#Guy de lusignan
noughticalcrossings · 6 months
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Kingdom of Heaven
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nebbyy · 5 months
King Baldwin IV x reader - I’ll be waiting for you
A/N: Well, how could I not make another fic for King Baldwin when the other one I made is my most liked post yet, so I decided to write this little pieceee. Sooo I guess I should warn y'all that this one will be a little less historically accurate (not that the first one was that great of a historical piece but you get the idea). Oh and as usual, this fic came into my mind the moment I saw the painting just below (which is "the Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets Over the Dead Bodies of Romeo andJuliet" by sir Frederic Leighton)Now enough chatting, more King Baldwin brainrot. 
Summary: in a desperate attempt to protect his kingdom after having punished Reynald de Chatillon, the king is exhausted and the long ride has increasingly worsened his already wary condition. Once he’s escorted back to the palace, his loving wife wastes no time to reunite with her beloved husband.
Warnings: kinda angsty (no happy ending tbh), vague descriptions of Baldwin’s illness related wounds. Also, reader specifically described as female.
Word count: 3209
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You sat on your throne, high and proud like the royalty you were. But under the facade of your noble confidence, you felt small. Smaller than ever, actually, as the yelling of all the men in front of you filled the air and rose up to the open sky. With a simple, reckless act, Reynald de Chatillon and Guy de Lusignan had just screwed years of efforts that King Baldwin had spent trying to maintain that delicate peace that required so many lives and time to build. All washed away from the raging river that were Reynald and Guy. 
While the two men tried to defend their senseless attack, backed by a substantial group of men, another opposing group shouted at them, berating them for the offense they had given not only to Saladin but also to Jerusalem itself.
You sigh, fighting the urge to cover your ears, and curl into your own body; you opt to just turn your head and look at your beloved husband. He looked to be in a similar state as you were: although his face was now fully covered -a means of hiding the decaying state of his leprosy-ridden body- his head was bent with weary alertness, like a hawk watching its prey from a distance. You watched his body, languidly seated on his much larger throne, the only sitting position that brought him no discomfort, though it looked almost more like he was about to lie down. 
It broke your heart to see how that disease had ravaged Baldwin's body, in recent years more and more. To see him there, on the same throne on which he once sat tall and proud, while now he barely had the strength to stay upright. And you knew he was thinking the very same thing.
You were about to open your mouth, whisper something to him, anything, in order to shake him out of his thoughts and that chaotic situation, but you were interrupted in your actions by an official, who rushed to the king's side, handing him a scroll. His bandaged hands clumsily opened the scroll, and you found salvation from the noise of the room by concentrating on watching Baldwin read carefully. You watched his eyes, blue as the sky and like the waves of the sea that brought you to the Holy Land, now covered with a pale glassy glaze. 
You frowned when you heard Baldwin freeze in place, even his sitting became more erect, as if a cube of ice had slid down his back. With his gaze still fixed on the words written in that letter, he merely raised his hand slightly, a clear sign of his will.
"SILENCE!" his guard's shout resounded through the hall, overpowering the furious shouts of the men who had been barking at each other for hours now. They all turned to look at the king; their faces, a few moments ago darkened and wrinkled with anger, were now smooth and relaxed, their eyebrows raised in astonishment at their king's order. Funny, you thought, how these men because of your husband's condition sometimes simply forget how much power he possessed over them. Before it was as if he wasn't even in the room, and they were all playing at being great leaders, now there they were, staring at him, motionless as statues, submissive as ants. You curled your nose discreetly, your face a mixture of disgust and contempt. Pathetic, you thought.
After what seemed like an eternity, Baldwin finally looked up at the crowd in front of him, finally revealing what it was that had shocked him so much. "Saladin has crossed the Jordan with 200000 men," silence fell, and you felt your body going numb. Your ears seemed muffled, you could barely perceive what was happening around you. At that moment you felt so much fear for your kingdom, and concern for Baldwin and what this impending attack would cost him.
And anger, against those two fools who out of sheer vanity had endangered the lives of all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They had put Jerusalem itself at risk; they had put Baldwin at risk.
