#Gymnastics Manager
canisalbus · 1 year
do machete and vasco live in a dog only world? or are there other animals? and are there non anthropomorphic animals too, or are they all anthropomorphicized?
I'd say
1. replace all humans with domestic dogs
2. actual four-legged dogs don't exist
3. wild canids, like wolves and foxes, exist but aren't anthropomorphic
4. the rest of the animal kingdom is the same
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shadystranger · 2 months
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the switch from worry for sam to appealing.. oh he knows how to fuck him up so perfectly tailored for him
#sam was vulnerable and knowing dean loves him so he doesn't want the demon thing could have cut things a lil more short than#sam knowing dean hates him which leads him to be borderline destructive while the former keeps him grounded#but to give dean his dues he did try every single tactic in the book to try to stop sam: forcing reasoning rationalizing#finding middle ground locking up threatening bargaining pleading#he was on a roller-coaster#we're witnessing the blueprint in swaying sam im seated#ruby should've stuck around to watch how a real sam master manipulator operates#he has sam so wrapped round his finger he told sam he'll kill him (faked voice note) and still managed to have sam choose him over ruby#who coddled up and manipulated sam to hell and back#the genuine concern about sam here is astonishing in how effective it is#violence (panic room) didn't work#so dean resorts to appealing to sam and whether this is authentic or dean's own brand of manipulation that I know he occasionally works up#it's still the most effective method so far. I feel like dean could genuinely have gotten through to sam#if he was just himself and poured his heart out wrt sam since early on but dean most of the time was too prideful to concede#it was an 'im protective and im worried about you' issue (this is half of the actual reason the other half is his own possessiveness)#rather than a 'morality/humanity descend' issue and appealing to angels and god to play on sam's faith.#once again dean tries several mental gymnastics to get his point across when#if he was straightforward it could've worked on sam from the get go because he himself carries weight to sam like no other#samdean#mine#spn meta in tags#sam winchester#dean winchester
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dialux · 2 months
I do think that w the advent of skateboarding at the Olympics we can now have a fully canonical bat family heist AU where Dick drags the US men's gymnastics team to all around silver, Jason snaps the East Asian streak of gold medals in shooting, Damian manages to qualify as a fencer despite being too young for it, and Tim, yes, does some cool tricks on his skateboard-- all while they try to defuse a serious Kryptonite poisoning scheme by Luthor and also try to keep from making headlines in their respective (relatively unpopular) sports.
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czarinakanaeva · 2 months
Kaylia Nemour the woman that you are
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cherry-treelane · 22 days
everytime i feel bad and stressed about my life i remember that i might be in a troubling situation and having a bad time but im not season 4 fiona gallagher in the clink after leaving crack on the counter which my 3 year old baby brother happened to ingest resulting in a fatal near-death experience thats wracked me with never-ending guilt and forever altered my life
#this storyline was stupid you expect me to believe two-apples-tall liam gallagher came close to the crack AND managed to ingest it?#the crack which is lined up on the kitchen counter?#Also i don't believe that fiona would be irresponsible enough for liam to have been able to be close to the crack#that was an ooc moment and not like “its ooc cause thats the point shes going thru a tough time”#morelike “so ooc that it seems like a discrepancy that was overlooked for the sake of drama and shock value#as an older sister i feel like being watchful of your younger sibling if crack is in their general vicinity is an unstoppable instinct#its just not a plausible situation sorry like this is coming from someone who wholeheartedly embraces the realistic idea#of fiona falling short sometimes and being very human by struggling to consistently maintain her doting attentiveness#but anyways it's complicated cause Fiona clearly put it somewhere he cant reach#so how did he get access to it????#its like getting mad at a parent for putting a glass of wine on the counter#not comparing that to literal cocaine obviously this whole situation was nonetheless messed up#but just for some perspective... the writers were clearly doing cocaine themselves if they thought that#liam was bungee-jumping onto the counter and showing off his skills as an apparent budding olympics gymnast#not justifying anything but. listen.#the fact that it was on the counter FOR A REASONNN shows that fiona was careful to keep it out of reach and NOT do something insane like#putting it on the table#liam somehow magically having access to it defeats the purpose of it being on the counter.#if they really wanted for it to be believable that liam managed to snort it they should've put it on the table#but we already know that situation wouldn't be believable in its entirety cause we know that fiona would literally never leave it there#WHICH IS MY POINT. LIKE THIS SITUATION IS JUST ANNOYINGLY UNBELIEVABLE. FIONA WOULD NOT DO THIS AND HOW DID LIAM EVEN GET TO IT??#theres like 39482939 overlooked discrepancies just for the sake of getting to the shock#just to circle back Fiona would literally never let liam go near crack no matter how far gone and fucked up she was#I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I AM AN OLDER SISTER.#its just so UGHHHHH anyways obviously i still think in canon yeah Fiona was at fault shouldve been more careful and watchful#no matter how you look at it its clear that a risk like this just cannot be taken and she had to be blamed to an extent#but me personally? i reject it because it didnt feel natural to me at all there were 394939 other ways to frame a Fiona downfall#And i loved all the other ways her spiral was shown like getting messed up and ending up in Sheboygan#all the shit she got into with robbie + the impulsive urge to ruin the good thing she had going with mike#so human and believable and deeply flawed unlike the liam situation which was horrifically OOC and unrealistic
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breakthebeam · 1 month
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maegalkarven · 11 months
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The third part of the Empty Prayers AU.
They are home, but Baldur's Gate is nothing Wyll remembers it to be.
