vvvoxal · 2 days
8 for vox?
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she's gonna do it even if he says no
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dduane · 1 year
DD, I wanted to thank you for the Hiccup Cure (and re-up the link for anyone who hasn't seen it recently -- https://www.dianeduane.com/outofambit/2017/04/25/the-hiccup-cure/ !) My roommate had been uncomfortably hiccuping for hours and I cured them in 30 seconds once they let me try. It really works every time!
You're so welcome!
When the resident at the NYH emergency room spelled it out for me, I was caught between two immediate reactions: (a) suspicion, because it sounded too easy, and (b) that feeling of inevitability that sometimes accompanies explanations that make immediate perfect sense. There was, of course, nothing to do but test it. So I did, again and again and again... and it just kept working.
Anyway, here's the link again for those who don't feel like cut 'n' pasting.
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surrexi · 10 months
shoutout to @dduane for posting about the science behind how a spoonful of sugar stops hiccups in their tracks because i had somehow convinced myself that i had overestimated the effectiveness of said hiccup cure as a child but i just got some bad hiccups and, reassured that it's a real cure, i ate a spoonful of sugar and it stopped them so immediately i almost feel like i imagined having them in the first place lol
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ghozt-gutz · 2 months
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Zack stuffed with tacos and beer 🤤 I wanted to draw him in a button up again 😩
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uddergoddess · 1 month
About 7k calories in. So fucking full
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
The Indignity that is Hiccups
I leaned against the broom and yawned, tired in more ways than one. The mess in the storage hold was going to take a while to clean. And just because the universe has ironic timing, I hiccupped while my mouth was wide open. It echoed off the metal walls. Luckily for me, none of my alien crewmates were there to hear it. 
Or so I thought. A bundle of tentacles and a curious squid face peered around the doorway. 
I sighed, hiccuping again. “Yes it’s me; no I’m not doing it on purpose.”
Mur eased into the room, stepping carefully around the snowdrifts of flour from where a storage crate had broken. “Why are you making that kind of noise on accident?” He was carrying a bundle of something wrapped up in one tentacle, but seemed more interested in conversation than in whatever that was.
“It’s called hiccups,” I said. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that other species have to deal with this to-o?” As much as I tried to get the sentence out smoothly, I was betrayed at the end.
“None that I know of. So what is it? Some kind of compulsion?”
“No, nothing like that.” I went back to sweeping with irritated strokes of the broom. “It’s a muscle spasm that’s never been fully explained. It usually goes away pretty quickly for me, but it’s annoying. Much like this flour.”
“I bet,” Mur said, looking around the room. He uncurled his tentacle. “I brought batteries for the big gravity wand.”
“Oh, Paint just went to get some! Thank you. She’ll be back soon.”
“Good,” Mur said, wiping at the flour dust that was already settling on him. “Ugh, this is unpleasant.”
“Sure i-is,” I hiccuped, followed by an exasperated noise. “At least I don’t get acid reflux with the hiccups. Small mercies.”
Mur asked, “Get what?” as Paint arrived, wielding the big gravity wand like a broadsword.
“Stand back! Oh, hi Mur. These batteries are only half charged, so I’m going to clean as fast as I can!” As short as she was, she looked like a scaly child waving a grownup weapon that she had no business using. Which wasn’t entirely wrong.
“I am standing ba-ack,” I announced, taking my broom to the doorway where the air was clearer.
Paint gave me a sideways look, finger hesitating over the power button.
I sighed and brushed flour dust off my sleeve. “It’s a stupid human thing.”
“Muscle spasms,” Mur put in helpfully. “Apparently sometimes they come with acid?”
“With what?” Paint demanded.
“Not like that,” I hurried to clarify. “Some people get stomach acid splashing up their throat, just enough to hurt.”
“That’s terrible,” Paint said, concern all over her scaly orange face. “What causes it?”
“No one’s really sure. My favorite theory is that it’s evolutionary history, our brains trying to breathe with gills, but—” I paused for another hiccup. “—Pretty sure that’s not actually it.”
“Wild,” Mur said. “Here, Paint; I brought fresh batteries.”
“Oh, thank you! No wonder I couldn’t find them.”
That would have been a great time for the hiccups to stop, while the conversation had moved on, but no such luck. I leaned against the door frame and tried to breathe evenly.
Paint juggled batteries, finally setting the gravity wand on the floor to swap them out properly. After another loud hiccup, she asked, “What makes the muscle spasms go away?”
“They usually do on their own,” I said. “Some people get them for a long time, but I’ve been pretty lu-ucky.”
“Sure,” Mur said, picking up the old batteries. “Lucky.”
Paint stood back up. “Nothing makes them calm down faster?”
