everything that's happening with me so my world is about to change here in about two weeks.
Jeff: Do you start in two weeks?
Jensen: Yeah.
Jeff: Holy smokes.
Audience member(s): Which one?
Jensen: I don't remember which one.
Jeff: The one on Amazon.
Jensen: [cracks up] Countdown starts September. And then we're off to the races, because I think there's gonna be overlapping with The Boys and then there's gonna be overlapping with Vought Rising and then there's and then it's all gonna start again. So it's gonna be pretty cyc-[draws circles in the air], it's gonna be that way for a while. I don't know what the light at the end of the tunnel is.
Jeff: It's, you'd be surprised -
Audience member: You're gonna break Amazon again, right?
Jensen: Either that or Amazon's gonna break me. I know one of the two are gonna happen.
Jeff: I've got my money on Amazon.
Jensen: You have insider information. Uh, what about you, anything [?]?
Jeff: I start something in September that I can't talk about. I don't know how it is with new projects, that we never can talk about, it's ridiculous.
Jensen: And then we do them and then we still can't talk about them.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah. So that and then - did anybody see a movie I did, it was on Netflix, and it did really well, called Postcard Killings? I'm gonna go in October and do the sequel to that, based on a James Patterson thing.
Jared: Email killings? What comes after postcard killings?
Jeff: Oh, I see what you did there. Email killings. Only I can't find the killer because I'm really technology [gestures wildly around his head] - like I can't figure it out.
Jensen: The files are in the computer!
Jeff: There's not a [?]!
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acourtofthought · 5 months
I don't know if I'm being petty, but I like to think that some of Elain's actions toward Azriel are just foreshadowing for Elucien's dynamic. For example, Lucien is very thoughtful about his choices for Elain's gifts, and Elain is invested in the presents she gives to others, including Azriel, even if it's in the form of a prank. This makes me think that receiving gifts will be one of their main love languages.
The scene where Elain called Azriel's scars beautiful could mean that if Lucien still holds any insecurities regarding his scars, it'd be no problem at all for his mate to help him realize how gorgeous he is, inside and out.
And, most of all, the theme of choice would fit so much better in an Elucien romance. I mean, Azriel isn't the one banned from two courts, prohibited to see his mother, exiled in a strange land, the one who has only two humans (who will die in a few decades compared to a fae immortal life) as his only friends, and he's definitely not the one being ignored by his mate and fearful of her rejection. If there's a character who deserves (plot-wise) to be chosen, it's definitely Lucien.
Besides, it would make so much sense with Elain's and Lucien's characters and with the development of their relationship. The fact that Lucien respects her time and space (or his passivity, as some like to call it) allows Elain to make the choice of pursuing the bond when she feels comfortable and secure enough. She'd also have more agency than her sisters in the beginning of their relationships.
But these are just thoughts.
Thank you for your blog and your theories and thoughts. You make me feel hopeful not only for an Elucien's endgame, but also that they really have the chance to get the next book. You have been a light in the end of this three-years-length tunnel.
P.S. I also have a guess that the announcement will be on May 1st. Hope we are right!
Also, the scene where Elain called Az's scars pretty could actually have been Elain calling his siphons pretty because Feyre wasn't sure what she was looking at.
However, I do agree that Elain is going to find Lucien's face devastatingly handsome and the reason for that kind of ties into her mother. Which sounds weird but I'll try to explain.
Her mother made assumptions about her, that she did not dream beyond her pretty dresses and gardens and that she would marry for love and "beauty". So of course, Elain tried to follow those expectations, getting engaged to exactly who her mother would have imagined for her.
I know Elain loved Graysen and probably found him handsome but he seems cookie cutter. Even Feyre said, he was sort of the human ideal of a lord come to sweep a maiden off her feet.
Lucien's face isn't perfect. He's handsome no doubt but he has long hair (no proper mother would approve of that), a scar running down his face and his eye. He is not the image of a baby faced Lord set to inherit his fathers estate someday. He's cruelly beautiful and looks dangerous and, we're all human here, that's going to thrill the "good girls" which everyone assumes Elain to be. Graysen is the kind of guy you have missionary sex with while the lights are out. Lucien is the kind of guy you are willing to do anything, anywhere with and that's probably a bit overwhelming for Elain given her upbringing. Right now, she's still stuck in the past, how she was raised, the kind of guy her mother proclaimed she would marry rather than embracing what lights her up like a pinball machine but I have no doubt once she does break free she's going to make sure he knows exactly how appealing she finds him because of the scars, the hair, the eye. Because of how it all comes together.
And I agree regarding the gifts! I think we see bits of Elain's personality around members of the IC but she never fully blooms, it's like a quick flash then it's gone. I could see Elain and Lucien teasing one another on regular days, silly gifts, sweet little gifts, but the important days I think will be when they reserve the really thoughtful, heartfelt gifts for.
With choice, I wonder if it's so much about that as fight.
(that sounds weird too but I wasn't sure how to word it).
What I mean by that is Lucien was chosen by Jesminda. He was chosen by Tamlin. He was chosen by many friends of which we're told he has many. He was chosen by the LoA as her favorite son. The problem is nobody fought to keep him.
The same with Elain. She was chosen by Graysen, she was "chosen" by Azriel, she was chosen by the chef and servants who wanted to do nice things for her, she was chosen by her many friends. But, none of them fought for her either. When things got hard they walked away.
