duckduckngoose · 4 months
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iamthekaijuking · 2 months
I think I finally figured out what Astalos is supposed to be. It's a Nightjar/Swallow. The majority of its prey are Neopterans, but instead of catching them mid-air like the birds in question, it can instead use electrical pulses from its piezoelectric organs to kill and stun them in mass as it flies through the swarm, only to land and eat them once they've fallen to the ground. This might explain why Astalos is so psycho. It's constantly spending energy on its electricity to kill large amounts of prey to sustain itself and to aquire large amounts of energy to create more piezoelectricity to aquire more prey, and so it goes on and on and on. In a way similar to animals like hummingbirds and short tailed shrews, Astalos may very well be trapped in a viscous cycle of energy acquisition and high energy expenditure. I looked closely at astalos's design as well, and it has a wing shape quite reminiscent to that of nightjars, long with pointed tips, good for sustained high speed flight. I also looked at the feet, and they're pretty much an identical copy of how nightjar feet look.
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There’s a possibility that that’s what’s going on! Although there might be some issues.
Astalos’s electrogenesis might mean it can’t fly as long as other volant wyverns. Unless it has a completely novel way of generating electricity, it’s likely it’s using modified muscle tissue. Like with all electricity generating animals, these muscle cells probably gave up their ability to contract in order to maximize electricity output. This means that Astalos effectively has less “muscle” per muscle and is weaker than other creatures of similar mass.
If this is true then it might be more energy efficient to forage on the ground by using their massive claws to sift through leaf litter. And in sunbreak one of his idle animations has him do exactly that! Astalos’s third toe is noticeably bigger than his second and fourth toes, which might be an adaptation for cursoriality. It is similar to nightjars yes, but more extreme.
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Thanks to @krmoaten-blog for the pics again
Male astalos also have those big knuckle duster claws that they use to brute force beat the fuck out of things, much like the males of some species of birds. These are likely an adaptation for fighting other male Astalos over mates. If male wings are more dedicated to combat than flight then they probably spend less time in the air than females (in fact a few duck species have entirely flightless males with wings dedicated exclusively for combat). This could also offer an explanation for the aggression of the Astalos we fight, which are all male. Instead of aggression caused by hunger it might instead be them using things as punching bags for practice when they fight for mates, which some of those species of ducks I mentioned do.
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How would you suggest going about getting a specific recording of Cats if you have no intentions on becoming a trader or collecting any others?
First step is figure out who has the recording you want, and their preferred contact info/method.
Once you've figured that out, it wholly depends on the recording - I know that a lot of traders (myself included) are happy to gift a video/audio or two without any payment or trading necessary, so long as the video isn't a rarer one/limited trade. Very rare, NFT or hard to get videos will likely not be gifted, as that's a good way to get in trouble. Honestly, just ask politely, indicate your situation, and send off.
Some traders sell videos, which makes the process easy to just get what you'd like and duck out, but unless that's the only way to aquire something at the time or rarer, I usually avoid that.
After you've acquired the video, you no longer have to do any business in the trading world - enjoy your new recording!
If I have the recording you'd like (LIST), please send me an email!
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life-of-drew · 4 years
Guys I’m so frustrated. I don’t know how to get ducks in Stardew Valley and I keep trying to paint landscapes and my trees look like demented fingers so I’m gettin mad >:(
Honestly when you want the self care but the self care doesn’t want you.
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cakesfunhouse · 2 years
open for more fun dca times
sun spinning into the shadows with you to let moon out so he can dip u into a kissy, tickling you while your guards down and spinning right back into the light for sun to see your smiling face in all its glory
sun stopping everything and going YOU in the most scandalized voice, sprinting off full force and coming back with you in hand, faceplate spinning as he goes "delinquent aquired"
fuckin. being in a routine of play acting entire scenarios at eachother and nopony else knows what the FUCK is going on but somehow you've taken down the bot they've seen delete intruders effortlessly and you're giving a speech over his giggling dead body
. yn yawning on their shift and after the last kids left suns like hey yn! can we show you something? and you're like sure what is it and sun says it's a surprise! and he picks you up because he just likes to hold you and takes off out the daycare moon taking over when they get into the maintenance tunnels and they're just walk walk walking sun and moon taking turns chattering with you as they pass by lights and man these tunnels are long and they're cradling you so steadily and they've started playing their music box at one point and you could listen to them ramble for hours and next thing you know you've fallen asleep in their hold you wake up the next morning tucked into their nest up in their room, plushies of each of them in each arm, some snacks laid out for when u wake up
standing on their feet as they lead you through a dance like you're a kid again, bouncing back and forth and never losing your balance because they're always there to catch you, to swing you into another move, to dip you with a playful tickle. they love you so much
they save images of every time you've smiled at them, of you just existing in their daycare, of every time you choke on your food because they made you laugh, all your silly cute little faces you call embarrassing. they go through these whenever you're away, making sure they're all safe and secure, thinking about how they'll greet you the next morning. maybe they'll dance again! or maybe they'll have the lights off and moon can lure you into a game! or maybe maybe maybe they'll start the day off with a good old cuddle session
it doesn't really matter, so long as they get to see your face light up at the sight of them, to hear your heavenly giggles as they boop your nose and tell you that honestly, you should really just stay here with them. they love you. they love you. they love you
them messaging you through your fazwatch when you're at home you always wake up to a "good morning!" and an image of either sun or moon in some silly situation you can't send pictures back but you wish you could. they'll send you pictures of all sorts of things, a kid covered in glitter glue, the shocked expression of a guard who's hat moon stole, the other bots goofing when they're alone. at night, on the dot, they'll always send you a good night. sometimes moonll play a song for you. they make sure not to send any messages while you're (supposed to be) sleeping
one day, during naptime, you're sat in moons lap as the children sleep around you, and he's fidgeting with his arms, with you….. he carefully takes one hand in his, and ties something lovingly around your wrist. you hadn't even noticed he'd taken one of their ribbons off. once it's properly secured, he raises your hand to kiss it, before turning to kiss your cheek. he doesn't say anything.
them getting you oh so flustered on purpose, getting really close and not letting you hide your face. please pleaseplease look at them? they love you! they cradle your face, saving a video of the moment somewhere safe, somewhere secret. so that no matter what happens, they'll always have this moment. they'll always have you. they love you.
the power going out, and you were already stressed from overstimulation that day, from a few particularly nasty parents, and the darkness comes with a loud SLAM as the electricity forcedly cuts, and your heart jumps into your throat, frozen as the scare starts you on a spiral, and then moon is there, his eyes a beacon in the dark, he's already holding you, swaying you gently, chattering away in his lilting way of his, fingers brushing up against your face as he keeps your face focused on his. hi there, starlight, nothing to worry about, big strong moony is here to keep you safe, and he flexes dramatically, making sure the light of his eyes catches on the motion, his string bean arm comically noodly as ever as he puts on a faux macho man voice. why are you laughing? he is too very strong, very scary, he assures you. you're safe with him here, he loves you. and hey, look, your eyes are adjusting to the glow in the dark stars on his clothes, on the ceiling of the daycare.
moon keeping you distracted, maybe even lulling you into a nap. he really has a way with it, and you never sleep better than when you're with him.
something setting you off during work, the sounds of children at play suddenly too loud, the lights too bright, and everything feels like its on fire, like theres a current running through you, like you might burst, and suddenly suns voice is piercing through the chaos, "One two three, eyes on me! It's time for a game of hide-and-seek!" And as the light dims and suns voice switches to moons, he says, "you wouldn't want to get caught by the big bad boogie man, would you~?"
and as the children run off to hide, moon is there, shepharding you to a dark corner without touching you, asking if you want to go to their room. it'll be fast, they tell you exactly where they'll touch you to lift you there, its about time you had a break honestly, oh, and you're looking awefully thirsty too, mauybe they'll bring you a water bottle, too. its not an option, not a fuss, you are going to your break and its okay they have this they love you youre doing so well today so lets take a break
nobody saw your moment of weakness. they'll just tell the kids you're extra good at hiding. besides, they really want to show you the upgrades they've made to the nest!
sun or moon getting stuck on their own loop, an episode of their own, and seeing this you start one of your 'plays', calling out their name as their attention snaps to you in an instant, your voice a beacon in the torrential chaos that is their processes, something safe, something to latch on to; sunny, oh, sunny, you want to play a game! but you can't decide; would red light green light, or hide and seek be better? oh theyre both just such fun choices! either way, you want to be it-it-it this time! and when he can only manage to tilt his head at you, stepping closer to fidget with your clothes, you nod. Hide and seek sounds best, he's right!and the children bolt, sun stationary at your side as you hold his hand. He'll be it with you, right? The daycare is soooo mazelike, you could really use his guiding presence! Even when in reality you're just leading him along, wondering aloud just where oh where the kids went, picking up the tactics and antics he usually uses, with your own flair. its so easy to just focus on you, to focus on your voice and your soft hand in his. on the loving glances you give up at him, and everything is okay. everything is safe. everything is right, and he is okay
You're there after hours one night, and the new night shift guard has just found you. She doesn't recognize you, and although you show her your staff ID, she doesn't think you're allowed here after hours. She already thinks you're a slow weirdo, taking your joy and almost-childish humor to mean you're stupid, sub-human. An assumption commonly made of you, unfortunately, And one that always, always makes you freeze up.
She takes your sudden demeanor as noncompliance, complaining loudly that, you'd better not start throwing a tantrum, too, really, you're a grown adult, why are you acting like this. She's going to report you to your supervisors, you're going to get in trouble, you might even get fired for tresspassing after hours, and the whole time she's yanking on your arm, trying to force you towards the exit, loudly berating you and complaining about every little thing she can think of.
And then Moon is there, grabbing her arm and yanking yours free. He's between the two of you now, and he tells the guard something. You don't know what. Your thoughts are buzzing. A moment, and then he turns to you, sweeping you up into a familiar cradle, practically flying away as the two of you rapidly approach the daycare. The next thing you know, you're in his room, in their nest, your favorite blankets being pressed to your hands, the lights dimmed, a water bottle appears out of nowhere. Really, honestly, what a… Well! Moon has absolutely nothing nice to say about that guard, and he already has reported her for her misdemeanor. She Will not be coming back after tonight, he assures you! Why, what if she'd acted that way with a kid? Absolutely, totally unacceptable! She should know better than to act like that! Oh, here you go, sweetheart. Sunny wants you to have his plushie. He'll be out to hug you in a bit, but really! How rude of her! He loves you, you know. You have every right to be here. How dare she try to imply otherwise. Are you okay? He loves you.
And moons ranting peters out into humming, as he rocks rhythmatically before you, and then sun's out, "Hello, sunbite! My love! My light!" and his rays are coming in and out in a pattern, a circle, easy to follow, his head still as his hands sway at either side of him. It's a visually stimmy show, just for you. He loves you, he chirps, before continuing on with petty little nitpicks about the guard. The silliest things he can think of. Phrased in a way to draw out a huff, a giggle from you.
them sending out a message in the animatronic group chat and all the fucking bots, including staffbots and wet floor bots are harassing her for the rest of her shift, the cameras oh so conveniently catching every time she hits them, damaging fazbear property! honestly!
the bots watch out for their own. and you're part of their family
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What could be a better way to begin a weird sequence of events than an utterly normal day?
Rushing home from work was never fun on a typical day, let alone on a day where rain obscured your vision to the point you could scarcely see your hand before your face. Alas, money was money you thought as you hurry onwards, ducking into shop awnings here and there.
Carefully glancing down the nearest alleyway to check for speeding cars you notice an odd piece of what seems to be at first glance a hose, or to be more exact, a shivering hose?
A snake, you realise after a moment, of course not a hose. Well, it can't be good for it out in this weather, surely you should take it to a shelter or something, right? At least you would have, had it not insistantly curled into the hood of your coat when you scooped him up. Looks like you've gained a clingy new friend.
Once you've hurried home you resolve to visit a pet store the next day, for now you lay the snake on a towel and try to look up what to feed him as it stares up at you, yellow eyes flickering with indignation. The audacity of you, a mortal, picking him up with your own two hands and absconding with him, well, it could be worse, right?
By weeks end you had aquired all things which your snake, William you decided, could possibly need. Talking to him about your day became a highlight after work as he'd always nod along or poke his tongue out in distaste at your co-workers. He wasn't particularly fond of being left alone you found so whilst you had your bubble bath you let him perch in the corner basket atop a spare sponge where he insistantly faced the wall.
You'd had a month of your new companion and didn't particularly fancy getting him sent to a shelter, which is why one evening as you sit reading on your sofa with him curled about you like an improv feather boa, you wanted to ignore the knock at your door. Opening it slowly, you were greeted by a friendly looking man in a white suit who you could swear owned a bookstore nearby which you had passed once or twice, never venturing in for tales of him refusing to let any of the books actually go.
"Ah, Crowley, there you are. I've spent weeks looking for you" the man proclaimed excitedly. You raise a brow in confusion as William wiggles down your arm sheepishly.
"Is this your snake mister ...?" You ask trailing off for a name.
"Mister Fell, Aziraphale. And he is my friend." The man politely replies, fixing his bowtie. "Honestly, change back Crowley, we have a reservation for the Ritz and its your turn to pay again."
