#HABIT instrument
kuramirocket · 9 months
Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez (1959-2021): The Mexican Astrobiologist Who Shaped Our Understanding of The Planet Mars
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Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez was a talented and internationally recognized chemist and astrobiologist who worked at NASA. Navarro-Gonzalez is known for his work with other researchers to study the planet Mars. He made fundamental contributions to several fields related to Astrobiology, the origin of life, and life in extreme environments. Among his many accomplishments, he helped lead the team that identified ancient organic compounds on Mars. He was a Co-I on the SAM instrument onboard NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory and on the HABIT instrument onboard ESA’s ExoMars mission. He was also on the Curiosity Mars rover team. His research blended laboratory simulations, fieldwork, and theoretical modeling in transdisciplines in chemistry, physics, and biology. This sort of dominance is unusual and requires a dynamic and intellectual curiosity beyond normal boundaries. He identified the role of volcanic lightning in the origin of life on Earth. He has established one of the very best laboratories in Latin-America.
He has published 137 papers, 4 edited books and over 225 abstracts. Among the most significant contributions are those that deal the detection of organics in Mars-like environments from cold (Antarctica), temperate (Atacama) and hot (Mojave and Libya) deserts on Earth.
Navarro-Gonzalez was born in Mexico City on April 25, 1959. He earned a bachelor’s in biology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where he became full professor in 2002, and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Maryland at College Park. Dr. Navarro-González established the Laboratory of Plasma Chemistry and Planetary Studies of the Institute of Nuclear Science at UNAM. 
Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez was the first recipient of the Molina fellowship award. This prize recognizes outstanding scientific achievement. He was also the recipient of the 2009 Alexander von Humboldt Medal and the World Academy of Sciences Award in Earth Sciences.
He died on Jan. 28, 2021 due to Covid-19-related complications.
In honor of his service, NASA named a mountain on Mars after him. The mountain stretches 450 feet (120 meters) tall, “Rafael Navarro Mountain” is located on Mount Sharp in northwest Gale Crater.
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Rafael Navarro Mountain
“Rafael was a good friend and dedicated scientist, and it has been a privilege and honor for our Mars exploration team to work with him over the years" said the principal investigator of Curiosity’s SAM experiment.
“We are truly honored to have a prominent hill named after our dad; it’s his and our dream come true to see this happen,” wrote Navarro-González’s children, Rafael and Karina Navarro Aceves, in a statement to NASA.
“Our dad was an accomplished scientist, but above all, a great human being who managed to balance work and family."
Sources: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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borrelia · 16 days
miku didn't even make those songs man....
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alchemyofmaya · 8 months
Do you see what’s happening?
You think you are Her. You are so attached to her story that you believe that you are her.
Her pain, her struggles.
That’s why you’re letting yourself hurt so deeply. You’re feeling through it all right now.
Don’t you see? You are not Her.
You are having the experience of being Her.
So what are You going to have Her do now?
(write a whole new story, create a whole new reality)
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
the shizu-chan song
just discovered the shizu-chan song by none other than johnny yong bosch. help me
id transcribe if i didnt have a final in 10 hours. maybe when i get back
oh nvm someone already wrote them out
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this has similar energy as the bro duet song but like. in reverse bgskjdghjkgsd the no homo is for real
plus an animatic version and amv version because holy hell this is old
#i hear there's another shizuo song by johnny yong bosch according to the comments from 2017 but ill have to wait until yt recommends me it#anyway this makes me want to make a bro duet animatic for shizaya#which would be hilarious because. they're not bros#the ship dynamic of 'two guy best friends who maybe kiss sometimes' is very good but very not shizaya#so the spontaneous love confessions just come out of fucking nowhere during one of their fights#it would be really funny. trust#and probably better than the angst and self-denial festival i would make animating the actual shizu-chan song#i can already see the half-smiling-to-himself half-looks-like-he's-about-to-cry pining semi-regretful izaya face at the last shizu-chan#also. izaya guitar player headcanon hello#if someone can make an artist hobbyist izaya au i can make a guitar hobbyist izaya au#tbh izaya's more spontaneous and i feel like he wouldnt like all the hard work and practice time that goes into learning an instrument#like his main hobbies like parkour and switchblade throwing are stuff he gets to put into practice all the time and are more 'useful'#but instrument practice it's just him and his thoughts and callused hands for hours at a time#feel like he'd get frustrated pretty easily in that way#anyway wouldnt it be hot if izaya played the guitar LMFAOO fuck my characterization and let that man play fingerstyle#izaya playing piano is a somewhat popular headcanon anyway#god i have the worst habit of putting the entirety of my post into the tags. must be the incorrect lov joke bits spilling over#shizaya#shizuo heiwajima#izaya orihara#durarara#Youtube
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theomaru · 2 years
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im a 'prowl has paws' truther. anyways some doodles cuz im trying to learn how to draw
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cloudsrust · 2 years
*Slams hands on desk*
So- wouldn't it be cool if dragon tamers kept their nails long, in a claw-like shape, to be closer to their dragon pokèmon while they train? See it as the tamers trying to establish a connection through similarities with a feature usually common in dragons (and obtainable by humans).
And following that- pianists usually need to keep their nails short to have a better range of movement on the keys right? Since nails easily bump or get caught into them especially when you're playing more complex pieces.
What I'm getting at-.. what if Hassel used to have long, claw-like nails but cut them short the moment he decided to leave the tamer life to pursue his musician dream? Not only to play at the best of his abilities but to also symbolically cut off his old life/family ties to make room for who he truly wanted to become.
