honestlyeddie-im-bi · 3 months
BTW, I fucking love how the closer we get to March 14th the more insane we look and sound.
The way things are going we will be visibly shaking by 7x01.
98 notes · View notes
stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Costume Meta 7x05
Hello, Hey, how we all doing??
Ready for another super long meta post??
There is so much to talk about this week - admittedly mostly Buck and Eddie related, but there is also plenty going on for Hen and Karen as well.
No Bobby this week as we only see him in uniform, and only the one costume for Athena as well. I also want to say that I am not doing any of the costumes from the Madney wedding that we saw at the end of the epsiode - I want to give them the space they deserve and I will probably write a separate pre episode meta for those costumes specifically! All I will say is Maddie looks stunning, Buck in white - hello! and Eddie in a just a collar making him look like a pink priest - hilarious!
The rest is under the cut as always 😎
Let's start with some of the guest characters.
Alien Hand syndrome man continues to prove the check means bad things theme, which makes me happier than you can ever know!!
Then we have Deidra in her very bright pink coat. If you read my promo meta for this episode you will have read a fairly sizeable section at the end on my thinking about the use of pink in this season (going to make a separate post during this hiatus so its all in one place). All of the times we see it in this episode, play into (and I guess prove) my thinking. Deidra is acting with good intentions and while I don't think she's naive or innocent in the strictest sense of the word, she is perhaps continually being naive in thinking that not revealing Mara's past is the right way to go (don't come at me about child protection etc I am fully aware of what the real world laws state, but this story arc really highlights the fact that in trying to protect children who are at risk and in the system, they can also cause ongoing harm if things are not taken on a case by case basis - its a whole other essay that I am not getting into here).
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Then we have Mara herself who is never without pink - namely her pink blanket. The pink plays into the theme of innocence especially with Mara and while she may not be innocent of the act of maiming Denny, her innocence goes much deeper. Its meant as a very clear signpost of the innocence of childhood - that pink blanket and her clinging onto it is a symbol of her clinging onto her childhood, despite the fact that she has gone through a terrible loss and trauma. she is still a child and the show is clearly going to play into the idea that as she settles into the Wilson home and is able to work through the trauma, her need to cling onto her childhood in this way will diminish and we'll see her slowly become less attached to the blanket. We already have signs of progress with the colour journey her tops have been on - lavender, pink and then the turquoise one at the end. Lavender is also a colour associated with childishness or lethargy, pink the colour of innocence, and childhood. While turquoise is a colour of calmness and clarity. its signalling HenRen's breakthrough with Mara and that she's growing and beginning to feel secure.
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Hen and Karen
Hen and Karen go on a real colour journey this week - I'm doing them together (along with Denny) because they very much work in tandem clothing wise (and also because I was running out of pictures again - whats new there!)
So first up we have Karen in this beautiful dip dye ombre dress in purple, pink and mauve. it also has this drip staining pattern which has deliberately been created during the dying process. The lavender at the top of the dress is representative of hope and serenity, this is Karen in a great place - about to expand her family and fulfil a dream. The pink as I've said is all about innocence and naivety - more innocence in this case - both the new baby being innocent and Hen and Karens innocent hopes for their future. The dark mauve at the bottom of the skirt - eating into the pink is such a choice - gathering storm clouds, foreshadowing the turmoil about to come - taking away the innocent hope. mauve can be standoffish and withdrawn, and in this context those are great descriptors for Mara and her struggles that Hen and Karen will need to help her work through.
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Hen's in cyan blue trousers - which is a colour associated with clarity and balance. whilst the cream, black and blue jacket with stars on is the beginning point for a theme that runs through the Wilsons arc this week - black is a power colour, associated with many things, but for Hen and Karen in this arc it is very much about protection and strength. Here for hen it is mostly about protection - protecting this new baby they are about to take in. The cream is warmth and tranquility.
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Hen is wearing check - foreshadowing the upcoming struggles with Mara. Karens bronze and black Jacquard trousers are a symbol of strength - bronze as a colour means strength and support, it's also a symbol of faithfulness. It's telling us that Karen will take the lead on supporting Mara and being strong for her.
We see a lot of white on Karen in this episode, white, like pink is a colour of innocence, but it is more associated with purity and balance. It is also a colour of neutral refelction. By this I mean that it amplifies other colours by providing a neutral background - allowing other colours to shine. I find this a really interesting thing when connected with Karen - it amplifies her strength and supportive nature when the Wilsons meet Mara.
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Hen adn Karen in bed are in dusty versions of blue and pink - Karen innocently tries to touch Mara and that is when the screaming starts. Putting Hen in blue is about relaying her trustworthiness and sets her up as a soothing and calming presence for Mara - hence the sleeping on the floor of her room!
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At the hospital, We see Denny in red - he was wearing it when Mara woke the house up and its an indicator of what is about to befall them (in the same way Bobbys red in the cruise ship disaster adn Athenas red in relation to Harry, or Bucks back in s5 when Eddie broke down).
We again have Karen in white amplifying the other colour she is wearing, which in this instance is this buff/brown oversized sleeveless coat in teddy fleece. The brown is stability, dependability and responsibility - playing into the fact this episode really highlights Karen's position in the family as this stable rock which Hen and Denny lean on when they need support. Karen's unswerving and solid personality is once more being shown off. Its really a key thing for them to show as it feels like a set up for Mara and how she is going to bond and rely on Karen and that dependability as she unpacks her trauma.
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The orange jumper is a really interesting choice. I do love the loose threads on the design of it - paying into the idea that Hen and Karen are at a loose end and unsure what to do going forward. But, the orange itself is generally an open minded colour, its energetic and its also a colour of transformation. These are all things we know are true of Hen and Karen and it hints at the fact that they will fin a way forward. Once again we have Karen in white amplifying Hen's orange and the energy and idea of transformation the colour brings.
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Denim jacket and white tee. I love the distressed nature of this denim jacket and the way it plays into both scenes we see it in - playing into the distress Hen feels over finding out what Mara has gone through and how it explains why she has become non verbal and incredibly protective over her pink blanket.
Again the white of amplification and purity. Hen has pure intentions and the white amplifies Karens black when they are at dispatch listening to the 911 call.
We also have the Karen necklace back - once more showing this ism't about Hen - its about Karen and their family.
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Black on Karen for this scene is such a choice. Black is a power colour, it means strength and protection. Here it is showing Karens determination, as she gains understanding, to protect Mara and support her through her trauma - it is representative of Karen choosing to use the power she has been given through gaining information. The gold highlights hint at success.
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I love these lavender pyjamas on Karen - lavender is a soothing and sleep inducing colour (along with its scent which is possibly where the association came from for the colour) along with a Japanese print of mountains and trees, which plays into the idea of serenity and peacefulness.