Characters: Wyll Ravengard, Shadowheart, Enver Gortash, Nemo (Durge), Jaheira, Karlach, Astarion.
Dark Urge x Gortash.
Wyll's POV.
The city is quiet.
It’s the first thing Wyll notices, how quiet Baldur’s Gate is, almost unnaturally so.
This is not how it should be, not how Wyll remembers his city.
The streets should buzz with the sound; even at night there should be the echo of steps, someone having a brawl in the nearest inn, some criminal individual skidding about, some poor soul retching in the ditch. There should be a low, unmistakable hum of the city being alive. Baldur’s Gate, city of many, city of all. Criminals and respectful citizens side by side, the most beautiful gardens of the Upper City and the foulest smell of the sewers.
The Gate.
This not how Wyll imagined his return.
In his dreams, the deepest, most sacred of them, so secured even Mizora couldn’t get a grip on, he saw himself a hero returning home; with victory, with salvation.
Wyll saw his father pardoning him, embracing, hailing a true hero of Baldur’s Gate. He saw himself standing tall and proud in front of the patriarchs of the city and not being ashamed of who he was.
Sneaking into the city like thieves in the night was not in his dreams.
His father, exhausted, strained by the knowledge of things passed and things yet to come, was not in his dreams.
Fighting the losing battle against the Elder Brain crowned with Karsus’ infamous creation was not in them.
Allying himself with the men personally crowning said brain was...was unimaginable, really.
And yet working alongside the two former cult leaders is the best chance they have. Wyll has spend endless hours in conversations with his father about this; appealing to his sense of duty, his responsibilities to the city, his honor.
Wyll knows both Gortash and Nemo are awful people. He has met his fair share of the scum and recognizes it when he sees it. If things were different, if both of the men have not fallen from grace, then... Then they would be the enemy, and of the worst, foul kind. The clever, sophisticated kind of the enemy who knows they do wrong, but can’t seem to particularly care.
Wyll still isn’t sure how much they can actually rely on Enver Gortash, not to mention trust him. He rather agrees with Karlach’s assessment what trusting the man would be a fool’s play. But urgent need for survival pulls together and turns into allies even the strangest types of men.
And not all villains had the choice to begin with.
Wyll knows Nemo is convinced he is a being of pure evil, the Murder Incarnate, the Worst of them all. He also knows Nemo doesn’t feel slighted by that, it is his destiny, after all. It is what he was made for.
Not even born, Bhaal could not allow him even that small slither of grace. No, his friend was literally sculpted from the dead flesh of the dead god. Then, if Nemo’s recollecting is to be trusted, he was entrusted into the care of no one but Sarevok Anchev, who then proceeded to raise a boy as the true heir to their Father’s bloody legacy.
Wyll shudders at the way Nemo casually recounts his past, how he brushes over the awful details with practiced ease of someone who doesn’t see anything wrong in that.
And how could he? Who was there to explain to him that what his Father and then his brother did to him was awful? Who was there to tell the child, beaten bloody, what this ‘training’ Sarevok put him through was not humane? It was ruthless, it was unkind, and it was brought on a but a babe.
"The pureblood child of the Bhaal should be perfect," he remembers Nemo commenting, not understanding the level of horror Wyll felt, not seeing why would he even be horrified by that. "It should be stripped of any weakness, any chains society would gladly press on it. All Bhaal’s child is – His vessel, His hand, the blade striking in His name. It doesn’t have the personality, better yet no will of its own. It is Father born anew. It is His second coming. It is the maw what will devour the world."
How Nemo turned up being as sane as he is now is a mystery, all things considered. He was destined to be nothing.
Wyll will gladly help his friend to break out of this bloody destiny.
Which leads his thought to the unkind revelation to why the said child of Bhaal even started to break out of his fate. Or because of whom.
Nemo is almost sewn to the failed tyrant’s side these days; the dark shadow behind Gortash’s frame, hushed whisper into his ear, steady hand on the man’s forearm.
Wyll would think it to be suffocating if not for the way Gortash stands straighter at the touch, looks surer of himself, smugger, more unbearable.
They bring the worst into each other. They keep each other afloat.
Wyll remembers the first several days after the Moonrise Towers. He remembers Nemo disappearing into Gortash’s tent every night, emerging in the morning with the image of tiredness stitched up his face. Gortash didn’t look any better, the signs of exhaustion lying low in the dark shadows under his eyes, in the crease of his mouth, in the wrinkles on his forehead. Somehow everyone knew nothing lewd was taking place, what the two failed chosen simply guarded each other against the world.
As if the world was the enemy.
As if traveling with them has not shown Nemo what the world is a much kinder place than what he was taught to believe. As if they were not allies, were not friends.
Wyll knows the revelation of Nemo’s true identity, of his past had to cost him greatly. He remembers this confession as if it was yesterday.
He remembers Nemo’s fists opening and closing, helpless in the painful need to strike at someone. He remembers the half-elf taking his shirt off – for the first time showing them his naked chest – and he remembers the awful, stark revelation it brought.
The scars like those do not appear out of nowhere. The scars like those are left on the bodies forgone autopsy. Dead bodies.
And yet these scars bite into Nemo’s skin even now.
“I...I don’t remember who she was,” the bhaalspawn murmured then, voice low and dark. “But I remember her face and I’m sure I’d recognize her if we were to meet again. I am convinced she is a myrkulite and what she is somewhere in these Towers.”
“That’s not all,” he interrupted then Wyll opened his mouth to say something, maybe offer comfort, as futile as that attempt would be. “She was not the one to put tadpole into my brain. That was my sister.”