And listen- I also just love the image of DragonTamer!Hassel laying his hand atop the piano keys in a moment of reflection, his eyes darting between one and the other.
He is weighting his possibilities and what there is to lose and to gain if he was to run away or stay.
But then one of his clawed fingers presses down a tiny bit too hard and a note escapes the piano, clearing his mind from any doubt.
The Dragon Tamer cannot stay. The claws have to go.
...No, no. I'm fine really, I'm fine- :,>
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shironezuninja · 2 months
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Greetings from 7 or 8 years ago.😁😜😛
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gemharvest · 3 months
Least favorite thing is when the instrumentals/ general tone of a song fits a character perfectly but you pay attention to the lyrics and it is. So wildly Not Them. My number one enemy.
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
I've a confession: I actually really love TMI. I know they're not well written. I know the plotlines are weird as fuck. But, like, the little teenager in me is so happy when I reread them, and I just feel so nostalgic. The books are fun. They're campy. They're easy to get through and exciting. Idk man. I feel like they're our Roots and we should appreciate them in addition to the very valid criticism that I frequently see.
yeah I agree 100%!! like yeah (questionable plot lines aside) it's obviously the oldest & least... fleshed out? of the series but that doesn't mean it's not still really fun to read! and I also feel like, as a group, tmi gang is lowkey superior. it's probably because there's less of them & are therefore able to interact with each other more/not be constantly doing their own things etc but all the different dynamics that exist within tmi gang>>> literally never spilt them up CC they're a set & I love them <3
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riot-grrlboy · 3 months
I started writing again recently and I’m going to add that back as a part of my personality
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vagueconfusion · 6 months
You're getting a bass this weekend? Sick. What kind if you don't mind me asking?
It's pretty dependent on what ones are available at the store, I'd like to try to get one secondhand (some people say you feel closer to instruments you buy new? But for years I learned and played on a secondhand saxophone and loved the instrument dearly) so it depends on what's there and the price. Hopefully there's something in my price range because I'll need an amp too. I also, uh, have no clue how to play a bass, so I figure I'll start on an inexpensive-but-decent one and see how it goes from there?
I read up a bit and saw good things about some Squier Classic Vibe and Ibanez SR300 for beginners, Yamaha in general too. I'm not picky about the brand right now, I figure I'll get a more nuanced opinion as I learn and figure out what sound I want? One reason I want to go to the store is so I can try to get my hands on some to hear the sound of them, and choose from there.
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streettealee · 1 year
La Banque Shadowhunter
There could be so much interesting worldbuilding here and answers to questions but nooo CC just had to skip this part. You can’t tell us Shadowhunters earn money and there are rich Shadowhunter families because theirs is a name that’s last many centuries of service and then not explain how any of it works. It’s my personal belief/headcanon I suppose that it works in two ways: each Nephilim is given a sort of allowance from the Clave for simply being a Shadowhunter (because they all need to be supported somehow), think of living on the government dole or whatever, then comes in Shadowhunter trades and service which works more like capitalism. 
We know there are Shadowhunters who forge weapons (you can’t tell me that’s a role solely reserved for the Iron Sisters because not every weapon is made of adamas and it doesn’t just take an Iron Sister to bless a weapon either) who would then sell them for money. In Idris, I believe, there’d also be many other businesses that sell everything from food to clothing to homeware. More moolah. So, that’s the trades covered. Then comes in actual Shadowhunter service where they’re fighting demons and going on patrols. I’m pretty sure patrols work (or should work) on a roster of sorts with various shifts. The more you do, the more you’re paid, and so on. Since spoils are horrendous and discontinued since the Accords, and demons tend to just nope out of this plane of existence when defeated, keeping track of the body count probably doesn’t add to pay. So, we’ll just go with durations of service and general efficiency.
This still allows for rich families that have had Shadowhunter names kept alive for centuries as opposed to those who are Sighted and become Nephilim, those who disown their families, those who make new ones etc. 
This is just one worldbuilding theory and it’s very basic (I also am not an economics or business student, don’t come at me), but it’s always irritated me that CC never liked to spell out any of it beyond spoils and a currency, in fact, existing in some form so that there are wealthy Shadowhunters and so that Matthew can buy all his waistcoats.
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socialtomcat · 6 months
cons of hyperfixation: all the routines and good habits you developed are out the window and you forget to do basic self care
pros of hyperfixation: u have the drive to create and draw and write like you havent been able to in years
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rev3rb · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @cassthecringe! Let's see here.
Last song I listened to: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park lmao Love that song to death. Though I will say it was primarily so I could figure out what LP song to learn the drum part for next (it will sadly not be this one)
Currently watching: Joj-- No, it's actually nothing right now. A shame but true.
Currently reading: I'm between books right now (unless you count manga volumes) but next up on the list is Poirot Investigates by Agatha Cristie
Current obsession: JoJo (who'd have thunk LOL)
tagging: uhhhh. hmm. how about @shinyas-ashes @biggie-chcese aaaaaand hmm @frogs-wearing-a-hat if any of you wanna do it. If YOU reading this wanna do it, consider yourself tagged.
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iftitah · 10 months
me sending requests to seniors who went for foreign internships even though their accounts have been recommended to me past one year
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valeffelees · 1 year
I am breaking down your parents' door and performing the Walton concerto for them what the hell VIOLA GANG ARISE
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