"Okay, eccentric man" you slowly try to shut the door and you would have if William hadn't hissed at you. Surprised, you set him down and he slithers to Aziraphale. He looks almost regretful as he turns and begins to change. Change and grow into a tall man, with red hair, yellow eyes and legs which he apparently forgot he could use as he trips to the floor beside his friend.
Panic, the first thing you decide to do is panic. This guy had seen you in the bath, shared some of your innermost thoughts, had let you put a little sweater on him. Oh you were mortified, almost as mortified as William, well Crowley you supposed now. A silent tension set in as you both blushed and Aziraphale looked as though he had realised something particularly interesting. He leaned into Crowley and whispered something about being "able to sense his aura of love now."
"I'll give you a few moments and wait in the car, perhaps some music other than-"
"Queen, it's always Queen" Crowley frowned, reaching for his back pocket and producing a pair of sunglasses. He placed them on and turned to you. "Right..." He trailed off, not quite sure how to proceed.
"Wil-William..." You don't really know where to go with this either to be honest, so you do the next best thing. "Tea?" you ask. It's an easy out to buy you time to process all of this.
"Yes, please" It's an awkward acceptance but a start. "I'm sorry, that day we met I couldn't turn back" he tries to explain.
"So, when could you?" you counter, "before or after the sweater?"
"After the first week" He has the good grace to be embarrassed at least. "I should go,check on aziraphale and all that" Standing abruptly he slinks to the door before turning as his hand touches the doorhandle. "I would like to come back though"
The shyness in the comment takes you off guard. "Why?" you ask, sitting a little straighter in your chair.
"Well, you took care of me, even when you didn't really have to, and I'm quite ... fond of you, by now." he defends. You make your way to him and smile.
"I'd quite like that" you admit. Crowley leans in to give your cheek a quick peck, testing the waters, before leaving through the door, leaving you smiling with a hand pressed to your cheek. Your phone buzzes on the table and you lift it to see a text from an unknown number.
It seems Crowley forgot to give you his number, here it is.
It read, accompanied by a slightly blurry picture of crowley cheering on the steps outside. This would be the start of something interesting.
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
Communication Breakdown
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Summary: Friends make life much sweeter. That is, until you realize that you've accidentally fallen in love with your only friend. But that's not a problem. The reader can just keep pretending that she has absolutely no romantic feelings for Bucky whatsoever... right???
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem! enhanced! Reader
(Reader sees bits of the future, understands all languages, and processes information abnormally quickly)
Warning: Angst, fluff, strong language, and truly terrible communication between two grown adults who should really know better
Author's note: As per usual, the reader is unnamed so that this can be read as a self-insert if that's your jam, but when I'm writing this particular character, I call her Violet.
 They day starts out the way most days do. There’s the normal ding of her phone at seven a.m. signaling that she’s received another “Good morning” text from Barnes (six months, and he’s yet to miss a day). As usual, she sends back her own “Good morning” and they exchange a few well wishes for the day ahead. Only this time, a pang goes through her heart as she turns the phone to silent and places it in the drawer of her desk in preparation for her first class. Pushing it to the side, she greets her students and starts in on her lecture about verb tenses.
 She’s almost forgotten her momentary lapse in feelings when her phone rings at twelve. Time for their daily lunchtime phone call. There’s nothing out of the ordinary about the words they exchange. He’s doing laundry today, does she want him to stop by and pick up hers as well? Yes, thanks, that’ll save her some time since she has a mountain of papers to grade. Does she need to reschedule tonight’s dinner? He doesn’t mind if she does. No, she has time. Can she bring anything? No, just herself. Then a joke about how hasn’t she heard that one somewhere before. She almost slips up and tacks an “I love you” onto the goodbye, but remembers just in time. That’s not a thing friends say to each other (or at least, not in this friendship). Of course, friends also don’t spend far too much time imagining what the other person’s lips would feel like against theirs and their skin doesn’t tingle like they’ve received an electric shock every time they so much as brush hands.
 “You got a boyfriend, teacher?” One of her students ask teasingly as she puts her phone away.
 “No, nothing like that. Just my friend.” 
 Her afternoon is a blur (the only part that stands out is when one of her students is asked to form a sentence in the present tense, and his example is, “I am asking teacher to marry me.”; it was a joke, and she responded with, “Teacher is flattered, but she is saying no.”), and by the time she’s on the bus back home, a backpack full of papers in the seat beside her, all she wants to do is sleep. Of course, then her phone dings with, “Be at yours in thirty.” and she finds she has a little more energy.
 It’s unhealthy, a sign that she doesn’t know when to quit, but as usual, she begins to pretty herself up a bit before he arrives. She should just stop. They’re friends. Bucky is her friend. All he will ever see her as is a friend. What does it matter how she looks? Frustrated, she throws her hair up in a ponytail (she wasn’t succeeding in getting it to lay right anyway) and pulls on an old flannel with several holes in it over her shirt. There. She’s got this completely in control.
 She’s just finished washing the makeup from her face when, right on time, a knocking comes from her front door. It’s just a formality at this point; he has a key. Speaking of… she shoves a pair of socks that got mixed up in her laundry last time she did both of theirs in one go into her pocket and goes to answer.
 As per usual, they share a hug, and a part of her whispers that hugs between friends don’t last this long. She knows it’s foolishness, though. She hasn’t had a friend in years, so she’s remembering things wrong more than likely. He doesn’t get much interraction outside of her, not much touch, so that’s why he doesn’t let go. That, or he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings by pulling away.
 Eventually it does end, and she can feel that her cheeks are warm.
 “Hey, Doll. Ready to go?”
 She swallows hard. It’s a sweet nickname, one that from what she’s read, was a common way to address females you’re familiar with back in the days before he went in the ice.
 “Sure.” She pastes a smile on her face and closes the door behind her.
 They’re in the elevator before he speaks again.
 “That shirt-” His fingertips brush the skin on her wrist as he examines the cuff. “-it looks kinda familiar.” Her mind has gone all fuzzy, but it’s still clear enough that sudden realization dawns on her; it’s actually his. A loaner from months ago when it was colder than she had expected by the time she got around to leaving his apartment far later than she really should have. She can’t believe she never got around to returning it.
 “Shit. Sorry, Buck. I’ll wash it and get it back to you.”
 Yet another reason why he would never be interested in her. She’s absentminded. Seeing bits and pieces of the future leaves her so scattered that she forgets what she’s supposed to be doing in the present. In fact, for the first month or so after they really started to become friends, it was a constant struggle; her asking him about something she could’ve sworn he told her, only to find out it had yet to occur, or worse, it had happened but he sure as hell hadn’t mentioned it. These days, whenever she makes a mistake with her timing, he just responds with a joking, “You’re ahead of the game again.” She’s lucky to have him as a friend.
 “Nah, don’t worry about it.” The doors squeak open as they reach the ground floor. “Looks better on you anyway.”
 God, she wishes he’d stop saying things like that, stop being so kind. It only serves to make things get even more tangled in her mind. She needs a distraction. Now.
 “So, what’s tonight’s plan?”
 He chuckles.
 “If I tell you, it’ll ruin the surprise.” She doesn’t even bother to supress a groan at that.
 “I think I have enough surprises in my life already.”
 “Funny thing to say for a girl who sees the future.” Not like she can argue with that. “Just trust me. You’ll like it.”
 She does trust him, and that’s part of the problem. It’s been a long time since she’s had anyone in her life that she can honestly say she relies on.  She needs to stay in control, or else she’ll lose him like she’s lost everyone else.
 She’s oddly quiet tonight, reserved. Maybe even a little sad. Bucky shakes his head, silently chiding himself. He’s imagining things. If something had happened, she’d tell him. She’s probably just tired. It’s the middle of the working week after all, and she’s having to do one of her least favorite tasks as a teacher: prepare exams. She’s told him many times how much she hates it because, “I don’t feel like it’s an accurate gauge of how much they’re really learning. Lots of people do poorly on tests because they get nervous but do well in class discussions and on the homework. It shouldn’t count for so much of their grades, but I have to stick to the rules.” It’s yet another reason he loves her, even if he hasn’t said as much.
 As they stop by different street vendors, collecting what they need for the night ahead (which he still isn’t one hundred percent certain will be a success, but after copious amounts of internet research, it was the only thing he could come up with that would fit  the current bounds of both budget and time), he asks about her day. Usually she gives an animated account of everything that happened, but this time, she just sticks to the basics. Even when she shares that a student teasingly proposed to her, the smile on her face seems hollow, unreal. Okay, maybe he’s not imagining things.
 When they’re a block away from their destination, he stops and turns to her.
 “Close your eyes.” Her response is a frown.
 “I think I’ve heard this one before, and I’m not falling for it.”
 “Come on.” Nope. Still nothing. Time to pull out the big guns. “What was that about trusting me?” It’s a guilt trip, and he hates to do it, but it’ll be worth it.
 “Fine.” She groans, and her eyelids lower. “But if you’re about to put a spider on me, I’ll smack you. I don’t care that it’ll probably break my hand.”
 He snickers.
 “No spiders involved. Promise.”
 It’s not the first time he’s held her hand, but as he covers her smaller one with his, a rush of warmth travels from his fingertips up his arm. It’s so hypnotizing that he almost forgets he’s supposed to be leading her. Almost, but not quite.
 “This way.”
 “Don’t let me fall.”
 “I won’t.”
 If anyone notices that there’s a woman with her eyes closed being led around by a man in a baseball cap and sunglasses even though the sun is setting, they don’t show it, and it’s a relatively peaceful walk into the park. Now, he remembers there being a bench… there. Great. And the lake is completely theirs. No other people around.
 “You can open them now.”
 The look of cynicism melts from her face as her eyes open and she takes in the scenery surrounding them. In a bustling city, they’re in one of the few places that is completely green. More than that, there’s-
 “Ducks!” She laughs, and he can’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. “In the middle of the city! Wild ducks!” Looks like his gamble paid off. “How did you-”
 “I didn’t know for sure.” And in truth, he felt a little silly googling ‘parks in Bucharest with wildlife’. “But there was a web page that mentioned wild ducks tend to populate lakes, swamps, and rivers even here, so I took a shot that, maybe since there’s a lake here, there’d be a few.”
 “Is that what this is about?” She taps the loaf of bread they aquired on the way over.
 “No, that’s actually part of dinner. This-” He hates to do it, but he has to let go of her hand to dig in his pocket, finally producing a bag of oats. “-is for the ducks.”
 She smirks. “You’ve done your research.”
 “Be prepared.”
 “Alright, boy scout.” Even as she says it, she’s staring out at the water.
 “I know it’s not ‘catching a mouse in your apartment’ different, but-” The corners of her lips quirk up at the memory. “-I thought it might be a nice change from sitting around watching movies.”
 “Thank you.” Even though it’s getting chillier with the sun going down, that smile more than makes up for the lack of warmth. “You didn’t have to do all this-”
 “No, but I wanted to. Thought it might make you smile.” That’s apparently the wrong thing to say, because she freezes, and that smile melts into a frown. “Everything okay?”
 She starts to nod, but then stops short.
 “Bucky, I can’t keep doing this. I’m sorry.”
 Without any other explanation, she’s off, heading back in the direction from which they came. And, like that first day all those months ago, he chases after her.
 “Hey! Slow down!” Ten seconds. He must not’ve had his Wheaties this morning if it’s taken him this long to catch up with her. Still, just this once, couldn’t Barnes not follow her? Take it easy on a girl for a change? That’s the whole point of running away, after all. To put some distance between yourself and whatever it is you’re running from.
 She keeps moving, walking fast, but he’s right on top of her.
 “When are you gonna stop running away from me?”
 “Depends. When are you gonna stop chasing me?”
 “I’m not. Thought that was understood.” He takes her hand (when did they start doing that? Most friends don’t… then again, what does she know about friendship) and she has no choice but to turn around and look at him.
 “Talk to me.”
 She can’t. If she starts, she knows those tears she’s keeping at bay will spill over.
 “Alright.” Dropping her hand, he crosses his arms. “I’ll wait, but it’s starting to get dark, so I’d appreciate it if we could do this sooner rather than later.” Dammit.
 “I just can’t do it anymore.” Deep breath in. Deep breath out. No tears. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me. You’ve never lead me on or acted like anything other than a friend, so please don’t think you’re the problem.”
 “Problem? Doll, what-” She pushes ahead, ignoring his confusion.
 “The problem is me. Somewhere along the way, I got my wires crossed.” Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Now keep going. “You’re a good man, Bucky Barnes. And a-” Her cheeks are on fire. “-a good-looking one too. Anyone would be lucky to have you. And selfishly, I started wishing that “anyone” was me. I didn’t mean to, but I fell in love with you.” She has to finish it, or else she’ll regret it. “I just can’t keep going like this. It hurts too damn much. I’m sorry. I need to not see you for a while, and I get it if you never want to talk to me again.” It’s no use. The tears fall, and she starts walking again.
 “When the hell did I say any of that?”
 She can’t stop. She can’t do this. Not now.
 “Will you stop running away from me? Just for five minutes?”
 He hasn’t touched her, but it doesn’t matter. She freezes in place, just as if he’d grabbed hold of her and held her there.