“Your sister?” Gale’s voice raised the octave. “Why would she do that?”
A smirk, a dark shadow of a smile, lips baring white teeth in a grimace what looks strained, forced upon.
“Because our father told her to,” a pause. “Our Father, Lord Bhaal.”
It quickly fell into dreadful silence then, no one knowing what to say, no one knowing what to believe in.
Wyll personally hadn't felt betrayed, shocked, yes, but not wronged.
He understood the heavy weight of a dark secret; he had one. Wyll has lived for seven long years with his lips sealed.
But Wyll would understand if the others would have different reaction. If anything, Nemo seemed to expect it.
Nemo tried to continue with the confession.
Yes, he was a bhaalspawn, but the kind of which no one saw before. He was a pure Bhaalspawn. There’s not a drop of mortal blood in him, not a drop of essence what is not of his father’s. He wasn’t born. He was made. And for the last thirty years he was the leader of the Church of Bhaal.
Thirty years. That gave Wyll a pause, and it seemed he wasn’t the only one.
“How old are you exactly?” Astarion, the resident old-timer of their ragtag bunch of misfits, inquired.
“Fifty,” came out an easy response. “I became the leader my Father wanted me to be at the ripe age of nineteen. It’s been an endless road of improvement since then, until...” A wild gesture around.
“I...I did not fail, you have to understand. I do not fail. It’s just...Father does not tolerate a straying thought. For the last thirty years I was careful with what I do and how I do it, careful to not bring his wrath on me. I was...probably the unconventional leader, I admit, but everything I did made the Church grow bigger, stronger, better. Everything but-“ he looked down. “I am not supposed to care, you see? About anything or anyone. I should only think of murder, of blood, of my Father’s goal.”
“But you care,” Karlach looked pained as she stepped forward. Carefully, as if approaching a wild beast, but surely still. “You care about us. I know, even if you try to downplay it. You care about things.”
Nemo took a shaky step back.
“I know,” came sounding worse the admittance than of his bloody legacy. How admitting you care could be worse than that? “But do you know when I started to care? Or when I realized I do, in fact, care?”
“You will hate the next part.”
“I already hate every part of what you’ve said,” she let out a pained laugh. “How worse can it be?”
The bhaalspawn smiled the kind of smile what promised more disaster to come.
“Nine years ago,” he let out. “I was approached by the man named Enver Gortash. He had,” a movement to intercept whatever Karlach was about to say. “He had information about the Hall of Wonders,” a glance to Wyll. “You probably know of that, the disgraceful display of my brothers and sisters, put upon view like trophies. Well, I didn’t like that. And Gortash, he...offered the way in. A help, in kind.”
“Trust me when I say he would never offer any help just for the sake of it,” Karlach seethed. “He wanted something-“
“And he got it. That and more,” Nemo looked as if he was forcing himself to stay still, burning under the piercing stare of the Fury of Avernus. “We became allies. Did all sort of thing, the two of us. Planned, schemed. Broke into Methistar,” a proud little grin. “Stole the crown of Karsus.”
“You stole what?!” Gale, clearly familiar with the thing.
“-And put it on the Elder Brain,” oh fuck, Wyll didn’t like there it was leading. “Used the netherstones from the crown to control it. Started our own world domination plan.”
“And then your sister stabbed you.”
“And then my sister stabbed me. Because my father told her to. Because I started to care.”
“For what?” Karlach was hardly seen through the flames wrapping around her in waves. “For who?”
“We were perfect together,” Nemo stared straight ahead. “We were indestructible. We were meant to rule the world as the gods of new age. We were-“
“The name,” Karlach seethed. “I don’t want bloody details; just prove my worst fucking fears. Tell me the name.”
Nemo looked away. It was, perhaps, the first time he was admitting it aloud, or even at all.
The Pure Bhaalspawn was not supposed to care for the others.
“I didn’t want to kill Enver Gortash,” he let out, small and pained and weak. “I do not want to kill Enver Gortash. He is the only one...” he trailed off.
“Anyway, this is my crime, the one my Father punished me for. I care for the banite. I care. I fucking care, and I’m not supposed to. And he,” a quick glance at the Moonrise Towers on the horizon. “Is somewhere in these fucking towers.”
He did not have to kill the man, and Karlach didn’t get to kill him, because in the feat of reckless abandonment Lord Enver Gortash did something no one expected him to be capable of.
He saved Nemo’s life.
He ruined his own plans.
And everything changed.
Everything changed, and now they sneak across the streets, the wraiths in the night, criminals in their own city.
There’s a curfew, Wyll finds out. There was never a curfew.
Also there’s a siege on the city, brought by the forces of the army Ketheric Thorm has build and Absolute now uses.
There are posters on the streets claiming they’re enemies of the state. Wyll, his father, Nemo and Gortash. Four of their faces, painted in the likeness, printed out and put around the city Wyll calls his own.
And Florrick did it.
No, he shakes his head, Not Florrick, the Elder Brain what controls her, the tadpole what’s buried deep into her brain. Florrick would never do that, but she is locked somewhere deep in her own mind, behind the intricate web of psionic power Absolute possesses.
The Steel Watch is at her heed, used against their own creator, used by the Brain the same way it uses Florrick, the same way it uses Orin, the same way it uses anyone who doesn’t have the luxury of the astral prism and an unlikely illithid ally protecting them from within.
A mindflayer named Emperor, the one who seems to have some kind of a bad history with Gortash. If this is not the cherry on top of the overall disaster of their lives.
