#HONESTLY roleplaying characters with certain issues has been SO helpful in keeping me open minded
poppyseed799 · 6 months
My favorite pastime: roleplaying characters and just making them soso weird and then pulling up the DSM-5 to try to diagnose them
#every time it’s like ‘did I invent a fake mental disorder or are these symptoms applicable to something’#unironically it’s been pretty helpful over the years in making me more aware of all the different kinds of mental illness and such out there#oftentimes I’ll see someone say they have a disorder and I’ll think ‘I remember researching that for my OC’ lol#HONESTLY roleplaying characters with certain issues has been SO helpful in keeping me open minded#and reassuring me that I’m not a horrible person once I started to have more issues like intrusive thoughts#when my intrusive thoughts started to get bad I remembered ‘my oc has those and nobody blames him for it’ then suddenly I was better LOL#it’s so stupid I feel like ppl will say ‘that is NOT how you should be learning about this stuff’ but like idk it’s kinda been working#it’s like how representation is important except I’m making the representation myself…? so… idk. but it inspires me to do research.#anyways I’m currently stumped on one of my characters and how to diagnose him. I’m beginning to think he perhaps experiences delusions.#but I’ll have to do more research.#I haven’t even begun my research so I’m sorry if I’m totally wrong.#also I’m aware many sources might be biased against certain illnesses and such. I already faced that problem searching NPD 😭 I always take#the things I see in top results with a grain of salt. I know people will say ‘talk to ppl who have these disorders!’ but like. how do I tell#them I want to try to diagnose a fictional character that I play. I mean I guess I’m curious anyways? good to know about all this stuff even#without it being applicable to anything personal. but like. can u rlly just say ‘explain ur mental disorder to me’ 😭
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I’m back!
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So, I kinda quit using this blog a while back. There are some notes about it in my old pinned post and probably on my fanfics, lol, but basically, I felt overwhelmed by fandom and everything going on irl and I crashed. I just withdrew from like, everything. I still logged in on Tumblr but I just liked things to later view them with the boyfriend or laugh at them again myself.
Honestly, it’s not that fun, just doing that, and not really that fair to people who put effort into their posts like art, music, writing, etc., or even just people who are very passionate about a subject and may want it to reach others that are the same. Because I know I’m like that!
But anyway, this is going to be my new pinned post. So! (More under the cut, please keep reading!)
About Me
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You can call me Prowess, I’m a FtM transmasc (he/him please)! I use this space to elevate my personal works, such as art or writing, while also occasionally posting about topics I am passionate about. I realized I was trans in 2020 at the age of 19 years old, in the midst of a pandemic and college fallout, so as you can imagine, I’m still riding the rollercoaster of emotions that come with that. I’m also ADHD... so expect some posts about those sort of things.
But that is hardly the focus! I am big on art and writing. While I am mostly obsessed with Pokemon, I am a lover of stories, and so generally, I love most fiction, even the really bad stuff. Along with my Pokemon stuff, you can expect posts involving ARK: Survival Evolved, The Tales of Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir, animated movies (Luca, Toy Story, Spirit - you name it, I probably love it), and plenty of other stuff.
While I have too many older posts to go through and try to sort out the unclean tags, going forward, I am going to use these sort of tags: subject (whatever the post is about, for example, Pokemon), characters depicted, media (whether it’s art, writing, animation, or a mix), and any warnings that may need to go with it (for example, cussing when stronger language is involved, or racism if racism is getting discussed, etc). Memes or one-off posts will likely be tagged with simply “memes.” While this is pretty true for most any blog, this is so you know if you need to block certain tags! For example, if you hate Miraculous Ladybug, you’d just blacklist ‘Miraculous.’
I will also reblog a lot of posts asking for help or boosting awareness. I will try not to inundate the blog with these, but as I will likely have to make a post asking for help at some point myself due to unfortunate irl circumstances, I want to pay it forward in advance. These will be tagged with simply “help needed!”
Below are some projects I’m working on + what you can expect from this blog.
Pokemon Retold
By far, my biggest project to date, is Pokemon Retold.
This is an expansive written anthology of all the pokemon mainline games as far as generation 8. Red, Heart of Gold, Omega Ruby, Platinum, Black, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun, and Sword are all intended to get rewritten and posted on both my FanFiction.Net and Archive of Our Own accounts. I may also post some chapters here, but I admit Tumblr makes that difficult sometimes.
These stories are very personal to me, as I started writing them when I was struggling in college with undiagnosed ADHD, and felt like my life was falling apart and I was alone. I started writing a retelling of Sword, but the more I wrote, the more disappointed in it I felt, so I started writing Black instead and scrapped Sword altogether.
I’ve had some rough road since, but Black is complete, Black 2 is also complete, and Ultra Sun is (mostly) complete (but with plans to be heavily altered), while Red is underway!
WARNING: These stories can get DARK, and I would rather my readers be over 18. They are not dark with the intent to squick out or upset people, however; they are dark with the intention of exploring thoughts and ideas I find too difficult to think about directly. There are more personalized warnings at the beginnings of each story. With that out of the way, please just try and move on if you find yourself disliking a specific story or part of a story of mine... If you want to give constructive criticism, you are more than welcome, but tearing into me and my writing just because you didn’t like something helps nobody. Keep in mind I write these for fun and as a form of self-therapy throughout some of the worst years of my life.
Furthermore, I edit them a lot. And I do mean a lot. My FFN profile acts as a “changelog” for what has changed in the stories over the course of the time they’ve been posted.
Pokemon Retold posts are tagged “Retold.”
My FFN Profile
My AO3 Profile
Pokemon Retold: Black has been added to TVTropes! I honestly don’t even care that this person digs into it a couple of times, I was so incredibly flattered they took the time to do that at all. (But be warned the page does have some spoilers!) I have no idea if you enjoyed the story or not upon reading over that page, kind stranger lol, but I really appreciate that you took the time to do that nonetheless! <3
Creatively Destructive
This incredibly well-titled story is an idea I have for a retelling of Miraculous Ladybug. I know, I know - absolutely never been done before /s
While I know there has got to be a thousand retellings of this show by now, based on just how.... terrible, the writing is, I want to try anyway. Because I genuinely love the premise of the show! I’m just constantly disappointed by how it seems to never go anywhere with its plot or characters.
So, Creatively Destructive will be a fanfic, and when I have more information on it, I’ll post it under the tag “creatively destructive.”
Me and my boyfriend love to RP a lot. From Monster Hunter to Pokemon, we do a lot of different stories. Sometimes, I really get inspired by what we come up together and I want to share it with others! Be it quick art based on a scene from the RP or a quick rundown of what occurred in an RP, you can catch these in the ‘Prow RP’ tags.
Currently, we are having a lot of fun with an RP based on the Hoenn pokemon games that I am sure I’ll be posting about!
I may also be open to RPs with others in the future :> Don’t be offended that I’m not open to them already... I’m just a very easily overstimulated person.
The Ballad of the ARK
ARK: Survival Evolved is a lot of things. It’s an amazing concept, an open-world game where you befriend dinos and fight alongside tribemates against other tribes, or work together to survive the hostile environment. But the true tragedy of this game goes so much deeper than that, and I want to explore that in writing, starting with my story, my experience, and then graduating to where I think the issue primarily stems from. 
This strange memoir will be posted under the tags of “Ballad of ARK.”
I hope to take commissions for art and writing in the future!
However, I need to figure out the parameters of what I’m willing to draw (and what I can feasibly draw), as well as what I can promise when it comes to writing, not to mention pricing.
That’s not to say I’m not open to ideas though! Feel free to message me/send me asks anyway and we’ll see if we can work something out. :)
Although I am not in a financial disaster just yet, I feel like I am not far from one. This is why I hope to try to build on commissions in the future. I know they will never support me, but I would still like to try to be useful and helpful to some. I currently live with my grandmother, having left my abusive home with my father, and although she generously allows me to live with her for the low cost of merely helping with some electricity and my own food, I struggle to remain abovewater financially due to difficulty finding work (thanks to issues with ADHD and physical problems following a bout with COVID in early January 2021).