 “Please, just this once, let me walk away.” Can’t he spare her that one last dignity?
 “You wanna walk away? Go ahead. But like I said, I’m not gonna stop chasing after you. Not until you hear me out.”
 He’s in front of her now. There’s no way of hiding that she’s full-on crying, so instead she shuts her eyes so she won’t have to see his face.
 “Dammit.” She couldn’t have said it better herself. “None of what you just said made any sense. You want us to stop seeing each other because… you’re interested in me. Have I got that part right?” She nods, still keeping her eyes closed. “That’s what I thought. See, the part I’m a little confused about is, why would that be a problem?” She opens her mouth to explain it all over again. “I thought it was pretty clear I’ve been trying to date you for the past six months.” What? She’s never been more befuddled in her whole life. It’s enough that she has to open her eyes. “Not as clear as I thought, obviously.”
 He’s scratching the back of his neck, something she’s realized over time is a nervous habit.
 “This is my fault. I should’ve come out and said something, but I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or…” He clears his throat. “...well, sound dumb if I’m being honest. Granted it’s been a while since I’ve done this, but seeing each other pretty much whenever either person has free time, eating together and watching movies, phone calls…” He trails off. “...I thought that was dating.”
 “So, all this time-” She starts.
 “Looks like it. Sorry.” He grimaces. “Not that I wouldn’t want to be your friend, if that’s all you wanted. I mean, you’re a great person and I like you in more than just THAT way. I just sort of assumed.”
 She can’t help it. A laugh slips out.
 “God. This would’ve been a hell of a thing to have a vision about.” Good. He’s smiling. At least they’re starting to recover.
 “I thought for sure you must’ve; something at least, with all you see me doing before I do it.” Sometimes, she really hates her powers and how selective they can be. “Figured it was just one of those things you don’t talk about but you both know. Pretty dumb, in hindsight.”
 “No…” She reaches out to grasp his arm, but stops short. “...I can see why you’d assume-”
 “You too, now that I think about it.” He chuckles. “This is a nice mess, huh?”
 “One of my best, I think.” Honestly, she could’ve avoided all this trouble if she had taken a cue from third graders and passed him a note that said, “Do you like me? Check yes or no.”
 “Can we start over? Maybe have a redo with less assuming and more actually saying things?”
 She nods, a genuine smile on her face.
 “I’d like that.”
 “Okay.” Clearing his throat, he sticks out his hand. “Hi, I’m Bucky. I’m the man who’s been falling in love with you for the past six months, and if it’s alright, I’d like to be your boyfriend. Or, whatever the term is these days.”
 “Pleased to meet you.” She’s struggling not to laugh as she shakes his hand. “That term’s kind of cringey, but I think it’s still in use. And if it’s alright with you, it’s alright with me.”
 It’s been long enough; she really should let go of his hand, but she can’t bring herself to. He seems to be having the same problem, so instead, he takes a step closer, and she does the same in response.
 “I have one more question, and I’ve been meaning to ask it for a while.”
 They’re chest to chest now. She can almost feel it every time he takes a breath.
 “Can I kiss you?”
 This must be what people mean when they refer to getting butterflies.
 “You’d better.”
 It’s not her first kiss, and if she had to bet, it’s probably not his either, but it’s unlike anything she’s felt before, making everything else pale by comparrison. They may have gotten off to a rough start, but at least for now, they’ve ironed it out. Oh, and he loves her too. That’s also good.
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how-masterful · 4 years
Call Him Master
Dhawan!master x reader
Summary: Stuck on a plane with no way out, the Doctor and team tardis find that their newest travelling companion and MI6 ally aren't who they appear to be after all.
Notes: This is my first published fic! I knew I had to rewrite this scene and add some reader insert to it, I hope you all enjoy! ❤ all feedback is greatly appreciated!
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O's eyes went dark, face settling from his guilty expression to a deep, unsettling glare.
"Got me...well done."
You bit your lip and held back a smirk, gripping the fabric of your gown in anticipation as confusion travelled across the face's of everyone on the plane.
"Whats going on, Doc?" Graham asked, O turning to look at the Doctor and raising his eyebrows. "I don't know" she replied, tilting her head and leaning closer to his face. O let out a chuckled and turned to you, smiling condescendingly. "She doesn't know!" He mocked, causing your smirk to deepen.
"I suggest you all take a look out the window." The four travellers scrambled to the window seats of the plane. You couldn't help but laugh. "How's your house out there?" Graham gulped, confusion lacing his tone. O shrugged his shoulder's. "Its a bit wicked witch of the west, but you get my gist" he mused, the confused ramblings of the companions making you giggle.
"So damn slow, arent they?"
O's eyes turned to you, a sick smile gracing his lips at your comment. You wanted nothing more but to run into his arms there and then. The Doctor stormed down the middle isle towards you, grabbed your arm and yanked you behind her protectively, causing you to roll your eyes. O returned the sentiment, a small growl in his tone. He didn't enjoy seeing you manhandled.
"Who the hell are you?"
O grinned mischievously. "C'mon doctor, catch up- you can do it" the Doctor's gaze met O's, her mind rapidly thinking as the agent before her coaxed her on, practically begging her to figure it out. You held your breath in delight, ready for the penny to drop. And when it did, it was delightful. "Oh!" The Doctor gasped, the pair of you giggling. Her face dropped in horror as she stepped back, holding you behind her, as if protecting you from the man before you.
"That's my name, and that is why I chose it! So satisfying, isn't it dear?" You nodded in agreement, the companions behind you looking remarkably lost. You smirked darkly- they never were that bright.
"Doctor, I did say look for the spymaster" O started, taking an ominous step closer. The Doctor pulled the four of you back, trying to protect you from his predatory stance. Your heart was racing, eyes begging him to finally say what you'd been waiting to hear for months on end.
"Or, should I say spy... master."
Your smile was wide as ever, heart pounding out of your chest. There he was, in all his glory- you hadn't heard that name in so long. And god, he sounded good when he said it. His devious smirk confirmed your hopes: O was well and truly gone, and the Master, your Master, was back. Gone was the wide eyed wonder and innocent facade, gentle nature and humble grin- now he stood over the five of you proud and dangerous, a sight you'd been desperate to see for a very, very long time.
"Hi." The Master gave a playful wave, your smile widening as he stalked towards you, the Doctor standing her ground. "You cant be!" She cried, the Masters smile falling as he gestured to his chest, eyes dark. "I can be, I very much am." The Doctor growled as he scrunched his nose at her, laughing smugly as she covered her mouth- she looked like she was going to be sick.
"So who is he?" Graham asked, the Doctor turning to face you all with wide eyes. You sighed in annoyance and turned to the man. "Oh keep up, will you?" You snapped, before turning back to the master, who wore a devilish grin. "I'm her best enemy. We go way, way back, don't we Doctor?" He jibed, laughing again as the Doctor looked dangerously pale. Ryan frowned in confusion. "So hes not really O?" You shook your head with a dark laugh.
"Of course not" you teased. The Master reached out his hand, all eyes falling on you as you eagerly sauntered down the isle, taking his hand and meeting his proud gaze.
"Call him Master."
You nestled close into the masters side, arms winding around his middle. He hummed in appreciation, arm curling around your waist possessively, your head resting against his shoulder.
"I certainly do"
The Doctor gasped quietly, mouth agape and eyebrows shooting up to her hairline. Her eyes drooped sadly. "Y/N, what are you doing?" She all but whispered, standing before the pair of you. The Master grinned. "Thats it, thats the face I told you about. The face of utter betrayal." The Master gently held your chin, turning your face to meet his gaze. "When she finally realises her shiny new pet was truly mine, all along." You blushed lightly, his tone making you shiver in his grasp.
"Did I do well, Master?" You purred, hand resting on his chest, the comforting symphony of his hearts under your palm.
"You did phenomenal, love" he replied, before pulling your lips to meet his own, crashing them together in a hungry kiss.
"What the hell?" Yaz cried. The four travellers before you gaping at the scene. You'd travelled with them for months, why were you suddenly siding with the man who claimed to be the doctors enemy? You sighed contently as you broke for air, resting your head back on his shoulder and giggling at the faces in front of you. The Master was right- it was so satisfying.
"You didnt think you met the perfect new pet to travel with by accident, did you Doctor?" The Master sneered, glancing at the other companions aboard the plane and brushing the hair away from your face. "Just like myself at MI6, my darling Y/N went undercover and posed as your companion." You waved teasingly, slowly parting from the master and stepping towards the Doctor. "I must admit, it was painful pretending to enjoy your company- but watching you slowly trust me more and more? An absolute thrill."
Ryan tilted his head. "So you knew this would happen, all along?" You nodded, pursing your lips. "I knew what and how, but not when. I may be a good actress, but I too like to be surprised now and again" you giggled, the Master looming over you from behind, watching you intently. The Doctor grabbed your arm and met your eyes, expression hopeful yet sad. The Master snarled lowly, stepping closer to you.
"When did he get you, Y/N? He's hypnotising you, none of this is real." You laughed incredulously, the Doctor tightening her grip. "This isnt the Y/N I know."
You leaned down and smirked triumphantly at her. "He wasnt the O you knew either, but here we are."
The Master smirked as you yanked your arm away, retreating back into the timelords arms and sinking into his embrace. "Speaking of O, poor chap, do you want to see him?" You smiled knowingly, the Master reaching for his inside pocket. "A man close to my hearts...well, my pocket." He slowly produced the matchbox from his jackets inside lining, presenting it to the Doctor and co with delight. He reluctantly moved his arm from your waist.
"Like I told you love, always good to keep a backup of ones work. Tissue compression, its a classic. "
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach, the sight of a miniaturised corpse in the box making the other humans before you practically retch. It was so delightfully him, the Master laughing with pride as the Doctor watched on with pained eyes. His reveal had truly broken her, and you had the best seat in the house. Well, the plane.
"I shrunk him, on the way to work on his first day- stole his identity, and set myself up in MI6. All that was left then was to plant our dear Y/N at the perfect point in your timeline, and watch the magic happen." The Master taunted. He crushed the matchbox in his hand and threw it over his shoulder. "Surprisingly good stuff."
"So you two were working together the whole time?" Graham asked, causing you both to laugh. "Oh yes! And we have had... a LOT of fun." Waves of furious excitement rippled off the Master as you clapped with glee, his eyes alit with manic joy. The Doctor glowered at the sight, rage bubbling in her gut as she watched you both. You'd just ripped the rug out from under her, TWICE, and now you were rubbing your victory in her face. She suddenly gasped.
"I have to warn Barton!" The Doctor stormed down the middle isles, hastilly shoving you into the Masters arms, your hands flying to his shoulders. He instinctively gripped your hips to steady you, comically raising his eyebrows in concern as the doctor burst into the cockpit, dramatically wincing behind her back. The Doctor cried out in shock at the sight of the empty room, returning to the cabin in horror.
"Wheres Barton?! He's not here!" She cried. The Master playfully jumped in terror, pulling you down the plane in mock panic, companions scrabbling behind you. "Oh no, Barton!" He gulped, suddenly pulling you onto his lap, ducking down onto one of the seats.
"What did you do?!" The Doctor yelled, the Master playing with your hair as the humans beside her yelled in terror. You gave a shiver of pleasure as he tucked a strand behind your ear, Graham peeking into the cockpit with trepidation as you raked your nails through his hair. The timelord shivered. "Whos flying the plane?!"
The Masters eyes widened in glee- he was so hoping someone would ask. "Wrong question." He growled, hand on your thigh. You trailed a row of quick kisses down his jaw, your lips against his stubble causing him to practically purr. As much as you loved his clean shaven chin, you absolutely adored his usual beard. He squeezed your thigh teasingly as four sets of terrified eyes landed on you both expectantly. "Check the seat."
A delicious smirk grew on the Masters face as the Doctor ran to the pilot seat of the plane, his hand landing on the small of your back as he guided you up from his lap, following you down the plane. "Cockpit bomb, Doctor!" You declared. "Made from parts I aquired over our little adventures together."
The Master gazed down at you proudly, arm around your waist. "Short fuse, I can relate" he teased, sending a wink your way with a hummed laugh. A blush tinged your cheeks, hands wandering up his jacket collar, his other arm meeting around your waist and cementing you in his grasp. "Mm, i'm loving all this" your hands smoothed out his lapels, the Master chuckling down at you.
"Oh really?"
"Yes really."
"Well, I did dress to impress."
"Mm, that you certainly did."
A playfull giggle escaped your lips, the continuous chaos at the front of the plane the least of your concerns. The Master flashed his ever charming smile, joining your laughter. You bit your lip- even in the middle of all the panic, the Master would never resist a chance to flirt. He loved seeing you hot and bothered too much to hold back. The Master glanced hungrily at your purple gown, raising his eyebrow knowingly.
"Was the purple just for me?"
"You're not the only one aiming to please, master."
The Master purred lowly, grip tightening on the small of your back. The Doctors ramblings flittered through the plane, your attention too focused on the Master to care. He leaned his face in close, hot breath on your cheek causing you to bite your lip. His pupils were blown, raking up and down your form. The moment was close to perfect.