The world Wyll has known is burning around him as he watches, and the only hope of even getting out of this mess is the help of the criminal underworld of the Gates; the Ninefingers’ guild, the assassins Nemo claims would stay loyal to him, and Enver Gortash’s questionable contacts.
Somewhere in the city there’s a diabolist who will help them break into Hell, and at that point Wyll doesn’t even ask. He doesn’t trust Emperor, and Lae’zel demands Prince Orpheus to be released, so what choice do they truly have?
Somewhere in the city there’s a vampire lord planning to sacrifice seven thousand souls for his own selfish gain.
Somewhere in the city there’s a cult of Shar, hidden in the plain view.
Somewhere underground there’s a Temple of Bhaal, its torches alight, the screams of victims echoing in the halls.
Somewhere in the city where are refugees who managed to flood into the streets at the moment of confusion; somewhere in the streets there are Mol and Umi and the others, there are those of tiefling refugees who managed to survive against all odds.
Somewhere in this city where’s hope, and Wyll will be damned if he does not find it.
“Home sweet home,” Nemo smirks as they approach the building on the poor side of town. It seems to be the shoemaker’s shop, a small and unassuming building with the words ‘Flymm's Cobblers’ scratched on the plate near the front. “Didn’t expect this would be first place you’d want to visit.”
“Be quiet,” Gortash snaps back, more tense than Wyll would expect him to be. They are indeed a strange and suspicious group of adventures, with three of their faces put on every wall of the city with the world “reward” underneath. “We’re coming in, I’m taking what’s mine and we leave.”
“So no family reunion then?”
Gortash does not answer, instead working on the lock. Shadowheart looks around just in case, but the streets are empty, quiet. Abandoned.
“This curfew works in our favor,” she comments.
“This curfew is wrong,” Wyll argues.
“Would you two be quiet for a mere fucking moment?” the former lord hisses. “I am trying to do something here.”
“He is breaking into his own home,” Nemo comments helpfully.
“This is not my home and you know it.”
“And yet you still keep things here.”
“No one would think of looking here. Look at this place,” the man manages gesture around without breaking the hold on the lock. “Look at this excuse of a shop. I’m surprised they’re not run down by the debt collectors at the rate they’re going.”
“Wait a moment,” Shadowheart speaks. "You know these people?”
“They’re his-“
“They’re no one.”
The two of the gods’ chosen stare each other down. Nemo is the first to look away.
“Be it your way,” he murmurs. “But I think it’s dumb.”
“You think table manners are dumb.”
“Because they are!”
“Quiet,” Gortash hisses and pushes on the lockpick with the force the poor thing does not deserve. Somehow it works and the lock opens with a soft click. “Inside.”
“Who made you the boss?”
“Nemo, for the fuck’s sake, just once in your goddamn life-“
Shadowheart pushes them all inside and closes the door behind.
“There,” she comments plainly. “That’s better.”
The inside of the store is...quite insignificant, in lack of other, kinder words. The room to the storefront is small, ill-kept and rather unwelcoming. There are pairs of cheap shoes on display behind the counter; not badly-made, but not masterfully either.
Just a little poorly-maintained store in the Lower City, one of the many.
What Enver Gortash is doing here is a question. Nemo called it Gortash's home, but Nemo talks people in circles. His words should be put under scrutiny more often than not.
"Keep watch," the lord barks a command, already climbing the steps, and some part of Wyll wishes to whip the arrogant order off his lips, to remind him he is a lord no more. His fingers tingle with magic, Mizora's gift always ready to draw first blood.
That makes him pause.
Wyll is not that kind of a man and Enver Gortash will not turn him into one.
He resolves to respond with silence, locking gazes with visibly annoyed Shadowheart.
"I fail to see how Nemo finds it charming," she comments, observing the room around them, poorly lit up with the waning moon. "But again, he was raised in a cult."
You were raised in a cult, Wyll almost says, but manages to bit his tongue just in time. This is a dangerous topic.
"And so was I, I suppose," she continues, oblivious to his inner turmoil. "It's funny, I'd never thought Bhaal and Shar would be so alike; in their methods, if nothing else."
"All things evil tend to walk the same path," he offers tentatively, listening closely to the surroundings. So far things seem to be going smoothly. There's not a sound around, not as much as a creak of the stairs. The rooms above are silent, obvious to the intruders no doubt ravaging through things.
An echo of steps appears in the distance, and they crouch by the windows, peeking outside. A single steel watcher walks by, its steps mechanical and devoid of any life. A monstrosity of infernal iron, connected to the tadpole somewhere deep in the Foundry. Gortash told them that much after it became clear the Watchers are no longer his to command.
How they're going to defeat the Elder Brain in possession of one of netherstones is a mystery clouded in a failure.
"Look," Shadowheart murmurs, touching his shoulder. "Near the counter. Isn't that Gortash?"
And indeed it is him, or rather a very well-made portrait of him. It looks expensive and entirely out of place in the poor cobbler's store.
"That's weird," Wyll comments. "Should we investigate this place while our companions are busy?"
Shadowheart makes a face.
"I don't want to think what is it exactly they're busy with," she wrinkles her pretty nose. "Everything concerning these two is bad news."
Wyll can't not agree with that.
They swiftly move to get closer to the portrait, but before they reach it, the small door behind the corner creaks open.
They freeze.
"Who is here?" A shrill voice of an older woman demands and then the woman herself appears, dressed in a cheap nightgown with a shawl draping over her shoulders. "Who is it who dares to break into my house?"
