neotrances · 2 years
i see people are sending u soft looking animals and. meet my bird. the name is kiwi.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Good day to you, drabble fairy! 🧚‍♀️💕 :D
May I request a short drabble about Sebastian jinxing Leander? I want Leander to feel the agony of walking in wet socks... I don't know why. ( °-°)
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Hello Kiwiiii 😊😊 omg hahahaha, love that.
Take that Leander💚
Leander: *showing off and being an arrogant fuckwitt in class*
Sebastian: *from across the room* Urgh.
Ominis: What is it?
Sebastian: Listen to him over there..The damn fool....*playful chuckles*
Ominis: *smirks* What are you thinking?
Sebastian: *takes out wand, aiming it subtly at Leander and whispering some form of spell before turning to ominis* Just a little fun, that's all *smirks*
Leander: *starts walking across the room* (?!) URGH?!
Garreth: What's wrong?
Leander: My socks feel soaking!? What the hell?! This feels nasty! *slips off a shoe and sees his socks are dry* (?!?!?!)
Garreth: They look dry to me..
Leander: But they don't FEEL like they're dry. *tries walking around again and cringes* UUUUUUURGH, Garreth, do something!
Garreth: what the hell do you want me to do? *chuckles* your socks are dry! You're imagining things.
Leander: I'm not!! *frowns* they're literally SOAKING wet! That's what it feels like! They feel so squelchy and cold and gross!!
Sebastian: *giggling*
Leander: *looks over, catching the tail end of his giggles before Sebastian stopped as he looked over* YOU-
Sebastian: BAAAHAHAHA *runs off being chased as he continues to laugh at a FUMING Leander*
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
Kiwiiii your back I missed you and I can't get access to our chat ftm so here I am to say hi I'm Flippin exhausted how are you???
I am back!!! I missed you too Tellie!!!!! 💖💞💖💞💖💞
Oof, that sucks you cant access our chat! How have you been, having fun? 💜 make sure ypu rest plenty!
I’m also flippin exhausted, and long story short I’m dumb and as such have many large painful blisters on my feet (in addition to my legs hurting and my right knee having been giving me many problems the last few days) :( but i had fun so is okay <3
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nekotato · 2 years
kiwi 🥝
kiwiiii <33
Sexuality Headcanon: the straightest gay guy Gender Headcanon: cis A ship I have with said character: I mean....stares at flowerwatt ASIDE from that, I do appreciate KW/Zero or KW/Electra A BROTP I have with said character: Krupp is his mentor :) He also gets along with Pearl/Opal quite well! A NOTP I have with said character: Not anything yet that I have encountered fdfgds. I guess I couldnt see him with any of the freight? A random headcanon: His partytrick is the "reboot" which is exactly what it sounds like General Opinion over said character: He’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Oh my god Ryen!!! I KNEW I was not ready to read Hit;Record but damn. I don't think I could ever have been ready for that.
Before I say anything else I have to say that this was so so so good! From the beginning I was relating to OC so hard because I too, would want to slap and sleep with both of them lol.
Both of these quotes were so relatable too
"For a moment, you arrive at the gates of Heaven, waiting on stinging knees to be banished to the deepest circles of Hell."
"Oh, you are going to fight both of them. For several rounds."
I always love your OCs and this one did not disappoint either, she really was a bad bitch like the warnings said. I really think her inner conflict over her feelings for the boys reflects how we always feel being attacked from all sides every damn day.
Not only was this filthy and so hot, but all the moments where Yoongi was checking in on OC and being sweet still managed to make me go 🥺🥺🥺. The duality of both of these men!!!
Also every one of your fics makes me chuckle at some point and this one was no exception.
“Neither of y’all… better pass out,” Yoongi pants. “I need you… to carry me out when I do.” like this line lmaoo
And the ending??? I really don't know what to say about that so I'll just shut up lol
You have nothing to worry about after posting this fic, because like always it was a damn masterpiece and such a pleasure to read.