The sound of the Doctors sonic suddenly pulled the Master from your gaze. His face instantly fell, proud grin mutating into a furious sneer as he pushed you behind his back, pointing threateningly at the female timelord. You let out an annoyed growl, narrowing your eyes. Of course she had to ruin your moment. It was all going so well.
"No!" He yelled, practically shaking with anger. "You really think I wouldn't make that sonic proof, Doctor?!" You grasped ahold of his bicep, feeling his trembling rage as you released a huff. He was almost spitting in pure malice.
Your hand slid down his arm, his balled fist slowly opening as you slipped your hand into his grasp. You squeezed his palm, grounding him. The Master took a shaking breath, squeezing back.
"Deadlock seal, and I made sure there were no parachutes on board." The Doctor was visibly panicking, raking her hands through her hair. The timer on the bomb continued to tick. Yaz turned to the Master, expression furious.
"Wheres Barton? We saw him coming in!" The master smirked smugly, his grip on your hand tightening. You moved closer to his side. "Pulled away before takeoff- by me" he replied, your other hand snaking over his bicep. The Master turned to glance at you, your devious gaze making him smile. "Stick with us, Yaz" he laughed, sighing contently.
"Because I control... everything. Even these guys!" He finished with a flourish, whistling with a spin and a snap of his fingers.
The roar of the Kaasavin filled the cabin, the creatures pulling themselves out of the plane floor. The Master pulled you tight to his chest, breath shallow. "Hold on tight" he cautioned, the Doctors panicked wail emerging from the cockpit. "I can't do it!" She cried, and the Master laughed triumphantly.
The timelord slammed the cockpit door shut, the plane suddenly rocking with the force of the explosion. A manic laugh emerged from your throat, your grip tight on the leather seat.
The plane was starting to crash.
The ricocheting bang began to pull the air out of the cabin, a tunnel of wind errupting as the six of you held on for dear life. You kept tight hold of the chair before you, nails digging into the leather as the wind began to pull at your form. You growled in protest, legs kicking against the wind as the Master stood over the Doctor.
"Something you should know, in the seconds before you die!"
His voice was furious, pushing himself against the wind on the plane seat backs. He leaned in close and glared.
"Everything that you think you know, is a lie!"
You grip was faultering on the seat, the leather squeaking under your palms as you used all your might to hold on. The force was becoming too strong, your head turning to the Master as he straightened up before the Doctor.
"Master!" The renegade timelords head snapped in your direction, arm lurching for your waist.
"Y/N please!" The Doctor screamed, but the master would never let you fall. He pulled you tightly to his side, your hair and gown bellowing in the wind as you clutched onto his chest, laughing manically from the shock.
"Got you!"
The Master grinned, the four travellers before you both screaming in desperation as they clutched onto whatever they could grab purchase on. The Master leant in close, forehead on your own as he sighed with resolution, gaze meeting your own.
His grip never slipping from your middle, an elated giggle pulling itself from your lips. The Master glanced at the Doctor and her companions a final time, before pulling a cylindrical device from his pocket and pressing hard on the button. You braced yourself as a white light engulfed the pair of you, pulling you from the plane- the last noise you heard being the terrified screams of the Doctor and her friends, and the Masters devilish laughter.
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Can I request a mini drabble where Acylius gets BlackHat to write with Diamond ink for the first time? It just came to me and the idea seems so cute! UwU
(Acylius was the name i gave doctor flug long before I knew it was kenning, this is black hat pre power and is at the height of 4ft 5 and Flug is six ft seven)
It was early morning, the package had arrived late last night, Black Hat already in bed.
(night before flash back)
Acylius had almost rushed to wake the short demon until his friend and butler Cruentus took him by the scruff of the neck, trust me despite being shorter he was very capable of doing such a thing, if anyone but his friend or Black Hat had done such a thing they would be a bloodied pile on the floor.
"Sir, he has been training all day in an attempt to know how to work his way around upper class rituals, I am sure you are aware he continued learning that dance just to be close to you."
Acylius tilted his head
"Cru, my dear friend that is not something to jest about, you know my feelings for him, but I know his disdain for my class...I fear he will never see me more as someone who is simply less of an ass than the rest."
The hellhound gave him a deadpan look and shook his head, he loved him he did but how he seemed to be in the presence of the densest people in the universe was beyond him.
"Yes well, then do not be an ass and wake him now, he is resting finally, it has taken him months to feel safe enough to do so, gift Amadeus in the morning when he has slept, if you wake him before nine I will personally slap you down the stairs and have you clean the kitchen."
"I dunno, I would do it, I am not above house-ow ow!"
Cruentus had him by the ear
"Bed now young man!"
"I am not that young!"
"To me you are, in fact if you recall Amadeus is older than you."
"I am three hundred plus years I am not a baby."
Acylius pouted, not moving lest his friend tug his ear and he knew he would.
"Well you are mine ever since I took you from that monstrous beast who birthed you, now get ready for bed and behave, maybe I will bring your favorite hot chocolate."
"Yes daaaaad."
Acylius smiled a little and kissed his father's cheek good night.
Acylius was pacing his room, teeth brushed a and dressed, the clock was only at eight, the gift sat on his dresser.
Ears twitching, maybe he should have breakfast, or he could make his Gremlin breakfast, yes, he did after all enjoy pancakes and he was good at making fluffy pancakes, yes he'd make blue Berry as well as lemon and raisin, he needed to distract himself.
His biggest worry in this moment was wondering if Amadeus would like it or scoff at its pretentious ideals...
To most it was an honor to say you even owned such a set or be allowed to write in it.
Taking the present down stairs carefully with him he set it on the kitchen table and went to work on making breakfast, yes Cruentus could have done it, would have done it if asked but he was a capable being he had hands and he was going to use them.
It was five to nine by the time he was serving up, his entire body itching, he wanted to wake...maybe it would be nine by the time he arrived to his room yes!
Set up on the tray stacks of fluffy pancakes and a pot of tea, a lower set of arms protruding from his waist to hold the present, he walked slowly in purpose just to make sure it was nine by the time he arrived.
The door opened and Hat looked up at him
"Looks like Cruentus owes me five pieces of gold, I bet him you would not wait to give me what ever it is you have been fretting about, you always become so giddy and bouncy when you are planning to surprise me with...are those pancakes?"
Acylius replied blushing brightly.
Oh had he been that obvious?
"Are they for me?"
Amadeus asked, clearly frowning at the fact that he'd lost the bet, at least Flug assumed that was why right?
Flug answer ducking his head and handing him the tray.
"Well do not just stand there like a tree, I am somewhat disappointed that you did not defy your father in this case, I do enjoy the moments where you burst in unannounced happy to tell me specifically something."
Acylius paused, blinking, that was not what he'd expected, Black Hat had wanted him to be a bother?
He twisted his upper hands nervously his lower one's still present and holding the black box decorated with a crimson metallic serpent that shimmered in the light, it's fangs the clasps at the front.
Setting his breakfast down and eating the first pancake there was a contented sigh from Amadeus.
"This gift is delicious, thank you."
He unceremoniously shoved another one in his mouth after all one thing Hat had learned was that Acylius would never judge him for his natural nature and felt comfortable eating like this.
"That is not the gift you daft gremlin."
Flug chuckled now taking the box in his two upper hands as the lower set disappeared.
Black Hat quirked a long brow
"When you have eaten from bins and packets half discarded I assure you this is a gift."
Acylius muttered to himself and shook his head when Hat gave him a quizzical look, but thankfully Hat could tell was not a time to ask deeper into that answer.
Acylius came forward and set the box down
"This Amadeus Black Hat is a item only a few ever own and can only be ordered by one such as myself."
"You mean rich spoiled-"
Acylius placed a finger to his lips
"Carry on if you do not want it, but no, you must be a legion demon to aquire this, it will raise your status greatly to use what I have procured for you and must only be used in times of importance or addressing certain...fops who will only respond to such letters. "
Black Hat wanted nothing more than to kiss the demons hands, he'd seen them do work, things that drove him wild and just to have one finger laid upon his lips made his body tremble and heart race.
"I will do as you ask Acylius."
He blushed realising his voice came out a little huskier than intended.
"My hands are dirty though, would you show me I do not wish to ruin this gift."
Acylius went on one knee beside the bed and opened the box for him.
Inside laid a wax seal stamper, in which Flug was more than happy to show it was a symbol of a top hat with a ring around it with the letter B H on either side of the Hat.. Oh clever the O was the ring, crimson wax and beautiful pieces of high quality paper all with his insignia.
It looked so stylish, so beautiful he had to wonder if this was some sort of joke, Acylius presented the quill, showing its sleek colouring that in the light the ebony feather shone red, the nib gold with intricate curling patterns...
No he had not.
He saw the ink bottle he knew that bottle only from stories and a brief glance of seeing it in Acylius’s study.
"You...diamond ink, the blood of your kind and that of the oldest dust of the galaxies."
"I have to attend a few parties I would rather not go to but in my opinion a small price to pay, especially when I can see how happy you are."
Acylius's ears wiggled happily
"The ink lasts far longer than any other brand or kind but it does have an end to it, so still be careful and be sure you know what you are doing if you need to summon someone with this."
Black Hat nodded still in awe of this beautiful gift, the set would be out of his price range even with the money he earned helping Cruentus around the home.
After all he'd insisted he do some kind of work, he was not comfortable with just taking hand outs.
"Is there anyway I can say thank you?"
Hat asked barely able to take his gaze from the set, though he did notice, Acylius had leaned ina moment, only to hesitate and pull back.
Why, why did he play this game with him, could he not just be a cad for once and take him, he would handle the emotional turmoil afterwards that it'd been a moment of passion, he wanted this idiot Legion to wreck him, if only he'd give him a true sign that even he was allowed to make the first move, but he dare'nt lest he be kicked from this place.
He could not bare the thought of strangers hands on him, to be touched by someone who was not his tree...to be out there again...he would deal with it if it came to that but he also would not jeopardise the only place that felt like home to him.
So he thought for a moment and smiled
"If I recall at Christmas I asked if you would kiss me."
Hat subtly leaned in closer, watching as Acylius's skin started to glow like soft starlight.
Was he truly that flustered around him.
"I, um...yes you did, but I would not ask... Considering asking unless I thought you were..."
Hat took that moment to damn everything and pulled him in close by his neck tie, pancakes falling on his lap onto the floor, he didn't care, all that mattered right now was that the moment he'd kissed Acylius was that the over grown tree of an idiot was kissing back.
It was passionate and intense, he felt the doctors hands on his waist moving to hold him close, it was like the dam had broken finally at least Hat hat hoped...
When Acylius came to his senses, he looked horrified
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have...I didn't ask I'll be good I promise don't hate me..."
He disappeared ina shadow travel wisp of smoke leaving Amadeus confused...and concerned that was...that was no ordinary reaction, not a rejection there were traumas the Legion had clearly suffered...was this perhaps why he was finding it so difficult to reach out to him.
What happened to Acylius...did it have anything to do with those scars or the mother he called monster, in another situation Hat would have been hurt...but that...just left him longing to reach out...and offer him the same comfort Acylius had always given him...
Perhaps one day he'd find out...
But today was not that day.
The kiss lingered on his lips a beautiful moment, a dream that was eternally his.
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perspective-series · 5 years
Lilliputian Perspective (2)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Slight fear, lying, and stealing.
(Check the reblog for the links to any future chapters)
Logan followed along slowly, noting that his hypothesis was correct. He often found himself having to pause for the Lilliputian to go further. Logan sighed. This would have been so much easier if he could have carried the man properly, but Logan agreed with the sentiment of not starting a riot. 
“Do Lilliputians have names?” Logan asked, deciding to pass the time with his endless bout of questions. “Or are you a collective who all refer to yourselves merely as ‘lilliputians’?”
 “Of course we have names,” Roman replied. “But why on earth should I tell mine to you.” For all he knew, the giant could somehow use it against him.
“Well, I shared mine.” Logan reminded him. “In my culture, it’s customary to have an exchange of names when you meet another person.”
 “Well, maybe I don’t want my name associated with some beast,” Roman replied.
“I don’t think you understand how naming conventions work,” Logan explained. “Your name is still associated with yourself regardless of if I have that piece of information.”
 Roman groaned. “Fine. It’s Roman. Happy?” 
“Roman,” Logan repeated, ducking under a low outcropping branch. “Do you have a last name as well?”
 “I might,” Roman said, smirking a little as he maneuvered around a rock.
“Ah.” So, Roman was one of those secretive types that believed keeping others in suspense about personal details would increase their value as a mysterious individual. Logan had never been fond of secrets as they tended to just get in the way of the truth. “I suppose Roman will just have to suffice for now, then. So what sort of person are you, Roman? Where are you employed?”
 “Oh, I run my...own business,” Roman said. He wasn’t sure if he should tell this giant what he actually did. People didn’t tend to take it well.
“You’re an entrepreneur?” Logan sounded impressed. He had not expected the dark-clad figure to be a man of business, but then again looking at his surroundings Logan remembered it all resembled a bit more of a renaissance era. Perhaps this was a world that was behind the times as well as shrunken down. “What is your business, then?”
 “I...aquire things to sell them.” Yeah, that sounded professional enough, right? Besides, he wasn’t technically lying.
“A tradesman, then?” Logan frowned for a moment. Was that the correct term? 
