mahikamihan · 2 years
sc!hannah knew there was going to be blood spilled in order to win the game, so instead of sticking with people she know, the people he's familiar with, she keeps them at arms length. She makes new friends, allies, despite that creating tension between her old friends who were enemies with them.
She is vicious, she plays to win, she had to fight, punch, attack with all her might (she can still see the foolish trying to restrain her as she breaks their red eggs, she can still hear tubbo's scream when he does the same, she can still feel her heart breaking when she sees sylvee die in front of her). But she plays to win. She's strong, she knows, she knows she can win this.
Sapnap and George call her out on her hypocrisy. She wants to team with them, they're strong, but she keeps running towards their enemies, asking for their protection. Why can't she just believe? Why can't she just believe in them? They're so mean to her, and she gets it, but she wishes they would be a little bit nicer.
She defends george when he gets stressed at the ninth game, his colorblindness and nervousness getting the best of him. But when they have to separate in pairs, she knows she can't be there. She's not SapnapAndGeorge. There's no room for her there.
The last game starts, she plays as best as she could. She could do this. She could do this. but the path was long and she can feel herself slowing down, she's tired.
She's so tired.
Boom. Stop. Red. She didn't make it in time.
She couldn't make it in time. Her eyes are welling with tears, her knees are frozen in place. She could feel the gun pointed behind her and Sapnap tells her to don't look back, don't look back, eyes on me.
She notices she's surrounded by friends both old and new, in the end.
I guess they weren't so mean after all.
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bleue-flora · 20 days
adding on to what you said, the person that made that dsmp novel also said in the comments that they liked that dsmp nuke reset final thing which gives a good indication that they aren't all that c!dream neg. I think they see c!dream is morally grey leaning to evil. Also skimmed through some pages and saw there was quite a lot of c!Punz focus which is nice. Though, personally with them skipping so many details makes me upset because I like things as accurate to canon as much as possible.
every character should be written morally grey as well so making certain people too heroic is a no go for me too
Yea I agree that does seem the vibe I was getting, that things are more morally grey, which is good. But yea with Tommy as a more protagonist hero, I’m with you, it’s a pass for me… I was told that there was lots of Punz but… as much as I love my boy, I find it real annoying to read scuffed Dream takes and lore inaccuracies (unless someone is going full on non canonical) as context and the full picture is so important to tell a story with so many perspectives especially when making basically a lore novel…
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17 c!puffy?
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egged c!puffy,,,, i love her
no text vers. under cut
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saturdays--sun · 3 months
endlessly funny to me that i saw this one phase 7 murdoc art and instead of processing literally anything else about the image, my brain short circuited and locked onto one specific part of it because
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ACE ?!?!?!?!?!?!? ACE MENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shellxrls · 10 months
thank you pbpsbff for reminding me of my love for creep (glee cast version)
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cherrirui-official · 10 months
I'm like so close to finishing the sketches for the next Gijinka batch but now my brain wants to skip ahead and do the Mall Bingo Gijinka sketch and of course I comply
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
I have spent so much time thinking about the miss holloway musical WHICH THEY HAVE ALREADY WRITTEN and I need to spill my thoughts about it
there is no point or end to this it’s just a brain fart of all the thoughts I’ve been having so enjoy I guess lmfao
“backstory”. it will be about her backstory. was she an 80’s music star who sold her mortal life for fame in a deal that backfired on her?? or was she a woman with the gift about to be hanged by the hatchet men who saved herself by making that same deal?? HOW FAR BACK DOES THIS GO IS WHAT IM ASKING WE KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT THIS WOMAN
if it’s the former, I would love to maybe have mariah as casey (the girl with the gift in the witchwood who asked for her autograph) be an actual character who holloway maybe tries to help. also kim singing 80’s songs fuck yeah
and if it’s the latter then,,, oh wow. some heavy musical numbers, a shitload of hatchetmen / church of the starry children lore, and maybe another form of the lords in black (maybe the creepy hooded figures that we see drawn in the black book???)