Hen in contrast is wearing fairly bright and bold black and green. The green is all about that growth and learning once more, the growth of Hen and Karen, learning more about the issues Mara faces and seeking a solution, but also the growth of their family. The black is a reflection of power - much in the same way Karen wearing black when they heard the 911 call Mara made, here it is Hen, representing the protection that Hen and Karen are offering Mara.
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Athena in green - again with the mesh open weave knit - this may be a theme for her this season - potentially something to do with feeling caged or caging someone/something - especially children as both scenes we've seen it so far have been to do with young people and the law in some respect - ending up in the system - Harry through is crime and Mara through her parents death.
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This dark bottle green with a fawn brown (what I think is a polo) shirt underneath is Chimneys only non uniform costume this week . This kind of dark green, is as always a signal of growth, but its also a colour of harmony, and right now - everything in Chim's world is harmonious.
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I don't thinkI've said it yet, but I am so happy to have Alayna back dressing Jennifer - I feel like we're really back on track with Maddie's costuming after last season where they somehow managed to make Maddie look terrible. The costuming overall last year was fine - not as good as Alayna's work, but it was for the most part good - except for Maddie where it was all over the place!
Anyway - Maddie in black here is very much about focussing the attention on Hen and Karen - like with CHimney's muted green, in tandem they are making the viewers eye focus on Hen and Karen - especially Karen - who is the brightest in the room.
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Maddie wearing this sage green colour when Buck comes out to her is sheer perfection from my perspective - we, once more have the green of growth and renewal, the green of learning - Maddie learning more about her brother - this new thing that he is realising about himself and choosing to share with her (even if inadvertently). But this green is also sage green - sage as in the play on sage advice - which we see Maddie give him. Buck needs that good advice - he needs to hear that its ok, that he can take the time to figure himself out and that its ok that he's only just uncovered this aspect of himself and that it doesn't invalidate him being an ally up to this point!
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Ok not going to lie - I got a little carried away from here on out - so sorry in advance for the rambling mess you're about to read!
I'm doing Marisol in a weird order - because I wanted to talk about her date night outfit in tandem with Eddies - because its relevant. So we start of with virgin Mary Marisol! Honestly this outfit is just perfection from the costume department - they saw the brief and went to town and I love it. Its so good to see what they can do when they get to play!
One of the things I really love about this costume is the blue that they chose. Because that blue - that is Bucks blue! the virgin Mary blue is usually a much brighter royal blue. It really helps to place Marisol in parallel to Buck and we get the play on t he fact that Eddie seeing Marisol in this way changes everything for him, whilst later on, whilst Buck is in the same blue, he reassures him that nothing will change between them.
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Look, I'm not going to lie, when I saw Marisol in blue and yellow for this scene I laughed because Blue and yellow (as I've gone on a million times about) means queer coding so to blatantly put Marisol in it - in a washed out form, and very much connecting her to Catholicism - genius move. It marks her out as a roadblock, but also puts her into the role of beard (unknowingly on her part) because Eddie is still in the midst of his repression, even if it is beginning to unravel now.
The black top with spaghetti straps is clearly a theme they're going with on Marisol, as are the ditsy prints. The yellow high waisted trousers are interesting because of the specific shade of yellow. Yes the whole communication theme still applies here -and we see it in action, but this shade of yellow is sallow and sickly (one of the reasons its called sickly yellow is because its the colour of a lot of medications!!) - this relationship and its restart are ill and that automatically means its going to struggle to survive.
It plays into the more negative meanings around the colour - uncertainty and idleness and cowardice. For me the cowardice aspect is an interesting one in relation to Eddie - he has behaved cowardly up to this point - hiding out and not having the conversations that need to be had, and even in this scene it is Marisol who takes the lead.
It's really giving us an indication of things Eddie needs to work on in regards to himself - and once more it comes down to communication. Communication has always been Eddies major flaw - that he isn't good at it, unless really really pushed into it - essentially under duress. The other thing with communication is that it plays really well into the catholic guilt aspect - this idea that growing up catholic has taught him to repress part of who he is - to go along with what is expected of him, but that it also taught him not to ask for what he needs, to not communicate. We see it in this episode with his inability to say no to Marisol (the whole hiding out at Bucks so he doesn't have to have sex speaks volumes) even down to suggesting there's a third type of guy - who just needs a minute. Because, while that might be true to a certain extent, the fact that he says this off the back of her expressing her distress and upset about how all guys are one of two things, speaks volumes - its not him saying this because that's how he actually feels, its partly him saying it because he is pushed into a position where he doesn't want to be the bad guy. its really not a good place to be restarting a relationship from.
We also have the ditsy print of doom in play again - like I've said before, ditsy print on Eddies girlfriends - never a good sign - its really playing into this idea of Eddie jumping in headfirst with gay abandon (pun intended) and then regretting his life choices. Shannon wore ditsy print a fair amount - especially in the I think I'm pregnant' and 'we should get a divorce' scenes. Ana wore ditsy print A LOT - she was wearing it when Eddie had his panic attack in the shop and at other key moments that marked the death knell for their relationship. And so this appearance of ditsy print here marks the same - the relationship is not long for this world
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OK date night Marisol. The way this outfit played out more or less as I expected, She was very much an 'innocent' bystander in this scene (whilst also creating one corner of a triangle with Buck and Eddie) , and the ditsy print very much played into this. Like I said in my promo meta, both Shannon and Ana were costumed in ditsy print as well as in lots of pink!!!
The other aspect of this outfit that is making me laugh is the fact that the skirt is giving me 1980's/early 1990's teen vibes (not to out myself as old but trust me I had some just like this back then and I wouldn't be caught dead in it now as a grown woman!!) and the baby pink handbag looks like something an 8 year old would have to play dress up with - its all very childish and immature - naive one could say, and while it didn't play out quite how I was expecting, her being a novice nun, sure explains a lot of why she comes over as pretty immature.
The other aspect of this childish style we're seeing on her plays into Eddies narrative of looking for magic and trying to recreate what he had with Shannon. He's attracted to Marisol because she is immature and childish - it reminds him of what he had with Shannon when he was young, and when you're trying to recapture that, its easy to fall into the trap of thinking someone behaving in a naive manner is you finding what you'd been looking for. Eddies journey, along side his catholic guilt, is about learning that he cannot recapture or recreate that magic he had when he was young - that the love of youth - in all its innocence is not something that is sustainable or actually what he wants in the present.