 Roman smiled. “Exactly.” Roman continued on for a few moments. “So, do you do anything other than terrorize innocent villages?” 
“Well, for starters, I have not done that.” Logan reminded him. “Nor do I plan to in the future- hence this wretched crawling.”
 “Fine, fine, you definitely do not terrorize villages, got it.” Roman still didn’t believe him. “Then, tell me, what do you do?”
“I’m a scientist,” Logan said. “An explorer, one might say. Recently I have taken to boarding ships and traveling to distant lands in order to discover strange and fascinating creations, of both flora and fauna alike.”
 “A scientist?” Huh, that was not what Roman was expecting. “Well, with the way you talk, I’m not really surprised.”
“What is peculiar about the way I talk?” Logan asked.
 Roman was about to answer but realized where exactly they were. “Oh, we’re here.” He thought it had been farther away. Or maybe he just got so into talking that it didn’t seem that long. Huh.
Logan peered over the hill, leaning over the lilliputian to see the freshwater pond. It was perhaps not the most sanitary of sources, but given the size of this island, Logan considered it would have to do. If only he had his disinfectant with him when he was tossed into the sea.
Perhaps the bacteria will be too small to do any damage. Logan joked to himself in his mind, maneuvering around the hill to get close enough to scoop some up in his palms.
 As the giant began to drink the water and his eyes were off of him, Roman began to inch away. This was his chance. To escape this giant and never have to see him again. And he wouldn’t get caught up in his ramage, which Roman was still half sure was going to happen. He just had to be careful about this.
Logan carefully raised the water to his lips. Whether or not it was infected with bacteria became of little consequence as Logan felt the soothing sensation run down his throat. All too soon he had gulped it down, only to quickly be followed by several more handfuls as Logan fought to quench his thirst.
 Okay, it was time. Logan was fully distracted and it was time to go. Roman turned and started to run away.
As Logan was about to reach in for yet another handful, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. Acting on his quick reflexes, Logan dove forwards and reached his arm out to block Roman’s path.
 “Ah!” Roman cried as yet again his path was blocked. “H-hey!”
It was strange, but it felt much odder to be constricting Roman’s escape attempts now that Logan knew his name. “Please don’t go.” Logan pleaded gently, trying to remain civil. “I still need your help.”
 Roman looked up at the giant warily. “My help with what exactly?” He asked.
“Well quite honestly, everything,” Logan admitted sheepishly. “I do not know the lay of the land and I can’t exactly go exploring as I normally would without starting an island-wide panic. I have no idea where I could take shelter for the night, and I am completely lost as to where I could find a sustainable food source especially considering everything’s diminutive stature.”
 “Look, I have a life I need to get back to. I can’t be babysitting some giant beast. Besides, if I’m found with you, I’ll be blamed right alongside you. Why would I put myself in that position?” Besides, whether or not he was blamed for that, if he was found, he was going to jail no matter what. 
“Well, then perhaps you should assist me before I manage to blow my cover and let your name slip.” Logan threatened.
 Roman’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?” Roman groaned. “Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t have told you my name.” Even without a last name, if his name was mentioned, especially with a description everyone would know it was him.
 “Fine. You’ve got me. I’ll help you, I guess.” Roman muttered.
“Thank you.” Logan seemed pleased with Roman’s begrudging compliance, sitting back to return to the pond. “I do apologize for the inconvenience, though. I hope you can return to your business soon.”
 “Yeah, whatever,” Roman said. The only good part was that stealing didn’t have a schedule. He could go a couple of days without doing it. It was probably good to lay low anyway. 
 Roman crossed his arms and leaned against a tree, watching Logan. “So, what do you want me to help you with first?”
“Shelter would be ideal, so I can have somewhere to set up a permanent camp.” Logan took another drink. “Although I doubt there are many options for someone of my size, especially far from civilians.”
 “Actually...I might know a place.” Though...that would mean giving up his own hideout. But if it was their only option then he really didn’t have much of a choice. “There is a large mountain not too much farther from here that has a giant cave at its base. It should fit you perfectly.”
“Intriguing.” Logan finished one last gulp of water. “A cave would certainly be ideal. Which way is it?”
 Roman sighed. “Follow me, I’ll take you to it.” At least he knew for sure that no one ever came this way. It was why he chose it as his place of residence, after all.
“Perhaps you can point me to it.” Logan corrected, noting the way the Lilliputian was heading was hidden from the civilization by a growing mountain range. The natural structures were taller than Logan himself, and the human was willing to risk standing even at a crouch. It would certainly hasten their pace. With this in mind, Logan grabbed Roman up in his fist once more.
 Roman yelped as he once again found himself in the giant’s grip. “Hey! I can walk!” Roman yelled, glaring up at the giant as he tried to push against his fingers.
“So can I.” Logan stood up, dusting off his knees which had accumulated quite a bit of debris from his crawl across the beach. “And I have longer strides.”
 Roman groaned. “Well, a little bit of warning would be nice at least.” He muttered. He then pointed in the direction of his home. “Anyway, the cave is north of here. Just keeping going that way and you shouldn’t miss it.” The sooner they got there the sooner he would be put down...hopefully.
Logan headed in the direction Roman pointed, agreeing with the statement that it should be hard to miss if it was truly to his scale. Logan had to be careful to watch his footing, as several of the smaller mountainous trees threatened to trip him as though they were nothing but tree roots themselves.
 Roman made the mistake of looking down as Logan walked and he quickly averted his gaze. He didn’t think of himself as one afraid of heights but even this was too high up for him. “You are...very tall.” Roman couldn’t help but say out loud.
Logan actually chuckled at that notion. “Among my own kind I get that sentiment as well.” Logan Gulliver was not an overtly tall man but certainly had a slightly taller than average build. Regardless, the idea of being truly giant was still quite unnerving. 
“What about you?” Logan asked, taking a moment to once again look down at Roman. “How do you compare to your countrymen?” Logan had assumed most Lilliputians were of Roman’s size, but perhaps he was diminutive even by Lilliputian standards. Or more bizarrely, tall for his kind.
 Roman shrugged. “I’m a little above average,” Roman answered. He was fairly taller than a lot of people but he also regularly came across people his size or taller. Logan definitely fit into the taller category.
“Are you really?” Logan was indeed surprised by that fact. “It’s hard to imagine a person smaller than yourself.”
 “Well, it’s hard for me to imagine someone taller than you, so I suppose we are in the same boat,” Roman said back. Roman looked ahead of him, pointing as his home came into view. “There it is, right over there.”
Logan looked up, spotting the cave in the outcropping. It was well hidden away from the weather, a bit hard to find even for the human surprisingly. A sturdy limestone structure, likely created ages ago when sea levels were higher.
“I see.” Logan crouched down, maneuvering through the rocks to look into the cave. He was pleasantly surprised to find it tall enough that he could stand, and even likely pace a few long strides back before the roof of the cave began to angle down. Regardless, it was more than he could have asked for given the miniature nature of this strange land.
“Yes, I think this shall do nicely.” Logan murmured, inspecting the outer wall with his free fingers.
 “Well, I’m glad you like it,” Roman spoke and then looked down, wincing as he took notice of all his things. “Just be careful where you’re stepping.” Thankfully he hadn’t stepped on anything coming in but he would definitely have to move everything around in order to better house the giant.
Logan paused, just a few steps in. He looked at his feet, eyes widening at the assortment of tiny furniture and trinkets scattered about the cave floor. Logan took a moment to process this, crouching down to get a better look. “...what’s all this?”
 “...I live here.” Roman revealed. “This is all my stuff.”
“Oh!” The dots began to connect in Logan’s mind. “Why do you live all the way out here? Surely it’s a long way from town.” As he spoke, Logan set the Lilliputian down near the collection of items, feeling a bit out of place as he hovered.
 Still not wanting to reveal his true occupation, he shrugged. “That’s how I like it. Not much of a...people person.” Well, he was, but others weren’t fond of him. Roman started to gather some of his things to move to the corners of the cave.
“I would argue that living out here you would be the exact opposite.” Logan offered. “Are you certain you’re a businessman? You seem more like a hermit. I don’t imagine it would be physically possible for you to make your way to the market often enough to earn your wages.”
 “Trust me, I make plenty. Now stop questioning my life choices and help me move this.” He pointed towards his bed, figuring he could use the giant to his advantage a bit.
“Where do you want it?” Logan asked, lifting it by the sides with both hands. It would be easy enough to lift with a single hand, perhaps even pinched between his fingers, but Logan felt it rude to not treat Roman’s belongings with respect.
“Just set it down in the corner over there,” Roman said, pointing to the spot he meant. “And that should leave you plenty of room.”
“Plenty being relative,” Logan commented, but he placed the bed there just the same. “So, if this is what I assume to be your home,-” (Logan would assume it to be merely a treasury if not for the furniture as well) “- why did you offer to let me take up residence here as well?”
 Roman sighed. “It’s the only place I knew that was hidden away enough and that could fit your giant self,” Roman said. “Just don’t go reading into it.” He mumbled.
“I’m actually reading into quite a lot.” Logan glanced around once more at Roman’s assortment of items, sitting with his back against the wall and his knees tucked up. “You never told me what sort of business you operate. I’m beginning to suspect your line of work has more nefarious origins than you implied.”
 “What?” Roman stayed calm, Logan didn’t know anything for sure, after all. “And why on earth do you think that? Because I keep my things together like a dragon hoard? Well, sorry if I’m a little unorganized. Doesn’t make my business any less professional and legal.”
“No, I think that because you live alone in a cave away from civilization with a strangely abundant amount of gold. You also seem particularly keen on not sharing personal details and staying out of the eyes of the law.” Logan looked Roman over once more. “Not to mention, your wardrobe gives you the appearance of an ominous ruffian.”
 Roman took a step back, glaring at the giant. “Well, I think it’s quite rude of you to be accusing me of such things when I am so graciously helping you out.”
“I don’t mean to offend,” Logan explained, knowing Roman correct. “Social graces have never been my specialty; I am often quite blatant with my observations.”
 “Well, if you don’t mean to offend, then let’s drop it and focus on the next thing I can help you with, hmm?” Roman suggested, hoping Logan would go along with it so he could keep his thief status hidden a bit longer.
“Alright, lets.” Logan agreed. It did not bother him morally what Roman’s background was, as frankly no matter his origins Logan could not see him being a threat and frankly Logan had very little room for pure morals in his company when his options for a guide were so limited. 
“Where can I find something to eat? I’m famished.” As if to accentuate his point, Logan’s stomach chose that moment to give a low growl.
 Roman winced at the noise, taking a few more steps back for good measure. “...Look, I’m willing to do a lot of things but leading people here to be your lunch isn’t one of them.” Roman admitted. He only assumed he wasn’t being eaten because he was actually helping the giant.
“What? No!” Logan’s eyes widened, horrified by Roman’s misinterpretation. “No, you have mistaken my intentions entirely. That idea is positively revolting to me.” Logan gagged slightly at the thought. “I meant sustenance that you eat, not yourself. Have you been under that assumption this whole time? How truly barbaric.”
 “Well...yeah. But good to know I was wrong.” Roman thought for a moment. “I think I know of a way to get you enough food. Just stay here, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He started walking towards the cave entrance before pausing. “You aren’t...allergic to anything, are you?”
Logan was surprised to hear Roman even knew what allergies were- perhaps this race was more advanced than Logan assumed at first glance.
“No, I am not,” Logan assured him. “However, how could you possibly hope to bring back enough food yourself? I appreciate the effort, but…” Logan let his sentence trail off, his mind’s eye picturing Roman attempting to drag a regular dinner plate over and failing to move it an inch.
 “Just trust me, I know what I’m doing.” He waved as he started walking again. “See you later.”
Logan wasn’t sure he particularly trusted Roman, but he did not have many options. It was likely that Roman would return eventually for his belongings, and if he did not Logan could always take the risk and go looking for sustenance himself. In the meantime, however, Logan was still feeling exhausted. He crawled towards the back of the cave, stretching himself out across the cool, slightly scraggly surface. The human winced, his stomach once again growling loudly at him that it had not been fed and sending hunger pains out.
“Be quiet.” Logan murmured at it, trying to ignore it in favor of getting at least a little rest.
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
it’s so important to me that miss turner gets shitfaced and arthur has to look after her
a/n: the van der linde gang robs the bank in valentine. celebration ensues. arthur watches as miss turner gets her first real taste of brandy, makes a home on his lap and the not-so-wonderful aftermath of too much liquor. these two are hopelessly pining – it’s ahh it’s a slow burn to death. here’s the masterlist!
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It’s your first real taste of what the Van der Linde Gang is all about.
A bank robbery.
They ride back into camp with hell on their heels late in the night, whooping and hollering and cheering like sinners sweating out the devil. Karen is the first to throw herself from her horse, laughing so hard she’s doubled over in the dirt and Lenny follows – dollar bills flying from his hands like doves in the night.
It’s… amazing.
To say the robbery was a success is an understatement.
Your jaw drops when you see the thick stacks Arthur Morgan is carrying in each hand. He’s laughing, face split into a proud smile as Bill greets Dutch with a hand full of hundreds. The celebration strikes like the moon pulls high-tide, rolling and washing over the whole camp as the clips of money are handed around like trophies and crates of moonshine are dragged from the backs of wagons.
