suiana · 6 months
Aaaaaa so desperate for more of yandere student council president 😭
(yandere! student council president x gn! popular reader) (new au for pressie <3)
"c'monn... you don't have to repeat it."
you groan exasperatedly, rolling your eyes as you push past the annoying student council president. yep, him again. and this time he had come to force you and your group of friends back to class. well, more like your friends. he had forced you to follow him to the student council office. for punishment of course. after all, you're the leader, so you had to be punished!
and no, it's not that type of punishment.
"less talking and more walking. you've already missed five minutes of-"
he speaks up only to get interrupted.
"we heard you dang it!"
"so annoying..."
"yeah this is why you don't get any game."
your friends mock him as they walk back to class, annoyed that they had been told off by him. and you would be too. seriously, he's such a pain in the ass sometimes.
but you and him were... secretly dating.
mhm, that's right.. you were dating the hot yet annoying student council president. yeah, you, the most popular student in the school. but that's not even the worst part! people thought you hated his guts! hell, even you thought you did too!
but that's not what happened. at least until a few months back where he suddenly asked you out and you somehow fell for him instantly.
it's so embarrassing that things turned out the way it did, but oh well. it is what it is, which is why you had to act that you still hated him. you didn't want to be the school clown!
and somehow, he agreed and decided to play along with your little act. he's understanding after all! but seeing you act like a brat makes him want to tease you a little...
"mn... is our little leader trying to go against the president's orders?"
he hums, bending down beside your ear as he smiles into the sentence. you yelp, not expecting him to get so close as your cheeks heat up. shit, what was he doing?! was he trying to blow your cover?! in front of your friends?!
you shoot him a glare, trying to quicken your pace to escape his teasing but aw always, he's always a step ahead. he quickly grabs your wrist, preventing you from running away and it catches the attention of your friends. they eye him suspiciously before their eyes drift over to you. wait, why were your cheeks so red?
you blabber about nervously, trying to put up a tough front. unfortunately, your friends were smart, not dumb and quickly called you out on your lie.
"oi why are you all red?"
"do you... like this annoying idiot?!"
they gasp, absolutely flabbergasted as you shake your head, trying to prove them wrong. you then shoot a glare at the president who merely sticks his tongue out at you and releases his hold. ah, this was fun. maybe he'll do more next time.
"go along now, i'm sure that it's just because i'm that charismatic."
he laughs off before pushing your friends into their respective classrooms and beckoning you to follow him into the student council office.
shit, you swear he's actually going to ruin your reputation of hating him one day with how far he takes his teasing...
but it's not like you'd mind, would you? after all, you two are dating. it's only right that he publicly notifies everyone of his claim on you. ah well, that's a problem for another day.
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lecsainz · 1 year
Hiii 🥰
Can I please request one with sunshine but shy reader that is a driver and all the boys sees her as a little sister and the older one like a daughter
Maybe an interview or any scenarios that you want
Thank you ❤️‍🩹
Fangirl Moment
pairings: 2022 grid x driver!reader / shawn mendes x driver!reader
warnings: seb treating Y/N like a daughter, the drivers teasing her for her fangirl freakout, shawn being as sweet as ever.
authors note: I LOVED this request so much that when i started writing i had two ideas that i needed to write down! seb shouting that he's the father of the grid and don't ask me why, i can't explain it, and the other drivers treating her like a little sister aaaaaa have my heart 🥹 and the other story is here! i hope you like it as much as i enjoyed writing it.
word count: 1.4K
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Y/N rubbed her eyes and groaned as she checked her phone. She had slept through her alarm and was now running late for her interview. She quickly got dressed and headed to the paddock, hoping she wouldn't get into too much trouble.
As she walked into the media center, she could feel the eyes of her fellow drivers on her. She blushed and tried to hide behind her hair, feeling like a little kid who had done something wrong.
"Hey, sleepyhead, did you forget you had an interview this morning?" Daniel teased, his grin widening as she walked by.
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. She knew the guys meant well, but sometimes it felt like they didn't take her seriously as a driver.
Sebastian, who had always been a bit of a father figure to her, walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, kiddo, we've got your back. Just remember to speak from the heart, and you'll do great."
Y/N nodded, grateful for his words of encouragement. She took a deep breath and walked into the interview room, trying to push her nerves aside.
The interviewer greeted her with a smile and started with the usual questions about her racing career. Y/N answered as best she could, but she couldn't help feeling like she was stumbling over her words.
Then, the interviewer asked her about her relationship with the other drivers. Y/N's heart sank. She knew what was coming next.
"So, Y/N, the other drivers have referred to you as their little sister. How does that make you feel?"
Y/N could feel her cheeks turning red as she fidgeted in her seat. "Um, well, it's nice to be part of such a close-knit community, but sometimes it feels like they don't take me seriously as a driver."
The interviewer nodded sympathetically. "Do you feel like you have to prove yourself more because of that?"
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, definitely. But I try not to let it get to me. At the end of the day, I know what I'm capable of."
The rest of the interview went by in a blur, and before she knew it, Y/N was back in the paddock. She was greeted by a chorus of cheers and high-fives from the other drivers.
"Great job, sis!" Charles said, clapping her on the back.
"Way to go, Y/N!" Mick added, grinning.
Y/N couldn't help but smile, feeling like she had overcome a major hurdle. She was proud of herself for speaking her truth and proving that she was more than just a little sister.
And as she walked away, she heard Sebastian's voice behind her. "Good job, sunshine. You did great in there."
Y/N turned around and smiled at him. "Thanks, Seb. You were right, speaking from the heart really helped."
Sebastian gave her a warm smile. "I knew you had it in you. You're a great driver, and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."
Y/N felt a surge of gratitude towards Sebastian. He had always been there for her, supporting her and giving her advice when she needed it most. "Thanks, Seb. I really appreciate your support."
Sebastian patted her on the back. "Anytime, kiddo. You're like a daughter to me, you know that."
Y/N's heart swelled with warmth at his words. She had always looked up to Sebastian, and it meant a lot to her to be considered like a daughter to him. "I'm lucky to have you as a mentor, Seb."
Sebastian chuckled. “The feeling's mutual, sunshine.”
As she made her way to the interview area, she noticed a commotion near the stage. A group of fans had gathered around someone, screaming and taking pictures. Y/N squinted, trying to see who it was, and then her heart skipped a beat. It was Shawn Mendes.
"Oh my god," she whispered feeling a surge of excitement. "Oh my god, is that Shawn Mendes?" she whispered to herself, trying to play it cool.
As she tried to make her way through the crowd to get closer to Shawn, she heard the other drivers calling out to her.
"Hey, Y/N, did you bring your Shawn Mendes poster for him to sign?" Lando teased, grinning from ear to ear.
Max chimed in. "I heard he's a big fan of yours too, Y/N. Maybe you should ask him for an autograph."
Y/N felt her face turning red as she tried to hide her embarrassment. She had been a fan of Shawn Mendes since her teenage years, and she couldn't believe she was about to meet him in person.
She finally managed to make her way to the front of the crowd and caught Shawn's eye. He smiled at her and waved, holding up a hat with her racing number on it.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she saw the hat. She couldn't believe that Shawn was wearing something with her number on it. She felt a surge of emotions, a mix of excitement and disbelief.
She managed to make her way through the crowd and stood in front of Shawn. "Hi, Shawn," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Hey, Y/N," Shawn replied, grinning. "It's great to finally meet you in person."
Y/N could feel her heart racing as she tried to think of something to say. "I can't believe you're a fan of mine," she managed to say, feeling a little star-struck.
Shawn chuckled. "Of course I am. I've been following your career for a while now. You're an amazing driver."
Y/N felt a surge of pride at his words. She had always looked up to Shawn as a musician, and to hear him say that he was a fan of hers was surreal.
"Would you mind signing something for me?" she asked, feeling a little shy.
"Of course, what do you want me to sign?" Shawn asked, taking out a marker from his pocket.
Y/N handed him her racing helmet. "Could you sign this for me? It's my lucky helmet."
Shawn nodded and signed the helmet with a message of encouragement. Y/N couldn't believe it. She had always dreamed of meeting Shawn Mendes, and now here he was, signing her helmet.
As she walked away from the crowd, Y/N couldn't help but smile.
The other drivers continued to tease Y/N about meeting Shawn Mendes for the rest of the day. Lando and Max kept making jokes about her being a fangirl and asking for autographs. Even Sebastian couldn't resist making a quip or two, although he was always quick to reassure her that meeting Shawn was a big deal and she had nothing to be embarrassed about.
"Hey, Y/N, you going to hang that picture of you and Shawn Mendes on your bedroom wall?" Daniel joked, earning a chuckle from Lando.
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't help but grin at their banter. "Very funny, guys. You wish you had a picture with Shawn like I do."
Lando crossed his arms. "Oh, please. We have better things to do than fangirl over celebrities."
George raised an eyebrow. "Speak for yourself, Lando. I heard you have a secret crush on Selena Gomez."
Lando's face turned red as he sputtered out a denial. "What? No, I don't! Who told you that?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the exchange. "Looks like I'm not the only one with a celebrity crush around here."
Despite the teasing, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the encounter. She couldn't believe that Shawn Mendes was a fan of hers and had been wearing a hat with her racing number on it. It was surreal.
Later that day, as she was getting ready for the quali, she saw that Shawn had posted a picture of them together on his social media. He had even tagged her in the post and written a sweet message about how much he admired her as a driver.