Lucien and Elain are parallel in that they're just accepting life as it happens to them, trying to accept that when one door closes (to their dismay) and another opens, they roll with it even if they're not happy. They haven't learned to fight for themselves, possibly because they are used to not being fought for and as a result they try not to ask for much because they realize how expendable they are to others.
But in their book, I think they'll push past that to fight for what they do want and they will fight for one another. Lucien has been doing that so far when it comes to Elain. He is the one person who despite the odds did not walk away from her. Graysen gave up after Elain was turned. Az gave up easily, moved right onto feeling calm because of another female, admiring another female, thinking of another females eyes light up, even though Elain was probably upset after his rejection for the simple fact that any rejection hurts. But Lucien though he hasn't pushed her, has quietly fought for her for two years, by showing that he is still loyal to her and only her. And I imagine we'll also see Elain begin to fight for Lucien. Fighting against those who have wronged him, fighting for him to understand that he's not guilty for Jesminda's death or what happened to Feyre, etc.
Your last paragraph before the P.S. (May 1, May 1!!!) was so incredibly sweet and I wish I had better words to thank you for it.
I hope you have a fantastic day and I appreciate your message!
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doromoni · 1 year
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer! reader
Max Verstappen x photographer! reader
Part 4.
fantic + smau fic
y/n faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warning : nothing~ it’s just fluff for now :)) and a teensy weensy bit of silly season
<previous next>
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
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What is the age when we started to care less about our date of birth? When our birthday starts to feel mundane , just another day in this life on earth . To begin with, I never did make a fuss about my birthdays. The greetings of my most loved people were enough for my happiness. I never have wanted celebrations , parties, or gifts.
That was until they threw me the most meaningful birthday, I could ever hope for. There stood Max , Lando, and Daniel with the biggest of grins holding what seems to be an attempt of a birthday cake as they sang to me happy birthday — and then came their present. In the box , 4 smiling faces stared back at me, their facing were shining with unadulterated joy and peace — it reflected true happiness… it was a framed picture of us , in the McDonald’s parking lot, the day when we all first met.
I never in my life would have guessed that the three strangers who met me at my worst would still be around and care enough to celebrate my life. I could never be grateful enough for the light that these three people had shone upon me and guided me to the end of the dark tunnel.
Oh how time quickly goes by , because another year is added to my life . It’s my birthday and now I’ve learned to celebrate it with the people who love me back.
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Liked by y/n_stills. , danielricciardo, landonorris and 3,627,728 others
maxverstappen1 Happiest Birthday to you, my Liebling 💙 Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. Nothing in this world is enough to show how much I love and adore you, If i could gift you the universe, I would. I love you endlessly, Y/N L/N.
tagged @y/n_stills.
y/n_stills. I cannot put into words how much I treasure you Max Emilian Verstappen. You’ve been the person to love me , when I cannot love myself. You’ve given my life the color it lost and I am forever grateful for you, my love . I would never be able to repay what you’ve done for me. I love you so so much! @maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 you being with me is enough payment , Liebling.
landonorris So the Porsche was for y/n’s birthday?
maxverstappen1 yes , she was more excited for the cake tho.
y/n_stills. What? It was good cake ~ 10/10. Yummy .
danielricciardo We spent a whole week trying to find the perfect car — because someone was psychoanalyzing everything and you liked the cake better. welp we did give you a photo of us for your last birthday and you cried so…
landonorris that we did . the number of white shades still gives me trauma, how can there be so much?! Its white!
y/n_stills. Sheesh calm down~ i still loved the Porsche , imagine how many chicks I’ll pick up with this baddie.
maxverstappen1 excuse me?
y/n_stills. I ment to say , thank you and I love you 😘
user1 honestly, these 2 🥺 my standards just skyrocketed.
user2 I want what they have :((
user3 Forget Romeo and Juliet , I want Max and Y/N.
user4 Max is so whipped for Y/N .He’s so soft for her I couldn’t process it hsksgwjsg.
user5 Ikr?? I didn’t expect Max to be so bby. I love it!
user6 huhuhu when is it my turn?
user7 ayo?? Why isn’t anyone talking about how Max just bought Y/N a freaking Porsche for her birthday??? Hello?
user8 They are so rich, it hurts
user9 y/n is not gonna escape the gold digger accusations at this point 🥹.
user8 sometimes I forget that they are literal millionaires
user10 Before anyone calls y/n a gold digger , please know that she herself is healthy and wealthy. Thank you.
user11 yuh, do your research before you comment y’all ~ y/n is a boss bitch who earns her own dough
y/n_stills. 1h
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viewed by landonorris , oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and 696,916 others
story replies :
landonorris u just jelly cause am getting more attention than u 👁️👅👁️
y/n_stills. Sure ~ what ever you say , kinder. Just make sure not to neglect your other boyfriend.
landonorris Hey! Unfair… I can’t be mean to you. It’s your birthday 😡
y/n_stills. 👁️👅👁️
oscarpiastri Welp at least , max’s boyfriend 2 and lando’s boyfriend 2 aren’t there yet.
y/n_stills. OSCAR HAHAHAHA , I’m screen shooting this for future use. But yeah~ Daniel and Carlos aren’t here yet.
oscarpiastri oh noo blackmail material~
y/n_stills. Worry not , little papaya ! I wont tell them it’s you~ you can count on me. Are you on your way ? You are coming right? are you driving?? Don’t text and drive oh my gosh.
oscarpiastri Yes, im on my way . No, I’m not driving . Calm down Mom. we’re almost near! Oh Happy Birthday, talk when we’re there .byeee!
charles_leclerc Oh, you’re with them again… Are you going somewhere?