If you would like to help anyway, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon, or make a one-time payment via PayPal. I promise no matter what or how much it is, your generosity is greatly appreciated!! <3
My Patreon
My PayPal
My Ko-fi
(Note that my Patreon is... very outdated and needs to be updated. I will do that soon!)
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quirkwizard · 4 years
Spoiled Sushi
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For a while, a certain article has been vexing me. One that seems to have a great misunderstanding of the series it was writing about, missing obvious points and core parts of the worldbuilding. No, it wasn’t by CBR, nor was it by Screenrant. But it was by Cruchyroll of all places. They decided to make an article about the Top 5 Misused Quirks in My Hero Academia. It was not good and has been bugging me. So I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. I mean they try to shut down whoever even attempts to do what they do, so why not make fun of them for trying to do what I do? Plus you guys seem to like it when I’m snarky, so this could be fun for everyone.
For clarity’s sake, this was written at the beginning of 2019, when the most recent chapter was Chapter 214 and the the anime had only reached Season 3. I’m keeping that in mind as I write. I will also be skipping around some of the parts of the article as I am talking about it. If its not worth mentioning, I won’t bring it up, simple as that. For instance, I’m skipping the intro because it is completely superfluous and would only serve to make a completely different fanbase mad. Might as well, most of what I am passing up are just dumb jokes. But if you are curious... don’t waste your time reading this. Your time is valuable and you have better things to do then read this article.
5. Kurogiri Can Create Free, Renewable Energy
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“In all seriousness, though, Kurogiri is probably one of the most powerful characters in the anime, with their being virtually no limit to how far he can extend his Warp Gate portals.”
I mean there are certainly limits for his Quirk. Besides the need to know the coordinates or see where he is moving, there’s obviously a limit to how much he can spread out his body.
“Why then doesn’t he use them to create near-infinite energy? Open two portals one above another, throw in a heavy object inside and watch it fall endlessly. Devise a way to hook a dynamo or something to it and, bam, you have free power that would make Kurogiri a billionaire overnight and a hero to the entire planet.”
This idea has so many problems that I don’t even know where to begin.
One, if this could work, it likely wouldn’t make a lot of energy. Besides the various physics problems involved in this, Kurogiri would just be one guy doing this, meaning that it’s unlikely he’d be able to make enough power to matter.
Two, Kurogiri would still need rest as he is a living being, meaning he wouldn’t to keep up this theoretical contraption forever and you’d get even less energy relying on him. At most, it would work best in a small bunker as a last resort.
Three, that sounds like it would be a lot more dangerous then it would be worth for the energy made. If Kurogiri would to lose focus for a moment, the portals fall apart and there would just be a lot of damage from this heavy object moving at high speeds.
“Even if Kurogiri only cares about taking down All Might, it would still be much easier to do if he had a literal mountain of money/public goodwill at his side.”
What kind of bizzaro universe are you living in where the guy who makes energy could possibly turn public option about the very well liked Number 1 Hero that saves lives every day? That’s literally what Lex Luthor does and people hate him for it.
4. Koji Koda Could Help Feed Billions Of People
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“Koji is the resident Class 1-A stoner (get it? he's made of rock? come on) with the power to control ANY creature in the animal kingdom. This would logically also include spiders, meaning that Koji could literally end all street crime in, like, 5 minutes tops by swallowing all the criminals up in a giant arachno-tsunami.”
While this article is infuriating in many ways, it did give us the mental image of an “arachno-tsunami”. Which is totally worth sitting through this jumbled mess of words and ignorance.
“But, you see, Koji is just too shy and nice to be an effective hero. He wants to do good but he just doesn’t have that fighter instinct in him. Which is why he should instead use his Anivoice Quirk to revolutionize agriculture all around the world.”
You can be an effective hero and not beat people up. Sure, it certainly can come up in the job description, but that isn’t all of what a hero is meant to do. Koda’s Quirk makes him great at information gathering and rescue work, two very important aspects of hero work that suit his personality perfectly.
“Give him a megaphone and fly him over American fields, telling feral pigs to stop causing $1.5 billion worth of damage a year in destroyed crops. Fly him to Australia to tell the invasive cane toads and rabbits to kindly lemming themselves off a cliff. Have him tell the aggressive lionfish the get the hell out of the Atlantic. FORCE HIM TO GET OVER HIS FEAR OF BUGS AND MAKE AGRICULTURAL PESTS A THING OF THE PAST. “
There is no possible way Koda could be everywhere at once to pull that off. And considering that the average human voice can only carry for about a mile, IE, about the average size of a single farm. You know, because animals need to hear his voice in order to receive his commands. So even if it was limited to a single farm, its unlikely to do much to help. But by far the biggest issue with this entire plan is that what Koda does to an animal is not permanent. The second his control is interrupted, the animals return to normal, bound to just go back to whatever they were doing before. 
So if Koda tries to change anything, its just going to end up undone by the time he leaves, just delaying the inevitable problem that comes from these animals. So even if Koda told the pigs to go away, they’d likely be back by the next day, destroying farmland like nothing happened. Even then, because of the previous limitations, he’d still have to go farm by farm to pull it off. That’s not even mentioning all of the other suggestions. Honestly, if you wanted to do something with Quirk, you should just convince all the animals to line up during hunting season. Dark, yes, but it least it would offer a more permanent solution then what the writer is suggesting.
“If Koji was utilized properly, he could travel the world undoing mankind’s mistakes and creating organic, pesticide-free crops instead of doing what he does now, which is largely sitting around on his ass roleplaying Snow White.”
Which, in spite of many fans joking about his Quirk, has shown to be very helpful quite a few times.
3. Inko Midoriya Would Have Made A Great Nurse
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“Izuku’s mother in My Hero Academia has mainly done two things so far: jack and squat.”
I mean she did design Izuku’s costume, even if it got replaced, its is still a corner stone of his design, and she offered a good amount of drama after the fight with All Might and All For One. 
“She did try to be a good mother but kind of failed at that when she tearfully apologized to her son because he was born without a Quirk, essentially telling him: “I’m so sorry I gave birth to such a loser.””
Would you believe that this one line was what really prompted me to talk about this? Because that is probably one of the worst takes I have ever in relation to this series. If you honestly believed that is what Inko was doing, the woman who practically raised her child by herself and constantly talks about much she cares for him, you must be watching the wrong series. That’s the only way I could explain why that is.
“So, she doesn’t really have much going on in her life. That’s why she should try nursing instead. I realize that becoming a nurse takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but Inko would be a natural fit for it. Despite her initial shortcomings, she is a very caring person with loads of empathy.” 
Inko’s empathic? Could have fooled me. I mean she did feel the need to apologize to her son for giving birth to a loser. No, I am not over that, how could you have possibly gotten that from the scene?!
“She also has the power of limited telekinesis. Inko can move small objects over short distances, and while that would not be helpful for stopping crime, it would be great for, say, removing kidney stones. Or things stuck in people’s throats. Or coins from children’s stomachs.”
Trying to use a Quirk like this in any kind of medical procedure is laughable at best and dangerous at worst. Imagine if Inko had to remove a bullet from someone. From what we see, the process of her moving objects is slow and need several pulls from her to attract the object to her. So if she’s going to try to pull it out and its going to get caught on something, causing more damage to the person she is trying to save. She’s basically going to be keying the insides of whoever she is trying to operate on.
The entire reasons doctors, especially surgeons, train for so long is because the human body can be extremely delicate. It needs a lot of care and time so the doctors don’t make things worse for the patients. It’s why surgeons need to have such steady hands and a lot of time even to due minor procedures. But trying to do that with a Quirk is just going to cause more problems then it can solve. Doing that with a Quirk like Inko’s just lacks a lot of the precision and dexterity necessary to pull this off.
2. Uraraka Should Go Work For A Shipping Company
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“Ochaco Uraraka has one of the most well-rounded Quirks out of all the main characters: Zero Gravity. With it, she can make objects and people float, which is great for offense, defense, and rescue operations. As a superheroine, she is doing everything right with her Quirk.”
I mean “Zero Gravity” can kind of be used offensively, but not effectively as other Quirks. Its why she did all of that training with Gun Head to make up for her lack of an offensive presence. Eh, two of three ain’t bad. I’ll take what I can get.