I was brought to attention by Baldwin, who was struggling to pull himself up from his throne, walking toward his most trusted man. "We must meet him before he reaches Kerak. I will lead the army," your husband's voice was hushed and soft, so that only the man in front of him could hear. But it did not escape your ears, the implication those words had: Baldwin wants to stop Saladin, and he wants to do it himself. But this could cost him his life. 
You couldn't stop yourself; you jumped up from your seat, eyes wide in an expression somewhere between fear and surprise. Baldwin turned to look at you, the woman who always took his breath away at the mere sight of how beautiful she was. You did not fail to have that effect on him again this time, but not because of your beauty: in your eyes he saw your terror, that this was the last time you would see him alive. They hypnotized him, and begged him in a silent prayer not to leave, to give up this plan, have an ambassador sent, anyone else. Hell, let him send Guy himself to intercept the Saracen, let him be beheaded and his murder settle the account that he himself opened. But the storm of emotion in your eyes contrasted with the gentle stream of emotion flowing from your eyes
But the storm of emotions in your eyes contrasted with the gentle stream of emotions flowing from Baldwin's eyes, barely visible because of the cover concealing his tortured face. He too, through them, was silently pleading with you: but he was asking you to trust, to let go and follow his plan, to try to forget for at least a moment all the warnings the Physicians had given him over the years.
Eventually, you relented, turning your gaze away and opting to stare at a random spot in the corner of the room. Baldwin gave a silent sigh and closed his eyes for a moment, a sign of gratitude, although you could not see it. He turned to the men of his court, and with the little strength his body afforded him, he spoke in a loud, determined voice: "Assemble the army and protect the city."
All this reminded you of the last time Baldwin fought Saladin: he had barely completed his seventeenth year, and young and still full of life, he was ready to ride against the invincible Saracen king. But on that day God had been more merciful. He had granted you, if nothing else, one last night to spend with your husband, had given you the gift of a minimum of time to ensure that you bid Baldwin a proper farewell before he met what could well have been his end. Instead this time, you barely had time to briefly remove the thick veil from his face to give him a fleeting kiss and exchange a handful of words. You fought back the tears as you looked at him, opting instead to bring your hand to his cheek, the flesh of his lip having receded and decayed to such an extent that it had receded down to his cheek, eventually turning into a long scar that protruded down to his cheekbone.
"Let me go with you, I will wait for you at the castle of Reynald de Chatillon-" "No. It is too dangerous. If things go wrong with the negotiations, I don't want you or my sisters anywhere near that man." It was not often that Baldwin interrupted you while you were speaking. He respected you too much to not allow you to finish your sentences, so the fact that he did just now spoke of how important this was to him. 
"Then promise me you’ll come back to me. Safe and sound." He snorted softly, giving a hint of smile before copping his face with his hardened hands, "You know I can’t promise it." You know that, but that blatant honesty of his, which you always loved so much, was not what you wanted at the time. No, you wanted reassurance, no matter how truthful, no matter how worthless his promises may be at the end of the day, You need that fleeting distraction that mitigates the fear that’s been eating you from the inside since Baldwin put on his armor. May you risked never seeing him again.
"Please just say it." Your voice came out much softer than you meant, almost less than a whisper, perhaps because of the knot in your throat, which threatened to break free carrying a river of tears. For a moment he remained silent, turning suddenly his face towards the voice of a nobleman who called him from the entrance of his room, but did not even dignify him with an answer. After all, his attention was completely turned to his world. To you. Before I answered you, I drew your head to his with my hands, so that I could place his forehead against yours. Finally, he spoke softly, in that loving tone that he reserved only for you: "Then I promise you that I will return to you in no more than three days, and when I return I will be victorious, and I will be riding."
After that, that moment between the two of you, which so much looked like a heartbreaking farewell, lasted just before Baldwin had to go to his horse to guide his men to the enemy.
And it wasn’t long before the harsh reality became clear to you: he had lied to you. Not maliciously, of course, you were the one who begged him to say those words after all. But the fact is that three days became four, that news of the army of Jerusalem had not come any more, that the last thing you heard of your husband was that only the ride had already tried his weakened body.