also sorry EDIT I just looked at this picture again and the middle one (probably wiggly) is holding a knife. there’s no fucking way that’s not the black blade this is absolutely miss holloway guys omggggg
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I would love to see this scene on stage with kim!!!! this would make 5 different forms of the LIB that we’ve seen / heard about (dolls, teens / humans, their true forms, wiggly in made in america, and whatever this is). I’m just imagining you see these black hooded figures, and then in the pro-shot you get a good look inside their hoods… and their faces are NOT human. like just imagine a massive purple eye staring out of one of those hoods, maybe even moving and blinking, a cool animatronic thing. SO CREEPY!! I also love the idea of switching up the actors again - I love jon so much as wiggly and I don’t think they would change him bc of his voice, but with the rest of them I think any actor can play a LIB which opens up so many possibilities…
I also would love to know how miss holloway met duke, and potentially even how many times they have met and then he had to forget her. considering the fact that we now have weird lore about his dad in 2005, did she know duke when he was younger?? did she help him out when he was a teenager, or help his dad?? is it a family thing, like she’s vowed to watch over the keane family or something??
duke’s dad is a big part of this tbh, because what a random insane lore / backstory drop, like WHAT? I genuinely have no idea what douglas keane sr’s murder could be about, except that it ties in to duke and to wilbur. and shows that 2005 is SO DAMN IMPORTANT
2005 was the year hannah was born, the year the portal to the black and white was created, the year wilbur cross went insane and became a disciple of the LIB, the year miss holloway took on the mantle of “miss holloway”, and (very likely) the year miss holloway and wilbur fought. so i think it’s safe to say that the musical itself will be set in 2005, which to me means macnamara and wilbur backstory alongside holloway and duke, which is very very fun
I like the idea that wilbur and macnamara were canonically together, and I really want to see pre-LIB wilbur. I also love the idea of macnamara and holloway working together or even becoming friends - despite being set a decade and a half before nightmare time, it would feel like the culmination of the two hanging plot threads / overarching arcs to me. also the idea that it was holloway who introduced macnamara to the paranormal and therefore essentially set up PEIP and doomed wiley is some juicy stuff that I would LOVE to see, especially if either macnamara or wiley lived in hatchetfield as kids and miss holloway helped them, inspiring whichever one of them to set up PEIP
ok so leading off of that I have a clear vision of a potential final scene that is driving me insane, and that’s the main reason why I patched together this post.
the final scene is the fight between miss holloway and wilbur, the one that happens in every single timeline.
and the basic idea is that we see both fights at once. there’s a song, and the stage is like black friday and spies are forever, with a level above the stage the actors can walk up to and stand on. joey and kim sing, and do their bit on the stage, but above the stage there are either doubles or a projection, mirroring the choreography. only in the pro-shot version, they would splice in joey and kim playing both pairs, which I just think would turn out looking really awesome despite being tricky to pull off live.
and yeah basically at the exact same time, one wilbur stabs holloway, and the other holloway stabs wilbur, creating a gorgeous visual representation of the newly splintered timelines.
either that or they do a trail to oregon and just do a different ending each night, and then splice them together in the pro-shot like I was saying. but I personally prefer the first one, if they’re able to pull it off and make it look good
and duke shows up just after that, having followed miss holloway throughout the story so far. and in the universe where wilbur’s dead, miss holloway makes him forget it all, hence this being the year that she takes on the new name and the fact that we know he has forgotten about her / her true past before. and then in the universe where holloway is dead, he holds her as she dies in his arms. bonus points if we get dying holloway saying “please don’t forget me” and living holloway saying “you have to forget me”. oh and just to be cruel, both dukes saying “I could never forget you” at the same time :) stew on that for a bit. yeah. fuck you I guess lol I woke up and chose violence today apparently
the idea of the two of them finding each other again after that in some timelines is just gorgeous to me, especially given the fact that NMT3 seems to suggest them finding each other AGAIN after she needs to make him forget. truly star crossed lovers they are so insane for this
in summary I guess what I’m trying to say is I think it will include miss holloway’s full backstory and then be mostly set in 2005, and centre around the opening of the black and white portal (macnamara and wilbur), miss holloway meeting duke (wilbur murdering duke’s dad, possibly something with lex and hannah if duke was already a social worker) and eventually the big fight between holloway and wilbur, ending in the audience seeing both potential endings. also obviously a reference to hannah’s birth because that seemed to be some kind of catalyst. thank you for coming to my utterly deranged ted talk goodbye
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nerdy-prude · 11 months
Let me introduce you to what I like to call The Lords in Black theory
Notice how in NPMD during The Summoning each of our remaining main characters are told something by a lord in black.
