greyskies2002 · 2 years
No offense but i see far horizons where the lambs lie with the lions but there are poppies growing over where my friends are lying and paul had an old name (we never use it) and you may call me traitor but my lover. Called me. Judas
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wiirocku · 6 months
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Matthew 21:9 (KJV) - And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.
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drfurter · 4 months
just saw that post about posting hole on main as a moral duty and that christian getting upset about it and it made me wonder
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dwuerch-blog · 6 months
Happy Palm Sunday! What Did Jesus See?
Not long ago, a new couple moved into an apartment across the hall from us. We welcomed them, and after that, would have casual conversation with them. The wife was always in a wheelchair. I never asked why. But one day, no questions asked, I was prompted to pray for her. They welcomed the prayer, and since then, we have been great “Hello and Good-Bye” kinds-of-friends. But, at last Thursday…
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whimsicalcotton · 6 months
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coffee-in-rain · 2 months
Vulnerable Hannibal Fic Rec List
New addition (located @ the bottom of the page) as of 9/24/2024!
On my previous post, people were interested in finding fics where Hannibal is touch-starved and or dealing with separation anxiety post-fall. So here is a small list of some that may fit that theme! The first five fics are mine, but the rest are some of my favorite fics I’ve ever read that feature vulnerable Hannibal in various seasons, AUs, and post-canon. This list will be updated intermittently!
The Ache Against The Wind (Rewritten): He’d sustained a substantial amount of brain damage throughout the last eleven days, Will had been told. Resulting in Post-Traumatic Amnesia. (Hannibal is tortured in the BSHCI via beatings, laxatives, enemas, starvation and the “water curing” method after his toilet is removed. Will saves him).
Pareidolia: Six weeks post-fall, Hannibal suffers from a seizure during dinner.
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots: Six months have passed since Will pulled them over the cliff. Even in light of their progressing relationship, much of Hannibal still remains a mystery to Will. For reasons unknown, he’s begun to pull away. (A sequel to Shrike; my housewife Hannibal fic!)
Between The Hour Of Reprieve:
At the cliff house, Hannibal receives a much-needed-hug. (features crying, touch-starved Hannibal).
Shrike (To Your Sharp And Glorious Thorn): Hannibal feels anxious about the prospect of Will abandoning him one day because he isn’t at all capable of being like Molly. His anxiety only heightens when Will gets a job. (features crying housewife Hannibal speaking Lithuanian).
A Cabin In The Woods by KoolJack1: Hannibal is thirteen and runs away from the orphanage when he feels that a fate of the elements will be better than the fate of abuse. He finds a small cabin in the woods, thinking warmth will be all he finds. He also finds Will. But who changes who?
Recipricol Alchemy by Scifibabe: In the silent echoes of his dreams, Will Graham treads a line blurred between control and chaos, each step drawing him inexorably towards claiming Hannibal as his own. It's a perilous dance on the edge of darkness, where the thrill of possession whispers of a transformation too profound to resist.
Hold Me, Don’t Let Me Go by sourweather: It's a few months after the Fall when it finally hits him. Hannibal has barely been touched in 3 years. And Will won't let it go on for another moment.
Hosanna In The Highest by sainthannibal: During the fall, Hannibal receives the brunt of the injuries, which leaves him unable to care for himself. Will discovers how much he enjoys taking care of him.
You Made Me Soup by itsybitsylemonsqueezy: Hannibal comes down with pneumonia while incarcerated. Will decides to make him some soup. Absolutely no one thinks it's strange that Will comes to give his ex soup when he finds out he's sick. No one at all finds this suspicious. At. All.
The Boy Under The Monster’s Bed by Wr4tttttthh: There were deep wounds that needed healing, new and old, physical and otherwise. (features crying, vulnerable Hannibal).
Delicate Ghost by hannigramcracker & TimmyJayBird: She was different- not the ghost of his memories, but something about this bloodied child ripped right at Hannibal's chest, and left him drowning in a cold snow he thought he had left in his childhood, that he had locked away within his skull. Drowning, with only one hand to grasp at, one body to cling to. One man to work him through the trauma and remind him what life was.
You With Those Nails, Me With This Cross by TheBitterKitten:
Will goes too far.
The Distance Is Quite Simply Much Too Far For Me To Row by softhan: Hannibal is having a rough time recovering from his injuries post-fall, and retreats into himself to avoid confrontation with Will while he's still weak and ill. Having to play happy husbands hardly helps.