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, danielricciardo, and 1,728, 027 others
The past year might have been rough, but now I’ve never been happier— and it’s all thanks to the people who held me dear in their hearts. Most importantly to the three strangers who pulled me in their circle of chaos, thank you for making me feel loved and accepted then , and more so now. I Love you guys.
Thank you everyone for your heartfelt greetings and thank you for celebrating my birthday with me ! A birthday well spent indeed!
P.S don’t blame us if you’re hangover for tomorrow’s GP… we did try to stop you. 🤭
maxverstappen1 I never knew that helping the sad pretty lady at the grid party would lead us to what we have now. Happiest birthday Liebling 💙
y/n_stills. you’ve done enough! Don’t make me love you more , Max Verstappen >:((
danielricciardo Happiest Birthday again, kid! I’ll always be here for you when you need me ~ you know the drill.
y/n_stills. thanks danny 🥺 Thank you for being the big brother I needed.
landonorris Happy Birthday (nickname)! I’m glad that I approached you then because you also had changed our lives for the better. For more years to come!
y/n_stills. Aww, Lando! Your gonna make me cry even more >:(( , but thank you 🤍
lewishamilton Happiest Birthday Kiddo! you deserve only the best. More happy years to come, dear.
y/n_stills. Thank you Lew! you didn’t have to fly just for my birthday , but you did huhu thank you! I loved the gift btw please say thank you to the nephews for me — their artworks were so lovely 🤍
oscarpiastri Happy Birthday Y/N! you truly only deserve the best. Thank you for sharing your kindness to everyone. You were one of the people who made me feel that I belong in this sport when I first started and thank you for your continuous support and presence. Thank you for being my grid mom🧡
y/n_stills. Little papaya 🥺 Thank you so much for saying that, you truly have melted my heart. I’m officially adopting you >:((
Liked by oscarpiastri
y/n_stills. @maxverstappen1 we have a son now.
Liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri
landonorris @oscarpiastri stop stealing my friend >:(
oscarpiastri how about no @landonorris :))
y/n_stills. Ugh my son is already bullying lando , im so proud 😫
redbullracing Happiest Birthday Y/N!!
y/n_stills. Thank you, energy drink company ✨ thanks for the gift of wings . ~ pls don’t fire me
Skysports Happy Birthday Y/N! , We’ll miss you.
y/n_stills Thank you, my lovely ex-employers 🤍 thank you for always filling your pantry with may favorites.
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F1 Double World Champion Max Verstappen is Dating Future Red Bull Racing Team Senior Design Director Y/N L/N!
Article by : Lola Scotts
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In picture : Max Verstappen and Y/N L/N at a flower shop at Manchester
Max Verstappen , The 2 time world driver’s championship winner , had just officially announced his relationship with multi-business owner and Sky Sports Formula 1 photographer Y/N L/N . Both have confirmed their relations on instagram with a sweet and personal post , a few hours after a fan had leaked their attendance to a mutual friend’s concert . And was later on spotted strolling a locally owned flea market in Manchester.
The Dutch Red Bull driver and the Korean born photographer had been already close friends prior to the relationship ; often times within the company of Formula 1 drivers— Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris. The coming together of the couple was a pleasant surprise to the realm of motorsports. As fans continue to anticipate the kind of dynamic these two would bring to the paddock, specially with relation to the 1st driver of the Italian racing team Ferrari — who was linked to L/N before.
Y/N L/N has already been a paddock favorite amongst motorsport fans not only for her close knit friendship with the drivers and some of the team principals , but also for her professionalism on track. Y/N had stated in an interview before that her love of the sport had led her to the opportunity to intern for the Italian racing team, Ferrari — and was later on officially scouted by Sky Sports as one of their Senior Design Directors for their photography and videography sectors .
Moreover, the boom in popularity of Formula 1 in social media has lead teams scrambling for purchase— and the knowledge of Y/N L/N’s ending contract with Sky Sports has been their life line; as several of the racing teams have reportedly been in negotiations with L/N.
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In picture: Y/N L/N at New Red Bull Office in Berlin
Nevertheless, due to the high probability of Y/N’s shift from Sky Sports to exclusively work for Red Bull Racing, some argue that lack of professionalism and partiality will be at play . But, such claims are quickly shut down when Red Bull had released a statement that proves that a contract was already in process, way before the relationship of the dutch champion and the accredited photographer has been established.
Still, even with the flames and barbs of the media , Verstappen and L/N are cool as a cucumber — as the two were spotted celebrating the photographer’s birthday with friends and loved ones before the end of month long formula 1 summer break.
The next Grand Prix is fast approaching. I do not know about you, but I believe that things will be a little more exciting for Formula 1.
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charles_leclerc originally mine , I refuse to give up.
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niiikasa · 1 month
Honestly i was also of the assumption that yuuji would die to save megumi but i feel no matter which way you look at it, it would be a terrible conclusion to yuuji and megumi's characters, and 265 proves that. Even if it fulfills his grandfather's words, he'd still be stuck in a 'role', a path predetermined for him, which i think would be regressing from the message 265 is trying to make.