Blinky says: 'We've been watching you, Gracie. Someones been a naughty girl'
Tinky says: 'Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I'm gonna have the whole set in my toy box!'
Nibbly says: 'Stephanie, yum yum!'
Now, as we already know, Hannah is kinda like 'The chosen one' of the Hatchetfield universe. She plays a major part in BF, from the very begining she hates Wiggly. Wiggly on the other hand, is kinda like the leader of his brothers.
In Yellowjacket Hannah is fighting Pokey but she can't defeat her until Lex, a powerfull, MAJOR CHARACTER and her own sister shows up.
It seems as if all of the brothers are somehow connected to one of these major characters. All of these characters are important parts of the story and have shown to be powerful in some way. With Lex and Hannah their power is more clear since they have the gift, but think about it, we don't really know that many people who have had the Black book, even less good people who have had it.
But there is one very much good character who has had and used the Black book. Miss Holloway, everyones favorite witch lady who in every universe fights Wilbur Cross, the guy who has been described as the ultimate bad.
Now some of you might be thinking: "Okay, well that doesn't yet prove anything. There should be bigger evidence if they were actually connected. Their stories should be tied together" Well, funny you should say that! Lets take a deeper dive, shall we?
Both are the 'leaders'with the most power. Hannah and Wiggly says to her: "We just keep running into each other, don't we Hannah"
In Yellowjackect it was made very clear that Otho was incredibly powerfull and no one could defeat him. Lex did just that. Also, I am not trying to say any of the brothers are more powerfull than others (well, maybe expect Wiggly) but the thing is, we know that there is a world where Pokey wins. We know his powers. We also know Lex' powers. It would make sense that out off all of them Lex would be connected to her.
Tinky hates Ted with a burning passion, that is why he trapped him. It makes sense that he would be after his brother too. Also kinda unrelated and doesn't prove much but it would be funny that when Peter says: "I have been waiting for what feels like five ducking years and I still haven't gotten my hot chocolate" would have more meaning than just a funny bit. Almost as if he could feel that in another universe five years agohe ordered a hot chocolate and never got it. Like he could sense TIME and SPACE differently?
Whose dad has had the Black book? Oh right, Stephs! And what did mayor Solomon Lauter say abou the black book again? Wasn't it something like: " ...It comes with a price, a terrible price" and "No! I am not touching that book ever again"?
And who has a major part in organaizing the Honey Queen festival? That's right, the mayor! Who has shown multiple rimes they will do anything to keep getting elected? Who has shown to be interested in power? Who has shown to be 'Hungry'?
What if he cast a spell and Nibbly wanted her daughter as a sacrafice? What if he then gave something else. Something that made him bury the book. It might have worked for a while. But Stephanies fate was already sealed. Nibbly still wanted to have Steph tho, he tought she'd be yummy.
Ahh, Grace, Grace, Grace...
I have to admit, she was more of a mystery to me but lets SEE what we can FIND. (Laughs in Jigglypuff)
Grace is the perfect Christian girl. She never does anything wrong! But then she just snaps? She very quickly comes up with a plan on how to hide a body. Then at the end she goes after 'the souls of the pervs'. But to everyone around her she still looks like an innocent young girl. Makes you wonder what else she has hidden. Makes you wonder about the other alternative universes. Maybe Blinky was referring to many different Grace Chasities. He ment the many different things Grace has done bc of her faith and hidden from anyone elses eyes. Only problem for her is that you can't hide anthing from Blinky.
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Here's what you missed on Hatchetfield...
Okay so Nerdy Prudes Must Die is happening in a month's time and I'm aware that lots of people who enjoyed guy who didn't like musicals and black friday might not have had time to watch nightmare time. While Nick has said this musical will be fully stand alone and no knowledge of nightmare time is required, nonetheless some of you might be curious about what we've learned that might come up
Presenting a tldr lore drop for nightmare time:
1) Wiggly has brothers (aka the Lords in Black)
You remember Wiggly from black friday? That ugly green little fucker? Well turns out he has brothers. They call themselves the Lords in black because they're pretentious little fucks and they all have different 'powers'.