Then we have Eddie in white. I spoke in the promo meta about how the white set him and Marisol as opposites and that remains true - very true on more than one level. What I especially love about it and something I could not have predicted is how it plays into the novice nun aspect of their story this episode - truly this show is a comedy! Because nuns wear black and white this is an obvious play on that, but it is also a play on the fact that Marisol is still a practicing catholic, whilst Eddie is very much not. The other aspect of this white is that of Eddies two non uniform costumes, it is the first one and we get this black and white play on religion - the black and white of nuns and priests - the black and white of being religious or not. Eddie never questions if he wants to become a practicing catholic again - he is lapsed and that is how he intends to stay.
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Eddie in uniform, with his green trainers, blue towel and water bottle. the blue towel and bottle play into the buck and Eddie blue green theming we see with them. But what is interesting is though is that Eddie is fulfilling all the colour theming on his own - he is both blue and green - to me this is about Eddies own struggles within himself as well as foreshadowing the Eddie Marisol break up down the line (green shoes suggest a road needs to be to walked before we get there) - it hints at Eddies internal struggles and implies that its will ultimately end in a break up a bit further down the line.
I also think it's only when in Uniform that Eddie can admit to his catholic guilt. Because we all know when Eddie is struggling with some form of emotional turmoil, he wears a black singlet - and he could've been wearing the same here, it would've been totally fitting with the situation - he is going through something emotionally and struggling with it.
But he's in his uniform. Part of it is to have him on a different level to Buck - they are both struggling with something in this scene. When we have previously had Buck and Eddie scenes like this one at work, the one dressed in uniform, tends to be the one offering advice to the one not in uniform. That isn't the case here. Part of it comes back to Buck not actually needing advice, but needing to reveal something about himself - to confess. Eddie is the one who needs advice.
This is a flipping of the traditional narrative for these scenes and is proof that even though Eddie might later tell Buck that nothing is going to change between them, that it has in fact already changed, it is just that neither of them are fully cognisant of that change at this moment in time. It is a key indicator to use the audience that this has happened before but that things are not going to play out the same way this time.
Put it this way - Eddie has form for doing something extreme with his relationships with women in the aftermath of Buck doing something dumb - its one of the manifestations of his repression. This time its asking Marisol to move in with him in the immediate aftermath of Buck going full green monster over Tommy.
Last time it was in the aftermath of Buck begins and then doubling down with Ana after the shooting when Buck had hooked up with Taylor and before that in the aftermath of Shannon's death and Buck suing the department he went and joined a fight club - but he has form. Its completely in character for him to pull this sort of a move. I know he says he's going with his gut but I argue he is in fact ignoring his gut - or at the very least confused about what his gut is telling him, because that would mean actually looking at why his gut reaction to Buck doing something dumb makes him do something dumb in turn connected to these women in his life.
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Eddie in black - this is the same shirt as the white one - just the reverse colour - which is important. This shirt has several layered meanings to it. its about the reversal of what Eddie wants - from him being bubbly and excited about Marisol moving in, to the dread of her having moved in and wanting her to move out - his feelings go from white to black - light to dark - happy to unhappy and it all sums up the relaity of that relationship - while it was new and unserious, it was fun and light, when things got real - it becomes dark and oppressive.
I'll go into more detail about this shirt when I get to Bucks costume for this scene - because they are connected!
The other thing about this outfit is that the green trousers have been replaced with jeans. Now I see a couple of reasons for the wardrobe department doing this. Firstly is that it plays into the 'nothings is going to change between us' of it all. Its a visual indicator that in fact things have changed (along with Buck wearing a brighter shirt than we normally get in these buddie heart to hearts that take place in Bucks loft but more on that later) the Buck being bi and going on a date with Tommy of it all aside, this is the first time we've actively seen Eddie hiding out at Bucks to avoid his girlfriend - this was a barrier that had existed between them previously that has now been broken down. Then there is the fact that Eddie does go home to Marisol - and he couldn't be wearing green at that point because she was wearing blue and Eddie in green would've meant break up time - only the Marisol as a plot device arc isn't yet over (it will be soon I promise - all the costume signs are there!) so that couldn't happen.
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This dark olive green shirt that is almost brown. The brown undertones hint at the stability he represents while the green is hinting at his military past and once more paralleling him with Eddie. One of the things about green as a colour is that its not only a symbol of growth and renewal, but its also a colour of learning, and in an episode titled 'You don't know me' it feels like all the green is very much about education - learning about other people - and the growth that results from it. It feels especially important here for Tommy and Buck - that is after all what going on a date it all about - learning about one another and seeing if you're compatible.
The other fun thing about this green shirt is though that the green plays into the blue green colour theory when it comes to Buck and Eddie and their partners and the end of relationships. This one before its had chance to begin.
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For Coffee we have a grey Henley and a blue zip front hoodie with a grey striped undertone to it (I am pretty sure this is actually a hoodie we've seen on Chimney but I can't remember when and I don't think it would be the very same one as pretty sure Lou would not be fitting into Kenneths clothes ever, but Chimney has definelty worn the same style!!). Again Henley's are an Eddie thing, so we once more have the parallel with Eddie being drawn.
The interesting thing here is that the grey blue is the same colour combo Buck wore on their first date attempt - the costume department played a lot with flipping colour in this episode, so to have it done here as well is really fun - the fact there is more grey than blue is also interesting. It's a neutral colour, it is seen as a colour of stability, but is also a colour of uncertainty. It really plays into that theme of uncertainty running through the Buck and Tommy arc. The blue hoodie is actually pretty important because we've had one of Buck and Tommy wearing something dark blue in every scene they've had together - usually the one on the back foot. Tommy in this scene is relatively neutral in terms of position for most of this scene - they are equals - but he is put onto the back foot by Buck asking him to be his date to Maddie and Chim's wedding.
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Where to start with our beloved bi disaster!
I obviously spoke a fair amount about the date night shirt in my promo meta. The navy blue knit bowling shirt with these silver/grey close together pinstripes running down the front playing into the Buck wearing vertical stripes theme we've has running with him for at least the last 2 seasons.
What I said about false starts and this date absolutely played out - in the same way the sperm donation shirt represented a false start on that donation, this shirt also represents a false start on Bucks dating life as a bi man. The white trainers are also carrying on the theme of Bucks Journey towards happiness
What I find most interesting about this outfit though isn't colour theory related. its all about the fit of the clothes. Because these are ill fitting on Buck - not something we see from him very often - in fact I think the only time we see him in anything close to ill fitting to this extent is back in season 1 when he was figuring out who he was and if being a firefighter was the right for him and exploring relationships and what he was trying to find in that arena. The trousers are the most ill fitting of it all, but I'll come to the trousers later on as they are part o a wider Buck costume theme we have going on!
The shirt is a little roomie, but not overly so, it just stands out more because we're so used to his shirts fighting for their life, here this one is baggy and really helps to sell the idea of defeat, but also that h was trying on this new part of himself for size and that it doesn't quite fit. It's the only time this episode we see his clothes not fit him in this way and its a really small but expressive part of costuming that I love to see.
