madame-mongoose · 9 months
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cause everytime we touch i get this feeling
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oooh my fucikgn god
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13-wonder-writer · 2 months
Ich weiß jetzt, an wen mich der Leitmayr in seiner Art erinnert... es ist mein Opa
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
Please try playing game of creator fnaf 10/10 highly recommend it
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Is it a horror game-?
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sunkingwrites · 9 months
Mister needs boots
Someone get him some boots
He needs boots, wear my boots!
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carnationcomplex · 2 years
writing pathetic wet paper bag student emails to my professors like sorry i'm so miserable please don't hate me
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It Fucks with me that straight up
Purgatory hall, the new characters and basically people in Mc//ourlives don’t know what Belphie did in chapter 16 and esp in Nightbringer, like we 100% habe trauma and like straight up makes me wanna write angst but I’m Shitty with it and always fuck it up
So I’m just….gonna ramble under cut about it? //spoilers for both games I suppose!
So to start, there’s several instances of the brothers (and in one occasion Barbatos and Diavolo separately) get aggressive towards reader and I like imagine they must have some kinda PTSD since they’ve literally died and honestly I self project and I act nothing like Mc…I’d be in fucking tears miserable over the fact I just got warped in the past without anyone but my mentor
Like I cant see my family, friends or PETS for who knows how long???
Just imagine how it would feel….
You’re already living in a worn down old building since the moment you’ve arrived in the past, where else can you go?? The brothers aren’t friendly, you have not a cent to your name, just what’s on your person the second you’re dropped off and left. You WANT to think things will be ok, Solomon is here to help you so at least you’re not alone but…
You will die eventually, what if this takes too long, and you die here? Will anyone from your timeline ever find out?
Would you family know? Your friends?
Solomon keeps reassuring you that it’s fine, but he’s a sorcerer who’s immune to everything…his own stupidity gave him immortality…maybe if you’re unlucky enough he’d make you immortal and you’d…wait till you could see the brothers ‘normally’ again. Well them and everyone else.
As time goes on you ultimately are forced to continue to try to re friend them. Solomon is equal parts helpful as he is a problem, but it all seems to work out.
Until they find out your human. Why does it matter? You never said you were a demon! You TOLD THEM YOU WERE HUMAN. They laughed it off…why is it your fault…your not like them?
Belphegore was the aggressor, just like before. You don’t know if he was going to hurt you and you didn’t want to find out. You saw his hand reaching towards you, almost like they were going for your throat…
“Not again!”
You screamed as you collapsed on the ground, hand instinctively going to protect your neck. You’re gasping for air even though you haven’t been touched yet, you’re terrified. Is this really it? Is he really going to kill you again? Did you really think…this would end well, Solomon? Diavolo? Barbatos?…Anyone?
Now you are where you are, trembling and in tears on the ground. But you didn’t feel anyone grab you, you did however feel like someone walked in front of you. To your relief, Solomon had come to your rescue…
You wanted to appreciate it, but all you wanted to do was go home now.
You let out a broken sob, you honestly didn’t care anymore if they saw you like this. You have been through hell and back for these idiots and yet, you still love them so much, so much so that all you want to do is see them again, but the version of them you know.
You love them, they are worth it, but why do you have to suffer for it? Your time in the human world after Devildom…nothing bad happened…maybe…you’re the problem?
With your mind spiraling, you don’t even hear everyone shouting, you don’t hear your name, you don’t hear who says it.
All you can do is cry and hope whoever sent you here shows mercy and let’s you go home.
