54625 · 9 months
Okay I'm officially Scared. What the fuck is Fit talking about. "Saturday is gonna be very interesting; I hope you're ready." I'm a senile old man FitMC you're risking my poor weak heart
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fitpacs · 3 months
A Day With Richarlyson
Summary: With Pac and Ramon away for the night, Fit and Richarlyson spend some much needed father and son time together.
Genre: Family Fluff
(a not-so surprise birthday present for my beloved @hepbaestus !)
((written in collaboration with the super talented @shen-mu who has created beautiful accompanying art on their blog!!))
“And you’re sure you’ll be okay? All of you?” Pac asks, pressing his lips together as he studies Fit’s face.
Fit rolls his eyes. “You’re asking if we’ll be okay if you go on an overnight trip? It’s already early evening!”
Richarlyson, stood beside Fit, places a sign.
‘just go, we won’t let him get into too much trouble kkkkkkkk’
Pac smiles and crouches down.
Both eggs immediately rush to stand in front of him.
Pac straightens out Richarlyson’s jersey and Ramon’s meathead, and gathers the two in a quick hug.
“Oh for god’s sake, we’re going for science materials, we’re not on our fucking deathbeds!” Tubbo shouts, from where he sits on a nearby wall, and taps his heels against the bricks impatiently. Beside him, Mike snickers.
Fit flips the two off before diverting his attention back to his family, and the familiar warmth blooms in his chest at the sight.
Pac stands back up and smiles warmly at Fit.
“Guess i’ve gotta go,” he says.
“Guess you do,” Fit nods. “Stay safe.”
Pac grins. “Please, Fitch,” he flexes his muscles. “Like anything would stand a chance against me.”
Fit prays to every deity that may exist that Pac does not notice the way he gulps.
Pac then winks and jogs over to Tubbo and Mike, and the three set off walking in the opposite direction.
Ramon and Richarlyson wave, and Pac waves back before Tubbo forcibly turns Pac back around to avoid him tripping over a boulder.
Once they are out of sight, both eggs look up at Fit.
“Right, Ramon, are you still having your sleepover with Empanada and Sunny?” Fit asks, and Ramon jumps in place before placing a sign.
‘yea, sunny will be upset with tubbo gone so i’ll comfort her’
“You’re a good brother, kid,” Fit smiles at his son. “But make sure one of Empanada’s moms messages me if you need anything.”
‘i won’t need anything but sure. have a good night :D’
Ramon barely finishes destroying his sign before Richas places his.
‘we will! have fun!’
“Have fun, Ramon,” Fit smiles, and Ramon nods before retrieving his warp stone and teleporting away.
He looks down at Richas, who is facing him in turn. The egg then begins dancing, as he frequently does.
Fit laughs. “Setting the pace for the rest of the night, huh?”
Richas jumps up and spins in the air before placing a sign.
‘can we play tag?’
“Sure!” Fit replies. “I have to warn you, though, i’m quicker than I look. You won’t win this war.”
Richas destroys his sign and throws his weight against Fit’s legs before he runs away.
“Guess i’m the tagger, huh?” Fit laughs as he sets off after the little egg. “I won’t hold back, Richas!”
Richas, having already gained a considerable distance, begins dancing in the middle of a flowerbed in what Fit assumes is a taunt.
It works.
It turns out, Fit absolutely will not win this war.
He practically wheezes against a tree as Richas strolls over, and tosses a water bottle at his feet. He accepts it gratefully and chugs the water, and slides down to the ground.
“I underestimated you,” Fit smiles through his rapid breaths. “I forgot you have…” he pauses for a moment, and begins counting on his fingers. “Six parents running around after you all the time.”
He pauses again. “That’s right, right? Six?”
Richas collapses to the floor dramatically and places a sign.
‘i don’t even know at this point KKKKKKK’
Fit laughs and Richarlyson jumps back up and into an elaborate dance move.
He, somehow whilst still performing the move, gets right in Fit’s face, in a silent yet very real challenge.
“You want a dance off?” Fit asks, and Richas nods.
Fit can hear multiple islanders’ laughs, shouts and squeals in the distance, meaning they are too close for him to even consider dancing.
“If we go somewhere where nobody can take incriminating photos of me dancing, you’re on. I will get my revenge.”

The excited jump Richas does after he says this is enough to make Fit’s heart swell - whenever he makes Ramon or Richas happy, he feels some sense of accomplishment that he never came close to feeling at any point in the wasteland.
‘FOLLOW ME!’ Richas writes before taking off in a fast run.
“You’re unbeatable,” Fit holds up his hands in surrender, from where is slumped against another tree - sweat pouring down his face and breaths coming out rapidly. “You know what I did before coming to the island, right?”
Richas sits on the ground opposite him.
‘killed people!’
Fit gently bites the inside of his cheek. “It had a bit more finesse to it than that, Richas. Ever heard the term mercenary?”
‘yeah but killing people sounds cooler’
“Only if they deserve it, that’s the difference,” Fit points at the egg. “Let that be a lesson from me to you, Richarlyson.”
‘i am educated >:D’
“You have some of the best and smartest parents on the island, you’re definitely educated,” Fit smiles.
Richarlyson simply nods.
‘can i ask you something?’
“Of course,” Fit replies, leaning back against the tree and stretching out his legs. “Anything.”
‘you said six parents before, right?’
Fit nods. “Yeah, your first four dads, Bagi and Roier.”
There is a pause before Richas moves again.
‘i have seven parents’
Fit’s breath catches in his throat, and his heart swells. It’s not a conversation they’ve had before - Ramon began calling Pac pai extremely early into Fit and Pac’s relationship, but Fit and Richarlyson weren’t at that stage yet, and Fit had decided he’d let Richas decide the pace.
“Richarlyson, you don’t need to say that if it’s too soon-“
Fit’s cut off by the egg throwing one of his many plushies at the man, hitting him straight in the forehead.
‘don’t ruin the moment KKKKKK’
He then runs into Fit’s arms and hugs him tightly. Fit can feel the tears pricking the back of his eyes, but wills them away using every ounce of inner strength he can muster. He hugs Richas back, and they stay in the embrace for at least a solid minute.
It’s Richas that steps back first.
“I’m honoured to be your dad, Richarlyson,” Fit smiles.
‘yeah, you and half the island xD’
Fit laughs heartily as Richas breaks into an impromptu dance.
“True as that may be,” Fit shrugs. “My point stands.”
Richas stops dancing.
‘and i’m honoured to be your son…. now that you and pai told me you’re dating’
Fit rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously. “I thought Pac was going to tell you, I swear! I told Ramon and Pac was going to tell you!”
‘mhm sureeee but all this emotions talk has me sleepy’
“You sure it’s the emotional talk and not the fact you’ve been on the move for the past few hours?”
‘nope it’s the emotions talk’
Just as he’s about to write something else, Richas yawns loudly, though he tries to stifle it.
It’s an action that takes the rest of his resolve with it, as he simply makes grabby hands in Fit’s direction.
“You want me to carry you?” Fit asks for clarity, and Richas nods sleepily, still reaching for him.
And so Fit sweeps the dragon-hybrid into his arms and slings his backpack over his shoulder, and begins walking in the direction of their home.
As they walk, Fit hums various lullabies to help Richas sleep - a tactic that works a little too well as he begins snoring in only a couple of minutes.
It turns out that Richarlyson is just as hyperactive when asleep as he is when he’s awake - he constantly tosses and turns, and kicks in his sleep, resulting in Fit almost dropping him once.
But all Fit does is smile, as he carries on walking and smiling down at his sleeping son.
He dares to use the word aloud when he tucks Richarlyson into bed, with it being Pac’s usual night to have him overnight.
“Goodnight, son,” he says, smiling widely as the word falls from his tongue so naturally. “Kick ass in dreamland.”
Richarlyson - either having heard him or in the weirdest coincidence ever - snuggles further into the bedding and lifts an arm in a sleepy wave.
Fit’s smile doesn’t drop once he leaves the room - he wonders if he’ll ever stop smiling, but doesn’t see a reason to stop anytime soon.
After receiving confirmation from Bagi that Ramon is sleeping soundly with Empanada and Sunny, and confirmation from Pac that he, Mike and Tubbo arrived at their destination, Fit allows himself to relax.
He falls asleep soon after, with hazy dreams of golden futures that might actually be in reach.
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chapinii · 7 months
Pac sees Fit come online. He's missed him these past few weeks, taking care of Ramon as he said he would and waiting for Fit to wake up from the sleep he mentioned in his letter. It was a relief to see. The American's absence had been an expected one- the anxiety had lingered Pac's his chest long after Fit had said his goodbyes to him. It had been a farewell that felt so final, but seeing the letter crudely taped to his wall had quelled that pessimism for the meantime.
He's re-read it over and over, the same lines:
'The next time I see you I have a lot of things I want to say'.
There's a spark of excitement in his chest. Baby steps, Fit had said. This was big. Throughout their relationship he'd always let Fit make the first move. He'd seen his nerves blossom into pride, those tentative steps turning into confident strides. Pac had three words - two, in Portuguese - he'd been keeping close to his heart, waiting for Fit to say them first. Perhaps now was the time.
Warping directly to Fit's place, he startles the bald man in a cloud of purple particles. He laughs, shocked, his chuckle a familiar warmth to Pac, but there's an edge of something off to his voice. Pac catches his eye with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, and Fit instinctively looks away, clearing his throat. He expects a hug, even some goofy jumping jacks from his boyfriend, but Fit stands there sheepishly, his body swaying slightly as he leans on the wall of the Shitshack.
"Fitch! It's so great to see you back!" Pac settles for an awkward wave. Fit smiles, his gaze still not meeting Pac's eyes, and mumbles something about a big sleep, his hand nervously rubbing the nape of his neck. Curious. Pac takes a step closer and tries to ignore the way Fit seems to stiffen as he does.