“There are a few things,” I admitted. “Mostly stuff to distract the person from paying attention to them, really. Drink water from the far side of a cup, get startled by something, hold your breath a long time. I usually just take a lot of deep breaths, and they go aw-ay.” I grimaced. “Not today, apparently.”
Something hard closed around both shoulders and yanked me backward into the hallway, to where open mandibles hissed in my face, surrounded by shiny black exoskeleton and terrifying faceted eyes.
“Ahhh! Good gods, Trrili!” I stumbled upright, gasping for breath as she released me with far too much smugness.
“You arrrre welcome,” Trrili purred. “Wasss that enough of a ssstarrrtle, orrr ssshould I find a nice hiding placcce to jump out frrrom?”
“I’m good; thanks!” I said. My heart was beating dangerously fast, but the hiccups were long gone.
“Hm. Disappointing,” Trrili said, dropping the hiss. “Let me know if you require further medicinal terror.” Then she glided off down the hallway on many quiet bug legs.
I shuddered a little. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll do that.”
Paint was wide-eyed, crouched to pick up the gravity wand where she’d dropped it. I’d dropped the broom too, and I hadn’t heard either of them fall. The batteries had fallen out again.
Paint asked, “Are you going to tell her next time you have those spasms?”
“Ha! No, I don’t think I will.”
“I might,” Mur said with a grin.
“Hey now,” I said sternly, bending to pick up the broom. “Don’t make me sweep flour on you.”
He laughed and danced out of range, and the three of us got back to work cleaning up with nary a hiccup.
I did sneeze at the dust, which started a whole other conversation, but at least they knew what those were.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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Okay I am taking the NSFW out of this prompt.
It may or may not be a hot take- but..
Lucifer can’t get hiccups.
A shame really-Because he finds them absolutely ADORABLE. They are the mortal version of a rubber duck squeak.
So tiny. So precious. So human.
Oh- He has tried to trigger his own hiccup-fit; but after a millennium or two, Lucifer has begrudgingly accepted that it’s never going to happen. It’s disappointing, but He is not mortal and his angelic body doesn’t need to randomly spasm in such a way. (After all this time, He’s still not even sure why humans bodies did it. Seriously- besides being cute- it served no purpose whatsoever)
The hotels resident radio demon however? For all his sense of propriety and self-control; is NOT immune to the condition.
A fact Lucifer gleefully discovered after a night of drunkenly swapping puns and terrible dad jokes with his daughter’s creepy hotelier.
Alastor’s laughter dissolving into a fit of unrefined snorts and hiccups and -“Apple of Eden, was that a bleat?”
Oh; that had no right being as adorable -interesting-as it was. And it was definitely not something Lucifer would exploit for his own amusement in the future.
Now he just needs to figure out how to make the sinner laugh like that again.
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lushpuppyxxx · 1 month
Everythingbs a lidddle but wonbbly
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thejagged1 · 5 months
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More cuteness with preggo Jimmy~ This was probably aorund month 6-7? I'm not drawing the pregnancy progression in order, just whenever inspiration strikes me~
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dduane · 1 year
Hi there! My mom and I both suffer from painful, nearly debilitating hiccups, and for our entire lives we had no remedy for them aside from miserably waiting them out and crossing our fingers. Your article on curing hiccup bouts have changed our lives, and im not being hyperbolic. It sounds dramatic, but my quality of life has literally improved every single time I have the hiccups and am able to make them go away in less than 3 easy steps, and that is thanks to you. You are now a household name in our home as the patron saint of hiccup miracle cures. Genuinely thank you so much. If anyone out there is looking for a hiccup remedy, you are one of today’s lucky 10000
I'm absolutely delighted that this has been useful to you. (And I'm sure the medical resident who was working ER the same night I was would be delighted too.) :)
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Hiccups (Bungo Stray Dogs)
One Shot
Summary: Akutagawa gets the hiccups. Atsushi helps him get rid of them with tickles. ^^
Word Count: 894
A tiny noise like a squeak came from the direction of the kitchen, and even though they’d been living together for a few months now, Atsushi’s first thought was – huh, do I have a mouse in here?
Until the second squeak came. Then a third, all evenly spaced out. By the fourth, the weretiger was on his feet and heading to investigate.
The fifth squeak came at the same moment he saw Akutagawa’s body jolt slightly from where he stood leaning against the counter with a glass of water in his hands.
Their eyes met.
“Shut up.”
A few months ago Atsushi would have been offended. Now he just laughed. “I didn’t even say anything yet!”
“I said shut - *hic* - up.” Akutagawa took a quick sip of water, attempted a deep breath, and was thwarted again. “Everyone gets hiccups. Don’t act like I’m some kind of anomaly.”