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Then we have this blue broadcloth jacket over a white tee and with these plum/brown coloured trousers - they're a bit blink and you'll miss them so its hard to be sure what type of trouser they are, but I think they are essentially smart joggers - jersey material but trousers!
We all know that Buck in white means trouble, I'm putting him outing himself to his sister as the bad thing - along with the fact that the date didn't work out.
I'm really fascinated by the fact that we really seem to be leaning into navy blue and Buck being bi. Navy has always been a colour we've seen a lot of on Buck in general, but there is something about the fact we've seen him (or Tommy) wearing it in every single scene that is about his bisexuality. I'm talking from the kiss scene onwards, not anything before that as Buck wasn't aware of his bisexuality before the kiss. I can't wait to see if it continues!
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The green shirt jacket is an interesting one. it obviously helps to play into the buck and Eddie blue green theory, but it does in a smaller way play into the blue green theming we see around Buck and Eddie and their relationships - specifically around issues arising. Both Buck and Eddie wear green when they break up with their significant others and while there is no break up here, there is a break of sorts. This was Buck about to try and tell his Best friend that he was actually out on a date with Tommy and that he's bi
symbol of growth - Buck went in with a goal - to tell Eddie he was on a date with Tommy, but changed tack when he saw Eddie needed to go through something - this is Buck growing as a person - not making something about him.
The other thing about this outfit is that its basically the same as the one Eddie wore at the airfield (even down to the badding of the trousers) - just in reverse - Eddie black trousers, black jacket, green top, and here Buck is black trousers, black top and green jacket - I find this fascinating as a metaphor for where the two of them are on their respective journeys.
Buck is now bi and out (he's told his sister) and has been on a date with a guy (regardless how successful it was - he cannot put it back into the box) - his growth is externalised and therefore expressed through the wearing of a green jacket. We get a lot of storytelling through the various Jackets Buck wears (we've seen him in over 35 at this point!)
While Eddie - who we could say was being taken on a date by Tommy - even if he didn't know it (because who flies someone to Vegas to a sold out fight if its not a date??) wearing a much brighter green that we've seen on him before now (pretty much all of his greens are more army green with a couple of exceptions - much darker greens akin to Bucks jacket in the below picture) - still in the army green wheelhouse, but much bolder. Eddie's queer status is still very much internalised - hence it being underneath the black jacket.
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Buck coming out to Eddie from a costume perspective was a glorious parallel that I have already mentioned in the promo meta (I've run out of pictures so you'll have to go watch the scene yourself if you want to see what I mean). Its actually a bit deeper that I appreciated in that promo meta, but that is in part because at the time of writing the meta I wasn't 100% sure it was a coming out scene and I didn't get to see the way it was shot and how that also played into the paralleling.
Costume wise - I already spoke above about Eddies black shirt and how it is reversing him in the episode. But what I didn't mention is that fact that it parallels in colour terms, what he was wearing when Buck informed the firefam that Connor and Kameron were pregnant. Eddie wore a black marl henley - black with flecks of dark grey running through it, and Buck here is wearing a slightly darker blue version of the same top he wore in that same scene. He is standing in the same place at the counter of his kitchen, or sitting very close to the same position and we get similar camera angles. As a whole the parallel is very loud - Buck was happy and proud of something he had done and wanted to share it with his friends - wanted their approval. He was feeling good about himself and confident in his decision.
The biggest thing about the blue - this shade specifically is the way it play into the blue theme we saw last season with Buck - the theme that started in the 5x18 finale at Hen and Karens vow renewal, when he was free of Taylor and moving forward and essentially restarting his search for happiness. We saw it weave a thread through the entirety of season 6, being worn at key moments that played into that theme - after Lev died, at various points in the sperm donation arc, and a key points in the aftermath of his death and rebirth.
The successfully helping create life aspect of this is so interesting. It on a low key level plays into the you don’t find it you make it manifesto that’s been at the heart of bucks arc since s2. the whole year if yes was supposed to be about this very thing - about Buck creating the life he wants for himself  - the sperm donation isn’t about the baby it’s about Buck and about him figuring out what he’s missing (which comes back to not only Thomas and Mitchell, but also Lev).
The other thing that ties into this theme is that Eddie isn't really changing but Buck is. Whenever we have a scene at the loft between Buck and Eddie Bucks costume and colour varies, but Eddies stays more or less the same. Bucks colour Palette for these scenes goes - dark grey in the you want to go for the title scene, then we have the grey blue on the balcony and now this much lighter blue. This is highlighting Bucks progression while Eddie who remains in his black shirt and that progression - while Eddie essentially remains steadfast - is key - it’s showing us that while buck is still doing dumb things, he is learning - he is listening to whatever Eddie is telling him - that he’s accepting Eddie’s absolution of his sins more and more - growing and understanding. 
It’s building on his long running arc - his fear of being left behind, of not being important enough for people to stick around for - and showing us he’s increasingly understanding that that fear is unfounded - that he’s found his personal- the one who will stay and who is steadfast in that. That’s why we see Eddie unchanging in his black shirt green cargos while buck gets lighter - more unburdened by that fear.
Before you think all is lost on the Eddie front though, we are seeing change - the army green trousers are gone and have been replaced with jeans - perhaps, in the same way Bucks growth into his bisexuality began with his beginning to wear jeans again, Eddies own growth into his own queer identity also begins with jeans - moving him away from Eddie the soldier - fighting for others - being a rock for others and now into a position where he can do his own growing.
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In the sperm donation arc, Buck was finally able to donate and was wearing that super pale mint green polo. we don't see the same with the outcome here at this point in the story (although the beige/mint green jacket from the bachelor party is making me👀👀👀 at this moment in time!) - we get this cream open weave linen shirt with black and terracotta and golden brown vertical stripes.
I love that they went with a shirt that has such an open weave - playing into the whole concept of Buck being open and embracing this newly revealed part of him that he's discovered. But what I love most about this shirt is the way it ties back into the Buck learning to accept himself and find his happiness.
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Because this shirt is so similar to the one from 6x01 - when he decides he doesn't need a new couch, what he needs is to be ok on his own and with himself.
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lets talk Buck and his trousers because the trousers are a whole thing this season and I am truly in love with the long game the wardrobe department have been playing on this one. They know that we have all been out here raising eyebrows at Bucks trousers for the past few seasons as they've gotten shorter and shorter and ill fitting. I know I've made comments in previous costume metas about the fact they must be doing something intentional with them being so short in the leg - that them doing this is giving the appearance of a child who is still in short trousers and isn't fully grown - hasn't moved on to wearing full length trousers yet.
