elrik-j · 8 months
Here it is Now
I got telepathy by speaking to a picture.
Then i was speaking to some dream withs and I saved a little girl that was getting raped by her Dad, using death sypathetic and gaining life and death sympathetic telepathy, after at first yousing imajinaerial telepathy.
Then there is the explanation of the Grecian religion. The Grecain religion worked like this. Everyone participated in in-bed imajinaerilaism- as in like -in-bed imajinaerialism, if you can remember that. This is through using our internality, exteranlity, vijzin. Vijzins and phiscals, you see.
You see.
As it is collectively, participated in, it becomes real out, to a chosen one to go, out, with realized as real interactions.
Try speaking to a picture of it, such as diablo.
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Such as from diablo. Just relax. Realize your not doing anything and ask a question.
Not gods of the Uvric realigion or anything they will have to reject and deny it.
Next, Try a Serial Experiment.
Heres the start.
Sceintology: Task.
Task. S-P-C.
Serial Experiment Tasks: Serial Experiment.
When I was 19 I started on the Mie Dream Freq. To help aid my dreams. I used a hrtz frequency like The Rapper XXXTentacion suggests to use.
It worked. On my Uvric Avric vijznz fizkulsz arns clearance.
1st i encounted Rez, lord of the invisible being bros.
Then I adjusted my M.AE.Be, to say, dream with me or die, otherwise, here is this paper, here is what you need to do.
Okay, okay.
Rez was the one that outed hercules, as he went out in the Grecian Uvric Religion.
You see he was lord of the invisible being bros and he blackmailed him at the pillars of hercules with that boar, like that jason fought form the books, series of percy and jackson. Okay, so he got blackmailed for being the minortar about thenieda and Theasus who was a huge kingdom threat and, king.
Trojan, Helena, Ect, Ect, Romolus and Relmulus, ext, exctera.
Okay Okay. Thatsz all.
This isn't my main account. Im doing baec-os study, papers on this sort of thing. My goal is to get adopted so i can use science, math and history to figure these sorts of things out.
I believe we live in a post Hauth-Post-Ap society today.
I want to find a way to remedy and the source of child abuse and the orgin of the baby, ect, exctera, excetera.
Practice, train, protect and stay careful!
I recommend Hrtz for Uvric medicine, ecxtera, and dream about and kill that wierdo rez.
bro bye!.
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Bro hey pro.
(haha, anti pro. hero).
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Hey. I wrote this book out of compassion and with heart.
I was having a hard time.
My life was rough.
Ever Since I was a kid I was so fucking frustrated.
I wrote something down and tried to have a dream about it.
It didn't work.
Then I desired to save the creator of the dream
because that's basic bitch, why doesn't that work.
And, no I no.
I know one thing.
Math and Science exist.
As a kid, i imajined going back in time, and saving him, learning the nature of the dream through math and science.
When I spoke on this, I'd get beat and made to forget things.
If you know, this happens, to special important people who purpose themselves, such as, who is responseable- and how come we don't know the creator of the dream?
Suspicious, i'd believe so. You see.
I believe we believe in a Post-Hauth, Post-Apactalyptic soceity, and I believe his orgin was the Post-Sumerian Hittite civilization.
For Further evidence on this matter, I would suggest serial experiments on middle school history classess, on public forums, ectera.
As forthereth, I desire to study these things, through sceince, math and history. Combining these elements i believe i could unlock the key to this mystery.
I need help, my whole life, I was abused and driven mad, it was really sad. Please help me.
I don't know either way.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Lets move on. I can do this.
LETS-GO. (right man?)
Okay, and when i remembered my dreams id get beat and woken up in the middle of the night and raped by with the girl next door and theyre family man.
Please, I need help. I need to get adopted, so i can work this. I need love.
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I need my mommy.
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monsieurenjlolras · 2 years
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Building our collection
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dear mutual, i will never refuse the offer to go ballistic with an ask game:
5, 6, 8, 20, 25 and 26 for the song one?
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(me after answering 16 different three song questions ;) worry not, i'm enjoying this)
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)
Can't Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo
Imagine my ass chilling listening to my discover weekly when I get hit with this scarring ballad about how one can kill a person but not an idea..... (at least that's what i hear in it) It is a great song, I'm just often not strong enough emotionally to listen to it, you know?
Trampoline by Kero Kero Bonito
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Trampoline is so positive it makes me feel diabetic. I don't know if it's PTSD from The Computer Sceince Teacher Who Need Not Be Named or what, but I very rarely feel it. Again, good song!
Birds by Imagine Dragons but specifically the music video
i cried when i first saw it. yes it was mostly thanks to the music video and not imagine dragons. but i still cried. i watched it again before writing this and the feels didn't hit me as strongly, but i still think it fits here.