(Ok now it’s done sorry)
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mommyvicky001blog · 1 year
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I hated some parts, but I can still feel exactly what it felt like then - sitting on the floor of the throne room at Renee's with my slave in awesome bondage, dressed like someone's fantasy and surrounded by mirrors and low light with smooth ambient music in the background - and hearing that groan as it started oozing even before he said mercy
It makes me wet even remembering😀😀🥰
Einige Stellen habe ich gehasst, aber ich kann immer noch genau spüren, wie es sich damals anfühlte – mit meinem Sklaven in fantastischen Fesseln auf dem Boden des Thronsaals bei Renee zu sitzen, gekleidet wie jemandes Fantasie und umgeben von Spiegeln und schwachem Licht mit sanfter Umgebungsmusik den Hintergrund – und das Stöhnen zu hören, als es zu sickern begann, noch bevor er Gnade sagte
Es macht mich schon nass, wenn ich mich daran erinnere😀😀🥰
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Wenn meine Frau den Rohrstock in ihren Händen drohend vor mir steht, diesen mehrfach zischend durch die Luft sausen lässt, ich auf ihren Befehl zwecks meiner bevorstehenden Züchtigung meine Hose herunterziehe, ist meine Angst am größten. Weiß ich doch zu genau, es wird für mich und meinem Po sehr schmerzhaft werden! Ich werde vergebens um Gnade betteln, laut heulen und schreien und nach Beendigung meiner Rohrstockstrafe meinen roten, durchgeprügelten Po heftig reiben, jammernd durch das Zimmer hüpfen. Tränen aus Pein strömen aus meinen Augen herunter. Meine Frau wird weiterhin mit mir schimpfen und mir vorwerfen, mich wie ein kleiner, wehleidiger Rotzlöffel zu benehmen. Mitleid hat sie mit mir nicht, im Gegenteil, sie wird mich für lange Zeit mit meinem nackten, versohlten Po in die Ecke schicken. Sie findet das als eine gerechtfertigte Erziehungsmaßnahme, die ich mir wegen Ungezogenheit selber zuzuschreiben habe. Ich werde mich selber bedauern und mir schwören ab sofort artig zu sein. Ich werde darüber nachdenken, wie ich mich bei meiner Frau demütig und einsichtig entschuldige, um eine weitere Züchtigung zu vermeiden. Oft habe ich damit keinen Erfolg und so werde ich wahrscheinlich bald ein zweites Mal wehleidig, meinen Po reibend im Zimmer herumspringen, zur Genugtuung meiner strengen Frau und Erzieherin!
When my wife stands threateningly in front of me with the cane in her hands, lets it hiss through the air several times, and when I pull down my pants at her command for the purpose of my impending punishment, my fear is greatest. I know too well, it will be very painful for me and my bottom! I will beg for mercy in vain, howl and scream loudly and after my cane punishment will rub my red, beaten buttocks violently, hop around the room moaning.Tears of pain stream down from my eyes. My wife will continue to scold me and accuse me of behaving like a self-pitying little snot. She doesn't feel sorry for me, on the contrary, she'll send me into the corner for a long time with my bare, spanked bottom. She sees this as a justifiable educational measure, which I have to blame myself for being naughty. I'll feel sorry for myself and swear to be good from now on. I will consider how to humbly and insightfully apologize to my wife to avoid another beating. Often I don't have any success with it and so I'll probably soon be whining and jumping around the room rubbing my butt a second time, to the satisfaction of my strict wife and governess!
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stormbreaker-290 · 24 days
habe mercy on me ple as e
Awh somethin wrong, handsome? Can't take knowin the truth of how cute you are?
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bensalah96 · 2 months
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حقا انا لم اتوقع ان يكون العالم بهذه القسوة و ان لا معني الانسانية التي كنا نعتقد ان الجميع يتحلي بهذه الشعور و لكن اعتقد ان الانسانية شعور منعدم و منقرض لدي البشر ، بال اظن ايضا ان البشر قد انقرضو كل الذي اراه في هذا الزمن ما هو الا عالم مفترس حقا ليس لي الحق بان اشبه هؤلاء البشر بالحيوانات فلن اظلم الحيوانات بهذا التشبيه ، لان الحيوانات في هذا الزمن يتحلون بالإنسانية و الرحمة عن البشر ، فما انتم الا كائنات طفيلية سامه ليس لديها اي مشاعر الا التدمير والقتل ، كل ما تهتمون به هو الموت .. عندما نصل لمرحله ان الاطفال يقتلون بالرصاص و القنابل و الجوع و العطش!