Thank you for sharing your incredible writing and I hope you're doing well after writing this one specifically, because I'm not and I've only read it once 💕💕
KIWIIII NO WAYYYY oh my god i'm so happy you read hit;record! and so soon wow. and you are correct. i tried to warn y'all but i think even i underestimated how prepared ppl should be lol. the rest is under the cut bc i have a lot to say!
thank you for all the kind words! reader wanting to fight them and do a lot of other things? me. yeah. lol. the quotes you chose are some of my faves, too! one of my favorite structures is opposites, so the heaven/hell thing was fun.
super relieved that you like this reader, too. she really is a bad biiiich!! LMAO you have a good ass point about the feelings! i didn't even think about that i'm laughing! these men are going to be the d word of me.
oh YES.. yoongi surprised me tbh🥺 like i went into this knowing they were both cocky and assholes but his character came out and was concerned a surprising amount. even jin knew when to be slow (though it's less obvious with him. confident hoe lol)
LOL damn it, yoongi.. of course he would cheeky at the end lol. sPEAKING of the extra end?? yes let's breathe for a second and circle back to that when we've recovered a bit sdjklfdsklfj i can't even describe what i have going on in my head for that one.
oh gosh, thank you so much.. truly i was thinking it was dull or plain when i was doing a read-through. but that's probably bc i read over it way too many times? idk. but i'm so happy you enjoyed and that it's fun to read!
you're so welcome, and thank you again for reading. i can't say i'm recovered at all from this one but i gotta get back up for all the other wips i have going !!
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kiwi-smug-silvalina · 3 months
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kiwiorcore · 4 months
omd look at kiwiiii 😭 he's smiling!! he looks so confident!! (he also looks terrified but that's standard tbh) dk if you've seen it but i can't believe he's actually been in a promotional video and a media video back to back i dreamed of these days!!
also good luck on your midterms!! judging by the name they sound important but i'm sure you'll do great!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
he thinks he’s all that 😒 (he really is all that). they finally got kiwi in front of a camera twice in a row kiwi nation we 🆙. also, dunno if it’s just me, but the dark circles under his eyes are back they need to let my boy sleep.
ty !! i’ve already gotten history and latin out of the way so now it’s my core subjects, drama and my final piece in art. im def failing the poetry unit in english lit (it’s not even my fault we did our poetry unit like half a year ago) but fingers crossed ig
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s-c-r-u-f-f-y-y · 2 years
Hi! Just thinkin’ bout you <3
How have you been? 💜
ive been so excellent, except for maybe a bit of sadness here and then about not being able to see my father this week, i have been coping well!! I keep making FNAF security breach ocs to kill time 💀
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kiwi-draws · 2 years
hi kiwiiii what's ur favorite vibeo game
probablyyyy either pokemon heartgold or hollow knight
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dark-and-kawaii · 4 years
Kiwiiii =_= ive been waiting to see if you ever write for any of the kuroko boys again and here we are. As Kiyoshi Senpai would say, let's all have some fun! How would our bad boys feel when their fem s/o asks to do their makeup 🐞
Awh, I’ve honestly missed writing for my basketball babes (^w^)
 EHEHE!!! Kiyoshi is right! Let’s all have some fun, yeah??? This request is making me feel so many things since I myself am a makeup artist!!! Thank you so much for sending this in love bug!!!
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Bless his heart, because this boy is the absolute best. 
Kicking open his bedroom door -makeup pallets in hand- your eyes are practically glowing with so much passion as you run towards him. “Yams!!! Look!! Look!!!” Pressing your pallets against his face he already knows the next thing you’re about to say… “I just got some new pallets!!” -twirling around your skirt lifts ever so slightly and our sweet bad boy is smiling with how cute you are with all your excitement.- “I already have makeup on…. ~sooooo could i please use your face as my canvas?!” 
Yamazaki will of course say yes. He’s mainly curious to see what you can pull off and he’s never had makeup on before so he’s also curious as to how it feels…. 
Will sit as still as he possibly can but his nerves kick in and his knee begins to bounce around which isn’t the best for you since you’re trying to do his mascara… 
You definitely end up poking him in the eye with mascara since he won’t stop bouncing his knee.. And when you try to reapply it he leans back every time while squinting at you… It’ll take years for him to ever trust such a product again, especially in your hands…
Will sit and make kissy faces at you when you apply the lipstick / cracks jokes about how the team would be gay for him.