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
this question made me realize there are benefits to a spotty memory. if i don't keep something on my mind, i will forget about it; therefore, i can (and do) only remind myself of the good music. but worry not, i scoured the deepest depths of my memory, my old excel sheets and my google notes to bring you 3 songs i really do not like:
Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran
Vitajte by In Time
Believe by Eminem
The first two are representatives of the "mid ass song getting shoved down everyone's throats by way of radio", while the last one I'm choosing as a champion of all the wack rap I've ever listened to.
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
Barbie Girl by Aqua
Dark Horse by Katty Perry feat. Juicy J
Žijeme len raz by Ego & Robert Burian
Like the last question, this is a 2+1 deal. First, a little story time: my family once went on a vacation to Bulgaria. The resort we stayed at was playing music in and around its pool/courtyard area. Thing is, they played like 7 songs on repeat. Barbie Girl and Dark Horse were two of those, I regrettably can't remember the rest.
That is why , as a self-respecting Slovak who was alive in 2012, I chose THE Slovak summer anthem for the third spot.
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil, because i found out about your discord nickname independently and randomly that one time
Zenith by Ghost, because of your bio
25. three favourite songs of 2017
High Enough by K. Flay, because I've done Black Wave in the previous ask
Unlock It (Lock It) by Charli XCX feat. Kim Petras and Jay Park
1990 (Interlude) by G Yamazawa
26. three favourite non-English songs
well i have answered this question bef- you already know i'm gonna fire off 3 more:
Rusalochki by Go_A (Ukrainian), I am BACK on my Go_A propaganda, their latest singles have never missed once
Tempo Tempo by Haďaci (Slovak), a band with 192 monthly listeners to their name, I found them through a youtube channel you might find interesting
Судно (Борис Рыжий) [Sudno (Borys Rizhyiy)] by Molchat Doma (Belarusian), your experience might vary depending on what kind of short-form content you have seen in the past
Thank you so very much for the ask! ✨
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star-fate · 7 months
The Sichuationali. Pro.Science. Generality. Experiment- Realisticallity Architipicallaity and Restoration Collectivity- Belief and Uvric Religiousity, Historicality and Pop-Culture Relations, Realativity, Proximity.
Uvric religiousity is based upon collective story telling and imagination. based upon, due to, and through its collective, sociatal, creativitiarial relations-ships, archtypical ideas and concepts form in the collective conciousness, and lead to realistic interactions, interactivity. For example once someone heres of the goddess hera disguised as an old lady crossing the river, they learn the moral lessons and apply them to there own life. This levels up to that of Uvric Religiousitys Collectivly soccialitley participated in imaginairialism (through the stories, writen and spoken, participated in bed imaginairialism- if your familiar, of your on self-in-bed-imaginiarlism, you can conceptualize this) manifesting themselves for real personified interactions, in the outside world, based upon the visions, physcals that are from/for imajinitivetarial contact manifesting an arnic reality through its collective (agreed upon) reality. So you see its work from storied teachings interactions (moral nachuralities) to metaphysical interactions (archtipical manifestions) to meta-contextual, (realisticallity imaginitivetorality) interactive, reactions, based around/upon the akshinibilality occurences of ones socialtly structure. This is what would be considered Uvric Envirnmentalism. Religion, considered mythologie, suspicously historically, manifiests anti-science philosophy. Historical researches are key componentes to the resserection of the uvric religousity, as is pro-sceince philosophy development.
Through pro-science work and studies on uvric religiousity Pro-science thought will lead to well comprehension of these conceptual metaphysical anatomicail and envirnmental studies, through pro-science interests, experiments and philophical experiments, meditations and writing, works. Through this comes the coneceptual developement of science-philosophy post pro-anti group-collective development of rejection and denial of anti-science philosophy. With this and along the way we can matter the advancement of emotionality linguistics and lingiustic maths, and experiments on its affectualition upon our metaphysical, inner, and outer realities. The Vijzuns we apply to our imajination and the fizkulszs that are involved, interaction, reaction, development of interaction reaction experiments through pro-science will lead to the realization of emotionality linguistics association and the operation of linguistics math. Then, beyond that is then the reasonable application for history math, and history science, in need to study history and reveal its secrets. Where the source of child abuse comes from the realisticallity of the holocausts restoration and the archytipicallity of the creation of the dream, its historical source and its relation to the metaphiciality of the earth, relating it to the study of the Earths M.AE.Be, its nachural development and its healing, of earths metaphysicality through studying the dream is urgrent to our development on the planet and its continuation for the human race.
I believe we live in a Post-Hauth (stand in for the creator of the dream) Post-Apactalyptic society that is in need of studying the dream. Study the dream. Study the imajinations metaphysical anatomy and research history for pro-science historical referncial relations. Especially in reference to the mythologicailization of uvric religions and the creation of history, as well as the indian region religousity, and its affects on the development ancestry. Especially specificailly in relation to the dream and its structers on the northern eastern face of the planets metaphycality collectivitly, religousity (possibly uvric eastern relegiousity).