There's something familiar in the crook of her nose, in the shape of her eyes; but Wyll can't for the life of his figure out what.
"Wyll," Shadowheart whispers, suddenly tense. "Can you feel it? This woman, she is..."
Wyll closes his eyes and concentrates on his surroundings, and indeed he can. The pull, not unlike the ones he has felt before, in the presence of so called True Souls.
"She has a tadpole," he whispers back. They could just...navigate conversation though their unusual link granted by tadpoles in their heads, but neither Wyll not Shadowheart like doing that. They have been stripped of personal space for long enough, he thinks, no need to break that little what remains of the inner walls.
"She does," Shadowheart agrees. "And it almost like...Like something fights it, tries to push the worm away, but to no avail."
"Her real mind perhaps, part of it not controlled by the tadpole?"
"Perhaps," she agrees. "I will try to reach out to it."
And, before he manages to stop her, she does.
The revelation it brings them both is worse than they could have expected.
Wyll pulls back at the sound of the steps above, interrupting the woman's inner pleas.
His mother. This woman, Sally Flymm, is Enver Gortash’s mother.
Worse, she sold her son - the spiteful ungrateful brat as she called him - to a warlock.
Worst of all, the tadpole in her brain is her son's doing.
The loud voice of said son interrupts his line of thoughts.
"We need to go," Gortash tells someone, irritation clear in his voice. "Let go of my forearm, if you may."
"But my boy," a man's voice replies. "You only just returned home, surely you will stay-"
"This is not my home," the lord cuts off sharply. "And I'm not staying. Come on," he nods at Wyll. "I have all we need, there's no reason to stay in this wretched place any longer."
"Enver," Sally Flymm, or rather the tadpole operating her body, speaks. "You won't rob us of your presence so quickly, will you? Please, I beg of you, at least stay for a tea. I can make some sweet to go by. Not a feast worthy of archduke, but-"
"No," he cuts off. Wyll can't help but notice the tension in his shoulders, the sharp edge in his voice. Enver Gortash has orchestrated this concerto, yet hates to participate.
For the first time since ever Wyll can't fault him for that. His father has his flaws and he did banish Wyll from his home - for a good reason -, but Ulder Ravengard would never do something like the cruel deed of the Flymms.
Nemo trails behind his companion, quiet for a change, eyes shrewd and thoughtful. Wyll knows Nemo is a noisy person and he bets the bhaalspawn reached for the man's mind the same way Shadowheart reached for Sally's. He wonders what Nemo found there.
They leave as quickly as they came, and just as quietly. The portrait on the wall doesn't leave Wyll's mind. It's expensive and well-made presence clashes with the environment, making him suspect how the portrait appeared there in the first place.
They sold him into slavery, he thinks, and his heart aches for the little boy Enver Flymm used to be. And in return he locked them inside their minds and made repeat the words of admiration.
Somehow it rings even worse than if Gortash had simply killed them. Somehow it tells more of the deep unhealed wound on the tyrant's soul.
It sure as hell does not excuse a thing, but at least gives some explanations to why.
"So," Nemo starts as they almost reach their hideout. Renting rooms in Elfsong was out of question, that with sparse recourses they have and being haunted by the law. By Elder Brain using the law for a tool, Wyll mentally corrects himself. So abandoned house close to the docks was pretty much their only option. That or the sewers, and Wyll really didn't want to camp in there. "Nice place. I like what you did to it."
There's an undeniable undertone to his words Gortash catches on almost immediately. He whips his head to the spawn, staring him down. Nemo only smiles languidly, clearly pleased with- himself? Situation they found themselves in? What Enver Gortash did to his parents?
The last one, Wyll decides. It would be the kind of thing Nemo appreciates.
Nemo seems to have a personal vendetta against parents all around the world, an echo of his existence as a child of a cruel god.
After a moment of scrutinizing inspection in which Gortash stared into Nemo's face as if looking for a trick and Nemo stared right back, relaxed under such pressing attention, the lord's posture slightly eases.
"Thank you," he lets out, turning away. "I knew you would get it."
There's strange, ominous kind of silence that falls between them.
Wyll can feel Nemo's mind buzz with elation and dark satisfaction. Not only he approves of Gortash's treatment of his parents, but the mere fact of said treatment makes him...not exactly happy, but cheerful, like a child who got the candy.
Wyll once again grieves for a boy Nemo never was, for a life created for a single, awful purpose.
He swears to break the chains tying his friend to the god of Murder.
"You need to break out of Bhaal's hold," Shadowheart states as they close the door to their hideout, Gortash quick to leave them behind and stroll for the room he claimed as his. Nemo turns around, curious.
"I do not exactly disagree with that statement," he hums. "But why bring it now?"
The woman reaches out, raising her hand, then letting it drop before it touches the spawn.
"It's just a thought I had," she replies, visibly closing off. Wyll sighs and wraps his arms each around one of his companions, feeling them both tense.
Children of the cults, playthings of the evil gods.
He will not leave them to it.
"Because you owe nothing to the evil who claims to be your god," he replies instead.
Nemo snorts.
"I'm pretty sure I owe him my own existence. Made of the god's flesh, remember?"
"Did you ask to be made?" that shuts the half-elf down. "That's what I thought. No child should bear the weight of their parent's expectations the way you do, not even a child of a god."
"Especially not a child of a god," Shadowheart chimes in. "And...I just had a curious thought. Parents sure are the first gods we ever worship, aren't they?"
Wyll contemplates it for a moment, but has to agree. Once upon a time Ulder Ravengard was his everything: his father, his hero, the symbol of everything Wyll strived to be.