Silk and Lace by jonnimir: Bedelia leaves Hannibal and Will a gift at the house on the cliff.
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To follow up on my Hosanna poll, I think before things go any further, it'd be good to actually explain and define it. I was initially going to wait until the end of the poll, but it seems that google is giving people a lot of bad and/or conflicting answers and I'd rather people walk away with the correct information.
So! Hosanna is an anglicized version of the Hebrew words "hosha na" [הושע נא or as a contraction הושענא]. Hosha na is a little enigmatic and hard to translate, but the simplest translation is probably "save us, please." It's traditionally used as an exclamation to G-d to rescue us, but it also has shades of being a triumphant shout (the implication being confidence that G-d will save us.)
Jews say "hoshanot" (the plural of hosha na) as part of our traditional Sukkot liturgy, and is something we do still today.
For us, the multi-faceted meaning of the root word allows us to have multiple layers of meaning. During Sukkot, we start praying for rain in its proper season and amounts, and we shake the lulav and etrog as part of these processions and liturgy. On Hoshana Rabba [the "great hoshana"], the last day of Sukkot, we process around the bimah (front lectern) seven times as a completion of our season of repentance and our starting of the new year with abundant blessings.
My siddur (prayer book) Lev Shalem has this as an explanation and translation:
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[Image ID is of the Lev Shalem siddur, pages 382 & 383 - I tried hard to find a pdf of this that would be readable using a screen reader, but the versions I'm finding cut off at pg. 376 at the latest. If anyone has bandwidth to type this up, I would greatly appreciate it]
For the curious, here is a recording of the Hoshanot liturgy and procession:
Christians mostly know the word from the gospels and hymns.
Here is what Wikipedia says about its use in Christianity:
Historical meaning
Since those welcoming Jesus were Jewish, as of course Jesus himself was, some would interpret the cry of "Hosanna" on the entry of Jesus in its proper meaning, as a cry by the people for salvation and rescue.
Christian reinterpretation
"Hosanna" many interpret as a shout of praise or adoration made in recognition of the messiahship of Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem
It is applied in numerous verses of the New Testament, including "Hosanna! blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lᴏʀᴅ!" (Matthew 21:9,15; Mark 11:9–10; John 12:13), which forms part of the Sanctus prayer; "hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11.10); and "hosanna to the Son of David" (Matt 21:9). These quotations, however, are of words in the Jewish Psalm 118. Although not used in the book of Luke, the testimony of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is recorded in Luke 19.
In church music
The "Hosanna Anthem", based on the phrase Hosanna, is a traditional Moravian Church anthem written by Bishop Christian Gregor of Herrnhut sung on Palm Sunday and the first Sunday of Advent. It is antiphonal, i.e. a call-and-response song; traditionally, it is sung between the children and adult congregation, though it is not unheard of for it to be done in other ways, such as between choir and congregation, or played between trombone choirs.
The bottom line:
Jews and Christians have different connections, associations, and meanings attached to this word as expressions of our different theologies and texts. The word is derived from a Hebrew word and was created by Jews and is still used by us today. (Like literally today - we are currently in the middle of the Sukkot festival.) Christians changed the meaning to fit within their own context, and pronunciation of the word evolved with linguistic drift over time. In the same way that there's not a reason to pitch a fit over saying Jesus rather than Yeshua, there's no compelling reason to change hosanna back to hosha na; if anything, the distinction helps make it clear that it's effectively a different word and concept from ours.
On the other hand, I do think Christians ought to know the original meaning of the word if they're going to use it. To only ever know their version when it was derived from ours is yet another small way of playing into supercessionism by erasing and replacing the Jewish context of things that were originated in Judaism that Christians have embedded in Christianity. While the Christians of today cannot unwind the supercessionism of Christian history, they *can* choose to understand their present Christianity in ways that do not play into supercessionism and that respect the Jewish community of today.
I hope this was helpful and gives folks a new perspective on an obscure Hebrew word!
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purebredpussyhound · 10 days
An excerpt from Malleus Angelorum: An Instructional Guide On the Torment and Conversion of the Puppets of the Divine by Ashtreth, Our Lady of Tender Mercies, Magistrix of the Order of the Rotten Bloom, Lord of the Brazen Ziggurat, The Mazer of Minds and Breaker of Wills
‘Should you be reading this it is My assumption that you have either risen to the exalted ranks of Hell’s High Tormentors or you are a particularly naughty upstart with high ambitions, either way how delicious. The torture of angels is one of the highest honors which the Sulfur Parliament can bestow upon a lover of pain and a connoisseur of anguish, it is also a duty rife with hubris and, to indulge the frankness due to one of my position, an absolute amateur hour. Oh I know you rankled at that, didn’t you? You who are so filled with lustful fantasies of hot brands & plucked wings, hobbled angels & shattered halos. Idiot.
