fatkish · 4 months
Hey!!!! Could i please an thank you req headcanons for pro heroes and their kid telling them they like another hero over them??? i just think itd be rlly cute haha
Pro Heroes x Child Reader: Asking Their kid who Their Favorite Hero is
When she asked you who your favorite hero was you happily shouted Present Mic. Although she kinda sweatdropped at the thought of Hizashi, she smiled and still agreed that he’s a good hero.
All Might:
When reporters asked you who your favorite hero was, since All Might is your dad, you happily replied with Endeavor. When asked why, you replied with fire is super cool and he make bad guys pee their pants cause he’s scary. All Might had to hide his frown and cried later that night. Endeavor who has caught the tail end of the interview, laughed at it
Sir Nighteye:
When he asked who your favorite hero was you replied with Gang Orca. This started a long Argument between the both of you on who’s better, All Might or Gang Orca.
He isn’t really the type to care about this kind of thing but when you replied with Fatgum, he wasn’t expecting that. You told him that he’s your favorite because Fatgum is cute and squishy looking.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was, expecting you to say daddy, he was shocked when you said Edgeshot. He regrets asking since you started to argue with him on why Edgeshot is cooler than him.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Mirko since she kicks butt. He laughed and happily agreed seeing you excitedly reenact her fights
Present Mic:
When he had you on his radio show he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Nighteye since he’s smart. If he wasn’t on air at the time he would’ve been crying and explaining to you that your dad’s smart too
When you told Aizawa that your favorite hero was Present Mic, the only reaction you could see was a slight eye twitch, but you giggled and then told him it was a joke and that he’s your favorite since he doesn’t need his quirk to beat a villain. Plus he’s your dad so that automatically makes him the best. He just smiled and gave you a hug and kissed your forehead
Best Jeanist:
When he asked you who you’re favorite hero was you told him you don’t really have a favorite since you think heroes are kinda lame. You told him you liked Nedzu since he could probably bring humanity to their knees. He became kinda worried about you after that answer.
When you told her your favorite hero was Ryukyu because dragons are cool. She smirked and said that she thinks Ryukyu is cool too and asked if you wanted her to arrange a meeting so you could meet your Idol. You screamed in delight and hugged your mom’s leg begging her to do it.
Gang Orca:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you replied with Black Manta. He sweat dropped and told you that 1.) he’s not real and 2.) he’s a villain. You looked at him with a straight face and said he’s cool like your dad. He’s now a little worried about you
When Edgeshot asked you who your favorite Hero was you replied with Itachi Uchiha. He looked you dead in the eye and said that Itachi isn’t real. You then began to explain how Itachi is a better ninja than your dad. Edgeshot listened and was happy that you admired a good person and at least you didn’t favor villains
Kamui Woods:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him Deadpool and Spider-Man. When he told you they aren’t real you told him he didn’t ask for whether they were real or not. You told him you like how they’re funny and that you want to be like Spider-Man.
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MERMAY: Twisted Wonderland Marine Biologist!AU Skit
In honor of Mermay, I’m posting a skit from two new Twisted Wonderland AUs I’ve started working on (and I likely will find more ideas to create more AUs over time), and I’m so happy to share some of the stuff I’ve got with you all~ UvU As you can see by the title, the version today is the Marine Biologist!AU~!
So here in this scene, Yuu has started figuring out their new role as caretaker for a motley group of mermaids that arrived at the facility after their avian guardian (aka Rook) arrived to keep them all together and safe from humans trying to hurt them. Let’s see how their first official week goes~ >v>
Oh, and I forgot to mention this in the poll, but in both AU’s, the mermaids cannot speak human languages and speak in clicks, chirps, trills, and whistles (or squawks in Rook’s case). Each character’s form is based on their nickname given to them by Floyd in game just for clarification! (Crowley in these AU is a manta ray because it has wings, and because we don’t know what Floyd would call him, so I want him to be a manta ray!).
A week had passed since the new feeding routine started, the seagull-like harpy they’d started calling “Roo” taking each bucket and passing them to each enclosure while Yuu stood near the cart. While somewhat boring with nothing to do but watch, Yuu reminded themselves that this was the closest anyone had been able to get since the mermaid’s avian guardian appeared. It was also fascinating to watch how, for the most part, he seemed to have a good rapport with the majority of the tanks. They couldn’t help but notice how annoyed Leo seemed whenever Roo got near him though—even when the harpy seemed undeterred and still smiled so cheerfully.
What sort of relationship did those two have in the first place?
‘So many questions…I wish we could communicate with one another,’ Yuu thought, moving to put another bucket on the red ‘x’ when they saw him taking off towards them again. This was the last one and they would be done for the morning feeding.
When Roo landed and swapped the empty bucket with the full one, he stopped to look at the cart with the other upturned buckets. For just the briefest moment, Roo looked…disheartened? Before they could figure out what it could mean, he had already taken flight towards the final tank: the Pom Tank.
‘Wait…are they…getting enough to eat?’ Yuu wondered.
As he landed, they paid close attention as Roo began sorting through the fish, gently passing them to Violet and Guppy when they appeared at the surface. Eventually he took at least three fish for himself before returning the bucket, a calm yet still somewhat weary smile on his human-like face. If he was only taking so little while giving everyone else the rest…
“Sir, I really think we should add at least seven more buckets of fish,” Yuu told Mr. Tanner. “I don’t think any of them are getting enough food, and the whole time I was watching them, Roo only took three fish for himself. He looked…disappointed when he was looking at the empty buckets.”
“Wait, who’s Roo?”
“The harpy creature. It…got a little awkward trying to communicate with him or calling him ‘harpy-man’, and he seemed to respond to the name Roo, so…I’ve started calling him Roo...for lack of a better name, anyway.”
“Oh…I see.” The director hummed as he mulled over Yuu’s words. What he was thinking they couldn’t say for sure, and for a moment they worried he might turn down the suggestion…until he nodded. “Okay. I’ll make arrangements with the supply team and have them prepare another cart of fish for tonight’s feeding. You are to report what you observe, and if it seems like they may still need more, we will add more until we find what amount works.”
“T-thank you, sir!”
“No, thank you.” Mr. Tanner’s expression was soft as he smiled at them, reminding Yuu of a grandfather as he said, “We honestly cannot afford to lose these creatures due to our own negligence. No one should ever have to go hungry, whether they’re human, animal, mermaid…or a giant screeching harpy man!”
At that Yuu couldn’t help but laugh, Mr. Tanner’s jovial chuckle joining in. Hopefully their idea will work, and this will put them in good standing with Roo…
“Roo! Feeding time!”
Yuu’s voice echoed in the mostly silent warehouse, mixing with the low thrum of the filters keeping the waters clean and oxygen rich. A flurry of feathers announced Roo’s descent before he landed, talons clicking against the metal floor as he approached the offered bucket as usual. One by one they continued the same routine, Yuu waiting impatiently for him to finish so they could bring out the nest cart.
When he brought back the last bucket—once more carrying three fish and disappointed look in his eyes—he was about to take off before Yuu called out his name. “Wait,” Yuu said, holding their hands up and making a motion they’d used once before. Pointing to where he was standing, they said, “Stay, Roo. Wait.���
Roo’s head tilted as he watched them, yet he stayed put with an expectant stare. Yuu put the last bucket on the cart and wheeled it away, glancing over their shoulder to make sure he stayed there. Their heart hammered in anxious excitement as they reached around the entrance to where the second cart was waiting, seeing Roo tense as they once more repeated the request…before pulling the load around the corner.
The moment he saw the fresh buckets full of fish, Roo’s emerald eyes grew so wide in clear shock and disbelief. It wasn’t until they approached with one in hand that he began crooning and squawking, nearly losing his grip on the three fish he’d had in his arms before dumping them into the fresh bucket. “There you go, Roo,” Yuu said, unable to hold back the biggest smile at the joy he was showing. “I’m sorry we haven’t been feeding you and your friends enough. We didn’t know you needed more than we were giving you. If it’s still not enough, I can talk to the director and get some more buckets…okay?”
The joyful harpy soon calmed down, though his smile never went away as he tilted his head, regarding them with a thoughtful expression. Then, he picked up the bucket—
And promptly deposited it in Yuu’s arms.
“Wha-?!” they uttered, barely managing to get a proper hold on the bucket in question. “Wait, what-?”
Before they could voice any protest, Rook had already picked up another bucket and was holding it in one hand. With his free arm, he gestured towards the tanks and gave Yuu a calm, expectant look.
“…are you…allowing me to help?” Yuu asked, pointing at themselves. To their shock, he nodded, one of his wings reaching out to nudge them forward as he guided them towards the Hearts Tank. It wasn’t until they’d started climbing up the stairs that he took off, fluttering over to one of the other tanks and landing on the platform. To their shock and amazement, several of the mermaids had approached the surface, watching them carefully as they set the bucket down and began tossing some fish into the water.
It wasn’t until Roo called out to them that they slowly began to eat the offered food, giving Yuu a good look at them. The crab-like mermaid had a heart-shaped mark on one eye, while the blue mackerel one had a spade over the opposite eye. The orange mermaid had a diamond on one cheek, and when the golden-eyed turtle appeared they saw a clover marking on the opposite cheek. Card deck markings…? That wasn’t something that the other researchers had been able to note before.
Finally, the red, black, and white mermaid appeared, slate gray eyes observing them with such an intensity that they felt…intimidated. Like they were staring in the face of royalty. Not a king per say, but…a queen maybe?
“Wow…you’re all so…gorgeous,” Yuu couldn’t help but utter in amazement, elated at the fact that they were able to even get this close to them now. Then—realizing that they would have to report this event—they hummed in thought. They were going to have to figure out names for these five just like they had for Roo. So maybe…
“I think I’ll call you…Red Queen,” Yuu finally said, pointing at the red one. “And you are…Diamond. Clover…” A moment later they smiled, adding, “If I call you Turtle Clover, I can nickname you TC! And…you two are going to be…Spade and Ace—like the Ace of Hearts!”
While the others seemed indifferent or confused by this, the moment they mentioned ‘Ace’ they noticed how the crab mermaid seemed to perk up in surprise. Did he somehow recognize the word?
Curious, they called out, “Ace?” To their surprise, he squeaked and chittered up at them, moving closer with a ‘Yeah? What do you want?’ look on his face. “Does…Ace mean something to you?”
He chirped at them in response, looking annoyed as he crossed his arms over his chest in what was yet another very human-like action.
Just how much actually separated the mermaids from ordinary humans…?
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I would like to offer this resource for therians, an extensive list of all of Sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries that are available on soap2day, and a full list of what species* they each (notably, prominently) feature the natural behaviors of, separated by episode, and omitting species that were only shown dead, juvenile or being predated on. This took me a while (I have been working on it since Prehistoric Planet’s release) because I did in fact have to watch every single series in full in order to list all the species and the episodes are around 50 minutes long, but enjoy.
Long post ahead:
Most of these shows have closed captioning, which is why I’ve picked soap2day. Planet Earth is the only one that doesn’t. I did not include Dynasties and Dynasties II because each episode only features one species.
Thank you to Birch (@ambiguousmutt​) for his help (he watched about half of the episodes) so I didn’t have to do it individually. Credit goes to him as well.
*Sometimes Attenborough doesn’t say the specific species and I was too busy trying to get through the episodes to identify it. In those cases I just put the most specific name I could.