Now he is but a tired warrior in a fight bigger than his life. Now he looks mortal.
This, Wyll thinks, is what growing up feels like.
"Are we going to address what we saw in that shop?" He asks quietly and is sure his friends understand the meaning.
"Depends," Nemo hums. "Do you want to get a bolt in the lungs? Kidney if you're lucky."
Shadowheart laughs, quietly as if she isn't sure she is allowed to.
Wyll wonders how hard it is to kill a goddess;  Shar has it coming anyway, after the Shadow curse and all the grief it brought.
"I'll pass," he comments instead, hugging his friends closer.
"Oh, a group hug," Astarion's voice reaches them before the vampire does. "Why are you having a group hug without us?"
"Because they're evil," Karlach comments. "Very evil. No fun. No hugs for me either, it seems. Despite, you know, me being the best hugger in the world."
Shadowheart laughs again, brighter this time, her cheeks warm. Wyll doesn't miss the way cleric brightens up in the presence of their fiery friend.
"That's true," Nemo comments, snaking out of Wyll's embrace. "I indeed am the worst person you'll ever meet. Now, if you excuse me, my evil deeds await," and he goes for the stairs, slightly wary around Karlach as he passes her by.
Wyll hates it, he hates the tension what has grown out between them ever since Nemo's confession and even more - after Gortash unexpectedly joining in. It's like they're drawing lines in the sand, with Nemo being steadily on one side with Gortash, and them - on the other.
He had thought they have built alliances, what they've grown closer, became friends, but the blunt way Nemo keeps choosing tyrant over them puts it in question.
Astarion seems to gravitate to where Nemo is, almost subconsciously, Wyll isn't even sure the spawn knows he does it.
Gale is staying aside for now, not willing to pick a side and not ready to condemn anyone.
Jaheira, surprisingly, is much warmer to Nemo than anyone would expect her to be.
It has to be the way Nemo denies his father; the way the struggle is clear on his face as Lord Bhaal calls for his wayward son; the way half-elf demands answers for how to defeat him from the harper: "How did Abdel Adrian did it? How did he free himself from the Dread Lord's bloody hold? How, how, how? Help me defy him, help me deny him. He will not have me, I am his puppet no more."
Halsin stays on some distance from Nemo, taking a stance similar to Gale's. He doesn't exactly like Nemo, that much is clear, but he also cannot deny his part of breaking the Shadow curse. Why Nemo even helped with that is a question Wyll still battles with. He hopes it is because, despite everything, there is a part of his friend that seeks light, what wishes to do good. What it's not just the lack of former power what makes Nemo form alliances and rescue refugees. Wyll believes there's goodness in him.
He hopes he isn't wrong.
He also hopes he won't have to fight Nemo, what he will not cross the line, does not breach the point of no return.
There's an awful thought what the point of no return has been crossed long before that. Fifty years of servitude to Bhaal is a long time. A long reign of blood and terror.
"What deeds?" Karlach calls out, almost grasping Nemo by the wrist, the man dancing out of the touch at the last moment.
"I already said: evil."
Nemo sighs.
"Fine, fine, I'll answer," he became less cooperative since Gortash. A lot of things changed for worse since that. "I want to try and track assassins operating through the city. Some of them should've kept their brains in their heads and know what's good for them."
"And what's good for them?" Wyll isn't sure he likes where it's going.
"Me, obviously. Not my dreadful father and definitely not Orin, tadpoled or not."
"We need to find Minsc before you decide to deal with your family business," Jaheira interferes, appearing as if out of the thin air.
"I know," half-elf nods. "I have already contacted some of Ninefingers' run-arounds. I believe we will be allowed to enter her little den, but can't promise she will cooperate."
Jaheira's eyebrows climb up.
"You two know each other?"
"We do," Nemo sighs. "We had a truce of sorts after our organizations clashed badly. Same sewers, you know. People would run into each other sooner or later."
"I find it hard to believe she would agree to a truce so easily."
"I didn't say it was easy. It was a pain in the ass, actually. And I'm pretty sure the truce doesn't stand anymore, Orin would ruin all my hard work the moment she had the chance."
"I can't believe you've been a cult leader for thirty years," Karlach comments. "What did you even do? No, don't say it, I know, e-"
"Evil things," Nemo replies, a shit-eating grin pulling the corners of his lips up.
Karlach sighs loudly and rather dramatically.
"There is more in the world than evil things, you know?"
"Hm," Nemo hums. "Let me think about it. I'm sure I've heard something about things other than evil, but can't exactly point out to where..."
"Alright, smartass, I give up."
"Already?" Another sharp smile. "That was-" words die on his lips out of sudden, along with the smile. It slides off as if poorly drawn picture being washed away. His muscles tense, a telltale of the pain to come.
Shit. Not again, not so soon.
"Nemo?" Karlach tries warily.
"Get the fucking chains," Nemo manages to croak. "I- his face contorts in a painful spasm. "-hate this par-" he chocks on his words, biting into his own tongue. A thin trail of blood appears on his chin.
"Hold on, darling," Astarion seems to be that particular kind of fool who does not fear Nemo even when he should be. Even then it's the sane thing to do. Instead he steps closer, hands reaching to Nemo's.
"No!" He bhaalspawn gasps. "Chains-"
Karlach rushes back into the room, and when did she leave? She drops a long chain over Nemo's shoulders and starts fixing the locks.
"I hate everything about it," Wyll comments as his hands already move to cast the spell. He does hate every part of it.