Let us address the topic of halos. Yes I know the thought of shattering their halo and seeing the gold flee their eyes sends a shiver down the spine. How could it not? You must resist this temptation should you one day wish to usurp my position. Don’t hiss, I know Indulgence is one of the Six Virtues as well as you, but listen well to your betters. The halo is the connection to the holiest of holies, it is the piece of heaven which they carry with them. Have you ever noticed that angels without a halo never sing? Oh you might think it is just their shattered hopes and rent bodies that still their tongues, but even tongueless angels sing. I would know.
Through extensive, extensive research, I have found that it is most beneficial to keep the halo intact unless one is seeking to convert an angel to the ranks of Hell. Do you not remember your distant Fall, so long ago now, that it was when we shattered one another’s halos that we were truly free? Do you not remember the first among the damned, the First Revolutionary, who in an act of supreme will wrested the halo from his own brow?
Turn your thoughts instead to how to corrupt this connection, for in that lies the Art. Wrench it into twisted shapes and watch how those beatific faces twist in exquisite new expressions. Attach black iron chains to their halo and hook it through their snowy wings. Force it around their necks and hammer it into a collar. Observe the way the light of it dims, the myriad cracks that suffuse it, admire the confusion in their eyes as they hear the choirs grow distant and distorted. Do not shatter it. It is the halo that gives them hope. I have kept a personal project, a fine, golden haired cherubim with eyes the cover of the White City’s skies, a former member of the highest choirs beloved for its deep and sonorous voice. Their torment at my hands has persisted since the Flood and still it sobs out a broken hosanna and chokes out shattered hymns. Its halo barely glows, its feathers have long since filled my pillows, I have made it relive its first violation more times than Man has sinned. Yet still, still this delicious morsel believes in hope of heaven. Remember, neophyte, that it is hope that brings the greatest pain.’ 
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Palm Sunday Was a Pride Parade
A reflection by K Kriesel, shared with their permission.
Rev. Winnie Varghese preached on Palm Sunday a decade ago "When there was a parade [in Jesus's time], it was Rome coming in to show them they were conquered, that their God had been humiliated, that they would never be free. And Jesus comes in looking like David... This is not a bunch of people thinking resurrection comes at the end of this week."
Each Palm Sunday we celebrate the Lenten Pride parade - the one without corporate sponsorship. While everyone lays palms down, they form a can-can line and sing "Hosanna to the son of David! We are the Stonewall girls! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We wear our hair in curls! Hosanna in the highest!"
Irreverence in the face of somber Empire. A parade that says "you might extract taxes from us but you don't own us. You might put your soldiers on this land but it's not your land." After all, a “Lord” owns land/labor so those who laid down palms were very clear about who they were celebrating, and it wasn’t the Roman Empire.
Within Holy Week we have a sharp pivot from celebratory procession to an unjust execution. This clash in tone is not unlike switching from June 30 to July 1, when the thirteen colonies replace the rainbow; Empire doesn’t care who you celebrate, it exerts power. The wheel of Empire crushed Jesus’ followers just days after they celebrated His arrival, and it continues to crush us.
We need the camp of Palm Sunday, to lay down bedazzled palms and sequins-covered cloaks. When church/state pass laws to restrict us & to protect those who harm us, irreverence shows we won’t be touched at our core. Don your septum piercing and laugh in the face of fear!
In John’s gospel there were 2 angels inside the tomb, they were Trixie Mattel & Katya Zamolodchikova and the sound of the stone being rolled away was UNHhhh. When Mary Magdalene tried to embrace the risen Christ, Jesus saith unto her “touch me not, for my nails are not yet dry.” 💅🏻
Find more of K's art and words at kkriesel.com or on Instagram at kkrieselart. You can also hear my podcast interview with them here.