And he also wants to save Megumi, that's literally all he's been trying to do this entire time, it'd be wack if gege just decides all that build-up just to kill him off (though it wouldnt be the first time). And if he fails to save Megumi, then what would be the point, especially when he's sacrificed so much to do so? Yuuji has always wanted to save people, him breaking away from the cog mentality doesn't change that ideal. If all of that and he never ends up actually saving anyone in the end, after failing before (junpei, nanami, nobara) and now megumi, it wouldn't really be a conclusive resolution for him (unless gege goes the route of making him accept that sometimes you just can't save everyone and make him come to terms with the fact that he doesn't have to save anyone which admittedly would also be an interesting direction for the story to go, but i don't think yuuji is that type of character to change so drastically like that, especially this deep into the fight where he'd already lost so much trying to get him)
I don't think megumi will die either. I see this prediction that megumi might wake up, use the last of his strength to kill sukuna, and die in the process, but it wouldn't conclude his character imo. He'd still be incomplete, stuck in the climax of his character arc without a resolution. He never gets to process or deal with what happened to him, he never even takes control of his life (literally and metaphorically) nor does he ever reach his potential or find any sort of light at the end of the tunnel? (Gege has been a bit execessive with the deaths, but every single death that happened in this story, the character's arc is more or less concluded, and they accept death and are even smiling at the end (with the exception of junpei but he's a minor character all things considered) megumi wouldn't fit that criteria, as his character still hasn't completed, and there's still so much unresolved about him. Not to mention, it'd be a pretty disappointing way to kill off your deutrogonist.)
Yuuji dying wouldn't bode well for Megumi's character, either. Think about it; Megumi, since the start of the series, has been trying to save yuuji, tell him that his life is worth more than he's trying to sacrifice, and never lets him wallow in his own guilt or self-hatred and even tells him to share the burden. He's always of the belief that he DOESN'T want Yuuji to die, that he deserves to live, sukuna or not. He shares the same sentiment with his sister. But it wouldn't work for Megumi's character if all of this, Even after telling yuuji to give up on him and just kill him, he's the one that ends up living, and the two people he's been trying to save this entire time don't? What would be the point? (Again, gege could go the route of making Megumi learn to live for himself and not for the sake of others like his sister and Yuuji, but that development could be made just by his sister dying, he doesn't need to kill yuuji for that, too)
So i think gege changed his mind on that aspect of only one living and decided to keep them both alive. It would work well with the theme of the newer generations breaking the cycle of the older generations, where gojo and geto died before they could truly bear the consequences of their past mistakes (Culling Games) Yuuji and Megumi live through the consequences of what Sukuna did (Shibuya and Shinjuku) and share the burden together as opposed to Gojo and Geto whom beared it alone and drifted apart. But i guess thats too hopeful an ending for a manga like jjk lol
(There's also evidence of both of them dying so who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
GUYS THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i will make my response in a bit... i need to shower...)
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ateez-himari · 8 months
[Archive] 'Tunnel' by Mingi - The Story
"It was tough for me to see a single letter so I sent it all away, I guess I can't get used to being left alone..."
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It had been weeks since every single one of their interactions was inevitably cut short by the man's cold responses, the widening void in their friendship slowly tearing at the young woman's already fragile heart. To the audience it was undoubtedly a result of dating rumors circulating through social platforms yet she knew better than to fall under this belief, than to dumb down her friend's suddenly dismissive behavior to not wishing to be mistaken for her romantic interest.
'Mingi can I come in...' She asked sheepishly, a trembling hand giving her bandmate's door a light knock. 'We need to t-'
Without giving the anxiety riddled maknae a chance to explain the reason behind such a sudden intrusion the door swung open to reveal the man's annoyed expression, silently motioning for her to come in with a singular nod of his head. They had spent around two years building a close connection to one another yet now she stood awkwardly in front of his bed where he took a seat, fidgeting with the edges of a sweater he had let her borrow and was now long forgotten.
'So what do you want ?' He asked plainly, looking off to the side of the room. 'Can you make this quick...I was planning on going out soon.'
'Why have you been acting like a complete asshole lately ?' She blurted out, the honesty behind her question taking both parties aback. 'I mean...all of a sudden you just start ignoring me, not even talking to me unless you really have to...did I do something ?'
From sunrise to sunset, this moment... Why is my heart so void ?
With a clench of his jaw the man ran a ringed hand across his pursed lips, a heavy silence settling across the room whilst he looked for a way to phrase his answer though still not making an effort to meet her saddened eyes. The young woman however did not seem to have the same control over the emotions screaming inside her mind, all competing for dominance over one another, as she kept blinking to keep warm tears at bay.
'You're just too clingy.' Mingi finally spoke up. 'This is exactly why people start dating rumors...because you can't seem to stay away from me for a single second. I mean come on there's seven other members, can't you go bother one of them ?'
Everything I said was a lie... Everything right at this moment.
Deep down he wished to take the group's youngest into his arms, beg for her forgiveness regarding all the times he had made that beautiful smile falter, yet pushing her away seemed to be the only way to protect them both. Despite acting like he held not a singular regard towards how she felt, he could tell that the influx of negativity was slowly wearing her down and he could not let rumors about their alleged relationship contribute to this weight - no matter how much he wished for them to be true.
I gotta get outta fucking love...
'I just...' Too choked up to form more than a few words, Himari simply lowered her head. 'I'm sorry, this is my fault.'
The man's resolve was rapidly growing thin, the more rational parts of his conscience pleading for him to just explain everything, fully aware that she would understand, yet his tongue seemed to find harsher words by the moment. It had been months now since the realization that it was no longer simply friendship but love that he felt for the vocalist dawned on him, months since he had promised himself to do whatever was necessary to never let his heart feel this way.