You’re fleeting around camp, eyes shining with admiration and awe as you watch the celebrations take hold. Karen – she’s too funny – already has a drink in hand, swinging into the chorus of some song you don’t know. She’s handed you the money – her share – and you’re holding it with wide-eyes when Arthur finds you by the bulk of the group.
You gawk up at him by the fire.
“This… This is…”
He grins, settling next to you as you knock knees with him. He swigs the handle of whiskey in his hands. He thinks that if this is your reaction every time they rob a bank, he may just have to do it more often. It’s adorable. You’re… gobsmacked.
“Arthur, this is – so much money!”
“That,” he grunts, “it is. And!”
He digs another clip from his back pocket – his eyes glimmer with amusement as you peel into a round of delighted laughter. You just… blink at it, full of disbelief at the weight and thickness and crisp feel of the thousand dollars in your hands.
“There’s more where that came from,” he says, leaning and nudging you with his shoulder. All you can do is just… shake your head. This isn’t real. There’s no way.
You hand off Karen’s share to her and marvel at Arthur’s; when you turn, moving to hand it back to him, he simply waves you off. You blink.
“Keep it.”
“… What?”
“Yea, well,” he chirps, swigging his drink, “I was gunna give y’ some a’ my share anyways –”
Your heart hammers at the prospect of him already having considered giving you part of his share. The fact you’re on the fore-front of Arthur Morgan’s mind, even in the midst of a bank heist, leaves you even more stupefied than before.
“Can’t have y’ stealin’ more journals, y’know?”
“That… this is…” you gawk at him, face blooming into a ridiculously big smile is worth more than any of the money in the world to him, “Arthur!”
“Look at her!” it’s Uncle who exclaims it, “Even the rich lady is impressed with us simpletons!”
The laughter that seizes the group is full and honest and you can hardly keep your hands from shaking at the awe of it all. You are… amazed. There’s no other way to describe the feeling that sweeps you entirely – back home, you’d be surrounded by women in high-collars mocking the headline of the bank robbery. It would be a topic over brunch, something snobbed about for hours.
“How much?” you ask, leaning and catching Arthur’s arm, “How much did you get away with?”
Blue eyes dart to your face. He can’t hide the smile that worms it’s way onto his mouth. Arthur laughs into his whiskey.
“… Twenty-thousand?!”
He peels into loud laughter, along with the rest of the gang as you spring up, hand slapped over your mouth. You… this… oh my god.
“I need a drink.”
Arthur perks up, watching as Mary-Beth and Tilly pass you a bit of the brandy they’ve been sipping on – you take a glass with hearty thanks, settling back down on the log beside Arthur. You can hardly speak, really, just busy thinking about the heroics it must take to rob a whole bank of $20,000.
Your gaze falls to Arthur and the light of the fire dancing across his face.
You sip the brandy.
You sputter, cough, then gag.
“And th’ lady finds she hasn’t yet aquired th’ taste of fine alcohol!” Arthur chirps, hand clapping your knee, “Don’t worry – it goes down smoother after the first glass.”
And boy, does it.
And after the fifth, you’re sipping it like water.
Arthur has stopped his own merriment for the time being, settled on the easy glow of a drink or two as you inch closer and closer and closer to him with each swigged drink.
There’s a sense of protectiveness that washes over him. He knows that you’re new to this tougher way of life, new to drink and gamble and merriment and robbery. So, he keeps a careful eye on you through the night, handing you some of his canteen and a few biscuits all the while.
As the fire begins to die (but, not the party – no, you’ve successfully kept the lot going. If you can keep up, well, no one has an excuse to let up), you’ve finally wound up in Arthur’s lap – one arm is draped around his shoulders and the other planted firmly above his heart.
(He’d been grateful when you’d finally plopped yourself there. After nearly falling off the log three times, this way he could make sure you wouldn’t crack your head open… and admire the openness with which you touch him.)
Talk has began to lull about, stories being wound around the fire. Javier talks about home, Charles talks about his mother’s tribe, Mary-Beth talks about the most recent book she’s read. Gang politics fleet about, for a moment, on the lips of Arthur and Hosea and Dutch.
All the while, you’re settled in Arthur’s lap.
You are a sight for the whole camp to see, staring at Arthur Morgan like he’s the sun to your stars. It paints him all sorts of colors humble; his hold on you is respectful.
He ducks a hand to your thigh, patting you.
“How y’ holdin’ up, Miss High-Society?” it’s gentle.
It’s late now – a good number of the camp has wandered off to bed, save for you, Arthur, Bill, Lenny, Javier, and the girls.
“I’m… hm,” you shrug, blinking at him with a hazy look. Your faces are so close, your noses nearly brush. Arthur’s eyes dart to your lips as you speak on instinct, “I suppose – drunk.”
That riles a wave of laughter from the group. 
“First time?” Karen cheeps.
You nod, adjusting in Arthur’s lap and pulling your arm from his shoulders. You play with the glass in your hands. He catches his breath with the distance.
“I was never allowed t’ do things like this – party and laugh and have fun,” you slur, “It was all… straight-back chars and piano fingers and this fork and that spoon and la-la-la. So, I dunno – this… This is nice.”
“Piano fingers?” Tilly questions.
Arthur laughs at that, bouncing his knee a bit. You giggle.
“Oh, did I not share? Our lovely Miss Turner can sing and tickle th’ ivories.”
You swat at his chest. “Shut up.”
He laughs. His thumb moves to draw a lazy circle on your hip. You can feel it through your dress. Everyone dissolves into hazy chatter but all you can feel is Arthur’s thumb. It’s hot and leaves a trail and it’s distracting. You blink at him, eyes stuck on the way his features look soft in the flickering light of the fire. He looks happy. 
God, you have it bad.
“Earth t’ Miss Turner –”
You blink.
Arthur notes your distraction.
“I said, why? Y’know,” Karen drawls, waving her drink, “Why make you some… pretty little parlor piece? What’s the point?”
“To catch a good husband,” you grumble, “Or, well, wait for your parents to marry you off t’ one. That way you can be his pretty little parlor piece.”
“That’s horrible.”
“Mm,” you sip your brandy, swallowing the rest down, “But, I learned how to play piano, so that’s somethin’.”
“You any good?” Javier asks, eyes bright at the mention of music. His guitar sits in his lap, “With the singing, too?”
“Yea,” Lenny urges, “Sing us somethin’, Miss Turner.”
You laugh, jaw falling open as you shake your head and dodge the requests. “No, no – I think m’ a bit too drunk to even remember any words now, let alone a tune.”
“Can’t be any worse than Arthur –”
Bill snorts. Arthur shoves the man while balancing you.
“You sing?” you ask, eyes brightening at the man in question as you joke, “Be still my beatin’ heart.”
“Oh, shut it,” Arthur chirps, thumb going back to it’s modest ministrations. It’s a strategic tactic. You lurch in his lap, “I am a shit singer. We all know that. No need t’ rub it in. Now, Miss High-Society, I think it’s about time you drank some water.”
A pout.
“Up,” he pats your knee, “And the lot of you – It’s late. When morning comes, we’ll all start feelin’ sorry fer ourselves if we keep this up.”
There’s a murmur through the group of protest and agreement, mingling to become one consensus that it is time for bed. With the $20k take-away from the day, there will be plenty of celebrating left to do in the morning, though, and you say goodnight to the lot with a slur over your words.
“M’ fine, m’fine.”
Arthur is there, though, giving you something to hold onto.
His hand, more specifically.
Ever the gentleman.
“C’mon, princess,” he jokes, beginning to help you up and lead you towards your tent with a guiding hand, “You’re gunna have one rough mornin’ if you don’t get to bed now –”
“Y’ didn’t have t’ give me some a’ yer share y’know –”
You stand and the last of your drink hits you like a train. Suddenly, it’s a bit harder to think. One step, and another, and the world spins.
“Oh –”
Arthur feels horrible when you hit the ground and he isn’t quick enough catch you.
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blindtaleteller · 5 years
TEASER: Chapter 8 - Ocean Eyes
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                                        (still looking for this artist ^)
---====STEPHEN (home again, home again..)
“ Either way. Let’s get this finished and get back to camp so we can figure out what’s going on. There’s a lot more than that to take in. Like why a random, unexpected clan of Ravagers, and a shit-ton of other vehicles is suddenly here hanging out around the moon. It won’t take long for those governments with the capability to spot them start asking questions. “ Stephen took a breath. This was new to him; then again he had been all but barring himself into Celt’s personal study the last week or so. “ Other, vehicles? “
It was Loki who answered that from where he was. He tossed the orb up from his forehead, making Stephen’s brows go up with it. He saw Quill’s head follow it too. “ They have been arriving in small numbers since the day before yesterday. My brother said it might have something to do with Asgard’s revised sub-space message: and had intended to explain that to us last night. “ Up, down, up, down; up and down: and he was pretty sure his mouth was open when it landed in his palm again. “ Brunhilde stole him before he could, or tell us why New Asgard has been on the news announcing the intended construction of an offensive and defensive fleet. Never mind why the rest of the Guardians, are not home yet. “
“ Uh-huh. “ It was Peter who snatched the metal ball from the air before he could catch it again; landing over him propped up on one hand and holding it out of his reach; shaking it at Stephen as a fast offer as he said “ And I think we all get why you’re anxious about all that. But, baby..? “ Clint was getting Lily into the plastic box-tank as Stephen took the small orb containing the stone from Peter’s fingers. “ ..please don’t play catch in the bed with Infinity Stones? “
That actually made Loki grin, and Clint shake his head as Stephen walked it to him to put in the box with the other two. Which, felt really weird; watching Clint just drop the second one in there like plucky tank decorations. Instead of things that could pretty much screw up their whole world. “ It makes me kinda nervous, when I know what they can do? “
“ Fair enough. Can I have the second one now? “ confused Stephen for a moment, before Peter simply stood up and offered him a hand. “ Nope. That one’s officially Clint’s. I’ve decided I’m taking the ‘ both or nothin ’ approach. Which.. “ he pointed the trickster to what he guessed were his boots a few feet away as it registered that they were talking about that kiss, their relationship. “ ..is also a first, so;  enjoy  and look forward to  that . “
And Stephen’s brain was trying not to pick that last bit apart when Loki paused getting his feet into the boots: obviously getting the references faster than he was for his own attempts. “ ..really? Never? Not even with women? “ got him a smack to his shoulder and a nod Stephen’s way that made the mischief maker raise his brows. “ ..what? He’s matured since our first meeting. If he can’t handle the idea of three grown adults enjoying a threesome -- “
      “ Okay! That ..doesn’t mean I want to hear details, or discuss it at length. “
Clint was laughing, and Loki was trying not to. Quill was a little pink and on his way to collect that huge piece of luggage when he realized. “ You really like screwing with me, don’t you. “
 “ Think of it as a combination of small revenge for our first meeting and -really- enjoying being the first to truly embarrass you with such simple personal details. Well, and getting you used to such things will prove useful later on. Terrans are some of the most modest individuals in our universes. Some will go much farther, to try and educate you. Besides that, I enjoy the response. Your reactions are  truly   precious, Doctor. “ Strange didn’t know which was more frustrating; that Loki genuinely meant and enjoyed every word of that, or that he really did not think he was going to be able to avoid those lessons.
“ Think of it this way; “ Loki tugged on his jacket as he explained something perhaps even more frustrating. Mostly for the fact that it confirmed that he had been falling into the trap often enough. “ ..as I said to my brother. You will either learn to accept it as a natural part of peoples lives regardless of their gender preferences or in my case lack there in and start to learn what  true  boundaries are; or, you’ll continue to allow people like me who already do, who are already more comfortable and grounded than you are in the facts that people and things are what they are regardless of your own ego, limited knowledge and beliefs: to manipulate and get a rise out of you using that lack of acceptance and understanding of boundaries to their advantage, with you. “
                   “ Like you do? “
“ If that’s what it takes to teach you to become better? Yes, and always. Celt threw you onto Mount Everest because she thought it the best way to teach you what she saw caught about you that rests in the simplest of truths. That the greatest of us are cursed with the challenge of also having the greatest of egos to tame and harness: the hardest obstacles between us and even the most simple beginnings of understanding the code, of which even these things are part. You’ve been shown the blinders to your horse  and  your  self  Stephen; and are  beginning  to understand how to widen your view. But you have yet to find the full courage or acceptance required to pull those blinders off entirely. Until you do, until you truly try; never mind succeed, you will always be peeping through a the tiniest of gaps: through a keyhole if you will, at what surrounds you. Always ducking your head back into the safety of what you know and believe over what actually is, in all its beauty and complexity. “
          And god, that was such a familiar punch in the throat. He was beginning to understand where Celt; where the Ancient One: may have aquired her ability to be so … sharp and enigmatically precise in her tutelage. He wondered, how much of it was his influence; how much Loki had taught her, and vice versa. What had they really been to each other, for her to say those words and mean them; at the end of that recording? For her to have been so obviously happy, at the idea that he had wanted to stay.