Planet Earth
Episode one (From Pole to Pole): emperor penguin, polar bear, caribou, arctic grey wolf, Amur leopard, six-plumed bird-of-paradise, superb bird-of-paradise, great white shark, African elephant, African buffalo, lechwe, baboon, African wild dog
Episode two (Mountains): gelada, walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf, guanaco, cougar, grizzly bear, markhor, snow leopard, golden eagle, grey wolf, panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, red panda, demoiselle crane
Episode three (Fresh Water): giant salamander, grizzly bear, smooth-coated otter, Nile crocodile, dolphin fish, midge, Amazon river dolphin, dorado, piranha, spectacled caiman, crab-eating macaque, snow goose
Episode four (Caves): wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, cockroach, bat hawk, cave swiftlet, yellow-red rat snake, Texas blind salamander
Episode five (Deserts): Bactrian camel, dromedary camel, red kangaroo, fennec fox, guanaco, long-nosed bat, Nubian ibex, flat lizard, lion, African elephant, locust
Episode six (Ice Worlds): snow petrel, Antarctic petrel, south polar skua, humpback whale, emperor penguin, eider, muskox, arctic grey wolf, polar bear, little auk, arctic fox
Episode seven (Great Plains): Mongolian gazelle, red-billed quelea, wildebeest, snow goose, arctic fox, arctic grey wolf, bison, wild ass, Tibetan fox, pygmy hog, African elephant, lion, baboon
Episode eight (Jungles): magnificent bird-of-paradise, spider monkey, howler monkey, siamang gibbon, gliding tree frog, colugo, red crab spider, African elephant, chimpanzee
Episode nine (The Shallow Seas): humpback whale, multiple corals, banded sea krait, trevally, dugong, bottlenose dolphin, Socotra cormorant, salp, comb jelly, sea lion, dusky dolphin, sea urchin, sunflower starfish, short-tailed stingray, great white shark, king penguin, fur seal
Episode ten (Seasonal Forests): Eurasian lynx, moose, crossbill, wolverine, western capercaillie, pine marten, great grey owl, pudu, kodkod, mandarin duck, cicada, red deer, Amur leopard, tiger, mouse lemur
Episode eleven (Ocean Deep): whale shark, oceanic whitetip shark, common dolphin, Cory's shearwater, manta ray, sea spider, vampire squid, spider crab, unnamed deep sea eel, giant isopod, chambered nautilus, Pacific spotted dolphin, mola mola, frigatebird, sailfish, blue whale
Planet Earth II
Episode one (Islands): pygmy three-toed sloth, Komodo dragon, sifaka, marine iguana, Galapagos racer, Buller's albatross, fairy tern, Christmas Island red crab, yellow crazy ant, chinstrap penguin
Episode two (Mountains): Nubian ibex, red fox, golden eagle, grizzly bear, bobcat, flamingo, mountain viscacha rat, snow leopard
Episode three (Jungles): spider monkey, flying lizard, sword-billed hummingbird, river dolphin, jaguar, glass frog, paper wasp, click beetle, red bird of paradise, Wilson's bird of paradise, indri
Episode four (Deserts): lion, Harris's hawk, shrike, locust, sand grouse, pale chanting goshawk, feral mustang, golden mole, desert long-eared bat, darkling beetle, Namaqua chameleon
Episode five (Grasslands): saiga antelope, lion, harvest mouse, carmine bee-eater, Kori bustard, African elephant, serval, Jackson's widowbird, grasscutter ant, compass termite, giant anteater, bison, red fox, arctic grey wolf
Episode six (Cities): langur, peregrine falcon, leopard, European starling, great bowerbird, raccoon, rhesus macaque, spotted hyena, wels catfish
Our Planet
Episode one (One Planet): lesser flamingo, orchid bee, golden-collared manakin, red-capped manakin, blue manakin, cormorant, booby, common dolphin, shearwater, African wild dog, timber wolf
Episode two (Frozen Worlds): gentoo penguin, wandering albatross, narwhal, Pacific walrus, humpback whale, orca, leopard seal, polar bear
Episode three (Jungles): lowland gorilla, forest elephant, black sicklebill, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, western parotia, mountain treeshrew, Philippine eagle, black spider monkey, leafcutter ant, Sumatra orangutan, velvet worm
Episode four (Coastal Seas): northern fur seal, compass jellyfish, giant trevally, mobula ray, Atlantic stingray, bottlenose dolphin, grey reef shark, whitetip reef shark, sea otter, California sheephead wrasse, Steller's sea lion, bald eagle, humpback whale, Guanay cormorant, Inca tern, Peruvian booby, South American sea lion
Episode five (From Deserts to Grasslands): Socotran cormorant, Arabian leopard, Arabian oryx, African elephant, cheetah, bison, Alcon blue butterfly, saiga, Przewalski's wild horse, tiger
Episode six (The High Seas): blue whale, spinner dolphin, mobula ray, oarfish, anglerfish, bristle worm, giant petrel, black-browed albatross, wandering albatross, bluefin tuna, sea lion, humpback whale
Episode seven (Fresh Water): Australian pelican, torrent duck, grizzly bear, manatee, giant mayfly, common kingfisher, osprey, jaguar, callipterus cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, hippopotamus, lion, African elephant, sandhill crane
Episode eight (Forests): Siberian tiger, bald eagle, rough-skinned newt, great hornbill, African elephant, African wild dog, fossa, gray mouse lemur
A Perfect Planet
Episode one (Volcano): lesser flamingo, marabou stork, Galápagos land iguana, vampire ground finch, Aldabra giant tortoise, North American river otter, coyote, Kamchatka brown bear, wildebeest
Episode two (The Sun): yellow-cheeked gibbon, fig wasp, arctic grey wolf, wood frog, garter snake, arctic fox, Saharan silver ant, golden snub-nosed monkey, sooty shearwater, humpback whales
Episode three (Weather): straw-colored fruit bat, fire ant, Amazonian giant river turtle, desert rain frog, Bactrian camel, Christmas Island red crab, carmine bee-eater, Nile crocodile, African fish eagle, hippopotamus
Episode four (Oceans): common dolphin, marine iguana, flightless cormorant, flamboyant cuttlefish, eider, bottlenose dolphin, lemon shark, manta ray, blacktip reef shark, trevally, rockhopper pengin, Eden's whale
Episode five (Humans): none
Episode one (Challenges of Life): bottlenose dolphins, cheetah, panther chameleon, orca, brown-tufted capuchin, stalk-eyed fly, hippopotamus, Clark's grebe, giant Pacific octopus, strawberry poison-dart frog, leopard seal, orangutan
Episode two (Reptiles and Amphibians): pebble toad, caiman, basilisk, Brazilian pygmy gecko, panther chameleon, Namaqua chameleon, red-sided garter snake, collared iguana, hog-nosed snake, horned lizard, sea krait, African bullfrog, Komodo dragon
Episode three (Mammals): Weddell seal, elephant shrew, aye-aye, caribou, straw-colored fruit bat, lion, spotted hyena, polar bear, brown-nosed coati, meerkat, African elephant, humpback whale
Episode four (Fish): sailfish, flying fish, weedy sea dragon, convict fish, sarcastic fringehead, mudskipper, Hawaiian freshwater goby, hippopotamus, barbel, silvertip shark, clownfish, sea lion, ragged tooth shark, multiple snapper, whale shark
Episode five (Birds): spatuletail hummingbird, lammergeier, red-billed tropicbird, magnificent frigatebird, red knot, horseshoe crab, lesser flamingo, chinstrap penguin, great white pelican, Clark’s grebe, sage grouse, Vogelkop bowerbird
Episode six (Insects): Darwin’s beetle, unnamed damselfly, monarch butterfly, alkali fly, Wilson’s phalarope, oogpister beetle, mongoose, bombardier beetle, honey bee, black bear, Japanese red bug, Dawson’s bee, grass cutter ant
Episode seven (Hunters and Hunted): ibex, short-tailed stoat, brown bear, Ethiopian wolf, California ground squirrel, star-nosed mole, cheetah, red fox, greater bulldog bat, bottlenose dolphin, Bengal tiger, rattlesnake, orca
Episode eight (Creatures of the Deep): Pompeii worm, Humboldt squid, nemertean worm, moon jelly, fried egg jellyfish, spider crab, stingray, cuttlefish, giant Pacific octopus, sunflower sea star, king crab, cleaner shrimp
Episode nine (Plants): monarch butterfly, purple-throated carib hummingbird
Episode ten (Primates): Hamadryas baboon, Japanese macaque, lowland gorilla, spectral tarsier, phayre's leaf monkey, ring-tailed lemur, Sumatra orangutan, chacma baboon, white-faced capuchin, brown-tufted capuchin, western chimpanzee
Blue Planet II
Episode one (One Ocean): bottlenose dolphin, tuskfish, tern, giant trevally, mobula ray, false killer whale, Asian sheepshead wrasse, orca, humpback whale, walrus
Episode two (The Deep): sea toad, Venus’ flower basket, unnamed shrimp, ethereal snailfish, cock-eyed squid, pyrosome, barrel-eyed fish, unnamed siphonophore, yeti crab, Humboldt squid, fangtooth fish, sixgill shark, scabbardfish, zombie worm
Episode three (Coral Reefs): broadclub cuttlefish, coral grouper, day octopus, multiple corals, green turtle, bottlenose dolphin, manta ray, bobbit worm, saddleback clownfish, marbled grouper, grey reef shark
Episode four (Big Blue): spinner dolphin, yellowfin tuna, mobula ray, sailfish, sperm whale, sea turtle, blue shark, great white shark, multiple jellyfish, Portuguese man o' war, whale shark, wandering albatross, shortfin pilot whale
Episode five (Green Seas): Garibaldi, Australian giant cuttlefish, weedy seadragon, common octopus, pyjama shark, sea otter, tiger shark, smooth stingray, zebra mantis shrimp, common dolphin, humpback whale
Episode six (Coasts): Pacific leaping blenny, king penguin, southern elephant seal, Sally Lightfoot crab, Galápagos sea lion, ochre starfish, clingfish, chain moray eel, Atlantic puffin, arctic skua
Episode seven (Our Blue Planet): none
Prehistoric Planet
Episode one (Coasts): Tyrannosaurus rex, Tethydraco, Phosphatodraco,  Tuarangisaurus, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, pycnodont fish, ammonites,  Kaikaifilu
Episode two (Deserts):  Dreadnoughtus, Tarbosaurus, Velociraptor,  Mononykus, Barbaridactylus, Secernosaurus
Episode three (Freshwater): Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex, Deinocheirus, Quetzalcoatlus, Masiakasaurus, Beelzebufo, elasmosaur
Episode four (Ice Worlds): dromaeosaur, hadrosaur, Ornithomimus, Olorotitan, troodontid, Antarctopelta, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanuqsaurus
Episode five (Forests): Austroposeidon, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Qianzhousaurus,  Edmontosaurus, Atrociraptor, Anodontosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Hatzegopteryx
The Hunt
Episode one (The Hardest Challenge): African leopard, African wild dog, Parson’s chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, African mantis, Darwin’s bark spider, Nile crocodile, Amur falcon, orca, cheetah
Episode two (Arctic): polar bear, arctic grey wolf, arctic fox, glaucous gull
Episode three (Forests): tiger, American marten, sparrow hawk, Portia spider, tarsier, harpy eagle, chimpanzee, army ant
Episode four (Oceans): blue whale, frigatebird, dorado, sargassum fish, spinner dolphin, Beroe ovata, Chiroteuthis, lionfish, black-browed albatross, sea lion, tuna, copper shark, common dolphin, Bryde's whale
Episode five (Plains): cheetah, caracal, honey badger, termite, bald eagle, lion, Ethiopian wolf, hotrod ant, spoor spider
Episode six (Coasts): bottlenose dolphin, algae octopus, sand bubbler crab, long-tailed macaque, marine otter, grizzly bear, grey wolf, peregrine falcon, orca, humpback whale
Episode seven (Conservation): none
Life In Colour
Episode one (Seeing In Color): Indian peafowl, mandrill, Costa’s hummingbird, magnificent bird-of-paradise, blue moon butterfly, fiddler crab, mantis shrimp, flamingo, poison dart frog
Episode two (Hiding In Color): Bengal tiger, langur, ptarmigan, crab spider, zebra, Cuban painted snail, blue-striped fangblenny, common waxbill, pin-tailed wydah, Augrabies flat lizard
Frozen Planet II
Episode one (Frozen Worlds): emperor penguin, orca, Pallas’s cat, Siberian tiger, grizzly bear, hooded seal, polar bear
Episode two (Frozen Ocean): polar bear, beluga, harp seal, skeleton shrimp, crested auklet, orca
Episode three (Frozen Peaks): high-casqued chameleon, japanese macaque, kea, andean flamingo, giant panda, golden eagle, andean mountain lion
Episode four (Frozen South): king penguin, Antipodean wandering albatross, blue whale, Weddell seal, chinstrap penguin, snow petrel, leopard seal, orca
Episode five (Frozen Lands): grey wolf, arctic fox, Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, painted turtl, Lapland bumblebee, snowy owl, caribou, grizzly bear
Episode six (Our Frozen Planet): none
Episode one (Kalahari): fork-tailed drongo, ostrich, black rhinoceros, Angolan giraffe, African leopard, armored ground cricket, spider wasp
Episode two (Savannah): Agama lizard, shoebill, bee-eaters and rollers, lesser flamingo, African elephant, crowned eagle, African fish eagle, martial eagle
Episode three (Congo): chimpanzee, central African rock python, Angola banana frog, African skimmer, rockfowl, African elephant
Episode four (Cape): emperor swallowtail, giant kingfish, African penguin, monkey beetle, springbok, yellow-billed kite, pied crow, ghost crab, vundu catfish, Nile crocodile, Bryde’s whale, great white shark, common dolphin
Episode five (Sahara): Grevy’s zebra, naked mole rat, barn swallow, Dromedary camel, dung beetle, crocodile, western yellow wagtail, Saharan silver ant
Episode six (The Future): none
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sleepinginmygrave · 3 months
hihihi how’s it going :D ✨✨✨
hope ur having a sunny day and chilling out and eating tons of yummy ice cream <3 also…
uhm if you don’t mind I’d like to try a request for ur event bc it’s the most aesthetic thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on and it looks super fun :DD
also eep I’m sure you have so many requests already so make sure you take time for yourself as well and that you have fun and don’t get stressed out bc this is YOUR celebration ok?? <:
so aquarium tour guide sir/madam , could you please show me either the whale sharks, the eels or the lemon sharks because I’m way way too indecisive and I’d rather let the professional show me the way, as I get very easily lost in aquariums because there’s so much to choose from :D (basically whichever you’d prefer to do :)
and you’re free to show me the manta rays anytime , event or not because as a fellow oversharer I love love love hearing people talk about things they love <3
have a great day ly byeee!!!