'I knew adding a girl to this group was a mistake.' He spat out, a lump forming in his throat. 'If you got nothing else to say then get out, my hiatus is soon and I have to pack.'
I let you go like nothing happened... But then at the end of it all a piece of you still lingers.
Not willing to let tears fall in front of him no matter how deeply every single one of his coldly spoken statements cut, the young woman hurried out of the room and into the one she shared with the two oldest members. Within a moment of shutting the door her body slid down against the wooden surface, knees curling up to her chest as poorly silenced sobs echoed through the empty dorm.
Now left completely alone with the guilt of what he had just done, the rapper angrily hurled a nearby book at the wall as tears of his own stained the hand he had brought over his face. Everything aspect of his head was in complete disarray and nothing made sense anymore, not the reason behind his rash decisions, not the harshness of his words, not even his feelings towards someone he had sworn to their manager would never be anything more than a bandmate.
It will be empty, hopefully Then it will be filled again, even if it hurts. I'll eventually have to face reality I'm sure that it was just a dream deep inside my heart.
Himari would never find out that most of his hiatus was filled with days drowned in alcohol to forget everything that had taken place between them, to forget how much he wished to kiss her delicate lips and apologize a hundred times over.
Mingi would never be told the amount of days during which she had been woken up by anxiety induced nightmares believing that his mental struggles were her own fault, nor would anyone dare to mention the psychological diagnosis sitting on her desk where 'major depressive episode' was permanently engraved in ink.
At first the rapper's phone would light up with messages from the maknae every few days about the smallest things, though the fear of saying something stupidly hurtful stopped him from ever replying. In the midst of the hiatus' timeline however her name no longer appeared at the top of his screen in the morning and neither were aware of how often the other's finger hovered over their contact.
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A/N: Please note that this in no way depicts the real reasons behind Mingi's hiatus (or his personality) nor is it the song's true meaning! It is simply a work of fiction and should be read as such. Thank you! ♡
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wellwhatnowlove · 1 year
“He looks down at his feet, searching for words. When he finds them, he looks up at me with the raw emotion of his father, but without the anger or the pain. “Mother, your inheritance was guilt. Father’s was surrender. Because of you, because of Father, mine is struggle. That is better than guilt. It is better than surrender. I do not blame you. I thank you. You never pretended the world wasn’t broken, even when a broken world favored you.”
Light Bringer, pg.144
If Darrow’s inheritance has always been surrender and Virginia’s has always been guilt, then Light Bringer is a study in how they’ve swapped those burdens, and both grew immensely because of it. Virginia is forced to face the reality of surrender to keep Mars from falling. She must learn to sacrifice lives on an unimaginable scale. She literally has to surrender Phobos in order to hold Mars and save lives from a bloody battle over pride. She routinely seeks out the injured and dying to confront those she sacrifices. It’s heart breaking and hard to read at times, but not once did she not feel like the character we grew to love. She stays true to herself while mentioning multiple times that she now understands Darrow’s plight more than ever from the last decade.
Then on the flip side, Darrow is forced to reckon with his insurmountable guilt when he is put on trial before the daughters in the rim to answer for betraying them in order to secure a victory for the core rising/republic. He talks about how that guilt put a wedge between him and his family. That guilt made him feel unworthy of love, and, therefore, unable to properly express his love to those he would give everything for. This mirrors Virginia’s past struggle with one particularly potent example being her inability to believe that Darrow could love her after he reveals his true identity as a red in the tunnel under Lykos at the end of Golden Son. She says
“They are my family!” she shouts, face collapsing into grief. “My father hanged your wife. He hanged her. How can you even look at me?”
I think it’s this guilt (and probably some feelings of utter betrayal, panic, and overwhelm) that led her to leave Darrow in that tunnel and indirectly led him into the Jackal’s trap. Which I’m sure she also feels immense guilt for. But I think a large part of her journey off page and into morning star is her coming to terms with that guilt. In confronting it she learns to be vulnerable with Darrow again and comes to accept that he loves her despite the insane complexity of their history. This culminating with her leaning into her understanding of her part in the society and realizing that it puts her in a place to make a true change. All of this accomplished with an education in immense humility, flexibility, and compromise. Which is the lesson Darrow grapples with and I think truly leans into throughout this book. In a way, he is forced to reckon with how his guilt drove him away from Virginia and Pax and even veered him away from Eo’s dream.
I think on a character based level, this will exponentially strengthen their relationship when (please please Pierce) they finally reunite, and will make them a more formidable pair than even before. They now understand each others struggles in such intimate ways that idk if anyone can stop these two.
Then, on a plot based level it speaks to the larger themes of resilience, understanding and the fight for humanity. Virginia finds strength in surrender and Darrow finds redemption in humility and compromise. 
Then, add in some struggle, grit and pixie dust (and a cool head tattoo I guess. WE SEE YOU OVER THERE PAX AKA ADEPT AUGUSTUS. HELL YEAH KEEP IT UP BABY WOO) and the rising might just have a true shot. Not only at victory, but at redemption and continued effort in the name of what is just and good.
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meganwritesfanfics · 1 year
You are my Sunshine
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Jamie Tartt x Reader
It's time for Jamie to find out the gender of his baby, and the team is more than willing to help out.
Check out Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Jamie had been antsier than normal. This was the week they were supposed to find out the gender of the baby. Y/N was planning surprising Jamie, he would have been completely fine opening the envelope with her, but it made her happy to plan a surprise, and he would do anything to see her smile. 