When the process is all over and you’ve finished his makeup, Yamazaki can see how sad you look since you were having so much fun with him and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this time with you as well… Picking up one of the pallets you seemed most interested in, Yamazaki will stand from where he was sitting and tell you to sit down. “I want to try doing your makeup, ___.”
Yamazaki will gently wipe off the makeup you had on previously and once its all wiped off he will then attempt to apply makeup to your face…. 
Just as you did to him… He did to you with the mascara… You and Yamz will never trust one another with mascara ever again.
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Hara just pops his gum as you sit in front of him silently wide eyed awaiting his reply… He pops another bubble… And you can’t take it anymore. “So!? What’s the answer Hara? Will you let me play with my new makeup with you or not?? It should be at my place by now and i really think it would be fun for us!”
Hara makes an annoyed sound as he pops yet another bubble, “Sure, but only if you give me a blow job after.” You can hardly believe it…. that’s a lie… you can believe he would say something like that…. With disgust written all over your face you get up from your desk and begin to storm out while harshly saying, “FINE! I’ll find someone else!! Someone who doesn’t need or want anything in return except fun memories!”
It takes only 2 minutes before Hara is sitting up from his very own desk going after you. Maybe that was a bit too harsh, you’re always doing for him and unlike his previous girls he wants to keep you around.
Eventually finds you on your front steps holding your new Jeffree Star lipsticks and pallet. Taking one of the lipsticks out of your hand he opens it and applies it best he can before pressing his lips together making a popping noise. Smiling at you he pulls back his bangs from his face and asks you if you can help make him a pretty girl.
Turns out to be a fun night with Hara. Applying makeup to him is easy thanks to his smooth skin and him being patient with you. 
Asks if he’s getting anything in returned like sex or a BJ, you just smack him upside the head though. 
Hara surprisingly likes the feeling of eyeshadow being applied to his eyes, your brush is extremely soft and the smooth swiping motions on his eyes is quite calming. Will ask you questions about what does what and what the purpose is… It’s not that he cares it’s just he really wants to make up for how he acts at times -lowkey hopes it scores him points with you-. 
Once his makeup is complete he will tell you to stay in the bathroom as he goes into your room and raids your panty drawer. No no no. It’s not what you think. Once he’s done doing what he wanted, he will come back to your bathroom and there standing before you is one tall ass basketball player wearing your V-string and sport bra… Popping his gum Hara smirks at you, “Mommy is ready for her punishment daddy ____.”
Hara is cringe. 
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Seto is so chill my god. 
At first Seto isn’t the biggest fan of the idea and he does tell you no the first two times you ask. However as you lay on his chest looking up at him with teary eyes begging him to let you apply makeup to him he can’t help but smirk. “Someone’s quite persistent, aren’t they?” Placing his hand atop your head he tousles your hair and says fine, but only if he can sleep through most of it. 
Sitting up on his chest you peck his nose and agree to this! Most of the makeup can be applied with his eyes shut and it’ll be easier to apply the eyeshadow! “Thank you Seto! I will even hide that mole of your forehead since you hate it so much!!!” You say with one of the sweetest tones he’s ever heard. 
It’s honestly a win win for the both of you. 1st you’re getting to put makeup on your very tough looking boyfriend who is deemed a bad boy in your school. 2nd He loves the feeling of you straddling his chest as you apply the makeup and he’s gotta admit… the powder brush feels pretty damn great.
Once you’re all finished you hand him your glittery mirror and say “BOOM THATS THE POWER OF MAKEUP BABY!!!” His mole is concealed and the pink eyeshadow you applied pops thanks to his darker skin…. His eyes are wide with a bit of concern, he’s heard horror stories of neon shadow staining eyelids…. which guess what… it did…. And the next day he’s going to school with pink eyes and the guys all laugh. However, Seto shrugs it off. It made you happy and that’s what’s important. 
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Staring out his bedroom window you watched as the rain continued to tap against his window. Between the roaring thunder, Furuhashi’s soft voice, and dark sky, you were slowly starting to doze off… Until your elbow was harshly nudged by another. Furuhashi was gazing at you with his iconic dead fish eyes… He had been trying to help you study but he just couldn’t keep you focused long enough, “____, if you don’t want to study why did you ask?” 