(Also here are some songs for a sunny day for you <3)
hi hi this is not at all one month old... nuh huh
anyway here you go<3
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i decided to show you the ⇢ˏˋ {whale sharks}࿐ྂ!!
mon cœur,
holy fuck i love you so so much aah you light up my day i love love love getting asks from you you're such an angel a sweetheart a cutie everytime i interact with you i'm like this :33 giggling kicking my feet also you play the guitar?? hello?? ved never heard it but i KNOW you're super duper talented (you can play the bug collector c'mon how cool is that) you're so so so cool and you wear pretty dresses and pretty necklaces and your'e so nice and i adore you a lot<3 i'm so so glad i met you aaaaaaa i wish we'll never stop talking :>
with love, james<3
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thanks for your visit!! dont hesitate to come back<33
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thatonecrimsonecho · 6 months
Marnie’s Marine Eatery - The Newbie
This is my first time doing a writing project like this, so I hope it’s good enough to gain some traction! All the big text is below the break.
(Pixel Puppy belongs to @purplebehittindifferent)
Gill was honestly bewildered at what had happened during the day.
The entire time while he was performing his work as a waiter, he noticed workers he had never seen before, adorned in official Freddy Fazbear’s outfits, wheeling in arcade cabinet after arcade cabinet. At least one kid at every table he served brought it up to either their guardians or to him.
“What’re they doing that for?” “What kinds of games are those?” “When are they gonna let me play one of those?”
All Gill answered with was a simple “you’ll see”. He had no idea what was happening or why these cabinets were being moved in.
After the restaurant closed at 10 PM, he approached the stage on which the main animatronics sat- Lead singer Marnie the Mermaid, drummer Manny manta ray, and whale shark Billy Blubber (who was within his hole hiding away). Immediately Marnie waved.
“Good evening,” She greeted. “What’s up?”
“Do you know why they put in all… those?” He gestured off to the left wall, where all the arcade cabinets had been lined up.
“Good…” Marnie looked off to the cabinets. “Good question. I don’t actually know.”
“I was way too into today to notice anything was happening.” Manny admitted, holding his guitar in both hands.
“Well, uh-”
A knock came to the front entrance, startling all three animatronics. Gill walked his way to the door, where Georgie the manatee was behind the reception desk, tapping his hands together and looking at the door.
“Why would anybody knock?” Was all he said, waiting for Gill to move and open the door. Which Gill did.
The person at the front was much like the unknown Fazbear workers he saw throughout the day- Unrecognized faces wearing official brand outfits. This one in particular had on glasses and was holding a clipboard. Behind her was a very large wooden box with a brand stamp on it. From her surprised expression, she definitely expected a human to answer.
“Hello, uh… Sir?” She said. “Usually robots aren’t the ones signing these things-”
“I can forge the signature of the owner if need be.” Gill replied.
“I- Sure- Yeah, that works.” She held up the clipboard and a pen, to which Gill took and neatly signed in the name of the owner of the restaurant.
“What is this for?” Gill asked while he handed back the clipboard.
“A new animatronic, I think.” Was what the woman replied with.
A new animatronic? Why? Gill firmly believed that himself and the 5 others would be the only animatronics to ever be at this location. Regardless, the woman moved to behind the box, wheeling it in using the hand truck it sat upon. Gill moved out of the way, hearing his own servos click and whir as he followed the worker’s every move.
“Uhm… Yeah. En-enjoy.”
And the woman left back through the front door, leaving the box in the middle of the main dining area.
“It’s a new character?” Marnie was the first to ask as Gill walked around to the front of the shipment.
“Apparently so.” Gill responded, truly baffled.
“Open it!” Manny urged, clearly impatient.
Unsure how else to approach it, Gill carefully placed his fingers on the sides of the crate, gripping into it as much as he could without outright splintering the wood. He pulled back slightly, hearing the crack of the cover detach from the rest of the box, letting it drop to the ground.
He looked at the animatronic inside.
It was completely unlike anybody at the Eatery. This animatronic was, firstly, a dog, completely unrelated to the theme of the restaurant. And secondly, they were very bright and contrasting colors- the bulk of their body was white, simulating fur, although they had splotches of purple around their snout, eyes, and ears, and their casing resembling clothes were all sorts of bright greens and more purples. And their model seemed so much more shiny and clean and advanced than anybody else at the restaurant.
Gill looked them up and down, gauging all of these details. It really put him off. Against his better judgement, however, he poked the dog in the arm to see how they would react.
At first, Gill only heard the sounds of cooling fans and servos beginning to whir and click into motion, and then he saw as the animatronic’s head moved slowly up, reaching eye level with Gill. The dead and black color of the eyes were overtaken by a purple glow, showing two different symbols- on the left, a swirling shape, and on the right, a cross. The eyes searched Gill’s face, and the animatronic turned its head to the side in curiosity. Even the symbols of their eyes both changed to question marks.
Gill extended a hand.
“I’m Gill.”
The newbie shook his hand.
“I’m… Pixel.”
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Top Gun instructors are impressed with the SR 71 😎 as they should be!
So when I walked into the hangar I was stunned to see the sleekest, blackest flying machine ever, the SR-71 Blackbird. An Air Force reconnaissance aircraft, at 107 feet long it was huge, even compared to the F-14 that I was familiar with. The smooth underside was almost six feet above the ground, so I could look under its belly, or look up at its cockpit, engines, and tails. The machine seemed even more fantastic in the ancient dusty hangar, illuminated by the afternoon light that penetrated the yellow windows and gaps in the huge hangar doors. This was straight out of an Indiana Jones movie.
Six Air Force security policemen in camouflaged uniforms guarded the jet, with M16 assault rifles held across their chests. I don't know how long this shift had been on duty, but they looked alert and intent. I walked into the hangar with four or five other instructors. We started at the Blackbird's nose, walked about ¾ along the length of the jet, and stopped near the left engine. We were all thrilled to get such a close-up look. Of course I had my camera in hand and ready.
"Sir, no photography is allowed, sir! Sir, I need to see your Armed Forces Identification card, sir." He spoke clearly and authoritatively, using the "sir sandwich" form of sentence construction.
I outranked him, thus his frequent use of the word "sir." But he had an M16 and was doing his job. As I reached for my wallet I looked him straight in the eye and calmly said, "Okay, got it. I haven't taken any pictures. Here's my ID."
The Blackbird took off Thursday morning. I was in a flight briefing that started at 10:00, but when the SR-71 taxied out to the runway we adjourned the brief and went outside. It was an airshow atmosphere as many people walked across the ramp to stand in grass near the runway. Looking as cool as any man-made object ever looked, the jet sat at the end of the runway while the pilot and back-seater performed takeoff checks. When those were complete the pilot advanced the throttles and lit the burners. The sound was deafening; the sight was exciting.
The jet was large but sleek, and its acceleration was brisk. Halfway down the runway the pilot pulled the nose up, but only climbed a thousand feet or so. He leveled off, made a sharp left turn, and flew toward downtown Key West a few miles away, disappearing behind the tree line. A moment later we could hear their approach. They flew over the field at low altitude, lighting the burners as they passed. The jet was a triple-sonic manta ray of flowing curved surfaces and elegant proportions, painted flat black. The crew made another circuit, and then over the base they lit the burners and pulled the nose up to climb out of sight. Moments later the same SR-71 eased in for a smooth landing, turned at the end of the runway, and taxied into the same hangar.
Tyler Rogoway
Published October 8, 2014
@Habubrats71 via X
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saexy · 5 months
Ye jija ji ne apne chote bhai se ladai kyu krli😔
Meri setting kra dete
rin nahi manta.. 😞😞 kaafi emo kisam ka hai.. aur kaafi jawan khoon gadar style dodhta hai uski ragon mein- thoda sir phira bhi hai 😞 style bhi maaarta hai ab mujhe pata chala... bro bhaiyon ke beech mein main KYAAA HI BOLU 😞😞 meri sunta kon hai iss ghar mein (rin sunta hai magar sae ke baarein mein kuch bhi nahi) aur mujhe pagal kehte hai dono-
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Tiny Toku Tale #1: Ryuki, Stuffed Animals
Ren only realized that Shinji had stopped when he nearly ran into him. 
“What are you doing, Kido? Walk!” 
“Ren, look!” Shinji said, pointing to the window and grabbing Ren’s arm. 
Ren shook Shinji off and looked. It was a toy store, and in the window was a giant red dragon, at least a meter long, if not longer. 
“And what of it?” 
Shinji looked like he couldn’t figure out his own emotions, which, Ren couldn’t either. Why was the idea of Shinji with a red dragon so…emotionally charged? 
“Let’s go, Kido,” Ren sighed, pushing Shinji away from the store. Shinji kept looking back until they turned the corner. 
“Tezuka!” Ren heard when he came down, ready for his shift at Atori. “I got you this, cause it reminded me of you, for some reason…!” Shinji’s voice trailed off into an obvious frown, even if Ren couldn’t see him. 
“What is it?” 
“A little pink manta ray keychain!” 
Tezuka took the keychain, looking thoughtful, and Ren tried to stop feeling jealous. That was ridiculous, after all. 
“Kido. Get back to work,” he said instead. 
“Ren! I got you one too! A bat, look! At that toy store we passed a few days ago!” Shinji’s enthusiasm almost made him fall up the stairs, if Ren hadn’t caught him. “Ah! Thanks Ren, here!” 
Ren accepted the keychain, a tiny fuzzy thing that could easily be a phone charm. He caught a glimpse of Shinji’s expression, all bright and cheerful, and idly wondered when Shinji’s birthday was. 
“Thank you, sir, for your purchase! You know, we were almost afraid no one would ever buy it, as it is quite large.” 
Ren tried not to scowl at the cashier ringing him up, instead looking outside and seeing that annoying lawyer that came to Atori every so often. There was a green water buffalo plush on the shelf that oddly reminded him of that lawyer, but Ren wasn’t going to think too deeply about that. Bad enough he was buying this for Shinji, a big hit to his debt, at the very least. 
“Rennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Thank you!” 
