#Guide Dog
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Michael Hingson was in Tower One of the World Trade Center on the morning of 11 September 2001.
What sets his story apart is that Hingson is blind and was guided to safety by his guide dog, Roselle.
They were on the 78th floor when the plane hit.
Despite the chaos, Roselle remained calm, leading Hingson and several others down 1,463 steps to safety. The descent took about an hour.
Remarkably, just moments after they exited the building, Tower Two collapsed, covering them in debris. Both survived.
Hingson later said:
"While everyone ran in panic, Roselle remained totally focused on her job, while debris fell around us, and even hit us, Roselle stayed calm."
Once clear, Roselle led her owner to the safety of a subway station, where they helped a woman who had been blinded by falling debris.
Once they arrived home, Roselle immediately began playing with her retired guide dog predecessor, Linnie, as if nothing important had happened.
Hingson's story became widely known as an extraordinary tale of trust, teamwork, and the human-animal bond.
He later wrote a memoir, "Thunder Dog," detailing his experience.
In 2004, Roselle was diagnosed with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, but medications were able to control the condition.
In March 2007, she retired from guiding after it was discovered that the medication was beginning to damage her kidneys.
Roselle passed away on 26 June 2011 at age 13.
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Roselle (March 12, 1998 - June 26, 2011)
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beranibear · 4 months
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Things that make me happy in Melbourne (feat. cow in tree)
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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felixcosm · 7 months
Me: I'm normal about the new song
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chihuahuawashere · 10 months
Guide dog!
As kids Perona and Kuina tried everything they can to make sure that Zoro doesn’t get lost. As big sisters it was their duty to make sure that their little brother is safe.
But they didn’t realize how hard the job will be. He’ll be practicing with his wooden swords one second and in the blink of an eye his gone. Literally /poof/ and the girls panic every single time. And don’t get then wrong they really tried everything.
They tried teaching him how to read a map and how to tell form his left to his right but nothing really seems to click for him. It’s like his brain was switched on backwards or there was no switch in that part of his brain.
Which was so confusing to them because he’s a really smart kid academically from reading to writing to math but this one life skill that he needs in order to survive isn’t working and it’s making his sisters more and more worried as they get older.
One day when Perona and Kuina had to wash the clothes in the river zoro really did wonder off and he was deep into the woods. And it took /hours/ to try and find him and once the sun has long set and it was dark dark they finally found Zoro chilling with some birds. And Perona had had enough she yelled “He just doesn’t want to walk in a straight line! It’s so simple” she really snapped at him for it. She thought that this was a cruel running joke and was over it.
And zoro being the baby brother was really shocked up by with and didn’t talk for a whole week after that. Honestly was just too scared to miss up and get yelled at again.
Kuina as the older sister scolded her and made her apologize and made Zoro apologize for running off (again)
But they were back at square one again. And honest to god they really tried everything they tired: 
At first it was holding on to one of their hands as they walk but he’ll get embarrassed and let go and wonder off
They’ll even from a line and hold onto rope kinda of like a kindergarten line (Kuina in the front Zoro in the middle and Perona in the back) but Zoro would still wonder off.
From having a backpack leash on him. (He takes it off and runs) he thinks that there to stupid looking
Trying tie rope on one hand and tying to one of there own hands (he CHEWS off the rope) and runs
They even had a backpack with a hole in it. And with the hole had dirt rocks dried petals anything so that when he ran off there’d be a trail behind him. It kinda of worked until he took it and the trail ran cold.
They even tried making little cards for him to carry and when he was lost to give it to someone so they can help him find his way back home. It’ll have his name his sisters name and their address. But that never worked because zoro was to prideful to admit when he was wrong
At this point Kuina and Perona were 15 and Zoro was 14 and he was getting really tired of his village and was looking for a was to run away any minute. And they still haven’t found a way to keep Zoro from getting lost.
That was until one day when Perona and Kuina were walking back home after being done grocery shopping they heard barking and splashing. Turns out some evil little kids were trying to drown a puppy in the river. Perona and Kuina dropped their bags and chased after the boys. Perona isn’t afraid to square up with and elementary schoolers.
While Perona was WWE body slamming the kids into one another Kuina ran into the river to safe the mutt. Once the kids were crying their way back to mommy Perona grabbing all the bags so Kuina can carry the tried wet pup back home.
To their surprise Zoro actually stayed home for once instead of running off. And he’s sure glad he did! He got to see a doggy! After helping Kuina wash him off and helping Perona make some food for the puppy they decided to keep the doggo.
But instead of imprinting on Kuina the pup imprinted on Zoro! But the dog acted just like he older sisters. Also tugging on Zoros shirt to go one way or bumping them head on Zoros leg to go another way and even fact snapping it get Zoros attention. And making sure that he followed his sisters.