Y/N couldn't contain her excitement as she saw Shawn's post. She let out a loud scream in the motorhome, causing some of the other drivers to come rushing over, thinking that she had been attacked or injured.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Lewis asked, concern etched on his face.
Y/N turned to them with a huge grin. "No, I'm fine. Look!" She held up her phone, showing them Shawn's post.
The other drivers crowded around her, looking at the post with interest. Lando let out a whistle. "Wow, Y/N, you're really making a name for yourself. Maybe you'll get a shoutout from Taylor Swift next!"
Max chuckled. "Or maybe Drake will invite you to his next concert."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't help feeling a little giddy. She had always dreamed of meeting her favorite celebrities, and now that dream was starting to become a reality. She knew that she had worked hard to get where she was, but it still felt surreal to see her name being recognized by people she admired.
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infactmrmeowz · 6 months
Hello. Can you tell us, in your opinion, what physical preferences Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy and Smoker from One Piece would have in a woman ? Thank you very much and sorry if this has already been asked. ^^
One Piece Men + Headcanons!
OF COURSE I CAN POOKIE!! Also MB for like disappearing for months on end!! Btw!! I can’t see my messages idk why so so sorry! If ya want somethin do inbox!
warning!: suggestive only a bit, cursing! Obviously female reader, grammar bad mb, tad bit off topic!
crocodile - I see him being an ass guy, I don’t think it matters what size but if you have an ass then yk 😜. - leadership! Because he is SUCH a busy man he wants you too atleast have SOME leadership on yourself and others for his work, and you to take care of yourself! It’ll be more stressful for him if he constantly has to worry about you.. which he doesn’t!! (He does). - I don’t think he really cares what size you are, you just have to be strong, atleast learn how to fight or protect yourself! - women in suits 😵‍💫 - if he sees you in a suit he might just go bonkers. - this is going back to leadership role, but being smart! You don’t have to be Einstein smart but smart in one way or another, he finds that hot.. especially when you geek out about thing, can be a special interest or something nerdy, he might act like he is not listening but he is! - hip dips! Oo that man loves iittttt he’ll hug you from behind, and rest his hands on them, while nuzzling his head in your neck !! Mihawk- boob guy, no one can tell me otherwise! - again doesn’t matter what size you are, he loves to see you in the color red! (With cleavage showing 🫨). - he likes it when you drink the wine and a little wine mustache comes up! He finds it’s ADORABLLEEEE. - when you sit down and your thighs expand, especially in a dress!!! AAAAAA. - I think he wants someone who is shorter than him, but also strong in some way or another .. bonus points if you know how to use a weapon! Especially a sword! - someone with long hair! Doesn’t care if it’s real or not, he loves to see you do your hair in the morning, (this includes if you have braids or dreads!) Buggy- thigh guy! - he LOVES to see you put on flashy colors for your outfits, or hair styles/hair colors! Of course you can’t be more flashy than him.. BUT he thinks you look HOT and CUTEEE wearing flashy clothes! Especially his colors! Or even matching with him in some way or form! - I think he would like to see someone with unique features, that can be anything on your body! Freckles, eye color, hair, skin, body, anything! The more unique the better! - he doesn’t like when you change your features to be some one or something or to be “ prettier “ he thinks that if your born with a unique feature(s) you keep it! Make it shine! - makeup! Of course you don’t need it!! But he wants you to match with him! (Please paint your nose blue like his). - someone who is strong! Very strong! Or strong/stronger with weapons of any kind! He finds it actually so hot when you fight. -funny! Or goofy! He loves people when they are funny and goofy! You can be the jester and him the clown! Smoker- another ass guy, - he definitely wants a strong woman, like with crocodile it’s too stressful! - someone who is mature, I don’t think he can handle someone who is immature.. and if you are he’ll deal with it but don’t be surprise when he gets mad at you! - when you dress formal! He finds it hot! Also shows your maturity! - unlike buggy.. he wants someone with shorter hair! (Including people with braids or dreads etc..) he doesn’t know why, but I think he likes it because it matches with every outfit you wear..
AAA that’s it! Cya later alligators! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lillithhearts · 3 months
Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say I love you’re writing it’s so amazing! You capture the characters perfectly in every piece of your writing!
Can I also request more of the Rosie x Reader x Alastor? Maybe Reader pops by when they are busy with their overlord duties to check in on them and give them a little gift? If that’s not too much to ask! Hope you have a good day!
Alastor x Reader x Rosie ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Alastor x Reader x Rosie
ׂׂૢ cw : not Proofread
ׂׂૢ reader is gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Pacing around in your own office you Sauntered from side to side; you did everything you needed done the day before so what will you do today? You meticulously planned your week in advance but happened to fall into a working haze last night and finished everything so now you stood around like a wet sock with no clue what to do however the knowledge of your two partners being extremely busy today came into your head as you immediately set out to find them, having known before hand where they'd be most of today.
So you hastily rushed to hurry over to the building; getting quickly stopped by a particular store Alastor and Rosie both had said they enjoyed a few things from but nonetheless complained they had no time to get the items that had caught their wanting eyes so you wandered into the bougie looking store and searched around for the items they had mentioned to you; as you fiddled around with the items you looked at a few colors before picking up what you decided they'd likely enjoy most; you brought the Cashier and owner the deep red bowtie you picked for Alastor and a golden pendant with a beautiful red stone in it. The store owner waved you goodbye as you passed through the city streets to your destination, upon arriving it seemed Alastor and Rosie were already on their way out and your pace instinctively quickened, a small smile creeping it's way to your lips seeing Alastor wave at you and Rosie soon following suit.
Rosie embraced your form into hers before twirling you around as she laughed and squealed about how she missed you and how it's great to see you, she finally put you down and stepped back; clearing her throat and brushing off dust on her dress along with adjusting her hat; your gaze shifted when you saw Alastors sharp claw gently grab your wrist that held the back; recognizing the logo and giving you a look; oh how he hated you spending money on him..now what did you get him? His eyes narrowed at you before straightening back out
"I'd like to assume that's for us, my dear?"
You quickly shook your head and held it out for them, nodding quietly while Rosie started gushing over how sweet you are to get them something while Alastor quickly snagged the back and peaked inside, pulling out what was inside Rosie almost screeched in excitement as she snatched the pendant from the Deerish demon who only blinked at her a few times as she started jumping around you, telling you to put it on her; you sighed and started to clip it around her neck as she shivered and giggled at your freezing hands before turning around and showing you and Alastor very proudly; so as you looked at Alastor he already wore the new bowtie also very proudly puffing out his chest
They seem to love it, almost as much as they love you and now they are dragging you along to spend the rest of the day with them.
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Taglist : @k1y0yo @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @anni1600 @d0nutsaur
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erabu-san · 10 months
I'm the same anon that gave you the idea for Freminet and Collei! And I saw the art you did of the two of them and I love it sm🥹
And I had another idea of Tighnari realizing that Collei's been acting a little strange, like her head would always be in the clouds and her cheeks were flushed with red all time or something. And Tighnari's worried that she may be getting sick, but Faruzan, being Faruzan, is gushing over it and tells Tighnari that she's in love (she has a crush but Faruzan blows it way out of proportion)
And somehow to Tighnari this is even WORSE than being sick
I believe he'd either be a bit more laid back with Freminet because he's Freminet and he doesn't seem like the type to break Collei's heart
Or just as overprotective as he would be with anyone getting too close to Collei.
I think Cyno would be a very close eye on Freminet. And possibly give Collei jokes to tell him (Collei politely declined)
And I'm sure Lyney would tease the absolute crap out of Freminet and "help" him win over Collei. And by that I'd mean he'd scream-
Anyway, they make me happy <333
And your art is as gorgeous as always!!
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Waaah I am so glad you like it !!! plz thank you for the brainrot But I think between Tighnari and Cyno, Cyno is the overprotective one hahaha (but wouldn't admit like always dsfsf like in Windblum event haha) He would be like "ooooh so cool, you have crush but if they hurt you don't hesitate TO CRUSH THEIR HEART." Tighnari would act mature and cope saying thing as "yea..it is in her age.. it is okay"
the context for Collei being in Fontaine is just traveler bringing her in Fontaine so she can visit new city (she is just in my team in game.)
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kissitbttr · 3 months
toji who just woke up and found out you're not in bed so he sleepily got out, looking for you, calling "bebbbbb" or "yaaaang". and you're alr up in another room doing chores like cooking or something and just went "iyaaaaa sayaaaang". when he went up to you he hugged you from behind and nuzzle his face into your neck asking you to go back to bed and cuddle 👉👈
ADUH ADUH YESSSS!! AAAAAA HE’D BE SO CLINGYYYY😭🥹❤️ (translations at the end!!)
for this lovely anon and @dangelus <333
toji had first met you in bali when he was on a vacation. you were one of the locals there who worked at the bar by the beach in uluwatu and he just thought that you are absolutely one of the most prettiest woman he’s ever laid his eyes on.
your smile was captivating, your laugh made his heart skip a beat, and the bali sun was just too perfect and complimented your already glowing skin,
a sight for sore eyes indeed and toji knew for a fact he had to get to know you.
fast forward to one year, he’s got nothing else to say other than being enamored by you and happy being the one who gets to be your man.
and he keeps telling everyone that,
toji always wakes up a bit late. compared to you being the morning person, he prefers to sleep in.
so waking up, seeing how you’re not beside him is nothing new to him. but that doesn’t stop his worries over you leaving,
“y/n?” he calls out after checking at the clock, low baritone voice echoing against the room. his hair is all messy. fingers coming to rub his eyes. “cintaaa” he calls out again with his favorite nickname for you,
one of the things he loves about dating you, is that he gets to learn about your native language. asking you to teach him how to say love or kiss in bahasa.
he’s about to pout and reach out for his phone when he receives no answer. until the sound of a person humming coming from downstairs. a smile then creeps into his face,
toji hurries up from the bed and reaches out for his sweatpants, putting them on and letting the bands hang low by his hips. not even bothered to put on a shirt.
his smile grows even bigger when he catches a glimpse of your back, wearing his shirt. cooking up something for breakfast as your favorite song plays softly in the background,
seeing how you don’t notice his presence just yet, toji decides to surprise you by hugging your waist from behind. chuckling when you jump.