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aecholapis · 1 year
Transformers & Brave/Yuusha:
All characters have been adapted into both franchises, but their personalities, designations and designs can vary to some extent. To simplify things, only their Cybertronian designation is stated, the Brave equivalent and all aliases, as well as their combiner names, will not be mentioned here. If any of the names sound hilarious (cringe-worthy) or you recognize a reference, chances are high they were named like this on purpose.
Swan Song
Brave Police J Decker:
These two are illegally constructed mecha made from Deckerd's stolen blueprints in another secret daughter-company that was founded by Victim O'Rand. After his second death, the company dissolved and most of its employees went to work for another underground organization that had accumulated all the data they needed to make more robots with Super A.I. The two mecha were left behind, but the Scotland Yard Braves found them and took them in.
Point Rue
Sir Lockhart
Super Giant Robot Brothers:
Pointy is one of the failed G.R.I.T.S. contestants. An alien from the Empire finds his discarded frame on the scrap yard and steals it to gather more information about the EDF. The Empire starts building their own robots and deploys them during their battles against the Resistance in outer space, but they are too ineffective and faulty to last long. After Overlord Master is defeated and the his spaceship docks, a surge goes through the entire ship, activating the brothers Pointy, Crusader and Splendor and granting them sentience. They flee and join the Resistance in search for the imperial mother ship's location and fighting their other imperial siblings who could not escape Overlord Master's influence.
Wave Breaker
E.M.P. Error
Iron Leaguer:
A bunch of Leaguers who take part in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, etc.)
Glacier Jet
Frost Burn
Frost Gale
Frost Core
Echo Location
Snow Drift
Light of Aether - Original Story:
This story does not exist yet. Not outside of a large document, that is. It is about the life and struggle of a society of alien cyborgs, inspired by five different franchises (Metroid, Transformers, Astral Chain, Tron, Warrior Cats). The original idea was actually a Transformers x Sailor Moon crossover my cousin and I came up with, and then we just took the parts we contributed to it and made it our own thing. She created a magical girl story, I wrote about cyborgs and space and war.
In the end, I might never publish anything about it, but my OCs still exist and bits of them they carry over to all the other franchises as well, such as their names, their personality, their concept and more. And I intended for the main character to have an over-the-top name, because I found it funny and I really don't want to change it. It is ridiculous, but I love it.
A. Vion
Echo Volta
Bravo Volta
Cryo Volta
Amber Varnice
Nameless (Light of Aether - personification)
Alien OCs that are part of the Space Pirates.
V. Rita Jocea
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aecho-rambles · 2 years
OC Master List
Transformers & Brave/Yuusha:
All characters have been adapted into both franchises, but their personalities, designations and designs can vary to some extent. Their Cybertronian designation is stated first, the Brave equivalent second (only if it differs), and all aliases (as well as their combiner names) will be mentioned in brackets. If any of the names sound hilarious (cringeworthy) or you recognize a reference, chances are high they were named like this on purpose.
Helios (Helix, Heliayre)
Nightjet || Night Jet (Super Jetter, Helix, Heliayre)
Railjet || Rail Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Acidsplicer || Arrow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Snowblast || Snow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Viridian || Viridian Glaze
Azurian || Azure Glaze
Ironwing || Iron Wing (Heliayre)
Firecry || Copper Fire (Bronze Lord)
Anvil || Copper Drill (Bronze Lord)
Dataduct (Artecust) || Copper Turbo (Bronze Lord)
Cryoslope || Copper Diver (Bronze Lord)
Altitude (Berserker)
Swan Song
Triator (Tertius Incubus)
Sonar (Fidelitas, Secundus Incubus)
Torqueris (Acceleris)
Nightshift (Acceleris)
Scintilla (Acceleris)
Cinderclaw (Acceleris)
Sunburst (Acceleris)
Pariah Carry
Missile Tow
Petri High
Brave Police J Decker:
These two are illegally constructed mechs made from Deckerd's stolen blueprints in a daughter-company that was founded by Victim O'Rand. After his second death, the company dissolves and most of its employees go to work for another underground organization that has accumulated all the data they need to make more robots with Super A.I. The two mechs are left behind, but the Scotland Yard Braves find them and they band together.
Point Rue
Sir Lockhart
Super Giant Robot Brothers:
Pointy is one of the failed G.R.I.T.S. contestants. An alien from the empire finds his discarded frame on the scrap yard and steals it to gather more information about the EDF. The empire starts building their own robots and deploys them during their battles against the Resistance in outer space, but they are too ineffective and faulty to last long. After the Overlord Master is defeated and the hand spaceship docks, a surge goes through the entire ship, which activates the brothers Pointy, Crusader and Splendor and grants them sentience. They flee and join the Resistance, searching for the imperial mother ship's location and fighting their other imperial siblings who could not escape the Overlord Master's influence.
Wave Breaker
E.M.P. Error
Iron Leaguer:
A bunch of Leaguers who take part in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, etc.)
Glacier Jet
Frost Burn (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Gale (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Core (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Echo Location
Snow Drift
Light of Aether - Original Story:
This story does not exist yet. Not outside of a large document, that is. It is about the life and struggle of a society of alien cyborgs, inspired by five different franchises (Metroid, Transformers, Astral Chain, Tron, Warrior Cats). The original idea was actually a Transformers x Sailor Moon crossover my cousin and I came up with, and then we just took the parts we contributed to it and made it our own thing. She created a magical girl story, I wrote about cyborgs and space and war.
In the end, I might never publish anything about it, but my OCs still exist and bits of them they carry over to all the other franchises as well, such as their names, their personality, their concept and more. And I intended for the main character to have an over-the-top name, because I found it funny and I really don't want to change it. It is ridiculous, but I love it.
A. Vion
Echo Volta
Bravo Volta
Cryo Volta
Amber Varnice
Malfunction (Vindictus, is actually a robot, not a cyborg)
Flamaclam (Firecry)
Nameless (Light of Aether - personification)
Alien OCs that are part of the Space Pirates.
V. Rita Jocea
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bookishnerdlove · 6 months
SNCRM - 111
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◈Episodio 111. 2. El secreto de la protagonista soltera y el Gran Duque del Norte (28)   “¿Tengo un caballero escolta secreto?”   “¿Estás diciendo que este sucio rumor de magia negra llegó incluso a oídos de mi señorita…?”   "¿Gran Duque?"   “Lo siento, señorita. Voy a irme por un momento…”     ¡Oh, no!   "¡No, no! ¡espera un minuto!"   Rápidamente tomé su mano.   "¡No se vaya!"   Sentí que simplemente sostener su mano no funcionaría, así que moví mi cuerpo, pero el mundo empezó a girar.   "¡Mi señorita!"   Cuando me desperté con el sonido de algo golpeando algo, vi un rostro hermoso justo frente a mí. Parecía sorprendido.   Pensé que era una oportunidad así que lo agarré por el hombro con fuerza.   “No se vaya, ¿bien? Espera un minuto..."   ¿Estás intentando matar a alguien otra vez, Gran Duque? Esperemos un momento. Seamos pacientes.   “Bien, no iré. No me voy..."   "Oh, lo siento. ¿Debería soltarlo…?   "¡No sueltes, no lo hagas!"   "Ah... Sí."   Asentí mientras sostenía su hombro.   Cuando recuperé el sentido, estaba en una posición casi de abrazo, pero eso no era lo importante en ese momento.   En primer lugar, es importante que el Gran Duque no vaya.   “Acabo de abrir los ojos y no tengo idea de lo que está pasando, pero… Si no te importa, por favor explícame paso a paso."   "Sí. Antes de eso, señorita, ¿realmente no sientes ningún dolor?"   "Sí, estoy bien. Oh, espera un minuto, antes de eso."   A medida que nos acercábamos, extendí la mano y agarré la toalla mojada que había caído sobre la manta.   Creo que Ash se sorprendió y lo dejó caer antes, así que podría estar bien usarla por un tiempo.   "Si no te importa, creo que hay sangre aquí..."   Limpié cuidadosamente la mejilla del Gran Duque con una toalla. También limpié suavemente sus guantes.   “Mi señorita… Siempre puedes tocarme. Cuando sea..."   “…”   El Gran Duque se sonrojó intensamente y luego apoyó suavemente su mejilla contra mi mano. Él me miró.   "Porque eres tú, señorita, está bien..."   Mis párpados temblaron.   Bueno, me sorprendió un poco.   Una confesión tan directa.   Gracias a su rostro que coincide con mis gustos, la situación no es tan buena para mi corazón. Si no hubiera un problema más grave, podría haber perdido la cabeza sin darme cuenta.   "Dime por favor. ¿Tienes un caballero escolta escondido?"   Primero, necesito escuchar la historia que Sir Zetar y Ash no me contaron.   ¿Qué es lo que causó que el nivel de manía que apenas logré reprimir aumentara nuevamente? Es demasiado injusto.   "Por casualidad, ¿recuerdas todo antes de colapsar?"   "Sí."   Fue un buen comienzo para la conversación, pero perdí el momento de quitar la mano de la mejilla del Gran Duque.   Entonces seguí sosteniendo su mejilla y escuché su historia.   “La primera persona que vio tu colapso fue la vasalla 'Kali'. Ella es la comandante de la guardia interior del castillo.”   “Oh, la recuerdo. He tenido una conversación con Sir Kali antes.”   “Kali testificó tal como ella lo vio."   Su rostro se movió lentamente bajo mi mano. Por alguna razón, mi mano naturalmente se volvió lenta.   “Había innumerables Kobolds muertos a tu alrededor, y entre ellos estaba el Rey Kobold. Además, sostenías torpemente una espada de madera, pero pronto perdiste tu fuerza y te caíste… Entonces, se dice que debe haber sido obra de un caballero escolta que te seguía en secreto, mi señorita."   Cuanto más hablaba, más dura parecía la voz del Gran Duque.   Gracias a Dios. Me preocupaba cuánto tiempo me había estado observando esa Unnie guapa.   ‘Si sólo me vio después de que el Rey Kobold fue derrotado, no me vio en acción en absoluto.’   Si ella lo hubiera visto, habría habido rumores de que yo era una espadachín.   “El equipo de trabajo especial, que llegó poco después, testificó y yo también revisé personalmente la escena. Por supuesto, en medio de todo esto, había gente hablando de magia negra y otras cosas inútiles... Pero todo se calmará pronto, señorita."   Hmm, quería saber cómo se calmarán los rumores, pero en realidad no quiero escucharlo.   Aunque mis labios estaban a punto de moverse, el Gran Duque hizo una pregunta.   “Mi señorita, tengo una pregunta. Entre la gente que te rodea… ¿Había un caballero de escolta?”   Ahora bien, ¿voy a decir la verdad aquí? ¿O simplemente voy a pasarlo por alto y seguir adelante?   Tomé una respiración profunda.   Como era de esperar, esto es...   "Eso es…"   “¿El caballero escolta es un hombre?”   "Se lo diré... Espera, ¿qué?"   "¿Esa persona es realmente un hombre?"   "... ¿Supongo que no?"   Después de todo, ¿soy yo?   De alguna manera, parecía haber una luz ligeramente peligrosa en la mirada que me miraba.   'Peligroso.'   Instintivamente sentí que esto conduciría a un aumento en sus niveles de manía.   "¡Gran Duque! Mírame. ¡Esa era yo, yo!”   “¿Tu caballero escolta…?”   “¡No, no existe tal persona! ¡Significa que yo lo hice!”   Entonces una pregunta cruzó por el rabillo de sus ojos caídos.   Vaya, me siento traicionada. No esperaba que el Gran Duque hiciera este tipo de expresión.   Era una mirada que parecía preguntar: "Mi señorita, ¿tienes tanto dolor que tienes alucinaciones?"   Por supuesto que suena loco.   ¡Una persona temblando de frío podría matar a tantos Kobolds e incluso a un monstruo jefe! Ni siquiera yo me creería.   Pero es verdad.   “Puede que sea difícil de creer, pero fui yo. Es verdad que lo hice."   Pero elegí decir la verdad en lugar de ocultarla.   Era sólo un sentimiento, pero sentí que las mentiras torpes no funcionarían con esta persona.   ¿Si yo mintiera...?     No, más bien, sentí que algo más grande sucedería si hacía eso.   “Debe haber un niño al que salvé, Dima. ¿No testificó el niño que yo estaba sola cuando aparecí?”   "Así es... Sin embargo, dado que dijo que el niño se desmayó de inmediato, su memoria puede no ser precisa... O tal vez el caballero apareció después de que él se desmayó."   “Pudo haber sido así, pero no. Lo hice, Gran Duque."   Bajé mi mano de su mejilla. Luego hice contacto visual directo.   “¿No es extraño? Si hubiera alguien tan fuerte a mi lado, el Gran Duque no podría dejar de notarlo mientras yo estuviera aquí."   “…”   "Más que nada, Gran Duque, creo que usted puede notar las mentiras de otras personas hasta cierto punto."   Recordé que el príncipe heredero tenía problemas para confiar en la gente y llevaba consigo una herramienta mágica que podía detectar mentiras.   Me pregunto si el Gran Duque no tenía también un dispositivo así.     Sir Zetar, Ash y Garka y todos los demás siempre fueron sinceros por una razón.   ¡Por encima de todo, debo evitar que este Gran Duque cree un hombre imaginario del que sienta celos y sospeche de él, sólo para que su nivel de manía se dispare!   "Aunque mi familia sólo tiene un título insignificante de conde, tenemos la fuerza suficiente para protegernos".   La fuerza de Rabbit era mucho mayor que algo apenas suficiente para protegerme, pero debería estar bien reducirla a este nivel.   “Puedo usar este tipo de poder en tiempos de emergencia, pero a cambio, sufro mucho por la reacción. En pocas palabras, pierdo mi salud."   Esto tampoco es mentira. Porque a cambio del uso de la habilidad, pierdo puntos de vida.   "Usar este poder requiere un precio, por lo que no puedo usarlo con frecuencia.”   "¿Podría estar relacionado con el hecho de que la familia Este tiene algo que ver con la gestión del invernadero imperial?"   “…”   "... Entiendo."   Sentí pena por el Gran Duque, pero guardé silencio porque no podía responder sin mentir. Todavía no sé por qué mi familia mantiene ese invernadero.   El Gran Duque volvió a su habitual expresión inocente y habló con calma.   "Definitivamente había algunas cosas que no podían explicarse según la teoría del caballero escolta oculto."   “…”   "Sabía que no me mentirías y dirías que un caballero lo hizo, señorita."   Al mismo tiempo, un sudor frío me brotó de la espalda.   Si mintiera aquí... ¿Cuál sería la reacción del Gran Duque? Ni siquiera podía imaginarlo.   “Kali afirmó que, además del hecho de que tenías un guardaespaldas, ese guardaespaldas claramente estaba siendo controlado por magia negra. Hubo algunos vasallos que no estaban de acuerdo con ella, pero ya no podían hablar."   ¿Por qué esa maldita charla sobre magia negra siempre está entrelazada conmigo? Quise suspirar, pero al mismo tiempo entendí.   "Entiendo que Sir Kali sospeche de mí.”   Honestamente, esa escena habría estimulado su imaginación.   Según todos los informes, yo debo haber parecido una joven frágil, no más grande que un conejo recién nacido según ella, parada en medio de una masacre de Kobolds.   Ella también sospecharía que yo estaba fingiendo ser débil o algo así.   "... Antes de continuar, Sir Kali todavía está viva, ¿verdad?"   "Sí. Ella está viva, mi señorita."   Estoy tan feliz. Unnie guapa, por favor no mueras...   "Hubo bastantes vasallos que afirmaron que su teoría tenía sentido..."   “Oh, incluso yo misma hubiera estado de acuerdo…”   "Estaba pensando en eliminarlos todos a la vez."   ¿Estaría bien decir algo así con una sonrisa tan brillante?   Contuve la respiración y sonreí torpemente.   “Como dije, lo entiendo completamente, porque Sir Kali estaba en una situación en la que no tenía más remedio que sospechar de mí. Y esto es sólo una suposición, pero ¿no fue Sir Kali quien dijo a los otros dónde yo estaba...?”   "Sí, es cierto. Por eso ella todavía está viva..."   "Está bien, Gran Duque. En realidad, como puede ver, el riesgo es demasiado grande para mí, así que no uso esta habilidad a menos de que sea una emergencia real... Además, habría estado en mayor peligro si Sir Kali no me hubiera encontrado a tiempo."   En realidad, no me siento mal por lo que Kali estaba diciendo de mí. Más aún desde que ella me trajo a los caballeros.   Si me dejaban sola, desmayada en la nieve, mi salud empeoraría rápidamente. Podría haber sido realmente peligroso.   “Realmente siento esto. Si no fuera por ella, podría haber muerto congelada. Todos a mi alrededor estaban preocupados por otras cosas."   La expresión del Gran Duque se volvió una mueca.   Me estremecí. Tenía una cara desolada que nunca antes había visto.   “¿Por qué hablas de morir tan fácilmente?”   Anterior           Tabla   Read the full article
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h-r-setalla · 9 months
Project Kitsune Snippet - Caught
It was late when Luca managed to sneak his way to the holding cells in the basement. They were rarely used, and when they were, it was usually to keep off-world prisoners or goods for short periods of time. Even now, they only planned to hold Rei for 24 hours before doing… Stars know what with her. 
He picked up the pace, ducking underneath cameras and using the stealth ring Rei had given him a month ago. He’d found it silly at the time but now he was incredibly grateful to have it. He’d thank her if he managed to get her out. 
Finally, he saw the doors that led to the holding cells. There was one guard outside the doors, and he had two different energy packs on his belt as well as one multi-energy handgun and a stun baton. Inside, he guessed there would be one or two more guards to deal with. The best way for someone like him to do this would be diplomatically.
He had to be Luca Oberon, willing heir to Starwing Industries. 
He stepped out of the shadows and slipped off the ring, snapping it into the hidden compartment on the underside of his watch. At least he looked the part of a professional and an heir with his dark gray suit and black dress shirt. His own silver Manta pin flashed against the lapel of his jacket, and his dress shoes – which he hardly used – still shone with their newness. He looked expensive and important, and he hoped it was enough to help cover his upcoming lies. 
He stepped out into the open, approaching the entrance. “Good evening,” Luca greeted the guard with a dip of his head, making sure to keep his pace steady and his back straight, as casual as it was professional. 
“Well, bless my stars, is that you Luca Oberon?!” The guard replied brightly. He looked to be somewhere in his mid to late fifties, his brown hair beginning to pepper and his skin starting to like with age. “Aren’t you a rare sight?!”
“I’ve been busy with other duties, I’m afraid. But, I’ll be working in the offices here more often, thankfully.” He plastered on his warmest, easiest smile. It was the one that got him the jobs he wanted and the favor he’d needed his entire life. It always worked; he prayed now wasn’t any different. 
“What can I help you with, sir? The fact that you’ve come all the way down here is also a rare event.”
Straight to the point then. Luca hardened his expression, trying to look upset and in-charge. “I’m here to see the traitor that so horrendously spied on my family’s business.”
The guard’s smile faltered a bit. “Well… I hate to break it to you sir, but your older brother told us she wasn’t being interrogated until morning.”
Good, she’s being held here. 
He felt his expression shift to something cold. “Juno sent me to begin a pre-questioning.”
“But —“
“It’s silly to say but… ah, well, I feel like I can trust you.” Luca shook his head, then leaned in close to the guard and dropped his voice lower to feign a whisper. “You see… he’s hoping I’ll have some luck without us having to get rough tomorrow. Her and I have some… temporary history. We’re hoping maybe she still holds favor for me and will cooperate.”
The guard’s eyes widened a bit, then a slow look of understanding came over him. “Really? With someone like her?”
Luca straightened and shrugged. “She was very adamant and I’m not one to deny a woman very often. It was short-lived, but fun, I’ll admit. It is both angering and heartbreaking that she would do this to us after how good we’ve been to her.”
“Indeed it is, sir.” The guard nodded vigorously. He still seemed hesitant, however. “Im not sure I’m allowed to let you in without your brother’s or father’s consent.”
“Please,” Luca laughed, pushing the bitterness out of it. “My father isn’t even on-planet at the moment, and my brother is being worked to the bone as it is. It’s only for a few minutes, good sir. If I can’t get anything out of her then…” Luca shrugged again, as if he could care less about it all. “If she doesn’t cooperate, she will face my brother and their court tomorrow morning. We are trying to enact mercy first.”
The guard looked so moved by that. It made Luca want to go punch someone. Probably Juno. 
Finally, the guard nodded. “Thank you for showing such mercy, sir. Your family is as benevolent as ever.”
Luca only dipped his head in acknowledgement as the guard waved the band on his wrist over a sensor in the wall. The doors clicked and swung open, and Luca walked through at a leisurely pace.
He was right. There was one guard in what seemed to be a break room at the far end of the long hall, and another standing right outside one of the first cells on the right. Just get the one standing there to leave and it should all work out okay. 
The guard closest to him saw him, his opals, and his eyes, and immediately dipped his head. “Sir Oberon, it is an honor! What brings you here?”
“I’ve come to interrogate the traitor. My brother sent me. I’ve already explained myself to the man out front. I would prefer not to be kept waiting, however. I’ve had a very long day.”
“Of course, of course,” the guard stepped back and to the side a bit. Luca noticed the sensor in the wall behind him, then. “Right this way. Be careful though; she’s a wild one.”
You have no idea. 
He was now close enough to look inside. Rei was tied down to the floor with energy chains and shackles, her hair falling fully out of its usual updo. Her eyes were on him and she was glaring at him, her mouth twisted in a scowl that made her seem wild and angry. Luca hoped some of it was acting. 
The guard scanned his wristband and a small beam of light outlined a door before peeling away the energy field. Luca turned and said, “I’ll need privacy with her for just a couple of minutes. You can wait just a few cells down, so that if I need help, you aren’t far.”
“Sir, I’m not sure —“
“Listen, I’ll have more luck alone than with you breathing down my neck. The last thing either of us wants is for Juno to be angry at us both in the morning.”
He paled at the mention of Luca’s brother and he knew he’d won. The guard nodded and stepped away. The energy field closed behind Luca the moment he stepped through. Then, from within his pocket, he clicked on a device that would mess with the audio on the camera in the cell. He prayed it worked well enough. 
Rei’s glare softened and she turned her body in a way that kept her face mostly out of view of the camera. “Took you long enough. Bringing the scrambler was a good move though.”
“My apologies.” He fought the smile that threatened to expose him as a current friend to anyone who may be watching. “Are you okay?”
“I’ve had worse.” She shifted in her chains and that’s when Luca noticed. 
Her wrists were bruised, as well as her arms and one of her cheeks. She had a split lip and a set of scratches on her arms. Anger built so quickly in him, it took him by surprise. He had to close his eyes and take deep breaths. 
“Luca, I’m okay.” Rei said gently. “You’ll blow your cover if you get angry over this now.”
“My cover?” He asked. 
“Yeah. Your cover. That we had a… what did you say? A ‘temporary history’?”
“How did you even hear that?” He asked. 
“These cells haven’t been used in so long, no one here knows how to fully activate its functions. The silencers inside were all off, which makes that energy field thin as paper when it comes to sound. Also, they failed to remove my earrings.” She angled her head so he could see the black studs in her ears. “One of their most useful functions is enhanced hearing.”
He chuckled, figuring it had been long enough to make it look like he was making friendly progress. “You really are something.”
“Wild? Feral?” She teased. 
“Absolutely.” Luca’s smile fell. “I can’t get you out of here right this instant. But I’m thinking we can make something work between leaving here and going to your trial.”
She huffed a laugh. “A trial. What a joke. They’re going to torture me, first.”
His back went rigid. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
She paused, and there was something in the way she looked at him that he couldn’t read. After a few moments she said, “Why did you come for me?”
0 notes
echantedtoon · 10 months
Im Blue Ch7 A Captain's Mission P2
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It was quiet. ...too quiet.