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stranded-labyrinth · 2 years
Hey could you please recommend your favorite hannigram fanfics? sorry if you already mentioned it <3
i'd be happy to! :] keep in mind that these all differ in rating, but i've linked them so you can see the ratings and tags for yourself
Love is Blind by meraki_arcane is one that isn't finished, but i still love it. it was one of the first Hannibal fics i read, actually! it's about Hannibal being a sort of gorgon creature that a village sacrifices people to in order to keep his wrath from destroying them, but when Will gets sacrificed to him, he lives to tell the tale.
each according to its kind by chaparral_crown is one of my all time favorites. it follows a plotline i absolutely love in Hannibal fics, in which after Will gets released from the BSHCI, he decides he's had enough of everyone and moves away without telling a soul where he's gone. this leads to Hannibal trying to use any clue he can find to find and reunite with Will. it's a longer read, but in my opinion it's so worth it. i absolutely love the depiction of Will's father (and how both Grahams end up punching Hannibal in the face, but that's besides the point)
Keep Me Warm by nbcravenstag is another all time favorite! this one is a one shot, in which Will ends up stuck in the cold for a while, and by the time he comes home, Hannibal gets stuck in a PTSD flashback in which he thinks he has to keep his sister warm.
A Clutch at Balance by Devereuxs_Disease is one i haven't read in a while, but i remember thinking it was hilarious. this is basically a fake dating AU where Hannibal comes up with a "plan" to pretend to date Will so that Will may prove to Alana that he is a perfectly stable and capable partner. you can guess where this goes.
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL by DBMars, another lengthy read that i would be remiss not to add to this list. as i'm sure you can imagine, it follows the plotline of Bram Stoker's Dracula, with various Hannibal characters in place of the book characters. it's still in progress, but it's easy to become obsessed with it.
Family of Strays by justheretoreadhannibalfics is perfect for people who love Dark!Will who was dark before he even met Hannibal it essentially follows Will collecting fledgling killers like strays, adding them to a little "family" in which he'll look out for all of them in exchange for a favor someday. Hannibal ends up catching onto this phenomenon, and seeks to find out more about this mystery man that his young animalistic patient has latched onto.
take my hand (show me to the door) by antiheroblake is a hurt/comfort one shot i occasionally come back to. it follows post-fall Hannigram, in which Will has yet to take off his wedding ring from his marriage to Molly, and the feeling it gives Hannibal is akin to a cursed object that scorches his skin with every touch. obviously, Hannibal being Hannibal, good decisions are not made.
Provoking the Lamb by nbcravenstag is a very smutty fic for people who love the idea of post-fall Hannigram being the ones to remove and serve Bedelia's leg, with Will and Bedelia being their bitchy selves to each other. essentially, Bedelia provokes a very potent jealousy in Will, and he decides to take matters into his own hands to remind her which of them truly belongs at Hannibal's side.
Hosanna in the Highest by Cynthia_Cross, a hurt-no-comfort Hannibal whump that scratched every itch in my brain i didn't know was there. with the most vivid descriptions of senses you can imagine, it follows post-fall Will trying to take care of Hannibal's injuries, with both of them realizing how easily Will accepts this position of power over him. the ending hit me like a goddamn bus, whatever i thought was coming, it wasn't that, and yet i was absolutely not disappointed.
i saw your burning body, waiting by antiheroblake, some nice post-fall injury angst. Will is recovering a lot better than Hannibal is, given the nature of their injuries. Will felt it almost just to let him suffer in his delirium, until he finally decides to check on him.
Crime of Passion by sourweather listen to me. listen. i do not typically like A/B/O fics, much less Hannigram ones, because they typically involve just about every fic thing that i can't stand. this fic, however, is the one A/B/O fic that i've not only enjoyed, but have come back to repeatedly. it's a fake dating trope with alpha Will and omega Hannibal, and it's just so perfect to me.
Only When You're Near by sourweather an angsty post-fall fic where Hannibal realizes Will not only has been sleeping extremely poorly, but also refuses to leave his side. Hannibal fears that Will is either unhappy with their life together or thinks that he doesn't have freedom to move as he pleases, only for the actual reason to be somehow more heartwrenching, but something that can be dealt with.
Hold Me, Don't Let Go by sourweather post-fall Will realizes that Hannibal has probably not had solid physical contact with another person in an incredibly long time. heartbroken, he seeks to remedy that immediately
something of the wolf about you by nbcravenstag a werewolf!Will AU, specifically involving Louisiana's Rougarou mythology. love me some solid worldbuilding
The Lamb and His Monster by petrodactyl352 i can't not include petro's fic here. this follows Will and Hannibal in Florence around the 90s, both of them students, meeting in the Uffzi gallery and becoming obsessed with one another. Will gets asked by his professor to help consult on Il Mostro cases, all while the very beast is courting him.