“holy fuck— don’t do that!” you smack your hand against his forehead by the shoulder, only for him to chuckle more and tighten his grip around your waist. nose buried between the slope of your neck,
“you left before i even woke up” he pouts,
“i know, i’m sorry sayang” he suppresses a giggle when his favorite term of endearment being used,
he hums, tugging the hem of his shirt on you. “balik”
“kasur” he responds, continuing to tug. “balik”
“huh? ngomong apa sih kamu sayang?” you giggle as you put your focus on your sweet, large of a man who has been extra clingy today.
toji tilts his head to get a better look at you, finger pointing upstairs. “balik kasur. kamu sama aku”
it’s clear that he’s still pretty stiff when it comes to talking in your language. and it’s pretty damn cute.
he just wants to be apart of it.
“oohhh” now you get what he’s trying to say. “you want me to go back to bed with you?”
he nods eagerly. “to—fuck, what is it called? uhmm, pelukan.. cium cium” he tries to say, cheeks going red out of fear for butchering it.
god, this man is so damn adorable.
“you want cuddles?” another giggle surpasses you, watching him nod again. “iyaa sayang, okay—tunggu yaa” you plant a kiss on his head,
toji’s cheeks warm at the affection. if he could, he’d marry you right there and then
cinta & sayang — love, baby (as a term of endearment)
balik — go back
kasur — bed
ngomong apasih kamu sayang? — what are you saying, baby?
kamu sama aku — you and me
peluk — hugs/cuddles
cium — kiss/ make out
tunggu yaa — wait for a minute
i will baby this man so fucking hard
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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Note: You never escape this man. He will get you no matter what. You will die.
You opened your eyes to see you were in a ship. You can't remember what happened. You were on a bed, and you tried to get up.
But you were hand cuff, wrapped around your wrist. You tried to pull them off, but "you know if you pulled your arm hard, it will start to bleed"
You looked to see a man sitting at his chair. You ignored him. Then the chain broke, and you finally free your hand.
Law was surprised and walked toward you, "I know you don't know me, my name is trafalgar D. Water law," he said.
You were shocked, you heard his name. "So what your name?" Law question, you didn't say anything. Law took out his sword and put on your neck.
"(Y/N)(L/N)..." You said with a shaking voice. You only know your name. Law smirk, "Where am I?" You question. "Don't you remember? You were one of my crew members. And I'm your captain. You were knocked out from the battle"
You were his crew members? And you knock out?
So many questions. "Here I brought you some food," said law as he gives you some food. With fish steak, bread, and roast beef.
You grabbed a fork and started eating. The food tasted wired and different, Law sit next to you and pat your head.
"Eat every lat food you eat can't let the food be a waste isn't?" Said law, you keep eating, not even miss each food.
But you keep questioning yourself, why were you hand cuff when you woke up? Is there something that law was hiding? Is he really your captain?
There are so many questions, but you try to ignore them. After you finish the food, Law gives you medium pills.
"What this?" You asked law, he looked at. "This? This helps you to feel better and make sure you use it, " he said.
You take a pill and swallow it. You felt wired for some point, "Now you should take some rest for now" said law.
You nodded your head when you were sleeping. You were having some weird dreams.
'P-please... leave me - ALONE!...'
A voice cried.
'You know the rules, darling, you belong to me. Not anyone'
'Law voice?' You thought
'*hic* I wanna go... h-home...'
'Home? you already got home'
'Don't worry, this won't a pit'
You woke up, and you were sweating. 'It just a dream,' you said to yourself, as you falsleep.
You didn't realize that Law was sitting next to you, watching. He put his hand on your hair and cut a piece of your hair.
Then Law takes out of a small jar and puts your hair in it.
And you with law with your check-up health. As law looks at paper of your health, he stops. You felt nervous.
"Is something wrong?" You asked. Law, look at you, "your health has one problem," he said.
"What is it?" You asked, "love, your missing love, but don't worry, it's a fairly common condition. Since your body does not produce love on its own, you should take these pills, " said law.
He gave you a can of pills. You ate the pills, "law, this medium will make me better?" You asked. "Yes," he answered.
You trust law more. He takes care of you, but you keep having this dream. But you realize maybe this dream you are having is just memory?
Every it is, you think law is lying to you?
Like lat times, when we're walking the hallway. You saw Windows doors and see, law cleaning himself.
And you saw he took his cloves out full of blood. Law gets his papers started writing, and you can't see what he is writing.
You went to bed, and then you felt something that someone was hugging you. You look behind you, and it was law. "L-law, what are you doing!?" You asked.
"I just want some cuddle," he said, closing his eyes. Your cheeks came red, "(Y/N), I love you," he wisperd to your ears.
You blush by his words. He is in love with you, and you love him. You thought he wasn't in love with you.
"I-i love... you too, law"
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
Hiii! Could I pls get a Nico hischier with ☕️Thank youuuu!!
anyways, enjoy guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nsfw under the cut!!!!!!!!!!!
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"god, what's up with you?" you rolled your eyes in slight agitation. nico had made yet another stupid remark at your expense as you both were getting ready for bed.
nico had been acting like an asshole ever since you guys had come home jack's pre-season party. even when you two were at the party, he was still being sour for no good reason.
nico kept sighing at every word that came out of your mouth, making you feel like everything you had to say was stupid and you were done.
nico let out a loud exhale before a dark chuckle came out of his lips, "what's up with me? what's up with you y/n, being a fucking flirt with everyone at the damned party."
oh, now you understood. you couldn't help but smirk at the thought of nico being jealous. "aww, you jealous?"
suddenly, nico grabbed your chin to make you fully face him. "hell yeah i'm jealous. you're mine, remember? or do i have to remind you?"
the threat lingered in the air as your whole body heat up at the prospect. the smirk was still prominent in your features as you looked up at the tall brunette through your lashes, almost daring him to do anything.
his whole face was flushed a deep red in anger and if you were being honest, it turned you on. nico was usually a laid back guy and seeing all pent up all because of you made the heat in between your legs spread throughout your whole body.
"nico," you whimpered breathlessly as his grip on your chin tightened.
"i asked you a question, y/n. do i have to remind you that you're mine?"
you nodded slowly, "maybe..."
"no, not maybe. yes or no, y/n?" he wanted you to say it, the entire thing.
"yes, nico. remind me-"
that was all he needed, he smashed his lips against yours feverishly and pulled you closer to him. he kept your lips connected as he slowly pushed you down onto the bed and laid you down, straddling you promptly.
he broke the kiss to take off the shirt you had on, kissing all over your chest and neck. you ran your hands through his hair as he sucked and bit all over your neck, making the heat in between your legs grow.
you trembled in need as he took off your shorts, quickly putting his hands all over your legs. he finally dipped one finger in your soaking heat. he smiled, "all for me?"
"all for you, nico." you moaned as he kept slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of you. "fuck, all yours."
"yeah, you're mine. say it, baby." he dipped another finger in your core, moving his mouth next to your ear and started sucking below it.
"i'm your-" you were cut off by a loud moan when nico started to thrust harshly in and out of you. "fuck, nico!"
he kept his rough pace as you moaned loudly, his other hand gripped your hip to keep you from squirming too much. soon, that familiar knot formed in your lower stomach and you started bucking up your hips to meet his fingers.
"i wanna cum, please, nico!" you whimpered loudly as tears started forming in your eyes, gripping his wrist to keep him from moving.
"oh yeah baby, gonna cum all over my fingers?" he rasped in your ears, starting to kiss down your neck.
you were so close, so so close. you could almost taste it ─ until the movements suddenly stopped. you let out a frustrated moan as he pulled his fingers from your pussy. "nico!"
"you wanna cum?"
"mhm, please!" you pleaded, the tears slowly falling from your eyes.
"yeah?" he smirked. "should've thought about that when we were at the party, right?"
with that, he licked his fingers clean before getting off the bed, leaving you all hot and defeated.
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Ongg your writing is 10/10!!!! Like I would die for you and everything you write!! Also, if it sparks you with creativity and you want to write it, could I request a little something for Astarion? I would love to have an ascended astarion react to tav trying to run away from him and getting caught in the act?
Aaaaaa thank you so much!!! ;3; glad you like it!!
Also loveee this idea!!
Rated: M
Taglist: @ghostinvenus
Warning: power imbalance
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This was bound to happen, Astarion had always known one day his little love would try to escape. He doesn't understand why, given the world outside of paradise he has made Baldur's Gate into (from the shadows).
You should be grateful he found you before something horrible happened.
"Darling, now why would you do something so," The smile fades as he hisses out the final word, "Stupid?" His hand has a fierce hold on your neck, his nails digging into your skin, those red eyes full of anger and sadness.
You cannot react nor move, only endure as he tosses you to the floor of the abandoned cabin he found you in.