"I read your letter, thank you by the way! It was really really uh, how you would say, thoughtful!"
A smile in response, but Fit seems wistful. Pac still can't figure out the look in his eyes.
"You said you uh... You had something to tell me? Huh big boy?" Pac feigns a playful punch to the air in his direction - something tells him he shouldn't touch him right now - and Fit finally meets his eyes. There's a weary longing to them, a weird sadness that even in the bright sun, dulls his hazel irises.
Perhaps he'd just missed him more than Pac thought.
Fit took a step back and let out a sigh.
"Ah Pac, I um, I don't know about that. It seemed important at the time but... It's nothing."
And Pac was overthinking again.
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snowviolettwhite · 4 months
Tagged by lovelies @anewkindofme and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is going to be a one shot or two shot about little three-year-old Eddie visiting his grandma in California and ends up meeting young adult Athena as a cop when he get lost.
It is summer of 1997.
Three-year-old Edmundo Diaz is super excited. Him and his eight-year-old big sister Adrianna are visiting Abuela in California. He is super annoyed to because he wants to explore but instead, he is being put down for a nap.
“Don’t wanna nap, Anna doesn’t nap. It no fair.” Looking up at his mama with his little arm crossed.
“Adrianna is a big girl. You are still little and little boys need naps or they get grumpy. Do you want to be grumpy?”
He pouts at the question. “No. mommy.”
“Potty and then sleepy time.” He shakes his dramatically no. “If you don’t go potty, mama is gonna put a diaper on you. I thought you wanted to play big boy. Big boys go potty before sleep and wear big boy undies to bed.”
“Papa took Eddie to the potty.”
“Ramon! Get in here!”
“Helena, what is it?”
“Did Edmundo go to the bathroom?”
“Not recently.” A little giggle came from their toddler. “Did you try to trick mama?”
“Helena just put on his diaper pull-up. Potty training can continue when we’re home, he going to ended climbing to sleep in bed with his sister and abuela and going to wet the bed when we are gone anyway.”
“Daddy, want hug.” Stretching his arms up indicating he wants to be picked up and carried.
“Ramon, change him. Remember don’t work him up. He won’t fall asleep.”
He grabs pulled up the little boy swinging him is his arm and place him on his hip. “Come on Little Mr. papa taking you to the bathroom and get you into your pjs and diaper. Mama is gonna put you to sleep.”
“Okay, papa.”
“Dinosaur or Winnie The Pooh?”
“Pooh Bear pjs, please.”
“Arms up?” His little son hold is arms up. Ramon pulls off the stripped green and purple Barney the Dinosaur shirt. He then moves on the denim shorts and underwear, untying the elastane waist band and pulling them down together. “One foot and two foot. There we go. How about you go potty.”
The little boy yawns and rubs his eyes “no no, sleepy.”
“Are you Papa’s sleepy little boy? Ready for naptime?”
He nods his head yes. Ramon gets the pajamas and diaper on Eddie with ease, picking and carrying him the little boy snuggles close to his daddy and sucking his thumb. He keeps falling in and out of sleep. Papa kisses the top of his little head before placing him on the bed and indicts to his wife the state of their child.
She tucks him into bed with his stuffed toy dog, Mr. Doggy.
“Will you and papa be here when I wake up?” He always wants mama and a snack after nap time.
“Mama will be here. She is not leaving until after bedtime. We will spend the whole day together. Mama loves you so much. Now sleepy time.”
“Want chupa?” Helena and Ramon are trying to ween Eddie off pacifiers. It has not been working well. They tried convincing him, dipping it in lemon juice, hiding it.
Adrianna even told Eddie that a monster would come up from under the bed and eat him if he kept using his chupa. The big sister ended up regretting. She got in so much trouble for scaring and making him cry. She suffered the conquests of her toddler brother having nightmares, causing him the inability to sleep in his own bed alone and therefore was forced to share her bed for over a month.
Helena is hoping her mother-in-law can ride Eddie of this habit while visiting. She does not want to deal with her tiny human who has been up since before the sun rise throwing a tantrum and his pacifier is cleaner than his thumb. She allows it one or two more times. She grabs the pacifier clipping it to his pj shirt and remove his thumb from his mouth replacing it with the pacifier and lightly kisses his head and soft says. “I love you.”
From behind the pacifier mumbling “Love you too, mama.”
On the way here mama and papa told him to be a good boy. They made him promised to hold Abuela and Anna’s hands when they are out of the house otherwise, he would have to stay in the stroller. Abuela promised to take them to Disneyland. She is a little old to carry a toddler for hours on end and they don’t want him to get lost.
Tagging but no pressure
@aroeddiediaz. @the-flaming-nightmare. @missmagooglie @babygirl-diaz @lochnesswriter @tommykinard6 @whaddaman
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
Ok, fellas, are ya ready for the part two of my Fit post?
Actually, @sundropsimp (sorry for tagging) gave me this idea and made me reciprocate on something I thought about for a long time, but never got the chance to speak about. So, I might see some deeper meaning in nothing, but I think qFit tries very hardly to separate himself from 2b2t.
Like, instead of destroying he repaires/builds; instead of hiding and going from place to place, he stays, makes himself his forever home; instead of distrusting, he finds friends and even a son. He desperately tries to better himself, yet there's one interesting thing.
Remember in my last post abt Fit I listed three specific people. Philza, Pac and Ramon. I think they're a very crucial people in his life, a pillars that help this veteran to grow and progress.
But the moment he lost them all, he jumps right back into his old habits. Once there was a stream where Fit went to the ship, where Ramon lost his first life, and burned this place to the ground. Why do I call it strange, if Fit is quite chaotic? Well, it's because smt in this moment felt different. Then after some long time he was truly alone. His son was kidnapped, so was Philza (or he wasn't online, can't remember), and Pac wasn't on server to keep Fit company. He wanted to let his frustration out and in doing so he regressed to his old self. Convincing himself it's a normal reaction, fighting and mocking his enemies (not jokingly as usual, but like very hard) and burned this ship to the crisp, laughing. I dunno if it was intentional or not, but I feel this moment shows how easy it is for Fit to return to his 2b2t self without his loved ones. I don't think it was intentional, but I like it.
(Also, as a (platonic) Fitza enjoyer and Fitpac fan I adored their venture together today. Like, Fit and Pac seeing what a bad state Phil is letting him join, even if it meant no date for them. And then they three watched a sunset together and hugged.... They're just too precious to me.)
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kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
Hi Baz 🩵
If inspiration strikes for Buddie:
hello/goodbye hugs that linger
Hi Tanis! Thank you for the prompt! <3
Buck arrives at the Diaz house at exactly 6:44 in the morning, already dreading the emptiness he's going to feel this afternoon.
Eddie and Chris are awake, suitcases parked by the front door, doing last minute double-checks of all the stuff they need to bring for a two week trip to Texas.
And Buck's happy - he really is - because this is the first time that he's ever seen Eddie seem... actually excited to go home. Things with his dad have been really good, and things with his mom are... getting there. But from what Eddie's told Buck, Ramon came to Eddie's defense once he felt comfortable enough to confront his mom about how she had hurt him. So there's that, plus, Eddie's always ridiculously excited for when he gets to see his sisters.
So yeah, Buck's happy Eddie's going on a family trip that he isn't dreading for once, but that doesn't mean Buck isn't dreading being on the other side of those state lines, roughly 800 miles and a whole timezone away from his best friend.
He's pulled from his thoughts by Eddie tossing a duffel bag at his feet from across the room, asking Buck if he can start loading up the Jeep so they can all head over the airport. With a triple check that the front door is locked, Buck pulls out of the driveway and begins the journey to the airport.
It's pretty quiet for most of the drive, with all three of them being too tired to really talk too much. Parking is, as it always is, a nightmare. And then before Buck knows it he's standing on the edge of the security line with Eddie and Chris, ready to send them off.
"You gonna be okay?" Eddie asks, probably sensing Buck's anxiety over being without his Diaz boys for a whole two weeks.
"Y-y-yeah. Yeah, I'll be alright. Gonna spend a lot of time with um, with Maddie. And Tommy."
"Okay," Eddie mouths, and then he's stepping forward to wrap Buck in his arms.
Buck sighs into it, relaxing into it, breathing Eddie in and holding on to him for as long as he can right now. It feels like Eddie is doing the same, burrowing into Buck's neck, hands tucked tight over Buck's ribs.
They're close enough when they part that Buck has to tilt his chin down to meet Eddie's eyes, it's not an angle he gets to be at often, but like always when Eddie's looking up at him from his long thick lashes, Buck's heart swirls around in his chest, love and attraction ricocheting around his sternum and up into his throat.
Eddie squeezes his sides one more time, and then he's stepping back to pick up his and Christopher's bags.
"Say bye to Buck, bud."
Buck leans down into the small hug Chris gives him, and Eddie's still looking at him fondly when he comes back up.
"I'll see you in two weeks?" Eddie asks.
"Two weeks."
"Alright, try not to have too much fun without us."
It draws a laugh out of Buck, definitely sure he's going to actually be sulking for two weeks. But still, he can't have Eddie knowing that.
"No promises," there's a pause as they look at each other, both oozing affection Buck is surprised the gross airport carpet isn't getting more stained. "Please text me, when you land. And call me if you need, my ringer will be on. And let me know when you're leaving El Paso next Thursday so I can come pick you back up."
"Sounds good, Buck. I'll see you later."
"See you..." Buck says. He stays standing there for 30 minutes though like an overprotective parent, watching Eddie and Chris weave their way through the line to the TSA screening. It isn't until they both round the corner into the actual terminal that Buck turns around to head back to his car, feet already dragging on the carpet.
