danielgoldhorn · 3 months
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JK Rowling keeps getting fucking worse. Maybe she should spend less time ranting on Twitter at every little provocation, and more time taking her own advice to not "press send without thinking 'I should maybe check my source for this'"
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marblegroves · 10 months
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Fire opal explorations ^^
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wejustvibing · 5 months
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now what the hell is happening??
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gumisgirl · 7 months
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la douleur exquise
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amid-fandoms · 3 months
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can’t believe i’m thirdwheeling prison footage
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its 2024. shigaraki is dead. 1A is entirely off screen. ochako is queer. bkdk post-war hospital scene is canon. who would've thought.
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alltheoutcasts · 10 months
I like how we all agreed that Sherlock tastes like cigarettes and or strawberries and John tastes like earl gray or mint
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tortoisebore · 5 months
i am here to confirm before you all that as of two minutes ago, chapter 9 is (finally) written in its entirety 💀
i’m starting on editing tomorrow (bc my brain is fried rn & the last 2-3k words need a truly comical amount of work) & i’ll keep u updated on the timeline, but i think we’re looking at a wednesday update! 🤭
thank u for being patient 💕💕💕💕💕
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candice127 · 2 years
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I’m sobbing 😭😍❤️
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official-lauchzwiebel · 9 months
What a year to be gay. We got sweet boys in love forbidden queer romance a celestial divorce and now whatever Stede and Ed have got going on. Love WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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moo-oon · 8 months
OFMD Spoilers!!!
S2 E08
Izzy is my favorite and I have a lot of problems with the ending of his character arc (because it doesn't fit/ruins all of his development) but I am also disappointed with how Ed and Stede end up.
This entire season Stede has grown so much as a pirate. Of course, he has a long way to go but he was slowly becoming a better captain and fighter. This is the thing he has wanted for ages and you can definitely tell he's proud of himself. Stede having pride in his leadership and himself is so important and then he just throws it all away? With no discussion? Suddenly we end up in an inn with Ed?
Meanwhile, Ed's arc is an entire mess in itself. In the beginning, he's abusive and suicidal but somehow (through absolutely no reasonable manner) he gets redeemed? Ed slowly realizes that he does not want to be Blackbeard or a pirate at all. But instead of following through he gives up and goes back to piracy. Ed's arc is all over the place but at least in the end he kind of gets what he wants.
But why? Everything he has done in this season has been entirely selfish. He wants to be on better terms with the crew but only because he does not like the feeling of guilt. Not because he feels bad for the amount of pain he's put everyone in. For a show that had previously been about communication ("talk it through as a crew"), the lack of it in this season is pitiful. Not once is Ed forced to look in the mirror and take responsibility (or even acknowledge) that he has done something wrong. Instead, the entire season caters to Ed's whim and I genuinely don't understand why. He has not earned his happy ending at all.
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if anybody has any thoughts I am very interested in the specific “I downloaded baldurs gate 3 for astarion but am now obsessed with Gale” pipeline
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sibyl-of-space · 3 months
so i went back to the insane FB dm i got from that one out-of-his-depth normie dudebro who played my game for some reason and gave me ""feedback"", because i want to see if there is anything valuable in there in the sea of nonsense. i already bitched on here about his bonkers narrative "criticism" (i don't think he has ever read a book), but i forgot that he also gave the absolute funniest complaint about the auto text mechanic:
i find the automatic text scrolling speed to be too slow, so i usually click to complete it this makes all the text load but then after a second of the text all being visible on screen, it times out before i can finish reading and I cannot go back to previous text without looping through all the rest of the text in this set of interactions until I can finish and go back in order to reread the initial text I wasnt able to read in time. So I end up either waiting for a semi unreasonably long time, Which I obviously didnt do, electing instead to loop through most interactions multiple times really quickly just to reread any text I wasnt able to read the first time it loaded and gave me a second to read it.
my man. the auto text progression timer can be toggled off. in fact it has to be manually toggled ON in the first place. it only auto progresses like that because you activated the setting. WHAT are you doing. you have invented the worst possible way to read a visual novel. THERE IS EVEN A TEXT BACKLOG IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY SKIPPED A LINE...... WHAt are yoU DOING........
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flowersfortheghost · 6 months
woke up and stared at the wall thinking about fics for ghostflower week and thats when i realized literally everything i have so far is based on something from hunger games
anyways, how's ur morning/day/night going?
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333itgirl · 1 year
idk ab y’all but those last 10 mins of season 3 of hsmtmts truly destroyed the show’s potential for me, idk. like i actually cannot believe i might be considering tuning in for season 4 after that absolute dumpster fire of a finale as a pw stan. ( i honestly am curious to see how badly t*m can screw up ej’s character arc, if he’s even alive by the end of the season or if he planted a hospitalization/surprise death storyline in just to make matt cornett suffer more than he already has) like, holy fuck. i remember staring into the abyss for ab 20 minutes afterwards trying to comprehend what i just watched. we really lost in the worst possible way. fedrelala really said y’all aren’t just going to lose, you’re going to suffer and i am going to make you want to actually swallow thumbtacks and light yourselves on fire. that was quite possibly the worst case scenario that could’ve ever happened. like idk if i ever lost that bad in terms of a ship in my life. the worst thing i ever did was put any sort of faith in #THATMAN to write a good ending for pw, or any ending bc what we got? was an absolute annihilation. and boy, was i not prepared.
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22plus15 · 5 months
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hero 💪🤍
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