"Why!? If you wanted to go outside of Baldur's Gate I would have planned our vacation, darling. But instead, you run away!" You only are released from his mental command because he wants you to… Beg.
"You don't even see it," You stay on the floor sitting up holding your sore neck, "Becoming the monster you killed."
The roar of frustration makes you flinch, cowering in fear as he is ready to unleash; yet, you feel nothing. Though he never hurts, well, not without being during hurt sex; you fear him as you feared your master.
He once broke your ankle when you ran from him… Made sure it hurt and never healed properly…
Strangely being kidnapped by the Mind Flyers provided a tool to fix the damage.
"My love," You crawl back as he goes on his knees with both hands reaching out to what he treasures so dearly, "Treasure." The whimper, the fear, fuels his actions as he corners against a wall. "Eternity. We vowed to be together until the sun melts from the skies." His voice with a playful purr, his fingers dancing up a leg, "That is a vow you cannot run from— From me."
You close your eyes as you hear the whisper of his command.
"Let me in, (Name)." Closer, his warm twisted breath on your lips, "I know you want to go adventuring again. We will soon be patient."
When you gasp as his thoughts force themselves into your mind, slicing each mental barrier like a hot knife through butter, his lips claim yours.
Only gone for a few hours and feasts on you as if you were gone for weeks.
"No, no, hush now, dear."
You obey.
He takes you, defiles you with his taint, binding you once more. Long ago it felt sacred to feed on one another, to share blood and flesh with one another. Now, his love— Or what he thinks is love— for you has turned to obsession and possession.
'I did not realize how long eternity is.'
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royallygray · 2 months
Here is a scene I wrote for an au (that I really need a name for bc it dominates my thoughts).
Bit (a lot) of background on this AU: It's supposed to be a superhero/urban fantasy/soulmate au. Everyone has some degree of magic, they just have to learn to harness it. All soulmate pairs are the canon ones from Double Life.
Scar (Hotguy) and Gem (Fauna) are heroes. Grian (Chaos Sparrow) is a vigilante. Pearl (Scarlet) is a villain. Jimmy is just a civilian, but he's a victim of the prophecy (basically just the Canary Curse).
It was supposed to be Scarian mild annoyance to lovers and Gempearl enemies to lovers, but it has gotten more focused on the:
Scar & Gem besties relationship,
the Grian & Pearl chaos skyblings relationship,
the Grian & Pearl & Jimmy & Lizzie skybling/seabling relationship,
the Scar & Pearl depression villain arc relationship,
and Gem & Grian's sibling dynamic.
At this point in the story, our four main characters (Gem, Scar, Grian, and Pearl) have made a deal. The higher-ups at the Hero Corp want to interrogate Scarlet (Pearl) for information because she's not only the primary villain of the city, she's also the leader of the underground, who are presumably the people who want to assassinate Jimmy (if he dies, it's basically Ragnarok). Pearl does not have control over individual people or groups in the underground, she just runs the system.
The Hero Corp wants Gem and Scar to retrieve Pearl and bring her to them. So Gem and Scar set up a meeting, since there is mutual trust between the four of them.
The conclusion was that they could take Pearl, but Grian would take one of the heroes as collateral so that he could ultimately get her back. They decided to exchange Gem rather than Scar because they knew that Gem is the Hero Corp's precious baby and they'd be desperate to get her back, which ensures Pearl's release. Additionally, Scar's magic is incredibly strong since he's a fae. He has a natural advantage that bypasses some of Pearl's talent in magic.
So he places a curse on her that can only be broken if Scar chooses to break it. Basically it prevents her from flying (she's got wings, so does Grian), getting out of range of Scar, and the curse includes the ability to control whether the person the curse is placed on can talk or not, but Scar refuses to utilize it.
Also since Scar is a fae, he can't lie. But he does have a silver tongue that easily gets around the lying factor. Also he doesn't know that he and Grian are soulbound. Also Gem doesn't have a soulbound. Also I'm really insecure about posting this like I think it's cool but maybe other people won't think it's cool but an IRL friend really liked it but idk and I did write this all on discord because I needed to explain the scene to said friend and it was going to be easier to just write it and AAAAAA
okay here are some words of scar being a badass byeeeee
-- --
The Hero Corp keeps insinuating that Scar is working with the villains. They keep insisting that he break more and more of his morals to find more stuff.
And finally, he just goes "Do you want a villain? Because I can give you one.”
And it's dead silent.
No one says shit.
Gem's apprentice, Guqqie, is there with their jaw dropped.
Scar's usually green eyes are glowing red.
He's angry.
"It seems to me that you want a villain," Scar says, his voice echoing in the silent room. "I can give you one. Isn't that what you want?”
No one says anything.
Scar's red eyes burn into the side of [boss]'s skull. "I thought you wanted a villain.”
Some people are staring at him. Some are trying to get out of this room. Some are trying to ignore what's happening.
"Did you not want a villain?" Scar asks. "I don't appreciate lying.
"I can't lie," Scar says. "I'm not sure if you know this, but I cannot lie. I feel like maybe you'd extend the same courtesy for me.”
"Do you want a fucking villain?" Scar snaps. "Or are you just unsatisfied with me having boundaries? Not liking how you compare me to Fauna and wish I got taken instead? Realizing that Villains are people too?”
It wouldn't've been terrible to be taken by Sparrow (Grian, Scar thought with mild wonder. A beautiful name. His heart fluttered, despite the situation), but the thought still stood. [boss] didn't know that Sparrow wouldn't hurt him.
"Don't you want a villain?" Scar asks, quietest yet. "Don't you?" More silence. The clock on the wall ticks. Scar can hear his heavy breath in time with his heartbeat. "Well, I'll give you one." He rips his hero badge from around his neck and lays it on the table. "I resign.”
And he stalks away, the explosion of "no!"s and "why?"s and "HOTGUY GET BACK HERE!"s blocked out by his mind.
And he walks up to his apartment, his mild haven here, and sees Pearl and Jimmy. He snaps his fingers, lifting Pearl's curse. She looks up in alarm, and Jimmy follows suit.
"We're leaving." Scar tells them, leaving no room for argument. "And we're not coming back.”
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strwberri-milk · 8 months
Would u do a vampire au?Like the reader is a human and the genshin men(you can choose one or multiple)are the vampire that is attracted to the readers scent and blood and can barley hold back around them
hmm right now i think im just gonna do one lets have aaaaaa diluc i mean after all he is batman and i did like?? a first meeting and dilucs kinda obsessive uwu
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Diluc's schedule makes it pretty easy for him to run around at night without too much suspicion. He works late night at the wineries, he's already going to be pretty pale as it comes with the territory of being a redhead - everything just seems to work out in his favour for hiding his identity.
You just happened to be out and about during one of his runs. He didn't expect to run into something as sweet as you but he didn't want to say anything to risk ruining anything. Instead, he chose to start watching you from the sidelines if he happened to see you out.
(Sometimes you think you can feel someone's eyes on you but you chalk it up to being a little anxious so you try not to think too hard about it.)
One day when you're returning home late as per usual you hear someone's footsteps right behind you. Immediately you turn and come face to face with the dashing Diluc Ragnvindr, an apology dancing on the tip of your tongue for a reason you can't identify.
"Master Diluc I-"
"Don't say anything."
His voice is colder than you imagined, hearing the stories of how charming he could be in situations that needed it. Now, standing in front of you you couldn't help but shrink back under his intense gaze.
"There's something alluring about you. Something I can't escape."
He steps closer to you, taking your wrist in his hand and pressing it against his lips. You shudder at the feeling of his teeth gently pulling on your wrist before he looks back at you, speaking against your skin.
"Your blood smells so sweet. I can't stop thinking about how good it'd taste on my tongue." His voice sounds so smooth and you know you'd fall for it easily if it weren't for the press of something sharp against your wrist.
"What are you doing?" you finally manage to squeak out, eyes wide in a fear that would make his heart pound.
"Nothing yet. I wouldn't want to hurt you. I just had to have a taste. You wouldn't mind, would you?"
You get the sense that he's trying to comfort you and a part of you is calmed but when you feel him bite you your pulse spikes, making his eyes close as his tongue lightly laves over your skin.
"I hope to see you again tomorrow night," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your wrist before disappearing.
A normal person might choose to go home earlier next time, trying their best to avoid an encounter like that again. You can't help but stay late once again, walking through the streets of Mond in hopes you'd meet his alluring red gaze once again.
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mitraoki · 4 months
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daze. (chuuya x reader)
note; @akutagawasbitch love u thank u for giving me inspo to write for bsd again TEEHEE🥺🤍 was obsessed with the idea of jealous chuuya so hopefully this fic did him justice AAAAAA-
cw; not really proofread, reader is a little more feminine (they wear a dress), reader is also not in any of the organizations, suggestive, drunk chuuya!!!
when they said it was supposed to be a party like always, chuuya definitely didn't expect to be met with hundreds of other faces he'd never seen.
he certainly did not expect for you to want to tag along, too. it wasn't like you haven't already - sometimes curiosity gets the best of you, and you couldn't resist your ravishing looking man in one of his best suits.
a suit that you'd picked out for him during one of your dates. wine red - just the way he likes it - traces amongst the silky black fabric. it was tough choosing between a bowtie or just a tie, but he preferred the tie; tucked underneath the vest that hugged his build perfectly. buttons glimmering gold under the chandeliers and a rose that he'd picked to match the one clipped on your hairdo.
you seemed to give chuuya motivation to go when he saw your outfit for the night. a dress that complimented his color palette, with the set of jewelry he'd bought for you one fine day. you felt really proud of how well you dressed (just for him, mostly.), so there you were, strutting down the steps of your shared home, an elegant twirl in the end to show him your completed look.
if you looked closely, you could've caught him drooling. he walked towards you, gloved hand loosely wrapped around your waist.