Two weeks later, on that same carpet square he's sure he dripped overly sappy love and affection last time he was here, Buck waits by the security exit for Chris and Eddie to walk out.
Eddie had texted him that they were taking off two hours and 15 minutes ago, and even though Buck knew traffic wasn't going to be bad enough to make him leave his apartment as early as he did, he couldn't help himself. Rushing out the door, giddy with excitement at seeing his best friend and his best friend's kid again. He sat in his car for about an hour before he got out to walk over to where Eddie and Chris would be coming out. It's now been thirty minutes since he got to where he is now, bouncing back on his heels and then on his toes, excitement spikes every time he sees someone walk around the corner to the waiting crowd.
It's only another three minutes before he spots them though, Buck running forward to wrap Chris and Eddie in his arms, warmth finally bleeding into his system again now that he's gotten to lay his hands on them.
Christopher pulls away after a minute, no doubt grouchy and tired and sore from a long flight, but Buck doesn't mind. Content to wrap Eddie up in his arms and breathe in his scent again.
Eddie pulls back first again this time, but he pauses before he's completely out of Buck's space to bump their noses together softly.
"I missed you." He says.
"I missed you, too." Buck replies, pressing his face forward to nuzzle Eddie right back.
They've never done this before, and as sure as Buck is that it may mean something important that he's excited to crack open with Eddie in a few hours, days, weeks, he really just wants to get his boys home and unpacked and comfortable right now.
The rest can wait.
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 11 months
Oooo ooo I love me some Diaz parent drama! the diaz parents against buddie
This is one of my favorites in my WIP list!
here’s the sneak peak!
Buck stood a step back as Bobby patted Eddie on his shoulder and squeezed it as they talked. Buck didn’t need to listen to know Bobby was telling Eddie that he could lean on Bobby whenever needed, that he could take as much time needed off work, or just reminding Eddie that he has been in his exact shoes before. Eddie nodded his head and scooted Christopher up his body more, Christopher readjusting his grip on his father. Eddie exchanged more words with his Caption, before his eyes found Buck over Bobby’s shoulder. It didn’t take much for Bobby to realize he lost Eddie’s attention. Bobby bid a quick goodbye to both men, and headed off towards his car.
Eddie made quick movement to stand in front of his best friend. Buck opened his arms, and Eddie didn’t hesitate to take another step closer and place his forehead to Buck’s collarbone- the best he could do with the seven year old boy in his arms. Buck wrapped his arms around them, and held them in silence for however long Eddie needed.
Christopher, being able to feel and smell his Buck, picked his head up and sniffled through more tears. The two men separated just a bit, letting Christopher rub his eye with the back of his hand before extending his arm out to Buck. Buck smiled at the sad boy and the three adjusted to another silent hug.
Buck tried not to think too hard about how Eddie was letting his son touch someone else. Judging by how Buck had watched from afar during the whole Mass, Eddie hadn’t let anyone touch his son.
The three stood there for an unknown about of time before they heard someone clear their throat. They broke apart to find the Diaz Parents there, everyone else gone. “I think it’s time to go.” Helena said.
“Right, yeah.” Eddie cleared his throat and stepped back again. Losing contact of Buck, Christopher immediately curled back into Eddie and tucked his head on his shoulder. Eddie watched Buck bury his hands in his pant pockets and step further away. “Buck?”
He perked up hearing his name and his eyes went straight to his best friend again. “You’re coming, right?” Buck blinked and licked his lips as he tried to think of the right words to say, but he noticed the certain looks Eddie’s parents gave him before he could say anything.
“Actually, it’s probably for the best that this stay family only.” Helena said, Ramon nodding in agreement.
“Oh.” Buck let out at the same time Eddie glared at his parents. “Buck, no-”
“No, it’s okay, Eddie. I wouldn’t want to interfere.” Buck said. Eddie tried to speak again but Buck cut him off. “Don’t worry, it’s okay. Go be with your family.” Buck hesitated before moving to hug the father and son duo. They both tried to convince him to stay, but Buck didn’t budge. He said a fast goodbye to the parents before leaving. Eddie watched, then glared at his parents. Walking right past them to his car without a word.
this one will be a bit of a longer fic! it will include the Diaz Parents nudging their way into the canon trauma events staring our favorite firefighter duos. including (but not limited too( Shanon’s Death, the tsunami, and the shooting!
here’s the link to my WIP list and i will be posting a list of my ideas for another ask post for anyone to leave me an ask to let me know which idea i have you’ll like to read!
if you want to see that post please leave me whatever username you’d like me to add to the tags and i will do so!
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fezwearingjellybananas · 11 months
❛ you can come over any time. it’s not a problem. ❜ for Barry and Cisco?
Cisco and Kamilla had bought a house.
Actually bought it. They had gone to a bank and got a mortgage and given the estate agent their deposit or maybe given the bank the deposit and the bank had given the estate agent money and the estate agent had given them keys and paperwork and now they owned a house.
(Barry was probably going to have to find out how mortgages work at some point. He loved the loft, but they already knew Nora and Bart would be born eventually, they would need more space with two little speedsters learning to run.)
But Cisco and Kamilla owned a house now. The two of them. It wasn't a very big house, it was a modest three bedroom, one of which would be used as an office for now, it had a back yard a little smaller than Joe's but a good enough size Cisco was plotting out where he was going to put raised beds already, and a nice kitchen, and it was a nice house. Cisco liked his job and Kamilla was doing well and everything was going well for them and they had bought a house and Barry was trying so hard to be happy for them.
He was happy for them. He was. Cisco was his best friend, of course he was happy Cisco was happy. That was why he'd offered to come over and help them move after all, so Cisco could show off his new house and Barry could see how happy he was and tell Cisco how happy he was Cisco was happy and things were going so well.
But Cisco had bought a whole house with Kamilla and it wasn't in Central City.
And maybe Barry had held onto this secret little feeling he would never admit to Cisco that all while they were renting an apartment the move was still temporary and they would come back, but buying felt so much more final. Like it was official now, that Cisco's life was here now, not back home with Barry.
And Barry really was happy for him. Cisco was the smartest person Barry knew, he deserved to be able to take every opportunity, he deserved every chance, Cisco could do so much good and staying at S.T.A.R. Labs talking Barry through things he'd done a hundred times before and could do with his eyes shut was a waste of Cisco's talent and it was too selfish of him to ask Cisco to do that, Cisco could do so much more, Barry wanted Cisco to do so much more. Barry wanted Cisco to have the best life he could, to have every chance he wanted, he wanted Cisco to be happy, he did.
But once, this had been just him and Cisco, the eyes and ears and the feet. Cisco was the first person who had believed in Barry, Cisco was the one who made him the Flash suit, Barry wouldn't be the Flash without Cisco Ramon.
And he did love his friends. Chester, Allegra, Frost, everyone, he loved them.
But every time he put those ear pieces in he still expected the voice coming through to be Cisco's.
"I miss you too, you know."
Barry jumped as Cisco appeared in the doorway.
"I was just..." Barry waved the frame he was holding wildly. "I was just unpacking this box for you."
"Barry," Cisco said. "You're my BFF. I know you. And I miss you too."
Barry put the frame down, the photo of Cisco with Barry outside Earth-2 S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry wasn't sure how it had survived the Crisis, but he was glad they still had some things to remember their lost friends by.
"I really am happy for you," Barry said, ignoring the tears he could feel pricking at his eyes. "I love you, Cisco. You're my best friend."
"Come here, you big idiot," Cisco said, swooping Barry up into one of his big hugs Barry had missed so much.
Barry buried his face in Cisco's shoulder.
"I'm not going to find another best friend just because I moved," Cisco said. "And you better not be looking for one either. As if anyone could ever replace me. I might not be part of Team Flash any more, but I will always be there for you."
"You'll always be part of Team Flash," Barry said. "That big heart of yours is the reason there is one."
"Well, now you're going to make me cry too," Cisco said, sniffing a little. "I love you too, you big goofus. You ever call, I'll be there in a heartbeat, you know that, right?"
"Me too," Barry said. "Anything you need, ever, I'll race over before you've even had time to hang up."
"What if I need someone to reach something off a high shelf for me?"
Barry took hold of Cisco's shoulders.
"Anything," he said. "Anything at all."
"What if I need someone to hold my hand on a rollercoaster?" Cisco asked.
"Anything except that," Barry said. "I'm glad you're happy, Cisco."
"I'm glad you're happy," Cisco said. "Even if it's still weird not getting to see you every day. I got you a key though. Kamilla and I talked. You can come over any time, it's not a problem. I mean, a little heads up would be appreciated, but just run over whenever you want. It'll only take you, what, a minute?"
"Please, it wouldn't even take a full second," Barry said. "You know that goes for you too, right? Any time you want to visit home, you can stay with Iris and me. I promise I'll be better company than that time I crashed on your couch."
"I'm going to take you up on that so many times," Cisco said. "You changed my life, Barry Allen. I will always be grateful for that."
"You changed mine," Barry said. "And I will always be so glad to have you as my friend. The universe wants us to be bros, right?"
"Maybe," Cisco said. "It doesn't matter. I want us to be bros. No matter the timeline changes, I'll find you every time. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
[Platonic Prompts]
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prosperdemeter2 · 1 year
Teaser Tuesday- collision
“Are you okay?” Sophia burst in like a tornado, the front door slamming closed behind her. A moment later came their parents, Helena’s fingers flexing like she wanted to reach out but couldn’t. 
Sophia wasn’t asking him. 
Still, Eddie very clearly didn’t have the words to say anything yet. “I’m okay.” Buck answered with his best fake, reassuring smile. “Not the first time I’ve been slapped.” He joked lamely. 
It missed its target. 