فما معني السلام في هذا العالم اذا
English Translation:
"Truly, I did not expect the world to be this harsh, nor that the sense of humanity we believed everyone possessed would be so absent. But I think humanity is a feeling that is extinct and nonexistent among humans. I also believe that humans have become extinct; all I see in this age is a predatory world. Indeed, I have no right to compare these humans to animals, as I would be unfair to the animals with such a comparison, because animals in this age possess more humanity and mercy than humans. You are nothing but parasitic and toxic creatures with no feelings other than destruction and killing. All you care about is death. When we reach a stage where children are killed by bullets, bombs, hunger, and thirst!"
What is the meaning of peace in this world?
German Translation:
"Wahrlich, ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass die Welt so grausam ist, und dass der Sinn für Menschlichkeit, den wir glaubten, dass alle besitzen, so abwesend ist. Aber ich denke, Menschlichkeit ist ein Gefühl, das unter den Menschen ausgestorben und nicht existent ist. Ich glaube auch, dass die Menschen ausgestorben sind; alles, was ich in diesem Zeitalter sehe, ist eine räuberische Welt. Tatsächlich habe ich kein Recht, diese Menschen mit Tieren zu vergleichen, denn das wäre unfair gegenüber den Tieren, da Tiere in diesem Zeitalter mehr Menschlichkeit und Barmherzigkeit besitzen als Menschen. Ihr seid nichts weiter als parasitäre und giftige Kreaturen ohne andere Gefühle als Zerstörung und Töten. Alles, was euch interessiert, ist der Tod. Wenn wir den Punkt erreichen, an dem Kinder durch Kugeln, Bomben, Hunger und Durst getötet werden!"
Was ist die Bedeutung von Frieden in dieser Welt?
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wodkapudding · 6 months
wip asks
getaggt von @lalalenii (merci!! i feel seen - auf eine gute art! <3)
ist tatsächlich alles zu den drei ???, deswegen schreib' ich's auf deutsch.
The WIP I’m actually “working on”: technisch gesehen an meiner post-gefängnis fic über bob & dylan. aber momentan füge ich wirklich im schneckentempo was hinzu, weil ich parallel dazu ideen für eine andere bob / dylan fic hatte & ein bißchen sortieren muss, welche idee in welchen zusammenhang passt.
WIP I keep open in the background so I don’t feel guilty: haha, mein mini-snippet-comfort projekt mit dem fokus auf liz zapata & ihre freundschaft zu bob & kelly & ihre beziehung mit lesley. es gibt keine expliziten szenen & ist quasi mein projekt für wenn mich die katholischen schuldgefühle übermannen, weil ich so viel porn schreibe! außerdem eine case fic, die ich vor über einem jahr zu planen begonnen habe & die inzwischen andere züge angenommen hat, weil ich die charaktere einfach anders sehe. (ursprünglich sollte dylan darin sterben, aber das ging dann nicht mehr, weil ich ihn liebe.) oh & eine bob/finnley-fic, in der sie zimmernachbarn am college sind & sich anbitchen. (ich glaube, nur bobs bitchiness kann mit finnleys bitchiness mithalten.) & natürlich sammele ich kleine bits über henry & bill für shandrews 2.0.
Imaginary project: justus, peter, bob, liz & kelly arbeiten den sommer über in einem country club. eventuell werden autos gestohlen. eine goodween/kershaw fic mit mehr religious guilt & ganz leichten d/s zügen.
Passion project: alle meine bob/dylan wips (es sind viele & wenn ich glück habe, schreibe ich wenigstens zwei oder drei fertig). meine bob/justus fics (ich werde die beenden & wenn ich dafür einen deal mit dem teufel eingehen muss). ich schreibe super gerne über goodween, egal mit wem. eine mina/peter fic, weil die beiden das einzig f/m ship sind, das mich in dem fandom interessiert. (ihre interaktionszeit? null sekunden. das ist selbst für mich ein rekord!)