“I just think Uraraka should never have become a superheroine in the first place. Uraraka has actually always been honest about her motivation: she wants dem YEN YEN BILLS YO (for her struggling family.)”
That’s because hero work is an extremely frugal business even super minor heroes can still seem to make a decent living out of it.
“But regular jobs also exist in that world, and that must include shipping companies that would instantly hire Uraraka to Zero-G their freighters, trucks, and planes. Even if she cannot make them float, she can still remove enough gravity from them to save the company tons of fuel. Company profit margins are razor thin.”
First off, its mentioned several times that if you want to use a Quirk for a job, you need to have a hero license. Its to make sure you know how to use your Quirk properly so you don’t end up hurting someone with your powers. So for her to even try this, she needs to go through hero school anyway. Might as well get the most out of it. Second, Uraraka cannot lower the gravity of her target. Either the object is floating or it isn’t floating. There is no in between for Uraraka. 
Third, given what we’ve seen from Uraraka, there is no possible way that she could ever lift that much. She’s barely able to lift three lower numbered robots and that was only for a few seconds. So, at the most, she can lift a few tons. How exactly do you expect her to work with something like a cargo plane, which, on its own, can weight over forty five tons, not including fuel or any extra cargo?
Which is another thing I noticed throughout the article: the writer seems to severely overestimate how effective Quirks actually are. The range and scope of Quirks is much smaller then other power systems, even when compared to similar “low level” series like HunterxHunter. Like every kind of application listed goes far beyond what most Quirks are capable of, such as forgetting certain drawbacks. And that is most notable with the last suggestion.
1. Momo Could Solve Literally All The World’s Problems
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I bet Kohei Horikoshi was really proud of himself when he came up with Momo Yaoyorozu’s design: No, see, she HAS to dress scantily because her Quirk is Creation, i.e. the ability to create any object she wants through her skin, which must be constantly exposed. Peachy.”
Oh boy, it wouldn’t be any sort of discussion about Momo without beating that long dead horse. What’s next? Bakugou angry? Izuku cry? 
“Momo can apparently create anything as long as she understands its composition, and seeing as she’s made an ethanol spray can, infrared goggles, a lighter, and a tracker, it seems like there’s nothing she cannot make.”
Oh boy, it wouldn’t be any sort of discussion about Momo without a grievous misunderstanding of how her Quirk works either. Maybe they are in the fandom. As I have mentioned in my Momo Misconceptions post, Momo needs fat to make what she does. She’s not an alchemist where she can just clap her hands and make whatever she wants. If she doesn’t have enough fat, she cannot make items. By those very rules, some things are just out of her reach because it would just take too much fat. It’s why she limits herself to simpler items.
“Cool. MAKE US SOME HELIUM THEN. The world is running out of the gas and we need it for MRI scanners and the like. Momo could make more of it.”
Actually, we don’t even know for sure if Momo is capable of making gases. All we have seen her make is solids and a few liquids. There is the lighter she made, but that could easily run on lighter fluid.
“Or thorium. She could make thorium that we could use to make thorium-based reactors that are apparently way safer than uranium ones.”
Thorium isn’t even that rare, just as about as common as lead and three times as common as uranium. Even if it was a problem, it would likely kill her, either from burning through all of her fat or from the exposure to radiation.
“Medicine, fresh water, cheap electronics that we could send to developing countries: Momo could crank all of those out in an afternoon.“
Yes, in theory, Momo could do that, but not the extent that she would make a major difference in the world like they are suggesting. There are just more practical and better long term solutions then trying to force a single person to do all of that. It’s almost as if Momo is a regular human being who has limitations you need to keep in mind when making these ill informed suggestions.
“And while spending your life as a walking Everything Faucet might not seem that glamorous, it actually has the potential to change the entire planet for the better.”
Given the kind of set up and effort that would be required to even attempt that, I think “horrific” would be a more appropriate descriptor since it would be done to a living, thinking person.
Honestly, I think that most of these people are doing more with their Quirks now then with any of these suggestions. At least, when you actually think about the rules and limits of the characters. Sure, Inko isn’t doing much, but she is a civilian with a fairly weak Quirk. Kurogiri acts as a major player within the League, getting them around quickly and evading capture. I mean he is using his power to help out a bunch of villains, but my point still stands that he is not “misusing” his Quirk.
In fact, a majority of the people on this list are doing more to help people and save lives by being heroes. Given the limitations of their abilities, using them to stop superpowered criminals who risking damaging the people around and helping victims of these crimes is doing then any of those roles in spite of the fact that the article tries its best to downplay that these people are already saving lives. So, in reality, they are doing far more to help people then doing any of these ideas, you damp sock of a writer.
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ua-list · 6 years
one of my friends are in ur server. constantly being ignored. they talk a fuckton and u guys just choose to ignore it because you have a friendgroup on there that nobody gets in to. all of the minor characters ( that meaning in the show, ones who probably only signed up for said char because all the other ones were taken ) seem to get thrown away for all the plots started. they take screenshots of that server too.. so i see everything. and you do realize that some ppl probs have mad anxiety (1/2
and are rlly afraid of asking ppl for plots?? so what do you do, then? they were really happy to join an rp group, get stomped on and ignored, and are too socially awkward to actually do anything about it. they get kicked out for inactivity or whatever you guys do with ghost blogs, etc. that's shitty. side note: please don't call me a chucklefuck in your chats. im right. 💕💕💕💕💕
a ps ) mods. mods with status. all of you are fuckin queen bees, i guess. as well as a few ppl who play major chars in 1.a ( ie shoto, kami, baku ).
hmm alright.
-we can not do anything if you don’t speak up about it. if your friend felt ignored and they had come to us about it, we would have been able to do more to make them feel included. the server itself realistically has over 50 people on it. we can not control how other people react to your friend. you may also need to re-evaluate just how much your friend perceives the server because of their anxiety, as most of the regulars are 1) very welcoming to new people/each other and 2) are not aware that they have felt that way and would have done anything they could to change that, should they have known. because, again, a lot of them are very accommodating, but none of them, myself included, can read your minds.
-and i’m going to say it again because you and your friends can’t seem to get this no one can read your mind and you don’t talk about it with us we can’t do anything to help you. i understand you have anxiety. most, if not all of the server, has some sort of mental illness. if that is the reason you can’t speak with us, that’s valid, but it’s not an excuse. you can not try and use your mental illness against us because that is not fair. lots of us also have traumatic backgrounds. i’m someone who suffers from schizophrenia, among other disorders. we understand. we will accept you. but not if bullshit tactics are used against us because that’s not fair to us, and if you’re not going to be fair to us, there’s no way you can accept similar treatment towards yourself. that’s just not realistic.
-speaking of realism, realistically you need to talk to people to get things you want. also realistically, people are not required to give you what you want, if you ask for it or otherwise. i don’t know what you’ve come across but maybe consider the feelings of other people as well.
-there are plenty of minor characters right now that have plenty of plot. here’s a convenient list, because i see you’re keeping up with the server/blog but not enough to actually realize this! understandable! so, off the top of my head, inasa, seiji, sen kaibara, kamakiri, intelli, rei todoroki, bakugou’s parents, etc etc, they all have complex plots because they’re being active in getting them. there are plenty of others (au characters especially included) who are on that same level or getting there. there is also, of course, plenty of accounts that ARE being more neglected, and this is something that i’m about to go on about in an attempt to lessen this but i also can’t stress that if you are feeling neglected it is LARGELY based on the activity of your blog.
-speaking of which! and i’m sorry to tell you this, but activity is a requirement for most organized rp groups. if it’s something your friend isn’t comfortable with, a more lenient group may be more for them. the rule about activity isn’t a punishment, it’s to make things fair for other rper’s who want to put the work in on a character you are otherwise neglecting, for whatever reason! we have a lot of people interested in joining the group who might have more fun with it, and also might be able to deal with the pressures of owning a rp blog better.
-if you are not active on your blogs or in the discord your character will be ignored because people can not read your mind and if you are NOT active they will NOT know that you are available for interaction. this is a fact.