Well it would seem I was right and thats exactly what they were doing, putting him in short trousers to show that he wasn't his fully formed self - that he was growing and learning and figuring things out. because - I've gone back through my spreadsheet and checked his trousers out for all of his scenes and there are only a handful where he has trousers on that are well fitted and the correct length. One of them is at the start of season 6 - at the end of the episode where he moves his armchair instead of getting a new couch - the one time in season 6 we see him most at peace with himself
I remarked in the 7x04 meta that we only saw Buck in his too short trousers in the one scene at the airfield, and from then on, he was was in jeans. Now the jeans are a mimicking thing - Buck hasn't worn stone wash jeans since Eddie appeared on the scene back at the start of season 2, so for him to start wearing them again as soon as he becomes jealous of Eddie and Tommy - and Tommy is wearing jeans - was pretty telling in its own right. It's Buck trying to get Eddies attention (not Tommys - Eddies) because, we do not see Eddie in jeans in 7x04 - but we do see Tommy in them - and in Bucks head he is loosing Eddies attention to a guy wearing stone wash jeans - so if he wears stonewash jeans then maybe he'll get Eddies attention back.
That obviously didn't work out how Buck thought it would, but it did lead to him figuring a new part of himself out.
We can see how his trousers are all now sitting at the correct length, I grabbed this still of the black ones, and you can see in the full length still from the date those are as well (even if they're too big more generally) but the others are all sitting at the correct length as well.
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We also see the jeans back for his scene with Tommy - I truly am fascinated by the choice to put him back in stonewash jeans aafter so long as a theming choice for his bisexuality, I really am enjoying this more relaxed looking Buck from a costuming perspective - the journey we've been on with his costumes is great - the increasingly formal style thats just a little too small and tight we've seen over the seasons now slowly relaxing once more into something much more comfortable and well fitted - showing just how far he has truly come.
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And thats me out for another week! Sorry it turned into another epic - it would seem `i cant stop myself! Not sure if this has come out longer than last weeks, I think it might've, but I can't be bothered to check! Thank you as always for reading this monster and I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the costumes for 7x05. I'm off now to hyperfixate on Bucks bathroom door and get myself though this mini hiatus!
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I still can’t believe how unhinged the couch thing is.
In s5 we see that Taylor brings her couch into the loft even though Buck has one and they have a problem from the get go because both couches (aka their personalities, their lives, their wants) do not fit in at the same time. They are both too attached to their own individual lives and goals to actually share a life. There’s no space for both of them in that home.
Ok anyway moving on Taylor is gone and we have an empty space where she forced her couch into Buck’s space.
Anyway, my point is: 6x1 we have the whole couch conversation and it’s always been such an OBVIOUS metaphor for Buck and Eddie’s relationship that it drives me insane.
“You know, I think it’s weird that he’s struggling to pick a replacement when he has so many excellent options right under his nose.”
“Like you?”
“It’s like he’s choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer.”
In the same season where we now know that Eddie will be exploring his dating options and going out with other people?????? Are you kidding me???????????
Buck saying this while he cooks for Eddie and Chris???? While he offers food and comfort??? In a show that has consistently utilized cooking and feeding others as a clear metaphor for love and family?!?!
And they even hammer it in again!!!
“What are you offering?”
“Right now, Bobby’s famous lasagna.”
I need to talk about thisssss. Because not only have we been presented with the idea of food as love and nurturing but also cooking as personal growth, about learning to nurture yourself and others and getting out of the darkness. Think about Bobby after joining the 118. But also think about Maddie being impressed by Buck “growing up” represented by Buck having learned cooking skills from Bobby. Think about Eddie going to therapy and swapping recipes with Linda and learning to be better and look after himself after getting chewed off by his dad for burning breakfast for his mom and sisters.
What Buck is offering is his own growth as a person. Is saying “I’ve put myself back together”. It’s saying “I’ve been working on myself for five years to become a better man”. It’s saying “it’s taken me several tries but I’m finally getting there.”
And of course after all that it’s when we go fully into the couch metaphor. It’s hard to say much about this dialogue that hasn’t been said before, but mostly I want to highlight that, for Buck, this metaphor is tightly tied to romantic relationships. “My last two couches came with girlfriends” and “maybe I don’t want to pick the wrong couch again”. But it’s also the fact that Buck picks his chair to take the couch’s spot for now. That is Buck. Buck being single.
The whole metaphor could’ve simply been about Buck realizing he doesn’t need a relationship to define him and who he is and that he should choose his own path and create a space in his home for himself. But if that was the case he would’ve just bought a couch for himself. The single chair represents his single path at the moment. The couch will be a romantic metaphor.
All of this to say that it’s absolutely unhinged that this is the last shot of Eddie we see in 6a.
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And this comes after a) Buck called to give them the baby news, b) Eddie looked less than pleased at the reveal, c) Eddie hung up saying he was gonna try to get some sleep before taking Chris to school.
Except we see him drop the controller here. So he clearly kept playing. Even though he looked quite frustrated there. Fighting with himself. Anyway clearly something was bothering him.
What’s insane to me is that we cut immediately from this shot to Buck sleeping and the whole baby onesie shot. And I don’t think it could be any more obvious that we are meant to connect these two dots. Especially when we see them in the same montage as Henren and Maddnie sleeping together on their respective beds. And we know Buck’s whole donor thing was partly motivated by other things, like his need to be useful to others and save everyone, but also his eternal search for family and perhaps a call to fatherhood (even though he’s clearly not struggling with separating the idea as everyone expected).
Anyway, I do think having Eddie sleep on his couch rather than his bed was certainly A CHOICE. and it feels even more obvious when we know what happens in 6b.
I love that the Buckley’s brought up Buck’s lack of couch an episode before. HEY REMEMBER THIS? And it’s so much A Thing that we see that even Maddie gets it.
Which is so important considering the very. next. episode. we are going to get the most obvious callback to this metaphor in the shape of Buck finally finding rest and peace at Eddie’s couch?!?!?!
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And then they go as far as to have Buck point out “how did I pass out so fast?”
Like boyyyyyy you’re this 🤏🏽 close to figuring it out!!!!!!!
Anyway I cannot WAIT to see how they bring it up again and how Margaret’s couch finds its demise and especially knowing Buck’s very last scene of the season will touch back on the metaphor.
It will be so insane if they actually pull this off!!!!!!!
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
As madney kept pretty a lot new clothes for a baby of different sizes and Henren don't need them now, does it mean it was foreshadowing for new madney girl?
Chim was talking about shrinking Jee to a little size of the onesie. I'm telling you guys madney will end the season married and pregnant again
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
Wait wait guys I know we’ve all been like “omg buck having tsunami flashbacks mid cruise ship disaster” and I’m fully on that boat (see what I did there🤭🤭) but you know what would also HIT?