WIP from 3 months ago: eine bob/ty fic, mit der ich angefangen habe, nachdem ich einmal zu oft karate kid geguckt hatte. ty cassey sieht safe wie daniel larusso aus <3 eine liz/lys fic, in der beide nicht sehr nett zueinander sind, weil toxic sapphics mein jam sind. eine yan & lys fic, in der skinny an den rändern auftaucht. für meine verhältnisse sehr unromantisch.
Tagging: @maxwellshimbo, @bybdolan & @firstaudrina (sorry again for the german textwall!)
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“Karaoke Night”
Master List
Fluff, crush.
One Shot
“Come on Lassie, I know you can sing. You’re always singing in your room or gym”
“No no no stop pushing me Soap”
“You’ll be fine. It was my idea to be here.”
“Price please no I’m shy?”
“MacTavish , (Y/N)”
With a smile Price held his bourbon up to the couple fighting.
(Y/N) was announced to the crowd. The crowd consisted of military personnel and civilians.
Looking over in the crowd (y/n) saw her crush. As he sat in the crowd next to Captain Price and Soap. His mask was the one that stood out to her.
Little did she know he sat watching her as well.
He saw in the back with Gaz and Alejandro watching her shuffle onto the stage where the microphone sat.
She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of her crush.
Approaching the microphone she trembled.
Palms sweaty, her mouth dry. She felt like running off stage and hiding her flustered face.
She thought back when she was in her shower. Holding her loofa with the warm water caressing her body as she sang this song.
For Her Crush. 🖤
-Kali Uchis
You are my church, you are my place of worship
I heard you're the plug, can I be the circuit?
When I got court, I hope that you're the verdict
When you're around, my insides turn inverted
My blood start to rush when I see you, darling
I know you're nearby and I know your purpose
Take one look at you, you're heavens incarnate
What is this spell baby, please show some mercy
Melting like an ice cream
When you smile
Melting, you're a daydream
Stay a while
I pray that I can learn to be funny
I am watching every stand-up comedy
Just hoping that it will rub off on me
So you will smile at everything I say
You got some soft lips and some pearly whites
I wanna touch them with the dead of night
Your smile ignites just like a candlelight
Then somehow I know everything's alright
Melting like an ice cream
When you smile
Melting, you're a daydream
Stay a while
Melting like an ice cream
When you smile
Melting, you're a daydream
Singing up on stage she had forgotten about everyone in the room. It was only her and her crush in that moment. All her worries disappeared as she sang.
“Wow, sie ist in jeder Hinsicht wunderschön. Aber die Art, wie sie singt. Ich habe mich in sie verliebt, ich kann ihr einfach nur beim Singen zuhören und ich werde als glücklicher Mann sterben.”
“Wow, she is beautiful in every way. But the way she sings. I fell in love with her, I can just listen to her sing and I will die a happy man.”
Seeing her around the base the way she walked around humming to herself. The way she smiled to everyone. But for him it was different her smiles and giggles made his day better. König knew about her crush on Simon. It didn’t bother him because he overheard Simon talking about (y/n) to Gaz. Ghost wasn’t interested in her.
König noticed how flustered she had gotten on stage.
As the song ended she shyly walked over. Taking a seat next to Soap stealing small glances at Ghost. He didn’t notice her.
König noticed it.
Watching Simon leave the bar. Made her nervous. She held drink swishing it around looking around.
König knew this was his chance to say something.
“Liebling, ist dir überhaupt klar, was du mit mir machst?”
“Darling, do you even realize what you're doing to me?”
König scoot closer to her.
“Hi, König!”
“I didn’t realize you were here? Especially being the tallest person here. I didn’t notice you”
“I was sitting in the back.”
“Lovely song you sang”
He fumbled with his drink in his hands and looking over to her.
“Awww thank you König?”
She sighs softly and looking down.
“Wenn ich sehe, wie du mich anlächelst, flattert mein Herz.”
“When I see you smile at me, my heart flutters.”
He glances over to her lovingly. He takes his time memorizing every detail of her face and the color of her hair and the sparrow pin in her hair.