-activity does not mean asks, it does not mean plots, it means post on your blog at least once a week. i can’t stress how important this is BECAUSE:
-a good way to try and get interaction and try to get plots if you have anxiety about it is to make open threads.
an open thread will allow other characters to interact with yours without the need for plotting beforehand. however, please know that no one is required to answer an open thread, especially if they can’t find anything in it that vibes with that particular post. thus, the more open threads, the more opportunity for interaction you have!
we also now have the groupchat discord, which has allowed for VERY easy plotting and should be utilized more for minor characters who are struggling to fit in. the problem with minor characters (which we are aware of) is that they usually don’t have connections with characters that can allow them an easier time integrating into the group. again, multiple of the minor characters have found some good grounding doing just that.
-everyone needs to consider the feelings of other roleplayers as well and try and reach out just as much as they are asking people to reach out to them.
if you can not reach out, please consider the other two options ie. open threads or the group chat.
-the inactivity rule is also pretty lenient, we are not nearly as strict on it as we probably could be. also, if there is a personal issue that is keeping someone from roleplaying, all they need to do is contact one of the mods and they will receive an approved hiatus where they can take the time they need. however if this is not communicated we can not know that there is something wrong and we will assume disinterest and claim the blog back.
anyway since you’re still receiving screenshots, i assume that your friend is still in the server! wonderful! i’m sure you’ve also been privy to a lot of out-of-context screenshots, which is lovely. i hope you’ve also been sent a few on the matter being discussed now within it. i won’t apologize for the members and how they are handling this because i can understand their reactions. while i’m not hurt by these messages, they’ve hurt other people. there are plenty of vastly more mature ways this matter could be dealt with. again, if your problem is with certain people, you could have messaged me or the other people involved... since all you’re doing by contacting this blog is contacting me or most all the people you mentioned in your previous ask, through far more roundabout means. anon messages without context are always going to be taken more harshly, which means it’ll be even harder to find some sort of solution, if you’re actually looking for one.
which, honestly, it doesn’t sound like it.
so, again, i encourage you to message my blog if you’d like to continue this! i’m fine with continuing it here though if you’re more comfortable. just know that you are actually kind of in the wrong here, haha. the problem may not be the group itself and may just be your friend being uncomfortable with the usual rp format that a lot of people are either very well-versed in, or are currently learning alongside each other.
again, i’d like to help if i can, just stop being such a brat about it. if you only care about your friend’s feelings and not the feelings of the people in this group, i can’t fault you on that. i really only ask for maturity on an issue that really doesn’t need to be as extreme as it currently is. thank you!
PS: thank you for pointing out the people you have a problem with! it’s completely unfounded and also unfair considering this is, again, 1) very common for mods of characters with main roles 2) not even accurate because quite honestly i see plenty of the minor characters having just as much if not more plots than a lot of the main characters, just based on activity and the schedule of the mods. and THAT is honestly none of your business, lol, but again, that’s something i’m sure most people would prefer you talk to them about rather than vagueing them in a public setting
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Fandom & Original request [10.28.17]
I have returned after a long and unforeseen hiatus, long story short some real life issues emerged [ one in particular being of the health variety, that had me back and forth at the doctor ] thus keeping me away from the roleplay world. So, I apologise to everyone who I was supposed to write with since back in June; it was honestly out of my hands. I have some spare time on my hands due to my on-going health issues and would like to find a few people to write and chat with. I just have a small forewarning, I will do my best to reply as swiftly as I can, but it might take me a little bit, so I ask that you have patience with me.  In addition if you were someone I was speaking with at an earlier date, I apologise again. If you’re interested in continuing from where we left off, I’m open to it. ❤
What I’m looking for in a partner
Someone willing to take the time to sit down and plan out a story we’ll both enjoy.
Someone who will respect me in the same manner as I will them. It’s a two way street and I’m tired of being disrespected and harassed.
Someone who will take the time to read my rules and regulations. There have been too many instances where I’ve discovered people have either disregarded my rules or simply glossed over them. In exchange if you have any concerns please bring them to me.
Someone who understands that I won’t be able to respond every day. I’ve been dealing with an ongoing health issue since back in June and every month it’s been constant trips to the doctor. It will take me a bit, have patience with me, please. There are some days where I might only be up for talking OOC, then there are others where you might not hear me because I simply don’t feel well.
Someone who doesn’t mind talking outside of roleplay. Another perk of roleplay is finding friends and that’s what I seek. I would like to find someone who I can build a friendship with. We can fangirl over our story and our ships, talk about our day and slowly get to know one another. ❤
types of roleplay:
Contact me with what fandom(s) you're interested in, we'll make a mutual decision on the choice, before exchanging oc information and discussing plots. The format is what we're all used to: portraying our oc's, each other's love interest(s) and side characters.
More or less the same as above, except if there is more than one thing you'd like to do  and are up for doing more than roleplay, than we can. I will probably only accept 2-3 per person, due to time management.
The format is similar to the basic formula, we both choose one fandom of our respective sides. Then, exchange oc information, love interests and plots.                      
 split 2.5:  
This is similar to the former, but different than the ones before it. Normally, a split roleplay is done where we choose two separate fandoms; but I can make an exception for a basic format if that is what you wish. Now, here is where it's different after we choose our respective fandoms, along with our oc information we will include a big or small write up of a plot for our character and their love interest(s). Now, I will give my partner full-rein in regards to what kind of plot they want. Want a storyline filled with drama and mayhem? Go for it. Want a reverse harem storyline with four characters vying for your character's heart? Fine with me. This is your opportunity to play out any kind of headcanons and storylines you wish. I only ask for nothing that violates my rules or limits, otherwise sky's the limit. I will may accept 2-3 per person. If you need help with a storyline, let me know.
rules and regulations
Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.
I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that’s second so be it. Also, don’t forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.
love interests, mary sues, and spotlight:
I’m lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don’t fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I’ve literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I’m not kidding). Second, I’m not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won’t knit pick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let’s share it please.
spelling and grammar:
There are a lot of people who tend to knit pick about this; but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we’ll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.
manners and etiquette:
This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I’d like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.
patience and commitment:
I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I’d like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don’t hear from me in two weeks time don’t be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won’t accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I’m not replying like you’d like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn’t have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don’t ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don’t bite- I’ll understand.
Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I’d want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however if you’re unsure about something please don’t hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays; I actually encourage them. That includes; cursing, violence, blood, smut, alcohol and lemons. However, I would like to keep the language and lemons to a certain level, meaning no dropping ‘F’ bombs every five seconds and no roleplays dedicated to sexual activities and sexual activities alone. No, there is more to a roleplay than that and I will not engage in such.
canon, crossovers and au:
I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from 'what if' situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you'd like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly
I can write through email, instant messenger (yahoo, aol, msn), Skype, Kik or Tumblr.
ooc chit-chat:
I'd like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.
Most Anime listed (inquire please)
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy 15
Persona 3
Once Upon a Time
★Plot Candies
★Alternate Universes
Ichigo Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki,  Ukitake Jūshiro, Renji Abarai, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Uryū Ishida, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques,  Ulquiorra Cifer or Sosuke Aizen (Early arcs or an AU for this only)
•CardCaptor Sakura
Yukito Tsukishiro/Yue, Syaoran Li or Eriol Hiiragizawa
•Death Note
Anime: L.Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mikami Teru, Mihael Keehl or Matsuda Touta
TV Drama: L.Lawliet, Mikami Teru or Light Yagami
•Diabolik Lovers
Reiji Sakamaki, Shū Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Ruki Mukami or Yuma Mukami
Season one: Yamato Ishida or Taichi Kamiya
Season two: Ken Ichijoji
•Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nakago, Suboshi or Amiboshi
•Hell Girl
Ren Ichimoku
Sesshōmaru, Miroku, InuYasha, Kōga Bankotsu or Naraku
•Kamisama Kiss
•Magic Knight Rayearth
Lantis, Eagle Vision or Zagato
Shinichi Okazaki, Nobuo Terashima or Ren Honjo
•Ouran Highschool Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka  or Kyoya Ootori
•Peach Girl
Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori
•Sailor Moon (Includes Crystal)
Classic: Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite, Mamoru Chiba
R: Rubeus, Prince Diamond or Sapphire
•Samurai Champloo
•Say I love You
Yamato Kurosawa or Kai Takemura
Studio Ghibli(Includes individual movies and crossovers between other Ghibli films and Disney)
To be discussed.
Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura or Marik Ishtar
•Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, (teen)!Koenma, Toya or Jin
    television and movies
•American Horror Story (Murder House, Asylum or Coven) (Crossovers between seasons is an option)
Tate Langdon (Murder House), Kit Walker (Asylum), Kyle Spencer (Coven)
Tom Hiddleston, Jamie Dornan, Sebastian Stan, Michael Fassbender, Tom Holland, Richard Madden,  Chris Pratt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgård, Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington, Milo Ventimiglia,  Michael Raymond-James, Daniel Radcliffe
•The Covenant
Chase Collins, Caleb Danvers or Reid Garwin
•Degrassi: The Next Generation
Sean Cameron, Spinner Mason, Craig Manning, Peter Stone or Jay Hogart (season 01 through 08),
Eli Goldsworthy, Declan Coyne, Drew Torres, Jake Martin or Luke Baker (season 09 through 12)
•Disney | Animated Movies
John Smith, Naveen, Flynn Rider, Aladdin, Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015), Diaval (Maleficent), Li Shang, Phoebus, Prince Phillip, Prince Eric, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Dimitri (Anastasia), Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Kristoff or Hans, (open to others)
•Harry Potter
Harry Potter,Ronald Weasley Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley,George Weasley, Tom Riddle
Loki Laufeyson, James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Sam Wilson, Grant Ward, or Tony Stark
•Once Upon a Time
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman, Jefferson/ The Mad Hatter, Neal Cassidy/Baelfire, Merlin/ The Sorcerer, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts, Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale, Peter Pan, Mr. Hyde,  Hades,  Aladdin or Gideon
•Original (*note: I haven’t done an original in a while, and it isn’t a big craving for me but I do have several original characters I would like to flesh out. Below, I’ll list some prompts I’m interested in doing, although you can fill free to suggest something as well. This will play out the same as a fandom roleplay, we’ll both be doubling as our OC’s. each other’s love interests and any side characters.Also, any of these prompts can be used as an AU for a fandom roleplay as well.)
Teacher x Student
Host/Hostess x Customer | Host Club setting
Supernatural x Human
Supernatural x Supernatural
God x Goddess
God/Goddess x Magical Being or Creature
God/Goddess x Human
Doctor x Patient
Doctor x Mental Patient
Patient x Patient
Single Parent x Single Non-childless person
Psychiatrist x Patient
Newlyweds or Just Engaged
Online Relationship
Sports (Includes non-traditional sports such as dance, figure skating and fencing) School | College/University
Haunted House Asylum Witches ‘Coven Kidnapping| Hostage situation | Disappearances | Escaped Criminal (s) Stalkers Nightmares Imaginary friends Dreams versus Reality Conflict between Supernaturals Mentality | Psychosis Ghosts Supernatural | Paranormal Experimentation | Laboratory Shapeshifters | Were-Animals Dark Supernatural Creatures: Vampires, Werewolves, Sirens, Shapeshifters, Witches, Succubus/Incubus, Doppelgängers,etc
Past Lives | Reincarnation
(*note: I’m not caught up with the series, but would be interested in roleplaying it, I would rather doing a plot from scratch with my partner)
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester or Castiel
(*note: I will only roleplay this under a few conditions: One, more mature and complex themes than the source material. Two, the vampires will actually behave like vampires meaning no sparkling. Three, you’re free to make your character a supernatural creature outside of a vampire or werewolf but make it believable. Finally, I can write for either the first three books or movies and obviously our story doesn’t have to follow any of these word for word)
Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Riley Biers, Jacob Black or Seth Clearwater
•X-Men (Movie Verse)
Peter Maximoff/ Quicksilver, John Allerdyce/Pyro, Bobby Drake/Iceman or Peter Rasputin / Colossus
X-Men First Class: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Alex Summers / Havok or  Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men Days of Future Past: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver or Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men: Apocalypse: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Charles Xavier / Professor X, Alex Summers / Havok
video games
•Catherine:Orlando Haddick, Jonathan Ariga or Vincent Brooks
•Final Fantasy (Crossovers accepted)
Final Fantasy IV: Kain Highwind Crisis Core: Genesis Rhapsodos or Zack Fair Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy or Zell Dincht  Final Fantasy X: Tidus Final Fantasy X-2: Shuyin Final Fantasy XIII: Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XIII-2: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Lightning Returns: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XV: Gladiolus Amicitia,  Ignis Scientia,  Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric,  Ardyn Izunia or Prompto Argentum  Dissidia (012 included): Kain Highwind, Squall Leonhart, Warrior of Light, Laguna Loire, Tidus, Vaan, Cecil Harvey or Firion
•Harvest Moon
More Friends of Mineral Town: Doctor
DS Cute: Marlin or Skye
Tale of Two Towns:  Cam, Hiro, Dirk, Mikael
A New Beginning:  Soseki or Allen
Story of Seasons: Klaus, Kamil, Raeger or Nadi
Story of Seasons (Trio of Towns): Ludus, Ford, or Hinata
•Kingdom Hearts
Birth by Sleep: Terra, *Vanitas or *Ventus (only in the situation of a love triangle)
Kingdom Hearts: Riku, Leon or Sora
358/2 Days: Riku, Roxas, Saix or Axel
Chain of Memories: Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Riku or Sora
Kingdom Hearts II: Riku, Roxas, Saix, Axel, Sora, Demyx, Leon or Xemnas
Dream Drop Distance: Riku, Sora, Neku or Beat
•Mystic Messenger
*Warning, I’m new to this series, I just started to play.
*I’d actually like some kind of AU for this.
Zen, Jumin Han, open to others.
•Persona 3
Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki or Theodore
Red, Blue, Yellow (FireRed and LeafGreen): Red or Blue Gold, Silver, Crystal (HeartGold and SoulSilver): Morty, Silver, Lance, Falkner, Red, Blue or Ethan  Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire): Steven Stone,Wally or Brawly  Black and White (Black2 and White2): N, Cheren, Hugh or Grimsley X and Y: Professor Sycamore, Lysandre or Siebold Sun and Moon: Grimsley, Red, Blue, Gladion, Guzma or Kukui Anime: James, Ash, Gary, Butch or N  Origins: Red or Green (Blue)
final notes
★Respect my limits and I'll respect yours.
★This list will be updated when I see fit
★ If it’s not on my list, don’t ask me about it, no offence but you’re wasting my time and yours.
★Love interests are written in order of preference. If there is only one listed then that's the only one and I won't change it.
★Listed above are the fandoms I would be interested in writing for, with them are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC.
★Please try to have at least two choices when contacting me. I will be thrilled if you have more than that.
★Seriously, don't contact me if you're going to ditch. I'm tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It's even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven't heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn't receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way, I will always get replies out to my partners.
★ DO. NOT. HARASS. ME. Spamming won’t make me respond faster, threatening to ditch the roleplay because I haven’t responded won’t make me respond faster. This will just turn me off from the whole thing altogether and I WILL end contact one way or another. I don’t mind a light nudge or friendly ask, but anything else won’t be accepted. I’m tired of it.
★Be prepared to plot.
★Split roleplays are an option
★Double roleplays are an option
★Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa), Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem,
★ Upon contacting me please make sure to do the following. First, I believe that first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate if you could please introduce yourself to me. I find when people contact me with simply “Want to RP” or “RP?” to be very off-putting and therefore leave me with no desire to return the message. Second, please include the following information: what you’re interested in writing for, any limits that you may or may not have (this one is important because I know everyone is different) and what type of roleplay you’re interested doing. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don't have any that's okay, if you do don't be shy to share. Thanks. ❤
★You may contact through the following mediums:
Skype: x_keyblade.princess_x
Kik: Sailor.Nyx
Discord: Stray Cat #6885
Tumblr: miss-mischievous-minx.tumblr.com
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rpccomplaints-blog · 7 years
dear rpc,
This has been a long time coming.
I’ve got some things on my mind about the RPC that just need to be said. I’m prepared to receive hate from all you “tolerant” and “anti-drama, accepting” individuals because when someone doesn’t agree with your oh-so-open-minded viewpoint, they are wrong, yeah? I just have to get this out there.
You all need to chill the fuck out.