“ Are we ready? “ brought his attention back from his thoughts and into the now, looking to Clint and Peter as he did. “ Think so; we got most of it out just after the sun went down, after all. “ from Barton as he snagged the only remaining bag they were apparently taking with them. “ Tanaka said the building should be bought and ours by the end of the week. Just a matter of transferring titles when we’re ready after that. “
“ Good. I like this one. “ Smiled from Loki and he realized they were all looking expectantly at him. “ Anytime, Sparkles. “
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hakyeonni · 8 years
three times taekwoon tries to be human and utterly fails, and one time he succeeds
pairing: n/ken, hyuk/hongbin
words: 2693
rating: pg
summary: aka "taekwoon doesn't know how to do anything mortal"
previous instalments
A visit to the cinema shouldn't be this hard, Hakyeon thinks.
"You have to shift your wings away," Jaehwan tells Taekwoon bluntly. "And your eyes. And your fangs. I know you can."
Taekwoon cocks his head to the side and regards Jaehwan evenly, and Hakyeon has to wonder if that's something he's ever had to do before. Does he even know how? "Why?" he asks quietly, his voice as smooth and soft as ever.
"Because, if you turn up like that all the humans are going to go running the other way shrieking in fear. Have you seen yourself? You don't look human in the slightest," Jaehwan replies.
They have an audience, of course. Wonshik's hovering next to Hakyeon, his eyebrows raised like he can't quite believe what he's watching. Sanghyuk and Hongbin are standing very close, almost touching but not quite, and when Hakyeon winks at Sanghyuk he turns red and looks at the ground. Christ, they'd just wanted to go to the movies, but Taekwoon had invited himself along and that had thrown a wrench into the mix, as things with him always tended to do. He could have just sat at home and stared out the window, or crouched on the roof all creepy-like as he was wont to do (Hakyeon had yelled at him for it more times than he could count. He then yelled at Jaehwan and asked him why the hell everyone seemed to always end up at his apartment and not anyone else's).
"Neither do you," Taekwoon counters, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Hakyeon has to do a double take at that. Taekwoon smiling is such a rare occurrence he's only seen it once before, and while this isn't a full-fledged smile it's a start. Jaehwan shrugs, and in the blink of an eye his wings vanish into thin air. "Easy as that."
Taekwoon scowls fiercely, but shifts away his angelic features. Gone are his wings, his black eyes, and his fangs, and the change is so stunning that Hakyeon huffs with surprise. "Woah," he breathes, and Taekwoon fixes him with a stare.
"You're hot," Hakyeon says with a smirk. "When you're not being all creepy and angelic, that is."
Hakyeon doesn't have to read minds to say that he's saying what the others are thinking – well, what Sanghyuk and Hongbin are thinking, anyway. Wonshik isn't into guys – isn't into anyone, really – and Hakyeon can read Jaehwan like a book by now and can tell that's definitely not what he's thinking. If anything, he's slightly jealous, and narrows his eyes at Hakyeon.
"Alright, let's go," Jaehwan says hastily, clapping his hands together, and Hakyeon has to stop himself from snorting. It's weird to see Jaehwan organising things, but it's also amusing, so Hakyeon just lets him do his thing. "Who is coming with me, and who is coming with Taekwoon?"
Taekwoon looks pained. "I don't know where we're going. I can't appear there."
"Oh, for –" Jaehwan huffs, and he grabs Taekwoon's hand and blinks out of sight.
Hakyeon opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't even get the chance before the two of them return. Jaehwan grabs his hand immediately, and grabs the nearest person next to him, who happens to be Wonshik. The last thing Hakyeon sees before they blink away is Taekwoon shyly offering a hand each to Sanghyuk and Hongbin.
After the kerfuffle of their arrival, they finally find their seats (back row, as Sanghyuk had suggested) and sit themselves down. Hakyeon offers Taekwoon some popcorn and he takes a kernel between his fingers, staring at it like he's never seen food before. Maybe angels don't need to eat, or maybe they just don't serve popcorn in Heaven; Hakyeon is hardly an expert on angels. But Taekwoon nibbles at a corner of the popcorn before his eyes widen and he grabs a handful, shoving it all in his mouth at once.
"You need to teach him manners," Hakyeon murmurs, leaning into Jaehwan.
Jaehwan just smirks at him, but he reaches for Hakyeon's hand and squeezes it gently as the previews begin. The movie is just some stupid comedy film (they'd all fought over which one to see until Jaehwan had suggested putting it to a vote), but it's more fun to watch Taekwoon absolutely hang off the end of his seat. If Hakyeon had to guess, they don't have cinemas in Heaven either, because he's clearly never been to one before. His eyes are wide, and when he laughs at a joke Hakyeon nearly falls off his seat. The sullen, moody angel that lurks around his living room and likes to crouch on his furniture is miles away – this Taekwoon looks human, acts human, and it's so weird that Hakyeon finds it hard to remember they're the same person.
"Going shopping," Hakyeon calls over his shoulder as he scoops up his keys and shoves them in his pocket.
Sanghyuk and Hongbin are home, sitting in front of the TV playing Mario Kart, and last time Hakyeon checked Taekwoon was crouched on the kitchen island watching them creepily. Those two have got pretty good at ignoring him, but Hakyeon still finds it odd and reminds himself to ask Jaehwan when he's found Taekwoon a place. Or ask Jaehwan why he can't live with him. Hakyeon had bought a 3 bedroom apartment for kicks because he knew he'd end up hosting the vampires every so often and they're weird about sharing a bed, but he didn't expect those other two bedrooms to be taken up by incubus Sanghyuk and a fucking angel.
"Can I come?" Taekwoon asks, hopping down off the island gracefully.
Hakyeon wants to say no, because somehow the image of Taekwoon in a grocery store makes him think of him turning and knocking shit over with his wings, but then Taekwoon shifts away his wings and eyes and – and – he actually pouts, and Hakyeon resolves to kill Jaehwan for teaching him that. "Um, sure. Have you ever been in a car before?"
"No need," Taekwoon says, and grabs Hakyeon's arm. Hakyeon opens his mouth to say no don't you don't even know where we're going but then they're blinking away, Hakyeon closing his eyes desperately. When he opens them again they're standing out the front of a small grocery store that Hakyeon recognises as being close to his apartment. He never shops here, though, because it's ridiculously expensive. Serves him right for buying an apartment in a nice district.
"Asshole," Hakyeon growls, punching Taekwoon in the arm as hard as he can. Taekwoon just blinks owlishly. He probably didn't even feel Hakyeon's punch. "Don't just teleport people without their knowledge."
Taekwoon tilts his head to the side, and with his normal features it would look unbearably creepy, but when he looks mortal like this it's just kind of cute. "What's teleporting?"
Hakyeon rolls his eyes and marches towards the store, not even bothering to see if Taekwoon is following. Thankfully he doesn't need to get much, just the essentials: bread, milk, cereal (for Sanghyuk, who had whined until Hakyeon bought him some), ice cream. Ordinarily he keeps a few blood bags in his fridge too, for the vamps to snack on, but Hongbin has cleaned out his stash so he'll have to get Wonshik to bring some over.
He makes a beeline for the bread aisle first, keeping one eye on Taekwoon, who is peering at the food interestedly like he's never seen it all before. He probably hasn't, Hakyeon reminds himself. He has no idea why Taekwoon can't just go back to Heaven and what his link to Jaehwan is, but it looks like they're stuck with him for a while yet. He grabs the bread and the milk, and turns around just in time to see Taekwoon pluck a packet of chips off the shelf, open them, and tip the entire contents into his mouth.
"Taekwoon," Hakyeon hisses, sidling up to him and elbowing him in the side. "You can't do that. You have to pay first." To the shopkeeper, who is glaring at them, Hakyeon offers him a wide smile, which instantly softens his glare. "Sorry! My friend is foreign," he says, and grabs Taekwoon by the wrist and drags him away.
"Sorry," Taekwoon whispers. He ducks his head and stares at the ground, and Hakyeon wonders how an infinitely old, infinitely powerful being can be so damn shy.
They finish the rest of the shopping in peace, Taekwoon following Hakyeon around and breathing down his neck – but he's learnt his lesson, and doesn't touch anything in the rest of the shop. He doesn't even say anything until they're back outside and Hakyeon produces an ice cream from the bag and waves it in his face. "What's that?" he asks, his voice so quiet Hakyeon barely hears him.
"Ice cream! Try it, it's nice," Hakyeon says, grabbing Taekwoon's hand so he can shove the ice cream in it.
He fishes in his bag for his own ice cream and then turns away to amble down the street, appreciating the cool night air on his face. When he looks over his shoulder, Taekwoon is licking his ice cream with his eyes wide, and Hakyeon doesn't even bother to hide his smile.
It's on a Sunday when Hakyeon goes on a weird flurry of activity that culminates in him being elbow-deep in flour, trying to make a cake. Trying being the key word, here, because the last time Hakyeon baked was... some time ago, and he sometimes forgets how his oven works, he uses it so infrequently. But considering he's suddenly aquired another roommate (and Hongbin seems to have moved in, too, with as much as he's around), Hakyeon figures it would be nice if they could all eat a homemade cake, since it's inevitable that Wonshik and Jaehwan will turn up at some point, too.
Will he ever get a moment's peace? Probably not.
He's interrupted not a moment later by Taekwoon padding into the kitchen silently and standing on the other side of the kitchen island, giving Hakyeon such a shock when he turns around that he nearly drops the fucking bowl. "Taekwoon!" he admonishes, not even bothering to add a hyung. Honorfics are only loosely used between immortals, and chances are Taekwoon won't even know what it means, anyway. "What the hell are you doing?"
"What the hell are you doing?" Taekwoon parrots, narrowing his eyes.
A few weeks and he's already picking up on Hakyeon's filthy mouth. Well, out of all the habits that he has, it's probably one of the least offensive ones to acquire. "I'm making a cake. Wanna help?"
Taekwoon doesn't say anything, just comes around the island to stand next to him. Hakyeon dumps the bowl he's holding in Taekwoon's hands and makes a stirring motion, before bending over to dig a cake tin out of a drawer. It's kind of dusty and almost definitely the wrong shape, but it'll do. He doesn't miss Taekwoon's eyes on his ass as he stands up, and smirks at him.
"Pour it in there," Hakyeon murmurs, gesturing to the tin.
Taekwoon does, carefully, and Hakyeon takes it from him and sets it in the oven, not quite trusting him with kitchen appliances. It had taken him a while to get used to the concept of electricity – he'd spent hours on end flicking the lights on and off, on and off, on and off until Hakyeon had told him to quit it – so he doesn't want to spook him by introducing heat into the equation.
It's when he's got his back turned, his head in the fridge, that it all goes to shit. He hears the rustling of a paper bag, silence. A long inhale. A sneeze – but then he's getting thrown against the fridge hard, because with the sneeze comes a wave of power so powerful he nearly passes out. This is different to Jaehwan's, it's purer and... whiter, almost, but Hakyeon wasn't expecting it. When he comes to lucidity he's slumped on the floor, his neck at an awkward angle. And he's covered in flour.
"What the fuck did you do?" he mutters, grabbing onto the edge of the kitchen island and hauling himself up.
Taekwoon is covered in flour, from head to toe. The only thing that stands out are his eyes, black as pitch and as wide as saucers. The kitchen looks like a fucking flour bomb has gone off. "I wanted to see what it tasted like," Taekwoon murmurs faintly, sounding completely shellshocked.
"Hyung?" Sanghyuk cries, skidding into the room at full-tilt.
He'd obviously felt the wave of power go off – every immortal in the damn city had felt it, probably – but he stops dead when he sees the two immortals coated in flour and the bomb site that used to be the kitchen. Hakyeon grits his teeth as he doubles over laughing, and resist the urge to go over there and smack him. He has no idea how he's going to even begin cleaning up this mess – but he can't even be mad, not really, not when Taekwoon looks like he doesn't even know where he is. It's kind of cute, really.
Taekwoon's voice is quiet, just a whisper, and when Hakyeon looks up he can see him hovering in the doorway nervously, shifting his weight from side to side. Shit. Hakyeon didn't realise he was home. If he'd known he wasn't alone he wouldn't have finished the last chapter of that stupid book, and he wouldn't be sitting here bawling his eyes out helplessly. "Sorry, Taekwoon," he mumbles, sniffing and trying to wipe his eyes. "I didn't realise you were here."
Taekwoon, emboldened by a lack of hostility, creeps into the room and over to Hakyeon. Before Hakyeon can say anything, he sits on the bed next to him and puts an arm around him, tucking him closer with his wing. Oh. Oh. "Are you alright?" he asks quietly.
As always, the skin contact with someone else is comforting, and Hakyeon feels some of his sadness dissipate. Cuddling with an angel is certainly up there on the list of weird things Hakyeon's done, but it's not the weirdest, so he lets it slide. Besides, Taekwoon is warm and his wings are really soft. "I'm fine. I just finished a really sad book."
"What was it about?"
"A romance. Two lovers, torn apart. It didn't have a happy ending, but I read it anyway." Hakyeon snorts. He doesn't know why he gets so invested in these books and why they break his heart every time, no matter how cliched the ending, but they do.
Hakyeon closes his eyes and clings a little tighter to Taekwoon, hoping he's not snotting on his chest.
"Can I read it?"