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Itemised list
Pokey (pokotho) - mind control type stuff, likes to make hiveminds
Wiggly (Wiggog Y'wrath) - idk you saw black friday whatever the fuck goes on there
Blinky (blinklotep) - massive eye, likes watching things
Tinky (T'noy karaxis) - fucks with time
Nibbly (nibblenephem) - massive mouth, eats shit
You've actually met Pokey before - remember the blue shit from guy who didn't like musicals? That's the same blue shit leaking out of the cracks in pokey's face in the picture above.
They also have a sister called Webby that I believe Hannah references in Black Friday. We don't know much about her but thus far she seems like a good guy
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2) Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude
Remember the girl Bill is trying to set Alice up in guy who didn't like musicals because 'at least she's nice to him in church'?
Well turns out Alice was right. Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude. And also coincidentally one of the main characters of Nerdy Prudes Must Die (to be played by Angela Giarratana).
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We meet her in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) which takes place at a religious camp designed to educate people about the perils of pre marital sex.
Grace Chasity is, well she's many things, but she is very much the stereotype of an American evangelical Christian. She even showers with a swimming costume on so as not to tempt herself into sin.
Despite all this, however, she is a devious motherfucker who will absolutely fuck you up
3) You remember Ted from guy who didn't like musicals...
Well not only are he and the homeless guy the same person (time travel, its a whole thing, blame the yellow guy from the Lords in black photo)
But also we learn that his surname is Spankoffski (because of course it is) and he has a 'nerdy little brother' called Pete Spankoffski who will be one of the leads in nerdy prudes. In nightmare time he's played by Nick Lang but in nerdy prudes he'll be played by Joey Richter
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We meet Pete in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) but we've actually met him before in guy who didn't like musicals. You remember hot chocolate boy? The one who had very low blood sugar?
Yup you guessed it that is one Peter Spankoffski
(If you've been super out of the loop and are wondering why he was recast and for that matter where the heck is Robert anyway just trust that that is a whole thing im not going to get into and it's for the best he's gone)
4) Meet the Lauters
Two more characters who have been announced for NPMD who we met in nightmare time 2 are Stephanie Lauter (Mariah Rose Faith) and her father Solomon Lauter (Corey Dorris)
Steph is actually pretty nice and chill on the inside but definitely has a reputation for being a bit of a party animal/wild child.
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This isn't helped by her father who is the mayor of hatchetfield and from what little we see of him will always put his career before his daughter.
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Steph and Pete hook up in nightmare time so look out for a possible romance between these two
5) What the fuck is a Holloduke?
You may have seen the word 'holloduke' batted a lot around this fandom lately which refers to the ship of two characters that we've been introduced to through nightmare time.
While it's unclear if either of them will appear in nerdy prudes, given that both Kim and Curt are in the cast and they go a long way out of their way in nightmare time to show Kim's character getting a job at Hatchetfield High in set up for *something* a lot of people think there's a good chance she at least will be appearing.
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The Hollo of these characters is called Miss Holloway although at the end of nightmare time she ends up ret conning herself and is forced to assume a new identity as Miss Holiday so if we meet her in nerdy prudes that will likely be her name. She is a witch who has a deep love for all things 80s. We don't know a huge amount about her but that might be because she's cursed(?) so that anything she reveals about her backstory will be instantly wiped from the mind of the listener.
Curts character is an ordinary social worker called Duke who among other things works with Hannah and Lex when they're having troubles with their mum. He's in love with Miss Holloway/Holiday, and it's reciprocated, but due to the curse(?) et al things keep not quite working out for them.
They're both absolutely wonderful people who deserve the world and are absolute OTP fodder
6) The Gift
We don't know a huge amount about this yet but we do know that some people in Hatchetfield, notably including Hannah from black friday have something called 'the gift' which gives them some loose powers
Most people grow out of the gift as they go through puberty, for instance Lex also used to have it, but they may be able to use it in some scenarios (such as manifesting a firearm from the black and white as Lex does in Black Friday)
People with the gift were historically persecuted in Hatchetfield by a group of people called 'the hatchet men' who may or may not have turned them into trees(?)
7) The Black Book
There is a book of spells called the black book which Miss Holloway/Holiday uses to do her magic
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Here’s my Cinderella’s Castle review under the cut! Please keep in mind, number one, these are more general thoughts than an in depth review, I’ve only seen the show once for now. There will be an in depth character analysis post some other time! And I’ll say it now that I enjoyed it, so most of the stuff I’ll be talking about are small criticisms. Number two, these opinions may change, but they are mine, and you are free to feel whatever way you want towards the show! Please no hate! Also I am not organized so this will come off as rambling lol just an fyi!