Roleplays are meant for fun. I have not seen a single group RP that has pre-written bios (whether fandomless or from a fandom) not receive some sort of hate. No one is fucking perfect and maybe the FCs they chose are there for a reason. 
Here are some key points that should have been said long ago:
Representation is important. HOWEVER, if someone has more cis/white characters, you really have to think about the setting to their RP. I don’t know about you, but in 17th Century England, I’m pretty sure there weren’t a ton of non-binary mixed-race people running around. 
It’s kind of hypocritical AF to tell an RP that they need to have a certain amount of trans and/or non-binary characters and then condemn them for using cis-gendered FCs to fill these roles. I’ve looked. I’ve asked around. There are not a ton of non-cis FCs with available resources. Many of these FCs are also from YouTube and a lot of RPs ban YouTube FCs. Those that aren’t from YouTube are either older than what the RPs demographic requires or lack in resources. If you’re able to make gifs/resources of these individuals, do it, and stop bitching, but many of us don’t have that talent. Let’s be real, anyway. A majority of the world is cis-gendered and heteronormative and most RP admins won’t force anyone to write a straight character. In fact, most RPs I’ve been in wind up having like 75% LGBTQ characters, which is awesome. Just keep that in mind when judging the RP main from the outside.
Again, think about the setting to the RP! I’ve had tons of hate given to me about not including certain types of characters, but one RP that I was in/ran took place in the 1970′s in the United Kingdom. Hell, I graduated high school just 10 years ago in a liberal area in a blue, progressive state and there were 0 kids that were out of the closet as gay/bi/lesbian out of the 180ish kids I graduated with, let alone out as trans or non-binary. Since graduation, I know several that have come out, but it took them time. What I’m saying is that you have to think of the times when writing a character or observing a group RP. Unless it is in some kind of AU world, we have to be real. Up until recently, and even today, being in the LGBTQ community isn’t universally accepted.
Speaking of being real- why the fuck are we so goddamn uptight about including characters that are hateful? WAKE THE FUCK UP. There are homophobic, transphobic, racist, bigoted, misogynistic people in this world and pretending they don’t exist because it might offend someone in the RPC is a little ridiculous. Pretty sure everyone I know (myself included) that is part of the LGBTQ community or that is a POC has experienced hatred because of who they are, what they look like, and how they identify. These things should be represented because it may help people to cope with situations in real life that are extremely real and can happen any time, anywhere!
About whitewashing. IT IS NOT COOL TO FUCKING WHITE WASH YOUR RP. Having 95%+ white FCs is just not acceptable. However, AGAIN, people need to keep the setting in mind when criticizing an RP. I had about 10 kids in a class of 180 that were not white. I, myself, am mixed. As a teacher, I have personally seen in different school districts how diversity can vary depending on location. One school that I taught in had a total of 3 POC children in the entire fucking school. The school I currently teach in is about 40-50% POC children. Another school that I visited had 95%+ POC children. If you are running an RP that takes place in rural Wyoming, that area is probably predominantly white with mostly closeted individuals. If you are running an RP that takes place in New York City, it is probably much more diverse. HOWEVER, I do think it is the job of an RP to offer diversity no matter where the roleplay is situated. But I swear to fucking god I’ve seen people get hate for their RPs that include about 50% POCs. Chill the fuck out. Most admins will let you change the FC, anyway, if you are so inclined.
Problematic plots. Grow up? Honestly. If someone wants to write a plot that you consider problematic, then don’t fucking read it. Maybe this person is using this sort of plot line to cope with a situation they dealt with in real life that was similar. Bad shit happens every single day and, again, pretending that it doesn’t in fear of offending someone is just stupid. Sure, some plots in group RPs should never be written and are definitely problematic- but I think, as a community, we are realizing that. These kinds of RPs are now far and few between. But indie RPs or those in group RPs that want to write plot lines that can be triggering should not be condemned because of it, especially if they tag these plots! Just blacklist the fucking tags that may trigger you and move on with your life.
Problematic FCs. FUCKING CHILL THE FUCK OUT. I’ve seen people call FCs out for being “problematic” when the evidence just isn’t there. For example, FCs that did something 5-10 years ago that was a joke and is taken way too fucking seriously. Comedians and rappers that use offensive material in a funny/creative way should not be condemned forever. Grow some fucking skin and learn the difference between real bigoted, racist individuals and those that are using “offensive” content in their work for a reason. Maybe it is to create awareness. Maybe it is to shine light on these issues. Maybe it is to mock those who really believe that way. Whatever the reason, does it fucking matter when the person has been condemned in the RPC and in real life for their “offensive” content plenty and has often times apologized. Sometimes it is just ignorance. We all make mistakes and say things that we shouldn’t. We all have done things that might offend someone. Sometimes it is just because we don’t realize it is offensive. Celebrities are people too. They make mistakes. Calm the hell down. There are more important things to worry about.
Speaking of more important things to worry about... We need to come together and grow up. We need to get thicker skin and let these things slide. We need to stop sending hate to people that have “offended” others. An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. If you think an RP is problematic, just ignore them. Block them. You don’t need to have a vendetta against them. You don’t need to send them hate. You have no idea who the admin is, what they represent, and how they feel in real life. Your hatred and condemnation might cause them great pain, anxiety, and depression. Many of us RP to escape situations in our lives that are shitty. Some of us are dealing with things beyond comprehension and RP is a way to escape and cope. Some of us are just here to write and explore our most creative selves. Whatever the reason is, we’re here for fun. I’m not saying that some of the above mentioned is okay. White washing is not okay. Being actually bigoted in real life is not okay. Not including diversity in your RP is not okay. But no RP is going to be 100% problem-free in the eyes of everyone on Earth. The good news? There are lots of other RPs out there or, perhaps, you can create your own how you want to. Give admins a break. They work hard and, on occasion, may slip and include things that are offensive. If it is truly, honestly a problem, politely tell them and move on. 
Thanks for listening. 
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rpedia · 7 years
[Ask RPedia] Fanon Overwriting Reasonable Headcanon to Detriment of Play?
Anonymous asked: You give a lot of good advice. (Hi, longtime listener, first time caller.) I was wondering if you might have any for playing a canon character with unfavorable fanon interpretations that the fandom just refuses to see any other way? I hesitate to call my portrayal “canon divergent” because it’s not, but many potential partners seem to have their own ideas of this character burned into their heads and refuse to accept my portrayal as my own. Many refuse to play with me at all because they dislike this character based on unfair fanon characterization, so I don’t even get to make my own impressions. Any advice?
Oh god-- pause here to reflect and realize that you’ve been reading for a while, thank you!-- and return to the horrible memories of playing characters with decent, responsible portrayals based on your own reading being dissed. Oh my god. Oh god. Fuck. So many memories. Because apparently that’s all I fucking do half the time. I’m forever reading canon and going off into something easily read, but generally ignored in the fandom. 
I had this one character who was super soft and lovable in canon, but I read into his actions some passive aggression, sarcasm, short temper, and typical teenager groaning. The fandom did not see that. The fandom believed there was nothing more to this character than a soft smile, warm affection, and a fatherly sense of confidence and kindness. To say that the negative opinions leveled towards me were not annoying as shit would be a misunderstanding of fact. (Luckily, canon proved out he did have a temper on him, and was sarcastic as hell. So bite me, I did him right before you knew what right was because I read into gestures instead of going with fanon.) 
So, yes I have some experience dealing with people who are trying to enforce their headcanons on you in order to get what they want, rather than playing with the character you’re actually playing! ... I’m just gonna be angry about it all post, but let’s watch...
SO. This shit, I’m gonna repeat, is annoying as fuck. I’ve again got a habit of picking up characters that are interesting in a certain light, and hated by the fandom because fanon’s primary interest is making them out as assholes with no redeemable qualities whatsoever or characters who are kind of boring if you don’t read into them. And I’ve played everything from villains, to heroes, to anti-villains, to anti-heroes so it’s not a matter of ‘well you just play bad guys and try to make them look nice!!!’ It’s a matter of reading between the lines and not immediately dismissing everything but the shallow scan tells you.