Seemingly uncaring that his parents were watching at all, Eddie surged forward, his lips a lingering kiss against the skin of Buck’s forehead, his chest close enough Buck could bury himself in it if he wanted to. 
But, really, he was fine. Shannon wasn’t anything more than his boyfriend’s abuser and his son… Christopher’s absent mother. She had nothing on Margaret Buckley. “I’m going to go check on Chris.” Eddie muttered into his skin, even in the midst of crisis, kind enough to stop and wait for Buck to acknowledge he had said anything at all before standing up to his full height. 
Chris was already having such a difficult time with the whole… custody thing. Buck really didn’t want to add to that with whatever games Shannon liked to play with Eddie. “Wait!” Sophia lunged after her brother, squeezing her dainty hand around his wrist and tugging him to a stop. Buck wondered if she was seeing the same cracks he was in Eddie’s demeanor, or if she had always seen it and hadn’t known what to do to make it better. Buck could relate. He remembered watching the Maddie he knew start to disappear into the shade of who she had become when she was with Doug. Something had been wrong, and some part of him had always known it, but he hadn’t known what to do about that wrong feeling when everyone else was telling him that it was in his own head. “Eddie.” She made a broken sound in the back of her throat, her hand resting on the side of his face. 
Helena moved forward and stopped by Buck’s knee. Keep going, Buck wanted to tell her. Just go. But she didn’t move any closer and Sophia seemed more than ready to do the comforting for her. Eddie always had been closer to his sisters than his mother, Buck remembered. He talked to them every day, be it about something important or nothing at all. Sophia was younger than him by five years, but she stood up on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed until Eddie was hugging her back. She said something against the shell of his ear, shot Buck a thumbs up behind his back and pulled him back out to the backyard and, in the shadows of what Buck could see from where he was still, uselessly, sitting, over to Adriana. She beckoned the two of them over with a wave of her arm, and the two of them, like bookends, pulled Eddie between them, shorter by a head but on even ground all the same. 
Buck cleared his throat and planted his hands on the table, pushing himself up slowly, the twinge in his knee familiar but just as worrying as it was the first time it had ever appeared (the first time had been during physical therapy and Buck hadn’t been able to walk for three hours after). He had just gotten back to work, Buck wasn’t going to let Shannon, of all people, be the reason why he’d have to go back on medical leave. “Oh!” Helena surged forward and offered him a hand he didn’t need to stand more fully. “I’m so sorry, are you… are you okay?” 
He wanted to ask her why it mattered, really. Buck wasn’t her son, she didn’t particularly like him and that was… fine. Buck was used to people not liking him on principle alone, Helena Diaz would sting but it wasn’t like they had to be best friends. He was intimately familiar with being a parental disappointment. “I’m fine.” He said anyway (Every time you say that, Eddie had said once, I’m throwing out a left sock.). 
Helena didn’t call him out on it. 
Buck didn’t know why he had expected her to. 
The door opened and closed again, admitting Ramon with a familiar stormy anger on his face, Bobby and Athena, her hands resting lightly on her belt. Bobby made a beeline to where Buck was standing, hands on the table, Helena’s on his elbow, shaking out his leg in a slow front and back motion. “Buck,” Bobby said in a rush. “Are you okay?” 
“Fucking hell,” Buck rolled his eyes. “It’s a slap. It’s not like I got blown up again.” 
Bobby’s hand flinched.
Buck really needed to learn how to shut himself up. 
Athena shook her head with an unamused snort. “Ms. Moran chose to leave.” She provided unasked. “You let me know when you want to press charges.” 
“What if I don’t want to press charges?” 
Athena gave him a look. “You let me know when, Buckaroo.” 
He wrinkled his nose in distaste at her. Athena didn’t bend to his will. “When.” He corrected with a roll of his eyes. 
Athena rolled her eyes back at him. 
It made him smile, even if his stomach was churning uncomfortably at the thought. 
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Chapter 6: Happiness
I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.
Three years have passed
"Look, he's crawling, crawling!" Cisco exclaimed enthusiastically.
Luca Adam Snart-Ramon or Luke, as his family called him, really crawled on the carpet in Barry's house.
"I see," Allen smiled.
"And where is my little nephew here?" Leonard grinned, opening the front door and running into the hallway, and then into the living room right behind it, where Cisco, Barry and Luca were sitting. The kid smiled toothlessly and laughed loudly when his uncle picked him up in his arms and threw him into the air, however, he immediately caught him.
"Careful, Lenny, don't drop it," with a soft smile on her scarlet lips, Lisa shook her finger at him, who went into the house right after her brother.
"Hell-o-o-o..." Cisco drawled, kissing his wife on the temple. She just squeezed her eyes shut with pleasure and smiled brightly at her beloved.
"Ahem, are we bothering you?" Caitlin appeared in the doorway of the house, flushed from the cold, and Ronnie was standing behind her.
The younger Snart laughed loudly and Ramon froze for a moment, admiring his wife. He loved her in every way, but it was just like that — cheerful, perky, laughing— he liked her the most.
"No," Lisa smiled, pulling her friend to her for a hug. Cisco shook Ronnie's hand and the friends hugged.
Joe, Iris and Eddie came for them. It was hard for Mrs. Tone to walk: her little baby, who was in her stomach, was already seven months old, so Edward gently held his wife by the shoulders.
"Hello," the Stein couple appeared in the corridor at the same time greeted everyone, then, realizing what had happened, the husband and wife laughed, and everyone else picked up their laughter.
Barry quietly dragged his partner into another room.
"Do you want a baby, Lenny?" Barry asked bluntly, because he knew that his husband did not understand the hints and he needed to say directly what was wanted from him.
He hung for a couple of seconds, and then stared suspiciously at his lover.
"Why suddenly such a question?" he clarified, looking for a catch in Flash's words, "what are you… My God, are you pregnant?" Snart gasped, peering into the guy's face, "how?!"
"First of all, I'm not God, and secondly, no, I'm not pregnant," Allen laughed, hearing Leonard immediately exhale with relief, "I just want..." Barry still plucked up the courage, "I want us to adopt a child," he blurted out and he looked Frost straight in the eyes.
"Do you understand that it is a very responsible role to be a parent?" he glanced at his beloved Snart from under his brows, "and given my past, it is unlikely that it will be possible to take a child from an orphanage."
"Eddie and Joe promised to help with this, I also asked the people who are responsible for all this, and they agreed, because you were acquitted, and you were not guilty at all... of some crimes, yes, and I also understand that this is a very important role and I think That I'm ready for such a responsibility," Bartholomew rattled on an exhale, and biting his lip, looked at Len, "and you?
He groaned inwardly — Barry was looking at him with his trademark puppy dog look, which was never impossible to refuse.
"Probably, yes, I'm ready, but I'm not completely sure about it..." Captain Frost muttered softly, "if it works out, then yes, I agree," the man raised his index finger up.
Barry nuzzled his neck and laughed softly.
"You're going to be a wonderful father, Len..." he muttered, closing his eyes, "I'm sure of it"…
Leonard silently ruffled the guy's hair with his palm and smiled affectionately.
In the end, they all found their happiness.
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fitpacs · 7 months
have a couple fit headcanons OP:
- partially deaf in both ears, ramon built him hearing aids
- fit sleeps with the door to his bedroom open in case of emergencies, and always triple checks the locks on his windows and front door before he goes to bed
- has only cried three times: once when he saw ramon in purgatory, once when he was walking away from pac’s house to go to the radio tower, and once when he hugged ramon before heading to the radio tower
love!!!!!!!! accurate!!!!!!!
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cosmicmurders · 1 year
Murdered Lovers pt 4
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Here’s a little run down, all of the victims are from my high school or college. So this cuts it down for us all. I pulled out my old graduation books from both high school and college and found six people who went with me from the beginning of high school to the end of college: Mika Rosewood, Greg McMillen, Jessica Delo, Matt Miller, Lily Ni, and Yuno Gi. I asked Jones to take half while I took the other three and started talking to the other three.
The first one I saw was Mika, she had been my friend since the start when I told her what happened to my exes. She broke down. She was very close to Melody. They were like sisters, they shared everything “I can’t, no… Why is our songbird gone? She’s gone, she’s gone, she’s SHE’S GONEEEEEE!!!” Mika broke down and started sobbing even harder, I couldn’t handle it and just held and cried with her, it was a mutual pain that we had to bare together. We both lost a part of ourselves the day she died, everything we did with her seemed so faint. I patted her head in hopes that she’ll calm down.
“Where were you the past few weeks?” She wiped her tears and looked at me, her eyes looked so tired, drained of the lights she just lost. I don’t even wanna know how I might look after what we had just lost “This week I was out with Johnny, you remember him right? Dark hair oh so dreamy eyes. We went to Six Flags, look.” She then showed me a photo of her and Johnny at the park having a great time. I then remembered that this job takes away so much time from me that I should be using to spend with friends I lost connection with. I thanked Mika after that, told her that after this case was over we should see each other more then headed on to the next person.
Jessica Ramon, she still lives in her old home after her parents death. I used to go over to her house when we had work to do, I had a close call with her after her last boyfriend tried killing her. Messed her up for a minute but I was with her the whole way when she was getting better. I rang Jessica’s doorbell waiting for an answer. She answers and… her eyes looked so dead, and it's black and blue... Seems like I’d have to call Jen from SVU later about Jessica.
I asked to come in but then I heard a voice from inside “JESSICA YOU WORTHLESS SLUT! GET BACK IN HERE AND MAKE ME SOME FOOD, NOW!” Jessica shut her eyes in response to the yelling, “Please… Can you come back?” I couldn’t just leave her like this… Not with Jeff. I told her that I needed to talk with her now and that I can’t come back later. She then opened the door to let me in, I walked to the living room and saw Jeff. “What the hell is this mook doing here, Jess?” I wanted to punch him in that moment, I never really gotten along with Jeff not at all since they got together and I don’t know why she’s still with him.