So to sum it all up in general, I enjoyed it, but I wished it was longer. The first thing that shocked me was learning that the runtime was only 2 hours, compared to the Hatchetfield stage shows which were mainly 2 hours and 30 minutes. And after really thinking it over, I feel like this show would have benefited more if it had that extra half an hour, cause certain things either feel rushed or lack exploration/depth. When I finished it, I was thinking “this was really good, but at the same time, I expected way more, and I wish there was more”.
Due to the shortened runtime, I came out of the project underwhelmed, and I’ll go into depth about that regarding the characters, so let’s talk about them! In general, the characters are amazing. They’re all either lovable or funny, and I love all of their personalities. But something that I think this show lacks is more character focus, or more so…characters bouncing off of each other, specifically regarding Ella, Crumb, and Sir Hop a lot and I’ll tell you what I mean by that. Now, there are 4 REALLY good scenes that do have character bouncing in the show. The first one is Ella and her two childhood friends talking about boys and reminiscing of the old days, the next is the stepmother and her daughters talking and arguing as they eat at the table, the third is that small moment where Sir Hop a lot is teaching Crumb to use his sword correctly, and the fourth is the scene Ella shares with Tadius.
These are all great scenes of characters interacting with each other that have nothing to do with the plot, but more so to show the audience what these characters are like when they’re just breathing. Think back to Emma telling Paul about her sister and them talking about when they were in school, or Ethan telling Hannah he’s got to trust her and that her mother should realize that he needs to do better. The Langs are REALLY good at that, but here I felt like it was lackluster. The stepsisters, (as hilarious, batshit, and iconic their scenes were to watch) end up taking way too much screen time, to the point where they kinda overshadow Ella at times in my opinion, and I could say the same for the prince and Tadius. Both the stepsisters screen time and Tadius and the Prince scenes are really funny and good character interactions, but they go by a little too long to the point where I was thinking “come on, you could have shortened this to focus on Ella herself more”. And despite having depth and being written well, Ella’s arc feels rushed. Her going from wanting revenge to wanting to protecting the kingdom is a good writing decision, but her change of viewpoint happens too fast for me. Ella ended up lacking more exploration for me in general due to most of the focus being on the trolls and/or too many exposition dialogue dumps. Even “Neon”, for how much it slapped, could have been cut out and replaced with something more important, cause it doesn’t serve any character focused purpose on Ella’s part. Funny enough, at the same time I felt like the show could have done more with some lore stuff too. Like I wish we learned more about Ella’s parents and her relationship with them, or more about the fairy queen/crumb and sir hop a lot, basically any character or event that didn’t revolve around the troll sister’s and the prince.
Then there’s Sir hop and lot and Crumb, and it was disappointing to discover that they’re kinda barley in it. The marketing had me thinking they would be two main characters right next to Ella, but they’re not. They have at best, 2-3 scenes. I was hoping we would get more scenes of them bonding with Ella as well, even hoping for the three of them to sing a song together, which them not singing one was fine ofc, but their trio friendship needed more buildup and focus in my opinion. With that said, the scenes they shared together were really cute! Everyone really killed their roles, and I was obsessed with most of the songs and the costuming. You can tell their was so much passion put into this project.
I think for me, what holds the show back is it’s runtime, exposition/lack of character focus in some areas, and some elements not being used enough to its advantage. And I want to make this 100% clear, I do not think the writing was bad nor do I think the show itself was bad. I had a VERY fun time and I am VERY proud of Starkid. It’s funny, and it’s emotional. I think overall this is a decent introduction to the Lands That Are and future projects, which is why I wanted to provide some feedback so the writing in the future can be even better. I plan to rewatch the show a bunch of times and even make fanart when the time comes, and ofc…make more in depth posts about my thoughts on this show. But for now I give it a 6/10. I wish the team the best and I cannot wait to see what they have in store for this world moving forward!
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barkilphedros-hat · 3 months
Saw. A post abt wanting hatchetfeild ask?