It was like the dog /knew/ that zoro couldn’t walk in a straight line. And soon after the little puper became Zoros guide dog! And Perona and Kuina never really had to worry so much about him. They still worry don’t get them wrong! But they have one less thing to worry about now!
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razzek · 5 months
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This silly girl is Petey, my third guide dog, and she’s 12 today! I bought her a filled bone and a bag of carrots for us to share and she got lots of treats today. She’s also getting all the ice she wants. :D
I’d like her last year or so to be the best it can be. If anyone wants to gift her something specific I will put funds towards that. Anything else will go towards paying off the $2k in medical debt this cutie has wracked up in the past couple years and if I can raise more, I would like to be able to get her arthritis shots once a month so she can be more comfortable (they are $150 a month after vet visit fees; they help her a lot and I’ve shed some tears knowing I can’t do this for her).
I will of course pass on any birthday wishes and pets. :)
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disabled-sysboxes · 6 months
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[TEXT ID: this system is blind and uses a white cane]
[IMG ID: a white, rectangular box with a square of red with an icon of somene using a white cane on the left, and the text 'this system is blind and uses a white cane' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this system is blind and uses a guide dog]
[IMG ID: a white, rectangular box with a square of red with an icon of a guide dog on the left, and the text 'this system is blind and uses a guide dog' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this system is blind and uses braille]
[IMG ID: a white, rectangular box with a square of red with an icon of a hand touching braille on the left, and the text 'this system is blind and uses braille' on the right.]
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 1 year
I guess Tumblr "crab day" is coming up or whatever and if you're thinking of buying me some crabs, make a donation to the org that trained my mom's guide dogs instead. Tell them it's in memory of Ethel.
Feel free to reblog (or make your own post) and add your gofundme or other worthy cause of choice that deserves money more.
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Here's Ethel hard at work and wearing her corsage before guiding my mom down the aisle at my sibling's wedding last year.
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workingflooff · 11 months
I had such a weird experience a few days ago at the mall.
I took public transit there and once we got there, I went to the spot where I normally take him to the bathroom. There was a Guide Dogs for the Blind van parked right next to where I normally take him to the bathroom. It looked like they were about to start unloading some dogs, but then they saw me and immediately packed up and hopped in the van and drove away, staring at me the entire time. All he was doing was looking for a spot to shit.  but whatever I can shrug that off they probably just don’t want any dogs near their dogs.
But then, when I actually got into the mall, Finn was doing some FMP and one of their guide dogs walked past me. Finn did fine, literally he did nothing wrong. We found a spot to sit down, and they were staring at me and whispering about me…grown ADI org guide dog trainers were judging a disabled 17-year-old’s legitimate owner trained service dog.
This made me feel like shit. I just wanted to absorb into the wall and not be seen. 
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redwolfeonmain · 2 years
If anyone here is from the UK I encourage you to sign the Open Doors petition the Guide Dogs charity is running.
3 in 4 guide dog owners are illegally refused acces either because of ignorance/unawareness of the law, or because of active discrimination (common excuses include someone not "looking" blind). As someone that's been accepted for a guide dog due to my visual impairment it's important to be aware that being blind isn't a case of switching off the lights, it's a spectrum and people will need guide dogs for different reasons.
Many guide dog owners talk about how upsetting and confidence destroying it is to be turned away because they have a guide dog.
Please sign the petition. There's only like 300 more signatures needed at the time of writing
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charlie-and-mushrooms · 9 months
Does anyone on here train service dogs? Cause that's a job I've been considering as a career. But thing is, I also want to be a highschool art teacher. I was wondering if maybe I'd be able to do both with the service dog training on the side, or if that'd be too much work. There's not much info on service dog training and it's annoying
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brooklynmuseum · 1 year
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Ruff day? Cue the four-legged visitors! 🐾
As part of their training as future assistance dogs, the Guide Dog Foundation brought this class of puppies to the Brooklyn Museum to navigate around our display cases, in and out of elevators, and through the galleries to prepare the puppies for any possible experience they may encounter with their handler who is blind or has low vision.
As a fur-iendly reminder, the Brooklyn Museum welcomes visitors with service animals, and you don’t need to notify us in advance. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are, therefore, not permitted.
If you’re interested in volunteering as a puppy raiser, the Guide Dog Foundation accepts volunteers on a rolling basis. Register your interest: http://bit.ly/3KbWVKI
📷 Courtesy of Guide Dog Foundation
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onlytiktoks · 8 months
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felixcosm · 7 months
Fennec Think I could hunt you down Root you out Underground
A fool waits for repercussions These tools were made for piercing the soil with A fool waits for repercussions The tools are in the soil It’s best to play it cool
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kojiarakiartworks · 2 years
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June 2011 KTM Nepal Kathmandu Bhaktapur
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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razzek · 5 months
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Every donation gets more Petey pics. And believe me, I have a looooot of pics of this dog (even though she hates getting her picture taken). XD
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