Congrats, fair question asker, you have done this. You’ve actually looked at the character, felt a connection, understood their background and/or motives, and are trying to play up what you find there. Whether it’s a misunderstood and understated part of a character, or simply a different read on what is avaliable. You are different, unique, and genuinely trying to play the character true to canon, but how canon came off to you rather than everyone else. The only issue here is people aren’t catching onto what you’re laying down.
This is suffering. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, this is just something that comes with roleplaying. No one will read the same character the same way every single time. Every time you rewatch you catch that little quirk of the mouth that makes something previously serious into a joke and suddenly that character is entirely different for you. Everyone has their own interpretation, and if they can’t handle yours they’re better off playing with someone else or writing fanfics, that’s just facts. 
That’s honestly the best way to handle them if they can’t accept you. Say goodbye, move on, let them suckle at the teat of fandom alone. It’s better to just keep moving than start fights, let them see you RP, let them see your headcanons all fleshed out, let them make their own decision. If they don’t like how you play, that is their prerogative and they can follow their own dreams with other roleplayers. They aren’t wrong, and neither are you, they are incompatible which doesn’t mean someone involved is wrong, just their your views don’t mesh.
Doesn’t mean it don’t hurt, I know. So to help you feel better, and to build a defense against more bullshit, build up an explanation.  Create a page, a site, a profile section that details everything supporting your character decisions. Explain your character in depth, and offer canonical things to back it up. Do you think they’re a secret crybaby? Bring up instances where they’ve hidden their face, or wiped away tears, or been shown crying when no one is looking. Support your claims and explain how you got to this idea. If people have an open mind, they may read it and decide ‘well shit, this sounds neat’ and play with you. Even if they don’t agree, they might enjoy it anyways.
That brings up an important point too. Roleplaying is not canon. Just period, you’ll never be canon because you’re not writing canon, but that’s not the point of roleplaying anyways. Who the hell wants to rewrite canon exactly? Roleplaying is the “What If? World” and in it, you explore possibilities and ideas and viewpoints that may have been missed or overlooked by canon. Moments that may not go against canon but were not shown in it, or hell, moments that completely rewrite canon.
To assume that canon is that important to a roleplay is to snuff out all creativity, life, and change. You character ceases to grow because it is forced to conform to the series, and not to the events happening to it. This is horrible, honestly. This is just not something that is fun for other people by any stretch of the imagination. Every jump, every leap, every change your make together in some deep scene where you spill your feelings and desires being immediately erased? Because you wanna stick to canon? Nuh-huh, no thank you. I’m sure roleplayers like that exist, and good luck to them, but that is not what most people want out of roleplay.
Roleplaying is to enjoy things in new lights, to see other interpretations, to bring new life to a series that may be dead, on hiatus, or finished. This is what happens after Happily Ever After (or if they took another route to it, or if the writers focused on a different character as the main-- and so on and so on.) To close down someone else’s interpretation has two outcomes: you limit their happiness and creativity, and you also push things closer to what you want and expect. Sometimes this is good! Sometimes you want to see something more, specifically in line with your concept of the show so far. Coolios, picking your favorite canon route is fine. You want what seems real to you, and breaking suspension of disbelief is huge. Sometimes this is bad, when you take it too far and start telling people they’re bad or they suck at roleplaying a character just because you two came away with a very different idea.
Sometimes people actually suck at the character, and don’t add anything about them from the series at all, and play a bland rice pudding with no seasonings, and slowly eliminate everything that makes them a character. Turning them into some cardboard cut out with their face, and a self-insert. ... Yeah I wouldn’t play with that either. But shhh, they can just RP elsewhere.
Which is what I suggest. Simply, make your argument. If they disagree and refuse to play, they disagree and it’s not your job to fix that. If they disagree and give you a chance to show it in RP, then by jove, show it. If they agree that that’s a possible read, although not what they came away with, roleplaying is great. This is what I hope people aim for. AND THEN OF COURSE THERE’S THE TOTAL CONVERTS. I love those. They’re fun, if rare.
At worst, you too can write fanfics! Show the world your version, explain, show don’t tell, bring about a fandom change. When some really good fic gets passed around, that interpretation takes root. You can totally fuck up a fandom with your ideas just by getting them out there in a consumable form. People start picking it up, people who may not RP with you, but also RP the character. The whole thing shifts, and suddenly you’re validity meter shoots up. It’s tricky, you gotta nail the right tone and get some interesting fanwork out there, but by god it’s hilarious to watch if you can manage it. Just be you. If no one likes it, their loss. There’s always someone out there willing to play, and it’s no skin off your back.
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yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Congratulations Kilo! You have been accepted for the role of Parker Backes with the FC of Alex Saxon. We particularly appreciated Parker’s relationship with his grandmother and how it has affected him. Please send us an account within the next 24 hours with the ask and submit boxes open.
Welcome to Yalton! We look forward to roleplaying with you.
Name/Alias: Kilo
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27
Timezone: Eastern Time
Activity Level: I suck with the numbers, to be honest, but we’ll call it a 7, I guess? I don’t have much in the way of interference except whatever amount of muse I might or might not have for writing, on any particular day, so I can be on, at a minimum, every other day to get at least one or two replies out, but honestly, that’s a very conservative answer; I’ll probably be on quite a bit more than that.
Things you aren’t willing to write: I’m pretty much open to writing anything. Smut is usually a ‘fade to black’ thing for me; occasionally I will write it, but a lot of times, I just find it awkward and difficult to write (in that how many different words are there for different body parts?), so I don’t. Otherwise, I try not to limit my writing, as I like to challenge myself when it comes to abilities in writing. I’m sure there are some things that, if they were to come up for whatever reason, I’d be like “nope, not writing that” in which case I would vocalize that I am uncomfortable or unwilling to write whatever that is, but otherwise, I try to keep myself open to anything.
Biography Info:
Character Name: Parker Backes
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Agender
Age: 21
Major/Position: Music Composition/Music Therapy major / Tutor
FC: Alex Saxon
Biography: TWs: Death, Depression, Anxiety, Child Abandonment, Child Neglect
For as long as Parker can remember, he was obsessed with two things, music and escape. His introduction to music, or rather, his introduction to creating music, came from his grandmother, at the tender age of two; as a person, she could not have been more different than the son that had fathered Parker. She was a kindly woman, warm and gentle, especially when it came to her singular grandchild, artistic and open-minded. The best – or rather, the most prominent – memory Parker has of his father is that of the back of a suit jacket, hair groomed carefully, briefcase in one hand, suitcase in the other as he walked out the door. The best – or rather, the most prominent – memory Parker has of his mother is that of her buried under the covers, and trying to take care of her when he should have been at recess. Parker was seven when his father left. What he’s learned of him, as he’s grown older, is that the man is a workaholic, stern, and judgmental of those who don’t care to fall in line. What he’s learned of his mother since then is that she’s unstable without a relationship to act as a crutch. Without the constant presence of the crutch of the relationship she had with Parker’s father, depression and anxiety took over her life. The more often Parker’s father left on business trips, the less together Parker’s mother’s life seemed to be. By the time the man left for good, the woman was a less than suitable caretaker for her own child. Too busy to take care of his own child, care fell to the child’s grandmother. It was during his time with his grandmother, both before and after living with her, that he learned what true happiness was. The woman home schooled him during his younger years, and in the process, instilled in him a love for music and dreams of far away places. His studies were unconventional, immersive, and far more in depth than any traditional school could have given him, but by the time he was to enter high school, she gave him the choice to go to a traditional school, to learn things she couldn’t teach him. Joining an actual student body provided Parker with an entirely new experience. His circle of friendships expanded drastically beyond just the other kids his age on his street to people in his classes and the clubs he joined; and he jumped at every chance he had to join a club, whether he was working set design for drama club, helping out with the SGMA – which he fought to have renamed after joining it, as when he joined it was the ‘Gay Straight Alliance’ –, or dreaming of traveling the world in the geography club. When graduation rolled around, he was surprised to find not only his grandmother in the audience, but also his mother and father, in part because he hadn’t invited them, but also because he hadn’t kept in contact with either of them. They had made their beds, and he had never had any desire to look back to see how well they were sleeping in them. With a handshake from his father and a hug from his mother, he was handed an envelope and they once again disappeared from his life, leaving him to a celebratory dinner with his grandmother. It was only after which, with the woman’s encouragement, that he finally cracked the seal on the envelope to examine its contents; inside was a letter explaining that an active trust had been set up in his name, inaccessible until he was twenty-five, unless it were used to pay for college – any of his choosing. In some regards, it was disappointing, knowing he had the money to go anywhere in the world and that he was staying in Ohio, as he’d already chosen his college. At the same time, he preferred the idea of being able to see his grandmother at his leisure while still living on campus. Parker had been on his way to campus to pick up books, at the end of the summer prior to his freshman year, when he received a phone call from an unknown number. It was his father, calling from the hospital, where he was with Parker’s grandmother. The woman had what the doctor referred to as a ‘cardiac episode.’ None of the people in the room, including Parker, were ignorant enough to think of it as anything other than what it was – a heart attack. She died a week later, still in the hospital, when she’d had another. The death of his grandmother proved devastating for Parker, resulting in him deferring his first year at Yalton. Meanwhile, the executor of his grandmother’s estate informed him that everything was left to him, including a letter that told him that he was to sell it all except anything he may want to keep, and use the money from it to travel. It made Parker smile knowing how well she knew him; it made him cry knowing she was gone. Parker did as she wished, however, selling almost everything, and using the money to travel. Now, Parker is twenty-one and in his junior year at Yalton, and though he still struggles with the loss of the most prominent figure in his life, he feels as though he is better equipped to handle what life may throw at him.