I suggest serial experiments- (source. task-serial experiment. the history of science and the hittite civilization to grecian, slvakian religion- religiousity.). Wikipedia. Update, Upgrade. It-Together.
Re-Direction. Experimental Post.
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for the ask meme mwahahahah >:3C 1, 2, 28, england 47, america 32
Do you relate to your favorite character(s)?
Absolutely i do, with the exception of his sceince knowledge lol idk shittttee. He's loud, very much the YOLO type, wears glasses, and I think we'd both enjoy a lot of the same hobbies like funky art, cooking w/o recipes, reading adventure books and comics, appreciating how leather smells (and tastes), jazz and country, the freedom of nature and roads, ect. :D
2.Who are your favorite Hetalia artists? Why?
ur embarassing meeeeee >.<
ok. #1 is @/sully-s. literally would not have joined hetalia or developed an artistic style w/o them. I cannot properly express my appreciation for what they do!!! @historihet (deactivated) was so kind and wicked smart, really pushed my desire to create historical hetalia content and independently study history in general. @/rebelsandtherest hella amazing, especially combined with their work (western fic so good!). @/bougietalia OMG LITERALLY AMAZING symbolism soooooo good lots of snarky england and just the COLORS ugggg SO LUSH @/thedisappointedidealist12 has FANTASTIC stylization and storytelling. and of course. @/stirringwinds. SSMARTEST MOST AWESOME AND AMAZING. @poxtra LOVE their content. @cidersketch is the OG rusame LOTs of Good (tm stuff). Thats just a few off the top of my head but YEAH. I have many feelings!!!!
28. DILFS and MILFS and NILFS?
I can't pick!
(Hungary and Russia)
47. [Insert character]'s guilty pleasure?
Canada LOVES growing all the weed strains he can find lmaoo
32. Describe (one of) [insert character]'s homes.
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ENORMUS Manhattan penhouse used for hosting parties and events
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
tl questions comin right up :] o7!
-did you have a favorite project? if so, describe it!
-who were you closest to? whatd yall like to do together?
-did you have any hobbies?
-any particular items you held dear/that held some type of significance to you? if so, whatre their stories? how did you receive them?
-where did you like to go to unwind and relax? like, where did you like to go when you just needed a break from stuff?
thank you fox :D <3
um!! my favorite project is probably my castle from season five. it didn't feel like anything super big or special, but it was to me !! and also its just. really special and dear to me. (although i really loved my base from s9 too. ^u^ i dunno if wels' main base is done yet but mine!! was uh.. modelled after a cathedral and stuff.)
id say i was probably closest to zed? partly because we were also pretty close in age - x, beef, and xb were all on the older end of 20s (if nt in their 30s, im not positive), but me and zed were both ~22? plus we just !! happened to get along really well. it helps when you're both very quiet and easily overwhelmed and also happen to just both be absolute dorks. i liked dragging him around on adventures and stuff a lot, mostly, or the times i talked him into helping with my work and all that! (y'know how myth in afterlife was the attendant of his church? yeah, i was kinda like that) he dragged me into a lot of his sceince experiments and stuff too sigh. /lh
i had a lot of hobbies! painting, gardening, baking, uh.. i tried pottery for a while but i wasnt *too* great at it. exercise too !! also i guess you could call "organizing" one but it was more "all my friends were HORRIDLY *un*organized and i wanted to fix all their stuff".
uhhh i had a lot of items toooo.. i had a few things back from kingdomcraft !! a few old books, uh.. a chalice, my sword.. actually one of my plants (a very insanely persistent succulent sort of plant) was also from that point in time. i literally do not know how it stayed alive after all that time. to be fair my "master" (as in, like, thats what we called the mentor/boss of a squire, he was essentially just like. a Knight Teacher) gave me the thing because i had the exact opposite of a green thumb so the express purpose of it was to Not Die. a few other things too !! my books were old history texts/religious texts i had saved from my time in kingdomcraft, because i wanted to preserve my home's history and stuff yknow. my chalice was a ceremonial thing, my sword was just!! my sword!
as for relaxing and stuffff.. i liked sitting in my courtyard a lot, but also! gem had a very nice home/place to sit and relax for a while. i used to sit with her a fair bit and have tea and stuff. also! the river around my house was really nice, too, i sat out there alone especially during the evening. (i also used to go out there to forage for things. :P)
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noaasanctuaries · 2 years
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Ready to wave in the new year? 🌊
Proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary, located in New York was nominated by the local community and stakeholders working together. Decades of maritime history and culture are hidden in these brisk waters waiting to be explored and their stories waiting to be shared. If they can accomplish this, imagine what you and your community could do in the new year!