Buck having a freak out moment of “this is not real, this is not real” because he becomes convinced he’s still in the coma dream or is currently dying because:
1. The coma dream had triggers from past traumas like the tsunami and the cruise disaster is basically one massive trigger
2. Thinking bobby might be dead
3. Maybe saying something about how it’s how he felt (when he got told in the coma dream Bobby died and HE COULDNT CATCH HIS BREATH - see: THE TAGLINE FOR THE PROMO- but in reality his lungs were failing)
4. Maybe they start the episode showing everyone just being in a good place (madney wedding planning, buck interim captain era?, happy henren with new baby, Eddie and Chris being Eddie and chris) and like that same sort of perfection to disaster 360 that the coma dream had but on a very real level
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So... the narratives from season 6?
I literally have so many questions about the NARRATIVES for season 7 because it really doesn't seem like there are any.
There were so many things that happened in season 6 but MOST OF THEM AREN'T being discussed. Granted, Henren didn't get the 9 month old baby they were considering adopting in 6x18 and Bathena went on their cruise but what is going on with Madney's, Buck's and Eddie’s storylines?
Here's what I mean...
In 6x15 they owed the IRS money (like 14K IIRC) but in Season 7 they're having a big lavish wedding in 7x6 but the question is who's funding it (the Buckley parents)? In 6x9 they had to borrow the money for their down payment from the Buckley parents and in 7x1 Chimney spent money he got from somewhere on a hot tub. The math ain't mathing for them especially when Hen said in 6x16 that Chimney used some of Jee-Yun's college fund to buy Maddie's engagement ring. Where are they getting all this money when they were borrowing money in season 6 to buy the murder house?
I won't even go into his 1,000 storylines from season 6 because I've done it multiple times (linked here) but seriously, is the only one they're going to focus on from 6x2 is when he was trying to find happiness? What about 6x7 when he touched the cursed bracelet? What about the sperm donation because it was connected to the "Cursed" theme? He literally went to donate like 5 times and he had to run the last time after his Jeep broke down. What about his desire to be captain? What about the fact that he DIED?! What about the Buckley parents thinking his decision to be a sperm donor was idiotic? The actress who played Natalia didn't come back but what about that BS line he said in 6x15 that she "Sees him"? (Is it petty that I still want Eddie to remind him of that?) What about his desire to want a family of his own? He never said what he wanted at any time but it's a new season and the audience still doesn't know or have any answers. The point is Buck had all these stop and start storylines that didn't have any resolution and now it's like none of them happened.
I absolutely love Eddie because he's my favorite but reminder, he only had one storyline (that was solely about him) last season and it ended up being once again about his dating life. He was looking for the "magic" and "chemistry " but is the audience supposed to believe he found that with Marisol (she doesn't have a last name and he didn't know she was a nun)? They were both acting like giggling high schoolers at the end of 6x18 but in 7x5 they moved in with each other? He didn't do that with Ana which shows they STILL AREN'T GIVING EDDIE’S STORYLINES THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE. Furthermore, in 6x15, Eddie told Buck dating someone he rescued from a call never works but did his statement only apply to Buck and not him? Reminder, he met Marisol on a call so WTF? Additionally, the whole Marisol moving in thing was just.. I don't even have words for it because it was OOC for Eddie. Another reminder, he sacrificed everything when they left El Paso and moved to L.A. and he didn't even let Shannon see Chris for months after he called her to interview at Durand because he didn't trust her (his words in 2x10). So... is the audience who've been watching from the beginning supposed to believe Eddie would just ask some woman to move in while Chris is out of town? I call BS because that is so far from the established narrative for him it's asinine.
So is the couch metaphor/theory dead now? It was the last thing Buck said to Natalia in 6x18. 🙄 There are 5 unresolved items from season 6 (linked here) that Buck and Eddie have yet to discuss so there's that.
IMO, it seems like season 6 could be completely erased and it wouldn't be missed. Maybe it's just me but the narrative for this season seems to be all over the place and it's like they're pulling things together to make it work when seasons 1-3 were more cohesive. I know it's a shortened season but they started working on it at the end of 2023 after the str*kes ended and the mains went back in January, so what gives?
If things continue like they have been in the second half of season 7, then I think my Buddie Crack Theory has more merit to it and if it's validated, I'll elaborate on it.
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daniwib · 23 days
Potential ‘accidental baby acquisition’ storyline for Buck in season 8?
HenRen’s new foster daughter Mara is 9. In 7x07 (Ghost of a Second Chance), we find out she has a 2-year-old brother, Tyson. Her parents both died – but Tyson has a biological father, ‘with rights of his own’.
911 has always foreshadowed storylines well before they happen. One example I can think of right away is Jeff’s leg injury in 2x02 (7.1) foreshadowing Buck’s in 2x18 (This Life We Choose)
From the Coach saying “This kid is a son to me” to Bobby being the one to get him out, reassuring him all the way and finally yelling “Make sure he keeps that leg,” all of it was thematically echoed back nearly a whole season later when Buck got crushed under the ladder truck. There are other examples of the same thing that I can’t remember right now.
So, when I was watching 7x07 and heard “He's a biological parent. He gets to decide what's best for his son” I couldn’t help but wonder.
Is Mara’s story foreshadowing a potential ‘accidental baby acquisition’ storyline for Buck in season 8?
It could be a later season, too. The only reason I think it might be in season 8 is because Maddie was 9 when Daniel died – and Buck was 1. Had he only just turned 1, or was he 1 nearly 2? Because Mara is 9 – and Tyson is 2… Connor & Kameron’s son was delivered (by Buck, no less) in 6x18 (Pay It Forward) and could be anywhere from 6 months to 1 year old in canon time now. Time lines are messy in 911 verse so that’s a complete guess. By the time season 8 comes around, that baby boy might well be 2 years old.
Am I making something out of nothing? Who knows. All I know is that 911 likes foreshadowing – and they’ve been doing an awful lot of very fan ficcy tropes this season. So why not add a bit of accidental baby (toddler) acquisition for Buck as well? If Connor and Kameron should sadly die and leave the little lad an orphan, well there’s a biological father right there…
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ok so your blog totally has me thinking of the chaotic power of buck and alex meeting while tommy and henry have to ensure their dumbass boyfriends don’t destroy something.
you know tommy and henry would be smitten and totally in love but they got to keep it together because someone has to have a brain cell in this friend group.
they would get roped into the shenanigans by buck and alex though and everyone around them would be stunted at the fact that there is two disaster bisexuals.
the super six and 118 meeting would just be unreal and could you imagine the interactions?
anyways I’ll be off in my own delusional world where this is a reality.
Oh I love this idea!
I have so many ideas that work with these four and so little time to write. But I hope to make it happen (as soon as I get the opportunity to read the book, I might need to make this AU happen).