He was about to make his way into the locker room when he found a sheet of paper covering the door. 
“The fuck?” He gasped but when he took a step back he saw that the paper read “Tear me” “Ok?” He reached out and and tore the paper finding the lights in the lockeroom off. 
“Alright guys, this is very funny ha ha.” He said and suddenly the lights flicked on and Jamie saw that the whole locker room was covered in this paper and written all over it was Boy or Girl? 
Dani was also standing in the middle of the room holding a black balloon. 
Jamie laughed as he made his way towards Dani. 
“Y/N roped you into this eh?” He smiled.
“I was happy to help. It is very exciting.” Dani said beaming. “Now you must pop the balloon.” 
“Where is the rest of the team? Is Y/N here?” Jamie asked as he started to move towards the hall out to the field. 
“You must pop the balloon!” Dani snapped stepping inbetween Jamie and the door. 
“Woah, alright mate,” Jamie said throwing his hands up in defense. 
“Here.” Dani went back to his smily self and handed him a football shaped pushpin. 
“Well isn’t this adorable. You know, I think Y/N should be here.” 
Danny didn’t say anything, he just kept smiling and held the balloon out. 
“Alright, well I guess this is her plan. So let’s do this.” He felt the nerves building in his stomach as he reached out and quickly popped the ballroom. All the anxiety faded as he saw that there was nothing actually in the balloon. “Hey mate, isn’t their suppose to be like confetti or somethin’” 
“You may now move on to the next player.” Dani smiled as he walked over tearing a hole in the paper for Jamie to walk through.” 
“Wait are you saying the whole team is…” Jamie said as he peaked his head out and found the hall lined with his team members leading out to the field. “Oh my fuck.” 
“Jamie!” Ted called at the very end of the line. “Pop the balloons to find out the gender of ya’lls kids. Not that this means that this is who your child has to be identified as for the rest of their life, they get to make that choice themselves, but you know it is a somewhat fun tradition…” 
“Thanks coach!” Jamie said cutting Ted off. 
Beard was the first person on his left. Holding out his balloon. 
“Be real with me coach. Do any of these balloons have confetti in em?” 
“Do I have to pop all of them?” 
“Ted has been instructed to tackle you if you try to leave without popping all the balloons.” 
“I think i could take ‘im coach.” 
“You would be surprised, he’s got some muscle.” 
“Alright,” Jamie said and how much he pretended to be annoyed, he was actually loving this. The fact that Y/N had put so much time and effort into something for him, made his heart swell. 
Ted played along with every balloon, commenting things like “oh this one has to have something in it, oh I’m nervous the tension is really building, etc.” 
By the time Jamie made it to the end, the whole team was cheering him along as he popped each balloon. 
When he cleared the tunnel he could see her standing in the middle of the field a football next to her. He smiled and quickened his pace so that he could reach her. 
“Hi baby!” She smiled as she reached out her arms for Jamie. 
He hugged her tightly and then let his hand rest on her slightly extended stomach. 
“Did you enjoy my game?” 
“I did, although I don’t think I have fully finished it have I?” He smiled looking down at the ball. 
“You have one more thing to do, you’re favorite thing.” 
“Baby, me doing my favorite thing is what got us into this situation in the first place.” He smirked
“Jamie Tartt!” Y/N smacked him looking around to make sure no one heard them. “No I mean scoring goals. But before you do that I have a present.” She said and she pulled a small piece of fabric and held it up. 
It was an infant sized Richmond Jersey. “And this is the best part.” She turned it around and it was Jamie’s number nine with the name Tartt written on the back. “This way we can cheer on daddy together.” 
Jamie didn’t have words. He just reached out and carefully took the jersey from her hands. He couldn’t believe that anything could be that tiny. His mind still hadn’t fully wrapped itself around the idea that they were having a baby. 
“It’s…” His voice cracked. “It’s perfect Y/N I don’t…” 
“Oh Jamie,” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around him. 
“You know I don’t care what we are having as long as it’s a health baby, who is going to love football.” Jamie whispered and Y/N laughed. 
“I know.” 
“Oi! Can we get on with this!” They heard Roy yell and Y/N quickly flip him off. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t get Roy involved.” 
“He didn’t want to participate and I was worried he would spoil it, so I locked him in the boot room til you got to the hallway.” 
Jamie laughed as he turned to Roy a big grin on his face, and Roy responded by flipping him off, but for a moment he did crack a smile. 
“Alright so all I have to do is score a goal?” Jamie asked turned back to Y/N. 
“Well technically all you have to do is kick the ball and then the power will explode, but I figured you would want to score a goal as well.”
“You know me so well baby.” Jamie smiled. 
“So go ahead Jamie Tartt.” She said as she backed away a little bit so he could get ready. 
Jamie took a deep breath, the anxiety was coming back and the nerves. 
“Jamie Tartt do, do, dodododo, Jamie Tartt, do do dododdodo…” Someone started chanting and then everyone on the team started cheering Jamie on. 
He felt his cocky spark come back and in one beautiful kick he sailed the ball across the field and into the net, sending a giant puff of blue smoke out into the air. 
Everyone went wild and Jamie immediately turned to Y/N with tears in his eyes. 
“A boy,” He gasped. “We are having a boy.” 
Y/N nodded as she walked up to him. “We are going to have a boy.” She beamed. And Jamie pulled her in for a long kiss
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ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
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Yandere Jonathan Byers x Reader
I only write sfw, feel free to send asks, stalking, obsession, usual yandere stuff, the internet is lacking in love for him, I did not proof read.