I wanted nothing more but to sleep in that moment. I then explained to him how all of my exes were murdered and I’m looking for the killer. And You know what this fucker did? He started laughing, laughing at the fact that innocent people got murder. “Oh, your luck runs low regarding your love life. Maybe your a curse for them.” That was a line he had crossed with me. I wished to punch his big red nose looking like Rudolph the Red-Nosed fucking Reindeer.
But it was Jessica who pulled me into the next room with her stopping me before anything, she started cutting up lamb meat and vegetables. I asked her where she was when all of them were killed. “You see how he treats me, right? I can barely pick up heavy things anymore because of Jeff, I’m sorry about them. I am, but I didn’t do this. I hope you find the person who hanged them up.” I dropped my head down in disparity. I gave Jess a loving hug and told her to not worry about Jeff for much longer then I left but not without flipping Jeff off.
The last person I had looked for was Miller. I walked up to the steps, my first thought was he wasn’t home because the lights were off. But one ring of the doorbell and the lights came on. I heard the sound of feet moving closer to the door. “Yeah, who is it-” He stopped to look at me. I haven’t seen Matt in such a long time, he changed… He use to be so skinny, like the meat on his body wasn’t that strong, but now. He was bigger much stronger than he was before. He looked great, and better than the jocks back in high school.
He walked me in and asked what I was doing here, and I told him the same thing I told the others. “Oh wow love, I’m sorry this happened to them all but. I was home alone, just watching movies, tuning up on my cooking skills, and well. Working out as you can see hehe.” Matt was a great friend to all of us. I could feel the shift in the air from a peaceful air to a more somber and bluey feel. That’s when I got a call from Jones and he said that he has the rest of the alibis. I got up and thanked Matt for his help, but not without him grabbing me and turning me around to look me in the eyes. “Make the right choice, find the person who killed them. And we should catch up. Love to hear about your life.”
He then hugged me for the first time today I felt confident in what I was doing. He let me go on my way but not without blowing me a kiss. After hearing what Jones had to say, it was time for me to finally bring this killer to light. Once and for all.
Mika Rosewood: Upon talking to her she seems in dismay when talking about the murders, Her alibi was that She was at Six Flags with her now boyfriend Jhonny Gat. Showing a picture with the timestamp of the time the first murder happened. She would use her right hand to pick up napkins to wipe her tears. She shows no signs of marks.
Greg McMillen: He is out of state for family matters. The only person there was the house sitter that he was paying for three months.
Jessica Ramon: Jessica is subjected to a lot of abuse from her boyfriend Jeff. She’s scared and timid. She’ll always do what she’s told to do and wouldn’t speak up for herself. She cooks and cleans mainly with her left hand, her body covered with marks and scars. Once this is over I’ll help her.
Matt Miller: He is a fairly build man now, once picked on now the bodybuilder champion. He was all alone the night of when the victims were killed. He uses his left hand for most things he does leave a fondness of cooking the best cookies I ever had in my life.
Lily Ni: Moved to China last year.
Yuno Gi: She was also alone on the nights of the murders but she tends to work with a lot of sharp objects, she works for a company that makes knives she got an order for a bunch of dull knives a few months ago. Her left hand is her best.
All I need to do now is just put the pieces together for me to close this damned murder cases. It’s been long enough now.
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yourthoughtsjim · 1 year
The Scientist and The Meta
Harry Wells x reader x Cisco Ramon x afab reader
Guess who's baaaaack? My partner and I are going through it's first watch through of The Flash and I thought this would be a good way to come back.
Warnings: daddy kink, use of "kitten", praise, double penetration, breeding, overstimulation, dacryphilia
Sitting in the living room of your apartment, you flick through the channels, trying to find something to watch. Every so often, you’d check your phone to see if there was anything going on in the city called Central City. There hadn’t been anything since you and Team Flash had put away Peek-a-Boo for the hundredth time. 
Getting bored, you decide to call up a couple of your friends. One of them being Harry Wells of Earth 2. The other one being Cisco Ramon, also known as Vibe. The three of you had grown close ever since you joined the team while The Thinker was on his warpath. 
It didn’t take long for them to arrive. You see a blue glow reflecting from the TV. Looking behind you, you then see them walk through a breach. You practically jumped up with a huge smile on your face. Offering hugs, they accepted and reciprocated them. 
“So, how’s Jesse doing?” You ask, taking a sip of your beer that Cisco had brought. 
“She’s doing fine. I’ve actually got some good news on that front. We’ve… talked… about our issues.” Harry responds.
That earned a quirked brow from Cisco. “Wait, you actually talked? Not just yelled and threw things? Did you finally get some therapy?” He half jokes. 
“Yeah, seriously.” You state.
“I’ll have you know, I hired Dr. Harleen Quinzel to be S.T.A.R Labs personal therapist and let me tell you, she’s worth the thousands of dollars I pay her a month.” 
Cisco chokes on his drink. “You hired Harley Quinn? You must’ve been really desperate, huh?” He retorts. 
Harry squints his eyes at the breacher. “Anyway, was there anything you specifically wanted to talk about?” Cisco asked.
Shaking your head, you sit your bottle down. “No, not really, boredom really. There hasn’t been much going on lately.” 
That’s when the two men look you up and down and share a look with each other. One of mischievousness. “I know what will cure your boredom, princess.” Harry’s tone is now low. 
Cisco stands up and makes his way to your area. “Mhm, we’re going to give you one of the best nights of your life.” He whispers in your ear. Then he leads you to your bedroom.
Gently, he lays you down on your bed. Then the scientist and meta take up either side of you. Each of them glides a hand up and down the sides of your body. “Such a pretty girl you are.” Harry whispers close to your ear. 
“I have to agree. You’re perfect in every way possible.” Cisco follows up. “I wonder if you’d look prettier with your face twisted in pleasure.”
Pressing your thighs together, you shudder when they start kissing your neck. Your face was hot. You hadn’t a clue how long they’ve wanted to do this with you but you had a good feeling that it had been a while.
Hands were pushing your shirt up and soon it was removed. “So pretty.” Cisco comments. 
“So, so pretty.” Harry mumbles against your skin. You were getting wet. You knew the second they took your pants off, they would see the darkened piece of fabric. A thought that made your face flush a bright red. 
Which it didn’t take long before it was Harry doing exactly that. Both of the men were standing at the edge of the bed, looking at your soaked panties. Their hard-ons were prevalent when they took their pants off. 
“Soaked, aren’t you? Let your Daddies take care of that for you.” Cisco speaks in a gravelly voice. 
He then presses his thumb over your clothed cunt and starts small circles. Your hips tried pulling away from him but he pushed down harder. “Come on, kitten. Let Daddy make you feel good.” He says. Nodding your head, you try to keep still. 
Harry has Cisco stop for a moment while he pulls your panties off. “Continue, I want to see how wet she can get for us. After all, she’s going to need the lubrication.” He chuckles. 
Looking between them, you whine a little bit, or more like a lot. “Such a vocal little thing, aren’t you?” Cisco teases.
“I-I… fuck.” You moan out when Cisco slips two fingers inside your tight cunt. “Oh yeah, she’s tight. Don’t worry, your Daddies will stretch you out.” He comments. His fingers glided over your g-spot a few times, making you rock your hips into his hand. “M-More.” You whine.
“We’ll turn you into a pretty little housewife, just for us.” Harry coos in your ear. “Do you think she should be bred?” He asks.
“Definitely.” Cisco responds.
“Daddy, please…” Your voice is shaky.
“Which one, princess?” Harry almost taunts. 
“I don’t care, I just want a cock in my little cunt.” 
“You’re smaller, Harry, maybe you should first.” Cisco states. 
“Okay, move over.” That’s when Harry takes his cock out and rubs it up and down your wet slit. Then he sinks in slowly, bottoming out. “Fuck, kitten, you’re so tight around me. I’m going to stretch you out so that you can take both of us.” He states. 
The pace he was going at was gentle and slow. He didn’t want to hurt you. After all, he was quite big, with a nice thickness to him. If Harry was smaller than Cisco, how big could Cisco possibly be?
“Daddy, your cock feels so good.” You comment.
“Your tight little cunt feels good too, princess.” He remarks. 
He kept this up for what felt like forever. Then Cisco taps Harry’s shoulder. “Is she ready?” 
Harry looks to Cisco “Oh yeah, she’s ready. She’ll fit both of us now.” Harry stops as Cisco lifts you up and positions you on your hands and knees. Then he slides under you while Harry takes up the space behind you. 
Both men completely fill your cunt up with their cocks. Cisco being larger than Harry, that you can feel when they start fucking into you. “D-Daddies! Fuck!” You cry out. “That’s it, moan for us. Good girl, such a good girl.” Cisco comments.
The tandem they were going at never let you have a moment of being empty. They continuously stimulated you at every second that passed. Harry’s arm snaked around your front and with a few fingers he started rubbing slow circles on your clit, making tears spring from your eyes. “She’s crying already and her face looks so pretty.” Cisco says.
It seemed like Cisco was getting off on the way you sobbed for them. He then feels drops on his face, which only spurred him on to fuck your harder. “That’s it, cry for your Daddies. So beautiful.” He all but commands. 
Your head hangs in shame at how easy it was for them to get you crying on their cocks. That’s when Harry lifts your head up “Look at him, kitten.” He commands. 
It wasn’t like you had much choice in the matter, you look into those big brown eyes you had gotten accustomed to seeing on a daily basis. “Good girl.” Harry comments, fucking into you harder. 
The coil in your stomach threatened to snap and just like that, it did. You came around their cocks. You even squirted a little bit. That drove the men insane and they started to fuck into you harder, trying to get you to squirt again.