Alex and Henry are both fascinated with Buck and Tommy's jobs as firefighters. They have so many questions and want all the stories. They find news clips of some of the rescues and taunt Buck and Tommy about some of them (think Buck tackling the baby napper+ Tommy and the rooster type calls).
Buck and Alex would not only "torment" Tommy and Henry (lovingly), but they would drive the 118 crazy.
The four of them at a pride parade where Henren are introduced would be total chaos... maybe I should add Tarlos, too. Just imagine the 8 of them all in one place. They might need Athena on standby, haha.
Eddie and Alex meet, and suddenly, it's a game of "who is the best Diaz" and "you have to choose a favorite" (blame it on the alcohol they consumed on this outing).
Tommy and Henry's text exchange is full of "how do you tame your bisexual disaster because my normal methods are not working right now" type commentary and questions.
Buck and Alex brainstorm new ways to be a menace to their boyfriends, encouraging each other to dumb things.
Not to mention the chaos that would be that group chat. I could see both Buck and Alex playing the " my boyfriend said he didn't love me anymore because..." and it's over something silly like Tommy or Henry doesnt want to listen to that song for the 800th time.
I need my library hold to be available so I can read this book and start this chaos, lol.
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sibylsleaves · 1 day
if you’re still doing established buddie asks (and if you haven’t already answered) - do they have kids after Chris? How many? How did they come to have those kids (egg donor/surrogate, adoption, safe haven baby)? Also when/how does Buck adopt Chris (if he does at all). You’re the best!
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I think I've mentioned it a few other times but I'm for sure a "they have more kids" person. And for selfish reasons, I would want it to be a baby because. well. have you seen Buck holding a baby? or Eddie holding baby Chris? I need more of that on my screen posthaste!!!!!!
Buck definitely adopts Chris officially. For sure. It happens right after he and Eddie get married and they take some kind of fun family trip to celebrate.
But yeah, more kids. I'm not decided on how I would want them to do it. Mainly I think we've gotten a lot of "expanding the family" storylines with HenRen so if this is something I'm speculating about actually happening in the show, then I think they'd really need to find a way to tell a unique story for Buck and Eddie. I like the idea of a Safe Haven baby just because it's kinda wild to be that you can do that at a fire station and like. that's a REAL thing so the potential is there. and it would be a unique take on the story. Plus I like the idea of maybe Buck and Eddie are discussing the kids thing and they're not sure if they're ready but then it just. happens. I guess that's kind of like what they did with the Chimney/Maddie baby storyline though.
Or honestly I'm kind of recently digging the idea of introducing an entirely new tertiary character who they meet on a call/maybe during a big disaster arc who's like. a pregnant teen or something. Who Buck or Eddie or both really connect with and get to know (honestly im leaning Eddie here just because like. obvious young/teen parent connection) and she's already decided she's gonna give her kid up for adoption and her parents suck or are dead and she tells them she wants Buck and Eddie to be the ones to adopt her. And maybe it's an open adoption, where she'll get to meet the baby and watch her grow up and be a part of her life but she also gets to live her own life and have her teens/twenties/thirties without being a single mom. On a personal note, that's a story I'd really like to see because I have a family member who went through that (family member was the bio dad). And on a thematic note I think it'd tie in nicely with all the found family and nontraditional family structure stuff we've seen on the show.
Anyway I think they have at least one other kid although my heart is saying two.
And as for Chris, I think he loves being an older brother and being given that responsibility and that role. I think it's something he takes too really well (plus he has practice from hanging out with Jee-Yun) and it's something he really relishes. he dotes on his younger sibling(s) and is very generous about teaching them exactly the best ways to manipulate their dads.
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deluweil · 1 month
Based on the shows history with Eddie, I’m not expecting the Abuela and Shannon pop ups to do anything more then propel him into the find new wife for himself and new mother for Chris mission successful. Especially with Edy still on set and them almost being done with the season. Why bother going for a better story when a lazy makes no sense hetero story will do just fine. It’s their specialty when it comes to Eddie after all. Plus They already got that extra queer rep with Buck and Tommy 🙃
Yeah, *sigh* I feel the same on the Eddie front.
God forbid the talent that is Ryan will get a worthy story when we get two white dudes getting the interesting storylines.
I mean, much as love Buck being thrown into curious situations, I am getting tired of the storylines Eddie keep getting, because that's always more of the same, and that's exhausting.
If they weren't going to invest in his story they could have tied him to the first gf he had - being the serial monogamist that he is - and have his storyline revolve around domestic problems, new babies and managing that with work - at least we'd be clear of what his essence is aside from loving Buck like they've been married and intimate for years.
They had that queer rep with Henren and David and Michael - which WAS a great rep and such a well written relationship! I miss them and Michael's interactions with Bobby are sorely missing as well.
I don't think that Buck's storyline is as happy and healthy as ppl make it to be, Tommy literally left him for feeling uncomfortable and fibbing in front of his best friend because he's newly minted out of the closet and maybe he wanted to figure this out by himself first before sharing it with the people closest to him?
Tommy had no right to get upset, and if he wasn't sure of them, he shouldn't have agreed to go to that wedding with Buck, he should have said that he understands where Buck is coming from and to take this slow and that there is no pressure - and maybe keep this friendly until they figure out what they want to be together.
Buck, it felt to me, that has done what he did, the chasing that he said he wouldn't do, because in a certain way he is still in a place where he pleases people even though it is his journey to make and no one should push him to get to that finish line as fast as possible.
Like I said before this is more of the same, Buck does this chasing because like Taylor said, and not in a kind way mind you, that he can't stand not being liked by everyone.
Eddie nudging him to call tommy wasn't exactly the best thing either, because would Buck have still done it if he wasn't told to?
A lot of things don't sit well with me in this story, I've made journeys with my friends when they first came out, one as early as the seventh grade, it is not something that becomes normal immediately, I also saw after the fact what happened when one is shoved out of the closet to his family and friends by force. And how my best friend still bears the guilt of being gay almost 20+years later because that's not how he was raised, and his father didn't accept him, and his first serious boyfriend was a demanding asshole.
He didn't seem like this to us, he was friendly and seemed like a really good guy, but neither one of us knew what really happened there until my friend opened up about it years later.
So when I say Buck's story feels rushed, I talk from experience.
So maybe we have queer rep (which we had before only it wasn't bi) but it doesn't feel like quite there to me, maybe it's the flawed writing, maybe that's the way it was intended to be told to get to some kind of turning point and epiphanies, who knows? I've learned not to expect higher purpose from this show.
I will tell you that though, if the whole Eddie story is to push him to somehow marry M I will retire from this show, I mean that is the laziest form of writing there is, and makes this show completely unwatchable for me, because there is no way we were dragged 7 seasons just so that Eddie can force marry some lukewarm LI out of the need to follow the traditional hetero normative need he was raised into.