Not the outside tho. It was still fairly early in the afternoon so there was still a busy, crowded area by the docks and fish market and ships still coming and going none stop. Many people coming and going unaware of the patrolling ship back and forth in the waters. But the inside of his ship was quiet. Two of the sailors wearing headphones and listening to the underwater sound detectors for any unusual sounds under the blue waves beating against the boat. The third male crewmate on the deck outside with a pair of binoculars along with Sirius as the two scanned the crowd, dock, and ocean around them for any suspicious activity. So far absolutely nothing. As for him? He was looking at the sonar scanners for anything they detected as not a fish or any other typical underwater thing anyone would find. They had just started this patrol less than an hour ago now so he doubted they would find anything right now-
"Captain Selkie, Sir!!" He looked up to the crewmate who happened to have a buzzcut with the headphones off hanging around his shoulders and giving him a serious look. "There's an incoming message from the station on the far side of the docks for you!" 
Well that immediately caught his attention. And he nodded at him. "Well, what do they say?"
"Two thieves were found while scouring the area like you asked. Both matched the desciptions of the Ink Trio perfectly. One is in their custody but her accomplace managed to escape using the sewer systems in the back alley behind the ware house district not too far from here."
"WHAT?!" His eyes widened at the news. He wasn't expecting this to actually happen so soon, but number one rule of being a hero. Always expect the unexpected. And this was the unexpected for sure. But it was his duty as Captain to stop this and ensure the safety of all those who depended on him. So quickly regaining his composer he asked calmly. "How long ago was this?"
"Roughly about thirty minutes ago, Captain!," he answered back. 
Selkie nodded before turning back to the sonar detectors, his hand coming to tap a few keys on the panel to expand the screen before him and showing the ocean floor in more detail to make it easier for him to detect any underwater fugitives on the run. There was only two ways he could go from here. Deeper into the city through the sewers or make a break for it through the nearest sewer entrance into the ocean which is through here under the docks, which by the way them and their boss operated was the most likely outcome. If they had been spotted about half an hour ago then they should be spotting something any minute now. And spotted something he did. His black eyes stared intently at the screen as the bright green line went around inside the green circle of the radar. Absolutely nothing but the teeny tiny lots of green dots of fish around them, which wasn't what he was looking for. One or two bigger dots of a manta ray or a shark were also common considering this was a fish port but still nothing-
"Captain, strange noises coming from starboard slowly approuching us." He looked back up towards the man on the right side who pressed a few more keys on the panel in front of him while his other hand reached up to hold a side of the headphones he wore. "....It sounds like something almost flapping it's flippers? A seal maybe?"
A seal? That didn't make any sense since the only seals around these parts would only be found in aquariums and zoos.....And maybe him. So that meant it must've been something else close to the size of a seal to make those noises. Pressing a button on the control panel before him, it widened it's scan of the ocean under them. And wouldn't you know it, something bigger than the many dots of fish was there. It almost looked like a blurry gingerbread man outline that was rotating in a sort jumping jack motion. Usually the kicking and swinging of arms a human would do to swim without flippers. So it was painfully obvious what this was then. Someone was under the waves swimming right towards them. Both men looked up when their Captain stood and reached one hand up to flip the goggles he always wore down onto his head. 
"Get back online with the Coast Guard. Tell them to get here for a villain pick up," he told them while making his way over to the door. "I'm taking to the ocean to confront this criminal head on."
"SIR!!" Both nodded to his request and one pressed a few buttons on his panels to send a message out asap back to the ones who called them beforehand. 
The metal door to the ship's control room opened with a loud creak and both Sirius and his third male sailor looked up from their binoculars briefly to catch a glimpse of him heading over to the railing. Before literally jumping off it. Like many many times he had done before this, and expertly dove into the ocean water with a loud splash echoing out. The water was of course warm being just near a beach and salt scented. But what would you expect from the ocean? His body was built for the water, charging forward like an underwater locomotive. With the help of his hero suit being fitted with powerful diving flippers custom made to take his strength and propel him fast through the water. It was easy for him to start rocketing forward, making a loop to turn himself in the starboard direction and on his way to confront the potential danger. Colors flew by him in the form of coral reefs, and many colorful fish darting away from the fast moving sea hero heading right for the target....And there he saw it. Or more like they saw each other. The man in question was swimming as a normal person would in that jumping jack, kicking motion. Hair of tentacles wrapped in a blue bandanna, while a blue shirt and fisherman's waterproof overalls adorned his body. His moth...Er beak opened and a flurry of bubbles escaped him in a silent scream at the hero coming straight for him. In a flimsy attempt to escape the bulldozing seal hero heading straight for him, he flailed around wildly turning to start swimming back but it was too late. He couldn't have swam more than a few inches away when the hard and painful feeling of something much bigger and heavier colliding with his smaller frame. It knocked most of the air out of him, bubbles escaping his beak as he rocketed forward along in the hero's grip. Strong arms crushing him in what was basically a choke hold as the hero did another twist in the water back towards the stationed Oki Mariner. 
"Do you see anything?"
Sirius shook her head in response to her fellow sailor's question. Both were scanning the water around them with and without binoculars to try and catch a glimpse of the Captain who just dove in without a word. "What could he be doing down there?"
"My guess is he must've spotted something on the sonar screen or maybe he decided to do an underwater patrol to get a closer look. Either way we better keep an eye out for anything," he replied back and she just nodded to him again. 
She had to remember to trust the Captain, but she still hoped he was alright- A giant noise behind Sirius jump, drop the binoculars in her hands, and snap her head eye wide up to a giant place of water exploding from the oceans surface. Her crewmate also looking on in surprise. She cringed away from a blue blur that was thrown down onto the deck. The villain made a noise as is body collided with the metal deck hard, tumbling over himself, before crumbling in a heap from where he first collided with the boat. An even bigger thud came right after him when a giant man came landing down onto the deck, spraying ocean water everywhere from his entrance back onto the boat. Selkie stood back up easily towering over everyone else there and pushing the yellow goggles back onto his head to look at the groaning villain on the ground.
"On behalf of the law you're under arrest, Villain!," he stated staring daggers at the smaller man who didn't get up.
"Captain!" He turned his head to Sirius as she looked at him. "That's him isn't it?"
He nodded. She probably remembered him from long ago on their last encounter with him and his family of thieves. "Sirius! Get to the control room and steer us for the docks. You!" He barked to his crew stepping towards the crumpled villain. "Get in there and let the authorities know we caught the villain red handed. I'll make he's good and detained like a fish in a net for his short trip back to jail."
"YES, SIR!," Sirius and her crewmate said in unison before running away towards the main cabin as their Captain picked up the criminal retraining him.
In only a matter of moments there was police sirens and cars pulling up near the dock landing the Oki Mariner eased itself into alongside the docks. Having already been called to the same area, it was no wonder they'd be there. Along with an ambulance and-...Oh boy. And a reporter holding a mic with a camera pointed at him. Oh boy here we go. Not that he really had anything against reporters, they were just doing their jobs and he respected that, but they always seemed to make such a hassle with trying to force more info than needed out of them. In other words they were nosier than a curious cat which could lead to some problems on his part. But none the less he did what he was supposed to do on this mission for now at least. The next step was making sure this villain was safely put behind bars. By now most of the dock's ongoers had stopped making a huge crowd gathering around to take a peek about what was going on, blocked back only by police who were standing between them and the other officers doing their job. One police cruiser was parked away from the rest and in the back of it was a woman with the same squid tentacle hair and beak like her brother, wearing a yellow bandanna and raincoat. She was soon joined by one of her brothers when Selkie handed him over to the awaiting authorities who cuffed him and escorted him back over to the squad car to take them both away as he watched.
"Selkie." The sea hero turned towards the sound of the voice calling out to him and saw the smaller man with black hair and grey eyes walking towards him, his blue uniform clearly showing who he was.
"Chief." The local Coast Guard Captain nodded to him once he was close enough. "I hope the storm's been calm in your ocean view."
The chief nodded back to him in response. "Yes, and it looks like you've been handling things well yourself." He gave a glance to the car as it pulled off with the villains with one or two more villains in tow after them. "Looks like you caught a big fish today."
He grunted and nodded. "But there's always bigger fish to fry. How did you come across them by the way?"
The chief looked back to him. "Your call to sweep the area paid off. A few of my men were checking behind some back allies behind the boat storage along the docks. They were caught red handed with a stolen sonar radar from one of the boats' garages and a hostage."
He blinked. "A hostage?"
The chief nodded in response before turning and pointed over towards the ambulance that was currently stationed by one remaining cop. Sitting on the edge was a woman who was facing away from them sitting on the edge of the ambulance while the MTs did their duty of looking over her her large fluffy antennas and wings twitching as they did. 
"We found the woman taken into custody hauling her around. We deduced by what she told us that it was merely a wrong place at the wrong time situation that got her into trouble," he continued. 
"Ah. I see.," Selkie nodded before looking back to the chief, "Will you be needing me for anything else?"
"Not unless the hero board gives us more orders concerning you. In the mean time I'll be sure to question the villains we have in custody quite a bit. All I ask is you keep an eye out."
Selkie nodded but wasn't looking towards him as their conversation came to a close, instead he looked off towards the crowd and saw a sight he'd seen time and time again. "Oh boy." He sighed. The woman who still had her back towards him but was currently being bombared by the reporter looked to be in a bit of a pickle as she seemed to cringe away from him. Looks like he was going to have to help out a civilian while the other police was dealing with the still on looking crowd. Oh well. It was a Captain's duty to help those in need. "Excuse me." He stepped away from the chief and started walking towards the crowd. 
The day just went from bad to worse with Blue. Forced to be taken with them somewhere, too many noises and too many vibrations blocking her senses and muddling her mind and being forced to walk ahead somewhere until she was handed over to someone else who introduced themselves as the mts who were called with the ambulance a while back. She had no choice but to allow them to take her off the officers hands and into the back of the ambulance where the very kind ladies checked over her body, mostly her face and the rest of the old scars on her body, asking a few basic questions like if she felt any pain anywhere. Eventually finding nothing wrong with her minus a few bruises where she was grabbed and hit her face.
"Alright. 'Sides for a few bruises you're all healthy. Although I would advise putting an ice pack on them when you get home," she finally answered letting her go. 
Blue had thanked her and stood up to leave. Her face felt bare. Her anxiety had already picked up from the amount of people who might've seen her charred face by now. Still too many senses overloading her, she just wanted to go home, take a bath, and just sleep the rest of this day off. She had no idea where she was going, but she just wanted to leave...Which failed miserably when something metal and hard smacked her in the mouth. Pain throbbed from her poor lips as her hands flew to them and covered them. Had she run into something AGAIN?! ...No. She would've greatly preferred that over what she was faced with now.
"Ma'am were you attacked by the villains who were just taken into custody?!," a man's voice asked into a microphone before forcing it back into her face camera pointed at her right behind him.
Blue groaned moving her mouth a bit from where the man hit her with the mic and not apologized. "....W-What?"
"Did you receive those markings on your skin from the fugitives taken into custody?!," he asked into the microphone again before forcing the mic back to her.
White eyes blinked blindly at him. "W-What?! N-NO! Why would you even ask me that!?"
"Can you tell us what happened here today?! Is it true you were on the scene when it happened?! Did you get those ugly markings from the events that took place?!," he fired at her.
"EXCUSE ME!?" She didn't know whether she should've been insulted he called her scars ugly, angry this man had the adacity to even ask about them, or anxious because he was pointing out her exposed scars. Maybe all three?
"Ma'am, what can you tell us about the dastardly crimes committed today? Any words of caution to the viewers out there?!"
Blue froze at his words. Her antenna really pressing back against her head. .....Viewers!?...As in...lots and LOTS of people watching her?! She took a step back as she realized in horror what the answer was. The millions of eyes seeing her weighing down as her body shook and her white eyes widened at the thought of it. Everyone seeing her failure all over her body.
Failure. Worthless-
She attempted to push back blindly against whatever and whoever was in front of her and stepped back quickly. But in doing so her foo caught onto the hem of her dress and over she went. She yelped and waved her arms a bit as she fell backwards, her back landing with a loud thud onto the side of the ambulance before following onto her behind onto the ground. Sitting there and breathing heavily. Inwardly panicking at who or what was happening around her she couldn't see. 