"She's so beautiful." He thought, holding your crumpled picture above his head as he lay in his bed. 
Since the moment he met you he had been enamored. The way your shoulder felt as it brushed against his in the hall was ingrained in his head. 
"Oh! I'm sorry!" You had chirped reaching down to pick up the books the two of you had dropped from the small collision. At first he thought maybe you had done it on purpose but who would drop their own things just to make fun of someone else? 
"I'm really sorry!" You handed him back his papers, accidentally leaving one of yours somewhere in the stack. "I'm a complete space cadet today." You made some sort of motion, gesturing to your head. 
He was pretty much awe struck from that moment on. 
He never would have figured out your name if it weren't for that one finicky page. "Y/N L/N" written in neat, chicken scratch hand writing. He thought he should return it to you but couldn't find the courage to talk to you nor had he had the will to give it up for some reason. 
Conveniently you went to him looking for the paper. 
"Hey!" You yelled down the hall as you spotted him. "You!" You pointed at him. Confused, he pointed back at himself to assure the situation. "Yes! You! I've been looking for you." You huffed as you reached him. "Did one of my pages get scrambled into yours the other day?" He was kinda quiet, shocked that you were asking, it seemed. "From when we bumped into each other? A few days ago?" 
"Oh- uh- yeah." He sputtered. "I don't think I saw anything but if I do I will definitely tell you." He fibbed, clutching the straps on his bag a little tighter than before. 
"Really?" You groaned. "I guess I'll have to ask for an extra copy. Thank you, mm- I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?" 
He felt this kind of jittery excitement. 
"Jonathan." A smile crept up his lips and his hands relaxed. 
"I'll remember that." You held your hand out. "My name is Y/N." 
Such a small interaction, really. But for someone like Jonathan, who barely talks to anyone who isn't related to him or friends with his brother, it was like a light at the end of a lonely tunnel. Like a sugar rush. He wanted to talk to you more. He wanted to be near you more. He wanted you. 
But how could someone like him just walk up and start talking to you? How could someone like him even think these things about someone like you? 
Somehow though, you kept approaching him. You had plenty of friends. Was it pitty? Or did you maybe actually enjoy his company? Either way he was basking in the utter joy of your presence whenever youd find your way into his vicinity; or when he'd find his way into yours. 
But eventually just seeing you in school wasn't enough. He needed to see you constantly. He needed to see you when he woukd wake up and see you when he went to sleep. 
So, of course, he used his camera to capture your image. Sneaking shots of you while you were unaware of him, at school, walking home, at home, etc. 
His room was filled with shots. He had to be extra careful when printing so not to be caught by one of your friends. The centerpiece of his crazy, scattered photos was your missing paper, the name began going fuzzy from his fingers tracing the name. He tried to think of any excuse to tell others and himself that would maybe justify his strange, obsessive stalking but even he couldn't rationalize it. 
Eventually he began to accept that this was just normal to him. He was a photographer, how could he not take photos of someone as beautiful and perfect as you? You were his muse. His. 
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suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
satisfy 05 (teaser)
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summary⇢ “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? pairing⇢ kimline/reader teaser word count⇢ 1k estimated chapter word count⇢ 13k+ rating⇢ 18+ genre⇢ smut | escort!au | ceo!au (kinda)
a/n⇢ HELLO!!! i've been slowly working on this for what feels like forever and i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel 😭 fingers crossed i can post in the next few weeks, but for now i wanted to share a little snippet. as always, subject to change until i do my final edit--HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS IS GONNA BE A DOOZY 😈
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You were even planning on putting on a little makeup, on properly doing your hair for the first time in weeks and giving the bun you had been sporting a rest. However, all it took was a knock on your door to put an end to all those extras.
You frowned at the sound and padded over to your front door, happy you had already thrown on a hoodie to keep yourself warm until the festivities properly started. The sight of a familiar man through the peephole, hands resting comfortably in his slacks, threw you off.
Automatically, your hands were disengaging all the locks, were swinging the door open. “You’re early—”
Whatever words you had next immediately dissipated on your tongue. Taehyung was there, but he apparently came with company. Your mind whirred, trying to come up with a perfectly logical reason for why all three Kim brothers were at your doorstep right now.  
“Your hair,” you blurted, your scrambled brain latching onto the easiest subject first.
“Hmm?” Taehyung ruffled his newly dyed locks, the onyx hue a stark difference from the silver you were used to. “Oh yeah, I guess I haven’t seen you all week. My dad wanted me to dye it to a more ‘appropriate’ color before the conference. But whatever. It was time for a change, anyway. And this will be easier to upkeep.”
You could only continue to stare at him as he spoke, your eyes naturally drifting over his shoulder at your additional visitors. 
All three of them were dressed pretty casually, which was normal for Taehyung and Namjoon, but less so for Seokjin when not in the comfort of his own home. The soft pink of his sweatsuit was a stark contrast to the sharp intelligence of his eyes. He met your gaze for only a few seconds before he was turning to meet Namjoon’s instead, a pinch in his brow. 
Taehyung spoke again before either of them could say anything. “You gonna keep us out here?” he teased, casually leaning against the doorframe.
That finally jumpstarted you out of your haze, scrambling to move out of the way and gesture them inside. “Yes, of course. Come in!” Before your nosy neighbor caught them and assumed you were slutting it up.