“Ich verstehe dich. Das wissen Sie, nicht wahr?”
“I understand you. You know that, don't you?"
She looks to him blushing.
König was taken by surprise. His eyes widen at that very sentence.
She sat beside him smiling taking a sip of her drink.
König stiffen up next to her. His face felt hot as he looked down at his fumbling fingers. Not knowing what to say to her. He looked at her with his face burning.
“How long?”
He clears his throat and looking down to the ground nervously and shyly
“From when we first met?”
“I found out it was you that would restock the tea container that’s hidden in the cupboard.”
“Only two people knew about that hiding spot. Ghost and me?”
“At first I thought it was him. I confronted him and he denied it was him and I asked around and Soap was the one who told me he saw you putting the tea container back.”
“So I started watching you from a distance and that’s when I noticed everywhere I turned you were always nearby.”
She smiles thinking about the memories of her finding out about who her secret admirer was.
“But I thought you had a crush on Ghost?”
“All those time we trained you were always around us?”
He gets confused for a moment.
“You silly goose. It was to be around you.”
“You wanted to be with me?”
“Yes silly”
She giggle holding her drink. Covering her smile trying to hide her flustered face.
“Aww you really think that song was for Ghost?”
“Yes, the way he looked at you. And the way you two picked on each other.”
“Ghost is like a big brother to me.”
“But I never had the guts to confess my feelings to you. And Soap found out about my crush as well.”
“And the small gifts you left for me in my room.”
“After every mission and when I had the really bad nights.”
“I like you too König”
König smiled to himself. Getting flustered himself. He didn’t know what to say to her.
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retropolitan · 6 months
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Ich habe ab diesem Wochenende brüderlichen Besuch hier bei mir. Der bisherige Plan sieht bisher nur vor die ersten drei Turtles-Filme zu gucken, dabei Pizza zu essen und anschließend zu Zocken. Und für die restliche Zeit findet sich sicherlich auch noch was.
Auf jeden Fall weiss ich schon mal sicher welches Spiel wir unter anderem daddeln werden. Für uns, neben WWF No Mercy und International Superstar Soccer, ein absoluter Evergreen: Cruis'n World.
(Bildquelle: N-Zone - Magazin, Ausgabe: März 1998)
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nylonbrunette · 6 months
Thanks to everyone who helped me get 100 likes and all the reposts! Do you like my blog? Then I'll keep going. I have a lot of imagination of how or what it takes to live out this kinky fetish style of nylons, pumps and feet. Give me input on what you like. Together we will express it. Celebrate the festival of foot and nylon eroticism! Take our love to the next level...
Yours sincerely, NylonBrunette©️😚💋💄🫦😊
Grazie a tutti coloro che mi hanno aiutato a ottenere 100 like e a tutti i repost! Vi piace il mio blog? Allora continuerò. Ho un sacco di immaginazione su come o cosa serve per vivere questo stile fetish kinky di calze di nylon, pompe e piedi. Datemi un input su ciò che vi piace. Insieme lo esprimeremo. Celebrate la festa dell'erotismo dei piedi e del nylon! Portate il nostro amore al livello successivo...
Vielen Dank an alle, die mir zu 100 Likes verholfen haben! Ich mögt meinen Blogg? Dann mache ich weiter. Ich habe viel Phantasie von wie oder was es braucht, um diesen kinky fetischartigen Stil von Nylons, Pumps und Füssen auszuleben. Gebt mir Input, was Euch gefällt. Zusammen werden wir es zum Ausdruck bringen. Das Fest der Fuss-, Nylonerotik zelebrieren!
Merci à tous ceux qui m'ont aidé à obtenir 100 likes et à tous les reposts ! Vous aimez mon blog ? Alors je continue. J'ai beaucoup d'imagination sur comment ou quoi faire pour vivre ce style fétiche et kinky de nylons, d'escarpins et de pieds. Indiquez-moi ce qui vous plaît. Nous l'exprimerons ensemble. Célébrer la fête de l'érotisme des pieds et du nylon ! Amener nos préférences au niveau supérieur...