Fav character to read angst only fics about?(I personally love depressing grace fics)
Yes!!! Thank you 🤩
I personally love to bully Paul so I love a good angst fic about his suffering.
Give me hopeless Paul still aware and trapped inside his own infested mind. Give me defeated Paul so used to minimising his own desires he can’t even comprehend what he wants, let alone articulate it. Give me helpless Paul that has “a touch of the Gift” like Hannah and Lex, but not enough to save anyone. Give me tired Paul who is forever in a cycle of almost, maybe, with the love of his life. Give me brave Paul who lost everyone he cared about in a single DAY and still found the strength to try and stop Pokey/The Hive despite knowing he would probably fail.
I constantly think about how him being no more than a background character in the rest of the lore means that the people he sacrificed himself for in the TGWDLM timeline will never know how heroic he truly could be when it came down to it… 😭😭
(Happy endings are fun and all, but there’s so many opportunities for Paul angst 👀)
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box-architecture · 2 months
Holds Sam Up.
You see his obsession with Dream is interesting because it isnt the base of his character. He is also Redstone Man who made himself immortal and has multiple bodies just running around for some reason, and he has a very black and white mentality that lends to him thinking people can only be Good or Bad, and he has multiple relationships with people other than Dream, like Bad, Tommy, Quackity, Ant, Punz, Hannah, Boomer, even Ranboo and Techno.
His focus on Dream makes sense for his character and has multiple reasons, both in canon and in personal lore bullshit. He is obsessed with the idea of Duty, of being a good person, of needing to do the "right thing," and what he views as the right thing can be warped by what he's told and coerced into and his fight with his personal desires! He wants something, he doesnt feel like he's allowed to want it, so he finds a way to twist it to make it allowed, because otherwise he's Bad, and more than anything, he can't be Bad
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r1ch1e-l1psh1tz · 3 months
ok two hatchetfeild questions
first off do you have any like super random headcannons that just make sense to you or you just like? Because I have so many and I really like being asked super specific questions so that I can develop my personal hatchetfeild lore (AHEM AHEM @bestbeeking @bug-ina-rug AHEM)
Second off if Paul had to choose a favorite musical what do you think it would be?
Head cannons!:
Richie has tried to get Pete to binge one piece with him (failed miserably, he couldn’t even watch it himself due to his short ass attention span)
Paul loves cooking, it’s his special interest. He will cook 5 star meals for Emma. He’s also pretty good at baking.
Hannah touched one of Ethan’s blunts and genuinely thought that would get her high so she started freaking out.
Boy Jerry hates kids. Like he full on despises them. He only wanted to be a camp idontwannabang counselor because of Girl Jeri.
Grace really loves cartoons, but her parents never let her watch the good stuff when she was little. So when the nerds took her in, they showed her Moral Orel and she loves it (she doesn’t get the meaning behind it).
(In honor of Lautski week) Stephanie and Pete will both yell at each other when playing board games. However, when the games over, they’re all lovey dovey like nothing ever happened.
Daniel has tried to challenge the other fighters to a holding-breath-challenge, he always freezes time and loses because of that, but he still tries.
2. I think if Paul had to choose a favorite musical, it’d be Chicago or Spelling Bee.
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ash-and-ari-comics · 1 year
I just watched that clip on twitter of Philza talking about how the qsmp was amazing and how it made him feel valued and etc, etc. I go in them comments and I’m suddenly flooded with memories of being a dsmp fan. People in there talking about how all the smaller creators weren’t valued and I rememberrrrr.
Being a fan of anyone who wasn’t the bigger cc (even then) was hard. I was a Ponk fan (his lore was soooo fucking good (love is dead)) but the way I found out about his lore was so complicated. It was through a TikTok and having to go watch ALL his streams to figure out wtf was going on. I also really like Eret and Foolish lore but that shit was hard to find out. To this day we don’t know what the fuck was going on with those two and how their gods and they knew each other from the past and blah blah blah. Imma not even touch on how Nicki, Puffy, and Hannah were treated. But it sucked to be a fan of smaller creators on the dsmp.