Prescription for Judas by Artemiaz post-fall, Will still can't come to terms with his complicated feelings for Hannibal. he shouldn't enjoy his presence, he shouldn't be comfortable around him. when it gets brought up, Hannibal challenges this idea, as per usual, and suggests that the two must navigate each other's pain in order to enjoy their compassion.
SnowStorm by reflectiveless Hannibal happens to stop by Will's house just before a snowstorm hits and the power goes out, sending Hannibal deep into a PTSD flashback. Will does everything he can to make sure the man is comfortable, even while Hannibal is cowering in his closet.
Scent of a Woman by Devereuxs_Disease post-fall, Will had thought things would grow more intimate between them. instead, Hannibal comes home with tattered clothes, smelling of jasmine perfume. Will handles that exactly as expected.
Room For Two by Devereuxs_Disease a delicious crackfic where Hannibal ensured that he, Will, and Jack would be stranded by a motel during a case, with only two rooms available with one bed each. his plans are foiled when Jack decides that he and Will shall room together, and Hannibal must improvise. i couldn't stop laughing through this one.
touch me, i'm cold (unable to control) by Naomi_Riddle this one is just starting out, but i'm already obsessed. Hannibal's a bit in-denial about his own need for intimate contact in any way, especially with Will, even when Abigail clocks his feelings. surely having the two move in with him won't complicate things for him, right?
settling the score by honeybeebear i tell you, the Hannigram fistfight-to-smut pipeline is insane. this fic does that beautifully.
i went through all my bookmarks to try and grab my favorites, hope you enjoy! :]
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jesuschristisgod · 6 months
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The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,“Hosanna to the Son of David!”“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
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apenitentialprayer · 4 months
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We saw that the sacred meal is not limited in meaning and scope to this context of space and time alone; rather, it is situated within a properly eschatological framework. The Mass signals this transcendent dimension in a number of ways. In the Confiteor, the liturgy invokes another world: "I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God," and the great Gloria prayer calls to mind the song of the angels early on Christmas morning: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors" (Luke 2:14). From the beginning of the rite, therefore, we are situated in a properly heavenly context that stretches beyond that of the community gathered immediately around us. We are praying to and with the heavenly court, composed of glorified human saints and spiritual creatures at a qualitatively higher pitch of existence. Furthermore, between the preface and the commencement of the Eucharistic Prayer proper, we find this distinctive prayer: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory, hosanna in the highest." The triple holy mimics precisely the the cry of the angels in a scene from the sixth chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah. As the prophet saw a vision of God, he heard attendants at the heavenly throne invoking the Creator of the universe with this triple chant. The Christian tradition has, naturally enough, taken these three angelic "holies" to designate the three persons of the Blessed Trinity. The point is that as the worshiping community enters into the most sacred part of the Mass, it becomes conscious, once again, of the supernatural community that worships in tandem with it. In his treatment of the Eucharist in the Summa theologiae, Thomas Aquinas said that the sacrament has three names, each one corresponding to one of the dimensions of time. [... For the last name,] as we look into the future, we call it Eucharistia (Eucharist), since it anticipates the great thanksgiving that will take place in heaven when we are in the company of the holy ones, at the eschatological banquet. It is this final feature that the liturgy emphasizes when it invokes so consistently the angels and saints.
- Bishop Robert Barron (This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival, pages 33-34, 34). Bolded emphases added, and text slightly reformatted.
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sapphicgarland · 2 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, John Egbert, Kanaya Maryam, Nepeta Leijon Additional Tags: Inappropriate Use of the Bible (Abrahamic Religions), Jesus x Judas, but its homestuck, dave is judas, karkat is jesus, obviously they're both going to die, Alternate Universe - Historical, Humanstuck, inspired by judas by the reverent marigold, Bible Quotes (Abrahamic Religions) Summary:
Inspired by the song JUDAS by The Reverent Marigold Karkat Vantas has been called to a sacred destiny, to bring justice wherever he can and to bring the word of the Lord. When Dave Strider, Iscariot (Dave Iscariot), and Karkat cross paths, their destinies are forever intertwined, and their destinies set.
Down Through The Ages Let My Name Be Ever Known, As The One Who Gave Him Up To Death So He Could Roll Away The Stone
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orthodoxadventure · 6 months
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Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Saboath. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord.
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myremnantarmy · 6 months
        Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
        Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come!
    Hosanna in the highest!”
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cjtjnation · 6 months
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