“I’m not! It’s just…that’s really cute, actually,” Atsushi replied, moving further into the space despite his partner’s cold glare.
“What have I told you about calling me that?”
“Oh, please. You know you love it.”
Akutagawa put his glass down on the counter so hard the water sloshed, pushing up to his full height – a whole two centimeters taller than Atsushi – and growling, “If you say one teasing word to me right now, Atsushi Nakajima, I will - *hic* - have Rashomon slice you into a thousand pieces.”
Atsushi giggled, wrapping his arms around Aku’s neck, though he knew that his boyfriend was entirely serious given the use of his full name. “I promise I won’t tease you. But I do think it’s cute.” He kissed him before he could protest again, gazing lovingly up at him in such a way that he got to witness Akutagawa visibly falter, any angry retorts dying on his tongue, replaced with another hiccup instead. “Want me to help you get rid of them?”
“You have some kind of cure-all for hiccups? If you’re hoping to - *hic* - scare me, I’m sorry to inform you that won’t work on me.”
“We’ve known each other for years. You think I don’t know I can’t scare you? I’ve tried a million times.”
“Then what - *hic* - do you propose?”
Atsushi cupped Aku’s cheeks with the palms of his hands, brushing his thumbs along his cheekbones, smiling at the way it made the usually serious man melt a little. Then he curled his fingers inward and gently scribbled along his neck.
Akutagawa fell right into the trap.
“Weretiger!” he snapped, lifting his arms to grasp at the empty air where Atsushi’s wrists had just been, leaving his torso open for the real attack aimed at his ribs. He let out a yelp and shot his arms right back down, lips turned upward in a traitorous smile. “No! S-Stohohohop - *hic* - thihihihis at once! I’m wahahaharning - *hic* - you! Weretiger!”
“Seems it’s not working quite yet,” Atsushi said with a smile, quickly moving to stand behind Aku and pull him against his chest, wrapping his arms around him in a tickly death trap that worked every time. He grinned into his boyfriend’s back as he screeched and began flailing in earnest, the giggles he’d been trying to hold back turning into loud, raspy laughter as Atsushi found the bottoms of his ribs and dug in mercilessly.
“Stahahahahahahahap! Ahahahahahatsushi!” Akutagawa clawed desperately at his arms to no avail, twisting and writhing in his grip. Luckily for the weretiger he wasn’t wearing his coat right now, which meant he had to rely on his own strength to get out of this situation.
There wasn’t much to begin with, nor was there practically any left now.
“Dahahahahammit weretiger, cut it ohohohohohout! They’re gohohohone! My hihihihihiccups are gone now stahahahahahap it!”
Atsushi hummed in contentment, smiling as he hugged him closer and tickled even more, leaning forward to plant little tickle bites along his neck and make Akutagawa go absolutely crazy.
“Ahahahahahahaha! Stahahahahahahap!” The older man cried, changing tactics from trying to pull his partner away to slapping his hand against his arm instead. “I gihihihihihihive! Please!”
“Aww, so soon?” Atsushi pouted but stopped anyway, knowing he couldn’t push too far if he wanted to be able to keep getting away with tickling him at all. He kissed the back of Aku’s neck, relishing the shudder that went through him in response. “You good?”
“Shut up,” Aku muttered, turning in Atsushi’s loosened grip so they were facing each other. This way, Atsushi got to see all of him right up close – his blushing face, his bright eyes, the ghosts of dimples in his cheeks. The aftermath of what a little tickle now and then could do for his boyfriend’s spirits.
Atsushi smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Akutagawa scoffed. “See what I do to you next time you get hiccups.”
“Joke’s on you. I can shift into my weretiger form to get rid of them.”
“Fine. Then I’ll take my revenge now.”
Akutagawa’s eyes suddenly lit up with a different kind of light, and Atsushi had only barely processed it before he was squealing with his own round of giggles as his boyfriend squeezed up and down his sides. He didn’t mind – it was beyond worth it to have a little bit of playful fun with the Port Mafia’s Hellhound.
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cursedonyx · 2 months
HL Characters Try to Cure Your Hiccups
You’ve come down with that most terrible of all afflictions – hiccups. Your friends try their favourite methods to cure you.
Sebastian Sallow
After laughing at you for a good five minutes, Sebastian immediately goes for the old tried and true method of trying to scare the pants off you. He’ll leap out at you from behind corners, having transfigured his face into something horribly ugly, throw spiders at you (and probably freak out himself if they crawl on him too much) or even pretend to push you off a cliff or wall, only to grab you at the last moment. Once he’s nearly made you pee yourself, he’ll check to see if you’re alright and if you’re still hiccupping. He makes it work, eventually.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis’ methods are significantly more gentle than his best friends’. He’ll suggest drinking water upside down or taking several sips while holding your breath. If that doesn’t work, he might try patting you on the back between the shoulder blades, or have you recite from a textbook standing on one leg. He knows how uncomfortable hiccups are, but it won’t stop him giggling about it each time you let one fly as he tries to help. Maybe it’s his calm presence, but your hiccups do go away.