"Hey. What's going on here?," a deeper voice suddenly cut threw the air as heavier footsteps approuched. But she barely noticed as she was still trying NOT to panic! Selkie had picked up his walking pace upon seeing the lady being backed up against the car to which the MTs had stuck their heads around in the midst of packing up to see what hit their car, the last thing he needed was someone actually getting hurt here especially by a nosey reporter. The semi large crowd and reporter gazed up to him as they passed. When he stood above them he stared at them before at the woman and paused immediately noticing her shaking form with her legs pulled up to her chest and her face pointed down. Not covered, but not seeable either. She must've been already shaken up from the experiences today. With a hum he looked back to the smaller reporter as he had the gale to then point the mic at the hero who just walled up to him.
"Mr. Selkie! Is it true the men taken into custody were part of a bigger crime gang? Is there any danger near the docks now?," he asked expectedly.
"There's absolutely nothin' to see here beyond some petty thieves trying to make off with some quick loot," he assured him in a calm voice, "The situation has been handled and dealt with by police. Although I don't appreciate you asking a shocked lady any uncomfortable questions either." That last bit was more directed by him as he looked towards the the crowd and held up his hands. "There's nothing to see here folks! All of you needs to move along now and get back to your own business!"
"Sir! Would you give us an official statement on what happened here?!"
He wasn't letting up was he. With a calm look he made sure to stare this guy straight in the eyes with his next move. "Sorry I just said everything there was to tell ya. If you're lookin' for more I'm afraid you'll have to..." He smiled oh so cutely and put his hands excitedly on his face cupping his cheeks. "Forgive me.~" Both the reporter and camera men paused with an 'Uuuuhhhh' expression on their faces that he always knew would work on them when he used his cute face to end conversations.  And they were quickly lead away by some of the police still lingering around pushing the now dispersing crowd of on lookers back to their own business. He watched them go for a moment with a nod before turning back to the woman still leaning against the metal side of the ambulance in the same position. He could literally hear her breathing so that was a concern. With a calm voice, he slowly got onto one knee in front of her to be somewhat eye level and asked. "Miss?" She paused. "Sorry about that, I apologize. Are you alright?"
She didn't respond for a moment before Blue just nodded. "M' fine. I just-...I don't-..."
"Hey now. I get ya. Personally I don't like them all up in my business either. Makes it hard to focus." His head tilted at her when she didn't look up. "Are you alright? Do you need me to get you any help?" He asked in a soft and calm voice.
....Blue shook her head again. "N-No. I just want to go home."
"I can understand that perfectly, Ma'am. Here let me help up." He slowly held out a hand to her........but when she didn't respond he rose a brow. "It's alright if you'd rather-"
"Captain?," a female voice asked. Selkie looked up and Blue flinched again in surprise at the new voice as the blue haired lady came up to the. "Is everything alright?"
"Well that's what I'm making sure of, Sirius?" He nodded towards the woman in front of him and she turned towards Blue too.
Her eyes suddenly widened in realization and she pointed. "Hey it's you!" She smiled. "This is the lady I helped earilier today! Y'know? The one who..." She gestured to her own eyes while glancing at his still outstretched hand.
Getting the message pretty quickly, he pulled his hand back and gave an apologetic look. "Oh. I see." He eyes her for a moment eyebrows raising suddenly at what he ended up seeing. Blue had raised her head enough to turn white orbs towards Sirius's direction once she mentioned their earlier meet up. Seeing the raw looking upper face and white eyes staring back at her. He sat like that for a moment examining her in light surprise before he exchanged a look with his sidekick who also looked lightly surprised by the face. Not wanting to be silent for a long time and making it awkward he cleared his throat and looked back to her. "Right. Sirius told me about her helping you out earlier."
"S-Sirius?," Blue questioned seeming to have calmed down from the former shock.
Sirius quickly smiled and nodded. "Yes. That's my name. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you earlier, but I was busy with something else in mind."
"Y-Yeah. I can tell by now."
"Here. Let's get you off of there so the MTs can take off." Selkie slowly reached out and lightly grabbed her closest arm in his larger hand. Blue flinching with she felt the touch of another on her. "Hey. It's alright, Ma'am. I'm just helping you off yer bum." He smiled and stood, taking her with him as he did. Blue wobbled a bit on shaking legs from the ordeal and he let her go as soon as he saw she could stand on her own. But now getting a better few of her scared face. Nothing he hadn't seen before. He knew plenty of people with scars him included so he couldn't say anything about that. "Sorry about what happened to you today, Ma'am. Didn't know you'd get in trouble."
"N-No. I-It was my fault. I stupidly got in the way and ended up getting in trouble again," she apologized and turned her head down. "Im sorry for inconveniencing you all."
"Hey it was an honest mistake. Don't beat yourself up over it. 'Sides it's our duty to help regardless, and everything's alright." He rose one brow at her still form slightly. "....Would you like some help getting home?"
She held up her hands immediately with a frown. "N-NO! I can't ask for anymore p-please! Really? I-I'll be fine. Besides, I just live a couple blocks away! I can't have a hero just take me home when I can just get there myself!"
"No offense, Miss. But you've just been in the middle of criminal activity and by what Sirius has told me you could use a hand. Not saying you're not capable of getting around yourself, but I'd feel much better knowing you were safely escorted back," he interjected. He'd feel bad if he just let her walk back by herself and then something else happen to her.
"N-No! It's FINE! Really! You don't have to-"
"I'll do it," Sirius interjected suddenly smiling, "She's right. You'd probably better stick around here for a while just in case. If it's really that close I can escort her there and be back quickly."
He hummed. True. It might look bad if he just left the docks vulnerable at this crucial moment right after a capture, and if Sirius helped her once she could do it again surely. So he nodded. "Alright. Sirius you're with her. But make sure you don't slack off and get back here. That's an order." 
She smiled and saluted. "Aye aye, Captain!" With a turn back to Blue she spoke. "Here, Ma'am. Please come with me."
"Please just let me help you this last time. It'd really ease our conscious knowing you were able to get home safely and it's our duty."
Blue stood there mouth open to argue-... Worthless- She immediately shut her mouth. No. She was dumb enough to make the mistake twice in one day and look where it got her. She'd be better off just shutting up and let them take her home like a lost dog. And a lot less embarrassing. So not saying anything she nodded, and Sirius took that as permission to reach out and grab her hand which again made her jump but she stayed silent when Sirius gently tugged her to guide her away and she walked. Antenna pressed against her head.  
"So where do you live?"
".....Suki's Tea and Plant Emporium. It's where I work."
0 notes
notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
wally read out the minutes. 
- 5, 6, 7 ... 9 :--
cpt. jacek flinched whenever wally accelerated time.
- 10, 11 ... 13  :--
it wasn't right.
how he bent the hands of the clock to the clucks of his tongue. swallowed an additional rotation -- by the laps and furls incoming.
- 15, 17, ... 19, :--
made the minutes pass -- by double-fisting.
- 21, 23 --
cpt. haruspex rapt the jade chime with the tallest of his silver spoons.
cpt. jacek swallowed the knot he could not cut :--out the mucus froth heat-welt by ballpoint. it congealed from the tar of his lining.
- new business! new business, new business! would anyone besides joey like to christen the bolt-wrought weathered hull of a sterling new venture by with frothy breakages of remembrance shouting –
brux bellowed til he was hoarse.
… new business! new business, anyone?
- new business!
cpt. schreibermachen called out.
- joey, stop! you haven't finished explaining all your new business (new business!) from last week!
- there are a lot of moving parts!
with a storm wind, you rose the hand mallet.
it swung toward the anvil.
in the thunderclap which sparked, all had known -- that you were the only one with might enough to shut joey up.
- permission, sir!
brux was piping up now --
… to bar cpt. schreibermachen from the introduction, indexing or glossification of any new businesships for a period of at least three lunar deci-cycles to perhaps even six solar hexi-cycles! 
overruled. without joey being the only one to talk, the venture would have to remain with brux.
- sir, you're sayin it with your face…
it was customary -- to humiliate all dissenters with the gavel.
cpt. haruspex, your dearest and most treasured confidant, fellow of strange lands and stranger loves, did not deserve the route degradation of our custom so delivered with such painful constancy.
- he is such a route disappointment to him, cpt. schreibermachen -- 
cpt. psychorrhax leaned to speak.
… that he is ashamed even to honor his failings with a public admission of evident reality, for cpt. haruspex's reputation remains so starkly in ruin, he would kick up dust before he realizes he has no shards left to hammer.
these words you knew to be laika's – 
for from the dulcet tones of his soprano, his diction mimicked schreibermachen's as though a bird call through reeds, breathing venom into the hoary and wild snout of a petting zoo monitor lizard.
- i will throw pixie stick filling in your eyes laik!
in cpt. haruspex's homeland, this statement would be deciphered as an act of targeted, disproportionate malice against an unstandard male -- for there remained a place where brux remained but simply substandard.
- sir, your breathtaking economy which melds the eloquence of your wit with the wit of your ecology could be but a dim remembrance cutting at the margins of sensibility outside the orthodoxy of the transcription!
brux was keenly aware that joey could cite plausible grounds for the necessitation of a footnote by -- with the ostentation of his sycophancy -- drawing attention to where he recorded his poetic impressions of your entrenched and solemn brow with but the most astute acuity.
- no new business it is!
cpt. haruspex shuffled his slick prints.
… well not if sir's gonna encourage joey to include that in the written report. to think that cpt. hlaford's fine and exquisitely legible and timely shorthand should be plastered over with joey's jittery ink blotted scribblings, reeking as a packet of firecrackers engulfin gunpowder paper fortunes outta lunar meadowlings of flutter'd watermoths-- well, mate, it's like ya don't even wanna put together a dossier whose calligraphic simplicity recalls the stunning brushwork of printed kyoto seclusion!
cpt. hlaford, finger blades sloshing the black tide, lashing at the manta flesh which gilled the filter of his ink theremin -- did not cease to recoil, though embodied the chaos within the lancing of his strokes.
- cpt. haruspex --
this was cpt. psychorrhax.
… cpt. hlaford resents that his achievements could be only ever fodder in petty games of onesupsmanship between men who lack even the lack of courtesy to consider one another their rivals.
as all were implicated in this comment, wally could not resent it -- though under any circumstance, could have found ample cause to do so.
- make me lick the blood off yer boots, aye.
cpt. hlaford's wrists would flick -- as his lips moved, puckering as suckerfish past gritted teeth, tethered by fingerbones to sugar-strings.
… once you kick me when i'm down, sir.
- old business it shall remain then!
cpt. haruspex was eager to move back.
- new business resumes then!
as joey was eager to remain forward.
- terrorism funding! today we're talkin bout terrorism funding!
their throats filled the air. the room filled with their groans.
cpt. haruspex, a classicist well-at-heart, proved eager to scrape, as a horse carcass from a grill floor, our most languishing historical custom.
- what if the terrorists --
brother jacek, still as the earth below the storm wind -- held himself to attention. by some secret will, he found the fortitude to speak.
… aligned with the anarchists.
cpt. psychoraggia knew well the terror cells to be among our country's most well-endowed and respected counter-military measures -- they who would align with enemies of the state, both known and unknown, only if -- and when -- competitive salary or the need for artful experimentation necessitated nonseasonal conflict.
- they are our brothers too, cpt. jacek -- our brothers in headgear and neckscarf; cradling jet-propulsion tanks of double-humped gin.
laika let his hand linger long on the sun-warmed slab of brother jacek's back. joey saw nothing -- for he felt so truly what was evidently so evident, his hand could stain only what glosses the hide.
- terrorism funding…
joey's enunciation -- level though it was -- could be nothing but.
- yes, mates. terrorism funding! not racy, i know but necessary, see -- with all the bombins goin round, and terrorism bein such a trite and overplayed topic, y'know, as any other part a life like taxes or rite of the consecutive first, second, and fourth marathon nights, i figured we could save a lotta time and manpower day to day by tonin down the theatrics, reorganizin the apartments, cuttin out a couple dozen tonnes of deadwood :-- ringin some cauffers and focusin on the hirin and nurturin of ambitious young blood who'd really hunker down in the palpitatin hearts of the Populus at large to commit to a more subtle and yet infinitely more pulpable regiment of intimate psychological terror which at times outright erupts in surreal horror! y'know -- really give the kids at home somethin to be shooken by! now, i'm not asking to move mountains overnight! it would be a gradual transition of course, tho --
- what if the terrorists --
brother jacek, once again, could only swallow.