Especially since originally Eddie was the one who was supposed to be the coming out story, it would be disappointing on so many levels and I'm not even touching buddie here.
Ryan deserves better than to end with that kind of crappy story-telling.
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Bathena fans: they are having relationship problems but i hope they can talk it out and realize that their feelings are not tied to the danger they see in their jobs, they deserve to be happy don’t hurt them!!!
Henren fans: OMG they are getting a baby! I am so excited for this new part of their lives, they deserve so much love!!!
Madney fans: They have gone through so much and have fought hard to get together, please let them have their wedding without problems!
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Henren new baby girl!!!!!!!!
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evanbegins · 4 months
Favourite happy headcanons about 118?
no, i'm not avoiding the sad headcanon ask wdym...
colour coordinating though! eddie, hen, buck, chimney, bobby for each hc focusing on them!
eddie's favourite type of cake is carrot cake; he had it for every birthday up until he was around 14, and after buck found out, he planned with hen and they threw a surprise party at the station for eddie with a carrot cake as his birthday cake! (from lizzy @lizzybizzyzzz on tumblr and ao3 my wife!!) after hen and karen adopted their new baby, they made buck her godfather; hen didn't even have to think twice about it because she knew buck was the one. buck is a frequent babysitter to their new baby girl!! he loves her to bits (and sometimes he'll have both jee-yun AND her over for a playdate while madney + henren go out on dates or run errands)
buck is still really close with a friend he met while traveling when he was around 23, and her name is maggie! her and her girlfriend nat (natalie) often invite buck (and eddie is always welcome) down to pennysylvania, especially for the holidays :-) the last time he went down they gave him hand-knitted scarves and hats
chimney likes to binge-watch mean girls whenever he's sick or injured and recovering, over and over and over again. both him and maddie can recite it from memory (and jee-yun starts to babble phrases oddly similar to regina george!) he once recited the entirety of the janis speech while tipsy at a grant-nash barbecque
bobby's 'famous' recipe is a mac n' cheese he learned how to make from his own grandmother. he claims there's a secret ingredient that he won't reveal to anyone, buck included; he lets the station keep guessing more and more bizarre ideas for it because he thinks it's funny (his favourite is buck thinking he put microplastics in it because 'there's no way it tastes that good without something bad for you in it!')
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ranbling · 3 days
This was my issue with basically the entire season. Every story lead to ultimately nothing.
Bathena still hasn’t gotten their honeymoon. They now have no house. The cartel storyline besides how over used and harmful stereotypical it was, was pointless, Amir as much as I loved his character, after 4 episodes that arc also lead to ultimately nothing.
Madney didn’t really have much going on except for their wedding and instead of the dream wedding they both deserved, it ended in a 2 minute hospital room scene, with Phillip walking her, and Buck not even standing in the room ? He was literally standing outside in the door.
Henren they didn’t get to adopt their baby girl. They were then given a foster daughter only to then jk have her taken away as well. And ultimately after more pointless drama for drama sake, have her given to Madney so now Henren can visit her instead. Like where was the fight for custody they said we’d see? And not to mention the message it sends of yet again we don’t let the lesbian couple adopt or foster with out problems galore but the straight couple has no issue doing it at all and can step in to save the day.
Buck he came out as Bi which yessss. So much yes. Only to then what. Nothing. It’s gone no where. They didn’t explore it more. They didn’t develop it more. There was no journey of him with this new piece of himself. He got slapped into yet another rushed relationship with someone who yet again barely seems to even like him, and some shitty jokes ( looking at you closest space and daddy kink) and then ultimately shoved completely aside like a background character the entire season.
Eddie- where to even start. What was the point of Marisol ? Like truly. Tim said he brought her back because he didn’t want two off screen break ups. Ok fine. No development. No growth. No real storylines beyond a joke to bring up repressed religious guilt that went no where. And ended with an off screen break up anyway. Like what was the point of making fans suffer through Marisol’s actress presence after all her phobic ranting when it ended with exactly what Tim said he didn’t want. Then the Kim of it all. I had hopes that would lead somewhere. Eddie finally getting closure snd moving on from Shannon. Eddie starting to get a clue in relation to Buck. Healing with Shannon’s ghost with Eddie and Chris. Something. And instead we got, Eddie running around on 2 women, Chris leaving the state for a indefinite period of time, Helena looking all to happy to take him, Ramon using his own guilt to make Eddie go along with it ruining any progress they made on their relationship, Ryan saying he feels like the Kim as Shannon at the end did nothing but make it worse ultimately so not even any growth or healing. Like none of this lead anywhere except for lazy rushed drama and ooc moments for all.
I’ll say that they did manage to land the buddie moments in every episode that Tim wanted so there’s that I guess. And they were good scenes and cute moments. But again ultimately…. where’s it going because there was no real movement forward. If anything there are even more massive roadblocks for them. Especially with the Eddie and Chris of it all. Ryan specifically saying for Eddie it’s now every time he tries to do something for himself, it takes from Chris. Buck is Chris second most stable and important person after Eddie. Eddie is never ever going to risk that now in the thought of dating Buck because he is not going to want to risk taking him from Chris.
Yes!! I agree with everything you just said
(also thank you for reminding me that Henren was supposed to adopt a babygirl, too many things happened and I totally forgot about that)
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The little moment I don't think we talked about. During madney x henren 7x5 moment there's 0 sadness in Maddie's words about shrinking Jee to smaller sizes. She says it with smile and with the same intonation most of the parent use when they miss the times their babies were smaller and they can't believe how big they are now. But we know Maddie missed some of the moments of Jee being this small like the clothes they were packing, but she doesn't think about it. She is now thinking about memories she has and she can make, because no matter how hard it was and maybe not best decision to run, it anyway gave Maddie the healing she needed to not become how her parents and not woke up 30 years after finally trying to make amends with her kid when it's too much time missed and just can't be gotten back. She has so much time with Jee NOW because she found her way to heal herself . Maddie has her time with Jee to see here getting bigger and cherish every memory she can
And yes I still think this scene was foreshadowing for new madney baby
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
*whispers* I'm so fucking happy about bi Buck but I miss the other characters having major story lines and I kind of hope that Buck has his bisexual journey in the background (with scenes of him on dates and happy and figuring himself out) while everyone else has a bigger story.
It felt like the first three episodes set us up for some great internal conflict within Bobby, some conflict with Hen and Chim, and some really fun potential stories for Christopher but we haven't seen any of that pay off yet.
I want firefam scenes and Henren scenes with their new baby, and Bathena on their day off doing something fun, and Madney planning the wedding that we all know is going to end up being a disaster because that's just their luck. I want Eddie to have a story about him this season, not just about how he feels about Buck's self discovery.
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