Learn more about this community nominated sanctuary here: sanctuaries.noaa.gov/lake-ontario/.
Description: Waves batter the shore near a lighthouse on the edge of proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary. (Photo: Nick Zachar/NOAA)
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nathan-e-rogers · 3 years
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Pliocene-Pleistocene Epochs, Cenozoic
I had the great opportunity to work on this image for the Mace Brown Museum of Natural History at the College of Charleston, SC, with guidance from paleontologist Dr. Scott Persons.
You can watch a virtual tour of the Museum's exhibits at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZ9NcUeXAA&list=PL4-bAC0oaWu445vvKgvIqIxP8OCndikoV
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I'm about to unlock a repressed memory for y'all.
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This will be my only post thank you
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Brazilian original research reveals intact cells in mummy
Using tissue processing, the Afro-Egyptian Study Group researchers identified intact cells in the jaw of mummy Iret-Neferet, who is between 2,495 and 2,787 years old. Study will be presented in German congress.
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The Brazilian team that studies the Egyptian mummy Iret-Neferet has made a breakthrough. Researchers from the Afro-Egyptian Study Group identified, using tissue processing, intact cells in the mummy’s jaw. The head of the mummy is a research object of the Afro-Egyptian Identities Study Group at the School of Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), which last year managed to identify her age as being between 2,495 and 2,787 years. Picture above, researchers and brothers Edison (left) and Éder Abreu Huttner (right) are standing.
To understand to what extent the Egyptian ancient technique of mummification could have kept the body tissue preserved, the group analyzed part of the mummy’s jaw medullary bone and masseter muscle. The material was processed and went through a histological analysis in the Pathological Anatomy Lab of the Hospital São Lucas of PUC-RS. Under the microscope, they found intact connective tissue structures, identifying red cells within the blood vessel and bone trabeculae of the jaw with preserved morphology.
The oral and maxillofacial surgeon and gerontologist dr. Éder Abreu Hüttner, a member of the group, explained that to identify the mummy’s age using radiocarbon (C14) dating, the team had used extracted teeth. “I extracted a tooth of the mummy, and we proved her age. Then, we kept studying it. In the beginning of the year, we did a study to see the characteristic of the cell. Using a tissue processing technique, we identified that the cell had its tissue morphology preserved, Hüttner told ANBA.
One of the major achievements of the discovery is the efficacy of the mummification process in conserving the human tissue. “What’s important is noting the Egyptian technology in tissue preservation. This shows the Egyptians had techniques, and their technology managed to keep a cell intact for 2,500 years,” Hüttner stressed.
Continue reading.
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revcleo · 2 years
hey british tumblr users tomorrow write a diary of everything you're doing for science
history is a sort of science
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mudassarjackson · 3 years
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. "حفظ الله صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد والشيخ محمد بن راشد وبلدي الحبيب الإمارات العربية المتحدة. أمين. صنع التاريخ. أنا فخور جدًا بالعيش في هذا البلد الجميل من كوكب الأرض. شعب رائع وثقافة جميلة والأهم من ذلك كله أمان لحياتنا. هذا منزلي. هذا قلبي. هذه هي الإمارات. بارك الله في الامارات. آمين." مدثر “May God protect His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and my beloved country, the United Arab Emirates. Ameen. History made. I am very proud to live in this beautiful country of planet Earth. Wonderful people, beautiful culture and most of all safety for our lives. This is my house. This is my heart. This is the Emirates. God bless the Emirates. Ameen.” Mudassar . #myheart #mylove #myhome #mydubai #myplace #phenomenaldubai #dubaiyouarephenomenal #arabstomars #history #historical #sceince #space #aviation #planetmars #redplanet #life #otherplanet #discovery #discoveryscience #lovelife #lovewhatido #mudassarjackson (at United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPYM_EsGiV/?igshid=18rob0y595yd8
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thezgoods · 4 years
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I love rusks! It's my the most favourite tea companion. And almost all the South-Asian people are fond of this amazing crunchy snack. Rusks has lots of international variations. Like, in Cuba, you can find sponge rusk made with yellow cake. In France, they call it biscotte and Italians call it biscotti. In Germany, you can see it as Zweiback. Finnish type of rusk is called korppu. In Indonesia, it is called as Bangelen. Russian rusk is Sukhar. In the US, it is sold in packages which is Melba toast, and it includes croutons, biscotti, etc. I think because of it's long shelf-life, and the crunchiness, it is loved by all the nations throughout the world.
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As Scientists on the internet have been sharing their stories of the black excellence in their respective STEM fields. I’d like to take a moment to drop off this article talking about the amazing stories and history of black experts in my own field. When talking about geology often a lot of white voices are projected, it’s time to include the immensely influential Black voices of history in our narrative.
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dwter · 2 years
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kumimonster · 5 years
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2019 August 27 - johannesburg
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