… aligned with the anarchists.
cpt. hlaford spoke into the dictaphone now --
- evisceration. dismemberment. labial grinding.
- cpt. psychoraggia, please --
joey sounded like laika when he was annoyed.
… we live in a country with real problems.
- 50 cent people on nickel budgets.
cpt. hlaford's words echoed as the dirge of a heartbeat trancing bone-excavations up still-drums of stretched skin.
- 25 cent words for a silver dollar.
that one mighta been laika.
- cpt. schreibermachen, you know --
that one was laika. the one before had to've been joey.
- psychorrhax, you speak out of line --
you're pretty sure it wasn't brux.
- sir, whaddya tryin to do to me? you've been pickin on me all night, and i got a really good idea this time! i was up all mornin workin on it, least ya could do is take it seriously and pretend to have a look!
– jacek howled.
only forest sprawled before you.
for an eon, the idles stood among the dust.
the beast bore back from the darkness of his inducted night -- the night which was now the endurance of himself.
- …
- …
- …
brother jacek.
– a handsome man's glower intoned.
would you like to take the floor now?
across the plain, a wind only whispered.
cpt. psychoraggia seated himself. his trembling ceased. it found stillness, having now been brought to your awareness. he sat entrenched in poise from the waist up. hands folded over one another. some slight caress stirring from the kiln of his palm. a forge which was form to itself.
cpt. haruspex cleared his throat.
- terrorism funding's the topic, mates!
terrorism funding. we were discussing it.
- hey joey, ya know any good bankers? all mine got holes in em!
cpt. drottin strode in with two temple priestesses. wet-look and silken stripped down to the veiny palm fronds of their dolphin skins.
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masqsims4 · 2 years
Gen 7 - Part 2
Part 1 - (Part 2) - Part 3
Brindleton Bay (Seindu Kingdom)
The largest kingdom on Earth saw lots of changes from its royal family, though most were never made public. 
After the tragic death of the two kings and her two fathers, Princess Anahi Seindu tentatively became Brindleton’s Queen and promised to end wars and bring world peace to Earth once and for all. As a Crown Princess, she urged other countries to have chess tournaments rather than bloody and deadly wars, and many countries have taken the suggestion to heart. Chess became the royal pastime and was used to decide outcomes of many precarious situations. Anahi even announced a chess tournament to pick her husband and king! Maxtom Ircids won the chess game and Anahi’s heart. 
However, the union wasn’t as perfect on the inside as it was on the outside. The two had trouble meshing as a couple at home, and Anahi could never see herself a truly complete with Maxtom by her side. However, she was emotionally connected to the Brindleton Captain of the Guard, Seth Bongrin. The two had an affair, resulting in a couple of Anahi’s many children. Maxtom discovered the two through his own brilliant deduction, and after many arguments the King and Queen of Brindleton made a deal with each other: once their oldest children turned eighteen and were eligible for the throne, one of them would take their position as ruler and both Anahi and Maxtom would step down, so they could legally divorce. After discussion with the royal teenagers, Prince Tristiran Seindu was the one most passionate about becoming king and keeping the kingdom in peaceful prosperity.
Anahi and her peers are forced to count the days until Tristiran’s coronation, and figure out during this period of royal history what comes next.
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(from top left) King Maxtom Ircids-Seindu, Queen Anahi Seindu, Prince-conjoin Tristen Enders, Captain Saria Hakzar
(from bottom left) Nikel (servo), Prince Tristiran Seindu
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(from top left) Prof. Manta, Princess Yve Seindu, Crown Princess Alestandra Seindu, Princess Amina Seindu
(from bottom left) Lady Kiana Sorco, Prince Soloman Seindu, Princess Zarinah Seindu, Prince Zavis Seindu
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Captain Seth Bongrin, Lady Freya Bongrin
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(from top left) Princess Anka Seindu (royal advisor), Princess-conjoin Dmi Zustu-Seindu (royal advisor), Prince Kiran Seindu (royal advisor), Prince-honorary River Post
(bottom) Princess-honorary Maribel Post
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Prince Asan Seindu, Sir Riku Kiraseindu, Lady Ema Kiraseindu
Magnolia Prominade/Evergreen Harbor (Syndicated States of Strangreix)
After solidifying themselves as a country based around independent economy, business ventures and responsible capitalism, Strangreix has finally gained independence from the New Sixam Empire and started to become one of the richest countries in the world. And a new generation becoming adults means it will soon be time to change powers to the throne. However, the Venge Retribute (crown prince) Chrix Strangreix is still seen as highly immature and not ready for the responsibility of ruler. The current Vindicate (queen), Giselle Strangreix, still keeps her position until she feels her son is ready to rule. The Venge Retribute didn’t help matters in the past when having an out-of-wedlock child with his fiancé when both were teenagers. But they will soon be married and all will be forgiven when the time comes. Giselle continues to tutor the wayward pair into suitable rulers and business owners, keeping their regimen strict and steering them away from potential trouble.
Meanwhile, the past ROEFE became known as the Golden Needle, which combined two previous criminal organizations (The ROEFE and the Kira Clan) to create a group that secretly eradicates the other occults of the world. Their research is funded by the many businesses of Strangreix, and in turn the Golden Needle presents the fruits of its research to the royal family. But there is currently a silent power struggle between three groups for head of the Golden Needle.
The current leaders of the Needle, twins Yu and Noburo Kiraseindu, have been able to quietly run the organization and its true purpose through their spy network training as children. It may soon be time for them to retire as secret service members to Strangreix should the right people come along. The recent business school graduate Rea Fid, the “daughter of tragedy” has been campaigning for her fiancé to become head of the Needle, as that was his dream. This Duglas Drodhoth has yet to prove himself. Meanwhile, another research facility that has been specializing in eradication of mermaids has been proposing a merger in exchange for control of that branch of the Needle (and eventually the company). The Maximus Corp has partnered with others to further their research and has been looking to secretly acquire the Needle for themselves. With this much scheming and secret hostility brewing under the surface, it may spell a messy change of hands of power when the time comes.
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Vengeance (queen) Giselle Fid-Strangreix, Venge Retribute (crown prince) Chrix Strangreix, Princess Belenne Beerloith
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(from top left) Vindi Alyson Abe (royal advisor, headmistress), Vindi Rosha Strangreix, Vindi Kirsen Strangreix, Venge Zeni Fid Strangreix II
(from bottom left) Venge Crux Fid Strangrix II, Vindi Makenze Strangreix, Venge Retribute Taln Strangreix II
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(from top left) Agent Izbella Sceits, Agent Noburo Kiraseindu, Agent Yu Kiraseindu, Princess Rea Fid
(bottom) Agent Duglas Drodhoth
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Vindi Ziahra Strangreix (headmistress), Lady Grace Screits, Lady Giuliana Maximus
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(from top left) Lady Tibia Maximus, Prince Cyrox McClure-Maximus
(from bottom left) Prince Xzav Maximus, Princess Celia Maximus
Del Sol Valley (Seindu Kingdom)
While the future looks bright for upcoming stars of DSL, they still mourn the loss of movie starlet Kaya Braie. Her eldest daughter, Asa Braie, moved back into the family home and is feeling the oppressive weight of her mother’s legacy. She’s taking a year off to go to college and feel out her destiny for herself, but meantime has been trying out rap and R&B music as a hobby. Everyone has her support and love, but fan letters can only do so much for a grieving daughter with a wide open future.
Meanwhile, she has distant relatives as neighbors. The “Princess of Fitness” Jasemine Vakki, has been opening her own line of spas and wellness centers around the world to great success, and has been doing well as a star athlete and single mom to adopted twins. Also there is the “Platinum Prince” Jasih Seindu, famous for being born with stark white hair and award winning personality. He and his new family live the life of luxury in the Pinnacle Hills as Head of Entertainment. He is still getting used to having a permanent partner as well as a special needs daughter he adopted from a bad situation, but he takes all of life in stride.
The Starlight Academy continues to grow strong thanks to the donations from its past alumni, taking in all those who wish to make it big in their selective fields. They recently started an online influencer branch thanks to many in the world choosing this as their self employment franchise. However, only the truly dedicated make it in the world of fame.
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Thindai (servo), Princess Asa Braie
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Prince Jasih Seindu, Princess-conjoin Emelyse Sinqui-Seindu, Princess-in-waiting Kimra Seindu
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Prim (princess) Jasemine Vakki, Princept-honorary Vincent Stoddard, Princept-honorary Sammy Stoddard
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Crystala (servo, headmistress), Prince-in-waiting Davon Kiraseindu, Princess Rayina Braie, Princess-in-waiting Sage Sinquri-Seindu
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 3 years
19, 20 and 21 for team zeila!! if thats not too much-
nonono this is good! i need to write shit to get my brain moving i just woke up
19 - hobbies
- imogen: she likes singing, which gets weird sometimes but it’ really soothing. she also likes eating (no surprise), sleeping (literally once after a mission imogen fell asleep for three days straight) and occasionally baking. she’s not too bad at it actually.
- dew: he likes dancing like an idiot, espcially in rain. he’a super carefree so it makes sense! also he likes playing with animals, he likes hugging, and he likes playing board games against his teammates. he usually loses but it!s okay because he’s cool.
- tomiko: he likes to say he likes nothing, but there are a few hobbies of his. tomi likes reading (usually you can find him up in a tree away from other humans), he likes swimming, and he likes playing board games with the others. he usually wins because of his cryptic self
- zeila: WELL, being the total mom she is, zeila loves spending time and training her kids. she adores each and every one of them and loves their hobbies too. she plays games with dew, she reads with tomiko, she bakes with imogen. the last one usually doesnt go well with her around
20 - clothing/aesthetic
- imogen: generally imogen wears the same thing, like all the fuvking time. the haori-like thing, a turtleneck underneath, the flowers in her hair. flowers are a recurring thing in team zeila. she has a purple-ish pink aesthetic (like her moms in a ~different universe~), but has the orangey-red flowers from tomiko’s aesthetic.
- dew: he likes green! very green. he’s got like a thing for dark greens, and generally only wears them. he has like a jacket over a fucking singlet (IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT SEASON. ITS ALWAYS THE FUCKINHDMG. SINGLET.), and usually likes to wear a little flower badge on his jacket. his aesthetic is- ofc- green, and he wears purple flowers bc of imogen.
- tomiko: his aesthetic is veryy orangey red. theres some orange, theres some red. he usually wears a scarf over his jumper. he doesn’t change clothes like at all. the other are convinced that he has hundreds of copies of his outfit in his closet. he wears green flowers bc of dew.
- zeila: zeila likes to wear warm, fluffy things. it’s really funny. sometimes she’s wearing a singlet in the summer, but her socks will be fluffy. it’s winter and she’s wearing a feather boa. it’s spring and her gloves are the softest things ever. she wears a lot of different flowers, all for the colours of her team.
21 - favourite foods
- imogen: she will eat anything. like, absolutely anything. ramen? yes. sandwiches? oh, for sure. biscuits. PLS. her all-time favourite food is probably anything to do with eggs, really.
- dew: he isnt picky but there are certainly things he prefers to eat instead of others. for one, he barely eats anything savoury. he’s super unhealthy. dew generally feasts on the baked goods that imogen makes, but otherwise nobody sees what he eats unless hes offered something. (his favourite foods are actually pies, lol)
- tomiko: hes super picky. tomiko will NOT eat anything with milk in it. lack toes in toddler ants, you see. which is why imogen bakes stuff specially so that he can eat them too. his favourite food is ramen, though. you can’t go wrong with ramen. there is no milk.
- zeila: she eats everything. like, everything. she’s sorta like mitsuri from kny? WILL. EAT. EVERYTHING. it seems really unhealthy but shes only getting started. really, her favourite foods are apples. she likes the cronch
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