Another day passed, then another, and at the dawn of the fourth day since his absence you felt your heart sink. Had something happened to him? Had the negotiations failed? What if his illness had suddenly got the better of him? Or worse, Saladin and his men had shot him, stabbed him, or yet again captured and publicly executed,…
Your mind began to spiral into an ocean of possible reasons behind this delay, and you swore that your breathing had finally stopped once and for all when a messenger on horseback arrived at the palace, frantically dismounting from his steed to rush into the throne room and bring you the message: "The negotiations were successful, but the king is in critical condition! He is returning to Jerusalem on a canopy," you dismissed the man with a slight wave of your hand, so weak that you almost looked numbed; Baldwin's advisors began to chatter, but the background murmur of their murmurs did not seem to reach your ears. No, your attention was elsewhere; it was entirely on your husband.
You took your leave of the court, hurrying to your rooms. There, like a hawk waiting impatiently for prey to feed on, you perched on the balcony overlooking the city below you, on the walls from which not many days ago Baldwin had emerged leading the army.
It was there that you began to think again, this time with a clearer mind as you knew that at least Baldwin was alive and on his way home. On his way to you. Still, this whole situation reminded you of when you were only sixteen years old, and you stood on that balcony as you do now, waiting to see Baldwin return on his horse. And on that day, when he was visible to the naked eye, and your eyes met, you saw all the life and strength of one who had just defeated the greatest enemy of his time. At that moment, he seemed almost immortal to you: he looked like a god riding proudly, leading the thousands of men behind him towards their home.
How unfair fate is, to cut short his life so early. His physicians gave him no more than thirty years, but that time seemed to you to be shortened even more when you finally caught sight of his canopy. There he lay, sprawled and motionless like a dead body, surrounded by the soft cushions and riders on either side of his transport.
Just two years ago such a journey would not have fatigued him in the least; now he was risking his life just by riding a horse. Your eyes threatened to fill with tears thinking about how much he had loved riding a horse, and now he found himself bedridden, unable in his passions. You wasted no time running through the palace corridors, eager to reach your beloved as soon as possible.
One turn to the right, then another, then down the steps, and finally straight to the palace doors, where the finely decorated canopy led the love of your life.
You rushed to his side, gently taking his mutilated hand in yours while the other stroked his masked face. He breathed faintly, his eyes closed as he tried to regain his strength after his disease had dealt him this last bludgeon. Feeling your gentle touch, Baldwin's eyes fluttered open, his glassy eyes the color of heaven meeting yours.
"You've been reckless, my love. Putting your life at risk just to do the job of a messenger!" you scolded him, but Baldwin only smiled fondly at your words. "I promised you I would've come back. And that I did, alive too." Although his voice was so weak that it sounded more like a huff of air rather than a sentence, its tone was still laced with playfulness.
It made you unable to resist the smile that was threatening to form on your lips; you did not grace him with an answer yet, opting instead to move your hand to remove the silver mask from his face. You could see his surprised and relieved expression, as he was now finally able to breathe more freely and to look at you properly. He breathed in the sight of you, almost as if trying to take in as much of you as he could. "I can't tell if it's the travel or the sight of you that takes my breath away."
You just smiled bitterly and shook your head at his silly declarations, "It must be the ride, it has tired you so much that it's making you speak nonsense." he giggled weakly, much more tiredly this time, almost as if he was about to doze off. But he fought the tiredness nonetheless, opting to just shake his head and admire you with a lovestruck look. "Maybe I am hallucinating, I think I'm seeing heaven above me."
It was supposed to be a compliment that would've made you giggle and blush, like the ones that he showered you with daily. But instead, it made your heart clench at the bare idea of it. The idea that this would be his last moments before the energies spent for this expedition would be too much for him to handle, and God will reclaim his most virtuous man. It made your throat tighten, and your lower lip tremble.
You tried to hide your troubled state, moving your hand quickly to the curve of his neck. There, you placed a soft, butterfly-like kiss on the little places of skin that haven't been mutilated and bloodied by the leprosy. You kissed him one more time, then another, and another again..
In the end, you lost count of how many kisses you had given him, in a desperate attempt to mend your premature grief, to ground yourself in the feeling that Baldwin is there. He is alive. Yet the feeling of his skin against yours, of his chest rising up and down and his arms weakly holding your soft body, it wasn't enough to stop the tears to start flowing down your cheeks.