"i'm so in love with you."
"oh, you. i cannot take my eyes off of you either."
it felt so surreal that his boss decided to have a party out of nowhere, but you soon learnt the sole purpose being gaining new intel from a neighboring organization. this was just his way of thanking them. quite extravagant, but thrilling nonetheless.
"old man has so much time on his hands," chuuya grumbled, his arm entwined with yours. "or maybe it's because he wants us members to make up with 'em."
"hey," you slapped his shoulder playfully. "you gotta let it loose once in a while. i bet he even prepared your favorite drink tonight."
"for real?"
he sighed. "i'm only doing this because i love you. oh - and i also wanted you to see me wear this," he raised his head, adjusting his fedora triumphantly.
it didn't take long for chuuya to be dragged away by one of his colleagues. the so called ice-breaking session was currently underway and he promised to be back with you the moment he was done. you giggled as you heard him curse under his breath, followed by a toothy smile when he was greeted by a new face.
you found a seat nearby to wait when you met higuchi, a familiar face you've come across every time you tagged along for small matters (at this point he might as well recruit you here, but you'll leave that decision to him).
"higuchi, right? gorgeous as ever. where's um...," you wiggled your finger around, trying to remember the pale-skinned man you always saw her with.
"y/n! you look lovely yourself," you watched her rosy cheeks turn red within seconds as she fanned them off before continuing. "you mean akutagawa senpai? i was told to wait for him here. he seemed to be in an okay mood tonight, so i didn't want to be the first to ruin it," she concluded, straightening the fabric of her dress.
the two of you continued chatting. you followed her around, being introduced to other members of the port mafia. many of them were familiar faces, so it was nice to call them acquaintances now.
it wasn't until you noticed the back of the hall serving a variety of drinks. your ears picked up that it was first come first served, so why would you miss the chance?
though, there's always one thing you always forgot when you attended parties.
the watchful eyes around you.
you and higuchi lost each other in the slowly growing crowd in the drinks corner, so your first mistake was to assume she was the one snaking an arm around your waist.
your second mistake was thinking that it was chuuya trying to pull you away from the crowd.
chills ran down your spine as you peeled yourself away from the foreign arm around you, eyes glaring up at the bigger figure.
"do i know you?"
his words were only drowning along with the background noise, which only infuriated you more.
how long has it been since i last saw chuuya, by the way? you thought to yourself. he promised he would be back soon-
you watched as a gloved fist landed its first hit on the man's face.
did it all happen in a flash? was it in slow motion? you didn't know, you couldn't tell - he continued jabbing more punches around his face, adding a few more to his chin, his jaw.
you finally realized it was your boyfriend when a wine bottle flew past your face. it was gravity he was manipulating - it was nakahara chuuya.
"chuuya! stop it!"
he froze. his once droopy eyes darted towards the now broken wine bottle, back to you, and the man now laying on the floor.
he let out a frustrated grunt, tossing the bottle to the side.
"hear that? yeah. 's my name she's calling," he drawled, squatting to get a better look at the man. with the position he was in, it was like he wasn't ready to show himself till chuuya left his sight.
"touch her again and you would see your grave next."
restless, you grabbed a hold of his arm, hoisting him up only to end up stumbling from his weight.
he's either going to regret this, or brag about it to me, you thought, you inner self shaking their head in defeat.
"we'll get this mess cleaned up; he's drunk. why don't you bring him home, my dear?"
you walked in, with him abruptly freeing himself from your hold.
"honey, you're gonna fall. come on."
being drunk was no biggie for chuuya's strength. despite the different world he was in, he seemed to have heard you loud and clear.
it didn't even take five seconds and he had you pinned against the wall, arms slamming against each side of the hard surface.
"what are you-,"
"i'm sorry."
"i'm sorry, baby," he finally looked into your eyes, the same droopy look you saw in the event earlier. only this time, it was mixed with rage, confusion and regret.
"okay," you whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. "chuuya, let's see if you're hurt anywhere, okay? then we'll talk-,"
he practically crash landed into your lips, causing his fedora to slip off of his hair, landing with a soft thud against the floorboard. you didn't realize until this very moment that it had been quite a while since you felt this sensation with him.
he forcefully pulled himself away from you, worried you might do so first.
"i.... i just... i need to kiss you."
his words were firm. his eyes flickered down to your lips before looking back into your eyes once more, and you could tell they were pleading, begging for you to say yes.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his figure in close to yours. doing the honors, you closed the final bit of gap between the two of you, earning a satisfied grunt from his throat.
he pushed you back further against the wall, keeping you trapped within his embrace. his hands now gripped each side of your waist, fingers digging themselves into your fabric like they were trying to find your skin. he tasted like wine - you figured he actually found his favorite on display. his teeth was sinking into your bottom lip. it didn't hurt, but you could tell he was tugging at them.
chuuya let go but left long, luscious pecks on your lips, allowing you to catch your breaths in every interval. his breath was now hot and heavy, his tongue successfully finding its way through, and exploring your mouth like he had been craving for it all night.
that's how he'd always kissed you. he craved for them. and if it were a meal, he would take his time with it, relish it even.
but he also does this when he's jealous. obviously you could tell what he was feeling right now.
you could feel him smirking through the kiss as he heard a soft moan escape you. with that, he moved you away from the wall, gracefully landing you with a plop! onto the sofa.
"you're drunk," you whined breathlessly, finally pulling away. all he did was silently chuckle in response, removing the first two layers of his clothing. the tie made a loud whip sound when he loosened it, as if reminding you to get a grip of what he was about to do to you.
rolling your eyes in amusement, you helped him remove each button of his shirt, sitting up a little to help him slide it off of his body.
he wasn't done with you though. he leaned in closer to you, causing you to lay back down. his lips continued their journey towards your exposed collarbones, reaching at one of the straps of your delicate dress as he pushed it further down your shoulder.
"....i'm sorry i wasn't there when he touched you."
"god, chuuya. i don't think he's gonna dream of it after this," you giggled, fingers tracing his exposed skin. he breathed in sharply as he held your wrist tenderly, kissing it.
"i'm sorry for being so rough with you."
"you did not hurt me at all, chuuya. i promise."
you reached for the back of your dress, but your action was soon cut off by his hands once again.
"let me take care of you, baby. please."
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all created content belongs to mitraoki. reposts/remakes are not allowed.
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embodyingchaos · 11 months
Hiiiii can I request something fluff with abner krill like maybe dating headcanons ( Ik it’s pretty basic but I’m a sucker for them 😭) honestly anything that’s fluffy and cute lol
❥ hi there, darling! MY BABY ABNER KRILL AAAAAA ofc i can write dating hcs for THE polka-dot man! i hope you enjoy them! (I'M SORRY THAT THEY'RE SORTA LONG)
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dating polka-dot man a.k.a abner krill headcanons warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH
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OKAY OKAY SO, i would say that abner would definitely not be the one to ask you out first, and if he did, he would be a stuttering mess like “w-would y-you maybe think about.. going on a date?” and you’d be like oh yeah totally, with who? and then he’ll be like “with me” AND HE’D WHISPER IT REALLY SOFTLY AND YOU’D BE LIKE “OH- OH MY GOD YES” HEEHEH
and then every where you guys go for your dates, he would overthink every little thing, like did he pick the right place? did he order the right meal? do you like this kind of thing or should he have asked you where you wanna go and you’ll answer the same thing every time “anywhere is good enough as long as it’s with you” AND HE’D BE BEET RED LIKE BLUSHING CRAZY
abner would definitely be tense for the first few dates before slowly loosening up and relaxing, but even that will take a while
dating abner might be tiring at times, he constantly questions why you’re with someone like him, he’ll constantly be worried that you’ll leave him, but all in all, you’re willing to reassure him with words of affirmation
abner definitely calls you babe, or baby, or just by your name, he doesn’t strike me as a nick name type
though, if you call him any nickname like darling, sweetheart, my love, HE WILL MELT, BE IT IN YOUR ARMS OR ONTO THE FLOOR, HE’LL GET FLUSTERED AND HIDE HIS FACE IN ANY WAY AAAAAA
abner is definitely a little spoon, he feels safe and comfortable in your arms, and every time he’s having a panic attack or ptsd hits, the best way to calm him is to embrace him
he would get nightmares in the middle of the night about his mother abusing him all over again but it would be okay because you're there to hold him tight and tell him that she can't hurt him anymore
he would do the same for you if you had a nightmare or a troubling past, he wouldn't know what to say, but i'd feel like he'd memorise the things you say to him and then repeat them back to you, because he learned from the best ofc
i’d think he gets a little bit jealous, but he trusts you, but yk when insecurity hits, everything just gets a little foggy, he doesn’t want to tell you because he doesn’t want to be a nuisance but you can tell, you’d always kiss his cheek when you know he’s feeling a tad bit insecure and that brightens him up real quick
abner will protect you in any way he can, even if he knows he isn’t that physically strong to win in a fight, he’ll defend you and your honour any time
though usually it’s you who protects him by standing up to people who call him names or are rude to him, he has to calm you down and pull you away so you’d stop cussing at them
i am not including when he’s put in belle reve bc in my headcanons, he doesn’t get sent to prison for murdering his abusive and insane mother bc she definitely had it coming
I WOULD LIKE TO HEADCANON THAT THERE WAS THIS ONE TIME YOU TRIED ON HIS POLKA-DOT MAN SUIT BECAUSE YOU WERE CURIOUS HOW IT WOULD LOOK ON YOU, and he walks in on you and he’s like :0 jaw-dropped, eyes wide open, and you’re like “oh you’re back! i wanted to see how your suit looked on me! i think i look pretty cooOOL-!” yeah, uh, you’re way too attractive for your own good, good luck for the night
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fuqsketti · 2 years
First time doing this , im not even sure if this is how you request something sorry if not + this is not my firts languaje sorry again . I JUST CANT GET OVER THE THOUGHT OF COMFORTING MIKE WHEN HE FEELS INSECURE AAAAAA having the biggest Mike br rn
bother || mike wheeler x reader
a/n : tysm for the request! i hope u enjoy! &
@m1ke-wheeler tysm for the request awell <3
fluff mostly, bit of angst
Mike Wheeler, a loser, and his popular girlfriend, Y/n walked hand in hand to every class each day.