They wanted to see just how you could squirt for them. Every moment that went by felt like torture as you were getting overstimulated. It felt too good to tell them to stop, however. 
“Good girl, squeezing around our cocks like this. It felt so good, princess.” Harry comments.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of fucking her, Harry. Her tight little cunt feels so fucking amazing.” Cisco then remarks.
“F-Fuck! Daddies! Fucking me so good.” You whine out. 
The both of them just chuckle lightly. They loved the way you felt around them. They loved the way you cried out their names. They loved you.
It wasn’t long before you were cumming again and again. Each orgasm that ripped through you like a tornado, sent your mind fuzzier and fuzzier. By the time your 4th orgasm came, you were a drooling panting mess and they hadn’t even cum yet.
That was about to change as Harry felt himself twitch inside you. That’s when you feel a hot sticky load of cum fill you. “Oh, princess.” is what the man hissed out. 
Cisco wasn’t done, though, as Harry pulled out. He was still chasing his own high, fucking into at a fast and deep pace. “I’m going to fill you to the brim, kitten.” He groans out.
Then he feels himself twitch as well. This load felt much bigger than Harry’s. You felt so full yet so wonderful. “W-Warm inside Daddies. So warm.” You moan out. They both smile. “Good girl…” they say in unison.
Shortly after they got redressed, they went into your bathroom and ran a bath for you. Cisco lifts you, bridal style, and carries you to the tub. It’s there he gently places you down. You were still a bit shaky. “It’s okay, your Daddies got you.” Cisco whispers as he drags a loofa over your bare chest.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks. You nod your head a little as it was difficult for you to speak at the current moment. 
Soon, they finish up cleaning you and then gets you a nice pair of pajamas Harry had thrown into the dryer prior to the bath. “Such a good girl for her Daddies.” Harry comments, tucking you into bed before sliding in himself. Cisco did the same on the other side. Then the three you passed out peacefully.
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zooterchet · 2 years
Prisons, University, Hospitals
Mike Charlebois's Rules Given Prison (1968)
Mike Charlebois, had it passed under culture of New England prisons, through his football varsity team at Attleboro, that if you point out how you eat, or watch someone eat, or try to get someone to watch you eat, or otherwise attempt to befriend people through touching, hugging, smiling or eating to point out that you're eating, you're a prison bitch, a "rat", not a "fink", the guy encouraging it (the dog lover, someone that kisses their dog or cat, the lowest form of bitch, the "punk rock", your status).
Steve Charlebois's Rules Given Sodomey (1972)
Steve, passed rules in prison, transmitted to California when in California as a Bandito attempting to frame SAS member Charles Manson (through Steve's child, inside Sharon Tate, Charles Manson construed to steal the semen from him and enrage Janis Joplin, Steve's girlfriend at the time), that there's a "sitdown", as a "mob", inside prison (New England, New York, and California, linking the three cultures for the Banditos, anti-INTERPOL bikers), with a "relationship that fucked up your head", you tried to be on top of a man as a cop, sodomizing someone.
This way, any union deal, is assumed to be criminal, by ex-cons from the three regions, with anyone attempting a police relationship with spouse descended from criminals of the system, turning into a gay male or sperm stealing female, to repeat Charles Manson's murders, and LaBianca of the business supporting "Tatum", the "Chissom"; either way, "the relationship now fucked up your head", you're a gay male or transgender female-to-male.
Dave Charlebois's Rules Given Psychiatric Treatment (2004)
Anyone attempting to inform on a medical patient, from inside or outside the psychiatric system, is assumed to be a stalk victim, of the mentally ill individual, hence clearing the patient of status of mental illness, inebriation, or police brutality to make gay for political icon or puppet; therefore, training given to the mentally ill, worldwide through Doctors Without Borders, will induce "Transvaal Syndrome", labeled "Havana Syndrome" by a Ramones fan (the Kennedy assassination by Cuba, actually Sgt. Ray Charlebois, USMC, Pacific Theater veteran, MI-6 secondary function to guarantee Nagasaki's nuclear bombing). Anyone harassing a mental patient, tries to give the mental patient "their rights", the psychiatric caregiver, police officer, soldier, civilian, medical professional, or paramilitary religious (Jewish, Freemason, Catholic, Union, Muslim Sunni, Transgender Shi'ite, Lutheran, Anglican, Calvinist, or Bahai'i), induced into vertigo.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
A preview: Flirting with Danger
(gif credit to owner 😁) | fic can be read as RC or OC
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*** a treat preview **** chapter in the works **** stay tuned *****
An: Okay my narocs mx bbs, the next chapter of Flirting with Danger is officially in creation! I am writing it as we speak. Here is a little snippet to hold you over. I do have some work-work to do, tonight and tomorrow, so it's hard to say when this will be ready. But a safe guess is by this weekend. :)
Warnings: if you are following this fic, you already know the warnings, and if you have seen the show. Want more fic warnings, go here. Don’t like the fic, don’t read it. There are plenty of fics around! You have choices.
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After leaving the tray, you sat on the arm of the couch and set your gaze on the tv screen. Your eyes lingered there for a moment, then moved to Ramon.
As you continue to sort your thoughts, Ramon asks Benjamin if they've heard from Amado yet. When Min says no, a small argument starts between them.
It's only stopped by the door finally opening. All three of you turn to it, Ramon jumps to his feet and tosses the controller aside. He's with Dina's in no time.
She’s is in the same clothes you last saw her in. Ramon tries to hug her, then kisses the top of her head. Dina’s head is lowered, her eyes fixed on the wedding band between her fingers.
Benjamin is still by the window, like his younger brother, his expression is full of concern. His tone is instantly softer than the one he was just using with Ramon. “You should eat something.”
Ramon nods, his hands still gently on Dinas shoulders. She raises her head slightly, but keeps her face angled toward the wall. A nervous smile pulled on Mons lips, he glances at you, Min, then back at Dina.
With her eyes still downcast, Enedina asked, “Is Chapo dead?”
In reaction to the question, Benjamin inhales sharply then faces the window again, unable to look at her; unable to give her the answer she so desperately needs. Benjamin's jaw tensed, “we’re on it.” he looks at her again, trying to reassure her, “he’s been on the move.”
Enedina instantly raises her eyes to Ramon, a pained and angry expression on her face. Ramon drops his gaze, then looks to Benjamin. He still has one hand on her shoulder.
Turning on her heels, Enedina swiftly goes back into the room and slams the door. Ramon calls after her, but doesn’t get in before she closes, then locks it. Ramon bangs on the door, continuing to call her name.
After shouting at the door, Ramon presses his hands against it, “I’ll make this right! I’m going to kill him for you!” Ramon turns, fixing his eyes on his brother.
Ramons eyes are black down, dark with anger and fury, with revenge. “Now what?” Ramon stands before Benjamin, “keep waiting?”
Benjamin's arms are crossed again, he takes a deep breath and stares out the window, though you can't fully see him anymore, you can see tension in his profile.
“Fuck everyone,” Benjamin meets Ramons eyes with his own, “I want Chapo's head. Tell Barron, I want his fucking guys here now.”
Ramon nods, glances at you once, then leaves the room. As you watched him leave, Benjamin stepped closer to where you are,
“If she needs anything, anything at all -“ he doesn't finish the sentence, but you know he doesn't have to.
“Yes. Of course.”
He leaves the room.
The knot in your guy just doubled in size. Now, as shit is about to go down, you’re keeping watch over Enedina. Not that you minded, you care about her, you want to help. But by doing this, any chances you had of slipping away soon just diminished significantly.
Standing up, you go to the window and push the curtain aside, same as Min was, you stare out the window. If Benjamin is giving the okay for Barrons guys to come in, then that means they'll be used as the hit squad.
A plan was unfolding now, without Amado. The agent in you wants to move around the house, to pick up what little crumbs you can. But the thought doesn't last long.
Hit with a sudden wave of nausea, you sink down on the couch and lay across it. You don't know if it's the lack of sleep, or the stress of this situation, but your stomach has been a mess and you're having trouble keeping food down.
Then there's the other possibility, the natural outcome of how reckless you and Ramon have been; you can't even let yourself go there, you can't say the words. Just the idea of it terrifies you.
***this was a preview **** stay tuned ***
Fic info
Update eta 9/20 (evening)
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #19
Is it possible the CANON references to Eddie’s heart started before season 4? Heart Reference #19
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There were many references to Eddie’s heart included at the end of season 4 and they continued throughout season 5.  But what if the references began during season 2 and continued through season 5? Let’s review the nineteenth reference to Eddie’s heart which includes Eddie’s trip to El Paso, TX to reconcile with his father and how Ramon’s heart condition parallels with Eddie’s panic attacks.
5x17 “Hero Complex”
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While Eddie packed Christopher’s suitcase for their trip to El Paso, TX, he and Buck had a conversation about Eddie’s parents.  Buck suggested Eddie take a later flight since he had just returned from Claudette’s funeral and he mentioned how Eddie’s parents would understand but Eddie gave him a look that explained why taking a later flight wouldn’t be a good idea.  Then Buck said, “They should understand”.  Eddie questioned the dress code for a retirement party while Buck just watched him start to stress himself out about the trip.  Buck asked Eddie, “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Eddie responded, “I have to go. My mom made this huge deal about this party. He did work at the company for forty years. And Chris…he’s excited to see everyone”.  Buck inquired about the type of job Eddie’s father was retiring from and Eddie explained how he had been a petroleum engineer.  Then Eddie said, “He spent his whole life driving across the state, living everywhere but under his own roof with his own family”.  Buck then said, “Listen as someone who also comes from a screwed up family…” but Eddie interrupted him and said, “My family’s not screwed up…just my dad”. He continued and explained how his plan was to have a quick visit with his family and leave.  Buck then asked how he would handle it when his dad started to annoy him and Eddie responded with how there was a 3.5-star hotel not too far away from his parents’ house that Christopher would love because it had a pool. Then Eddie yelled for Christopher so they could leave but Buck just watched Eddie walk through the door and his face was filled with concern for Eddie.