Garreth Weasley
Garreth’s delighted. You’re the perfect candidate to test his new hiccupping cure on! If you’re brave (or daft) enough to give his experimental remedy a try, chances are it will cure your hiccups, but there might be some unforeseen side effects to handle as well. Best plan your route to the Hospital Wing ahead of time.
Poppy Sweeting
Poppy’s more than happy to help you with your hiccups. She’ll try absolutely everything, from scaring you to making you stand on your head, even taking you on a daredevil flight on one of her hippogriff friends to see if the thrill will help cure you. Failing this, she might bury you in a poffle of puffskeins to see if cuddle snuggles help. Honestly, this probably will, as you might get an unexpected tongue up your nose which will give you enough of a surprise to stop your hiccups completely.
Leander Prewett
Leander suggests a variety of plant remedies, such as dittany leaves to chew or inhaling charred iris and garlic. Failing that, he’ll try and make you laugh by telling frankly awful jokes and acting the fool. Unfortunately, this tomfoolery attracts Peeves, who wants to ‘help’ cure your hiccups as well. You have to run for it.
Natsai Onai
Natsai has a variety of remedies from Matabeleland for you to try, some of which smell absolutely amazing. If these don’t work, she’ll stand behind you and give you a fairly gentle variant of a Heimlich, hoping to reset your spasming diaphragm. It all makes you a bit dizzy, but it works.
Amit Thakkar
Amit advises you to ignore your hiccups, as they’ll go away eventually. When you protest that you want them gone now, he agrees to try and give you a fright, but ends up making you laugh so much your hiccups stop anyway. You both chalk this up as a win.
Imelda Reyes
After Imelda has finished laughing at you, which takes an annoyingly long time (and you get the feeling she’s laughing extra long on purpose) Imelda agrees to help, having you sit passenger on her broom while she does a series of rolls, loop-the-loops and stomach-churning spins that make you want to throw up. Once you’re back on the ground, your hiccups have vanished, and so has your appetite.
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jcreeper · 5 months
Baby hiccups
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laurieaconley · 8 months
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100 Ghosts: 55/100
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musicalmystery · 8 months
Okay okay i came ip w this idea bc I have BADDD reoccurring hiccups that NEVERR go away literally since i was in the mf womb.
What if the reader is teying EVERYTHINGGG to get rid of their hiccups n Wonka makes a chocolate to help?? Idk just an idea 😓💔
This is so cute!
Bad Case of the Hiccups
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I woke up with the hiccups. I was frustrated about it but it was fine. It usually goes away after an hour or so. I continued my day like normal, I got dressed and did my daily routine. I went and continued my day at the laundry mat. “Good morning, y/n.” Piper responded with a smile.
“Morni-” I hiccuped again for what seemed to be the millionth time this morning. I saw that Piper and Lottie stifle a laugh. I playfully glared at them and got back to work.
Willy entered the room and his eyes light up when he saw me like they always did since he met me. Mine did as well and just his presence put a smile on my face. His usual smile on his face always made my heart flutter and he approached me. “Hello y/n!” I didn’t say anything and gave him a tight lipped smile. I was afraid if I said anything that I would hiccup again, that would be embarrassing. He took notice of my silence and asked concerned “What’s wrong?”
“Y/n has the hiccups.” Piper told him from across the room loudly. Thank you, Piper. I thought without an ounce of sarcasm.
He looked concerned before he seemed to get an idea. “I’ll be right back.” He left without further explanation in a rush. I looked at him curiously before shrugging it off.
“Why don’t we try to find ways to get rid of your hiccups? I think that I know a few ways that could help.” Piper suggested with Lottie nodding in agreement.
“Alright, why *hiccup* not?” I shrugged done with the hiccups.
I tried a variety of things. I tried drinking ice cold water, bite a lemon (which is disgusting by itself), pulled my knees to my chest and leaned forward, held my breath, and breathed into a paper bag but none of it seemed to work. I was about to give up until I saw Willy rush back in holding a single piece of chocolate and hand it to me. “Try this, it should help with your hiccups.” I took it and popped it into my mouth without hesitation. I trusted Willy, if he can make people fly he can cure my hiccups. Sure enough he did and it was delicious as usual. He’s such a sweetheart. How could anyone not love him?
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