It was a ritual that almost everyone at hawkins high knew.
“Bye Mikey.” Y/n chirped as she pressed a kiss to his sharp jaw, his face turning red from the affection.
Even after all this time she still gave him butterflies like no other.
“See you.” He whispered letting go of her hand as she walked into her science class.
Mike sighed that she was now gone but continued on to where he was supposed to be, Mike hated this particular class since he had no one to talk to- who would want to be friends with him? His hellfire shirt scared off any potential peers.
Mike walked over to his seat and sat down, keeping his head held low. He was aware of all the eyes on him, but he decided to ignore them. He was used to it at this point, people who knew nothing about him judging him like they did.
Y/n had always told him not to give them power, not let them see they were bothering him.
So that’s what he always did.
“Why is she even going out with that nerd?” Her heard a girl whisper, he knew it was about him.
Don’t let them bother you.
“She has Andy and Chance chasing after her, lucky bitch.” He heard another girl reply- Mike’s stomach dropped, Andy and Chance? Weren’t those basketball players? They liked
Y/n? What chance did Mike have against the two most popular boys in the school?
No no, Mike don’t freak yourself out. Y/n loves you. You and only you.
Don’t let these girls bother you.
Mike tried to reassure himself but he didn’t feel much better.
Oh well, by next period he should be better. When he finally got to see her.
When he finally got to hold Y/n by the hand and take her to her next class, that simple four minute passing period would definitely lift his spirits.
“Y’know I heard Andy was gonna ask her out.” He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard that,
“No way. She’s dating-“ Girl number two paused ‘lowering’ her voice as she spoke.
“That guy.” Mike could feel their eyes bore into him, and if he could? He’d sink into the floor.
“And? You think Andy can’t take him on? The boys a stick!” The last part was whispered he’d guessed to try and save his feelings, She didn’t do a very good job.
“Stop that’s so mean!” Girl number one said yet still cackled like it was the funniest thing she’s heard all year.
“Whatever, i’m sure Y/n will come to her senses soon enough.” Mike finally poked his head up- seeing Mandy and Georgia, Y/n’s friends and two of the most popular girls in school. They were staring right at him.
They quickly looked away when they saw him look, giggling while doing so.
Mike felt sick, sick because they were right.
He was a freak. Y/n could have anyone she wanted- why did she choose him? And to hear those mean words from her own friends?
He didn’t think he was very attractive, nor very strong. She could have someone who was everything he wasn’t at the snap of a finger.
His thoughts began to consume him, he tried not to let it bother him but it was hard because it just made sense to him, so much so he forgot to pick Y/n up from her class.
“Mike!” Y/n called to him, he turned from his locker and watched as she happily jogged up to him.
It was then he realized he had forgotten.
How could he forget something like that?Leaving her all alone? What a good boyfriend he was..
“Hey Mikey.” she chirped, leaning against the locker next to his.
“Hi.” He said blandly, turning to face her.
Odd, but she proceeded.
“So, you wanna go see ‘The Thing’ after school? Heard it’s scary.” She smiled, knowing he had said he wanted to go earlier that week.
However he shook his head quickly, unable to look her in the eyes. He was almost afraid that if she could look into his eyes she could see everything he’d heard written through his expression and he was worried she’d agree.
“Uhm, no I can’t tonight- My dad! He wants to- take me to dinner…” He rambled, again looking anywhere but her.
“Oh.” She murmured, feeling a bit dejected. But who was she to not encourage him and his dad hanging out? They’ve never had a great relationship, and If Ted wanted to try and fix it she wouldn’t get in his way.
“You wanna hangout later this week then?” She asked afterwards, trying to look into his eyes.
He avoided it.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, looking down at the floor.
“You don’t know?” She asked, realizing he was now just downright rejecting her.
He shook his head and closed his locker then finally looked her in the eyes.
“I mean, I don’t know if I can- i’ll let you know.” He quickly said, then walked away.
Without a goodbye.
“Mike-“ She went to call after him but realized it was pointless, she decided to just go to class and ignore the tears forming in her eyes.
Maybe he was just having a bad day.
It’s not like he just dumped her.
Quit being such a crybaby.
Everything was going to be okay.
A whole week later of no contact.
Y/n was going insane.
She had tried to call to him multiple times in the halls only for him to blatantly ignore her or walk the opposite way.
She’d been calling his home, only to get his mom or dead air on the other end of the phone.
She had to trap him, so he couldn’t avoid her.
She thought he was doing that classic boy thing, where they are mean to a girl until they get the girl to break up with them.
And Y/n was not having it.
She rode her bike to Mike’s house as soon as school was out.
She threw her bike on the lawn, walking up to the front door with confidence.
Then she knocked on the door and waited.
Her confidence beginning to falter as she waited for what felt like hours.
What if he just sent her home?
What if he broke up with her on the spot?
Maybe this was all just a bad idea…
Nancy opened the door.
“H-Hi, can I see Mike?” Y/n asked nervously, rocking on her feet.
“Of course.” Nancy smiled, stepping back to welcome her in. “I think he might be in his room.”
Mike however was down in his basement feeling sorry for himself, he’d wrapped himself in a big blanket and was currently cocooning himself in his little fort.
He’d been reclusive since the day he heard those two girls talking, because everything just made sense.
Y/n was too good for him.
She truly was, Mike was just waiting for the day she’d knock on his door and break up with him.
Break his heart.
“Mike!” Nancy called down the basement, Mike scowled at how loud his sister was.
Groaning and rolling over- he sometime wished his fort would turn into a gate to the upside down. So he could just escape it all.
“You’re girlfriend is here to see you!” Nancy called- Mike felt his stomach twist, here she was. She was going to break up with him.
“Tell her i’m not home!” Mike shouted back, flopping to his side and tightening his blanket around him.
If he didn’t see her, technically she couldn’t break up with him.
“Ouch.” Y/n muttered, as she looked to her boyfriends sister. Nancy offered her a sympathetic look and shrugged.
Y/n sighed
“Can I go down?“ She asked,
“Be my guest.” Nancy said then turned to whisper in her ear. “Mike’s been in a funk recently, have fun.”
Y/n swallowed her nerves and made her way down, but was confused when she didn’t see Mike right away.
He was nowhere to be seen.
“Mike?” She called out- Mike stayed silent, realizing Nancy had let her down despite what he said. He quickly moved his foot that was hanging out of the fort.
Y/n heard the shuffle and made her way towards the fort- Mike held his breath the entire time.
But to no avail, Y/n kneeled down and moved the blanket that was covering the fort like a door.
“Knock knock.” She whispered, she melted at how cute Mike looked- all wrapped up in his little blanket,
“Y-Y/n..” Mike sat up immediately after seeing his beautiful girlfriend.
He was supposed to be avoiding her,
But he’d missed her face.
“Hey.” She sighed, scooting into the fort and letting the blanket fall behind her. Now it was just them, alone in the cozy fort.
“Listen, I don’t know what I did but-“ She started, already looking uncomfortable that she had to be having this conversation.
“If you’re gonna break up with me…don’t play the long game. Get it over with please.” She quickly said her eyes beginning to gloss.
“What?” Mike asked, letting his grip on his blanket falter.
“I’m going insane trying to figure out what I did wrong.” She rambled, the tears in her eyes making mike cringe-
What a good boyfriend he was…he made her cry.
“So if you’re going to do it just- do us both a favor and do it now.” She said as her voice quivered, her hand quickly wiping the tears that had managed to fall.
“Y/n no, I don’t wanna breakup with you.” Mike sighed shakily, reaching forward for her hand.
Y/n looked up at him hopefully.
“You don’t?” She asked.
He shook his head and began to feel himself get a bit choked up.
“No-No, the opposite I wanna uhm…” He began but found himself at a loss for words.
He wanted to be with her, that’s ALL he wanted.
But he didn’t feel good enough for her, she deserved someone better than Mike.
But Mike was selfish, he knew Y/n deserved the world and more- but he wanted her all to himself. It was a constant internal battle for him.
Y/n must’ve sensed him getting lost in his thoughts, she ran her thumb along his knuckles giving him a reassuring smile.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” She asked.
“I’m sorry.” Mike whispered, looking away from her.
She moved her head so she was in his line of sight again.
“Don’t say sorry, tell me why.” She whispered back.
She saw his face finally fall, his eyes watered as he looked absolutely defeated.
“It’s just-“ He started,
“I don’t know-“ He groaned.
He caught her expectant eyes,
“I don’t know how to- say it.” He admitted.