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Besteht diese Plattform eigentlich nur mehr aus Widerlichkeiten: von Hard Core Porno Accounts -spam und leeren namenlosen Accounts & Geldgier Crew ?
Eure Software ist so fehlerhaft, wie euer „support“
Den Kampf gegen Porno und spam habt Ihr sowas von verloren
Ich bin seit 2011 hier ein treuer User: und es geht nur mehr bergab, mehr als je vorstellbar: stümperhaft & unprofessional as phuck!!!!
Ihr solltet ernsthaft eure Prioritäten Liste überdenken , denn das ist alles sehr sehr lächerlich.... ohne dabei je witzig zu sein...
Ich habe Jahre in mein Baby, (blog) investiert: ist das euer Ernst?
P.s. mein Account ist nach wie vor buggy 🐜
Danke für nichts
Does this platform actually only consist of disgusts: from hard core porn accounts - spam and empty nameless accounts & greed for money crew?
Your software is as faulty as your "support"
You've lost the fight against porn and spam
I've been a loyal user here since 2011: and it's only going downhill, more than ever imaginable: clumsy & unprofessional as phuck!!!!
You should seriously reconsider your priority list because this is all very, very ridiculous... without ever being funny about it...
I've invested years in my baby, (blog): are you serious?
p.s. my account is still buggy 🐜
thanks for nothing
¿Esta plataforma en realidad solo consiste en disgustos: de cuentas pornográficas duras: spam y cuentas vacías sin nombre y codicia por el equipo de dinero?
Su software es tan defectuoso como su "soporte"
Has perdido la batalla contra la pornografía y el spam.
He sido un usuario leal aquí desde 2011: y solo va cuesta abajo, más de lo que nunca se pueda imaginar: ¡torpe y poco profesional como phuck!
Deberías reconsiderar seriamente tu lista de prioridades porque todo esto es muy, muy ridículo... sin ser gracioso al respecto...
He invertido años en mi bebé, (blog): ¿hablas en serio?
PD. mi cuenta todavía tiene errores 🐜
gracias por nada
Questa piattaforma in realtà consiste solo di disgusti: da account porno hard core - spam e account vuoti senza nome e avidità di denaro?
Il tuo software è difettoso quanto il tuo "supporto"
Hai perso la battaglia contro il porno e lo spam
Sono un utente fedele qui dal 2011: e sta solo andando in discesa, più che mai immaginabile: goffo e poco professionale come Phuck!!!!
Dovresti seriamente riconsiderare la tua lista di priorità perché è tutto molto, molto ridicolo... senza mai essere divertente...
Ho investito anni nel mio bambino, (blog): dici sul serio?
p.s. il mio account è ancora buggato 🐜
grazie per niente
Cette plate-forme consiste-t-elle en fait uniquement en dégoûts : des comptes pornographiques purs et durs - des spams et des comptes vides sans nom et une équipe de cupidité pour l'argent ?
Votre logiciel est aussi défectueux que votre "support"
Vous avez perdu le combat contre le porno et le spam
Je suis un utilisateur fidèle ici depuis 2011 : et ça ne fait que se dégrader, plus que jamais imaginable : maladroit et non professionnel comme un putain !!!!
Vous devriez sérieusement reconsidérer votre liste de priorités car tout cela est très, très ridicule... sans jamais en faire rire...
J'ai investi des années dans mon bébé, (blog) : es-tu sérieux ?
p.s. mon compte est toujours bogué 🐜
Merci pour rien
@staff @staffs-secret-blog
Sub-Zer0 by Ho99o9
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elpidaeonia · 1 year
Ich lese jetzt Nach dem Sommer von Maggie Stiefvater (ich wollte mit Wen der Rabe ruft anfangen aber ich finde es ein bisschen schwerer als The Wolves of Mercy Falls). Ich habe seit drei Jahre kein Buch in Deustch gelesen, also ist es spannend zu sehen wie viel ich verstehe.
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