Sitting up so fast he nearly clocks Taekwoon in the eye with his head, Hakyeon blinks incredulously. "You want to read a trashy romance novel?"
Taekwoon seems to be choosing his words very carefully. "It made you feel... something... very strongly... I want to see if I can feel that, too," he replies evenly.
Just when Hakyeon thinks he's on his way to figuring Taekwoon out, he does something like this, that completely throws him for six. Jaehwan might be slightly disconnected for everything, but at least one of his parents was a mortal; at least he was born. Taekwoon has been around since the literal beginning of time, and Hakyeon can't even begin to comprehend what that's like to live with. And yet here he is, trying to understand, trying to comfort.
"...Sure," Hakyeon mumbles, taking the book from his bedside table and pushing it into Taekwoon's hands. "Tell me what you think."
Taekwoon nods obediently and stands up, tucking his wings behind his back neatly and going to head out. "Oh, and Taekwoon?" Hakyeon calls as he's going, waiting for him to turn to look at him, his expression unreadable. "Thank you for comforting me."
If Hakyeon's not mistaken, there's a blush rising on Taekwoon's cheeks as he nods at Hakyeon and hurries away.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
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Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak.
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: April 7, 2003
Ham Jam Locations
Here are the ways to get all 10 of the ham jams: 1. Hamtaro Time- This is given to you from the start. 2. Condor’s Wing’s- Stand on the giant bird feather at sunny peak and say hamha. A bird will come and drop the song on your head. 3. Great Springs- After Cappy takes Seedric’s acorn cap, you are able to go into Seedric’s house. Go into the hot spring thing and used digdig to dig up the song. 4. Hidden Riches- After you solve the riddle at Sandy Bay, tack-q the giant music note rock to make the song fall off. 5. Dizzy for You- Talk to the blue hamster inthe same room as Elder Ham. He will give you the song for the dance contest. 6. Go Ham Rangers- Go the the Ham Rangers show twice, then talk to the hamster outside the arena to get this song. 7. Flower Waltz- Fill in all 8 lines at tic-tac-q in Funland. 8. Moonlight- Get this song after the ghost in Boo Manor teaches you how to play piano. 9. Monkey Salsa- Go to Wildwoods and help Bog pick out a name for his pet duck after it hatches out of the hot spring egg. 10. Hamour- After beating spat, talk to the long-eared hamster inside the castle, then talk to the one standing outside with and umbrella to get the song.
The All-Helpful Snoozer
If you get stuck in a certain part of the game and can’t figure out what to do, go back to the clubhouse and talk to Snoozer. Tell him which place you need to know about, and he’ll usually give you very good hints. He might tell you which Ham-Ham to talk to or where to learn a new ham-chat word.
Bad Bird!
After you get Condor’s wings by Hamhaing the feather at Sunny Peak, Hamha the feather again and the bird will fly above you and poop on your head!
Dexter And Howdy
When Dexter gets stuck in the box you have to jam-out on the piano to get him out.
Get Unlimited Sunflower Seeds!
At the start of the game where two hampsters areat the big sunflower. Use Hamlift and you will get20 sunflower seeds each time. P.S. It’s at SunnyPeak and you need to move out of the area and backagain in order to get 20 sunflower seeds again andagain.
Class A Dancing
To win this competition you use the words”Greatachu, Delin-Q, Zuzuzu, Hamtast, Bye-Q,Goodgo, Bloat-T, Blushie, Hamtast, Dazzlie,Lalalala” This will work. In fact the other coupledo this dance except for “Lalalala”. So if youjust watch their dance you can still beat them byjust putting in Lalalala at the end.
Rainbow Key
Okay, after you rescue and save the relationship between the 2 hamster that teach you “Hamlift” Go back to the place where you rescued the hamter from spat. You find Panda working on him bridge he’ll ask you to find 3 boards and a strap. The strap can be aquired by standing on the blanket-handkerchief thing, then the newspaper then the strap. The hamster will complain that you got it dirty and that you can have it. The first board is at Sandy Beach. After you help Barette, and she and the photo guy leave hif-hif the board she was on. The next board is at boo manor. “Go-P” on the hamster in the mirror go in the mirror defeat the ghost and hifhif the board,putput it on the crack,and hifhif it again to have the second board the last board is towards the end of the game when you defeat spat, and talk to boss who is standing in a corner by the rubrub room, he’ll say “Now that the clubhouse is finished I have an extra board do you think you could use it?” You say Yep-P and take all the materials back to panda. After giving him all the supplies go towards the entrance and he’ll “Heyhoo” you go back cross the bridge and you’ll find The rainbow key!
How To Get Silver Key Card At Boo Manner
To get the silver key card: On the first floor go oppisite from the stairs. Go in the last door in the hallway. Next, you will see a bunch of mirrors, go through the second to the last in the back row. Then you will pop out of another mirror and will have to defeat a gohst with stickie. After you defeat him take the silver key card and go to the opening in the floor. off-doff the board and put put it back where it was so you can cross. Then off-doff it again and give it to panda in the sunny peak cave.
The Three Marbles
At sunny peak you will find a room in the cave with what looks to be a sword sticking out of a rock. It is not a sword at all. It is the legendary spoon. There is three round openings on the front of the rock. You need marbles to putput in the openings. One of the marbles is located at fun land. You must get a certain number of points in the sticky note game. Then you will be awarded a green marble. The next marble is located at Sandy Bay. There is a big bucket in the ground, dig-dig under it to get the blue marble. The next marble is located at Wild woods, you have to save the marriage of a couple, after you have done that, talk to the old guy and he will give you the last marble to put-put in the opening. Go back to Sunny Peak and put all three marbles in the holes. Then tuggie at the spoon. After you get the spoon, go back to wildwoods and give the spoon to the inventor which will now let you use the catupalt to get into spat tower.
The Trapdoor
In Boo Maner, when Hamtaro falls into the trapdoor, you must go to the room with the two couches and do hamspar on the fireplace. Then 2 old gohsts will appear and you must do tack-q on them. One will teach you pushie and the other will teach you nok-nok. Then you must go to the empty wall by the starcase and nok-nok on it. Then pushie on the wall and a secret room will open. Hamtaro is in the cage. After you see Hamtaro, go to the elevator where the two other hamsters are trying to open the doors of the elevator, do liber-t on them and they will go to the trapdoor and you must follow. When in the secret room do liber-t on them again and they will open the bars for you. Hamtaro and howdy will come out of the cage and then you have saved another love. (the purple and green hamsters will love each other again.)
How To Get The HAM RED Replacement
First, after going to the bathroom area where Ham Red says your mission is to find a replacement, you go to Boo Manor. When at Boo Manor, go to the room with the sad hamster picture. “Perksie” the picture and the ghost in the painting will talk to you. then, you go find her son (located at the front gate of the Ham Rangers show/performance arena) and say fussfuss to him. When he refuses to come back to his mother, go back to Boo Manor and say gasp-P to the mother. She will then transform into a fake Ham Red and her son will go back with her after the show ends and you have saved another love.
How To Defeat Spat At Fun Land
First you must release Spat’s hostage by using “pakapaka”(Hamchat for bite) on the hamham in the corner of the control room. Then go to the hamham with the Ham-o-Matic and tell him what has been going on in the control room. Ham-o-Matic will not do any thing about it. Then go to the little hamham that is mad and stomping about and say hamha. The hamham will explain what is wrong and you will learn chukchuk (give up). Then go over to the trash can near the enterence and say digdig. Then go to Spat and say chukchuk. Ham-o-matic will take Spat away.
Kill Spat Robot
First get into Spat Tower and you will find an unsolved puzzle, Gogo on the button, solve the puzzle, then talk to the heartbroken hamster guarding the door and go inside, you will find a HUGE flying robot with Spat inside, Get into a nice spot and hit Hamscope, then try to shoot into Spat’s mouth and he will explode (This might take a few tries) Then you will see Spat come out dressed in a Harmony costume!you may laugh and point if you want.Then he will say something and come out with the Ham-Chat pooie, then he’ll vanish and you may keep on laughing until the REAL Harmony come and congratulate you, and blah, blah, blah.
Get Hamour Song
After you defeat Spat, go back to Spat Tower where you will see a reporter outside with an umbrella. Talk to him and he will give you the Hamour song.
Find Bizzaroo
Talk to the treasure-hunting sunbathing ham. Use Tack-Q command.
ID For Boo Manor
Digdig in the pipe at the entrance. At the top, there will be that Ham-Swap character. You can drop the price if you do Blash-T twice then say Yep-P and buy the ID Card.
Arnie’s House
Go to Sunny Peak. Give Arnie the potty he was looking for (that Seamore gave you). Arnie will lead you to his house. Do Sesam-E with Bijou in front of the door and go in. When you get to the room with the sign, go left, down, left, up, and up to get to Arnie’s room.
Rub Rub Room
First, learn how to do the Ham-Chat Rub Rub. You also need to save some of the hamsters. Love so it will give you more jewels when you do your Rub Rub.
Get To The Control Room In Fun Land
When you are looking for the control room in funland, go to the entrance, and take the right path. You should see a cart with ballons tied on it. To the left of the cart there should be some trees cut in the shape of ham-hams (Hamsters). There should be one line of trees coming down,and one going left. Where the “tree lines” meet in the corner, try to walk through it. You will then be inside the control room where Spat is hiding, messing with the controls. Also, in the control room, there will be a Hamster all tied up. Use Packpack (bite) on the ropes. He will then be free. Good luck!
Crying Orange Girl On Island
Go in side the dance room thing were you get the music note. Go talk to the grandpa a bunch. Say heyhoo to him a lot. Than go talk to that crying girl with a scarf and the other orange crying girl. Then they will be friends.
Go to the place where you find a ham-ham next to a door, go down the vine south, go down the other vine south, go west, do lokkie, at the other ham-ham, and go back to the boat. do pakapaka, go to the bridges if you know offdoff, and do it and go up, back down, over the bridges, and back to the boat. do putput, and drive the boat to bijou.
The Story
It was sunny and perfect for a nap! While sleeping, Hamtaro had a terrible dream. He dremt that a hamster dressed in a devil costume appeared in Ham-Ham Land Funpark, breaking up hearts of all friends, so the friends would fight with each other. The devil hamster, known as Spat (He has a habit of always saying “Pfpth”.) enjoyed making friends mad at each other, and he could just not get enough!Hamtaro arrived in the Ham-Ham Land Funpark, and Spat looked at him, and immediatly went to break his heart. As Spat was running towards him, Hamtaro awoke to hear Boss calling his name. When Boss went upstairs, Hamtaro told Boss about his scary dream, and what Spat promised to do. Boss wondered if Hamtaro’s dream was a preginition, a dream that can see in the future. Without another word, Boss said he need Hamtaro downstairs to get a favor.As Hamtaro walked downstairs, he slipped on some water and fell straight into a bucket of water, soaking his Ham-Ham Dictionary, and all but a few of his words!!! With little symphony, Boss told Hamtaro to learn from mistakes, and move on with life. He then told Hamtaro that Bijou wandered off somewhere, and Hamtaro had to go look.Where is Bijou, and how will Hamtaro find her? Why does Spat want to ruin hearts? What was the meaning of Hamtaro’s dream? With Harmony (The angel hamster), and Bijou, and Hamtaro, you have to go from level to level, seeking Spat, and trying to stop his tricks, while filling up your love meter at the same time.
Pepper And Oxnard
As you will find out, Oxnard is sitting by that great big tree stump blubbering away. talk to him. Then you will see Pepper if you look further, sitting on a leaf but you cannot reach her yet. If you go to the tree stump by Oxnard and learn how to heyhoo, then go to the hamsters trying to figure out how to get all the sunflower seeds down at once. Hamha them and then heyhoo them. They will teach you to hamlift. You will then use the hamlift to get to pepper and tell her Oxnard is bluhoo (sad).
Sailor And Wife
Get the clue washed up on the beach when barette was saved. It will give you a bunch of stupid words that are usless. so you have have thought. Copy down the entire clue on a peice of paper and also draw a map of the sounds made from the stone when you tack-q them. Then do the order that is on the clue sheet and a big rock willl move to reveal a whole in the beach. Dig down it. The captain will be down there. He is blue. Talk to him and he will offer to take you to the island whenever you want. Enter the hula contest and all you have to win is the C class prize, an orange hibiscus. give it to the sailor to give to his wife.
Get to the point where Barette is out at sea. No one at the beach can help you, you have to go to the clubhouse and get Seamoore’s help. He’s the only Ham who can swim.
Codebreaker Codes
Infinite Sunflower Seeds 8201D0C2 03E7Infinite Acorns 8201D0C4 03E7Infinite Rocks 8201D0C6 03E7The Following Enable Codes May Not Work On All Cartridges Possible #1 0000D435 000A 100004A4 0007Possible #2 0000D435 000A 100004A4 0007Possible #3 0000D435 000A 100004A6 0007Possible #4 0000D435 000A 100004A8 0007Possible #5 0000D435 000A 100004AA 0007Possible #6 0000D435 000A 10009618 0007Possible #7 0000D435 000A 1000961A 0007Possible #8 0000D435 000A 1000961C 0007Possible #9 0000D435 000A 1000961E 0007
Currently we have no unlockables for Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
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