"Shh," Astarion, almost obvious to the ruckus around, cups Nemo's cheeks in his palms. "I got you."
"Get away from me," Nemo tries to order, his voice breaking into a roar at the end. "Astarion, please, just get away-" his body convulses as power beyond man's control takes a hold, breaking bones and tendrils alike. It never goes the full way, the transformation Bhaal inflicts on his son, but it's no less horrifying for that.
"What's up with you lot this time?" Gortash descends the steps in a hurried annoyance, brought back by the noise. He freezes midway at the sight. "Again? The last time was just-"
"Father doesn't exactly care for the timing," it has to be a sheer need to have the last word what pushes words through Nemo's lungs. He chocks on the air then, trashing in the chains holding him down. Shadowheart joins her spell to Wyll's, amplifying it, as Jaheira's vine creeps about the spawns body, locking it in it's hold.
There's not a shadow of a smug expression on Gortash's face. Instead there's a look of someone staring straight into the abyss and not being able to look away.
"Stop-" Nemo croaks. "Staring...Creep."
Astarion laughs, a shrill and pained sound it is.
"You have an awful taste in men," he comments, smoothing the creases on the bhaalspawn’s shirt.
"Astarion, get out of there," Jaheira commands. "He isn't safe to be around now."
"I know that," the spawn huffs in annoyance. And yet he moves nowhere, a hand circling in smooth motion over Nemo's heart now. Nemo tries to claw at him, but the vines and the chains hold him down. Then he snaps his teeth dangerously close to Astarion's face.
"Well, now," the elf comments, entirely unbothered. "We ask before we bite."
"Since we learned we're more than just rabid beasts driven by hunger. Now," Astarion glances back at Shadowheart already casting the spell. "Rest, darling."
The sleeping spell hits Nemo in the head and gets to work immediately. The bhaalspawn struggles, before succumbing to it and sliding to the floor in a heap of limbs.
Everyone breathes out.
"Well, then," Wyll concludes. "It's another night of watching over our friend. Who takes the first shift?"
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annapoofle · 2 months
If somebody were in third in the entire world in the olympic trials so far, trailing second by less than a tenth of a point, you'd think they'd have a pretty fucking decent shot at olympic gold in the finals. And yet Jordan Chiles isn't even ALLOWED to COMPETE to even TRY to win when she VERY FEASIBLY could????????? Because of a two-per-country limit???? AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 4 months
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goro got his hair cut but they chopped it off way too short and he was absolutely inconsolable about it. then sumi went out and got her hair cut to match his in an act of solidarity. he's pissed at her for cutting off her long hair for him, it's idiotically sentimental and ill advised and reckless and......also kinda cute ..... ?
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angesaurus · 1 year
I’m in my “take all the things away” mom era and it feels sooooooooooooo good 😂
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scatterbrie · 5 months
Alex Garland retire bitch!!!!!
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talentforlying · 11 months
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@normaltothemax: Ooh meta about John and children. How he sees himself vs. how he actually is with them <3 — SEND META TOPICS.
oh he thinks he's horrendous with children. he thinks nobody in their right mind should ever let him look after a kid / spend time with their kids, because he's terrified about being a bad influence or turning his back at the wrong moment. even when he really makes an effort to do everything right by your most puritanical housewife's standards — no smoking, no swearing, no drinking, PG movies — he's always convinced that something's going to happen, some accident or tragedy that he won't be able to prevent, especially someone looking to get to him and using the kid or their family to do it. it's happened several times before, and it'll probably happen again. it's one of the reasons he can't really see himself being a dad, even though on some level i think he would have liked that. (in his new 52 verse with his daughter rose porter, he is very much a helicopter parent for this reason; he's always terrified of something happening to her because of his reputation.)
aside from the obvious life-or-death fears, he tends to feel out-of-place and clumsy and careless when he's around kids; he's someone who works best with a plan, even just the kernel of one, but around kids he's always improvising, with their clever questions and inane curiosities. he also has zero concept of what constitutes a normal response to an average question, most of the time, because it's not like he's lived a normal life; turns out the right answer to "sometimes i see a scary man in my closet" is not, in fact, "well he's probably dead, so."
in reality, he's mostly only a bad influence insofar as swearing and normalizing obscene amounts of cigarette-smoking; he's actually really fucking good with kids. he had an awful childhood and he remembers vividly all the ways he used to wish adults in his life would treat him, all the times he wanted a hand to hold or a hug; to inflict any kind of hardship on a child would mean he's become his father, and that's a fate worse than death to him. he's incredibly protective of kids, he's a genuinely good listener, and he communicates with them like they're adults (which isn't always a good thing, considering the way he communicates with other adults, but he doesn't condescend or brush them off). he's childish enough to know & engage with what they might consider fun, and he's always willing to risk embarrassment to play along with a game or coax out a smile. he would risk absolutely anything if it meant saving a kid's life, and he will ruin the existence of anyone who so much as thinks about hurting a child. (even though he has pushed the occasional snotty bastard into a duck pond before. he stuck around to make sure they could swim, though.)
now, the intersection of the two is this: sometimes he's so good with kids, and they like him so much, that they start to emulate him. which includes getting involved in the occult and starting down the same path he did when he was younger, with all the pitfalls and harsh learning curves and horrors that come with it. this is what happened with his niece gemma, and he regrets that every day of his life.
all things considered, his primary strategy towards dealing with children is that he doesn't. it's safer for them, and it's less stressful for him.