It’s not like you didn’t want to study, honestly. You were falling behind in your language class and he was the best person to ask… and also the only person he’d be okay with you asking since deep down Furuhashi was a bit possessive… Poking his cheek softly with your sanrio pen you asked in your most angelic voice, “~Ko, could i please apply my makeup to your handsome face? It would help wake me up and change the mood in the room.” Adding the puppy pout you looked so pathetic, it made him want to hurt you… 
With a great big sigh, Furuhashi finally caved. He hated makeup being on his face and this wasn’t his first rodeo which is exactly why he always gave you a blank stare and walked away when you asked in the past. His young sister has done this to him in the past and he absolutely hates the way it feels on his face, not only that but it gives him anxiety. 
Doesn’t look thrilled 90% of the time you’re applying your makeup on him. Will look curiously at certain products and arch his eyebrow at you as you dip your brush into the odd looking product in your hand. Asks questions and will grab your wrists when he sees a color he isn’t too fond about -reminds him of the time his younger sister did it and it stained-. 
Will smile ever so gently at you when you’re turned around reaching for a new product as you ramble on about how it works better than the other brands. Furuhashi actually finds you quite adorable at the moment, he’s amazed you’re so passionate about makeup. And as he turns around to look in the mirror -with you still turned around- he’s even more amazed at just how talented you are at it. It makes him want to continue to protect you so you can accomplish your beauty dreams without any interference, though he’ll never admit that openly to you. 
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Hanamiya has never been so damn annoyed or tired in his entire life, and he’s been through quite the irritating situations before. However as you continue day in and day out asking him… no, scratch that… begging him if you can put makeup on his pasty face his eyes grow more tired and exasperated. 
Eventually snaps on you and makes you cry by calling you an annoyance and that you’ve been nothing but a pest the past week. Give it about an hour though, deep down he knows he messed up and with a click of his tongue he’s off to find you. 
“Hanamiya! I challenge you to a basketball game!!” With unstable quivering legs, you stood as tall as you can as you throw the basketball at the back of Hanamiya’s head…. Ah yes, this is why he loved you and kept you around, not only were you always pulling dumb stunts around him but you also tried to act as if you weren’t afraid of the consequences. Turning around with a devilish smirk, hanamiya replied to you as he picks up the orange sport ball, “Oh? And what might my little ____ want if she wins?” He knew you didn’t have a chance but this was too much fun seeing you have so much hope just so he could take it away.
“I-If i w-win I get to ap-apply my makeup to you… I- I-” Looking down with sullen eyes your voice became low and Hanamiya could hear the deep dejection in it… “I’m just really nervous because this Salon got ahold of me and asked if i could come in a show them my skills… Th-that they are interested in having me there with them… but i wanted to practice on an actual person… i- This was dumb, gomen’nasai Makoto…” 
Before you could even walk away the basketball had made contact with the back of your head this time. Twirling around holding the back of your head you saw that Hanamiya’s eyes were concealed with his jet black hair but his signature grin was fully on display, “Oi oi, who said you could walk away from me? Let’s play.”
It took a solid two hours but you finally managed to beat Hanamiya… Not that you won by pure skills or anything, Hanamiya had let you win. 
Applying his makeup actually ends up being more fun than you thought it would be, though there were a lot of times where he was making it difficult for you -surprise-. Hanamiya will “accidentally” knock a brush out of your hands here and there along with blowing the eyeshadow right off your shadow brush. You don’t know what overcame you but in the heat of the moment you decided to just dump your loose glitter all over his head since he wouldn’t stop acting out, and with a booming laugh you hold your stomach as you die from pure joy after seeing his face.
The atmosphere in your bathroom has changed drastically and his presence is menacing… “Ha-Hanamiya… i- I-im so sorry i just.. I thought it wou-” 
Grabbing you by your throat Hanamiya pins you against the sink as his mouth gets dangerously close to your ear. You can feel his hot breath as he whispers in your ear, “I think it’s time you learned your place, pet.” You’re frightened and unaware of what to do until you feel loose face powder his your face, “BAAAAKA!” Sticking his tongue out at you Hanamiya proceeds to coat your face with loose powder.
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