State at least one head canon about the character:
Through his grandmother, Parker heard tales of protests, learned all about gender equality, and that neither gender nor sexuality operated on a binary system in spite of many people’s beliefs. He heard about Woodstock, and how she experienced the festival first hand.
Parker sent out early applications to all the schools he applied for, and received early acceptances from most of them. The only college that rejected him was Berklee College of Music, which he did not anticipate acceptance into in the first place.
The only thing Parker kept of his grandmother’s was the guitar that she taught him to play on. It is an antique acoustic guitar with elaborate etchings in the woodwork. He has always admired the artistry of the piece, but is especially attached to it, given that it was the first guitar he ever played, and that it was his grandmother’s.
While her name was Rosanna, and she preferred to be called Rosie – ‘Never Rose’ – Parker always referred to his grandmother as Ro-Ro. When he was just a toddler, he had been told to say hello to ‘Nana Rosie’ and instead ‘Ro-Ro’ came out, and forever stuck.
Most of his traveling was done domestically, though he had considered a cross-Canadian trip. The only time he left the country was his brief time spent in British Columbia while he traveled to Alaska, where he spread his grandmother’s ashes, as it was a place they had discussed both wanting to travel to.
Prior to his grandmother’s death, Parker stuck, strictly, to playing songs of other artists. Since her death, however, he has taken up writing as an outlet for his emotions and turning them into songs. He has always had a strong connection to music and found it a powerful tool in overcoming issues.
Parker lives and works on campus, subletting the apartment he has off campus in favor of ‘free’ housing, thanks to the trust that pays for all of his college expenses. His choice to take up a tutoring gig on campus was an easy one, as learning has always been something that came easy to him, and he helped several of his friends, in high school, through study groups, to pass certain classes that they struggled with.
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wildyoungboggins · 8 years
Let's see how about 30-50? :3
What do you like about roleplaying fluff?
EVERYTHING! Hahaha I think the main thing I like is that you can portray so many good emotions and good feelings in a relationship without having to go into sexy times xD not to mention it gives you warm fuzzies and feels up the wazoo if you can do it right.
What do you dislike about roleplaying fluff?
I guess that maybe it can get redundant if you roleplay it a lot? Like it doesn’t get boring but sometimes it feels like I’m going through the same motions to get the fluff feels. But that’s kind of my own fault because I tend to follow the same patterns when there are so many avenues to go down.
What do you like about roleplaying ships/romance?
I’m assuming this is only talking about shippy ships and not friendships/family ships so I’m going in it with that frame of mind. Honestly, I love roleplaying them because they make my muse happy but also because it allows me to live vicariously through her because damn she gets all the men and it ain’t fair! Hahahaha but seriously I like it when my muse is happy or destroyed by angst so yes I love ships
What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance?
Well one thing is that I love when Ada has friends that are guys that aren’t looking for a ship because I want her to have more friends but sometimes it gets hard when she seems to have chemistry with everyone because of her damn personality. But I guess I just feel bad/my muse gets hella jealous when other ships happen and it’s really irritating for me to have her like that but idk I like ships for the most part
NSFW rp — yes or no? Why?
Uhhh well not on here. I’m not too comfortable roleplaying it on here just because I’m self-conscious about the way I write NSFW. I do it mostly on skype but only with certain people and only when it is built up through a very very VERY long thread usually, save one or two instances. If it’s with the right partner, I absolutely love NSFW because both parties are happy and it’s wonderful and ALL THE CHILDREN.
Do you ever read other people’s NSFW rp threads? (be honest!)
yes all the time No of course not I am an innocent naive child. But honestly I do a lot but if your blog is only/mostly NSFW rps then I will usually unfollow because meh
Do you ever read rp threads you aren’t involved in? What type of thread does it usually have to be to interest you?
ALL THE TIME! I LOVE READING OTHER PEOPLE’S WRITINGS!!! It’s like reading a bunch of stories at once :D I read a little bit of everything though I have to admit if the threads are really really long I usually skip over them because I don’t have the time to read them
If you do read threads you aren’t in, do you usually let the other authors know, or keep it under your hat?
It depends really. I’ve done both. I usually don’t tell people a lot but I have been known to go on anon and send messages about how much I love particular roleplays or asking about how they got certain ships going. I READ DRABBLES ALL THE TIME THOUGH I love them so much.
Has a roleplayer ever changed your view on a character? If so, how? Good or bad? For better or for worse?
Uhhhhh I don’t really know. I can’t think of any specific instances that come to mind. There have been a few that have caused me to be more irritated at the character than I already was but mostly I play with OCs rather than canon. Like there are definitely a few canon that I rp with but not too often. I get very irritated and annoyed when characters that are canon are portrayed as super sexual creatures when it may be barely hinted at that they have a sexual life in whatever canon it is.
Do you like to title threads or not?
If they aren’t memes, yes I like to title threads. It helps me keep track of things and I like naming things :D
Do you like to plot or improv?
A little of both though it’s usually not too much plotting but more yelling at each other to do a thing. Of course, when things are plotted usually my muse and the muse we are playing with totally destroy whatever plot there was with their damn chemistry *cough* @thehalfelves *cough*
Do you like to make open starters?
Every once in awhile, I try to, but I suck at them so I don’t do them often. I’m just really bad at open starters haha
Do you like to answer open starters?
If the rules of the character allow me to and I love the starter, then I definitely will. Sometimes I’ll go in and ask if it is okay before I answer it but yes
Do you usually prefer chat/short replies, or long/para/novella replies?
On here, I tend to do a lot of short replies though those eventually turn into longer replies when my muse gets talkative. I do both though not quite novella replies, maybe a few have been that long but not many.
What’s your favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
Honestly, probably because it’s easy to pop in and out of them and easy to drop if I lose my muse for them. I feel less guilty dropping short styles when I have a lot of other threads with the same person because they are short and spontaneous or memey
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
It’s really really hard to keep one moving if you are only doing a few lines per time. I get meh about most of them after awhile unless they have turned into longer threads
What’s your favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
I like how it develops a story and you get to see both sides of the story. It allows for a lot more build up of plot as well as more description of what is going on around the story itself
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
Do you prefer gifs or icons when roleplaying? Or no FC at all?
It honestly doesn’t matter at all to me. I do all three. It just depends on what my rp partner wants to do.
Do you roleplay with people whose characters aren’t from the same dimentional universe as yours? (For example, if your character is drawn or anime, will you RP with people who use actor face claims/play-bys?)
This actually has been an issue before but usually because I want to rp with people who don’t like faceclaims that aren’t animated/anime. I love to roleplay with literally anybody so I ended up making verses so that I could roleplay with those people with anime/animated faceclaims.
What’s something you like about FCs/Play-Bys?
I feel like they can give more emotion to a roleplay when used correctly.
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