And that didn't go unnoticed to Baldwin, who mustered all his strength left to hold you just a little tighter. "Have my words upset you?" you sniffled, trying to recollect yourself before lifting your head to look into his eyes. "No, my dear, you could never. I just-" you stopped for a second, trying to swallow down the lump that had formed in your throat, "promise me this is the last time. Please, tell me that you will stop this nonsense. Let your trusted men handle these matters, command your man like a king not a general!" your hands had moved to his arms, a gesture to both ground yourself and to accentuate just how desperate you were in that moment, only wanting him to just listen.
"I beg of you, my love, stay here. Where you can rest. We both know that you don't have much more time left to live, so stop doing everything in your power to shorten it anymore." A sob slipped from your mouth at the last part. It truly astonished you how careless he seemed about his own condition, almost as if he forgot that any move could be the death of him.
He frowned and sighed at your words, squeezing your forearms softly before he spoke softly. This time though his tone was clearer, less weakened by the outcomes of the past days. "I already spoke to the physician about this: I have no choice, my angel. I'll be bound to my bed until a miracle will better my condition, or until death will take me."
You shut your eyes in relief, resting your forehead against his and sighing shakily, trying to recompose yourself. "I can't live in a world without you.."
"God will give us more time. I promise I won't leave you as long as I breathe on this earth. And. when my time will be over and there will be no future for us in this life, I'll be waiting for you in heaven, if I'll be granted the blessing of a place next to you there."
Not too long after, the physicians that Saladin had promised him arrived at the palace, and you were assisted as they tended to Baldwin's many wounds caused by his sickness. More than the sight of the gruesome pieces of open flesh, what appalled you was just how numb his body had become, so much so that he did not even feel their hands and tools working into his skin. It made you wonder wether or not he even felt your kisses from before.
And you make yourself that same question months later, when you place one last kiss into his forehead as he slept soundly before going to bed yourself, only to wake up to a cold body beside you. You wonder if he ever got to feel that last gesture of love before God had finally claimed him.
You only found solace in the thought that Baldwin would be resting in the realms of heaven above your head, contrary to what the Saracens believe.
A/N: Wowww this gets more fun by the day!! King Baldwin will probably always be my favorite character to write for. He’s my muse. As always ill be waiting for your feedbacks!!!
Oh and also, be prepared in the future for more fics waiting to be posted, I’ve got about ten that are just waiting for the right time to come to light, and many more will come in the future since I’m really finding it therapeutic to write.
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incorrect-koh-posts · 9 months
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KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (2005) + letterboxd gems
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tobeahundred · 3 months
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more shitposting for u all <3
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aurianavaloria · 7 months
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The KoH fans know...
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baudouinette · 2 months
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Sorry I just had to
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aeronbracken · 1 year
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“What is Jerusalem worth?”
“Nothing... Everything.”
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kingbaldwinthe4th · 11 months
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Patriarch Heraclius may not be typically depicted as a villain but I just don't like him 😑
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guby1620 · 2 years
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Guy wake up and choose to be disrespectful :))
for context : 🡫
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Guy is funny, funny man.
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dark-raven-666 · 1 year
Baldwin IV x reader Angst!
Warnings: Angst, Guy says a bad word
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After three years of being married to your love Baldwin IV, he asks you to a private chat
"My dear, you wanted to speak to me" you said popping your head into the room.
"Yes I do" Baldwin replied quietly with a sigh leaving his covered mouth.
Sitting in front of your husband you give him a gentle smile, as a sign for him to tell you what was the matter.
" (Name) we need to get an annulment " Baldwin said
At that moment you could feel your heart drop to your stomach.
"What, why?" You asked, voice cracking.
"I can not tell you, but it is a must" he spoke trying to hold back his tears.
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Oh how he wanted to wipe them away and tell you to stay with him forever, but he couldn't. He didn't have many years left and he knows it. He doesn't want you having to live with an ill man until he dies.
He has to let you go now, so when he dies, you are no longer in love with him, and don't have to experience the anguish of losing your love.
He knows you will hate him for this, but it's the best, he keeps reassuring himself
"I'm very sorry (name)" he said getting up.
"The guards will escort you into your new home, that I've provided and you will get money monthly from us. Baldwin said, leaving you.
Watching your numb face, with tears streaming down your cheeks hurt him very much he tried to not show any reaction.