“It’s okay, throw some words out- i’ll put them together.” She assured him.
“I don’t..” He couldn’t find the words.
“I want you to-“ He tried again.
“I don’t like how many guys…like you.” He blurted, then covered his face with his hand in embarrassment.
“You’re gorgeous and I understand that’s how it’s gonna be but-“ He continued then peaked through his hands.
“I don’t understand why you keep choosing me.” he finally admitted.
“Mike…” Y/n whispered, her heart breaking at the state her boyfriend was in.
“I’m just- Dorky.. and i’m not strong like the basketball guys, you deserve so much better than me.” He kept going, pouring his entire heart out to Y/n- He didn’t wanna cry, the lump in his throat made him sure he was going too but he didn’t want to.
His dad always taught him men don’t cry.
Beside that why would he cry? it’d only make Y/n feel worse and he was a bad enough boyfriend already.
“Mike.” She tried to stop him again, he was too lost in his head.
“Everyone knows you can do better, and sooner or later you’re gonna realize that too.”
“Mike!” She said with a loud voice making him finally look at her.
“Sorry.” He quickly whispered, wiping the few stray tears that fell.
She grabbed onto his hands, so he couldn’t wipe his tears any more,
“Who even put these things in your head?”
“People talk y’know?” He murmured, ashamed while sniffling lightly. He really hated crying in front of people, especially his girlfriend.
He couldn’t help by feel weakened by it.
“Well don’t listen to the ‘talk’, I want you. And only you.” She sighed out rubbing his knuckles.
“But why?” He asked again,
She grabbed onto his face, rubbing his cheeks as she looked at him sorrowfully.
"I...sometimes, I guess I kinda wish you could see yourself through my eyes Mike." Y/n whispered. pressing one kiss against his chin.
“You’re caring, you’re funny, you’re handsome. You make me feel like i’m floating on air.” She continued the praises, kissing his nose.
“And you ARE strong.” she then kissed his temple before moving to his ear to whisper,
“Strongest guy I know.”
“You could lose absolutely everything yet still keep going like nothing, I admire you for that.” She kissed his lips, the kiss they shared was drawn out- their lips missed each-other. Although it’s only been a week. When they pulled away their lips lingered.
“And you totally did kill like 2 demodogs so strong in that aspect too-“ she whispered her breath fanning his face as she joked- Mike was able to choke out a chuckle.
“Mike you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. Don’t let a couple of assholes ever make you feel otherwise.” She assured him then smiled.
“Okay? I love you. And ONLY you.”
“You’re stuck with me forever.”
“Mhm.” He hummed, the smile dawning on his face making the room seem to light up.
“M’ sorry. I wasn’t trying to bother-“ He tried to apologize for the past week but,
“You’re never bothering me.” She cut him off,
“Just tell me what you’re feeling next time. I don’t wanna think about losing you ever again.” She finished and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him in for the first hug they’ve had in days.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, smelling her sweet perfume.
god did he miss it.
“I love you.” He murmured, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
“I love you more.”
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agrymonia · 6 months
another paralive blog aaaaaa yess *huug* ... if possible I would like fluff headcanons for shiki, and bae (separate) about mc fem seeing that they look stressed so she decides to extend her arms so that they can snuggle together like they go to bed on top of her chest while she scratches their head or gently strokes their back ksnsk Thanks in advance <3
- allen sugasano, anne faulkner, hajun yeon, shiki ando
- warnings: none
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Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
• Allen really enjoys making music, it isn't unusual to catch him stuck to his computer trying new sounds in different softwares or writing down in red ink every verse that comes to his mind.
• But inspiration is not always on his side, and those days when he wasn't struck by it were a little frustrating for him.
• You can tell that he's getting stressed when he's discarding too many papers or scratching written words in his notebook with a little too much strength.
• In moments like that, you would approach him and gently stroke his hair since it never failed to help him feel more relaxed.
• Every time you stroke his hair, he closes his eyes and lets himself take a well-deserved break. Sometimes Allen loses his senses while composing, so you always help him come back to earth.
• Anne's patience sometimes wears thin pretty quickly.
• Especially when they put a lot of effort into something, only for it to not turn out good enough.
• Things like an outfit they spent a lot of time on not turning quite right can easily frustrate them and will most likely end up with their room filled with different pieces of clothes everywhere.
• And this is your cue to enter the scene.
• Whenever you see Anne too stressed, you surprise them with a comforting backhug, your thumbs softly stroking their stomach.
• Most of the times this act alone will help Anne to calm down, but sometimes it isn't quite enough.
• And in those cases is when you invite them to bed to take a break. If a hug doesn't help, maybe a cuddle session will.
• When cuddling in bed to relieve some stress, Anne is the one hugging you, their head resting on your chest while you stroke their back up and down, which will usually make them fall asleep.
• The times Hajun looked upset were rare, not because he doesn't get upset often but because he's usually good at hiding it.
• But even then, he could never fool you. Unfortunately for him, as his partner, you knew him too well.
• As much as Hajun actually loved his teammates, living together with them always gave him one reason or another to be stressed out about.
• More often than not, they would forget to clean or untidy things that were just neatly arranged.
• He should be used to it by now, but when caught in a bad time, things like these can really drive Hajun over the edge.
• When something is wrong, you never fail to notice the way his eyebrows slightly twitch or the subtle change in his voice.
• And before things escalate further you take his hand and guide him to his bed.
• Once there you both sit down next to each other and you offer him your shoulder so he can rest his head to cool down.
• That's the perfect moment to gently play with his hair and leave small kisses at the top of his head, it always helps him to stay grounded.
• Even though his confidence had significantly improved lately, your boyfriend has always been a bit of a nervous wreck.
• Which means that it isn't weird to find him stressing out or getting anxious over different things.
• Sometimes is school, sometimes is work, sometimes is socializing and sometimes it is cause of the awful trap reactions.
• But whatever is the source of his stress you will be there to comfort him when it's needed.
• When things get too hard you invite Shiki to lie down in bed with you, encouraging him to rest his head on your chest so you can softly run your fingers through his hair to help him calm down.
• While snuggling sometimes you whisper sweet words to him, reaffirming that everything will get solved soon and things will be fine.
• Shiki always feels the safest with you, he knows that if you're around things will truly be okay.
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y2ashlee · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland: Confessions
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Author Notes:
• I guess you can also could these as them asking the Mc out as well as confessions some of them are just confessions.
• As always the reader is Mc
• I tried to make this gender neutral as much as I could. The point being is tried. But I’m definitely never writing gender neutral ever again especially for smut as that would literally break my brain.
• Also one of them is based off of a true event that happened to me! I won’t say which but if you can guess which one correctly then I’ll…write you whoever you want from this list for the next smut I write after said correct guess even a x male reader (I’ll try) and of course if it lines up with my rules. (I won’t write gender neutral). Obviously offer is only for the first person who guesses. You totally don’t have to though. And requests are open. Like I’ll write anything regardless as long as it follows my rules.
Riddle, bit his lip as he thought about his plan again as he looked down at the rose bouquet in his hands he knocked on the door to ramshackle and waited. The door opened, and he hid the bouquet behind his back quickly as he cleared his throat. “Sorry to disturb you, but I wanted- No needed to inform you that y-you have bloomed in my heart like a bush of roses and I wanted to ask i-if you’ll be mine…” he said, presenting the bouquet, his face flushed as he waited for a response. “…o-of course if you don’t feel the same, I-I understand.“ he said, his face flushed so red almost as much as his hair while his heart thumped wildly in his chest.
Trey smiled softly to hide his nervousness, as he presented a small box to the prefect of Ramshackle dorm, his heart thumping in his chest. “This is for you, I was wondering if you’d be the sugar to my spice.” He says grinning to hide the pain of the bad pick up line and the Prefect opened the small box that contained a cupcake with a small clover inside a heart made of icing on top of it.
Cater smiled as he hugged the ramshackle dorm, prefect close to him with the guise of getting some cute pics for a magicam. “So cute, could you be mine.” he said quickly, regretting that it was so cheesy, and he wanted it to sound better, but it was too late his face flushed. “You don’t have to answer…” he sighed but still waiting for a reply.
“I know we’ve only known each other for a short time, but you make me happy, and I was wondering if you’d go out with me!?” He said in a loud voice, as soon as those words were out of his mouth his face turned red, and he gulped as he looked at the ground, afraid to look up as his heart pounded, and sweat drip down his neck.
He smirked as he flashed his hand of cards. “Queen of hearts and a seven of clubs. Guess that means I win. Have I won over your heart as well? I know my heart is yours~” He said, then realised what he had said, and his face flushed in the blink of an eye. “Uhhh..” he was stunned, unsure of what to say.
The sneer on the man’s face as he watched the prefect of Ramshackle dorm talk with a classmate as said classmate clearly had ulterior motives the classmate reached out a hand towards the prefect. Leona quickly walked over to the prefect and flicked the classmates hand away glaring at them and putting an arm around the prefect’s shoulders before saying. “Don’t touch what’s not yours.” The classmate froze and nodded before backing up and dashing away. “What’s not yours?” The prefect turned and looked at Leona and he gave a smirk at the confused look. “Only if you want to be.”
He sighed as he sat down to have a break from running errands. “Here have this! You look like you need it.” The Ramshackle dorm prefect asked handing him a bottle of water and a paper bag. He grinned taking them. “Thanks, gotta love free food!” He said and opened the paper bag revealing donuts. His eyes widened as he grabbed one and took a bite. “Aaaaaa, I’d marry you if you’d bring me donuts everyday!” He said smiling before he realised what he had said and his face flushed while his ears fell flat as he looked down if he was standing his tail would be between his legs.