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Eddie and Pepa arrived at Eddie’s parents’ house and his abuela, Isabel, exited the house looking upset. Pepa said “Ah, something’s wrong” and Eddie said, “I haven’t even shut off the engine’.  Isabel met them in the driveway and Pepa said, “Mommie, que paso?” and Isabel responded, “Nada”.  She kissed Eddie on the cheek and asked where Christopher was.  Eddie explained that he was asleep in the backseat of the car.  Eddie then told his abuela how good it was to see her and how L.A. wasn’t the same without her.  Pepa asked Isabel again what was wrong and Isabel proceeded to tell them how Helena, Eddie’s mother was doing all of the cooking.  Pepa said she thought Ramon hired caterers for his party but Isabel explained how Helena wanted to do all the cooking herself and just let the caterers warm and serve the food.  Eddie inquisitively asked his abuela if she was able to cook anything at all and she responded, “I was able to cook the tamales”.  All three of them celebrated and Eddie said he was going to get Christopher from the car.
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Eddie went into his parents’ house, then went into the kitchen where his mother was cooking.  He asked her to take a break because everything looked great but she told him to leave her alone because she was almost finished.  Eddie joked about how he was sure everything would taste great too but his mother smacked his hand so that he would stop trying to look at the food. He told her he was joking and then she hugged him and said, “So good to have my boys home”. Then Eddie’s father entered the kitchen and said, “It’s been too long, you should come visit more often”.  Eddie responded, “Pretty sure planes fly in both directions”.  His mother then said, “Well, now that your father’s retired, we’ll have time to visit more”.  Helena suggested Ramon show Eddie the watch the company gave him for his retirement and he acted bashful but he showed it to him and then said, “It’s not quite a silver star”.  Eddie read the card and said, “Congratulations dad”.  Then his father explained how he didn’t know what he was going to do now that he was retired and that he wouldn’t have to get up at 4:00am anymore.  Eddie made a remark under his breath, “Why live if you’re not working?” and his father replied, “So, how’s life as an operator”.
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Eddie’s parents walked over to stand with him, his abuela and Pepa as they were talking about something.  Eddie asked them what was going on and his mother said Ramon was nervous because he had to give a speech.  Pepa said, “You never met a microphone you didn’t love. I’m surprised you’re not singing too”. They all laughed and Eddie said, “Pepa’s right, I’m sure there’s a story you could tell”.   Then Ramon said, “Actually I was going to tell them one about you” and continued to explain how one time when Eddie was a child, he returned home from a work trip and found his truck wrecked after Eddie tried to drive it. Helena chimed in, took over the telling of the story and continued with how she was pregnant, went into labor and asked Eddie to go get help.  She thought he was going to call someone but he tried to drive his father’s truck and wrecked it. Eddie looked completely uncomfortable the entire time his mother told everyone that story.  Isabel, stood next to Eddie, rubbed and kissed his shoulder and said, “Why am I not surprised. Eddie to the rescue. My little hero”.  Eddie said, “I didn’t have much of a choice.”  Ramon said, “You were just a kid, I forgave you for that”. Then Eddie said, “No, actually you didn’t. You grounded me” and his mother replied, “Edmundo, it’s just a story”.   Eddie got upset and said, “He’s missing the whole part where he, tore me a new one for ruining his truck. Kind of like the time you yelled at me for setting off the smoke alarms for making eggs for the girls. I was twelve”.   Ramon said, “Edmundo!”  Eddie then said, “I’m sure there’s a better story you could tell up there. Oh, why don’t you tell them about the time, you pulled your ten-year-old son aside and told him it was time to step up to be the man of the house. Why don’t you tell them about that time?  Then we can all understand why you were never around”.  His father said, “I was providing for the family”.  Eddie said, “Providing? Providing what money?” Then Ramon started grabbing at his chest and said, “Exactly! I had to do what I had to do!”  Eddie then replied, “A family needs more than money. I never had a childhood. A dad who took care of me, no you were gone. The only thing you provided...” but his mother started yelling, “Ok. Eddie, Eddie, Stop!” His father collapsed but Eddie caught him while his mother, abuela and Pepa all became worried.  Eddie took Ramon over to a chair so that he could sit down.  His mother asked, “Is he having a heart attack?” and Eddie pulled the pills out of his father’s jacket pocket and said, “No. It’s not a heart attack”.  He told his dad to open his mouth so that he could put the pill underneath his tongue. His mother asked what the pills were and Eddie said, they were nitroglycerin and they help to open up his blood vessels and settles the circulation.  Eddie then said, “Just like the doctor said, am I right?” Helena, Isabel and Pepa all started to ask questions about the doctor and what was going on.  Eddie said, “I’m guessing, you went to see a cardiologist. Probably on one of your business trips. Am I right? How many stents do you have in your arteries?”  His father held up three fingers and his mother said, “What? When?” Then Ramon explained how he went to Dallas three years ago to have the procedure done and when Helena asked why he didn’t tell her about it, Eddie said, “Pride. He didn’t want us to think he was weak”.
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Eddie took his father into the kitchen so that he could monitor his vitals.  Ramon told Eddie that he felt fine and asked him if his pulse was strong, Eddie agreed. Eddie then said, “I had one myself. Not a heart attack but a panic attack. Ended up in the ER”.  Ramon asked, “Why didn’t you tell us?” and Eddie replied, “I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that question”. Ramon explained how Eddie didn’t want to seem weak.  Eddie then said, “I spent my whole like trying not to be like you” and Ramon said, “All these years, I uh, I try to set a good example for you. Maybe it was the wrong one, I don’t know. But I never understood why you were so angry with me. I…why it always felt like you were punishing me”. Eddie explained how he believed he was punishing himself more, how he was also tired of being that guy and how he was going to be better.  His father asked, “For Christopher?” and Eddie said, “For myself”.  Ramon said maybe they could both be better and then said, “I don’t want to miss out on anymore of my son’s life”.  Eddie became emotional, started crying and said, “I’d like that”.
A heart under pressure
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Eddie’s panic attacks were the result of him not talking about things from his past because he would do what he told the 118 in 3x1 “Kids Today” that his father told him to do, “Brush it off and keep moving forward”.  Dr. Salazar, a cardiologist in L.A., told him in 5x1 “Panic”, “Panic attacks can often present as heart attacks” and she also explained how repression could also contribute to them.  Eddie’s panic attacks paralleled with his father’s heart problems that consisted of him having three stents placed in his arteries to increase blood flow to his heart.  Ramon admitted that he had the stents put in three years ago after seeing a cardiologist in Dallas, TX.  Therefore, Ramon either had a heart attack or he had chest pains that prompted him to go to the doctor but he didn’t tell anyone about it.  Eddie told his dad while they were in the kitchen, “I had one too. Not a panic attack but a heart attack. Ended up in the ER” and Eddie’s admission that he ended up in the ER parallels with his father’s time in Dallas because they both saw cardiologists when they experienced what they believed to be heart attacks.  Ramon asked why he didn’t tell them and Eddie said, “I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that question”.  Ramon didn’t want to seem weak and neither did Eddie so they hid their diagnoses and tried to keep moving forward.
Like father, like son, like grandson
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Christopher is a lot like his father, Eddie and Eddie is a lot like his father, Ramon. Even though Eddie told his father “I spent my whole life trying not to be like you”, he ended up being just like him because he hid things from the people he loves just like his father did.  Eddie hid his panic attacks from Buck, his parents and his found family at the 118 and that parallels with the way his father Ramon hid his own medical condition from his family that happened three years ago (read blog post: “Eddie hides things just like his father, Ramon” for more information on how Ramon and Eddie hide things). Ramon didn’t tell his wife, his children, his mother or his sister that he went to Dallas to have three stents inserted into his arteries.  He also didn’t tell them about the nitroglycerin pills he was taking which means he was getting his prescriptions filled in secret and hid the pills from his wife.
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Another parallel includes the way Eddie was away from home working in the Army when Christopher was younger just like Ramon was away while Eddie was Christopher’s age.  In 3x15 “Eddie Begins”, while Eddie was arguing with his parents about how Helena wanted Eddie to let them raise Christopher, Ramon said, “Eddie, he barely knows you because you haven’t been around most of his life”.  But Eddie retorted with, “I don’t remember you being around much when I was his age”.  Then Ramon said, “I was working” and Eddie replied, “So was I”.  The entire time Eddie interacted with his father in 5x17, they both seemed to be at odds with each other. It was like a constant tug of war between the two of them and they threw negativity at each other when Eddie said, “Why live if you can’t work” and Ramon said, “So how’s life as an operator?’  They constantly gave each other the side-eye and kept trying to one up each other.  Eddie does his best to talk to Christopher so that they won’t end up at odds with each other like he is with his father.  Eddie didn’t want to be like his father but in some ways he ended up being just like him. The difference between Eddie and Ramon is Eddie tries his best to be very present in Christopher’s life now even though he was away for the first six years of his son’s life while he served in the Army.
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After Eddie became a single father, he did everything he could to ensure Christopher would have the things he needed including Eddie working a job that would allow him to spend as much time as possible with his son. After The Well incident in 3x15 “Eddie Begins”, Eddie named Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian in his will so that if anything happened to Eddie, he knew Christopher would be raised by someone who would fight for him just like Eddie does. Even though Eddie told Frank in 3x9 “Fallout”, “I don’t want my kid to be like me” after Christopher had planned on not telling Eddie that he had been having nightmares after the Tsunami, Christopher did end up mimicking some of Eddie’s behaviors.  He hid the fact that he was sad from Eddie because he didn’t want Eddie to be sad.  In 3x4 “Triggers” Eddie asked Christopher if he had been dreaming about his mother which caused his nightmares and when Christopher nodded yes, Eddie asked him why he didn’t tell him.  Christopher said, “I didn’t want to make you sad”.  Eddie explained to him how there was nothing wrong with being sad.