The moment Baldwin closes his bedrooms door he fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
What had he done, he let go of the one person that actually cared for him. Was it selfish to keep them or was it selfish to let them go?.. He couldn't figure out.
Baldwin then heard a knock at his door. "My king, is everything alright? " it was Tiberias, the man who practically raised Baldwin. Baldwin got up and opened the door. Before Tiberias could understand what was going on, he was embraced by an anguished Baldwin sobbing in his arms.
"Ahh! Ti.. Tiberias... I.. I did a terrible thing! " is what Tiberias could make out of his kings sobbing.
Tiberias guided Baldwin to his bed, closing the door behind him.
"Baldwin, what did you do? " Tiberias questioned, worry clear in his voice.
"I.. I left (name) Tiberias I left them!) Is what Baldwin said still sobbing.
"Wha- , why would you do such a thing?" Tiberias said.
"They deserve better than me, Tiberias *hic* they shouldn't have to live married to a *hic*leper. Baldwin responded still crying.
"Oh, Baldwin, you poor poor kid" "You know that (name) loves you more than anyone, no matter if you were ill or not" Tiberias said trying to calm his sad king.
"But.. But- "*cough cough* Baldwin was interrupted by a coughing attack, the pain he felt was too much for his poor body to handle.
"Baldwin!" Tiberias exclaimed loudly.
Tiberias got up and called the guards standing outside to go and get the physicians.
*time skip*
After a few hours of the physicians caring for the king, he was finally asleep in his bed. His mask was now off. Revealing his sad face to the old man sitting next to him (Tiberias)
Your POV:
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Your love, now ex husband stood up and told you something, that you could not focus enough to hear.
What does he mean divorce, did your late nights caring for him mean nothing, did the poetry you wrote him mean nothing, did the soft kisses you would leave on his scarred face mean nothing? Was it all for nothing?
After what felt like hours sitting on the side of the table, two men came in, they were Guy de Lusigana and Balian de Ibelin.
"Come now, you need to pack your bags so we can escort you to your new house" said Guy rather harshly.
After getting no reaction from you, he got angry and grabbed you by the armpit pulling you up.
"Listen here, you little bitch, you are no longer the kings, partner so what I say, you do understand!? " Guy yelled at you.
You got up and packed your bags, earning a pitiful look from Balian.
*Time skip*
Your bags were now packed, and you were being escorted to your house by the two men.
"You will be staying here" Balian said dropping one of your bags on the floor of the new house. It was small but it will suffice for an unwed person like you.
Balian and Guy brought in your last bags and left. Balian gave you one sad glance before leaving, whilst Guy didn't even give you a glance.
You looked around you, and out of the window, two birds were there cleaning each other. You let out a small sad laugh, thinking. Is that how people saw me and Baldwin..
Tears were once again streaming down your face, you laid on the floor and slept there for the night, not even a mattress under you.
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hexgirllovesyou · 5 months
Hi there! This is my third episode on Just So Random! the podcast show I created.
This episode is about the movie Kingdom of Heaven, which I have been wanting to discuss for some time. Please leave your thoughts on the episode in the comments below or on the Instagram page of Just So Random! (@just_sorandomm)
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noughticalcrossings · 5 months
Kingdom of Heaven Timelapse
Completed over a number of hours, largely listening to the film score (I see you reusing your battle themes between Kerak and Narnia Mr Gregson-Williams) and regretting the level of detail
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So happy your back!!!😊😊❤️could you please do one where the readers (Baldwin Iv’s wife’s) mind work differently, for example she doesn’t understand jokes or sarcasm, doesn’t pick up on social cues, brutally honest, obsessed with organization and cleanliness, but very smart and kind and she’s very self conscious because she knows she’s different and Baldwin reassures her that her mind is a gift from god, and that he loves her, later on Baldwin hears people gossiping about her because she’s different and gets angry and confronts them and defends her. Thank you! 😊
♡ Gift From God - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you for the request and your kind words 🩷, I'm so sorry this has taken so long to get to, I have been so busy 😭. I hope you enjoy! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy, Self Doubt
Y/n had always been different. For her entire life, she never truly felt the same as everybody around her.
Not her brothers and sisters or her friends. Especially not her parents. Her father was a lord with much land. He was powerful and required respect.