The Prefect smiled at the small cactus that Jack had been growing. “It’s so cute!” Jack smirked. “You’re cuter.” He said bluntly then froze as he realised he said that. “I-I didn’t mean to say that!” He said looking away his face flushed his ears drooped a bit as his tail came to a complete stop. “You find me cute?” The prefect smiled up at him. He nodded to embarrassed to say anything. “I think you cute too~” they said a smirk coming to their lips as they watched his tail sway quickly.
Azul smiled smugly as he looked around Monstro Lounge happy that the special he was promoting was going well. His eyes drifted to the entrance as he spotted a familiar student had entered the lounge. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Welcome! Come in and enjoy our special just for this week.” He said handing a small pamphlet to the Ramshackle dorm prefect. “Thank you.” They said taking the small sheet of paper their hand slightly grazing his gloved hand. “Oh wow everything looks so cute and delicious.” The prefect said smiling up at him. “…you look delicious.” He said softly. “What?” The Prefect looked up at him confused. “I-I meant cute! You look cute!!” He says his face flushed with embarrassment as he covers his mouth trying to hide his embarrassment. He cleared his throat once more as he tried to calm his fast beating heart as he avoided their gaze. “I think you’re cute too.” They smiled at him.
The Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm sighed as once again Grim had started a fight with some students and fled leaving said Prefect to deal with the angered students as they apologised and tried to calm down the angered students but said students were about to turn ugly until they felt hands clap onto their shoulders with a heavy weight. “I do hope you are not thinking of hurting my sweet angel fish~” a voice said the grip on the angered students shoulders unchanging as the two students turned around the face of one the Leech brothers. “S-sorry!” The two students said in illusion as they ducked out of his grasp and fled. Jade gave a malicious closed eyed smile as he watched them run. “Your…angel fish?” The Prefect asked confused. Jade turned back to the Prefect his gaze and smile turning soft. “Well only if you want to be of course.” He said hopeful that his feelings are reciprocated.
“Hey Jade, Hey, Floydie~!” The Ramshackle dorm Prefect said with a smile and a wave as Jade and Floyd were passing in the hallway. Floyd stopped his face showing confusion. “Eh? Floydie?” He asked more than said in a deeper voice then usual. “Well you call me, Shrimpy I thought its only fair I give you a nickname too.” They said. “If you don’t like it I won’t call you it again.” Jade smirked as he watched his brother turning the cogs in his head. “Okaay, well I’ll see you later.” The Prefect said waving goodbye to the two of them and walked away. “You better go get your Shrimpy, Floyd.” Jade said with a smirk. Floyd shot into action as he strode down the hallway after “his” Shrimpy putting an arm around their shoulders and pulling them to him as he gave them a toothy grin. “Will you be my, Shrimpy?” He said his eyes gleaming.
Kalim smiled as he spotted the Ramshackle Dorm Prefect as he slowed his magic carpet to stop next to them. “Hey, you want a lift?” He asked his smile glimmering as bright as a diamond. “That would be great thanks.” The prefect said returning his smile. He smiled and took their hand pulling them onto the magic carpet. He grins and gently places his hand on their shoulder. “So where to my diamond!” He says quickly then realises what he had just said. “Your diamond?” The prefect asked. “Only if you want to be of course.” He says removing his hand his face flushed as he avoids their gaze.
Jamil sighed as wiped sweat from his brow his eyes drifted to the Ramshackle dorm prefect who had come to watch the basketball club play a practice game. They smiled as they walked over to him waving. “Here.” They smiled handing him a bottle of water. He smiled softly. “Thanks.” He said softly taking the bottle his hand brushing against theirs. “..sorry.” He said averting his gaze. “It’s alright, you looked really good out there.” They smiled. “..you look good..” Jamil said bluntly taking a sip of water before he realised what he had said coughing slightly as his face flushed from the embarrassment. “You alright?” The prefect asked patting his back gently.
Vil eyed the Ramshackle Dorm Prefect as they tried to disarm a situation caused by Grim who had fled and left the prefect to deal with it. The prefect sighed in relief as the situation was resolved their shoulders hanging low as they wiped their eyes in frustration. He walked over the prefect and taking their hands in his. “Come now don’t cry, dear you have to keep your chin up and not let them phase you.” The prefect blinked in confusion wondering how long he had been there. “Now come along.” He said pulling them with him the grip on his hand firm but gentle at the same time. “W-wait where are we going!?” They asked quickly. “On a date, my dear. I was planning to ask you in a more mature way but after seeing that display I had to throw away my original plan.” He said his cheeks slightly flushed as he realised he was still holding their hand.
Rook smiled as he waltzed over to the Ramshackle dorm prefect was sitting in the dinning hall eating silently their face plain as they listened to Rook take about beauty or something along the lines. “Oh mon trickster you light a candle in my heart the way you eat your sandwich…blah blah something French blah blah…” The prefect had stopped listening a while ago. They wiped their hands after finishing their sandwich as well as their mouth. Rook gently took their hands in his smiling softly. “Mon Trickster, would you be mon amour?” He asks his eyes sparkling. “What?” They asked confused.
“Hey, Epel what’s up?” The prefect asked as they opened the door to their dorm seeing Epel standing there with his eyes to the ground. “…would…you….” He mumbled softly his face flushing as he fiddled with his hands. “I’m sorry?” The prefect asked confused unable to heard what he had said. He sighed loudly his shoulders slumping as we looked up at the prefect. “I really like you would you go out with me!!” He said his face and ears flushed as he looked at them his heart pounding.
Idia sighed grumbling to himself as Ortho had made him come outside with him to test something he had built but he was also happy he got to see the ramshackle dorm prefect from where he was a safe distance away so it didn’t look like he was being creepy. He grumbled some more as he looked away from the prefect and typed on his tablet as he watch Ortho enjoy himself. “Hey, Idia what-“ he screamed and quickly covered his face with his hands as it flushed his hair turning orange slightly in embarrassment and surprise all at once. “Sorry didn’t mean to spook you, I thought you saw me.” The prefect chuckled awkwardly. He mumbled something incoherent. Before Ortho shouted. “CERBERUS!!” He yelled excitedly. Idia’s eyes widened in panic as he looked over at Ortho who was giving him a thumbs up. The Prefect questioned why Ortho shouted out Cerberus and why Ace and Deuce had joined him in yelling it again. Jack signed next to the Prefect after Idia had mumbled something and was typing something on his tablet his hands shaking at every tap as he had to retype it serval times. Jack sighed once more. “He likes you and wants to ask you out, so say yes or whatever.” He said bluntly and walked away. Idia froze panic written all over his face. “Really?” The Prefect asked shocked. He nodded biting his lips in embarrassment his hair turning orange his face flushed as he gripped his tablet his hands sweating like crazy.
Malleus smiled as he saw the Ramshackle dorm Prefect outside of said dorm they waved to him as they walked up to him. “Hey, Horton how are you?” They smiled up at him. His eyes softened at their smile. “I wish I could gaze at your smile forever.” The Prefect blinked a few times confused. “If only you could be mine forevermore.” He said gently taking their hands in his. The Prefect’s cheeks flushed at the comment and bit their bottom lip before saying anything. “A-are you asking me to go out with you? Like romantically?” He smirked and nodded. “Of course, have been for a while but you never seemed to answer my questions.”
Lilia smirked smugly as he saw the Prefect sit down at one of the tables in the dinning hall. He quickly magically popped over to them quickly placing his hands on their shoulder firmly. “RAHH!” He said quickly chuckling afterwards after the prefect jumped dropping their cutlery onto the table. “L-Lilia l, you spooked me!” He chuckled once more “Hee, sorry my dear but I just had to come over to greet you.” He. Said patting their shoulders gently. “I just couldn’t help it since I’m so smitten with you.” He said smiling at their flushed cheeks.
Silver blinked a few times before opening his eyes completely his eyes slightly blurry still trying to focus on the Ramshackle dorm Prefect’s face. “Wish I could…wake up next..to you everyday..” he murmured before falling back to sleep leaving the Prefect with flushed cheeks as well as panicking as he had fallen asleep in the middle of a hallway. “..your so cute…” he mumbled which didn’t help the situation.
Sebek frowned as he saw the Ramshackle dorm Prefect with the usual group of first years as they all walked over to him. The Prefect apologised for being late for their study group before Grim complained about not wanting to study and being hungry. The rest of the group rolled their eyes as they walked over to one of the tables. The Prefect stopped a moment to fix their shoe before being hit in the head by a book. “Ouch! Who threw that?” They asked looking around seeing no one as they looked around and down at the magazine. The title of the book said. “Ways to show affection to your crush?” The Prefect said picking the book up and walking over to the table. “Haha! Sorry, I was aiming at Sebek with the book.” Ace said with a smirk. The Prefect blinked. “Why?” The asked before gasping. “Oh my god, Sebek you have a crush on someone!? Aw, who is it?” They asked curious. His eyes widened in shock as his cheeks flushed the others around the table smirked and snickered even Jack. “I-I…you.” He mumbled softly his voice only above a whisper the quietest his voice as ever been. “Pardon?” They Prefect asked trying to heard over the other boys laughter. “You.” He said his voice still quiet but firm his eyes gazing into theirs before quickly looking away his face flushing once more. The Prefect blinked a few times before their face also flushed slightly.
Hope you enjoyed my garbage of a drabble.
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