All this to sayyyyy. Ponk is African and speaks fluently in Zulu. I’m manifesting that African creators that speak Zulu get put on the Qsmp so Ponk can get the lore and the love he fucking deservessssss
Manifesting. Manifesting. Manifesting! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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chemicallywrit · 3 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday!! A shortie but a goodie this week, let’s GO. Spoilers incoming~
🎺 @hellofromthehallowoods I am upset by the implications here. Very upset. See like, on the one hand, if the body discovery in the third part hadn’t happened, I’d still be worried that Vincent was the new Instrumentalist. But now I’m worried about Vincent for SEPARATE ADDITIONAL REASONS. You have doubled my worries, Mx Wellman. Even so, the missing body doesn’t prove anything except a body was missing, and if I know this show, this will not be a simple answer. FEAR.
🔪 My main thoughts on Malevolent are in this post, but I just have to emphasize how good the writing is in this episode. I love how the witch seems to care, how her appearance of rationality affects John, and how the thing that snaps him out of it is his genuine love for his friend. Now that's human. I love the ending too.
⛪️ This week I started listening to Dead Space: Deep Cover after being asked to play a tiny little baby part in episode four (see if you can spot me). This show is wonderful. I'm not a Dead Space fan, just because I don't really play video games much, but I've been told by several fans that it's not only an excellent example of lore-building, it's just a darn good show. I certainly like it a lot--it's always good to hear Jordan Cobb absolutely eat a role, and I am fascinated by the mystery.
🏠 In Hannah news, this week I did a bunch of work for @shelterwoodpod! Are y'all following them yet? They're doing a fantastic haunted house bracket right now as part of the lead-up to the series premier. You're gonna want to get into this early.
Hey, I'm trying to move! If you like what I make or this post, consider leaving me a tip so we can move sooner rather than later!
See y'all next week!
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fencecollapsed · 1 month
☕️+ nightmare time episodes??
alright we're gonna do a lightning round for these, imagine me rolling up my sleeves
The Hatchetfield Ape-Man - a good silly time, nothing too special lore-wise but that doesn't mean it should be skipped, people who say it's skippable just hate fun I think /hj
Watcher World - the vibes are IMMACULATE and this story is the prime example to me of what Nightmare Time stories should be at their best - further explorations of pre-established characters and relationship dynamics
Forever & Always - I wish the clone reveal was foreshadowed better and that they hadn't cut certain details in the YouTube release, but I love droid23 so much that those minor grievances don't matter that much to me
Time Bastard - I think it's deeply funny that Ted got himself put in the torment nexus and murdered by his best friend, get wrecked Spankoffski
Jane's A Car - TOP tier Nightmare Time story, painfully underrated, a great character study of Tom. oh my dearly beloved Jane's A Car they could never make me hate you
The Witch in the Web - good introduction for Holloway and Duke, and does a good job expanding the world of Hatchetfield in a way that feels pretty natural. Hannah Foster I would burn down all of civilization to see you happy
Honey Queen - the BEST Nightmare Time story, does a phenomenal job contextualizing and exploring Linda as a character, and has genuinely my second favorite ending of the whole series it's so delightfully and horrifyingly dreadful
Perky's Buds - the fact that Emma's only solo story isn't character focused bothers me personally and I. hate the nighthawks I think they are annoying, but I've come to accept that my gripes are largely preference based and this kind of story in general just isn't my thing. I don't like it very much but it's whatever I respect it for what it is
Abstinence Camp - good and fun, it was a great intro for the main NPMD trio, almost too good to the point that I think Steph and Pete were better utilized here. Grace is at top form as always though
Daddy - I've liked this story more each time I've watched it, like I forget how funny it is every time. I really like what it does with Frank, exploring him as a more well-rounded guy than the cartoonish capitalist archetype he was in BF, it's cool it's neat
Killer Track - I love what this story does for Miss Holloway, her role in this story sold me on her as a character more than her first appearance did, it expanded her just the right amount to make her more engaging and sympathetic
Yellow Jacket - everything about the Foster sisters and Ethan makes me want to eat a brick I am sad about Hannah and Lex forever and this story is very good, I need the Orbweaver story focused on Lex right now immediately
and just in the interest of completionism I've included one for Hey Melissa under the cut for anyone who wants to count that one
Hey Melissa - great concept, dogshit execution. I'm a little obsessed with this story because I don't like it but I think it could've been really good if they'd just done another draft or two. as is I think it relies too heavily on the shock value to succeed at being an actually good story, but y'know, it was cut for a reason, I've mostly made my peace with it. mostly.
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