(She would technically be right, but still. It was the principle. Your life was none of that judgy shrew’s business.) 
Tae strolled in like he always did—like he owned the place—but you noticed his brothers’ strides seemed a bit more hesitant than the confidence you usually got to witness. Namjoon’s mouth was slightly pursed in the way you’d long learned meant he was thinking. Why did they seem as confused as you did?
“Hi,” you hedged anyway, a small, puzzled smile on your lips. “It’s been a while. Sorry if I’m acting weird—I just wasn’t expecting you, so I’m a little thrown off.”
Understanding immediately crossed Seokjin’s features, but you only got a second to see it before he was whipping towards his youngest brother, appalled. 
Namjoon was looking at him too, clearly irritated. “Are you serious, Taehyung?”
“What?” you asked, gaze flitting between the three of them in hope of finding some clarity. 
“You never asked her?” Seokjin snapped.
Namjoon shook his head. “You know that’s not cool, man.”
“Never asked me what?” you cut in, bemused. 
Taehyung, for his part, looked properly contrite. “I’m sorry,” he told the room, before solidly placing his attention back on you. His eyes were soft and sincere. “It truly slipped my mind, and I’m sorry, _____. I didn’t think.”
“When do you ever?” Seokjin snarked, but you ignored him, focused solely on Taehyung.
“What, Tae?” you encouraged gently. “What are you sorry for?”
It was clear from the hunch of his shoulders that he felt bad. “Um…”
“He invited us to come with him to meet you today,” Namjoon supplied. He gave his little brother a disappointed shake of his head. “But that’s not a decision for him to make. Is it, Tae.”
“I just knew that none of us have seen her in a while,” Tae whined. “And _____, when you reached out yesterday, I figured it would be the perfect opportunity since we’re leaving the country for a few weeks.”
“I should have known better,” Seokjin muttered with a shake of his head. “I’m sorry about this, _____. You never marked group activities as a no and I thought Taehyung actually asked you like an adult, so I just assumed you were on board. I can leave.”
You blinked, still trying to grasp what was going on. “You were…trying to share your time?” you asked Taehyung slowly.
He nodded meekly. “I don’t mind sharing,” came his honest answer.
“But does she,” Seokjin scoffed, eyes narrowing in irritation. “That’s the only thing that matters. And to think otherwise is just selfish, Taehyung.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” The words left your lips before your brain could even register them, likely spurred on by how chastened Taehyung looked. The three of them looked at you in surprise.
“It’s okay?” Namjoon parroted, an eyebrow raised in question.
You swallowed, then gave a nod of confirmation. Because you knew Taehyung had never been trying to trap you. One of the qualities that simply made him him was his spontaneity, and while that made him fun and interesting to be around, it also was a double-edged sword that could end up with situations like this.
Tae knew none of them had seen you in a while, he knew they were soon going to jet out of the country, and had simply been trying to be nice in inviting his brothers along. He didn’t mean any harm.
“It’s okay,” you repeated, giving him a reassuring smile that visibly loosened some of the tension in his body. “You can all stay.”
The words settled between the four of you, heavy in the resulting quiet. Teeming with implication. You still weren’t completely sure what you were agreeing to, but what you did know was that you were going to need something to help stave off the nerves slowly bubbling beneath your skin. You cleared your throat, turning to make your way to the kitchen. “I think I need a drink.”
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noeasyisnoisy · 5 months
why is the music ominous.
THE LOGO IS BLACK (did that happen before and i missed it?)
please tell me they won’t all die
this is terrifying
“guard the vault” THERE SO MANY OF THEM
yes omega they’re here but they’re not quite HERE yet 
oh god the times don’t line up
isn’t that tunnel dangerous?? like omega almost got SMACKED a million times
they’re all force sensitive though so it makes sense
if wrecker passes out or smth they’re all screwed
the fucking timing AHHDJFKFEHD
im so stressed
i’m sorry
i love kids but THIS ISNT THE TIME
HELP THAT CUT OFF (the zillo beast screaming and then emerie)
“the zillo’s loose!” echo: 🤨
ok at least emerie’s job is to find them
“omega.. she released the zillo” “how do you know that?” “because that’s exactly what i’d do.” STOP IT.
wrecker you’re not fine.
crosshair you can’t with your hand
clone force 99 is dead
i’m just
i’m gonna go cry now
“it’s what i deserve” SHUT UP
“we do this together” YAAAAA
“echo’s handiwork? or omega’s?” “omega.” HELP
holy fuck
also hemlock looked so cool with the red lights and the smoke
that guy has to be tech because HES ALWAYS THE MAIN FOCUS
crosshair is you sacrifice yourself istg
emerie and echo u need to start SPRINTING
me bc hunter has heightened sense which means the electricity hurts even more than it already would
cry count: 2
the fact that nobody has plot armor is terrifying
nala se’s gonna die isn’t she
ughdhdh tarkin
i’m so scared
my heart is POUNDING
nala se what’re you up to queen
is rampart gonna kill her
wrecker’s waking up
omega sees them
we got this!!
cmon omega free them
oh shit she’s gonna die
rampart stfu
ok but tbb minus echo aren’t in the gas
ok so i guess it’s not tech
i’m crying again why the fuck am i crying
stab him omega
you got this crosshair.
im bawling rn
now hug.
i’m sobbing
holy shit they left right as the empire got there
that’s actually terrifying
i’m sobbing again
oh it’s not over
why is he such a dilf hello
“you’re our kid omega”
i’m gonna go type a paragraph 💔
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