Many times through her life he had become angry at his daughter for speaking out of turn during important meetings or events and embarrassing him.
Y/n was intelligent. Women were not supposed to be intelligent, they were supposed to bear children and take care of their husbands. They were supposed to be silent.
Y/n was far from silent.
She spoke her mind. She simply couldn't help it and did not understand why so many were offended by her. She never meant to harm anybody, it just happened.
Her intelligence left many feeling threatened by her with the blunt remarks and witty replies. Because of this, she had been rejected by many men who her father wanted her to marry.
The young lady was kind, organized, clean and tidy.
“I would make a perfect wife!” she thought one day. “Why am I not enough?”
She felt alone in the world for many years, until he came along. The king of Jerusalem himself who her father had arranged for her to marry.
No matter how much she protested this, her father was insistent.
Y/n had come to believe she was unlikable and would never make a good wife. It wasn't that she did not want to be married, she simply believed that no man would want to marry her.
But this simply was not the case. From the day he laid eyes on her, Baldwin was in love. She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and after speaking to her for the first time after the wedding, she was even more beautiful in his eyes.
Her words were like magic, leaving him hanging at the end of each sentence. He loved how she spoke so honestly.
To the young king, she was different to every woman he had ever met. She was unique and reassured her of his such feelings. He loved everything about her.
The two were a perfect match. They played chess, studied in the library, and had many deep conversations well into the night, lying side by side in a comfortable bed.
They spent every possible moment together.
Y/n had been nervous at first, desperately trying to remember everything her mother had taught her about being a good wife, but her nerves were soothed with each moment she spent with her new husband.
Baldwin was gentle and kind, patiently reminding her of social hints that she missed in public and doing everything he could to stimulate her sharp mind. 
They had been wed for a few weeks and everything was perfect. The castle had taken a great liking to their new queen and Baldwin could not be more pleased.
She fit right in.
Until one day, the young king overheard something that made his blood boil.
Guy De Lusignan, his sister's husband, sat in the dining room, speaking with a small group when Baldwin heard him mention the name of his wife.
The young king stopped to listen with his ear against the door.
“She is a total freak,” the older man said.
“Can't take a joke, blunt and cold. I don't know what the leper sees in her. HAH! What am I saying, they are perfect for eachother! They can hide away in his chambers and play chess all day like the freaks they are-”
Baldwin had heard enough and pushed open the door, taking the air out of him slightly but he did not care.
“How dare you speak ill of my wife! Not just my wife but your queen. Show some respect for your higher ups, you ungrateful bastard!”
It was not often that the young king raised his voice, but when he did, even the most arrogant listened.
Baldwin even shocked himself with the sudden outburst.
“Y-yes my lord. I apologize” Guy stammered out, standing and taking a small bow with that half smile Baldwin despised.
“Get out of my sight. The lot of you” he growled sternly.
The group obliged and scurried off, leaving Baldwin to his thoughts.
He took a seat at the table with a pained groan. How could this happen? Why did Guy have to be so cruel? He simply prayed that his beautiful wife never heard that rotton man speak about her like that.
It would break her heart.
She had been doing so well, finally accepting herself and coming out of her shell and all.
Baldwin returned to his chambers to find y/n tidying up his desk. Upon noticing him, she turned to her husband with a smile.
“Hello darling! I figured I would tidy up a little while you were out!”
Baldwin smiled, his heart relaxing in her presence.
“Thank you my love” he said gently, taking his wife in his arms.
Pleasantly surprised by the sudden affection, y/n wrapped her arms around him in return.
“Never change y/n. You are a gift from God Himself. I adore you just the way you are” Baldwin sighed.
The young queen smiled, looking up at him.
“Thank you sweetheart. I love you just the same and I always will
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incorrect-koh-posts · 11 months
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Kingdom of Heaven (2005): Textpost Meme 14 / ?
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tobeahundred · 6 months
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im sorry i had to
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aurianavaloria · 6 months
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My CKIII version of Sibylla and Guy de Lusignan (who is actually a randomly-generated NPC knight I tweaked a little in the barbershop), to go with my Baldwin. 😁
(Guy has actually already died in an accident, lol. Shortly after the birth of their daughter Alix.)
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