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In 5x14 “Dumb Luck”, Christopher could tell Eddie was sad while they were in the kitchen so he asked Eddie if he was ok, Eddie replied that he was tired. Then Christopher said, “You seem sad” and Eddie stopped chopping vegetables to sit at the table with him.  He explained how talking to Frank made him exhausted but even though talking about things that are hard made him tired, he was going to continue going to therapy. Christopher then asked, “The things that make you sad, am I one of them?” Eddie quickly responded “Never”. Christopher’s question about if he was the reason why Eddie was sad, parallels with his statement to Eddie from 3x4 “Triggers” because even then Christopher could tell when Eddie was sad.  Christopher blamed himself for Eddie’s mood even though he didn’t know why Eddie was sad and that parallels with what Eddie did in 5x10 “Wrapped in Red” after he quit his job before talking to Christopher about it.  Edde blamed himself for Christopher worrying about him dying but he learned from Christopher in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” that he didn’t want him to quit.  Christopher recognized how Eddie acts when he’s sad so he noticed it but unlike before in 3x4 when he didn’t want to say anything, he asked him about it in 5x14.  While Eddie tried not to be like his father, he did end up being like him in a lot of ways.  But he’s different from his father in a lot of ways too because he parents Christopher differently than the way his dad did him.  Eddie doesn’t yell at Christopher the way he said his father did to him in 5x17 regarding wrecking his father’s truck or setting off the smoke detectors while he tried to cook eggs for his sisters.  Eddie’s an awesome, great and good dad according to Buck, Shannon, Ana, Bobby and others who’ve told him that throughout the years and that’s something he should be very happy about (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz: He is a great dad” for more information on how great a dad Eddie is).
Eddie was in pain
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Eddie has experienced the pain of a broken heart that could be associated with his childhood and he’s probably carried that pain with him into adulthood. During his first therapy session with Frank in 3x9, Eddie said, “He was in pain and he felt like he had to hide that from me. I don’t want that for him” when he was talking about how Christopher tried to hide being sad from him. Remember Eddie used Christopher as a shield to talk about his own feelings before he started taking therapy seriously, so it’s likely he was in pain too as a child and he hid it from his father.  Now that he’s an adult, Eddie struggles with showing his emotions in front of people and he’s only allowed himself to be truly vulnerable in front of Buck after his breakdown in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz:  Expressing his emotions” for more information on how Eddie expresses his emotions).
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Ramon’s job kept him on the road and away from home a lot when Eddie was younger which means he spent the majority of his time trying to be the man of the house for his mother and sisters.  He told his father how detrimental it was for him at the age of ten to be told to step up and be the man of the house during their argument at Ramon’s retirement party.  Even though he blames his father for a lot of his pain, some of his blame should be directed towards his mother, Helena because she was the one who was there with him and she’s the one who has said negative comments to and about him on numerous occasions. His father only echoed everything his mother said because Ramon wasn’t there while Eddie was growing up and they both admitted that during their argument in 2017 that was included in one of Eddie’s flashbacks from 3x15 “Eddie Begins”.
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Helena manipulated Eddie into attending the party even though he probably tried to resist.  Eddie admitted to Buck that the only reason he was going to El Paso was because his mother made a huge deal about it.  When Buck asked Eddie, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”; Eddie said, “I have to go. My mom made this huge deal about this party”.  Buck could tell Eddie wasn’t comfortable with his decision to go and that’s why he kept trying to get him to take a later flight or not go at all.  Eddie’s mother has always been controlling when it comes to him but he can’t see it.
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Whenever Eddie made a mistake as a child, his mother was the one who relayed her version of the story to Ramon.  She admitted it in 5x17 during their conversation at Ramon’s retirement party and when Eddie tried to speak up about it, she tried to manipulate him by saying “Edmundo, it’s just a story”.  But it was a story she continued to tell so that she could get the attention of his abuela and Pepa.  She demanded a lot from Eddie when he was younger and even though she tried to hide it and say that he tried to be helpful, she was just as much to blame for him feeling like he wasn’t enough as his father was (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Eddie and Buck both said, “I wasn’t enough!” for more information on how Eddie and Buck both felt like they weren’t enough).  She was the one who told the story about him wrecking his dad’s truck and thought she was impressing his abuela and aunt but they looked just as uncomfortable as Eddie did while she was talking.
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Helena was the one who told Eddie not to drag Christopher down with him in 2017 and she was also the one who tried to manipulate him and get him to move back to El Paso in 2x18 “This Life We Choose” (read blog post: “The Women in Eddie’s Life” for more information on the women in Eddie’s life).   She still tries to control him even though he’s a grown man.  After they arrived, he took refuge with her against his father but Eddie probably didn’t realize that’s what he was doing.  It will be interesting to see how his father handles being retired since he will be with Helena all day, everyday.  Ramon already hid his heart condition from her so the questions are what else is he hiding and what will he do now that he doesn’t have to leave at 4:00am anymore?
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Buck knows the real Eddie and that’s why he asked him if it was a good idea for  him to take a trip to El Paso.  Buck was there after Eddie’s breakdown so he probably realized Eddie was going to say something that would cause an argument with his parents.  Buck had his own “Love me anyway” moment with his own parents in 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance” but Eddie had to have his own too.  He also knows that Eddie’s not at a point where he’s ready to admit both of his parents caused him pain and that’s why Buck just let Eddie talk while they were in Christopher’s room.  When he tried to tell Eddie that his family was screwed up too, Eddie said it was just his dad but he was wrong.  His mother is the one who caused him a lot of trauma mainly because his father was barely home but it appears he hasn’t realized it yet or he’s not ready to approach the subject with her (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Meet their “screwed up” parents” for more information about Eddie’s parents).
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Since his mother was the one who was still trying to control him, it will be interesting to see how she handles it when he finally tells her about his will.  In 4x14 “Survivors”, Buck asked Eddie if his family would contest his will and try to take Christopher from him if anything were to happen to Eddie and he responded with, “I don’t know. Maybe. Probably.” That was a lie because Eddie knows his mother will be upset about his will.  He also knows she will be even more upset at the fact that she won’t be able to control Eddie even after he dies; therefore if he doesn’t tell his parents about the change he made to his will, she will definitely contest it to get custody of Christopher and she will fight Buck in court until she doesn’t have any money left (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: The Will & Legal Guardianship” for more information about Eddie’s will).
Eddie learning to be better, for himself
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When Eddie started therapy in 3x9, he told Frank how he didn’t want to be there. He used Christopher as a shield then and he did the same thing in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” because he wouldn’t answer Frank’s question about why he blew up and yelled at Bobby in 5x11 “Outside Looking In”.  Frank realized the only way he would get Eddie to open up in therapy would be to ask him about Christopher and once he did, Eddie started talking not only about Christopher but about himself too.  Eddie has tried to save himself and Christopher many times over the past four years.  He left El Paso and moved them to L.A. to get away from his controlling parents.  After he started working as a firefighter, he would put himself in harm’s way to save boys like Alex in 2x14 “Broken” from a house fire; Hayden in 3x15 “Eddie Begins” from a well; Charlie in 4x13 “Suspicion” from his own mother and Parker in 5x8 “Defend in Place” from a hospital fire (read blog post: “Eddie saves Edmundo (himself)” for more information on how Eddie has been trying to save himself for years).
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After his breakdown in 5x13, Eddie started taking therapy seriously when he started talking more openly about his PTSD during his session in 5x14 “Dumb Luck”.  He stopped using Christopher as a shield and finally started discussing the things that bothered him and hurt his heart.  He’s working towards being better for himself and that’s the most important thing.  He told his father while they were in the kitchen that he was going to be better for himself after his father assumed Eddie was going to therapy for Christopher (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz:  He’s going to therapy so that he can be better for himself” for more information on Eddie learning how to be better for himself).
Eddie working to be better for himself has helped him to be more open about his feelings and to stand up for both himself and Christopher. Even though his conversation with Ramon was not as long as it probably should have been, at least it was a start for them.  They really don’t know each other since Ramon was barely home while Eddie was growing up but based on Ramon’s response to Eddie of “I don’t want to miss out on anymore of my son’s life” it seems like they are both willing to work towards having a better relationship.  His mother is a completely different story because Eddie hasn’t realized or accepted the fact that she’s the mastermind behind most if not all of his childhood traumas.  He still has a long way to go in therapy because he hasn’t started to unpack any of his firefighting related traumas yet but he is working to be better.  He told Buck he was afraid that he would never feel normal again after his breakdown in 5x13 but he has shown growth because in 5x18 “Starting Over” he told Buck how holding on to anger is not good and taking the blame for someone else’s mistakes could make the person explode.  Maybe he’s starting to realize he shouldn’t take the blame for either of his parents’ mistakes.
Will Eddie have a conversation with his mother in season 6 to let her know she’s part of the problem too?  If so, will she admit how she still tries to control and manipulate him?  How will Helena take it when she learns she can’t control Eddie anymore?  Will he tell his parents about his will and how he named Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian?  Only the showrunners, writers and producers know the answers to those questions.
Additional references for Eddie’s heart will be posted daily.
Links to “Heart References” posts
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #1”
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-References #2 & 3” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-References #4, 10 & 16” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #5” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #6” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #7” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #8” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #9” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #11” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #12” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #13” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #14” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #15” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #16” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #17” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #18” 
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