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viktoriakomova · 1 year
The immediate reactions to Suni’s choice not to do AA at nationals are frankly really disturbing. Especially coming from her “fans” who ostensibly want the best for her…
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s0fter-sin · 7 months
so lately i’ve been obsessed with a 141 dancer au
gaz runs classes, has a youtube channel and quickly becomes one of the most sought after choreographers in the music video scene. soap is his dance partner for his classes, he helps run them and does demonstrations with him
ghost is also a choreographer and he’s gaz’s Arch Nemesis
he's famous for never performing his routines, never doing public appearances without his skull mask and being highly exclusive with who he allows to perform his choreo which earns him his name (since he’s a ghost creator). gaz however is a social media darling, his classes and videos regularly doing huge numbers
they both popped up around the same time and are neck and neck in terms of popularity and skill and they immediately rub each other the wrong way
gaz accuses ghost of not actually choreographing his routines himself bc no one has ever seen him dance and ghost thinks gaz is a clout chaser who's just in it for the fame instead of passion
he became a dancer as a way to channel his rage after years of being an underground fighter, the discipline and physicality helping him more than fights ever did. he hates the thought of someone just using it just to get famous when it literally saved his life
deep down they know their accusations are wrong and they have a grudging appreciation for the other's talent but they'd both rather die than admit it
price is a famous dancer turned director they both work with frequently and they always fight over him; trying to get their routines picked for his music videos. he's also the only one in the industry who's ever seen the ghost perform (before he got famous and before the Incident™)
he finally gets fed up with them constantly being at each other's throats and hires them both to work together and choreograph a joint routine. they're both famous in their own right but this video is for a huge artist so neither of them can refuse no matter how much they hate the other
gaz has a gymnastics background but also a ballet background which lends him to a more fluid style whereas ghost’s style is stronger, more masculine with sharper movements so they naturally end up butting heads
then there's soap who has a completely different style altogether, focusing on a more modern, breakdancer style which makes him see everything completely differently
but it also adds to his self-doubt bc he didn't have a formal dance education, he built his entire repertoire by himself. people see him as inferior to gaz who has that very formal, highly disciplined style. his insecurities about only ever being seen as gaz's demonstration partner and that he can only do gaz’s routines so all his skill is just an extension of him instead of being seen as a dancer in his own right forces him to adopt a rigid - destructive - perfectionism in himself and his body
soap meets ghost before the first rehearsal. he gets to the studio early to practice when sees this beautiful man dancing
he has no idea who he is but he moves so seamlessly, almost better than gaz, and he immediately falls a little in love. the man catches him watching in the mirror and he flusters, getting worse as the man just smirks at him and flawlessly completes the routine
soap tries to save face and asks him to teach him the routine he's doing
the man agrees, introducing himself as simon. the style of the routine is familiar to soap but he can't focus on it when simon's hands are on his waist, guiding him through the steps; his chest pressed up against his back. they work together beautifully, picking up each other's body language and dancing together easier and better than they've ever danced with anyone
then gaz arrives and the vibe in the studio immediately changes
simon's easy confidence becomes hostility, pulling up the skull gaiter he'd let hang around his neck as he practically pushes soap behind him to square up to gaz
soap’s shocked when gaz hits back with the same energy until he realises it's the same way he acts whenever he talks about ghost and his stomach drops
he steps out from behind ghost to side with gaz and the betrayal in simon's eyes hurts more than anything he's ever felt
from there it's romeo and juliet; camp gaz versus camp ghost as they fight over every step of the choreo and soap is the poor bastard stuck in the middle
soap tries to channel that “you’re my best friend’s rival, i have to hate you,” mindset but he can’t forget the way it felt to dance with simon
and how much he wants to do it again
#my friend mimi introduced me to gymnast gaz which made me think he grew up in competitive gymnastics and left it to be a dancer#whether his family was disappointed in that decision i havent figured out yet#the Incident™️ was roba getting simon directly from the underground and manipulating him into working at his strip club where price finds h#and pulls him out when roba tries to force him into sex work too#soap earned his name for being such a clean dancer and never making mistakes during performances#which just make his insecurities worse bc now he has to live up to his new reputation as well as fight of the gazs partner image hes gotten#farah and alex are definitely team gaz and i think nikolai would be his manager#then im thinking alejandro and rudy are team ghost with laswell as his manager#then bc soap is the odd man out hes used as tie breaks when they get into arguments about what move should go next in the routine#the pressure of picking correctly and the routine being essentially on his shoulders freaking him out just as much as having to choose#between his best friend who expects him to always side with him and ghost who always has good ideas#this isnt a negative haz au btw i think it would be a good way to explore his arrogance and stubborness#hes decided ghost is his enemy and nothing can pull him away from that#(except for what eventually does but im not sure what that is yet lmao)#i want soap at some point to completely overwork himself and his bad knee swells and gets irritated and finally gives out#and its ghost who forces him to take a break and convinces him that working his body to death wont help him be a better dancer#cue tender wound care and ghost backstory as he reassures soap that he is an amazing dancer#he offers soap a no stress space at his studio if he ever wants it & gaz overhears and thinks soap is betraying him and leaving so cue angs#we’re a team. ghost team#coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just fine.txt#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghoap#john soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#simon ghost riley#save post#john price#cod 141#soapghost au
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couplesgymfitnesshome · 11 months
Building up yourself is a self determination workout all day is the key towards succeeding here is the key of having the biggest body muscles in town & make money of it to unlock the secret of Building muscles faster by >>>CLICKING HERE<<<
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clownattack · 2 months
Tfw u hear the person who pulled so much unhinged shit with several different ppl STILL considers himself a victim
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